#kimi raikkonen x you
lucyrose191 · 6 months
Pairing: Protective!Kimi x Sunshine!driver!reader
Summary; You always have a smile on your face, even through the struggles of being the only female driver but when it feels like the entire media is against you it’s hard to keep that smile on your face but Kimi won’t allow it to disappear, he’s always there protecting you.
Warnings; fluff, mistreatment of women
F1 Master List
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You had fought to get in the position you were in today and you had done it all with a smile on your face. It was easy back then, when there was less attention on you and less people questioning your every decision or underestimating your talent compared to the other drivers on the grid simply because you weren’t a man.
You were known for your smile, the way it was always present with everyone you spoke to and no matter the question you were asked but people seemed to take it as an invitation to say whatever they wanted as though it had no affect on you.
It didn’t in the beginning.
But as each of the questions piled on top of each other, the strain made it harder to maintain the smile, your struggle was hard to notice because you did such a good job of hiding it but one person did.
Kimi Räikkönen.
Whilst he was quiet, he was observant.
To him only a fool would think your smile was real. There was clearly such a huge difference between you being happy and you pretending to be happy.
There were no more sparkles in your eyes or twitch of your nose and it enraged him.
It was infuriating, knowing that the journalists and media had managed to ruin the pureness in you.
He wasn’t going to allow them to destroy you of everything you were.
You normally didn’t mind the driver’s press conferences but lately they’ve been…. hard.
The questions lately have hardly been about driving, instead about your possible challenges against the other drivers or if you feel as though you’re at a disadvantage.
You don’t. You’ve said countless times that you don’t feel the need to be treated differently in any sense and that you being female added no extra struggles in your opinion.
It seemed the tipping point for Kimi with these questions was when a female journalist asked not only peculiar but disturbing question.
You smiled at the woman as she stood up, thinking you’d get a real question about driving but that smile soon faded as she opened her mouth.
"Hi, this is a question for Y/N. As a woman, I was curious as to whether it’s more difficult for you to finish a race during the time of the month when you’re menstruating?"
You hated it. You hated that just because they’re a woman they think it excuses the questions they’re asking.
Beside you Kimi scoffed loudly, the most noise he’d made during the entire conference. "What sort of fucking question is that?" He stared straight into the woman’s eyes with a face as hard as ice.
The woman seemed taken back by him and started stuttering. "I-well-I was just-"
Kimi shook his head "We’ve been sat in these chairs for half an hour and not a single one of you imbeciles has asked her a real fucking question about the car or the race. All of you have sat there and just questioned her ability to do her job as if any of you know a thing about racing."
Kimi stood up from his seat and gestured for you to get up as well from where you were sitting in pure shock, lips parted and eyes wide you did and followed him out of the room, ignoring the fact that you weren’t meant to be leaving any time soon.
He was raging, he had sat and watched as your smile dimmed with each question; anger building inside until he just couldn’t keep it to himself anymore.
You had to run to catch up with him, he was walking so fast, fuelled by his anger. Your body was still in shock from the way he had spoken and stood up for you but you caught his arm which caused his footsteps to pause.
You looked up at him in silence for a moment, contemplating what to say as he looked down at you with those piercing blue eyes.
"You didn’t have to do that," you settled on saying.
Kimi huffed, glancing away for a short minute before returning his gaze back to you. "I did, I wasn’t going to sit and let them speak to you like that, you deserve better."
You shrugged and smiled weakly "It’s how it’s always been, they’re not going to change and I’ve accepted that."
"You shouldn’t need to," he argued before grumbling under his breath and reaching out to cup your cheeks, keeping his gaze locked with yours. "They’re taking away your smile and I’m not going to let them. You’re beautiful and your smile is beautiful, I’m not letting them take that away from you."
You blinked up at him in shock whilst trying to process his words, raising your own hands up to wrap around his wrists to keep his in place.
Eventually, you smiled and leaned into his touch. "Thank you."
He gave you that half smile you knew so well before pulling you into his embrace "Don’t listen to anything they say, they don’t know you."
You wouldn’t. You wouldn’t let them knock you down, not when you had Kimi there to stand in front of you like a protective shield or hold your hand as you walked through the media storm.
You could do anything with him beside you, you could even keep your smile.
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pucksandpower · 5 months
Kimi Räikkönen x sunshine!Reader
Summary: the many times throughout the years that only the warmth of his wife could thaw the Iceman
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“He’s just so … cold,” your aunt comments, wrinkling her nose at Kimi’s back as he heads to the bar. It’s the first time you’ve brought him to a family event.
You bristle, prepared to defend your new boyfriend. “He’s not cold once you get to know him. He’s just a private person.”
Your aunt sniffs. “Still, he barely said two words all night. And that nickname — the Iceman! I don’t like it.”
You straighten your spine. “Well I do. His thoughtfulness and loyalty outweigh any lack of words.”
As you speak, you feel your doubts about mismatched personalities fade. Opposites attract for a reason.
Your aunt looks unconvinced, but you pay her no mind. You’re falling for the quiet Finn with a heart of gold. And you won’t let anyone’s disapproval chill that flame.
When Kimi returns, you lean up and kiss his cheek fondly. He looks pleasantly surprised. Let them judge. You see the real man inside.
“Smash it! Smash it!” The rowdy groomsman chants as you and Kimi cut into your wedding cake.
Other guests take up the chant, clamoring for Kimi to shove cake in your face per tradition. But you had quietly asked him not to — you don’t want frosting up your nose and ruining your makeup on your wedding day.
Kimi’s eyes meet yours, a silent question. You give a slight shake of your head. His expression hardens with resolve.
In one smooth motion, he whirls and smashes the slice of cake directly into the rowdy groomsman’s face. Icing splatters everywhere. The room goes silent.
“Here you go, since you seem to want the cake smashed so bad,” Kimi says coldly.
The groomsman splutters in shock. You have to hide your smile behind your hand.
Kimi winks at you as he licks icing off his fingers. “Now, where were we?”
Heart swelling, you lean in to kiss your wonderful, cake-covered husband. No one gets in the way of your wishes on your wedding day.
The paddock is bustling with activity as you make your way through the crowds, weaving between mechanics and engineers going about their race day routines. The smells of rubber and gasoline hang thick in the air. You smile and nod at familiar faces, receiving knowing looks in return.
Everyone here knows who you are — the bubbly, outgoing wife of the Iceman himself. The unlikely pairing has been the talk of Formula 1 ever since you started dating a few years ago. You’re warm and chatty. He’s cool and laconic. But somehow, it works.
You find Kimi in the Ferrari motorhome, sipping an energy drink, game face on. His brows are furrowed in concentration, icy grey eyes focused straight ahead. You know not to disturb him right now. This is business time.
Slipping into the seat beside him, you pull out your phone and scroll aimlessly, letting the comfortable silence stretch between you. The hustle and noise of the paddock fades into the background.
Finally, Kimi drains the last drops from his can and crushes it in his hand. He turns to you, the stern expression melting away. His eyes soften and the corners of his mouth tick upward ever so slightly.
“Morning,” he says quietly, voice gravelly.
You beam at him. “Good morning, love. Ready to go racing today?”
He nods, the hint of a smile still playing on his lips. “Did you sleep okay?”
“I did, thanks to my very comfy race driver pillow.” You wink.
Kimi snorts, the creases around his eyes deepening. He leans in and presses a quick kiss to your temple.
Around you, mechanics and team members try and fail to pretend they aren’t glancing your way, still not used to seeing the Iceman so openly affectionate. But Kimi doesn’t seem to notice or care.
“I’ll see you after,” he says, standing up and giving your hand a squeeze. His face settles back into cool concentration as he strides out to prepare for the race.
You settle in to watch qualifying, heart swelling with pride and love for your Finnish fireball.
“Kimi, the stewards want to speak with you about the incident with Perez on lap 37.”
Kimi’s jaw clenches, eyes flashing. “Typical,” he mutters.
You touch his arm reassuringly. “Go on, I’ll wait here for you.”
He nods, striding off to the steward’s office, race suit half unzipped and hair disheveled. You know he’ll be lucky to escape without a penalty. Kimi has never been one to mince words or hide his displeasure with other drivers. You can only imagine the icy staredown happening behind those closed doors right now.
Twenty minutes later, he emerges looking ready to smash a table. You jump up and hurry over.
“Well? What did they say?”
Kimi’s scowl deepens, if that’s even possible. “Ten second penalty. Ridiculous.” He spits out something in Finnish you’re glad you don’t understand.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. You drove brilliantly today.”
He shakes his head and stalks down the hall towards the paddock. You scurry after him, nearly jogging to match his long angry strides.
“Forget it. Not your fault the stewards are blind.”
You slip your hand into his, lacing your fingers together. Immediately you feel some of the tension leave his body. He glances down at you, the hint of a smile breaking through the thunderclouds.
“Let’s get out of here,” you say gently. “I’ll make you your favorite dinner, open a nice bottle of wine ...”
He nods, expression softening. “Okay. Sounds good.”
You smile up at him, giving his hand a squeeze. The stormy Finn may have a heart of ice on the track, but you know better. He just needs a little sunshine sometimes.
You pause in the kitchen doorway, heart melting at the scene before you. Kimi sits on the living room floor, your baby niece perched happily in his lap. He bounces her gently on his knee as she squeals with delight, the hint of a smile on his usually stoic face.
“Faster Unca Kimi, faster!” She cries, unruly curls flying.
He chuckles and picks up the pace, eliciting delighted giggles from her. Your sister watches nearby, still looking a bit bemused at seeing the Iceman so good natured and playful.
Finally Kimi stops, feigning exhaustion. “Whew, that’s enough for Uncle Kimi,” he says, lifting her up and pretending to wipe sweat from his brow. “You’re too fast!”
She dissolves into giggles and wraps her tiny arms around his neck in a hug. He hugs her back, looking more content than you’ve ever seen him. Your heart feels fit to burst.
“Who wants ice cream?” You announce, carrying in two bowls.
“Me, me!” Your niece starts to squirm in Kimi’s lap, reaching eagerly for her treat.
He stands, swinging her up easily onto his shoulders. “Let’s go have ice cream on the porch, give your mama a break,” he says. She kicks her little legs gleefully.
Your sister shoots you a grateful smile as Kimi carries her outside. You grin and wink. Who would believe it — the Iceman, a big softie for kids. But you know better. Under that cool exterior beats a heart of gold.
The crowds pressing around the circuit are suffocating today. Fans shove programs and merch at you for Kimi to sign. One overzealous teenage boy tries to wrap you in an uninvited hug.
Suddenly Kimi is there, gently but firmly detaching the boy’s hands from your arms. His face is thunderous.
“Back. Off.” The boy stumbles away wide-eyed.
Kimi keeps a protective grip on your shoulder as he marches you briskly from the paddock. Once inside the privacy of the motorhome, he cups your face in his hands.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” His tone is urgent.
You shake your head, still a bit shaken. “Just got grabby. Thank you for the rescue.”
Kimi exhales, pressing his forehead to yours. “I don’t like you getting swarmed out there.”
You smile wryly. “Hazards of being Mrs. Iceman.”
He brushes his thumb over your cheek. “I just want to keep you safe. Those crowds make me nervous.”
You kiss him softly. “I’ll be okay.”
His eyes bore into yours, icy blue melting into tenderness. “Still. Stay close to me out there from now on. So I can protect what’s most precious.”
Your heart flutters under his intent gaze. You lace your fingers through his, feeling infinitely cherished.
“Kimi, your phone is ringing again,” you call from the couch.
He doesn’t respond, gaze fixed intently on the TV as he navigates a difficult turn in his racing video game. The phone buzzes angrily on the coffee table.
With a sigh, you reach for it. The caller ID says “Bane of My Existence.” You frown. That’s the third call from her this week that he’s ignored.
“Kimi ...”
“Hmm?” He pauses the game and glances at you, eyebrows raised.
You hold up the phone. “It’s your PR officer again. Don’t you think you should answer and see what she wants?”
His expression clouds over. “No. Told her not to call me anymore.”
“Oh? Why’s that?” You keep your tone light and curious.
He shrugs. “Kept trying to get me to do stuff. Go to parties and all that.”
You bite back a smile, warmth flooding your chest. Your shy homebody of a husband, sought after on the celebrity circuit but wanting none of it.
“Well, I’m glad she hasn’t lured you away yet,” you tease gently.
The corners of his mouth quirk up as he takes the phone from you and sets it aside before pulling you into his lap.
“Don’t worry,” he rumbles, nudging your nose with his. “You’re the only party I need.”
You kiss him softly, heart overflowing. The glitz and glam means nothing to your Kimi. Home is where his heart is.
You awake to whispered voices and the smell of something burning. Bleary-eyed, you shuffle to the kitchen doorway.
Kimi stands at the stove, hair endearingly mussed from sleep. He’s scowling down at a frying pan, clutching a spatula like a weapon. Your brother leans against the counter, trying and failing to stifle laughter.
“What’s going on?” You ask through a yawn.
Kimi’s scowl deepens. “Trying to make you breakfast. Not going well.” He prods the blackened lump in the pan disdainfully.
Your brother snorts. “He nearly set off the fire alarm. I got here just in time.”
“I told you I don’t cook,” Kimi mutters, avoiding your gaze.
You pad over and wrap your arms around him from behind, pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades. “It’s the thought that counts. Thank you, love.”
He relaxes back into your embrace. Your brother mimes gagging behind his back. You stick out your tongue at him.
“Here, I’ll show you,” you say, gently prying the spatula from Kimi’s hand. “Just go slow ...”
Soon, the three of you are gathered around the table, eating the pancakes you made together. Kimi’s are a bit misshapen, but edible.
He looks inordinately pleased as you sample his. “Good?”
You beam at him and squeeze his hand. “The very best.”
His rare unguarded smile warms you more deeply than any breakfast ever could.
You awaken to the dipping of the mattress as Kimi slips under the covers. The red glow of his bedside clock reads 3:48 AM.
“Everything okay?” You murmur, rolling over to face him.
He wraps an arm around you, pulling you close against his chest. You feel the steady thump of his heart under your palm.
“Yeah. Couldn’t sleep.” His voice rumbles low near your ear.
You nuzzle into him, breathing in the familiar scent of his skin. “Worrying about the race this weekend?”
He exhales, his breath stirring your hair. “No. Just thinking.”
When he doesn’t elaborate, you lift your head to study his face in the dimness. His eyes shine in the faint light, gazing at you with an intensity that makes your own heart skip.
“What is it?” You whisper.
He brushes a strand of hair from your face, his callused fingers infinitely tender. “Sometimes I still can’t believe you’re here. That you’re mine.”
Emotion swells in your chest, words escaping you. You cup his stubbled face and guide his lips down to yours in a soft, lingering kiss.
When you finally draw apart, he pulls you close again, tucking your head under his chin. No more words are needed. You understand each other perfectly in the quiet spaces between heartbeats. Soon his breathing evens out in sleep, and you follow him down, still nestled safe in the circle of his arms.
You’re just drizzling the last of the chocolate over the molten lava cakes when you hear Kimi’s keys in the front door. A smile spreads across your face. Perfect timing.
He wanders in a few moments later, hair adorably rumpled, eyes lighting up when he sees you.
“Mmm, something smells good,” he says, crossing the kitchen to wrap you in a hug.
You kiss his scratchy cheek. “Made your favorite for dessert. Now go get cleaned up while I finish.”
He squeezes you tighter, stubble tickling your neck as he nuzzles into it. “Can’t I have you for dessert instead?”
You swat his shoulder playfully. “Go on, you. Plenty of time for that later.”
He steals one more kiss before sauntering off, a grin playing about his lips. You shake your head, unable to stop smiling. After all these years, he still makes your heart race as if you’re teenagers again.
When he returns, you’ve set out the seared salmon, roasted vegetables, and the two perfect chocolate lava cakes. His eyes light up.
“Have I told you lately that you’re the best wife ever?” He asks, pulling out your chair.
“Hmm, I think you could stand to mention it more,” you tease.
He takes your hand, brushing his thumb over your knuckles. His eyes pierce yours. “You’re the best wife ever,” he says solemnly.
You lean in and kiss him, happiness bubbling up inside you. However many times he says it, you’ll never get tired of hearing it.
“So, what’s it like being married to the grumpiest driver on the grid?” The reporter shoves a microphone in your face, invasive and smug.
You recoil, blindsided. “Excuse me?”
“Come on, he’s not exactly Mr. Personality.” The reporter leans closer. “Does the Iceman thaw out at home or just freeze you out?”
Humiliation burns through you. Before you can respond, Kimi is there, gently moving you aside. His eyes are blazing.
“Don’t you dare talk about my wife like that,” he growls at the reporter. “You know nothing about our life.”
The reporter withers under Kimi’s icy glare. You feel a rush of gratitude for your protective husband.
Kimi turns to you, face softening. “Let’s get out of here.”
Once you’re alone, he brushes a strand of hair from your face. “Sorry you had to deal with that. He had no right to badger you about our marriage.”
You lean into him, safe in the circle of his arms. “It’s okay. You came to my rescue like a knight in shining racing gear.”
He snorts. “Hardly a knight. But for you, always.” He kisses you tenderly.
No matter what the media says, your life together is not theirs to define. Your love writes its own quiet story each day.
You awake in the dark to a loud crash from downstairs. Heart pounding, you shake Kimi’s shoulder.
“Kimi, wake up! I think someone’s broken in.”
He’s up in an instant, alert and poised to strike. You hear footsteps creeping up the stairs. Kimi pushes you behind him and grabs the baseball bat by the bed.
The footsteps reach the landing and a shadowy figure appears in the doorway. Kimi flicks on the light, bat raised menacingly. You both freeze.
It’s Sebastian Vettel, eyes wide, hands raised in surrender. “Whoa whoa, it’s just me!”
Kimi’s shoulders slump as he lowers the bat. “Seb? What the hell are you doing here?”
Seb runs a hand through his messy hair. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was in town and my rental car broke down outside. I was hoping I could crash here tonight.”
Kimi sighs, shaking his head. “You couldn’t call first?”
Seb grins sheepishly. “Forgot to charge my phone.”
You step out from behind Kimi, laying a hand on his arm. “It’s fine, love. Let’s get some fresh sheets for the guest room.” You turn to Seb. “We’ll figure out your car in the morning.”
Seb’s shoulders sag in relief. “Thanks, I really owe you guys.”
As you make up the bed, you share an amused look with Kimi. Only Seb could turn up unannounced in the middle of the night and get away with it. But then again, that’s why you love him.
You’re waiting at the finish line, heart in your throat as the cars scream past for the final lap. Kimi is battling for a podium finish, but has fallen back after a poorly timed pit stop. He’s gaining ground fast, but is he out of time?
The crowd roars as the frontrunners cross the line. P2 … P3 … waiting for P4. Come on, Kimi.
Then you see it, the red and white Alfa Romeo flashing past the checkered flag, narrowly clinching third. You leap in the air, cheering loudly. Kimi did it!
You rush down towards the pits, arriving just as Kimi climbs from his car. His race suit is drenched, hair plastered to his forehead, but his eyes are bright. When he spots you, a grin breaks across his face.
You throw your arms around him, heedless of how sweaty he is. “You were amazing! I’m so proud of you.”
He lifts you off your feet in a bear hug, laughing breathlessly in your ear. The sound sends joy bursting through your veins.
As he sets you down, you cradle his stubbled face in your hands. “I love you,” you say fiercely.
His grin softens to something more tender. He tilts his forehead against yours, heedless of the crowds milling nearby.
“Love you too,” he murmurs.
The cameras flash around you, eager to capture this rare unguarded moment. But Kimi only has eyes for you. Third place has never felt so golden.
“Ugh, your wife is so annoyingly positive all the time. It’s nauseating,” the other driver’s girlfriend gripes to Kimi at a race afterparty.
You freeze mid-laugh, stung by her disdainful tone. Kimi’s eyes narrow dangerously.
“I would rather have a positive wife than a miserable cow like you,” he says coldly. “Come on, let’s go.”
He takes your arm and steers you firmly away. You blink back tears, embarrassed.
“Hey,” Kimi says softly, tilting your chin up. “Don’t listen to her. I love how positive you are. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for spreading joy.”
You give a watery chuckle. “Really? You don’t find it annoying?”
“Are you kidding? Your light balances out my darkness perfectly.” He punctuates this with a swift kiss. “You keep me from being a constant grump.”
You laugh and swat his chest. “Impossible. No one can tame the Iceman’s grumpiness.”
He smiles tenderly and pulls you close. “You do. Don’t change for anyone else.”
You pace the bathroom floor, heart racing. The little white stick sits innocently on the counter, but its result will change everything. One blue line for negative, two for positive.
Three minutes have never felt so long.
When the timer finally beeps, you take a deep breath and turn it over with a shaky hand. Two blue lines stare back at you.
Emotions swell within you — joy, nervousness, excitement. You and Kimi have been trying for a baby, but it still feels so surreal now that it’s actually happening.
You hear the front door open and Kimi call out your name. It’s time. Clutching the test behind your back, you go to him.
He must read something in your face, because his brows furrow in concern. “Everything okay?”
Your face splits into a teary grin. “Everything’s perfect.” You bring the test out from behind you and hold it up wordlessly.
Kimi’s eyes widen. For once, the unflappable Finn seems utterly flapped. “You … we ...” He stares at the two little lines, then back at you. “We’re having a baby?”
You nod, vision blurring with happy tears. With a joyful shout, Kimi sweeps you up in his arms and spins you around. His excitement is boyish and uncontained.
When he sets you down, he cradles your face in both hands. “I’m going to be a father,” he whispers in awe.
You put your hand over his, overjoyed tears spilling down your cheeks. “You’re going to be the best father.”
You fidget impatiently on the exam table, Kimi’s hand clutched in yours. After months of waiting, today is your first ultrasound. If all looks well, you’ll get to see your baby for the very first time.
“What’s taking so long?” You huff. Kimi smiles and presses a kiss to your temple.
“Relax, they’ll be here soon.” His calm steadies you, as it always does.
Finally the technician arrives and asks you to lift up your shirt. She squeezes cool gel over your swelling belly and begins moving the ultrasound wand through it.
The screen comes to life, showing grainy black and white images you can’t decipher. The technician frowns, adjusting some dials. Your heart leaps into your throat.
Sensing your distress, Kimi gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. “It’s okay. Just be patient,” he murmurs.
After a few tense moments, the technician’s face clears. She turns the screen towards you with a smile. “There we are. There’s your baby.”
You gaze in wonder at the little shape filling the screen, tiny arms and legs visibly squirming. Your vision blurs with tears. That’s your child, your little miracle.
Beside you Kimi is utterly transfixed, eyes shining. “That’s our baby,” he whispers reverently.
He lifts your intertwined hands and presses his lips to your knuckles. “Thank you,” he says, voice husky with emotion. “For this gift.”
You have no words. You simply lean into him, his solid warmth anchoring you as joy washes over you both.
You stare glumly at your reflection in the mirror. At eight months pregnant, you feel like a beluga whale. Your ankles are swollen, your back aches constantly, and none of your clothes fit over your enormous bump anymore.
Voices sound from downstairs as Kimi arrives home. You feel tears prick your eyes. You don’t want him to see you like this, a beached whale in sweatpants.
Sniffling, you ease onto the bed and bury your face in a pillow. Kimi finds you there a few minutes later. The mattress dips as he sits down and rubs your back.
“What’s wrong, love?”
You shake your head, embarrassed. “Nothing. I’m fine.”
Gently he turns you over, brushing the hair from your damp cheeks. “Talk to me,” he says softly.
A sob escapes you. “I’m hideous like this! I’ve gotten so huge. You must be disgusted looking at me.”
Kimi’s brow furrows. He takes your chin in his hand, forcing you to meet his earnest gaze. “Is that what you think? That I find you disgusting?”
Ashamed, you drop your eyes, fresh tears spilling over.
“Look at me,” he says gently. You do. His ice blue eyes pierce yours. “You’ve never been more beautiful to me than you are right now, carrying our child.”
He places a reverent hand on your belly. “You are giving us the most precious gift in the world. How could I not find you beautiful?”
His words pierce your heart. You cover his hand with yours. “I love you,” you whisper.
He gathers you close, dropping feather-light kisses over your face. “And I love you. Always.”
You cling to him, feeling foolish and so very loved.
A contraction rips through you, more intense than any before. You cry out, squeezing Kimi’s hand desperately.
“Breathe, love, breathe,” he coaches, face taut.
You gasp air into your lungs as the vice grip on your insides finally releases. Kimi dabs the sweat from your brow with a cool cloth.
“You’re doing so well,” he murmurs. “Our little one will be here soon.”
Even through the haze of pain, his voice anchors you. Your Kimi, always steady as a rock.
Too soon, another contraction wrings a ragged shout from you. Kimi never leaves your side, letting you nearly crush his hand as you ride out the agony.
“I can’t … I can’t do this ...” you sob.
Kimi presses his lips to your temple. “You can. You’re the strongest person I know. I’m right here with you.”
His faith buoys you, even as your body is wracked with wave after wave of excruciating spasms. Your world narrows to the circle of his arms.
Then finally, miraculously, comes the thin, piercing cry of your child. Your exhausted tears mingle with joyful laughter.
Kimi cuts the cord with shaky hands, eyes shining brighter than you’ve ever seen. When they lay the squalling, pink bundle on your chest, the universe crystallizes to this one perfect point.
Your family, whole at last.
You awake in the small hours before dawn, reaching across the cool sheets only to find Kimi’s side of the bed empty. Padding down the hallway on silent feet, you peer into the nursery.
Your breath catches in your throat. Kimi stands over the crib, your tiny daughter cradled against his chest. One large hand gently supports her downy head.
He’s speaking softly to her in Finnish, too low for you to understand. But the love shining through his voice brings tears to your eyes. Your tough, taciturn Finn transformed into a doting father.
As he lays her tenderly back in the crib, you hear him murmur in a whisper, “Don’t worry little one, your isä will always protect you. I promise you that.”
He tucks the blanket snugly around her and brushes a feather-light kiss over her forehead. The tenderness of it makes your heart ache.
You slip silently back to bed before he notices you, not wanting to intrude on this private moment between father and daughter. But the image stays seared in your mind.
When Kimi joins you a few minutes later, you turn and press your face into his chest so he won’t see your tears of joy. His arms come around you reflexively.
“You okay?” He rumbles.
You nod, a lump in your throat. Your family is so very blessed.
The paddock is bustling with activity as you push your daughter’s stroller through the chaotic maze of the paddock. She’s only six months old, wide-eyed at all the commotion.
Mechanics pause to coo over her, their grease-smudged fingers surprisingly gentle. PR people stop to fuss and take photos. Word has spread — the Iceman’s baby girl is here.
Kimi strides over, stooping to drop a kiss on your head and tickle his daughter’s tummy. His race suit is on, grey eyes intense and focused.
“Sure you don’t want me to take her while you concentrate?” You ask.
He shakes his head, a corner of his mouth quirked up. “I need to see my two favorite girls before I drive.”
Your heart melts. Kimi scoops her up, and she clutches at his nose and gurgles. Nearby, you hear shutters clicking madly. The Iceman undone by a baby — it’ll be all over the press tonight.
But Kimi only has eyes for his daughter, face soft in a way it never is before a race. With a deep breath, he cuddles her close and murmurs something in Finnish before handing her back to you.
You kiss his cheek. “Go show them how it’s done, Daddy.”
He winks and strides off towards the pit lane, determination in his stride. Your daughter waves a chubby fist as he disappears from view.
No matter how many races he wins, now his best trophy waits for him at the finish line. His family.
“Must be lonely married to a man called the Iceman,” the reporter says slyly. “He’s not known for being warm and affectionate.”
Anger flashes through you. How dare this stranger imply your marriage is lacking.
“You couldn’t be more wrong,” you reply sharply. “Kimi is very attentive and loving in private.”
The reporter raises her eyebrows. “But his public image ...”
You cut her off. “That’s all it is — an image. Kimi deserves more respect than tired old stereotypes.”
Your voice softens as you glance to where Kimi is chatting with fans, his body angled protectively towards you.
“There is no one kinder or more loyal than my husband. He cherishes our family greatly, he just doesn’t flaunt it to the world.”
The reporter looks taken aback by your fervent defense. You almost feel sorry for her. She’ll never truly know the man behind the Iceman legend. But you do and you won’t tolerate anyone maligning him.
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boiohboii · 6 months
How would that keep us safe?
(Kimi Raikkonen x pregnant!wife!reader)
When a formula 1 driver's car fails on them, they would a. be angry, b. go straight to their engineers, c. stay in the team's motor home.. but not kimi raikkonen, no sir, especially not with his pregnant wife on a yacht on her own.
in which Sebastian Vettel, Mark Webber and Jenson Button make fun of the infamous ice man for being head over heels for his wife so he just decides to double down.
WARNINGS: not proof read (when do I ever proof read this stuff), no sense of timeline whatsoever, just a small crackhead fic that came to mind. Thank you insta algorithm for the Kimi edits, the man is so fine omg, solid dilf right here people.
"God," yn huffed as she, for an accurate description, waddled alongside her husband, Kimi Raikkonen into the Mclaren garage "if you don't keep it in your pants next time I will chop it off."
"Yes dear." Kimi replied with a smile on his face, hiding his laughter as best as he could to spare himself the lecture that would inevitably make him laugh harder- he can't help it, his wife is much more adorable trying to give him an earful with her puffed cheeks, stomping feet and her belly looking like it's about to pop at any second.
It hadn't even been 30 minutes before yn started to feel the heat getting to her, making her fan herself with the collar of her shirt while glaring at the fan that evidently did nothing to help her out.
"Everything alright dear?"
"No, no!" yn turned to look at her husband "it's so fucking hot i feel like my skin is melting off and your daughter wouldn't stop kicking my bladder so no, nothing is fucking alright!"
While the engineers around gulped, scared for their lives, Kimi bit his lips to avoid smiling at his very cute, frustrated wife. He had gotten used to her snapping at him whenever any little thing annoyed her, he knew it's the least he can do and she always apologises so no harm done really.
"It's okay, here, how about you go watch the race from the yacht? Will that be better?" Kimi whispered as he stood behind his wife with his hands underneath her belly, lifting it up to give his wife some rest.
"Oh my god," yn groaned in relief "I really needed that, I love you."
Staying like that for a few minutes, yn agreed that it would be much better if she watched the race from the yacht in her swimming suit, the atmosphere and the clothing would definitely make it much more comfortable for her. And just as she was about to leave, new company arrived.
"Ohhh, did he piss you off enough to leave him before a race?"
"Damn Kimi, don't make a pregnant woman that mad, especially not your wife."
The voices of Sebastian Vettel and Jenson Button joined the couple, along with the laugh of Mark Webber.
"Oh, shut up." As much as Kimi tells yn that he would rather eat chalk than willingly hang out with these guys, he is indeed fond of them.
"He didn't piss me off," yn pulled her husband down so she could kiss him, smiling upon hearing two of the three newcomers groan and a whistle (of course it's sebastian) "i just feel like I will burst any second so I am going to watch the race from One More Toy"
"What the fuck is one more toy?"
"Oh, it's kimi's yacht."
"Our yacht."
Placing one palm on her belly while his other rests on her cheek, Kimi smiled at his wife "be safe, yes?"
"Yeah, of course."
Giving her a kiss on her forehead, Kimi let go of his wife, watching her head towards his yacht with the help of one of the interns.
"Be safe." Came the mocking voice of Jenson Button
"I'll be so safe." Sebastian continued as they both reincarnated the way Kimi and Yn were standing a few seconds ago; Jenson's hands on Sebastian's stomach and cheek
"I'm going to kill you on this track."
Deciding to join, Mark stood in between Sebastian and Jenson, breaking up their proximity and placing his arms around their shoulders "but how would that keep us safe?"
"An engine failure, yet again from Mclaren."
"It seems like Raikkonen is the one who will retire this race, what a shame."
"Everyone was hoping for him to win this race, he had been phenomenal these past few races giving one stellar performance after the other, truly a waste to see him go this early into the race."
"Well, it looks like Kimi is going to walk to the garage."
"That is insane, it's like a 20 minute walk, no?"
"And we are back, and oh my god, there is Kimi Raikkonen in his yacht, he hasn't got a shirt on, with his wife on his lap, the father to be could not care less in this moment ladies and gentlemen."
"What a legend, the Iceman strikes again everyone, leaving the race to be on a yacht with his family. And oh my god, it seems that the couple are having the time of their lives on their yacht 'one more toy' with snacks all around and their hands all over each other."
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faithshouseofchaos · 8 months
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This maybe the daddy issues talking but my god who gave these assholes the right to look this fine 😭😭
My favorite blonde twinks 😋🥸
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unsolvedjarin · 8 months
Thinking about a kimi x fem! Driver! Reader who is basically the female version of Sebastian, where the fic is kimi and the reader doing a challenge for Ferraris channel, the reader being a bit of a know it all, and kimi just not caring
You can choose if it’s romantic or platonic:) thank you!
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pairing: (kimi raikkonen x ferrari driver! reader)
summary: ferrari has a sunshine driver and an iceman driver partake in a challenge for their youtube channel. thankfully, the sun can melt ice.
note: its 1am sorry i have no comprehensive thoughts this is a bit bad but have it anyways i am proud i made this with less than 5 hours of sleep. okay enjoy anon!!!!
content warning: my grammar at 1am
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“Another one,” Kimi groans, throwing himself onto the couch in his room.
“Oh come on it’s not that bad,” you say with a grin, closing the door behind the both of you so no one could come in. You’re sure if Kimi had to talk to another person from the media he might explode. “Besides, this next one is the last one for today.”
“For today,” he emphasizes, groaning into a throw pillow once more. You’d both been doing media duties for Ferrari all day, and while it was tiring, you would say some of them had been fun and enjoyable. Although, evidently not for your teammate.
“Cheer up Kimi, it’ll be over soon,” you smile, sitting on the edge of the couch where he was laying down. You sigh, knowing the one thing that would get him to cooperate. “Dinner will be on me after.”
That grabs his attention, slightly pulling himself up and looking at you. “You mean that?”
“God you’re like a child I have to bribe,” you tease, yet with no malice. “Yes, I mean that.” You loved spending time with Kimi, and whenever there were media duties you both always had food afterwards. It was like a reward of sorts.
“Where d’ya wanna go?” Kimi mumbles, laying down on his side and resting his head on his hand. He was staring straight at you, waiting for a response. You think he looked pretty like this.
Smiling at him, you take your hand and run it through his hair softly, unable to help yourself. You would never normally do this, but you barely got moments alone during media week. Kimi grumbles but doesn’t stop you, you knew he always secretly liked it. “I dunno, what’re you up for?”
“Mmm…” he nuzzles into your hand a bit more, “Maybe chinese. I would enjoy some dumplings right now.”
“We can get Chinese then.”
Before you could have another moment of peace, however, a PR agent walked in the room to remind you that your next shoot was in ten minutes. You quickly pulled your hand away and Kimi sat up hastily, trying to fix up his hair. You give the agent an awkward thumbs up, hoping he got the message to leave.
“Okay, you’re right, this incessant filming is a bit tiring,” you say the second the door closes.
“Told you,” he simply replies. You pout in return, slumping your form beside him. He thought you looked so cute like this. Holding your cheek, he kisses your forehead, your nose, then your mouth, making you scrunch up your face. He chuckles, at least he made you feel a bit better.
“I should probably get ready for the shoot. You good here?” You ask, getting up from the couch. Kimi hums a yes, but doesn’t let go of your hand. “I’m not sure if you’re aware, Kimi, but you will have to let go of my hand so I can get to my room.”
He looks at you with puppy eyes for a second before reluctantly letting go, deciding to lay back down on the couch.
“You’re not gonna get ready?”
Kimi shakes his head, eyes already closed ready for a five minute nap. You scoff softly at him, before heading for the door. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” he mumbles. Kimi was not a man of many words by any means, but he would always utter those back to you. Smiling to yourself, you shut the door and get ready for the shoot.
“So this is how the challenge goes: you have to compete with each other on who knows your fellow drivers and each other the best, and of course, most points win. You’ll write your answers on a whiteboard so there’ll be no cheating.” The interviewer behind the camera explains. You nod, giving her a signal that you were ready for them to start filming. Kimi sat beside you on a couch, his face not showing any emotions whatsoever. Looks like you would be doing the heavy lifting on this shoot today.
They snap the check in front of the camera, and the interviewer asks the first question. “Starting with something simple, who on the grid has the most wins?”
“Oh, easy.” you mumble, writing your answer down on your board. Kimi wrote his answer in silence, not talking even when he finished.
You nod, both you and Kimi showing your boards. Lewis Hamilton.
“Easy enough, next question! Who was Y/N’s idol growing up?”
“Aha! You should know this, I told you about it before!” you exclaim, poking Kimi. He grunts, “Not fair, she knows her own idol of course.”
“Sorry, the question wasn’t finished. For Y/N, who was Kimi's idol growing up?” The girl adds.
Oh. Your smile drops as you look to the man beside you who, for the first time in any of the shoots you did today, showed emotion by grinning wickedly at you. “You should get this, I told you about it before,” he teases, echoing your own words. You think for a second before writing down a guess of an answer.
“Time’s up! Can you both please show your boards.”
You reveal yours first, the words Ayrton Senna scribbled down on it. Looking at the man beside you for confirmation, he shakes his head.
“Awh no way! Who’s your idol then?”
Kimi shrugs his shoulders, not answering your question. He didn’t even give Ferrari an answer for that one. He looks at his own empty board for a second before jotting down an answer he’s sure is wrong, but he’s also sure as hell is funny.
Turning his board around, you see Kimi Raikkonen written down with a smiley face beside it. You snigger loudly before replying, “Sure it is bud. In your dreams, maybe.”
“Unfortunately, that is incorrect, Kimi.” The interviewer calls out.
“Go figure,” he mumbles wryly, making you grin even wider.
“No, his answer is correct.” You joke, trying to tease him even more. He gives you a look but you simply keep your sly grin. He decides to drop it, after all he at least made you smile. That in itself deserves a point.
The questions went on for a while, before they got to the harder ones. “Okay, amping it up a notch, who won the 1985 World Championship?”
“Woah, that escalated quickly,” you exclaim, pausing to think for a second.
So far the score was 4-1 for you and Kimi respectively, as he really wasn’t trying at all. You’re pretty sure he could’ve gotten the question about what year Fernando Alonso came into F1 right if he cared. Jotting your answer down to the current question, you see Kimi from your peripheral vision trying to take a peek of your board.
“Hey!” you smack him lightly with your board, “Cheater.”
He smirks, trying to block your second hit. “Wasn’t cheating.”
You continue writing your answer but this time hiding it from Kimi, keeping it as close to your chest as possible. He looks at you for a second as if planning something before going back to write on his own board. Well– he pretends to write something, but you can see him just drawing a star in the corner of his board.
“What’re you planning?” You mumble. Kimi simply shrugs his shoulders, but you can see the slight grin playing on his lips. Locking in your answer, you feel the couch shift slightly to your left. Kimi inched a little closer without you sensing it. He notices your side eye and realizes it’s now or never, and tries to tackle you to see your board.
You shriek, attempting to hide your board from him by sliding down the sofa, to no avail. Your reaction was too slow and he was already on your side of the couch. You were giggling helplessly at this point, unable to contain your joy. Opening your eyes that you didn’t notice you closed, you’re met with a large smile, your teammate proud of himself.
“Get off of me Raikkonen!” You exclaim, using his last name for emphasis. You try to shove him off but he stays solid slightly on top of you, still pretending to try and take a peek of your board. You knew he didn’t give a damn about those answers anymore.
“Say please,” he mutters, still smirking. You truly didn’t know what had gotten into him.
“Please get off of me, you bastard.”
In truth Kimi didn’t want to, he enjoyed seeing your face scrunch up under him with a laugh. He had forgotten about the cameras a long time ago– they weren’t important to him. He just liked seeing you smile. Still, he knew the faster they finished this challenge the faster he could get some alone time with you.
He finally concedes and moves back to his spot on the couch, fixing his hair and going back to writing his answer as if nothing happened. You sit up straight, fix your shirt, and do the same. The crew looked confused, feeling like they saw something that they shouldn’t have. You didn’t care, though. If anyone asked you would just say what you always did, that physical touch was your love language with friends. It wasn’t necessarily a lie, except for the fact that Kimi wasn’t just a friend.
The interviewer clears her throat before speaking up again, “Okay– uh– answers?”
“Prost, of course.” You answer with a smile. You loved studying the history of Formula One. Even though you couldn’t see, Kimi gave you the softest look he has in a while. He loved how you genuinely lit up whenever something you liked came up.
“And you, Kimi?” The interviewer asks, making the man snap out of his moment of adoration.
Kimi flips his board, a Lewis Hamilton written on it. The interviewer shakes her head but continues, “I’m sure that’s a gag answer b—”
“Is it?” Kimi butts in.
“I’m sorry?”
“Is it a gag answer?”
You shove Kimi softly on his side, “Don’t mess with her like that!”
He chuckles, before raising his hands in defeat. “Whatever you say.”
The rest of the game moves pretty quick, save for a quick argument between you and Kimi on what Sebastian’s favorite track was. As you both leave the set, you give Kimi a sneaky grin. “Bold move earlier.”
“Doing all that tackling in front of the camera. I thought you were the one who said we should be discreet. You definitely gave Ferrari a lot of bonus content. I’m sure they’ll cut it out though.”
“Ehh,” Kimi shrugs, not replying for a good while as you both walk out the Ferrari building and out into the night streets. You knew he was trying to find the right words, trying to figure out how to articulate his thoughts. It was part of the reason why he didn’t like talking so much.
Once outside he wraps his arms around you, a sign that he was finally back in the present and ready to talk. “I just wanted people to know, you know?”
“Know what? That you have a quarterback tackle?”
He chuckles at the recent memory before replying, “No, that I love you.”
You blush, hoping Kimi didn’t see it. He did. You carry on your conversation, “And how exactly did you plan to convey that message when they don’t even know we’re in a relationship?”
“Hey, Sebastian knows.” He argues.
“Seb hardly counts, he practically forced his way into figuring it out.”
Kimi shakes his head, his arms still around you. “And he walked into a room at the wrong time.”
His comment makes you laugh, a soft smile on your face as you turn to face him. “I love you, you know that?”
“Mhm. Love you too. Even if I don’t say it much.”
Your grin grows even larger, leaning up to kiss him. “You don’t have to say, I know.” He kissed you back, and he could feel your smile as he did. He thinks it’s crazy that he’s hidden such a blessing from the world. How you ever loved someone like him, he didn’t know, but he wouldn’t change it for the world.
Pulling away, he gives you a smile that only you get to see. The softest in the world, looking at you as if you were the world. He breaks eye contact to hold your hand, headed towards the chinese restaurant down the road. “Okay, now dumplings.”
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cheriladycl01 · 3 months
Could you do fic for Kimi Raikkonen with wife reader where she and their child being passenger prince and princess and he just brought them everywhere they want to go just to spend time together? Just something fluff and romantic. Tag me later. Thanks!!
All my time - Kimi Räikkönen x Wife! Reader + Child
Plot: You and your son, want to go shopping but of course you need your big manly husband to drive and escort you round the shops and carry your bags for you. And who is he to say no…
Credit to invisibleicewands for the GIF
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"Baby, me and Arvo want to go shopping" you say to your husband and you dress up your little boy. You had him in a little racing jacket that Fernando's Kimoa line had made for him.
"Mmmmm!" he nods, watching the football on the TV not having actually taken in what you said.
"Hunny, I said we are going shopping!" you smile, patting at his arm a little to grab his attention more.
"Oh! I'll grab the keys then!" he nods turning the TV off and going to the kitchen counter. He grabs the keys to his car, before grabbing the snack bag.
He pulls you into a soft kiss before jogging down to the steps.
He goes to the car before you and your son Arvo setting up for the pair of you. He adds your blanket that he always kept in the boot of the car to the front seat and another one in the back by the car seat for your son.
He brings forward the water bottles and then puts the bag of snacks he grabbed in the footwell.
"Come on Arvo" you ask nicely as the toddler kicks at his shoes that he didn't want to put on.
"Mummy will buy you some new dinosaurs, yeah?" you ask looking down at him and he nods letting you slip the trainer on. You help him into it them and he grabs your hand. You walk to the garage opening the back door of the car, lifting him up into his car seat.
"Which Dinosaur will you get today?" you ask as you start to loop his arms through the double cross seat belt.
"Biggg Grrrrr" he says making some hand gestures that didn't look like anythi ng specific, just waving them around.
"Gonna get a scary one yeah. We'll have to make room on your shelf or daddy will have to put a new one in!" you smile as you finally buckle him up.
"I want cars too" he asks looking at you and you nod before kissing his forehead.
You jog round the front of the car, lifting the blanket up before sliding in and putting the blanket over you before crossing your seatbelt over and clicking it in place.
"Lets go!" you smile. You wrap the blanket tighter around you, Kimi's hand goes under the blanket just to place it gently on your thigh. He drives round the streets with one hand on the wheel and another on your leg.
You sip on your drink making light conversation with both Kimi and Arvo. Asking them what they had in mind for today, Arvo asking to go for ice-cream and the park. Kimi quietly asked if you could go to a sports bar to watch the race that started at 5pm.
You really wanted to go into Reiss to get the new x Mclaren line. You'd been a Mclaren fan, even when you first met Kimi you were a Mclaren fan, and you worked with them when you were younger as a PR manager before you met Kimi.
You guys went to the shopping center, Kimi and Arvo walked around watching as you picked stuff out that you wanted. Kimi held onto every bag you had from every store while you held hands with Arvo, he of course was a mummy's boy.
After lots of shopping, you and Kimi it would be best to tire Arvo out as much as possible before you went to the sports bar so he could sleep well.
When you pull up to the park, you'd grabbed the back of snacks, while Kimi took your son out letting him down softly onto the gravel. He opens the boot grabbing the blanket, football and emergency bag to take with him.
You take a walk around the lake that centered the park, Arvo was fascinated by the wildlife around him. He watched as the swans gilded through the water and when Kimi held him close enough to the water screeched in delight when his sight caught onto the large fish in there.
Halfway on the walk, Arvo had seen a bright pink ice-cream stand that immediately drew his interest in. He tried to run ahead of you and Kimi, but his father was quick to scoop him up onto his shoulder and hold him up there as you all went to get the frozen dessert.
You found a place to lay the blanket down and enjoy your ice-cream while it was still cold and un-melted.
Luckily Kimi had brought wipes with him, which with a toddler with a messy eating style was widely worth it and you both wiped around his chocolatey mouth getting rid it all.
The afternoon was spent you lounging around on the blanket reading a book Kimi had made sure to pack for you while he played football with your son. You sometimes gazed up looking at the pair, both flushed from the activeness of what they were doing.
As it started to get colder Kimi could tell you were starting to feel it and your son was getting sleepy. You decided to make the walk back to the park entrance. Kimi once again taking your son on his shoulders bouncing him every now and then making a small yet tired giggle reply.
You strapped him in the car while Kimi packed away, you tucked your boy under a blanket giving him his Dino teddy he so conveniently named Lando after his favorite driver.
You came in meeting Kimi at the same time both setting up for the drive to the bar, Arvo sleeping the whole way and being such a good boy. He was never a problem for you or Kimi, it really made you both want to try for another.
As you got to the bar, you and Kimi quietly woke up Arvo who had a newfound energy from his power nap in the back of the car able to watch the race.
He loved F1, and even though he was a little too young for karting rn, Kimi desperately wanted to coach his son. You all watched on, Arvo getting excited whenever the orange cars came up on screen.
Some people in the bar as per usual recognized you guys, however all remained respectful just happy to be watching a race with and F1 icon.
After the night was all wrapped up with a Redbull win and a double Mclaren podium that made you very very happy, Kimi drove you all home. Exhausted from the day both you and your son had fallen asleep on the car ride home.
And Kimi, he couldn't be happier with his life and his passenger princess and prince.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo
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libraryofloveletters · 5 months
New Years At Home
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Kimi Raikkonen  x Fem!Reader
Warnings: baby fever to the max, girl dad kimi, alcohol and the consumption of, sweetness all around, matching daddy daughter outfits, mention of seb and hanna cause it is even me if I don't mention seb?
Word Count: 384
Author's Note: kimi is so dad coded, he's so sweet with his kids it makes me melt <3333
From partying to parents; you and Kimi celebrate your first new years with your baby girl. 
The red and black plaid dress fit her perfectly, a gift from uncle Seb and auntie Hanna. Kimi was wearing a plaid shirt with the same colours but the shirt was unbuttoned, the white t-shirt underneath a contrast to the busy pattern.
Your daughter, Lily, laid against her father's chest, the girl drooling all over his shirt as she napped and the man hadn't a care in the world.
"You're gonna wake her up," Kimi tells you quietly, your phone flashing every two seconds as you take photos of them.
The girl shifted a bit, Kimi brushed her blonde hair softly and kissed her head. "I can't help you," you tell him. "You two are so cute."
Kimi rolls his eyes, picking her up carefully as he walks to the playpen, putting her down gently. "Don't disturb her," he tells you, kissing your head as he passes by to get to the kitchen.
You snuck over quietly, taking one more picture of your sweet baby, sending it to Hanna before you turned your phone off, finding your husband in the kitchen.
"Last year, we were at some party around this time, drunk off of that horrible tequila." You laughed. Kimi hands you a glass of champagne, "that stuff was gross, I've never had anything like that before."
"Yeah, I don't know who brought that." You tapped your glass to his as you two took a sip of the gold colour liquid.
Just as you go to settle down on the couch, looking for the countdown channel, Lily wakes up and begins fussing. "I got her," you step over your husband, picking up the girl and rocking her.
Kimi disappears into the kitchen and comes back a few moments later with her bottle, handing it over to you when you sit on the couch with her. You hold Lily in your arms, feeding her as Kimi puts his arm around you.
The countdown playing in the background; 5,4,3,2,1 - happy new years! The big gold graphic plays across the screen.
Kimi leans over, kissing the top of Lily's head gently, her blonde hair all fuzzy and unruly from her nap. His hand cups your jaw, "happy new years, babe." He kisses you softly.
You smile, forehead to his. "Happy new year baby.
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starkwlkr · 2 months
neeeeed a seb or kimi fic where the reader is a driver plsss
little lies | kimi räikkönen
requests are closed
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Over the years, you had a habit of lying to the media. It all started during your first season of f1 when a reporter had asked if your parents had attended the race to which you replied that you never met your parents. It was soon revealed that both parents were in the garage watching you overtake and land a podium finish. They weren’t mad since you had done it before in school lots of times, they actually found it funny.
The internet had definitely caught on to your constant lies, some even making compilations of all of them.
The media wasn’t the only ones being lied to by you. The other drivers were also victims. You remember one time when Mark and Fernando gave you a cake for your birthday then when you ate it, you started to cough. “Does this have gluten?” You asked.
“I think so?” Mark said unsure.
“I’m allergic to gluten!”
It took about two seconds for the Red Bull driver to start panicking.
“Oh god, she’s going to die!”
“Mark, shut up! I was joking.”
Fernando wished he had a camera to capture the moment Mark thought you were going to pass away.
“One day you’re going to say the truth and none of us will believe you.” Fernando said. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Yeah, sure.
But as always, you should’ve listen to Fernando.
It wasn’t until the 2014 when you and Kimi started to date. It started with one date to a drive in movie, that very night you had kissed Kimi, one thing led to another and soon you and Kimi were dating. The first person you told was some friends from your hometown, which of course didn’t believe you.
“Fuck, the old man was right.” You told yourself one day when you realized that all those years of lying finally came to haunt you.
It was after the driver’s briefing when you couldn’t take it anymore. Several drivers were making plans to go out for dinner and they had invited you and Kimi, but you had other plans since you were going on a date.
“I can’t, I have a date.” You said. Then you heard laughs scattered around the room. “What? What’s so funny?”
“Mate, you can just say you don’t want to. Last time you lied saying you were sick then we found you at a casino.” Jenson said.
“Well this time it’s real, I have a date so I can’t go.” You replied. “And it only happened once!”
“Twice.” Kimi said from beside you. It was true, you had said no to going out for dinner another time because you were planning a trip to visit Kimi’s family.
“Oh, I guess it did happen twice. But this time it’s real.”
“Sure. Who’s the lucky guy who’s putting up with your lying mouth?” Jenson laughed.
“Kimi.” You said causally.
Again, you received laughs as a response. So you got up from your seat. “Later, losers.” You said and gave Kimi a quick kiss before you left the room.
The iceman stared at you adoringly as you left. It was clear to everyone that you were telling the truth. Kimi noticed how quiet the room had gotten and looked at the other drivers. “What?”
“She was telling the truth?” Sebastian questioned.
Kimi nodded. “You don’t listen.” He got up from his seat. He could care less if they thought he was also lying, he had a date to prepare for with the love of his life.
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embrosegraves · 4 months
𝕊𝕡𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕀𝕔𝕖 𝔸𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥
(request) Kimi Räikkönen x Fem!Reader Kimi only allowed one person to truly know him. You.
Warnings: a bit of cussing, poorly google translated Finnish, and extremely brief research of cities in Finland. Briefly edited.
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Kimi famously never allowed his emotions to be on open display for the people around him. He never let people see behind his frosty facade. He never let people get close enough for them to figure him out. He always kept everyone at a distance so there was no possible way for anyone to truly know the type of man he was. Excluding his parents, there was only one exception to all of it.  
Kimi never intended to bump into anyone on his break between seasons. He had chosen Pori specifically because he knew that no one he worked with knew enough about Finland to know where Pori was. None of his colleagues knew that Pori was roughly a 3 hour drive north west of his home town. With a population of 83 thousand compared to Espoo’s 310 thousand, it wasn’t an extremely well known place. 
Kimi supposed he shouldn’t’ve been so surprised when he bumped into you, causing your coffee to spill everywhere. But he couldn’t help it. He never would’ve expected to literally bump into someone he worked with. 
“Katsu se!” You exclaimed. Too busy trying to wipe off the spilt coffee before it could stain your coat too badly. [Watch it!]
Of course you knew who it was, how could you not? It wasn’t like you spent a majority of the year around him, battling it out every weekend for top spot on the podium. 
“What Räikkönen? Didn’t expect to see me over break?” You finally looked up and made eye contact with the Finn. 
“Why are you in Finland?” 
“Am I not allowed to go home during winter break?” This had stunned Kimi more than bumping into you. 
Your annoyance had disappeared a while ago, the whole situation was too amusing for you to be truly annoyed. “Räikkönen, just because I race under a different flag doesn’t mean I’m not associated with another country. I was born in Pori, spent 14 years here before moving overseas.” 
After that the rest was history. You ended up spending more and more of your winter break around Kimi. So much time that the Finn found himself opening up more and more around you. At first he had been the same cold, closed off Kimi that you were used to, but soon enough his metaphorical ice walls began to melt around you. He learnt that your mother had been born in Finland and had met your father while on holiday. You told him that your father had moved to Finland to be with your mother and that you always spent winter break in Pori. You travelled so much for the rest of the year you found there was no point travelling between seasons. 
Throughout your time together, Kimi found himself telling you things he had only ever told his parents. He told you how he had wanted to eventually settle down and start a family. He told you that he truly did believe that Formula 1 was a hobby, that it wasn’t just something he said for the cameras. He told you that sometimes, in the privacy of his own home, he often thought about his imaginary daughters running around and filling his house with giggles and bright smiles. 
Eventually, the winter break would come to an end, and you would both have to go back to the rush of racing every weekend. About a week before preseason testing, you had been hanging out with Kimi in your living room. Talking about everything you had done so far in your careers. Kimi had smiled when you started to laugh at the story he had just finished telling. 
Watching you laugh at something he said had him feeling almost giddy with nerves. He had never felt this way with a woman before. Not one to let an opportunity slip by, he spoke up softly. 
“Yes Kimi?” You responded, trying your best to calm down from laughing.
“Let me take you on a date.” 
“Kimi- what?” 
“I want to take you on a date. These last months have let me understand that everything I want in life, I want them to be with you.” He said. Taking your hand in his, he spoke with a sincerity you had never seen or heard in a man before. “Let me take you on a date and show you.” 
Your free hand had covered your mouth as he spoke. A month ago, when you realised what your own feelings for him were, you had become determined to never mention them. There was no way The Iceman of all people would feel the same about you. Yet here he was. Sitting on your couch and asking you to go on a date with him. 
Kimi gave you a smile that had become less and less rare the more you spent time with him. 
“Thank you.” 
It had been three years since then. In that time you had gone on dates in every country you had travelled to. You both celebrated every win and comforted every loss. Two years into dating, Kimi had asked you to move in and marry him and during the mid-year break, surrounded by both your immediate families, you had become Y/n Räikkönen. Kimi hadn’t cared about telling the other drivers or the media, and you had agreed saying that it would be far funnier if they found out on their own. So nothing had changed in your public routines. In your head you thought the funniest part of it all would be that no one on the grid knew you had even started dating each other. 
Neither of you had gone out of your way to avoid the other, in fact the other drivers often saw you both hanging around each other. Nobody had any inkling that You and Kimi were together as more than friends. Many gossip sources chalked it up to the two “outcasts” of the grid hanging out and left it at that. So it was a surprise to everyone when some fans had pointed out on social media that your signature had changed from your race number and maiden name to Räikkönen. 
Jensen and Fernando, being constantly online, had dragged Sebastian to immediately start searching for the Finn. What they had found was more surprising than your change of signature. Opening the door to Kimi’s drivers room, the three of them saw you sitting on the couch with Kimi lounging on your lap, asleep. You had one hand running through his hair as he slept while the other was scrolling on your phone. Looking up as the door opened, you smiled when you saw who it was. 
“Hello boys. Anything I can help you with?” You asked. Fernando was too shocked to say anything and Jensen had just started stuttering out incoherent sounds, so it was up to Sebastian. 
“There are fans saying that your signature has changed.” 
You huffed a gentle laugh, trying not to disturb your husband from his rest. “That’s because it has.” 
“But why?” Jensen had managed to get his English under control enough to start actually speaking. 
“Why’d you think it would change Jense?” You were having too much fun with this. 
“But you have never shown any interest in Kimi. And Kimi doesn’t show interest in anything, so when?” It was Fernando’s turn to get over his shock. “How long have you been married? Why did we not know?” 
By now Kimi was definitely awake, though he made no show of it. You could feel Kimi’s hand that was resting between you and the couch back start to gently stroke your thigh. You knew he was also amused. 
“I wasn’t aware I needed to tell you who I was interested in. If I’d known I would’ve told you three years ago.” 
“Three years!?” The three of them cried. 
Eyes still closed, Kimi mumbled to you. “Käske heitä naimaan. Nukun.” [Tell them to fuck off. I’m sleeping.]
“Luulen, että olet levännyt tarpeeksi, rakkaani.” You replied laughing. All Kimi did was groan. [I think you’ve rested enough, my love.] 
“If you wake up properly, I’ll give you a kiss.” 
Opening his eyes, Kimi briefly glanced at the three flabbergasted men still in his driver's room, before looking directly at you. “Teet kovaa kauppaa, vaimo.” [You drive a hard bargain, wife.] 
He sat up nonetheless and moved so you could place your legs over his lap. He looked at the others and spoke. “What else did you want to blubber about?” 
 Kimi was aware that he had a resting bitch face, and most times he didn’t mean to glare at people, but the three men in front of you had clearly been terrified of what Kimi might do if they stayed, so they quickly made their way out of the room. 
“I told you they would find out from the fans.” You laughed. A smile broke out on Kimi’s face. 
“I really thought they were smart enough to figure it out themselves.” 
“Sebastian I could understand, but we’re talking about Jensen and Fernando here, my love. They were never going to figure it out on their own.” 
“That’s true.” Kimi shifted you closer to him, so that you were sitting on his lap facing him. “I believe I was promised a kiss, Wife.” 
“How could I ever deny you, Husband?” You whispered, leaning in close and gently placing your lips to his. His hand moved to the back of your neck to pull you closer and deepen the kiss. Both of you aware of the three drivers that had yet to move from the other side of Kimi’s door. 
It wasn’t your fault if they saw something they shouldn’t’ve.
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Okay, time got away from me for a bit but here it is!
I hope you all enjoyed!
Likes, replies and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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norrisleclercf1 · 7 months
Could you maybe write something with Kimi Räikkönen where his wife is all sunshine and shy and tries to hide an injury from him and he finds out and then takes care of her? Could either be with Mafia! Kimi or F1! be Kimi.
A/n: Mafia Kimi? Sign me up
it was stupid really and you knew that when you did it. Kimi has always told you to be careful when handling the knives. And you should've listened but you didn't.
Wanting to make some new recipe that called for lemons, Kimi liked your sour treats more than anything, so making this shouldn't be too hard.
""Oh, Mrs. Räikkönen," You look up from reading the recipe to see one of your husbands most trusted men. "Val, hello." You smile softly, still shy around all the people. Even though you've lived there for years now. "You should let me cut the lemons," Valtteri moves to your side and reaches for the knife.
"No, no, please," He stops his movements seeing the way you curl in on yourself. "Okay, I'm sorry." Valtteri backs off but still wants to help some how. "If you want, you can make the batter." Val smiles and goes over as you start to cut up the lemons again.
Never should you have looked away from the knife, but you just wanted to make sure that he wasn't having issues. Pulling the knife back you freeze, feeling something warm but also stinging.
"Ow," Valtteri turns quick, and feels himself grow antsy. "Shit, Mrs. Räikkönen," You whimper as he presses a hand towel tight against the wound. "Lumihiutale? I'm home." You and Valtteri trade looks and he quickly backs off and you hiding your bleeding hand.
"In," You squeak and clear your throat quickly. "In here," Kimi walks in, his face stone until he sees you. "Hello, snowflake." Kimi heading to you and kisses you softly, pulling back. "What are you making?" Valtteri moves slowly behind Kimi, reaching for the bloody knife. "Lemon bundt cakes," Kimi groans, mouth watering at your baking.
"That's good," Kimi turns and freezes seeing the bloody knife and Valtteri's hand on the handle. The two men stare at one another, and you whimper. "Val," The other man swallows thickly, trying to find the words. "What, is that?" "Nothing," "I cut my hand," You and Valtteri speak at the same time, which has Kimi huff.
"You, out." Valtteri doesn't think twice and bolts out as Kimi levels you with an icy glare. His eyes soften when he sees the blood on the towel, dropping his head. "Come here," Kimi moves quick and sits you on the counter.
Moving around the kitchen he finds what he's looking for and smiles. Coming back he stands between your legs, pulling out a cotton ball and some antiseptic. "Why did you try to hide this from me?" You try to find the words but can't using your other hand to trace the pattern of his tattoos.
"Snowflake? Please, answer me." He begs, wanting to understand. "I just, didn't want to worry you." Kimi sighs, and holding your hand firmly so you don't flinch back. "You always worry me, don't hide when you're hurt. When you're hurt, so am I." Kimi places a soft kiss on your bandages.
"Now, let's finish these lemon cakes."
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lucyrose191 · 10 months
Pairing; Kimi Raikkonen x wife!reader
Summary; It never fails to amaze the formula one community just how much of a difference there is in Kimi’s attitude whenever his wife is around.
Warnings; Simply fluff.
F1 Master List
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It was common knowledge in the world of formula one that Kimi 'the iceman' Raikkonen was everything that his nickname implied. He was blunt, hard faced and cold, straight to the point.
There's only a few instances where that guard drops; when he's drunk, caught off guard or sometimes when he's around Sebastian Vettel.
However, everyone knew that the ultimate Icebreaker was his wife.
It amazed everyone how quickly that icy facade melted whenever Kimi was around her, he was a completely different person, the paddock changed when she was around, Kimi was full of soft smiles and loving glances.
They were complete opposites, she was sunshine and spring, he was winter and icy winds but there had never been a pair more suited for each other.
Kimi wasn't due on track for another half an hour so him and Y/N had hidden themselves away on a bench at the far side of the garage. Kimi's back was rested against the wall, his wife sat between his legs, back resting against his chest. His arms were securely wrapped around her, his chin rested on her shoulder, eyeing the data he was holding in his hands.
Every now and then the Finnish man would nuzzle his head into her hair, inhaling the comforting smell of strawberries and a scent that was so uniquely her, followed by a soft kiss on her shoulder before returning back to his data.
Y/N relished in these small moments before races, even though they were surrounded by people running around it always felt like it was just them, alone in the world and they were perfectly content getting lost in each other's presence.
She closed her eyes, relaxing into the love of her life's embrace, she would never take these moments for granted, not when their lives were so hectic, it was relieving to live in a moment like this, to use it as a sort of pause button to take a small but needed break.
'...And there is the golden couple of the paddock, world champion Kimi Raikkonen and his wife, that man looks anything but what we know him as...'
She heard David Croft's voice filter through a nearby radio causing her eyes to open in confusion before she noticed a camera zooming into them from outside of the garage, sure enough they were on the big screen.
She smiled, lightly tapping Kimi's arm to get his attention, he turned his eyes from the papers in his hand to look at her. She pointed to the camera, Kimi looked in that direction, shaking his head with the smallest of smiles when he noticed the camera.
He knew what everyone said about him, how he was a different person when he was with her and they took every chance they could to capture him in a moment with his guard down. He didn't try and deny it because he knew they were right, sort of.
He wasn't a different person with her, he was himself with her, just a softer version of himself that he reserved for family and closest friends.
"Kulta" Kimi whispered 10 minutes later, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. "Hmm" she responded, eyes remaining closed, more than relaxed in his arms.
"It's time for me to get in the car" he mumbled into her ear, softly patting her thigh. She sighed but sat forward, standing up from the bench, stretching as she did.
Kimi groaned as he stood, folding the papers into his right hand, reaching out his left to grab hers, leading her over to his car where his engineer stood with his balaclava and helmet in hand. He handed the balaclava to Kimi and helmet to Y/N before walking away, giving them privacy.
Y/N watched as her husband got into his racing mode, his icy-blue eyes turned hard and determined, his body tensed up as he became more focused, strategies running through his mind.
She handed his helmet to him and once he had secured the straps under his chin she stepped closer to him, gently cupping the sides of his head and pressing a loving kiss on the hard material where his lips were covered.
Her hands ran down his arms before eventually reaching his hands that were covered in his gloves, she laced her fingers with his, her eyes never leaving his.
"Win for me" she told him "I love you so much" his eyes shined brighter at her words, his right hand rose to her cheek, his thumb brushed across her skin.
"I love you" she heard his muffled voice repeat back causing her to smile. He stroked her cheek one last time before lowering his hand, releasing her hand from his left and turning to his car.
Once he had climbed inside and checked his radio was working, he was ready to go. He looked towards where Y/N was standing and gave her a thumbs up before the mechanics wheeled him and his car out of the garage.
She walked back over to his side of the garage, sitting in front a screen that would be streaming the race.
There was no greater sight than watching the love of her life living his dream, his heart may beat for her but he was born to race. She had supported him up to this point and would continue to support him until the day he decides to let racing go, even then she would cheer him on in what he decides to do next.
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Hi, idk if you write requests for polySimi but I’d love that? Maybe some angst??
Okay i've been saving this one bc i've never written for kimi bc im scared i won't capture him correctly in my writing. So this is just polysimi... stuff
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-kimi met her first, fell in love with her first. they were together long before he was teammates with sebastian. the iceman and his lady. it wasn't often she joined him at the paddock, with a life of her own, but she tried to go to at least four races at year
-when seb joined the team, she started coming around more. she and kimi had discussed polyamory before, but they'd never let it go further than a conversation
-now, with seb coming around, it seemed like she wanted it to go further than a conversation
-kimi knew that seb was a great guy. they'd been racing together since sebs first race. he knew that they got along, but he didn't know if it was something seb wanted
-spoiler, it was
-on track, it was like they were competing for her attention. they knew she loved them equally, even if she was seen only to be rooting for kimi
-when seb was on the podium without him, she and Kimi were having their own private celebrations. the three of them celebrated together later as well, in the secrecy of hers and kimi's hotel room
-they had to keep the relationship under wraps. most of the time it felt like nobody but them would understand. so they didn't go public with it, kept it private for the three of them
-summers on the yacht hidden away from the world, every win being a private celebration
-eventually she gets pregnant
-of course she does, the three of them were like rabbits, fucking into the early hours of the morning
-they were safe, though. there were always condoms on hand until the three of them felt ready. which they had a long conversation about.
-neither cared who the family of the child was. it was their child, they wouldn't love it more or less depending on the father
-i can see the three of them in a quaint little house in the countryside, something that nobody would expect from two f1 drivers. It was small and cute, enough for the three of them
-they got dogs, two of them. i'm picturing two large breeds, maybe rescues
-their lives were perfect when it was the three of them, especially when it was the five of them (bc twins)
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
Can you pls do Kimi x Reader where the reader is his wife also a driver but went on break because she's secretly pregnant. She came one of races and paparazzi went wild so Kimi protected them because she was holding there baby. THANK YOU
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Vultures — Kimi raikkonen x wife!reader
This was my last request my drafts are empty now
Tagged— @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @67-angelofthelordme-67 @amatswimming @a-casual-romantic @alwayzbeenale @badassturtle13 @bblouifford @bbtoni @barcelonaloverf1life @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @faithsotherhouseofchaos @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @formulas-bitch @hangmandruigandmav @hrts4scarr @hollie911 @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @kimiracing07 @lightdragonrayne @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @moss-on-tmblr @norrisleclercf1 @natailiatulls07 @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @reidsworld @scotlynaurora @starkwlkr @toasttt11 @taylorswifts-cardigan @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics
A year ago you went on a break from racing and no one outside your teams and close circle of friends knew why. Interviewers often grilled Kimi asking for answers and in true Kimi fashion he dodged the questions by not actually giving them the information they so desperately craved and eventually they gave up.
Today was your first day back into the paddock. You were excited to show off the newest addition to the Raikkonen family Baby girl Nora Raikkonen. A carbon copy of her mother Kimi always joked. You and Kimi both planned ahead knowing that people would go crazy at the first public sighting of you in a year since your baby girl was born.
Kimi was a bit on edge and anxious knowing what was about to happen. He didn't like the idea of the paparazzi swarming around you and your baby girl.
'Please stay close to me,' he said as he walked you both close to the Paddock entrance.
Your husband was acting more protective than usual and you smiled reassuringly letting Kimi know that you weren't as nervous as him.
Your daughter was strapped to you and was quiet for the most part.
The first glimpse of Kimi walking with you and his daughter was enough to send them into a frenzy. They tried getting any kind of photos not minding the fact that it would be blurry.
Kimi kept his arms wrapped around you both, making sure that he was standing in front of you and Nora.
The photographers kept asking him questions but he kept redirecting them, he was firm yet graceful with the way he talked which shut up some of the more brazen reporters.
Another photographer tried to step around you and Kimi to get a better shot of your adorable baby girl, Kimi saw and moved to block the man from your and your daughters way.
'Move' he hissed but still the man tried to pass which made Kimi's temper flair which he rarely showed but people who crossed the line definitely got the wrath of the Iceman.
'I said, MOVE,' he growled this time, not caring that everyone would hear it.
People knew that the Finn was a no-nonsense kind of person but seeing the usually calm and collected man lose his temper sent murmurs throughout the paddock.
A few more people came over to add their two cents in the situation but Kimi remained firm in his stance.
'She's my daughter. Leave. Her. Alone,' Kimi stated, still blocking you from being photographed.
He glared at the man who was trying to get around to photograph your daughter again. The man moved slightly, just enough to trigger Kimi's anger further.
Before you knew it, Kimi had moved the man roughly aside to make sure your daughter was safe from the onslaught of photographers.
It was rare to see Kimi lose his temper in person but when he did everyone stepped back and backed off.
Kimi didn't care that people were staring and he definitely didn't care about their cameras clicking. He only had eyes for Nora who seemed unfazed by her surroundings and was still content being held by her father.
The Finn's protective streak was showing and it didn't make a difference whether the paparazzi wanted photos of you or your daughter, in his mind he knew the reason they were there to begin with and he wanted to give them nothing.
“Fucking vultures” you say once you and Kimi get inside the Ferrari motor home
Kimi immediately relaxed once he was inside the motor home.
'Yes, they are,' he hissed back, still angry with how the people were treating you and your daughter just because she was Kimi's daughter.
Nora giggled and held her father's face which made Kimi soften his glare as he looked at his daughter who was now his world and couldn't imagine his life without her.
Nora's giggle softened the atmosphere for a moment and it made Kimi want to take his daughter in his arms and hold her close, keeping her safe from all the chaos outside.
He smiled and planted a kiss on her head before wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to him.
'Are you okay?' he asked you once Nora was settled.
Kimi looked at you and waited for an answer, his gaze intense and his tone caring.
'Yes, I'm fine,' you answered truthfully.
You were fine, you did feel a bit rattled by the way those photographers were acting but your husband was doing a good job at keeping him and your daughter away from them.
'Are you sure?' he asked you again, his gaze still looking at you over, checking to see if there were any obvious signs of you not being fine.
'Yes. It was just a bit overwhelming but I'm okay now. Thank you.'
You gave him a smile which he returned.
Nora was now asleep, her cute little head rested against your chest as she slept while the rest of the paddock continued to whisper about you and your husband being back in the paddock.
Even after a year of being absent, the news of your return and your daughter was making everyone talk.
The paddock couldn't move on until they had an answer from you as to why you left in the first place and to see the newest edition to the paddock.
You were still trying to process everything, including those crazy photographers, but Kimi had managed to calm you a bit and the fact that Nora was sleeping comfortably in your arms helped too.
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k0juki · 1 month
Could you please do a one-shot with jealous! Kimi? Maybe during an interview, he's already had enough and wants to leave, but after seeing a journalist or somebody else trying to flirt with his gf (they both agreed to keep their relationship private), he loses it and once he goes up to her after telling that guy to get lost, he physically relaxes and basically melts to her touch...forgetting that they were surrounded by cameras that had just recorded every second of the exchange.
I'd like to imagine how the other drivers and the fans in general would react to that :))
Thanxx <3
Yur!!!🧊 Sorry it took me too so long...school is pain.
His girl
Kimi Räikkönen x fem!reader
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English is not my first language so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors!
More stuff here!
Words: 573
It wasn't strange to see Kimi annoyed. Most people that worked with him knew how he could get and this was no different. But what annoys him the most are only two things. 
Firstly, not winning the race and media being dick about it and secondly, when anyone flirts with his girl. Of course nobody knows that you are together, but still, it makes his Finnish blood boil.
And let's just say that today wasn't his best day at all. Not only he fucked up the rece, but as the interview progressed, Kimi patience wore thinner with each passing question. He'd had enough of the same inquiries, the same stupid questions and the same attempts to extract emotions from him that he preferred to keep hidden. Yet, he maintained his ice cool demeanor, answering tersely but efficiently. 
However, his face cracked when he caught a glimpse of someone leaning a bit too close to his girlfriend, Y/n, who was standing just a few feet away, watching the interview with a supportive smile that he loves. She is his safe place. When something happens, he knows that he can go to her. To make him feel loved. 
And when he heard the journalist's flirtatious tone and lingering gaze he held on her, made Kimi's blood boil beneath his calm exterior. In a rare moment of unfiltered emotion, Kimi abruptly ended the interview, muttering something about needing a break and with determined strides, he made his way over to Y/n, who looked surprised at his sudden approach. 
"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked, concern evident in her voice, but Kimi ignored her question and pulled her into his arms possessively, caging her in and casting a sharp glare at the journalist who had dared to encroach on his territory. His girl.
"Get lost" he growled, the words were laced with a dangerous edge and it almost sounded like a threat. Once the unwanted intruder had retreated, Kimi felt a wave of relief wash over him. His tense muscles gradually relaxed as he buried his face in Y/n's hair, inhaling her familiar scent that he loves so much. 
The anger started to melt away and was replaced by a sense of calm and contentment that only she could bring him. Unbeknownst to Kimi, their intimate moment had been captured by the surrounding cameras, broadcasting his uncharacteristic display of jealousy to the world. 
Among the other drivers, reactions varied. Some were surprised, having never seen this side of Kimi before, while others like Sebastian just gave a knowing look, he understood the depth of Kimi's feelings for Y/n. As for the fans, social media and everyone else erupted with speculation and commentary. 
"I think everyone knows that we are together now." You murmured against him. His strong arms still wrapped around you.
"Yeah, but at least they won't be flirting with you before my eyes."
In the days that followed, Kimi and Y/n found themselves surrounded by an outpouring of support and affection from fans, friends, and fellow drivers. Despite initially feeling exposed by the public display of their relationship, they soon realized that it had only brought them closer together. 
As they retreated to the quiet sanctuary of their home, Kimi and Y/n reveled in the simple joys of each other's company. They shared laughter, tender moments and whispered words of love that were meant for each other's ears alone. 
Requests are open!
Don't copy or translate my work! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
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cheriladycl01 · 4 months
Hey could you do Kimi Raikkonen x fem!reader where she is someone that run the events for the F1 and they just fall in love at first sight? MAJOR CUTENESS OVERLOD PLEASE!! Tag me later! Thanks :)
Please, just listen to me! - Kimi Räikkönen x F1EventOrganiser! Reader
Plot: You organise all of the events for the FIA and normally are in the fan zone, but with the FIA being short they need you organising the drivers events.
Credit to kimimraikkonen7 for the GIF
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“Erm Seb, if you can stand over here please!” You ask politely, looking the older driver and directing him to his partner.
“Sure cupcake” he grins winking at you making you blush.
“Okay, Lewis Nico you guys can go next to Seb if that’s okay!” You say, you weren’t one to raise your voice so you individually went up to the drivers asking them where you needed them for the event.
Normally you organised the fan side of things when it came to events, so you didn’t have too many interactions with the drivers.
Up until now.
Currently you were organising for them to all line up for the start of season promo shot of them on a track all together in their teams.
You group had decided how you wanted to shoot it and it was down to you to co-ordinate the drivers on where they would be standing.
“Has anyone seen Kimi?” You ask looking around seeing that one driver was currently missing. Everyone proceeded to look around for the Finnish driver who seemed to not be present.
“Your gonna have to go look for him” one of your Co-workers advises, making you grunt. You didn’t want to be on the run around looking for this mystery driver.
Eventually you did leave the other drivers in the hands on your capable team, who started to do other things with them that didn’t necessarily require Kimi or you could do with him later on and individually.
You walk through the paddock, looking like you are on a mission, which you kind of are. You can’t take all day to do this, that would be ridiculous. You ask anyone you saw if they had seen Kimi lately. Most people shook there heads, others said they saw him in hospitality but that was a good few hours ago.
You eventually made your way back to the group, where you’d been rushing around looking high and low and it was extremely warm. Your hair had come partially loose from its low bun and now looked messy with some flyaways in your face and sticking on your forehead. Your face had a redness too it and a natural sheen of sweat.
“I couldn’t find him” you say loud enough that all the drivers could here, a chuckle from your left made you look over seeing Lewis and Nico pointing to the driver next to them.
He had a sort of deer caught in headlights look about him right now.
If he was being honest, he was in complete awe of your state right now. As flustered and worn down as you were, right now you looked radiant and there was something about the way you spoke that raw softness in your voice made his world temporarily stop.
It was like his brain stopped working, or was working overtime, he couldn’t actually tell. That’s how much of an impact one look of you had on him. He had no thoughts in his head but all the thoughts when looking at you.
Completely blank, but the redness of you cheeks, completely blank, but the way your hair fell around your face, completely blank but the way your eyes looked a little glassy from the strain of the day, completely blank but the way your shirt hugged around your body like a tailor had made it just for you.
“Oh you are here! Amazing!” You sigh, wiping across your head, thankful you could move on despite the effort being wasted.
“Sorry people came up to me saying I was needed here. I wasn’t aware such a beautiful search party was sent out to find me. I would have stayed tucked away if I’d know it was you coming for me” he says softly, even though he thought he was at a lose for words, every piece of literature he has read came out his mouth at that moment.
Now it was your turn to look like a deer in headlights, you hadn’t expected him to be so … bold?
“Oh erm, we’ll you are here now, so we can move forward” you awkwardly admit, trying to fix some of the hair that was in your face.
“You want me to fix that for you?” He asks and your head bolts up to him in shock. Did he just … offer to re tie your hair.
“Sorry?” You ask in shock, not believing the Kimi Räikkönen just offered to tie back your hair.
“Your holding lots of stuff and I can tell it’s getting in the way, would you like me to retie it for you?” He asks again, and you slowly nod while your team tries to busy the rest of the drivers who are also as gobsmacked as you are.
“Oh erm yes please that would be really helpful!” You smile, your gums showing and it just makes him fall for you even harder than he had before.
Kimi Räikkönen was never one to believe in love at first sight. It was so stupid, how on earth could you fall for someone by only looking at them once, having no depth and detail to that person.
But having seen you, he knew it was real. He knew what it felt like to feel like his head was spinning and his eyes could only be locked onto you. Because he feared if he were to look away, that would be it and you’d be gone.
He reached forward, his hand taking the bobble out of your hair softly making sure not to rip out any hair or get anything caught up. He then fists your hair into a ponytail before sectioning it off into 3 pieces. What surprises you is when he begins braiding it, you assumed he’d do a basic pony tail, something you’d like to think any man could do.
When you feel the light tugging sensation of him getting it tighter so it won’t fall out, you let your head roll back. Because of the high difference when you open your eyes your met with his blue hues staring almost icily back at you!
“Thank you!” You offer, nodding your head a little bit before you get back to work. However organising 20 men to do what you want them to do when they all get easily distracted by anything and everything around them proves to be more difficult.
From an outward eye it would seem Kimi is the only one paying attention to you while everyone else is having their own conversations, checking their phones or just staring off into space, HES watching you with keen eyes. However it’s actually the opposite way round. While Seb and Alonso tease one another they are actually chipping in to help you get them into the right places ever now and then.
And even though Lewis is scrolling through his feed aimlessly, he still has his ear listening out for you.
It’s actually Kimi, who is the one not paying any attention. He’s just watching everything you do almost like a puppy, holding those sweet doe eyes.
“Please just listen to me!” You beg and he snaps out of the daze you’ve got him in.
“Sorry sweetheart where do you want me?” He asks now a little red feeling rude that you’d only been doing your job.
“Erm just here please” you direct him. Finally everyone was where you wanted them and you could get the shot that you wanted too!
Later on, Kimi silently pulled you to one side, he smiled at you as you both stood there in silence. He watched and observed the way you awkwardly shuffled your weight from one foot to another as you watched him and his eyes.
“Dinner, with me tonight” he offers and you remain silent. That didn’t seem like a question, that was an order … or what the word order to harsh. A statement maybe?
“Yes” you smile, before ushering him out the office with a hotness to your cheeks as you leant against the door, forgetting completely about planning the nexts events that were on your table and thinking of the Finnish man who had just bluntly forced you out!
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oconswrld · 6 months
The first meeting - Kimi Raikkönen x Rookie!Reader
summary: Maybe the sunshine can melt ice.
warnings: age gap,fluff, out of character probs,friends to lovers
(set in 2023, kimi and seb didnt retire in this fic, Y/n is in aston martin w Lance)
Part 1
It's Y/n's first year as a Formula one driver.It feels weird but comforting to be able to say she's apart of the big dogs. To be honest her first race week she was afraid of the others not liking her. Seeing how she is the only eastern european on the grid, her fears were caused by her accent and different way of acting.
Media day was something that was new to her. Well not necessarily but knowing more eyes were gonna be on her it was uncomfortable. Her thoughts ended early as she arrived to the room w the classic couch and screen walls. The screen reading 'Bahrain'. She was guided to the white couch sitting on the left side edge. Her PR officer handing her the pink water bottle, the white glitters she applied to it when she was 16 sparkling in the lighting.
The door opened again, familiar faces of legendary drivers appeared. Kimi and Sebastian came into the room, Seb stopping every two steps to talk to someone and say 'Hi'. After a long 3 minutes of talking coming from the blonde german, they finally reached their respective places.
Kimi sitting beside the young woman,glancing at each other earning smiles from both of them, making a silent agreement to stay close but silent. Her flustered, red face burning up as she tried to conceal it by drinking from her bottle. Is what she would've done if the cap wasn't stuck.
Kimi watched her struggling to open the bottle only to snicker and asking her a simple yet comforting question.
"Want help?" His monotone voice now weirdly quiet and kind. Her hand reaching out the bottle torwards the older man, basking in the fact he spoke to her.
His hand softly handing it back to her. A small 'thank you' left her rose tinted lips. Quickly forgetting about the thirst in her throat, she placed the bottle down on the floor turning to Kimi. Reaching her hand out for a handshake . Their hands meeting as in a form of understanding. The fin's hand was soft to touch, leaving her melting at his touch. But she wasn't the only one. He was screaming in his head, like a teenage boy having a crush.
Maybe this was when it all started.
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