#lisa worm
tattleneedsbraces · 8 months
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it is time for a once in a blue moon tattletale drawing :+0 HKHREHJK
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overworkedblorbobattle · 10 months
Overworked Blorbo Battle Round 1 Poll: 30
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sleepymonarc · 8 days
DND Undersiders
Tbh, no idea if anyone wants this or cares but anyways, here's what I think the Undersiders would be if they were DND classes, lemme know what y'all think, what you disagree with and why, that sortve thing.
Brian-Undying Warlock
Lisa-Divination Wizard
Alec- Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
Taylor-Swarmkeeper Ranger but maybe some Clericy stuff
Rachel-Barbarian but also a fair amount of Druid, idk what circle though
Also y'all's know me, love Polysiders, could do some kind of BG3 tadpolycule idea. Inside each other's heads all the time, the others having a deep realization that Alec is so much more fucked up than they thought, Taylor hating how much they can just know her thoughts given what Emma used to be able to do with her secrets and idk, if you want to know more about this aspect of it, hit me up
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little-miss-mash · 1 year
Worm Crimson Peak AU
Cant say all the details off the top of my head, but absolutely horrifying. Classic worm trigger warning. Everyone has thier powers, still victorian era.
Amy is our Lucille and Vic is deeply unfortunately our thomas- but specifically she’s a version of herself that’s being mind-wrecked to love amy (looks normal but fucked in the head. Sveta is our Edith. Robot body version. Yes i ship sveta and vic, replace sveta with whoever you ship vic with, ashley or lisa
I’m thinking about Amy’s dialogue that everything would be good and work out if she allowed herself to brainwash vic and thier parents and no one else, so this is kinda of about that. Instead of going into town Vic and sveta spend a night away at the nearby Dallons residence, where the letter was sent (plot reasons). The dallons are all a little mind foggy about vic and amy’s relationship. They become confused and irritated when asked but clear up the second the subjects passed. Shitty mind tweaking there, amy.
Amy has moved on from rodents and bugs and dogs and cats and is trying to lure the BEST meat to continue sustaining vics life, which shes bonesaw-ing to be indestructible and perfect. She’s an absoutely terrible lucille- no charisma or backbone, she’s constantly trying to make vic placid and happy and every time she messes up she has to tackle her and brain tweak Vic to forget her horrifying actions. Vic acts like her canon self save for the fact that she gets a little foggy and confused when presented with some facts of her life. Constantly complaining about migranes. Has no memory of her Fragile One, and Amy is veyr sharply always looking around at creaks.
The main ghost in the setting is my beloved Fragile One in her wretch form, detached from Vic and desperately trying to get whoever edith is to see her and understand whats happening. The fragile one escaped from vics body and has been trying to save her from amy but (plot reasons) cant do much. The other ghosts are characters close to vic, chosen for arbitary good-meat reasons. Sveta, Vista, Anelace maybe
@brockton-breakers​ for kick-starting this idea
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junebugtwin · 2 months
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top ten moments in worm
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n0brainjustvibes · 2 months
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your front-page boy, well, he's finally here!
inspired by idkhow - SPKOTHDVL :] also loosely inspired by this piece by @artistatthedisco that made me really wanted to do big swirly interlocked lettering. the lettering didn't quite come out how i intended but ah well... practice will eventually pay off!
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zoz-two · 10 months
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“Come on,” Tattletale grinned at me, grabbing my wrist, “I’m stealing you.” - Shell 4.1
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liliennacht · 4 months
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meowdeer · 4 months
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i made worm fanart loosely based on this supernatural poster i came across
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lizardinkart · 5 months
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A Lisa I’ve had swimming around in my wips since I read Ward 10.x
There’s something about her sitting alone in the dark with a computer being semi-comfortable but also just being the absolute worst to herself and her migraines that gets me 🙃
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ewingstan · 6 months
Take the following observations:
Taylor kissed Rachel to cure bonesaw's miasma (wildbow 2012, part 14.11)
Taylor could have spit on a bug and had it fly into Rachel's mouth to cure the miasma (@ty-bayonet-betteridge, 2023)
Wildbow has stated numerous times that neither of these characters are supposed to be taken as queer.
Taylor kissing a girl on the lips in a scenario when there were other options she likely would have thought of to cure her is Gay
These three observations all seem to contradict with each other, such that we cannot take them seriously without one of them giving. Most would place their doubt on 3, claiming that wildbow intentionally created a yuri moment for his readers and then backed away from the implications this would have on the larger story. However, careful reasoning reveals that there is no necessary contradiction:
A normally gay action isn't actually gay if all your alternatives in the situation would be more gay.
The most-often stated alternative for what Taylor could have done involved flying a bug down Rachel's throat.
Taylor's swarm is noted numerous times to be an extension of her body.
We can thus conclude there is no contradiction between are initial quartet of observations as long as we accept the following: Taylor having a bug fly down a girl's throat is more gay than simply kissing them.
With this out of the way, we can turn our attention to a section from 19.7:
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We have an instance of Taylor doing what she was fully capable of doing in the miasma incident, and sticking a bug down her teammate's throat—in this case in order to stop talking. Based on our above reasoning, we can conclude that Taylor did the equivalent of dipping Lisa into a surprise kiss sloppy style to shut her up. The fact that this strategy worked and Sundancer did in fact nuke those guys is an important piece of evidence for my ongoing theory that Worm acts on the logic of a romantic comedy—
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snazzycrown · 1 year
So this is a thing that me and @penelopetheverytrans collaborated on, I did the doodles for the sprites and she put the video together. I hope y’all like it, makes me laugh :)
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Overworked Blorbo Battle Round 3 Poll: 8
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felonytaxevasion · 22 days
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Messy Undersiders fashion headcanons/costume designs
Annotated with design commentary here
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noctilia · 8 months
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Speaking of blonde women.
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meowmeow1meow · 15 days
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local celebrities make the news again
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