#japan singer
7698 · 7 months
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somniyiia · 3 months
^ after performance ^
Dir En Grey behind the scenes (2012)
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alastor-simp · 27 days
Female Demon Who Sings Like "Ado" - Hazbin Hotel Gang Part 2/2
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❥Note: Here is Part 2 of the hazbin hotel gang reacting to a demon who sings like my favorite singer Ado.
Might have more than one favorite song choice for certain characters. Enjoy everyone:)
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🪡Niffty tend to listen to music from time to time. She listened to more songs from the 1950s, but she did expand on listening to other songs from different time periods. She loved listening to music when she cleaned around the hotel, especially when she cleaned next to Alastor, as he was always playing jazz from his microphone.
🪡Quickly sweeping the halls of the hotel, Niffty heard the sounds of someone humming. Filled with curiosity, she sped to where the sounds was coming from. The humming was coming from the kitchen, where you happened to be. Niffty peaked her head through the door, and saw you near the stove, mixing something in a pot. Your humming escalated to full on singing, as you moved side to side.
🪡Turning to grab something from the counter, you were met with a large sparkling eye staring at you, causing you to scream. Niffty was bouncing on the counter in excitement, amazed at your singing. "OH MY SATAN YOU SING IN JAPANESE?! NAZE OSHIETE KURENAKATTA NODESU KA?" (Translation: Why didn't you tell me?). Taking deep breaths to calm down from the sudden scare, you stayed a bit silent as you looked away from Niffty. She caught on to your reaction, and ask what was wrong, while also apologizing for scaring you. You told Niffty it was okay and that you weren't upset about that, but just embarrassed cause you weren't use to singing in front of others. You turn the heat down on the stove, and walked over to the kitchen table, taking a seat.
🪡Niffty sped to one of the chairs, and took a seat on it, smiling at you. Heaving a sigh you told her about your past life, how you were a famous singer in Japan, but suddenly died out of nowhere and was casted down to Hell. Despite being famous, you preferred your privacy, so you kept your identity a secret from everyone. Niffty listened to your story, despite her creepy smile enlarging, her eyes were kind. She did ask you if you wanted to continue singing, to which you nodded yes too.
🪡Niffty told you to wait a second, as she hurried out of the kitchen, leaving you by yourself. She quickly came back with Alastor behind her. "Sir said he would help you!" She bounced with enthusiasm, earning a small chuckle from Alastor. You looked at the both of them, telling Niffty it was okay while also apologizing to Alastor since you knew he probably was busy with other things and didn't want to affect his schedule, but Niffty just ran behind you and began pushing your legs, telling you to go.
🪡Alastor, having listening to Nifftys persistence, decided to put in a good word for you with Mimzy's studio, allowing you to be hired there as a singer, but you made an exception to wear a mask that covered your face to conceal your identity. Mimzy was fine with it as long as you brought in lots of fellows into the studio. Her business became booming with new residents coming in to see you perform. You had become a bigger star then Mimzy, which ticked her off a bit, but she would get over it.
🪡Niffty would always attend your shows, having become a bit of an obsessed fan. She would help with writing new songs with you as she was very fluent in Japanese as well. Her favorite song/song cover of yours is "Darling Dance"
(Side Note: Niffty understands and speaks Japanese, its confirmed on the Hazbin Hotel Wikia)
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🍺Husk didn't mind music from time to time. He was a classy man, so he stuck to more of the oldies and jazz-type of songs, but he would listen to others as long as it didn't bother his ears, this man is a cat demon so his ears are sensitive.
🍺He had no idea you had an amazing voice until the day he caught you at the Consent Club. Him and the other residents at the hotel were drinking and having a fun time. Husk needed to get some fresh air, so he headed to the club's balcony. Once he was outside, he saw you standing at the edge of the balcony, leaning against the metal chain that was preventing you from falling. You were quietly singing a soft tune, catching Husk off-guard. He was a bit shocked, but he started to smile as he shut the door behind him.
🍺The sound of the door closing made you stop singing as you turned around, shocked to see Husk standing behind you, with a small smile. "Nice voice their kid." Husk walked closer to you, while you were mentally panicking that he caught you. "Oh- I-I I-um...I'm Sorry!" Yelling out, you sped past Husk, leaving him along confused on the balcony. "What the hell was that about?" he thought, as he stood there, wondering why you overreacted.
🍺When he came back to the group, you acted like nothing happened, and avoided looking at Husk. The both of you didn't say anything, even when you headed back to the hotel. Husk still couldn't gather why you acted that way when he caught you singing. He wanted to figure out what was wrong, so he headed up to your room, knocking on the door. The door was opened, and he came inside, seeing you sitting on the bed. Husk slowly walked up to you, taking a seat on the bed. "Hey kid, you alright? He calmly waited for your response. You didn't say anything, but you nodded your head. The both of you stayed silent, until Husk decided to break it. "If you need to talk about something kid, I'm all ears. Talking to this old bartender here may do you some good."
🍺You have a small laugh at what Husk said, before you apologized to him for running away like that. You started explaining your past life, being born in Japan and becoming a very famous singer at a young age. You loved singing so much, but you preferred doing it when your identity was kept a secret. When you had seen Husk, you panicked and had no choice, but to run away. Husk listened to you, wrapping on of his wings around you giving you some comfort, which you appreciated. "Nothing wrong with that kid." He could read you like a book, seeing the desire in your eyes to continue singing. He did ask you if you wanted to perform again to which you nodded at.
🍺Husk was an overlord in the past, but he lost that status when he sold his soul with Alastor. He, however, still had control of his many casinos, and they could use some new entertainment. He had to discuss it with his boss, Alastor, first. Surprisingly, Alastor allowed it. You told Husk he didn't have to go through all of these lengths for you, but he said it was no problem.
🍺He got you a tuxedo outfit that you could where during your performances, along with a mask. He had you perform at one of his most popular casinos, where there were tons of demons gambling till they dropped. The demons around that were gambling fell into a trance when you first performed. Many demons had recorded your performance and sent it to others, which caused a crowd of demons to flood into the casino now, wanting to gamble while also wanting to here you sing.
🍺Husk always made sure to be there when you performed. While he was gambling, he made sure to keep an eye on you, making sure you were okay. He also helped with your exits in case someone ran up to you, wanting to be creepy or try to take your mask off. You and him had gotten closer as a result of this. He would always listen to you talk about a new song idea when he was cleaning up the bar, and giving you some of his ideas as well. His favorite song of yours is "Readymade"
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🦌Alastor's life revolved around music. He was the radio demon, so of course he thoroughly enjoyed listening to tunes. He wasn't big on today's modern music, finding it to be a bunch of wacky noise, but he could appreciate some of them. Jazz and electric swing were his top genres to listen to, and he played them during his broadcasts.
🦌He had met you when you first arrived at the hotel, seeking redemption. He did watched you judgmentally, wondering if you were planning to cause harm to anyone in the hotel, but he quickly calculated that you were just a regular normal sinner. The both of you interacted from time to time, as you appreciated his love for music and would discuss a bit about it.
🦌Alastor never would have guessed you were musically talented until he discovered you, singing in your room. He was humming to himself, walking down the halls, when he heard a feminine voice, singing a foreign melody. Alastor moved to where the singing was coming from and had appeared in front of your door. The door was opened a smidge, allowing Alastor look through the small crack, seeing you in your room. You were holding a notepad in your hand, while sitting on your bed. Your eyes were closed as you allowed your voice to belt out the lyrics that were written on the notepad. Alastors smiled widen as he continued to observe you. "Well well, seems like our guest is a little songbird."
🦌Once you were done, you grabbed the pen that was next to you and began to write in your notepad. The sound of clapping erupted from the side of your room, causing you to turn. Alastor was leaning against your door frame, clapping as his mouth was drawn into a smirk. "Utterly spectacular, my dear! Your voice was so charming you could have been mistaken for an Angel! HAHAHA!" Alastor laugh to himself as he walked closer to your bed. Your body was in literally shock, and you had dropped the pen and notepad from hand. You quickly grabbed the blanket from your bed, and covered your body and face with it, yelling at Alastor to not look at you.
🦌Quite an odd reaction. Alastor raised an eyebrow as he stared at your cocoon form on the bed. He motioned closer and sat on the bed, crossing his legs, as his crimson eyes kept watching you. "Whatever is wrong, my dear? Why do you not want me to look at you?" You gave no response back to Alastor, as you stayed wrapped up in the blanket. He tilted his head at you, as he moved a bit closer to you, grabbing what seemed to be your shoulders under the blanket, and moved you to face him. "Darling~. It is quite rude not to look at someone when they are talking to you."
🦌He could feel your body stiffen, when he touched you, but you still refused to remove yourself from the blanket. Alastor leaned down closer, speaking in a soft whisper: "My dear~, Look at me." His ears picked up your loud sigh, as he saw you slowly unravel yourself from the blanket shield, seeing your redden cheeks. "There you are! Now then! Care to tell me why you hid yourself away from me!. He exuberantly said, as he continued to stare at you, with a gleeful smile. You apologized to him, saying you were just embarrassed that he caught you singing. He did ask why should you feel embarrassed before you gave him another sigh. You did say you could tell him your past life, if he wanted to hear it, which he nodded his head at you, leaning closer, making you flush more.
🦌You were born in Japan, and as you grew older you had a passion for music, but you stuck to doing little things like song covers and whatnot on the internet. Eventually, you happened to be discovered and hired by a large music company, and started to create your own original music, but without showing yourself and identity to others. You had to slowly explain to him what an "Utaite" was as he was from the 1900s, so he never once heard that term before. Once you finished, you did jumped a bit when you felt his hands move to your cheeks, squishing them.
🦌"Thank you telling me, my dear! But I do have to ask, why hide yourself?" He wasn't being judgemental, he was just very curious. You told him that its what made you comfortable and you rather stick with it, which Alastor responded back with a "Fair Enough." Alastor did ask you, if you wanted to sing again, to which you responded with a quiet yes. "How about a deal my dear? And no, not for your soul. More of a partnership, rather. I could feature you in some of my broadcasts! You won't have to show yourself, and you can sing to your heart's content. What do you say?" Alastor was met with a huge smile from you, as you nodded your head, shouting yes. Chuckling at your reaction, Alastor stood up, pointing his hand towards you, telling you to take it and come with him, as you both would head to his radio tower.
🦌After a few days of setting up and preparing, the both of you were ready your first session in Alastors broadcast. He knew not to reveal your real name and decided to pronounce you as the "Radio Siren." The minute you performed, Alastor was able to sense with his powers, more residents switching on to his station, pleasing him. Your first broadcast together was a hit, satisifying both you and Alastor, especially Alastor since he knew Vox would be fuming at this.
🦌He interacted more with you after that, before you were just associates and now you both were besties. He would pitch in his ideas with you for new songs you were coming up with. He did want to do a duet with you, taking upon himself to learn some Japanese from you and Niffty. His favorite songs of yours is "All Night Radio" and "Aishite Aishite Aishite"
Sir Pentious🐍
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🐍Sir Pentious music tastes shifted to more of the classical side. He was from the 1800s, so he wasn't all to familiar with today's music, but he wouldn't mind indulging in it from time to time, especially if it made him appear cool.
🐍He and you had become quick friends after he joined the hotel for real this time. He was a bit of an odd ball, but he was sweet when he interacted with you. He soon found about your beautiful singing when he was slithering down the hotel hallways. He was holding specific tools and metal parts that were intended to fix parts of his air ship. His egg bois were following behind him, holding other tools that Sir Pentious couldn't carry. One of his egg bois had stopped walking, and began to walk closer to one of the doors that was slightly opened. This caught the attention of the other egg bois, as they huddled together, peaking their egg heads to look inside the room. Sir Pentious noticed, and slithered back towards them. "Minionssss, come along now. No time to wa-" Sir pentious words drew to a halt as he realized what caught the attention of his minions.
🐍Inside of the hotel library, there was hardly anyone there, except you. Your hands were scribbling something down on a piece of paper while sitting on the couch. While your hands were at work, you were swaying your head side to side, completely immersed in your singing. Sir Pentious mouth was wide open in shock, as he continued to observe you, captured by your beautiful singing. It soon ended when one of the egg bois dropped the heavy tool to the ground, letting his presence be known. Hearing the sound, you turned to see Sir Pentious near the door with his egg bois staring at you. Realizing he was caught he fumbled out an apology. "AAHH! Misssss Y/N. I apologize for ummmmm I-ummm." He couldn't think of the words to say as he kept stuttering. You quickly covered your face with your note pad, face redden from embarrassment.
🐍One of the egg bois noticed your reaction, and waddled over to you: "Are you alright ma'am?' Sir Pentious quickly realized you were upset and was struggling with what to do. He remembered some of Charlies lessons and made his way over to you. He had sat on the couch and with shaking hands, moved his hand to your head, giving it a pat. "F-Forgive me. I was not my intention to make you upset." You shook your head at his words, before you removed your notepad from your face, saying you weren't really upset, just more flustered. Sir Pentious motioned for one of his egg bois to come to him, picking the little egg up and placing it your arms, hoping it gave you some comfort. It helped a bit as you hugged the egg to yourself, patting his head, as it hugged you back. "Boss really likes your singing." said the egg boi you were holding, which caused the snake next to you to turn red. A small smile came to your face, as you patted the eggs head more. Sir Pentious felt awkward to ask, but he did question why you were so flustered when he saw you singing.
🐍Heaving a deep sigh, you told him it was gonna be a long story. You told him your life story, going over your time alive in Japan, and how you went from a simple cover singer to becoming one of the most popular singers in your home country. While you enjoyed doing what you loved, it was always better for you when your identity was kept a secret as it made you more comfortable. Sir Pentious and his egg bois all listened to you speak, astonished about your past life. Sir Pentious did ask if you were ever perform again, to which you replied with a yes, but it wasn't going to be easy to hide your identity in hell. A haughty laugh was heard next to you, as Sir Pentious got up, placing a hand on his chest. "I AM SSSSIR PENTIOUSSSSS. AMAZING OVERLORD AND INVENTOR! AND I WILL HELP CRAFT THE BEST CLOAKING DEVICE FOR YOU! BE RIGHT BACK! HURRY MY MINIONS, WE MUST HEAD TO THE AIR SHIP AT ONCE!" He outrageously spewed all this out to you, as he quickly slithered out of the library, leaving you by yourself.
🐍The next day, he marched himself into you room, giving a salute, before presenting the little gadget in your hand. It was a sort of charmed bracelet, with a large diamond in the center of it. Once you attached it to your arm, Sir Pentious pressed the button, causing a slight shock and stinging pain. it quickly subsided and the device flashed out a light and began to materialize into a person. It soon turned into a hologram of a random demon, but this hologram was different, when you moved your hand, it copied you. "I have sssucessfully crafted a holographic device, but there isss a ssslight difference with thisss one. The gadget isss able to fuse with your ssssoul, which allowsss it to copy your movements. Not only does it copy you, but you can place the device anywhere and it will appear there. It may allow you to perform anywhere without having to reveal yourself."
🐍You literally where gobsmacked at this. You had no idea something like this could be invented, but Sir Pentious was able to craft something like this. You were so happy that you hugged him, making him go stiff, not use to this sort of thing, but he quickly relaxed. After testing it out for a bit, you were able to use it as you headed to a very popular music club in the pride ring, with Sir Pentious, of course, to make sure the device performed well and didn't malfunction. You had placed the gadget somewhere on stage, and when it came time to perform, you had basically walked the hologram to the stage and performed without a hitch. No one even noticed that it was a hologram, as they were more enraptured with your singing, and kept asking for an encore.
🐍Your popularity at the club slowly began to rise the more and more you performed, going by the name "Nightingale." You were so thankful for Sir Pentious, for doing this for you, but he said it was nothing as he was already crafting something like this for turf wars. Well thats what he said, but his egg boi blurted out that he was up all night make this for you, exposing him and causing him to yell at the little egg while you laughed. Sir Pentious would always be watching you perform at the club, as he wanted to monitor the device in case something happened and it would result in the hologram to disappear. He secretly also attended to hear your performances as he was charmed by your voice. His favorite sing of yours is "Buriki no Dance."
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₊˚⊹♡˚𐙚。˚IT GIRL❀⋆.ೃ࿔*₊˚⊹
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