53v3nfrn5 · 1 month
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A constellation of swimmers passes overhead off Hawaii's Kona coast during the 1999 Ironman Triathlon. Contestants swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, then run 26.2 miles. Winning time: 8 hours, 17 minutes, 17 seconds- down more than 3 hours since 1978. National Geographic (2000)
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erinmccomics · 16 days
Not to brag but my cats are Artists™
[Medium: Claws on rainbow scratchboard]
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Remi works with a hesitant, erratic violence, creating a piece as light and fluffy as she is, and signing her work by hole-punching it with her teeth.
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Timmy uses bold, strong lines to evoke some kind of powerful event, echoing his powerful presence and loud voice.
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Nubbins, truly inspired, creates a high-energy piece that symbolizes the void where his brain should be, surrounded by chaos and mischief.
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Kona, a reclusive avante garde artist, refused to work with me around. Only in quiet solitude did she create this haunting, introspective work.
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purpleofmadness · 2 months
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Here's another fem kon edit i did yesterday ! ☺
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cayennecrush · 1 month
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some Gykhi and Kona just in time for mermay! 🐙💕
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kokushibe · 1 year
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wilderun · 3 months
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Kona and Druid turn 1 year old today! 🎉
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Happy birthday, kiddos 💜💙
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mapsoffun · 4 months
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One downside to this approach of breaking up the flights is that if you buy the Wanna Get Away fare on Southwest and don’t opt for Early Bird Check-In, you’re probably going to get a not-great boarding position even if you’re able to check-in right on-time. I did it while we waited for our bag to emerge from baggage claim, and I received C17. The day of our flight, I went over to the gate agent and asked whether or not she was concerned that I would have to gate-check my bag with that position, and she did not seem too concerned nor did she encourage me to buy upgraded boarding. It ended up being fine, and we had a nice little lunch before boarding our 6-hour flight to Kona, when we arrived just as the sun was setting.
Something I didn’t know is that Kona is an open-air airport--while there are some closed-off places, like the main restaurant and the bathrooms, everything else is open to the elements. It’s a nice airport and we were able to get to our rental car lot quickly, though it took a second for the actual car to finally appear. 
Note: renting a car here is pretty important, because rideshares are hard and expensive to come by, and taxis are even pricier. You’ll probably have to pay for some sort of parking fee, but it’s worth it.
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artemistartarus · 11 days
I’m guessing this is pretty niche so imma just gonna go for it.
Don't worry I won't leave you all hanging!
Okay, so I was lucky to be part of one in Kona, Hawaii. This unique experience allows you to witness Manta Rays in their natural habitat.
This is an every night party down on the ocean floor in Kona.
Scuba divers get a giant blue light (I'm talking Batman skylight big) and put it on the ocean floor. This light attracts plankton, which attracts manta rays.
Scuba divers wearing weights and sporting underwater camera gear hang out on the ocean floor and watch the manta rays party every night. Manta rays have different spots on their bellies and the divers have a photo database of each one and name them. If you are lucky enough to photograph a new guest to the party you get to choose their name in said database.
AND WHEN I SAY PARTY! They are so happy, it was so beautiful to watch them do flips and basically dance while eating their fill.
10/10 one of the best things I've ever been apart of. I know what freedom and happiness looks like and the manta rays have it.
Underwater campfires. Where the real party is at:
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charlesyoung · 5 months
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Six colour quilt.
About 1.3 x 1.3m
Kona cotton solid colours Amber, Cheddar, Bonsai, Cabbage, Sage, White.
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fly-in-butter · 4 months
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I started to watch a play through of game Kona and the main theme slaps
So ..
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kon-kon-kon-kon · 1 year
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 8 months
Simple Things
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Casey Ramsey
Word count: 528
Category: fluff
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Summary: It is international coffee day and Ethan and Casey celebrate it by enjoying some Kona back home in Boston.
Disclaimer: characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: International Coffee day came and went so it is a little late but I could not let my coffee snobs not celebrate.
It was a normal Sunday morning. Ethan was not one for celebrating what he called made up holidays but he was willing to make this one exception. International Coffee Day. He and Casey both loved a great coffee and had bonded over this many times, Derry’s being one of their favourite
spots but today was their day off and Ethan thought they would celebrate it at home and he thought that the best way to celebrate was to celebrate with some of the Kona he had recently purchased and had shipped to Boston.
It was a mild morning so he set up the balcony for a breakfast. Casey awoke, not at all surprised to see the other half of the bed empty but was surprised to see the balcony set up. She got up, put on a dressing gown and joined her husband. He smiled and kissed her gently.
“Happy International Coffee Day sweetheart.”
“Thank you Ethan, this is beautiful.”
Casey sits down and bites into her croissant. Ethan appears with the coffee. Casey takes the cup and starts to drink. Straight away she knows it is Kona and smiles.
“Where did you get the Kona? even Bryce has not being back for awhile.” Asks Casey.
“I ordered it online and got it shipped. It has been too long since we had some.
“It is has been too long, the stash you got lasted us well.”
“The only thing that would make this better is if we were in Hawaii.” Said Ethan, wistfully.
“That was an enjoyable morning. An enjoyable trip really.”
“Especially the after wedding activities.”
“That is always enjoyable Ethan.”
“I know but since it was after the discussion we had, I know you did not tell me until the morning after that you were willing to move in but the other matters discussed and I was buoyed.”
“It was a pleasant surprise when you did propose.”
Ethan smiles. “Proposing was something that was on my mind on and off since I told you that I loved you, in fact if I had a ring already in Hawaii I would have done so there.”
Casey raised her eye brow in surprise.
“You wanted to propose for that long?”
“Yes, but I always had the end of your residency as the end goal really.”
“Well if you knew you loved me when you were in the Amazon then I suppose it does make sense.”
“I do regret waiting as long as I did to admit that to you but it all worked out in the end..”
“I love you Ethan” says Casey and then she takes another sip of Kona.
They enjoyed their breakfast, but they also enjoyed each others company and most importantly, the coffee.
Authors note: A short and sweet Drabble to celebrate International coffee day.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @cariantha @youlookappropriate @trappedinfanfiction @alj4890 @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @a-crepusculo @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @socalwriterbee @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
If I am missing anyone or you wish to be added or removed please reach out to me via DM
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velovelo · 9 months
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purpleofmadness · 1 month
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Blep! Dropping two new fem kon edits!
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cayennecrush · 9 months
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more girls! 💃
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ianime0 · 1 year
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Tengoku Daimakyou | Ep9 | Kona seems lonely.
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