#its like. a very violent but beautiful dance i think they would have
What songs have u been thinking of adding to strengths playlist :0 [and the others if u have any you’ve been thinking of for them] Also you could make a streatney+ playlist, just sayin
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I have been creating a list of Set It Off songs to put in here, and this is on top of the ones ive already added. I am also just now realising that even tho i associate the band in general with Strength the distribution of songs does Not favour Strength much if at all.
Theres a few of the songs where its just the general vibe or just so much of the song works its hard to pick one section, but i went and grabbed some of my fav sections
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Peekaboo; like i mean it LITERALLY says this what do you want from me
Why Not Me?; it feels alot like things a Strength vessel would say. I especially like the bit about „a little voice is shouting get up“
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Catch A Break; i mean isnt that such a Witney concept, shes put thru so much bullshit after bullshit and everyone is So mean to her Constantly. And „same tragedy different day“ thinking about Witney,,,, hhnnnggg
Playing With Bad Luck; a very similar idea to Catch A Break because the guy is literally the whole time just talking about how all this bad stuff keeps happening but hes done nothing to deserve any of it, which again, yeah. Man thinking about Witney makes me Feral
Unopened Windows; honestly a streartney song to me but i feel like Witney would be the most nostalgic about it like this. Like hes def the one to look back at it like what-could-have-been the most
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Who‘s In Control?; it especially makes me think of Anne at her peak blaming herself for Heart and all that, like „living in fear living afraid/hysterical every day“ TELL me that doesnt remind u of Heart and Anne in ibybf
Me W/O You; it feels vaugely manipulative and vaugely genuine in a way i can only compare to Heart. Plus the whole „theres no me without us“ over-reliance and codependence feels very Heart as well
And i didnt add a part of the song because i cant EXPLAIN it but. Dancing With The Devil in my head just makes me think of Streart. imagining it as like the two of them alternating screaming the lines at eachother, they both see eachother as the counterpart in the song. And this song also lead me to for some reason learning how to draw partner dancing Just so i could draw streart partner dancing and then also went a bit insane about who would be lead dw about it
#i dont know wjat to SAY to you about DWTD it just IS okay i thought it by accident and then Went Insane#maybe in the back of my head i was thinking about sashanne knife dance who knows#its like. a very violent but beautiful dance i think they would have#ANYWAYS SOBBING OVER WITNEY DONT TOUCH ME#admit it and taste of the good life. same sorta idea as liar and no disrepsect thats already on its playlist#i didnt include a ss of it because its the whole thibg but BETTER THAN THIS HEARTNEY REAL PLEASE#i have developed a version of the heartney dynamic in my head that im terrified to talk about because im scared i misinterpreted or am wrong#but yeah better than this is So hearts side to me. them lovibg her but being terrified they didbit wrong and scared her off before they coul#before they could fix it. mmmmmmm tasty mmmm munchy#and ohhh myyy fucking helllllll Different Songs. im feral about that song real#the lyrics r all about like they lived eachother they still live eachother but can they fix it/get along now theyre all so different#none of them are the same people they were the first time round can they even still make it work?#hnnnngggggg insane feral why do these ppl make so so FERAL HHNNNGGGGG eating biting ripping to shreads w/ my teeth rn maiming killing biting#also when i went to find that list i had put anti-hero by taylor swift beneath it and labeled it heart ????#i have not listened to antihero enough to make an educated call on that one but sure okay#Tree Man Posts#asks#wjh#strength#witney#heart#gem playlists#is that a tag i have?? What?? sure
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smallchaoscryptid · 6 months
wait okay... you offered qsmp fic recs I LOVE FIC RECS.... please please please please please (<- guy who does not have a lot of time for looking for good fics on ao3 and loves to hear about what media his mutuals like)
okay this is going to be long and it took me so long to make so it will be under a read more and organized by ship and word count and each fic should be linked (also a promo for all my fics on ao3 which is also under the username smallchaoscryptid)
Misc Recs:
Under 1k:
Andrea Doria by White space (Blanc_u) it's like a character study of roier and his dealing with pepito and its relation to his pants (very good almost made me cry)
1k to 10k:
danse macabre by bonesandthebees (bonesandcacti) bolas dancing together (just a really fun fic to read)
confiança by atthebell forever comforting cellbit after the black shulker investigation (this fic lives in my brain because atthebell just writes 4bit so well)
Estoy Lista by WhyB cellbit invites jaiden to live in his castle with him and roier (god this fic makes me think about what would have happen if jaiden and roier would have actually kept talking reguarly without bobby)
dead tired by notsubtleatall (orphan_account) roier makes cellbit go to sleep (god i love this fic so much)
Spiderbit Recs:
Under 1k:
napping is better with two by FlowerBox sleepy catbit with roier (really cute)
1k to 10k:
Feather-Light by BecausePlot cellbit crawling into bed to sleep with roier (really cute)
i'm scum, i'm waste (i'm what you want) by songbirdscoo sick cellbit that takes place after spiderbit has a breakup and richas finds roier to take care of sick cellbit (this one is so fucking good its a bit angsty bc of the breakup but its so good)
not quite but we're almost there by atthebell spiderbit takes a walk that is totally not a date (this one is so good and so soft)
The Red Means I Love You!! by Anonymous roier accidentally gets caught in the middle of a ritual cellbit was doing (this fic was so good it took me a bit to realize what was wrong with roier and then once i did i reread the fic and was shaking him violently this fic and its sequal are litterally so good)
that's the deal, my dear by Mitos (SeriouslyCalamitous) cellbit gets turned into a cat and finds roier (this fic is litterally so cute and i love it so much)
Drown With Me by doodooagentg jaiden makes cellbit take care of roier after cellbit had killed abueloier and roier is still angry about abueloier's death (this has such its quiet uptown vibes its insane and ive reread this fic so many times because roiers anger is so acurate here and the ending is just so ahhhhhh)
Helping a friend out by cherryplotting roier helps cellbit solve a puzzle and cellbit gets a kiss (FUCK, THIS HAS A SECOND CHAPTER NOW had to read that before i post this second chapter is also so good)
Over 10k:
It’s Just Some Little Thing by CurrentlyWorry enimies to lovers au where bobby and richas are friends but spiderbit ends up hating eachother for a little bit (god this one was so good its 171k and i read it in two days and am thinking about reading it again)
Breaking Dawn by Anonymous cellbit is a monster hunter looking into werewolves and meets a guy who turns out to know a lot about werewolves (this fic is unfinished as of right now but is so good and i cant stop rereading it)
those of flowering hearts and wilting souls by yourfauxentropy beauty and the beast au with a twist (this one is so good there was a point where i thought this fic wasnt going to have a happy ending but it still had such a grip on me)
your palms; a home for my soul by mars_revived roiers heart is shattered in to peices and he shouldnt be able to love ever again but he meets cellbit who might be able to help him (i need to read this one again its so good and like how subitally the author has them fall in love has me insane)
mystical time, cuttin' me open then healin' me fine by foolich (enhypen) festa junia timeloop!!! festa junia timeloop!!! festa junia timeloop!!!festa junia timeloop!!! (i love this one so much because the author was so good of messing with the readers feelings with the timeloop)
interstellar by mirotic_chess cellbit gets trapped on a distant planet after he crashes on it and is luckily helped out by one of the inhabitants (god the ending of this fic makes me so!!!)
Estoy Lista by WhyB by de4thveins roier sneaks away from his princely duties to gawk at cellbit
Fitpac Recs:
1k to 10k:
Promise? by TastyToast takes place during the happy pills arc pac runs away and fit finds him and comforts him
Trust Me? by AelinCreativ another happy pills arc fic but its what happened if fit would have been there for pac when it happened (probably my favorite one of these type fics)
Beyond the Haze by Mitos (SeriouslyCalamitous) happy pills arc but fit is there for pac the entire time (this one is also really good)
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infinite-criseas · 2 months
Remus stared blankly across the pages of his book. He had read the same passage a couple times, not actually comprehending anything. His mind was stuck on the same question that had been perplexing him all morning. “Why didn’t he invite me?”
Earlier that day, Remus was enjoying breakfast while reading about his latest fascination - high wizard society and its history. A subject which his boyfriend Sirius seemed to have infinite knowledge about, albeit not learned willingly. James ran in, sweaty after quidditch practice.
“Moony!! Want to find tuxes together this afternoon?”
“What for?” Remus replied, confused.
“The Black family gala of course!” James replied, “my parents might also have some extra suits we can try on, they might look a bit dated but I’m sure you can make dated work considering u dress like an old geezer already” James said jokingly
“I- I don’t think I’m going” Remus replied, suddenly embarrassed of himself. Sirius never said anything about a gala. Why wouldn’t he want him there? Many reasons came to mind, but he avoided thinking about them as to not spiral immediately.
“WHAT?! You have to come Mooony, Sirius will be devastated! And the whole gang is coming… Peter, Marlene, Lily, Dorcas…” James whined.
“No- I- Sirius didn’t invite me.” Remus said quickly, slammed his book shut, and ran out into the hall, leaving behind a stunned James. Remus kept running, as the spiraling thoughts began to set in. Was his boyfriend embarrassed of him? Did Sirius not want to invite a werewolf to his family? After all who would want a violent beast at such a royal event? Or was it because he wasn’t a pureblood? Did Sirius even love him as much as he thought? Tears welling up in his eyes, Remus ran into the woods.
Meanwhile Sirius walked into the common room, flowers in hand, excitedly searching for Remus.
Two nights ago, Remus showed him some muggle movie- the name he can’t remember- but there was a cute scene where the guy extravagantly asks the girl to be his date to the dance. Remus explained to him that muggles from across the pond had a dance in their upper levels called “PROM” and they’d ask their dates in very elaborate “prom-posals”. Sirius fell in love with the idea.
When he found out about his family’s gala, he decided to ask Remus to be his date with a “prom-posal” of his own. He consorted with Lily to get learn a spell to write out “Be my date to the gala?” in the air. James of course helped him practice the spell during which they cause a couple small fires (none deadly). And he got Peter to help him find these absolutely beautiful golden flowers, which matched the glisten in Remus’s eyes.
Sirius looked for Remus, only to find the room empty. James ran through the entrance, completely out of breath, “oh Merlin, I’ve been looking for you Pads. I’m an idiot, I accidentally told Moony about the gala and now he thinks you don’t want him there. The map says he’s somewhere in the forest” James blurted out, gasping for breath at the end, “I’m so sorry for ruining the surprise Pads”
Anger. Confusion. Reassignment. “Ah its ok Prongs we all know you’re lips are as loose as your arsehole” Sirius joked, patting James across the chest as he ran off to find Moony, once again leaving a stunned James Potter behind.
Sirius found moony under a tree, open book in his hand, tear stains streaking his face. “Oh Moony, babe” Sirius puts down the flowers and runs his arm around Remus, embracing him. Remus instinctively buries his face into his boyfriend shoulder. Sirius rubbed his hand across Remus’ back comforting him.
“I didn’t invite you to the gala because I wanted to surprise you with a promposal”
Remus looked up innocently “like the movie we watched?” He whispered softly in surprise.
“Exactly, my love” Sirius cast the spell, which began to write out “Be my date to the gala?” in sparks of colorful flames across the air. He picked the flowers off the ground next to him and gently offered them to his boyfriend who was once again in tears. Remus started giggling through the tears.
“It’s beautiful, Pads” he sniffled “I love you” Remus clasped Sirius’ face in his hands and brought their lips crashing together. The flowers fell to the floor again, as their kisses deepened each pulling the other one closer.
“So will you?” Sirius asked when the finally pulled apart for air.
“Will I what?” Remus asked
“Be my date to my cursed family’s stupid gala?” Sirius laughed
“I couldn’t possibly say no”
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mrsabednadir · 1 year
Naked and Famous, Pt.1
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A/N: HEYOOOOOO it's been a while. This has been my go-to sleep scenario for my beautiful little buttercup Charlie Kelly. Hope you enjoy
WC: 799
4:30 PM
On a Saturday
Philadelphia, PA.
What the hell is a “Naked and Famous?!”
The guy sitting on the stool across from me just stares expectantly, though kindly. Pretty sure he can tell I’m very, very new to this. And, of course, there’s no one else tending bar.
Dennis and Mac are engrossed in a vicious game of pool: Mac had desperately tried to convince him to play for clothes, though thankfully, they settled on bragging rights. I know better than to interrupt their time together. Charlie’s probably huffing God-knows-what in the back office. Poor thing. Dee and Frank are out, either looking for a mark or bleeding one dry. I think I heard the words “flammable,” “that yellow tape they put up at crime scenes,” and “orphans.”  – Good luck, kids.
“You son of a bitch!” Dennis shouts over Mac’s carefree karate victory dance. 
Christ. Do these people remember that this is an actual business? With customers?
Oh shit. The customer.
“I'm gonna be real with you. I have no idea what that is, but let me go check on the computer in the back,” I offer, shooing away his insisting that just a beer would suffice. “Gimme one sec.”
Maybe I’ve only been working for half an hour, but I deserve a break, anyways. I walk to the PRIVATE door, past the pile of dirty glasses I knew I’d have to clean because no one else would, and the on-taps dripping pitifully, begging me to change their kegs. 
One, two, three knocks on the door earns me a haggard “Who’s there?”
“It’s me,” I respond, thankful that Charlie hasn’t passed out yet. 
Several seconds pass before I hear anything. Maybe I shouldn’t have come to the still-conscious conclusion so quickly. Just as I’m about to knock again –
“Come on in,” he drawls, with all the effort made to unsuccessfully hide his slurred speech.
As I enter the small room, walls painted a nauseating two-toned egg yolk yellow and throw-up green, I pull up a chair next to Charlie at the desk. He smiles, excitedly yet weakly, as I walk in. 
Scruffy, simple, and sweet. Just how I like them. Honestly, if he cleaned himself up, I’d jump his bones.
“ ‘Sup?” he asks, hands neatly folded in his lap.
“ ‘Sup to you. You look sick, Charlie.”
“W..what do you mean? I feel…fine.” His eyes are struggling to stay focused and open. There’s an open can of paint thinner at his side, its sides violently dented from attempts to squeeze out that last bit of escape.
“I mean that you’re super sweaty, and you look super pale and shit. Are you sure you’re alright, dude?”
“Never better,” he grins. It looks genuine, thankfully. “Whatcha need?”
“Customer came in asking for a ‘Naked and Famous’ – what the hell is that, right? – so I’m gonna borrow the computer to search it up,” I explain, pulling the keyboard closer to me and leaning over him slightly to look at the monitor. Maybe I’m a bit too close for comfort, but I hope he’s picking up what I’m putting down.
“Oh, cool,” he replies. Then – “Wait, wait, wait!”
4,300,000 results for “GANGBANG.” 
Oh fuck.
Ohhhhh fuck. 
Neither of us say anything, but both of us understand. 
A loading sign finally finishes its job, slow and laborious, thanks to the bar’s lack of its own WiFi and Frank’s solution to siphon it from the place next door – as he once explained, “it’s a free country, bitch.” 
A pretty lady appears on the screen, and she looks very pleased. 
Well, at least he muted it.
I try to say something, anything. “I, uh….Jesus. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…intrude. Um, I’m gonna go. Yep, gotta go, gotta go,” I blurt as I rush for the sweet escape of literally-anywhere-else-but-here. The whole time, Charlie’s gotten waaaayyyyy paler and much more silent. I slam the door shut and pause for a few moments to regain my composure, like I didn’t just see my boss in the middle of getting his rocks off. 
As I make my way back to the already-unsettled customer, a scream erupts from the back office. Damn, that kid’s got pipes – birds scattering, Earth and wine glass shattering. Really, if I wasn’t an active participant in this, it would be funny. Mac and Dennis look up – both of them now have their shirts popped off – then to me. The deer-in-headlights look across my face is enough for them, I guess, as they reluctantly shrug their shirts on (leaving them unbuttoned) and enter the office.
Before the customer can ask any questions, I fill a glass with whatever – it’ll get him drunk all the same – and hand it to him, shakily. A little bit spills out, but we both couldn’t care less. 
He nods in appreciation, and in understanding.  At least someone here gets me.
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enden-k · 1 year
saw ppl call kavehs animation ugly and boring on one side, the others finding them great on the other so here i go explain why i like them and find them fitting for his character bc i like kaveh a normal amount ✌
its prob the same thing with zhongli enjoyers legit getting mad hes shown as a "friendly gentle grandpa" in the game bc it doesnt fit their hcs (trust me, i saw ppl on twt being all upset bc hes the opposite of their violent egoist zhongli hc) i feel like some people really hold onto their hcs and beliefs of a character they think of them as true and canon and get super annoyed or mad when it gets disproven (which i dont understand really)
anyway, most ppl hate kavehs animations bc they were hoping to see him wield the claymore and show hes stronger and buffer than al haitham. ppl ofc are free to think of kaveh however they want; if they want him more muscled or tall or lifting the claymore then thats all fine, i literally dont care. i just wanna ramble about how i think his animation is actually not as boring and ugly as they call it, but pretty fitting for his character :]
first of all that "silly briefcase" he holds onto is actually a lil robot friend called mehrak and it does the attacks for him. kaveh controls mehrak and how and where the attack strikes. it keeps him free and nimble and i already yelled about how beautiful his animation look bc!!! they are
his movement is very clean and measured, not a single step out of it. at the same time its very artsy, the little jump he does, how he keeps a certain rhythm and how he goes with his knees (i cant find the proper english words to describe what i wanna say in my language) - its all very similar to a dance. hes so light and graceful on his feet
kaveh is an architect; he was a ksharewar student, the school of technology and theory, and he appreciates and pursuits aesthetics and arts. he is both creative and logical; its why he can keep up with al haitham (who was at haravatat btw, meaning he studied linguistics/semiotics. they really are opposites yet matching in any sense huh)
after all architecture is pretty much mathemical form of art and you can see that so clearly in the swings the claymore does: it looks like a ruler or divider for geometrical/technical drawing (architect kaveh) and its especially gorgeous after his burst, showing pretty flowery patterns (kaveh pursuing aesthetics)
(↑from here)
so seeing his animations as a mix of measured steps and dancelike movement and all the shapes of his swings, i think it fits him as this creative, logical person perfectly. sm thought put into it
anw, this is what i thought when i saw his animations, so im a bit confused some ppl seem to hate it just bc hes not whacking people with a claymore violently and show muscle. i think this fits him perfectly (altho it would have been so funny if he would have wielded the claymore with his slender body type akjcbjk)
btw im not judging or talking bad about anyone tho, no matter if they like kavehs animations or not. just wanted to show theres thought put into it to make it match kaveh as the person he is :]
kavetham view (no matter if you like seeing them romantic or platonic): it also adds more to the sun and moon boyfriends opposites with similar traits complementing each other thing with al haitham (theres a ton between them but thats an essay for another time if u want) → kavehs measured, clean movements vs haithams violent, kinda feral movements 🙏
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damonjuicyscock · 6 months
Playlist-Chapter 11: Acquiesce (90s Noel Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 90s Noel Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: language, a bit violent (a cricket bat if you know what I mean) a few spelling mistakes, maybe.
Words: 1681 (it's a bit shorter than usual, on purpose ;))
Summary: Oasis are in Rockfield Studios to record their second album. It goes well until Liam fucks up...
A/N: Heya Y'all ! Here's chapter 11 ! I hope you will like it. I chose Acquiesce as the song of the chapter to make it a bit ironic, knowing what happens in the chapter. I won't be publishing next weekend, I won't be at home. I'm going to spend Christmas with some members of my family, and I intend so enjoy this time with them.
Love y'all, have a BEAUTIFUL and SPECIAL Christmas and take care of yourselves !
Enjoy !
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“Because we need each other We believe in one another And I know we're going to uncover What's sleepin' in our soul Because we need each other We believe in one another I know we're going to uncover What's sleepin' in our soul What's sleepin' in our soul».
In January 1995, Oasis fired Tony. The man was often fucking up during gigs, so they chose another drummer. That’s where Alan White, or Whitey as we all call him, made its appearance. And even if I was sad for Tony who had become a friend, Whitey was far better than him.
And he would be a great help for the new album. Because everyone, except him and I, was on cocaine or drunk most of the time, and he was really a great drummer.
May 14th 1995-Rockfield Studios:
Here we were in May 1995, in one of the studios that had welcomed good rock bands. Oasis were becoming iconic.
For what would become (What’s the story) Morning Glory?, Noel was constantly composing and writing lyrics until very late. Oasis were recording a song per day. Sometimes, I had to stop Noel for him to rest.
Though we also had good moments, like when we were playing football, when we watched the Blackburn vs Liverpool match, where everyone went crazy, like Liam who was playing with the extinguisher. It was our way of cheering, to have a laugh. Weird, but fun. After the match, Liam went to the pub. It was on May 14th 1995. I perfectly remember it, because this same night, Liam fucked up.
Noel and I were in studio. As per usual, he was writing a song, while I was smoking a joint, drinking a cup of tea and listening to music through the radio. At a moment, the radio broadcast Blur songs with the famous game “Whoever calls first wins tickets for a forthcoming concert.
I hated Girls and boys, Parklife wasn’t bad, but I liked To the end. I imagined myself dancing a slow with Noel. I unconsciously started to hum the melody, and I didn’t feel Noel’s gaze on me until the second chorus of the song and took my headphones off my ears.
What? I asked
Ye’re humming, I can’t concentrate. Even more when it’s a fucking Blur song. He answered
Oh soz. Huh… Don’t think I’m a Blur fan. I just like this one.
Ye’ve got the right to like what ye like. But I’ll start worrying when I’ll hear ye sing Girls and boys.
If it ever happens, kill me please. I said, laughing
Count on me. He chuckled
What’s the song’s name now? I said, indicating his guitar with my head
Champagne Supernova.
I’m all ears.
Noel smiled and played what he already had written.
I don’t know what you mean by “slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannonball” but I love it.
I don’t know what the fuck it means either, but I think it sounds great.
He put his guitar aside, holding out his arms to me. I put my headphones down, and I approached him and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me before kissing me.
I’m proud of you, you know that? I said
Oh yea? I work hard, me.
Yeah. And I also think you work too much. You better let me take care of you on your birthday.
I’ll let ye do whatever ye want. He answered
And I could even start now… I said, seductively, putting my hand on his crotch
Oh, do it then…
But we didn’t have the time to even start, because Liam was back from the pub and I heard multiple voices, meaning it wasn’t alone.
He entered the room, followed by a man and two girls.
And here’s our kid, the chief and genius of this band.
What the fuck Liam?! Noel said
Uh-oh… I said
I stood up, so did Noel. They started arguing. Noel was furious. Liam wasn’t supposed to bring anyone here. So I approached his guests.
Guys, the party’s over, let’s go out.
They nodded and followed me outside.
I’m soz guys. It’s just that Liam isn’t supposed to bring anyone here. It’s Oasis’s workplace, and the band prefers to keep things private. But don’t worry, you’ll soon have an album to listen to, they work hard for this.
Thank you. We’re sorry, we didn’t know… Liam invited us to come, so we followed. The man said
You couldn’t have known. But here’s a thing for you, if ever cross Liam’s path again and he’s drunk. Don’t follow him. He’s a nice and cool lad but tends to do some bullshit when he downed a few pints. And at least, you’ll avoid Noel’s anger. He’s not angry at you, he loves his fans, but he needs privacy when making an album.
We understand. Thank you for telling us kindly. One of the girls answered
That’s perfectly normal.
They left, and I started walking back to the studio. As I was about to walk past the window, it shattered in front of me, the extinguisher flying through it and landing at my feet, making me scream in surprise.
Me guitar ye fucking knob! Noel shouted
Uh-oh… I said again, this time to myself
I ran back into the studio, trying to make my way through the mess and all the broken stuff, finding the brothers punching each other.
Hey, stop this! I shouted
They didn’t, and Noel grabbed what was close to him: a cricket bat. And just like that, he hit Liam over the head with it. Liam was stunned, and he fainted.
Noel! I yelled
He’s finally off me arse. Come on, let’s go!
Whitey who heard noises entered the room.
What the fuck happened here? He asked
I’ll tell ye, grab the car keys, we’re leaving. Noel said
No we’re not! We have to take Liam to the hospital! I answered, panicked, in front of Liam’s unanimated body
He’ll get over it. Come on before he wakes up, are ye comin’ or not? Noel said
No! Noel, we… we can’t go and leave him like this! You might have hurt him real bad!
I started giving gentle slaps on Liam’s cheek.
Did you hear m… I started
But Noel had left at the moment he heard my no. I heard the car engine start. Liam regained consciousness, and as if he was a fucking cyborg, he got up, and did like his brother. He jumped out the broken window, grabbed a dust bin and threw it at the car that was now leaving.
Ye fuckin’ coward! He yelled
I joined him outside.
Damn right, he’s one. I answered
Liam yelled like a 4-year-old in surprise when he saw me, causing me to yell with him as well.
Fer fuck’s sake, ye scared the shit out of me Y/N, I thought ye left with him.
I was next to you, you dumbass! Didn’t you see me when you woke up in Robocop mode?
No I fucking didn’t. And I’m no fucking Robocop, it’s just adrenaline!
I can believe that! You leapt to your feet and literally sprinted towards the car without a care in the world.
Soz Y/N.
It’s okay. Are you well? I asked, worried for him
Me head hurts.
Come on, let’s put some ice on this head.
Here. Put this on your head. I said, handing him a tea towel full of ice cubes
Thank ye. He answered, taking it and putting it on his head
It’s bad enough you don’t have a lot of brain cells, and that cricket bat probably didn’t do you any good.
Ha-ha, very funny Y/N.
To be serious, what has fucking got into you Li’? You knew it would make him furious. Why did you do that?
I wanted to have fun with me fans, me. I’m a man of the people.
I can understand that but bringing them to the studio clearly wasn’t the best idea.
I know.
You should slow down on pints and cocaine Li’. It doesn’t help you. You’re often fucking up because of that. And I’m only telling you because you’re like my little brother. And because Noel clearly isn’t the one who’s going to tell you this.
Ye might be right. Thank ye fer caring Y/N.
It’s okay. Now how about I roll us a joint, we smoke it, and we clean up this mess?
Good idea.
And tomorrow, our kid will hear me. Don’t worry about it.
May 15th 1995:
I was having breakfast when I heard a car come closer. I put my cinnamon roll on the table, swallowed what was left of it in my mouth and went outside. Noel and Whitey were back. And the worst thing in all that, is that they acted as if nothing happened. I crossed my arms together and waited for Noel to approach me.
Heya love! He said, coming to kiss me
I slapped him.
You fucking idiot! I yelled at him
OUCH! He answered, his hand on his cheek
Your little brother could have died! What were you thinking?! Happily it’s nothing serious, it’ll only feel like a hangover, but it could have been! Did you think about that Noel?!
Listen, I’m soz okay ? But he broke me guitar and he pissed me off!
And so? Is that a reason to smash a cricket bat on his head and leave like a fucking thief?
Huh… no…
You’re smarter than that Noel, come on! Don’t you ever do something like that ever again, understood? I softened
Yeah, I learned me lesson.
You better.
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a-sparrows-melody · 1 month
The Moon
Have you ever looked up at the night, the moon smiling down at you - sneering wide as if it knows all your secrets, all your worries? It makes you feel vulnerable and cold, naked and exposed, shivering in the face of your secrets laying bare before you.
If I had to describe my feelings right now, this would be my answer.
The soft grass itches my feet - which are now slightly wet with dew. The moonlight spread a spell over the town nearby. From the lights that were still switched on at this late hour of the night, I could make out the night blooms, bright and shining, like the innocent part of this world, untouched by the cruelty.
I feel like a star, alone and aloof. Living for eternity. When you die, nobody cares, because you're just one of a million others. Unless you burst in on yourself, eaten by the greed and the hate.
Does anyone know I feel like this? My throat suddenly contracts at the thought. The cool night air fans my cheek, leaving a trail of cold fire in it's wake. The sharp, intoxicating, slightly bitter smell of the nightblooms reach my nose. Realising how short my life-span is, maybe not. Or maybe no one cares enough to think about our fatalistic death.
When I look up at the moon again, it grins at me, yet, this time, it grins as if it revels in the misery I have. It is utterly revolting, and I must look away in shame.
When did my life become like this? Whatever little spark of hope I have, stamped on by the feet of whatever this world is, held together by fraying strings? When nothing is permanent, and no one cares?
It's funny how your thoughts change your perception. Just a second ago, I thought the pure white night blooms were too innocent for this world. Now as I look at them again, they move their heads in some sort of dance, bloodthirsty and violent. I feel a sudden urge to run away from everything, to run to the edge of the world and fall into darkness and prove that I am mortal, to run away from the nakedness I feel in front of the moon.
I do just that, running as fast as I can, heavily falling on the blanket of grass, darkened by the night sky, the rocks in the soil stinging under my bare feet, the lamp-lights blurring in my periphery. I stop for a second, my chest heaving up and down, trying to think, for my thoughts had presumably run away with my breath.
I look back up at the moon again, leaning heavily on my knees. It was still smiling. It was like a drug. For hours on end, I could sit, staring at it, trying to understand what it is trying to tell me.
It was beautiful. Deadly. Fatal. Just waiting to grab someone in its trap.
It did me, for sure. It caught me like a Venus Flytrap does an insect. Never let its beauty fool you.
The moon was smiling a disgusting, prideful, manipulative smile.
This is me talking about the moon's cheshire cat-like smile, the crescent of it that makes me feel bare and my secrets exposed. I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm very new to tumblr and writing. If you have any constructive criticism, tips, or just some writing prompts, please don't be shy and tag me/tell me :)
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pagodazz · 4 months
Soo,, I ask of you
Evan headcanons
:] not forced though !!
YAYAYAYAY!!! MY FAVVV GUY IN EVERRR, I have so many thoughts about him please forgive me if I ramble on and on.
Evan Myers is deeply misunderstood. Like, you all can talk about how you love him and how hot he is, but none of you ever seem to grasp his story and just how complex and beautiful it is. It's so insanely tragic.
And I don't just mean the fact he ate his own friends and child either. Don't get me wrong, of course that is a major part of his story, but ITS ONLY A PART OF A MUCH MUCH BIGGER THING.
He has so much to offer, so much to give, he's full of so much love, only to be possessed by something who is so hateful.
The conflicting thoughts he must of had in his head, the nights he probably spent very wide awake holding head in his hands just repeatedly hitting himself trying to to knock out the poisonous words HABIT is feeding him.
Knowing Evan, he's going to act like he's completely fine the next day, and of course, Vinnie will always be the one to notice. And Vinnie will always get Evan to open to him and he'll do anything to distract Evan from his thoughts.
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To me, Evan is a really confident yet deeply insecure guy. he's really good at deflecting his feelings by using humour, even if he's aware he's doing it or not.
He's set up basically an invisible border to get through, If you're able to kick past all the the jokes he makes you can see how deeply he's hurting and how much the things in his life affect him.
But even though he's got this sadness in him, he's VERY MUCH SO A PARTY GUY.
He's the life any party, everyone will always have their eyes on him, he will always be doing something to make someone laugh or to make them swoon, he's just that kind of guy.
He's like the type of guy to grab his friends by the hands and force them to dance with him in the kitchen even though there's absolutely no music going on.
He'd probably say something like, "You just gotta feel it man."
I think Evan himself is a violent man. especially after years of being inHABITED, I think his brain struggles to separate his own thoughts from habits sometimes, he still has deep internal blood lust, something that can only be soothed by taking the life of the one who wronged him.
That being said, I don't think he enjoys that part of himself AT ALL. to the point where I think he would start trying not to touch things out of fear of destroying it or killing it.
Like say you gave Evan before everything started a kitten, he would be silly with it and mess with it.
But if you gave Evan AFTER everything went down a kitten??? he's gonna hold it like he's never held one in his life. He's gonna look at it with wide eyes, That sweet innocent life on his face, Evan doesn't want to see that go away again, hes almost never in control of his body, but he's always left with the memories. He'd basically force you to take the kitten back before he could accidentally cause harm.
I also think that this applies to people too, we see him being very very affectionate with his friends in the beginning, but later on, of course we don't get that. If anything, the most him and Vinnie can do is sit side by side.
They both would ache for some kind of affection but, Evan is afraid of hurting him and sometimes, Vinnie is a little afraid of getting hurt.
I believe that of course like most other slenderverse characters, he has horrific night terrors. But I personally think that his might just have some of the worst.
His nightmares probably include the things HABIT has done to his many victims, and it's probably in extreme vivid detail too.
It's enough to wake him up sweating and running to the bathroom because the shit is so horrific it makes him sick.
Usually after those nightmares he'll take a cold shower and he'll go to the kitchen and get water and he'll most likely be met by Vinnie who hasn't slept yet, and they'll end up talking on the couch until Evan passes out next to Vinnie. Being next to another person probably brings him alot of comfort. (even if the man he finds comfort in is betraying him.)
in a good world if the baby lived and slenderman wasn't around, I think that Evan and Steph's relationship probably would not have worked out in the end and Evan would be the best single dad he could be.
I think he'd have his own apartment and he'd throw away each cent of his paycheck to his rent and to spoiling his daughter.
Of course Evan wouldn't be raising her alone, Steph would still be around and they'd be best friends, just not lovers. (Steph is a lesbian, and she's in love with Jessa ‹𝟹) And I think Evan would of course have Vinnie and Jeff to help.
I think they'd actually all be roommates, considering their house is actually one, it just seems right to not separate them.
Evan needs his guys and they need him.
I also think he's just got that divorced dad energy, where he's pulling up blaring his dad rock and he's gonna drive too fast and recklessly, and he's gonna go to a gas station to get food instead of stopping at some fancy restaurant, but it's still one of the nicest times anyone could ever have.
PLEASE I HAD SO MUCH MORE I COULD'VE SAID. I LOVE HIM BAD. I JUST. yeah.... so I don't talk too much.
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marciabrady · 1 year
How would you rank ‘One Song’, ‘Once Upon a Dream’, and ‘So This Is Love’ aka the most top tier romantic duets Disney had ever produced?
This is such a great question and I really don't want to cop out but I'll never be able to choose between the original four princesses ever so it really just depends on my mood/what I need to listen to! All three are some of my favorite songs ever, so I'll just list what I get from them/why I listen to them at different times and for what reason:
I'm Wishing/One Song: I'm Wishing is the first song I ever remember hearing. I was obsessed with the echoes and it's the only song in English my grandparents know- it was Adriana's favorite, too! There's such a magical quality to it and I love, for as mythical a Princess as Snow White is, her very human lyric of "I'm dreaming of the nice things he'll say." It really does remind you that, at the heart of it all, Snow White is someone who's been abused and neglected but still has a tender heart, in spite of her circumstances, just wants someone who will treat her with affection for a change. Her wish is very human and, beyond imagining what he should look like or about the riches he possesses, she just wants to be loved and feel safe around someone. It's such a vulnerable, soft moment, and to be countered with One Song! One Song is so steadfast in its dedication and what everyone wishing for love could ever hope for- someone you're in love with, being respectful but still consistent and unwavering in declaring their love for you. The lyrics have such a hold on me- "one song, my heart keeps singing, of one love, only for you." It isn't beauty or innocence that draws the Prince to the Princess- but, in this fairytale universe, they truly are meant and made for each other. She isn't just going to be tossed aside for another pretty face or Princess, this is truly the only love of the Prince's life, which is why he continues to venture through all the seasons while riding in the forest, searching for his lost love when Snow White is thought to be dead. I listen to this when I need to feel more solid in the belief that my soulmate is out there and that I'll know it when I see them, but also that it'll be easy- I won't be riddled with thinking of how to maintain their interest or reach out to them or how to overcome my anxiety. If they're as interested as I am, things will naturally progress and the strength of that unity and bond will overcome any other temporary hardship that might fall in our path during the courting period that would dissuade any other lesser relationship. True love isn't fragile- it isn't something that'll go away if you say the wrong thing, or don't happen to be somewhere one day. True love is strong and withstanding and everlasting.
So This is Love: THIS SONG. Not to sound like a 2010 gif but all the feels. Cinderella just got to the dance by the skin of her teeth after having to fight for her right to go all day and after being assaulted and ripped to literal shreds by her abusers. She's a spirited and lively girl, but the harsh encounters she's made contact with that day are understandably giving her slight social anxiety. She's the only young maiden to go to the ball without a chaperon, as we see, and she's late to the proceedings. She doesn't stand in line, but plans on spending the night by herself, surrounded in the marvels of the building- when he approaches her. To this point, every physical encounter we've seen with Cinderella is other blatantly violent or borders on being violent. The stepsisters pushing their fingers in her face, her dress being ripped off her body, being on the receiving end of sneers and mockery and insults. When the Prince first reaches for her hand, she's startled and it's almost as if she thinks she's going to be hit...because that's what all of her interactions have played out as, thus far. She's never been on the receiving end of a warm touch or a loving motion or an act of tenderness. She's been ridiculed and humiliated and demeaned...she probably never thought she'd ever experience love and, when she does- the floating notes of Ilene's voice rising higher and higher and higher are ethereal and so elating and gratifying. For the first time in her life, she's made the discovery of what love truly could be, and the Prince, too, is transformed by it- this rich boy who was bored by all the luxuries surrounding him realizes that it's love that's more important than all the treasure in the world and the only thing that can make him feel alive. The spurts of energy and silent affection they carry for one another is so beautifully compelling and to think Cinderella got to experience this after so many years of pain is so emotional for me. I listen to this when I'm at my lowest and am convinced I'll never again feel those butterflies in my stomach that bring you to the sky when you're in love, or that happiness that makes your smile spread so wide on your face before you even show any teeth- the type that makes your cheeks warm and pink and tuck your chin into your chest- and it works, like a charm, every time in showing me what could be just around the corner and how much that would change my entire life, even if nothing else in my life actually changes.
Once Upon a Dream: Where to even begin lol you all know that Aurora is the Princess I identify with the most and this song is the prime example of why. She's an innately romantic princess and is filled with so much love for her elders and the animals and the world around her, but she still wants to experience romantic love. Forced into total social isolation, she's devoid of any human contact and has to resort to her very vivid imagination to generate any stimulus or feelings of sensation...and I think all of us online folk know that outlet a little too well, whether it's fanfic we're indulging in or reader insert writing or roleplay or fan videos or anything. She sings by herself, with a mockup dream Prince, and connects her desires with those of her subconscious- which elevates it all to me. She sings of her dreams and what happens at night and how there's a nagging knowledge that all of her illusions will disappear once she awakens, but the emotional perplexity and depth to her dreams and the desires of her heart tell her that it can't just be an illusion though she logically knows it is. It's really fascinating in a way where most people you meet will never be able to even understand this depth to Aurora, but then again they probably wouldn't have spent enough time with her to deconstruct it to this extent...but I digress. So, for her song- which is so unreal and otherworldly but also anchored by the support of the world in the knowledge of the distinction between the dream world and the waking one- to actually be interjected by that very figment of her imagination coming to life and sprouting her own words back to her is soooo unimaginable and entrancing and exciting, especially considering Phillip doesn't just sing her own words back to her- it really does feel as though she, too, is the person he sees in his dreams every night and it fills you with all these new colors and images and feelings that Aurora's verse does, despite the fact that they're identical lyrics. I listen to this one so often, because it represents so much of the intimacy and sensuality and how realistic us dreamers are forced to be while still maintaining our soaring spirits and so many other qualities that would take me forever to list out. But I mainly listen to this one when I feel like I need the wants and cries of my heart to feel heard and to embrace that intimacy I mentioned earlier
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jeskoholic · 2 years
A Heater for Her Thighs - Dreamcatcher Yoohyeon
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Authornim: Yup, just a small piece with an idea that would be fit for this year’s Halloween. This is probably my most NSFW and explicit work to date. The tags as well as the TWs would give you a good enough of an idea about why. Please proceed with your own caution as the imageries and descriptions in this story are really not suitable for immature audiences. You have been warned.
This story was inspired by an existing song of which I am a huge fan of, translated and slightly altered to fit my personal narrative style. I’ll include the name of that song at the end of the story in order to avoid spoilers (the title is pretty much is a hint on the song though.). I understand that these kinds of stories are not for everyone, so no worries if you’re not comfortable and I’ll see you on the next update!
Once again, a very, very, VERY NSFW piece for Halloween… Let me know what you think once you’re done with it.
TAGS: Male Reader x Kim Yoohyeon, Fluff (?), Dark Fantasy, Supernatural Love, Twisted Romance, Love and Death, Body Horror (?), Zombies and the Undead, Horror Imagines
TRIGGER WARNING: Contains a lot of violent actions, Depictions of violence towards idols/women, Depictions of violence towards the main character, Mentions and implications of sex, Imageries of Hell, necrophilia, abuse, mental Illness, Imageries and descriptions of blood, Gore, Murder, Swearing, degradation (?), cannibalism, paranoia, Depictions of Death, Body Horror, Explicit language, Sadism, Very fucked up story overall.
This was a bitch to write.
Happy Halloween!
You had your legs situated under the table of your old apartment, tapping the wooden ground endlessly in a quiet display of anxiety. The small décor you placed around the dining room was criminally minimal despite having a greater purpose for that particular evening, which explains the impending worry you had in your mind. Scent of molten wax lingered about the air as the candles danced clueless into the void; their flames echoing a soft illumination that joined the minimal lighting you arranged for that night. Your sole company for that worrisome approach were two plates of carefully cooked dinner as well as the euphonious rhythm of the blues and jazz you set as a background. It sure sounded romantic and invigorating and yet it did exactly the opposite to your feeble seated figure.
A sound of a door opening felt like a shriek that broke into the silence as well as your misplaced concentration. The stillness of your rising distress halted in one fell swoop the moment that the love of your life, your girlfriend of many years Kim Yoohyeon, entered the room. However, as much as Yoohyeon was the one who could keep you in upright and positive equilibrium, she was also the unwitting source of dread for that arrangement.
“Hello my love,” Your girlfriend greeted you as she sat opposite you on the humble dining table; her expressive eyes gazing at you with concern. “I’m sorry if I kept you waiting, but at least I took care of the things that we won’t be interrupted just like you asked me. Shall we start, my love?”
“Y-yes…” you croak; the tapping that came from your leg seemingly became a lot worse when she finally arrived at the scene. You could not even figure out if you were doing it to quench your unbridled anxiety or your leg cramped entirely on its own.
“Are you okay?” asked Yoohyeon in utmost concern. You planted your eyes on her in response; a bit forced and divided whether it was caused by care or fear. “You look pale. Are you really nervous? This was your idea, my love. Please, keep calm and just let the moment flow with you. I’m here with you; don’t be afraid.”
As an act of control, you placed your hand heavily over your thigh; effectively stopping your leg from trembling before Yoohyeon could even sense the tension going on with your sorry being.
“S-sorry… you just l-look beautiful…”
Even with that mousy reply, Yoohyeon found the beauty in your words and sensed that something you planned was already in effect. You were never the type who could keep still when something was going on and having known you for years, Yoohyeon could already tell that there was something behind the scenes just by looking at your eyes. However, even if she had her hints she still elected to play along your little game and act blind with your plans. It’s not like going for a candle-lit dinner devoid of any occasion was not suspicious to her at all.
You sat there opposite her as you feel your heart about to burst out of your chest. You had Yoohyeon for years and years and this was the night you planned to tie the knot: you gained traction and finally decided to propose to her and make her yours forever.
It was time for you to marry Kim Yoohyeon.
“Yoohyeon … my love…” you began as you finally asked her to stand up. You ignored all sense of ceremony and formality inside your head and decided to jump the gun right away. The dinner was more of an afterthought; you only used it to lure her with you alone. At least then, if everything went with how you planned for it then you have something to talk over dinner.
You stood from your chair, carefully waltzed around to Yoohyeon’s position where she mimicked the same action out of confusion. She already supplied you with a tilt of her head, signalling her interest on what was to follow while you fished a small box from your pocket. There was no sense of build-up; no small talks between, no nothing. You were there and she was with you. You gathered the courage and it was your moment of truth. You gave her sharp eyes a final glance before you sank to the floor on one knee, prying open the box for her to finally see the diamond ring hidden within.
“Yoohyeon, my love, will you marry me?”
Then, silence.
Even with the gentle play of the music in the background, you never felt the atmosphere as dead as ever. Yoohyeon was frozen in silence, utterly shocked that you reached that degree or even the had the courage to ask her of it. The next minutes were torture to you. She never moved a single muscle nor twitched even a single bit of her hair after you asked for her answer. You were nervous as she never stood that emotionless than before; so dead, so expressionless and so dreadful. It was far worse than her having to reject you right on the spot; telling you that you made a mistake for asking her for marriage on that very dinner.
And yet what you viewed as worst, Yoohyeon did what was far more vile and cruel than that.
She laughed.
At first you thought that she was chuckling out of joy; that the love of your life found the small gesture thoughtful and that she was showing her appreciation for it. It would have been such an adorable conclusion; you would have been really stressed for nothing as she finally gave her confirmation and agreement to be your fiancé and later on your wife…
No, it was not. The laughter that escaped your girlfriend’s lips was maniacal and plunged deeper and deeper onto her mocking you, just the cackle continued on and on and on. You stopped dead; shivers ran down your spine as you witnessed Yoohyeon swat the ring out of your reach and set it crashing onto the ground. It clanged noisily against the wooden floor, bounced with every your hope and love lost with its wreck.
Once she was done mocking you for even daring to propose to her, she gave the answer that was the final nail in the coffin.
“No… why would I do that, my love? Why would I marry a loser such as you? There’s no way!”
And then she proceeded to guffaw as your entire body crumbled in desperation, losing the built-up confidence you took so long to prepare for that night…
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“S-sorry… you just l-look beautiful…”
Even with that mousy reply, Yoohyeon found the beauty in your words and sensed that something you planned was already in effect. You were never the type who could keep still when something was going on and having known you for years, Yoohyeon could already tell that there was something behind the scenes just by looking at your eyes. However, even if she had her hints she still elected to play along your little game and act blind with your plans. It’s not like going for a candle-lit dinner devoid of any occasion was not suspicious to her at all.
You sat there opposite her as you feel your heart about to burst out of your chest. You had Yoohyeon for years and years and this was the night you planned to tie the knot: you gained traction and finally decided to propose to her and make her yours forever.
It was time for you to marry Kim Yoohyeon.
However, you saw things differently that felt like they were played out like a hole movie; they unfolded in your mind as if they were a premonition of your inevitable defeat and it drove you crazy from the inside-out. You were scared; no, you were terrified of how things would unfold had Yoohyeon decide to reject your proposal. You would lose your only world. You would lose the one thing that made things sensible for you in your unfair existence. You would lose Kim Yoohyeon, the love of your life, and you do not want that to happen ever.
You wanted to be with her forever; be by her side through thick and thin. If there was even a slight chance to get rid of the possibility, you were all for it. That was when your mind went black. You gave in to the demons that were telling you what you should do.
Eyeing the knife that lay on your plate, you shivered as you finally stood up in the imposing silence. Your girlfriend Yoohyeon lay confused at the sudden change of your demeanour as well as the expression that lay on your face. You used to be so pale and worried and now you look so eerily happy; in fact, the smile that was etched on your face was twisted and borderline sadistic and you were echoing a soft yet maniacal cackle.
“M-my love, are you o-okay?” she asked in fear, beginning to stand in reaction to your odd posture. The wooden chair creaked noisily as its feet got dragged across the tainted floor. “M-my love…?”
Her pleas dropped into nothing as your thoughts began fixated on to one thing: if she was the one who could rid of your love for her, then even your precious Yoohyeon should go. You intend to end all possibilities before they even became reality. You were not willing to take the risk only for you to break in the end.
You curved your lips into a deranged smile, grabbing the blade you prepared on the table and gave chase to your poor girlfriend. Yoohyeon looked at you in terror, struck in disbelief at the sudden change of the man she once loved. She did not need more than enough evidence to see that you intend to kill her; a goal that seemingly came off of nowhere. Regardless of the motivation, she scrambled to her feet in attempt to flee through the door of the house you two shared together; the raw thought of you chasing her with a knife seemingly silenced her due to her immediate trauma. She still lingered in disbelief that you could do something similar to her.
The length of your limbs gave you enough advantage that you were able to reach the door before she did, effectively shutting her off from the only remaining access to the outside. You stalked her like a hungry lion and aimed the sharp cutter up high, ready to inflict damage to the woman you once valued with all of your life at the first chance you could get to do it. All Yoohyeon‘s screams dissolved into the evening; the remote place of your house eliminated the possibility for her calling for help and that was what you needed. Eventually, Yoohyeon backed onto a corner… a wall that rendered her virtually unable to escape from your approaching and murderous visage.
“M-my love, please…” she breathed out in attempt to console to her lover within you. She was desperate as she sank onto the floor with her hands up high in surrender. Those small pleas served as the final words that escaped the mouth of your girlfriend, her life flashing before her very eyes.
Your mouth seemingly moved on its own, replying a set of words Yoohyeon never even imagined to escape from your lips.
“Come here my love~ come here you fucking bitch.”
You held on to Yoohyeon’s wrist with excessive force, denying any chance of the woman before you to even escape your clutches. With the blade that you held high on your left hand, you repeatedly released deep and piercing stabs that tore through her skin as the demon finally took over you. Her screams of agony were drowned in repeated struggle; you covering her mouth with you bare hands and her fighting to her best against it. All of that happened while your hand went to do the rest of your bloody work.
Yoohyeon’s pleas and fracas became more and more adamant just as the cold, silver steel continued to puncture her being further and further, leaving wounds all over her once-perfect body. You had nothing else on your mind but to kill; to murder the very girlfriend you were intending to marry mere moments ago, and even more so her appeals went to loose noise as her voice began to lose steam. You two were a scarlet mess with most of her blood splashing on the wall she was leading against. It was a lot of stabs that you lost count of our immense frenzy, and the fall of Yoohyeon’s body was evidence to that deranged trance you underwent in a split second. Her eyes; the very glassy ones that showed you love and affection were now ruined, only showing the terror that you, yourself, had given her poor and decimated soul.
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The pair of you lay along the floor in a flood of crimson with you straddling the disembodied mess that was once the body of your girlfriend as soon you finished your work of art. You had no idea if she still had some life with her, yet her eyes were clearly full of sorrow and shock on her last moments. You knew that it was bound to come at that point; the fear caused you to think better of yourself and murder her then and there. However, even with that violent display your demons still were not contented. You wanted to humiliate her even beyond the grave.
Through the sanguine pool around you, you examined the unmoving body of your partner under you. Despite the savage display and the ripples of each and every blow you drove on her body, most of Yoohyeon’s beautiful features were still laid there as her face was left untouched. Bloodied, sure, but you could still make up the astounding features that made her so breath-taking. And then, with the rip that her clothes made you eyed the stab on her very chest, right above her heart. You don’t know what came over you, but you ripped her sternum open with brute strength. You were quickly greeted with the sight of her very heart only moments from losing the beating that gave her life.
That was what you wanted. You wanted her heart quite literally.
You ripped her heart out right before her lifeless eyes, and if ever there was still a bit of life left in her, that was surely the one that sent her to her impending death. It was so inviting; you finally had her heart on your hands and yet you still would not yield with your desires. Having someone else have her muscle on your hands would be your greatest nightmare you could think of. So the best course of action was to deny anyone from ever having it.
Never in your sane mind did you imagine yourself eating the raw heart of a human being, let alone your girlfriend. However, there you were tearing through the thick muscle with your bare teeth like it was nothing. The sheer contact your teeth made against the soft tissue felt immaculate while your taste fell numb. The way that the blood painted your face and body while you took your time consuming Yoohyeon’s heart would terrify anyone else unfortunate enough to walk into you, but you loved the idea that she was finally yours. You were quite lucky that no one else dared to even check on you, or they were just as twisted and heartless as you were for playing deaf with Yoohyeon’s cries of help.
Then again, every chew and tear you made with the mess on your fingers seemed to drive you deeper into madness. You eyed Yoohyeon’s dead body and there were still a lot more… perverted ways that you could do with her. You were essentially corrupted by your own carnal desires. There was so much free moments now that you were alone and even she could not stop you if she wanted to…
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Days after your macabre art, you spent your hours locked in with yourself with the dead body of Yoohyeon being your sole company in your own twisted world. You cleaned and washed the blood stains off of your beautiful woman, carefully took care of her mangled body and moved to the next stage that your demented mind was telling you. Of course, because the hacks and stabs you made against her body left most of her limp limbs unsightly with the obvious tears on her skin and the occasional gaps, you beckoned yourself to sew her wounds back together with some makeshift needles as well as all the steel wires you could find around your rural household.
One by one, you took your time to secure the rest of her deceased body that she may be whole and functioning like she used to be. The loss of buckets and buckets of blood caused her skin to turn chalk-white, almost borderline grey, only complimenting the periodical stitches you gave her throughout her entire body. Once you were done, Yoohyeon was back to how you remember her being; albeit looking sinister with all the stitches that were distributed all over her body yet still managed that youthful bliss of her beautiful face.
However, even with that excellent display of your creativeness sometimes her body could only take so much. Parts of her body would often fall apart and all that was left to do was to sew them back together. You did not mind. In your head, she looked most perfect than ever. You even danced with her body along with the same jazz music that played while you killed her days prior, all to your hearts’ content. Even until Yoohyeon’s head broke off loose from her neck, you merely sew it back together and went on with your life. That was the celebration for the eternity you intend to spend with her, trapped on the same four corners you had to yourselves for years to come and it was just the first days before it all began.
Then again, you still were not satisfied.
You and Yoohyeon shared a bed a couple of times into your relationship and you were no strangers to the fantasies of sex. However, even with the pleasure and satisfaction you both gave to each other the weakness of the human body always offered a form of limitation. You always had to consider everything that would come every time you and Yoohyeon had sex and admittedly she would often cut you when you clearly wanted more of her. Now, Yoohyeon’s body was pendulous and yielding to you no matter what you wanted of her, and even if you took her to bed for the entire evening she would not complain whatsoever.
You had her dead frame all over your command and you intend to exert every limit you could with her desecrated frame.
As every day unfolded, you almost spent your entire day nude and constantly railing Yoohyeon’s lifeless and stitched body. You thrust your ever needy cock inside the cavity between her legs, feeling the immortal sensation of her naturally squeezing your length all throughout. It was just how she was when she was living, only with the exception of her cold body adding a sense of satisfaction whenever you heated her insides with your friction. You were relentless; intending to fuck her dead and flopping body all over the house to satisfy your needs. You railed her over the bed while you had her legs anchored around you, over the dining table while you positioned her like a dog and rammed her from behind, and even at the back yard whilst the moon and stars lay witness to your perverted and disrespectful ways. You never seemed to care. It took a good while to get used to Yoohyeon’s absence of moans while you continued to pound her but that was perhaps the best part; at least you could get to rail her even with your other neighbors passing by. They would never know what you were doing with her body under the table.
Countless number of times you defiled her dead body and the thrill was already getting to your head; raping her to your heart’s content that she could not even complain of anything with what you do to her even if it would normally hurt her human being. That was the best part. Kim Yoohyeon was your man-made sex-doll, customized and tailored to all your likings and fetishes that you dare not convey to her when she was still alive. In your eyes, you were still fucking Yoohyeon albeit she was on a deep sleep. You knew she felt every trail of semen you shot deep in her womanhood. The sensations were too real that you could sometimes feel a ghost of her moan escaping from her head mouth.
You repeatedly disrespected her body. You applied all sense of sexual fantasies you conjured up on your mind and you dared not to leave anything behind. You tied her; you fucked her from behind, rode her, fucked her mouth, fucked her standing, over the stove, over the dining table, strapped her on, pegged yourself and felt the satisfaction of having your hole expanded like hers… You did anything imaginable until you grew personally tired of her for the day and you would not even hear a simple complaint from her especially as you dumped all your cum all over her holes. You were fulfilled of everything that your warped mind was telling you to do so. You were creative on everything, sure, yet you were corrupted by your very carnal and hellish desires. Your debauched thirsts were more than just quenched, and then when days would pass you would still keep on thinking what else to do with her mangled form. If you had one, then you’d proceed to take her on towards your darker path once again. It went on and on and on until you cannot anymore.
Often times when you would not let Yoohyeon’s freshly fucked body alone on the bed next to you, you would place her on a standing and decorated coffin you made yourself. You made sure that you situated it right next to the television just so you can have a perfect view of her resting body while you enjoyed your shows. Despite being so horrid with her, you still loved the body of your girlfriend. You made sure to place and decorate her coffin with photos of you both, taken when she was still living and clueless of her eventual fate. You took care of her dead body to preserve her look exactly how appeared when she was still alive. It might be out of love that you were doing it and yet you also did not want her to look ‘lifeless’ whenever you engaged on fucking her once again.
That was how your life with Yoohyeon went as the days passed by. You kept her lifeless body preserved and looking young, occasionally taking her to your bedroom to spray on her youth from time to time. All was going so well.
At least, it was going smoothly until you left to gather supplies for your future experiments, refilling your stock as well as your own food. You secured everything in your house thinking that all was safe. Kim Yoohyeon was placed on her coffin just as usual, and you even bid a soft good bye to her body by giving a kiss on her cold lips. You locked your front door, placed a couple of chains and locks to prevent anyone else from discovering your little crime. At the end of the day, you still viewed her as your little treasure; your little piece of heaven.
However, on that silence and amidst the cold and dark living room you left Yoohyeon on, her dead white eyes fixated on the floor devoid of any pupils dissolved into a black mist. She stood there so still, leaning against the left side of your coffin when her body began to twitch and her eyes blinked back to life, hungering and more than eager to finally move at last.
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The view of the sunset heading to your home was always immaculate. Having to see the final reaches of bright orange day as it fades onto a dark-blue twilight was always a treat considering you don’t get to see it that often. It did felt odd that you did not have Yoohyeon with you as you bring the groceries home for sure. However, the anticipation that her body gave you knowing she was just there waiting for the ‘new adventures’ you intend to do with her lifeless body was as immaculate as the sunset; you felt like a child heading home to your favourite toy. In a sense, that might as well be the case. Someday, you might even get the courage to take her out of your very home.
You quickly unlocked the multitude of chains you had to secure your front door up, eager to finally see Yoohyeon after a long afternoon of going around town without her. The scent that greeted you was different as it was very waxy. You went out a couple of times before and yet you do not remember lighting any candles before you left, so why was that the case now? The familiar burnt wax scent haunted your nostrils and it seemingly grew stronger and stronger as you became closer to freeing the door. You set the heavy chains beside the bags and swung the door fully open.
At first, you deemed the standing figure of Yoohyeon greeting you to be normal at first. It was about the same way that she greeted you whenever you came home from a long day. That heart-warming presence of your girlfriend was already in display, and you even can’t believe how lucky of a man you were for having her greet with you with such warmth and enthusiasm.
But then, there was something blatantly wrong with that.
Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes widened. Yoohyeon was not simply standing at the door’s entrance because you simply forgot to put her back on her coffin, but she was there staring at you with her glaring eyes. They were sharp, black and iris-less yet full of anger that joined the rest of her already ghoulish presence. The stitches you gave her body made her presence increasingly more sinister, quite obvious from the hanging tank top you had her dressed her before you left. You froze, eyes drifting towards the rest of her body in effort to make sense of what you were seeing. Yoohyeon literally looked like a monster that came back from the dead and you could not even move with all that was presented before you.
To your surprise, Yoohyeon’s head tilted gently to the side and that movement caused you to break your stupor and step back in quick and terrorized reflex. Slowly, her deathly visage mimicked the steps you made only hers was moving closer to you, in a still and fearful presence. You moved back further and further, trying to keep your eyes glued to her approaching figure until you eventually tripped on the chains that once held the door shut together.
You scrambled to your feet, panicking to get back only to fall once more. You rushed to fixate your eyes on Yoohyeon’s figure. She reached the door still in the same dead-pan pace while you crawled back using your legs and your hands. Then, your girlfriend’s head straightened again, her death-clad stare surely fixated towards you despite lacking any evidence of emotion before a sadistic smile curved on her pale lips.
“Hello, my love~” she echoed; her voice still had that sweet and sultry tone to her albeit lost in a faint yet monstrous growl.
Yoohyeon‘s body twitched as her movements became erratic… it was as if she was getting used to the new life she had as well as the body that served nothing but cum dump since she died. Each clockwork movement she made had an inch closer to your horrified figure. She was that; the very manifestation of the fears and misbehaving you concurred. You did not even think of how it was even possible for her to come back to life. The mess that was once your girlfriend was a heart-less body that was on its feet and clearly at a loss of all the humanity left. All you could do was flee. There was certainly no sense of trying to reason to a being you could barely even call as Kim Yoohyeon.
You were being chased by a relentless monster; a vengeful soul that possessed the body you repeatedly disrespected. Yoohyeon’s dead and jet-black eyes curved and flared with a murderous intent, and of course her only target being you.
Once again, you scrambled to get on your feet, sending dust and dirt to the air as your feet desperately tried to clamour over the pavement. You managed to gain ground by knocking over the groceries you once brought home, and they were unfortunately left in a tired mess in front of your doorstep. The heart beating faster inside your ribcage almost rivalled the pace that you took knowing your life was in danger. You glanced back once you felt like you gave yourself a decent distance from her, only to find Yoohyeon breaking in your pick-up truck of which you haplessly disregarded amidst the ensuing chaos and panic.
“Where are you going, my love? Aren’t you going to say ‘hi’ to me?” You heard her taunting call throughout the commotion as the truck roared to life, followed by the sound of her insane laughter. If you were not yet running fast, by then you surely were at the moment you heard the truck heading towards your direction. The limited heads and eyes of your neighbours were even discarded as you ran for your life, exiting the quiet and remote village onto the dirt road ahead.
Your legs brought you onto the nearby forest, exiting the dirt road once you heard the truck coming to a close. Twigs, broken branches, and shrubs rustled under your sprinting feet while you wade through the uneven terrain, making sure to give a good glance towards your back every once a while. You heard a loud crash, perhaps coming from the truck that Yoohyeon drove to get to you; but even with that you still kept your pace thriving deeper and deeper onto the jungle of trees and passing by overgrown roots as well as thickets.
Yoohyeon’s voice once again echoed as if she had the entire forest bewitched for you to hear her voice. It was either that, or the bone-chilling hiss of her vindictive expression was playing right inside your head. It was more than enough to slow you down, make your knees weak and yet you pursued for the sake of the illusion of escape.
“My loooooove~ Where are you my looooove?”
You lost track of the path you were taking on as the skies dissolved into the faint darkness of the approaching evening. All you saw seemed to have been in a deep shade of blue; all details of the forest vague on your bare eyes. The ground under you were barely even showing itself as you ran over it; torn between keeping the pace up with the noise of the twigs below you and keeping your journey as quiet as you possibly could. Even the presence of Yoohyeon inside the forest with you seemed to have been brought out of your system with you solely focusing your efforts on navigating the labyrinthine greenery.
“My loooooove~”
You immediately snapped your gaze on your back the moment you heard Yoohyeon l’s voice again, closer and quite approaching you that time around. You eyed every sliver of light you could make out between the trees, hoping to find evidence of her movement but to no avail. The night started to get deeper as the twilight bled onto the eventual evening. It would only be a matter of time before Yoohyeon’s possessed and angry corpse would be close to your disadvantaged mortal figure.
You hurried your attention back towards the direction you were running at, only for you to be stopped dead on your tracks by a deep and quick blow striking you right at the right side of your stomach.
It took a second for you to realize what even had happened. The sight of the deathly presence of Kim Yoohyeon l right next to you, all in her stitched-up and horrifying aspect, was the answer you were dearly looking for. You looked at her dead-on her life-less eyes; the void of her all-black sclera now appearing more sinister amidst the impending darkness along with the dreadful presence of her mangled body. You froze; it was as if all sense of motor movement on your body left you as you stared on Yoohyeon in disbelief. Her hand cradled the handle of a branch.
You began to shake as the blow felt more than connected to your own. There was heat; searing warmth that you’ve never felt before lay on the perimeter of the blow and it slowly became dead cold. You traced Yoohyeon’s outstretched hand and she held a thick and angled branch, its end pierced inside you with a deep wound.
Your eyes lingered towards Yoohyeon’s once again with your shocked gaze appealing to the sense of humanity in her. You hoped there were still some left inside her chalky anterior. However, Yoohyeon’s lacerated face supplied you with a grin; her lips curving from ear to ear accentuated by the small seams on her face. The horror began to bite in you; no sense of appeal to her would even get you out of that. The painful truth began to shed its face to you just as the pain of the wood against your bare skin began to manifest itself.
Yoohyeon, with utmost incredible force, pulled the thicket from your body and thrust onto you once more, sending a spurt of blood over her face. You screamed in agony and yet your voice was drowned amidst the dark trees. You felt strength leave your body, holding on to Yoohyeon’s free arm with a quick shake of your entire being. Your then-girlfriend held onto you in return, but she merely used your hand as leverage to pull the stabbed thicket out and pierce it through your body once again. On and on it went, Yoohyeon mimicking the same degree of savagery you displayed when you murdered her, but with her newfound strength it drove the feeling harder and harder for your body to tolerate. In moments time you were already falling down with weakness taking over you.
You had no idea at what point during her rampage that you felt numb to her forces. You might have been desensitized with the consecutive blows that came your way, causing you to lose ground and fall to your knees with the pool of blood showering beneath your feet. Your body became uncontrollable and you cannot help but fixate your eyes on Yoohyeon’s figure towering over your body as you fell on your back; knees still bent on that awkward angle.
You could not even speak as blood gurgled out of your mouth with your desperate attempts. You knew that you should have been dead by then, and yet as punishment for your previous deeds towards Yoohyeon, your senses remained well. You could still see her approach your body and kneel beside your destroyed frame. It felt like a fevered dream at that point; you were merely there to watch what she was about to do to the remnants of your body. You were quite literally unable to stop what she has in mind. If she was intending to inflict the same degree you did to her, you could only do so much and watch.
Yoohyeon raised her right hand, nails shining in the darkness like sharp talons, and quickly plunged her hand straight through your ribcage with one quick crack of your sternum and rib bones. All of her prior stabs that evening dissolved towards the end. However, it was that one pierce; that one particular that Yoohyeon did with her bare hands reaching for your heart, felt the most painful of them all. You watched in horror as Yoohyeon pulled your heart out right before your eyes, equally engulfing your body in a pool of blood under the moon and stars. You gazed onto her until the life faded out of your frame; the sight of your girlfriend with your heart on your hands being the last thing you saw before your eyes closed involuntarily. It was enough for you to see Yoohyeon devour and indulge on the heart situated on her very hands. You were dead. You know you were already dead and yet you still felt like you were falling onto a deep abyss after what had just happened…
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The transition from your apparent death to what followed came quicker than you expected. There was nothing certain about what comes after death; it becoming the end-all be-all of one’s life might yield onto a promise of an immortal life. However, just as you felt falling to your death after just being killed by Yoohyeon. You felt like you entered a dream-like state that lasted for a couple of minutes followed by a quick state of stillness. Your consciousness was telling that you were falling beforehand and when everything came to a stop, you never felt your feet hit solid ground. The fall was a dream and you felt your eyes close while you leaned onto a desk.
All the thoughts of previous events were already behind you as it all dissolved into a fevered mush. You were seated and you knew it, feeling the hard wood that your head and body was dearly leaning on. In a quick rush, you opened your eyes and you were immediately greeted by a familiar sight.
The hint of burning candlewax lingered strongly onto the open air of your apartment, apparently still in pristine shape after all that misbehaviours you did previously. Even that was beyond you now. You only took what you were sensing for what it was. It was the apartment you and Yoohyeon lived on, only void of the obvious furniture that added a lot of space to it. There was only the empty table you were sleeping on, the wooden chair you sat onto, and finally the single piano that seemed to be playing the same melody on the evening you slaughtered and dehumanized your own girlfriend. Hearing that rang no real bells to you as confusion primarily ruled on your calm consciousness.
You began to stand up and take a feel of things, call for your girlfriend and ask her what was going on. However, you cannot move your mouth to even speak. You tried and yet there was no sound coming out. A small layer of panic began to coat over your questionable stay whilst you began to take a walk. However, you were greeted by a gruesome sight invisible to you when you first woke up from your bizarre dream, only now that it felt more realistic than any dream or illusion could convey.
The ground on your feet was filled in with burning wood. Charred logs lingered all around you upon the realization that the ligneous floor of your apartment began combusting onto oblivion; sending sparks and ash all over your surroundings. You ran your eyes towards the rest of the place and even the walls of your humble apartment began to combust and engulf the entire interior with angry, blazing fire. The walls, the table near you, even the chair that you sat on was burning with hot flames. What used to be windows of your cabin with Yoohyeon were now glowing with hot and resentful fire.
However, despite the abundance of blazing material around you the orange dance of the heat was nothing to you. There was no immediate reaction to flee or even the sensation of pain. In fact, there was no immediate reaction as you felt nothing with the inferno that surrounded you.
Confused and unable to speak your curious steps began to tread you closer towards the fiery glass-less windows of your apartment in the hopes that it might give you the answers you need. You came proximate and slowly peered through the fire and the flames, only for the silhouette of burning hands clawing at the surface of an ocean of heat to greet you; some even making their way towards the safety of your own cabin.
You tread back as you felt fear overcome your curiosity, not even minding the now-audible pleas and screams of help that came from the distance. Your eyes were not deceiving you and at that point you could have wished that they did. In that stillness and the retreat out of fear that you made from the door, your senses were greeted by an immediate presence lingering behind you. You never felt anything from the entity’s end and yet you already knew you were with someone, apparently appearing out of thin fire as the rest of the apartment seemingly came from. You quickly turned, noticing how even your own body appeared to be burning yet devoid of any pain or sensation on your skin as well, and fixated your gaze on the newcomer that joined your confused being.
It was none other than your own girlfriend and doomed fiancé-to-be, Kim Yoohyeon.
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She stood there as beautiful as ever; her body restored to its former beauty before you ever desecrated her for your own sadistic purpose. Yoohyeon’s once paper-fair complexion was there once again as her skin was finally rid of the ties and stitches you did to put it together. Her presence seemingly glowed and radiated amidst the already bright and deafening place of your apartment ablaze. She was dressed on an equally dazzling white wedding dress, stretching from laced patterns that covered her sleeves and the long cloth that covered beyond her legs and feet. A veil separated you from ever witnessing the rest of her pretty face.
“Yoohyeon, my love… you look so beautiful,” you mused in awe and your loving girlfriend supplied you with a keen smile. You never knew you could even speak and seemingly the sight of your girlfriend already broke that curse within you. “You’re here… you’re with me. You’re with me, my love~”
You began to take your steps closer to where she was standing. There was that hunger, or rather desire, as well as elation to finally see her amidst the questionable place you were on. Aside from the familiar scenery of your apartment, Yoohyeon was the only thing familiar amidst the sea of hell that was lay outside of the door. Having the comfort of seeing her would be better if you could finally embrace her. You knew that you missed seeing her even if you had a vague memory of when you even last saw her.
You were about at arms’ length from Yoohyeon when you saw her face transition from her former stoic and emotionless smile to a face that was as long as a fiddle. For a moment’s thought, Yoohyeon’s gloom was evident on her figure before the rest of her body entirely combusts, engulfing her in a pillar of flame that sent you hurtling back towards the floor she found you on.
After that scramble, you brushed the relative smoke that formed on her ignition and quickly got to your feet with utmost effort. You scrambled to get up and finally fixated your eyes on Yoohyeon’s burning figure, only for the flames that hugged her body slowly disintegrate into thin air, leaving the sight of horror that was familiar to your ever-twisted memory.
Yoohyeon stood there on her true form just how you recalled when she killed you. Skin dead as snow, body full of stitches and ties that bound it together, and lips curved into a sadistic smile, and her blackened eyes fixated their void stare back at your mangled figure. The rest of her wedding dress was now burnt and singed all throughout, leaving you a more sinister and terrifying look at your dead fiancé. You were wide-eyed, shocked, and perhaps even fearful for your life. The horrors you left on your living body seemingly haunting you even in the afterlife.
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“What’s the matter, my love?” Yoohyeon spoke in that same sweet and sultry tone dissolved into a feral and shadowy growl. “How come that little enthusiasm is now lost on your face? Do you not like me when I look like this?”
Your jaws trembled upon the presence of her. Your knees felt weak and unable to move; not to mention that the former chilling cold of the burning place now began to warm up to you. You stared on Yoohyeon’s figure dead on, terror and regret flashing on your eyes with her pitiful yet imposing figure.
“My love…” you began to squeak but even that ability to talk was lost on your fright.
“Do you not like me when I look like this, my love?” Yoohyeon repeated her question. Her body then rose from the ground and drifted closer to where you were standing, and you could not help but stand there in remorse with the sheer evidence of the lustful and criminal sins wavering straight at your fore front. You could not even look at Yoohyeon straight in on her blackened eyes.
Yoohyeon could absolutely kill you again with that stare of hers even if you’ve already died.
“How come you cannot answer my question? You were the one who made me like this, right? You’re supposed to love me now, especially when I’m shaped to how you desired. Why are you so held in disbelief?”
“My l-love…”
Yoohyeon’s sudden change in tone, her grotesque accent contributing to her already hideous appearance set you on your knees. You were weak; vulnerable in front of the woman you once claimed that you love. Yoohyeon had her long and sharp fingernails bared on her sides as she hovered over your small being. You had no idea what else she could do to you. She already killed you in cold blood, took your heart out, and ate it too to match your misbehaving with her body. What more could she do to punish you?
That was when the ground around you began to move. The burning wood that you remember you were standing on became a wide pile of skulls, each burnt black like charcoal in an open fire. Slowly, a combination of charred and burning hands began to rise from the hulk of death around you, reaching for you desperately as you panicked to get your feet out from their grasp.
“Fuck, no…! No please! Not like this!” You pleaded towards Yoohyeon’s waiting stance. She could only do much as watch you as you were slowly pulled in by the exposed arms.
Despite your struggles, the grasp of the undying souls were too much even for your fickle mind. You began to sink slowly onto the burnt skills as more and more burnt arms grab you from below, dragging you onto the eventual unrest that was a consequence of your actions from the world of the living.
“No, Yoohyeon, my love! Please…! Help me…! I’m sorry…!” You pleaded towards her once you were already waist-deep amidst the scattered bones. Echoes of disorder and screaming were audible from your ears, and yet Yoohyeon was there only to watch you get devoured by your own words.
The arms rapidly overcame you and quickly pulled on you down like a quicksand. You felt heat on your feet as hands began to grasp on your shoulders. It would only be a matter of time before you…
“Yoohyeon… please, forgive me! Please don’t let this happen to me,” you pleaded once more. Your entire body was already buried with the bones and the arms were rapidly overwhelming your head. One more arm and you can no longer see the floating figure of Kim Yoohyeon before you. “Please…! Yoohyeon! Please…! I’ll do anything for you to forgive me…! I’ll do anything to make it up to you, I promise!”
“What will you do, my love?” she finally asked. Your hands were desperately crawling for her, throwing the reaching arms off of your sight. The entire apartment was gone, and all you could see was Yoohyeon standing amidst the valley of bones with nothing but fire all around her. “What will you do to get my forgiveness?”
“I will do anything! Please, just give me one more chance and I will make it up to you! Please…. Don’t let me die like this… I will be with you forever just to make it up to you! I will take an eternity to even try and make it up for my mistakes, please!”
 “That’s not long enough.”
“My love, I will suffer for so long!”
“I pray to God that you do.”
You twitched as your jaw was attempted to be held.
“Please…! I’ll do anything then… I’ll do anything… I’ll do whatever you want me to do, please just save me my love… please!”
You were finally overwhelmed. You reached an arm out as your face and sight was covered. Yoohyeon was the final thing you saw before everything went black. You were counting on her final hold as you reached your hand out in desperation. It was a final attempt and yet it was proven to be futile.
And then, everything felt dead around you.
The force that was pulling you down the sea of bones was gone. You stopped from ever descending as your body was merely lingering amidst an ocean of skulls. You brushed the skeletal remains off of your face to provide you better sight, and once again you were inside that familiar empty apartment where you and Yoohyeon resided; the walls and ground were now black as if they were just extinguished from a previous burnout.
You crawled out of the skeletal pit and were immediately greeted by the sight of Yoohyeon standing before you once again. The entire apartment was dark, safe for the small glow that her undead body offered for you both.
“I will let you do that then,” she said while you went off and knelt opposite her. “Spend an eternity with me; trying to make up for all the sins you did to me and my life. I will let you do that because I still believe of your love for me. I’ll grant you… one chance. That’s all that I’ll give. And if it’s not enough…”
“If it’s not enough…?”
Yoohyeon drifted her figure close to you and pulled you by the collar of your shirt, and forced you inches above the floor. You could only do so much as to keep your eyes glued onto her immense visage; staring intently onto the grotesque figure of her eyes.  Both of her dead and blackened eyes were gazing back at you. Even through that void of irises you know that Yoohyeon was pleading to the little humanity left on your now repenting figure.
Slowly, her lips began to tremble. There was something definitely gruesome seeing how her lips curved and move this close, especially with the stitches around her beautiful face that added that level of sinister to her.
“You will try again… again… and again… and again... until the end of time. You will spend the rest of your soul’s existence trying to make up for what you did to me; to bring what you stole with everything that you got. You have to do this, or there would be no peace forever. That is what I want, my love, because in the end… you may have destroyed my humanity but I still love you. I still want to be with you forever, even if it means that we would be doing the same thing over and over again. If you really want to get my forgiveness that is what I want you to do,” she finished. Yoohyeon made sure to give you a small shake to emphasize her point. “It’s that or you can stay here and burn forever.”
You nodded without a second’s hesitation and even gave the most kind-hearted smile you could have ever given your fiancé even before you descended down to the path to madness. Even in that moment, despite all of your sins Yoohyeon finally saw the good in you. You were driven by fear; driven by the cowardice that led to both of your undoing. None of this would have ever happened had you not let your thoughts consume you from the inside out.
“I concur. I’ll happily take that if it means that I will be with you forever. I love you, my Yoohyeon. I love you forever.”
And then, Yoohyeon’s monstrous image produced a gesture you would not even think possible for a being like her. She shed tears. She wept.
You found a single tear drop from her eye. What normally would be a clear, tone of clear liquid that would spill down from a human being was pitched black from Yoohyeon. It should be petrifying to say the least, yet Yoohyeon’s jet-black tears coming from her equally jet-black eyes only emphasized her softness hiding amidst that tough and grisly shell.
You reached out to give Yoohyeon a tight hug despite being suspended in mid-air by her support. That action seemingly caught her off guard and yet she returned the gesture nonetheless. However, as much as you surprised her with your sudden intimate embrace, Yoohyeon returned the favour by doing something off as well. You no longer cared whether what was supporting you up or so; logic and realism were definitely not of that world. You let your hands go as you felt Yoohyeon snake her arms around your neck, engaging you in a deep and torrid kiss that would was rightful for the place that the two of you had for your own.
You felt the fire. The heat that once seared the surroundings was now adamant between you both. You and Yoohyeon burned; sharing a kiss that felt so long since you two both had for each other. Kisses after kisses were what spent the rest of your conscious self on that place. It was passionate, lustful and hungry even, and unbelievably very much full of love. You felt Yoohyeon’s burning presence as the fire consumed you both. It was the end of the road. You and Yoohyeon finally had a bond that tied you to each other forever.
The only thing left was to solidify your vows in a ceremony to make things official once and for all.
And as you and Yoohyeon made out in the middle of literal hell, you had your eyes closed with only one thing in mind:
It was finally time to come back.
Sometime after you and Yoohyeon’s doomed relationship spread through the local town like an urban legend, none of the townsfolk ever saw either the two of you to prove it false. That alone led then to believe that the rumours about you both were true; you both fell after being consumed by your own lust for each other and eventually died on each other’s arms without anything or anyone else. However, the impact that you two made on the local populace was strong as it could have ever been. It was suffice to say that there were still some of them that believed you two were prowling in the evening and the darkness, lurking in the shadows and looking for your next victim with the twisted, almost satirical premise they gave you both.
Especially since the local cemetery found an unregistered grave not that long ago. It was a simple pile of soil devoid of tombstones situated on a collection of stone enclosed graves. The eeriness of the appearance of said pile intrigued most of your local neighbours and yet no one truly had the courage to dig it up, fearing of what they could unleash from within. It was not a sound decision especially with your haunting rumour circulating around town.
You were glad that that was the case. It was the place where Yoohyeon put your mangled body after she claimed your heart for her own. It was a grave she expertly dug herself using her bare hands, hiding it from everyone after that fated night that you lost your first life. And now, Yoohyeon’s haunting figure lurked amongst the darkness of the quiet evening eagerly watching any display of movement from your grave. She knew you would come. Some way, some where you’d finally come back as you promised her. It was what was necessary to fulfil the eternal contract and bond of making it up for your sins.
And so, there was the sign she was dearly looking for. The grave she had your body on finally shifted; the first layers of soil above gently moving, dancing amidst the dead of the tombstones surrounding you.
You finally felt yourself jolt awake; the first signs of movement was to fish for a light coming from the faint moon. You felt the dirt all over your body as Yoohyeon never placed you under a coffin after all. You reached out and felt the incredible strength that the new life had brought with you, and slowly you made your way out of the solitary confinement. You repeatedly clawed your hands up from the ground until you reach the cold, evening air; the soft sounds of faint church hymns echoing amidst the distance.
Once you had the dirt away from sealing your body within the earth, you finally stood up and admired the new life you have been given. Your legs felt wobbly and unstable at first, and when you proceeded to look at your hands you finally found the answer as to why that was the case.
Your hands showed early signs of rotting flesh. Your hands were almost greenish-grey from being confined under for too long; your faded and filthy clothes even showed that time has passed since then. Some of your skin had already fallen off from your body. Your nails were dead as well, and yet you did not care. You were happy to even be alive once again even if just as a living and heartless corpse. You had that unwavering need; it was as if you had that insatiable desire to hate the living. Your now undead existence was dedicated to being with your Yoohyeon and that was all that you wanted.
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And of course, she was there at the distance waving for you to come to her. She still had that same repulsive appearance and yet you now felt so belong with her. You became a monster as well. It was a small price to pay for your resurrection and you were more than willing to accept it. This was your form forever more; the form you would spend with Kim Yoohyeon until the end of time.
The distant church bells rang amidst the distance once again and you knew that it was calling to the two of you. You fixated your gaze onto her figure once more and she knew you had the same thing in mind. She waved the severed head of a guard she just murdered; ripped from the upper jaw away from the rest of his body while she smiled towards you. Despite the grotesque appearance, you were not fazed by it by any means. You even welcomed the sight as you felt an odd sense of satisfaction with how gruesome and brutal your fiancé was. After all, it was just the start.
And so, you and Yoohyeon marched closer towards the church to gate-crash an on-going night wedding. You held hand-in-hand, eager to seal the deal once and for all and intending to brutally murder anyone who stands on your way.
“I’ve come back my love,” you said, and even your voice has changed into a hideous growl. “We’ll live forever, my Yoohyeon. We’ll be together until the world falls.”
“You and I both know how we should start this,” Yoohyeon responded, locking her fingers on yours as you both walked the darkness after tossing the severed head aside. “Let’s have a wedding on that little church there. I bet there are a lot of people waiting for us inside.”
“We don’t need audience, do we? It should just be you and me. Let’s have a wedding and get rid of the rest.”
Yoohyeon nodded.
“Let’s start the killing then, my love. Kill for me.”
The orchestral sound of the town’s nearby cathedral was a testament to a wedding being held with the fall of the afternoon. The night’s peak was about to come and the evening could never have been better for the couple standing in front of the cathedral’s altar; music blaring all over its halls. Its blossoming and commanding rhythm drove excited anticipation amongst their colleagues and friends waiting on the benches. The ceremony has been done; all that was left was the vow that would seal them forever. The young man looked at his wife with utmost enthusiasm; even if they were separated by a veil, soon all would be gone and they would be one. The elderly priest beside them began to position himself for the final highlight of the evening when they heard the doors of the church close with a thud.
Each of the wedding’s visitors turned their heads towards the two figures holding hand-in-hand standing on the entrance. One was a rather tall woman with a bloody machete in hand. The visible stitches on her pale-skinned body sent shivers to them, more so emphasized once the people realized she had all dead black orbs for her eyes. Next to her stood a man that was about as tall as she was, skin already botched and greyish with some parts torn to show the dead flesh and muscle that lay beneath. You stood there with an equally imposing stature as Yoohyeon beside you; your eyes now devoid of irises as you had that lifeless white-eyed terrifying gaze. What caught your audience’s attention the most was the chainsaw you held on your hand, raising it without any sense of strain or obvious effort thanks to your undead strength.
“Should we kill all of them, my love?” You asked towards Yoohyeon, placing your arm on the crank of the said chainsaw. “We can make this place beautiful for our wedding, my love. We can turn this tawdry setting into red and you know it.”
“Do as you please. Red is a power colour, and I would love to see it as a motif,” Yoohyeon commanded. “Kill as much as you want, but leave the groom and bride to me. I have better plans for them. Let’s give them one killer show.”
You smiled as you watched Yoohyeon raise the machete above her head. She gave one quick swing and threw the blade all across the room, and thanks to her superhuman strength it flew towards the altar without fail. It spun in circles like a chakram while tracing its path, eventually making its way towards the groom with such velocity that it ricocheted towards the altar and fell towards the floor.
The spectators could only watch in horror as the groom’s head split cleanly off of his neck before rolling towards the floor, sending a flurry of blood and gore showering in front of the priest as well as the petrified wife next to them. His disembodied body began to limp forward and fall towards the floor, signalling the panic of the onlookers that came from the gruesome sight. The chairs were evacuated as each person attempted to flee through the side doors. Unfortunately for them, you and Yoohyeon took care of all the escape routes in silence while everyone was too occupied on the ceremony beforehand, and now all that was left was for the two of you to claim your victims on one impending carnage; the first mass-murder for your first night reborn.
You pulled the crank and your chainsaw roared to life; and you can’t help but grimace as the people flee at the sound of you, which is exactly what you wanted of them.
“We are tonight’s entertainment!” You taunted before you and Yoohyeon, plunged into the crowd to commit your mass murdering spree.
You swung your chainsaw through every single body that you could reach. You tore through their flesh like it was nothing, and that was thanks to your inhuman vigour. You bisected every person your blade could reach while you laughed in glee at your ghoulish artwork. It was suffice to say that you painted the rest of the chairs for that wedding day on a red motif, bathing the elegant ribbons and ties they set up on the grand aisles with a bath of blood from their own spectators. Man, woman, no matter how old or how young, you never gave any sort of remorse as you murdered through them all. You wanted them all dead for Yoohyeon to admire and that was precisely what you were aiming to accomplish. Your satisfaction relished on the amount of blood on the floor, the torn limbs you made and the screams that they gave before you took them out of their misery.
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Your saw got jammed with the amount of flesh it ripped and tore through but even that did not stop you from continuing what you were doing. As far as you were concerned, that anger and rage was more than enough for you to do a lot of killing, even more so that there was too much to do during that point.
Yoohyeon, on the other hand, took on her share of killing by using her bare hands. She threw people with incredible brawn through the premises of the church. If that was not enough, she even made sure that she impaled a couple of bodies on the chandelier, hanging by their impaled heads and shaking the lighting of the wedding down to a minimum, and she made sure to do that while reserving her last kill of that evening for the bride.
Bodies upon bodies were lying mangled all over the cathedral’s vitiated and tormented floor. Broken and deformed benches were the testament to both you and Yoohyeon’s immense power. The once scream-filled inside of the church were now overwhelming with silence as you and your fiancé Yoohyeon bathed on the success of your mass execution. Even the body of the dead musician responsible for the orchestral tone of the grand piano was made sure to lie dead on the keyboard, echoing a long and lasting rhythm akin to horns that was sure to haunt the vicinity of that very cathedral.
And now, just as Yoohyeon had promised the only remaining person to butcher was the bride.
However, even if Yoohyeon had not decided to end her right away, she might as well be good as dead with everything that her eyes have witnessed. The human mind could only take so much, and the torment presented before her left her in a state of shock that she could barely even speak or think.
You positioned yourself on the bloodied mess of her headless-husband’s body, kicking him off and taking his place for your own. You made sure to give a soft, seemingly insulting nod towards the elderly priest who lay witness to all of your crimes yet did not seem to be very fazed by your very existence. All you did at that moment was watch as Yoohyeon finally approached the cowering bride’s figure, seated on the foot of the altar with her dress decorated with splatters of crimson sanguine. She had her hands over her ears but you were sure that she heard every single scream the dead produced moments ago.
“It’s going to be okay,” Yoohyeon mused towards the fearful woman, caressing her beautiful curls with her own, stitched hands. Your fiancé even more so did as much as to slowly wipe the tear on her cheek before she undid the veil that was on top of the bride’s head.
“I’ll put this to good use, I promise,” she added, carefully placing the blood-spattered veil over her own head and arranging it on a manner that was perfect for her. You watched as Yoohyeon carefully wiped the lipstick on the woman’s lips, smudging the hot red with her fearfully pale face. She placed her palm over the young woman’s forehead while she plunged two of her fingers inside the woman’s lips, grabbing her lower jaw for leverage.
Once quick rip followed by the sound of torn skin and broken bones equated to the bride’s head being severed by the jaw. The remnants of her head fell and rolled towards the floor like her would-be husband’s, and her headless body finally slid off towards the ground in a pool of scarlet life.
Yoohyeon dusted the small splash of her ichor on her body and moved to pick up the mess of flowers that the bride left beside her. With a smile, Yoohyeon finally ended the killing spree you both have started, and now finally stood in front of the altar with your waiting grasp. The elderly priest glared at the sight of two murderers in front of him.
“Sorry for that show there. We’re ready to be one. Bless us and we’ll make this quick and painless,” Yoohyeon said once she was in position. The audacity that the both of you showed, having murdered every single person in front of the priest was now evident, especially when you even asked the priest to bless whatever macabre goals you both had in mind.
Sensing his lack of choice and perhaps accepting that death was already knocking at his old door already anyway, the elderly priest shifted his eyes between you and Yoohyeon and finally spoke. The deep tone of the suspended music serving as a chorus as well as a rhythm for you and Yoohyeon’s wedding vows.
“Very well then,” the priest replied with a gravelling tone. He turned his attention towards Yoohyeon’s waiting figure and began to pronounce the words while he added a small modification to the standard vow:
“Do you take this man in death for the rest of your unnatural life?”
“Yes I do,” replied Yoohyeon while not taking her eyes off of your waiting leer.
The priest then turned towards you.
“Do you take this woman in death for the rest of your unnatural life?”
“I do.”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife for the rest of this eternity. You may now kiss your bride.”
“I love you, Kim Yoohyeon, in death, in unrest, and for the rest of this life forever.”
“I love you too; in death, in unrest and for the rest of this life forever.”
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You blatantly ignored the compasses that the priest has given your bond, and you merely pulled the same diamond ring that was the root cause for all that happened between you and Yoohyeon. You knelt and finally, two lifetimes apart and one dead body on top of the other, you managed to slip the very ring onto Yoohyeon’s middle finger.
That was it. The unnatural union was done and there were no do-overs. The curse that you wrought upon each other was inadvertently the start for something that was bizarrely beautiful. The church murder was a testament; an undying proof of your never-ending devotion with the endless love for your now loving wife, Kim Yoohyeon. There were still a lot to do. There were still a lot of bodies left to kill in order to satiate your mutual desire for death and the union was there to begin everything in its proper place.
And just as you and Yoohyeon had your foreheads leaning onto one another, feeling the moment that took literally life and death to achieve once and for all, you realized you had to uphold her end of the bargain.
You took a swift thrust on your right without warning and quickly took the heart of the priest out of his own body. You both witnessed as the elderly priest supplied a look void of surprise as he clearly saw this coming with pure angry expectation. However, before his body fell to the ground and the final remnants of his life left the shell of his taut body, he was quick to give you and Yoohyeon a raised middle finger. That was something that both of you were amused on before settling on a quick kiss.
And so, the church bells rang along with the rhythm of the pressed grand piano. You and Yoohyeon walked one bloody hand on the other, waltzing with joy as the blood pooled on your feet and messed your steps with trails of crimson. Yet you both did not care. The town before you would have the night of their lives as the couple of you would bring the terrible rumour up to truth at last.
Your legend with Kim Yoohyeon lived up to its name and one could even argue that the story did not do you justice. The tale of two lovers who fell and came back now attempting to quench their never-ending thirst for blood, aptly called now as husband and wife. The church was just a small stage to set-up for your even greater audience. You spent the next nights and days terrorizing the local townsfolk; slaughtering each and every human being you could find in the most gruesome way you two could think of, and the killings brought joy to both you and Yoohyeon’s sadistic faces.
On top of that, you continued on to move and act like everything was normal; that you and Yoohyeon were just two newly-wedded people enjoying what the gore and the grisly has to offer. The disembowelled and dishevelled bodies of your victims were never left as is. You would often take their severed heads, internal organs, even eyes and limbs to pose for Yoohyeon to take a picture of before you mutually consumed them for your own satisfaction. Both of your favourite was drinking from a straw while it was pierced on a severed head, especially with its brains exposed for you to feast on. Then again, it was way too early on your twisted journey to settle for something you favoured in particular.
The physical absence of both your hearts caused you to stomach everything that you did but even then you knew that that was not entirely true. You had each other’s heart, for the most part anyway, and on that regard you know that you would never lose Yoohyeon again and so does she to you. It was one less reason to cry. Everybody had to die at some point and you two were never an exception. However, in that death you found the very thing that bound you together forever. You fell apart and that new life was your new start. After all, spending an eternity trying to find the satisfaction in the flesh and the macabre did not seem so bad after all, especially if you get to spend it with your love Kim Yoohyeon.
At least in that regard you could say that you and Yoohyeon lived happily ever after.
---THE END---
Authornim: Now that was a trip now, wasn’t it?
Like I said, this story was based on an 8-minute song called ‘A Little Piece of Heaven’ performed by Avenged Sevenfold. If you have interests on checking the song out and how it relates to this particular piece, I do recommend you watch the music video as it gives better context rather than just listening to the song as-is. Plus, it makes the song a lot better in my opinion. If you made it through the end of this story, then that animated MV would be fine for you.
Like I said at the beginning of the chapter, I did up tone some of the narrative here to fit my storytelling method. I guess you can see the comparison once you watch it.
Thank you so much for reading this particular piece and see you on the next update!
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Attractiveness of Jane Austen Heroines (Rated)
The obligatory follow up post (I promise I’ll do male villains next)
1A. Marianne Dashwood (pre-illness beauty): So lovely that Truth is less outraged than usual! Her beauty is remarked upon even by her careless-half brother, who apparently ranks beauty by marriage prospect for your pleasure. Marianne seems to be extremely attractive.
Her form, though not so correct as her sister’s, in having the advantage of height, was more striking; and her face was so lovely, that when in the common cant of praise, she was called a beautiful girl, truth was less violently outraged than usually happens. Her skin was very brown, but, from its transparency, her complexion was uncommonly brilliant; her features were all good; her smile was sweet and attractive; and in her eyes, which were very dark, there was a life, a spirit, an eagerness, which could hardly be seen without delight… The Miss Dashwoods were young, pretty, and unaffected… It would be an excellent match, for he was rich, and she was handsome…  She was as handsome a girl last September, as I ever saw; and as likely to attract the man. There was something in her style of beauty, to please them particularly
1B. Jane Bennet: Seems to be a general consensus that she is pretty darn good looking. Mrs. Bennet puts a lot of stock in Jane marrying well because of her looks and Bingley basically falls in love at first sight. Even Darcy begrudgingly admits that she’s pretty, so I am betting she’s about the same level as Marianne.
I am sure she (Elizabeth) is not half so handsome as Jane… “You are dancing with the only handsome girl in the room,” “Oh! she is the most beautiful creature I ever beheld!” s to Miss Bennet, he could not conceive an angel more beautiful…. Miss Bennet he acknowledged to be pretty,.. I was sure you could not be so beautiful for nothing!
3. Emma Woodhouse: We are told by the objective narrator that she is handsome, but all other praise comes from biased sources. This makes Emma and Knightley a good match, as I was scarcely able to judge his physical appearance either! 
handsome… “Such an eye!—the true hazle eye—and so brilliant! regular features, open countenance, with a complexion! oh! what a bloom of full health, and such a pretty height and size; such a firm and upright figure! There is health, not merely in her bloom, but in her air, her head, her glance. One hears sometimes of a child being ‘the picture of health;’ now, Emma always gives me the idea of being the complete picture of grown-up health. She is loveliness itself. Mr. Knightley, is not she?”... “I have not a fault to find with her person,” he replied. “I think her all you describe. I love to look at her; and I will add this praise, that I do not think her personally vain. Considering how very handsome she is, she appears to be little occupied with it
4. Anne Elliot (post-sea breeze restoration): Even Sir Walter recognizes that she is beautiful again and he doesn’t care about his daughter at all (affection changes beauty). Mr. Elliot is also an objective observer.
he looked at her with a degree of earnest admiration, which she could not be insensible of. She was looking remarkably well; her very regular, very pretty features, having the bloom and freshness of youth restored by the fine wind which had been blowing on her complexion, and by the animation of eye which it had also produced. It was evident that the gentleman… admired her exceedingly…. That man is struck with you, and even I, at this moment, see something like Anne Elliot again.”... he began to compliment her on her improved looks; he thought her “less thin in her person, in her cheeks; her skin, her complexion, greatly improved; clearer, fresher. Had she been using any thing in particular?.. Anne Elliot; very pretty, when one comes to look at her. It is not the fashion to say so, but I confess I admire her more than her sister…. Anne, smiling and blushing, very becomingly shewed to Mr Elliot the pretty features which he had by no means forgotten… 
5. Elinor Dashwood: Very pretty. Not as beautiful as Marianne, but seems to be doing well in  her own right.
Miss Dashwood had a delicate complexion, regular features, and a remarkably pretty figure. Marianne was still handsomer…. The Miss Dashwoods were young, pretty, and unaffected
6. Elizabeth Bennet: Her beauty seems to be the type that grows on you, and is likely aided by her charming manners. I have included the speech from Caroline Bingley because it is very likely that she is repeating what we know Darcy told his friends at the beginning of the novel (But no sooner had he made it clear to himself and his friends that she had hardly a good feature in her face).
I am sure she is not half so handsome as Jane… But there is one of her sisters sitting down just behind you, who is very pretty… “She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me.. Though he had detected with a critical eye more than one failure of perfect symmetry in her form, he was forced to acknowledge her figure to be light and pleasing; and in spite of his asserting that her manners were not those of the fashionable world, he was caught by their easy playfulness…I remember, when we first knew her in Hertfordshire, how amazed we all were to find that she was a reputed beauty;...  Her face is too thin; her complexion has no brilliancy; and her features are not at all handsome. Her nose wants character—there is nothing marked in its lines. Her teeth are tolerable, but not out of the common way; and as for her eyes, which have sometimes been called so fine, I could never see anything extraordinary in them. They have a sharp, shrewish look, which I do not like at all; and in her air altogether there is a self-sufficiency without fashion, which is intolerable.
7. Fanny Price: Pretty enough as Mary Crawford helpfully says. Sir Thomas is surprised by how attractive Fanny has grown when he arrives home, so we know at least she has greatly improved since childhood. Mary is probably a better objective observer than Henry, who is just looking for excuses to flirt with Fanny.
Your uncle thinks you very pretty, dear Fanny—and that is the long and the short of the matter. Anybody but myself would have made something more of it, and anybody but you would resent that you had not been thought very pretty before; but the truth is, that your uncle never did admire you till now—and now he does. Your complexion is so improved!—and you have gained so much countenance!—and your figure—.... You must really begin to harden yourself to the idea of being worth looking at. You must try not to mind growing up into a pretty woman… She was then merely a quiet, modest, not plain-looking girl, but she is now absolutely pretty. I used to think she had neither complexion nor countenance; but in that soft skin of hers, so frequently tinged with a blush as it was yesterday, there is decided beauty; and from what I observed of her eyes and mouth, I do not despair of their being capable of expression enough when she has anything to express. And then, her air, her manner, her tout ensemble, is so indescribably improved! She must be grown two inches, at least, since October….  I have always thought her pretty—not strikingly pretty—but ‘pretty enough,’ as people say; a sort of beauty that grows on one. Her eyes should be darker, but she has a sweet smile;... Fanny’s beauty of face and figure
8. Catherine Morland: We shall grant her the Award for Most Improved. Described by her loving family as “almost pretty”
At fifteen, appearances were mending; she began to curl her hair and long for balls; her complexion improved, her features were softened by plumpness and colour, her eyes gained more animation, and her figure more consequence. Her love of dirt gave way to an inclination for finery, and she grew clean as she grew smart; she had now the pleasure of sometimes hearing her father and mother remark on her personal improvement. “Catherine grows quite a good-looking girl—she is almost pretty today,” were words which caught her ears now and then; and how welcome were the sounds! To look almost pretty is an acquisition of higher delight to a girl who has been looking plain the first fifteen years of her life than a beauty from her cradle can ever receive… two gentlemen pronounced her to be a pretty girl… appeared to much advantage
Again, it is hard to judge what is objective and what is the result of love or loathing, but this seems like a fair assessment of the female heroines. Now I have an idea for an FF where I pair off everyone in order of attractiveness instead of compatibility. I’m already laughing imagining Marianne and Edmund Bertram... 
Honourable Mention: Harriet is probably equal to Emma in beauty
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augment-techs · 4 months
Roger Ebert Reviews as Writing Prompts (part ii)
Don't quote me on this, but I think there's a sneaky cross-reference here to Lord of the Flies
"Isn't this a little violent for some of the kids in the audience?"
Nature is the least sentimental of creations.
A visually sumptuous slice of macabre storytelling
From an amazing scene with rats under a subway train to speeding traffic.
A relatively traditional love story in which the guy is much creepier than he probably thinks.
There’s a lot of slapping.
There is a reason it’s a tried and true underdog formula, and it mostly works here.
Whose inner diva is buried under her domestic drudgery.
Painting two sparrows on a grain of rice.
The Summer of 1814, we hear hard rock guitar riffs on the soundtrack.
They leave in the middle of the night with a pair of valuable earrings.
The belladonna is a relative of the tomato; its berries and leaves are highly toxic.
Breathtaking, erotic, grotesque, and transgressive.
Likable and perfectly straightforward college students who do nothing very extraordinary and are in a platonic romance.
With friends she/he throws out junk, scrubs the floors, dusts and arranges.
The dream has to come first. The reality will then follow.
They make their vehicles out of wood, not metal.
Swooping and colorful, like big fanciful paper birds, or benevolent bright dragons, harmless and buoyant.
How to break in to the storeroom of a nearby candy store.
Six fairy tales here; none too long to outstay its welcome, all told with a pleasing energy.
Ventures into a cave and unknowingly tumbles down into the land of the dead.
Bowing from the waist, pipe in mouth, often wearing a trench coat.
A young one who idealizes him/her, moves in with him/her, tends to him/her, cooks and cleans, and would probably offer sex if he/she didn’t abstemiously sleep on the couch.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a hero requires a villain.
There comes a time when people need to simply talk to one another, to coexist as companions.
A certain awareness that there are a lot more things on heaven and Earth than have been dreamed of by the Brothers Grimm.
"Is this story going to have a lot of kissing in it?"
Later, in case there's the slightest shred of doubt about what happened, we see chicken bones.
Shrugs as if warding off blows that it hasn't occurred to anyone to deliver yet.
Too frightened to jump in the water with the other local kids.
Even a simple trip to a nearby well for water, as we see, is fraught with danger.
They take pleasure in the stars, the trees, the bright red apples, the feel of rushing cold water against their naked skin.
“Ordinary is the best of all.”
Beaten as a child, and locked in a closet with rats.
"Came out of the dark, as if they were made of it."
How did they come to be so uninhibited, in a Puritan society, that they could dance naked together?
They'll make eggs. We see the them eating on a Formica table in the kitchen; steps lead down to the back door.
Working furiously at every household task, chopping, stirring and knitting as fast as possible.
Blindfolded and barefoot, tries to run away in the snow.
Killers shack up in a motel room with two hookers.
"Truth, beauty, freedom and love."
Those who think they can buy affection are suckers; a wise man is content to rent it.
Who embodies longing with their eyes and sighs.
That's where they make their mistake.
"It didn't happen like that in our history, but it should have."
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haven-gum-rockrose · 5 months
tell us about riz (ask game)
first impression: oh this boy has so much frantic energy omg and cares so much about this penny girl he tries so hard, hes completely not sleeping to find his only friend...... Fuck I'm gonna end up kinning this guy, aren't I. And then it just kept going
impression now: ...... he cares. so. much. i care so much. its everything and he is everything to me- i actually dont know how to express it. he's like- holy. literally, he works for heaven now. but thats not important, he is.
Favorite moment....... fuck.... hmm... god i really like his interactions with Kalina. it could be "hiss at her, litigator!" followed by him hissing in court, but thats more a fig thing so.... while its not necessarily the moment, i like what it came to mean for his character. Him stuck in the palimpsest at the arcade, having lost to Penny's game, cutting his hands digging through the crystals, simply because that is so often referred back to
HONORABLE MENTIONS BECAUSE HES MY LITTLE GUY AND FUCK IT WE BALL: "i'm really gonna spiral here" after getting his own private office to do pi shit in, him suggesting "we can throw rocks in the river" as a hangout option because his only experience with what hangouts are like comes from violent productive adventuring and also noir mystery films/books/games, Riz inventinting the Night Yorb because he couldnt just relax. HIM TALKING TO HIS MOM ABOUT LIKE- IDFK WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF OR HOW TO INTERACT WITH MY FRIENDS IF THERES NOT A PROBLEM I CAN SOLVE- like shoot me with a fucking gun why dont you- uhhhhhh... "its just a metal tube. i think its beautiful *and then i do a little dance*" ..... theres a lot imma shut up
Story idea....... shit- him hanging out with the seven. please. idk, im very content with my- WAIT NO i wouldnt write about him, but any fanfic where he interacts with jawbone(like as the guidance counselor, not as the dad of most of his friends) - head in hands-
unpopular opinion: shipping fabriz is fine. like i dont like it and any ship stuff for them i read(which i do read) i am personally interpreting as platonic cuz im really good at that, or unrequited. i know a lot of people get pressed about it cuz aroace erasure which yeah if youre changing him to demi thats a bit- or if its one of those "Pok was right, he might just be a late bloomer, lol theyre aged up and actually riz finds out he's pan lololol" thats a bit - like please stop. but if hes dating the guy as an aroace person or theyre qpring. whats the big deal. i know riz doesnt want a relationship and all but - that the point of shipping? like i know for some people its uncomfy especially with how its the most popular d20 ship(at least based on ao3), but to me its like- shipping is literally pushing together characters and its always purely self indulgent??? like ship whoever you want as long as he stays aroace. anyways i didnt need to justify myself and show both arguements like that. none of you know this guy. except two people hi eni and aether
favorite headcanon: autistic and anxious...... uh..... my brain is very gone... i think he still has like a bunch of different friendship bracelets from Penny that he keeps in like little collectors cases. ALSO I DONT THINK SHE EVER GAVE THEM TO HIM I THINK THEY WOULD JUST LIKE APPEAR ON HIS WRIST SHE WAS SLEIGHT OF HANDING THOSE SHITS ONETO HIS WRISTS BECAUSE HE COMPLAINED IT DIDNT MATCH HIS AESTHETIC AND THEN SHED LEAVE AND HE BE LIKE- im gonna frame this and put in on my wall.... but like as in in a false bottom in a drawer so its cooler
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thebelladonnamoon · 1 year
Another Gwynriel headcanon I have is that Azriel teaches Gwyn how to dance by taking lessons with his mother. There’s something so beautiful about how gentle and patient he would be as she learnt. I think it would be an easy way for her to get used to male touch in a safe environment while still being challenging enough for her to want to master it as she does with everything. It’s intimate and romantic and suits their story so well As ACOSAS nears its end, I'll be posting excerpts from some of my favourite chapters.
Excerpt from A Court of Scars and Shadows
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Physical touch indeed.
Whatever Gwyn had thought dancing with Azriel was going to be like, she never expected the warm sensation that arose from deep within her, as their hands met tentatively by the wayside. She couldn't help the way her heart raced at the feel of him and prayed to the Mother that if he heard it, he chalked it down to nerves and not whatever else was brewing inside her. Azriel seemed calm and collected, but as always, those hazel eyes didn't lie. Gwyn saw the conflict in them instantly when her hand met his, saw his jaw tighten ever so slightly and eyes darken to molten flecks. 
Maia placed the other of her sons’ capable hands upon Gwyn’s waist and surprisingly, she didn’t recoil from the touch. Didn’t even flinch as his fingers found the tender crook of skin across from her navel and she felt every inch of that touch despite the leathers they wore. But truthfully, her eyes still fell to glance down at that lovely hand there. To make sure it was him and no one else. To check the scars that sketched like a map through his flesh as if alluding to places she desperately wanted to go. 
“Is this okay?” Azriel murmured, voice thick with something foreign. 
“You’ve already asked me that three times, Shadowsinger…” Gwyn loosed a light-hearted breath of a laugh as her eyes came up to meet his own, cautious ones. But he only raised a brow, as if still needing the answer. 
Sometimes it was easy to forget that he saw her that night. Saw the dark horrors that had plagued her mind and body ever since. Perhaps he knew then, what she was thinking, what the significance of that touch was.
The Hybern soldier had pressed his meaty fingers into the space underneath her ribs as he held her over that damn table and pressed her down into the unforgiving wood. Gripped at her hipbones with iron forged strength when she writhed and wrangled and left bruises of the most violent purple and black in the tender flesh of her sides. She crossed her arms tightly over her waist, crossed even when he picked her up and fly her away. Even when she knew on some baseline physiological level that he would never harm her. 
But this didn’t feel like that same touch. No. This touch felt wanted and warm. Like a hearth burning in the midst of winter, or a steaming bath after a day of training. 
“Yes, it’s okay…” She gave him a small smile to ease his worries as she admitted, “To tell you the truth, I’m just a little horrified I won’t be very good at this.” It was true, there was no secret that she harboured a propensity somewhere between obsession and brazen commitment to master any art that her mind had seen as a challenge.
And this was no different.
As in everything, Gwyn wanted to be the best and though Azriel had warned her off such perfectionistic notions before, he seemed to derive enjoyment from this particular ambition. 
Azriel grinned at her and he was so close she could feel his warm breath dance on her skin as he said, “I don’t doubt you’ll be an expert in a matter of days, Berdara.”
Maia was skirting around them, eyes focused on every detail of their stance. She silently fixed the angle of Gwyn’s bent elbow and adjusted the height in which they held their hands together. “Nobody becomes an expert in dance overnight, little bird…” His mother sighed, using the nickname she had quickly earnt herself. Although, she didn’t quite know if it was gained in lighthearted jest or critical assessment.
She had let out a large symphony of laughter when Maia had recalled to her that for half an hour every day, she would force Azriel to practice dancing when he was younger. The mother retold the tale with a fondness glittering in her hazel eyes, adding that when she visited him, he would be made to show the evidence of his practice. When Gwyn burst into a fit of laughter, the female had said she sounded like one the songbirds of the Illyrian mountains and hence, little bird became her name.
She rather liked it. Gwyn had never had a nickname before, except for when Cassian occasionally called her Gwynnie, of course. Which was decidedly worse than Little Bird. 
“Now…” The female stepped back, hands on her hips and gaze as hard as any commander as she said, “Stance is where you draw your strength, a dancer and their partner is only as good as the straightness of their spine and the proud point of their chin…”
In answer, Gwyn locked her vertebrae into place and rose her chin as she nodded. However, the stance seemed somewhat more natural to her partner - who given his early days of learning - clearly had encompassed it in muscle memory. And she couldn't help but think there was something graceful about him that way. He would always be a warrior, honed by battle and blood, but she saw those moments of masculine elegance too. Saw the tenderness in his eyes when he looked upon his mother, the softness of his voice when he spoke to Nyx and the gentleness in his touch when he took her waist.
Gwyn saw him, in all his contending beauty. Dark and light. 
“We’ll start with an Amanté I think…” Her eyes glimmered with something like hidden humour as they swept upwards to her son's and a silent conversation seemed to travel between them for a few heartbeats.
Gwyn frowned, “I’ve not heard of the Amanté, is it an Illyrian dance?” By now, she had read many fae romance novels that detailed particularly sultry dance scenes, often involving long-heated stares across the dancefloor and desire-sparking touches of fingertips that led to steamy moments in broom closets and gardens. But she had never heard of this particular one before.
Azriel’s mother smiled with a nod, “It is…and it’s a rather important one, so best master the one you may need to know first, I think.”
“Don’t you think something a little more…basic…might be appropriate?” Azriel’s tone was punctuated by the seriousness set in his brow. 
But Gwyn answered before his mother could, not accepting his attempt at watering down the challenge levelled at them, “No, no,  I’m happy to learn whatever your mother recommends…”
A triumphant gleam met his mother’s eyes as she dismissed Azriel’s comment and began to show them the first steps of the dance. She pointed a finger and directed them apart, so they stood a few metres across the room from one another.
A symphonia set upon the singular mahogany table in the cobwebbed corner, began to play a melody of sweeping sound that seemed to lick her flesh leaving goosebumps in its wake and sink to her bones, echoing in the hollows. A folk tune that harmonised a series of high and low waves of sound, wrapping the abandoned ballroom in a song of euphony.
Two contending fiddles fighting a battle of harmony and then, the pitter patter of drums like with every note, they were truly signalling war. But the song didn't seem aggressive or violent, instead passionate and she didn't know if she wanted more to dance or fight to the music. 
But what Gwyn did know, was that she felt the urge to sing to it. Like some lost part of her had heard the melody before and wished to greet it with her own.
Her cheeks flushed with crimson blush as he came behind her and took her waist. Nothing but a phantom inch between his front and her behind. The dance was more intimate than those she had read about before. 
She supposed that it was indicative of the Illyrian culture from which it had been born, a more brutal and tactile people than the high fae.  Out of interest, Gwyn had read countless books in the library about the Illyrians, and she knew they were as famed for their pursuits in the bedroom as they were on the battlefield. 
A true nation of people with hot blood and a thirst for all things exhaustive - this dance seemed to punctuate that. 
Despite her lovely features, inset with a timeless beauty that surely won her many suitors when she was younger, Maia was every bit the gentle lady that her soldier of a son was. She had a sharp mind and an even finer wit about her, and over the next four hours, Gwyn became very well acquainted with her brisk, no-nonsense nature. Though, like her son, the female was secretly patient and gentle when it was needed.
Gwyn had to bite the smile from forming on her lips as she snapped at Azriel again in the way only a mother could, “Tuck your wings in when your turning, boy, this isn’t a war camp. ”
But she couldn’t help the giggle escape as she watched his wings contract quickly behind his back, while he murmured with pink cheeks, “Yes mother…”
“And you,” She levelled a brow at Gwyn, “… stop giggling and concentrate, your footwork is off.”
She clamped down her amusement and straightened, “Yes Maia…”
Dancing, Gwyn discovered, was like very much like being in the training in the ring.
You had to know your opponent and trust them with your body as you worked in tandem to test limits and meet milestones. You had to predict their movements and react in time with them. There was an art to the footsteps like there was with swordplay and equally, there was an inherent strength needed to propel yourself forward into the music and keep to the warring beat of time.
The dance was steeped in cultural tradition and symbolism that Gwyn, being an outsider, found as fascinating as it was challenging. There was a story woven through the steps, Gwyn and Azriel started off apart and gradually through a series of mirrored movements, came closer and closer together before they wrapped and touched in a battle of hands. The footwork was something of a beast in its own right, but between the music and the freeing sensation of actually enjoying being touched, she didn’t mind. 
Being of Illyrian significance, Azriel’s wings were every bit a vital limb as his feet and the dance involved many instances of them flexing out to graze her back as they stepped in time together. Seeing his wings flexed in such a space made her realise actually quite how large they were, and her filthy yet curious mind recalled that 'wingspan correlation theory' Nesta had so enthusiastically told her about.
Another blush met her cheeks as, with no small amount of strength, he propelled her into the air by the waist and spun her around. Gwyn flushed the arousal that rose in her quickly, knowing it wasn't the time for him to scent such a thing when his face was close to the source of it and his mother was keenly observing.
But Mother above, was he touching her.
Azriel’s hands, though decisively light in their contact, had met almost every inch of her waist, arms, shoulders and hips by the end of the first lesson. And in truth, Madja’s advice had rung true, she felt safe in that room with him. There was rules and a context that didn’t denote danger, but still promoted touch and intimacy. And perhaps if she did continue with her lessons, there would be a time soon when they could practice grappling again to ensure she had become more comfortable. 
Read the rest of the chapter here on Ao3
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Black hole 'carnivals' may produce the signals seen by gravitational-wave detectors Since 2015, the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration have detected about 85 pairs of black holes crashing into each other. We now know that Einstein was right: gravitational waves are generated by these systems as they inspiral around each other, distorting space-time with their colossal masses as they go. We also know that these cosmic crashes happen frequently: as detector sensitivity improves, we are expecting to sense these events on a near-daily basis in the next observing run, starting in 2023. What we do not know—yet—is what causes these collisions to happen. Black holes form when massive stars die. Typically, this death is violent, an extreme burst of energy that would either destroy or push away nearby objects. It is therefore difficult to form two black holes that are close enough together to merge within the age of the universe. One way to get them to merge is to push them together within densely populated environments, like the centers of star clusters. In star clusters, black holes that start out very far apart can be pushed together via two mechanisms. First, there's mass segregation, which leads the most massive objects to sink toward the middle of the gravitational potential well. This means that any black holes dispersed throughout the cluster should wind up in the middle, forming an invisible "dark core." Second, there are dynamical interactions. If two black holes pair up in the cluster, their interactions can be influenced by the gravitational influence of nearby objects. These influences can remove orbital energy from the binary and push it closer together. The mass segregation and dynamical interactions that can take place in star clusters can leave their fingerprints on the properties of merging binaries. One key property is the shape of the binary's orbit just before it merged. Since mergers in star clusters can happen very quickly, the orbital shapes can be quite elongated—less like the calm, sedate circle that the Earth traces around the sun, and more like the squished ellipse that Halley's Comet races along in its visits in and out of the solar system. When two black holes are in such an elongated orbit, their gravitational wave signal has characteristic modulations, and can be studied for clues to where the two objects met. A team of OzGrav researchers and alumni are working together to study the orbital shapes of black hole binaries. The group, led by Dr. Isobel Romero-Shaw (formerly of Monash University, now based at the University of Cambridge) together with Professors Paul Lasky and Eric Thrane of Monash University, have found that some of the binaries observed by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration are indeed likely to have elongated orbits, indicating that they may have collided in a densely populated star cluster. Their findings indicate that a large chunk of the observed binary black hole collisions—at least 35%—could have been forged in star clusters. "I like to think of black hole binaries like dance partners," explains Dr. Romero-Shaw. "When a pair of black holes evolve together in isolation, they're like a couple performing a slow waltz alone in the ballroom. It's very controlled and careful; beautiful, but nothing unexpected. Contrasting to that is the carnival-style atmosphere inside a star cluster, where you might get lots of different dances happening simultaneously; big and small dance groups, freestyle, and lots of surprises." While the results of the study cannot tell us—yet—exactly where the observed black hole binaries are merging, they do suggest that black hole carnivals in the centers of star clusters could be an important contribution.
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1000fiction · 2 years
Divine. Ft. Erandur.
The summer heat had finally accumulated into the violently beautiful demonstration that danced across the sky. Absent of its usual auroras, the dark abyss sparked with white lighting, tendrils careening toward the mountaintops that once dominated the view. Now, the divines fought back against the land, a reminder of the divide between themselves and the mortal realm.
It was quite the spectacle, one the dragonborn was certainly thankful they weren’t in the middle of – for once.
The pair sat in silence, all conversation muted by the presence of the rolling thunder, their voices miniscule and submissive to its deafening tone.
The finale came with a flash, a crescendo, a final bolt snapping, igniting a tall pine in the distance, its point now blazing like a lighthouse against the scene. The light flickered resiliently against the downpour that proceeded the main event, a summons, daring someone to approach and witness the godly impact.
“Wonder who pissed off the Divines so bad, must have done something big to warrant all… that.”
The dragonborn’s voice, though weak to thunder, was able to carry through the rain, the pinging off armour and pattering against cloth a reoccurring sound on their adventures.
“You believe that was a punishment?”
The Dunmer raised a questioning brow, the topic of the divines came up infrequently, most present in conversation being Mara – and even then Erandur wondered if they only discussed the Goddess for his own sake.
“You don’t?”
“Not at all, in fact, given the intricacy of such a display, I’d say they were quite pleased. Surely such a choreographed display was a reward. Who knows, perhaps it was for you, would explain why we were passing by the perfect spot to witness the storm safely.”
“So, for the very first time, I pleased the gods, and my reward is to be soaked by their storm, but not be struck by their lightening? Do you think the residents of that tree would agree with you?”
They’d meant it in jest – treading carefully so as not to disrespect the Dunmer’s beliefs – but he seemed to be taking the statement quite seriously, face set in deep contemplation.
“Well, I wouldn’t put it that way exactly but…”
The etching of deep though relaxed, reflecting in the skin of his face, relaxing, a gentle smile.
“I suppose that’s the problem with gods; their pleasure and their wrath often look the same.”
The dragonborn regarded him with a wide-eyed stare, lips parted as they drew in a breath.
There was silence for several heartbeats.
“Where in the world did you pull that from?” They cackled.
Confusion, new lines now etching between his brow as they pinched in concern.
“My, you are becoming quite the philosopher Erandur, all that reflection is turning you dour – please, let Mara preserve your optimism, I carry enough bad luck for the both of us.”
“Perhaps your right, may Lady Mara continue to give me strength to put up with you. Luckily, she has been bountiful thus far.”
Credit to madmaudlingoes from the below post for the amazing pleasure/wrath quote.
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