#kirby’s krafts
kirbyspixiecraft · 1 year
*Cue merry go round of life*
After a long month and two weeks I’ve finished my howl coat!! Though not for me, it was fun to make, and I hope the recipient likes it.
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Credit for the pattern goes to “Copper Penny Crafts” you can buy it here!
If you’re interested in more of my crafts, I sell them on Etsy! Here’s my commission sheet thing if you’re interested in that. If you want to actually crochet yourself though, I made a learning crochet masterlist just for that!
May you have a beautiful day🌼
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kirbyliker12 · 7 months
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imiss wave 3
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Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Prize Pack Lunchables (Turkey and Cheddar Cracker Stackers)
This Nintendo Prize Pack Lunchables was released in the United States in April of 2023 by Kraft. This box features the Switch game, Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe. The logo and popular characters are featured on each side. Each Switch game was featured on a number of Lunchables flavors. This in particular was printed on the Turkey and Cheddar Cracker Stackers flavor. Nintendo partnered with Kraft's Lunchables in 2023 to promote popular Switch titles. An image for the game and the console was printed on the box of each flavor of Lunchables. The promotion was for My Nintendo and a Nintendo Switch giveaway. There would be a promotional image of the game on either side of the box, a different image of each side. There were 7 reported games featured, each on select of flavors. More info can be found here. The promotional lasted from the start of April 1 to the end of June 30, 2023
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graphicpolicy · 5 months
Crowdfunding Corner: Jack Kirby and Wally Wood's Sky Masters of the Space Force
Crowdfunding Corner: Jack Kirby and Wally Wood's Sky Masters of the Space Force #comics #comicbooks
Backer Beware: Crowdfunding projects are not guaranteed to be delivered and/or delivered when promised. We always recommend to do your research before backing.Disclosure: Graphic Policy’s founder Brett is a member of the Zoop team. If you’re a fan of comics, then you no doubt know that the godfather of modern comic books is none other than “The King”, Jack Kirby. The co-creator of the Marvel…
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chongoblog · 1 year
You should play Kirby superstar ultra it’s the beeeeeeestttt 🟨 here’s a copy
my good bitch that a kraft single
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classicmarvelera · 3 months
Captain America: Making of a War Hero into a Symbol of Hope
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We all know that Captain America debuted in a title named after him by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby in 1941. He was seen punching Hitler right in the face but many may not know that this was done well before the US had decided to enter World War 2. In fact, at the time, the US was more concerned about its Pacific theater than the Atlantic. Nevertheless, Timely publishes the issue and Captain America gets established as a war hero from the start, who alongside his sidekick Bucky, is fighting fascism in continental Europe which is falling to the Reich like a house of cards
Cap at the time is the symbol of Freedom, anti-fascism, or as he would later be called the Sentinel of Liberty but there was one thing missing at Marvel. The House of Ideas lacked an inspiring figure like Superman among its flagship characters. The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, The Invincible Iron Man, and even the Avengers had issues with themselves as well as with each other but a figure whom readers can look up to was something not present. Cap remained a 'man out of time' when he gets discovered by the Avengers but it takes a decade for writers to get him accustomed to the realities of America that were haunting the country from the streets to the Oval Office (Thank You, Jack Kirby and Steve Englehart)
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Well into the bronze age era of comics, and under Jim Shooter's reign of the bullpen, a young J.M. DeMatteis shows his potential for storytelling with his first assignment of Captain America no. 261 which would introduce Nomad to the readers for the first time. This issue was supposed to be a collaboration with the real-life Captain America TV movie starring Reb Brown but Jim had other ideas. Issues 261-263 would find Steve Rogers going to California to meet Galactic Films for the upcoming movie about him (in Earth-616) but his real mission was to investigate Nomad's activities on the streets of LA which would turn out to be a deep conspiracy by one of his oldest arch nemesis
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After becoming a regular writer on the Captain America series, DeMatteis, Mick Zeck, and John Beatty wrote a story that was way ahead of its time. Today's resurgence of the far left in the world and in the US and the reactionary rise of the far right was being seen by comic book writers like DeMatteis way before many had thought of it. Surprisingly it was a feeble populist villain by the name of Everyman doing the talk, not the Red Skull
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In the story, the disenfranchised youth who looked up to Everyman realize their mistake of choosing 'despair over hope' but what causes them to see this is the humility Cap showed despite being spit at multiple times (literally). His eagerness to listen to the young, to the future of the country and their grievances with America, the American Dream leads to a change of heart
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This single-issue story would showcase Cap in a different light. Steve Englehart had given Cap a rude awakening that patriotism can't come at the expense of truth and justice in Secret Empire. He showed Cap's disillusionment with the powers that be in America. DeMatteis took the opposite route to show Cap what's corrupting the country's future, and giving rise to the 'enemy within' who can cause anarchy. It wouldn't be wrong to say that Christopher Nolan's Bane (Dark Knight Rises) reminds us of Everyman but what's important to remember is that it was J.M. DeMatteis who warned us before anyone else did
This story is just the tip of the iceberg. The entire run by DeMatteis is one of the most underrated as it gets overshadowed by the works of Jack Kirby, Steve Englehart, and Mark Gruenwald. Like his works for Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, his work for Cap remains one of the best runs ever
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kirbytxt · 3 months
oh Kirby, answer me this: is Kraft single really cheese
What’s a Kraft Single? We don’t have those on Popstar!
(Ooh! Are they tasty?)
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dndhistory · 7 months
261.   David Anthony Kraft (words); Pablo Marcos, Frank Giacoia  (art) - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Coloring Book: The Rescue of Ringlerun (1983)
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Another of the AD&D coloring books, bringing us the usual secondary characters from the TV show as well as a gaggle of other AD&D toyline stars, this one also features some art by truly legendary inker Frank Giacoia, a name familiar to anyone who read classic Jack Kirby Captain America or 70s Spider-man comics, being the inker on most of those. Giacoia actually started all the way back in the 1940s, so he's a veteran from the Golden Age of comics giving us some art, together with Pablo Marcos in these coloring books.
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The Rescue of Ringlerun also adds a new factor to these books by adding some puzzles to entertain the kiddies, such as connecting the dots and so forth as you can see in the images above. 
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These coloring books were a short lived thing, and I think I have only one more to cover, but its still fun stuff that shows how much D&D was stretching across media by 1983, a mere 9 years after the three brochures that Gygax put out with the basic rules.
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
My dummy brain tryina think of what other controversial things I've talked about n drawing a blank
from what I remember
not liking rice
not liking eggs/uncooked yolk
not watching studio ghibli movies
not playing any game from the Zelda, Mario, or Kirby series
-math anon
T... Those are controversial? .w.
Well shit wait till you all hear my opinion of kraft singles on spaghetti .w.
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
reply roundup!
we’re gonna try a new less structured/more casual format. (and then immediately forget about it for a month cuz a hundred other things needed my extremely limited energy...........)
I did read a lot of the tags and stuff and I still love getting to see them all! but I can only write and format so much these days :’(
on [the last roundup] @northeasternwind said: SJHDFKSDHFKJSDH THERE IT IS!!! YOU DID IT!!! YOU'RE FIVE STEPS AHEAD
lol I gotchu
on [wallpaper] @ceylonsilvergirl said: this is how I need to be living my life instead of whatever insanity is happening in reality. can things just be chill for 30 seconds!? I’m tryna sit down on this beanbag chair!!
right??? honestly it’s been A Fuckin Year dude, at least we can commiserate together lol
@softnoobgirl asked: April is atusim awareness/acceptance month and it can be really hard for atustic people because of all the atusim speaks and light it up blue stuff that basically tells us "ya we want you dead." As an atustic kirby fan it would make me super happy if you would draw kirby holding up a sigh with a blue puzzle peice crossed out and text that says "don't light it up blue,  go red instead.
The world blue being in blue and the world red being in red. It would mean the world to me to see you support atustic people and not the organizations against us.
I think that would be a neat idea! (I’m actually autistic myself as well, so I’m like. totally with you on this. that does not guarantee I will remember come april, but I can at least tell you with confidence that it’s a good idea! it is totally okay to remind me of your idea with another ask in late march or april if you would like to.)
@autistic-sack-of-friends asked: the Kirby. it's gorby :> good job on the gorb!!!
thank you!!
@a-pansexual-she-them asked: Eats your art/pos
:0 omg thanks!
on [surprise nap] @ceylonsilvergirl said: If your body made you nap that means you needed a nap. Sorry to hear about the wonky sleep schedule tonight tho
lol I promise you falling asleep for an hour does not at all affect how likely I am to fall asleep again later. unfortunately.
@pourpresky asked: i’ve told you this before but i don’t know if you got my previous asks. i love this acc so much i love your drawings a lot. it brings me happiness it gives me serotonin i hope that you’re doing well everyday
aww thank you! I do remember you sending me a nice ask like this at least once before, although maybe my reply got lost in the clutter of the roundups >n< (not that this is any less cluttered...)
on [lights] @ceylonsilvergirl said: this is Christmas, but it’s also disco. and Kirby realizing he entered a skating rink. or a karaoke bar. yesterday someone asked me if Kirby was a girl or a boy, and I just had to be like “does it matter? will it change anything?’’ asker was a teenage boy so I don’t think he quite got it, but hopefully he’ll think about it
sometimes the most significant thing we can do is just plant an idea and give it time to grow. and kirby would be delighted to go to a rollerskating rink. do you think he’s really graceful or taking full advantage of his squishy marshmallow frame to pad his falls lol (also re: [wrapping paper opinions], I don’t really do a lot of birthday gifts or anything anyway but someday when we have space I want a few different rolls of solid color kraft paper so I can hand-design new paper every year because I am Craft Feral)
on [wrists] @northeasternwind said: I feel like you don't need this advice but please do the stretchies. be like Kirby's very stretchy body
my connective tissue is all fucked so my joints don’t really work the way they’re supposed to lol but as soon as I stopped working every waking hour my wrist stopped hurting overnight like, instantly, so *thumbs up* (thank you for your concern tho <3 )
on [struggle] @macro-microcosm said: good job making it through the year! happy you're still here. I hope things get better.
I was like, kinda surprised by how touched I was when I first saw this one. thanks for that.
I also think it’s so cute how every time I post a sleeping kirby so many people reblog it with some variation of either “me” or “god I wish that was me”
on [triumph] @chaosinanutshell said: YA KIRBO!!! Im almost done with all my assessments this week. then this thursday Im finally gonna have a break. IM ALMOST THERE!! Good job with all u did :DD
I took so long to write this that you already made it by now! I hope you get to do so many fun restorative things with your break! (I am reading lots of manga, which is restorative for me -u- )
on [love] @ceylonsilvergirl said: there are those times when you feel love so profoundly that it completely knocks you over. it’s really what’s keeping me going lately. I’m not getting paid, I’m working my ass off, but then someone says “I see you. I appreciate you. you’re doing a good job’’
honestly support is in all the little things. big gestures are great and all but they aren’t what keeps things going, it’s stuff like acknowledging the hard work you’ve done or making sure the hand soap is always full. Love Is Stored In The Small Everyday Kindness.
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kirbyspixiecraft · 9 months
Oh my goodness it’s a little fox!! 🦊
Credit for the pattern goes to “CraftyBunnyBun” you can find it here.
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Consider supporting my work via my Etsy shop! I also offer to do custom orders/commissions. May you have a wonderful day🌸
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i love you friends i love you walgreens arson baby i love you tumblr mutuals i love you friends cats i love you nathan i love you Girlie i love you Bobble i love you Julie i love you Kirby i love you Saffron i love youCQ i love you Wooper i love you Prince i love u Ruby i love u whitney i lovve you Teresa i love u. I love u superbell system i lvoe everything ever i love my firends i love pasta i love video games i love my cane i lovemonster energy i love ibprofufen i love kraft macaroni and chese :) i love my friends dog Cookie and love my friends cat Teddy i love my friends cats and dogs
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Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe Prize Pack Lunchables Uploaded (Nachos Grande)
This Nintendo Prize Pack Lunchables Uploaded was released in the United States in April of 2023 by Kraft. This box features the Switch game, Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe. The logo and popular characters are featured on each side. Each Switch game was featured on a number of Lunchables flavors. This in particular was printed on the Nachos Grande Uploaded flavor.
Nintendo partnered with Kraft's Lunchables in 2023 to promote popular Switch titles. An image for the game and the console was printed on the box of each flavor of Lunchables. The promotion was for My Nintendo and a Nintendo Switch giveaway. There would be a promotional image of the game on either side of the box, a different image of each side. There were 7 reported games featured, each on select of flavors. More info can be found here.
The promotional lasted from the start of April 1 to the end of June 30, 2023.
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waynescomicspodcast0 · 5 months
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fondsinformation · 11 months
Hunger nach Schwarzmeer-Getreidedeal?
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Hunger - droht eine weltweite Katastrophe nach Beendigung des Schwarzmeer-Getreidedeals durch Russland? Einige Überlegungen. Hunger in dem ärmsten Ländern ohne ukrainisches Getreide? Russland hat nach dreimaliger Verlängerung und mehreren Ankündigungen die einjährige Schwarzmeer-Getreideinitiative nicht verlängert. Zudem wurde gab das russische Verteidigungsministerium am 19.07.2023 offiziell bekannt, dass es die ukrainischen Häfen für die Getreideausfuhr blockiert. John Helmer resümierte die Vereinbarung zu den Getreidelieferungen aus der Ukraine: "Praktisch ist sie schon seit Wochen dem Untergang geweiht. Die ukrainischen Angriffe auf die Ammoniak-Pipeline Togliatti-Odessa (8. Juni) und das Taman-Schiffsterminal (2. Juni); die ukrainischen Bemühungen, die Getreidetransporter im von den Vereinten Nationen überwachten Seekorridor zur Verschleierung von Waffenimporten zu nutzen, und der Einsatz von Marinedrohnen, die auf die Krim-Brücke, Schiffe der russischen Schwarzmeerflotte und andere Ziele an Land gerichtet waren; die Weigerung der NATO-Staaten, ihre Sanktionen gegen den russischen Handel aufzuheben, um die Bedingungen des ursprünglichen UN-Abkommens umzusetzen - während sie gleichzeitig die ukrainischen Exporte in die Europäische Union (EU) zu Dumpingpreisen stoppen - das ist das Ende des Abkommens.   Die Tatsache, dass die Ukraine und die EU-Staaten mehr davon profitiert haben als Russland, hat Russland bisher nicht daran gehindert, die Bedingungen zu erneuern, aber es war den EU-Staaten zu peinlich, dies zuzugeben, und ihren Medien zu peinlich, darüber zu berichten." Darüber hinaus darf nicht unberücksichtigt bleiben, dass das Abkommen mit einem Memorandum zugunsten Russlands verbunden war: - Lockerung der Beschränkungen für russische Getreide- und Düngemittelausfuhren, - Wiederanschluss der Rosselkhozbank an das SWIFT-System, - Wiederaufnahme von Ersatzteillieferungen an Russland für Landmaschinen, - Wiederaufnahme der Logistik- und Transportversicherung, - Ammoniaklieferungen über die Ammoniak-Pipeline Togliatti-Odessa. Keine dieser Vereinbarungen wurde eingehalten. Dmitri Poljanski, Vize-Botschafter Russlands bei der UN, erklärte dazu vor dem UN-Sicherheitsrat: "Sie hatten nie die Absicht, das Russland-UN-Memorandum umzusetzen, wei es auch schon bei den Minsker Vereinbarungen der Fall war...   Wir weisen darauf hin, dass das Kiewer Regime im vergangenen Jahr unter dem Schutz des Abkommens bedeutende militärisch-industrielle Einrichtungen und Treibstofflager in seinen Schwarzmeerhäfen aufgebaut hat. Mit Abschluss des Abkommens wurden in diesem Gebiet sowohl ukrainische Truppen als auch ausländische Söldner stationiert." Haltet den Dieb! So klingen viele Erklärungen westlicher Politiker und Medien. Der ukrainische Präsident Selenskij will die Getreideausfuhr auf jeden Fall fortsetzen: "Die Schwarzmeer-Getreide-Initiative kann und sollte weiterarbeiten - wenn schon ohne Russland, dann ohne Russland. Das Getreideexportabkommen - dieses Abkommen mit der Türkei und den Vereinten Nationen - bleibt in Kraft... Ich habe dem türkischen Präsidenten und dem UN-Generalsekretär offizielle Briefe mit dem Vrschlag geschickt, die Arbeit der Schwarzmeer-Getreide-Initiative oder ihrer Analogie in einem trilateralen Format zu verlängern - auf die Weise, die am zuverlässigsten ist. Die Ukraine, die UNO und die Türkei können gemeinsam den Betrieb des Lebensmittelkorridors und die Inspektion der Schiffe sicherstellen." UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres erklärte: der Krieg Russlands in der Ukraine sei ein Krieg gegen die Nahrungsmittelversorgung, die niedrigen Weizenpreise und das Überleben vor dem weltweiten Hunger. "Die heutige Entscheidung der Russischen Föderation ist ein Schlag für Menschen in Not überall." Der Sprecher des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates der USA, John Kirby, erklärte bei einem Briefing im Weißen Haus: "Russlands Entscheidung, die Blockade der ukrainischen Häfen wieder aufzunehmen und zu verhindern, dass dieses Getreide auf die Märkte gelangt, wird den Menschen auf der ganzen Welt schaden". Wie wahr sind solche Behauptungen? Blomberg berichtet demgegenüber: "Appell der Ukraine, den Getreidetransport aufrechtzuerhalten, kollidiert mit der Realität der Verlader" Darin wird Roman Slaston, Leiter des Ukrainian Agribusiness Clubs, indirekt zitiert: "Die Ukraine kann ihre Ernten immer noch auf dem Landweg und über Flüsse verschicken, aber diese Wege sind teurer und schmälern das Einkommen der Landwirte. Auch die Verschiffung über die Europäische Union führt zu Spannungen mit den Nachbarländern.   Die Kosten für den Export auf dem Seeweg werden wahrscheinlich steigen, zum Teil aufgrund höherer Versicherungs- und Frachtraten, sagte Roman Slaston, Leiter des Ukrainian Agribusiness Club. Er blieb optimistisch, dass die Lieferungen stattfinden könnten, sagte aber, dass es einige Wochen dauern könnte, um sich vorzubereiten." Infolge der Ankündigung des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums dürfte auch kaum ein Reeder oder eine Versicherung den Getreidexport über das Schwarze Meer ohne russische Unterstützung riskieren. "'Kein vernünftiger Reeder wird dort unversichert anlaufen', sagte Vasilis Mouyis, Mitgeschäftsführer der in Griechenland ansässigen Doric Shipbrokers SA, die zuvor Schiffe durch die Schiffspassage geschickt hatte. Ohne den Schutz des sicheren Korridors 'ist der Ukraine-Handel tot'". Wer hat vom Getreidedeal profitiert? Nach Angaben des Welternährungsprogramms (WFP) gingen nur 2,2 % der gesamten ukrainischen Getreideexporte an die bedürftigsten Länder. Die größten Nutznießer waren dagegen - China (8 Mill. Tonnen), - Spanien (6 Mill. Tonnen), - Türkei (3,2 Mill. Tonnen), - Italien (2,1 Mill. Tonnen), - Niederlande (2 Mill. Tonnen). Rund 80 % der Lieferungen aus der Ukraine gingen in die EU-Staaten, nach Israel, Japan und in andere Länder mit hohem Einkommen sowie ohne Hungersnot. 3982379709:rightIn die ärmsten Länder - darunter Äthiopien, Jemen Afghanistan, Sudan, Kenia und Somalia - gelangten nur 725.000 Tonnen. Angesichts dieser Verteilung erscheinen Warnungen vor verstärktem weltweiten Hunger als unglaubwürdig. Es sei auch daran erinnert, dass Russland beispielsweise nach der "vorläufigen" Außerkraftsetzung des Getreideabkommens nach den Angriffen auf die Schwarzmeerflotte im Herbst 2022 ankündigte, 500.000 Tonnen Getreide kostenlos an ärmere Länder zu liefern, um die gesamte Menge zu ersetzen, die die Ukraine eigentlich hätte exportieren können. Damals kommentierte Pepe Escobar: "Der Getreidehandel schien eine Art Win-Win-Situation zu sein. Kiew würde die Schwarzmeerhäfen nicht mehr verseuchen, nachdem sie entmint worden waren. Die Türkei wurde zu einer Getreidetransportdrehscheibe für die ärmsten Länder (das ist nicht der Fall: der Hauptnutznießer war die EU). Und die Sanktionen gegen Russland wurden für die Ausfuhr von landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnissen und Düngemitteln gelockert." Offensichtlich mehr als die Menge verfügbaren Getreides wirken sich die Entwicklungen an den Terminbörsen und die Lieferketten auf die Getreidepreise aus. Der Welthandel wird von fünf Firmen dominiert. Diese werden dann für Länder mit hohem Nahrungsmittelbedarf schier unerschwinglich, was Millionen Menschen in Not bringt. Schon vor  10 Jahren hieß es - wenn auch relativierend - in der WELT vom 12.06.2013: "Getreide-Zocker hinterlassen Spuren der Unmoral": Die Nichtregierungsorganisationen Foodwatch und Oxfam kritisieren immer wieder, Banken und Versicherungen seien mitverantwortlich für den Hunger in der Welt." Interessant ist aus dieser Perspektive ein Blick auf die Entwicklung der Getreidepreise beispielsweise an der Chikagoer Börse sowie die Entwicklung der weltweit von Hunger betroffenen Menschen, die bereits seit 2019 und in den "Corona-Jahren", also unabhängig vom Schwarzmeer-Getreidedeal, deutlich anstieg. Im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren stellt die Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) aktuell fest: "FAO-Lebensmittelpreisindex weiter rückläufig". Wie aufschlussreich fanden Sie diesen Artikel? Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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prenewstech · 1 year
Consensus draft grades, best to worst for all 32 teams
(Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports) 1st round, 13th pick (13): Lukas Van Ness, EDGE, Iowa2nd round, 11th pick (42): Luke Musgrave, TE, Oregon State2nd round, 19th pick (50): Jayden Reed, WR, Michigan State3rd round, 15th pick (78) Tucker Kraft, TE, South Dakota State4th round, 14th pick (116): Colby Wooden, LB, Auburn5th round, 14th pick (149): Sean Clifford, QB, Penn State5th round, 24th pick (159):…
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