#i would be her parent figure and give her life advice and bring her to the mines to fight monsters together
Tim who had the watchtower/super hero substitute treehouse built so Batman can have relatively healthy socialization also eggs on the baking rivalry that develops between Alfred and Ma Kent as part of his multi step plan to direct Batman towards developing a wider social circle than Superman who, again, Tim does not fully approve of as a good influence on Batman. He appreciates that Batman shouldn't kill and that Superman helped that much but otherwise is unimpressed with the kryptonian. Basically the only things Superman could do to make it up to Tim would be first, sincerely apologizing to Kon accompanied by actively being better and second lobotomizing the Joker. Unfortunately Superman has yet to realize he needs to make up anything to Tim. Thus Ma Kent will continue to receive cook books and high end baking supplies from anonymous sources as well as strategic praise and comparisons to Alfred's baking from various heroes and Alfred will receive similar praise and criticism and Bruce and Clark will both receive uncomfortable questions from both sides about which pie or cake or cookie he liked better.
Tim having monthly tea parties with Queen Hippolyta in a neutral location to talk about how Diana is doing, again as part of the plan for Bruce to have good social influences in his life. Cassie helped him arrange it. Queen Hippolyta mothers Tim a bit because she's experiencing a little empty nest syndrome and while Tim is a boy, he's very polite and didn't invade her home and brings treats he either bought or made himself (he's not dragging Hippolyta into the baking beef). Tim reacts better to this than he would if someone attempted to act fatherly to him as she does so in small doses and in a manner that is slightly softer than Janet and is thus nostalgic.
Tim will find the parental figures in the JLA's lives and he will make connections. He is trying very hard not to be Bruce's entire (functioning) support system.
Ma Kent and Alfred should have a very fierce rivalry over food. The competition should be intense, yet they still care about one another. They'll switch in seconds from casually chatting about their sons and gardening to very pointed insults about the other's cooking.
Tim dragging Bruce's friends' parents into that man's support circle is hilarious and amazing. He will ensure that Batman will be up against crowds of friends and their parents the next time he decides to go on another crime-fighting bender.
Also, it could be healthy overall for in-the-know parents of heroes to have their own support group. They can get advice and comfort from others. Yes, some of the parents aren't exactly "civilians," but the group is geared towards parents of first generation "heroes," (though other generations of parents of heroes are welcome as well). There are a lot of nuances, laws, and issues pertaining to being a public hero.
Tim should have beef with Superman. Let that teen continually give the man glares of disappointment and disproval at the hero's back (which Clark feels but can't pinpoint the origin), and then his face smooths back to neutral whenever the man looks at him. Tim is a professional, after all. I think Jason and Tim could bond over this when they start getting along.
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elation-station · 1 year
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the town bisexuals are at your door it is time for you to pick a bride
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lialacleaf · 9 months
A Touch Too Personal
Chapter 1
Simon Riley x Reader
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Summary: You had a crush on Ghost since you started working for Price in communications, but the gruff, reserved Lieutenant only acknowledged your existence on the job. That starts to change with a simple, thoughtful gift.
Warnings: Fluff, Simon is bad at processing emotions, past trauma
Chapter 2
You cared deeply about every single one of your teammates. It didn’t matter that you were sitting in an office talking to them over the radio, you were still providing them with intel and directions that kept them alive.
They were like a second family, and so Task Force 141 slowly began to feel like having a lot of older brothers.
Johnny was your go to partner in crime when it came to making mischief, and you knew he was always down for a good prank.
Kyle on the other hand was good for having deep conversations and was the one you always went to for advice.
Ghost…well ghost was a bit different. Your feelings towards him weren’t exactly that of a sibling. Maybe it was because he was more reserved than the others, a mystery or puzzle that you couldn’t quite figure out, but you couldn’t help but feel warm inside on the rare occasion that his intense gaze did linger on you.
Which lead to your current dilemma.
Every time you went home, you made sure to bring one of the boys a gift when you returned to base.
Being that Price was like a father figure, you brought him a handcrafted mug from your hometown’s local pottery festival. Soap had gotten a pocket knife with his call sign engraved on it, and Gaz had received a baseball cap with a hand stitched 141 on the side in his favorite color.
However, now it was Ghost’s turn, and you were at a loss. What would he even like to have? You knew he had an array of tactical gear, you’d seen him knit pick through it on occasion, but you didn’t know enough about working in the field to know kind of tools he’d like. He had so many knives already, that it felt redundant to get him another.
What on earth were you supposed to give this man?
“Maybe you could make this Ghost fella something yourself?” Your mother suggested as you sat in your parents living room to ponder the issue.
Your mother liked Ghost’s nickname, and laughed whenever you brought it up. You could only assume she was picturing a little boy in a Scream costume, and you had to admit that was a little funny. Ghost was the only one to not have shared his real name with you, and thus always ended up being teased by your family, not that he was aware of that.
“Like what?” You asked.
“I don’t know, but I’m stopping by the craft store, how about you come with me instead of sulking in the living room?”
You watched your mother peruse through the holiday decorations and shook your head. That woman was amassing quite the Christmas village collection.
You wandered through the store with dwindling hope until you saw it. It was in the fabric section that you found the most perfect pattern for your Lieutenant.
The fabric had a black background, with white Ghosts all over it. You picked up the roll with a brilliant smile on your face, and ran over to one of the fabric department employees.
“I need some of this,” you said, giddy and bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“How much do you want?” The woman asked, preparing her scissors.
Ghost was a pretty large man, and you took a moment to think about just how much fabric you were going to need.
“Uhhh, a lot.”
“Lass! How was the family?” Johnny asked, pulling you in for a tight hug as you pulled your luggage into your room on base.
“It was good, ate a lot, took my cousins shooting, family stuff,” you said with a grin. “I gotta show you something,” you insisted, pulling him inside your room.
“Oh? What’s that?” He asked curiously.
“You know how I always bring back a surprise?” You began, a grin on your face.
“Who’s the lucky winner?” He chucked.
“You tell me.” You beamed at him as you pulled out the larger than life knot-tie blanket you’d made, and Johnny’s jaw dropped.
“You did not!” He gasped, chuckling at he inspected it. One side was the Ghost fabric you’d found, and the other was made from the softest army green material you could find. In the top corner. You’d stitched in a small British Flag patch, and each corner has a sandbag sewn in.“You made him a bloody weighted blanket? What gave you that idea?” He asked.
“We’ll I couldn’t find anything I thought he’d like at first, but then I saw the fabric and it just fell together so perfectly!”
“Oh man, I would kill to see his reaction to this,” Johnny said, giving you a pat on the shoulder.
“You say that like we ever get to see his reaction to anything,” you stated. You’d never actually seen him without some sort of face covering.
Johnny tisked softly and shrugged. “Alright, you got me there,” he admitted. “He’s in his room now, probably as good a time as any.”
You couldn’t help but grin broadly. “Perfect.”
You felt a lump form in your throat as you approached Ghost’s door. You knew it was just the nerves that came along with your little crush on the Lieutenant, but it still made the task at hand a little daunting.
You took a deep breath, knocking softly on the door. Maybe you should have wrapped it for him. What if he didn’t like it? How were you supposed to react if he just brushed you off.
The door opened before you could rethink your decision. It always came as a shock how large Ghost was, no matter how many times you stood mask to face.
“You’re back.”
You felt your heart rate spike. He had noticed you were gone? Had noticed you? Of course he had noticed, it was his job to notice, it didn’t mean anything.
“Yeah,” you said, waiting for him to ask how your trip was, or if you were glad to be back. He didn’t.
“I got you something!” You said suddenly, holding the folded blanket out to him, and his entire body seemed to freeze. He stared at it for a moment or two, as if he were slowly processing the object.
“What is it?”
Your smile faltered. “It’s a weighted blanket,” you said as he inspected it as if it were some kind of trick. “It’s a weighted blanket,” you said as he took it carefully from your hands.
“Where’d you get it?”
Shit, he hates it.
“I- Uhm. I made it,” you admitted, your cheeks blazing. This was stupid. You were stupid.
He looked between you and the blanket in his hands, and nodded. “Thanks,” he said before stepping back into his room and closing the door.
You pressed your lips together firmly in an attempt to not start bawling. You walked off on shaky legs, taking deep breaths. At least he hadn’t told you he didn’t want it.
Simon sat on his bed, his thumb brushed over the small flag patched into the corner of the blanket. The fact that you had made him a gift by hand had his stomach in knots. He knew about your little gift tradition with the rest of 141, but he hadn’t expected to be included, nor did he expected you’d go to such trouble. The two of you weren’t even very close.
He swallowed thickly as tears pricked his eyes. This was the nicest thing any teammate had ever given him.
He brought the fabric to his face and gave it a deep whiff. It smelled fresh, like laundry detergent. You must have washed it before you gave it to him.
Simon spread the blanket carefully over his cot, admiring how the fabric felt against his hands. It didn’t catch on his calloused fingers, and wasn’t too fluffy.
It was large too, as if you’d taken his massive size into account. He was certain he could easily caving himself in it. His bottom lip wobbled slightly, and it was an effort to hold his tears at bay.
That night, Simon slept soundly, wrapped in your carefully crafted gift, and you were the only thing on his mind.
AN: Let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
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letoasai · 1 year
dp x dc 2
A what if... 
If Danny was originally a ghost child, born from one of the seven ancients that sealed Pariah Dark. In an unfortunate accident, he was caught by the Fentons and experimented on. In a twist of strange fate, he was turned human, and basically given life. Because he was no longer a ghost, they decided to adopt him.
 Danny had no memory of his earliest years, or the experiments done on him but Jazz does and she quietly took better care of her brother than their parents did of either of them. At fourteen, he still dies and becomes a half ghost, partially because of his heritage kicking in. He still defeats Pariah Dark and becomes the Ghost King and the only one that knows his original identity is Clockwork who didn’t figure it out himself until Danny became a halfa. His human self being untraceable for them.
Danny is sixteen when he tells his parents about himself, oddly enough against Jazz’s advice. They didn't take it well and were ready to put him back on the table to experiment on him a second time to ‘fix him’ again.
It was Jazz that ended up sabotaging everything and grabbing her brother to run. She’d been packed and ready to go, expecting Jack and Maddie’s overreaction. Jazz finally tells him about the hazy memories she can recall about his arrival. Being only two years older than him, she was just a child but she remembered enough on top of their neglected childhood to decide to bail with him.
Clockwork was the one to give them their destination. Head to Gotham, where Danny could meet his mother, Lady Gotham, who is eagerly awaiting and preparing for his arrival. ~ ~ Batman did not like being summoned for meetings, he especially didn’t like being summoned for a meeting in his own batcave. That was his own space being infringed upon and he didn’t like it one bit. Meetings were for mutual areas unless it was called by one of his own children. Even then, those meetings were usually at the dinner table.
Constantine contacting him to have an ‘urgent chat’ was the last thing he wanted. Constantine usually avoided work when he could, and anything he would bring to the table meant trouble was on its way.
He’d had enough apocalyptic chaos for one month. It was only worse that Constantine insisted they meet tonight instead of the League meeting at the end of the week. Things that couldn’t wait meant more work for him.
Batman’s eyes narrowed at the sound of footsteps moving through the west side of the batcave. Even knowing it was coming, he was unhappy knowing that Constantine used the private door that only a few knew about to get inside.
“You’re early. That’s unheard of.” Batman commented, smelling the smoke of the man’s cigarette before even turning around. “Put that out.”
“Don’t think i will.” Constantine said, a hint of stress in his voice. “I dunno what you did but i don’t appreciate being dragged into it.”
“What i did?” Batman frowned, turning away from his computer to stand. “What’s that supposed to mean? You’re the one that wanted to talk.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Constantine said, inhaling. His free hand held another cigarette that he likely planned to light when the first was gone. “Someone wants to speak to you. You’re going to speak to them.”
“Tch.” Batman crossed his arms. It wasn’t a wonder to him why his children were so stubborn. He could see himself in many of their habits. “Am i?”
Constantine shrugged. “Yeah, i think you are. They’re your bloody benefactor so i really don’t think you got a choice. I’m just a middle man.”
“Benefactor?” Batman scowled, a list of possible names running through his mind but nothing held. Something that required Constantine’s presence was even more baffling. “What are you talking about?”
The atmosphere in the cave suddenly changed. It wasn’t necessarily bad, but given the way Constantine tensed, they both felt it. It was like a wave of something spread out through the room, brushing against both of them and moving out to fill the rest of the corner.
“John, who did you invite here?”
“Oh, i don’t think i could do something like that. Way above my pay grade.” Constantine muttered, turning to face the same direction he’d just come from. There was no noise, no footsteps, nothing to indicate an intruder other than the feeling filling every inch of the batcave. “May i present to you, the spirit of Gotham herself. Lady Gotham.”
For a long few seconds nothing happened. It wasn’t an overly timely introduction but a woman did appear. She moved fluidly, silently, disappearing and reappearing between every step. She looked to be made of stone, everything from the visible skin of her legs and bare feet, to her cloak. She could have been a fixture somewhere in the city, a beautiful gargoyle but she moved with complete ease.
The hood of her cloak was drawn low, a veil covering her face. Even making her way through the moderately lit cave, she was nearly shrouded in shadows still. The most visible feature she had were bright, toxic green eyes that almost seemed to swirl.
Sharp horns protruded through her hood that wrapped behind her head and at her elbows were a small set of stone wings that must have been useless but she gave no indication one way or the other. Not even when they seemed to flutter.
“Lady Gotham?” Batman blinked, trying to absorb what he was seeing. To commit everything to memory. Her appearance should have given away so much but instead he got nothing.
“Yes. She is who this city was named for. She is this city’s soul. Powerful, old, and the beginning of… well a lot.” Constantine muttered. “She apparently likes your ragtag team of bats and birds too.”
“Protectors…” She spoke, her voice was like a whisper, but there was an edge to it that made it seem like her speaking at a normal volume would be a very bad thing. “Protectors are always welcome here.”
Batman stared and didn’t know right off what he was supposed to say. He didn’t feel like he was in danger, but he had no idea what a supposed spirit would want with him. He’d been playing his role as batman for years without a trace of this Lady Gotham before.
Constantine cleared his throat. “Well since that introduction was made, i’ll see myself ou-”
“Stay.” she said, stopping only a few few away from them. She still blinked in and out of existence. Sometimes pieces of her would be visible while the rest of her faded in and out.
“Yes…” Constantine reluctantly muttered.
Batman straightened. “Never heard of you.” Constantine nearly groaned. “But i can’t refute what’s right before me. What can i help you with?”
She tilted her head, and the motion should have been impossible if she were actually made of stone. He got the impression that she was amused despite not really being able to see her face.
“Protector. Knight. Hero. Father. You have assumed so many mantles.” Gotham spoke softly. “There is only so much i can do, i do interfere when i can.”
He nodded though he had no idea what she was talking about. He’d always pulled his own weight but if there was an otherworldly entity assisting him, would he know?
“I come to you, to ask for a favor. You, with the means to grant such a thing.”
“What sort of favor?”
“A halfa has been directed to my core with his human sister. They require living arrangements.” She spoke firmly. “I can offer them my love, my welcome, my embrace, even a taste of my power but monetary needs and documents are out of my hands.”
“A halfa?” Batman frowned, not understanding the phrase other than them not being human if their sister being human was clarified.
“Nooo…” Constantine stared, looking like he’d prefer it if the floor just opened up and swallowed him. “Not the halfa that defeated Pariah Dark...”
“The very same.” Gotham clasped her hands in front of her, form flickering again. She radiated pride.
“The halfa that defeated Pariah Dark and became the Ghost King?” Constantine obviously wanted to get the hell out of Gotham.
“The same.” She repeated.
“Ghost King?” Batman frowned. “Why is he coming here?”
She disappeared, reappearing several feet to her left. “He is in need of a home. He is only sixteen human years old.”
“He’s a child?!” Constantine looked horrified. “And he became the Ghost King!?”
“Yes.” She said, somewhat patient. “My son is welcome here, so you will welcome him.”
Constantine was lighting that second cigarette. “Son… I gotta...I gotta sit down.”
Batman however was trying to ignore what he couldn’t grasp at the moment, and focus on what he could. “Documentation and lodgings for two minors is well within my means to provide.” He glanced back at Constantine who was walking away to grab a chair. “You’ll explain the Ghost King thing later.”
Constantine just waved him off as he collapsed into a chair.
Lady Gotham had moved, now standing directly in front of Batman without having moved a muscle. “My son and his human sister know what it means to be hunted. My child’s core screams for help and receives so little.” She suddenly seemed to tower over batman in a way she didn’t before. “He will receive assistance here.”
Batman stood firm, but it would be a lie to say he was completely unaffected. Despite that trickle of fear in his chest, he’d always done his best to be there for his kids. It didn’t mean he was successful, but he tried. What was two more? “I understand. Whatever he’s running from will be handled. When will he arrive?”
Lady Gotham paused. “Soon. Travel is slow, but steady. Another day.”
Batman hummed, that was plenty of time to get everything set up temporarily. He would talk to the Ghost King and his sister to discuss more permanent plans. His attitude however, seemed to be just what Lady Gotham expected.
She turned to Constantine. “You will find him easiest. Bring them here.”
Constantine heaved a sigh and pulled out a flask from his jacket pocket. He didn’t barter, try to make some kind of deal, or attempt to gain some form of payment. Lady Gotham was a force of nature all on her own but there was no way he was pissing off the mother of the Ghost King. That was asking for trouble even if the kid was a king. His power must have been something else… “Got it.” he agreed.
She sighed, the sound content. “Thank you, Knight. My son will be in good hands.” Or Else, didn’t need to be spoken.
She turned, and just like that she was gone, her powerful aura along with her. In a flash it was like she’d never been there at all.
Batman took a moment to just breathe and regain his bearings before turning back to Constantine. “What did i just agree to?”
“Not much.” Constantine said dryly. “Just being the foster dad to the Ghost King. King of the Infinite Realm.”
Well… It wasn’t the first time he’d adopted a teenager. Batman just reaffirmed his plans for the rest of the day and turned to change back into his civilian attire and head back up into his mansion. He needed to talk to Alfred immediately.
“Better you than me…” Constantine grumbled. This was going to be pure chaos, but he also had to wonder…what it was that spooked the kid that defeated Pariah Dark? That was something to look into.
Neither man had noticed when Tim had walked in, having watched most of that interaction from a safe distance away. “What the absolute fuck was that....?” 
~~ ~~
I would really kind of enjoy a 16 year old Danny meeting and bonding with a 19 year old Jason… Also… Constantine texting Bruce the very moment he lays eyes on Danny. Yep! This kid is totally Wayne material. He’ll mix in with the others seamlessly.
No plans to continue this at this point if someone else wants a turn. 
~Edit- I apparently lied...  Part 2  
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anonymouspuzzler · 3 months
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you know what? fuck you (heartbreak gulch's my own guys)
(@heartbreakgulch courtesy of the inimitable @strangegutz & collaborators, also miscellaneous Thoughts under the cut bc it's my blog no one can stop me the doors have closed behind you)
Probably does not have superpowers anymore but still came from a family of considerable influence and was under pressure to inherit, pressure which he very much Broke Under.
Turned to a life of crime, definitely got in over his head with it, and essentially got rescued by Eddie, who he is Utterly Obsessed With And Heartsick For.
Has spent literal years as one of Eddie's attack dogs and generally jumping through hoops for him for Whatever Scraps Of Affection He Can Get, though he's still kind of squeamish around Literal Murder and thus tends to be assigned to supply runs and such most of the time.
Amateur mechanic and car enthusiast. Probably did a lot of McGyver-ass fixes around the Gulch-slash-generally assisted Ami til Davey was recruited.
Speaking of, was still the guy who recruited-slash-rescued Davey. They fell for each other hard and are in a committed relationship now, which has helped Buck take a little bit of a healthier step back with whatever the hell he and Eddie have going on (and helped him be a little less jealous and curmudgeonly about the Hot Young Things In Town, ie Zeki and Felix).
Absolutely not prepared to be a guardian to Minnie which has led his and Eddie's whole Relationship to enter a fun new stage of "hey man can I ask you for parenting advice nothing weird"
Pretty similar backstory to the Villain-Coded version. Civilian turned criminal, lost his arm when he got in over his head on a job and Buck rescued him.
Has a bunch of different prosthetics he swaps out for different purposes, ie. one for combat, one to use for mechanic work, a kinda general use/everyday one, etc. That said, he goes without a lot to make sure he's prepared for a situation where he doesn't have access/one breaks or fails on a job/etc.
An alarmingly good recruit; I feel like originally Eddie kind of let him stick around as a kind of "gift" to Buck, but now that he's actually got him on jobs he's become a real rising star. Real good in a scrap and is a little more flexible with his moral lines in the sand compared to Buck. Outside of that he works with Ami a lot doing mechanics and repairs - probably interested in learning CompanDroid maintenance/repair but figures it'd be skeevy for him to push that point too much.
He and Eddie have a complicated relationship I think. They'd be kinda suspicious/distrusting of each other but also have a LOT of similarities and work really well together. To say nothing of their respective relationships with Buck.
I don't think he's Trying to Uncle the younger recruits in the Gulch but he definitely Does. He likes White a lot. He and Ami would also definitely get along really well. He is being The Bigger Man and Mature Adult and not giving Felix a wedgie no matter how badly he wants to
From the same family of prominence as Buck and is currently very much on the run after a failed attempt to kill her own dad.
Extremely a city kid and is Not necessarily adapting well to Middle Of Nowhere Self Sustained Living.
Knew Of Buck but never met him before this so his whole Life and Little Criminal Commune featuring Multiple Guys He's Got SOMETHING Going On With is. it's a lot
Would like to do some crime actually but is A) still a little traumatized and adjusting to the whole Situation and B) 13 Whole Real Human Years Old.
Fascinated by Zeki's whole deal and his work but I think they would absolutely bring out the worst in each other they would fight so much. Autism to autism hostility
Having a very complicated response to White and Ami wherein she thinks they're SO cool but interacting with them at any length would make her realize Things About Herself that she's not consciously ready to confront so just like. Imagine being White and looking over your shoulder and that 13 year old is just Intensely Staring At You Unblinking from around a corner and as soon as she realizes you've seen her she turns around and runs off as fast as she can directly into a wall
Zarita absolutely hitting that Cool Just Slightly Older Kid niche for her.
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tooruswhre · 5 months
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– feat. g.satoru, k.nanami, t.fushiguro.
– footnote. new fandom alert! been having jjk in my masterlist since the beginning of time and finally decided to get a kickstart.
obviously this is arguable, just opinion based and can be interchanged with any characters to your fancy!
– content warning. suggestive (?). implied fem reader.
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i can only imagine that SATORU is a girl dad. he knew from day one that he is more than ready to spend the rest of his life with you and create a family sometime down the line. and upon hearing it was a girl, the sorcerer was beyond prepared. he spoils that girl all night and day, and it can only be assumed that she is a daddy’s girl from this behaviour. given that he is a sorcerer, and that alone comes with it’s own difficulties; he made a promise to come back to you and his babygirl in one piece every night. he would give her the world and any star in the sky if she wanted.
++ he is such a good listener when it comes to his kids; which makes me believe that his daughter is always willing to share her gossip and boy problems [ to his disliking lmaoo. may i mention he’s overprotective? ] with him because he gives the best advice.
NANAMI would be such a sheltering-helicopter parent, I can just feel it. protecting his children from the dangers of the world and making sure they’ll be able to protect themselves if he isn't somewhere arms reach away. and when he is arm's reach [ 89.9% of the time he is], he’s really probably sitting a few tables or standing a few people away from the kids, unbeknownst to them that he’s watching over them like a stalker. nanami just wants the best for his kids, just doesn’t truly know the way of going about it, so, they wouldn’t understand in their youth.
++ given that he is quite strict, he’s the type of dad that his kids would be scared to ask him for things. though, he loves them unconditionally; just a bit rough around the edges. you’re always the middleman for things, the kids ask you to ask him for them in every situation [when they want something, wanna go somewhere etc] . nanami is pretty blind-sided to that charade; wouldn’t question it if he wasn’t anyway.
to be honest, TOJI wasnt really looking forward to having kids, simply because of his lifestyle. but the conversation of having kids was in your interest; and knowing him, he’ll do anything to make you happy. nevertheless, your child was welcomed into the world a while later. and now he loves that he has a mini-me running around, showing them all the cool tricks and abilities daddy can do. he can’t tell what he loves more, the process of making love to you; or what that outcome brings. nonetheless, he suggests that the two of you should have more kids.
++ i also want to add that this man is soo laidback, if you haven’t figured that out by now. toji is the type of dad to provide his kids with logical instruction and respect!
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Domestic Dream part 2: Family Bonds
Bayverse!Raphael x reader
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Part 1
Y'all really liked my Domestic Dream with Raphael, so I’ve decided to give you more of him with your family.
Warnings: None, other than sweet Raph and maybe some spelling❤️
As the months rolled on, Raphael found himself becoming an integral part of your family. He trained with your little brother in makeshift ninja lessons, endured your mother's attempts at cooking (some successful, some not so much), and even engaged in friendly banter with your father over the latest action movies, or whatever game they had decided to watch.
One Saturday morning, as sunlight streamed through the windows, bathing the living room in a warm glow, you and Raphael found yourselves surrounded by board games and the smell of breakfast. It was a rare moment of tranquility in the busy lives you all led.
You had invited both of your parents and brother over for a family day filled with board games and movies. Though your parents weren’t together, it didn’t stop them from spending time with you and your little brother, nor did it keep them from spending time with your mutant ninja turtle boyfriend.
You found it amazing, that the one thing that had shocked your parents the most about your boyfriend, was just a minor footnote now. Raphael, a massive muscular green mutant turtle, with superhuman strength, who had studied the art ninja since he was a child? According to your parents, he was proving to become the best son in law they could dream of.
As your little brother excitedly set up a game of Monopoly, Raphael surveyed the scene with a contented smile. You were in the kitchen, cleaning the last few things from the dinner. Raphael had offered to help you, but you had given him a kiss, and told him not to worry about it.
Your mother, sipping on a cup of coffee, caught his eye and motioned for him to join her on the couch.
"You know", she began. "I never thought I'd be sharing my Saturday mornings with a mutant turtle, but I do quite enjoy it".
Raphael chuckled, "Yeah, well, life's full of surprises".
"I have to admit, though", she continued. "You bring a different energy to this place. It's not what I expected, but it's... nice."
Raphael nodded appreciatively. "Thanks. I never thought I'd find myself in a place like this. It's different, but I like it."
Just then, your father approached, a mischievous glint in his eye. He tapped Raphael on the shoulder, drawing attention to the open Carlsberg beer he held out for him. Raphael accepted it with a smile.
"So, Raphael”, your father said, taking a seat in your armchair. “Got any special plans for our daughter?"
Raphael raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
Your father grinned. "Well, you know, you seem like the type who could pull off a surprise. Any grand gestures in the works?"
Raphael scratched the back of his head, a hint of a blush visible under his tough exterior when he realized what your father was talking about. "Uh, well, I'm still figuring that out".
“Well… uhm… I’ve… uh”.
Your mother nudged Raphael playfully. "Don't worry, we won't judge. It’s okay if you haven’t thought about it. But if you need advice, feel free to ask".
“Don’t worry about her”, your father laughed. “She is just impatient and wants grandchildren”.
Raphael’s face got hot. He had not thought so far, at all. Sure, he had the occasional thought of growing old with you, but he had never let his thoughts wonder that far. But then a realization fell upon Raphael. They must have talked about you and Raph, and they must have agreed. They wanted you to marry Raph and they wanted the two of you to give them grandchildren. They really trusted him with you. That touched something inside of Raph. Raphael could feel his insides warm at this thought. But he was also in slight shock. He had never thought that he could ever do that. He had never thought of having, because his nature would simply make it impossible. Nobody would want children with him… But just a few months ago he had never thought your family would like him, and see him now. Your parents were literally asking when he was going to propose to you.
As the banter continued between your parents and Raphael, your little brother announced that the Monopoly board was ready for action, just as you finished cleaning the kitchen. The game commenced, filled with laughter, friendly competition, and the occasional intervention of a stealthy ninja move from Raphael that left everyone in stitches.
As the day unfolded, it became clear that Raphael had not only won over your heart but had also forged genuine connections with each member of your family. The initial reservations had transformed into a shared understanding that family came in all shapes and sizes.
Later that evening, as you all gathered for a movie night, Raphael found himself enveloped in the warmth of your family. Snacks were passed around, ready to be eaten to the movie you were about to watch. Jokes were shared, and as it so often happened when Raphael was around your family, he felt a sense of belonging that extended beyond the sewers and the rooftops of New York. He was placed in the middle of your couch, with you to his left and your brother on his right, while your parents each had found their own arm chair.
Your little brother, exhausted from the day's adventures, leaned against Raphael on the couch, who instinctively put an arm around him. "You know, Raph," he mumbled sleepily, without moving his eyes from the television. "You're like the big brother I never knew I wanted".
Raphael, touched by the sentiment, ruffled his hair. "Yeah, well, you're not so bad yourself, squirt."
As the credits rolled on the movie, your little brother, nestled comfortably against Raphael, looked up and said, "I'm glad you're part of our family, Raph."
Raphael smiled, a rare genuine smile that reflected the depth of the bonds formed. "Yeah, kid, me too."
Your mother, watching the interaction, couldn't help but smile. She caught your eye and gave you a knowing look. You, who hadn’t heard the conversation Raph had had with your parents, looked at your boyfriend in slight confusion. But Raphael on the other hand knew exactly what your mother was smiling for.
And in that moment, as the stars emerged in the night sky outside of your apartment, it was clear that Raphael had not only found acceptance but had become an essential part of a family that, against all odds, had embraced him with open hearts.
And in that moment, surrounded by the people who had once been strangers but were now family, Raphael realized that love and acceptance could be found in the most unexpected places. And maybe he should allow himself to dream of a normal life with you.
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tvbyw0by · 5 months
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𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚, 𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢+𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐚, 𝐤𝐨𝐲𝐨. 𝐱 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: somewhat of a weird creepy man mention, mentions of killing?
𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎: 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬 𝟏𝟑, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 + 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐝.
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Sigma first met you when he, nikolai & fyodor were out and about.
He had seen a small, cute cafe and instantly felt drawn to it
Its literally so cute??
When he first saw you, he was lowkey like
"Does this kid work here?!"
All shocked...
But after you gave him some cookies, he literally ate them so fast, they were so good😞
After that, he got dragged out by Nikolai, and he would visit the cafe daily from time to time!
His favorite thing to get from there was the cookies you baked
10/10 rating for those cookies in his opinion
Also did I mention how after the second trip, you guys became bsfs
Like you for real gave him his cookies and started sharing your whole life story
At first he was like : 🤨
Because why did you start sharing your whole family history😭‼️
But still, he started viewing you as a friend, if not a younger sibling figure!
He definitely would go to the cafe specifically to hang out with you get away from the others..
Despite being homeschooled, you're quite smart in certain situations so he sometimes asks for advice
Sometimes y'all will be sitting at a table for an hour or two just staring at eachother trying to figure out what to do in your break times
One time you let him try cooking the cookies...
Never again.
But nevertheless, yall get along great!!
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They first met you when kyōka craved tofu
And your cafe sold tofu AND Chazuke apparently
So then atsushi bought the two dishes from you, but then he realized he didn't have any money...
Kyoka was slightly upset that they couldn't get the food, but then you came
And you said, "Don't worry, my family owns this cafe!!"
And then you just gave it to them for free.
After many back and forths between you and atsushi
Even though kyoka was already digging in(real)
After awhile, they left, but not without atsushi sending many thanks and telling you they would come again with money
You ended up just softly pushing them out with a laugh and reassuring them, but still telling them to come back again
You're parents ended up getting upset that you gave the food for free
But its okay because the two did end up coming back,
This time atsushi brought money,
And he bought the same thing for him and kyoka,
While they were eating, you ended up talking with them a lot!
You all ended up getting along considering kyoka and you are close in age, and atsushi got along with you due to how you were really kind with them!
Sometimes you would give them free small treats to take to work,
Once you gave them extra because you had heard from Atsushi about ranpo, so you packed extra specifically for him!
You also made some custom treats for the two, some shaped as rabbits, others shaped as cats!
Lets just say that you guys quickly got along, like siblings!
Kyoka and Atsushi swore to protect you considering you were like a younger sibling to them
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One time it was late at night, and she happened to crave some golden tempura after a mission, and she visited a cafe
YOUR cafe
And thats how you guys met!
At first she was quite amused yet a bit shocked that a child was working this late at night at a cafe
"What are you doing working so late, child?"
But nevertheless , you gave her the golden tempura and she payed!
You guys ended up having a chat considering there was no one else in the cafe, and she learnt a lot about you
Call it fast, but after a while she instantly felt connected like a mother to you,
Especially after you told her you grew up with a single father,
After that, she would visit daily!
A couple times she would bring some people with her, like chuuya!
Sometimes you would give her some free tea, golden tempura or some other treats,
In exchange she would always have a nice, peaceful chat with you
One time, you expressed how you wanted to learn a bit about swordsmanship,
And so she taught you some basics, very safely of course
She would bring you some cute stuff, like clothes, decorations for the cafe or your room, accessories for your hair, and once she brought you a kimono just like hers,
One time she saw a creepy guy, he was just staring at you as you chatted with another customer, and he was staring very, VERY weirdly, and even went as far as licking his lips weirdly...
Lets just say she was glaring at him the whole time, and killed him took care of him for you!!
Shes officially "adopting" you (more like just calling you her child but its ok)
She loves how dedicated you are to your familys cafe,
You guys get along quite well, and are very much like a mother and child duo!
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thepenguinmaker · 10 days
♡ (Platonic) South park x reader - Your best friends! ♡
Aka; what it feels like being best friends with the South Park gang (featuring; the main 4, Butters)
~ Stan
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- You were in a similar situation to him: bit of a troubled home life
- You got along with him and his friends ever since preschool, but you were much closer to him than the others
- Maybe it was his (usually) calm attitude or his similarities to you, you don't know
- Even after he moved to a farm, you come over to him to play video games or board games almost every second day
- Whenever he's feeling depressed, you try to comfort him to your best efforts
- His mother is always very glad to see you and to be honest you and Sharon kinda became friends along the years
- Not so much Randy or Shelley, though
~ Kyle
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- Same situation as Stan, you knew him since preschool and always liked him
- Being his best friend, you're prone to getting picked on by Cartman
- ^ Very toned down compared to Kyle though (except if you're Jewish too)
- He lets you babysit Ike sometimes when he has basketball practice or something
- You have some kind of matching keychain, either related to Terrance and Phillip or your interest
- You study or do group projects together a lot
- ^ You may or may not tease him and call him a nerd the whole time, but he still enjoys hanging with you
- You still get As on them anyway (mostly thanks to Kyle)
~ Cartman
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- Being Cartman's best friend is a wild ride
- You're not protected from his insults, don't you even dare think so
- You are obligated to agree with him always, and he will get upset if you don't
- Hanging out with Cartman mostly consists of playing the newest video games while he stuffs himself full of cheesy poofs
- His mom really likes you, she's glad her son hasn't had a bad influence on you
- Liane will often make you treats and sometimes even talk to you about your day, she kinda acts like you're her child too
- You need to share all your stuff with him. Would you be surprised if I told you he doesn't share any of his?
~ Kenny
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- You're never hanging at his house, nuh-uh
- You don't bully or shame your best friend for being the poor kid in town, but you can't help but agree with Cartman that his house is a dump
- He doesn't mind though, he's really glad he can get away from his parents bickering
- He will sometimes bring over Karen with him too, and you get along great
- You get him gifts and share your stuff with him very often (you get some things for Karen too if you have the money)
- You both like dressing up or creating costumes and playing pretend
- You assist each other in creating your outfits, with Kenny giving you advice and you getting him tools, decorations, fabric, etc.
~ Butters
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- You started hanging out with Butters because you took pity on him after all the other kids ripped on him
- Turns out he's actually very nice and you became quick best friends
- He doesn't really like playing video games (except for Hello Kitty Island Adventure), so when you're hanging out you're usually outside or playing with toys
- You have your own villain persona to match Professor Chaos
- You did, infact, go with him to Hawaii that one time
- He'd rather go to your house than his, due to his absurdly strict father
- You lowkey have a whole dance routine set to the Loo Loo Loo song he always sings (not tapdancing though, he still has a lot of trauma from that)
A/N: ok this time I TRIED to get it to look good.. and by that I mean I tried to get gradient text, couldn't figure out HTML then gave up. sorry folks.
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 4 months
Wonderful World - Part 21**
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Thanks for your patience with this one! Finally got around to finishing it! Series Masterlist
Warnings: Mentions of grief, different topics relating to pregnancy, disowning, unprotected sex, oral (fem receiving), fingering, cum play
WC: 10.1k
The Christmas holiday had been wonderful with Harry’s parents, Paul and Catherine. They were both so kind and warm towards her, Celeste, and Damian. Harry’s mom, Catherine, absolutely loved Disneyland, she even left with a pair of ears on her head that matched with Diana and Celeste’s. She had also taken a lot of care in getting to know Diana better, she would talk to her more than Harry at times. But Diana understood that she just wanted to get a feel for her and what her intentions were with her son. She did mentioned to Diana how much she loved to see Harry with Celeste; she brought a side out of him that she loved to see from her son. It brought a closeness between Catherine and Diana and even Damian, who had served as the sole paternal figure of sorts for Celeste until Harry came along into their lives.
Harry’s instinct about Celeste and his dad getting on well was correct. He, Celeste, and Paul did have a jam session or two during their visit. Paul was so smart and gentle, like Harry. It was evident to her that he really wanted to nourish his relationship with Harry and they spent a lot of time together when they didn’t have plans with Diana and her family.
Harry shared with her that he had of course explained to them how they were proceeding with sharing their relationship with Celeste soon. They had decided to do so after the New Year, they’d have breakfast and talk about it with her. And he told Diana that his parents were very insightful and offered him some advice about how to proceed in this relationship, which Harry took to heart because he truly wanted the relationship to succeed with Diana. 
Damian had started to join Harry for his workout sessions while he was in town and it gave them a chance to get to know each other better as well. Harry had learned a lot about Damian and Diana’s family, their dynamic, and of course with her permission, Damian shared a lot of the things that were a bit harder for her to share with others about her family life growing up. Damian of course, wanted to ensure that he wasn’t giving Harry the lowdown on his sister for nothing at all, so as they had some coffee after their workout he decided to bring this up.
“Hey, so obviously I think you’re a great guy and you’ve really come through for Di and Celeste.”
“Yeah, it’s been wonderful to do so.” Harry assured.
“Yeah? Not too crazy?” Damian asked with a smile.
“I mean, a little crazy at times…” he confessed, “But not in a bad way at all.” He smiled.
“Well thank you for sticking around.”
“I said I’d do my best to.” He reminded and Damian smiled.
“So this whole thing with Di? I mean you think it’s the real deal?” He asked and Harry nodded.
“Oh definitely.” He smiled, “I’ve never felt more complete or happy with the way things are going with her. And now that Celeste is more or less wanting this to happen between us, it seems like the perfect time to give it a real shot. We’ve talked about it, what we want, and we’re on the same page.” 
“And what is that?”
“We want to have a life together eventually. We want our relationship to progress as normally as possible, no rushing into anything just because the feelings are there, you know?”Damian nodded, “Obviously, her life is already established with Celeste and we also don’t want to make abrupt changes. Like we’re still gonna have our own places, keep our relationship as private as possible so that we can work on things together without any pressure from Celeste-”
“Good call. She is eager for you two to get together.” He chuckled and Harry did as well.
“I know…we’re going to tell her after New Year’s. Just going to have a proper chat with her about it and share what we want. What boundaries we’re going to have, that sort of thing.”
“Good. She can be real meddlesome…” Damian chuckled, “Especially if she’s invested.”
“Oh, I am aware…” Harry smiled. “But yeah, this is not just a placeholder for me. This is what I want. I mean, I didn’t know it until it was happening that I was…missing something, you know?”
“I ummm…I don’t actually. Not yet, at least.” Damian admitted with a bit of embarrassment.
“That’s alright. I mean, is it something you want?” He asked and Damian smiled.
“Not yet…or like, I haven’t felt that yet. Ever.”
“You’ve never had your heart broken?” Harry asked and Damian shook his head.
“Nope, never…”
“Really?” He asked in a bit of disbelief.
“Yeah…” Damian chuckled, “I have had a lot of relationships and it’s not like I never cared about those people but I just don’t…want everything else. And of course, the women I’m with think they’ll change my mind if they take good care of me and all…and when it comes up and I tell them that nothing has changed for me, they get hurt and so I…feel like an ass.”
“Some people are just meant to be alone, you know?”
“Well, I’m the heir to my parents’ empire, they expect me to have an heir of my own so…that’s where it gets a bit weird.” He chuckled and Harry nodded in understanding.
“And Di is just, completely out of the picture?” He asked.
“Oh yeah…I mean, after what happened at your practice my mom said herself that she would always hold that against her. She’s never broken a promise to me in my entire life so…”
“Fuck…I’m so sorry.”
“No, don’t be. You were right in what you did. No one as ever stood up to her or ever called her out for any of it except Diana. My dad isn’t like that but he…he’d rather not go up against her. She’s the boss.” He chuckled.
“Women are always the boss.” Harry smiled.
“They are smarter…” Damian confessed, “There’s this woman from our branch in Spain? Lola.” He smiled and Harry nodded, “She’s just an assistant but man is she fucking brilliant.” He smiled, “Her boss, our chief marketing strategist for that branch, runs all his ideas by her. I overheard it once before a big board meeting. She was explaining to him what it was he needed to say. After the meeting, which he totally rocked, I approached her about it, she played dumb…I told her I saw and overheard it as they were prepping and I offered a new job and a raise and she turned it down. Said she was happy doing what she was doing. Says it every time I bring it up to her.”
“Do you like her?” Harry asked.
“She’s fascinating but no. Kind of reminds me of Di, so I look out for her a lot.” He explained, “She’s fucking brilliant, you know? Diana got into Columbia all on her own.”
“Yeah, she told me about that.” Harry smiled.
“I know she’s been through a lot of shit but sometimes I wonder what her life would be like if none of it would have happened, you know? Where would she be? Where would I be?”
“Where do you think she’d be?”
“In Mexico City, buried beneath a mountain of HR paperwork at our corporation’s HQ.” He said and Harry couldn’t envision that. “She got accepted into the Business Management concentration at Columbia, very competitive as an undergrad. She minored in psychology, wanted to do things along the social psychology area though and then do graduate work in HR Management. She didn’t want to be in the business. But there was a whole fucking plan, obviously, it wasn’t really her plan…” Damian explained, “It’s what she was expected to do. So she had to spin it in a way in which she could still do something she cared about so that she could…survive. I mean, she’s always loved and cared for people, so I think she would’ve been alright going down that route for a bit. But I think she would’ve been put in challenging situations that made her choose things that in her eyes weren’t right. And I don’t know if I’m awful for saying this, but as much pain as she’s experienced, maybe it was for the best? Because she would be so miserable. Absolutely hate her life if it were anything other than this…” Damian said, “She’s happy now, doing something she loves.”
“How’d she get into the whole Spanish thing?”
“Well in terms of our culture, she’s always loved it, since we were kids. She was taking a class at Columbia about Latin American culture as an elective and well, when she transferred to another school she just stuck with that because she really liked it. I supposed it was also a comfort thing for her. There was so much pain and uncertainty in her life at that time that it was easier to stick to something she knew well and was familiar with, you know?”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” Harry hummed, “But I think you’re right, she’s much happier doing what she loves, free to choose for herself than to be stuck doing something she hates. And well, we would’t have Celeste…” Harry said.
“Exactly. I think everything happens for a reason. And well, my sister’s life had gone according to my parents’ plan until she refused to terminate her pregnancy. She lost a lot, but she gained her freedom and found herself and I think that’s the most important thing to her anyway. And well, ultimately all of those things led you two together, which also has been great for her and Celeste. So I have to believe it all happened how it was supposed to.”
“Who knows, but I assure you that as long as she wants me in her life, I will be here and I will take care of her and Celeste.”
“I know you will. I trust you with them, that’s big for me.” Damian shared.
“Well thank you for trusting me.”
“You’ve earned it.” Damian assured. “If I knew that my family could be…different, I think I would be more open to marriage and kids…but my parents are just great at…sucking the life out of everything. I don’t want to bring anyone into that. Seems very irresponsible to me.”
“Yeah, I get that.” Harry nodded, “It’s why I never wanted kids of my own.”
“Your sweet old parents traumatized you?!” Damian asked in surprise and Harry chuckled.
“I think all of our parents traumatize us in a way. They’re wonderful people, don’t get me wrong, but when you’re a child you just want them around. And I grew up feeling like they loved their work more than me. And being the child of two renowned psychiatrists brings a crippling self awareness at a very young age.” He chuckled, “I viewed my parents exactly as they are from a very young age. Just regular, flawed people who made good and bad choices, like everyone else…” he sighed, “And I was resentful for a long time. The idea of coming to America, not wanting to have kids, that was initially born out of spite for them. Like Diana, I wanted my freedom. But as I got older and I fell in love with the field for myself I realized that my plan to leave and not reproduce was still what I wanted, just my intentions were wrong before. I didn’t and still don’t want to take on the legacy of what they’ve built across Europe. I think it’s great, but they hardly get to practice, which is where my heart lies. I’ve poured myself into my work and that wouldn’t be fair to my partner or my child, you know?”
“Exactly!” Damian agreed with enthusiasm, “I felt like my work with the family was an obligation before but when I delved in I fell in love with it. And I’m good at it, better than my father is. I want to make it better and that requires a lot of my time and dedication.” He said, “So, did your mind change about what you wanted? Like do you want to have kids now? With my sister?”
“Oh no, I also just don’t like babies.” Harry confessed and Damian chuckled but nodded. “Diana and I are on the same page with that. We’ve checked in again about it because well, we’re not getting any younger.” Harry shrugged, “But ummm, yeah she doesn’t want that and I don’t either. Celeste is enough for the both of us.”
“I think Di might also be a bit…traumatized about pregnancy and babies and that kind of thing. I mean, she did it all on her own, I was there when I could be, which she overestimates. I should’ve just moved back here t-to help her out more…I’ll always regret that.” He said and Harry frowned but nodded, “She just had such a hard time that I think if she did it again, even with a partner it would just fuck her up for a bit.”
“Yeah, understandably so.” Harry agreed, “I mean, at the end of the day I think we just want to make each other happy and we both agree that we don’t need that to be happy. We’ve not chosen ourselves for a long time, so this is for us. Just for us.” Harry smiled.
“Good. That’s good…” Damian smiled.
The New Year came and went and Diana got a bit too nervous about telling Celeste about her and Harry. So she spoke to him and they postponed it and gave themselves one more week, and boy was that week becoming very challenging for Diana…
Specially after spending the holidays with Harry’s family, Celeste was more pushy than ever. Diana’s anxiety was getting even more out of hand. She had never known Celeste to be this defiant with her over something, but she was constantly having to ask her to please stop meddling in what she wanted for her future. But it seemed that Celeste wasn’t understanding the havoc it was wreaking on Diana’s emotions. To Celeste it seemed like playful teasing or something, but to Diana it felt suffocating. 
Diana was aware that she had major abandonment issues, not just because of Wesley’s passing, but from the way her parents distanced themselves from her so suddenly, and then from Wesley’s parents as well; the people who had loved her so much and treated her like their own with such warmth and kindness. She hoped to find comfort with them, to be able to grieve with them and to count on them for support with Celeste. After all, she was their grand daughter, but his parents never really recovered from the loss and also cut off all contact. All of Celeste’s persistence was making her feel trapped and afraid of what she wanted with Harry. What if something happened to him too? That was the fear that prevented her from letting people in for all these years and it had been growing steadily and had just reached it’s boiling point.
“Baby, what’s the matter?” Harry asked Diana as he pulled her into his arms as she sobbed hard. He walked them back inside her house where it was warm. It was nearly 2am and freezing cold outside and he didn’t want her getting sick right before school started. But she just cried and cried for several minutes in his arms. Celeste was gone at a sleepover at Geri’s, so thankfully, no one was home but them two and she could say everything she wanted to say, so she did.
She told him how Celeste kept pushing her and it was making her nervous about her not respecting the boundaries they wanted to set. She told him about how she considered backing out and staying alone instead of being with him how she wanted to because it would just be easier. She told him how she feared for her heart, how she feared another loss, how she feared letting their lives entangle even deeper. She shared the internal war she was at with her head and her heart. She shared her anxieties, her hopes, and her desires. She had poured her heart out to him in a way she never had before. It was chaotic and painful, but it was also extremely vulnerable and motivated by her need for love. Not just any love, his love. She needed to know that he could still love her through all of this and most importantly, be patient with her.
It was essentially a verbal brain dump, he couldn’t take any of her feelings too personally. All of her fears were valid and he couldn’t even guarantee to her that he wouldn’t abandon her in the way she feared, that was completely out of his control. Of course, voluntarily, he would be there for as long as he could be, but sometimes shit happens and accidents happen and there’s no way to prevent that, as she had experienced already. But Harry could see that she didn’t want to give up, she was just feeling so pressured and overwhelmed. Obviously, Harry knew that Celeste didn’t intend to be badgering her mom, she just wanted to know, to be let in, probably even to gush over her love life with her the way Diana had done with her over Ben. Diana also expressed that she just couldn’t blow up on Celeste over this, she wasn’t being rude or anything, but even as Diana kindly tried to emphasize that she just needed privacy to deal with this for a bit, Celeste was stubborn.
“-it’ just feels like a lot emotionally, you know?” She sighed before inhaling shakily and he squeezed her had, his thumb running over her knuckles soothingly.
“Yeah, it is, love.”
“I just don’t know if it’s fair to you that I’m so…flighty.” She frowned and he smiled.
“Love, the last thing you are is flighty.” He assured, “You are so consistent and responsible, and on top of your things. And this is an area of your life which you haven’t really explored or prioritized in a while, you know? So it’s going to take some getting used to, yeah?”
“Yeah.” She mumbled, “You make me so happy. But I’m still terrified of just getting it out there.” She explained.
“I’m scared too.” He confessed, “But I trust you with my heart. I don’t know what life will throw at us at any point, but I do believe that you will always have my best interest at heart. And I promise I too have your best interest at heart.”
“I do and I know you do too.” she confirmed, “I feel the same about you. I’m just afraid to really let myself feel happy about this because I…I just don’t want our time t-to be cut short.”
“Oh my love, c’mere.” He hummed and she nestled herself into his arms. Her back rested against his chest as he kissed the side of her head. “You can’t think like that all the time.” He advised, “Think of all the time we’ll have instead versus the time we won’t have. Better to enjoy everything now, day by day, yeah? Focus on the memories we get to make and how our relationship will grow and keep getting better?”
“You’re right.” She responded. The feeling of his chest rising and falling with his breaths made Diana feel more present. “Thank you for coming over and listening to all this. It can’t be easy to hear it.”
“I’ll always listen to how you feel, Di. Love you.”
“I love you too.” She responded and he kissed her head again. They just sat like that together in the silence for a little bit, “Wanna stay with me?” She asked quietly, she was a bit shy to ask but she didn’t want him to go now that he was here.
“Yeah, baby. I’ll stay with you.” He smiled through his confirmation.
Soon enough they were heading up the stairs and into her bedroom. It was a bit colder in her room with the big glass doors not providing too much insulation, but that was alright with him, if they got cold they could just cuddle up closer. He climbed into the side of the bed opposite she slept on and soon they were facing each other, her face was buried in his neck. Her soft breaths were tickling his skin as he smoothed his hand up and down the curve of her hip. Then Harry felt her lips pucker up right at the base of his jaw and he smiled. She then did it again before sucking gently.
“Is this alright?” She mumbled into his heated skin and he swallowed.
“Yeah, baby.” He barely got out before her soft sucks against the sensitive skin of his neck started to make all of the excitement swirl up in his tummy. His fingers were now holding tight to her as her sucks intensified. She was leaving a mark and that made him run absolutely wild. After a few more seconds she pulled off and kissed up his jaw, pecking right at the corner of his lip.
“Cheeky girl.” He hummed and she smiled.
“I’ve missed you.” She whispered. Diana was still a bit timid to fully initiate sex with him, she was working up to it, hoping he’d ask first.
“Really? It’s only been a few days…” he teased and she grinned.
“I can’t help it.” She shrugged and he chuckled, “You didn’t miss me?” She asked and he hummed playfully, “Be nice to me…” she mumbled which made Harry kiss her forehead.
“Course I did, baby. You’re constantly on my mind if you’re not close by.” He confirmed softly and she nuzzled closer to him, “Mmmm baby, how do I say ‘kiss me’ in Spanish?” He hummed inquisitively and she grinned as she reared back a bit to try and get some sort of a glimpse of him despite the darkness.
“Se dice, ‘bésame’.” She said quietly, her lips nearly skimming his own. Harry grinned and in a quick and smooth movement he had her under him. One of his big, warm hands was holding her face as he dipped down. His lips tickling and skimming against her own from how close they were.
“Bésame.” He whispered. She could practically taste him saying the words and forming them with his lips. 
Diana let out a breathy exhale as she arched up while tugging him down to allow their eager mouths to meet. From the get-go the kiss was intense. His hips were pressing against hers, she could feel him steadily growing in his pants as they continued smearing their lips together with the same urgency of two teenagers who could get caught at any second. Her hands were roaming the expanse of his back, feeling up his muscular physique to her heart’s content. 
“Get this off.” she muttered as she tugged at his shirt and Harry knelt up and stripped it off his body swiftly. She raised her arms up and he pulled her top off as well. He dipped down and pecked her quickly before sinking lower and sucking one of her nipples between his lips as his hand came up and grabbed her other breast. He kneaded her soft skin in his hands before sucking over that nipple as well. He loved to hear her whimpering beneath him, humping up against his muscular thigh in desperate need of some friction.
“Want me to inside you?” He asked gruffly.
“Yes, baby. Please…” she moaned and he kissed her deeply and rolled off of her to get undressed the rest of the way. He then helped her out and right before he could get his mouth on her she was pulling him up by the hair. “Do that later.” She panted and he grinned before kissing her as she reached down to find his erection and line it up with her entrance.
“Damn baby, so fucking wet f’me.” He panted and he felt his cock basking in the slick warmth between her legs. “Shit…Can I put it in, love?” 
“Yeah baby, put it in.” She sighed with urgency. 
With her confirmation, Harry snapped his hips up and his thick head pushed into her entrance and she inhaled sharply as her fingernails dug into his bare back. Harry groaned in response and breathed in her shaky exhales as he rolled his hips down against hers. His cock was sliding through her tight walls at the perfect pace. In and out. In and out. Delving in deep and reaching spots that were making her tingle and then moan his name. He gradually started going a bit harder and deeper with each thrust; he loved the sound of their bodies meeting, soft wet sounds that he wanted engraved into his memory forever and ever.
“Shit, you feel so good around my big cock…” he grunted and Diana whimpered and clamped her walls down around him, “You want more, don’t you?” He grinned and she nodded and he took that as his cue to fuck into her harder than before. He was pounding her so deep that her bed frame was creaking beneath them. And soon a rhythmic thumping against the wall in perfect time with his deep grunts joined in the symphony of their gentle and desperate sin. His moans and soft sounds of satisfaction were making Diana’s brain melt to mush. She gasped and her back started arched up when Harry rubbed into her clit, it was all swollen and slippery with a blend of their arousal. He was enjoying watching her eyes roll back and then squeeze shut; he loved watching her lose herself in him. “Fuck baby, you’re right there, aren’t you? Gonna come on my cock?”
“Yeah, Harry…fuck ju-just a little bit faster!” She mewled her request and he picked up the pace and in moments he felt her walls suffocating his cock, creating the most wonderful feeling around him. It felt as though he was being pulled deeper into her and he moaned and even went a little lightheaded as he allowed his hips to move however he needed to get him off. Harry’s desperation for his own orgasm was pushing her over that coveted precipice. And finally, she tipped over the edge. Her entire body was vibrating with ecstasy as the rush of pleasure crashed over her and rolled her in its currents. Her skin was covered in goosebumps, her inhales were shallow, and her moans melodious as the feelings pumped through her veins. She felt her ears ringing as the pleasure reached the top of her head, her body was completely tense as she hung on to the feeling for as long as she could.
  “Oh fuck, baby…shit, I’m gonna come!” He groaned. He pounded away into her a couple more times, feeling her writhing beneath his body as his pulsing balls drew up tight, getting ready to unload his hot cum deep inside of her, “Fuck baby, there it is…Fuuuck yes.” He moaned as he pressed deep inside of her as he filled her up with gush after gush of his sperm. She grabbed his face and kissed him deeply as he fell over her. They kissed until they started getting all hot and bothered again. 
Their make out session was heated and needy. He didn’t dare pull out of her yet, he wasn’t even going completely soft, so he was tucked into her, keeping them connected until he mumbled that he wanted to go down on her. He kissed all the way down to her swollen and glistening folds and licked at her clit and made her come a couple times with his fingers nestled against her g-spot. He was fucking his load of sperm back into her pussy with them until she was trembling and nearly incoherent, begging him to stop. He kissed back up her body and locked lips with hers, letting her taste the lovely mess they’d made together. They were both sweaty heaps catching their breaths on Diana’s bed. Her fingers were raking through his sweaty, brown curls while he kissed up and down the inside of her fore arm.
“You’re so hot.” She whispered with a grin and his lips twitched up in a smirk.
“Thank you. So are you, baby.” He hummed back.
“You’re too good at what you do, Harry…why are you so good at sex?” She asked and he chuckled.
“I’m only interested in being good at everything I do, not just sex.” He said smugly and she smiled. “But I’m glad you think I’m good at it. Want to be good for you.” He hummed and she smiled as she kissed his damp curls.
“Should we have a shower?”
“Yeah, baby.” He hummed and he told her to go ahead while he stripped the bed and put everything in the washer before he joined her. That had at least given her time to wash her hair. She was able to finish up before him and get some new sheets out. He soon joined her and helped her set up the bed again before they got dressed and cuddled against each other, both of them shivering as they adjusted to the temperature.
“I think we should talk to Celeste tomorrow. You can pick her up from Geri’s and I can make us some early dinner. Or vice versa.” She said and he nodded.
“Yeah, we can do that. Can I bring Misty tomorrow? Don’t want to leave her alone all day.”
“Yeah, fine…as long as she doesn’t come in here, cat hair’s the worst.” She said and he hummed.
“Well you’re in luck, she’s hypoallergenic!”
“They still shed…”
“Minimally, love.” He said and she sighed, “You still scared of her?”
“I always will be.” She admitted and she chuckled and kissed her shoulder. “She can be around though, Celeste loves her.”
“OK, love.”
“So how are we gonna do this, logistically speaking? Maybe Celeste must have plans at least once a month so we can have a couple days during the escape room weekends.”
“Oh, that’s brilliant…” he mused.
“I know, huh? I’ve had lots of time to think about it.” She smiled.
“My parents really loved you and Celeste, you know?”
“Mhmmm, but now my mom’s even more bummed about the no babies thing.” He said and she giggled, “Said they’d look like little angels…I think she’s right, they’d be real cute.” He hummed and she smiled.
“Yeah, I think so too…” she hummed.
“Do you think you’d ever change your mind?” He asked and she hummed.
“Maybe…but just pregnancy is not something I want to do again. I think it was just such a dark time in my life that like…I feel like it would emotionally make me or break me.” She explained. “I know before I mentioned just not wanting to have a baby again…but it’s more complicated than that. I think…I mean, I have thought about it, if we had kids. I think we’re both mature enough and of sound mind…” she explained and he smiled, “And I know it would be very different this time around in terms of the level of support I’d have. But physically I think I would have a hard time with it, just because of before. I think my body would react badly to a pregnancy, like I just feel it in my gut.” She explained, “And I mean, I feel like I have everything I want and need, so I would hate to put myself and risk and not be there for Celeste. You know?”
“Yeah, of course. And I mean, pregnancy was very emotionally traumatic for you. I get that, love.”
“D-do you see yourself changing your mind about this?” She asked him nervously.
“I could, but only if you really wanted it. I don’t think we would be missing out at all if we don’t have a baby. Besides, if Grace gets pregnant then we’ll have a baby around for quite a while…we could share with them, they’re such going-out types, I’m sure we’d be the default babysitters. And I’m certain a few hours with the baby would be more than enough to keep us set in our decision to not have our own baby.” He shared and she laughed a bit.
“Yeah, that’s true…I just don’t want to make you not have something because of my bad experience, you know?”
“Well thank you for thinking of me, but I assure you, we both make that decision here, but you hold the most weight to it. Honestly, I have what I need with you and Celeste, I don’t need anything else.” He assured her.
“What if we get a dog? A small one though? They can play with Misty.”
“Yeah, I like dogs.” He smiled.
“More than cats?” She asked and he chuckled.
“Admittedly, yes. Cats can be very temperamental, but I got so lucky with Misty, she’s such an easy one.”
“She really is…she’s quite similar to you actually, even tempered, easygoing, energetic, a little clingy…”
“Am I?” He smiled and she giggled and nodded.
“Yeah, but I like it.” She assured him, “It’s nice to have someone around who wants to be around, you know?”
“Yeah, definitely.” He smiled.
“Can I ask you something? We don’t have to talk about if you don’t want, but ummm, what about Rebecca? Like is that something that still bothers you? Or is it fine now?”
“Like the cheating or the baby?” He asked.
“Both, I guess…”
“Well, the cheating I got over. I think if I had been a lot more in love with her it would have been a lot harder to deal with. But like, we were trying really hard to make it work and to be happy, almost forcing it to work, you know? By then I had already…started to be interested in you, I mean, well you know that.” He smiled bashfully and she hummed. “So yeah, I was just more upset that she was feeling the strain and never said anything to me and let it get to that point. I mean, I was trying to make it work, but maybe I should’ve said something first?” He explained and she nodded. “And with the baby…I mean, I’m happy for her. It seems that Eddie brought out a more relaxed side of her, which is good.” Harry said. “It did kind of send me into an existential spiral at first…made me wonder if maybe I just wasn’t good enough for her. Like I personally don’t prefer to have kids, but I thought I was gonna marry her so I was like “sure, if you really want ‘em with me”. But ummm, I just felt a bit inadequate for a minute there.” 
“Have you talked since?” Diana asked him.
“Yeah, a couple of times. Mostly to refer some of her clients for evaluations or services, or to be an expert witness…have that coming up soon.”
“Ooh, have to go to court?”
“Yep.” He chuckled. “But yeah, we talk from time to time. We’re on good terms.”
“That’s really good to know. My mom always said that only bad partners are on bad terms with their exes.”
“Oh…I quite like that…” Harry hummed and she smiled into the silence. 
“Yeah…do you have any questions for me?” She asked and he sighed.
“Yeah, tons…when I was talking to your brother he said that like, even though all of this was really painful for you to attain, that this was your best outcome. And I guess I’m wondering if you…agree with that?”
“Yeah, I do.” She answered quickly without any hesitation. “I don’t regret anything about my life now, I mean…I do wish my relationship was better with my whole family. But say I listened to my mom and terminated my pregnancy, the judgement would still be there from everyone. Probably even worse as my extended family is still really influenced by Catholicism and they’re very intolerant of abortion or divorce for really any reason. So even if I assumed the position my family wanted me in, I would still be an outsider. But ultimately, I think I am where I need to be. I love the life I have with Celeste. I love teaching, so much. I love getting to make my own choices. I love not having to be around all that pressure; I would surely break.” She chuckled dryly.
“Oh I don’t think you would break, baby. You’re one of the strongest persons I’ve ever met.” He said with certainty, “But I think that eventually you would have to get out. Not because you aren’t strong enough to deal with. Quite the opposite actually. You’d have the strength and courage that it takes to walk away from all of it. I don’t think that life was meant for you, you know?”
“Yeah, definitely not. I am very happy with what I have going on now.” She confirmed and he smiled. “I’m happy with you.”
“Good. I’m happy with you too.” He whispered.
The following morning Diana was a little more on edge. She had woken up before Harry and had a body shower. She had her coffee and then made breakfast, which woke Harry up. He was quick to wash up as well and join her. There was some music playing softly from her phone that had her slightly swaying her hips as she did something over the sink. Harry walked up quietly before hugging around her hips. She froze in surprise before melting into his touch.
“G’morning.” She greeted sweetly as he smushed a big kiss to her temple.
“Morning, baby.” He mumbled. “What can I do to help?” He asked lowly, his voice still raspy from its lack of use over the night.
“Can you dice those peppers up for me?” She said shooting a glance to the cutting board with a red and green pepper already laid out.
“Sure.” He smiled and headed over. She glanced over a few times but stopped when she saw him properly dice the first little bit. “Am I doing something wrong?” He asked her when he caught her final glance.
“Nope. You’ve got it.” She smiled and he chuckled.
“S’this a good size?” He asked and she glanced back over with a grin.
“Yes, chef.” She winked and he chuckled and proceeded with his task. “Do you like the potato skin or nah?” She asked.
“I do.” He responded.
“Perfect!” She exclaimed, “Saves me the trouble of peeling…” she mumbled quietly to herself and he smiled, “Mmmm nope…c'mere.” She mumbled and Harry glanced over and giggled.
“Who? Me?” He asked glancing back in confusion.
“No, sorry.” She giggled, “A potato was rolling away.” She explained and soon came up beside him and set up to chop the potatoes. In moments she was flawlessly dicing up a potato. Harry stopped his own task just to watch how gracefully she worked, swiftly and silently. When she realized he was just staring she cracked a smile and then stopped to glanced up at him. “What?”
“Nothing, keep working.” He hummed.
“Okay…?” She said and he cocked his head to the side.
“M’no, you’re supposed to say “yes, chef” when I tell you to do something.”
“Oh, OK. Ask again.” She played along.
“Keep working, Di.”
“Yes, chef.” She said with a pleasant smile and he chuckled.
“You’re cute.”
“Thank you.” She smiled and he chuckled and then continued his own chopping. 
It made them both so happy that this is what every day could look like in the future. This was lovely and peaceful and comforting. It was worth working towards and with this in mind Diana decided to stop being afraid of Celeste. She knew that she was supportive of her and Harry dating now so that made her feel easier about the conversation. After breakfast Harry went home to feed Misty and then get showered and changed. Diana did a similar thing, she tidied around the house before getting some lasagna going because Harry had really liked it last time and Celeste also really loved it. She was just about preheat the oven when Celeste’s call came in and she wiped her hands on her apron before picking up.
“Hi, mamita!” Diana greeted cheerfully.
“Hey, just wondering what time you were planning on coming to get me?” She asked.
“Actually Harry’s gonna go pick you up. He was planning on being there around 3 and he’s gonna come over for dinner, is that good?”
“Oh yeah, perfect! We wanted to go to this new boba place real quick!”
“Yeah, you guys have time. Just get a small size though, I made lasagna for dinner.”
“Yes!” She cheered lowly and Diana chuckled a bit.
“Alright. Be safe. I’ll tell Harry to text you when he’s heading out.”
“Okay thanks, mom. See you later!”
“See ya, love you.”
“Loveyoubye.” She said quickly before hanging up. 
Diana finished layering the lasagna just in time for the oven to reach the designated temperature and she got it inside and set the timer on her phone before hurrying up to have a shower and get changed. She was mentally rehearsing how she wanted to share this with Celeste and when. Should they eat and then talk, or talk first and then eat? Or talk while they ate? Diana was getting on some light makeup on her as she considered these things. Time seemed to fly by because the unmistakable whir of their property gate opening pulled her from her thoughts. She quickly finished applying her mascara before hurrying to her closet and picking out what she wanted to wear. After settling on some jeans, a white t-shirt and an oversized baby blue cardigan, she got into her slippers just as the front door was opening.
“Mom, we’re home!” Celeste called loudly and Diana exhaled before heading downstairs. She could hear them sayin how it smelled delicious and how they needed to find a good place to put Misty’s food and water bowl. She was about to reach the last few steps when Misty stopped at the staircase and then peered up at her expectantly.
“Oh please, don’t.” Diana mumbled to herself lowly as Misty put a paw on the bottom step and sniffled at it. She made a move to head down but with a heavier step to try and startle her away. The cat recoiled a bit and then glanced up at her with curios eyes. She was about to ask one of them to come get her when Harry came around from the kitchen and she sighed in relief. “Thank god.” She sighed and he laughed.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Just a few moments.” She said and he hummed. “Can you tell her to move or just grab her.”
“Di, I think you ought to face your fear. Just step down and she’ll get out of the way.”
“You don’t think I tried that already?”
“Come on, love. She’s real sweet.” He assured and she glanced down at the cat now rubbing up against Harry’s legs. Suddenly Celeste walked over and her eyes lit up at the scene before her and then started to laugh.
“Wait, how long have you been there?” She questioned.
“Not long.” Diana sighed at yet another question about her being stuck on the staircase.
“You guys match!” Celeste observed with a smile and then you glanced over at Harry and he chuckled.
“Great minds, kid.” He said to Celeste and she chuckled and nodded in agreement. “So are we having dinner on the staircase or are you gonna come down?” He asked and Celeste smirked at her, awaiting her response to Harry’s question.
“Tell you what, I need to go to the bathroom. When I’m out, you need to be down here by whatever means possible.” Celeste said and Diana rolled her eyes.
“OK, you go do that. Please, take your time.” She insisted and Celeste smirked as she kept on walking to the bathroom and disappearing from their line of sight.
“C’mon love, she’s not going to hurt you. I promise.” Harry appealed to Diana once more.
“I just don’t want her anywhere near my ankles. Just pick her up please. I will even put her head! I just need her away from my ankles.” 
“OK, deal.” He said crouching down and easily picking Misty up in one hand by her tummy and then settling her against his side and Diana descended the rest of the steps.
“Do we tell her before or after we eat?” Diana asked as she reached out slowly. She flinched a bit when Misty’s cool, damp nose nudged at her fingertips, sniffing her out a bit.
“I think so because she told me she had the medium sized bubble tea.” Harry chuckled and Diana sighed and then reached up and touched the soft fur in between Misty’s ears and then scratched a bit which made Misty relax into Harry’s hold and she closed her eyes. “She’s purring. She likes it.” He told her and Diana smiled a bit as she started to hear the very soft and low hums herself. “Are you nervous?”
“Of course.” She said quietly as her eyes met Harry’s, he looked calm, the kind of calm she wanted to be right about now, “What the fuuu-?!” She gasped and pulled away startling Misty. She shook her hand and Harry laughed.
“She licked me! I was not mentally prepared to feel that texture on my hand.” She said through her laugh and he joined her as well.
“Why are you nervous?” He asked her and she bit her lip.
“I don’t know…”
“You do.” He insists.
“What if…things just…”
“Don’t work out?” He asked and she nodded.
“I don’t want to…open this up and give her hope that we can be a family one day and then something goes wrong and she loses you.”
“Love, I mean this with so much care and love, but this isn’t about Celeste. Pain and disappointment are a sad reality of life, you know that.” He said and she sighed, “But the wonderful thing about life is also that when you have people to share those hard times with, it makes them more tolerable. I can’t promise that I’ll be perfect or that I won’t hurt and disappoint you every now and again, I’m only human.” He chuckled, “But I can promise to do everything I can to ensure that we have open and honest communication and that we set realistic expectations of what we can do to make each other feel happy and safe with the time we have together.” He said and she nodded, she was petting at Misty’s head again, her eyes focused on her sweet little face as she took in Harry’s words, “Di, look at me.” He insisted and she glanced up at him, “I love you. And I love Celeste. So we’re all gonna be okay.” He said with a soft and sincere smile.
“I love you too.” She whispered with a smile. “Thank you for being so patient with me.”
“Of course, always.” He responded and then they headed off to the kitchen. Misty was now exploring about and Harry was opening a bottle of wine when Celeste walked back in.
“Did she touch the cat?” Celeste asked Harry and Diana whipped around quickly.
“I did.” Diana confirmed with a small smile.
“Dang it…” she mumbled as she hopped up onto one of the stools under the kitchen island and Harry chuckled.
“Di, do you want a glass?”
“Please.” She responded.
“Mamita, do you want anything before we eat?”
“No, I’ll wait. I didn’t get the small boba.” She confessed.
“So I heard.” She smiled at her briefly and Celeste glanced to Harry.
“Traitor.” She said with a small smile.
“She’s not mad is she?” Harry asked as he poured Diana her glass of wine.
“Fair.” She mumbled as she watched Diana just looking at Harry, waiting for him to finish up. Once he handed over her glass Diana grabbed it and brought it to her lips before starting to drink it down. Harry was serving himself so he didn’t see, but this was surprising to Celeste and her eyes widened as she finished the glass and then set it down. “Ummm, mom are you alright?” She asked her and Diana glanced up at her looking slightly embarrassed at being caught by her young daughter as she guzzled down some alcohol. At this Harry glanced over to her too and she started to feel nervous again.
“I am, but ummm, I do need to talk to you about something.” She said and Celeste nodded, “It’s a more or less a serious conversation which I am feeling a little nervous about,” she admitted, “so ummm, that’s why I did that. Sorry, if that worried you.”
“Well, seems like I should be worried.” Celeste said, her demeanor visibly more tense as the uncertainty of the topic at hand settled in.
“It’s not a bad thing.” Diana said and then glanced to Harry for some help and he was currently having some of his wine as well. His own nerves getting the best of him. Celeste looked between the two of them waiting for more information.
“Ummm…okay…” she said as she looked between them some more.
“Do you want more wine?” He asked her.
“Please.” Diana hummed and Harry came over to the island and grabbed her glass and served her some more and she glanced down at it and exhaled shakily, she was struggling to breathe in again until she felt Harry’s warmth closer than before and she glanced to her side to see him giving her a small reassuring smile as he nodded. She then inhaled and turned back to Celeste.
“You’re freaking me out.” Celeste said with concern and Diana groaned softly.
“I’m sorry, I’m just bad at this and I’m a bit nervous.” She confessed, “But ummm, I know that you’ve been ummm… interested a little more in my love life as of late.” Diana started, “And ummm, I just wanted to tell you that…well ummm….” She said as she glanced up at Harry who just nodded, “We’re ummm…Harry and I-” as soon as she heard this her mouth widened in a surprised smile and her eyes widened.
“You’re gonna date? You two?” She interrupted and Diana glanced back at Harry who was smiling at her already before looking back to Celeste and they nodded.
“I-is that alright?” Harry asked and she grinned. And grabbed her phone and started typing something in quickly and moment’s later Handel’s Hallelujah chorus came through the speakers on her phone as she sang along goofily, “Fi-na-llyyyyy!” She groaned dramatically after a few seconds and Diana and Harry laughed at her theatrics.
“Alright, alright the serious part of the conversation still needs to happen.” Harry said and she paused the song and nodded, but she was beaming, anxiously waiting for the next part. “So ummm, as you know, this is something new for your mum, and well you too.” Harry started, “And I know it can be…exciting,” he said and she nodded, “but ummm, for y-your mum it’s also quite nerve racking. So we’ve decided on having a few boundaries about what we want to share w-with you for the time being.” He said and she looked to Diana for more explanation on this.
“Mamita, I just need you t-to be a little patient with me now.” Diana said, “Like, over the last few weeks we’ve been trying t-to build up to telling you, but you were a little too…pushy with the topic and it kept making mer nervous and postpone the conversation with you and I guess we just need privacy to settle into this before we are more comfortable being together openly w-with you.”
“So I’m too…nosy?” She asked and Diana frowned, “And if I stop you guys will keep dating?” She added, her lips curled up a bit and Diana sighed.
“Y-yes.” She admitted with a tinge of hesitation and Celeste let out a laugh.
“Okay! I can mind my business!” She said and Diana and Harry chuckled, “As a matter of fact,” she said as she hopped off the stool, “I don’t even care. I don’t at all. I’m just a selfish teenager who worries about her friends and stupid problems.” She said as she backed away from the kitchen. And they laughed and called her back so that they could actually finish up and she leaned on the counter now wearing the biggest smile, “OK, go on.” She insisted.
“Well, I know you don’t care or whatever,” she started with a small smirk and Celeste giggled, “but I just want you t-to be comfortable. I mean, neither of us is super big on PDA, but I mean, we might hold hands sometimes or even kiss quickly or something like that,” Diana blushed, “and like, while you might be happy about this, it can also be a little weird. So if you ever do, just let me know.” She said and Celeste nodded.
“Okay. Thanks.” She said. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Ummm, let’s hear it.” Diana decided.
“When did this start?!” She asked.
“Like when did we start to like each other or when did we first go on a date?” Harry asked.
“Both? I-if that’s allowed.” She added.
“Well, I started liking your mum since you two first came t-to the practice.” He admitted and Celeste’s jaw dropped in shock at this. “Yeah, I know…” Harry chuckled. “I don’t know, I just thought she was so beautiful and sweet and she was just stuck in my head.” He said and then she glanced to Diana awaiting her response.
“Oh, me.” Diana chuckled a bit nervously, “Ummm…w-we ran into each other one night after our classes and that girl from your class was following you?” She said to Harry and he nodded.
“You had a stalker?” Celeste asked and Harry chuckled and turned to her quickly.
“No. She just had a crush on me at the start of the semester and was trying really hard to have more time with me.” He explained. “Either way, you noticed I was looking rather uncomfortable so you approached us-”
“Yeah, I pretended to be his girlfriend that was running late.” Diana said, “And that was the girl that approached us at Cafe Flores, remember?” She asked Celeste and she nodded.
“Yeah, so that’s when I realized I liked him.” Diana said and Harry’s brows furrowed suddenly.
“That conversation didn’t end well if I recall correctly.” He said with a frown.
“Yeah, it did not.” Diana chuckled, “But I felt so crumby after you said that we should just keep it as professional as possible that it hit me then that I…had a crush on you.” She confessed.
“It can’t be anything else? A better moment where I wasn’t a prick to you?”
“I can’t choose when my feelings happened! That’s when I confirmed that I liked you.” She giggled and he hummed.
“Fine.” He hummed and she smiled and then turned to Celeste.
“And I asked Harry out on a date during the summer but ummm, things were going well with you in therapy and you were saying that you wanted to keep him around as your therapist for as long as possible and well, we can’t do that while he was working with you so we decided not to continue with that -er us then. But that was technically the first date…”
“You were not going to be together because of me?” She asked with a small frown.
“Yeah, but just because ethically it’s frowned upon t-to have what is called a dual relationship with a client and their family or friends. So if someone else in my field were to find out that I was dating a client’s parent I could get my licenses revoked and it would be quite bad for all of us. And well, also you had expressed some hesitation with your mum dating before to me in session, and well, you didn’t react well when you thought we were dating that one time, so I think we both just felt that…not being together was the best thing to do for all of us.” He explained.
“Oh…now I feel bad.” She pouted a bit.
“No mamita, don’t feel bad. It really was our bad. I mean, those kinds of rules are there for a reason. And I think that you’ve even experienced some of that with Harry in terms of wanting him around for more things in your life. Its quite a fine line to walk but everything is working out now and ummm, w-we want to give it a real shot now that we can without risking his entire career.” She said and Celeste smiled a bit.
“Okay, well I am fully on board with this.” She said and Diana chuckled.
“Don’t we know…” she mumbled and Celeste grinned. 
“Well, at the end of the day I just want you to be happy too.” Celeste said to Diana, “And well, I trust Harry and I know he’ll take good care of you and be nice and supportive and all the stuff you’ve told me you wanted if you ever dated anyone so…yeah.” She smiled and Diana smiled and then glanced up to Harry who just pulled her into his side and she relaxed in his hold and hugged him back as he planted a quick kiss on the top of her head.
“So cute.” Celeste hummed and Diana laughed as she felt her face warming as she blushed.
Their dinner went well, Celeste monopolized the conversation and only talked about what she had going on and then what she did with Geri at their sleep over. It was nice though, to be able to look over at him and catch him staring without worrying about Celeste catching them. If she wanted to, she could actually reach for his hand and hold it if she wanted to. She was tempted to, but she didn’t want Celeste to make a huge fuss about it. But then she also wanted to show Celeste that she could be warm and affectionate in a way she had not seen before. And well, she also wanted to show Harry that she was putting in some effort to get over her fears of letting her walls down. 
Well, she had basically let every wall down but there was just a little bit of resistance in her still. That fear that she couldn’t shake completely was constantly swimming around in her head. And then he smiled wide and said something to Celeste, something she didn’t even hear quite honestly, and that annoying little remainder of fear just melted away. And there was no hesitation as she slid her hand across the table and grazed his pinky and he just glanced over and smiled for a second before turning his hand over as he continued chatting with Celeste. Diana felt so relieved when his fingers clasped over hers and then she turned her attention back to the conversation. She could see Celeste smiling wide but she made no commentary and just kept telling her story. After dessert they played a quick round of UNO, which Diana won both rounds much to Celeste and Harry’s annoyance. But soon Celeste was heading up to have a shower and get her things ready for school the next morning. Harry had just gotten Misty into her little travel kennel when Diana came down the stairs with a little pot of concealer for him.
“Here you go. That should fix that.” She said eyeballing the far too orange canceler splotch covering a love bite on his neck.
“Thanks.” He chuckled. “You feeling good?”
“Yeah. So happy.”
“Me too.” He smiled and grabbed her face in his hands and she tiptoed to let their lips meet in a soft kiss. They smiled against each other lips and pecked once more.
“I love you so much, Harry.” She whispered between them and he kissed her again quickly.
“I love you too.” He smiled, “It’s gonna be so good.”
“I know.” She smiled.
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bassettmemes · 8 months
YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME. XOXO, GOSSIP GIRL. ↳ a collection of sentences from the Gossip Girl (2007) series.
"I'm not a stop along the way. I'm a destination."
“Three words. Eight letters. Say it and I’m yours.”
“If you’re going to be sad, you might as well be sad in Paris.”
“Once men have tasted caviar, it baffles me how they settle for catfish.”
“Whoever said money doesn’t buy happiness didn’t know where to shop.”
“We’re sisters. You’re my family. What is you is me. There’s nothing you could ever say that would make me let go.”
“You can’t make people love you, but you can make them fear you.”
“Haven’t you heard? I’m the crazy bitch around here.”
“Here’s my advice. Have a little faith, and if that doesn’t work, have a lot of mimosas.”
“Don’t go all Notebook on me. Not now. I need you.”
“I have an idea for you: quit. Your boss is a bitch. Let’s go to lunch.”
“Destiny is for losers. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.”
“We’re not servants to our emotions. We can control them, suppress them, stomp them out like bugs.”
“You need to be cold to be a queen.”
“Don’t let people tell you who you are. You tell them.”
“I didn’t come back for you.”
“I’ll just stay home, eat lots of gelato, and write about how true love is nothing but a myth.”
“I’d ask you how you are, but I don’t really care.”
“You know my mom: If it’s not broke, break it.”
“There’s something vibrating in your pocket, and I really hope it’s your phone.”
“I hate that stupid headband.”
“I remember everything you’ve read to me. In case you haven’t noticed I don’t really let go of things so easily.”
“I like the way I feel when he looks at me. Like I wanna believe in myself.”
“Earn the spotlight on your own merits. You’ll feel better.”
“Even if it’s the biggest kamikaze disaster of my life, it’s my disaster.”
“You are no one until you’re talked about.”
“When Prince Charming found Cinderella’s slipper, they didn’t accuse him of having a foot fetish.”
“I don’t read Gossip Girl. That’s for chicks.”
“So, actually, I’ll be living out my nightmare. Trapped in the city with only you to talk to.”
“She doesn’t know me. Nobody knows me. It’s cool. It’s fine.”
“Yeah, well, your fashion emergency was solved so I figured my work was done.”
“You can’t fight against who you are.”
“You gonna strangle him with your scarf?”
“You don’t just give up because things are hard.”
“You know it’s love when you start talking like an assassin.”
“I just want to be the person you can bring anything to.”
“Affairs with married people, threesomes — it just so happens everyone’s problems are within my area of expertise.”
“I just don’t get it. I organized everything the way she likes it. I mean, I even made sure my bowtie matched her dress.”
“Listen, there’s nothing wrong with keeping your options open. I don’t think your parents are going to be mad at you for choosing your own path. Unless… they’re related to my parents.”
“Some might call this a fustercluck. But on the Upper East Side, we call it Sunday afternoon.”
“There’s a weak link in every chain, and it’s just a matter of time before this one snaps.”
“One thing about being on the top of the world? It gives you a long, long way to fall.”
“So we should just be anonymous losers who eat lunch alone and never get invited to parties?”
“Well, keep dreaming. Maybe one day she’ll actually know your name.”
“The sound of your own voice annoying you?”
“Even you should know that jealousy clashes with L.L. Bean pants!”
“I came to tell you in person. You win.”
“The only human contact that you don’t pay for is the people in this house.” 
“That’s not fair. Everyone’s topless on Valentino’s yacht.”
“You know you really put yourself on the radar tonight. Better not make that mistake again or you’ll pay for real.”
 “Don’t look now, but those are the JV mean girls.”
“He gave six girls from Nightingale gonorrhea of the throat last year.”
“I wouldn’t have had to do it if it weren’t for your smear campaign against me.”
“If we wanted to have sex, we’d just go to a hotel.”
“You’ve come to my rescue enough times, let me help you for once.”
“I don’t need a guy to make me feel fulfilled, especially when he’s unavailable.”
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This isn't a baby shower
Events that took place during Annabeth's baby shower.
Annabeth never thought that she would form a friendship with Rachel Elizabeth Dare. At one point in her life, she was her mortal enemy as she had managed to catch Percy’s attention. And for her 15-year-old self that was a crime punishable with death. But for her 27-year-old self, Rachel was one of her closest friend, living in the same city and all that.
“Rachel, I don’t want a baby shower.” Annabeth insisted on the phone.
“It isn’t a baby shower. It’s more like a gathering where we can all give you our gifts for your babies and spend time with you.”
“That’s pretty much the definition of a baby shower last time I checked.”
“Annabeth.” Rachel said in a more serious tone.
“Rachel.” She replied. “I’m 26 weeks pregnant with two babies that enjoy kicking me day and night. A party is the last thing I need right now. I don’t have the energy for it.”
“You’re glowing!” She insisted.
“I don’t feel like it.”
“I’ll take care of everything. I promise. I can invite anyone you want. Consider it my present to you.” Her friend pleaded her.
Annabeth thought about it for a moment. Percy had also subtly mentioned how he wanted to throw a party before their babies came along with family and friends. But he knew how she felt, so he wouldn’t say anything to her. “Fine. We’ll organize a party.”
The gathering was more fun than Annabeth expected. Rachel did as she promised. No cheesy games or dumb décor. Just friends and family all together before Annabeth gave birth. She was in a good mood when deciding who to invite. She even included her father and stepbrothers. Her stepmother didn’t join them as she was ‘sick’ and didn’t want to risk making Annabeth feel ‘unwell’.
Percy was overlooking everyone from afar. He was mostly focused on Annabeth who was laughing over her conversation with Katie and Malcolm. Thalia slid next to him leaning against the wall. He was a bit surprised that she actually managed to come. She had been absent in the past few years, that he didn’t count her in most events anymore. “I’m excited to see you changing a lot of dirty diapers in the near future.” She teased him.
He leaned on the wall next to his friend. “Annabeth and I ARE going to have a hell of a lot of diapers to change. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself.”
“If I hear that Annabeth changed a single diaper, you’ll never hear the end of it.” Thalia told him.
“Is this a threat?”
“Yes.” She replied with a threating look.
“Okay.” Percy laughed. “We aren’t going to have an issue. I wasn’t planning on letting Annabeth change diapers. She’ll push them out. I’ll do my part with my parts.”
“Good. I still have a tiny bit of faith in the male gender.” Thalia cleared her throat and looked at his side. Then she did something even more unexpected. She hugged him. “I’m happy for the two of you. You deserve peace. Your kids will be lucky to have you as their father.”
“You think I’ll make a good father?”
“Definitely. You’re a better man than our fathers were. Or will ever be. Which says a lot as they are immortal.” She paused and took a breath. “I know that I never give you any credit, but you’re a great guy. I just want you to show the old fuckers how great fathers are supposed to be.”
Thalia’s expression said it all. They both had a hard time growing up. Thalia a little harder as she wasn’t lucky enough to have a good mortal parent. She had joined the hunt to make sure that she would always feel the rush and be part of a pack. Of a sisterhood. Percy respected her a lot. And her saying, and actually meaning it, that she believed that he would be a great father, meant a lot for him.
He was afraid of becoming a father and bringing life into the world. He was blind. He didn’t have a clue on how he was supposed to raise someone else. He didn’t have a great fatherly figure, someone to imitate or give him advice. His father was stuck being a Greek deity. His ex-stepfather used to beat him up. Kicked and punched him. Abused him verbally and made him feel like a zero. That was how he grew up. And for the longest time he believed what Gabe was saying to him.
But Paul came into his mother’s life and changed his perspective on different points of life. His current stepfather was always praising and supporting him. Although he was sixteen when he married his mother, he never excluded him from the family. Percy felt like Paul was actually proud of him and was the only normal father he had in his life. After telling him and Sally that Annabeth was pregnant, he sat down with him and reassured him that everything would be alright, and that he would be right there for anything he needed. That talk alone reassured Percy that things would work out in the end.
“I will be. But you’re forgetting something.”
“My kids will also have a killer aunt.”
“Who’ll always let them know how lame their dad was younger.”
“I wasn’t lame. I was really cool actually.”
“I have evidence that show otherwise.” She stated. She looked over at Annabeth and then back to Percy. “I’ve been thinking of showing up more often. If that’s okay with you and Annabeth.”
“Works just fine with me.” He smiled.
“Don’t look at me like that.” She warned him, her brows scrunching together.
“Like what?”
“You know how you look with that stupid smirk on your face.” She spatted. “You want me to say it? I’ll say it. You and Annabeth are the only family I’ve got left. And I want to be around your kids. Although someday they’ll be older than me.” She slowed down at the last part.
“Does that bother you?”
“Not at all. I’m having the time of my life in the hunt. I love the rush and the feeling of being infinite.”
“There was a time when you were older than me.” He grinned at the thought of it.
“I hope your kids don’t get the sense of humour you think you have.” She rolled her eyes at him.
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cynosra · 1 month
Some thoughts regarding chapter 419
I needed some time to stomach the revelations of chapter 419, but now that that’s done I think the story’s been building up to that moment for a very long time. It’s an extremely painful chapter to read, but, in my opinion, it had to happen. I’ll try to explain why I think so.
Tomura’s lack of/struggle with agency had always been a core theme of his character, perhaps even the central theme. However, I feel like this aspect of his character often got overlooked in favor of other aspects like his bond with the other members of the League of Villains, his development into a more competent and threatening villain, his issues with the shortcomings of BNHA’s society in general and heroes in particular, etc. Well and then, chapter 419 happened and brought this core theme to the forefront with a vengeance, pretty much overshadowing everything else. (It was really kind of a… challenging read.)
Personally, I think this chapter’s purpose is neither to make Tomura more redeemable nor to let Nana and Kotarou off the hook for the decisions they made. I doubt that people who were against Tomura’s redemption before chapter 419 dropped, are on board with it now. And I can’t really imagine Horikoshi expecting them to change their minds with this reveal. (He would have to be beyond naive to believe that.)
The decisions, Nana made, were entirely her own – chapter 419 changed nothing about that. And regarding Kotarou: Just because a cherished friend gives you parenting advice, you’re not obliged to follow it. Especially, since All For One didn’t even tell Kotarou to be strict with Tenko, he merely encouraged his strict ways. He encouraged what was already there. He used what was already there to his advantage. This chapter may bring Tomura’s agency into question, but it certainly doesn’t do so with Kotarou’s.
(Furthermore, I don’t see anything in the story that indicates All For One as the cause of all of society’s flaws. He merely knows how to use these flaws to his advantage. He threw quite some bombshells at Tomura and us in this chapter, but he never mentioned having anything to do with all those civilians ignoring little Tenko in his hour of need. If he were also behind that, why wasn’t he bragging about that as well? Now would be the perfect time.)
So, what is the purpose of this chapter, of All For One’s revelations? I think it’s to finally shatter Tomura’s illusion of agency. It’s to pull the rug out from under his feet and push him into the deepest depths of despair. At its core, Tomura’s story is a tragedy in its purest form (or at least it has been up to now) and chapter 419 marks the lowest point.
In chapter 379, Tomura is able to one-up All For One and regain control over his body for a while. He manages to do so by clinging to his origin as Tenko Shimura. At this point, he is already aware (at least to some degree) that All For One has groomed him since picking him up after the Shimura tragedy. He knew that “Tomura Shigaraki” was All For One’s creation. But at least he still has “Tenko Shimura”. “Tomura Shigaraki’s” decisions may belong to All For One, but “Tenko Shimura’s” decisions are his own. Or so he thought.
“Tenko Shimura” was his final weapon against All For One, the shield protecting him from getting completely overtaken by his abuser. And also the life ring he was clinging to to keep himself from sinking into despair. But now, All For One has destroyed that, too, and Tomura has nothing left to hold onto.
“Tenko Shimura” is All For One’s creation as well. “Tenko Shimura’s” decisions belong to All For One as well. All that is “Tenko Shimura/Tomura Shigaraki”, all that ever was, all that ever will be, belongs to All For One. “Tenko Shimura/Tomura Shigaraki” is not his own person. He is nothing more than a tragic figure in the story All For One is writing. Or so All For One wants him to think.
What I believe All For One has done in this chapter is to destroy Tomura’s illusion of “I have control over my life and the decisions I make” by setting up a new illusion for Tomura: “I have and never had any control over my life and my decisions whatsoever”. He pushed Tomura out of one extreme narrative straight into the next one. Both of which are at odds with the truth, however.
When dealing with All For One, we mustn’t forget that he is a liar and a manipulator, a groomer and an abuser. (In fact, he is so good, that he can even manipulate the fourth wall and make the BNHA fandom believe every little thing he says.) Naturally, he’ll always tell his victims what makes it easiest for him to manipulate them, be it lies, the truth, or a little bit of both.
Thus we should be careful to take his words at face value. He is definitely exaggerating when he claims that all of Tomura Shigaraki’s/Tenko Shimura’s decisions actually belong to him, his abuser. One example: Does anyone really think it was All For One’s decision that Tomura cares for the other members of the League? That he grew to genuinely trust Himiko, Twice, and even notorious anti-team-player #1 Dabi? Befriended Spinner? Fed Mr. Compress all the sushi he wanted? Decisions like these go completely against All For One’s modus operandi.
For me, the key to growing to appreciate this chapter and its revelations was to bring together all these extremes regarding Tomura’s struggle with agency, Tomura’s flawed perception of himself, other character’s flawed perceptions of Tomura, All For One’s exaggerated claims about Tomura and well… I guess to kinda conciliate them with each other. Tomura was groomed by All For One and thus has struggled with agency. He made many decisions All For One groomed him to make. But he also made decisions of his own.
Tomura is not a transcendent being. He is not a god. He is not destruction incarnated. He is not the angel of death. He is not an innocent little baby boy (not with a kill count like that). He is not a character in All For One’s story.
He is a victim but not just that. He is a villain but not just that. He is a hero to some but not just that.
In fact, I think the story (namely chapter 411, courtesy of Izuku Midoriya) already gave us the perfect term for what Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura truly is: a human being, nothing more, nothing less.
And I guess the key to giving this story a happy ending is to convince Tomura of that as well; that he is a human being whose first 21 years were shaped by All For One’s toxic influence, yes, but there is also a future for him without All For One. Where he can truly be free, make his own decisions, and grow into his own.
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mozzaremi · 2 years
Is Aubrey a deliquent in your eldrich omori au? I would love to know what is happening to Aubrey and her relationship to her gang
Since the accident never really went through in the au, aubrey doesn't really retain any of her anguish for the gang from canon. They are all on good terms .
The au is very simple slice of life kinda deal, but with the twist that one character is a (not yet) all powerful eldritch being, so I didn't really push my brain into thinking angst scenarios.
Aubrey wouldn't really be a delinquent, but a lot of the characters share the trait that they are seen as troublemakers (her, sunny and kel included, basil is mainly the one who follows around as a puppy and gets wrapped up in their shenanigans). Aubrey ditches school occasionally and still forms the scooter riding side-gang, but the worst they do is mischief and tomfoolery, and maybe some shoplifting.
Tho, she still brings up the fact that sunny pushed mari and broke his violin, but mainly as snide comments or rude jokes at his expense
Her relationship with kel is still as silly as ever, they are close on a level that they could be a podcast duo.
She still sees mari as an older sister figure, she is most frequently the one she turns to vent. Mari still is holding down to her promise to dye her hair, but mainly once she's more independent and doesn't have to depend on the financial support of her parents.
Aubrey still views hero with a lot of respect, he visits aubrey's residence often, bringing leftovers to aubrey when her mom isn't in the mood to cook.
To aubrey, basil is like a little fella who needs protection and guidance to not become a goody-two-shoes. She will give him advice on how be more "hardcore" but most of the advice isn't helpful.
She still turns to her friends as an escape from her not so pleasant homelife. She rarely stays at home that often, and often times she joins her other friends for dinner. On many occasions she sleeps over on basil's couch and feels very fond of polly and his grandma.
Aubrey is the type of person to always be in close range to one of her friends, so her gimmick is that she is more of a lurking presence than basil.
AAA, tried to be brief with the tidbits of text, hope they conveyed enough information!
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smollangrycat · 1 year
Ikran, Pt 4
(Avatar: WOW Oc)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
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Quick Note - FINAL CHAPTER! Hi, thank you to everybody who has been enjoy this fic it has ment the world to me to see that you guys are enjoying my story’s. So here we are part 4 - 9,205 words later. I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this as I have really loved writing it 😁🥹🥰
(Pre Avatar: WOW) When 12 year old Alue’k is told by her parents that they don’t feel she’s ready for her Iknimaya she feels the need to prove them wrong … in a rather stupid way.
Slight gore/mention of injury
Mention of premature birth/ difficult brith (There is a TW so u can skip that part it’s not essential)
If you think anything else needs to be added leave a comment. 
Alue’k basked in the warmth of her brothers hug, just enjoying the comfort and company.
Lo’ak smiled, he remembered so clearly how a younger Alue’k would claim hugs can make anything better and she would rather eat Ikran shit than admit otherwise.
Eh, what can you aspect from a girl that a carbon copy of her (extremely stubborn) father. 
The moment was quickly disturbed as the sound of an Ikran landing caught their attention. A figure dismounted the Ikran and made his way over to the group. As he grew closer a knot started to twist itself in Alue’k stomach as her grip grew a little tighter on her brothers.
It was their father. 
Lo’ak and Neteyam shared a concerned look, which wasn’t helping with Alue’ks growing worry at all.
The man in question all but charged at his children but at a calm pace trying to keep some level of composure. 
It wasn’t working very well.
Once Jake had reached his children he stood tall, towering over them. Alue’k stared at her feet worrying on her bottom lip and wringing her hands, she could practically feel her father burning gaze on her.
She swallowed the lump in her throat as she nervously let go of Neteyam and Lo’ak. Slightly lifting her head to give them a small smile showing that’s she would be ok … probably.
Both boys have small reassuring smiles before turning to face their father. Neteyam stood tall matching Jakes posture while Lo’ak stood slightly slouched looking more comfortable but the way his tail flickered in agitation and worry betrayed his facade.
Neteyam met his fathers gaze Jakes eyes were strong and determined but right now they seemed dazed and … tired. 
Who wouldn’t be? He’s been up for hours searching for his little girl who has a history of reckless behaviour. For all Jake knew his baby could have been laying broken and dead at the bottom of the floating mountains. 
Neteyam tried to ease his dads worries, he always looked out for his siblings, making sure they were safe. However Alue’k was … different. She didn’t back down, wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to prove her worth … which normally lead to her doing something stupid.
Even if she never had to, she struggled to see her worth. Her size and stature often acting as a  hindrance to her … adventurous activities.
 her entire family valued her they couldn’t imagine a life without her. Neteyam couldn’t understand how someone who is loved by others so much could feel so … alone.
He can’t even imagine what life would be like without his baby sister who’s always trying to make others laugh and smile. He can’t imagine what life would be like without any of his siblings but again Alue’k is just … different. 
Who would make there dad laugh, lighten his mood when there in trouble and would bring out their fathers goofy side when she declared a tickle fight.?
Who would make their mom smile when she looked at the way her arrows were entangled with pretty flowers and colourful plants or bring out the smile their mother reserved for when she was being bombarded with story’s of all the funny things Tonôwa had managed to do in just one day?
Who would Lo’ak spend hours joking around with, causing all sorts of trouble?
Who would kiri have to share her secrets, a confidant who would give the best advice? 
Who would wait behind with Tuk so she didn’t feel left out from the big kid games, who would always find a way to cheer her up when she was sad or know the right words to say when Tuk felt inadequate? 
And finally he thought who would hug him the hardest when he was struggling with all the pressures of being his parents golden son, to show him it was ok to mess up and make mistakes. To not have the weight of his sibling on his back at all times?
Neteyam looked at his father and watched as he sighed, pulling his hand own his face.
Jake looked at Neteyam jerking his head to the side signalling to him that he was to go home. He nodded, gently but firmly grabbing his brother by the arm and dragged him back to where their Ikran were waiting.
Once they had mounted their respected Ikran, Lo’ak turned to his older brother.
Lo’ak - She’ll be ok, right?
Neteyam met Lo’aks eyes which were filled with worry, he gave his brother a reassuring smile.
Neteyam - She’ll be fine.
That’s what he hoped. With that the brothers flew back home to wait for their father and sisters return. leaving Alue’k to her fate.
The thick silence that followed the brothers as they left was … intimidating.
The younger of the two Na’vi was still focused on her hands as she all but nearly dislocate her fingers with the force she was putting into fiddling with them.
Jake let out a long dawn out breath. Not a sigh but … yeah it was a sigh. He looked at his daughter a frown growing onto his face as his brows knitted together. Jake folded his arms all the while staring at his daughter. 
His baby girl. Who he almost lost … again! At this point he was starting to lose count of the amount of time his child has endangered herself and almost died. He was exhausted. Not of his child but the worry and fear that was weighting on him. 
When he woke up this morning to find her missing it felt as if his hart had stoped right there and then. Waking up Neytiri with shaking hands and calling out a search party to find his little girl who hopefully hadn’t joined Awa in the time it took him to find her missing.
He took in the sight of his little girl, watching her fidget and not making eye contact. He noticed the makeshift turner kit on her arm noting how the wound looked deep and might even need a few stitches … that’ll be fun.
Jake was just staring at her and Alue’k felt so nervous and some other emotion she couldn’t name.
Yeah, she new what she had down was reckless and stupid but she needed to prove herself … she had to … right.
Is that why she couldn’t look at her dad … was she ashamed, embarrassed? No, thats not it. She was proud of her accomplishment, of her victory but if that wasn’t it … what was it?
Jake - What were you thinking? You could have been killed, is that what you want? To leave this family broken so you can have a joy ride?
Jake didn’t mean his words … well not all of them. He was angry and he wanted to get his point across to his daughter. He didn’t want to loose his baby, why was that so hard for her to understand?
Alue’k stoped fidgeting instead focusing all her energy of the ground and if willing Awa to swallow her hole.
Jake - What you did was dangerous and reckless. Awas sake, and for what? To prove that your grown, that your ready for the responsibility of being a hunter? 
Alue’k stood still with bated breath, eyes still glued to the ground. Tears had started to grow in the corner of her eyes as she stops a silent sob from escaping her throat.
Fuck. She couldn’t do anything right. She had completed her Iknimaya, she had earned an Ikran so for the love of Awa why was her father still not proud of her. Why dose he still not believe in her, is she truly that hopeless that her accomplishment mean nothing?
Jake, not noticing his daughters change in dementor continues, only one thing going through his mind. His baby could of died today.
Jake - All you’ve done is prove that your not mature enough, that your not ready! Do you know how stupid this was, how recklessly life endangering your actions where? We could of lost you today!
Silent hot tears had started to make there was down Alue’ks face. Why couldn’t she be better? Why … why couldn’t she just do it right? Wait. She had done it, maybe not conventionally but she had done it, damit! So why was her dad so pissed?
Alue’k looked at her dad a new ferocity hitting her like a wave hitting a cliffs edge, she hissed angrily as her fathers ears twitched.
Alue’k - Why can’t you just be proud of me! I know I’m not perfect, I know I came out wrong but the least you could do is let me at least think you believe in me!
Her voice came out as a yell, voice hoarse from holding back sobs. Jakes eyes widened in shock … what?
Alue’k took his expression as one of being caught out and continued as hot tears ran down her face.
Alue’k - I know that you don’t believe in me, I’m nothing, I’m useless and I can’t do shit! I’m slower than Neteyam, I’m not as smart as kiri, I’m not as brave as Lo’ak, I’m not as helpful as Tuk! I’m not good enough, I know! 
Her yelling continues, she had wrapped her arms around herself growing desperate for any form of comfort. 
Jake looked at his daughter the weight of her words pressing down on him. Is this what she though? Is this what his baby had been carrying around with her since who in the hell knows how long? Had he truly failed as a parent this much, had he failed his baby girl?
Alue’k had went back to staring at her feet, her feeling had brought on a new exhaustion she didn’t know existed. 
Jake sighed for what felt like the millionth time today as he moved closer to the girl and lifted his daughters chin up so she was looking him in the eye.
Jake - Alue’k, I see you.
Jake found his daughters words harte breaking. He couldn’t believe what he had heard, his baby girl had been suffering and had no idea. He was so focused on the idea of protecting her from the outside world that he didn’t realise what was happening to her on the inside.
Alue’k sobbed clinging onto her father as he brought her in for a hug. He held her tight almost as if she would disappear if he loosened his grasp. 
Jake sat on the ground, pulling his daughter to sit on his lap as he made a comforting rumbling noise from his chest. Alue’k leans into her fathers hug as her sobs slowly turn into sniffles. 
The older Na’vi looked down at his daughter in his lap, a gentil smile gracing his face as he slowly rocked her back a forth in a comforting motion. Just like he had when she was a baby. (Well she was alway going to be his baby, no matter how old she was).
Jake - Have I ever told you the story of the day you were born?
Alue’k shook her head, her outburst of emotion had tiered her out and now she couldn’t muster the energy to talk.
Jake - You came into this world very early, you were too impatient to wait an extra a month. You just had to come out and meet everyone.
Jakes comment made the girl smile a soft chuckle leaving her chest, it was met by a smile from her father who was just happy to see his baby laughing … and alive, safe in his arms where he could protect her.
Jake - Your mother and I were so happy to meet you but you were so small, I could hold you with one hand. 
Jake looked away for a moment as it it physically hurt him to say his next sentence … which it did. Nobody want to talk about their child almost being taken away from them, especially when they’ve bearly had the chance to get to know them.
Jake - When you were born you didn’t cry, you were completely silent. Your mother and I begged Awa to let you breathe, begged you to breathe then Awa answered us and your chest started to breathe. You started to cry and after that I never wanted to feel like I was losing you again. 
-TW- (Mentions of difficult birth/ baby struggling to breath)
Jake didn’t mention some parts of the story as he didn’t think they were fit for a 12 year old. 
He didn’t mention how Neytiri had spent hours in labour struggling to gain any progress in delivering her baby. 
He didn’t mention Neytiris heartbroken cry’s at the realisation that their baby wasn’t breathing. 
He didn’t mention how he had broken the newborns ribs doing CPR trying to get blood flowing through her body and air to her brain as her lungs seemed to fail her. 
He didn’t mention that in his story as he still had nightmares about it.
(-End of TW-)
Jake - I see you Alue’k. You’re my baby girl who can do anything she sets her mind to. You always find a way to go on, you’re a tough kid. I believe in you. I’m just scared of losing you.
The tears that had subside only moment ago resurfaced as she clung to her father, mumbles of I’m sorry tumbling out of her mouth.
Jake just held her close shushing her, gently rocking her back and forth.
Jake - It’s ok baby girl, daddy’s here. I’ve got you, your safe I promise.
After about an hour or so Alue’k calmed down and just sat comfortably in her dads arms. She finally mustered the strength to sit up a looked him in the eyes.
She understood now. While her insecurities where still there, she knew her father believed in her. He didn’t think she was not enough. 
She smiled at him and he smiled back just enjoying each others silent company.
Jake - Your grounded.
Alue’k taken aback by the ruined moment looked at her father.
Alue’k - Daddddddddd!
Jake just chuckled a small bemused huff leaving his chest.
Jake - Don’t “dadddd” me baby girl, you snuck out and nearly got yourself killed. That’s fair ground for getting grounded.
Alue’k - Uhggg.
She slumped over, laying on her father while Jake just laughed stroking her hair out of her face.
An’ri who had sat patiently while her Na’vi … finally dealt with her unresolved emotions had decide that it was time to make an appearance.
She made her way over to the Na’vi and laid her head on her friends shoulder who erupted in giggles as it somehow managed to tickle her.
Jake cocked his head and gently held his hand out to the Ikran who looked at him wearily. An’ri turned to Alue’k and watched as she hugged him showing that he was not a danger. 
So An’ri accepted his offer allowing the older Na’vi to stroke down her neck. 
Alue’k - She’s death, so she can’t hear me when we’re not bonded so I’ve got to show her I’m safe in a different way.
Alue’k explained anticipating her fathers question, Jake only nods not expecting that answer but of course it was his daughter who managed to bond with the only death Ikran he had ever heard of.
He smiled to himself watching his daughter cuddle and coo to her Ikran, reminding him so much of the girls mother who had once done the same to her own.
Once again noticing the wound on his daughters arm her pulled her to him and inspected it. He looks at her asking a silent question of what happened.
Alue’k sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck with her other hand, chuckling nervously.
Alue’k - I kinda forgot the leather tie so I had to use my … arm instead.
Jake shakes his head in disbelief.
Jake - your going to be the death of me kid.
She drew in closer to her dad, cuddling close to him.
Alue’k - I know.
A mischievous smile crossed Alue’k face as she turned back to her dad.
Alue’k - Wanna race back to high camp?
A matching smirk crossed Jakes face.
Jake - Ok baby girl but I’m not going to go east on you.
Alue’k snorted as she picked up a sleeping Tonôwa and mounted her Ikran.
Alue’k - I was hoping you’d say that.
Jake just shook his head in amusement as he mounted his Ikran making the bond.
Jake looked at the fine young women his daughter was turning into … determined, strong, funny, caring he was so proud, he didn’t think there was a word for how much pride he had for his baby. For all his children.
Jake - Ready? 
Alue’k smiles in agreement as she hold on to Tonôwa as she edges toward the cliffs face. 
Jake smiled doing the same.
Alue’k - On 1. 3, 2, 1.
With that they took of racing each other through the floating mountains back to their home, back to their family.
Laughter filled the air as Alue’k did a flip, it was as if she was made to ride Ikran … maybe she was.
Once they finally reached home Alue’k was met with a very pissed Neytiri who cuffed her on the back of her head before bringing her into a bone crushing hug.
Alue’k - … Ow.
Neytiri - Foolish girl. Never again, don’t scare us like that again.
Alue’k pulls her mom closer cuddling into her.
Alue’k - I’m sorry mama.
It was almost a whisper but Neytiri heard it, she looked at her middle daughter cupping her face and smiled. 
Neytiri - Oh my sweet girl.
She pulled Alue’k closer (If possible) to her and they just stood like that for a moment until Tuk joined.
Then kiri who laid her head on Neytiris shoulder and stood close to Alue’k (Kiri’s not a huge fan of hugs). 
Lo’ak and Neteyam soon joined cuddling close to their sisters and mother.
Finally Jake joined in the group hug as well, his large arms engulfed the entire family, holding them close.
This is when Alue’k realised something very important. No matter what, this is where she always would want to be. Wrapped in her family loving, warm … safe embrace.
Alue’k smiled enjoying the warmth and thanked Awa for her breath … for her family.
The End.
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the-amber-fox · 2 years
Young Royals Fic Rec List 2022 Edition
To tide you over the last four weeks of waiting for season 2 I have been making my way through the last months on AO3 and recommendations to bring you this part 2 of my fic rec list. All fanfics in this list have been published in 2022. 
Categories for this list are:
Post-canon (pre season 2)
Slightly Unhinged but worth it
The dark stuff.
So there should be one for everyone here
My Youth is Yours (Not Rated) by evakayaki Simon wants to give Wille "firsts" that every kid should experience, but missed out on because he was prince. OR: Five times Simon gives Wille a first experience and one time Wille surprises Simon.
Hope Against Hope (M) by demeterfics What happens when Simon doesn't follow Wille after his panic during Horror Movie Night? Simon has regrets, Simon frets, Simon thinks that was his one chance. Wille has a bit more of a sexual crisis, but luckily Erik is there to give some brotherly advice. Boys need to figure out how to communicate. Screwed (T) (WIP) by fandom_commitment_issues Erik lived, but things are still Royally screwed up.
Post Canon (maybe)
Wilhelm & Simon: An Interview with Sweden's Young Royal Couple by cali-chan (girls_are_weird) On the heels of Queen Kristina's announcement that she will be stepping down as monarch once her son and heir turns 35, Crown Prince Wilhelm and his longtime partner, Simon Eriksson, sit down with SVT's Signe Karlsson, for the first time since the future King publicly came out as queer and confirmed their relationship, to discuss their future and dispel any lingering misconceptions about their romance. His Royal Fucking Highness Prince Simon of Sweden (he will take none of your shit) (T) by notalotgoingonatthisinstant Simon had gone through most stages of grief over the past two days since that meeting, and his head would split open if he didn't sit down with his family and friends to let it out. He should be jumping at the opportunity to refuse the titles, so why was he so conflicted? whenever we're together (M) by waitingstar He does yoga, then shirtless yoga. He times his downward dogs for when Wilhelm is passing the lounge room, pretends he doesn’t smirk at Wilhelm's strangled “Morning”.
My Youth is Yours (Not Rated) by evakayaki                      Simon wants to give Wille "firsts" that every kid should experience, but missed out on because he was prince. OR: Five times Simon gives Wille a first experience and one time Wille surprises Simon.
Fix Its
always something left behind (T) by eleanna99That’s what love is, after all, he thinks. Always leaving something behind. or All the times Simon and Wilhelm almost call each other through the years, and one time they do.
A Royal Intervention (T) by AnxiousAnaconda Erik has made it his mission to call Wilhelm regularly and check up on him. The whole family seems to be in agreement that he is in a tumultuous and dangerous phase, that he could easily be steered in the wrong direction and cause perhaps unforeseen levels of PR damage, but Erik wonders whether his parents truly grasp how sensitive this life phase is for Wilhelm. It is a gut feeling, an inkling, that tells him to watch out for his little brother. Now more than ever. That broken piece, let go (T) by cali-chan (girls_are_weird), TheAmberFox Or five times Simon didn't communicate his true feelings + one time he did. OR Therapy Fic.
The greatest story never written (T) by NerdGirl07 writer! simon and reader wille: simon always has to try to not spontaneously combust whenever wille rambles about HIS OWN book to him
Play my song (G) by Elin98 It is 12.15 am and you’re listening to Late night Vibes with Simon on The Vibe FM, 104.6. I’m your host Simon Eriksson and I will be here with you all night. So for all you night owls, insomniacs, night shift workers, let me keep you company. I promise to only play good music and that we’ll have a good time.
Bloom where you are planted (T) by Cl0udyM1lk Wille is a plant boy, Simon has a black thumb. They both run semi-popular Instas.
There's a song in my heart (I feel like I belong) (M) by cali-chan (girls_are_weird) Concert pianist Wilhelm Berwald had no idea his entire life would change when he was paired up with pop star Simon Eriksson for a charity concert.
the way you look at me (T) by strummerjoe After spending his whole life in Bjärstad, Simon is excited to go to university. He wants to embrace all aspects of student life and he's ready for anything.Anything, except finding a disgruntled crown prince in his new bedroom.
Dancing Through Life (M) by pagegirlintraining After getting into a club fight that paints him in a less than ideal light, Wilhelm is forced into a living nightmare: being a contestant on Swedish reality tv. As if that wasn’t bad enough already, he’s supposed to dance on national television.Aka Wilhelm goes full Dancing with the Stars with Simon as his pro partner.
yellow paper daisy (T) by darlingdreamer21 Or: Wille and Simon meet in Bjärstad, under the most unnatural circumstances. Wille, who seeks solace in the sleepy town. Simon, who once escaped from the suffocating town.But with Simon's face plastered everywhere around the world in association with his successful music career, and Wille's own internal conflict and blissful solitude, they don't know how to deal with their mutual attraction.Inspired by the movie Notting Hill because these two dorks deserve their cheesy romcom story.
The Boy and the Bartender (M) by Spidaya Simon is a bartender at a local bar with a sunny smile and confident attitude that hide the darker side of his life he wishes to keep hidden. Wilhelm, the prince of Sweden, is a lonely boy with too much love to give and not getting much love in return.After they meet at a bar in not the most Prince-Charming way, their hearts are forever intertwined with each other, but not before going through the hurt, trials, and love that come with both of their lives.
Slightly unhinged - but worth it
Through Felle’s eyes (G) by crownedmoon Wille & Simon’s love story, witnessed by one of Simon’s fishes.
The Sound of you, an outlasting vibration (T) by TheAmberFox What if Wille joins the choir to be close to Simon? Only problem - he can’t sing to safe his life.
a whole new scandal (T) by EngelK Post? Wilhelm thought. He then remembers the notifications from his phone. Shakingly, he unlocks it. He saw tons of messages. Tons from Minou. He doesn’t even know what he has gotten into.
Open heart open mind never know who you will find (E) by simonscrown Wille deliberated whether he should be thanking the universe or cursing at it that a literal angel was standing in front of him, while his testicles were being tortured by a pair of objectively horrible booty shorts.
E - Rated
i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this (E) by cl0udy_mi1k Simon is Wilhelm's best friend, so when he confesses that he's insecure about his lack of experience Wille offers to help him. After all, it's what any good friend would do, isn't it?
Addicted to You (E) by yr_bb Simon missed him, of course he did. He knew nothing had really changed. But this forced separation was a new kind of torture, and he hated it. Hated that he wanted him still, but even in his whole setting boundaries thing, he hadn’t actually wanted to move on. He didn’t, he couldn’t, not if there was still a chance. Being this close was only bringing that all up again.
sorry about the blood in your mouth (i wish it was mine) (E) by witchjeons In the aftermath of the video, Simon falls apart. Wilhelm is there to put him back together.
There all along (E) by stretchoutandwait Kristina's death brings Simon back into Wilhelm's life after years apart. Wilhelm has to negotiate learning to become king and starting (or restarting?) a relationship at the same time.
The dark stuff
The spare (T) by Hannakin Erik can’t imagine anything worse than losing his little brother. He lives through his worst nightmare when Wille is horribly injured.
right where you left me. (M) by YourDemiurge When Crown Prince Wilhelm died at the early age of 18, he left three legacies behind: a video that he'd denied being in; a precautionary tale of young love; and a statue outside an otherwise unknown public school. **** Auhtors mentioned: @girls-are-weird @pagegirlintraining @simons-purplehoodie
@cl0udy-mi1k @ishotforthestars @cinnamoncoffees  @hanna-kin  @zee-has-commitment-issues @yourdemiurge
*** If you want to re-read the fic rec list part 1, you can find it here.
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