#i miss my boy
obisamya · 1 year
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dani rojas, beloved by mothers (and all women. and everybody else actually) TED LASSO, 3.11
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malama-art · 1 year
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ash and fuecoco
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wwapich · 1 year
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it's missing cal kestis hours
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sarumint · 9 months
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show me rock..
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karsyntries · 2 months
Drawing of Jackie cause I miss him :(
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I cannot wait any longer for the next ALTRverse comic to come out 😭
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nonexistentbeanbag · 28 days
Something I find really interesting about tim is his willingness to work with those outside of the box of a typical “hero”. It’s more blatant near the end with red robin working alongside the league and orchestrating a murder on boomerang, but it’s there from the beginning. he works with shiva in his very first mini series. works with huntress in his third despite her willingness to kill. even boomerang near the end of his robin run despite his anger and grief over his father. hell he contemplates murder when trapped in a buried truck to make sure he has more oxygen. red robin is definitely tim at his lowest, and these traits become more prominent and questionable, but his willingness to compromise and work with anyone despite moral conflicts being there from the very beginning is such an interesting piece of his character that i wish had been explored more
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crumbledcastle28 · 1 year
Joel Miller: Why Can't I Breathe?
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader (afab; she/her)
"You were a woman--a woman with a body, feelings, heart, and intellect way beyond his caliber. You were fiercely loyal to him, almost to a fault, never hesitating to stick both your neck and trusted knife out for him, but at the same time, you were kind. You had been so good to him, too good to him, and all the while looking like that.
As you ducked under the water once again, fully scrubbing your body of grime, he realized that you were nothing less than a belle, a seductress, a venus flytrap set just for him to fly into and crush into a million pieces, and he wanted it. He wanted you.
You were so goddamn beautiful, and you had been his this whole time, he was just too dumb and slow to realize it."
Warnings: minor finale spoilers, Joel gets harddd, bathing, references to nudity, guns, Ellie makes a cameo, descriptions of alcoholism, blood, knives, and Joel doesn't know what a feeling is.
A/N: Happy end of The Last of Us! Who can't wait for Season Two!? *salutes before falling backwards off bridge.* But seriously, thank you for all the love on Joel. I can't explain how much it means to me.
If you'd like to leave a like, ask, comment, or reblog, it would be very appreciated <3
Word Count: 1.5k
Pedro Masterlist
(gif credit to owner I cannot find your account for the life of me).
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The first thing that hit the forest floor was your boots, bouncing off the swollen grass loud enough for him to hear. The next thing was your socks, based off of the slight grunt you gave when one got caught. Next was your jeans, indicated by the metal pull on the zipper of your crotch clanking down swiftly. You then paused with a huff.
"Are you sure about this?" you said from behind him.
He sighed. "Yes, for fuck's sake. You were just sayin' how badly you wanted a bath."
"Yeah but--" you sighed, frustrated. "What if somebody--or, something--comes along?"
He raised his riffle over his head in reply before settling it back in his lap, his fingers curved firmly around it, screaming try me. He was sitting on a rock, yes, but he was ready. His body always seemed to settle when he guarded you anyway. He tried not to think about that.
"You know what I mean, Joel," you replied. "My hearin' ain't what it used to be."
He hated the smirk that always managed to wriggle its way onto his face when you mocked the depth of his voice and the thickness of his accent, but in reality, it had been the first time he had smiled in a while. All he could do was shake his head in reply, his typical indicator of you win this round.
You sighed again, the running water of the stream behind you filling the air, before saying, "I'm just worried about her."
It didn't take a genius to figure out that the girl curled up in the cave ten feet away from him was the "her" you were referring to. She had been different, distant, quiet. Adjectives that had never suited her before, but after whatever the hell went down after Joel woke up, they all seemed to describe her perfectly. Her chest rose up and down in an even rhythm, indicating to Joel that she was long gone, but he understood you nonetheless.
"I know," he said in reply, a drop of unease in his voice, "but I've got her."
You took a deep breath, inhaling through your nose and out your mouth, before the scratch of cloth a shirt makes when it's removed filled his ears instead. "I'll be quick. Get me if she needs me."
"I will," he responded, "but take your time. Please."
He knew why he was delaying bringing her to the Fireflies, and he knew that you knew why he was delaying bringing her to the Fireflies, but like many things between the two of you, it remained unspoken.
"Alright," you said, and dropped two more pieces of cloth onto your pile before stepping away, down into the stream. Joel had never seen one quite like it. All the water flowed from a great waterfall at the end, the perfect place to rinse off after miles of hiking in a humid forest, and Joel saw in your eye how badly you wanted to wash it all away. He stopped the three of you and proposed an early dinner--rabbit, water, and chef boyardee--and Ellie passed out soon after, leaving Joel here, keeping watch for the both of you.
He would never admit how much he likes it--watching you both, keeping you safe, protecting his girls. It was something primal, but also something broken, desperate to be glued back together again.
You could recognize that in him, that need, but you weren't much different from him. Twenty years in an apocalypse, constantly watching your six, always on edge. You two were one in the same in that regard, so when your need for control would bubble up to your irises, he would gladly take the night to rest.
Unspoken, yet so not.
He didn't know when the two of you got so good at it, reading each other. Maybe it was back in Boston, the night you two made your first job together, or the night he blacked out from too much booze, only to find himself in bed under a blanket the next morning. He still didn't know how you managed that one. Maybe it was when he got cut clean through the knee, or when you got one through the shoulder, or when he finally explained what the scar on his face was from, or who the scar on his heart was from, or--
Suddenly, the whoosh of a large splash hit his ear, along with the gurgle of air bubbles, and modesty be damned, he turned around. His riffle was immediately pointed down at the water, ready to fire at will, or he would dive the hell down there.
Except, what exited the water was no infected, no raider, no hunter, and no slaver. No, it was you. Hair flattened by the stream, back dripping with droplets of water, tracing the line your spine made down your back. Your head tilted back in relief, free from the prison of sweat and heat, and your shoulders flexed downward, highlighting that fucking line down your back once again. The setting sun illuminated you, basking you in an aura of orange, as you walked underneath the waterfall. The water soaked through your hair and down your body, causing you to lift up your arms to work your hair away from your face and massage your jaw with your nails. Your waist was that much more accentuated, your throat was revealed just so, and the outline of your breasts taunted him against the stone of the stream.
He could feel his eyes dilate, his jaw go slightly slack, his gun practically slip through his fingers, and buttons on the crotch of his jeans pull slightly tauter than they were a few seconds ago.
He couldn't feel his face, he couldn't hear the water flowing, and he couldn't fucking breathe.
Why can't I breathe?
You had always been a looker, he had no doubt about that--constantly getting looks from men on the streets, offered drinks at bars, and invitations for more than that--but he never viewed you that way.
At least, that's what he told himself when he woke up from dreams about you, covered in sweat.
He liked to think that he admired you, respected you. He knew how little of that you got in Boston, and in his own fucked up ways, he tried to show you that you deserved to be. You were more than just tits and eyes, you were capable, honorable, and a fucking badass when you wanted to be. You went through with a hell of a lot more jobs than he did, coming home with stacks of ration cards higher than the expanse of his hands, only to bring them home to his sorry ass. You could make a clean kill, barely batting an eye, and mere seconds later, help Ellie to her feet, and tell her she was okay. You were beautiful, yes, but he thought he saw that more as admiration, respect, and caring for the woman who had always stuck by his side.
But it was more than that. It had always been more than that.
You were a woman--a woman with a body, feelings, heart, and intellect way beyond his caliber. You were fiercely loyal to him, almost to a fault, never hesitating to stick both your neck and trusted knife out for him, but at the same time, you were kind. You had been so good to him, too good to him, and all the while looking like that.
As you ducked under the water once again, fully scrubbing your body of grime, he realized that you were nothing less than a belle, a seductress, a venus flytrap set just for him to fly into and crush into a million pieces, and he wanted it. He wanted you.
You were so goddamn beautiful, and you had been his this whole time, he was just too dumb and slow to realize it.
The smirk that had formed from earlier had slowly become a smile as he let his eyes slide up and down your body, filled to the brim with emotion and longing, and just as he felt a tear begin to dribble down his cheek at the sight of the woman before him, you turned around, and Joel's stomach instantly fell out of his ass.
He turned on his heel faster than he ever had in his life, wiping at his eye and sniffling, and standing straighter than a soldier.
Of course, you noticed.
"Everything alright?" you shouted from the water below, and with as much dignity as he could muster, Joel responded with a cracked, "yep."
Nothing was, yet everything was.
"I'm almost done," you responded, ducking under the water. You let your mask crack underneath the waves--the smile on your face, the squeal of excitement, and the happiness in your heart.
He was looking at you.
Once again, your mutual understanding remained unspoken, only this time, you had a feeling it wouldn't be for long.
Tag list:
@leahkenobi @untitledarea @avengersfan25 @lexloon​ @aninnai @darling-murdock
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icelectricspyro · 7 months
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Happy Hop Day 2023!
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kissnpunch · 6 months
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we have new hints of q!roier after all these days, i’m gonna share what i can see after clearing a little bit the photos (photos from roier’s twitter btw), he wants us to know something more about his situation but not too much to find the real answer.
first, this is before the kidnap because his physical state is pretty good, q!roier said he was building something, doing something to find answers and find the islanders who were left in the egg island, that’s what the antenna is for. then there is some details i like to include but maybe is not the big deal, for example; q!roier view like what were you watching? the floor or a computer? because he’s sitting there in a black base, q!roier has experience with technology, we know this because he knew sofia and cucuruchito, this is part of something more that maybe got him in trouble.
and of course, the bad weather is a symbol on the quesadilla island for something bad is going to happen.
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i don’t know if the place is something important, or the perspective, after all if someone caught him doing that then they have to destroy any evidence to avoid any probability to another islander find this. this is not like the federation photos because this perspective is too close, these photos are for the spectators.
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mediaraiz · 9 months
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missing cherry hour
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freshvanillapng · 10 months
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chrisrin · 10 months
missin ur homestuck posts… could u draw the shittiest little karkat…. pour moi………..
it's ok anon i miss him too
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zorthania · 1 year
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I did a twitter poll asking folks if they thought Oscar could pull off a mullet huehuehue. Now I’m stuck experimenting with various hairstyles for his vacuo look. 
Shoutout to @chaikachi for the undercut idea! :P
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rosemariegengar · 11 months
People talk about ransonas all the time BUT WHAT ABOUT HIM
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A bunch more of this guy. Love this guy
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