#kimetsu gakuen
echantedtoon · 3 days
Ocean Deep Ch11 A Husband...Some Wives???
(Warnings:   Rengoku cursing and semi threatening Akira, mentions of the mers mistreatment,etc.
Y'all simps are going to eat with this one. Apologies for the short chapter. This is a sorta filter before the real meaty chapters ahead.)
taglist: @six-eyed-samurai @lavenderdrxp @jjamsbangtan @camilo-uwu @hopefulworld1
@shadyd3ar @amypop122
Remember if you wanna be added to the tag list lemme know.
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The silence was deafening as you were in the middle of being held up by Rengoku. Warmth enveloped every part of your body and fireworks of fluster lit up in your mind. The image of the man lifting you bridal style into his arms and pressed against the upper part of his bare, toned chest and facing up into the fiery eyes just inches away from your own. The smile both handsome as it was happy and loving for whomever it was aimed at.
Amongst the fireworks was a blank white sheet blocking out and rationality shoving at the wall and screeching out to the mind closed off to it. However the mind's focus was thinking about other things. Like how nice the body was leaning against you. How soft the hands were that held your face. How handsome the face suddenly was. How gentle the arms were holding you. How warm the lips were pressed back into yours. 
Rengoku hummed as he once again dove down dipping the woman in his hold and pressed into a passionate kiss you've only seen other couples do and read in romance novels. The same kind of passion that he'd shown his other three wives. Only now he's satisfying an itch he's been feeling for the past half month. He had no idea he could fall for another so much but he couldn't help it. The heart thudding in his chest whenever she would be so loving towards him, but what really made him fall for her was the way she interacted with his wives. The way you'd coo at and comfort Suma's emotional outburst as she'd cry into your shoulder. The way you'd look at Makio and all it took was one understanding sentence to quench her moody behavior. How you'd actually be vulnerable to Hinatsuru and allowed her to comfort your current stressful state. You got a long so well with them...It was like you were one of their own already. And you had gotten along so well with him despite knowing him you always smiled at him. Always smiled at him. Always laughed whenever he tried to cheer you up. It was destiny. 
He almost all but forgot about the uninvited spectator in the doorway until he happened to open his eyes again and see the shocked man still frozen solid in the doorway. An immediate  wave of rage filled his body. This man and his sickening blood was responsible for taking away his wives and his family being torn apart. Responsible for all of the misery and mistreatment they suffered. Responsible for his husband crying tears and nearly tearing his own scales out from worry and fear every night they were gone. And now he dare come back here and face him while begging for you- His wife and the reason any of them are still alive!! To abandoned them and run away together like some stupid love unrealistic love ending from some fairytale! No!...Oh no no no. Not again. He already lost his wives once and gained you. He wasn't about to lose any again so easily a second time. 
A hiss escaped his throat and if his face wasn't angled slightly down, Akira would've seen the large inhuman fangs stuck in his maw. "L E A V E." A snarl enraged and flowing full with a fearful edge pushed out of his chest."Get out of my sight and don't come back. You're not welcome here."
Akira shook. Lip trembling as he stared at the shocked woman who seemed somewhere between shock and absolute whiplash. "Y-You have no R-Right! Wha-What man do you think you are?!"
As if reliving a scene right out of the most scary ghost story. As the blonde head of fire shot back and laughed out. A loud sinister laugh that was condescending and rude and mocking, yet it was boisterous and happy. A scarily terrifying indeed. 
"More of a man than you are! You're a mere boy compared to even a child. No woman would lower their standards enough to do anything with you! You really think my wife would leave me alone for an immature little narcissistic minnow pretending to be a shark when you're far from being the biggest fish in the pond? No. You are nothing. Even compared to the ground you walk on you are nothing. Nothing but a clingy barnacle who is never going to change even if it'll mean becoming a better person. You're greedy, obsessive, and probably would only treat her like another toy until you're bored easily again and seek your own amusement somewhere else..No. No no no. You're not claiming that here. Now leave this sanctuary you only stain and don't let the door hit you on the way out...Or please do. It might knock some sense and decency into your stupidly thick head."
The eyes molded and melted with malice and hate not letting up on the other..Until like a scared prey, he backed up and left . Rengoku's head followed the sounds of the footsteps as they echoed throughout the hallway until eventually the sounds of a door opening and closing sounded off making the merman sigh. 
That was a close one. If that man had come any closer, his true identity would've been exposed or worse. He could've seen his wives hiding under the water. Then they all would've been in big trouble. Eventually there was a shift in water as Hinatsuru poked her head slowly out of the water right by his hip. 
"Is he gone?," she asked barely above a whisper.
He didn't answer right away still listening to the silence before nodding. "Yes. Yes he's gone. Good riddance."
She sighed in relief rising further out of the water leaning on the edge just as the other two poked their heads out. "Oh thank goodness. I was terrified just hearing his voice again." Her hand pressed against her chest. "My heart is still pounding in my chest I was so worried." 
The tension in his body melted upon hearing her tone. Looking at them, all three looked genuinely horrified by what just happened. The fear was truly real and deep for them. But he wouldn't let them be scared again. No no no no. He'd never allow any of his wives to be hurt again but the only way to ensure that they were was for them all to leave this place. And the only one who could make that happen was currently in his arms frozen-.....OH GODS!! Y/N!! HE'D COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN ABOUT HER!!
"Y/N!" He jumped mentally cursing himself for forgetting and looked to the frozen, red faced, wide eyed woman in his arms. "Ms. L/n?" He jostled her a bit. "A-Are you alright?!"
You continued to stare at the ceiling. "...M' good." You squeaked out as meak as a spooked mouse. 
Rengoku stared at you- Before a flurry of more giggles behind him made him jolt. Despite their earlier fear, they couldn't help but giggle at them again. Making him snap to them red faced and frowning.
"N-N-Now you three s-stop that!," he barked out flustered. "I-I was merely saving her like she did me!"
"With a kiss?," Makio asked with a raised brow.
"It was an act to fool him! Besides, s-she also saved me with her medical kissing!"
You finally found your voice amongst the blank scene until your mind finally answered and you went full red face blushing. All that was going through your head was you got kissed by a handsome merman, you got kissed by a handsome merman, you got kissed by a handsome merman over and over again! The shock of your sudden shout caused all four of them to jump and Rengoku quickly laid you back down onto the floor. You were quick to scoot away from him and sit up. And then the five of you all just sorta say there staring at one another for a long while until eventually you reached out to touch your mouth and look at Rengoku again.
".....Did you just kiss me?!"
"YES!!," he shouted proudly despite his heavily blushing face and crossed his arms. "You saved my life and so I figured I'd return the favor! It was the very least I could do after you've been doing so much for us!"
"Why kiss me then?!," you shouted flustered. He didn't have to kiss you! Why'd he kiss you?!
"My first thought to make him go away was to pretend to be your spouse and it worked! The kisses were so he actually thought we were together!"
"You didn't have to kiss me?!"
He hummed blinking, losing his smile, and tilting his head. "Oh? Was that wrong? Or was I a bad kisser? We can redo it again it you were displeased-"
"NO!!" You held up your head shouting and feeling your face burn red. The girls giggled at you both as you held up your hands. "THE KISSES WEREN'T THE PROBLEM!!"
"So you did enjoy them!" He lit up again. "Good! I aim to please!"
"So I was your first kiss and it was good? EXCELLENT! IM GLAD ALL MY WIVES ARE PLEASED!!"
"W-WIFE?! I NEVER-...YOU DIDN'T-...I MEAN-...." Your flustered face slapped into your hands. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"  Your slightly muffled scream bounced off the walls and they all looked pleased at their handy work. ...Wait a minute. You peeked between your fingers and stared at them. "Wait...Did you say wives? We're not married?!"
Again he tilted his head confused. "We're not? I thought it was obvious that the ceremony was completed as soon as we kissed."
"OH! I get it!" Suma shot up a hand. "It's not official yet because we haven't kissed her yet."
Kyojuro lit up once more. "You're absolutely right, Suma! How could we have forgotten something so simple. She's not married until we all initiate her in!"
You stared blank trying to process what was happening. "What?"
"HEY!" Makio shouted as Suma clumsily shoved her aside and practically crashed through the others just to get through.
You weren't sure what was happening. One moment Suma was pulling herself up onto the edge of the tub, the next she was grabbing your cheeks and kissing you making you go wide eyed again as she did it with an overdramatic 'MWAH' sound that got Makio growling from annoyance.
"Ok! That's long enough for you! Scoot over, Kelpbrain!" Suma squeaked and then whined when Makio roughly grabbed her by the back of her dress and yanked her back before taking her place. You didn't even have time to recover before you were kissed yet again by the yellow banged mermaid.
"NOT FAIR!! KYOJURO GOT TO KISS HER TWICE!!," Suma whined pulling on Makio's arm as she kissed your blank mind and looked at Kyojuro. "KYOOOOO!! MAKE HER SHARE!!"
He chuckled at them. "Now, Suma. Hinatsuru hasn't even gotten a chance to kiss her yet. Let us all love her equally as good wives and husbands should!"
Makio left. You stared at the wall ahead. "....EH?!" 
You STILL did not get a chance to recover from anything as two hands gently turned your head and you briefly saw Hinatsuru smiling at you before you were once again kissed. Albeit a lot more gentle compared to the three others. Taking the moment Kyojuro slid one of the many rings decorating his fingers off, a gold one with a bright green emerald, and reached out. Your left hand was taken from the floor limply and with ease the ring slipped on perfectly over your ring finger just as Hinatsuru back away smiling so happily at you.
"There now. So beautiful and perfect for us." He cooed happily rubbing a thumb over the jewel and your hand. "We'll have to get you to meet Tengen to actually get things settled, but I'm sure he'll love you as soon as he sees you. Mrs. Uzui."
You could only stare. The weight on your hand feeling heavy as Suma pulled you into a side hug and the others looked so happy with themselves. "...HUH?!"
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wltsquareih · 24 days
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The Kamaboko Squad baked her a small cake!
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luxthestrange · 23 days
KNY Incorrect quotes#116 He prefers yours-
Iguro*Helping the lovable trio with a guide* -I have it all planned here
Tanjiro*hands Insokue a notebook for how to move and identify flora*
Inosuke:...I heart Y/n. Mxs. Y/n Obanai . Iguro L/N Obanai-
Iguroi*Snatches the notebook* Wrong notebook-
Zenitsu:...You're taking their last name?...
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Part 4 of:
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circusmantis · 1 year
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Modern au Mui, Senjuro and Nezuko being best friends!💕
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cookieyy0 · 2 months
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yuki2sksksk · 4 months
Kimetsu Academy AU, where there's a squeaking coming from the fan ceiling in the chemistry lab and everyone be like "???" "What's that noise?? Is it going to fall??" So Obanai shutting the fan cause it's noisy and disturbing the class.
Then something comes plumping from the fan -- squeaking -- everyone screams and panicking as realisation sinks in at seeing that it's a mice.
Kaburamaru lungs, catches the mice in his mouth and everyone screams louder.
Que Uzui sprinting into the class, shouting and yanking his buff mice from the snake's mouth but unintentionally pulling too hard and flung both Kaburamaru and buff mice from the second floor.
Chachamaru playing with Gyomei outside and sees a snake and a mice in the air -- pounds forward and catches both with his mouth before dashing away into the hallway, catching students and staff off guard.
Gyomei startles, Uzui and Obanai screaming from the second floor.
Chaos. Chaos everywhere.
(it ends with Tamayo bringing back Kaburamaru and buff mice since Chachamaru brought them to her office)
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messy-crisantemo · 3 months
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Genya + bass + bisexual lighting ✨
Based on a KimeGaku panel under the cut~
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Thank you, KimeGaku, you were so fun while you lasted 🥺💜
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yuamui · 6 months
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keep your tutor warm
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oemmio · 5 months
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Just little scribble, I feel like I'm falling into the artblock again🙃
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una-hive5 · 6 months
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mr-cactis · 6 months
I love the fact that most (if not all) Kyojuro no Kimetsu Gakuen stories involve food.
So below, Kyo! And food!!!
This one, where he seems to have gone out with his colleagues and is eating. He's adorable
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Him ordering Pizza for everyone in the teachers' lounge
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I would have liked to have seen more of him with Giyuu, he seems to care a bit more about him considering the other hashiras
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So Haganezuka doesn't like Rengoku, just like Tanjiro in the original series. They're so aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Snack at dawn!!!!
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It also looks like he used to be a homeroom teacher (I think Gyomei has that function, as well as a civics teacher).
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Kyo and Sen
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He'll die for it one day
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Saving students from getting dirty (I love their pose)
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Owwww share!!!
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Headcanon that Kyo knows how to cook, but it's always a long shot. Either it's very good, or it's strange
(Or, he's good at traditional Japanese food, but not good at other food!).
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Him and the little caterpillars
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And that's it, Kyo is adorable, he has his faults but he always wants the best for his loved ones
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echantedtoon · 21 hours
Oblivious Crushes Ch1 Sekido And Aizetsu
Just wanted to write something cute and wholesome with the Quadruplets having a crush on oblivious Mitsuri. 
Just for context. If you didn't already know this is a modern au fic and obviously I'm NOT doing a Zohakutan x Mitsuri. This is just a funny what if idea based on the art by @hawnkoi / @hawnkoii on Tumblr. Kinda based within Kimetsu Gauken and will probably be ooc with the four main clones and short but screw it! Let's go!
I'll do a second part with Urogi and Karaku later. 
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"And you carry the two up above here and that's how you get the answer!"
Sweet pretty eyes looked on in obvious happiness from the two who were obviously staring at her with different expressions. Blue Eyes wide with flustered pink scattered about his face as the girl across from him held up the paper with the math problems scribbled all over it some solved while others were waiting to be used. However the blue eyes still stared at her for too long. Maybe at the way her green eyes sparkled like emeralds. Perhaps at how her pink hair brought out her cheeks. Or maybe it was because the receiver of her smile had an obvious crush on the art major. 
Those pretty green eyes blinked again as they didn't answer. "Aizetsu, did you not hear what I said?" 
.... Eventually the other red pair of eyes belonging to an identical brother reached out a hand to slap the other on the shoulder and jolted awake the staring idiot from his stupor.
"I-..Y-YES!!," Aizetsu squealed far too high pitched to his embarrassment. "I-It's pretty. Uh! I mean y-you're pretty- AH!! I MEAN IT'S PRETTY SIMPLE!! THAT'S W-WHAT I MEANT!" 
He quickly fumbled twice and attempted to correct holding up his hands, his face such a red it rivaled his brother's eyes whom just grumbled and facepalmed. However she was completely oblivious to his blushing stare or if she noticed his obvious flustered state, she didn't bring it up and only smiled understandingly.
"It's ok! I know you'll get it soon!" The paper fluttered and made a small noise as she placed it down on the table and scooted it over to him. "Let's go over it again! Pay very close attention to what I say this time. Ok?"
Aizetsu gulped but managed to nod and attempted to look at the paper, however it was hard when the pretty girl they both maybe had just the teeniest tiniest most miniscule of crushes on was literally a few inches away beside you. 
The other had to bite his tongue and keep his irritation silent from the jealousy of his brother gaining her full attention for the moment. He HATED it! It made him feel stupid and childish for having these feelings like a middle school boy upset his crush wouldn't notice him. He hadn't even intended for this to happen! It had just.. happened! It all started with just a small problem with a class. He wasn't ashamed to admit math was stupid and probably not his best subject. Many pencils had been snapped out of anger from staring at numbers and trying to figure out how they go together. It was Aizetsu's idea that he sign up for some of the volunteer tutoring the campus offered. It was stupid of course. He'd never admit he'd need an extra teacher like Karaku's bumbling self needed! ... But when you have a couple Fs staring at your face from the last few assignments, you get a change of thought. Aizetsu, probably pathetically pitying him, offered to go take the sessions with him trying to be supportive-
"I've heard of this one girl everyone's trying to get as a tutor. She's supposed to be super nice and smart so that must count for something. Right? I'll try to sign us up for her sessions."
The very thought made him grit his teeth, and of course leave it to Aizetsu to get them tutoring sessions with the dingiest most hyperactive girl in the universe! He was expecting someone so different. Maybe another teacher. An older student in their final year. Maybe one of them serious bookworm students. But no. When the two of them walked into the library after classes with books and pencils and saw a few other people already studying or browsing through the shelves of the quiet sanctuary-
Many people had turned hearing Sekido's yelp and a woman's voice chirp out loudly. She had literally come out of no where! A blur of green and pink literally bouncing in place startling him into dropping his books and making Aizetsu blink.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry!," she quickly apologized holding up her hands and frowning sadly, "I didn't mean to scare you. I always forget I can be so loud sometimes. Sekido and Aizetsu Hantengu right?" Both had just stared at her, looked at each other unsure, and then Aizetsu turned back opening his mouth but was stopped when she literally grabbed him by the hand smiling again and pulled him forward with surprising strength. "C'mon! I already have a few things planned out for you both!"
She just wouldn't be quiet! If they weren't working on problems then it was a constant stream of chatter directed to both of them. How her day was, asking how their day was, what did they like, her major- It never ended. It was like a whiplash. He wanted to quit then and there..But the looming threat of Fs hanging over his grades made him stop. Admittedly she was annoying but also admittedly she knew a lot of math so it'd be better staying and just ignoring the rest. In one month he was used to it. Wasn't much different than his other two brothers' constant chatter so he was able to drown it out eventually. Aizetsu kept coming even if he didn't really need the tutoring in support and all that...But by the third month he started to get suspicious. 
Why would he keep coming when Aizetsu was an A and B mostly student including in Math?? It made no sense. He already told him countless times before that he didn't want him coming anymore, and unlike their brothers, Aizetsu knew when to back away and respectfully give Sekido his space. Yet every time Sekido showed up to tutoring time Aizetsu was already there present and ready. He was so confused. He never asked on the off chance maybe he was wrong and maybe Aizetsu DID in fact need the extra help, and he never got in the way of Sekido getting tutored so it really wasn't a bother but the confusion was starting to annoy him. At least until the confusion turned into realization. Aizetsu's face turned either a shade of pink or red everytime she spoke to him or touched his hand. And it was only then that it hit Sekido.
Had a CRUSH on their TUTOR.
It shocked him honestly. Unlike their brothers who dated around and himself who went on a few dates, Aizetsu tended to stay away from any relationships but now he was following this girl like a lost puppy. It annoyed him to no end!...But really it wasn't affecting his tutoring and honestly Aizetsu rarely if ever showed interest in anyone romantically so he'd reluctantly let it slide. Within the few months he was there, his grade went up to a D and almost to a C which would be passing enough to him. However Aizetsu still came. He honestly couldn't see why he was. She was nice sure. Always taking time to slowly explain things, bringing food for their long sessions, always talking to them about their day- And he guessed she was pretty. Long hair always in cute bouncing braids, bright emerald eyes, beautiful face- And he supposed her personality was bubbly, kind, cute, maybe a lot oblivious and talkative-...
The double realization a month later ran him over like a truck startling him awake and staring at the ceiling.
".....Oh gods no."
So now here he was, red faced and angry as she guided Aizetsu's hand along with a problem she was explaining. Pretty smile on her face. Both of theirs red. Until he just face planted his into the table with horried annoyance and embarrassment coursing through him.
"Don't be like that, Sekido! I'll show you how to do the next one. Ok?," she happily asked.
"...Yeah. Sure. Whatever." 
Gods help him at this.
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capobegone · 7 months
Unhinged Kimetsu Academy Headcanons
-Muzan and Kagaya are cousins. They despise each other. They are forced to be civil when the extended family gets together around the holidays, and have an unspoken agreement that they have to pretend to get along for the sake of their relatives. Kagaya is much better at this than Muzan. Amane holds her tongue, but she and Kagaya talk mad shit in the car on the way home.
-Mitsuri is going to art school, and desperately wants to student-teach in Tengen’s art class. He always refuses, mainly out of a very warranted fear that his students will like her better than him. 
-When Kyojuro’s hearing is having an especially bad day, he can really struggle to speak to Obanai, who is soft spoken and wears a mask, so Kyojuro cannot read his lips. They will get stuck in loops of “what? Sorry, what?”, and Kyojuro feels bad about making Obanai take his mask off, so sometimes he’ll ask Obanai to write things down or just sign to him instead.
-When it gets especially cold outside, Tanjiro will force Inosuke to accept his coat by yammering about how much he appreciated him and how sad he would be if Inosuke caught a cold. If he gets flustered and giddy enough, Inosuke will agree to wear the coat so Tanjiro will be happy.
-During Zenitsu’s first week at the academy, he referred to the Ubuyashikis as “Beauty and the Beast”, and was overheard by Amane. Upon reporting this to Kagaya, she was shocked to find that instead of calling for discipline, Kagaya laughed his ass off for ten minutes straight and immediately adopted the nicknames. To this day, he still calls her Beauty when trying to tease her, and they have matching keychains of the enchanted rose on their work bags.
-Because he is polite, respectful, and capable of beating a grown man’s ass into the pavement if needed, many girls will approach Hakuji for protection if they are scared to walk home alone. One time he escorted Nezuko home when Tanjiro had a doctor’s appointment, and Kie rewarded him with enough bread to last him and Koyuki a week.
-Hakuji is mortified by the way he used to harass Kyojuro for a fight as a middle schooler. After marrying Koyuki, he has cleaned up his ways and become quite the gentleman, and he copes by lying to himself that the teachers have forgotten all about it. Unbeknownst to him, Kyojuro is quite excited for Hakuji to graduate so they can finally have a good old spar between martial artists.
-The Ubuyashikis are fully aware that Nakime is a spy for Kibutsuji. Kagaya lets her stay, because she has never once uncovered anything remotely useful, and he knows that she’s just a bit down on her luck and looking for a place to belong. He has faith that someday she’ll realize the error of her ways and abandon Muzan’s regime of terror. Amane is not convinced, and actively takes any chance she can get to thwart Nakime’s casual espionage.
-Tengen loves to watch anime, being the art nerd and flashy bastard that he is. His favorite is Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure, and he often tries to peer pressure Kyojuro into watching it. Kyojuro tends to have a hard time following what on earth is happening in that show, but he does enjoy some of the more tame ones.
-Following the Halloween festival, Kokushibo developed a casual interest in cooking. He’s gotten quite good with a bit of practice. Rumor has it that he makes an extremely good curry, and it’s become Yoriichi’s favorite.
y’all I have so many thoughts about this lmfaooo somebody SEDATE ME
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luxthestrange · 8 months
KNY Incorrect quotes#74 He feels BONITA
How Teacher Iguro Fell for you...
Iguro*Blinks seeing You grab his hand and put something in it...closing his palm for him not see him...then leaving him confused*???
Iguro*Opens his palm*...!?!?
Iguro*Holding a tiny flower hat for Kaburamar*...
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-In the Faculty Room-
Iguro*Face on his desk*...I think I'm falling for Y/n
Kyo*Who is working on his best man speech, Trying to sound shocked*...Wow!-really?...thats a....shocker!!!
Kaburamar*Slithers to Kyo's desk to show his pretty hat*!!!
Part 2 of :
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peachdues · 6 months
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Kyojuro is me and I am Kyojuro
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cookieyy0 · 4 months
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