#ignore the quiz description
callisteios · 3 months
i made a character uquiz. i 100% promise you that you will get a character you know AND like
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Alexander's phone dinged with a notification, just as he left the exam. It was a beautiful summer afternoon, and he was still talking with a few other students, so, naturally, he ignored the unexpected noise. Even though Alexander was certainly a digital native, he found it rude to check his phone while in company of others. He didn't particularly enjoy his current company: He found Christopher the guy that was currently bragging about how easy the exam was slightly annoying, but that wasn't a reason not to show good manners.
Only after their ways split, Alexander unlocked his phone and saw the notification: "Your watched App, ATArena, is now available."
ATArena? Alexander didn't remember he had watched an app with that name. Still, the notification seemed genuine and lead him to the app marketplace where he could initiate the download. The description was sparse: "An epic battle with a revolutionary matchmaking algorithm that will extend into real life!"
That sounded like an AR game of some sort. Alexander had enjoyed the big Pokeman Run hype some years ago and certainly didn't mind giving this app a try.
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When he opened the app for the first time, it asked him for the usual: His real name as well as his nickname. Alexander put in the same for the latter that he used everywhere: Lex_88. A short busy spinner appeared and finally, a message box greeted him:
"Welcome to ATArena, Lex_88! A suitable opponent has already been found. Connecting now..."
After he tapped "Ok", a chat interface opened:
TopShot joined the game.
TopShot: Hi.
Alexander didn't know how to react exactly. He was socially awkward, but ignoring the unknown other player would be rude. So, he just typed:
Lex_88: Hi.
Before any of them could type anything else, a popup opened:
"Battle available! Tap to play."
Alexander tapped the button and wondered what would happen now. Was this some kind of word puzzle or quiz against each other?
What opened though, was a simple depiction of three six-sided dice. When Alexander tapped them, a roll animation appeared until they settled at 14 eyes in total. Not bad!
"Lex_88 rolled: 14. TopShot rolled: 10. Lex_88 wins!"
The screen changed to a wheel of fortune now, which was already in motion. When it came to a stop, it showed a muscled arm emoji and the sparkling word "Bicep size" appeared on his screen.
Immediately, Alexander felt a weird tingling in his upper arms, accompanied by a tightness in the sleeves of his sweater. He locked his phone and scratched his arms but stopped immediately when his fingers met unexpected resistance. His upper arms seemed to have... swollen? What was happening?
Still on the university campus, Alexander made a dash for the nearest restroom and pulled off his sweater. He could hardly believe his eyes: His biceps had grown *considerably*, straining the seams of the t-shirt he wore underneath. When he moved his arms, the muscles bulged and contracted. It was a surreal feeling for sure. Was that the doing of this game?
Alexander unlocked his phone again saw a new message:
"Challenge! Record a video flexing your guns and upload it to social media!"
When he dismissed the message, he typed a message to his opponent.
Flex_88💪: Holy shit! My arms just grew!
Alexander stopped for a moment. Flex_88💪? That wasn't his nickname. Yet, when he scrolled up, it clearly appeared that way - that was the name saying "Hi." in the message before. It wasn't that far off from his usual nickname, which was... Flex_88💪. What was he even thinking about? That was just his screen name that he used almost everywhere, because of his biceps, obviously. His last message didn't make much sense, though. He added a:
Flex_88💪: I mean, they're pretty big, as always. Never mind!
It didn't feel good to brag, but there didn't seem to be a way to delete the message. But he might as well do the challenge now. It wasn't that unusual for him to post pictures and videos of his arms on social media, so, he recorded a short clip, made sure to crop out his surroundings and his face and sent the video to his LaterGram profile.
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Just as he was done, TopShot had answered:
TopShot: Uhm, good for you, dude.
TopShot: Seems like you've won the last game.
Flex_88💪: Yeah, but it was pure luck. I'm sure you're gonna win the next one.
As if on cue, another "Battle available" popup opened. This time, Alexander's roll was pretty bad. The dice showed 2-5-2, bringing him to a meager 9, a bit below the expected value.
"Flex_88💪 rolled: 9. TopShot rolled: 9. Tie! Both win!"
Apparently, TopShot wasn't having a very lucky day, either. The wheel turned and showed a drop emoji. Alexander was still thinking about what could be the meaning of the drop, when the word appeared: "Libido".
Libido? So, this was an 18+ game? Still, Alexander felt hot all of a sudden. His cock was stiffing up and he realized that it had been ages since his last jerk-off. Hornyness clouded his mind, when the next popup opened:
"Challenge! Use a pick-up line on someone you fancy."
Alexander was usually way too shy to approach another guy, but in his current situation even thinking about sending someone a pick-up line seemed like a good idea. He could just send that TopShot guy one, he had the advantage that Alexander didn't know him and probably never would meet.
He thought about his options and decided that a classic would be the best choice.
Flex_88💪: You know, my arms aren't the only thing big right now ;-)
It only took a moment for the other player to respond.
SwitchHit: I know what you mean.
SwitchHit sent an image.
Alexander hesitated only a bit before he opened the image. Yep. It was a picture of a tented boxershorts, snapped from a hastily opened pair of pants. Alexander could feel his cock throb. If he wasn't in public... No, he had to restrain himself. Even though he was still horny, which really wasn't unusual for him, he took a breather and tried to fight his boner down. He had just masturbated before he left for class, it was just amazing how needy his cock could be. His phone dinged as he readjusted himself and left the bathroom.
SwitchHit: Looking forward to the next game. I mean it's just dice rolling and stupid challenges, but it's fun.
Even though Alexander agreed, something seemed off. Had SwitchHit changed his screen name? No, didn't seem that way.
"Battle available!"
Alexander immediately rolled his dice and hardly could believe his eyes: three sixes, a solid 18.
"Flex_88💪 rolled: 18. SwitchHit rolled: 15. Flex_88💪wins! Critical!"
15 was a pretty good roll, but nothing could beat Alexander's 18. He grinned as the wheel stopped on "Confidence".
"Challenge! Approach a local gym and negotiate a free trial using nothing but your charm and confidence. "
Xander grinned. Yeah, that was an awesome idea. He was originally on his way home, but finally joining a gym was long overdue. Luckily, there was one right on his way. Half an hour later, he had a full two month free trial and also a protein shaker as a gift. It had been easier than Xander had thought.
Suddenly, he remembered the game.
Flex_88💪: Hey SwitchHit, you still there?
SwitchHit: Yeah, sorry, I didn't want to message so much. Sorry!
Xander rolled his eyes. That guy needed to grow some balls. He was just about to reply, when the next battle was available. Xander really had to admit, what SwitchHit said was true: It was kind of fun!
This time, Xander rolled bad: The three dice showed a measly 8 points. Unsurprisingly, SwitchHit won.
"Flex_88💪 rolled: 8. SwitchHit rolled: 14. SwitchHit wins!"
Damn, this was the first time Xander lost. The wheel landed on a brain-emoji, and, unsurprisingly, it was labelled with "Smarts".
Xander scratched his head. What did that mean? Would he have some penalty challenge now? He would see soon enough.
"Challenge! Skip reading your usual news or books for the day. Instead, binge-watch a reality TV series."
Xander scratched his head again. Did he really want to do that?
Well, of course he wanted to! That sounded like a fun evening. Why would he read books?! He didn't even own books!
Flex_88💪: Man, those challenges are really ez. I need to watch some TV this evening, not read sum bokshit.
Xander typed the message as he arrived at his apartment. He fixed himself a quick dinner and sat down on the couch, turning on the TV.
SwitchHit: I agree. I have to read some Ovid tonight, which I find rather light literature.
Flex_88💪: Whatev you say, man. Hey, by the way, what's your name?
Flex_88💪: Mine's Xander.
SwitchHit: I don't know, I probably shouldn't share my real name on the internet.
Flex_88💪: Aw, come on. As if I could find out where you live with only your real name.
SwitchHit: ...Right. I'm called Chris.
Flex_88💪: Like Christian? Christopher?
SwitchHit: No, just Chris.
Flex_88💪: K. Hey, that pic was pretty hot back then.
They chatted a bit during the evening and exchanged some more pictures of tented pants. Xander was only half paying attention to the reality show on his screen, as one of his hands was more or less constantly in his pants. Still, it was just friendly teasing, no downright cyber-sex.
Eventually, Xander had finished the season and went to bed. SwitchHit - Chris - had called it a night an hour ago, but he still had to finish the last episodes. Good thing he didn't draw the book shit. That would've taken a week, not an evening.
When Xander woke up the next morning, the next battle was already waiting for him. He rolled the dice as he crawled out of bed, again rolling abyssal. Only six eyes were visible on his dice.
"Flex_88💪 rolled: 6. SwitchHit rolled: 10. SwitchHit wins!"
This time, the wheel landed on "Personality". Weird. That was a pretty vague category.
"Challenge! Show someone their place."
Xander raised his eyebrows. What a weird challenge. Anyway, time to for groceries!"
Xander drove over to the store in his old and cheap car. However, when he arrived, another visitor to the gym took the parking spot directly in front of the entrance. What an asshole!
Xander parked and got out of his car, quickly approaching the unsuspecting guy that just stole *his* spot.
"Hey, asshole! What do you think you're doing?!"
The man, a young guy with glasses and a bit on the nerdy side, looked up, surprised.
"What's your problem?"
"I'm the problem. Your problem. You just took my parking spot."
"Your spot? Don't be ridiculous."
Xander's hands balled into fists. That guy was really annoying!
"That was my spot, asshole. If you don't get your ass moving, I'll *make* you move."
"Alright, alright, chill down. Geez."
The other guy got in his car and parked in another spot. Xander nodded satisfied. He had shown him. Oh. Right, the challenge.
Entering the building (without moving his car), Xander checked his phone and sent SwitchHit a message:
Tank: Man, people are crazy today. Some asshole took my parking spot and I had to show him.
SwitchHit: Sorry to hear that.
SwitchHit: Did you change your screen name?
Tank: Nope. It's Tank, as it has always been. Because I'm a fricking TANK!
SwitchHit: Yeah. That makes sense.
"Battle available!"
Xander was collecting stuff from the shelves when he rolled the dice in-between. He rolled a solid 14, but Chris beat him by one point.
"Tank rolled: 14. SwitchHit rolled: 15. SwitchHit wins!"
Xander cursed loudly, making a few heads turn in the shop. The wheel turned and finally landed on a heart shape. "Empathy" it read. Another one of those fuzzy words.
"Challenge! Cut ties that hold you back!"
Xander scratched his head. What was that supposed to mean? He really wanted to win this game, so what did he have to do now?
As he thought about this, another message popped up, this time from the chat group with his closest circle of friends, who were planning their next meet-up. If Xander thought about it, he was really annoyed by those guys. They were all nerds and losers who always had shit ideas like board games and stuff. Without a second thought, Xander replied to the group.
Tank: I'm not coming. Those gatherings are a waste of time. Get lost, losers!
With that, he left the group and blocked the numbers of his so called friends. He had better things to do.
"Battle available!"
Like that, for example. Chris, who went by the silly nickname of CuddleBug, was at least a horny bastard like Xander himself. With a tap, he rolled the dice.
"Tank rolled: 12. CuddleBug rolled: 10. Tank wins!"
Oh yeah! The roll wasn't even so great, yet still he won. Xander smiled even broader when the wheel landed on a muscular torso, labelled simply: "Muscles."
In an instant, Xander felt his whole body swell up. No wonder. Axel basically *lived* in the gym. As he looked down, the fabric of his shirt had turned almost transparent with the sudden expansion of his muscles. It wasn't just his torso, of course. Axel didn't skip leg day, so his quads and hamstrings grew to impressive size, too. His shoulders were getting broad and wide, as well, to the point where he had difficulties reaching his back.
"Challenge! Show your gainz, buy a muscle shirt!"
Axel could have slapped his forehead. Why didn't he think of that himself - and sooner? He needed to share that thought.
Tank: Hey Chris, what ya tink? I should get a muscle shirt, huh?
Tank sent an image.
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CuddleBug: Omg, yes. That will look awesome. I wish I had muscles like that.
Axel grinned. Right. No wonder that Chris agreed, Axel's muscles were a sight to behold. Good thing he was already in a store. He quickly bought a few muscle shirts, enough to replace his usual wardrobe. After paying for his purchase, Axel put on the new shirt right on the parking lot before squeezing himself into his car.
"Battle available!"
The game was pretty fast-paced. Axel tapped to roll the dice and was pumping his fist, when one after another, all three dice ended up showing a six.
"Tank rolled: 18. CuddleBug rolled: 4. Tank wins! Critical!"
"Ha! Yes!" Axel cheered and the wheel spun until it showed "Dominance".
A surge of excitement and satisfaction rushed through Axel's veins. He felt *good* all of a sudden. And *powerful*.
"Challenge! Assert your dominance! Challenge a gym bro today!"
Axel grinned. Yeah, that was exactly his thing. He needed to get to the gym anyway. That free membership was hard earned. Also, Chri- Kit seemed to like his gains. Time to make some more.
It was still early afternoon, and the gym wasn't packed with visitors yet, when Axel arrived. There were a few regulars, as always. A short dude with a moustache that looked like a wannabe porn star and a big dude with a neckbeard were currently occupying the bench press, while a girl in her 40s did lat pulls.
Confidently and arrogantly, Axel readjusted his half-hard cock and approached the big guy.
"Yo, man. You're pretty buff. But I bet I can still take you easily. Wann wrestle?"
The large dude looked at Axel for a moment. Axel could see a vein on his neck throb.
"You little shit. You think you're better than me, huh? Fine, let's do this."
In the pocket of his gym shorts, Axel could feel his phone vibrate.
"Ha. Lead the way, I'm gonna wipe the floor with you."
As he followed the big guy to the mats, Axel checked his phone.
"Battle available!"
Great! Before he kicked some ass, he could play some more! While walking, he rolled the dice and scored a 15!
"Tank rolled: 15. CuddleBug rolled: 9. Tank wins!"
He didn't have time to watch the wheel this time, so he didn't notice that it landed on "Stamina." He also didn't see the challenge, which simply read: "Kick some ass!"
The big guy was already waiting for him on the mats, but Axel felt incredibly cocky. This was gonna be easy!
"No rules, no limits, no mercy." Axel said and the other guy nodded.
"That's the way it's gonna be. No mercy, punk."
"Bring it, tubby."
The big guy was the first to charge and he was surprisingly fast for his size. However, his speed and strength were no match for Axel's new found muscles. Even though they wrestled for a few minutes, Axel found himself not even tiring much. Finally, he was able to flip his opponent around and lock him on the ground. He tried to struggle, but Axel held his arms and legs firmly in place.
"Give up, man. You can't win."
The big guy tried to wiggle out of Axel's grip, but to no avail. He could struggle and shout as much as he wanted, but Axel was the one on top.
Finally, the guy gave up and admitted defeat.
"Ha! Loser!" Axel cheered and got up. He had a full boner now, both from the sweaty wrestling as well as from the display of dominance, but he didn't hide it. Instead, he headed to the showers and let Kit know of his triumph on the way.
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XxBeastxX: I just *dominated* some fuckin weakass in the gym. Wrestled him down and he was crying and everything.
Kit answered right away.
CuddleBug: You're awesome.
CuddleBug: I wish I could have been in this place.
XxBeastxX: Ha. Course I am.
XxBeastxX: Huh? Whatya mean?
CuddleBug: Nothing. Never mind.
Axel was about to answer, but yet another "Battle available!" message popped up.
This game was seriously addictive! Axel rolled the dice and had a 10, which was decidedly less than what Kit had.
"XxBeastxX rolled: 10. CuddleBug rolled: 11. CuddleBug wins!"
"Damn." Axel said, but the wheel landed on "Generosity." He was almost glad he lost. Otherwise, the challenge would probably have been something like "Donate to the homeless" or some shit. What did the homeless ever do for him?
Instead, the challenge was:
"Challenge! Sell something of sentimental value!"
Huh. Well, Axel didn't really have anything he would consider "sentimental". His old PS2 that he got from his uncle for his 10th birthday was a bit sentimental, but other than that... Oh! His old car would probably qualify.
Axel thought about it. On the one hand, his old car was a piece of shit, and he shouldn't care much about it, but on the other hand... It would be a shame if he would have to say goodbye to his baby. Would it? No, not really. It was a pain to squeeze into it anyway. And if he played his cards right, he would even get some good money for it.
The decision was easy, and after showering, Axel drove to the nearest car dealer. It was a hard bargain, but in the end, he managed to persuade the guy to buy his car. It wasn't a high price, but it was more than what the piece of crap was really worth.
Just as he finished the contract, his phone dinged. It was rude, of course, but he didn't give a flying shit about that and checked his phone. It was from Kit, of course.
TwinkyKit: I just donated some money to the homeless. That felt good!
Axel snorted. Of course, how pathetic.
XxBeastxX: Good. Maybe now they won't be so fucking lazy anymore and work a little.
"Battle available!"
It seemed like the game always interrupted their chats. Well, anyway. He quickly rolled the dice, while the car dealer waited patiently to return his attention to him again. The dice turned out lower than Kit's again and after reading the wheel result and the challenge, Axel looked back up to the car dealer. For a split second, the "Money" challenge was still visible on the screen: "Challenge! Buy a muscle car! You know you want it!"
Damn right he did. Jax had always wanted to have a muscle car. He just never had the money. Bullshit. He never had the balls to take on some debt to buy one.
The car dealer was more than willing to help Jax chose and set up the necessary credit paperwork. He didn't even read this shit and selected a car immediately. A shiny, silver beast with a huge engine. It was a bit pricy, but it was worth it, at least to Jax. After he received the keys, he messaged Kit.
XxBeastxX: While you were busy giving money to some crackheads, I got myself something new. Check this out!
XxBeastxX sent an image.
XxBeastxX sent an image.
The first image was the car of course. The second was a dick pic, for good measures. Jax didn't really care that he was still at the car dealer when he lowered his pants for a moment to snap the pic.
TwinkyKit: OMG. You're such a stud.
XxBeastxX: Thanks, Twinky.
XxBeastxX: By the way, show some respect!
He drove back home, feeling great.
At home, the next battle was already available. Jax grinned and rolled the dice. He could hardly believe what he saw: 3 single eyes. He rolled a fucking 3.
"XxBeastxX rolled: 3. TwinkyKit rolled: 3. Tie! Both lose! Critical!"
What a pathetic roll, for both of them!
The wheel landed on "Impulse Control". This was getting interesting. It was true, Jax was notoriously bad at controlling himself. He just bought a new car, on a whim. So whatever challenge was coming his way shouldn't be too hard.
"Challenge! Get that tat!"
Jax didn't think much about it. Sure, why not. He would probably regret it, but that was something future Jax would have to deal with. He started his shiny new car again and drove to a nearby tattoo studio.
When the artist asked what kind of design he wanted, he only thought for a second, before deciding: "A dragon, obviously!"
As the artist started working, he massaged his dick with his other hand, earning him a condescending look from the artist. He couldn't help it though. Kit... Kitty would surely love his new tat.
When he sent a pic later, he was proven right:
TwinkyKit: OMG! That's hot.
TwinkyKit: I wish I had one, too.
TwinkyKit: I mean: Sir.
Jax smiled and was about to type a reply, when another "Battle available!"-message distracted him.
He quickly rolled the dice and grinned at the result: 15! That beat Kittys sorry little ass for sure, and he was right. Kitty had a mere 7 points to show. This time, the wheel landed on "Aggressiveness."
If possible, Jax felt even more powerful and manly. The challenge read "Start a bar fight!" and that was exactly what Jax wanted to do this evening. Well, that or fuck some ass, but really, a good bar fight was probably even better tonight.
He quickly messaged Kitty.
Ass_Crusher🍆: Talk to you tomorrow. Gonna kick some ass now. Think of me when you jerk off tonight, boy!
Kitty responded almost instantly, with a picture of his uncut dick.
TwinkyKit: I will, Sir! Have fun.
Jax drove to the nearest gay bar, a shady joint called "Diesel". The music was loud, and the lights were dim. Jax didn't mind the atmosphere, though, instead, he went straight to the bar and ordered a double shot. He downed the drink and ordered a second. Just as the bartender placed the glass in front of him, he grabbed it and threw the liquor right into the bartender's face.
"The fuck?! What are you doing?!"
"What do you think, asshole?" Jax answered, his voice dangerously calm.
"You can't do this!"
"Yeah, I can. And you're going to shut the fuck up."
With those words, Jax slammed his fist in the bartender's face, who immediately fell to the ground. There had been really no reason for him to punch the bartender, but it had the intended effect: From one moment to the other, there was a barfight in full swing.
Of course, everyone tried to overwhelm Jax, but he fought back with vigor and stamina. Several black eyes and a broken nose on his enemies later, the patrons and the bar's bouncer managed to throw Jax out, but still, Jax had a great time, kicking ass and punching dudes. Before someone could call the cops, Jax went home, happy and content.
When Jax woke up the next morning, he almost didn't notice any bruises anymore. Instead, he grabbed his phone while he was doing his morning piss and checked ATArena. Yep, there was another battle available. Time to see if Kitty was already up.
He rolled the dice and only a minute later, Kitty's results came in. Easy win. Jax had rolled only a ten, but Kitty didn't beat him with his pathetic five. However, Jax laughed out loudly, as he saw the wheel's result: Dick size.
"Challenge! Show your assets!"
*That*, Jax could do. He watched as the cock in his hand grew longer and fatter by the second, instantly forgetting that it had once been smaller. No, Jax always had a big, fat and juicy cock, the biggest, actually. With a few last strokes, Jax sent a pic of his cock, the tip glistening wet.
Ass_Crusher🍆: Check that out. That's what a real cock looks like.
Ass_Crusher🍆 sent an image.
Ass_Crusher🍆 sent an image.
Ass_Crusher🍆 sent an image.
Jax sent several more images of his magnificent rod, both naked and wearing tight underwear. As if there was another kind. For Jax, all underwear was tight.
Finally, Kitty responded.
CrushersToyBoy: Fuck. You're so hot, Sir.
CrushersToyBoy sent an image.
Jax smirked. Kitty's own cock was tiny, especially compared to Jax' equipment. It didn't matter much, though. Kitty didn't need it, he needed to have his ass crushed.
Ass_Crusher🍆: I know, babe. I know. You know what I'll do with it now?
"Battle available!"
God dammit. This was getting annoying.
Jax quickly rolled the dice, scoring the top available score! 18 points! But apparently, Kitty was just as lucky, rolling an 18, too.
"Ass_Crusher🍆 rolled: 18. CrushersToyBoy rolled: 18. Tie! Both win! Critical!"
Jax didn't even need to read the attribute to feel it. It was "Libido, again." His already mostly hard cock surged up, becoming a firm steel pipe in his pre-cum soaked underwear. There were no pants on earth that could hide his constant arousal - on some days, even a firm pair of jeans left nothing to imagination and showed a wet patch where his cock was constantly leaking pre. He was a walking and breathing sex machine and Rex knew it. His name was fitting, too. He was a fucking king among men. And today he was going to breed the fuckable ass of that twink.
Ass_Crusher🍆: Get ready, boy. I'm cumming over and I'm gonna split open that ass of yours.
Rex closed the game and deleted it. There was no point in wasting his time with some stupid mobile game. He got back into his car and revved the engine. Oh yeah. Time to get some ass!
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What a great game! I know I wouldn't mind playing if ATArena popped up on my phone, would you?
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maplebellsmods · 1 year
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Expanded Storytelling Relationship Bits Mod
I'm so excited about this! Revamp your Sims' relationships and unlock a world of storytelling possibilities with Custom Relationship Bits!
Whenever I play the game I always wanted to be able to visually see how each relationship was different so I thought it would be a great idea to add more relationship bits in the game. 
I don't know if I am the only one who loves to open the Sim Info Panel and look at the different relationship descriptions between sims. Gone are the days of generic labels like "Friend" or "Romantic Interest." With Custom Relationship Bits, you can now give your Sims personalized and meaningful relationship titles that reflect their unique connections. From "Childhood Sweetheart" to "Love-Hate Relation" and a lot more, the possibilities are endless. 
This mod is perfect for storytellers who want more depth and nuance in their Sims' relationships. Some of the custom relationship titles add depth to your Sims' interactions and help to shape their narratives. 
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You can access the relationship bit option my pressing on the target sim while you are in control of the sim with whom you want to set the relationship by clicking on actions and then the Enhanced Rel Bit Pie Menu. 
Above you can see all of the possible relationship bits you can choose from. They also each have their own description. (The Secret Admirer Rel Bit is the only one-sided bit)
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Some of the relationship bits have interactions that come with them. I would love to make more and expand on them but I don't know if this is something you would be interested in so let me know. 
More about some of the interactions:
Travel to Visit Long Distance Partner will have your sim leave the house for about two days and return with possible different moodlets.
With the virtual date option your sim will video call their long-distance partner for a few hours and it will make them really happy.
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Star-crossed lovers can share a forbidden kiss. And sims who have a love-hate relationship can share an "I hate you"(kiss).
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That is all for this mod! A lot of it is cosmetic, But I think it can really help relationships between sims feel more distinct. 
Does this mod require any DLC?
No, it does not.
What else do I need for the mod?
Lumpinou's Mood Pack Mod, so it is required for the mod to work properly.
You can get her mod here.
If you already have it great! But make sure it's up to date. Otherwise, it will break the UI
Maplebell Pie Menu: Download Below. If you already have it ignore. 
More Kisses Mod here. If you don't intend on using the kissing interactions you don't need to get it.
Questions and concerns you might have?
I want to remove the relationship bit
After you set the relationship bit an option to remove it will appear in the same pie menu.
Some interactions aren't showing
The interactions depend on the relationship bit you may have with a sim. For example, only sims who have had a summer romance can "Share Summer Memories. Only Study Buddies can quiz each other, only long-distance relationship simmers can have virtual dates etc...
I'm experiencing some weird bugs!
Let me know, please.
Report it here: Mod Bug Report
Public: 18/06/23
2K notes · View notes
verve-wifux · 1 year
Draco Malfoy - Busted.
Draco Malfoy / Reader.
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Draco Malfoy had always had a soft spot for his Chemistry partner, ever since the first year. His lingering and affectionate looks always went unnoticed by you, especially as he had been preparing to ask you to the Yule ball. To Draco's dismay, a certain hufflepuff beat you to it. Cedric Diggory.
Ever since you had accepted Cederic, the soft spot Draco once had for you hardened, and all that is left is yearning, anger and lust.
When things take a turn in detention and secrets are revealed, can the two really resist eachother?
Warnings - Angry confessions, degradation, praise, Dom! Draco, detailed sex scenes, strong language, refers to character death, oral sex, M! Whimpering/Whining, moaning.
Side notes - This oneshot is set in the 5th year.
This was written especially for my girlfriend, so do not expect anymore.
Word Count: 6318
You occupied your usual table in the corner of the library, your nose buried in a potions book as you got in some extra study. Due to the time, 6:36 AM, the library was vacant, meaning it was the perfect time for some extra reading.
Your blue and white tie (symbolising the house you belonged to, Ravenclaw), was neatly wrapped around the collar of your white, buttoned shirt. Your robes were neatly disgarded over the back of your chair due to the hot climate of summer.
It seemed the heat this year had been unbearable, presumably due to the fact you never ventured outside. The courtyard was always overpopulated and overwhelming, more than often resulting in a headache which forced you to retire early to the Ravenclaw common room and miss supper in The Great Hall.
You sighed, allowing your slender fingers to subconsciously twirl a strand of your brown hair as you read about Amortentia. You did not understand why someone would trick another individual into falling in love with them, the thought actually repulsed you, but you studied the recipe regardless.
Making your brown eyes snap up from the pages of your book was the sound of your best friend's happy and lighthearted voice.
"Y/N!" Luna cheered as she skipped towards you, strange glasses propped on her nose which were tinted orange.
Despite Luna being considered strange amongst your fellow pupils, the witch had managed to weave her way into your heart and a smile bloomed on your face as you watched her near.
"Good morning, Luna. I see you slept well?"
Luna shrugged a shoulder, starting to pack away your things into your bag.
"It's pancake day! We have to get to the food hall before the Slytherins get there and steal them like they did last Tuesday." She grumbled, clearly still annoyed at the fact she had been robbed of her pancakes.
You attempted to ignore the way your heart dropped at the mention of Slytherins, your mind going to a certain student with platinum blonde hair and a nasty attitude.
You shook your head, ridding him from your thoughs, and closed your book.
"Fine, fine. Have you prepared for the lecture today? Professor Snape mentioned there would be a quiz today, didn't he?" You questioned, glancing to your friend as you slipped your robes over your shirt, which was neatly tucked into your skirt which fell to your mid thighs.
Luna scowled at you.
"My mind is soley focused on pancakes, that lecture is a future me problem! Besides, you and Malfoy seem to distract Professor Snape with your competitive debates and answering each lesson, it practically gives everyone else a free period!"
You gave her a flat look, and she shrugged playfully.
"I'm not lying."
You sighed in defeat, knowing your best friend was correct, even if you did not wish her to be.
"Will pancakes shut you up?"
Luna nodded sweetly, skipping from the library.
Your frown deepened at the thought of your chemistry parter, but followed after Luna nonetheless.
Draco Malfoy hadn't always been so dissmissive and fustratingly annoying towards you, there was a time you had been.. friends. It wasn't that you weren't friends now.. you were just simply.. distant.
In the beginning, Malfoy had actually been quite nice to you. He would slip you notes in class, coy smiles and a playful jab of his elbow when you teased him. But everything had changed last year, he grew.. distant and colder. Instead of chuckling at your jokes, he frowned and looked at you weirdly. He would brush your notes to the side, disposing them in the trash bins before even reading them.
You were lying if you said it hadn't hurt.
Eventually, you stopped trying. You sat silently next to him in potions class, and focused on Professor Snape's lectures. However, for the past 3 months, it seemed you two were always at each others throats, battling for the correct answers in class, trying to prove something to the other.
You scolded yourself for thinking about him, and followed after Luna. Immediately entering the Great Hall, you were hit with the strong smell of food - pancakes more specifically.
Luna let out a cheeful "yippie!", seemingly unaware of the attention she had brought to herself as she picked her seat and began to stack pancakes onto her plate. As you sat opposite her, your eyes noticed a group of people staring at you both from across the hall with judgy eyes.
You glanced over the individuals, a boy you came to know as Blaise . His eyes were narrowed at you in a judgemental way, quietly whispering to the girl next to him, Pansy, no doubt talking shit about your friend.
You narrowed your own eyes in return, glaring over at them before striking up a conversation with Luna, who was shovelling food into her mouth uncaringly.
Ever since your.. distance with Malfoy, you dreaded what used to be your favorite class. You found, as you grew older, it was harder and harder to focus on your Professor as your eyes always wandered to the side of Draco's face.
This time was no different.
Subtly, you let your eyes wander over his pale face and irritatingly high cheekbones. His nose was perfectly curved, his lips plump but not distractingly so. His jaw was strong and sharp, and you almost wanted to break it.
He was annoyingly attractive.
You forced your eyes to Snape, trying to ignore the way Malfoy's masculine cologne flooded your senses, making you a little lightheaded despite it not being overpoweringly strong.
He had removed his robe upon entering, grumbling under his breath about the heat, and had unfastened the top button of his shirt, his tie messy and loose around his neck.
You wished to fix it more than anything.
"Keep staring, will ya? It'll give me a head start on this quiz," Draco muttered, not taking his eyes from the Professor.
You stayed silent for a moment or so, was he.. talking to you? Your cheeks burned pink and forced your eyes from him. He had caught you staring at him, and he seemed entertained by the fact.
"Don't flatter yourself, Malfoy, I was simply scoping out the competition."
He scoffed, shaking his head at you.
"Hm? And what have you concluded?"
She let a sly smirk cover her lips.
"That no way you will be beating me."
That made Draco look at you, but you used all of your strength on not looking back. You felt his eyes move over your side-profile agonizingly slowly, making you almost self conscious. He hadn't looked at you for this long since... well.. last year.
"Stop staring, Malfoy, you need all the help you can get."
You noticed in the corner of your eye that he poked his tongue against the inside of his cheek, glancing away from you as he tried to stop a grin from taking over his mouth. He shook his head gently.
You smiled yourself at the playful teasing between you.. it was nice.
You had missed this side of him.
But soon, you were quickly reminded that Draco Malfoy was an asshole as you battled eachother for the answers to Snape's quiz.
However, when Snape tallied up the points.. it was a tie. Before either of you could demand a decider question, the bell went.
You.. you couldn't believe it. You'd have to wait until tomorrow's lesson to find out who had won, and by the sour look on Draco's face, he felt equally as disgusted and infuriated.
As Pansy passed, she giggled with a stupid high-pitched tone which made you want to slap her across the face.
"Unlucky, Malfoy."
She touched his shoulder mockingly, but he quickly shrugged off her touch, muttering angrily as he strode past her.
You attempted to swallow your pride and hurt, ignoring the way he hadn't even said goodbye to you and stood up yourself.
You noticed Draco had left his robe, and part of you wished to snip it up into teeny tiny pieces and scatter it around the room. But you knew without it, and Umbridge's new, strict rules, he would be in huge trouble if he was spotted without it.
Sighing in defeat, you picked up his robe, folding it over your arm, and went to follow him.
You did an awkward fast walk as you tried to follow him through the halls, but his long legs meant he walked infuriatingly fast compared to you. You didn't wish to run after him, nor call out his name. It was a rule that female and male students could not be within 6 meters of eachother, meaning you couldn't make it too obvious.
You had alwayd been a firm follower of the rules, and that was what made you hault outside of the boys bathroom, which Draco had just entered. You debated entering, or waiting outside for him.
You knew it was more risky to be caught by Umbridge outside of the bathroom, but what if someone was inside of there with him?!
You cursed yourself mentally, and went inside.
It was silent inside the bathroom, apart from the running of the tap. You peeked your head in, seeing Draco's hands resting on the side of the basin, his head dipped. His shirt was untucked and tight on his lean body. Lean but not scrawny. Veins ran up his bony hands, a few silver rings decorating his fingers, no doubt his house crest.
His hair was messy and disheveled, and you gulped.
His head snapped up, staring at you through the mirror. His gray eyes went soft upon seeing you, scanning over you quickly, but hardened once more when he reached your face.
"Can you not read? This is the boy's bathroom."
You scowled at him.
"I was merely trying to return your robes, you forgot them in potions."
You threw it at him rudely, making him react and catch it with his right hand.
You were about to turn, but hesitated at the sight of him. He looked.. awful.
"Are you.. alright?" You whispered, your voice going quiet on its own accord.
Draco narrowed his eyes, looking at you hatefully.
"I'm not in the mood for your snarky and smart comments, so leave," He ordered with a roll of his eyes, rubbing a slight coat of water of his face.
You rolled your own eyes, muttering under your breath as you began to walk out.
"Cranky git.."
You gasped when you felt a firm hand, Draco's hand, wrap around your small wrist and pulled you back. He had moved so quickly, you hadn't even seen him nor heard him. He pulled you harshly, nearly making you collide with him if he hadn't steadied you.
"Say it again, I dare you," He gritted down at you angrily, and you felt small compared to him. You tried to look away from his penetrating eyes, but realised his other hand was on your chin, forcing your face up to look at him.
"Let go.." You ordered, but it sounded all wrong. It was breathless, and you couldn't stop the heat in your cheeks at his touch and the look on his face. He looked.. feral. Out of control.
"Let go, Malfoy," You tried again, sterner this time.
You held your breath as his eyes skipped to your mouth, and he licked his own lips before releasing a sigh from his nose.
He let you go, and you took a few steps backward.
You glared at him before turning on your heel and quickly left the bathroom. You gasped for air, it felt your airways were clogged with his cologne, your skin burning from where he had touched you.
You glanced behind you when you heard your name being called out, eyes widening when you saw Draco storming after you, his robes clenched in one hand.
You quickened your pace, having no idea where you were going.
Your legs burned with effort as you tried to avoid Malfoy, but he easily caught up with you. He grabbed your shoulder, spinning you around.
"We can't be this close-"
"I don't fucking care," He snapped, and you peered up at him with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth.
"Just.. I- I'm sor-"
"Mr Malfoy! Miss Y/L/N! That does not look like 6 meters to me, does it to you?" You heard Dolores Umbridge's annoying high pitched voice call out, and you sighed in annoyance.
This was all Draco's fault.
"For Christ Sake.." Draco grumbled and moved a singular step away from you.
"5 more, Mr Malfoy."
Dolores Umbridge rested her hands on her hips, staring up from under her pink hat at Draco.
He shot her a nasty look, opening his mouth to argue with her.
"We were just talking-"
"You are more than welcome to talk in detention, Mr Malfoy, not during lesson changeover!"
She glanced over him.
"Be sure to tuck that shirt in, fix your tie and be wearing your robes before attending detention. You as well, Miss Y/L/N."
You opened your mouth to protest.
"But I wasn't-"
"Another word and it will be 2 hours, rather than 1."
You and Draco stared at her silently. After a few moments, she hummed in satisfaction and floated away. Your eyes snapped to Draco angrily.
"I hope you're happy."
You stormed away before he could respond and did not look back.
You informed Luna of your very first detention, and she rubbed her face.
"I warned you Draco would only get you into trouble back in first year! You just didn't listen because you were head over heels for him."
Your mouth fell open.
"It's not my fault he chased me! Besides, I don't like him."
She raised an eyebrow from behind her book.
"Since when?"
"Since he started being horrible last year! He made it obvious he didn't like me, especially when he didn't invite me to the Yule Ball.." You muttered quietly.
"Sounds like you still like him to me. Why else would you still be bothered by it?"
You shot her an incredulous look, but didn't deny it.
Draco was nothing but trouble, you knew this and you didn't like him. Not anymore anyway... Right?
You gulped and stood.
"I gotta go, I'll be late for detention," You slung your bag over your shoulder with a defeated sigh.
"See you later?"
Luna nods at you lightheartedly, and you leave the library and head to Professor Snape's classroom, where you were being forced to complete your detention.
You sat in the back of the classroom, placing your bag on the stool next to you and sighed as Snape supplied you with paper, a quill and an inkpot.
Draco soon entered the classroom, sighing as he slumped into the nearest seat, across the room from you.
"How nice of you to join us, Malfoy."
Snape muttered, giving Draco the same instruments as yourself.
"Your father will not be as pleased."
His voice sounded threatening as they stared at eachother, and you narrowed your eyes at the interaction. You felt like there was a hidden meaning.
"You two will write lines for the whole hour. I will check back in on you both later. No funny business."
Snape went to leave.
"What do you want us to write, Professor?" You questioned and his head snapped around to you. You swallowed slightly.
"Perhaps.. that you will follow the rules."
And he was gone.
Draco and yourself sat silently for about 20 minutes, and you focused on writing your lines. You sighed after a while, resting your head on your fist.
"I take it you do not enjoy spending time with me?"
You glared over at Draco, before returning to your lines.
"Don't talk to me."
You heard Draco scoff, and rage boiled through you.
"You're so good, Y/N. It must be exhausting."
You looked to him, frowning. You waited for him to elaborate.
"I bet this is your first detention."
You stared into his eyes from across the room.
"I don't pride myself on causing trouble and breaking rules. It's normally quite easy to do."
"Normally?" Draco raised his eyebrow at you, his quill disgarded on his desk.
"Yes, normally. I don't normally have you running after me and getting me into trouble. Don't be shy, what did you need to so desperately talk to me about?" You crossed your arms, dropping your own quill.
Draco rolled his eyes, and you felt your anger burn brighter inside of your chest.
"Can you stop doing that? It's annoying."
"Doing, what, exactly?"
"Brushing me off!" You snapped before you could stop yourself, and you both fell quiet. He stared over at you in disbelief.
"You better be joking," He muttered, and you furrowed your eyebrows.
He stood up at your confused look, and walked towards you. You gulped, but didn't move from your chair.
"You shouldn't be so close-"
"You brushed me off."
His sentence not only cut off your voice, but also caught you by suprise. You blinked at him, a disbelieving laugh escaping from between your lips.
"And when was that?"
His jaw tightened and he narrowed his eyes. He remained silent for a few moments, towering over you.
Just when you figured he was ignroing your question, he spoke.
"The Yule Ball."
You could barely believe your ears, what was he even talking about?! You stood up, crossing your arms over your chest angrily as you glared up at him.
"You didn't even talk to me at The Yule Ball!"
He groaned in fustration, shaking his head.
"I'm talking about before The Yule Ball! When you agreed to go with Cedric fucking Diggory!"
Your mouth fell open in pure shock, and his own face paled at his angry confession.
"All this time.. you've been mad at me for going with.. Cedric?" You spoke slowly, trying to understand him.
Was he being serious?!
"Why would you even be angry at that-"
"Because!" He snapped at you, shutting you up.
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as his anger faded.
"Because I.. You agreed before.. before I.."
He struggled to speak the words, and you were so so confused. You waited for him to talk.
"You agreed before I could even ask you. You- I felt like an idiot because I thought..I thought we were.."
He stopped speaking, and looked away. Draco couldn't look at you, he was too embarrassed, too hurt.
He felt like an idiot.
"You were.. going to ask me?" You repeated in disbelief, and your heart sunk. You had pined after Draco since you had first met him, but figured after he didn't ask you.. you were merely his potion partner. 
He sighed, shaking his head as he looked away from you.
"And you tell me this now? It's nearly been 6 months since the Yule Ball, since Cedric-" You trailed off, unable to quite speak the words.
Cedric was dead now.
"You've ignored me this whole time.. because you were jealous?" You snapped, cocking your head.
Draco opened his mouth to protest that he wasn't jealous, but he didn't want to lie. Not to you.
"I.. I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me. I was.. jealous and embarrassed and I hated him. I hated him for taking you away from me, I hated him for asking you before I could!" He argued, stepping closer to you.
You held your breath as he neared impossibly close, his body millimeters from yours. He dipped his head to look down at you, his eyes staring straight into yours and filled with passion and truth.
"I don't understand..why?" You breathed, staring up at him with wide eyes.
He scoffed at you, shaking his head. His hands went to your hips, and he pushed you backwards until your ass pushed against the desk. You gasped slightly at his touch, and your hands automatically went to his forearms to steady yourself. You could barely breathe as he spoke, watching his face.
"Isn't it fucking obvious? I- I like you. I like you a lot, Y/N. When we got put together in potions, I thought you'd just be another smartass bitch. But.. you were so much more. God, I was so wrong about you, darling," He breathed with a soft smile, his eyes watching your mouth as he uttered the words to you. You flushed at his nickname, inhaling sharply at his confession.
"Draco.. I-" You whispered and he groaned, closing his eyes as he rested his forehead against yours.
"Say that again."
You hesitated.
"Say what, your name?"
He smiles again, nodding.
"..Draco.." You whisper, your body trembling and hot.
Draco lowers his mouth to yours, and kisses you gently, almost testing out your reaction. You freeze when his soft lips meet yours, your fingers tightening in his shirt before you pulled him closer, kissing him back.
Draco's ringed hands went to the skin of your plump thighs, and he lifted you onto the desk in a slick motion. He kissed you harder as you wrapped your legs around him, holding him there. Your fingers ran up his arms and shoulders, wrapping around his neck as you pulled at his hair softly.
Draco groaned into your mouth at the action, one hand squeezing your thigh and the other going to your hip, stroking your skin with his thumb. His tongue swiped against your lips, looking for access as he squeezed your hip again. You whimpered gently, parting your mouth to allow him inside.
The kiss was passionate and positively sinful. It was full of lust and desire, unlike the innocent peck you had shared with Cedric when the two of you had snuck off for some air during lasy year's ball.
No, this was different. This was dangerous.
Draco's tongue dominated yours, licking and exploring your mouth with his. You melted into him, allowing him to take exactly what he wanted from you.
"You taste exactly how I imagined you would, darling."
You smiled against his lips, kissing him feverishly. His long fingers began to tug on your shirt, untucking it from your skirt and ran up your ribs.
"We can't do that in here, what if Snape comes back?" You protested, and he smirked.
"Then we'll have to be quick."
Your mouth dropped open.
"What if.. someone hears us?!"
Draco chuckles at you darkly, kissing your mouth as he reached for his wand, waving it as he muttered "Muffliato."
You go to protest some more, but a mere gasp escapes your lips as his lips drop to your neck, kissing over your jaw sloppily and eventually sucking your lobe into his mouth.
Your vision went white with pleasure, your breath coming in hard and fast.
"Draco!" His name was a prayer on your lips, nothing more than a breathless plea.
He smiled against your neck, humming.
"You're so needy for me, aren't you? So good and vocal," He muttered against your skin, and you whined needily.
"Stop teasing me."
That was enough consent for his fingers to glide over your stomach and up the valley of your breasts, beginning to undo your tie and the buttons of your shirt.
He threw it to the side, his lips attatching to your collarbone as he continued to swiftly undo the buttons of your shirt. His large hands ran over your sides, thumbs stroking your ribs before he removed your shirt completely, leaving you in your bra and skirt.
You felt goosebumps travel over your skin as his eyes looked you over, from your plump thighs which were hooked around his hips, the plane of your stomach, your breasts that were contained in a black bra.
"You're so fucking perfect, aren't you? My perfect girl.."
You moaned softly at his words, arching your body into his as you pressed a gentle kiss to his mouth.
Your hands began to roam over his shoulders, shoving his robes away and exposing his white, buttoned shirt underneath. You smiled at the fact his tie was loose once more, his top button already unbuttoned. You pressed light kisses over his jaw and neck, swiping your tongue over his Adam's apple when you reached it, and let your fingers begin to nimbly undress Draco.
He smired at your eagerness, allowing you to tug at his clothes, slipping them from him.
"That skirt is dangerously short, you know that? Sometimes I bet you wanted to tease me, hm?" He cocked his head, and you nodded sheepishly.
"Maybe a little.." You admitted quietly, and his smile grew as he shook his head.
"Dirty fucking girl, aren't you?"
You kissed him again, full of lust and want for him as you tugged on his hair again. Draco's hands went to your thighs, squeezing roughly as he began to lift your skirt higher, taking it slow with you to ensure you could still change your mind.
However, you didn't.
You watched eagerly as he inched your skirt higher and higher, soon exposing your underwear which had dampened with arousal at his previous kissings and touches. You mewled as he tutted, your eyes feeling heavy as you stared up at him.
"Look at you, making such a mess for me already. I'll have to clean you up, won't I?"
You nodded with a breathless "yes" passing from your lips, moaning into his ear when his lips dipped to your chest and began to kiss his way over your skin, squeezing the plump of your ass. He let his hands roam higher over the curve of your back, undoing the clasp of your bra before he chucked it to the side carelessly.
His heart beats rapidly at the sight of your exposed chest, your nipples hardened due to the cool air and his assessing look. His hands go to your sides, his thumbs stroking over your sensetive buds once, dragging a moan from you as you shivered.
"Gods, Draco-"
"No one touched you here before, darling?"
You shook your head timidly, and his smile turned cruel and teasing. He tutted, lowering his mouth to one of your nipples as he kissed softly.
"Well then, I'm just gonna have to break you in, won't I?"
Your moans continued to leave your mouth as he kissed your chest, lightly sucking marks onto your skin as he teased your body. Your core fluttered at the feeling, growing uncomfortably wet after a few of his pleasurable licks. Your body arched into his mouth, panting out his name in desperation, your eyes closed tightly.
"Mhm, you feel so good, love," Draco muttered, pulling away from your chest to admire his work. You glanced to your chest, seeing his marks littering your skin, but didn't care.
You wanted more.
You wrapped your hand around his neck, pulling him closer until you could kiss him deeply, sliding your tongue into his mouth and tasted him.
He chuckled at your eagerness, his hands sliding over your body, handling your breasts roughly as his other went to your hip, dragging you closer into him until you felt his hardened cock brush against your sensetive core.
You moaned softy, your head falling back as you let his mouth wander down your body. Catching you by suprise, his hands went to your thighs, and pulled you closer to the edge of the desk. You gasped, one hand around his neck, the other clinging to the desk.
"What are you doing?"
He ignored your question, a sense of authority entering his voice.
"Lie back and spread these gorgeous legs for me, beautiful."
You swallowed but hesitantly followed his orders, a rush of pleasure rushing over you as you obeyed his command.
You slowly parted your thighs when your back was against the desk, breathing heavily.
"Now what?" You whispered out, your voice high pit hed and breathy.
Draco chuckled from above you.
"Lift your hips for me, love. Just like that," Draco praised you when you again followed his command, allowing him to slip your underwear from you, and carelessly throw them to the side. You felt exposed and vulnerable, your body trembled as you knew the only thing between your body and Draco was the flimsy material of your skirt.
Draco lowered himself to his knees before you, and the sight dragged a soft mewl from you. There was something so pleasurable about seeing him bow before you.
His ringed fingers dug into your thighs, sliding them onto his shoulders as he nuzzled your skirt up your hips. He pressed kisses into your thighs, sending you crying out his name and your hips squirming against his tight hold on you.
Before you could even speak, his mouth slanted over your entrance, and slid his tongue through you slowly, swirling around the bundle of nerves between your legs.
You moaned loudly, gasping in shock and pleasure and his action, his name dying on your throat. He groaned against you, his eyes rolling back into your head.
"You taste so good, little one. So fucking sweet," Draco nuzzled your thigh again before going back to your entrance. His tongue slid over you, rolling against your clit as he pressed a kiss there.
Draco worked you with his tongue for a little while, waiting until you were gasping his name before allowing himself to slide a finger into you. Your walls tightened at the unfamiliar intrusion, his mouth sucking at your clit gently.
"Draco!" You cried out, your head thrown back in ectasy and overwhelming pleasure. Your hips grinded against his mouth, willing to take a other one of his long fingers.
"Greedy little thing, aren't you? Ask me nicely, Y/N."
You gasped as he nipped your clit with his teeth, your senses shocking at the very slight pain, and body shuddering.
"D-Draco please. Give me another one.."
Draco chuckled darkly, squeezing your thigh roughly.
"You missed a word, darling. Try again," He prompted with a teasing smile.
You froaned in fustration, but swallowed, trying again.
"Draco.. Please, I want.. I need another one." Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, you couldn't believe you were doing this in the potions classroom, with Draco of all people.
Draco laughed at you, sliding a second finger inside of you and he curled them, hitting a spot deep inside of you which made you see stars.
"Such a needy little cunt. You're so desperate for me, aren't you?"
You nodded pathetically, crying out in pleasure as he sucked again on your clit. His tongue prodded you teasingly, testing your body in all of the right ways and you could barely contain yourself as he you gasped his name, your release rushing from you.
Draco moaned from down your body, his ringed fingers tightening on your thighs as you held your squirming body still, coated with your slickness, determined not to waste a single drop of your cum. He eagerly dragged his tongue over your slit as he swallowed every drop of your arousal that fell into his mouth, drinking like he had been stranded in the desert for a week.
You moaned loudly as you came, your half-hooded eyes watching him as he buried his tongue inside of you, dragging out your pleasure almost painfully. His messy hair tickled the tender skin between your thighs and your lower stomach.
When you panted for air, your orgasm fading and leaving your body trembling weakly, Draco pulled his mouth from you, kissing your sensetive clit once. You groaned at the sight of him, his lips plump and wet with your cum, some smearing over his chin.
"That is the closest to God I think I've ever been," He chuckled breathlessly, leaning over your body and kissed you. You whimpered as you tasted youself on his tongue, and kissed him back hungrily, desperate for more of him.
You tugged him closer, scraping your nails over his back and wrapped your shaking legs around his hips. As you brought him closer, his dick brushed against your sensetive clit and you both moaned.
"You're a minx," Draco scolded you, biting your bottom lip teasingly. You giggled softly, kissing him again.
"You like it," You teased, smiling up at him. The soft light of the classroom lit up his features, he looked godlike staring down at you with a wide smile.
"Mm, a little," He hummed, kissing along your jaw, letting your body return to your senses before he continued with your pleasure.
"You alright?" He checked in, and your heart fluttered. You took his chin in your fingers, and pulled his mouth to yours in a heated kiss.
"I've never felt better," You whispered against his mouth, reaching down to slowly pump his cock in your fist. His breath hitched, and his forehead fell into the crook of your shoulder as he let out a breathless groan.
"Fucking hell, love.."
You continued to stroke him from the base, swiping your thumb over his glistening tip and collecting his already leaking precum.
You stroked him faster, kissing his neck as you stroked his hair, letting him bury his face in your neck as he whimpers.
Draco Malfoy fucking whimpers.
The sounds Draco made sent you into a spiral of your own pleasure and determination. His hips began to slowly thrust into your hand as he panted harder, whimpering and moaning breathlessly as you touched him. His arm rested above your head, straining as he moved, his other still rested on your hip and squeezed gently.
"Merlin's Beard, that's- Oh my.." He continued to thrust himself into your hand, rolling his hips as he whined.
"Mmh, feel good?" You kissed his neck again, and he nodded, hips stuttering.
"I wanna- wanna be inside of you, darling.." He moans gently into your ear, biting down on your shoulder.
"Then what are you waiting for you?" You teased, and lined him up to your entrance. You swept his tip through the slickness that had been building up at his sounds and actions, and you both whined needily.
"You sure?" He gasped, he licked his lips, his cheeks flushed. His hair was ruffled from when you had been pulling at his blonde strands when he had buried his face between your thighs, his eyes gray and staring straight into yours.
You nodded, and with your permission, Draco began to gently fuck himself into you.
You cried out his name desperately, a searing pain shooting through you at the initial stretch, and you closed your eyes. Draco groaned from above you, his lips dropping to your chest as he placed sloppy kisses over your skin.
"So perfect..." He groaned, thusting his hips into your body softly, the arm above your head straining with effort as he fought against slamming straight into you.
Your pain slowly melted into pleasure as his movements grew quicker, your body not resisting him anymore and stretched to accommodate his impressive size. With each thrust, he hit your hilt, sending your body jolting and stars to your vision.
"Draco.. Merlin's Beard, harder," You begged him, moaning into his ear.
He grinned against your neck before his movements grew harder, rocking your body with each thrust of his hips, the desk creaking under you. The sounds of skin on skin and heavy breathing filled the room, and he captured your lips in his, kissing you deeply.
He pounded into your body, groaning against your mouth as you melted into him, feeling your walls flutter and clench around him.
"You take me so well, made for me, weren't you?" He teased, slamming into you. He reached down, removing his hand from your hip to rub circles onto your clit with his long fingers.
You moaned out loudly, tears escaping your eyes at the over-stimulation. You sobbed his name in desperation, not entirely sure on what you wanted him to do. You could barely breathe, your body alight, all caused by Draco fucking Malfoy.
"Such a good fucking girl, feel you're close, darling," He continued, and you nodded with a pathetic whine. You felt Draco's cock twitch inside of you at your sounds, his own groan escaping his lips as he suddenly increased his speed.
He swallowed your moans with a kiss as you came on his cock, pulling at his hair as you wrapped your legs around him tightly. He whimpered, his head falling to your shoulder as he fucked his cum into your trembling body.
"Y/N.." He whined, muffled by your skin as his hips stuttered, still rubbing circles on your clit pleasurably.
It was an overwhelming amount of pleasure, and you could barely breathe. You felt like crying, your body shaking, clinging onto Draco like a lifeline. His little whines only fueld the butterflies in your stomach, both of you gasping and whimpering as he pulled out of you, both of you sensetive.
He breathed against your mouth, catching his breath as he rested his forehead against yours.
"Don't even think about mentioning that again."
You giggled, knowing he was referring to his whimpers, and smiled widely at him.
"Our little secret, hm?"
He chuckled darkly, kissing your mouth for a few moments before he began to re-dress your weak body, pressing kisses over your skin and stroking gently as he went.
He had barely returned to his seat when Snape entered, no doubt to release you both from detention, but hesitated.
"Miss Y/L/N?" Professor Snape muttered to you, leaning over you with his hands on your desk, a frown settling onto his face.
You nodded quickly, trying to feign innocence.
"When did you move into Slytherin?"
You glanced down at your tie, seeing you wore Draco's green tie. You looked to him, both of you noticing he wore yours at the same time.
You winced, glancing back to Snape with a sheepish smile and pink cheeks.
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butterfirefly · 1 year
Novel spoilers for ORV
Host: Greetings! Today, we're blessed with not three, but four beloved MCs. Give it up for our newest member, Lloyd Frontera! Mr. Lloyd, would you like to introduce yourself? Lloyd: [gets distracted upon seeing Dokja] Hey. You're that guy from Solo Max-level Newbie right? We're on the same pirate ship. Cale and Yoojin: [starts snickering] Dokja: No. Lloyd: How to Live as a Villain? Dokja:No. Lloyd: Aha! [snaps fingers] TEIO? Cale and Yoojin: [dying of laughter] Host: [struggling to keep a straight face on] Our esteemed Demon King of Salvation is actually from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. Now please, just get to the introduction so we can start our game. Lloyd: Ahem. [leans into his mic and suddenly becomes serious] Would any of you be interested in ondol flooring? Cale: [disinterestedly] I live in a mansion with proper heating. Yoojin: [smugly] I sleep next to a human furnace. Dokja: [deadpan] I'm perpetually lying in a hospital bed. I don't need any kind of flooring. Lloyd: Is that so? Then I've lost interest. [starts walking towards the exit] Host: You can't leave! This is the Christmas special! Lloyd: Who cares? Host: The-there's a prize money at the end! Lloyd: [zooms back to his quiz podium] Then what are we waiting for? Let's go. Host: [muttering] I hate my job. [switches to game show voice] Welcome, everyone, to Christmas Quizzes with the Sacrifice Whizzes! Today, we'll be testing these four walking cries for help- Quartet: Hey! Host: to see which of them knows Christmas the best. I'll be giving them a description along with the first letter of a word/s related to Christmas, and whoever answers correctly gets a point. The first who earns 4 points wins. Cale: Good. This'll be simple. [unknowingly raising a flag as usual] Host: First question! What's a word that starts with the letter Y and is related to December 25th? Yoojin: [buzzer] Yoohyun! Host: Wrong. Lloyd: Who the ■■■■ is Yoohyun? Cale: It's his brother. Ignore him. Host: Anyone else wanna give it a shot? Lloyd: [buzzer] Yuletide. Host: Correct! 1 point for Mr. Lloyd Frontera. Next question: What's a four letter word that starts with S and is-. Yoojin, Dokja, and Lloyd: [simultaneous buzzer] Scam! Host: How is that even related to Christmas?! Yoojin: You mean no one's ever tried to scam you during the holidays when people get their bonuses? Host: That has no- haaa. You know what? You guys are right, depressingly enough. 1 point for all- No, wait. Just 3. Cale, why didn't you answer? I would've thought you'd think the same. Cale: [draped over his podium] I'm too lazy and rich to participate. Host: Fair enough. Next question! What's the word that starts with a letter P that a child dreams of- Dokja: [buzzer] Patricide. Host: Of receiving, Mr. Kim Dokja, not committing. And please, let's keep this PG for the audience, okay? Lloyd: [presses his buzzer while eyeing Dokja warily] Presents. Host:Thank you. I-I mean... wonderful! Another point for Mr. Lloyd Frontera. I sincerely hope you can answer the next one so we can all go home. Next question, and this one is the easiest: Christmas Day is said to be the birthday of who? Sta- Yoojin: [buzzer] Han Yoohyun!!! Lloyd:Jesus Christ. Host: Correct! Lloyd Frontera wins! [throws him a bag of gold coins] Program's over. Goodbye. Yoojin: But he didn't even press the buzzer!
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swisccfinds · 5 months
Expanded Storytelling Relationship Bits Mod by maple bell
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This is such an awesome mod, this adds more storytelling, and relationships to the game. It's very realistic in my eyes!
Creator's notes-
July 15th: Feature update available to download now for early access: here
I'm so excited about this! Revamp your Sims' relationships and unlock a world of storytelling possibilities with Custom Relationship Bits!
Whenever I play the game I always wanted to be able to visually see how each relationship was different so I thought it would be a great idea to add more relationship bits in the game.
I don't know if I am the only one who loves to open the Sim Info Panel and look at the different relationship descriptions between sims. Gone are the days of generic labels like "Friend" or "Romantic Interest." With Custom Relationship Bits, you can now give your Sims personalized and meaningful relationship titles that reflect their unique connections. From "Childhood Sweetheart" to "Love-Hate Relation" and a lot more, the possibilities are endless.
This mod is perfect for storytellers who want more depth and nuance in their Sims' relationships. Some of the custom relationship titles add depth to your Sims' interactions and help to shape their narratives.
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You can access the relationship bit option my pressing on the target sim while you are in control of the sim with whom you want to set the relationship by clicking on actions and then the Enhanced Rel Bit Pie Menu.
Above you can see all of the possible relationship bits you can choose from. They also each have their own description. (The Secret Admirer Rel Bit is the only one-sided bit)
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Some of the relationship bits have interactions that come with them. I would love to make more and expand on them but I don't know if this is something you would be interested in so let me know.
More about some of the interactions:
Travel to Visit Long Distance Partner will have your sim leave the house for about two days and return with possible different moodlets.
With the virtual date option your sim will video call their long-distance partner for a few hours and it will make them really happy.
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Star-crossed lovers can share a forbidden kiss. And sims who have a love-hate relationship can share an "I hate you"(kiss).
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That is all for this mod! A lot of it is cosmetic, But I think it can really help relationships between sims feel more distinct.
Does this mod require any DLC?
No, it does not.
What else do I need for the mod?
Lumpinou's Mood Pack Mod, so it is required for the mod to work properly.
You can get her mod here.
If you already have it great! But make sure it's up to date. Otherwise, it will break the UI
Maplebell Pie Menu: Download Below. If you already have it ignore.
XML injector
More Kisses Mod here. If you don't intend on using the kissing interactions you don't need to get it.
Questions and concerns you might have?
I want to remove the relationship bit
After you set the relationship bit an option to remove it will appear in the same pie menu.
Some interactions aren't showing
The interactions depend on the relationship bit you may have with a sim. For example, only sims who have had a summer romance can "Share Summer Memories. Only Study Buddies can quiz each other, only long-distance relationship simmers can have virtual dates etc...
I'm experiencing some weird bugs!
Let me know, please.
Report it here: Mod Bug Report
How to install the mod?
Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods <--- Unzip the file and make sure it's placed in this path.
Lets show our support to maplesims for creating a realist love relationship based gameplay mod!
download - patreon
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hannieluvsyou · 7 months
Super shy.
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Kwon Soonyoung x Reader
description: Wherein the loud boy gets smitten with his seatmate, the shy girl.
genre: fluff
warnings: swearing.
note: I apologize in advance for any typos or grammatical errors.
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'This guy keeps staring at me...' I thought as I shift uncomfortably in my seat, trying to ignore the intense stare that shoots holes through the side of my head.
Who you may ask? Kwon Soonyoung. My seatmate.
Ever since he became my seatmate, he's a bit too uh... Loud for my liking. I don't really pay him any mind but his stares and loud mouth make me sweat literal fucking bullets.
"Hey uh– do you have a spare pen?" I quickly looked at him, surprised at the sudden question. He just stares at me as he waits for my response.
'Shit shit shit what do I say?!' I internally panic as I look for a pen.
Soonyoung patiently waits with sweaty palms. He finally talked to you! Even if you looked scared shitless, he talked to you! All he has to do now is do it every chance he gets. The hard part is well, talking to you.
Talking to people is like taking a walk in the park for him. But when it comes to you, it's a completely different story. His usual loud ass mouth becomes a thin line and his usually relaxed eyes are almost bulging out of it's sockets.
After some time, he saw a pen slide on his side of the desk.
"Here, I hope you don't mind. I don't have any other pen available." I say as I play with the pages of my book.
Soonyoung stares at the unicorn themed pen in his hand.
'Cute.' He fanboyed in his mind, pink dusting his cheeks.
He clutched it and looked at you with sparkly eyes.
"I like it!" He started. "Thank you." He said while sporting a blinding smile.
"No problem..." I whisper lowly. I don't think he heard me but his smile that widened says otherwise.
He knows that you're a shy one, but that does not stop him from feeling these particular emotions. He strongly believes that 'opposites attract'.
A few days have passed since that interaction. I have embarrassed myself once, I'm not letting myself get embarrassed twice. I just have to avoid him for as long as I can. It's not that I don't like the guy, I just don't think that we'll ever get along.
Soonyoung on the other hand, will do anything just to talk to you. Accidentally bumping into you, asking for notes, inviting you for lunch, he has tried everything. Yet what does he get? A scared expression and quick nods. It's not like he's not hurt about it, but he understands that you may be a bit overwhelmed with his advances.
But today may be the day that things will change.
I have a quiz today, and that means that I only got 2 hours of sleep. I might've aced the exam but I am tired as hell.
I can't help the bobbing of my head. 'It feels like I have a fucking brick as a head.' I thought while my eyes are only halfway open.
Soonyoung of course notices, and is about to ask if you're okay. But before he can, your head is immediately met by the hard table resulting in a loud 'bam!' sound. You remained still, already fast asleep. Luckily for you, there was only four other people in the room that don't seem to really care.
'Her position looks really uncomfortable..' he thought. An idea came up, but he ponders for a bit since you might not approve.
Finally he caves in and gently brushes the stray hairs out of your face, admiring your face in the process.
"So cute.." he said quietly as to not wake you up.
He shifts your position and now you're head is laying on his shoulder while his arm is securely wrapped around you. You unconsciously snuggle closer to him.
You stir a bit and notice your change in position. You look up and see Soonyoungs face, but before you can say anything he silently assures you that it's okay.
You ponder for a bit but doze off again, wrapping your arms around his waist slowly.
'I guess he's not that bad..' I thought before fully letting darkness engulf my vision.
He prays that you won't kill him when you fully wake up but for now, he'll enjoy this moment with you.
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spicy-phantom · 21 days
Ok so idk if this is a thing but I wanna have like, a literature class type session? Bring my special interest into it and here goes. My dialogue is red, readers is blue. Gender neutral reader. It's long so I'll put it under a cut and tag it.
I have a whiteboard set up in front of the couch and two copies of Gaston Leroux's The Phantom of the Opera on the coffee table. I call you into the room with me and have you sit on the couch. On the whiteboard, I've written two columns. The first is a list of characters, the second is who they are out of order.
"I'm in a mood, pet, a teaching mood. Until our lesson is over, you are to address me as Sir. Do you understand?"
You nod your head.
"Use your words," I instruct.
"Yes, Sir."
"Good job. Now, using your knowledge of The Phantom of the Opera before we start reading, I want you to match the names to who they are. It's ok if you get some wrong, this won't count towards your grade. It's just for me to assess what you already know."
You stand and draw lines easily connecting the characters in the movie to their descriptions, though you mix the managers up. You turn to me with the marker next to a single word description.
"Yes, the horse. He has a name, can you find it? You've only got three names left."
You slowly pick names to match to the remaining options of "horse", "Raoul's older brother", and "Philippe's love interest, beautiful ballerina" before taking your seat back on the couch. I take a red marker and score your work.
"Seven out of nine. Good job, sweetheart. Now, we're going to read this book together okay? It's alright if the French is a little difficult for you, that's what I'm here for. We're going to take turns reading a chapter aloud each until we reach chapter five. Then, I'll quiz you on what we read. To make this more fun for you, I've brought this."
I pull a remote bullet vibrator from my pocket and turn it on, clicking through each setting before turning it back off and handing it to you.
"Put that in your pants, love, right against your most sensitive spots."
You do as you're told and I read the first chapter, turning on the vibrator giving you a jolt when I think you're not paying attention. I leave you undisturbed to read the second chapter, helping when you stumble over the words a little. When I read the third chapter, I leave the vibrator on the lowest setting throughout, slowly working you up and scolding you when your moans interrupt me.
"Keep it down, my sweet. I know it feels good. Here, I'll start the page over and this time I want you to try and keep quiet. If you can't, I'll have to hold you after class."
I finish the chapter and walk over to you. I gently brush your hair out of your face and kiss your forehead before turning the toy up another notch.
"It's your turn to read."
You do your best not to stutter over your words too much, your voice shaky as you struggle to concentrate. When you finish the chapter with a moan, I turn off the vibrator and start reading the last one of our lesson.
"Please, Sir" you whine, "please turn it back on. I'll be good!"
I ignore your pleas until the final few pages of chapter five. I turn it up to the highest setting. A low whine escapes your lips and your hips buck.
"Almost finished. If you can keep yourself from cumming until the end of the chapter, I'll give you a reward before your quiz."
You struggle, getting closer with each word I read from the novel. Nonetheless, you manage to pull through. I place my copy back on the coffee table and push you back so you're laying on your back.
"I'm pleasantly surprised. You've certainly earned your reward."
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yensunflowers · 8 months
sooo... i made a quiz. i picked few childhood memories of mine and gave them poetic descriptions. and turned them all into a quiz <3
you're free to take it and tag others or reblog because i think it would be cute!! and so no pressure tag for @faesther @i23kazu @raingoesboomboom @realkavehgf @naraven @idyllic-affections @snobwaffles @ryuryuryuyurboat <3 u guys are free to take it or ignore it or whatever u want or take it and tag another people- aiya just have fun!!
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lifesteal-headcanons · 7 months
i finished fixing up questions and adding character descriptions to my "which purple lifesteal member are you" quiz, if anyone wants to take it again, your results might change ;)
(feel free to ignore this ask if you'd rather not post this again)
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dr-docktor · 2 months
ok i stole my mutuals idea of making a quiz but this time its themed around NPCs from the tabletop RPG campaign I run.
The hyper-specific descriptions of the results aren't mean to be accurate. It's mainly an excuse to expand on the characters in a unique way :-)
ignore typos or grammar mistakes. I'm way too lazy to fix anything.
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weirdmageddon · 9 months
If you know / have thought about it already, what's your god tier aspect for SBURB? If you dont, what would you say it'd be?
ive taken multiple tests over the years and never really found one that stuck. i think the one that i sort of solidified in the past was mage of space since i bought a space blanket and keychain. i got space when i did that official quiz for the first time but i’d like to take it again now. i feel both drawn to light and space now that i think about it as aspects. if i was light idk what class i’d be though. i relate to seer though, “one who knows aspect or knows through aspect”; the aspect’s analytic mouthpiece
i feel like im like the spitting image of the official light description
“Those bound to the aspect of Light are the universe's knowledge-seekers. They are, above all, driven to learn and understand. They are great alchemists, able to take multiple sources of information and synthesize them into something useful. They are scholars and researchers, absolutely dedicated to knowledge for knowledge's sake. They are the ultimate students, and although that might conjure up the image of people sitting around peacefully waiting for knowledge to be brought to them, that couldn't be further from the truth. The Light-bound will go after knowledge with a fierce intensity that others may find distasteful. They aren't overly concerned with laws or norms, either. They often take rules as simple suggestions, instead searching for loopholes or work-arounds. At their best, the Light-bound are resourceful and driven. At their worst they can be fussy, pedantic, and insensitive.”
but the non-canon descriptions of the aspects themselves i find myself drawn to light and space. not fully; i cant see myself fully in any of the aspects but these come pretty close.
“Light deals in exploration, knowledge, luck and relevance. It is the electron-microscope prying secrets from any crevice it can find just as much as it is the spotlight drawing attention to that which cannot physically be ignored. The path of this Aspect is well lit and certain. “Luck” here is the state of being consistently lucky or consistently unlucky. Light introduces certainty even in the places where chance should govern. When led astray the hunger for knowledge or relevance can quickly turn to unhealthy obsession. The idea that everything is meaningful, everything makes sense, can lead to crisis when the Light-bound finds no satisfying explanation behind their symbols. They may be entirely unable to deal with uncertainties, or the hunger for significance in the limelight might burn out their pupils. Curiosity may kill them like many a cat, or watering eyes which cannot close for even a second become their constant curse. At best though the light is a source of answers and a path towards genuine meaning.
Space is breadth, diversity, creation and creativity, birth, motherhood and preservation, but also loneliness and isolation amidst the vast cosmos. It can go anywhere because it already is everywhere, and there is a tendency to get distracted or sidetracked by the sheer number of options at its disposal, but the journey is usually more important than the goal to them anyway. The canvas is literally endless; go ahead and draw something. Space has a penchant for lateral moves, for the random and unexpected, all the fascinating points of interest which dot its habitual all-the-way-zoomed-out bird’s eye perspective. At their worst, the Space-bound are unfocused and ineffectual, abandoning projects as soon as the next thing catches their eye. Their often strange or hyper-specific interests can make it difficult for them to relate to people, only deepening the Space-bound’s characteristic isolation. At best though, the wide focus which their Aspect affords leads them to become brilliant multitaskers and masters of navigating the outside of the metaphorical box.
i think the top 3 aspects (from most to least) for me are
edit: just realized i was ordering their relevance fuck. this is an extremely important revelation to me because im baked rn. is that lightcore of me did i just prove it
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
Cole: Your hand hurts. It's pulling you apart. Dorian: Why didn't you say something? I could have... I don't know, something! Alaris: Whatever happens, I wouldn't trade the years we've had together for anything. I love you. Dorian: I knew you would break my heart, you bloody bastard. Cole: We helped. All of us. I won't forget. Blackwall: One more fight, then. Let's finish this.
Everything about this is awful and painful. It's fine! Starting from the top, Cole is once again dropping all the metaphors and twisty speech in favour of the simple truth: Quiz is in pain. I mean, what else is there to say at this point? It's a lot more straightforward than the trauma he spends the main game pulling from people's heads: they're dying, and it hurts! Although the description of the Anchor as pulling Quiz apart is definitely interesting; I mean first off I hope he's not being entirely literal there (messy), but also that does fit with my theory that the Anchor is fatal to Quiz because it's not designed to be embedded in a mortal person who exists solely in the waking world. Even setting aside the possibility that the ancient elvhen (who the Anchor was likely designed for) might have been spirits, the orb was likely created pre-Veil (given Solas's post-Veil nap and all) and so the Anchor likely wouldn't work as intended in the post-Veil, separated world. A purely physical being like Quiz likely would be pulled apart in some sense or another as the Anchor tried to exist across both the waking world and the Fade like it was supposed to while attached to someone who Could Not Do That.
Anyway, potential lore implications aside. Dorian. Oh poor, poor Dorian. The way he's audibly right on the very edge of tears the whole time (and might actually be crying a bit on "you bloody bastard") is what you might call incredibly fucking sad! Like, he's accepted that Quiz truly loves him and intends to stay with him and even if they're physically apart for a time they will always have each other and Corypheus has been dealt with and he thought everything was working out fine... and now this. The man he loves is dying and there's nothing he can do and Quiz didn't even tell him. That "Why didn't you say something?" is heartwrenching. There was nothing he could've done, but even looking and failing to find a solution would've been better than looking back on the past two years that he spent blissfully ignorant and knowing that while he was enjoying their time together (and eventually left Quiz in Skyhold to go to Tevinter, thinking they had all the time in the world!) his lover was slowly dying. And of course there's the kick in the teeth that is that Quiz isn't even how he found out; it's Leliana who informs the companions, not Quiz. Bioware why wasn't it Quiz, Quiz should've told the companions, where is my cutscene where Quiz tells the companions what's happening, I want my angst.
And that "I knew you'd break my heart, you bloody bastard" is like... yeah! Dorian more than any other LI possibly across the whole series is very aware that even if Quiz never willingly leaves him the role of hero is an incredibly dangerous one. But by Trespasser he seems to have settled on that front; he's talking about leaving for Tevinter for the foreseeable future and while he's clearly not happy about it there's no sense that he's bracing himself to lose Quiz! So he finally starts to get past the fear of Quiz breaking his heart by leaving or dying, and that's when this happens! Dorian always knew the odds that falling for the hero of the story would end in heartbreak, and just as he's beginning to think that maybe they're getting past that danger he learns that Quiz is dying, and was quite possibly aware he was dying the whole time they were together. Although of course the biggest tragedy is that we don't get to really get into that because this is all we get because Bioware didn't bother to include even a cutscene where Quiz tells just their LI what's going on- I am just never going to be over that okay.
Also Blackwall is here. I actually like him so much more than I did having been using him as my primary warrior this run (I'm actually kind of tempted to change my planned order and do a Blackwall romance next, I'm thinking mage Trevelyan for that?), and I do love how he's very much down to business about the situation. His friend is dying, but before that they have one last fight to get through. If this is the last time he'll be able to fight alongside his dear friend and comrade in arms, the person who gave him another shot at life after everything he did, someone he respects above all others, he's going to make it one hell of a last fight. He can't save them, but he can give them the send-off they deserve, and dammit he is going to do it.
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withlovewriting · 2 years
Mixed Drinks and Smoke Rings 15: You Got A Friend In Me.
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Chapter Fifteen: You Got A Friend In Me
We are the reckless, We are the wild youth, Chasing visions of our futures, One day, we’ll reveal the truth, That one will die before he gets there.
Summary: New to town, you didn’t need a friend, you needed a dealer. Thankfully, a girl from your Narcotics Anonymous meetings knew just the guy.
Characters: Fezco (euphoria) x Non-descriptive Reader
Words: 4,017
Chapter Warnings: Drug use, abusive relationships, mentions of attempted suicide, mentions of mental illness, crude terms in regards to mental illness, gross exes, jealous bitches, no appearance from fez in this but our man is back soon, majority of this is unedited so i apologize for any errors 
Series Warnings: Addiction, sexual themes, cursing, abuse (various), smut, drug use, teenagers being fucking idiots. 18+ only, minors DNI
Previous Chapter:
Next Chapter: 
taglist: @iamasimpingh0e​ @chelseagirl77​ @zeida​ @thepawn1999​ @alanis-altair​ @purplebtsmagic​​
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The days that followed Mouse's death all blurred together, and you felt as if you had lost any concept of time.
Being on winter break didn't help, and you found yourself awake all night, partying with Rue, and getting high, before passing out and waking up the next afternoon, only to start the cycle again.
Fez hadn't tried to call you, but he had sent a single text. A simple 'I'm sorry' that you didn't think merited a response. He was sorry? Well, good. That night was a hard one, causing you to trip badly, and Rue spent the night holding you until you eventually cried yourself to sleep.
Rue's emergency stash dwindled quickly, and you'd promised her that you'd buy a few extra pills at Devon's to pay her back. You still had a little money stored away that some relatives had sent on your last birthday, and what better to put it towards, if not a great night out with a friend.
You were led on Rue's bed, ignoring the sheer audacity that you had, doing drugs and staying at the house of a woman who had previously questioned whether your friendship was good for her daughter.
Unable to hold it in, you released a giggle, turning until you were upside down on her bed, head grazing the floor as you watched her slowly dance around the room. 
A knock came from Rue's door, leaving her to quickly dart toward her bed, jumping on it and nearly sending you off, both of you giggling again. 
"Come in!" Rue managed to get out, opening a book in front of her.
Leslie stood in the doorway, observing the situation. She wasn't sure what had got into Rue as of late, but she at least seemed happier. She couldn't remember the last time she'd heard her daughter actually giggle.
"Everything good in here, girls?"
You lifted your head, accepting Rue's helping hand to pull you up the rest of the way, "Yeah... Yeah. Sorry if we're being too loud, Ms. Bennett."
Leslie pressed her lips together, watching as her daughter skimmed through a book before placing her face into it, "Why are we even doing the reading? It's so boring..."
"Because we have a pop quiz the first week we're back, and Mr Richards is an asshole." You told her simply, turning the page of your book.
Leslie couldn't help but smile, watching as her daughter sighed, but pulled her head up, continuing to read, "You staying tonight?"
Part of you felt bad, wondering if you were putting them out. But Leslie never seemed to worry, in fact, she had offered a few times. You wondered if maybe Rue had mentioned your father to her, but the thought quickly slipped your mind,
"If that's alright with you?" 
Sending you a smile, Leslie nodded, "Sure thing. Dinner will be ready in about half hour."
Before she could close the door properly, she stuck her head back in, calling your name, "You can call me Leslie."
You grinned, even after she closed the door.
"You can call me Leslie," Rue mimicked, prolonging her mother's name and making kissing noises at you. 
Giving her a shove, you scrunched your nose, "Don't be gross, Rue. That's your Mom."
"Oh, I know that. I just wanted to make sure you did, too."
Giving her another shove, you had to quickly catch her before she fell onto the floor, causing you both to giggle again.
After dinner, you sat watching a film with both Gia and Leslie, curled under a blanket with Rue. Your brain was barely able to keep up with the plot line, feeling yourself coming down. Rue had passed out not even twenty minutes into the film, snoring every now and then as she rested on your shoulder.
You pulled out your phone, ignoring the fact that you hadn't heard anything from your father -- or Fez -- despite not being home for several days, and you'd found yourself living out of Rue's wardrobe.
"I hope you don't mind, but I was grabbing Rue's washing this morning, and I found a white dress that I can only assume is yours. It had a red stain down the front, but I wasn't sure if you wanted it washed. Kinda looked expensive..."
You turned to face Leslie, eyebrows high as you took in her words. The last time someone had done your washing was before your mother left, and for some silly reason, the sentiment had you choked up.
"Oh, I uh... I spilled ketchup down myself after the formal. Burgers and white dresses really don't go hand-in-hand. But uh, no that's fine. I'll be heading home tomorrow anyway, so I'll just chuck it in with everything else."
Leslie nodded before placing a soft kiss to Gia's head and returning her gaze to the TV.
Trying your best to inconspicuously look around the room at each Bennett woman, your heart felt bruised. Although you knew Rue's family wasn't perfect, and a member was missing, you still felt your heart tug for something you missed, something you longed for.
You were certain if you just followed the path that your yearning heart tried to pull you down, eventually it would lead you to wherever your mother was. So you could lay in her arms as she pressed a soft kiss to your forehead as a film played on in the background.
But your mother never really was a very affectionate person. Even when she was there, she wasn't really there.
Turning your attention back to the TV, you tried to blink away the tears that were fighting their way out.
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The music was thumping so loudly that the floors were shaking a little. You had absolutely no idea whose party this was, just that Devon had text you the address telling you he could find you there.
So, you and Rue hopped on the train making your way back to your old hometown.
"We'll never find him, this place is fucking huge," Rue's eyes were round as she glanced around the ridiculous-sized kitchen. You knew by the time she'd see the pool, you'd be propping her chin back up so she didn't catch flies.
Houses in this gated neighborhood were basically mini-mansions. You should know, after all you’d spent enough time at Liam's house. Big houses filled with lots of expensive furniture that they hoped would fill the void in their sad, lonely lives. Your parents did the exact same thing.
Except now, your father tried to fill that void with alcohol.
Ignoring the slew of wide-eyed glances thrown your way, you pulled Rue through the throng of people that were loitering around, chatting as they poured themselves a drink from whoever’s parent's very expensive whiskey collection.
"Why do people keep staring at you?" Rue asked obliviously.
Rolling your eyes before sending a sharp glare at a group of teens -- all quickly turning their backs, pretending they hadn't been gossiping about you -- you huffed out a sigh before grabbing two cups and filling them with whatever you could find.
Rue gracefully accepted the drink, but wrinkled her nose when the taste hit her tongue, "Shit, rich people really got no taste."
"It's for display, mainly. They sit swinging their dicks around over who has the oldest bottles."
"That's... Fucking weird, actually."
You shrugged, taking your own sip before resuming your search for your old dealer.
"If this was Fez, we'd just have to find a couch." Rue mumbled, losing both her patience, and any tact that she had.
You grimaced at his name before taking a deep breath, "Maybe he's outside."
After managing to find him, surrounded by a group of girls as he always was, you practically ran to him, the thrill of knowing you were about to get your next high forcing you forward.
"Well shit, didn't think I'd be seeing you again so soon."
His deep voice caused a smile to crawl onto your face as he shooed away the girls that surrounded him, all except the girl who was sat on his lap.
"Who's that?" His dark eyes were set on Rue, watching carefully as she looked anywhere but him, arms rubbing her arms.
"Oh, uh. This is Rue, a friend from school."
"You lookin' a little nervous, baby."
Rue's head snapped up at the nickname, eyes boring into the side of your face, but you barely paid attention, "She's fine, Devon. We just wanna get what we came here for, and go."
"How you doin' tonight, Rue?"
Shrugging her shoulders, Rue continued to look around the garden, "I'm fine."
"Devon, c'mon. Don't be a dick."
His attention snapped back to you as you crossed your arms, pushing your breasts together. Men could be very, very simple and -- lucky for you -- easily distracted.
"Fine. What can I interest you in tonight, ladies?"
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With the drugs in your pocket, you were rushing toward the door when a shrill voice from the crowd stopped you in your tracks,
"Oh my god, is that really you?"
Rue almost ran into the back of you, her face screwing up in confusion. Before she could ask why you'd stopped, a girl pushed her way in between you, pulling you into an uncomfortable hug.
"I can't believe it. You know, we thought you'd like, died or something. Liam should-"
"Jen, hi. We were uh, we were just heading out. Bit of a rush, sorry."
You tried to pull Rue to your side, but Jen stepped in front of you before you could step forward.
"Oh, c'mon! We haven't seen you in forever. It'd be good to catch up. We all really missed you."
Lying bitch, you thought silently, trying not to allow the memories of her sneaking off with your ex-boyfriend to infiltrate your mind.
"I'd love to, but really, we need to catch our train..." Rue was beginning to get antsy, and you felt like the drugs were burning a hole in your pocket. At this rate, you'd both be sniffing off the sidewalk.
"We got some pills earlier, you should totally stay and hang out for a bit!"
A single brow raised as you turned toward Rue, her eyes darting to yours as a devilish smile broke out across her face. 
If there was one thing better than drugs, it was free drugs.
Jen let out a squeal once you'd agreed, pulling you into another hug before she ushered you both along towards where your old friends sat.
After a chorus of 'Oh shit's and 'I can't believe it's you's, you finally sat down, Rue remaining close to you like a shadow, and you could only be grateful.
"So, where have you been? We haven't seen you since... Well, you know."
"Oh my God, Jake, shut up. I'm sure she doesn't want to relive that.”
You swallowed thickly, feeling Rue's knee knock yours as she insistently bounced her leg. You had honestly never been so thankful that Jen couldn't go more than 30 seconds without making the conversation about herself than when she changed the subject, talking about her Christmas plans to fly out to Colorado to ski with her family.
Gnawing your bottom lip, you wondered if Ash's invitation still stood now that you and Fez weren't exactly on speaking terms. Could you even sit across him at the table in his own house after the things he said to you? Did you even want to anymore?
You attention turned toward a guy you'd never seen before as he opened up a small baggy and began to crush up the pills, ignoring Jen's drivle of why she prefers Aspen to Vail -- apparently the instructors were hotter there -- and separated the first line, looking toward you as he gestured for you to take it.
Certain that Rue's leg was going to eventually break off from her body and run on it's own, you nudged her, allowing her to take the first hit. It wasn't long before almost everyone had snorted a line and your body finally started to relax.
Rue had pushed herself back on the couch, lazily bobbing her head to the music as the group tried updated you on the town's gossip, but Jen barely took a breath between sentences, and you were too high to keep up.
"Getting the party started without me? Man, I'm crushed. Heartbroken, really."
Your body froze, a breath stuck in your lung as you willed this to be some fucked up, bad trip, but the greetings from the group forced you to face the hard fact that this was really happening. This was your reality. If only you'd left earlier, if only Jen hadn't found you when she did. If only...
"Holy shit, Liam, look who finally came back. It's like nothing changed." Jen laughed, standing up to pull the boy into a tight embrace.
His brows pulled together as he looked around the group, all color draining from his face as your eyes met.
Jen pushed him toward a chair, and he collapsed down in it without much of a fight before she climbed onto his lap, placing a kiss on his slightly ajar mouth.
Turning to you, she released a high-pitched giggle, "Well, not nothing I guess."
Smiling triumphantly, she returned her attention to Liam and turned his face when she realized his eyes were still on yours, "Baby, c'mon, we saved you a line."
Rue's eyes darted between you and Liam, and if she were more sober, she'd of had the sense to get you out of there. Hell, if you were more sober, you'd of dragged your damn self out of there.
But neither of you were, so you remained sitting as you forced your lungs to work as they'd seemingly lost all autonomy.
"I hope this isn't awkward for you." Jen's eyebrows pinched together, but her tone was nothing less than patronizing.
If you weren't in shock, you would've backhanded her into next week. Instead, you quickly shook your head and peeled your eyes away from the boy who had colossally fucked up your life.
At least, partially.
"It's been a couple of months now, but we're still in the honeymoon phase, right baby?"
Liam grunted, using the excuse of snorting his line to slide her off his lap before finally addressing you,
"You look good."
Jen's smile faltered for a moment, before becoming much more malicious. Turning her attention to Rue, she cleared her throat in an attempt to garner her attention, "So, Rue. How long have you two known each other?"
As usual, Rue shrugged, waving a hand around in the air aimlessly, "I dunno, couple of months."
"So I guess she told you why she left our old school, right?"
"Jen, can you go get me another drink."
Liam handed her his empty cup, and you almost cracked a smile when her lips pressed into a thin line, cheeks tight as she forced a smile in his direction, "Oh. Of course."
Knowing he didn't have much time before the girl returned, Liam's eyes bore into your, "How have you been?"
You wanted to roll your eyes, throw your drink at him, even ignoring him would've been better than the weak 'Fine, thanks' that escaped you.
Nodding, he took the card from his friend, cutting another line as he continued, "How have things been with... You know. Everything."
The last time you'd seen him look this vulnerable was when you were first dating, and he seemed almost scared that he'd harm a single hair on your head. It no longer made your heart skip a beat, instead, you felt it sink into your gut.
Rue turned her attention to you when you didn't reply, "Everything alright?"
"We got what we need... I think we should go."
Rue wanted to argue, but one look at your bouncing leg changed her mind. Nodding, she pushed herself up off the chair, holding your hand to help you up.
"Hey, c'mon, you haven't got to leave-"
"Yeah, we haven't even caught up yet." Jen smirked, returning with Liam's drink, glaring when he ignored her attempt of handing it to him.
Standing up, Liam followed you a few steps before placing his arm on your elbow, trying to stop you. Spinning around on the spot, you yanked your arm from his grip, sending him a disgusted look, "Don't you dare touch me."
Jealously coursed through Jen's veins as she pushed herself between you both, any slither of friendliness gone, "Don't you dare talk to him like that. Who the fuck do you think you are?"
She pushed you back a little, shoving you into Rue, who had no idea what was going on, "Who the fuck are you, bitch."
Making her way around you, Rue pressed herself against Jen using her height to her advantage. Rue might not be much of a fighter, but she was definitely protective.
Grabbing her arm, you pulled her back, "C'mon, Rue. This isn't worth it. Let's just leave, please."
"What a good idea. Let the trash take itself out."
"Jen, for fuck sake, stop." Liam pushed the girl away from him, causing her to send him a dirty look.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot that crazy bitch was a kink of yours. Maybe she'll let you join her junkie friend and her next time-"
Your blood was boiling, and all you could hear after the sound of your palm hitting Jen's cheek was the blood rushing around your head. Everyone remained silent for a moment, unsure of what to do.
With her hand pressed to her face, Jen's lip wobbled slightly as she turned her head back to you, "You think a psych ward was bad? You'll go to prison for this, bitch."
Your chest heaved as she walked away. Sure, Jen's family had money, but her threat didn't worry you in the slightest. Her words, however, made you begin to hyperventilate. Turning on your heel, you marched through the party, only stopping once you felt the cold night air hit your skin.
"Glad to see your taste in friends has improved."
Rue linked her arm through yours, gently tugging you along to make your way back to the station, hoping to catch the next train home.
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The Bennett household was silent by the time you'd crawled into Rue's bed. You should've probably felt bad about spending so much time here, but after tonight you didn't want to be alone. As if she could read your mind, Rue didn't even bring it up as she led you toward her house.
"I have a question," She said into the darkness, not wanting to push you, but curiosity always led her astray, "What did that girl mean? You were in a hospital? Did you overdose?"
Biting at your bottom lip for a moment, you wondered if you could successfully convince her you were already asleep. But it didn't really feel fair. She'd been open enough with you, and over the past few weeks, you'd become a lot closer than you thought possible, bonding over more than just your addictions.
Taking a deep breath, you felt her wrap an arm around your waist as she rested her forehead against you, gently reassuring you, "No, not an overdose."
"Did it have something to do with why you came to town?"
You swallowed the lump in your throat, trying to keep your tears at bay. You hadn't spoken a word to anyone about the time between your schools and what led to your move to East Highland. And now you didn't have Fez to share that with, maybe Rue was the next best person.
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"Liam, c'mon. This is fucking stupid, just admit it!"
Following him up the stairwell, you didn't want to confess that you were scared to lose him, but you couldn't carry on pretending that you didn't see him sneaking off at parties with other girls.
Pushing the heavy door open, he stalked onto the roof, pacing around, "You're fucking crazy, you know that?"
"I've seen you, Liam. Everyone has seen you. It's fucking embarrassing, all of our friends know-"
"What's fucking embarrassing, is having this conversation with you. What I do, is my fuckin' business and you have no fuckin' right to scream at me and accuse me of-"
"You aren't exactly hiding it! Fucking Hell, I'm sure if she thought she could get me out of the way, Jen would tell me herself what was happening."
Grabbing your face in his hand, Liam leaned in close, "Jen is a fucking slut, alright? She'd do anything, with anyone, for a bit of attention. She's just trying to get a reaction out of you, and clearly, it's fucking working."
"I saw you, Liam. I'm not blind, and I'm not fucking stupid, alright? I saw you both. Fuck, you don't even try to hide it."
"Do you blame me? Look at you, look how you're fucking acting. You're an embarrassment."
Pushing his chest, you tried to shove him off your face, which only led to him grabbing your arm, pushing his face into yours, "We all know you're not gonna leave me, so what is the fucking point of this argument?"
He was right, you had no intentions of leaving him when you'd first brought up the subject of him sneaking off during parties, and the fact he'd walked into lunch with Jen, both looking a little disheveled. 
"You're a fucking asshole, Liam. A fucking-"
"You think I give a shit? I can be whatever the fuck I want, and not a God damned person is gonna stop me. You can't handle what I do? Then fine, fuck off. You're not exactly irreplaceable, baby. There's a hundred other girls at this school alone who would jump at the chance to ride my dick. You could kill yourself tonight and not a single fuckin' person would give a shit. You're not fuckin' special, understand?"
Tears were flowing, blurring your eyesight as you sobbed. Liam knew how fucked up you'd been since your mother left, and with how he was acting, your father may as well have packed a bag and fucked off too. Liam knew exactly how to fuck with your weakness.
You shoved him again, yanking your arm free from his grip. Between the force of your pull, and the lack of visibility, you felt yourself wobble, not aware of how close you were to the edge.
"What a piece of shit," Rue mumbled into your back, her arm holding you tight.
"A part of me can't blame him for it, I mean, I was a fucking mess and not all of my problems were because of him."
Scoffing, you felt Rue shake her head behind you, "Yeah, but he didn't fucking help. What happened after?"
"I woke up in hospital. They said even though it wasn't too big of a fall, I was lucky I wasn't badly injured. Apparently, Liam had told the police that he had ended things with me because he'd just found out about my drug habits. I went psycho and threatened to kill myself before jumping. The hospital confirmed I had drugs in my system, and with everything going on at home... They believed him. They sectioned me on a 5150 before sending me to a psychiatric hospital for three weeks. NA is part of my outpatient treatment."
"And he got away with it? None of your friends said anything?"
You couldn't hold the laugh in, wiping the stray tears that had begun to fall, "He's a rich, white, American man. Nobody questioned it. And they weren't my friends, they were his. They weren't going to incriminate him, or themselves like that."
"I fucking hate this place," Rue sighed as you shifted, snuggling your face into the pillow, "I fucking hate him."
"He's my own Nate Jacobs," You joked, voice void of any humor.
You weren't sure how long you laid in Rue's bed as she quietly snored away behind you, silently wiping away the tears that didn't seem to stop.
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mistydeyes · 11 months
May I request a pairing with one of the cod guys? If you are not accepting anymore requests for pairings then you can ignore this. I am an INTP, identify as agender and use he/they pronouns. I’m quite the dichotomy because I’m asexual, but I do crave other forms of non-sexual intimacy but I also don’t like physical touch unless it’s from someone I’m really close to and I’m very shy and easy to fluster. I’m also Autistic and have a chronic pain condition called fibromyalgia. I really bad at gaming but I really like researching the story behind video games, i also like math, science, jigsaw puzzles, tattoos, and piercings. I hope you have a wonder day!!
KÖNIG (a/n when you guys submit requests, I write what character I think you would be paired with and then let it sit in my drafts but immediately when I read ur request my brain was like 'KÖNIG')
How you met: Civilian (childhood love!) As you took your usual seat at the back of the class, the teacher announced a new transfer student. You tuned her out as you sat reading your latest book. Elementary school was just part of the routine, you went in every morning, took notes during class, and finished your homework during lunch. You didn't care for the gossip surrounding your classmates and blended into the background mostly. However, your routine would soon change as the teacher introduced a boy, who you assumed was your age, to the class. "König, you can sit back there," your teacher said and she pointed to the empty seat next to you. The boy shyly walked over and you gave him a small smile. You knew the experience of being the new kid in school and were always the shy, quiet type. He gave you a half smile back and you both took out your notebooks for the day's lesson.
Eventually it reached lunchtime, many kids rushed over to sit with their friends and you found a table by yourself. You liked the long grey table as it allowed you to eat your lunch and do your work without being bothered by anyone else. As you opened your maths book, you could see the boy from earlier nervously looking around for a place to sit. You weren't sure what this newfound confidence was but suddenly you could hear yourself beckoning him over to sit with you. Instead of a half smile, he showed a genuine one and made his over to your table.
A peek into your relationship: "Sonnenschein, have you taken this quiz?" your boyfriend, König, asked as you were lounging on the couch together Ever since the first time you met, you became quick friends and eventually entered a serious relationship before he entered the military. Now, he was visiting you at your apartment and sending you a link to a quiz. You read the title and laughed as it was one that told you the five love languages. "I haven't yet but I'll let you know my results," you said and you scooted closer to him so that he could see your answers. As you went through the quiz, you dismissed the options that prioritized physical intimacy. Your boyfriend had been understanding of your preferences and loved you in different ways rather than physical touch. Throughout the whole quiz, he attentively examined your answers and appeared to be taking mental note of the responses. Eventually, you received a calculated result with words of affirmation and quality time being the highest on the list. "Interesting," you could hear König muse as you handed him the phone to read the descriptions. "I'm not surprised," you joked as you went back to your comfortable position. "Noted," he began to say, "I will focus on these more for you, mein ein und alles." You smiled as you felt your heart flutter and your cheeks gain a rosy hue. He understood you for who you were and you were grateful that you sat with him at lunch.
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
hi, i'm late for the wip thing (grr busy, unfortunately) but can u tell about the 11 to 20, please? 🥹
hooooo boy you sure you wanna open that can of worms, deary 👀
i mean, I’m totally sharing just…it’s gonna take some time 😅
*coughs* sO
11. Yassifying Chick Flicks: Neither the First Nor the Last
happy pride 💅
As the title says, nothing about this story is hetero it is all homo. it’s a trope subversion on le old teen high school Chick Flicks. literally, the character’s initials tells you what their roles are (MC = main character, LI =love interest, RH = red herring, TBF = toxic best friend)
Can be interpreted as a character study on teen girls and internalized misogyny tho and i fully intend to expand on it.
12. Sunglasses Quiz
ok so this is just a cute little story of these two girlfriends who are trying to buy sunglasses, and you know how some have it where you take a quiz?
yeah, so these girlies are trying to take the quiz and end up getting……ahem, distracted 👀
anyway, the little description i write for this was “i was feeling sappy so i wrote some sappy queer love” so 🏳️‍🌈 happy pride🏳️‍🌈
“As a renowned researcher yourself,” Laura exclaimed, ignoring Pen’s comment, “it is shameful”— Pen rolled her eyes— “you, who have published many scholarly works into the world, should know better!”
Pen would have definitely shoved her girlfriend. She definitely would have if it were not for that sweet, “innocent” smile on Laura’s face. That’s what she tells herself anyway.
13. Witch boy
Repeating myself -> “LISTEN: i know this one also complete when you go to Ao3, but that's just because the 3rd part is being fucking slOW, so i said "fuck it ends nice at ch2 anyway," but i do want to add more. but yeah, to summarize: fic was inspired by a Halloween fanart i saw and i just ran with it.”
basically, it’s a modern au of bbc’s merlin but there seems to be magic leaking into “our” world every Halloween. and our lovely band of misfits (Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, Morgana, Lancelot, Gwaine, Elyan, Percival, and Leon) have taken it upon themselves to put a stop to it every Halloween. Also, slow burn romance between Merlin and Arthur bc i can never help myself. the 3rd installment is still in the works T^T but I do want to complete this one day. but yeah, here’s a snippet:
14:27 HighPriestessofthemStilletos: ARTHUR ANSWER YOUR FUCKING PHONE L'Oréal Hair: oop arthur’s in trouble!!!HoodieReigns: oh good so he’s not just doing this to me AngelQueen: He didn't even pick-up when you called? HighPriestessofthemStilletos: @HighKing_Wart I WILL BLOW UP YOUR PHONE HighPriestessofthemStilletos: DON’T TEST ME HoodieReigns: it seems he did not, in fact, pick-up when she called gwen
14. Emrys Shrine
this one is essentially a continuation of the Shrine of Emrys fic I wrote months ago but it is still in the works. Here we have Percival’s pov of the aftermath of the fic
Percival often wondered if Merlin was like him. Someone who had lived in the Druid camps as a child, but then he heard Arthur tell the tale of Merlin’s home Ealdor and his kind-hearted mother. He even met her sometime after Arthur had secured his throne from Morgana once again, and she had explained how the village has been her home since birth, how she spent her days living in it, how she had raised her darling boy in this place before he left for Camelot.
15. Lucky’s Timeline @ Beacon Hills
SUPER, SUper self indulgent fic where i insert my OCs, Lucy and Nick, into the teen wolf universe and how they interact with it. for example:
“But this is Coach’s car,” McCall said with a frown. “Is it?” Nick replied nonchalantly as he twirled the keys in his free hand, unlocking the car doors.
16. THE everchanging STORYLINE
ahaha…. so i named it that bc i’ve been writing this one for 2 years and almost every month i would change the plot. which meant i needed to reorganize the chapter list and where which scene went 🙄 (i am my own bane) this still happens and it’s been 3 years now T^T
anyway, this wip is my dc/batfam wip, aka the origins of Lucy and Nick lol. plot’s a nonchronological mystery with switching pics to outsider, minor characters, and Nick
17. Lucy Elliot: She Be Descending
literally just the previous but if Lucy was adopted by an abusive douchebag (douchebag being Thomas Elliot) and if she had a corruption arc (ngl i like corruption arc Lucy more she’s unhinged). assassin instead of vigilante and self-made leader of underground elites who “run” Gotham (killed the previous one and he was so impressed by her underhanded moves he placed her in his will instead of his son lmao)
anyway, snippet of Lucy and her (future ex) husband:
“Why darling”— she let out a scandalized gasp— “do you really think I would stray from you?” He merely gazed at her, eyes blank and cold. Lucy stared back, not one to be challenged. She knew he was just riling her up. Not that she was surprised in the slightest of his behavior. Lucy knew this was because of his alleged rivalry with a dear friend of hers. A dear friend whose father was the host of this gala. The gala said dear friend was said to be attending. “I would never doubt a woman who gave me a solemn vow.”
18. Mob Boss Lucy, Basically
remember what i wrote for 17? now let’s shift it to the right again! it’s me taking plot from 16 & 17 and trying to give Nick and Lucy an original story. Lucy still becomes a self-made mob boss but there’s no Gotham, no vigilantes.
the story here is that Lucy and Nick are building their power whilst evading the law and destroying any evidence that would lead to them bc their being hunted by a detective (who’s also Lucy’s childhood friend) and a private investigator
19. Dandelions
explained here
20. not really a sequel but it happens after
so this one is a continuation/sequel to 16. Lucy and Nick are happily married and adopted a really sweet kid (Caleb) but— oh no! horrible mercenaries attack Lucy and Caleb on their walk to the park! It leaves Lucy in critical condition and caused a magical outburst from Caleb and— whoops, there’s now a rift in time and space 🤷🏻‍♀️
i don’t really have much written and it’s self indulgent anyway so yeah
AND THERE YOU GO 🎉 phew that took me a bit but it was fun talking about them so thanks for the ask @thiamsxbitch 💕💕💕💕💕
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