#jegulus hc
Regulus would definitely pick Sirius's long hair off James's clothes and say "who is she?" every time as a joke
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adharastarlight · 7 months
Reg, reading at 1am, with James' head in his lap, idly playing with his hair with one hand.
Reg looking down at him and smiling so softly at how peaceful he looks.
Reg thinking James is asleep.
Reg whispering for the first time "I love you."
Reg's heart fluttering when there's a sleepy mumble of "I love you too" below him.
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aithusarosekiller · 4 months
James, sitting down at breakfast: hey guys
Remus: ...okay, you do know-
James, adjusting his Slytherin green tie: I know. It wasn't an accident, I pissed Reggie off and he turned my tie green so I wouldn't do it again.
Remus: and you couldn't just change it back when you left his dorm?
*the entire hall staring at James*
James: I dunno, I think I'm maybe enjoying this a little too much
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accio-sriracha · 6 months
James: *staring lovingly at Regulus* I would literally die for you.
Regulus: *walking away, trying to hide his blush* Then fucking do it, Potter.
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florsial · 25 days
James is def the type of person to run into Regulus while on his way to a Tinder date and get distracted by how pretty Reg is so he spends his entire hanging out and having to text his Tinder date a long-ass message of apology the next day.
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bowiesawizardmoony · 5 months
when james disassociates and regulus is nearby he likes to doodle on james’ hand as a soft way to ground him and when james comes back to himself he gets to see all the little stars and planets and consolations and moons and plants and whatever else reg drew on him and it makes him feel loved and safe
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siriustar8 · 6 months
Choose - @jegulus-microfic - 344 words
"If you keep staring at Potter he might burst on the spot."
"Shut up Barty."
This was a conversation the duo had multiple times a day, because Regulus couldn't take his eyes off of the barista. In fact, he came to the coffee shop on a daily basis just to ogle him shamelessly. 
And Barty enjoyed tagging along and rubbing salt on his friend's wound, amused at his miserable attempts to woo the man telepathically. 
Regulus couldn't approach the barista, James, without his face getting as red as a beet. Since the very first time he came through the doors, drenched by the rain and pissed off to his core, just to lay his eyes on the most beautiful man to exist, he's been smitten with him. James was sunshine in a skin suit, his wide smile and crinkly eyes gave Regulus heart palpitations, the type he enjoyed having. 
So what if he was too shy to make a move? At least he could feast his eyes upon the beauty that is James Potter, for free.
"You know what, Reggie? I'm sick of this." Said Barty before getting up, walking all the way to the counter, and calling for James.
The traitor leaned towards the barista, mumbled something that made him turn towards Regulus, and gave him a pat on the back before leaving the café altogether. 
It only took James a few seconds before he stood, in all his glory, in front of Regulus' table.
"So, your friend there told me you liked me, but were too shy to let me know. Is that true or am I embarrassing myself?"
This was Regulus' last chance, if he didn't do it now, he most likely will never step foot here again from embarrassement. He challenged his inner Sirius, and blurted : " Can I take you out sometimes? For coffee maybe?"
James' smile grew impossibly bigger (how did he do that?) And he replied : 
"I'd love that actually! You choose the place, but please, no more coffee."
Regulus was going to give Barty half his inheritance. 
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fromagony · 25 days
i believe bartylus was really toxic in a way they suffered a lot during it. they had fights, they fucked a lot instead of solving their problems, it was like playing with fire all the time. neither of them win in any argument, they always ended up in bed and it eventually drained them really fast and then they had an awful break up, trying to stay as friends but neither of them was in the right mindset. evan, pandora and dorcas + james played a big role in trying to gain their friendship back. evan was barty's rock whereas james was the person who caught regulus while he was falling in a pit of madness.
james grounded regulus, he taught him how to love and how to talk. he didn't let regulus when he tried to avoid a fight or trying to fuck instead of fighting. he made him sit down and even yelled at him saying "i don't care if you cry or scream at me. you are not leaving this room until we solve this problem." he was persistent, regulus was stubborn as fuck. he didn't think talking would do any good but it did and he saw it. james gained his trust and earned his love bit by bit, he didn't shy away when regulus started shit talking to him to make him give up. he didn't give up, he shout back but he made his point across in the end. the way he never give up on regulus made him stay. regulus learned how to talk, learned to communicate. he learned to show his feelings more and be more open w them. it was hard and maybe it was always going to be hard but it didn't matter. he knew james was there and he was always gonna be there for him.
evan was the best person to heal barty. he was sneaky abt it, he even gaslighted barty into thinking "oh he is just in his usual self, i think i'm changing bcuz i suffered so much" when in fact evan was doing all the work. he knew forcing barty into anything would backfire any minute. he needed his insane friend and he got it. evan was there, in every room he stepped into and every places he went, evan was there and he always had his hand back on his shoulder. barty didn't even realize he was healing, he was learning to talk. evan did the all work yes, but after some time barty started to talk, he started to talk abt the things that mattered, the things that needed to be solved. he needed to move on from the things he held onto, and he did. it was painfully slow, he saw jegulus here and there. he heard abt them getting together and while they were trying to mend their friendship w regulus he still got hurt by them but it didn't stink like it would before. he counted on evan and he become the only clear thing in his crowded mind.
after some time it got better, bartylus got used to see each other w other people. they had to move on from each other, and they did. they couldn't do it together but at some point they still could manage to talk and got their closure. they promised each other they would never harm their friendship and they did that. they survived their relationship.
it was hard but it eventually passed and they moved on
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anonymousqualities · 1 month
One of the first couple spats I think Jegulus would have at the early stages of their relationship would be about how clingy James and Sirius are.
(Was thinking about how the marauders were in their early twenties and all the cringey relationship issues that happen during that age 😩)
Like, Reg notices Sirius knows every detail of a disagreement Regulus and james have. Reg tries to not make a big deal until they have a really big disagreement and instead of talking it out with Regulus, James goes straight to Sirius.
If it's post war, their codependency is dialed up to 1000 lol. Understandably, after losing his parents, James sees it as just appreciating sirius' presence by keeping him up to date on his life.
While Sirius sees it as a second chance to be a doting brother to Regulus in anyway he can. To Sirius, being included in this aspect of regulus' life is a good thing.
Meanwhile, Regulus is triggered feeling like the third wheel again and like he's not good enough. Not only for sirius but for James as well.
Enter Remus and lily. The former slapping both James and Sirius over the head with the hardest of books. They give them a crash course of the different boundaries in different relationships. (Remus is used to their nonsense but understands not everyone will be comfortable with it)
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z0mbieb0ybyersblog · 5 months
Jegulus Headcanons
pairing: James Potter x Regulus Black
warnings: a mix of fluff and smut
I really hope you guys enjoy this short post, I am currently working on a shit ton of requests so keep a eye out for those 👀
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James’ love language is words of affirmation and physical touch, while Regulus' love language is acts of service and quality time
The basic Regulus fell first. James fell HARDER, like the man was whipped
Regulus could say ANYTHING in French and James would get all smiley
If they’re studying together James will not be focused on that book, his eyes will be glued on Regulus
James loves kissing (ex; sloppy kissing, heated kissing, French kissing) Any kissing, James loves it all
Doesn’t matter which one, given the opportunity, they will tie the other to the bedpost with their ties
James loves his hair being played with and pulled, and Regulus loves to snake his hands in James' hair any chance he gets and of course loves to pull it.
The first time James heard Regulus giggle, it left him a little stunned and then pleaded for him to again
James will leave a trail of kisses all over Regulus' body if given the chance
It's very easy for Regulus to get James to beg for him, and he loves it; he loves hearing the desperation in James' voice
James loves to belt lyrics of his favorite songs. Mind you, his voice cracks with every verse, and he is very tone-deaf. Regulus hates himself for loving when James sings
It gets very heated in bed after quidditch games, and if their teams go against each it's just a little rougher (more than a little depending on who wins)
James loves praise like LOVES it (especially in bed)
Regulus loves to leave as many marks he can on James (ex; hickeys, bite marks, scratches)
James is very needy for physical touch
They both can be the biggest teases ever, but Regulus knows exactly what gets James going, like teasing touches in an area where James can't do anything about it
James loves to listen to Regulus read aloud and literally begs him anytime he sees him reading to read to him
Regulus is the biggest brat
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ecstarry · 2 months
please tell me your thoughts on james bottoming for the first time
i've been sitting on this for a while hahaha thank you for your patience hahahaha lovely question babe
i feel like he was equally eager and nervous
he didn't think he would like it as much as topping BUT BABE!!!!
one thing about james potter, he has THE ass to bottom!!!! god herself made him with that intention in mind, she told me herself, james fulfilled his destiny
he's sooooo impatient he's like now NOW NOW NOW
he makes the most delicious sounds AJHSBDAHJS like he truly just sounds that fucking good without forcing it
ofc a whimpering mess
he wants to go again THE SECOND they're done with a first round
James loves it so fucking much he doesn't want to top again for a WHILE
he's so grateful for every second and eats reg out he's done
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accio-sriracha · 6 months
Me a year ago: Wtf why would anybody write James with someone other than Lily??? They're literally perfect???
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florsial · 4 months
Jegulus lil hc
Regulus likes to recite lines from older classics to James, and since James doesn't read classics, so he spends his time deciphering them. When he finally gets a modern translation out of them, he goes to Regulus and recites in a "modern understanding" way. It's a little game between the two of them.
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padfootsaphrodite · 1 year
James is the type of person to lay his head on Reggie's stomach and just listen, giggling every time he hears a noise. Regulus just rolls his eyes, hiding his blush because of course James' giggle makes him blush.
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70swizards · 1 year
need i say more?
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siriustar8 · 6 months
Regulus giggles when being kissed.
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