#jean jacques leroy
korruptbrekker · 1 day
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This was created for @harocat as part of the YOI Gotcha for Gaza fundraiser. Thank you Haro, for the donation and the wonderful prompt, it was a blast to draw.
To learn more about the fundraiser, check out @yuri-on-ice-action
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leiandroid · 2 months
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more band AU sketch pages :)
milas tattoo keeps migrating so that i can show she has one lmao but the itty bitty mila is it's actual position xd
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crisdrawsandcries · 8 months
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Just more of the gang being happy and having fun 🌊🌈
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Why does JJ freak out in the Grand Prix Final?
(I never thought I'd write a JJ meta, but here we are)
JJ has competed in the Grand Prix Final before. One season ago, he finished in third place, right behind Viktor and Chris. The pressure of competing against only five other skaters in the final round of what has the vibe of a deathmatch, is not new to him.
There's a huge difference to last time, though.
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For many seasons, Viktor has dominated the men's field. In Sochi, he won his fifth GPF gold medal. No skater could get past him and this was a well-known fact among male top skaters. It's a bit akin to what the current situation with Ilia Malinin will likely develop into, although comparing him to Viktor is a capital crime. Skaters are starting to accept that this one skater scores so high that they can't surpass him wihout breaking their bodies. In YOI, Viktor has cemented his reign with a sublime combination of technical skill and artistry and every top male skater had to face this reality.
And now he's gone off to coaching.
Suddenly, the field is wide open. Everyone's motivation suddenly spikes up. Everyone wants to be the one who claims Viktor's title. Most of all Yurio, Chris, Yuuri. And JJ.
JJ sees himself as king and the rightful heir to Viktor's throne (watch his monologue in episode 9 and roll your eyes). Of all the skaters, he's the one with the least respect for Viktor, not that he respects the other skaters, and his ego is bigger than all the egos of his rivals combined. And this defines his mindset.
In addition to that, JJ is the only skater who won both qualifying events and thus goes into the final as the top contender for the title. Suddenly, dethroning Viktor has turned from a wet dream into a real and likely possibility. Add his own expectations to the expectations of fans and press and you get crushing pressure. Not even JJ is immune to pressure (I suspect that he covers up his own insecurity with arrogance).
There's another aspect that could affect JJ, but it's based on speculation:
Considering JJ's age, he can't have competed at the GPF too often. Depending on at which age he had his senior debut (not every skater pushed into seniors at the tender age of 15 before the ISU raised the age limit) and his development (growth spurts, skating skills etc.), he competed at the GPF between one and four times before Barcelona.
My personal guess is that Sochi was JJ's first GPF, but my only clue that supports this theory is Viktor struggling with his memory when he introduces the finalists in episode 10. Maybe JJ just isn't that memorable to him. But if my guess is right, JJ likely approached his first GPF with innocent fearlessness. JJ totally is the type who would do that. It's JJ style. However, when he qualified again, he already knows how tough the GPF is and that makes him vulnerable and prone to lose his nerve, especially since he is going into the event as the favourite and he wants Viktor's throne for himself. Ironincally, that's JJ style, too.
The Grand Prix Final is a tough competition. It's tougher than Worlds or the Olympics. The fact that only six skaters per discipline can qualify for the final raises the stakes. Unlike at the end of a big event with six groups or more, the judges have a very keen eye on every skater. That's often reflected in stricter scores and mistakes being punished harder, especially when the skaters are equal in skill. It's nerve-wrecking to watch and I imagine it to be more nerve-wrecking than any other competition for the skaters as well.
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carlizwall · 5 months
Commission for the nice @neutronstarchild
Based on a scene of Fool's Gold. A Yuri on Ice fanfic
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Support is appreciated! ❤❤
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Late to the party but I CANNOT get over how JJ envisions Yuuri during his freak-out. Everybody else is either glaring or smirking, meanwhile Yuuri’s got like the cutesiest condescending expression and pose. Like he’s in character still for ‘Eros’… which makes sense if JJ doesn’t really know him, so that confident and sensuous routine is kind of all he has to go on.
Ironic bc in reality, Yuuri is like the MOST sympathetic to JJ’s painful experience at the Grand Prix out of the above skaters! But JJ imagines him as this flirty thot EVEN while he and the others are looking down on him…
QED, JJ was just as intimidated by Yuuri as the others; and even tho Chris kept going out of his way to show off his sex appeal, JJ (at least subconsciously) sees Yuuri is the sexy one…
I just lol’d so much at this, his face is the weirdest combo of cute and snide and it’s so OOC, but JJ legit might not know that.
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nightmare727 · 6 months
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jamesbranwen · 1 year
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At Skate Canada, Jean-Jacques Leroy, the bronze medalist at last year’s Grand Prix Final, won the gold. We also saw an awe-inspiring Yuri Plisetsky, age 15, win silver at his first senior event.
Yuri!!! On Ice screencap redraw :3
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le-trash-prince · 2 months
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I don't really know how to encapsulate how much I love JJ or the impact he's had on my life. I met my dearest friend through our mutual love for him and his damn tramp stamp. I wrote my first fic for JJBek. I met so many people and made so many memories because of JJ.
More than anything else, he taught me the importance of loving myself unapologetically.
YOI fandom as a whole defined the latter half of my twenties. I know people who took up figure skating and people who got into competitive pole dancing because of Yuri on Ice. I know people who went on pilgrimages to Karatsu, all for a show that only ever got one season.
I wasn't expecting JJ to appear in Ice Adolescence, but I had been looking forward to meeting a whole new cast of side characters to fall in love with. JJ, Otabek, Phichit, and Christophe are some of my all-time favorite characters, and I will miss them always. See y'all next level 😭
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crowryes · 11 months
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leiandroid · 2 months
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round 4 of six fanarts with the blue-eyed brigade (and chel)
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yoi-incorrect-quotes · 6 months
Minami: I just saw Yuuri kissing Santa Clause!
Yurio: Santa isn’t real
Chris: that was just Victor in a costume
Minami: wow!
Yurio: *gags* I think I liked the first option more
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strange010 · 1 month
Thinking about how JJ Leroy is a straight Christian who's against pre marital sex who has a tramp stamp
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wipbigbang · 1 month
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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