#roier is cooking way too good
kissnpunch · 6 months
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we have new hints of q!roier after all these days, i’m gonna share what i can see after clearing a little bit the photos (photos from roier’s twitter btw), he wants us to know something more about his situation but not too much to find the real answer.
first, this is before the kidnap because his physical state is pretty good, q!roier said he was building something, doing something to find answers and find the islanders who were left in the egg island, that’s what the antenna is for. then there is some details i like to include but maybe is not the big deal, for example; q!roier view like what were you watching? the floor or a computer? because he’s sitting there in a black base, q!roier has experience with technology, we know this because he knew sofia and cucuruchito, this is part of something more that maybe got him in trouble.
and of course, the bad weather is a symbol on the quesadilla island for something bad is going to happen.
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i don’t know if the place is something important, or the perspective, after all if someone caught him doing that then they have to destroy any evidence to avoid any probability to another islander find this. this is not like the federation photos because this perspective is too close, these photos are for the spectators.
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anonymous-dentist · 3 months
A very quiet evening from the Merpepito AU
Read here on Ao3
Ever since leaving the Reef, Pepito has tried to stop thinking about Pepito's parents. Pirates don't have parents. Bad Pepitos don't deserve parents. So Pepito doesn't have parents, mostly because Pepito knows that all of Pepito's parents have a new Pepito now, so Pepito really doesn't have any parents.
But now Apa Roier is on the ship, and Pepito can't stop thinking about him. He's Apa Roier, he's Pepito's hero! But he hates Pepito, Pepito just knows it!
So Pepito does what Pepito does best: Pepito eats candy.
After deciding that Apa Roier isn't a Bad Guy, Captain Celbi made Misters Pacandmike go back and get the groceries they left behind, and he told them to get extra candy as a punishment for leaving the groceries behind to begin with.
It's been a couple of hours since then, and the candy jar is now hidden in a cupboard in the galley behind a big bag of lemons and oranges. Nobody knows it's there except for Captain Celbi and Pepito, and he'd winked at Pepito when he'd hidden it, so it's probably fine that Pepito is sneaking it before dinner.
Pepito crawls into the cupboard and closes it behind him. He's small enough to be able to fit between the bag of fruit and the back of the cupboard, so that's where he sits.
He pulls the candy jar into his lap, and he tries to open it, fails, smacks the jar with the palm of his hand, still can't open it, fights the urge to cry, sticks his nails under the lid of the jar and pushes until the lid pops off. He yelps as the lid smacks his nose. Ouch!!
Pepito's glasses are still broken. Miss Mouse said she'd fix them using Demon Magic, whatever that is, so she has them now, leaving Pepito blinder than ever. But that's fine, Pepito doesn't need glasses to eat candy!
Sadly, and definitely not while thinking about how much Apa Roier hates him, Pepito pops a candy into his mouth. He rolls it around with his tongue; it tastes like Yellow. Yum!!
Pepito loves candy. Pepito especially loves the hard candy that Sky Pepitos make. It lasts longer and it has more flavor and it makes Pepito's mouth tingly after too long and that's so cool. It's like eating bubbles!
Dinner isn't gonna be for another hour, so Pepito is preeeeetty sure that nobody will catch him with the candy. But, really, it'll be fine because pirates are evil, and nothing is more evil than eating candy before dinner.
But then the galley's door slams open and two pairs of heavy footsteps stomp into the room.
"I'm not talking about it," Captain Celbi says, sounding very frustrated. Uh-oh... "Don't you have a child to be looking for?"
"Eh, he's fine, he's a big boy," Apa Roier says, sounding not at all concerned about how angry the big scary pirate captain in front of him is. "But- come on, it's been years! What happened?"
A cupboard opens. Something is moved around, scratch-scratching against the floor. Captain Celbi sighs, and the cupboard is closed.
There's a creak and another scratch, this one more drawn-out. It sounds like one of the benches at the galley's long table has been moved.
Apa Roier groans, "Whatever. Your chairs suck, by the way. What, did Bad steal all your good ones?"
Oh, so he's at the table. Why? Dinner isn't for a while, and Mister Pac doesn't like there being anybody in his kitchen when he's cooking. He gets distracted, and then the food gets ruined, and then everybody's sad, especially Mister Pac.
Honestly, Pepito hasn't seen Apa Roier since he and Captain Celbi were wrestling on the deck. As soon as Pepito realized that Apa Roier was actually staying, Pepito ran off to give his glasses to Miss Mouse, and Pepito has been hiding since.
Another cupboard opens.
"Maybe," Captain Celbi says. "We aren't exactly a Navy ship, you know. We don't have the money for fancy stuff like furniture."
"Wait, you're broke?" Apa Roier gasps. "No mames, man, aren't you a pirate?"
Something metallic slams against wood.
"No," Captain Celbi tensely says. A pause, and then: "Sorry, sorry, I-"
"No, I get it," Apa Roier says. He sounds like he's smiling- he always sounds like he's smiling. "It's fine."
"Yeah," Captain Celbi breathes. "It's... it's fine."
(What does Captain Celbi mean he isn't a pirate? Is he trying to trick Apa Roier? Because that won't work, Apa Roier is a genius!!)
"So you aren't a pirate, no big deal. But even regular guys have decent furniture. What the fuck is this, wood?"
Three knocks against wood. Probably Apa Roier.
Captain Celbi laughs. "I'm sorry? I don't know what mermaids do, but-"
"Mer-people, Cellbit. Don't be sexist."
"What the fuck do you mean, 'whoops'?"
More scuffing of wood, and then Captain Celbi is shouting and laughing and audibly stumbling into a cabinet as Apa Roier swears at him.
"Get off of me, what the fuck?" Captain Celbi shouts. Now he sounds like he's smiling, wow. Pepito keeps forgeting he can do that, he does it so rarely when there are people around. "Don't you know who I am?"
"Mm, yes, you're Captain Cellbit, a super scary not-pirate. And you're sexist."
"I'm not sexist!"
"Then say it right!"
Pepito covers Pepito's mouth with the palm of Pepito's hand to keep himself from laughing at the shocked little noises Captain Celbi makes. Apa Roier is super good at arguing. He's good at everything!
Pepito's smile falls. Right. Apa Roier is good at everything. He deserves a better Pepito, a Pepito that didn't do the Very Bad Thing.
"Fine," Captain Celbi dramatically sighs. "I don't know what merpeople do-"
"Much better."
"You're welcome. But we make our furniture out of wood. You guys probably use, like, coral and stuff, right?"
"Wow, and you're racist, too?"
"Shut up!" Captain Celbi groans.
Apa Roier laughs, and Pepito fights the urge to laugh with him. But he can't know that Pepito is here. Pepito is doing a crime. Apa Roier doesn't need to be more disappointed than he already is.
There's a long pause. The familiar rustling of Captain Celbi's coat, the swishing of Apa Roier's sleeves against his shirt as he moves his arms.
Quietly, Pepito pulls another candy from the jar. He puts it in his mouth, and he is silent.
"Still got muscles, I see," Apa Roier comments.
"Not as many as I did then," Captain Celbi replies. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
"Years, yeah. Crazy, right?"
Apa Roier laughs. Captain Celbi doesn't.
Instead, Captain Celbi says, "I'm still not going to talk about it. Not yet. But... I missed you."
"Aww! You didn't even know me!"
"I knew your face."
"I do have a very good face."
"You do. I'm very happy to be seeing it again."
"Just my face?"
"No- of course not! I'm happy to be seeing all of you. For the first time. Because you were... different."
Quiet for a moment.
Pepito listens intently. He doesn't know what this conversation is, but he thinks he likes it. It's a lot nicer than half of the conversations Apa Roier had back at the Reef. Less shouting. More smiling, even through Apa Roier's words.
Then, Apa Roier says, "You were different, too. But it's fine, you know? Just means we get to be different with each other now."
There's a wet noise, and Pepito has known Apa Roier long enough to know how he gives face kisses. Every time he gives one of Pepito's other parents a kiss on the cheek or the forehead, it's always loud and exaggerated and real funny, especially when Apa Mariana starts fake crying and runs out of the room because it wasn't Tía Melissa or Tío Slime.
This sounds no different, but it is followed up by something that sounds a lot like Apa Roier moaning, and that makes Captain Celbi laugh... and it makes Pepito fumble and drop the jar of candy off his lap and onto the floor of the cupboard out of shock.
Both Apa Roier and Captain Celbi go quiet.
Pepito sucks in a breath and covers his mouth with both hands. He is quiet.
But then there are footsteps, and then the cupboard is being opened, and then the bag is being moved, and then there's Apa Roier looking at Pepito with wide eyes and a red face.
"Is it him?" Captain Celbi asks.
Pepito's mind races. He doesn't wanna get in trouble! Apa Roier already hates him, and- and-
"Pinche Pepito," Apa Roier sighs in the Language of the Sea. "Come here..."
He reaches into the cupboard, and he scoops Pepito up and pulls him out into the galley.
Instinctively, Pepito's arms latch around Apa Roier's shoulders. It's almost like it was back when Pepito was a Good Pepito, but it isn't, is it?
Captain Celbi steps closer. His face is blurry, because Pepito isn't wearing his glasses, but Pepito does notice that Captain Celbi's coat is gone and his shirt sleeves are rolled up past his elbows.
"Are your glasses still broken, Pepito?" he asks.
Pepito nods. He can't look at Apa Roier, but Apa Roier is probably disappointed...
"Ay, that's fine," Apa Roier says. He bounces Pepito in his arms. "You and I can both be blind now."
It takes a moment for Pepito's brain to catch up with Apa Roier's statement, but, when it does, Pepito immediately panics, because where are Apa Roier's bottom two eyes? Apa Roier is half spider crab and half fish and half Ocean Pepito, where are his bottom two eyes?
No wonder Apa Roier ran into that post on the dock, he's missing two eyes!
Pepito sniffs and hides his face in Apa Roier's neck so he doesn't have to see the Sea Witch's curse.
For whatever reason, Captain Celbi quietly awwws; Apa Roier just sighs and raises a hand to gently rake through Pepito's hair.
"I"m sorry," Pepito silently says, but he wishes the Sea Witch gave him a different curse so he could actually apologize to Apa Roier because Apa Roier has to hate him now, Pepito knows it! Apa Roier loves his four eyes! He thinks they're cool! He always shows them off! And now he's missing two!
Pepito's body starts to shake from fear and frustration. Stupid Sea Witch! Pepito's gonna beat him up like a pirate would! Because Pepito is a pirate, and the Sea Witch hurt Pepito's Dad (even if Pepito's Dad isn't Pepito's Dad anymore.)
"Pepito?" Captain Celbi asks.
"Oh, Pepito, it's fine," Apa Roier sighs. "I'm not actually blind. What, is all this pirate stink killing your Pepito Brain?"
"Hey!" Captain Celbi protests. "We don't stink!"
"He's lying, Pepito, I could smell him from underwater. That's how I found you guys. Yuck!"
Apa Roier makes a horn-like sound, and a small laugh escapes from Pepito. It's hoarse and quiet and all he can manage without his voice, but it's enough to make him stop almost-crying.
Pepito misses his parents. They're funny and they always know how to keep him from crying.
"Your father is a bully," Captain Celbi tells Pepito. "He hurt my feelings, so I deserve a candy."
Pepito's head perks up at the mention of candy. He looks at Captain Celbi with a splotchy red face and with pink, tear-filled eyes, and Captain Celbi just smiles back with sharp teeth.
"And I think you deserve a candy, too," Captain Celbi continues. "After all, it must be very scary to not be able to see as well as you usually can."
"And what about me?" Apa Roier demands.
Captain Celbi rolls his eyes. "You, too. Don't worry, guapito, I didn't forget about you."
He freezes, halfway turned towards the cupboard with the candy.
"Well, gatinho," Apa Roier says, a slight teasing hint to his voice even with the red tint to the tips of his ears, "just get me the biggest candy you have, okay? To make it up to me?"
Captain Celbi's smile only grows wider.
"Of course," he says. "Whatever you say."
Pepito doesn't really understand what a "gatinho" means, but it's enough to make Captain Celbi happy, so it has to be a good thing.
It's apparently a good enough thing that Apa Roier gets to spend the night with Captain Celbi in his cabin. They're having a sleepover, lucky.
Pepito misses having friends to have sleepovers with. He misses Sunny and Empi and Leo.
Maybe Pomme would want to do a sleepover.
That would be nice.
If you read this, please leave a comment or a reblog or an ask either here on on the Ao3 page just to let me know that you read it! I love hearing from you, and interactions keep me writing!!
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strikerangel · 1 year
Okay saur. I was thinking abt agereggssor qcharlie. And i just finished the first gegg stream. So. Ive got hcs and also madness in my bones
Mariana is his main caretaker and is. Alright at it. Hes incredibly over protective when hes on though. No fun adventures for gegg when his mom is around #>>
Charlie regresses from like. 3months old to around 5 at any given day. Tiny baby gegg is incredibly sensitive to being called odd or weird so he sticks to the nicer caretakers those days
His pacifier is light green and has a green fish on it! His favorite onesie is yellow and has bees printed! His body physically regresses too, so he actually looks like a 3 month old when hes 3 months.
The day that gegg was introduced to the server mariana has entrusted him in the care of quackity. Bad idea quackity is a shitty caretaker who left him.
So phil gets the baby boy next! Yay. And hes like. Okay so i guess i need to treat him like the eggs. And he does. But that does NOT stop him from calling gegg odd . He just means it way more affectionatly than quackity did.
Roier is more of the fun uncle caretaker than dad. Which means gegg gets into so much trouble. Bobby and gegg are let loose and wreak havoc on various places!
Wilbur soot is banned from taking care of gegg.
So is quackity
Wil made him so upset one time while regressed that he fucked the whole day up. Please stop putting babies in cages.
Foolish is a pretty good caretaker when hes not going absolutely crazy building that damn dragon. Gegg has fallen off of it so much that mariana just buys a baby carrier for when gegg is over there.
Jaiden is a very good caretaker. She does not call gegg weird where he can hear her and that makes her. Better than. Alot of people on this list unsurprisingly. She takes him and bobby on fun adventures and teaches them how to cook. Or atleast she attempts to.
Maximus is also a little so he is . not allowed to take care of gegg. It would be the blind leading the blind and that never goes well. However they do have fun together on the occasions where they have the same caretakers!
Luzu (little hc of mine uwu) is a very good caretaker for gegg, while he may dislike charlie he is so soft for gegg its crazy. Arin likes gegg too but is a bit more firm with him.
Vegetta is a good caretaker for gegg too. Although theres a bit more of a languahe barrier he also takes care of biden when roier or dan cant do it. So hes good.
Missa is a alright caretaker, he gets overwhelmed easily when taking care of both gegg and chayanne though.
Fit is a great caretaker. He fights he protects but he is also bald. Immediate trust from Huevos and Gegg is no different. No, but seriously he gives Gegg souvenirs and also a gun.
Spreen. Is not a caretaker. Hes really bad at it too (fuckin left ramon. No one has seen him in weeks. Fit thinks hes dead)
Badboyhalo is a main caretaker. While he does rank lower than luzu on the 'who should i give gegg too while im out' list hes pretty damn good. He, gegg, and dapper work on the farm, play in the dirt most days. And then they go inside they bake! Fun activities for babies.
Dan is not a good caretaker he is liable to leave gegg out in the sun /j. No but seriously, when dans on hes an alright caretaker. They do science experiments and occasionally they blow up.
Egg section
Bobby is the worst around gegg. They blow eachother up and other things up too. However they work pretty well together in the kitchen
Chayanne views gegg as another egg under his protection, his left hand man actually. U mess with gegg you get ur ass kicked by both him and chayanne as they are very likely to double team ur ass
Tallulah likes gegg when she doesnt have to share her dad with him. Which. She doesnt anymore because her dad is BANNED from watching gegg. They play music together and while they may be off sync, its pretty fuckin cute lads.
Dapper likes gegg, theyre geggfriends and gegg can make stuff stick really well so buidling stuff with him is a blast.
Ramon likes gegg well enough, dislikes how goopy he is sometimes though. Goop in his mustache. They dance together often though, and ramon is very happy to find someone to dance with.
Leonarda fucking LOVES gegg. She is very willing to teach him everything about being an egg and is liable to kick wilbur in the shins everytime he comes over.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 6 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 1
Confession and Bonfires
This is my first qsmp fic be nice to me; also this is some what outdated but everyone insisted I finish it anyways so here it is!
Cellbit eyes fell half lid as he phased into place, overlooking phill and Misa's home. He hadn't the proper chance to caught up since the events of purgatory, the exhaustion for the damage his body took put him out for weeks at least and the horrid vision of mind are ones he'd rather forget.
He slowly walked over to the front door of the home where he knocked for a whole 3 second, before then looking through the window.
The double bed remained empty amongst the wall of pictures, his eyes gazed back and forth as he search for any life, then sighed when he found none.
Cellbit was about to leave when he heard an iron door push open, he walked over to where he heard the sound watching Phill crawl from an underground base.
"Oi, Philza." Cellbit started
"Sup mate!" Phill greeted, he crawl his way out the hole completely, shutting the door behind him.
"I hope I'm not interrupting you, seem you were bu-" before Cellbit finished his sentence he experience a strong embrace from Phill, sending the younger gentleman into shock.
Finally Phill pulled away meeting Cellbit gaze, "I'm glad you're alright, I was worried you wouldn't make it back." He confessed
Cellbit blink momentarily before his brain flowed again, "I'm glad to see you too."
"oh, are you good on cookies by the way?" Phill starting, "I don't know if you heard but the eggs need to take 8 cookies a week. I started collecting as many as I could so you're good for the week."
"Jesus, it's purgatory all over again." Cellbit joked
"Ah, sorry." Phill respond
Cellbit immediately noticed the tint of regret in Phil's eyes, he seemed to be defaulting to the purgatory mind set, Cell might of said it was concerning if he had found himself doing the same.
It wasn't suprising he was still in survival mode, especially when they didn't get the opportunity to have a proper set off, there was a huge difference between running to the boat to save your life and a proper bon fire goodbye.
"Um, speaking of purgatory, I just wanted to stop by and say maybe, if you're not busy we have a proper send off." Cellbit began.
"An send off?"
"A finally good bye to purgatory, I mean obviously we aren't gonna forgot it entirely but this will help us to move on."
Phill stared at him in disbelief before speaking again, "this was Roier's idea, wasn't it?"
Cellbit release a defeated sigh as he lost his confidence, "yes, it's not the best idea but it's a idea."
"I mean I like the idea, It just didn't seem like you."
Cellbit chuckled at Phill's respond, "no I'd like to ignore it all together, but Roier's seems convince, so I have to at least try."
"sure thing mate, when is it gonna be?"
"Midnight, why then?" Jaiden asked as she pet one of her many parrot birds.
"Purgatory had long nights, it'll fit the vibe." Cellbit explain
"Hmm, I don't see why not, where's not drinking tea right?" Jaiden inquired
"why you don't like tea anymore?" Cellbit asked
"God no, I hate tea now!" Foolish insisted.
charlie noted his head in agreement, "yeah no more tea, I will puke my guts out."
"great, it would help if you brought some food, but no pressure." Cellbit suggested
"ah, I'm not the best cook you know?" Etoiles warned
"I can make a mean milkshake!" Mouse added
"milkshake isn't a good night drink is it?" Etoiles asked
"doesn't matter, it's good."mouse double down
Cellbit chuckled at their ridiculous behavior, "well anyways, I'll see you guys tonight then."
It would be untrue to say Cellbit wasn't anxious about the upcoming event,but he was insistence on keeping a bold face for Roier whom saw through it rather easily."
"Pendjo, eres tan fácil de leer; you can just admit to be nervous?" Roier began
"What do I have to be nervous about?" Cellbit detour suddenly paying his attention to the food Roier brought with them.
"Hey come on now, this is supposed to be a night of openness!" Roier rebutted, "ya deberías saberlo mejor, ¡no te voy a juzgar!"
"Cellbit!" A voice called from his left, Cellbit would soon observe Etoiles approaching with Mouse by his side, Both holding milk products respectfully.
"I tired to stop her, but she instead on it." Etoiles inform as he passed off a large jug filled to the brim with a cold milkshake.
Cellbit released a nervous chuckle as he place the jug down, "well, the others aren't here but, feel free to chill by the fire."
"Hey, you got any music?" Mouse inquired
"I didn't prepare for..I think I might have a record in my backpack.." Cellbit pulled his backpack from under the table fumbling through it.
He eventually pulled a dic out that he handed off to mouse, whom immediately set it to play on her own backpack. The familiar tunes of pig step filled the air, as mouse dance her way over to fire.
It didn't take long for the others to show up, Charlie, jadien and foolish all in that order. Phil of course was the last one to show up, carry a dispenser jug of Ice Tea.
And with that his promise was broken, "Ah Phil, did you really have to bring tea?" Cellbit started
"Why not, its good!"
"Yes, but Foolish and Charlie, really didn't want to drink any-"
"Oh really?" Phil interrupted, "its a god damn send off they can drink the Tea, Foolish come drink this!" Phil demand as he poured foolish a cup.
"No, get that shit away from me!" Foolish begged
Cellbit chuckled at Phil's ridiculous behavior, then blended into the group forcing himself to socially per Roier's orders.
For the majority of the night it was mostly chill, in a not so suprising turn of events Cellbit found his desire to communicate to run dry in the first hour.
You could only do so much small talk before it becomes a drag, so he stayed by his partner, not necessarily saying anything but kept seated next to Him with his head rested on his shoulders, just Observering the other.
Therefore he couldn't help but notice that Phil of all people was acting rather strange and thus tuned into him and his conversations a lot more; which actually weren't that many since Phil spent most his time chugging tea at the dispenser.
The troubling part was, the driver was absolutely alcoholic, Cellbit certainly smelt the Vodka from here; granted he was fully aware Phil wasn't the one who spiked it but he surely figured out by now what was in it.
"Phil, come on stick fight?" Etoiles pleaded
Phil could feel his head spinning at the thought, but having turn him down the past few days he felt obligated to play along. He place the cup on the table, "yeah.. Ok." He agreed fetching a stick from his inventory
Etoiles was basically bouncing of the non existence walls in excitement, soon taking his stance in preparation as Phil did the same.
Cellbit would say he felt bad for watching, he knew without a shadow of a doubt Phil was about to eat shit, but lot like a car crash he just couldn't look away.
And eat shit Phil did, getting knocked down in less than ten seconds by the dullest part of Eotiles stick, but credit where credit was due, Phil clearly wasn't focus.
In fact Cell quickly track his vision to the others dancing, specifically Mouse, whom held a Goat's skull on her head. Phil would soon thank Etoiles for the fight then quickly made his way to mouse, stealing the skull then engaging in small talk.
"Where did you find this, I never see skulls this small just about." Phil was Cleary lying through his teeth, it seemed more like he just wanted an excuse not to give the item back.
Why not just ask to keep it?
"Phil, come on man, dance it's a party!" Charlie was obviously already drunk and while Phil was tispy enough to eat shit in under 10 seconds, Charlie was 'not gonna be able to piss straight' drunk.
So it made sense that he would just casually take the skull and start dancing about, however watching the way Phil's fingers curled in and his lips quiver, it pulled Cellbit to intervene.
He stole the skull from Charlie quickly hiding it in his inventory, satisfied to see a sense of peace wash over Phil. "You're going to poke someone's eye out." Cellbit warned.
"Ah man you're no fun." Charlie complained as he rejoin the group.
After everyone tired themselves out, Roier being the only one who brought actual food, started handing them out; as everyone was forced to sit and discuss by the fire it made the task a little easier.
"Phil, I noticed you don't tend to eat at these events." Cellbit inquiried
"Ah, I normally full up on toast before hand and so I usually just bring some back for Chayanne." Phil informed
"Please at least eat this time." Cellbit request as he past off the dish, "Roier might take it as an insult over wise."
"Yeah, sure mate."
After handing out everything Cell seated himself by the camp fire awaiting Roier's presence, though he find himself slightly annoyed by his husband's statements when he finally sat down.
"So guys, I was thinking right now would be a good opportunity to talk about how we've been feeling."
"Oh boy, here we go." Charlie started, "I don't have a problem ok?!"
"That's not at all what I was talking about." Roier corrected, "look I'm sure purgatory messed with our understanding of trust in our friendship! You don't have to say it, but its a known fact. "
"So?" Foolish asked, rather annoyed by the topic.
"So trust excuses come on, no seas una perra; you talk about your feelings I talk about mine, look I'll even go first!" Roier began, "When Cellbit stayed behind, I felt hurt that my feelings weren't concerned."
"Stop don't." Cellbit pleaded, his face already buried in his hands, "No es que no haya considerado tus sentimientos, solo hice lo que pensé que era mejor para ti."
"Exacto, lo hiciste sabiendo que me haría daño, simplemente porque querías hacer lo mejor para mí, lo entiendo."
"Stop this."
"Pero prefiero ser feliz a lo que es mejor para mí cualquier día, no seas idiota egoísta, te amo."
There was a long silence between the two, and though Cellbit looked ashamed, he also seemed partly content; Therefore it motivated others.
"Um, I'm actually really afraid all the time." Etoiles started
"Wait what?" Phil interrupted, "but you're Etoiles, you're always looking for a fight, being a hero."
"Well its more that I'm afraid of messing up, of not being enough; so of course I do a as many fights to prove to myself I'm strong but.. After it ends I feel pretty empty again."
once more a silence fell among the bon fire, it was clear tonight was expected to be an emotional one.
"sometimes I lose track of my motives." Jaiden began "of why I do the things I do and I've found myself asking, is motive a justification for the wrong I've done?"
Cellbit weight her words in his head, hateful of how strongly he agree with them, "I myself have done, regrettable things.. I knew my motive behind them but, I do wonder if the motive really is a justification.. I.. I don't know anymore."
Then the silence rare her uglyy face once more, the only sound the crackles of the fire. confession spoken would obviously be casted into the fire to burn but to leave their host and avoid becoming poison.
"I've been seeing things," Phil finally admit, "things I'm not sure are real anymore, and others can never seem to see it but.. I feel like I'm going crazy. I saw it, I lived thought it, it all feels real but.."
After the few who felt fit spoke their confession, there was an honor thirty minutes of silence to allow those confession to burn.
Freed from their host, freed from their minds. Once the event came to an end most participates rush their way home, and Phil was not above them
It was Cellbit, whom actually grabbed onto to Phil's shelve holding him back. "Um Phil, about those visions you've been seeing?"
"oh, no I mean, I was worried because I thought it was just because the kids were gone, but then it kept happening so..but it's fine it's probably all in my head." Phil dismissed
"in my experience, it never is." Cell warned, "at least reach out if it happens again."
".... Cellbit have you spelt?"
"wow.." Cellbit let his hands fall off Phil's shelve, "you're gonna turn on me like that!?"
"sleep deprivation is a terrible thing," Phil warned, "get some rest, for your own sake." Phil warned before turning away.
Momentarily Cellbit watch the older man walk away, keeping notice to check on Phil later.
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atthebell-moved · 8 months
okay making a list of fluff fic ideas for myself mostly for spiderbit but possibly some gen stuff will i ever write any of these well that's another issue entirely
movie date (roier gets bored and they stop watching halfway through and do something else)
starbobby date (surely people have written fics set there but not enough the server literally has a cafe cmon) (i already kind of have a wip about this but i need to dig it out of my drive)
post-nightmare hurt/comfort
bakery au (classic, could be fulfilled with a starbobby thing though)
multiple proposals (i.e. bc the first proposal was crazy and rushed and adrenaline filled they propose to each other in increasingly silly ways) (yes i know they kind of had another proposal post-abuloier situation but i want the dramatic proposals and the goofy ones)
roier makes a pros and cons list of marrying cellbit and it is just the goofiest sappiest shit ever
sparring and then they make out
Cellbit asks bad for dating/marriage advice (why he or anyone would do this is beyond me but i could see it happening) and it goes about as well as one could expect
sleepy cozy fluff idk (ft. dorky pajamas, playing with each others' hair, purring, etc.)
domestic fluff of any kind but particularly roier cooking
some kind of matchmaking bullshit with any couple honestly
roier naps with the cats too many times and cellbit gets jealous
idk something fun and paranormal
sickfic and or hurt/comfort
holidays/festivals fluff
everyone in the world is in love with roier and his husband is Annoyed about it
spiderbit attempt to host a dinner as The Married Couple on the island but are really not very good at it
spiderbit have to spend all day apart and they are Not Pleased About It including many annoying whispers and making everyone around them miserable too
they have to dress up for a nice event and then can't stop talking about how hot the other looks in their fancy outfits
pining for your own husband bc you're a freak idiot
touch starved cuddling or whatever
spiderbit annoy everyone around them in public all day long but the fic version and not just every time they stream together
cat shifter cellbit
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callmeherry · 1 year
I can't keep following people because they like my favourite streamer (Cellbit and Roier)
You're the last one./obvious lie
Anyway! What is your favorite thing or headcanon for both? Or guapoduo
Honestly, same anon- Well, I have some headcanons for them so I'll list them all >:D q!Cellbit has ptsd from the cucorucho encounter and is afraid of sleeping and waking up on that corridor again, q!Roier knows this and sleeps holding him so even if Cell is teleported he won't be alone there.
Both are aware that there is SOMETHING going on between them but Roier keeps trying to convince himself he is just seeing things because "Cellbit only has eyes for his familly and mistery, and I'm neither of those things" and Cellbit doesn't want to see it because cucorucho is already messing with his loved ones, it took Felps! HIS bestfriend, bringing someone new onto his life is just too risky, and he needs to focus anyway.
q!Cellbit is ace non repulsive "Sure we could have sex BUT... Look at this code I found! Why don't we do this instead :D"
q!Roier tries his best to aways be energetic around Cell trying to take away all his worries
Roier and Richarlyson aways talk about Cell and Richas keep trying to push the two dummies together (and Bobby thinks it is gross) but Roier brushes off as just a kid being silly.
I see them both as people who would start a relationship without starting one, one day both of them just call eachother love when parting way and don't notice it until way later and then never bring it up again.
Roier cooks decent food and gives it to Richas to give it to Cell (Richas is the only one that can convince his dad to eat something good for his health)
Forever dislikes Roier because he is jealous of their relationship so everytime Roier visits he brings gifts for Forever to try to get into his good side
Cell has some pretty nasty scars from both his past™ and from the chainsaw incident, Roier kisses them as a way to paint in a positive light so Cell will remember him when he sees them instead of flashbacks on how he got them.
And that is all I can remember for now :D
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cat-mentality · 6 months
Yesss I agree with everything you said!! Especially the idea of it being a deliberate choice. Now I'm thinking through all the eggs and what the effects would be...
Empanada, Sunny and Pepito have complex relationships to the other eggs because of the rocky beginnings, and they definitely seem to have some type of unrevealed history with the federation which could be interesting, and they have very dedicated parents that would rp the hell out of this arc (Bagi, Tina, Mouse, Tubbo, Quackity now that he's back, Roier if he ever escapes from rathood). So something interesting could happen there, I'm not sure if it would have as big an impact as some of the other egg deaths because the other islanders aren't as attached yet. But I could see a strong revenge arc from any of those ccs.
Ramon would be interesting because I haven't seen Fit do this type of rp yet, and the cc does have some lore planned, and it would definitely strain morning crew, but I don't think it's likely to be Ramon because I think the potential for drama isn't as large.
Dapper would also be interesting because of bbhs response, but I don't know if it would elicit as big a reaction from the other ccs as some of the other egg deaths would. Though it would definitely bring in some of the tensions from purgatory.
Leo - I'd love to see Foolish have a revenge arc, I don't see Leo losing a life though, I don't know why but I can't imagine it!
Tallulah or Chayanne - Philza would absolutely carry this, plus all the other islanders are attached to these two I think, plus Forever's character development with Tallulah, I could see a lot of drama there.
Richas - That would definitely be the ultimate sign of Forever being too lost @v@ so I think the discourse over whether to kill Forever or save him would be so good. And it would draw so much rp from so many ccs - Tazercraft angst, Cellbit could tie in his own arc in somehow, bbh loves richas and could tie in his grim reaper arc maybe, Bagi would have to deal with how to protect empanada after failing to protect richas (and this would be a strong reminder that the new eggs arent safe either, because shes both a new egg parent and an old egg parent, if that makes sense). So I think Richas losing a canon life might have the biggest impact.
Anyways!! Sorry I'm rambling in your inbox lol feel free to delete, just so many thoughts!!!! And this is only from the standpoint of impact, not even considering q!forever's pov of which egg the character would want to go after... ugh I can't wait to see where Forever goes with this, so many options
I have to start by saying that "rathood" absolutely took me out, I had to stop to laugh because it's just the funniest thing I read today, thanks for that.
If Forever goes down that route (which I hope he does, but I know he is cooking something good nonetheless) I think we will have some great RP no matter what.
I think it will depend if he will choose or like make them choose because I can 10000% see Chayenne, Pomme and Empanada trying to sacrifice themselves for their siblings because they are our little warriors and we KNOW they would do anything for their siblings even if that meant putting themselves on harm's way. It makes my heart ache because those three are some of my special little guys I love them very dearly.
(God not Pepito 😭 just let Quackity have one good thing I can't handle that man doing MORE angst)
I think Ramon, Dapper and Leo are safe too. It just doesn't make that much sense for him to pick them, wouldn't have the same impact although I would bet that Fit would burn the Island and I'm dying to see where he will take his lore.
But my biggest bets would be on Sunny, Richas or Tallulah.
Sunny because if somehow @v@ gets the inkling that Tubbo wants him gone without even caring about the host.... Yeah I think he would be the type to go "you want me gone? Bet." And just give him a reason to want him dead lmao. (Also Tubbo is the Federation's bunching bag @v@ probably would want to join the fun)
And Richas and Tallulah for the obvious reasons of absolutely fucking with Forever.
Also Philza is one of Forever's biggest supporters and clearly wants to save him,I can see @v@ seeing it and deciding to go after Tallulah to make him back off or to punish him.
Like can you imagine his angst if Forever thought he was responsible for the death of the two kids he loves the most?
He blamed himself that time Richas suffered a bug and died, imagine what he would do if he actually killed his kid, he would genuinely off himself without hesitation, he would NEVER trust himself to be near him again and damn the implications of his relationship with the rest of the Favela.... Like even if they forgive him (what I believe they would do eventually) he would never feel worthy of it. Also based on cc Forever's last post.... Yeah Richas is about to gain a new trauma to his ever growing collection tomorrow 😭 belated Christmas present or something I guess
Noooooo, never apologize for coming to my asks!!!!! I love talking about theories (the more batshit the best) or just about anything, feel free to come here wherever you want!
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anonymous-dentist · 2 months
Part Four of the Catboy in the Village AU
Part: One | Two | Three
Growing up on the battlefield, Cellbit's meals consisted of two things: cold mushroom soup, and unseasoned human flesh. No set times, only eating when he had managed a kill. It was a reward: no killing, no eating. Simple, and very effective at turning him into the monster he would grow up to be.
Prison meals were scheduled... more or less. During the second guard's shift outside of his cell, he would be given half a loaf of bread and a rusty metal cup of browned water. That was all he got, because he didn't deserve any more.
Now? Cellbit has gotten soft. His husband likes to cook, and it turns out that Cellbit likes to watch his husband cook. If he's in the kitchen when Roier is, he isn't walking away hungry, and it took the first two years of their marriage for Cellbit to get used to it.
The castle, though. The castle is worse.
Mealtimes are strictly scheduled. Breakfast is at eight in the morning. Lunch is at one in the afternoon. Dinner is at seven. If Cellbit and Roier aren't in attendance, they're to be dragged to the table kicking and screaming.
The food isn't even that good. It tastes like the sweat and blood of the poor oppressed farmers being forced to work for a monarchy that would happily throw them face-first into another war should one start. It's probably poisoned, too. Worst of all, it isn't Roier's, so it's just kind of terrible by default.
So it's always as such: Cellbit and Roier sit at one far end of the table next to each other. The queen rolls her eyes and tries to start a conversation that Roier politely engages in and Cellbit ignores. Cellbit doesn't eat, not even when Roier gives him big sad eyes and does that cute pouting thing he does with the voice and the face and the everything.
Today is no different. The breakfast dish is small, because apparently the Gato Kingdom doesn't do breakfast the way they do back home in the Águila Kingdom. Açaí, sure, whatever. It isn't Roier's cooking, so Cellbit won't eat it.
Roier does the little pouting thing, turning in his seat to face Cellbit and hooking both his hands over Cellbit's forearm. His eyes get huge, and his face gets sad, and he's so cute, Cellbit's heart might burst!
"Gatinho, come on!" he whines. His head tilts, awww. "You're going to starve to death, and you won't even be a handsome corpse. You'll be all-"
He bugs his eyes out and practically unhinges his jaw as he makes an utterly visceral groaning-choking-rasping-moaning sound.
The knights at the door all exchange disturbed looks.
Cellbit wants to kiss his husband now.
So he does. He takes Roier's chin in his hand, and he pulls him in for a kiss that Roier comes away from moaning sinfully enough to make a cleric drop dead.
Cellbit swipes his thumb under Roier's bottom lip, raises his hand to cup Roier's cheek.
"You make the sweetest noises," Cellbit sighs. He smiles as Roier rolls his eyes.
He turns his gaze from his husband to his so-called "sister", who looks two seconds away from coughing up her açaí.
"Speaking of noises," he says, "when were you going to tell us that our prison is haunted?"
Sensing a lost capital-'M' Moment, Roier grumbles and turns back to his breakfast. Per his request, he's gotten a plate of eggs and a small bowl of fruits to eat alongside his açaí. It's not quite breakfast like it is at home, but, well. Nothing about the Gato Kingdom is like it is at home, and it sucks.
The queen's spoon scrapes harshly against the bottom of her bowl as her arm jerks. Some of her açaí splashes up over the edge of her bowl and lands on the lap of her expensive-looking dress, good.
On a dime, all the guards in the room stand at attention. Their armor clanks, and their weapons flash rainbow in the sunlight streaming through the dining hall's enormous stained glass dome roof.
"Okay, first off, this is not a prison," the queen tensely says. She adjusts her grip on her spoon, holding it in a way that Cellbit recognizes from the way he's always held his knives. "This is a castle, and it is my home. Our home, if you ever want to consider it as such."
Cellbit nods. "Absolutely not."
"And that's fair! This is a lot for you! But it's an option for-"
"It really isn't, but this isn't about me and you. This is about whatever happened last night, because, really, if you had told me your castle was haunted, I would have been, like, ten times less likely to try and escape on the way here."
Roier nods and swallows a mouthful of papaya and covers his mouth and says, "It's true. He loves this shit. He's been trying to invent a ghost-in-a-bottle for years."
It's true. Most of Cellbit's potions are his own recipes, because most alchemical recipes require ingredients that only noblemen can afford, and he's been broke for his entire memorable life. He didn't care that he married rich, he didn't want to use Roier or his family's money just for potion ingredients. He can trap faerie essence in bottles for a quick dash of healing, why can't he trap ghosts? It's the next step, obviously.
"And I'm going to," Cellbit insists. "I just need more time!"
"Yeah, well, you've got all the time in the world now," Roier says. "You know. Because you're kidnapped."
He gives the queen a pointed look.
The queen looks two seconds from shoving her spoon into her own eye. Maybe she should do it, it would be more interesting than yet another argument about the lost prince.
She slowly lets out a very, very stressed-sounding breath. And then she smiles, all teeth, fangs and all. (Lucky. Cellbit had his fangs filed down in prison upon being arrested.)
"You like ghosts?" she asks. "Me, too! We have an entire section in the library on the paranormal. I can show you later, if you want."
Oh, ew.
Cellbit feigns interest. He leans forward in his chair and forces his ears to perk up and swivel in her direction.
"Oh, really?" he asks. "You'll have to take me there! And then I can take one of those books and break your skull open with it."
He smiles, all teeth.
The queen's face falls into frustration. Her ears turn to the side; aggression.
"Oh, fuck you!" she snaps. "I'm trying here!"
Cellbit drops his own enthusiastic expression and sneers, slumping back into his seat. His ears turn to the side; aggression.
"Nobody asked you to," he says. "You could let us go right now and we'd all be much happier, I think."
"I can't!" she shouts. She stands, eyes blazing. Her hands slam down on either side of her bowl hard enough to shake the whole table. "You are so stupid!"
Oh, so she's allowed to be angry?
Not to be outdone, Cellbit jumps to his feet and grabs Roier's spoon right out of his hand and stabs it into the table so forcefully it sticks straight up when he lets go.
"I'm stupid?" he laughs. He shakes his head, bares his teeth. "You're the one chasing ghosts, and not even the right ones! Your castle is fucked, and you're more caught up in your dead brother than the demon possessing your house!"
Roier's eyes widen. "Demon? What the fuck?"
"My brother is not dead!" the queen argues. "But he might as well be! He was a genius, and you're- you're just stupid! No wonder it took you so long to break out of prison, you had to wait for someone to think of a way out!"
Cellbit's ears ring. He can't see- is the room shrinking, is that it?
His hands twitch by his sides, long-lost claws flexing.
The queen sniffs and turns to leave.
"I'm going to solve the enigma myself," she snaps. "Since you're too stupid to do it, apparently."
Roier makes some little sound, but Cellbit can't hear it above the noise in his ears.
"You miss your brother so badly, huh?" he feels his mouth say. "Well! Why don't you just fucking join him?"
He's moving before he remembers how, and he's on the floor beneath Roier's body within seconds.
Cellbit screams and claws at the floor and reaches for the retreating form of the queen, and- oh, his face is wet, he can feel it as Roier flips him over onto his back and cups his cheeks firmly.
"Cellbo," Roier says, "enigma, Cellbit. Enigma do Cellbit. Okay? No murder, we can't go to jail. We have to get Richarlyson. And Pepito. Can't do that in jail, right?"
Cellbit's hands scramble to hold Roier's wrists.
"I hate her," he hoarsely says.
Roier nods. "Me, too. She sucks. But. Enigma. There's a mystery, yes? And she thinks you're too dumb to solve it, but we know she's wrong. You can kill her, but that'll be it. But if you prove her wrong, you can do that twice."
Twice. He isn't the prince. And he isn't stupid.
Cellbit sniffs and nods. "I'm- she's stupid. I told her she's stupid. She's too caught up in her own shit. Not very queen-like."
"Nah, she's bad at this," Roier agrees. His thumbs brush the angry tears out from under Cellbit's eyes. "But... so what? When you prove her wrong and we get to go, we'll never have to see her again."
He leans in close and whispers against Cellbit's lips, "We'll get to go home."
Cellbit's eyes flutter shut.
"You're just manipulating me," he mumbles.
"Is it working?"
'Good', indeed.
But Roier does have a point. Murder would feel good for the moment, but Cellbit would rather die than see his husband behind bars. And. And he needs his kids, he misses them so much.
So. No murder.
But there is a mystery or two at play.
One: why is the queen so convinced that Cellbit is her lost-slash-dead brother? Who told her to look for him, and how did she find him, and how does she know so much about him?
Two: what the fuck is up with the demon in the castle? Because it has to be a demon, no ghost is that powerful. Where did the demon come from, and why hasn't the queen gotten rid of it?
The queen may think that Cellbit is an idiot, but he really, really isn't. He just has a few issues. He's a genius, humble brag, he can solve these mysteries, and he will solve these mysteries. Then he and Roier can leave, and they can get their kids back from Bad, and Cellbit can be with his family again.
All he has to do is not murder the queen.
How hard can that be?
To be continued
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anonymous-dentist · 3 months
I fell like Bad Romance most normal bond moment would be Br!Cell teaching Br!Roier how he prepares meat.
just don't ask what kind of meat it is.
So Roier’s biggest problem with eating human flesh is that he doesn’t like the texture- it’s a bit too blegh for him, but he likes the taste! He likes everything Cell does, and he’ll eat anything Cell cooks! But the texture just throws him off. A little.
Eventually Cell manages to figure this out, and he starts trying different ways of preparing his meat just so Roier can eat it without gagging. He doesn’t announce when he’s doing this, but he does watch Roier very closely when they’re eating, and he even allows himself to smile a little when Roier likes a dish
(Because, really, Roier is the first person to really appreciate Cell rather than fear him, and Cell is starting to realize that being appreciated feels good.)
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anonymous-dentist · 9 months
I went through a midnight binge on your superhero deli au and its so good!!!! i would love to know more ab a lot of thing but first thisngs frist!
1- In the junior superhero program i was wondering how are the kids? i want to know more ab Juana, Tilin, Trump & Bobby and their day to day life or just simply their powers lol
2- I love the whole schtick w Vegetta being Lobo Nocturno!!!! funny shit we love that.
3- What kinda taco shop does roier work at its important!! (/j)
4- Is Slimecicle a Villain? are he an Mariana partners in crime similar to Philza and Missa?
5- FRENCH SNIPER LETS GOOOOO fucking love pomme shes so cool. I also need to know ab Etoiles what is that man doing, he must be upto something,,,,
6- Wilbur a Federation Sanctioned rock star lol? on a federation sponsered world tour? or just a rehgular guy?
7- Quackity my wet cat where are yoou???? Is Elquackity involved too? twins? one a villain and another hero? or not at all?
8- are you thinking of integrating the newer members? migth be a hastlr tbh but its a cool though
9- Cellbit's powers are pretty inch identyfy and modulate fear right? that is so fucking cool dude id never woulve though als any thoughts of bringing his whole "not a cat" bit from the server?
i thonk thats all of my midnig ramblings so far if i think of any more at a amore decent hour ill let you know
muah besitos x repsonder msi preguntas saluditos chayito tqm
Okay, long post!
Here's a few posts I've already made on the kids: - Arrival - Qualifications - Names - Abilities Other than that, they kinda just do... hero things. They do go to school at the FoH headquarters- basically homeschooling tbh. But they do patrols and they go out on fights and it's dangerous. They aren't usually all friends because it's a very competitive environment, so it's usually pretty lonely. Either your teammates hate you or they're dead.
Yeah lol, he's an alien prince and he will Not go back home now that he's got a family
Full disclosure, I've never even had a taco before so I didn't even know there are different types of taquerias, but the one Roier works at is lowkey his? Like his dads are rich af so they bought it for him as a birthday present when he turned 18, but he was like "Dads nooooo I wanna make my own way in the world!" so he works as a server and cook and lets other people take care of the business side of things. Is it practical? Considering he's also Spider-Man, it works for him! 4. So Charlie is kinda nothing, but he's been heading down a steady path towards villainy since his daughter, Flippa, was taken from him and put into the Junior Hero Program. He can't control when he Geggs out, though, so he kinda just sits in a sewer and mopes. Meanwhile Mariana was so bad at being a hero that the FoH literally kicked him out, and now he's also. In a sewer missing his daughter. But tbh the two of them will probably end up as partners in crime as soon as Charlie figures out how to purposefully Gegg all over the place 5. Etoiles joined the FoH entirely willingly because he fully and totally just legitimately wants to protect the city. But he lowkey hates everyone in the FoH and is like two seconds away from quitting and turning to vigilante-ing because he knows that the entire system is corrupt. But he wants to keep his daughter safe, too, so he's waiting to quit until she's just a bit older. Then they can be the father-daughter vigilante duo they've been planning to be since Pomme was, like, three 6. Wilbur is a rock star who can make flowers appear out of thin air, and his ability is so useless that the FoH can't even use him as a spokesman for the organization. All he does is make pretty flowers for his daughter and leave to go on tour, but that's fine, everyone loves him, anyway 7. So Quackity and his identical twin brother ElQuackity don't speak to each other. Quackity is an ordinary dude working at a coffee shop downtown with a shapeshifting ability that he uses exclusively for pranks and bullying. Meanwhile ElQ is a former villain who was "reformed" by the FoH. He works for them now, and he's the guy in charge of the Junior Hero Program: Dr. Duck, how scary 8. Yeah! Everybody's real in this au! I don't think any of them except Tubbo and Mouse and Bagi and maybe Willy and Rivers would ever appear in a proper big role because the story would focus on Cellbit and Roier and the people they know and work with yk? 9. Nope, nothing with the cat stuff this time. I'm focusing more on what the actual q!Cellbit is like in this au, what with the literal fear rooms and the spooky vampire castle and the fact that he's out here calling himself a vampire lol
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