#kitten food
monkeymeghan · 25 days
Yesterday Luna had her vet appointment. It went well! Everyone in the office loved her. Yeah, I know they probably love every pet, but it makes me feel good when they love mine! She got her booster shots, goes back in three weeks for a final one, and will be good for a year. I did confirm that I need to get kitten dry food, in addition to the kitten wet food I’ve been giving her. It’s ok that Luna is eating some of the adult food, but it’s not as jam-packed with the calories and nutrients she needs. The problem is that Oscar wants to eat whatever I give her because it is new and different for him. The doctor suggested getting a microchip feeder. Holy crap they’re expensive! But I found a site that was cheaper than Amazon and ordered one. The kitten dry food I ordered yesterday came today, so now we’re just waiting on the feeder so she can graze. In the meantime I’ll give her some periodically throughout the day.
Today I had an appointment with my psychiatrist. He’s really proud of me, says I’m “doing the work”. When I updated him on my trip to Baltimore, the job hunt, getting a job, etc, he was like “you have severe depression, you have severe anxiety, and look at what you’re doing!” (I’m paraphrasing that last part, it was that sentiment, I just don’t remember the wording.) That made me feel good. He thinks I’m doing so well, in fact, that he lowered my Wellbutrin (one of four meds I’m on). I go back in six weeks to see how the med change is going and to see how I’m doing with the big change of starting a job.
After my appointment I went shopping for work shoes and clothes. Tomorrow I’m going to email the store manager to find out my start date. I officially accepted the position on Monday, I’m just waiting to hear from her about my schedule.
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rosewind2007 · 2 years
Saw this (on local FB) and thought of Renfield:
Is it, is it made of babies?
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taxi-davis · 2 years
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ur-daily-inspiration · 4 months
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pricelesspetsstore · 11 days
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barkoutloudseo · 1 month
Give Your Kitten a Purrfect Start: BarkOutLoud Salmon & Chicken Kitten Food
BarkOutLoud Salmon & Chicken Kitten Food is a dry food specifically designed for growing kittens. It boasts high-quality protein for muscle development, essential nutrients for strong bones, and added taurine for heart and vision health. With omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, this food also supports a shiny coat and a healthy immune system.
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yesokayiknow · 5 months
i hope that sometimes fifteen's psychic paper shorts out and shows what fourteen's thinking back on earth. he tries to sneak in somewhere and the guard's like this just says 'need to pick up cat food'? and fifteen's like 🥺 they got a cat
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catfindr · 4 months
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jessajaguar · 6 months
PSA: Please do not feed your puppy or kitten any emergency milk replacer recipe that includes raw eggs & milk 🙏🏽 This is a breeding ground for Salmonella poisoning, which is easily & quickly fatal in a puppy or kitten due to their underdeveloped immune systems.
These should be reserved for life or death emergencies where they would not survive without *immediate* nutrition. These recipes are not meant as a replacement for the actual puppy/kitten milk replacers that can be purchased at most pet stores.
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daily--cats · 26 days
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justcatposts · 1 month
Street cats in Istanbul be like
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kii-tty · 5 days
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pawrulzstore · 1 year
Buy Royal Canin cat food at best prices in india
Royal Cat Food is a nutritious food that will support your kitten's overall growth and development. Get your pet the best food from Pawrulz.com
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cute-catts · 2 months
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itisiives · 1 year
It's corn!
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macdiwan · 1 year
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The Best Nutritious Cat Food for Every Age Group
Whether you’re looking for kitten food or senior cat food, you should take your cat’s age into account while selecting the right diet. Choosing one that gives your pet the ideal nourishment it needs at each stage of life will assist in guaranteeing a long, healthy life.
Check the box of the cat food you’re looking for to determine if it suits your cat’s needs. Every stage of a cat’s life demands a varied degree of nourishment, so it’s crucial to pick one that corresponds to its level of activity, metabolic rate, and other fundamental requirements. 
For Newborn Kittens
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For the first eight to ten weeks after birth, kittens stay with their mother as they need her milk to thrive and fight off illnesses that their immune systems are well-equipped to handle. Other than nursing and sleeping, they won’t do much else.
Your kitten will be prepared to wean off her mother’s milk when it is at least 8 to 9 weeks old. When weaned, you’ll notice right away that your kitten is a whirlwind of enthusiasm. A kitten’s daily schedule at this period consists of eating, sleeping, and running around crazily. Thus, it needs the right nourishment to keep the limitless energy in check.
Your new kitten’s food should contain fatty acids like DHA (fish oil is a common source of this nutrient), folic acid, and taurine, an amino acid that helps with the critical development of the immune and digestive systems, heart functions, and vision. 
Another essential element of the kitten diet is protein, which may be found in a range of foods, including meat and cereals. She needs the energy to keep up with her astounding rate of growth. These nutrients must constantly be present in the proper quantities. FindRoyal Canin houses an extensive range of kitten food. From dry to gravy, you get to choose from a variety of options. 
For Junior Cats and Prime Cats (7 months - 6 years)
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Don’t be shocked if your pet behaves differently as the one-year milestone draws near. Your feline companion is entering adolescence and then adulthood, which corresponds to the human life stages of 12–27 (Junior) and 28–40, respectively (Prime).
Although technically speaking, cats are considered adults at the age of one year and continue to be so until the sixth year; age does not always predict how active your cat will be. Even long into their double-digit years, many cats will still be highly active. Because of this, the activity level of a young adult cat should be one of your feeding concerns.
In order to carry out their daily activities, they need adequate food for “maintenance” energy. Any cat only needs a little amount of food for “maintenance” energy to get by each day, but if your pet is very active and spends hours running around the house, it may require a few more calories to keep it going. Your pet could need precisely timed meals to stay trim if it enjoys lounging in the sun all day. 
You can consult your veterinarian about your cat’s level of activity; they can advise you on whether your cat needs more or fewer calories. In addition, you can explore a vast assortment of cat food for special needs on cat food brands like FindRoyal Canin.  
For Mature and Senior Cats (7 - 14 years)
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These two groups of cats are categorised as being solidly in the middle of their lives. In comparison to humans, these furry buddies are in their early 40s to 70s. Your cat could start to be a little pickier about what she eats, so you’ll need to make sure they consume the perfect adult cat food and the nutrients it needs. Most importantly, make sure your cat has access to fresh, clean water at all times.  
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