#in the meanwhile have these two
furiouskettle · 25 days
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shoulder angel and devil except they both tell you to commit crimes
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royal-misfit · 10 months
The main reason I think Goncharov worked better as a piece of mass produced fiction over Zepotha really does come down to the basic concepts of each piece. Goncharov had a concrete idea from the start, it was a lost 1973 mafia film directed by Martin Scorsese. Meaning that people new to the joke could more easily understand how to add to the story. Martin Scorsese has an unique style to his films, he has directed multiple mafia/crime dramas that people could pull from to create a cohesive story that sounds plausible for him to have made. People were able to come up with characters (and the actors who played them) and an actual plot by just studying the genre and finding what would work. Zepotha is just marketing a single artist's work under the idea of "an 80's horror film", no director, no actual genre other than "horror" (what kind of horror? Slasher seems to be the most popular, but Zepotha sounds more like a giallo style supernatural horror to me). There's no director listed, so no one knows how this film would play out or look. Because horror is such a vague descriptor here, people are throwing just about everything to the wall to see what sticks, which slows down the actual storytelling potential. People are making up characters first, before a plot leading to there being like 50 named characters, but any actual story is lost. Tldr; Goncharov found it's footing much easier and faster by starting out with a concrete idea, while Zepotha is stumbling because it's vagueness makes it hard for anyone to agree on basic things like story or characters.
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egophiliac · 11 months
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(feat. Dilla)
(bugle accompaniment by Yuu)
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bbygirl-paul · 1 month
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has anyone done this yet
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booasaur · 9 months
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Special Ops: Lioness - 1x07
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Big Mama must have lost some serious standing in the yokai underworld because it’s gotten apparent that she keeps being beaten by a small group of teenagers and the occasional rat man, and when it’s not them then she’s taking L’s from her own schemes working against her.
And in the ensuing power vacuum, the Hamatos accidentally become the most feared crime family known to all the big bads of the Hidden City.
After all, they’ve publicly outplayed Big Mama multiple times, a couple of them have taken out the heads of two of the most well known criminal organizations, one took out Heinous Green, two are responsible for the destruction of Witch Town, they have ties to both the infamous Baron Draxum and Captain Piel, they won the Doom Dome death race, they’re Battle Nexus Champions, they’ve displayed insane feats of power and defeated impossibly strong enemies, most of them have been to jail, and they regularly mingle with humans.
You can just imagine the notoriety they’d accumulate from word of mouth alone.
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groverapologist · 4 months
now that season 1 of PJO TV is out can we admit that Percy and Jason were never the real bromance it was always Percy and Grover. or is it still too early.
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luminarai · 2 years
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things I know will never happen in the show but that I personally think would be very funny
bonus close up of lestat (inspired by yet another måneskin fit)
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stuckinapril · 4 days
Just a girl who wants to be her mother’s daughter in the ways that matter
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collophora · 20 days
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"Let's fix this drawing" *redraw the whole thing*
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cynthplop · 1 year
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laswell being cool content: where? 
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weewoo911 · 2 months
Tommy and Buck both being initially interested in Eddie but then dating each other because Eddie is “straight”. 💖
Meanwhile Eddie: (internal closeted screaming)
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sas-afras · 3 months
i kinda don’t get people who characterize maccready as like… secretly generous, or having a heart of gold or anything. like don’t get me wrong i don’t think he’s downright malicious or anything, but the dude is absolutely a selfish jerk once you get past the charming facade. that’s the part that’s compelling!
like, he’s nice enough and open enough with the player once you get high enough affinity with him, but his reactions to player actions still point to him being a jerk overall. the sosu just happens to be in His Circle of people he can be vulnerable with. that includes you, his son, and maybe daisy. everyone else can kick rocks, the same way it was in little lamplight
he HAD to grow up with that kind of “us vs the world, every man for himself” mentality in the capitol wasteland. doing so otherwise gets you killed or taken advantage of, which is just protracted death anyways. having grown up in a place where slavers run rampant, people are all pushing each other further down just to boost themselves up and live one more day, and it’s literally impossible to make renewable food sources because the ground is so poisoned i genuinely don’t blame him for ending up a little tight fisted. the fact that he was the mayor of little lamplight just meant that he ended up being able to accept a few people as His To Protect instead of being a total lone wolf.
the way he reacts to the players open generosity isn’t just for show, he Actually Dislikes when you give stuff away without expecting anything in return. you might need that thing and now its just gone!! that person might see you as a sucker! you give an inch and they’ll take a mile! and it makes sense for his character to be like that considering everything. i don’t get why people want to change that into him just being kind of tsundere.
i understand that having your babygirl blorbo comfort character be a canonical asshole in ways that aren’t just kinda charming can be offputting, but like…. the way he treats the sosu is a very notable exception to the rest of his life & it’s a much more interesting dynamic imo. especially if you’re playing a goody two shoes martyr. but that’s just me
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hidingoutbackstage · 15 days
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Do you see my vision?
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so i've had a lil fic idea floating in my head for a bit. it's fun to think about!
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turtleblogatlast · 7 months
We were robbed of a Hueso Jr. episode because good god I need he and Leo to interact.
I can just imagine an episode where a very busy Hueso has no choice but to ask Leo to babysit, and Leo’s like heck yeah I’d rock at that.
And of course Hueso is constantly like oh god what if something goes wrong that’s PEPINO he left with his CHILD.
So continuously throughout the episode he imagines the worst case scenarios for what could possibly be happening.
Every time Hueso imagines another catastrophic scenario the scene cuts back to Leo and Hueso Jr just calmly watching a movie or playing a game or something else equally as innocuous.
Eventually the worry gets to Hueso so much that he cuts his business short and races back home to see -
A peacefully sleeping Hueso Jr smiling as he lays snuggled up next to a shockingly quiet Leonardo.
He’s pleasantly surprised, and agrees to ask for Leo again next time he needs a babysitter.
Or, as it seems he may need to, when Hueso Jr. wants Leo to visit.
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