#implied flower husbands
tenoart · 24 days
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Hi Tumblr sorry I'm back on my pretty Smajor shit again
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flowers-for-the-grave · 7 months
Curse of Victory
Scott sat in his house, perched on his bed, with a book in his lap and a pencil in his hands. He turned to a blank page, then gazed pensively out his window and at the view.
He tapped his pencil against the corner of his lip.
In the past, he'd written about his allies and the chaos of the server. He'd documented the advancements made to the base. He recorded silly, useless details that had potential to become useful in the future.
Mostly though, he tried articulating his memories.
Other players - specifically the ones who hadn't been cursed blessed with victory - had poor recollection of past games. The memories were still there, they would still reappear from time to time, but mostly they lurked in the dark recesses of their minds until called upon. Those memories were old. They had no purpose to them other than to have them keep playing; the reward for victory, after all, was to remember.
Grian remembered everything. Scott knew that he remembered throwing himself off a cliff, cheating on Scar, his slow yet steady loss of his fellow Bad Boys until he had been left alone.
Pearl remembered everything, too. She knew about the trio he, her and Cleo had been in the past; how she had been abandoned by her soulmate yet still came out on top, and Scott took his life so she wouldn't have to suffer in that world longer; how she had at first been in a duo in the Nosy Neighbours, which soon became a trio.
Martyn remembered. He had been the Red King's Hand, his loyal soldier and servant who'd had the burden honour of taking his king's life. He, too, was left by his soulmate and had spent weeks trying to undo his wrongs and get back in her good books. He had been Scott's only ally in the last life game, loyal and devoted, and had taken the mantle of victor.
Scott knew what they remembered, because they had told him. In the cold, empty Void, awaiting the next game as they sat alone with no company but each other, they didn't have much else to do except share what they remembered.
He remembered flower fields with Jimmy, a poppy tucked behind his ear and a wedding ring of twine around his finger. He remembered his allyship with Pearl and Cleo, which split into a duo in the life game afterwards. He remembered the fish tail that had swished behind him and still half-expected it to be there at night.
Most of all, they all remembered the pain.
Scott had tried articulating his thoughts, writing them on paper to go over later. It didn't work, predictably. But the sentiment had been there.
Martyn and Jimmy were Red Lives now.
It was an odd thought. Jimmy had never had the best luck in the games, always being the first one to be eliminated from the game. He had been a terrible ally - always so accident-prone and clumsy - but he'd also been joyful and kind. He had been as vibrant as the colour of his canary wings, and burned as bright as the sun.
It seemed sensible that Jimmy would go down so quickly.
Martyn, on the other hand...
Martyn was vicious. He was ruthless and cunning and quick. In the heat of battle, his sword always struck true. He was a fighter, from birth to death. He did not die easily.
But, like all of them, he was mortal. And he was human. He was subject to such things as mortality.
Scott scribbled this down as best he could. His handwriting, normally pristine and fancy, was erratic and scruffy. The others would probably think someone else wrote this, but the winners would know.
They always did.
He set down his pencil and lay down, staring up at the ceiling.
His bed felt cold.
He sat up again and rose to his feet. He shuffled to his door, opened it, stepped outside into the cool night air and began to walk. Where, he couldn't say. His feet were carrying him in whichever direction they saw fit.
Scott left behind the plateau on the mountain and approached the open field at Spawn.
He spotted Martyn standing there awkwardly, yawning and dragging his feet along the ground.
"Martyn? What are you doing up this late?" he asked.
"I could ask you the same thing," Martyn replied. His eyes glimmered red, sparkling rubies or flowing blood. Either way, they were beautiful. "Besides, a little Green Life out here, with no protection, and with a Red Life no less."
"You wouldn't try anything."
"Wouldn't I?"
"No." He spoke with conviction. He slowly drew nearer to the Red Life and paused a few centimetres from him. Scott cupped Martyn's cheek, and the Red Life leaned into the touch ever so slightly. There was hesitation in his eyes.
Martyn sighed, taking a step back. "I want this to end."
"You want to go back to the Void that much?"
"No? Yes? I don't know! It's... it's frustrating." He folded his arms and stared at the floor. "I just want things to be clear again. I want to talk to you without feeling the urge to rip your arms off. Hell, I want to talk to people in general!"
Scott grabbed Martyn gently by the arm. Without a word, they both travelled up to Pearl's base. He knocked on the door and was met with the image of Pearl - bushy hair, bags under her eyes - grumbling to herself.
Scott, with Martyn in tow, pushed past and into the room. "Wait here," he commanded. "I'll be back soon."
He quickly ran up to the plateau, silently sneaking into his house and taking the bed. He legged it all the way back, using the diving board for assistance. He placed it down up against a free spot on the wall.
Pulling the covers back, he hopped in and patted the space next to him. Martyn nervously crawled in.
Pearl watched them awkwardly. Then she sent out a message via her comm.
"We're having a winners' sleepover." she stated.
Scott nodded.
Grian appeared a few minutes later, with two other beds. He placed them near to Scott's and the other two victors got under the covers.
"To victory, and shitty memories." Scott said, and the others repeated it.
Scott and Martyn tangled in each other's limbs with a small smile on their faces. It felt good, to be like this again. He'd missed it.
As slumber overcame him, Scott had one final thought.
He was home.
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(Content warning for swearing and alcohol use.)
When Jimmy finished his story, Joel stared at him as he processed the last few words that hung in the empty air of Tumble Town's saloon. "He really just left?" he asked. "He just took your gold and walked away without so much as a 'sorry'?"
"I did tell him to go," Jimmy reminded him. "And I don't think I'd have listened if he did try to apologize. I was too hurt."
"He still could have tried!" argued Joel. "I mean, he shouldn't have been stealing from you in the first place, actually, but to just leave like that was low." He shook his head and they both sipped at their beers in silence until another thought occurred to Joel. "You're allies now, though," he said slowly. "Friendly, even. Does that mean he apologized and you forgave him?"
"Ah. Well." Jimmy ran his finger over a scuff mark on the bar. "He doesn't, uh. He doesn't know it's me. He doesn't remember me."
He refused to look over at Joel even as he felt Joel's stare of disbelief bore into him. "Jim."
"Why didn't you say anything?" demanded Joel. "Hell, why did you agree to an alliance? You don't owe him anything. He owes you."
Half-formed excuses danced on the tip of Jimmy's tongue. Tumble Town needs as many alliances as it can get. It wasn't actually that big a deal and I got over him a long time ago. I thought having information he doesn't might be useful someday. He swallowed them all and told Joel the truth instead.
"Because I'm still in love with him."
Joel sucked in a breath. "Oh, Jimmy," was all he said, and this time his voice sounded choked instead of scolding. "This entire time?"
Jimmy shrugged. "Typical Jimmy stupidity, right?" He tried to keep his tone light-hearted even as his grip on his mug tightened. "He turned my entire world on its head. He shattered my heart into a million pieces. And here I am, still desperate for every second I can even be in the same room as him, when I wasn't even important enough for him to remember meeting." He raised his beer for another drink, but his hands were shaking, and he put it back down.
"I can't believe - " Joel put a hand over his mouth for a second, remembering something else. "All those things I said at the holiday party, and you were...Bloody hell, Jimmy, I feel like an absolute dick right now."
Jimmy managed a shaky laugh. "Well, you didn't know, did you?" he said. "You couldn't have known."
Joel drained the last of his drink and stood up, moving behind the bar to rummage for another bottle. "I could, I dunno, go blight his crops or something," he said. "Kill all his llamas. Turn on the upstairs bath and leave it running." He succeeded in his mission and waved the bottle in Jimmy's direction. "Anything you want. Just say the word, and I'll ruin that bastard's life."
Jimmy's laugh was a little stronger this time, and he was unable to deny the warmth in his chest at Joel getting so indignant on his behalf. "It's fine, Joel, really," he said. "I don't want you to do anything to him."
"'Fine' isn't the word I would use." Joel returned to his seat and opened the bottle, topping off Jimmy's mug before his own. "But if you say so."
"I do say so. Leave him alone." He raised his mug and bumped it against the one Joel raised to him. "But thank you."
"Any time, bud."
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emilynyaesmp · 2 months
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inthelittefrost · 1 year
Thinking of the idea of Scott moping after the “30 seconds” moments and marytn cheering him up with embarrassing stories about jimmy
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shepscapades · 1 year
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I think it’s safe to say Ranchers Win These
(In the silence between the last two panels, there is a 20 page comic in my head filled with flashbacks of every moment Scott teased, scolded, or dismissed Jimmy—and every moment where Tango was instead kind, patient, and proud)
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pinketine · 2 months
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We still rockin with empires season one⁉️
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chaotic-solutions · 8 months
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lifetober day 20 - loss
sorry you got widowed man. sorry about the grief that will never fully leave
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shepards-folly · 9 months
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I wanted to draw them again so yeah
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whereissmajor · 13 days
today smajor is in a drawing i made for a school club contest!
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(i won!)
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coolguypluiplup · 6 months
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reesescuffs · 2 months
I'm choosing to interpret this as Jimmy filing for divorce
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songbirdstars · 6 days
can you post your art its so pretty :(((((
no. /j hi random person that i totally didnt ask to send me this ask so i could finally motivate myself, here have some of my art!
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emilynyaesmp · 2 months
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impscar · 4 months
jimmy as jesse pinkman and grian as walter white
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hey anon. I just wanna talk.
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
The Morning After the Engagement: Rivendell Edition
AKA, Scott got betrothed for politics and now he is suffering
So this one won't actually be in the fic most likely, because plot-wise I don't want Scott and Xornoth to know what everyone else is thinking, but I thought this was funny and was told it was so here. Enjoy.
Scott opened the door to a hyperactive flurry of scarlet and rainbow feathers and immediately slammed it shut again on the intruder's foot. The pained yelp was very satisfying.
"Brother, your mistress is here," he shouted back into the house, yanking the door open again just in time to see a very scandalized minister of agriculture hurry away down the road towards the marketplace over Joey's shoulder.
The Emperor of the Lost Kingdom was hopping on one foot, his face screwed up while he clutched at the (now scuffed) heeled sandal that had given his toes absolutely no protection from the solid spruce door.
Once he became aware that Scott was looking at him he composed himself enough to sniff disdainfully and limp past him into the house.
"Xorny!" He smelled like warm humidity. Ugh.
Scott follows him back to the kitchen where Xornoth really looks as if they regret everything ever as Joey dramatically flings himself across a whole corner of the table, nearly knocking their breakfast to the floor. His wings trail through Scott's plate. Serves him right. Scott hopes the honey is hell to wash out.
Joey is already chattering a million miles an hour and it is way too early in the morning for this.
Scott doesn't make his escape quickly enough though because Joey rolls over so he's lounging on the table like its a piece of parlor furniture and gives him the brightest, smuggest smirk of a grin. "And here is the lucky bridegroom himself! You absolutely must let me help plan the wedding."
"Unfortunately we have several professionals who are already hard at work," Scott says in mock sadness. "And it would be an insult to them to remove them from the project."
Xornoth seems to be considering the merits of drowning themselves in their sweetberry juice. Scott squints at it and decides to risk freezing it over. The only possible casualty is Joey.
He successfully freezes Xornoth's juice. And Joey's right wing. And Xornoth's feet. Maybe he's not as okay about this whole thing as he's pretending.
Xornoth gives him a guilty look while they're slowly defrosting Joey's wing. "I should have talked to you first," They admit. "I panicked. I thought they'd try to bargain more."
"They think its some kind of rescue," Joey sniffs, immediately snatching both siblings' attention. He doesn't notice at first, intently preening through his newly freed (and damp) feathers. Eventually he does look up and rolls his eyes at them. "Oh come on. Surely you're aware."
Scott has no idea what he is talking about. Xornoth looks equally confused.
Joey sighs and flops back so he's leaning percariously off the edge of the table, wings draped down to the floor, shoulders held up by Xornoth's. "They think you keep Scotty here locked up in a dungeon or a tower or something and they see this as an opportunity to make sure he's safe from the big bad rebel king or whatever."
Xornoth makes a noise equal parts distressed and amused.
Joey rolls his eyes again so hard he almost falls. "As far as they know you were exiled, came back, killed your parents and disappeared your little brother. From the outside it looks really bad."
He idly picks at his fingernails and peers over at Scott. "I'm pretty sure if it weren't for Katherine most of them wouldn't even believe you're alive."
Xornoth just blinks over at them both. "Do I really give off such strong Evil Dictator vibes?"
"You both have the social skills of a dead sheep," Joey says bluntly.
"Like you're any better," Scott mutters under his breath.
"I am a fucking delight. You two have the mutual dream of running off and becoming mountain hermits."
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