#i see everyone’s asks btw i’ve just been busy
dear-ao3 · 25 days
so I'm a dude, who's a seamster-bartender-writer-disastet, I have the cutest dog in the world and I will let you ramble about literally anything as long as I can do the same?
oh and I'm currently fistfighting the state to be able to finish my bachelors degrees
AHA 🫵 BRETHREN!!! I TOO HAD TO FISTFIGHT FOR MY BACHELORS DEGREE we are meant for eachother message me we can bond over the bonkersness of obtaining higher education
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prehistorictriforce · 2 years
sometimes i’m like “yeah i’m super chill around celebrities, i don’t really clam up or anything, i’m super normal” and then i remember when i “met” frank iero and im like hmmmm maybe i’m wrong.
#it was a few years ago but like. a friend and i got to a venue i think… like a little over 12 hours early for the show???#so we were obviously there before the band. but when frank got there it was still only like. my friend and a couple other ppl#(we became good friends w the group we waited with btw!!! we all have a gc on insta and stuff they’re rad!!!!)#(we’re trying to get together to see mcr together!!)#but frank like. comes by and starts asking us how we’re doing and is like hey do y’all need anything and whatever#we said we were fine bc evan had gotten us water n shit#and i was standing next to frank and we were all talking and he was like idk we were looking for food where should we go#and we’re in a totally different state from where i’m from so i’m like??? i don’t fuckin know????#but this was frank fucking iero i wasn’t gonna admit i didn’t know smthn so i’m like I THINK THERES A GELATO PLACE AROUND HERE#so i just sit there like a god damn buffoon nodding and going yeah yeah yeah absolutely sure yeah!!! to every suggestion#and he kinda looks at me as if i’m gonna say smthn and i just smile all ridiculous and shrug and go ‘sounds good to me’#there was much more to the conversation but the general gist was everyone else being normal and me being doe eyed dumbass#he was very nice abt it all bless him he was super busy but he came out to check on us a couple more times before it got busy#he was always smiley and happy and giggly abt it and i miss him 💔💔 frank i’m so sorry i was useless i swear i can be better#at least i went HARD during the show. we were all right in front since we were literally first in line lol#anyways. still absolutely one of if not my ultimate fave concert i’ve ever been to#these tags have been long as fuck but this memory plagues me at night
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rninies · 5 months
✮ an unexpected confession - gojo satoru
synopsis: gojo just won't admit his feelings for you.
warnings: fluff, fem!reader, gojo is shy in front of you btw, GOJO IS A SAP. — wc: 757
notes: let's hope this fic does not flop like the megumi and aki fic sobs </3 HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE MWAH
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gojo satoru is a busy man. as a special-grade sorcerer, he doesn’t have time for anything. well, almost anything. you are one of the staff members in jujutsu high, and having frequent meetups with satoru, you befriended him very easily.
your friendship with satoru deepened when you were assigned to a mission because your coworker couldn’t make it. unsurprisingly, satoru was the sorcerer they had assigned to deal with the situation.
having satoru as your friend is… interesting, to say the least. satoru makes your life more lively with his annoying antics and silly hangout ideas. his students have seen how close he’s been with you, and it’s a weird sight because they have never seen satoru be this affectionate with anyone.
“megumi,” yuuji whispers (though that was not necessarily needed since they were outside and satoru was too occupied by you), catching megumi’s attention. 
“do you think gojo sensei has a crush on y/n?” yuuji asks, head filled with questions. “i mean, have you seen how close they are? i don’t think i’ve ever seen gojo sensei be this close with anyone at all.”
“are you stupid?” megumi deadpans. “isn’t it obvious? have you seen how he looks at her?” megumi is a quiet kid, but he’s observant, which might be bad for satoru.
“y/n!” satoru exclaims, struggling to run through the snow. “come on, there’s this place i want to show you!”
you lift your head, having just sat down literally two minutes ago. “right now? but i just-” satoru grabs your hand and before you know it, you have teleported to the place satoru wanted to show you. “okay, or you can just teleport me here.”
you took a quick look around, noticing that you and satoru were quite far from where you were originally. there was no one around, flowers decorated the field in front of you, and the snow was falling. “it’s really pretty here. how’d you know about this place?”
“huh? oh, suguru told me.” satoru replied, looking at everywhere else but you. “i wanted to bring you here.”
you were confused. usually, satoru would be all over you when showing you something new, but now? he’s keeping his distance from you. “satoru, are you okay?”
satoru choked on his spit, quickly regaining composure. “wh-what’re you talking about? of course i’m fine. i have no idea what you’re talking about.”
you raised your eyebrows, crossing your arms. “really?” you stared at satoru for a long time before he caved, letting out a huge sigh.
“okay, fine! just- give me a minute.” satoru turns his body and takes something out of his jacket. “here, for you.” he gives you a keychain you were looking at the last time you went out with satoru — the only reason you didn’t buy it was that you were in a hurry to go buy megumi’s birthday present.
you take the keychain from satoru’s hand, smiling at him. “when did you get this? thank you.”
“the day after we hung out.” satoru mumbles. “um, i don’t know how obvious i’ve been with my feelings for you, y/n, but-”
“oh, you were very obvious, satoru.”
“yeah, exactly, so i just wanted- wait, what?” satoru immediately stops speaking, staring at you with wide eyes. “why didn’t you say anything?!”
you giggled. “well, it is pretty entertaining to see the gojo satoru get all flustered whenever i brush my hand against yours, or when i go and hug you.”
“you-” satoru turns red. “do you like teasing me this much?”
you hummed in reply. “i love teasing you as much as i love you.” satoru immediately went quiet, processing what you just said. it took him three seconds before he scooped you in his arms, hugging you tightly. “satoru! put me down!”
“no way! it’s my turn to tease you.” satoru exclaims happily. you can feel how happy he is. once he puts you down, satoru cups your cheeks, immediately giving you a kiss. “god, you’re so pretty.”
a giggle escapes your mouth. “you look really pretty blushing too earlier.”
“i wasn't blushing! it’s hot out.” satoru tries defending himself.
“it is literally snowing outside as we speak are you joking.” you deadpanned, giving him an ‘are-you-serious?’ look.
“hey, shut up.” satoru grabs a pile of snow below him, rolls it into a ball, and throws it at you. satoru sticks his tongue at you when you gasp.
“satoru! come back here!” you immediately started running after him, chasing him with a snowball in your hand.
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lynk-zee · 7 days
hello!! i love you writing btw and i have an idea, tmi but i’m currently facing an online perverted stalker (he got me feeling scared) so i was wondering how the LnD boys would react to a reader facing the same issue T^T
if you don’t want to write for all the boys, just xavier is enough! thank you so much if you do decide to write this
Dude, I’m so sorry this is happening to you :(. I’ve had a couple stalkers before, not fun at all. Hope you’re safe 🩷
Warning: Stalking
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You don’t know how he got your number. At first, it was strange messages about your hair. How pretty you looked in the sun. If the pancakes you had at that cafe were good. And that maybe you should both get some sometime.
But…Who was this person texting you?
You’ve never texted back. But that didn’t deter him from texting you more.
I love the way your hunters uniform looks on you.
Have you eaten today?
You looked lonely on that walk..
You were a strong hunter, everyone knew that. But the fact he seemed to know everything going on in your life at every waking moment started scaring you. And the worst part is, you could never find that fucker.
No matter how hard you looked, you couldn’t find a lead.Just people minding their own business. Was he tracking you? Was it your phone? But this was your work phone. So how was he stalking you—
“Are you alright?”
You looked up to see your boyfriend’s concerned face. He had taken you on a date to a local cafe for some coffee and egg tarts, but you seemed…distracted. Your fingers strummed anxiously, your bottom lip raw from how hard you’ve been biting it, and your eyes seem to dart this way and that looking for something. Scared of something. He’s never seen you so frightened before.
“Is something wrong?”
Do you tell him? Yes, he was your boyfriend, but he was so busy with work. And it’s just a stalker, you didn’t want him to think you were weak…
The sound of your ringtone made you jump. It was another text. From him. With a shaking hand, you pick up your phone and read it.
Bet he won’t make you cum like I would.
Hypersensitive to your feelings, Xavier snatched the phone away, eyes narrowing when he read the text.
“Who is this guy?”
You shake your head, signifying that you didn’t know. He scrolled up, scanning the countless texts this man has sent you, each one getting more and more graphic.
Xavier gets up abruptly, extending you his hand. “Let’s go.”
You nod, placing your hand in his, feeling just a bit safer as he guides you out the cafe with an arm around your shoulder. He takes you home, dropping you off at your apartment, pocketing your work phone. “Take tomorrow off. I’ll handle this.”
His tone leaves no room for debate so you can only nod and agree. Xavier’s countenance softens as he gives you a reassuring smile and leans over to kiss your forehead. “Don’t worry. Soon all these troubles will fade away like a bad dream.”
You had no choice but to trust him.
The next day, Xavier jumps through your balcony window after work, still in his Hunters uniform. Like a knight in shining armor. It startles you, but he only smiles, walking over in proud strides, greeting you with a kiss. “Hello, my love. You have nothing to worry about now.”
You give him a slightly skeptical look, but Xavier answers your confusion by placing your work phone in your hand. There was one notification. An apology from your ex-stalker. Tearing up with relief, you look into Xavier’s eyes, asking if it was true. He gives you a warm smile and nods.
“B-But how?”
“I have connections.” Xavier shrugs. “And access to things you don’t. But…Promise me that next time you’re having trouble that you’ll come to me for help? I can’t stand seeing you so scared…”
You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him.
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
it's like that
pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
summary: after taking on a new project at work, a figure from your past makes an appearance that doesn't sit well with frank.
warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of violence
word count: 8k
a/n: buckle up, sluts (I say with all the love in my heart). this part 4 & it is long (about 25 pages) so grab a snack, a drink, & get comfy. thank you to @imalittleanon for being my lovely beta reader, & thank all of you for continuing to enjoy reading this series as much as I love writing it. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
btw there's a few easter eggs from season 1 of the punisher in this. enjoy 🖤
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F. Castle
Those black letters had been staring up at you for over an hour. When you walked into your office this morning, the manila folder with Frank’s name on it was waiting on your desk. A furrow formed between your brows as you quickly looked around your office, not catching anyone’s eyes when you looked out into the hallway. You cautiously walked over towards your desk, fingertips barely tracing over the label with his name on it, as you tried to figure out who might have left it.
Your fingers paused when a name suddenly popped into your head.
»»———  ———««
“Where the hell’s he goin’?”
Billy stared down at you curiously, eyes continuously darting back and forth between Frank’s ghost and your stunned expression. You hadn’t realized that you’d still been standing in the exact spot that Frank left you in, completely oblivious of all the other couples dancing around your statue. Billy gently grabbed onto your shoulder, dark brows pulling together towards the center of his forehead as he bent down slightly to reach your eye level.
“I wanna go home.”
Billy’s face immediately morphed into a more serious expression, and he transitioned into full on bodyguard mode. Wrapping his arm around your waist to lead you towards the hall with the elevators, he pulled an ear piece out of his pocket to slip in and brought his wrist up to his mouth to speak into his comms.
“Bring the car around front, now.”
Pressing the call button for one of the elevators, Billy turned his attention fully on your silent form.
“What happened?”
All you could think about was Frank’s words, echoing in your ears over and over and over as his vengeful glare bore into your eyes.
She died.
Billy grasped onto your shoulders a little firmer to capture your attention, bending down again to be level with your eyesight as he kept his voice calm.
“Y/N, I need you to tell me if this is an emotional thing, or a threat thing, so I know how to direct my guys. Because I’ve got no fuckin’ idea why Frank just took off like that, and the look on your face is makin’ me nervous. Talk to me, Y/N/N.”
“I just wanna go home, Billy.”
Billy’s stare was unwavering, even as the metal doors of the elevator parted with a ding. His dark eyes scanned over your face and entire body before he gave a slight nod of his head and ushered you into the elevator, pulling his comms up to his mouth again.
“Everyone report to your vehicles. We’re headed to the lobby. I’m takin’ Y/L/N home.”
The glass of the window was cool against your temple when you rested your head against it, closing your eyes for a moment as you let out a shuddering breath. All you could see flashing behind your eyelids was Frank’s face. 
Billy pulled his ear piece out as he eyed you, tucking it back into his jacket pocket.
“What happened with Frank?”
“I shouldn’t have asked him.”
“Asked him what?”
The busy streets of New York passed by in a blur as you watched out the window, but you couldn’t see any of it. All you could see was his face.
“I thought…when I saw the ring around his neck…I thought he was getting divorced. I didn’t know that…that his wife…”
You couldn’t even finish that sentence. Your brain was still trying to process the way Frank had said it. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Billy immediately stiffen, and his facial features became darker as you looked over at him.
“Did you know her?”
Billy clenched his jaw tightly as he stared straight ahead, only giving a slight nod of his head.
“She was like family. She was family.”
“What hap-”
“Not my place to say.”
Billy’s voice was stern, with a slight edge to it, and you immediately let the endless questions bubbling in your throat die on your tongue. The rest of the ride was completely silent as you tried to wrap your brain around all of this new information. You knew that Billy and Frank had known each other for a long time, but you didn’t realize just how close they were. Your heart felt heavy in your chest, overflowing with guilt for ripping open a wound not just for Frank, but for Billy too.
“I…I’m sorry. I didn’t…I wasn’t trying to…I’m-”
“You didn’t know.”
“It’s not my business.”
Billy’s eyes were a little more sympathetic than the rest of his features as he looked at you. As soon as his car pulled up outside your home, you rushed to unbuckle yourself, wanting to put as much distance between yourself and the mess you had made as possible. 
“Thank you…for everything, tonight. I’m just gonna-”
“I’ll walk you.”
“You don’t have to-”
“I’m still on the clock.”
Billy didn’t give you another chance to protest as he opened his door to get out, coming around to meet you on your side so that he could walk you up to your door. Whatever nerve you had struck with him had completely evaporated the playful mood he was usually in, and you found yourself missing that version of him in place of this one. Your fingers trembled as you pulled your keys from your purse, and your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest as you both stood in front of your door.
“Billy…I’m so sorry-”
“You can’t help it. It’s the investigative journalist in you.”
Billy attempted to give you a reassuring smile, but it never made it to the edges of his mouth. He let out a deep exhale through his nose, adjusting his tie as he glanced around silently for a moment.
“Give him time. Frankie’s kinda like a cat. You gotta let him come to you.”
Letting out a shaky breath, you traced your thumb over your key, staring down at it for a moment as you tried to figure out what to say. You didn’t want to see the hurt and disappointment in Billy’s eyes.
“Thank you…for coming with me tonight. And…for everything. I really appreciate it.”
“If you wanted to go on a date with me so bad, all you had to do was ask, doll.”
When your eyes snapped up, Billy’s signature cocky smirk was back on his lips, and his eyes were softer and shining with mischief. A little bit of the weight from earlier felt like it had been lifted off your shoulders, and you rolled your eyes as you tried to fight the smile that tugged at the corner of your mouth.
“I’d never give you the satisfaction, Russo.”
»»———  ———««
Billy had to have been the one that left it. But why? What did he want you to know?
You had spent the past hour waging an internal war with yourself over it. Part of you desperately wanted to know what was inside, especially if it had answers about Frank and his wife. A bigger part of you felt guilty at the idea of invading his privacy like that. If he wanted you to know, he would tell you. 
Why would Frank want you to know? Why had he even brought it up at the gala? He could’ve lied. He could’ve said anything but that.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you grabbed the folder and shoved it into your bag, deciding it was a problem for later since you had a staff meeting in five minutes. Grabbing your notebook and pen in one hand and your coffee in the other, you made your way to the large meeting room where everyone was gathering around, taking a seat towards the front of the long table. Your editor adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose as he clasped his hands together.
“Alright, I’m sure most of you heard by now, but there was another bomb attack this morning right in front of the Royal Hospitality hotel. We don’t have a lot of details right now, but we do know a car parked out front was rigged to explode. This was most likely directed at senatorial candidate Stan Ori. He was supposed to deliver a speech there for his campaign about gun control this morning. We don’t have confirmation on the number of injuries or deaths yet. Ground team, I want you as close to the scene as possible. Get me everything you can: eye witness statements, pictures, anything. Internal team, I want you contacting all our sources at NYPD and Metro General for anything we can use. We need to run something today, the sooner the better. We clear? Alright, get to work. Y/L/N, stay back a minute.”
Confusion settled over your features as you stared up at your editor, watching as everyone quickly scattered out of the room. Once the two of you were alone, he let out a deep sigh and settled his hands on his hips while giving you a pointed look.
“I don’t want you touching this.”
Fury instantly spread through your bloodstream as you abruptly stood up from your chair.
“You can’t be serious.”
“As a heart attack.”
“You are already too close to this. Do I need to remind you why you’re walking around with a shadow?”
“This is my job-”
“Your job is to write what I tell you, and I am telling you this is off limits.”
“Ellison, I was with Stan when they called into that radio interview. I can get an exclusive with him-”
“So they can threaten you?”
“They’ve already threatened me!”
“Which is exactly why you aren’t going anywhere near this, Y/N. I am not making the same mistake with you that I made with Ben. Do you understand?”
All the fire raging within you suddenly fizzled out at the mention of Ben’s name, and you slowly deflated. Ben Urich had been somewhat of a mentor to you when you started at the Bulletin. He had been an incredible writer that published some of the most groundbreaking stories the paper had ever seen, and he had begrudgingly taken you under his wing once he realized you weren’t going to give him an option not to. The office you worked out of now had once been his, and you hadn’t changed a single thing about it. 
Ben had gotten too close to Wilson Fisk in the process of writing an article to expose him for what he really was, and while it was never proven in court, you knew Fisk had been the one that murdered him.
“Yeah…I understand.”
“I know you hate this shit. Okay, I do too. But pride is not worth losing your life over.”
“It’s not pride, Ellison. It’s…anger. I’m tired and angry.”
“Kind of a shame your beloved Punisher was gunned down. If there was ever a time I wished that guy was still alive, it’s now. Never thought I would ever say that, but…he probably would’ve had these assholes taken care of after the first attack. He was efficient, I’ll give him that.”
Shooting a glare in Ellison’s direction, you crossed your arms defiantly over your chest as you shook your head.
“He wasn’t-I never said he was…shut up.”
You knew Ellison was right to forbid you from covering the attacks. You had already put yourself at risk too much already. But it didn’t make it any less infuriating. 
As you stormed back into your office, you slammed your door shut so hard, it rattled the hinges. A frustrated groan fell from your lips as you tiredly rubbed your palms down your face.
“That good, huh?”
Jumping at the sound of Frank’s deep voice cutting through the silence of your office, you quickly spun around to see him sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. There was a hint of amusement in his eyes as he stared over at you, and you swore you saw the faintest of smiles threatening to spill over his lips.
“What…where did you come from?”
“You want the long answer, or the short one?”
You stared at him in complete disbelief. Frank was sitting calmly in the corner of your office, giving you sass like he hadn’t just told you an Earth-shattering revelation no more than seventy-two hours ago before completely disappearing again. He cocked his head to the side as he stared over at you, arching one of his dark brows quizzically.
“Ya’know, as your keeper, it’s pretty concernin’ how little regard you have for your own safety.”
“I coulda shot you, or came up behind you with a knife. You wouldn’t have even known I was in here. You really gotta start checkin’ rooms before you enter ‘em, and lockin’ your goddamn door. You even got anythin’ in here to protect yourself with?”
“Yeah, you.”
Frank’s eyes narrowed at your response, and you crossed your arms over your chest as you arched one of your brows in return. If he wanted to do sassy today, you could do sassy, and you could do it better.
“I meant a weapon, smartass.”
“Again, you. Isn’t that what they’re paying you for?”
“How ‘bout when I’m not here?”
“Then I get your replacement. At least, that’s what I’ve been getting every time you’ve gone MIA lately.”
Frank’s jaw instantly tensed at your snappy reply, and you didn’t miss the way he sat up a little straighter in the chair. Lightly scoffing, you rolled your eyes as you stalked over to your desk to sit down, tossing your notebook and pen carelessly onto it.
“Should I sign up for self defense classes? Or just skip straight to buying a gun, Frank? What’s your professional recommendation?”
Were you being bitchy? Absolutely. Did Frank deserve it? Abso-fucking-lutey. You were not in the mood to deal with his emotional whiplash today.
“What’s got you in such a good mood?”
“Just seems to be National Asshole Day, and lucky me. I get to deal with all the biggest contenders.”
Frank grunted in annoyance as a sharp exhale left his nose, and you could feel his eyes staring daggers into the side of your face.
“Whenever you’re done throwin’ your fuckin’ tantrum and can talk to me like an adult, let me know. Yeah?”
You swiftly whipped your head in Frank’s direction, eyes wild with rancor and bewilderment at the audacity for him to say that to you when he was the one that consistently vanished instead of communicating. Frank’s lips were pursed in almost a pout, and there was a clear challenge shining in his eyes as he stared you down. Both of you refused to look away, or blink, like you were having a fucking staring contest. But Frank clearly hadn’t learned by now that you were just as stubborn as he was.
“I’ll start when you start.”
A muscle feathered in Frank’s strong jaw, and he nodded his head slowly as he leaned back in the chair, spreading his legs a little wider as he calmly crossed his arms over his chest. 
“So it’s like that, then?”
“Yeah, Frank. It’s like that.”
Frank stared you down silently as you narrowed your eyes in dissent, a look of irritation and complete exasperation etched onto his features. Shaking his head with a scoff, he slapped his hands on his thighs before suddenly standing, his boots thudding heavily against the floor as he marched over towards your door.
“Where are you going?”
“To find somethin’ to fix that fuckin’ attitude of yours.”
A scornful laugh slipped past your lips as Frank spoke to you over his shoulder, shutting your door far less than gently as he disappeared down the hallway. You slipped your fingers into your hair and ran them through to the ends in frustration, angrily unlocking your computer as you swore under your breath.
Twenty minutes later, Frank reappeared in your office, slamming a very large iced coffee along with a small brown paper bag down on your desk. A crease formed between your brows when you noticed the name of your favorite cafe on the cup, and you tilted your head back to look up at Frank in complete perplexity.
“What’s this?”
“Knowin’ you, you ain’t ate nothin’ today, and you’re particular ‘bout your coffee. Figured between bein’ hangry and drinkin’ that shit they pass off as coffee in your breakroom, this would take care of at least two reasons you’re such a ray of fuckin’ sunshine today.”
You’d been so wrapped up in watching the news coverage of the attack this morning, you had almost forgotten about your little spat with Frank earlier. You followed his large frame with your eyes as he plopped back down into the chair he had claimed as his, grunting as he stared out your window with a broody look on his face while sipping his own coffee. 
Frank didn’t normally sit in your office. He usually sat outside to get a better vantage point of all the exits, and to keep an eye on who was coming through the building. There were usually two other guards with Frank that stayed outside in a car, and you knew they were there because you had seen them on your way in. Even though you were still a little upset with him about his behavior at the gala, it was comforting having him to keep you company. Even if you two were in the middle of an argument.
Reaching for the cup, you closed your eyes and let out a quiet hum of approval as the familiar taste of blonde espresso and sweet cream cold foam hit your taste buds. Frank had a point. The coffee in your break room was terrible, but you’d been in a rush this morning and hadn’t had time to make any of your own or stop by your favorite place. You had been forcing yourself to drink the break room coffee because you desperately needed the caffeine. 
You had guzzled nearly a fourth of the cup when you finally opened your eyes, noticing that Frank was staring at you with a mixture of incredulity and entertainment on his face. He shook his head slowly as a deep chuckle sounded in his chest, lifting his own cup to take a sip as a delighted grin threatened to take over the corner of his mouth. A layer of blush instantly coated your cheeks at his reaction.
“What are you laughing at?”
“What? Why?”
“Because you’re so fuckin’ easy to please.”
For some reason that made you blush even harder, and your mouth snapped shut as you looked away to find your computer screen suddenly very interesting.
“Eat that damn muffin so we can call a truce.”
As nice as it was having Frank’s company, it was also pretty unnerving. You had to be hyper aware of everything you did knowing that he was watching you, which made you nervous considering you had a lot of weird fucking habits you mostly did subconsciously. Once you had sucked down half your coffee and eaten a good portion of the muffin, you looked over to find Frank already staring at you, arching one of his dark brows in question.
“You good now?”
Capturing your bottom lip between your teeth, you glanced down at your computer screen and nodded, too embarrassed to even look at him. Now that all your anger from earlier had vaporized, you felt bad about the way you had spoken to him. You had no idea what it was like to lose someone close to you like that. You had no knowledge of how something like that could change a person. 
Ever since Frank had told you about his wife’s death, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. You wondered how long it had been since he’d lost her, and how. You wondered if he got to say goodbye. You kept thinking about how you weren’t sure if you would have the strength to go on after losing the person you loved most. To try and find another purpose in life, a reason to get out of bed in the morning, any semblance of meaning again.
Frank stood up and came over to sit in the chair directly in front of your desk, setting his coffee cup down on the edge of it. You lifted your gaze to meet his, noting the softer look in his eyes and watching as he nodded in your direction with his chin.
“You wanna tell me what’s goin’ on, now?”
A soft sigh slipped past your lips as you tucked your hair behind your ears, leaning forward to rest your elbows on your desk and hold onto the back of your neck with your hands.
“There was another attack this morning.”
“I heard.”
“Fifteen people were injured. Four of them…they aren’t sure if they’re gonna make it through the night. Three were killed. Ellison doesn’t want me anywhere near it. He told me to stay away, said it was too dangerous.”
“He’s right.”
Frank let out a sigh when you looked at him, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees as he glanced around your office.
“The more you antagonize ‘em, the harder they’re gonna come for you.”
“So I don’t get to do my job because they don’t like what I have to say.”
“If it keeps you safe, yeah.”
Letting out a heavy exhale, you sank back into your chair as you crossed your arms over your chest. Frank moved his chair closer to your desk so he could place his arms on it, leaning in closer as he looked at you with sympathy.
“I know it ain’t fair-”
“No, it isn’t. It’s frustrating. This whole thing is so…fucked. They’re hurting and…murdering innocent people, and for what? To terrorize people into agreeing with them? I just…I don’t understand how they haven’t been caught yet. How much longer do they get away with this?”
“They’re not gettin’ away with it.”
“I don’t know, Frank. It seems like they are. No one knows who these people are. There’s no leads, no solid evidence, nothing. And now, I’m not allowed to do my job. I don’t want them to take my silence as compliance, or fear. I don’t want them to think they got to me, and they won. And I realize that is a stupid thing to think right now, but this whole thing just…pisses me off. I just want this shit to be over. I mean, who the fuck just goes around blowing shit up like that?”
“There’s nothin’ in this world I hate as much as a goddamn bomb. Goddamn cowards. They think they’re gonna scare people into doin’ what they want. They’re wrong. It just pisses people off, ya’know, brings ‘em together, makes ‘em stronger. New York doesn’t forget. Whoever this is, they’re in for a world of shit.”
Rubbing your palms tiredly down your face, you let out another frustrated sigh. 
“Hey, I know this shit sucks right now. But it ain’t gonna last forever. These fuckers are gonna get what’s comin’ to ‘em. Then you can go back to callin’ people pussies on the radio.”
A tiny smirk curled at the edge of your mouth as you looked across your desk at Frank.
“I wasn’t allowed to use that word.”
“I know. But I also know it’s the one you wanted to use.”
A knowing smirk ghosted over Frank’s lips, and it only made your smile stretch further. You tilted your head to the side as you looked over at him curiously.
“You listened to it?”
“Course. Read your articles too.”
“I didn’t know you were a fan, Frank.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, sweetheart. I was debriefed on you and why I was havin’ to follow your trouble makin’ ass around. It was part of my homework.”
“Whatever you say, Castle. Just let me know if you want me to sign something, or you know, a picture.”
Frank rolled his eyes as a chuckle slipped past his lips, leaning back into the chair as he folded his arms behind his head.
“Think I liked you better when you were mad at me.”
»»———  ———««
Frank tugged at the tie around his neck with a grunt, staring up at the looming courthouse in complete disdain.
“Don’t see why I gotta get all dressed up for this shit.”
“Frank, you’re wearing jeans. I’d hardly say you’re dressed up.”
“You said I gotta wear a tie.”
“Because there’s a dress code.”
“I don’t work here. The hell that gotta do with me?”
“Because I’m the press, and you’re with me.”
Frank let out another irritated grunt as he followed close behind you up the numerous sets of steps.
“I tell you lately I really don’t like your fuckin’ job?”
A loud laugh slipped past your lips at the annoyed look on Frank’s face, placing your hand on his shoulder when he opened the door for you.
“Sorry Castle, but since you and Ellison both seem to agree that I can’t do my normal job, I’m being forced to take the ones I’m given, which apparently includes interviewing politicians.”
Frank stared down at you in contempt as he rolled his eyes, motioning for you to go inside.
“Fuckin’ hate politics.”
Giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze, you flashed him a grin.
“You and me both. I’ll try to make this as quick as humanly possible.”
As the elevator brought you and Frank up to the fourth floor, you took a moment to gloss over the interview questions Ellison had sent you. It was a last minute favor to him since the journalist originally doing this piece had called out sick, and you hadn’t had a chance to prep like you normally do.
“Who is it?”
“I’m not sure, one of the candidates running for District Attorney. I don’t normally cover this stuff.”
The elevator doors parted with a ding, and Frank followed close behind you as you made your way over towards the receptionist’s desk. There was an older redheaded woman at the desk in the center of the lobby that greeted you with a smile.
“Hi there. How can I help you?”
“Hi, my name is Y/N Y/L/N. I’m here for a meeting with a-”
Glancing down at the paper in your hand, your eyes searched for the name of who you were interviewing, when suddenly a familiar voice rang in your ears.
“Well well well, if it isn’t the prettiest girl in all of New York.”
As you turned your head in the direction of the voice, you instantly stilled, and your eyes nearly doubled in size.
“Hey beautiful.”
“What…what are you doing here?”
“Waiting for you.”
Flashing you a grin he thought came off as charming, Steven motioned towards the paper in your hand with his finger as he walked over towards you.
“You’re interviewing me.”
Blinking a few times in dumbfoundment, your lips parted in almost shock as you stared down at the paper in your hands.
District Attorney Candidate: Steven Price.
No fucking way. There was no fucking way this was happening right now.
Twisting your face up in confusion, you cocked your head to the side as you stared at him in complete disbelief.
“Wait, you’re running for District Attorney?”
“You sound surprised.”
“Considering you would have a wrap sheet the length of my arm if your father wasn’t who he was, yeah. I am.”
Slipping his hands into his pockets, Steven’s lips parted into a wide grin as he let his eyes shamelessly wander over your body.
“Aww, you remember. That’s cute. C’mon, we can keep reminiscing in my office.” 
Steven’s smile fell immediately when his gaze finally landed on Frank, as if he suddenly noticed his presence. How the hell he managed to miss the walking brick wall behind you that was Frank Castle, you weren’t sure, but Steven was nothing if not self-involved.
“You can wait out here.”
“The hell I can.”
Frank’s voice was rougher than usual when it came out, and you didn’t miss the way it made the Adam's apple in Steven’s throat bob. You fought the smirk that threatened to curl at the edge of your mouth as you took a step closer towards Frank and gently rested your hand on his arm.
“This is Frank. He’s with me.”
Steven’s blue eyes darted back and forth between yours and Frank’s, standing up a little straighter as he squared his shoulders in an attempt to make himself look bigger.
“Does he have to be?”
“I go where she goes.”
As he looked at you for confirmation, you lightly shrugged your shoulders in Steven’s direction with a playful smile. 
“I wouldn’t bother arguing with him.”
Flashing Frank a look of complete dissatisfaction, Steven quickly tried to recompose himself as he plastered a tight lipped smile on his mouth.
“Alright then. This way.”
Interviewing your ex-boyfriend from college was certainly not on your agenda for today, and you were already rehearsing all of the creative ways you were going to cuss out Ellison when you got back to your office. Frank stood stoically by the door, hand over his wrist, with his intimidating gaze focused solely on Steven.
“So, how you been? You look great by the way. Better than great, actually. Somehow you’ve gotten even prettier.”
Backhanded compliments. Classic Steven Price.
Clearing your throat, you pulled out your notebook and a pen from your bag, keeping your eyes on the interview guide that Ellison had given you. Unlocking your phone, you searched for your voice notes app.
“You mind if I record this?”
“You can do whatever the hell you want with me princess, you know that.”
Glancing up briefly to meet his eyes, you were met with a cocky smirk that you were all too familiar with. You always hated when he called you that, and you were certain you told him that every time he had. Completely ignoring his question, you pressed record and set your phone on his desk.
“Mr. Price-”
“Babe, c’mon. That sounds so formal. You know me. You can call me Steven.”
You wanted to gag at the way he made it sound like a privilege to use his first name.
“Alright, Steven. What made you want to run for District Attorney?”
“Seemed like a great gig.”
“That…that’s it?”
Steven pursed his lips as he gave a light shrug, crossing his fingers together as he laid his hands on his chest and aimlessly swiveled his chair from left to right.
“Um…okay. What do you feel is most important-”
“You been to that place in uptown? New one that just opened?”
“It’s a high end sushi place. You know, your favorite. Anyway, I own it-”
Narrowing your eyes slightly, you pursed your lips and gave a light shake of your head.
“That was your favorite, actually.”
A huge grin broke out across Steven’s face as he sank his top teeth into his bottom lip.
“You remember.”
“I was very good at remembering things, Steven. Can we focus?”
“We should go.”
“Go where?”
“To my restaurant.”
“I hate sushi.”
“No you don’t, we used to go all the time.”
“Because you wanted to go all the time. Can we please get back to the interview?”
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you willed your eyes to focus on the next question while tucking your hair behind your ears.
“What has been the greatest reward of running your campaign?”
“Getting to see you again.”
Slamming your notebook shut, you pressed the button on your phone to stop recording and stared over at him sharply.
“Are you going to answer any of these questions seriously? This article is about you and you’re giving me nothing to work with.”
Steven rolled his eyes as he sat up straighter, leaning his elbows on his desk as he looked over at you with another ingenuine smirk.
“Why don’t we discuss them over dinner?”
“Why don’t you answer them now so I can do my job? I have a deadline.”
“Tell you what, I’ll have my assistant email those answers over by the end of the day, and I’ll send a car for you Friday. Where do you live now?”
You couldn’t help but gawk at the audacity flowing from his privileged mouth. 
“Are you fucking with me right now?”
“Of course not. I’ll come pick you up Friday, alone, and we can catch up.”
Steven glared over in Frank’s direction as he emphasized the word ‘alone’, and before you could respond, Frank’s hardened voice boomed throughout the office.
“Yeah, that ain’t happenin’.”
Frank had been so quiet, you almost forgot that he was there. You were suddenly nervous to turn around and see what his face looked like. Steven glowered over at him, clearly feeling emboldened behind the “safety” of his fancy desk.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t talking to you…John, was it? You know this really isn’t necessary, you being here. I’d actually prefer it if you waited outside.”
“And I’d prefer if you answered her fuckin’ questions so we could be on our way.”
Steven chuckled humorlessly as he ran a hand through his neatly cropped blonde hair, looking over at you while gesturing towards Frank.
“Who is this guy? A little old for an intern, isn’t he?”
“He’s my bodyguard, and his name is Frank.”
Steven stared at you silently for a moment before his eyes trailed over to Frank, the confidence in them dissipating slowly. It seemed like he was really looking at Frank for the first time, like he was finally paying attention to him since the first encounter in the lobby, and you noticed the way he visibly tensed when his eyes wandered over his large form.
“What do you need a bodyguard for?”
“Pissed some people off I shouldn’t have.”
“Yeah, well…you were always good at that.”
“The fuck is that s’posed to mean?”
Steven rolled his eyes as an irritated expression took over his features, pointing his finger towards the door.
“Could you just wait outside, man? She’s safe with me, alright.”
“That ain’t for you to decide.”
“Oh? And who needs to sign my permission slip?”
You heard the thunder of Frank’s boots crossing the short distance on the floor, and you instantly reached out to grab onto his wrist once he reached you to halt his angry movements. Steven scrambled all the way back in his chair, pushing away from his desk as he stared up at Frank with wide eyes.
“Me. And as far as I can tell, your candyass would be fuckin’ worthless if it came down to it. Pretty sure if I came behind that fuckin’ desk right now, the only goddamn thing you would know how to do is call daddy for help, yeah?”
Rising up from your chair, you gripped onto Frank’s wrist a little tighter and moved to stand in front of him to put some distance between him and Steven. You placed your palm flat against his broad chest to capture his attention, momentarily stunned by the anger that was burning in his eyes once they snapped down to you. As your lips parted slightly, you pleaded with your eyes for him to calm down as you whispered quietly.
“Easy, big guy. He’s not worth the trouble. He’s just being a dick, alright?”
Frank clenched his jaw as he looked over your head at Steven, his nostrils flaring slightly as he gave him an unimpressed once over.
“Asshole’s gonna be eatin’ out of a fuckin’ straw the next couple months if he don’t cut the shit.”
Sinking your teeth down into your bottom lip to stifle the giggles that threatened to slip, you gave a slight nod of your head.
“If he acts up again, you have my full permission. But for now, please don’t mangle him. We are in a courthouse.”
Frank glanced down at you, his dark eyes slightly softer as he grunted lowly, giving Steven one more angry glare before he let out a heavy exhale and took four steps back to stand directly behind your chair. It took every ounce of self control not to smirk as you turned around to face Steven, gesturing to him with the paper in your hand containing the interview questions.
“Look, I think we should just call it a day. I’m not even supposed to be writing this article. I’ll tell my boss you couldn’t make it, and the guy that was supposed to be writing this can deal with you.”
Steven suddenly shot up as you reached for your bag and held his hand out.
“Wait, no. Don’t…c’mon, don’t go. I don’t want someone else writing it. I want you to. You actually know me, you can make me look good-”
“That’s not what I’m here to do, Steven. I came here to ask questions and get answers, and write an article based on those answers. How the article reflects you is solely up to you.”
Steven let out a displeased sigh as he settled his hands on his hips, lightly nodding his head in your direction.
“Alright. Alright, no more bullshit.”
Steven refused to look at Frank as he sat back down, his cerulean eyes nervously watching you as he flashed you a timid smile. Letting out a heavy sigh, you slowly sat back down and started recording again, clicking the top of your pen as you looked at him.
“Why do you really want to be District Attorney?”
“It’s the next step in my career.”
“And what makes you think you’ll be good at it?”
“I come from a long line of successful politicians that made it their life’s work to give back to the city and make it a better place.”
“That’s not what I asked. What makes you think you will be good at it?”
“Well clearly you haven’t done your homework, or you’d know I’m a pretty damn good attorney. Never lost a case.”
Steven’s wink simultaneously made you nauseous and also lit a fire within you. Cocking your head to the side lightly, you narrowed your eyes and smacked your lips together.
“I got handed this piece this morning, so no, I didn’t have time to prep. You still haven’t answered my question.”
“I don’t understand?”
“Of course you don’t. Okay um…what’s the most important issue to you? What’s the priority for your campaign?”
Your eyes immediately flew up from the paper at that word, and you found yourself sitting up a little straighter as you stared over at him.
“What about them?”
“Well, they’re a problem. I mean…isn’t that why you need him?”
Steven chuckled lightly as he looked up at Frank, abruptly switching his attention back to you as he clamped his mouth shut.
“No. I need Frank because a bunch of cowards think they’re making a difference by blowing up New York, and I told them how I really felt about them.”
Steven rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his chair, chuckling with a shake of his head.
“That’s because you always have to be difficult. Always have to have the last word. You can’t ever let anything go, Y/N. It’s always a fight with you. You know, people would respect you more and like you more if you weren’t always so combative. You know if you were…softer…not so loud-”
“You keep runnin’ your goddamn mouth like that, I’m really gonna enjoy puttin’ my foot up your ass. Watch how you fuckin’ talk to her.”
Dismissing Frank with a wave of your hand behind you, an incredulous scoff left your mouth as you stared at Steven with narrowed eyes. 
“So you think it’s okay for a group of terrorists to threaten me because I hurt their feelings?”
“What? No, of course not. I just…I mean you kinda brought it on yourself. Look, these guys, these…’Defenders of Freedom’, they’re a problem, and one I personally plan to take care of as DA. Especially if you’re involved. But vigilantes are a bigger problem.”
A look of complete incredulity covered your features as you scoffed, digging your nails so hard into your palm, you thought you might bleed.
“How are vigilantes a bigger problem than terrorists-”
“Because they think they’re above the law.”
“And these people don’t? At least vigilantes are actually trying to help people. The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen put Wilson Fisk away, and brought down a lot of corrupt cops and politicians, some of which worked for your father, I might add. Jessica Jones brought down not one, but two powered killers. Luke Cage saved Harlem-”
“What about the Punisher?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you swore you saw Frank stiffen, but you were so enraged you couldn’t hardly think straight. You dug further crescent shaped indentations into your palm, sitting up even straighter as you tilted your chin up in a sign of defiance.
“What about him?”
“That psycho killed over 60 people, that we know of. He turned New York into a fucking war zone, Y/N.”
“He wiped out three of the most dangerous gangs in the city. As far as some officers were concerned, he did them a favor.”
“He shot up a hospital-”
“No one got hurt-”
“You aren’t seriously defending that lunatic. A killer is a killer, Y/N. He thought he was doing the city a favor, just like these guys are. Anyone can decide that they’re the good guy that knows what’s best. That’s the problem with vigilantes. There is a reason we have a justice system-”
“You of all people know how easily that justice gets manipulated.”
Steven set his lips in a firm line as he stared at you, eyeing you silently before shaking his head adamantly.
“There is a system, I never said it was perfect, but we have laws in place, and people to uphold them. Daredevil goes around beating the shit out of people and committing felonies every night and calls it justice. Jessica Jones has committed murder more than once, and it was excused as justice. Luke Cage is an ex-convict that notoriously assaults police officers, and calls it justice. You see the pattern here?”
Clenching your fists tightly, you tried to contain how they trembled with rage.
“I think we’re done here. Thank you for your time, Mr. Price.”
Turning off the recording, you vexingly shoved everything into your bag, abruptly standing up to pull it over your shoulder. Steven shot up from his chair to rush over towards you.
Frank swiftly placed his body between yours and Steven’s, completely blocking your view of him.
“You take one step closer, I’m gonna make good on my promise.”
An exhausted sigh slipped past your lips as you lightly grasped at the back of Frank’s shirt.
“Come on, let’s go.”
Another sigh fell from your mouth when he didn’t budge, and you tugged at his shirt harder.
“Let’s go, Frank.”
The second the elevator doors shut, Frank turned to face you, arching one of his dark brows in question as he gave you a pointed look. You rolled your eyes and leaned your head against the wall with a quiet groan.
“Don’t start.”
“How the hell do you know that asshole?”
“I said don’t start.”
“That’s too damn bad. I need to know.”
“Because it’s my goddamn job, that’s why.”
Rubbing at your temples as you closed your eyes, you practically sprinted out of the elevator once the doors opened.
“Your job is to protect me, Frank. Not to be in my business.”
“Sorry to break it to ya, sweetheart, but your business is my business now. I gotta know who you’re gonna be around so I can-”
“I’m not gonna be around him. I had to interview him to cover someone’s article. That’s it. This is a one time thing-”
“He asked you on a date.”
Frank grabbed your wrist to stop you from rushing down the steps, and the force nearly pulled you directly back into his chest. You tilted your head back to look up at him in puzzlement.
“You goin’?”
“With him, on a date.”
“Are you seriously asking me that-”
“Yes I’m fuckin’ serious. I gotta know who you’re around. We need to know who to keep tabs on. Anyone could try to-”
“He’s my ex-boyfriend from college, Frank. He’s not a threat. And no, I’m not going on a date with him. Happy?”
Frank’s jaw immediately tensed, and his eyes narrowed as he stared down at you in very clear disappointment. Letting out a dry scoff, he shook his head in disbelief before looking down at you again with an emotion in his eyes that almost looked like disgust.
“The hell did you see in him?”
You had always known that Steven was a shitty boyfriend. That was never something you questioned. But sometimes you forgot just how shitty he was towards you. As you stared up into Frank’s deep brown eyes, Steven’s words echoed around in your head, and it made your heart sink with dejection. 
You always have to be difficult.
You brought this on yourself.
People would respect you more if you weren’t always so combative. 
People would like you more if you were softer, not so loud.
Steven never supported you. He never took the time to read something you wrote, even when you begged. He spoke over you when you were talking, constantly dismissed your feelings, and made it his personal mission to make you feel small. He never wanted you to shine brighter than him. He never wanted you to disagree with him. He tried to fit you into a locket of his liking and wear you around his neck like a prize. He never loved you. He loved the idea of you he had crafted in his head. And when you shattered that illusion, he despised you and tore you down with his words.
Frank would never treat you that way. 
Frank never once made a negative comment about why he ended up being your protection. Hell, even Billy hadn’t. Ellison had encouraged you to write the article. He gave the approval. 
Frank read your work. Frank listened to your interview. Frank came to your defense every single time. 
He treated you better than anyone ever had. Even when you were in the wrong, and you antagonized him, he was still so gentle with you in his own way. He remembered little things about you. He apologized when he raised his voice or lost his temper. He offered comfort when you needed it. He listened to you.
And now as he stood in front of you, you couldn’t answer him.
“I…I don’t know.”
Frank’s face all of a sudden softened at the somber tone of your voice and the downcast look in your eyes. For a moment, the two of you stood there on the steps, silently staring into each other’s eyes. 
Clearing his throat, Frank looked away and nodded with his head in an aimless direction.
“We uh…should get goin’.”
Glancing down at your feet, you closed your eyes for a moment as you tried to compose yourself, giving a slight nod of your head as you turned around to descend the steps.
“Yeah, we should.”
tags: @hopeful-evermore @day-dreaming-goddess @messymissy @itwasthereaminuteago @strawberry1042 @queenofthenoobs @wanda2themax @xcastawayherosx @ferns-fics @stevenknightmarc @ponyosmom35 @babygal-babygal @wellwwhynot @oldermenaremyreligion @mattymurdock1021 @bubuslutty @neverlandcity @charmedkim
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wekiamo · 1 year
fell harder pt 2
skeet ulrich x fem!reader
a/n: here goes part 2! this is a lil longer than my fics usually are, i hope thats not a problem! have fun reading 🤍 BTW SKEET IN THIS GIF BYEE that man is something else
pt. 3 & masterlist
warnings: swearing, fluff
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you didn’t get to sleep a lot at night. maybe it’s the anxiety you’re feeling, knowing that today you were going to meet almost everyone you were going to see very often from now on. it’s not a big deal for you, the only big deal is that in “everyone”, skeet ulrich is included.
you fear you’re gonna get nervous and say something weird, act weird making him dislike you. if that was anyone else, it would be okay. but imagine skeet ulrich disliking you? that’s what you think for almost 5 minutes after getting up from bed, while looking at yourself in the mirror.
you figure out you have to convince yourself that he’s a normal person just like you, and that there’s nothing to be scared about.
“yeah, it’s not a big deal. so what if he doesn’t like me?” you tell youself, before opening your fridge and grabbing an apple. you continue talking “i shouldn’t care about what he thinks of me. he’s a human like anyone else, so i’m gonna act like i always do. that’s it!” you sound more convinced than you thought you would be, and that makes a smile grow in your face.
you jump happily around the house, until you get to the couch and throw yourself on it. you turn on the TV and you start watching some kids show, too busy biting your apple to change the channel.
it’s silly, but you find yourself not wanting to change it, so you just keep watching it until you’re done with your apple. you turn off the TV, and start feeling sleepy.
you close your eyes slowly, and then you fall asleep.
“damn, that was the best nap i’ve took in such a long time” you say, before checking what time is it.
it’s 4 pm. you remember you didn’t ask dave what time you’re supposed to show up to dinner, then you make your way to your room to get your phone.
“Hey Y/n, meet us at 7. I can pick you up if you want to” 2:20 pm
“smart guy” you think “it’d be cool if he picked me up. meeting someone for the first time in their car would be a… would be definitely a new experience”
“hey, sorry for taking too long, i took a nap” 4:07 pm
“but yes! imma send you my address rq hold on” 4:07 pm
you send him your adress.
you’re hungry.
it’s time for Topanga’s Burgers - your favorite place in the world. well, not really but thats what you call it. actually, it’s just your favorite place to eat burgers. its really near your house and that makes you love it even more. you have befriended literally all the workers there. you love the fact they’re all kind and they really like what they’re doing, you really appreciate it. it makes you remember of how amazing would it be if you had a job you’d love doing. and your last job was definitely not something you loved doing, in fact, it was the complete opposite. you quit it not too long ago and you were living with your savings and your mom’s salary. she lives with you, but she’s on vacation now. anyways, Topanga’s Burgers definitely gives you motivation to keep working hard to get where you want.
you take a bath, put on some clothes you like, do your personal hygiene, and you leave your house.
“y/n!!” a worker greets you with a big smile on her face, leaving the cashier area to come and give you a hug.
“keisha! hey, how have you been?” you hug her back tightly, happy to see her again.
keisha is a 40 years old cheerful and awesome woman. she’s probably one of the most fun friends you have. she also gives you amazing advice about literally anything you ask her about. she’s the best
“i’ve been worried about you. it’s been 3 days you’re not even coming to greet us anymore!” she says, with a genuine look of worry in her eyes. that statement of hers make it pretty obvious you come here a lot.
“yes, and i’m sorry! but i got some pretty good news”
“save it just for a minute” she says, and turns around to call the rest of the workers to hear the news you have “guys, come here! y/n’s back with good news”
everyone in the burger shop starts looking, but you don’t really care. it doesn’t embarrass you anymore.
you greet everyone coming your way as they make a circle and adjust to it, to hear the news.
“come closer” you say, and they do.
“you know when i auditioned for scream 7, right? so… i did it”
“YOU GOT THE ROLE?” keisha screamed, as some other workers gasp.
“I DID” you reply with a big smile and a happy nod, as they start jumping and screaming in excitement as you do too.
“you’re not so useless, are you?” tom joked, and everyone laughed including you.
“but seriously now, who’s going to be working with you?” tom asked in a curious tone
“there’s someone special. really special”
“hurry and give us a hint” said angelica, a funny old woman who works as a cleaning lady.
“okay, okay, you’ll have to get it right. it’s this really hot middle-aged man who you all know i always had a crush on”
“no way. skeet ulrich? he’s going to be in scream 7 too?”
“yes ma’am!”
“guys, didn’t scream end in the third movie?” linda asked.
“shut up linda, let her speak” the old woman shushed her daughter, making everyone let out a laugh
“and i’m going to meet him. today”
“wait the shootings are already starting?” tom asked you.
“no, it’s just that the cast is going to have dinner together today. and i’m going to meet SKEET ULRICH”
“tell us more. where’s it gonna be?”
“i’ll tell you all after you take my order, ‘cause im like really hungry… please?”
keisha comes running to the cashier area, to get your order. there’s another man there too in all black with a black cap too, kind of covering his face - he's probably waiting for a while now since the workers were all in a circle screaming and jumping few seconds ago.
you watch keisha greet the guy and take his order, walking to the cashier area to stand right beside him.
as she’s there taking notes of his order, he looks at you and pushes his cap up, while you turn your head to see him. you’re now able to see his face.
“oh my fucking god” you think.
“hi, i’m skeet. what a funny coincidence! we’re filming scream 7 together, right?” he greets you with a handshake and a grin, as you turn your body to him and not just your head
keisha gasps. she starts laughing at your face as she goes to prepare his order.
there’s no fucking way. skeet ulrich is right in front of you and 100% heard you saying he’s hot and you have a crush on him. your cheeks turn red.
“hello” you say stuttering a bit “i’m y/n y/l/n, it’s nice to meet you” your hands still in his. his touch is warm and you find yourself not wanting to drop it. but you did, before it makes the situation awkward.
it’s not like you love him. it’s just that you’ve had a crush on him for the last 15 years. not a big deal… right?
you remember your own words.
i shouldn’t care about what he thinks of me. he’s a human like anyone else, so i’m gonna act like i always do.
“that’s it” you finish your sentence once again, but this time not out loud.
“so…” he starts
“here’s your order, sir. sorry for the wait, again”
“it’s okay, don’t worry about it. i was called hot, you know”
he really heard you. “shit”, you think to yourself
keisha laughs. you eye her, looking done and she covers her mouth to stop laughing.
“i’ll wait for you”
“nice. he wants to sit with me. how awkward is that going to be?” you think, but you stop quickly “no. it’s not going to be awkward. once again, he’s just a normal guy who’s talking to me! nothing more than that”
“like always, please”
keisha nods, still with a smile in her face stopping herself from laughing again. she goes to the kitchen and start preparing your order.
“listen, i’m sorry. can you pretend you didn’t hear me? please?”
“right ma’am. you didn’t lie, though. i am indeed hot”
“hey!” you reply, chuckling.
“sorry, sorry. but you laughed”
you start talking to him, waiting for keisha to come with your order. she’s usually really fast with your order, but today it’s taking a little too long.
she’s definitely doing it on purpose for you to keep talking to him.
you’re really enjoying it, though. he’s a nice guy and you’re a nice girl, a perfect match. you seem to get along really well. you notice something quickly - his moves are gentle and not too fast. you’re the complete opposite, but you love it when people move calmly like this, it comforts you, you have no idea why.
keisha gives you your order as you thank her and gives her a smile.
“let’s go ma’am” he smirks at you, guiding you to a table.
“you come here often?” he asks, obviously making fun of you
“take a guess” you say and you both giggle.
“is it going to be your first time?” he asks
“playing a part in a movie”
“ah yes. i’ve never been part of a movie before. i’m really nervous about it to be honest. i’m not sure if i’ll be able to do my best”
“don’t worry, it’s not rocket science. all you’re going to do is pretend to be someone for a while”
“are you sure that’s all?”
“well, i told myself that exact same thing for every role i played and it went great”
“i’m talking to billy loomis right now, so i guess i’ll have to trust you.”
“yes, i’m a middle aged hot man, you should trust me”
you both laugh and he starts again “jokes aside, i’ll always be on set. if you need some advice, just call me and i’ll help you, ok?“
“thank you skeet. i really appreciate it”
you kept talking to him until you were both done eating.
somehow, this guy makes you feel comfortable around him. maybe it’s just your daddy issues, but you doubt it. this man has something in him that feels just right.
“we gotta go now. we have dinner with the cast, remember?”
“am i gonna have to see you again?” you joke as you get up and he does too, and he gasps ironically
“the middle-aged man here did not like it!”
“oh stop it” you say walking beside him to the exit and he chuckles softly.
“you want a ride home, kid?” skeet asks you, as he turns to you.
“no thanks, i live near here. you can go”
“okay then, see you later tonight!” he waves tilting his head and smiling softly as he enters his car. you wave back.
“do you want me to pick you up for dinner?”
oh god. you wanted to say yes, but what about dave? wouldn’t he be upset?
“i’m sorry skeet, dave’s already going to pick me up” you say, with sort of a sad tone, trying not to upset skeet.
“it’s alright. dave, huh?” he smirks at you
“do not.” you reply quickly, raising your eyebrowns and lowering your head
“okay, okay” he laughs “see ya!”
you smile in response.
in 3 seconds, you’re going to process everything that just happened.
“no way” you say out loud.
someone touched your shoulders behind you, making you jump with the unexpected touch, relaxing right after you see it’s angelica
“little girl you better tell me everything” she said with her hands still on your shoulders.
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elf-osamu · 1 year
[ masterlist ] [ event ] [ reblogs are v v v appreciated ]
fluff, romantic relationship, lucifer, mammon, barbatos x gn!reader
warning(s) : mammon’s one is kinda sad at first ?? mostly bc he’s overthinking things ☹️ probably he’s a bit ooc but idc he’s gorgeous regardless (let’s say you two are at the start of your relationship in this one-shot).
words count : 2587 words
request: “howdy may i rq an obey me scenario with this prompt —> “wow i really can’t speak, huh? must be because of how pretty you look.” gn! mc says it ! would like it to be with lucifer, mammon and barbatos. maybe something like them rambling and asking if mc is listening and they drop that line ^ thank youu”
a/n : AA FINALLY AN OBEY ME REQUEST 🫶🏻 i love those characters with all of my heart, aND THIS PROMPT IS SO GOOD, it’s one of my favorites !! thank you for requesting btw <33 and i apologize for the long wait :( i had no time to write between school and personal matters. anyway, just so you know, lucifer’s and mammon’s ones are soooo long while barbato’s is auite short, i kinda rushed it because i felt bad since i’ve been neglecting requests lately 😭😭 (yeah this is the second time i’m posting this)
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as the student council vice president, lucifer is well known among the royal academy of diavolo’s demons and angels: although being a composed individual most of the time, he has also an intimidating and almost cruel side to him because of his status, hence why many demons fear him. his fierce, self-assured demeanour is somewhat entrancing, capturing everyone’s gaze in an unbreakable trance, plus his aura of pride is something inevitable in everyday life.
this is not to mention his complicated past and the authority he possesses thanks to lord diavolo, which — according to many demons and a few angels — give more might to his persona.
although sometimes you were the main cause of many troubles in the past, now you can consider yourself quite privileged to be in his good graces. as his partner you have access to a vulnerable part of him that not everyone has a chance to see, where his pride comes off and his insecurities and annoyances emerge, and you can afford to be bold with him.
this very day, he is complaining about a bunch of ‘inferior’ demons who have caused a rather bothersome fuss during curses and hexes class, knocking out a student, giving a headache to your beloved: lucifer knows perfectly well how to put someone in their place, even forcefully if necessary, however it doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel pressured and tired after doing his duty.
the stress derived from all of his responsibilities, and from the piles of paperwork stubbornly sitting on his desk nearly every day, highly increases over time.
now the two of you are in his study, lucifer is rereading the report about today’s incident he just finished to write while you intently watch him work, helping him here and there. frowing in displeasure, he keeps changing a few sentences, wondering how the hell he’s going to survive this afternoon.
however, you can’t help but admire his handsome features: his black eyes shine with a reddish light, they are a little jaded but also alive; his rosy lips form a straight line, emphasizing his concentration, but no less beautiful; his cheeks are covered with a slight sheen of blush, probably due to his weariness; what to say, his demonic beauty is undoubtedly striking.
being too busy with your thoughts, you don’t realize he’s trying to get your attention to what he has been saying for the past few minutes.
“[name], are you listening to me?” he asks, lips slightly parted at your silence.
it’s almost funny, the fact that he completely ignores the reason of your quietness.
“[name].” at this point, lucifer’s voice is filled more with worry than irritation. why aren’t you responding to him? is something the matter?
as he’s about to ask another question, you snap back to reality, slowly turning to your senses.
you try to say something to seem completely nonchalant, but your voice — hoarse from nervousness — betrays you, and you can’t help but observe again your partner, who is frowing even more than before. if that’s possible.
you sigh, in defeat with yourself, and a genuine grin makes its way onto your face. “wow, i really can’t speak, huh? must be because of how pretty you look”.
at first, he doesn’t really process those words.
although his gaze is fixed on your figure, his mind is fuzzy from all the work he’s currently doing, almost as if he were in a dream-like state, not at all focused on the present world. there’s silence for a few seconds in the room you two are in, and you’re asking yourself if you need to bring lucifer back to reality. but when you’re about to talk to him, you shift slightly on your sit, and his brain registers the movement.
so, suddenly, realization hits him. perhaps, too suddenly.
if it weren’t for his majestic pride, he’d cover his face, now completely red — but, doing so would be admitting his confused (but contented) mood derived from the sound of your words, which is inadmissible to him. so, all he can do is pretend that he’s not impressed by what you have said, even if his body is betraying him: in addition to the blush on his face and neck, his eyes are filled with astonishment and his lips, slightly parted again, form a small circle, defining his astonishment.
finally, he glares at you — taking back a part of his self-control — and seems to be lost in thought, probably wondering how he should face the situation without feeling too embarrassed; you can almost see the gears of his brain working wildly, desperately trying to find a simple solution.
and then, his eyes sparkle.
never underestimate a demon, especially if it’s lucifer. have you flustered him? well, be prepared, because he’ll pay you back in the same coin.
he adjusts himself on his scarlet armchair, which highlights his shimmering eyes, and leans towards you, over his desk. you can tell by his look that, if you let him speak, his words will be the death of you. and there’s no way you’ll allow it.
“too bad i need to be in another a class in, like, five minutes,” you blatantly lie, checking your wristwatch, and getting up. you lean just a little to give lucifer a quick peck on the lips. “well, see you later, pretty boy”, you wink at him and leave the room in a hurry, without giving him enough time to process what has happened.
yet again, he’s stunned by how you’ve called him.
the avatar of pride may be confident and assertive, but his heart can only flutter when someone is genuinely complimenting him. especially if it’s you.
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“… and so he blamed me! me, do ya understand? he, without hesitation, cursed the great mammon in front of the whole class! what an outrageous thing to do, don’t ya think!?”.
one interesting thing about the avatar of greed is that, despite his attempts to play it cool, he’s not confident about himself. thinking about it, it can’t but make sense: he’s driven by his multiple desires — money, for example — and craves them every time there’s a minimal absence of those, including external approval; he needs to be seen and accepted by everyone.
admitting it out loud would probably never be an option, considering his stubborn nature, but mammon would do anything to make you smile or laugh at his jokes — anything. he wants to be worthy of your attention — because in his mind he’s not deserving of love, particularly yours. of course, if you asked him something about this matter, he’d say the opposite — he’s everything but good at communicating his needs.
getting to know the demon hasn’t been an easy task, but with time you’ve managed to discover that there’s a soft side to him — a kind, warm heart behind his usual carefree mask.
despite all these thoughts spinning in your head, in this moment you are still fascinated by mammon’s temper and gestures: his hands, shaken, are moving quickly in the air, a slight pout is adorning his face, and his eyes are glimmering in bitter frustration — the sky of the devildom is reaching his darkest shade of colour while he looks vigorous yet ethereal.
“… handsome”, you murmur, as if talking to yourself.
mammon suddenly stops in his tracks, a slight embarassed expression appearing on his face.
“oh? what did ya say?” he asks, confused yet hopeful, thinking that maybe he has misheard you — because how could someone like you view him as nothing but that? sure, you’re his partner, however the fear of not being seen and loved for who he really is… is always present.
you sigh and wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his shoulder. “wow, i really can’t speak, huh? ah, must be because of how pretty you look…”.
the noises of the night fill the atmosphere between you two in this moment; mammon’s brain has stopped working and, honestly, you can’t blame him: saying that he’s taken aback by your remark would be a great understatement to describe the current situation.
the avatar of greed is feeling so many emotions in so little time — his heart is pounding stronger than ever, you can almost hear its soft sound, and a reassurance which he has never felt so intensely is hugging his chest. these sensations are something he would gladly immerse himself into, a new type of greed to add to his long and interminable list, a new need.
unfortunately, the clock is ticking and mammon doesn’t want you to see his true self, not in a moment so embarassing for him, not like this — though he would love to indulge in this sweet pleasure for a while longer.
“you— human! what are ya thinking, speaking like that to your first demon? ya sure are bold! i’ll close one eye for this time, so consider yourself lucky tonight, because the great mammon won’t be so gentle in the future!”
a quick laugh escapes from your lips and, before he can question it, you grab his jaw with one of your hands, so his eyes can only be directed towards you.
“mammon, sweetheart, drop the act. you are making a fool of yourself and, although you’d be so entertaining to watch right now, you need to realise that i love you, truly.”, your gaze softens and you smile at him, making his heart melt. “it’s okay to not understand why you are cared about — but i want you to know that you are important to me, so, so fcking much. we’re in this together — aren’t we? then, will you allow me to show why and how i’m going to love and take care of you, mh?”.
mammon remains still as you finish your speech; his unsteady breath, however, betrays him.
“[name], i… thank you”, he says, unsure on how to continue his response.
“talk your feelings out, if you feel like it. i’m not a judge here,” you reassure him.
his gaze shifts for a moment, symbolising his indecision, but then it returns to yours. “i’m… i am glad to have ya in my life, [name]. but, well, i suppose i have one request to make”.
your smile turns suddenly into a smirk, finally happy to see your boyfriend taking courage to express his feelings.
“yes, dear?”.
“be greedy with me,” he pauses, slowly breathing in and out to not mess up his next words. “indulge in my sin whenever you can, day by day, and don’t leave anything behind. spare nothing, let the greed take control over you, like i’ll do with you from now on”.
“oh now, now, who is the bold one?” you murmur, getting closer to him. “you’re extremely covetous, mammon, and this is one of the many things which i appreciate about you. i already made a pact with you, so i don’t see a problem with your request. i accept it”, and you kiss him, as if you’re sealing the deal.
who would have thought that one of the greatest demons of all the realms could feel such things for a human?
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despite being barbatos’s partner, it’s not quite often that you’re invited over lord diavolo’s castle to spend time with two of the most powerful demons in the devildom. the reason why is actually pretty simple: your lover’s life is full of events to attend and favors to give. his presence is requested by every kind of beings, alongside his trusted services to the devildom’s prince, resulting in little to no space left for your meetings. the same can be said for you, since your school life isn’t exactly giving you energy to talk to him either — so you could say you two are fair.
this evening is different from the usual, since you were invited for dinner — a rare, but pleasant occasion to find yourself in. the one who has arranged it all is, nevertheless, lord diavolo himself: though he often acts oblivious of his requests, he has a keen eye for his butler’s mental state — so it would have been only a matter of time before he found out about barbatos’ single desire to relieve his stress… you.
using the “celebration” of your school achievements as an excuse, diavolo set up these hours in his magnificent mansion just for the two of you — saying that he’s attended elsewhere and oh so unfortunately he won’t be able to remain with you even for a while longer.
this is the premise of the current moment — you are quite literally squeezing your boyfriend, hugging him from behind, while he prepares his nightly skincare routine. he’s looking at himself in the mirror, dark green eyes are inspecting his state: his hands are on both sides of the sink, slightly supporting his robust and elegant figure; his torso is covered by a black tank top — something you’d rarely have the chance to see, considering barbatos’ extreme care for a professional appearance; his cold but soft skin seems bright, almost shining, under the tender lamp’s light.
his lips are smartly moving, giving life to his thoughts, however you are too focused on him to pay attention to his words.
the sudden call of your name wakes you up, but only for a second.
his eyes meet yours in the mirror. “are you listening to me?”.
“mmh mh”, you nod, not registering his question at all, and continue to admire him in silence.
obviously, he’s completely aware of it — after all, he’s the demon who can see through both the past and future.
with a swift movement of his body, he turns to face you, making you cling to his waist.
with his right hand, he gently holds your chin between his fingers. “would you like, my love, to share your thoughts on the matter? you seem rather unfocused tonight, wouldn’t you agree?”.
you swallow, waiting for your confidence to come back. then, you try to give back the same energy of his — since you wouldn’t like to lose to his antics, not again.
“damn, i really can’t speak right now, huh? must be because of how pretty you look, barbatos. it’s actually not fair”.
although you don’t look nearly as self-assured as him, you regain a bit of your control when you notice a hint of hesitation and bewilderment on his face.
he scoffs, looking away from your eyes — and doing so makes it evident that his ears are bright red. you catch the opportunity right away, moving his hair away from the sensitive skin.
“ah! if only the others saw you, the formidable barbatos, right now! you wouldn’t be feared so much,” you teasingly comment, preparing for his next move.
“i wouldn’t be so daring if i were in your place, [name]”, barbatos remarks jokingly — but you can never be so sure when it comes to him: as proof you have his piercing gaze fixated on your face, which conveys a message that you couldn’t otherwise pick up.
“well- i guess i’ll make it up tomorrow! aren’t you tired? it’s been an exhausting day — let’s watch a movie!” you suddenly suggest, not resisting to his towering yet fascinating aura.
he sighs as you quickly evade from his arms, though he’s suppressing a smile.
barbatos supposes he can let one person to make fun of him.
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[ do not copy, translate, repost, etc. | by @ elf-osamu ]
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tomkaulitzssgirl · 9 months
could u pls do enemies to lovers w tom that leads to sex? btw i adore ur writing its sooo good !!
I Was Scared | Tom Kaulitz
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a normal saturday night. you were getting ready to go to your friend crystal’s house. you decided to wear a white t-shirt and a jeans skirt.
there would also been other people of your group of friends, even though not everyone. you guys were around ten people, which was a lot sometimes.
you couldn’t really always agree to do something because of all the different opinions, but somehow you made it work.
tonight besides you and crystal, your other friends, bill, gustav, georg and unfortunately for you, bill’s twin brother tom would come.
unfortunately because you and tom didn’t really have a good relationship and it was all his fault. at first when you guys met, he didn’t really acknowledge you, he talked to everyone but you.
after sometime, he started picking on you, making fun of little things and always being mean to you.
you didn’t know why, you always had been gentle and nice, even when he was a dick, because you couldn’t really be rude to people.
but you had your moments where you lost it and talked back to him. he knew you didn’t like him at all.
just the thought of being in the same room as him made you roll your eyes.
he was so different from bill, he was the sweetest person ever and you guys actually had a really good bond. tom made fun of you when he heard you guys talk about things you had in common and luckily bill knew how to clap back.
bill had noticed how tom was acting towards you, he even tried to talk about it to him but tom ignored him.
sometimes you wished you could’ve been friends since you were always together, but the boy seemed to hate you.
around nine pm, you took your car keys and drove over your friends’s house. she welcomed you with an hug before making you come in.
the others were already there, all sitting down on the couch.
“we were waiting for you to start the movie.” georg sang out with a big smile. you chuckled giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“sorry for being late, the traffic is horrible.” you noticed that the only seat available was the one next to tom and you slapped yourself mentally.
you awkwardly sat down, noticing he was taking a lot of space since his leges were spread open and he was slouched down. you were between him and the couch’s end.
he didn’t even look at you, nor did he say hi. he was simply listening to the others making conversations.
you preferred it that way, it was better if he stayed quiet.
“so, what are we gonna watch?” crystal asked as she turned on the tv, going on netflix.
“oh oh, there is a new movie out! it’s called to all boys i’ve loved before, we should totally watc-“ you were about to finish your sentence but a scoff coming from tom cut you off.
“what?” you turned to him, your smile disappearing.
“what kind of shit movie is that?” he rhetorically asked, looking at you. you realised how close you were in that moment.
“you never watched it, how can you know if it’s bad?” you squinted your eyes at him, shaking your head.
“it’s recommended by you so i guess it’s pretty shitty.” tom shrugged as if he had just stated a fact.
“tom. stop.” bill called him out, glaring at him from the other couch.
“mind your business.” tom said before sighing and getting up, “i’m gonna take a beer.”
he walked to the kitchen nonchalantly and you followed him with your eyes. you felt anger but also sadness inside. why did he have to be so cruel to you?
the others decided to put it on anyway, maybe even to make you a little bit happier after what tom had said. they could see it had made you upset.
you fidgeted with your bracelet as you watched the tv, without really paying attention to the movie.
tom came back some minutes later with a bowl of popcorn and a beer. he put the bowl at the center of the coffee table infront of us before grabbing a bunch and stuffing his mouth.
you tried to ignore the smacking sound but it was too much. he kept chewing those popcorns almost with his mouth open.
“could you stop chewing so loud?” you said almost in a whisper since you didn’t want to disturb the others.
“could you stop being a pain in the ass?” he spat back without even turning to look at you, putting more popcorns in his mouth.
you exhaled heavily, making him chuckle. he enjoyed this, he enjoyed making you feel down.
deciding to ignore him, you went back to watch the movie that you so wanted to see, before a loud obnoxious burp interrupted the silence in the room.
everyone turned around to look at tom.
“ew, you’re disgusting.” you commented making a nauseous face.
“yeah, you’re a pig tom.” georg agreed shaking his head.
“oh fuck off.” he rolled his eyes continuing to drink his beer, “can we fucking change this movie? it’s boring.”
“it’s boring because you aren’t paying attention to it.” you didn’t know why you kept engaging with him, he was too focused on being right than accepting what you said.
“no, it’s boring because it’s a stupid ass movie that only losers like you like.” this time it was enough.
“why are you always so mean to me?” you finally spat out, your whole body turned to his side, “i’ve never done anything to you except being a good person even when you treated me like shit! you didn’t give me a chance since day one, tom. i’m sick of your bullshit. next time don’t call me to hang out it’s he’s here too.” you concluded talking to everyone before getting up and running to the bathroom upstairs.
you shocked everyone since you had never had an outburst like that. you never got angry.
“tom, you’re a fucking jerk.” bill shook his head, letting out an heavy sight.
“yeah, why do you always treat her that way?” crystal asked stopping the movie.
tom stayed quiet, observing the aim of his hoodie that had become interesting in that moment.
“yeah, it’s not like she has ever done something to you so why do you act-“
“it’s because i like her, okay?!” tom finally blurted out almost yelling.
a general “what?” echoed in the living room. they were shocked, tom wasn’t someone that admitted his feelings for someone or that actually liked someone seriously. he only wanted physics stuff.
“yeah i said it. i like her almost since the day i met her but i don’t want to like her.” he explained almost embarrassed.
“so you treat her like shit for keeping her away from you?” georg asked wrinkling his eyebrows, “what kind of fucking cliché is it?”
“i know. it’s stupid but if i keep her distant, this feelings will go away. everything will go back to normal.” tom said, lighting up a cigarette.
“tom, you should go talk to her. tell her the truth. you’d rather lose her than be in a relationship? don’t be ridiculous.” bill always tried to make his brother think, especially in this type of situations. he was the romantic and lover one, never had just one night stands like his brother.
tom’s irritation flared but he got up from the couch, knowing bill was right. he wouldn’t admit that to him though.
he walked upstairs, where the bathroom was, as he kept smoking his cigarette. knocking on the door, only silence could be heard.
“go away.” you immediately answered as soon as you heard his voice.
“let me come in.” he leaned with his shoulder against the wall and looked at the floor.
“are you dumb? go away.” tom could hear your broken voice and that made his body fill with guilt.
“i need to talk to you, it’s important.”
you didn’t answer, but after a couple of seconds the door opened. tom entered slowly and you closed the door behind you.
you stared at tom with your arms folded against your chest, an eyebrow raised. “so? and also, you know i hate smoke.”
tom noticed your puffy and red eyes.
“were you crying?” he asked throwing the cigarette away down the wc.
“no, my eyes happen to be swollen.” you answered sarcastically before sitting down on the floor.
tom played with his lip piercing, unsure of what to do next, deciding to sit down next to you.
“what do you want tom? if you’re here to bother me some more just go-“
“i’m not. i’m here to say sorry.” his words ran from his mouth and he almost felt ashamed, he had never say sorry, not directly at least.
“i’m sorry, because i was selfish. i didn’t think of how everything would make you feel, i just thought about protecting myself.” he looked at you with truthful eyes.
“from what?” you tilted your head to the side as you grew confused.
tom let out a shaky breath. now or never.
“from loving you.”
a moment of silence filled the bathroom, as you looked at him, finding that unbelievable. how could he love you and treat you like that at the same time?
“w-what…how? what?” you didn’t even know what to say. your mind was full of questions that wouldn’t come out.
“you heard me. i love you, i was treating you like shit so it would go away but it fucking didn’t and it just made you hate me. sorry.” there it was. his full explanation. he had said it and couldn’t go back in time.
“is this another prank of yours? because if it is it, isn’t funny tom.”
he didn’t say anything, he just placed his hand on your cheek and crashed his lips against yours. your eyes widened.
tom asked for entrance with his tongue and slowly you let him in, wrapping your arms around his neck.
when you broke away, you kept sharing small pecks as your eyes met, a small smile on both of your lips.
you both didn’t know what to say next, it was like the kiss you shared had said it all.
“you’re such a dick.” you commented with a small laugh, shaking your head as you looked down. your bodies were now closer than ever, his hands on your hips.
he smirked knowing what that meant, it was done, you were finally his. his lips went to your neck, leaving small wet pecks on your skin.
you were covered in goosebumps, giving him more access to kiss you. “t-tom…”
he shushed you, getting you to lay down on the floor as he got on top of you, “i wanna make you feel good. can i? do you want to?”
you waited before nodding, deciding that you wanted to live that moment fully.
“t-tom but i-i never…” you were shy to say that you had never had sex before. he was about to be your first.
he seemed to understand what you wanted to say without you even saying it, and he nodded gently touching your skin under your shirt. “it’s okay, i’ll be gentle.”
he removed your shirt, leaving you in your black bra. he stared at your covered beasts, leaning down to kiss your chest.
his hands traveled to the strips of your bra, gently sliding them down. you knew where he was getting at so you leaned up a bit, making it easy for him to remove it completely.
your back touched the cold floor and your arms tried to cover yourself, but he blocked you, placing your arms above your head. “you’re beautiful, don’t be embarrassed.”
his sweet words encouraged you to feel more confident, finding the strength to kiss him hungrily.
tom hummed into the kiss, one hand keeping him up for balance as the other fidgeted with his belt. you decided to help him remove it, before he took off his pants and shirt completely.
you stared at his body almost drooling. he was so hot, almost like he was created by greek gods, with his defined muscles and abs.
tom smirked noticing you staring at him while gulping down, before sliding down your skirt and throwing it somewhere.
you wrapped your legs around his waist as he lowered his boxers, revealing his hard member. you couldn’t believe your eyes.
“will that fit in?” you couldn’t comprehend how something that big could go in you.
tom laughed, “yes, cause you’ll take it like a good girl, right?”
you bit down your lip, nodding at his words, his hand coking closer to your core. he began rubbing your clit, making you gasp. you never felt something like this before.
“does that feel good?” tom asked in your ear, his hot breath on your neck.
“y-yes, o-oh my god.” you stuttered as you moaned, his hands working magic on you. suddenly, he inserted a finger in your entrance.
“slow!” you almost screamed as you felt like it feared you apart.
“sorry baby. fuck, you’re so wet.” he kissed your neck, going slower. as you get used to the feeling, he began going in and out of you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“t-tom, i want you. please…” you begged arching your back. he stroked himself, nodding frantically.
“you asked so nicely baby, you’re such a good girl for me huh?” he slowly came closer to your entrance with his tip.
“y-yes, just for you…” your mouth formed like a ‘o’ shape as he teased you, going up and down with his member.
“ready?” he asked looking deeply into your eyes.
you nodded needing him more than ever. you never craved someone’s body this way.
tom went gently in you, groaning as he felt you around him. “shit, you’re tight. it feels so good.”
you squeezed your eyes shut at the pain, feeling it ten times worse than you did with his finger.
he was still, his hands at the sides of your head, looking down at your expressions that turned him on even more. “tell me when i can move.”
your arms found their way around his neck, “y-you can now.”
tom nodded, starting to go slowly in and out of your feminine part. your whimpers, shy moans drove him crazy, he just wanted to fuck you into oblivion but he knew he had to wait for that.
his gaze burned on your skin, examining your unholy expressions.
“g-go faster, please!” you moaned loudly, your hands gripped his dreads.
his pace quickened, finding easily your sweet spot, making you a mess beneath him. you were heaving repeatedly, mumbling disconnected words, his name a mantra.
“you feel so fucking good baby, you like it huh? you’re so lucky. oh shit.” he kept sending you over the edge with his dirty talk, throwing his head back.
“kiss me.” you breathed out, his hands gripping your thighs. he didn’t waste no time, kissing you sloppily.
you kept moaning against his lips, his thrusting becoming harder. the sounds of your skin clapping, your whimpers and his groans were the only thing that could be heard.
“shit i’m about to cum. are you close, baby girl?” tom said placing his forehead against yours.
you felt an unusual heat on your lower stomach and you furrowed your eyebrows. “y-yeah but…”
“no, let go baby. you need to let it go.” he shook his head knowing what we’re you about to say. maybe it was because was your first time but you kept holding back.
tom noticed it so he took the matter into his hands, pressing one of them on your lower body.
your eyes widened as your orgasm took over, sending shivers down your spine. tom followed right after you, finishing with a grunt.
he fell on top of you, breathless. your legs trembled as you were still riding your climax.
he looked up at you before raising his head and kissing your lips. “you did so good.”
a smile formed on your face, blushing hard at his words. you couldn’t believe you had sex with tom, someone you thought hated you.
“y/n, wanna be my girl?”
it took a lot of courage for him to ask you that.
“of course i do.” you cupped his cheeks, pecking him on his lips.
neither of you could stop smiling, totally drunk in love.
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anzulvr · 9 months
Hiii! May I request for some Hcs about Karma and a "famous" reader for something like acting/modeling related because her family? But actually her mother and brother are a little piece of shit with her, just like her internal environment. Her attitude at first is a bit dry, but she is a loving person (Plus if have a fear of knives and learn to deal with Karma and the murder thing in the classroom)
(Btw, english is not my first language, sorry if something sounds weird. Idk if this is very specific, I'M SORRY, it's been on my mind for a long time, I love your writing, it's the first time I ask for :( AAAAA I KNOW YOU HAVE A LOT OF REQUETS, take your time💐)
Thank you for the request! Sorry it took this long, I’ve been busy :(
Karma Akabane x Famous reader
(more description in the ask!)
. ˚◞♡   ⃗ 🎐 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
— If there’s one thing he makes fun of you the most it’s definitely the fame thing, anytime he sees you in a magazine or TV he snaps a pic on his phone and sends it to you like you don’t already know your on it😭
— Being kinda awkward at first isn’t something he minds he actually likes poking fun at you and trying to get you off guard.
— once you do let your guard down everyone is surprised Karma is the classmate who got you to open up, it’s an unexpected match but really fitting.
— sun x moon trope, (reader = sun, Karma = moon)
You both are inseparable and can talk about anything once comfortable enough, you’re also able to relate to each other, while your family issues come from different circumstances you guys are able to entrust in one another once you get comfortable enough and even find some relatable points in the conversation. (He’s the best secret keeper and gives surprisingly helpful advice when he wants to.)
— He finds your fear of knives and assassination in class endearing considering the knifes are more rubber like, he pokes fun at you for it but at the same time gives you advice and tries to help you get over your fear.
— if the fame is pushed on soely by your family and it’s not really what you want he’ll encourage you to just drop the whole thing and kinda rebel against what they want, wanting you to have control of your own life. (Parents wouldn’t approve of him whatsoever but it’s okay Karma for the win. This kinda depends on if he’s willing to put up a front for them and act like the “perfect” guy in their eyes or if they’re truly the worst and he doesn’t care enough to sugarcoat things for them, could go either way.)
— he acts like the paparazzi for fun, you’ll be sitting doing homework or something and his phone camera flash will go off (he purposely has flash on to annoy you)
— corniest nicknames depending on what you do, he’s also the one who picks your code name from class, something like “Hollywood”
Bonus note:
If you do Film, Kayano is mega jealous AND starstruck by you because the girl is a theatre nerd, definitely recognized you when you first went to 3E because she’s a fan and DEFINITELY asks you to hook her up with jobs in the film industry 😭 also depends what movies [name] acts in though because if it’s more action Nagisa would be second in line for that autograph (right behind Karma who asks for two because he wants to sell one on eBay)
MIMURA TOO OMG (the director student of 3E) he’s asking so many questions of the industry and is invested in everything you say.
If you do modeling, Rio is the first to recognize you when you walk in because she’s obsessed with your makeup/clothing brand. Also Yada whose into fashion and all that stuff, Yada is the type to make those cute little fashion inspiration boards and you’re on it of course.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes!! Please tell me if you catch any so I can fix! 🩷
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
tell us about the royals au!!! (im on my knees. please.)
Ohhhhh my friend you have started me on a RANT I hope you’re ready!!!
I don’t know that I’ll ever actually write it so I’m not too worried about spoilers, and the wonderful people in my dms (which are still open btw) bouncing ideas with me are always going to come up with great ideas so I’m putting WIP in big red letters, things are subject to change! But for now, some ideas. Most of what I have will be under the cut, but if you want to know more about a specific part/have any questions please I’d love to chat :D will link to the art/posts I have so far!
(In this au I’ve been referring to Neil as Nathaniel at first and then Abram (hello names as a plot device), and everyone else right now is some version of their name)
Kevin and Nathaniel were raised at Evermore castle, Kevin to be in direct competition to Riko/see which of them might claim the throne (not thought out yet), and Nathaniel as the Moriyama’s attack dog, born and raised to take his father’s place as such. The two never met in person, but Nathaniel knows and recognizes Day because of course he does, and Day knows the name Wesninski means a very, very dangerous person. Essentially the top assassin on the continent.
But as we do, Day decides he can’t/won’t handle the treatment anymore, whatever the last straw may be, and runs off to Palmetto in a kind of desperate chase of the stories his mother used to tell him when he was little. He knew she loved that kingdom. Somehow he finds Wymack - the twin’s royal advisor - or Wymack finds him, and once Wymack realizes who this kid is and has reason to believe he’s not here on Evermore business, he puts Day’s incredible talent and training as a tactician/commander to work as his pupil.
Meanwhile Nathaniel is still at Evermore, mistreated and learning from his own failures and mistakes until he’s nearly as good as his father at the family business.
I don’t know how long Nathaniel plans it, but he either plays the part for long enough or his skill is so undeniable that when the Moriyamas have plans for the Palmetto Kingdom, they send him and one other accomplished fighter to kill the king. Nathaniel goes quietly and decides he’s not coming back if he can help it.
So instead of killing the young king, Nathaniel’s panic has him turn on his partner at the very last second, stopping them just before they can get to the king. He takes them somewhere far away and does what he does best, leaving no one to report back to the Moriyamas. From then on it’s a waiting game to see how long the family will wait before they send someone after him.
Day’s followed them, and Nathaniel turns around from the body and sees this man he hasn’t seen in years, alive and safe away from Evermore. It’s as elating as it is crushing - because Day heard his partner call him by name, and there is no way Day will ever let a Wesninski walk away alive. Not if he knows what’s good for all of them.
Except Day doesn’t kill him, even when Nathaniel asks him to. (Better Day than Riko, Nathaniel knew that even when they were all stuck at Evermore). Instead, he takes Nathaniel back to the twins/Wymack, gives him a little bread, and they sit until he can pry out an explanation. (See the comic of this first meeting here.)
Day and Nathaniel spend most of their time together because Day refuses to let Nathaniel out of his or Wymack’s sight until he proves not a threat to the royal family, which proves an issue because between Andrew’s rotation of personal guards (he never gets along with them well enough that they stay/aren’t fired) Day is Andrew’s guard, which sometimes means Nathaniel is stuck a lot closer than Day would like. But after a long, long time, Day and Wymack decide Nathaniel was serious about the whole “runaway” thing and isn’t playing spy (maybe there’s some dramatic event/Nathaniel protecting a twin that convinces them or maybe it’s just a lot of little things over time). Andrew, after a rough spat with the latest guard, is again in need of a new one. Finally Day just asks “is there ANYONE you could possibly pretend to get along with that can do the job” and Andrew knows Nathaniel is dangerous he just doesn’t know exactly how or why (but oh he is curious) so maybe he just straight up says. “Wesninski.” And Day has to go “…. Fine.”
So boom. They knew each other superficially before, but now Andrew and Nathaniel are spending most of their time together and miraculously - no arguments. No spats. Day thanks the gods there’s no physical altercations (that’s probably what got the last guard fired so quick). Nathaniel is just a mystery with shady ability to tell the truth and Andrew can’t help his curiosity. Good old fashioned andreil :D
From here the timeline becomes essentially nonexistent, I have no idea when these things happen in relation to each other but so far they’re all things I like and want to include!
1) there’s plenty of games and competitions at Palmetto, we love a good tussle, and Nathaniel usually does quite well - he’s not good at playing fair, but his underhanded methods are not technically illegal and usually he can use his preferred weapon - dagger rather than sword. He does well except for the one time an opponent accidentally says/does something that was constantly said or done to Nathaniel while “training” at Evermore, and he comes back to Andrew and the tent he watched from in the beginning of a panic attack. Andrew doesn’t know anything about Nathaniel’s past at this point, but he knows a panic attack when he sees one. In trying to talk him through it, Andrew realizes that yes Nathaniel is scared of being hurt, but he’s more afraid of hurting others. Nathaniel won’t let Andrew call him by name, he flinches every time Andrew says it. After, Andrew asks what he should call him instead, and Nathaniel finally asks to be called Abram.
2) Balls! Masquerades! Abram doesn’t have many outfits, he wears the regular issued uniform to every event. Andrew will not stand for this. Abram always wears clothes that cover him fully, which is fine, Andrew can work with that. He’s still seen Abram in a tight shirt or two. So he commissions one of the most knowledgeable people in the court (we’re thinking it might be Allison, she’s a noble but she’s great with textiles/embroidery/etc) and gets Abram a new outfit. It still covers him, its still protective material, but it looks better. (Find Abram in a corset here). Andrew handles it totally normal and rational in his head when he sees Abram actually wearing it of course.
3) Day probably assumes for a little while that Andrew and Abram have got a more or less normal guard/charge relationship, even thinking it’s slightly antagonistic considering this is Andrew we’re talking about. (This doesn’t fit the timeline, but here’s a mini comic of one of Day’s misunderstandings hehe)
4) king Aaron! He became king at 18/20/whatever age we decide this universe deems old enough because he is in fact the elder twin here. I imagine their parents have both been dead and gone for at least a few years at this point. Dan is Aaron’s guard and she and Abram hit it off great as coworkers and friends. More on the uncertainty of the twins backstory later. (Drawings of Aaron and his queen Katelyn here!)
5) the angst. The Moriyamas should have heard from the Wesninski boy months ago - something somewhere went wrong. So, naturally, they go to collect their property. If they get away with it, we can imagine how it goes. What I don’t know is if the twins, Day, and Wymack know for sure he was kidnapped or if they have a little nagging in the back of their head that wonders if he’s only run away from the castle or if he’s run back to Evermore with everything he’s learned.
When he’s recovered, Day doesn’t let Andrew too close too often for a while. If Abram forgets where is for even a second too long - waking up from a nightmare, having a flashback - it’s long enough for it to be fatal to whoever might get too close to Abram. It’s already almost proved fatal for Andrew, after Abram played normal so well that Andrew let it slip - he forgot Abram was taken back to Evermore for them to finish making him into a thoughtless weapon, and they’d nearly succeed. He wakes Abram too quickly and ends up extremely lucky Abram recognizes both his voice and the way Andrew didn’t call him ‘Nathaniel’ or ‘Wesninski’. There’s really a huge amount to possibly be covered about this point so I won’t go into detail here - but if you like hurt/comfort you know where to find me 👀
6) the biggest thing we haven’t figured out is Andrew. Either he was kidnapped at a young age and only recovered in his teens, or the elder King Minyard didn’t much care for his second son. Though I’ve always liked the idea of Mr. Minyard being a good man who died shortly before the twins’ birth and their mother just couldn’t handle the grief or knowing that the twins look like him. Anyway a lot of the twins’ issues after both of their parents are dead are the advisors or other people around them that try to take advantage of their youth and inexperience for their own gain, without realizing that both Aaron and Andrew have had to grow up much too fast, each for their own reasons. They can usually see right past the tricks. It’s why they both trust Wymack so much - he’s one of the few adults that are truly there to help them, and not make decisions for them.
Im sure there’s more I missed, but this is long enough as it is lol. People have asked about the Trojans/Jean in this au, and I’d love to include them! My brain’s instinctive response is that Jeremy is some sort of high end noble/royal of a faraway kingdom, and Jean (always last to leave the nest, im so sorry baby) somehow gets over there, but I don’t have an idea of his or anyone else’s roles yet. Renee could even still have a hand in him getting there if we really want.
So I’m still writing snippets and drawing over here lol but i promise I don’t bite if you want to talk :D
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thxjoon · 8 months
You’re the only good thing in my life pt 2
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-genre/warnings: arranged marriage, mentions of cheating in the past, angst, smut, hurt/comfort, fighting
A/n very sorry for the long wait, I had written my part 2 but decided I didn’t like it and rewrote it…. This is still not finished btw, there will be one last part I also just realized i never titled this :o
Once namjoons mother had found out that namjoon had been unfaithful to minseo she was furious. She knew how much minseo cared for her son. She couldn’t believe he’d do something like that to her.
But of course namjoon was her son. she was disappointed but at the end of the day she understood that people make mistakes.
After work he decided to go down to seokjins house to talk. he decided to give up his land. It has already caused enough trouble in his life. He didn’t want it anymore.
Upon arriving he lets himself in, immediately stopping in his tracks seeing his brother, seokjin sitting with his wife, minseo.
“Minseo, what are you doing here?”
Minseo stood as she ignored his question
“Well then, I should be heading home now”
Pushing past namjoon out the front door as he followed her
“Minseo wait!” He say’s grabbing her arm
“Let go of me, please” she couldnt even look at him, not because she didn’t want to but because it hurt too much
“I asked you a question. what are you doing at my brothers house?”
“Does it matter?” She tried tugging her arm out of his hold
He responded holding her tighter
“Yes it does. You have no business being here, especially alone with him.” What was he insinuating?
“I wanted to know who she was” she finally looked him in the eyes
“Your lover” tears started to brim her eyes
“Minseo, he has no business in our marriage. If you wanted to know the truth of what happened you could’ve ask me”
“I couldn’t. You know why? Because it hurts much more coming from you. I do not wish to know all the details”
It was silent for a moment before namjoon spoke “when that night happened, we were nearly a month married, we were Still not fully familiar with eachother. It was before I had realized how much you meant to me, before I knew that I loved you. I could not tell you who it was because I truly do not know. I try hard to forget that regretful night. Ever since the night we confessed our love for each other I’ve been thinking of no one else except you. Please minseo, im sorry.”
Tears ran down her face as she struggled to speak “it doesn’t matter. You were still my husband. I’ve been nothing but faithful to you since I found out about this whole situation” she nearly ran when he loosened his grip on her arm. She didn’t want anyone to see her like this.
Namjoon stood there feeling defeated. Seeing jin staring out the window. When they locked eyes jin quickly hid behind the curtains. Namjoon left shaking his head.
Upon returning home, it was quiet. Namjoon had called off their weekly family dinner once again, saying it was because he wasn’t feeling well but everyone in the family already knew what was going on.
Heading to bed with a heavy heart, feeling absolutely horrible not having minseo there to comfort him.
Minseo spent most of her days avoiding him at all costs. She knew she couldn’t hide forever but every time she saw him she was reminded of everything that has been happening but at the same time she was missing her husband. She soon realized that she really didn’t have anyone else.
Namjoon had started working even later into the night just to keep his mind busy. Trying to get things done as he kept postponing them all week.
“Namjoon” he was broken out of his thoughts as he saw her, minseo.
“Yes? What happened?” He immediately stood up
“Your mother, she can’t get a hold of you. She’s been calling for a while now”
“Oh, yeah I was busy, I’ll call her in a minute-”
“I already talked to her, she said she’s having a gathering at her home tomorrow and you must attend, no exceptions”
He nodded “will you be going?”
“I might, Depending on how I’m feeling. Night.” She said walking out the door of his home office not giving him a second glance
“Goodnight!” He said before she shut the door. He slumped back into his chair not remembering what he was doing just a minute ago.
The next day namjoon waited practically the whole day for minseo. He thought they would drive there together but she never asked or even mentioned she was going. He decided to go before it got too late, he figured she probably didn’t want to go.
Namjoon arrived a little late but he knew he had to show up or else his mother would have given him an earful.
Walking in seeing everyone talking, laughing with each other. He immediately felt nervous. He shouldn’t be, this is his family.
“Namjoon!” His mother is the first to greet him “thank you for coming, dear” she kissed his cheek
“Well you said no exceptions so here I am” he sighed
“Everyone is here, go say hello” she encouraged with a smile on her face
“Mother, im really not-“
“Minseo is here too” his mother added
“Where?” He questioned immediately looking around for her
“I believe she’s out back”
Immediately going to see if she was actually here, going out the back door of his mothers house. He sees her. Sitting beautifully, legs crossed in her white floral dress talking with a family member. They both stop mid conversation as he spoke
“Hi- im sorry to interrupt” namjoon looked nervous
“That’s alright dear, I’ll be heading inside now. It was good seeing you sweetheart” his great aunt says as she said goodbye to minseo
“I thought you weren’t coming” namjoon sat down once they were alone
“I never said I wasn’t” taking a sip of her drink feeling nervous herself
“I waited for you, I thought maybe we’d drive down together” namjoon searched for her eyes but she wouldn’t look at his
“Seokjin brought me.”
“Oh” Namjoon was beginning to feel a sort of hatred towards his brother. He just couldn’t keep his nose out of his marriage
“You look beautiful as always”changing the subject he reached for her hands that were on the table
“I’m leaving” She finally looked at him as she pulled her hands away
“Leaving? What do you mean?”
“Back home, with my mother.”
“What, Why? My love you-“
“Because I need to. I feel lonely here, I need to get away for a while. It’s all too much”
“Everyone loves you here, my mother, our aunts everyone adores you- I can’t be without you, please” he didn’t realized tears had begun to form in his eyes
“You’ve lived without me before, you’ll be fine namjoon. I’m sure you’ll find someone else to entertain you”
“No. No I don’t want anyone else. Just you, Minseo. I can’t imagine my life without you. I-I love you so much. Please, please tell me what I should do so that you’ll stay” his heart felt like it was aching in his chest. He’d never thought that his worst nightmare would be to lose his wife.
she could see it in his eyes how sorry he was but her trust had been broken “How can I trust you anymore joon?”
“I promise you that I’ll never hurt you again my love. I truly never meant to hurt you. I honestly thought that this marriage wasn’t going to be a real marriage. But I-I fell for you so hard.” He himself would’ve never thought this would happen but it did. And he’s never been so happy to have found her.
She went to put one of her hands on top of his arm “I still love you namjoon. You can’t stop loving someone so quickly, but I need some time”
Looking at her with big glossy eyes he nodded “you will be back right?”
They were interrupted by namjoons mother as she stepped outside to find the two
“Kids! Come inside. I’ve made a ham” she waved her hand for them to come join the family
“We’re coming! Come on, can’t keep mom waiting” minseo was first to get up as he followed
Everyone was serving themselves. Minseo wasn’t feeling hungry but she didn’t want to be rude so she made herself a plate. Namjoon wasn’t sure if he should sit next to her or not. Minseo sat at the full table so he had no other choice but to sit somewhere else.
Namjoons mother noticed he wasn’t enjoying himself. She figured whatever the two we’re talking about outside caused this. She always taught her sons to fight for the people they love. She’s just hoping that namjoon will take her advice.
He certainly didn’t enjoy watching his wife laugh at all his brothers jokes from across the room. Didn’t those two hate each other? Minseo and jin were actually good friends before this whole marriage happened. Is it weird to say that this whole situation brought them closer? Minseo realized she didn’t really have anyone else to talk to but jin was there, like old times.
After it got later and people started leaving. Jin offered to drive minseo back home to which she accepted before she went to thank Mrs Kim
“Thank you for coming, dear” she held both of her hands
“Of course, your food is always delicious”
Namjoon now walking into the living room coming from the bathroom. seeing his mother and wife together always made him happy. But now it just made him nervous. Not knowing what his mother would say to her
“Hi” he said looking directly at minseo
“Hi, I’m going to be heading home now. Jins taking me”
“Okay. I’m going to stay here a bit long. Ill be there soon” he didn’t like that idea but he needed to stay to talk to his mother privately. Minseo nodded leaving.
Namjoon started helping his mother put the left overs away
“Do you want to take any of these home with you dear?” His mother asked as she was looking for Tupperware, immediately stopping as she heard a sob come from her son
“Joon? Whats the matter?” She pulled him into a hug as he continued to cry into her shoulder
“She’s leaving me”
“Oh no, honey I’m so sorry. What did she say?”
“She-she’ll be staying with her mother for a while but what if….what if she doesn’t come back, what if she stops loving me. And jin–“
“Honey, she’ll come back. she just needs time. I’ve seen how much you two love each other. And jin, don’t worry about jin. He’s your brother, he’s just trying to get under your skin. If you don’t want to lose her then you better go and show her how much she means to you”
Namjoon nodded not really able to get his words out now, wiping his tears “I should go and make sure she got home safe”
“Go, and when she leaves come visit me often so you won’t be so alone”
On the way home jin asked a lot of questions about her leaving as well, he was actually the one to suggested going away for a while
“Did your mother ask why you were coming home so suddenly?”
“Yes she did. I told her it was because I was home sick. I didn’t have the heart to tell her.” Minseo says looking out the passenger window feeling mostly tired
“You know you wouldn’t be going through all of this if you would’ve chosen me” jin spoke looking directly ahead on the road
Minseo slowly turning her head to him “what?” She said in disbelief. She didn’t know whether or not he was making another joke right now.
“All those years, and yet you chose him”
He in fact wasn’t joking
“I dont understand jin. You made it clear that we were just friends” minseo did have a crush on him back when they were in school but she was turned down countless of times
“You were just a kid! And by the time I thought maybe you were ready you had namjoon already courting you. I still believe he did it just to get back at me”
“Jin, why are you tell me this now-“
Jin pulled the car over quickly scaring minseo a bit, now facing her
“I’m saying nows our chance, I still want you…” jin moved his hand to her thigh feeling her soft legs, slowly moving up-
“Jin, what the hell!” She moved his hand off her thigh “I’m married. And im sorry but that was the past” her other hand searched for the door handle
“Oh come on, you’re still going to be faithful to him? even after everything he’s done to you-“
Finally finding the door handle she practically jumps out the car slamming the door, jin also jumps out as he sees her walking away
“What are you doing?” She ignores him still walking away ”Minseo, come on. Ok I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you angry”
“Just go, I’ll be fine.”
“I’m not going leave you walking, just get in”
“I said no. Now leave before I start screaming”
“Fine, but it’s not my fault if you get lost.” Jin got into his car and sped away leaving minseo walking. She knew how to get home, it would just take her a while.
Namjoon arrived home before minseo. He went to check on her before he went to bed but he couldn’t find her. Of course this worried him. He checked every corner of the house. He even checked outside. Calling jins house because that was the last person she was with but he didn’t answer. He decided he was going to go look for her, taking the route he thinks jin would’ve taken but before he could get out the drive way minseo walks in the gate. exhausted and teary eyed.
“Minseo! I was worried sick about you. I was just about to-“ seeing her condition he could tell something did happen “are you alright? Where’s seokjin?”
“I decided to walk home”
“Walk? That’s quite the walk. Did something happen?”
She sighed “just jin being jin” she went to walk past him to go inside but he stopped her
“Did he do something to you?” He knew his brother, he wanted to take everything he had, even his own wife.
“Look I’m really tired right now I just-“
“Tell me, please. I swear if he touched you-“
“I stopped him before he went too far, And please don’t go cause a scene, He’s not been himself lately”
Namjoon was boiling. Take his job, Take his land, but not his wife. Namjoon didn’t want to upset minseo so he kept his cool, at least for right now.
“Let’s get inside, it’s cold.” She tried changing the subject. Minseo said good night before heading to her room. She couldn’t sleep so she spent practically the whole night packing her bags. Her mother was expecting her tomorrow.
Namjoon also couldn’t sleep. he couldn’t believe his own brother would do that to him. Jin knew how desperate namjoon was to win back minseo. He wondered if maybe minseo secretly wished she had ended up with jin. He knew jin had a crush on her back in the day. But it was too late for jin. She was his.
The next morning minseo had started bringing her bags down stairs so that when it was time to go she’d be ready. All the noise caused namjoon to come out of his room. Seeing minseo struggling with her bags.
“Here, let me help” he immediately took the bags out of her hands carrying them for her
“Thank you” minseo slightly out of breath
“Are you… leaving already?” He didn’t know she’d be leaving so soon.
“Yes, my mother is sending a driver to take me. He’ll be here any minute” as if on cue the door bell rings. “Oh- that must be him” minseo going to open the door greeting the older man
“I’ll be taking your bags to the car now”
She had a lot, in total of five suitcases and two duffel bags. That kind of worried namjoon. This meant she was staying long right?
“Minseo, be safe. And call me if you need anything. Money or if you need help with yard work-“ he’d take any opportunity to see her
“I’ll be fine. thank you” how badly she wanted to say more, a hug goodbye even. But she couldn’t bring herself to do so
He watched her leave. Feeling as though a part of him was leaving as well. But he knew this wasn’t the end, It couldn’t be.
Going inside their home looking around felt empty. He didn’t like it, He doesn’t remember life without minseo.
He has a lot of things to get done. But first, seokjin.
He couldn’t wait any longer. He so badly wanted to confront Jin about what happened that night. And as soon as minseo left he went to Jins house
Upon arriving he was going to just walk in but the door was locked. He just about pounded on his door feeling all those emotions he had last night come back.
Jin had looked as if he had just woken up, opening the door confused and clearly hung over
Namjoon wasted no time barging in, pushing Jin causing him to stumble. Jin had no time to process what was going on as namjoon brought his fist to jins face
“What the fuck!” Jin groaned in pain clutching his face still on the floor
Namjoon crouching down to be face to face with Jin “who do you think you are? Putting your hands on my wife?”
Seokjin smiled slightly clearly not sorry “what, are you afraid? I bet when you’re inside her cunt she wishes it was me”
Namjoon threw another fist to his brothers face as jin was trying to block them with his hands “don’t- fucking- talk about her like that. what has gotten into you, jin? I don’t understand”
“You took her from me” Jin mumbled out, face throbbing
“I didn’t take shit from you. She was your friend, that’s all she ever was to you.”
“No, it was more than that-“
“You only wanted her when you saw that we started seeing eachother” namjoon was right, jin felt jealous. He was so used to having minseo do everything he had asked for and when she found someone new to follow around he had realized how much he missed her.
namjoons intentions weren’t pure either. He needed to be wed, and Fast. His father had just passed away and his mother wanted namjoon to claim the land but the agreement was that it went to whoever was to be married first. Namjoon wasn’t ready to be married, But if he really did need to be married he’d pick someone he already knew. Someone who he knew would be a good wife. Minseo. She had been a family friend for years and she was a nice girl. Why not right?
Of course as soon as this was brought up to her father he was already cashing the check. Minseo was young. And she’d do anything her father asked, besides she knew namjoon already. She just truly wanted to be loved
Namjoon was always sweet and respectful, and of course she fell for him almost instantly but after the marriage was made official it was like he wasn’t interested anymore. Almost as though he was only being nice to make sure she wouldn’t back out. She was disappointed but as we know this didn’t last very long. She fell first but he fell harder.
“Stay the hell out of my life” namjoon said leaving Jin alone on the floor.
Minseo had arrived to her mothers house excited. She had missed her. She didn’t live that far away, it was about two hours away but she never had time to visit that often. As soon as minseo pulled up she saw her mother waiting outside. She immediately jumped into her mothers arms
“Oh darling, you look so beautiful” minseos mother said kissing the side of her head
“I’ve missed you so much mom”
“I have too, so much.. where is namjoon?”
Minseo still has yet to tell her mother. Her mom loves namjoon so much, she knows this will break her. but she was mostly keeping this from her because the same had happened to her. Minseos father had cheated on her mother countless of times and she took him back every single time. She didn’t want to bring up those awful memories.
“He, um, he has work so he couldn’t come”
“Oh, when you said you needed to get away I thought you meant the both of you. But this is even better! It’ll be just us girls then” her mother was truly excited to spend some time with her.
Minseo slept in her old bedroom, it felt weird but it brought back a lot of good memories. She didn’t have any siblings growing up but she spent most of her childhood with namjoon and seokjin. Mostly just seokjin though. Maybe if this whole marriage hadn’t happened everything would still be perfect?…Except it wouldn’t because she wouldn’t have her love.
It was hard for her to fall asleep these days, and when she eventually did it wasn’t for very long.
After day two of staying with her mom she was so happy to be here with her but she felt the want to go back home constantly.
Her mother could tell something was going on but she didn’t want to say anything yet.
Minseo was out back sunbathing on the pool chairs but she heard her mother shouting, immediately she got up and went inside to see what was going on. Her heart dropped when she saw him, namjoon, hugging her mother.
“Joon, what are doing here?!” Minseo was confused and a bit annoyed.
“Oh- um I just wanted to check on you- and to see mom of course!” He smiled at her mother
“Oh joon you know you’re always welcome! I’m working on dinner so make yourself comfortable”
Minseo left walking to her room to change out of her bathing suit not knowing namjoon was following right behind her. It startled her a bit. She quickly put on her robe that was hanging on her door
“You shouldn’t be here namjoon” he could clearly see she was angry
“I know, I’m sorry but I was worried about you-”
“I’m perfectly fine. No need to worry”
“Your mom was so excited to see me. I was actually kind of nervous to come because I wasn’t sure if you told her about anything yet-“
“I haven’t…” she sighed “I don’t think I will. Just go down and help her, I’ll be there after I change” he nodded quickly exiting the room
Minseo had slipped into some comfortable clothes and went to join the two. Already hearing them cracking up from all the way across to house
“What’s so funny?” She smiled
“Oh darling come see this” her mom said barely able to contain her laughter “it’s from when you guys were just kids and used to walk to school every morning, Remember when that car drove by a puddle and it splashed you guys so bad you all ran home crying”
“You have a picture?!” minseo doesn’t remember this being so funny
“Of course! I knew some day we’d be able to laugh back at this”
Namjoon smiling while admiring the beautiful smiles on their faces as well
“One day when you guys have kids of your own you better take all the pictures you can, time flies by so fast” her mother adds walking back to the stove leaving the two in the dinning room
“You remember this day?” namjoon says picking up one of the many photos her mother had pulled out. It was a more recent photo. From last years birthday.
“Of course I do, it was one of the best days of my life” she smiled remembering how special she felt that day. Before she could do anything else her mother began serving them. Enjoying the nice hot meal catching up, everything felt almost normal. Almost.
“I’m stuffed” namjoon said rubbing his stomach
“Me too, every time I eat I get real sleepy. Minseos bed is a twin but I’m sure you’ll both fit” her mother added
“Oh no need, he’ll be heading home now-“
“What? No, it’s late honey. Don’t you want to stay namjoon?”
He felt pressure from both sides wanting to say yes but needing to say no, for minseo but… he couldn’t.
“Of course i do!” He smiled but minseo was mad, heading to her room. Namjoon joined her after he had helped clean up.
“Wow Your room is smaller than I remember” namjoon said looking around
“Yeah well everything’s bigger when you’re 13… you can take the bed tonight”
“No that’s ok, it’s your bed after all”
“Just take the bed joon, you’re our guest”
“Um actually we’re her guests”
She rolled her eyes “fine we both take the bed, but get your own blanket” he smiled at her
both of them were settled into the small twin bed facing back to back in silence trying to fall asleep but neither of them could
“Namjoon” minseo said quietly which caused namjoon to turn his body around or face her
“Why are you really here?” Still not facing him
“Because I was worried about you… and because I missed you”
It was silent again for a moment until he heard her sniffle immediately feeling his heart begin to race
“minseo” he whispered as she now turned around to finally face him
“I missed you so much joonie, so much but you- you hurt me so bad” she was trying to keep her voice down as best as she could
He immediately pulled her into his chest as if on instinct “I know it my love, and I’ll forever regret it. I’ll spend the rest of my life fighting to get you back if I have to. You’re the only person I truly need” he was trying to hold himself together as well
“I love you, even if you decide to not forgive me-” he was full on crying now. He couldn’t hold back
Seeing him like this just hurt her even more, looking at him she went to grab ahold of his face “I love you too joon, always” with both of them crying he immediately went in for a kiss.
it felt like they haven’t kissed in ages. He missed the way she’d grabbed his hair whenever they kissed like this. His hands searched her body missing having her like this.
Namjoon feeling himself began to grow hard, he couldn’t control it. He didn’t want to ruin the moment but In all honesty, they both needed it
As soon as she realized she paused
“I’m sorry- it just-“ he tried to explain but she didn’t care. Reaching down to feel him
“It’s okay” she pressed down feeling all of him causing him to groan, she went back into the kiss while her hand moved inside of his sweats grabbing ahold of his heavy cock, she started pumping him nice and slow. Namjoon very much enjoying this he started thrusting into her hand. His mouth agape as he was moaning quietly into her ear
“Feel good?” She asked still pumping him just how he liked it
“Yes, so good-” god she missed this
“You’re mine right?” She knew he was but she still wanted to hear it
“Yes, im all yours.. I promise” his hands began roaming her body. Missing how she felt in his arms. He grabbed the hem of her tank top asking for permission to take it off, she wasn’t wearing a bra so her chest was fully exposed now. He immediately went to her chest leaving the most gentle kisses to both of them. focusing on her nipples as she was tugging on his hair softly, feeling just as good as him. When He went to pull her pajama shorts down she stopped him
“Wait, we can’t” minseo said slightly out of breath “my mother might hear us”
Namjoon knew that was a possibility but he was so horny right now he truly didn’t care
“We’ll be quiet, I promise. I need to feel you so bad, love” he said slowly grinding against her. Minseo was just as needy and of course she gave in
“Hurry up then” she said and not even a second later namjoon was taking off the rest of his and her clothes.
Hovering over her He was teasing his tip in while he played with her clit because he knew once he was in, it wouldn’t be for very long. It feels like forever since he last had her like this. He wanted both of them to feel good.
Minseo was a whimpering mess as she tried to keep quiet. Namjoon the same, bitting his lip as he watched her
“I need you inside me, please” she whispered as namjoon started pushing himself inside
“Fuuck-“ pulling back feeling her squeeze him so good “I missed this pussy” he said into her neck as he found a good pace
They were both out of it, trying to keep quiet but feeling all too good. Minseos legs we slightly shaking as he started going faster. Namjoon couldn’t hold back his moans, trying to muffle them into the pillow
Minseo wrapped her legs around his waist just like she always did, letting him go deeper. Namjoon was close.
He began kissing her breasts, admiring how beautiful she looked under him. He’d do anything for her.
“My love, im close”
“Me too, kiss me joonie”
and he did, kissing her with urgency as he came inside her. He didn’t stop until she was finished. She wasn’t too far behind him as she was begging him to not stop
She came hard around him, feeling her pussy throbbing, namjoon still thrusting slowing letting her ride out her high
They both stayed in that position for a moment before he got up to wipe her clean, getting one of his shirts to clean the mess he made that was now spilling out of her. Being gentle because he knew she was still sensitive
“Thank you” she whispered once he was back in bed
“I should be the one thanking you” namjoon was smiling ear to ear
“For what silly” she knew what he meant but wanted to tease him
“For you know… being you”
“Oh stop” she laughed quietly “let’s go to bed now, im tired”
“Goodnight” he kissed her again before he snuggled onto her
“Night” minseo didnt know how she was able to live without him for so long but she did know that she hated it.
The two were finally able to have a good night sleep, the only thing that was missing was their bed at home.
But If only they knew what was waiting for them back at home….
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anonnluvver · 1 year
brett with a very shy reader ? most x readers have a too bold personality for me to relate too lol, gender is unimportant and just headcannons pleaseee :) ty
HIII OMG YALL REQUESTED A WHOOOLLE LOT AND IM SO SORRY IVE TOOK SO LONG TO GET TO THEM BUT I PROMISE I WILL! I’ve just been so busy lately but I’ve finally got some free time on my hands so be ready for looots of posts. ANYWAYS let’s get to it, thanks so much for requesting! (Btw this one is a long one…and cheesy)
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Brett x shy reader fluff(gender neutral)
“Deep breathes, okay. You can do this.” You quietly whisper to yourself, nervously fiddling with the seams of your shirt. It’s the first day of your new job in the shadow government at Cognito inc. taking one last deep breath and push the doors open walking up to the front desk. “Hi, im Y/n. Im new here and someone named Reagan said to ask you for instructions.” The secretary just looks you up in down with the blankest expression you’ve ever seen and simply said “go to the 2nd floor, conference room.” You awkwardly look away and thank the lady. Geez so much for good first impressions. Following the mean ladys instructions you stand right in front of the conference doors and give it a quick knock. “Come in!” You hear a women shout. Opening the doors you see who you assume is your boss, Regan. “Hi, I’m Regan your boss . Since of now you are part of the task force.” That was super brief, you thought. You’re a little shocked at how quickly you had been assigned to a job. “Oh um okay, well when do I get to meet this team of mine?” You question her a little scared to meet the rest of your co-workers. “Ah sorry I called you in a bit earlier than everyone else just so you could adjust to your office a bit. I’ll show you the way there then you’ll come back here when your done settling down to meet everyone else.” Regan walks you out to your office and leaves soon after. Your body slumps and your bag falls onto your desk as you sit down. “Well this hasnt been too bad. Regan doesn’t talk too much, which is kind of awkward but I mean so am I.” You talk to yourself in your small office hearing your voice echo a little on the walls from the emptiness in the room. Well I guess I should start heading back I’ve been here a while, sighing you stand up and hesitantly go to the conference room once more. You open the doors to find more people sitting down at the large table in the conference room, all suddenly turning their heads to look at you. In embarrassment your face flushes a little and you look at the floor awkwardly. “Oh, sorry everyone um hi I’m Y/n.” You quietly introduce yourself. “Oh my gosh!” *SQUEEL* “You must be our new co worker!” *gasp* You sharply gasp, surprised by being pulled into a tight hug and squeezed up into the air. Your face grows even hotter and flustered not knowing who is touching you or what to do. You look down to see the person hugging you so tightly and see a tall and really attractive guy. And suddenly your even more flustered if that’s possible. “Brett how many times do we have to tell you, you don’t hug people who don’t know you.” Reagan sighs tiredly, clearly this isn’t the first time he’s done this. “Oh! Right sorry… I’m just so excited to have a new addition to our gang!” He quickly puts you done and apologizes. “Y/n you can come sit down with us now, everyone just introduce yourselves normally please.” Wow, Regan already seems done and the day just started. “Oh okay.” Shit, well where am I supposed to sit? You look to the right and see that weird guy who hugged you patting the seat next to him. You just quickly look away and sit next to Regan on the opposite side from him. You don’t mean to be harsh but you’re just nervous to be close to him. And strange enough he looks sad you didn’t sit next to him. “Alright well I’m Andre Lee, the tasks force one and only biochemist. I also got the good stuff-if you know what I mean wink wink.” He elbows your side while dramatically winking. “You are such a weirdo Andre.” The next girl rolls her eyes at Andre “whatever, I’m Gigi Thompson, best looking one here and PR of the media manipulation department. I’m sure you’ve seen my work because I am everywhere.” She laughs at her own flattery. “And I’m Glen Dolphman, Cognito Inc’s supersoilder and responsible for managing the company��s arsenal.” He says while firmly saluting to the American flag. “Oh and I’m Brett Hand! And uh I guess I just work here.” He laughs awkwardly at the last part as it seems he doesn’t even know why he’s here. “Okay now that everyone has introduced themselves let’s get to business.”
Regans voice just fades out slowly from your head as your distracted by a certain someone. You just stare at him in confusion and curiosity, Brett seems like such a strange yet normal guy. Though as your staring at him you can say he is really cute. Lost in your thoughts you don’t even notice when Brett catches you staring at him at first. He smiles at you and you quickly look away in embarrassment.
Eventually the hours pass you by and your first day on the job was over. You’re glad it was nothing crazy but planning things and paperwork. Reagan promised you’d be safely at the office, just for your first few days. You collect your things from your office and head to your car in the parking lot. Content enough with your first day you decide to get a quick pick me up at Starbucks. You sit at a table by yourself waiting for your vanilla with extra sweet cream foam cold brew, your regular. “Oh hey Y/n, it’s me Brett!” You look at up from your phone in surprise. Brett stood smiling right in front of you. Immediately filled with awkward nervousness you look away from him and down the the table. “Um hi…” you quietly respond to him, clearly not matching his energy. Brett immediately frowns with sadness. “Hey, I’m sorry that I hugged you without your permission. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I was just so excited to meet you! From now on I promise I’ll always ask before touching you.” Surprised at his apology you look up to see him smiling sweetly at you. You feel your cheeks warm up and little and you start to smile just a little. “Thanks, I really appreciate it Brett.” You finally spoke to him while making eye contact! Brett’s eyes light up with happiness, just glad you accepted his apology. Before either of you could say anything else the employee called out your order. “Oh that’s me, sorry Brett I have to go now but um it was really nice to see you.” You grab your bag and coffee and wave goodbye to Brett. Finally at home lying in your bed trying to sleep, you find yourself staring at the ceiling unable to stop thinking about something. Or more like someone. You couldn’t get Brett Hand out of your head and it was unbearable. What was so intriguing about him to you? I mean surely you cant like him you just met. I’m sure it’s just cause your excited about having a new friend. Yes of course, that’s the answer. All these thoughts rush through your head for the next few hours of you sleepless night.
You wave lazily at the front desk lady on your way into the office this morning, tired from you lack of sleep from last night. You drop a few things off at the office and report to the conference room shortly after as Reagan directed. You walk in and it’s just Reagan, seems like your a bit early. “G’mornin.” You mumble and take a sit next to her slumping tiredly in the chair. “Woah you look just like me, what’s wrong?” Reagan questions your tired face knowing it a little too well. You slowly lift your head off the table to look at her with half closed eyes. “Hm? Oh sorry, im just really tired. I couldnt sleep last night and I forgot to get coffee this morning too.” You slur and mumble all your words but it’s clear enough for Reagan to understand what your saying. “Ah I get that but my question is, why were you having trouble sleeping?” And before you could fumble over your words trying to make an excuse the answer bursts right through the doors. “Hey guys! How’s it going?” Brett’s energy is way too much for you this morning so you just put your head back down and doze off as Regan and Brett talk for a bit. Yet before you can fall asleep Brett calls out your name. “Y/n, look up.” “Hm?” You hum and left your head of the table once more to look up at whatever Brett wanted. He was holding out a coffee to you. You wake up a little from the shock and slowly sit up straight. “Is this for me?” You look at him confused. “Yes of course, I swinged by this morning to get you it. it’s a vanilla cold brew with extra sweet cream foam!” He gleefully beams at you. “But that’s what I always get?” You look at him stumped “how do you know my order?” Still confused you question Brett. “Oh well I I remember what order the employee called out yesterday when I saw you.” He smiles once more and you gently reach out your hands to grab the cup. And suddenly your sense of touch heightens when your fingers brush softly against Brett’s as you grab the cold cup. You share one last look with Brett before he quickly jolts up. “Oh! I just remembered I should go find the others. I know they’re here probably just running late.” He smiles and heads off to find the rest of your co workers. You just sit there starring off into space from where Brett last stood. “Hey Y/n” “hello?” “Y/N!” Regan yells at you to wake up from your day dream. “Oh regan, sorry I spaced out.” “Yea I could tell. Now let’s get ready for another stressful meeting.” You fully turn your attention to helping Regan prepare for the day.
Once again the work day is over and it’s time to leave as your walking out to the doors of your office you’re stopped by a certain someone. “Hey Y/n! Great work today.” It’s Brett. “Oh, thanks Brett…” fuck you’re internally screaming. Why does this guy make you so nervous? Hiding your face from Brett inevitable feeling the heat flush to your cheeks once more. “Um by the way, thanks for the coffee. It was really cool of you.” Cool? Gosh I sound like a dork. You internally beat your self up for your stupid choice of words. “No problem! Anything for a pal.” He giggles a little from his own statement and winks at you playfully. “Okay we’ll see you tomorrow Y/n!” And with that you both exchanges waves and goodbyes. Once finally out of eyesight you mentally face palm and groan into your hands. Gosh. That was embarrassing “Honey, I just saw that whole thing and whooh that was awkward.” You quickly turn around to see who saw your embarrassing display with Brett and it was Gigi. “Ugh I know but I just can’t figure out why I’m so awkward around him.” You cringe at just remembering your interaction. And yet you find yourself weirdly comfortable talking to Gigi. “Mmhm I think I know exactly why.” She just gives you an all knowing look up and down. “Really? Please tell me why.” You plead do her to enough you so you can just solve the issue already. “It’s because you like him.” “WHAT?” You accidentally yell out in shock covering your mouth quickly. “I mean, why do you say so?” This time whispering so no one near could hear. “Honey it’s written all over that little face of yours.” You groan loudly at her claim. Could that really be the reason your social skills suck more then usual when talking to Brett? “But I just met him, how could I already like him?” You ask Gigi since she seems to be much more knowledgeable in this aspect. “Well I couldn’t tell you. After all how am I supposed to know why YOU like him? All I know is lover boy seems to be developing a few feelings of his own.” And with that mind breaking statement she leaves you alone with just you and your thoughts. Brett like me?? No way. Not in a million years. These words echoing through your head the whole way home. Throwing yourself over your bed with exhaustion more over your conflicting emotions rather than your heavy work load and eventually passing out.
A few weeks pass and your now comfortable in your new work environment, strange but now familiar. Yet one thing has not changed, the awkwardness you feel when around Brett. And yes those feelings Gigi talked about have not left one bit, in fact you’d say they’ve grown over time. Brett’s nice gestures always make your stomach flutter with butterflies and your heart face like some 3rd grade crush. “Y/nnnn, Come on! He clearly likes you, why not just make a damn move already. Everyone in the office practically knows already! It’s so obvious.” Gigi shouts at you while your just trying to enjoy your sandwich. You asked to have lunch together not a therapy session… “Gigi shhh! Don’t say that so loud!” You sigh and put your sandwich down “look, I like him sure but we don’t know for sure if he does and-“ “OH PLEASE!” Gigi cuts you off abruptly shouting and throwing her arms in the air. “He’s always extra nice to you and trust me Brett’s already way too nice. Plus he’s always bring you little gifts all the time.” She huffs and rolls her eyes at you. “Whatever Gigi, I’m not making any moves so sorry to dissatisfy your office romance fantasies.” You roll you eyes back at her and clean up since your lunch break is over leaving back to your office and go finish up some paperwork for Reagan. “Oh I will get my office romance wether you want it or not.” Gigi talks to herself planning a ‘special’ surprise for you.
*KNOCK* *KNOCK* you sigh getting up from your chair to open the door to your office. “Oh hi Gigi, Reagan, What do you need?” You see the two girls standing in front of your door. “Hey Y/n we were hoping you could help us find something in the chemical closet.” Gigi asks in a weirdly high pitch voice. “Sure,what is it?” You ask wondering what it was they couldn’t find. “Oh follow us then we’ll tell you”. So you follow Reagan and Gigi to the chemical closet and go inside. “It’s called fizzyflupflurp acid.” You can hear one of them trying to hold in a laugh behind you “Really? That sounds kind of stupid.” But before you can say anymore they quickly leave in a rush saying to just call them when you find it since they’re so “busy”. Huh, weird. But I mean this whole place is weird. You just think to yourself as you look through the various viles for ‘fizzyflupflurp’ acid. Suddenly you hear lots of giggling behind you and hear Brett stumble into the closet falling right on to you. He lets out a grunt from the impact of you two colliding and before either of you can get a word out you hear the lock click and Gigi and Reagan giggles burst out into laughter. You push brett aside and rush to the door trying to open the door but it’s locked, pounding your fist on the door in frustration when it doesn’t open. “Let us out!” You yell at the other two behind the door. “Yeah, What are we locked in here for?” Brett chimes in. “Oh I think you know why you’re in there. And we’re not letting you out till one of you spits it out.” You can just hear the smirk on Gigi’s face. You freeze in fear and feel your face turn completely hot and red. “Gosh no.” You breathlessly whisper to yourself not wanting to turn around and face Brett. “AH OKAY I ADMIT IT,” Brett suddenly yells out “I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE STALKED YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA TO LEARN YOUR FAVORITE THINGS.” Brett winces as if you might yell at him for what he’s done. “Brett what? No, this isn’t what this is about. And that’s not a horrible thing Brett im not mad at you for it but it is kinda weird…” you sigh preparing yourself to ruin your small friendship with Brett and make it awkward for the rest of your career. “Then what is it about?” Brett asks confused to what other secret needed sharing. “Well it’s… it’s- gosh um” SPIT IT OUT ALREADY internally yelling at yourself to get it over with. “I like you.” You say extremely quite almost enough for Brett to not hear. “Oh well I like you too Y/n! You’re a great friend, that’s no secret.” He laughs at you for your ‘silly’ secret that he just doesn’t seem to understand. “No, Brett. I like like you. As in romantically.” You muster out clarifying things for Brett. It’s silent. Way too silent that you look up to see his expression and he looks so, shocked? Panicked you start apologizing “look Brett I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable I jus-“. Oof is the noise you let out from being knocked back into the closet door. “Brett?” “I’m sorry, I know I said I’d ask next time before hugging you but I just really needed to this time.” He whispers softly and your heart just melts. You hug him back tighter than ever happy he isn’t upset. “I like like you too Y/n” he quietly says nuzzling into your neck and gently squeezes you reassuringly.
I AM SO SORRY I TOTALLY READ THIS REQUEST WRONG I DONT KNOW HOW 😭. well regardless I hope some of you like it but I am truly sorry anonymous hope you can forgive me🙏.
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bronx-bomber87 · 8 months
Happy Weekend everyone :) Whew we are almost halfway through s3 already it's crazy. I love how when we get little content the previous ep the next one has loads. This is Lucy’s first real foray into UC. Seeing that deeper Harper/Lucy bond. Tim’s freak out and protectiveness. Such a good one for so many reasons. So many more gifs I wanted to use but sadly Tumblr keeps me to 30. They need to up that ha Oh well let’s get this started.
3x06 Revelations
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Our ep starts out with Tamara and Lucy. Lucy making sure she gets at least one good dinner for the week. I just love their relationship so much. Tamara was such a good addition to the show. Adding some extra depth for Lucy. She is an excellent pseudo mom to her. Tamara asks if she can interview Lucy for a paper for school. Has to do with women in male dominated fields.
Lucy is adorable in her reply saying she's honored she’s asking her. How far these two have come. Lucy says she should be off early tomorrow. Let's Tamara know she’s just doing site security with Tim. It’s for the CCOA. Basically a convention for UC cops. I did love her saying ‘My Sergeant’ when explaining her work plans tomorrow. Made me happy. Yes he is. In more ways than one. Heh
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We first join our lovely duo running security checks at the entrance. Lucy asking if Tim does this every year? Tim tells her no but he went with Isabel once to this. Look our boy bringing up Isabel casually. Being the one to and not have it bring him down. I'm so proud of him. Doesn’t phase him like it used to. Not only that but he’s cracking jokes over here.
Saying he just worked on his tan while Isabel attended seminars haha Replying to her question about what they teach here with sass. Tim tells her he has no idea but he's clearly having fun with his reply. Lucy still isn’t used to his sassy side. Her reaction above says it all. You did this lady hehe Enjoy the fruits of your labor madam.
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Their lighthearted moment is interrupted by an old friend of Tim’s. He drives up like a bat out of hell. Tim is excited to see him (at first...) Tim is in such a good mood when he rolls up. Just outside cracking jokes with his girl having a good time. Even introduces Lucy (by her first name BTW) to his friend proudly. Shortly after their reunion Tim realizes the girl in the car is not his wife….
She blatantly hits on him calling him pretty. I mean he is. Look at the man. I’ve said before he is sex on stick. Mack notes he only gets prettier with age. He's not wrong...it’s true. Loved Eric since his DOOL days. Was in love with him then as a teenager and even more so now ha So that is accurate. Aged like a fine ass wine. *chef kiss*
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Tim pulls Mack aside and wants to talk. Lets him know if he wants to run around on his wife that's his business. But he looks high as a kite. I love the way Lucy watches the interaction. Already in protect Tim emotionally mode. Mack tells him it's just oxy. He got hurt on the job month ago and the pain is a bear.
He takes off before Tim can say more and the look of worry on Lucy's face only increases. She can tell Tim is shook up about seeing his old friend this way. It’s affecting him more than he would like. I think he must’ve been in the academy with Tim. To watch someone you used to be close fall from grace is never easy to watch. Especially when it's so closely related to what Isabel was like.
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Lucy spies on Harper giving a lecture to potential female UC’s in the making. You can see her interest is piqued. Harper even spots her before she shuts the door. Cracks me up the way she jumps when Tim catches her. I always love me some arm crossed disapproving Tim. Mmm. gimme. His emotions are written all over his face. They honestly color his attitude for almost the entirety of this episode. He’s not upset she snuck a peak. He’s upset she’s interested in UC. The way he looks back that that sign says it all. A sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach has settled and its not going anywhere.
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This next scene we start to see Tim’s demons about UC surface a little. That good mood of his is long gone. He immediately confronts her about it. Asking her if she was spying in on seminars? She can’t lie to save her life when he looks at her. She adorably replies maybe…She's so excited by the prospect of UC she isn’t picking up on the stress Tim is throwing down in this scene.
He chews her out a little for spying and why it was wrong. I think we all know this has zero to do with the spying. That it 100 percent has to do with the subject matter that’s peaked her interest. He is trying to cut this off at the pass. He is not remotely excited about her being interested in UC at all..
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We return to our couple reporting to Mack’s room. His wife Beth is banging on the door. His mistress won’t let her in. Tim doesn't have time for this and kicks the door down. Oh my. He runs inside and sees Mack has OD’d. Lucy goes and gets the Narcan to revive him. Mack comes to and is begging his wife to stay. He is so very out of it. His wife storms off saying she can’t do this anymore. Ugh poor Tim. The look he shares with Lucy kills me. The pre-tears and all. The fact that he's upset and looks back at her for support. My heart. This was not how he envisioned spending this day. It was supposed to be an easy security site job that turned into so much more.
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Tim rejoins Mack at the hospital. He is so very angry with him. His pre-tears are killing me in these scenes with Mack. Poor Tim this ep is bringing up a lot of demons for him. Ones he truly thought he was putting behind him. Not just UC ones either. Telling Mack he’s not making the same mistakes he did with Isabel. Tim has made major strides when it comes to her but those scars still linger. They’re not gone and probably never will be fully. I’m sure he still tortures himself about his inaction with her. He won't do that again. To Tim this is a way to make up for that. Atone for that sin.
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Lucy is leaving for the day when she spots Harper waiting at her car. Now I said when Harper joined the show how excited I was. That her and Lucy’s relationship was one of those reasons. These are the moments that I love so much. Harper is straight with her and says 'You know we’re gonna have to talk about it right?' Clearly referring to her sneaking a peak.
Lucy thinks Harper is there to scold here just like Tim did. The beautiful thing about this scene is she doesn’t. Nyla encourages and supports her UC aspirations. This is where she becomes her UC mentee really. After Lucy explains why she peaked in Harper can’t help but want to help Lucy with this.
Can sense her genuine excitement about it. Even agrees to drinks to talk about it. Hell it’s her idea how far we’ve come ❤️ Lucy postpones her interview with Tamara to go out with Nyla. Harper then gets a distress call from one of her old UC contacts. Asks if Lucy wants to come instead of a rain check on drinks? She jumps on this offer immediately. Wanting to see first hand what an operation is like.
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Harper sends Lucy into the bar solo while she spots the tail on her friend. Lucy looks so amped to prove herself. She finds June or ‘Coco’ as she’s known right now at the bar. Sato joins the table immediately after Lucy does. Obviously he is the tail June has been worried about. The balls on Lucy in this moment. If Tim could see her right now he would have a friggin heart attack. Lucy throws a damn drink in his face.
She covers her ass so well and pretends she’s the chemist. Really smart move on her end. Even though he buys Lucy’s story Sato and his guard make them both move outdoors. Harper is waiting in the wings like the BAMF she is. Takes out Sato’s guard easily. Harper tells Coco there’s a tracker on her car. They must be cops. Sato is now the one in trouble saying they’re not. Salonga his boss just wanted them surveilled.
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Coco up's the price for pissing them off. He tells them if they do the price hike Lucy better be at the buy. Harper tries to shield Lucy. Telling them she doesn’t go on buys. Lucy jumps in and says she’ll go. That she's already spent her share in her head. Shocking both Harper and June. If Tim could see this he would be losing his damn mind. Well he will later on….
Crazy how good she is at this right away. Harper notices the immediate potential in her. They tell her she better bone up on chemistry. She beams like the nerd we all know and love. Says she got straight A’s in chemistry in high school. Of course you did haha Lucy gets so caught up in the moment she forgets she was supposed to do the report with Tamara. Oops.
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Tim comes to Grey’s office about his report on Mack. Wade is asking him if he’s sure he wants to do it this way? Tim so desperate to right the wrong he did with Isabel he doesn’t hesitate. Says it’s the right thing to do. That it’s what he should’ve done with Isabel in first place. He warns him he'll lose his pension. Tim continues on says its right thing to do. Grey doesn’t disagree. Wade then tells him Lucy will be occupied with a UC op today. He is none too pleased about this and quickly heads to roll call room.
Tim acting like a mad worried husband from here on out. He is SEETHING above. That determined strut and crossing of his arms. His whole demeanor screaming his discontent. Anger ready to spill over onto Harper. So very worried because Lucy has volunteered for a UC op and a very dangerous one at that. He doesn’t hide his stress in the least. Lucy has become such a fixture in his life at this point. To potentially risk losing her to a UC op like he did Isabel…He can't handle the idea of it. The rest of this scene reflects that.
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His demons coming out to play extra hard in this one for him. Lucy looks so excited when she's asked to stand up. She's so ready to prove herself. She is just excited in general. Then she turns around and sees Tim’s disapproving stance and stare. She freezes immediately and instantly feels reprimanded. Looks back at him one more time and sees his body language hasn't changed. Tim is emanating anger and Lucy knows it. Whew lord. He’s ready to eat Harper.
Before we move on let's take a moment to enjoy the forearm porn we’re getting here in the gif above. Hot damn. Arms are crossed, biceps bulging and his forearms look toned as hell. Sweet baby James should be a crime to be this attractive. But let’s get back to the episode before I gawk at him any further LMAO
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The very SECOND the meeting is over Tim is all over Harper. Pushes off the wall and storms toward her. He is ready to tear her a new one about allowing this. Let’s remember this episode has been VERY rough on Tim to this point. It’s like he’s being forced down memory lane in the worst way possible. With maximum PTSD. He started the ep casual, having fun with Lucy. Even bringing up Isabel at a UC convention without it bothering him. Then Mack showed up and dominoes started to fall and haven't stopped. This scene is his boiling point with good reason.
From Mack who’s his friend forcing him to relieve his trauma with Isabel. Having to make an ethical call about his career due to him becoming an addict. To Lucy going undercover which he feels she was roped into. She wasn’t but he’s not exactly thinking straight right now. It's what happens when our emotions drown us. The logical part of our brain disconnects and all that’s left is intense suffocating emotion. Lashing out trying to get some semblance of control.
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We also need to remember the last time he was involved in a UC op Isabel was shot in the head. Almost died. His PTSD is crying out in his scene. Harper tries to calm Tim down by saying she volunteered, Grey approved it and she has the best backup she could possibly have. The thing is though no matter of logic is going to penetrate his panic right now. Tim telling Harper she’s using Lucy and he’s losing his mind over it. He felt Isabel was used in her OP and now those feelings are bleeding over into Lucy’s. He is showing all his cards emotionally in this scene. The sheer terror he feels over Lucy going under cover. He doesn't want to lose her to same thing.
I love the writers for tapping back into these issues of his. They don’t just go away. They tend to linger on for a long time. They’ve left deep scars on him. This shows how raw this nerve still is for Tim. Now to top his day off they’re throwing his person into the one thing he fears the most. Lucy has become the one constant in his life. This incredibly resilient sunshine person that has become so important to him. He can’t stand the thought of being hurt or worse. His fears from 2x19 echoing in this scene. About not being about to protect her. To losing her and him having no say in the result.
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I don’t think Tim even understands why he’s reacting this way. Most of their relationship he is like this. Acts without understanding the why behind it. Only that it is a driving force for him. It's not until 4x22 he starts to understand why he acts the way he does with her. He only knows right now it’s instinctual and he can’t stop himself from letting it out.
Lucy looks absolutely crushed by the time he says his line about her being used. The look they share before before he walks away. It's crushing to say the least. We all know how badly she wants to impress him. For him to be proud of her and what she’s accomplished to even be in this OP. Tim has always had her back. Supported her and truly seen her as a person. Had unrelenting faith in her this entire time. To not have that in this moment is rocking her entire world.
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I adore Nyla for how she helps Lucy after Tim hastily departs. She’s the best mentor Lucy could have. I love these moments between them. The way she tells her it’s Tim’s issues not her. (It’s true but also it being Lucy adds tons of fuel to the fire for him) Lucy feeling stupid for wanting him to be proud. Harper is so wonderful in validating how she is feeling.
Doesn’t shame her for wanting Tim’s approval. That he got her this far. It makes sense she would want that. Tells her there is NOTHING wrong with it. Such a good scene for them. Why I love their dynamic so much. Harper is so good for Lucy and her confidence building. She covers what Tim can't. What I love about it. These were the scenes I was so excited to get to once she was on the show for these reviews.
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Tim and Nolan have joined the op to surveil overhead. No way in hell he wasn’t going to be apart of this. I'm sure after that scene with Harper no one was going to stand in his way. Also how else could obsessively keep his eye on her if he’s at the station? Hehe Nolan thinks he’s helping by comforting Tim in this scene. Sorry John you don’t know him like that and his replies show it.
He is gruff, deflects and is cocky in his replies. All things he does with those he’s not comfortable around. Only Lucy gets soft Tim. I will commend Nolan for having the balls to say anything though. The gall of Tim to say 'Who said I was worried?’ Uh only anyone who’s interacted with you since this whole thing started. LOL The way you bit off Harpers head in front of a room full of people. But sure love you’re not worried…
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Eric is so amazing in this scene. His face says the opposite of 'not worried' His stiff body language encompassing all his immense worry. Side note let’s not ignore the amazing shots of his jawline in this scene. Could cut glass on that thing. All scruffy too mmm love it lick it like a lollipop. Ahem anyways...His continued annoyance with Nolan shows as the scene goes on.
Especially when he tells Tim about how Lucy can handle herself. Tim is VERY aware of how capable she is. It’s why he’s a little offended in his reply. He seems annoyed Nolan even mentions she can handle it. As if he's telling Tim this for the first time. Like he hasn't ridden with her pretty much every day for a year plus. He's watched her develop into who she is now. He knows dude. Nobody knows it better than Tim Bradford how damn capable she is ya schmuck...(Oops my Nolan annoyance is showing) It’s what shakes him the most with her interest in UC. That she’s going to excel at it and that scares the hell out of him.
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He is playing the worried husband to the letter. Easy Tim your feelings are showing. Showing enough that John Nolan who is usually scared of you is commenting on it. John is doing it to comfort Tim which I respect. But for Tim when it's not Lucy he isn't as receptive. As I stated about earlier he is only going to deflect, be cocky and gruff in his replies. Hence his line above. Tim isn’t going to be able to relax or breathe till she’s on the other side of this. So until then he is going to ward off Nolan and his compassion by being self assured. That he trained her so he’s not “worried". Whatever gets you through love.
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Lucy acts like a complete bad ass during the whole thing. No surprise. Gets pulled into the limo with the boss and holds her own. Even speaks Tagalog impressing Salonga even further. Writes out the formula and preserves the OP. Doesn’t take long before she’s released and they’re given the money. That’s when everyone swoops in and arrests everyone. I read in theflyingdutchwoman’s amazing analysis in their anatomy Of a scene series (if you haven't read her stuff I highly recommend it) about Tim bailing on his post during this section. I couldn’t agree more I have no doubt the minute she stepped into that limo his ass was off that rooftop immediately. Ready to go when she needed him.
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Tim is in fierce protector mode until he reaches Lucy. Then breathes a sigh of relief. Morphing into soft Tim instantly. Only for her. He quietly asks her if she’s ok? That small set of words exposing EVERYTHING about how he’s feeling. The anxiety and how stressed he was till this moment. She nods fervently and his body continues to relax. What follows this is so sweet. Let’s admire the way he holds her cuffed hands.
How gentle he is with her as he escorts her to the shop. He could have put his hands on her arms or elbow like Nyla got with Nolan. But then Nolan isn’t in in love with Nyla…He legit held her hands all the way to the patrol car. I love it sfm. Like he needed to do this to ground himself after the adrenaline rush he just experienced. Proving to himself that she’s there. She’s safe and he can relax.
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Then comes the more beautiful part of the scene and really the episode if you ask me. Lucy isn’t expecting anything from Tim in this moment. Last time she saw him was his outburst about her even doing this. Then in the most Tim Bradford-esc way he voices how very proud he is of her. By telling her ‘You did good.’ To anyone else might not mean much. Or seem like much. To Lucy Chen it means the entire world. She knows Tim’s hang ups with UC. The demons he had arise with this. She also knows he’s putting aside those feelings to let her know he’s proud of her. Which is HUGE.
Because at the end of the day this OP was about Lucy and building her confidence in this area. He wants her to know that and does so. She craves his approval and support so much. Let’s not forget she grew up in an emotionally abusive household as well. Parents who withheld praise and support for anything she did. Never proud her. (I know that life) It’s why Tim’s approval means so damn much to her.
Why she lives and strives for it. Tim has had nothing but unconditional faith and support in her since day one. When he blew up about her doing this she thought she had lost that. These three words restore that for her. I don’t think Tim even knew the depth of how much him being proud of her meant. Ugh these idiots. I love them and their slow burn sfm. To round out the scene I adore Nyla’s wink at the end. She is also so very proud of Lucy. Handled herself like a damn pro. I love her so much for the impact she has on Lucy it’s unreal.
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Poor Tim (said this a lot but seriously this ep is hard on him) has the episode end pretty roughly for him. Beth comes to find him and rip him a new one. Tim tells her he can’t excuse the past. But this is now and he stands by what he did. It calls back to 3x04 when he was telling Lucy the same thing. That he can’t fix what he did then but would make sure it wouldn’t happen again.
This situation is proof of that. Doing for Mack what he should’ve done for Isabel. It’s awful to watch her tear him apart. But the right thing and the easy thing are rarely the same. Unfortunately this is very true for Tim in this instance. He ends this ep on a low note and I just wanna hug him.
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For Lucy it ends better. She makes up the report for Tamara by providing not just herself but Nyla and June for her repot as well. It’s cute to watch Tamara absorb all their banter. I love Lucy’s speech here it’s so good. Praising the women next to her in a way Tamara is revering them all. It's perfect way to the ep for them both. Such a good one.
Side notes-non chenford
I love the introduction of Silas. I think that’s it’s didn’t really care about Nolan’s classes SL tbh. But cool castle reunion.
Thank you always to those who like, reblog and comment. Make creating these reviews so worth it shall see you all in 3x07 :)
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princessxsstuff · 1 year
Hi! I'm new to your blog so, apologies if this is something you're not comfortable with. I'm curious, who do you think would have a breeding kink? And/or just the members' thoughts on breeding in general 💕
Ofc! And Welcome to my blog <33! (Btw this is soooo late I apologize I’ve been busy!)
(I did both for ya fren!) (these r not my gifs btw)
He was up for it as long as you were. He didn’t really like the way the condom felt anyways. He was ready to be a father, and also ready to cum inside of you. He normally used protection, but sometimes his kink gets the best of him and he ends up asking you to let him take of the condom. You let him because you were on birth control and it was nice feeling his actual dick inside of you.
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He LOVED breeding. He barely ever used a condom unless you asked him too. He didn’t like the way the condom felt either. It worried you that one day you’d find out that you’re pregnant even though you’re on birth control. Minho was proud to have a breeding kink. He told EVERYONE that. They would just look at him then look at you. It was quite embarrassing but, you loved him so it didn’t matter.
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He wasn’t a huge fan of it. It triggered his anxiety. He told you, “I’m not ready to be a dad just yet, and even though you’re on birth control, you never know what could happen.” That’s why you never asked him to breed you. Although, one time he did. He admitted unprotected sex was better than protected but he was still too scared so you both just stuck to, “rather be safe than sorry.”
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Hyunjin liked risks, and breeding you was one. He knew that he could get you pregnant, but you were on birth control so was expected nothing to happen. You both liked it to be honest. Feeling Hyunjin’s hard cock in you made you cum with or without a condom, but unprotected sex was better for both of you. Hyunjin liked it too. He loved breeding you. He has a lot of kinks but this one was his strongest. But he has to control it or else he’ll end up being a father.
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He was absolutely terrified of breeding. He knew it was apart of life and dreamed to do it someday with you. But he also knew if he ended up with a kid right now, he couldn’t continue being an idol. How would he go on tour if he needed to be they’re for his baby? Or how would he get to see his kid grow up if he was constantly away? Han wanted to wait on this whole “breeding” thing and just kept on giving and receiving pleasure with a condom.
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It was most definitely something you both liked. When he did breed you, he never seemed nervous about it. But deep down inside, he was. He understood the fact that he could get you pregnant, but on the other hand giving you pleasure and seeing you cum made him weak. So he just had to deal with it. You seeing his head thrown back moans leaving his mouth each thrust made you hornier. So you both deeply liked it. It’s way better than protected sex.
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Absolutely hated it. He needed to wear a condom when he had sex with you because if he became a father he wouldn’t know what to do. It’s a bad time right time for him to have children, but he’d most definitely get you pregnant one day. He didn’t use a condom once just to see how it was. He got some orgasm in but he was so scared that he couldn’t relax.
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He really wanted to do what ever made you happy and comfortable, but if he did end up becoming a father, it would mess up his life. He would get canceled for having children at “sUcH a YoUnG aGe” and because he had girlfriend. He liked breeding you because birth control was his best friend. However, he HATED condoms. He complains how tight and annoying they are. In conclusion; YANG JEONGIN LIKES BREEDING.
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Lol this is so bad istg I’m sorry for being inactive and dry. Merry Christmas and PLS FORGIVE ME😭🫶
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gnrbitch · 1 year
Does she have alcohol? pt2
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warnings: None!
(Contraband is the name of Y/ns band btw!)
a/n: Album name (choose whichever album you want!)
Los Angeles, California
Y/n and her band mates never kept the promise of hanging out with Slash, being too busy doing shows around the US and promoting their record.
Contrabands album, a/n had exploded in the months after its release. So that means Slash was seeing Y/ns face everywhere he went, making quite difficult for the guitarist to shake her off his mind.
And Slash was annoyed, not at the fact that Y/ns band got famous, he frankly didn’t care. He was annoyed at the fact that everyone else was able to come across her, except for him.
I mean how was that even possible? He thought to himself as he looked at a magazine with a photo of Lars and Y/n. Had she forgotten about him? Or did she just think he was weird? Slash thought. Maybe he just wasn’t as lucky, or maybe, he should’ve just asked Lenny for her phone number when they were at the studio.
The club was dark, Slash didn’t even know why he was here to be honest. Well he did, Duff had offered to pay for his drinks if he went out with them. So there they were Slash, Duff, Matt and Gilby sitting in a booth drinking. Obviously the other boys had some girl under their arms, but not Slash, he had just broken up with Renee in hopes that he would come across Y/n and finally be able to take her out. And he really didn’t have any interest in another girl if it wasn’t Y/n.
“Look who it is!” A male voice called out. Slash looked up from his drink to see James standing there along with all the other guys from Metallica… and the guys from Contraband. “Hey man!” Duff said “…Hey aren’t you the guys from Contraband?” he continued drunkly pointing at Sydney, Sammi, Benny and Mikey. “Yea man, we are” Sammi said, also pretty drunk. “Well shit! I love the record guys” He laughed.
“Sit down man” Slash spoke to the guys, now internally panicking at the fact Y/n might be here. Do I smell bad? Do I look good? Is my hair greasy? When was the last time I showered?
“Yea man let me just- hold on” “Y/N OVER HERE!” Sammi yelled to the bar. Slash had never turned his head so fast in his life.
And there she was, drink in her hand, flared leather pants, and a muscle shirt on. And the closer she got to them, he noticed she didn’t have a bra on. And he felt hot.
“Hey guys, i’m Y/n” she said, giving that pretty smile that had been in Slash’s head. She walked over to Slash’s side of the booth and sat next to him.
“Hey Slash” she said, putting the same emphasis on his name like she did the last time. “How have you been?” She said, leaning over so he can hear over the music. Slash smiled, letting his eyes roam her face before answering. “I’ve been good”, his eyes landing on Y/ns lips. “Even better since i’ve been seeing your face everywhere”
This made Y/n smile, which made Slash smile, cause god he loved to see her smile. “So seeing me on a magazine is better than the real thing? i’ve got to say im offended Slash.” Y/n said, giving him an overly exaggerated offended look on her face, obviously trying to hide her smile. Slash licked his lips before responding “See i didn’t say all that, maybe if I knew where to find you I could’ve seen ‘the real thing’.”
“um… do you guys know each other?” Gilby asked suspiciously looking at the pair, this was the preppiest he’s seen Slash in months.
“Oh yea we go wayyyyyy back” Y/n said with a teasing smile, looking over at Slash. “No way! how come i’ve never heard of this lady then man?” Duff said with a drunkly look on his face.
“She’s just fucking with you Duff” Slash responded, “We met when I went to New York to work with Lenny.” Duff and Gilby gave them a little “ohh” , and Slash’s attention was right back on Y/n.
“Where to find me? I’m every where baby” Y/n purred, answering his response from before. “Comon Y/nn, don’t make this hard on me” Slash said giving her a pleading look. Y/n smiled “Fine. Just for you though”. She took out a lip liner from her bag and grabbed a napkin, writing her number on it.
“Call me tomorrow morning” she said handing Slash the paper. “Why tomorrow morning?” He asked, finding it weird that she wants him to call her at such a specific time.
Y/n smiled, “Cause I wanna talk to you, obviously”
Slash looked over her face again, happy with her response.
Here’s part 2!!! hope you guys liked it 💟
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I felt *so* bad for Jamie in that locker room scene. Like, it’s established that he’s the one with the most Total Football knowledge, because he trained under the guy who learned from the inventor, and everyone was yelling at *him* for not scoring goals.
It didn’t occur to anyone to say “Hey Jamie, you learned from Pep, any ideas for us?”. And he thought he would get in trouble if he spoke up 🥺
(I’ve been thinking about this all week and it still makes no sense)
Hello there!
Totally see where you’re coming from here: it’s certainly hard not to feel for Jamie when he’s doing his best to sort out the clusterfuck on the pitch only to get scolded for it.
For what it’s worth, though, I don’t think there’s any malice or slight intended from the other players. While the message about Jamie being the natural heir to total football might have been clearly communicated to us television audiences, I’m not so sure it was equally unequivocal to our boys in the locker room. Who knows what Coach Beard, bless his cunning and weird little heart, intends or doesn’t intend, but the bit about Jamie-coached-by-Pep was immediately overshadows by Jamie-the-beautiful-dum-dum, so I’m inclined to cut my himbos some slack for failing to consider that our boy of the godkissed right foot might have some privilieged knowledge. Besides, between Beard’s presentation and the game there are several days of Roy Kent’s School of Senseless String Sadism, so is there any wonder they’re a little fuzzy on most everything?
Also, I can’t help but think that it’s kind of a good thing that they other players feel comfortable standing up to Jamie when they feel that it’s warranted? In a way, their whole problem here is that they to some extent treat him like Zava’s successor – ie expect him to do all the work – but there’s also an important difference: for all their expectations, they still see him as part of the team and one of them, rather than some semi-deified soccer* superstar. That’s hugely important, I feel, for a team who once tended to bow down the the careless tyranny of Jamie Tartt in his prick era – and hugely important for Jamie too, who has worked so hard to go from one man show to teamplayer.
But yes: while Colin and Bumber was offering reasonable opinions in a reasonable way, given their understanding of the situation, Isaac was out of line. That’s in keeping with what we’ve seen of his character so far, though: he is given to outbursts. I’d like to think that after the match (and after Ted’s given one no. 9 his due in the post-game speech), Isaac offers some small apology. Nothing elaborate, just a clap on the shoulder and sorry I yelled at you, bruv, great playing out there and that’s that. Tempers run high on adrenaline, and I think Jamie gets that. Professional footballer and all.
I have argued that Jamie is concerned about the team turning on him if they perceive him as slipping back into bad habits and I stand by that – but I don’t really think it’s a crippling fear of Jamie’s. It’s a concern; he check the waters; he is brave; it works out and his confidence in his bond with the team and their faith in him is strenghtened. Admittedly, given Amsterdam and The Strings that Bind Us, I am getting slightly concerned that Jamie is so busy making sure he holds himself accountable that he forgets to others should hold themselves accountable to him too. We’ll have to wait and see how that develops before making any final calls on his state of mind in this scene, I think. (Ah, the dangers of metaing a text that’s still unfolding!)
Does any of this make sense to you at all? I fully get that this might not be the answer that you’re looking for; it’s intended to offer an alternative and slightly happier reading of the scene, but I fully respect that it might utterly fail to convince you. Sorry abou that, in that case, and thank you for the ask, anyhow: I had fun thinking about this!
Oh, and glorious username, btw. Fully support that.
*Obviously football is the proper and correct term but never let it be said I won’t engage in American terminology for the sake of alliteration.
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