#i wanted to do south park but i don't have any least favorites
nkhluu · 28 days
Not sure what kind of requests you'd like but here's two; draw your favorite album cover from Tally Hall, or your LEAST/MOST favorite South Park character doing something you enjoy?
Okay so like..I guess Miracle Musical is apart of Tally Hall? So..
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I actually made this a while ago (i was too lazy to write the japanese text)
Also if miracle musical slayed:
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goopyedgay · 3 months
I feel sentimental I'm sorry but–
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You don't know how happy these stupid guys make me, I don't know why, simply seeing them causes me immense joy in any circumstance, in any medium, they make me smile at my worst moment.
It's funny because when I read Hell Park for the first time I completely ignored them, and my favorite character was Tweek (which is why he is the protagonist of my AU Coven Park), but for some reason when I read Hell Park again, their dynamic caught my attention and I loved them.
Gregory and Estella inspired me immensely, even daring to make my own AU just because of them, what for me was a way to avoid problems and harassment became something ambitious that I am currently working on and trying to give my all.
and not only that, they also inspired me to create my ocs and an equally ambitious story that I have in mind, in case anyone was wondering, these are the ocs that I mainly based on Gregory and Estella to create them lol
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And all that thanks to two stupid characters from a canceled South Park AU, honestly, I don't know how I would be if I hadn't met them, it's impossible for me to imagine knowing that they have influenced my life from the end of 2021 until today, this was one of my first drawings 🥲
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I know that the issue of the Gregstella ship is somewhat dense, although I don't classify it as "problematic" because I consider that it doesn't even reach that sick level that they want to label it so much. And I know that I am perhaps the most directly responsible for having popularized the ship, and I apologize for that, it was not my intention to attract weird people, because yes, I have seen that quite questionable people have come to like the ship, or at least less so on this side of the pond, but I refrain from interacting with them because I simply don't want to and I have seen very unpleasant things coming from those people.
I would be lying if I said that I no longer like hp gregstella, I think it is something inevitable, even knowing that it is wrong, it is something that I cannot help, but nevertheless, I no longer urge people to ship them, but I also do not harass those who they do it. I think people can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't cross the boundaries of what is considered healthy. So yeah, I still kinda like hp gregstella, but I doubt I'll make content of them in the future, maybe I never will (and I never actually did, other than edits), maybe I'll start drawing them again more frequently since the annoying comments stopped, but I will never make hp gregstella content, but if I do one day, at least you will see it coming i guess 🤧
To the point I no longer care what people think of me, nor do I care to be in the Hell Park fandom, but I am aware that a large part of the fandom likes my art and inevitably I am part of it, so it also makes me happy that people appreciate my drawings despite everything, I love you, especially to the gregstella shippers who follow me and who I talk to (who are mostly lesbians just like me, a little ironic lol) 😭💕
I just want to do what makes me happy, and if people are bothered by what makes me happy, you can just block me, no hard feelings. I will continue drawing my silly couple, because it is the closest thing I will experience to love, being aromantic, I like to write couples with interesting dynamics, but being part of one? No thank you 😦
I finish with this little animation I made of Gregory and Estella from Coven park, for whoever took the time to read this, thank u and gn
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southparktegreity · 1 year
gen. dating headcannons! + short stories
[ SOUTH PARK x reader ]
[ stanley marsh x reader + clyde donovan x reader ]
kyle, kenny and butters part is here !
gender : neutral cws : none! requested : yes ! thank you anon & jae ! i added in clyde for fun since him and butters are my favorite characters to write :))) i hope that was okay!
NOTICE : these characters are aged up, and intended to be 19/20+!
a/n : my requests are still open as always :) ! if requested i'll do other characters as well !!!
stan :
out of everyone i’ve written, i think stanley is the least likely to ask you out on a date. ignoring the vomit aside (since i’m sure he grows out of it eventually), i’m sure his stomach would be tied in knots and he wouldn’t have the courage to really ask you out. which leads him to the idea of letting you know you have a secret admirer. he’ll leave notes in your locker or in your bag, a nice compliment or two to get you through the day. though one day if you ever get curious enough i’m sure you’ll be able to figure out he’s your secret admirer, admiring you from afar, (he probably isn’t trying too hard to hide his identity). if you confront him he’ll spill the beans and probably be a total nervous wreck doing it, but will end by asking you out <3
KARAOKE AND DINER DATES. omg i totally can see you dragging him to karaoke with you as a second or third date. he would take you to his favorite diner around, then you'd order both of you a milkshake with two straws. i can totally see you guys sharing a booth together and giggling about it. his face would be sooo red once the waiter comes back with the milkshake.
definitely does not handle jealousy in the most healthy ways, i think if he was jealous you'd have to kind of ask him what's wrong - i don't think he'd come out and tell you that he has a problem with you hanging out with the new kid / new kid flirting with you etc. once you reassured him nothing was going on there and you wouldn't leave him, he'd probably gain his confidence back and feel a bit more secure in your guys relationship. he'd ask you beforehand if he could be a bit more open with pda when it came to dudes flirting with you, and if you say yes he'll start holding your hand around more and calling you babe around the guys who are tryna hit on you.
i think he likes being the big spoon at first, then prefers to quietly move to cuddling you as the small spoon. he definitely wants to protect you but i've always seen stan as someone who also needs a lot of comfort and comforting, though i don't think he'd be open or honest about any of it. he really wouldn't want to come across as weak or lame to you especially, so he would definitely hope you and him would have a silent agreement while cuddling that he can be the little spoon :,)
i think he prefers 'babe' or 'baby' the most to call you, i get the impression he's not too big on pet names or anything like that. especially around his friends, he'd be a bit upset with you if you used any silly or especially romantic pet names around his friends. mostly because you know what his friends are like. i get the feeling he'd LOVE them in private though, like while you're cuddling him and softly playing with his hair. slide in a little, "hey sweetheart - you're so beautiful". i can totally see him melting into you in that moment.
"Hey babe." Stan walked over to you and the new kid, rubbing the back of his palm against yours, before grabbing your hand properly, but gently. He made sure that the new kid was able to see your hands, holding your hand up to his lips and kissing the back of it gently before returning back to your hands natural state together.
The new kid looked between you both, realizing there wasn't really much getting in between you two, before waving to you both goodbye.
"What was that about, Stan?" You looked at him, smiling a little to yourself and him at the new public display of affection.
Stan shook his head. "Nothing, just missed you." He said watching the new kid walk away, before looking back at you and gazing into your eyes, then giving you a kiss on the forehead.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
clyde :
definitey talked to tolkien and craig before trying to ask you out. he really wants to come off as genuine to you, instead of just trying to get into your pants like he may have done previously to other people. again, wants to come off as genuine instead of just flirty. tolkien would probably be super encouraging and craig would probably be like “if you don’t tell them i will” or something like that. i think in the end though clyde asking you out would go something like; “hey you should come to my football game, y/n.” “it’s winter? it’s not football season..?” cue to him wiping the sweat off his forehead, “y-yeah.. what i meant was… you can play foot with my… no wait - wait..”
clyde definitely would take you to an amusement park, he's not super into rollercoasters since they're a bit scary but if you beg him he'll totally go with you. though be warned, he'll be holding onto your hand the entire time. i also get the impression he would LOVVEEE to take you into a haunted house of some kind, totally not using the fear as an excuse for you to hold onto him, but he ends up holding onto you out of fear - maybe crying a little. he doesn't want to seem like a baby around you but you can't fault him for being scared - right?
honestly? i think clyde is similar to kyle in that he gets a bit more territorial (again as seen in that one episode with bebe and kyle). though he definitely isn't as possessive as kyle. clyde's the type of person to throw your arm around you and say something like "what's up, honey! who's this guy?", as if the other guy isn't trying to flirt with you. if you were spending too much time with tolkien or stan (or any other boy really) he'd probably get genuinely upset and would communicate this of course, throughout a very teary night. he always wants to be your #1 and is probably a little afraid of you leaving him for someone else (especially if it's his fault (cough) his mom (cough)).
i can definitely see the sun barely coming up and shining on him and yourself glistening on yours and his skins. he would definitely be hugging your waist and pressed in between your chest. his legs would wrap around yours. you playing with his hair as he whispers sweet nothings to you. he's definitely a big ol' cuddle bug, and i can see him and you during the summer deciding not to cuddle since it's too hot, and then waking up in each others very, very sweaty arms.
he’s so hit or miss with sweet names, i feel like he probably calls you “sweetheart” or “honeyy” but i could also see him saying something like “mx/mr/ms. y/n donovan” all the time. especially around his friends or anyone who might try to hit on you. i feel like he’s all lovey dovey and tries to act like a married couple to get people away from you. plus, he loves the idea of getting married to you. and if you play along (calling him “mr. clyde l/n”) he’ll lose his MIIIND practically cries tears of joy hearing that :,)
You and your lovely boyfriend Clyde were laying in his king size bed (since of course, he had to buy a bed fit for a king), as the sun began to set. It was summertime, the wind was nowhere to be found and the air was humid. Clyde's room was hot, since there was little to no ventilation. You turned to Clyde, his face slightly covered in sweat as he wiped it off with a nearby towel. His face was glistening from the sun setting, as the purple-y pink sun shined on his face.
"What's wrong honey?" You snapped out of your thoughts, shaking your head and looking back at him - your face subtly flushed. Partially from the heat, but also from him.
"You just looked really pretty... even with all that sweat on your face, hehe." You grinned at him.
Clyde looked back at you with the biggest toothy smile on his face, tackling you down onto the bed and peppering you with kisses. You both were too hot (literally and figuratively) to be holding each other like this, your arms wrapped around him as he smooched you.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
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jackblackhotelmirror · 2 months
What are your favorite South Park headcanons? 🖖🏻
It took me ten million years to respond to this because I don't really have SP headcannons (besides my AU fics) so I had to make a list!
i'm an average-height kyle truther. he's no shorter than 5'9" but no taller than 5'11".
horror movie fanatic but probably threw up while watching midsommar (and never finished it).
^ also a giant Scream fan. owns so much ghostface merch.
probably chubby.
straight as a board. he is so heteronormative, it's not even funny.
favorite bands are Bloodhound Gang and Insane Clown Posse but his guilty pleasure is Conan Gray (and cartman makes fun of him for it)
insomniac. bro CANNOT sleep ‼️
tall kenny is the only valid take for me. he is 6'2" for sure and he uses his height to be intimidating when he wants to be.
when he's older, he moves to Italy with Cartman (don't ask how either of them afford it, just go with it)
he for sure writes fics about himself on a burner account.
is really good at school without having to study. naturally quick to learn.
is straight but will do anything for money (hey, $20 is $20!)
can talk to the dead and/or supernatural. can tell when ghosts are around.
COVERED in scars
short and skinny. i'm talking 5'6".
idkw but i imagine him being mexican, or at least partially mexican.
chronically depressed (and probably has OCD) but not an alcoholic or substance user.
hates weed because he grew up on a weed farm.
you cannot convince me that he doesn't watch Family Guy.
will sleep anywhere in any position.
closeted bisexual.
is really good at playing instruments, becomes a famous lead singer in a pop band
is actually really intelligent but refuses to apply himself in school.
sent to boarding school, came back unrecognizable
football player, probably a quarterback
i really like the intersex cartman theory
doesn't believe in evolution or science
probably has a lot of trauma
Other characters:
Butters is blind in one eye from the Weapons episode
Butters is also extremely Type A as he grows up
Wendy, Heidi, Nicole, and Bebe don't have social media for feminist reasons
Jimmy can rap better than Eminem
Tweek loves true crime but is scared of FNaF
the only person who loves b@relyhuman more than Tweek is Craig
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liminalmemories21 · 5 months
Does this one light the spark plug lim? 👀
Early days, between S1 and S2 - Carlos takes TK to his favorite art gallery in Austin 👀
He's half listening to Lexi talk about the new frontier of trying to date during COVID when it occurs to him that they've never gone on a date - him and TK, not him and Lexi. He pauses halfway to taking a bite of his sandwich and Lexi stops talking to stare at him. "I didn't know you cared that much Reyes."
He rolls his eyes at her because he's been her emergency get out of a bad date call more than once, and she grins. "What'd you just remember? Did you leave the milk out?"
He shakes his head. "I realized I've never taken TK on a date."
She lifts her eyebrows. "TK, your boyfriend? That TK?" She takes another bite of her sandwich. "You landed that without a date? Tell me your ways, Oh Mystical One."
He huffs a breath. "I don't recommend our process." She make a skeptical noise, and then a call comes in for them over the radio and the discussion gets shelved.
He thinks about it on the way home though. They'd gone to darts at the bar, and that was kind of a date. Sort of. But also not really. And, more specifically they haven't gone on a date since they became official, since they lay on the hood of his car and TK took his hand and called them a team. The 126 comes over to his condo for game night, and he's been to the Strand's for dinner with TK's parents, and TK sleeps in his bed more nights than he doesn't, but they've never gone on a date. There are reasons. The world shut down barely a week after the solar flares hit, and even if there'd been anywhere to go they'd both been too exhausted and too haunted by the world falling apart around them to even think about a date.
But things have settled now, some at least. COVID is still the headline in the newspaper every day, but it's possible to think about something else now, just making it though the shift doesn't require every part of his energy anymore. He has the breathing room to think about a date.
He hasn't exactly been on enough dates to have a usual. And, none of the things that are traditional date material are really an option at the moment anyway. All the restaurants he'd daydreamed about taking TK to are still take-out only, and even if he wanted to take TK to a club on a date - which he doesn't, he wants a different kind of intimate - they're closed.
It leaves him stuck for days, thinking it over while he patrols. It isn't until he's idling at a traffic light outside the LINE hotel staring up at the Women's Votes mural that he has a stroke of genius. He remembers early - when every moment with TK over lunch or dinner at taco stands felt stolen and chancy - the way that TK would stop to look at any gratified street art they came past, the way he'd cock his head and pause.
It takes him another week to figure it out, and then another week to wait for a day when they're both off with no commitments. He won't tell TK where they're going or what they're doing, just tells him it's a surprise, and to wear comfortable shoes.
TK spends the evening trying to wheedle and then seduce it out of him, and Carlos devotes himself to fucking him until TK's barely able to remember his name. He feeds TK scrambled eggs and buttered toast and grapefruit for breakfast and does not let the way TK moans around buttery bread distract him from his plans for the day.
He drives them across the South Congress bridge and eases his car into a space just barely large enough to fit it, and flushes when TK whistles low. "Nothing sexier than a man who can parallel park in one move, baby."
They wander down South Congress hand-in hand, detouring down side streets as they catch a glimpse of color that promises a hidden treasure. They pause for coffee, and then for nachos, and then ice cream. TK stops to say hello to almost every dog they pass, and hoists two small children up so that they can write a wish on the Chalkboard on Elizabeth Street and Carlos trades helplessly charmed smiles with their mother. She leans against a tree watching and says quietly. "He's a keeper."
He nods agreement. "That's the plan."
It's winding into late afternoon by the time they make it back to the car, footsore and a little burned from the late autumn sun. TK waits until they're in the car before he leans over the gearshift to kiss Carlos slow and soft. It's not chaste, but it's sweet and heavy with an emotion neither one of them has named out loud yet but he thinks they both feel.
When he pulls back Carlos licks his lips, chasing the taste of TK and the tamarind jarritos he'd bought on the way back to the car. "Does that mean it was a good date?"
TK rubs a thumb over his cheekbone. "Best last first date I ever hope to go on."
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green-alien-turdz · 6 months
Wanted to ask some questions (feel free to answer the ones you want) about you/SP characters
-best part abt South Park
-worst part
-favorite kid character
-character you think has missed potential
-favorite adult character
-least favorite adult character
-one that’s relatable
-moment that was really unfunny
-moment that was really funny
-kinda overdone in every blog but what pronouns you go by
-how’d you get into South Park
-are you in any other fandoms/do you make any original art n stuff
Feel free to only answer the ones you want to, no pressure here
Ight, here we go
Best Part: It's just a fuckin funny ass show. Shit makes me happy as hell. Even when they have some pretty dogshit takes, the rest of the show usually makes up for it.
Worst Part: Kinda like the last one, there have been some episodes that aren't all too great. I understand that they have a SUPER tight deadline, so there's SO much room to get issues wrong n stuff, so I don't give too much of a shit. I also don't expect everyone to have the same views as me, and it's usually not terrible. Sometimes you'll get right wing conservatives thinking that SP exaggerations of things is 'proof' of some stupid shit. I could do without that, but it's like once in a blue fuckin moon.
Fav (kid) Character: I think it's obvious it's Kyle.
Character w/ missed potential: They've honestly done a pretty good job of showcasing a lot of the character, giving a lot of secondary and tertiary characters their own episodes. BUT, I do think seeing more of David or Tammy woulda been cool.
Fav (adult) Character: Nostolgia wise, it's Chef, cuz I miss that mf (fuck scientology tho). Comedy wise, ealier Randy was pretty good (tho I'm not a big fan of how he has been since Tegridy, that's not to say he doesn't have his moments, but he's not the same). Also, I used to fucking LOVE Ms. Crabtree when I was a kid, I though she was funny as shit.
Least fav. adult: Officer Barbrady. I can deal with him bein dumb as fuck, but his voice and speaking pattern is like a fork scratchin across a plate. I hate him SOLEY because of his fucking voice. Also, SkankHunt42 Gerald is annoying as FUUUUUCK.
Unfunny moment: The Butter's and passed out Paris Hilton scene. In general, is just kinda stupid and uncomfortable. Also the whole Ike and his teacher thing. The Cartman as Dog was a funny thing, but the rest was uncomfortable (to be fair, I'm almost certain that was the point. They used Ike to REALLY send home just how fucked up it was).
Funny moment: Almost all of the show, dude. I love it so much.
Pronouns: Dick/Balls jk He/him, but I couldn't give a shit. I'm a dude, but a short one, so maybe I don't really count
How: I grew up on South Park. You could catch my toddler ass watchin this wit my siblings all the time.
Misc: I am into other shows and movies, but not into fandom stuff. I'm barely in this one, seeing as I only post art n that's about it. And I do make original art. I got a shit ton of stories and oc's. But my 'normal' art style uses soft shading, unlike the hard shading I use on fanart stuff.
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princessconsuela120 · 10 months
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Chapter seven: Out of the Woods —✧
Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: cursing, mentions of pregnancy
Authors Note: This ones a shorter one, but I couldn’t think of how else to make this more South Park coded. Don’t forget to comment like and repost! Enjoy!
Chapter art by @silvell
DRIVING UP TO MARK AND VANESSA’S FELT LIKE A FEVER DREAM. Just imagining that in a few months it would be my kid here and not me. I couldn’t help but shiver at the thought. At least I knew they’d have a good life, a really really good life. They had such a nice yard where they could play, a beautiful living area where they’d grow up, and it was as far away from the chaos of South Park as possible.
“Juno, I didn't expect to see you here.” Mark said, greeting me at the door as I walked in, looking in as I took in the scenery.
“I have something really cool to show you guys. Is Vanessa here?” I asked, pulling my bag off and searching for the ultrasound photos.
“No. Actually, she's working late tonight. Trying to accrue as much time off as she can before the..” he gestured to my stomach, making me nod.
“Oh, right. I hear these are quite the time suck.” I say, placing my hands on my bump.
“Yeah. I'm just having a ginseng cooler. Would you like one?” I gave him a strange look, which he mocked as he looked back at me.
“What is it with you rich people and your herb-infused juices?” I asked, sitting back on their couch as if it were my own. My amazing ability to make any place feel like home. I kept looking through my bag, deciding to forgot about looking for the photo for a second.
“Something to do with those sporty four-packs they come in. They're not bad though. Did you say you had something to show me?” He asked, reminding me to look through my bag before I continued to grill him.
“Behold, good sir, your future child.” I said happily, pulling the ultrasound photo out of my pocket as Mark came to sit beside me on the couch.
“Hey, look at that.”
“I think it looks like my friend Kyle.” I couldn’t help but smile at the thought. It’s kinda weird actually, the baby wasn’t even here and I could already see the small curve in it’s nose that Kyle had. It kinda made this all a little bit easier, knowing that a little piece of him was along with me for the ride.
“Is he also bald and amorphous?” Mark teased, but I simply shook my head.
“No, he's the dad.” I explained, and he nodded. I think he understood that there must have been something sore there, a kryptonite of mine to bring up Kyle. He didn’t push that part any further.
“Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl?
“I can't. The doctor can. But I kind of want it to be a surprise.”
“Well, it can only go one of two ways.”
“That's what you think.” I said laughing, shaking my head at him. “I mean, I drank tons of booze and smoked so much old weed from my dads farm. He has this thing called the pandemic special, shit goes crazy...You might end up with one of those scary neuter-babies born without junk.” I explained, taking a long swig from my water bottle while raising a brow at Mark.
“Junk, huh?” He asked, seeming confused.
“Yeah, you know, its parts.”
“We definitely want it to have some junk. Please.” Mark said with a sigh, and I pressed my lips together in a frown.
“You don't need to worry about a thing. My mom makes me eat super-healthy. You know, I can't stand in front of the microwave, and no red M&M's. I hope you're ready.” I explained, but Mark seemed to ignore the question. The song playing from the cd player seemed to catch his attention.
“You hear that?” He said, getting up as he turned the volume up.
“This is my favorite song. This is Sonic Youth doing "Superstar" by the Carpenters. What did you say your favorite band was?”
“Didn't. It's a three-way tie between Fleetwood Mac, Nirvana and Pink Floyd.”
There was a reason, of course there was. Though my favorite of all time was Billy Joel, but he asked about bands. When we were kids I don’t think I could survive without my earbuds in blasting any and all Billy Joel and Fleetwood Mac songs. Billy Joel was me and Kyle’s thing. The first day he got his license, he picked me up and blasted Billy Joel music as we drove around. Vienna must have played 20 times before we even got home. And Fleetwood Mac was Stan. Even as children, when my mom would sing us Landslide to help us fall asleep.
“I'm definitely making you some CD's. At least while my kid's in there.” He said, making me smile slightly.
AFTER LISTENING TO A FEW SONGS, and establishing a very important argument of 80s movies, we ended up on the couch watching Terminator. It had been an all out war, I had to defend my stand on Swayze for my life. It was nice, a cool way of getting away from the chaos of my life, no South Park, no Cartman, no Kyle, nothing. It was a nice quiet alternative to the craziness of my life.
“I’m sorry but I just can’t give you the win on this one. Dirty dancing will forever be the winner.” I said, shaking my head as he sighed.
“At Least it’s Dirty Dancing not some bouge remake.” He said, making me nod as I leaned back, a new movie now playing on tv.
“Have you guys thought of any names for the baby yet?”
“Sort of, yes. Vanessa likes Madison for a girl.” I looked over at Mark with furrowed eyebrows, not being able to help the dirty look I gave.
“Madison? Wait, hold on. Isn't that, like, a little gay?” I said rudely, earning a look in return from Mark.
“Wow, pretentious much? Should everyone just have a mysterious name like Juno? Isn’t your brother's name Stanley?” He argued, and I just shook my head.
“My dad went through this huge obsession with Roman and Greek mythology. You know, while he was high on weed. So he decided to name me after Zeus' wife.”
“I got it.”
“Zeus, he had tons of lays...But I'm pretty sure Juno was his only wife. And she was supposed to be, like, really beautiful but really mean. Like Diana Ross.” I explained, and he smiled at me as I rambled. It was strange, the way he smiled at me, but I didn’t think much of it. He was probably just trying not to laugh at my ridiculous talk.
“Well, that suits you.” He said, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
“You are something else.” I was about to make a comment before the front door opened. “There's Vanessa. You'd better go.”
“What? Why?” I asked, confused, considering I had come in the first place to show them their baby.
“She hates when I sit around and I watch movies and I don't "contribute."” He explained, getting up and clearing the sofa canes we had downed while here.
“No, I'll handle this. I'm really good at diffusing mom-type rage.” I explained, having handled mine and Kyle’s mothers for quite some time.
“Juno, seriously…”
“Mark, where are you? I got some stuff…” Vanessa said, the bags in her arms bouncing against her legs as she walked in.
“Hey, Vanessa.” I said cheerfully, though Vanessa seemed worried by my arrival.
“Juno. What's going on?” She asked, trying to see if she could find anything wrong.
“What's wrong?”
“I went to the doctor today.” I explained.
“Is something wrong?”
“The baby's great. It's the right size and everything. I even saw its phalanges today. Here. It's a baby. It's your baby. It kind of looks like it's waving, you know? Like it's saying, "Hey, Vanessa, will you be my mom?"”
When I showed Vanessa the picture there was a certain sparkle that seemed to form in her eyes, one I realized made her even more beautiful. She was so entirely happy, and in awe to see the baby, it made it all the more magical. It made me grateful to be able to say I was helping her.
“It kind of does.”
“Right?” I asked happily, smiling when Vanessa looked up at us.
“Juno was nice enough to bring that over for us.” Mark said, as Vanessa’s worry slowly faded.
“Yeah, I came as soon as I got that ultrasound goo off my pelvis. It was crazy, actually. My mom verbally abused… The ultrasound tech, and we got escorted off the premises. Wow, what kind of swag did you score? Mall madness, huh?” I rambled, looking down at the millions of bags in her hands.
“It's just some stuff I picked up for the baby.” She said.
“Don't you usually get all that stuff at a baby shower?”
“I doubt anyone's gonna throw us a shower.”
“Why wouldn't they throw you a shower?”
“I don't think people know how to feel about the situation…”
“Because it's not set in stone.”
I looked up to see both Mark and Vanessa looking down, as if mourning a past child they didn’t get to have. It broke my heart.
“What isn't set...? No. You don't think that I'm gonna flake out on you?” I asked, but Vanessa smiled sweetly.
“No, I don't, Juno. We went through a situation before where it didn't work out.” She explained, and Mark frowned beside her.
“Yeah, cold feet.”
“You should've gone to China. You know, because I hear they give away babies like free iPods. They just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events.” I explained, pretending to shoot a canon around. Mark and Vanessa shared a look before looking back at me.
“Your parents are probably wondering where you are.”
“No. I'm already pregnant. So, what other kind of shenanigans could I get into? But I should probably bounce.” I said, grabbing my keys as I began heading out.
“Take care.”
“Bye now.”
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amplifyme · 1 month
15 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @randomfoggytiger. Thanks for always including me! ❤️
Were you named after anyone? My middle name is Beth. It was supposed to be Elizabeth, after my great-grandmother. But the OB/GYN who delivered me (and all 4 of my elder siblings) decided Lydia Beth rolled off the tongue more smoothly then Lydia Elizabeth, so that's what he put on the birth certificate. True story, hand to god. I think he was right. The original is quite a mouthful.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Tonight. I just finished up the 1994 TV mini-series of Stephen King's "The Stand" - only my favorite book ever. Haven't watched it in probably 15 years and I cried like a baby several times. The cast is 99% pure perfection. The only thing I'd change would be the casting of Molly Ringwald as Frannie. Just... no. I understand why they chose her (she was pretty popular back then), but she was completely wrong for the part and very cringey throughout. OTOH, Gary Sinise will always be my perfect Stu Redman.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Nope. Though not by choice. I wanted to have children, once upon a time. It just never worked out. But I'm okay with that now. Everything happens for a reason.
WHAT SPORTS HAVE YOU PLAYED/DO YOU PLAY? I used to love playing volleyball and basketball when I was a kid. Then I got hit by a car at 12, jacked up my left knee almost beyond repair, and followed that up with 3 subsequent surgeries and arthritis by the time I hit 18. No more playing sports for this kid.
FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Eyes. The windows to the soul, you know. Also body language. I don't think most folks realize how much they reveal simply by the way they hold their bodies.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
ANY TALENTS? I think I'm pretty good at stringing words together in a way some people enjoy. I can organize like nobody's business. I bake great bread - or at least I used to. Haven't done that for years. I can also whip together something tasty with not much effort.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? About 12 miles south of where I live now. Out on the flatlands of Illinois, corn and soybean country. Mid-state, central region.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Writing, when the muse is amenable, which isn't often enough for me. Going on 7 months of my most current writer's block. *sigh* Reading. Hanging out in parks and forests preserves with a book and a camera. Bingeing on new shows or old favorites. Solving all the world's problem as I fall asleep. You know, the usual. 🤷🏻‍♀️
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Levon the Cat, who'll turn 18 this year. It's gonna be really hard to say good-bye. I think he'll probably be my last four-legged roommate. It's too hard to see them go, and I've done it too much now.
HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5' 1" and some small fraction over that. I'm shrinking as I get older.
FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? English, history, and composition.
DREAM JOB? Small animal rescue for a no-kill shelter. Gimme all the dogs and cats. That, or working to help women and men escape domestic abuse safely. Been there, done that. The hardest part is deciding to leave. I'd like to use my own experience to help others escape the cycle.
Tagging anyone who'd like to play 'cuz I'm up past my bedtime and really tired.
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thethumpergod · 8 months
Getting to know you! (Lambert X Aiden Modern AU)
It was three days later.
The swelling on his nose eased up quickly, but it still stung like a bitch. He was rooting around for some food when he noticed that a piece of paper next to the pile of documents for work remained on the kitchen table. Lambert couldn’t bring himself to write back or say hello. He wasn’t chickening out or anything. He didn’t know what to say. Plus, he had better things to do. He needed to find decorations for his apartment. He just enjoyed his alone time and still had countless things on his list to do… Yeah.
Lambert had nothing to be nervous about. He is just taking his time to come up with a seamless way to befriend his neighbor. It was sparing Aiden, so he didn’t have to suffer whatever dumb things fell out of his mouth. He embarrassed himself in front of the man; he wanted at least some of his respect back.
It's late in the afternoon, and the sun is casting shadows on the roads. The sky had an orange hue, leaving a shine on anything reflective. Lambert had an afternoon to enjoy by himself; Aiden could wait. He finished eating the takeout from two days ago and then went to find running shoes.
When he finally got out the door, he checked the hall for any sign of the man. The coast was clear. Lambert didn’t need any distractions while he went on his jog. He steps down the stairs and heads in the direction of the park.
Some people around the complex walked their dogs, chatted with others, or took out the trash. A few people waved at him, stopping for a second to look at his nose. Some gave him an annoyed look. Perhaps he wasn't as quiet as he should have been on his way home drunk.
Lambert nearly busted his face on the sidewalk as he halted. He could see Aiden jogging up to meet with him. The man wore a sleeveless hoodie, which showed off way more arm than was needed. His pants were worse; they were a crime. The inky workout pants looked tight enough to be a second skin. "Tried to get into someone else’s house?" Aiden observed him, with an amused tone.
"No. Work mishap," Lambert said, snorting.
"Oh." Aiden hums. "Can I join you?"
Lambert decides to bite the bullet and nods. He might as well get used to the guy who lives across the hall from him.
"Are you new to town? I haven’t seen you before." Aiden says as he begins pacing beside him, just close enough to get a good look at his face. His neighbor was taller than him by maybe two or three inches but had a slimmer build.
"I’ve lived in the town before, but I’ve never hung around this part." Lambert finally spoke as the silence became too noticeable.
"I could show you around if you want. There are some great spots around town," Aiden suggested. "What do you like?"
"Normally I go to the pub down the road. I usually am out at night because of my job." Lambert looks over at Aiden to see his eyebrows scrunched in what looks like concern. Shit, the last time Aiden saw him, he was drunk as all hell. He doesn't want his fucking neighbor to think he has a problem. "But, uh, I guess I could try something else."
Aiden smiled softly and then said, "Hm. There is this café called The House of Cats, which I'm a fan of. It’s south of the apartments, going into downtown."
"Yeah, that sounds great," Lambert lied. He only ever went to those on dates or when Ciri dragged him into one. The coffee menus at those kinds of places were overly complicated and, frankly, overpriced. If pretending to like them saves him from embarrassing himself, then he’ll take it.
"They have a frappe I would kill for." The man chatters on, not noticing the other's awkwardness. Lambert praises every god he can think of for that. The man starts going on about the café, telling him his favorite things on the menu. Lambert is half listening to his rambling. "It's an excellent place to socialize. I'm friends with the owners as well." Aiden pauses for a moment, then looks at him. "I realize I don't know your name."
"I’m Lambert. Is the café sponsoring you or something?"
The man looks down at him with a raised brow, then laughs, "I do owe Dragonfly some money from a bet, but I'm not sponsored." Aiden gestured to him. "Oh, where are my manners? Tell me about yourself!"
"Shit. I, uh, have a niece and two brothers."
"Hm, I was raised with my little brother by my stepdad," he says with a wide smile. "I also have a lot of people I'm close with around town."
"I don't know too many people around here." Lambert looked ahead of himself, counting how many traffic lights he could find as they continued walking.
"The café has plenty of nice people; maybe you could make a friend or two," Aiden replied, nearly hopping on his feet.
"Wait. This a cult or some shit, isn’t it?"
"Ha. You sure like to swear."
Lambert doesn't check because he knows the guy still has a smirk on his face. He snickers at that. "I'm sorry. I didn't know I was in the presence of royalty. Should I bow or something?"
Aiden continued to look at him, the smugness somehow becoming more apparent. "You're normally prickly, aren't you? Don't worry, I'm not offended by your cursing; it's just something I noticed," he said, tossing him a playful wink.
Lambert's eyes drifted wordlessly to the taller man. He made around five different facial expressions before trying to settle back into forced nonchalance. He could feel the heat spreading across his face, for whatever reason. The other man walked beside him, seeming comfortable in the new silence.
Okay, so his neighbor is teasing him; there’s no reason to get bothered by that. He took another slow breath, reminding himself of his goal. He is trying to make a friend. He can do this. "Where did you learn to fight?"
"I got bullied a lot as a kid for being small, so my stepdad made me take kickboxing classes. I did that from middle school to college."
"That explains it."
"Yeah," he snorts.
"You have a good kick; I thought my back was going to break."
Aiden smiles and says, "I may go a little too hard on leg day."
"I know you can see it," Lambert said impulsively. Shit! Fuck, why did he say that!
The man giggles and then eyes the path. He could see the multicolored cement that served as the foundation of the playground ahead.
They were already at the park nearby; the jog had gone by faster than he thought. Turning on his feet, he paces back to the apartments, and Aiden tracks along.
"You got a solid hit in with that knee to my gut," Aiden says, watching the stores as they passed by.
"Yeah, thanks." Lambert puffed his chest out. Even when he was shitfaced, he could get Aiden down a little.
"You must work out a lot too," Aiden says, glancing over at him.
"Right, right. Thanks." He nearly choked at that.
There was a ringing sound, and Aiden fished in his hoodie pocket. He sighs and then answers his phone.
"Yes, I thought I sent it last night. Sigh—I'll check to see if there's another way to send that report."
"Work?" Lambert replied gruffly.
"Yeah, it was nice to jog with you, but my coworker would strangle me if I don't get my reports in," Aiden says as he speeds up ahead of him, waving as he runs. "I hope your nose heals! It was nice talking to you."
"Yeah, see you!"
Before he knew it, Aiden was gone.
Lambert shook his head. He's never had a neighbor invite him to a café before. He could handle this; Lambert can have a friendship with the guy across the hall. Why is he worried? He knows how to fucking make friends! He just needs to be nice...
Lambert made his way up the stairs, counting his steps. He's sure he burned more calories than necessary. His legs wanted to give out by now, turning into jelly from overuse. He hunts in his pocket, finding his keys, which thank fuck, are there. Opening the door, he saw a piece of paper pushed under it.
"I swear this better not be a complaint or some shit already!" he said to himself. He grunted, picking up the letter. It reads,
"Hey, it's me again! Thanks for the run and all. If you're down for the café or hanging out, here's my number. - Aiden"
Lambert nearly high-fives himself; he didn't fuck up that bad! He was a few steps closer to making a friend. Grabbing water from the barren fridge, he paces around. He needed to figure out when to text him. Should he wait a few days to appear relaxed? What time of day should he text? Does he like calls? Lambert groans and lets himself fall onto the couch.
He needs something to keep his mind off this stuff—maybe a hobby? Eskel recused animals, and Geralt had the weird shit he liked...
Rarely did he go out to do anything that wasn't repairing stuff, getting in trouble, working, or drinking. When it happened, it was usually stuff involving Ciri or helping his brothers with something stupid, like when he had to pick Eskel up after the dude woke up naked in the woods. There was a time when Ciri and he went to the park, trying to catch a duck. To his shock, the kid did it. She wanted to keep it, and Yen wanted to murder Lambert. Good times.
The apartment was quiet. There were still boxes that needed to be unpacked. In all honesty, the place was desolate. Lambert wasn't good at decorating, not like his brothers. He would ask Yen, but he would rather not hear her commentary. He didn't even know where to start. Maybe posters? Nah, that’s not it either.
It takes him an hour to unpack the rest of the boxes. It was mainly kitchen items and clothes for the winter. Again, Lambert had nothing to do.
Sighing, he pulls out his phone. Lambert grabs the paper and starts messaging Aiden.
It took a while before Lambert finally sent the message.
- Hey, it's Lambert.
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survey--s · 6 months
Tumblr media
When did you last see someone you know in public? A few hours ago at the pub.
Do you enjoy going to the dentist? No, but I don't hate it either - it's just one of those things that needs to be done, really.
When did you last eat something you didn’t like? Luckily as an adult I don't need to do that.
Do you think you’d survive if zombies took over the world? Seeing as zombies don't exist, yes. When did you last hang out with a bunch of friends at one time? I never really hang out in big groups, I find it too overwhelming.
What kind of music is your least favorite? Heavy metal, opera.
Are you and your best friend complete opposites? In some ways, yeah.
Would people around you say you’re regularly a mean person? No.
Do you like the colour yellow at all? It's a nice colour in nature but it's not one I would ever wear.
If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? I don’t think I'd be any good at writing a novel.
How many times have you logged in to Bzoink? (it has a counter) Zero.
Are you currently pretending to be someone’s friend? Nope.
Are you an impatient person? In some circumstances I can be, yeah.
Are you afraid to watch movies that have sex scenes with your friends? No.
Who sings the last song you listened to? I can't remember, it was just whatever happened to be on the radio.
Why do you think some actors don't want to see their movies/shows? Because it would be weird to watch yourself perform, I guess.
Do you think fortune tellers are the devil’s messengers (haha)? I just think they're charlatans preying on the vulnerable.
Would you rather use napkins or paper towels? Paper towels.
Do you go to the pool in the summer time very often? We don't have a pool anywhere near here. I did go to the pool every summer as a kid though - I loved it.
Have you ever had a serious issue involving your eyes? I have quite severe astigmatism and poor eyesight, but generally speaking my eyes are healthy.
Have you ever watched South Park? Who’s your favorite character? Yeah, but not often enough to have a favourite.
Do you have sensitive teeth? No.
Do you enjoy or hate snow days? Why is this your choice? I love snow but we had two snow days last week and I didn't get paid which is just a PITA this close to my unpaid Christmas break, lol.
Do you turn pale when you get sick? Yeah.
Does it bother you to get shots in the mouth? Does it hurt? It's not wonderful but I wouldn't say it bothered me. 
When did you last talk seriously with one of your parents? I honestly don't remember.
What is the day of the week currently? It's Sunday.
Is anything exciting coming up in the next three months? Christmas and my Christmas break.
Do you ever borrow money from someone? No.
Do you know anyone who tells every single thing you say? No.
When did you last kiss someone on the cheek? Who was it? My husband this morning.
Why do you think people like Lady Gaga so much? Because she's a very talented singer?
Do you have a lot of enemies, or not so much? Not so far as I know.
Can you count backwards from 100 without a mistake? I've never tried but I would guess so.
Do you have any friends you’ve had since birth? No.
Do you care if your friends talk badly about you? I mean, a friend wouldn't do that to begin with.
Would you rather drink out of a straw or just the cup alone? A straw.
Does anyone ever say they miss you often? No.
Would you rather become a wizard or a vampire, if you had the choice? Definitely a wizard/witch.
Is there anyone out there who has made you feel miserable? Not anyone that I have to spend any time with.
Do you have a problem answering personal questions? Not on here, but in real life it depends on the circumstances.
What color is the vacuum-cleaner in your house? Grey and black.
Have you already moved out of your parents’ house? Yeah, I moved out years ago.
Are your parents divorced, married or separated? They’re married.
Have you ever thought you might just have obsessive compulsive disorder? No.
Do you think it’s rude to text someone else while on a date? It depends on the situation, surely. I think it's a bit dumb to have a blanket rule of "texting is always rude" tbh.
What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen? Life of Brian.
What are your views on our current president? He's the least shit of two shit options, assuming you're referring to Joe Biden.
Has one of your websites ever quit operating or shut down? Were you sad? Yeah, I was gutted when Xanga went.
Is it awkward to see your best friend’s parents out in public? Not at all.
Who is the person you talk to the most in your house? My husband, as he's the only other person who lives there.
Is there a television show out there that you never miss? I never watch live TV.
What movie have you seen too many times to be healthy? Harry Potter, Alice and Wonderland.
What are the last two digits of your phone number? 93.
Does it creep you out to see people with mullets? Nah, I just think they look ridiculous.
What is your biggest responsibility in your household? Paying bills, the mortgage, the animals.
How cold did it get where you live, last winter? Not very cold, it never does as we're right by the coast.
Do you ever wish you could go back in time to redo something? No.
Ever accidentally pull out a filling from your tooth? Yeah - I chipped my front tooth as a kid and I lost the filling bit when I was eating potato waffles lol.
Do you ever wonder what your exes are doing? Sure.
Have you ever been caught in a huge lie with your parents? No.
Do you ever listen to the radio anymore? Yeah, sometimes in the car.
Does it bother you to have personal conversations with people? No.
Ever ride in a limo? When did you last do so? Nope. I have no interest in it either tbh, they just look tacky to me.
Do any of your body parts hurt at this moment in time? No.
Are you sober at the time being? Yeah. I had a glass of wine with lunch but that was a few hours ago.
Do any of your friends constantly do things to annoy you? No.
When did you last eat a Starburst? What color was it? Years ago. I love them but never think to buy them.
Have you ever lied to someone & said they could sing when they couldn’t? I'm sure I have. Sometimes it's just kinder to tell a white lie.
Do you ever call backstabbers out on what they do? I've done it before, sure.
How many people in the world do you trust? Four or five.
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nnothingnesss · 11 months
Serendipity (Short Story)
Alexie visits a club with her friend Sara. A night of anxiety spirals into a very silent car ride home.
"Lex, you came out of hiding," her aura flushes over me like a blush in my cheeks. "You want to hang out in my room for a little bit? We can do our thing alone before we go out,"
"Yes please" I say.
As we work our way to her bedroom we pass the living room first and then the kitchen. I see Mr. Mueller sitting on a sofa with a newspaper splayed out over his lap. Oldies are filling the room with positive vibrations.
"Nice to see ya 'gain hon'"
"Hey Mr. Mueller," I say excitedly. He's always been what I thought a father should be.
We make our way into her room and she locks the door behind us. She has no idea how badly I freaked out earlier.
"I'm actually kind of surprised you wanted to come Lex," she says
"Honestly I came just to hang out with you," I respond
"You know I love you but it's okay if you don't want to go you know?"
"It's okay, I promise I'm fine,"
"No Lex, I'm so serious, it's okay to not be fine" you can tell she cares the way she looks into my eyes.
"Yeah actually... I'm not fine," As soon as the words leave my mouth she wraps her arms around me and holds me for a second. I didn't expect it.
"I hope you know if anything happens I'm here for you,"
"I know"
I take a quick glance around her room before plopping down on her mattress. I wish we could hang out here forever. New people scare me but I'm not going to tell her that. As I look at the crystals on her dresser she rummages through her makeup box for lip gloss.
"Where are we going anyway?" I ask.
"I convinced them all we should go to Serendipity,"
"Oh they play really good music,"
"I hope you know I had to force them into it. Now you at least get to boogie if they bore you to death,"
"Ugh, thank you. So, who's they?"
"Well Mimi and I used to serve at The Jewel. I've never met her boyfriend but she wouldn't shut up about him so she dragged him along"
"That's nice" I say. Sara freezes to turn around and look at me.
"She said he managed to convince some of his friends to come along too"
"Yay" My tone is flat.
"Lexie if any of those boys piss you off you better come find me"
"Okay I promise" She acts just like a mom sometimes. She finally finds the shade of lip gloss she wants to use and covers her lips with it before giving a good pucker in front of the mirror. She walks over to her closet and bends over to grab her favorite pair of shoes. Dr. Martens. She slips them on and tightens her laces before collecting her essentials. Purse, keys, and even a heart shaped taser to ward off the unholy clubgoer.
"You ready?" she asks quietly. She can probably feel my anxiety from a planet away.
"No," I tell her but I get up and follow her anyways. Meeting new people always puts me on edge but I know she'll have my back if anything happens. She smiles before telling me to stay close to her if I need to. I nod and we begin to make our way through the living room. She kisses Mr. Mueller on the cheek and tells him she'll be back pretty late. We lock the door behind us and the mood suddenly shifts south for me.
It won't be so bad I tell myself. I want to believe I could have a good night and that Mimi and her friends are good people. She seems so excited to finally get her weekend started but I can feel a nervousness take shelter at the bottom of my stomach.
I try my best to keep it under control because I don't want Sara to worry about me all night. We manage to find some street parking in front of the club. It says Serendipity in a bright neon yellow sign pinned against a slate grey wall. As we wait in line keeping our eyes out for her friends you can hear the loud music sending shockwaves through the ground. The chatter is loud and you can see the combination of excitement, dread, and a mix of other emotions on each individual face that makes up the crowd.
People walk in and out in a drunken stupor some having a good night and others, not so good. As we're standing in line we hear a voice call out to us from behind.
"Sara is that you?" a short woman runs toward us. It's Mimi and her boyfriend plus his friends Sara mentioned. Two other guys. My heart sinks just a little deeper.
"Mimi! No way!" they embrace with a warm hug as the guys walk up behind her.
"It's been too long. I missed you so much." She let's go and takes a good look at Sara, "Please come back."
"I missed you too babe. I'll buy your freedom one day, I promise."
"Oh my god, you're making me so nervous. But wait, let me introduce you first. This is Isaiah and behind him is Jay and Huey. Huey's a cook at The Jewel now."
"What's goin' on y'all?" says Isaiah.
"Hey you guys, I'm Sara and this is my bestie," she introduces me and for a second everyone's attention is on me.
"Hi I'm Alexie,"
The line begins moving again and the boys taper behind us as Mimi, Sara, and I stand close together.
"I can't believe it's been so long everyone is like gone now" Mimi says.
"Is everyone really gone? That's so sad,"
"Yeah it's really just me now honestly. Huey's cool though,"
"I mean he is kind of cute too. What do you think Lex? Boyfriend material?"
"Uh-uh, no way, I'm not interested,"
"Don't like players?" Mimi chimes in, "I personally wouldn't either though, he has his moments."
"It's not that, it's just a guy isn't really in the cards as of right now,"
"But wait he's a player?" Sara asks.
"Well, he's just super friendly with all of the girls at work. Like, all of them."
"I mean he hasn't been sleeping around though has he?"
"Honestly, I'm not sure. I rather keep that stuff and work separate y'know? He's really funny though. They're cool people."
"If you don't want him Lex I just might be laughing at his jokes tonight," Sara winks at me and I roll my eyes back with a smile.
"Trust me, he's all yours,"
As we get closer to the front I dig into my tote and pull out my wallet. I show my ID and the bouncer gives it a rapid glance over before handing it back and ushering me in. I wait patiently for the rest of my group to pass security so we can take our first step into Serendipity together.
My anxiety begins quieting down a little as I hear the music getting louder and louder. It's healing. The further in we go past the coat check corridor the darker the room becomes.
You can feel the energy as soon as you walk in. Serendipity is in full swing. LED's shoot out the wall like lasers onto people's bodies reaching out to the far end of the club. The floor is shaking as the speakers are slipping sonic anodyne into my soul.
It's comforting knowing I can escape to the dance floor and hide behind the music at any time now. The combination of the sonics and ambience feels like entering Shangri-La. All my worries on Earth will just have to wait until I get back.
We manage to find a spot at the menacingly packed bar. Isaiah and Mimi go together to get drinks on the other side while me and Sara stood beside each other with Huey beside me and Jay beside him.
"Can I get a tequila sunrise please?" I wave at the nearest bartender.
"Cash or card?'' they're swamped by a riot of clubgoers. I hand her my card and she opens a tab for me. Once we all have our drinks in hand well all get together in a circle. Mimi suggests we have a toast.
"To the ups and downs. We'll be alright!" We all put our glasses in the air and our drinks illuminate under the sea of lights. Clink.
I make sure to drink as fast as I can so I can get as drunk as possible ASAP. Huey looks at me probably shocked to see me drinking so fast. Me and Sara almost race to the bottom of our cups before we go back to the bartender for seconds together.
"Feeling better?" she shouts at me through the music.
"A lot better!" I genuinely let out a laugh. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad.
As Mimi and Isaiah hit the dance floor me and Sara look at Jay and Huey. They're standing at the bar together ordering their seconds now too. We decide to hit the dance floor just the two of us and chug the rest of our seconds. We're really making those boys look bad right now, I thought.
On the floor I can feel my hips lose control moving like they belonged on a swing at a park. Sara looked so beautiful dancing it almost made me sweat. She was as hot as a mirage kissing the water in the summertime. She wore a black leather bustier to match her black skirt.
We laughed and lost ourselves to the heat of 2000s music as we put our hands all over each other dancing underneath the lights as lovers do. I could feel the intensity of the bass vibrate the room. Time began to blur and as the night went on the passion hit a fever pitch, I wasn't here anymore. I was in Heaven. Sara decided she needed a break. Out the corner of my eye I saw Jay approach her as she walked off the floor and I continued dancing. This was my element. This was my place.
Later into the night I notice Sara and Jay disappeared but I didn't mind it. I felt a sudden pang of anxiety rush back into my body as I realized I was on the floor alone surrounded by unfamiliar faces.
It made me dance harder. I wanted to forget everything. I never wanted to go back home. I danced and danced thinking about how I felt abandoned. I relished in it. Laughed at it. I close my eyes and enter hypnosis to lose myself in the music until I'm abruptly brought back to reality as I feel someone come up behind me. It was Huey.
"You look good," he said. Immediately I remember what Mimi said but I try to play it cool.
"Hey, I didn't see you," I say
"Yeah but I've been watching you, you're smoking on the floor right now"
"You think so?"
"I do."
He puts his hands on my hip and pulls closer to me. He just looks into my face without saying anything. His hands feel kind of good on my body so I don't say anything either. I know that Mimi said he's a player but he didn't seem like a bad guy.
We didn't dance for a whole minute before he tried to lean in and press his cheek on me and immediately the illusion broke. I didn't even know this guy and he only said about four lines to me and now he's trying to push it. Instead of slowing down he dropped his arms lower around me and looked even deeper into my eyes. This time his eyes looked hungry. I immediately felt sober. He was a tall guy and his grip felt too strong for me to fight back.
"Dude what the hell?" I push him off of me and start walking off the dance floor to find Sara.
I look around and all I see are strangers. Through a crowd of people dancing I see Huey coming out towards me and my first instinct is to run to the bathroom. I make a run for it and lock myself inside.
First a moment of stillness. A quiet self-awareness. I feel the weight of life slowly creep back into my bones as I stare hypnotically at the bathroom wall. It feels though the black paint is staring back at me as if to ask, what's wrong? Aren't you happy? Weren't you having fun? Did you forget? I was trying so hard to. I do that sometimes.
I'm afraid of the thought of going back out and seeing Huey again and I'm afraid to tell Sara what she already knows. I'm not fine. All I can do is sit here, curled up in a ball on the toilet, angry at the world for allowing my life to turn out like this. It wasn't always so bad.
I remember me and Sara would hang out all the time with the other kids from my neighborhood and I used to be so social back then. I used to love talking to people and getting to know everything about them. I loved the thought of being a light in peoples lives and spreading empathy as far as my own wingspan would let me.
But I realized if you get too comfortable in the wrong places you'll get hurt. Mom taught me that.
I let my guard down for a second. A moment of weakness. I tell myself never again. Flashes of my life go off in my mind like explosives. I didn't want to leave this bathroom.
I'm not even sure how much time passes by before I'm startled by a loud banging on the door. I don't want to answer. I get up to look at myself in the mirror. The same fair skin and dark hair. My eyes look so sad. I'm so sad. Another knock on the door but this time louder.
"Lex, please open up. It's me." It's Sara's voice. I know Sara would do anything for me. I know even if she saw me like this she'd have so much love to give. I know I need it. But I don't open the door. I don't want her to see me like this. It's so embarrassing.
"Lex, please." Her voice becomes a thoughtful plea. She knows. When I shut down even I don't know. I don't know what I'd do. I decide I need to face the outside world yet again before things get even worse. I open the door. The first thing I'm met with is Sara's eyes. She looks so damn worried.
"Hey," she says.
"You okay? Huey said-"
"I'm fine."
"Lex, it's-"
"Can we go home? Please?" I don't mean to be so cold. I can see my sadness almost transfer onto her. She tries to hug me again but I back up. I'm so afraid and for no reason. It's almost as if I'm not even me anymore.
"Ok Lex. Let's go home."
We walk together outside Serendipity and in the front there's Mimi and the rest of them. Huey won't even look at me. I'm sure he feels bad about what he did and it's not that I hate him or anything. It's just I was having a really good time before he came and shook me out of it. I got too comfortable and he reminded me of that.
"Are you two okay? What happened?" Asks Mimi,
"Sorry Mimi but I think it's time to call it a night. We're not feeling too hot so I'm going to take Lex back home and go get some rest. I'll call you okay?"
"I'm so sorry. Was it..." Mimi gives Sara a look as if she's telepathically finishing her sentence. Sara sends back a reply with an expression of defeat.
"Call me," Mimi's voice fades into the distance as we return to the car and begin our drive home.
The car ride is silent. I can't take my eyes away from the window as I stare at the city skyscrapers as we pass them by. The buildings pass one by one and my eyes follow them until they're completely out of view.
I look at Sara and she stares at the road with this intensity I only ever rarely see on her face. The only time I ever seen her cry was when she caught one of her long term boyfriends cheating on her with some random girl from her job. They all worked together and even if Mimi never knew it that's the whole reason she quit. Every other time she got upset, she looked exactly the same as she does now.
"I'm sorry, Sara. I didn't mean to kill the night like that."
"Lex you didn't kill the night. It's okay to make sure you're okay first. Nothing is wrong with that."
"I know," She has so much more she wants to says but I can tell she doesn't want to. I don't blame her. I'm fragile sometimes.
"I'm guessing you didn't like Huey as much as he liked you?" She asks
"What do you mean?"
"He saw you dancing. He told Jay he thought you looked really good, he just didn't know what to say."
"I'm so serious. I told him he should go dance with you. I told him you thought he was really cute. I'm sorry."
"It's okay Sara. He kind of was. I just.. I don't know."
"Lex. Can I ask you a question?"
"How come you won't tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"Anything." I never seen her look so serious before.
"I tell you everything Sara, what are you talking about?"
"It's just that, ever since your Mom left you haven't really told me anything. Not about life at home, your dad, about yourself. You either tell me you're fine or you're not fine. Do you not trust me? I just want to be there for you. I have so much love I want to give and," she stops herself. I can tell she's felt this way for a long time.
"It's just that I miss you."
I don't even know what to say. I sit and say nothing for a while. She's right. A deep hole in my heart begins opening. The thoughts slowly come in one by one. My father. My mother. What happened?
"Sara. I love you. It's not that I don't trust you okay? It's just complicated."
"I want to know how complicated it is Lex. You always caught me on my worst days, every time. I just want to do the same for you."
"You do, Sara. Please. Can we just talk about it later?"
The silence fills the car again like smoke would a room. We arrive back at my house and I grab my stuff off the floor. Me and Sara hug tightly and for what feels like longer than usual.
I don't think she realized it but I needed that. She was the only comfort in my life and I'd do anything I could to be with her. I watch her drive off and turn around to face my house. It's a very pretty cage.
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eldritchsurveys · 3 months
When did you last see someone you know in public? >> I hardly know anyone, so this doesn't really happen.
Do you enjoy going to the dentist? >> I am massively triggered by any kind of medical visit, so, no.
When did you last eat something you didn’t like? >> I don't eat things I don't like...
Do you think you’d survive if zombies took over the world? >> I don't think so, no. Wouldn't want to, anyway.
When did you last hang out with a bunch of friends at one time? .
What kind of music is your least favorite? >> I guess ambient? I just don't find it interesting in the slightest.
Are you and your best friend complete opposites? .
Would people around you say you’re regularly a mean person? >> A lot of people have said this or some variation of it about me. Do you like the colour yellow at all? >> It's my favourite colour :)
If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? >> I don't think I have a novel in me.
How many times have you logged in to Bzoink? (it has a counter) >> Well! I certainly can't check now, can I!
Are you currently pretending to be someone’s friend? >> I barely have the ability to be a friend to someone I want to befriend. How on earth would I pull off pretending? Also, I'd much rather put what little social energy/ability I have into people I like.
Are you an impatient person? >> Sometimes.
Are you afraid to watch movies that have sex scenes with your friends? .
Who sings the last song you listened to? >> No one, it was an instrumental track from a movie score. Why do you think some actors don't want to see their movies/shows? >> That's not for me to say, now, is it?
Do you think fortune tellers are the devil’s messengers (haha)? >> I don't think anything specific about fortune tellers as a whole. That's a large demographic full of a variety of people, some of whom are charlatans, but some of whom are not.
Would you rather use napkins or paper towels? >> I use paper towels. Paper towels have a wider application than napkins do, one of those applications being "napkin". So it seems more logical to just use the one thing.
Do you go to the pool in the summer time very often? >> I never go to pools. Have you ever had a serious issue involving your eyes? >> I have not.
Have you ever watched South Park? Who’s your favorite character? >> I've seen a lot of it. My favourite character back when I watched was probably Tweek, I just thought he was cute.
Do you have sensitive teeth? >> I don't.
Do you enjoy or hate snow days? Why is this your choice? . Do you turn pale when you get sick? >> I don't know, I've never been that sick. Does it bother you to get shots in the mouth? Does it hurt? >> Of course it hurts. When did you last talk seriously with one of your parents? .
What is the day of the week currently? >> Wednesday.
Is anything exciting coming up in the next three months? >> I don't think so.
Do you ever borrow money from someone? >> Not borrow, no. I don't have the ability to pay people back.
Do you know anyone who tells every single thing you say? >> I do not. At least, I've not been made aware of it, if so.
When did you last kiss someone on the cheek? Who was it? .
Why do you think people like Lady Gaga so much? >> Because that's just what floats their boat.
Do you have a lot of enemies, or not so much? >> I don't think I have any enemies. I guess that's the upside about not really being cared about, no one is super into me but no one is super against me either.
Can you count backwards from 100 without a mistake? >> Sure.
Do you have any friends you’ve had since birth? >> Imagine that...
Do you care if your friends talk badly about you? >> Of fucking course I'd care???
Would you rather drink out of a straw or just the cup alone? >> Just the cup.
Does anyone ever say they miss you often? >> No one says that.
Would you rather become a wizard or a vampire, if you had the choice? >> Wizard.
Is there anyone out there who has made you feel miserable? >> you're joking right
Do you have a problem answering personal questions? >> Not at all. If I don't want to answer one, I won't answer it. No problem at all.
What color is the vacuum-cleaner in your house? >> Grey and blue, I think.
Have you already moved out of your parents’ house? >> lol
Are your parents divorced, married or separated? .
Have you ever thought you might just have obsessive compulsive disorder? >> I have never thought that. Any obsessiveness or compulsion I experience is pretty solidly explained by CPTSD or autism (or their intersection).
Do you think it’s rude to text someone else while on a date? >> As most things: it depends.
What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen? >> I don't know. I saw Repo Man recently, the 80s movie, and that was surprisingly hilarious to me. The dialogue, the lyrics of the songs, the fucking product labels... A+ What are your views on our current president? >> I don't have any views on him.
Has one of your websites ever quit operating or shut down? Were you sad? >> Unfortunately I have been on the Internet long enough to have experienced this many times over. It sucks every single time. I didn't even use Bzoink to the extent that other users did (I just stole surveys from there to post here), but it still sucked. Websites I use frequently/for long periods of time are yet another part of my life that have to be grieved when they inevitably die.
Is it awkward to see your best friend’s parents out in public? .
Who is the person you talk to the most in your house? >> I only live with one other person.
Is there a television show out there that you never miss? >> There are a few, yeah.
What movie have you seen too many times to be healthy? >> "to be healthy", pff. Please. The movie I've seen the most times is probably Event Horizon.
What are the last two digits of your phone number? >> 39.
Does it creep you out to see people with mullets? >> That's an interesting response. No, hairstyles don't creep me out. What is your biggest responsibility in your household? >> I don't even want to know. Whatever it is, I'm sure I'm failing at it. How cold did it get where you live, last winter? >> Last winter was much colder than this one. Not sure what's going on with this winter but I of all people am not complaining. I hope it's not too ecologically disruptive.
Do you ever wish you could go back in time to redo something? >> I do not.
Ever accidentally pull out a filling from your tooth? >> I have not and I hope I never do. Do you ever wonder what your exes are doing? >> In passing, sometimes. Like if I see something that reminds me of them.
Have you ever been caught in a huge lie with your parents? >> All the time, yeah.
Do you ever listen to the radio anymore? >> I do not.
Does it bother you to have personal conversations with people? >> It does not. I would actually like to have some deep personal conversations for once.
Ever ride in a limo? When did you last do so? >> I have not.
Do any of your body parts hurt at this moment in time? >> No. Are you sober at the time being? >> I am not, although most of the high has worn off by now. Do any of your friends constantly do things to annoy you? >> What the fuck? Apparently people will just be friends with any old kind of person. When did you last eat a Starburst? What color was it? >> I don't remember. It was probably red or pink, I don't really care for any other colour. Have you ever lied to someone & said they could sing when they couldn’t? >> I doubt it.
Do you ever call backstabbers out on what they do? >> I don't know any backstabbers. How many people in the world do you trust? >> *crickets* Well, I mean, trust with what? Like, I trust Sparrow to, idk, not bald-faced lie to me about anything important... well, I mean, they might, but... I assume they won't? But they still might. You see what I mean? It's hard to just unconditionally trust someone. Because people do all sorts of things. I try to assume the best but I'm also always ready for the worst. Yay, trauma.
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alfonzone · 10 months
Here’s a long ask you might have to think about but I’m bored and interested in your answers too so what the heck! 😂
What are your top 5 countries you’d love to visit and top 5 cities in those countries ?
Top 5 songs that you listen to when you’re sad?
Top 5 movies?
Do you have a top 5 actors or actresses who you love and same goes for bands/ artists? :)
first off, I only think I can give 1-3 max cities for each country so I hope that's okay with you!!!
Top 5 countries I'd love to visit and will visit at least two or three in my lifetime:
1. Germany!!
Möttingen, Germany - why? Because of 'The Romantic Road'!! Obviously driving can be a nuisance and take a toll on you BUT it seems like a nice 3 - 4 day vacation? here's a link that I read and saved a while back. It's not a must for me but something to think about.
Erfurt, Germany — why? Unlike the rest of the countries and cities, it will be because one of my friends live there and it's better or at least it seems wiser to visit my friend and spend time with them as they show me around and I experience their culture, the location, etc!!
2. Scotland!!
1. Edinburgh, Scotland - it's obvious because it's a popular or seems like a popular tourist attraction and I really want to walk those stairs I keep seeing in Instagram reels!! Aghh
Another reason would be because my mom is a HUGE Outlander fan and she stated that she would love to visit that place sometime so I'm like !!!!!! YES. I want her walking around Loch Ness, Old Course, and anywhere near the vicinity of Edinburgh. Have her enjoy a different scenery for once.
3. France!!
I actually tried learning French 5 years ago and that's pretty much why haha. I know that France, well I don't know, but I have been paying a little attention that there seems to be a revolution or disagreement with their laws or government and I don't know where it would be a good place to visit just to experience a life in France (I don't want the fake experience) but if someone can help me with that and just help me find a place where I can walk around, shop groceries, park walks, thrift shopping, and etc then I'd greatly appreciate it!!
4. Canada
British Columbia is just above Washington State and I've been looking around there and it's not necessarily that I would like to travel there for a week or so but more so give it a day or two of walking around there and then heading back to Washington. I guess it's more for me to say that I've "been" to Canada 😆
5. Japan/South Korea
I have no particular reason as to why, HOWEVER, if I can visit any of these two places then I will — I'd like to learn about their culture, the things they teach in terms of manners or beliefs, way of living, etc.
Top 5 songs I listen to when I'm sad:
Chances Are • Bob Marley and The Wailers
Leave a Light On - Acoustic • Tom Walker
My Tears Ricochet • Taylor Swift
Call Your Mom • Noah Kahan
Mercury • Sleeping At Last
* by the way, it's not me intentionally listening to sad music but moreso the music I like to help me feel better ARE sad music. I'll honestly listen to anything really when I'm sad. The point or more important question is AM I WALKING, PLAYING BASKETBALL, OR JOGGING while listening to music?!
Top 5 movies:
Oooooh, I recently got introduced to my new all time favorite so I'm glad I can share it here!! I can boast and ramble about each one listed but the message of this is YOU GOTTA WATCH IT SOMETIME IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!!
1. Notting Hill
2. While You Were Sleeping
3. Pizza My Heart
4. The Family Man
5. One Fine Day
6. 13 Going on 30
7. The Incredible Hulk
Top 5 actors/actresses and bands/artists!?
Taylor Swift
Noah Kahan
Harry Styles
Sleeping At Last
Twenty One Pilots
Top 5 actors/actresses:
Hmm, this is a little bit more complicated because I've haven't watched much lately and only rewatch mostly — all I can give you is actors I've enjoyed watching on more than one films!!
George Clooney
Ben Stiller
Jennifer Lawrence
Michelle Pfeiffer
Mel Gibson
Nicolas Cage
*catching my breath* THANKS FOR THE ASKS, ANON. I hope I made sense!!
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
Longest character tf mood: Dark/Badass/half non-human female characters but in particular characters like Nancy Downs, Lisle Von Rhuman, Elvira, Tiffany Valentine. And also Minerva Mink, Selene, Julie Bruin, Lady Dimitrescu, Santanico Pandemonium, Lopunny, Salazzle, Haterene, Peggy Bundy.
Most Recent/Personal Favorite: Horrors/slasher characters, Dan Aykroyd characters, Disney, Dreamworks.
Most Cursed: I would say having Smithy from Gavin and Stacey on my character tf tier would count only because well…James Corden (although I did do Biggie from Trolls and he's also a James Corden character), but Garbage Pail Kids and if real people counted I would include Donald Trump. Also Vic Frohmyer and Tom Everett from Christmas With The Kranks and Caddyshack II. Both are Dan Aykroyd movies I freaking hate, i've been more forgiving to the latter as of recent but for the former.
All-Time Favorite: Horror/slashers.
Most Obscure: Well there was the Doodles from Tweenies one I did and also Constance from Taz-Mania, and the New Zealand children's show character Bumble…but definitely the characters played by Jay Leno when he was host of the Tonight Show. I did a Vinnie from Biker Mice tf once and I did a Charley Davidson tg, but I really wanted to try and do Lawrence Limburger but I have trouble figuring out how to do that one since it's a fish-alien disguised as a human, but definitely the Christopher Walken version of Brainiac from the cancelled Superman project Tim Burton was going to do…because…alien-spider-Walken? Oh and definitely Flabber from Big Bad Beetleborgs.
Most Desired Character Skillset and Mindset: Genie, Edmund Blackadder.
Favorite OC: Melanie 'Mel' Sanders, Eucalyptus, Nathan, Matthias T.Radke/Werebelushi In Shades (please interact with this character in character only and not as if you are talking to me whenever you have a complaint, this makes it easier and so I don't have to deal with people bitching about me using him to vent instead of supposedly using myself).
Least Human Looking: Brundlefly, Mansquito, Pumpkinhead, Salvatore Moreau.
Favorite Voice: Definitely hard to pick on voices…i'd say Bojack. because Will Arnett, or just about any Christopher Walken character, or any Simpsons character (Sideshow Bob for example), and I would say Otho Fenlock if I got to do a tf into him, which I wish I did…when I did my original Tim Burton tfs I got up to doing Nightmare Before Christmas specifically Jack Skellington and I did the Michael Keaton Batman and Jack Nicholson Joker but I never did the Danny Devito Penguin (and I kept meaning to do it) and I did do a Mars Attacks alien, and I did Barnabas, but I never did Tarrant altough I did Johnny Depp's other Burton characters minus Victor and Ed Wood, and i'm kicking myself for not doing Otho considering how much I love Glenn Shadix.
Thiccest Favorite: Roman Craig…daaaamn, why is Dan Aykroyd so dilfy? I wish I knew but 90's-present Aykroyd characters, super thicc.
Underrated: Horror character transformations, Tim Burton characters.
Current TF Mood: Horror characters, Dan Aykroyd characters, characters from Star Trek, Dreamworks, Disney, South Park, Bojack Horseman, Biker Mice From Mars, Jim Henson.
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for the ask game: Help, My Teenager Hates Me!
thank you!! <3
★ Do I like this episode? Why or why not?
I do! After all that was happening in S25, this episode was a nice breather - like, a low stakes episode of the kids having fun. Also... dad content, and even more so, Gerald content. Like, in this episode, he was the main dad, which made me so, so happy. The reason why I like this episode is obviously owed to Gerald, however, it was also nice to just have a fun episode of the kids being kids.
★ Favorite moment?
Firstly, I need you to know just how unwell I am about Gerald, so any scene that he was in, I thoroughly enjoyed. It was nice to see him comfort Kyle and have that little moment as father and son - it was really sweet! Also, thanks to this episode, I now know that Gerald also has an American Express Platinum credit card, which is really interesting to me. Like, I don't know. I just like knowing little details like that - it's fun. Aside from things Gerald-related, I really, really loved Jimbo serving as a father figure to Cartman. It's something a friend and I talked about before, so it was wild seeing it actually happen in this episode. (And Jimbo content after so long...!)
★ Least favorite moment?
I don't think there was a moment I actively disliked? There are some moments where I would change it a bit or make it more full - like, I wish we would have had more one-on-one father and son stuff with the other boys (including Cartman and Jimbo) like we did with Gerald and Kyle.
★ Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it?
I don't think I saw this talked about, but it was kind of unsettling and awkward that the teenagers' mouths were properly animated, rather than the South Park animation. I know they did that because they weren't traditional mouths, but it was still a bit uncanny to see throughout the episode.
★ Something I would change?
I think something that would make the episode flow more smoothly is if they tied in the two plots together earlier on - the dads and the teenagers, I mean. Like, keep the ending, but at least do little hints of connection here and there throughout the episode, starting off small and getting bigger (the ending!). It felt a bit disconnected in some places until the end.
★ Rating out of 5?
Maybe a 3.5/5?
★ Anything else I want to say about this episode?
I cannot convey the pure jubilation and adrenaline I felt seeing this episode when it aired, completely deprived of Kyle content the entire season, excited to see him (as hinted at the preview), only to be met with Gerald (!!!!!!). I was already really hyped at the promise of a Kyle episode, but to give Gerald a big part in it was the cherry on top. He hadn't had that much screen-time in an episode in five seasons - it had been sooo long. I literally couldn't stop smiling whenever he was on screen (to be fair - that's how I usually am, but this time it was special) - it made me so happy. (S25 was also the first proper season I was in the fandom to witness, so that was cool!)
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deeahhnuh · 1 year
I've done this year-in-review thing since 2007! 2007-2012 are over on my old LiveJournal, and 2013-on are right here on my Tumblr. :)
I didn't do one of these for 2021, whoops, but that was a weird year for me anyway so let's just get things going again with - 2022! :)
What did you do in 2022 that you’d never done before?
Cut my own bangs! Okay, technically I did try giving myself bangs when I was like 13 or something, but that was a fail. This time, I have to say, they turned out very very nicely imho! I'm still quite shocked I (think I) pulled it off!
Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Never make any formal ones, but as usual for the New Year, I want to be sure to be careful and mindful about my health!
Did anyone close to you give birth?
Two family friends - they're sisters! - gave birth to sweet baby boys like a month apart! Pure joy. ♥
Did anyone close to you die?
No, thank goodness.
What countries did you visit?
Ha, I'm quite the homebody - none
What would you like to have in 2023 that you lacked in 2022?
I'm hugely grateful for what I do have, but I have to admit I do have some humble ambitions and hopes that I would like to work on making happen in 2023 - or at least get some kind of show on the road! :)
What date(s) from 2022 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
April 2022 - I had my last appointment with my psychiatrist of almost 16 years, because he is retiring. I'll remember this date as it's all a bit of an end of an era! No words can ever sum up his incredibly positive influence on my life. So I'm sad, but more than anything, I'm just thankful that I had his care for as long as I did! ♥
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I didn't completely botch my bangs lol!
What was your biggest failure?
I don't think I made any total goofs this year, yay!
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Oh my goodness, I had to get a dang tooth extracted a few days after Thanksgiving! The oral surgeon was a magician or something: I had almost no pain afterward, so my biggest "issue" was just me making sure I followed the recovery instructions to the letter. Which I did, apparently; at the follow-up appointment, he said "I can tell you followed all the steps exactly!" :) Tldr: I'm doing fine now!
What was the best thing you bought?
Music. And perfume; but music, man. I need it.
Whose behavior merited celebration?
That oral surgeon, for one, lol!
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Not so much a behavior, but the perspective that COVID-19 is "over." Couldn't be me.
Where did most of your money go?
Music. Perfume.
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Holidays and birthdays!
What song will always remind you of 2022?
SOOOoooo many. Check out my 2022 list of my iPod (and Spotify) hits on my Spotify!
Compared to this time last year (2021), are you:
Better, by at least a bit!
What do you wish you’d done more of?
Listen to more new music releases, watch more new shows, see more new movies! There's always so much to discover!
What do you wish you’d done less of?
Worry? But I'm so good at it, lol!
How did you spend Christmas?
Fam and ham. Two good things that are great together!
What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in 2022?
I don't think I was too much of a doofus this year, tbh!
How many one-night stands?
Ha, zero
What was your favorite TV program?
The stupid: cartoons (Family Guy and South Park: I have trash taste) and Real Housewives of wherever (and other Bravo fare)
The not stupid: Abbott Elementary, Better Call Saul, The Orville, Shining Vale, Only Murders in the Building, What We Do in the Shadows, The Patient. Also, Space Force. I know it was canceled (boo!), and it was panned a lot, but it was fun!
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2022?
Business on top, pajamas on the bottom
What kept you sane?
Music. Spotify is a gift and there's so much music to find! (But I do tend to listen to the same stuff all the time lol)
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Lol no
What was the best book you read in 2022?
Lol I suck, nothing to report (again)
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Not really a discovery, because I knew about it already, but I did buy, listen to, and love some old "winter editions" of the Ministry of Sound Addicted to Bass series of releases. A pointless thing to do! But I had a good time.
What did you want and get?
Addicted to Bass winter editions! Nah, but for real, I have the things I need and I'm grateful about it! ♥
What did you want and not get?
See above! I'm good. :)
What was your favorite film of this year?
Watched a lot of great movies this year - see my Scrapbook! But my fave 2022 releases? Elvis was a spectacle and Bullet Train was bombastic fun. New-to-me faves? I've known about Crossing Delancey but hadn't seen the whole movie until this year - it's precious! So is You Can't Take It with You! And Educating Rita is adorable too. Doing a 180 from precious and adorable - Shadow of the Vampire, which is bonkers but kind of a delight. Finally, special shout-out to The Beatles: Get Back. It was incredible to see and I loved it!
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Visited with my bro & sis-in-law and parents and had a great time! 36!
What three things would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Nah, I'm happy with what I've got. Whatever didn't pan out this year can always come through in the next, or the one after that. :)
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I'm reminded of little Mary and Violet in It's a Wonderful Life! Mary says "You like every boy," to which Violet just smiles and replies "What's wrong with that?" That's me, I'm Violet. Anyways, I dug Ringo in Get Back earlier in the year, then I didn't mind the Austin Butler buzz re: Elvis, and wrapped up the year thinking Michael Shannon ain't half bad for some reason. Who knows what next year will bring lol?
What political issue stirred you the most?
It's all a mess!
Who did you miss?
Family - those we've lost, and those who are simply not near. ♥
What is a valuable life lesson you learned in 2022?
As usual - we need hope. We just do. I certainly do! :)
What quote can be used to sum up your year?
Lol it's a South Park quote, but hear me out -
Butters: "I love life."
Stan: "Huh? But you just got dumped."
Butters: "Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin' really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I'm feelin' is like a, beautiful sadness. I guess that sounds stupid."
Goth Kid 2: "Yeah."
Stan: "No. No, Butters, that doesn't sound stupid at all."
So that was my 2022. Here's to 2023! Happy (early) New Year, Tumblr! :)
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