callistay · 27 days
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— Stray Kids made history by being the first group, the first K-POP group and the first 4th Gen K-POP group to attend the Met Gala on May 6th 2024 !
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xsainttt · 4 months
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hannie-l0ver-lila · 1 month
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He so smol ㅠㅠ
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that1gurl1lia23 · 1 month
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Felix pc wallpaper(≧◡≦) ♡
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loveskz143 · 2 years
Stray kids: *playing tag*
Minho: *climbs up a tree so he doesn’t get tagged by Seungmin*
Minho: …
Minho: fuck
Minho: I can’t get down
Jisung: where’s Minho?
Seungmin: *chuckles to himself*
Bang Chan: Seungmin what did you do?
Neighbour: *knocks at door*
Neighbour: I think your cat is stuck up a tree again
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just-stay-1 · 2 years
This is support;)hehehe
Lee know:👈👈👈
Sorry I couldn't miss this
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sunshinestayy · 11 months
Dear Stray Kids
On the extremely off chance that Chris and Lix are lurking on tumblr and find this post, this is what I'd say to the SKZ members if I had the chance.
(Before you come for me, I wrote most of this two years ago when I was a Baby STAY, and I tried editing it now, so it'd be less cringy. I still apologize if this is painful to read. I tried my best LMAO).
Bang Chan
Leader – BANG CHAN! Kangaroo – BANG CHAN!
To say that you are such an amazing man would be an understatement. You are an incredibly hard worker, and I wish that you went easier on yourself and got more rest. I know you strive for perfection in your craft, but rest. It’s okay.
I am so proud of you; STAY is so proud of you, and Stray Kids is (are?) so proud of you. I know you want to do more, and you feel like you have to do more, but everything you are already doing is perfect. Nevertheless, thank you for always giving us your best.
Thank you for being you. Thank you for being dependable, kind, helpful, empathetic and one of the sweetest humans to ever walk the face of this planet. Thank you for all the hard work you put into what you do. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be in your shoes, but you are doing a fabulous job. You are the best leader SKZ could ever ask for, and a phenomenal person that STAY looks up to. The world needs more people like you. You are funny, SUPER talented, adorable, charming, empathetic, inspiring, intelligent, kind, incredibly handsome…ugh, there are not enough words in any language – let alone English – to describe how wonderful you are. I cannot and will never understand the hate that you get. To have people attack you for no apparent reason and hear such harsh things about yourself must be so difficult. I can’t imagine how you feel. I admire you SO much, and you are so strong, Channie. I’m so sorry that we can’t protect you from that, but STAY will try harder to defend you. You truly do not deserve that. No one does.
(I'm also sorry for the crazy shit that we do because, admittedly, sometimes we don't know our place. Thank you for tolerating us regardless lmao, and thank you for reinforcing your boundaries and putting us in place when we need it.)
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. Thank you for being a source of comfort and security. You mean more to me than I could ever express. I know that STAY and Stray Kids feel the same.
You have such a special place in my heart. I love you, Chris.
**insert BIG hug here**
Lee Know
I’d be lying if I said that you didn’t intimidate me at first. I wouldn’t describe you as cold or mean, though. I’d say that you’re just blunt, and that your sense of humour isn’t really understood by everyone. I understand it, though – my sense of humour is a little like yours – and I really appreciate and take comfort in it. (You are absolutely hilarious!). Teasing is a valid love language😊.
You aren’t one to display your emotions for all to see, but it doesn’t mean that you are heartless. To you love is a verb, and your humanity shines through without you realising it, and I think that is truly beautiful. You are so strong, kind, gorgeous, hilarious, caring, smart, witty, and sharp.
Also, your cats so adorable, and the way you love them and interact with them (and the SKZ members) warms my heart! It’s a shame that I’m allergic to cat fur, but I can still adore them from afar.
You are ICONIC, Minho (and yes, your name is incredibly handsome). You are a phenomenal dancer, a stellar rapper, and a great singer! While Chan is the official leader of the group, you too lead the members in a beautiful way. You support Chan, and you also do a phenomenal job at taking care of the younger members. You are doing your best, and that is more than enough. That is spectacular. You are 100% unapologetically yourself, and you are also insightful, wise, and caring. Language barriers aside, I find great comfort in you, and you help me become more open-minded each day. When I become fluent in Korean – and when I get the chance to meet and/or interact with you – I will make sure to tell you how much I care for and appreciate you. If my Korean still sucks by then, I'll do it in Korenglish and hope for the best lmao.
I love you so much – more than you know…I know… LEE KNOW!
**screams and aggressively slams keyboard but tries to not break laptop**
Oh, Changbin (Seo Changbin – don’t worry, I know you aren’t Oh Changbin **wink**) …where do I begin? Honestly, I love you. Period. You are so talented – that is an understatement – you literally give me LIFE! The way you interact with the members and react whenever they poke fun at you is hilarious. You always make me laugh. You are ICONIC!
Your stage presence is unparalleled, your skill is undeniable, your aegyo is AMAZING, your arms – I’m sorry, I need to take weightlifting lessons from you because HELLO?! (Please be my personal trainer, and please put me in a headlock. Thanks.)
Back to the point – you are literally such a wonderful person. You are also so kind, gentle and lovely. I wish I could cuddle you – dark image and all. You seem like such a wonderful person to just hang out with and talk to. I get such a warm vibe from you. You are incredibly sweet and loving. You are my comfort person, and I appreciate how you advocate not only for general health and fitness but also for loving oneself as is. You are genuine and unapologetically yourself. You are loved. You are amazing. You are talented. You are handsome. You are wonderful.
Our beloved dwaekki; life without Seo Changbin would totally suck.
My first bias<3. You have a special place in my heart. Where do I even start?
The words beautiful, stunning, and gorgeous are not strong enough to describe you. This isn’t just about your visuals – you are a work of art, Hwang Hyunjin – your soul is also a wonderous sight for sore eyes.
You have such an amazing heart and a kind soul – you are so wonderful, warm, artistic, hilarious, and lovely. You’re also so TALL -_-
Like damn, compared to me you’re just…yeah, you’re tall! I love that, though. I love you.
Everything you’ve ever done has been nothing less than spectacular. Everything – including (but not limited to) your art, your dancing, your rapping, your hair (long, medium, or short) …need I go on?
I especially appreciate and admire how hard you work – not only for SKZ and STAY, but also for yourself. You’re constantly working on yourself, and I respect that so much. I love how passionate you are – it’s so evident in the way you move and express yourself artistically. It’s amazing to see. Just remember to be kind to yourself and – like I said to Chan – rest.
Hyunjin’s Counselling Centre has been a great help to me. Your words of comfort and encouragement have helped me get through the darkest of times. You have helped me even without knowing me or talking to me directly. You have the kindest and most beautiful, genuine, and amazing heart and soul. I’m sorry that people have tried to make you out to be what you are not. Please know that you are not what the haters are trying to put on you or turn you into. Please don’t interpret your sensitivity as weakness or fragility. I admire how you love and trust easily. While it can be a detriment when you are wronged, it is one of the best things about you.
Keep doing you, Hyun-e. We love you so much. No one can take that away from you!
Jisung, you – like Hyunjin and Bang Chan…actually, all the members – have a special place in my heart. I have so much to say about you, but I have no idea where to begin.
You are so ethereal, so precious, so hilarious – the funniest member IMO but legit EVERYONE in SKZ makes me laugh and smile so much – so adorable (our beloved squirrel/quokka/hamster) …YOU ARE EVERYTHING!!!
Can we just take a moment to talk about your talent? There’s versatility, and then there’s you. Honey – haha, Hannie 😉 – you INVENTED versatility. Is there anything you can’t do?! (I’ll answer that right away – NO! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. PERIOD!).
Your rapping…like, wrap me in 3 burritos and call it a day. I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Your singing…umm, HELLO?!?!?! Did someone say FLAWLESS?! THAT’S YOU! Your dancing almost rivals Lee Know’s, but don’t tell him that because tissue will end up in someone’s mouth – and it won’t be Hyunjin’s. Open any dictionary and look for the word ace. You’ll be staring at your reflection because that is what you are!
As if your beauty, charisma, and talent didn’t give me enough reasons to explode, your personality comes in and KA-BOOM. I am deceased.
You are the life of the party, but you are also the comforting home to go to after the party…I hope that came out the way I intended it to. Point is, you are (or rather you seem, because I don’t personally know you) fun to be around and mess around with, but you are also someone to share the quiet, intimate, peaceful moments with.
Peace is something I wish I could give you in abundance – in addition to all the love and happiness in the world because you deserve it, duh. You have no idea how much it hurts to see you or any of the members experience anything related to exhaustion, pain, discomfort, heartbreak, or suffering. I know that the bad things in life help us grow stronger, and suffering makes the good times much more enjoyable and whatnot, but still…no one wants to watch their loved ones endure that.
I can only hope that my love and support – along with that of STAY and your amazing members – will remind you to keep on going.
You are enough, Hannie. You are so strong, so amazing. You are doing so well, and we are so f***ing proud of you. We love you. I love you so much.
Ah, Lixie!! Our sunshine! The member with duality powerful enough to cause and stop traffic.
(OKAY, YOUR VOICE?!?!?!  Pack it up, Corpse Husband! Also, you are more than your voice. Your talent is immeasurable, from your vocals and dancing to your bakery, ASMR, and gaming skills.)
You are sunshine personified. There is no way that someone can look at you and not smile; that is physically and scientifically impossible. You are our happiness – our reason to smile and be at peace. You are a healer. I get such positive energy from you. Whether you’re baking brownies and cookies, making ASMR videos, giving meme-able dance tutorials – BRING POPS IN SEOUL PRESENTER LIX BACK! – or goofing off and repping Gen Z with your dance moves (don’t be shy, drop your TikTok, bestie!), you are such a marvellous sight to see.
You are my happy place and I hope that you continue to grow in happiness, peace, and love. You are extraordinarily unique and one-of-a-kind, and that is a wonderful thing. You are one of the kindest and most genuine people I have ever seen. Some people can be nice in a fake way, and you are not like that. You are pure love and kindness personified. You are a marvellous creation, a shining light in this dark world. Never lose that spark. Always keep your head up and that (beautiful) smile wide.
Keep it up, Felix. I love you. (I love your freckles as well, and your vibe is immaculate. Period.) You are a wonderful human being, and you don’t need to do or be anything different. Please stay as you are (but also continue evolving as you see fit).
Your voice…I can’t even put into words how much comfort it gives me. My mind is a constant raging storm, and your voice always calms me. It’s the warm hug on a cold day; the cool breeze on a scorching afternoon.
**Insert 5000 more words detailing how much I love your (singing and speaking) voice**
Seungmin, you are such a beautiful person. Quiet, calm, comforting… and sometimes chaotic (but in the best way possible). Honestly, your existence brings me peace. Your humour is underrated, quick and unexpected. You are hilarious. You constantly surprise me and keep me on my toes (in a good way, of course.) You are also MEGA talented – duh – let’s not sleep on your skills! You have a gift, you really do, and I acknowledge and respect that so much. I admire you so much!
You are so handsome. I’m not just saying that because you got your braces removed and are bias wrecking everyone left, right and centre. You have been an ethereal prince since day 1 (or shall I say DAY6? I’m sorry. That was bad).
You have nothing to worry or feel bad about. (That came out of nowhere, but I just felt like saying that). You are making waves, no matter how small they may seem. They are still impactful. You are doing spectacularly, and you will only get better and better. You will be the greatest, I know you will. I see you. I appreciate you. You are absolutely wonderful, and I love you.
I confidently saying this knowing that I am a month and a few weeks younger than you:
You are legit the superior maknae, and you are so powerful and strong. I don’t ever want you to think or speak badly about yourself – you are amazing, Jeongin. Never doubt that for a second.
You are also much more than SKZ’s maknae and aggibang. You are a star in your own right, and you are incredibly handsome, talented, charming, and hilarious. Your smile lights up my world, and it is more infectious than any epidemic/pandemic (in the best way possible. I meant that as a compliment, I promise). By simply smiling, you have the power to turn my day from terrible to great in a millisecond.
Your voice is so calming. I love the sound of your voice; it’s like a vocal hug that wards off all the negativity that surrounds me.
You have the purest soul I’ve ever seen, and you are genuine and authentically yourself. I hope you never lose that – never lose your youthful spirit and your zestful energy. It is refreshing, and it is one of the many things that make you a wonderful individual.
What else can I say without sounding redundant?
Watching you grow and become more confident in yourself and your craft is amazing. You have always been wonderful, but you have improved so much, and you’ve made such incredible progress. I hope you are proud of yourself. I am so proud of you!
I love watching you perform – you clearly love what you do, and you are so happy while you are singing, dancing, and/or rapping. That makes me so happy, and it makes me adore you even more. I hope you never lose your joy for what you love.
You are a wonderful human, Jeongin, and you are definitely a key member of SKZ. You are not in this group by accident; you are where you are meant to be, and you will continue to shine.
I love you.
To all the members
If I were to use one of your songs to reference my affection for you, I would choose I am YOU. That song – along with pretty much the rest of your discography – has gotten me through the darkest of days where I thought some of the most awful thoughts you could imagine. When I felt weak and like I couldn’t go on, I found you and you all became my strength.
In you and your music, I found healing. I found a reason to be happy – to continue fighting and surviving in this cruel world. I can’t tell you how alone I’ve been – how alone I’ve felt – all my life, so it’s wonderful for me to get lost in your music and sing and dance as if I’ve never shed a tear or had my heart broken. Each song is like entering a world where pain doesn’t exist; where negativity, self-hatred and loneliness are nowhere to be found. In your music and as a STAY, I feel like I belong – like I am not a weirdo, an outcast or a person who doesn’t deserve anything remotely good in life.
You make me feel like I could conquer the world and that I deserve it. For that, I thank you. For putting a smile on my face every day – even on the days where I don’t want to do anything except cry myself to sleep – I thank you SO MUCH. I am eternally grateful to you.
This statement is considered a cliché – especially because of how many times you’ve probably heard it – but really, you saved me. You injected new life into me when I thought that there wasn’t any left.
I see a part of myself in all eight of you. Bang Chan reminds me of my own willingness to love, care for/about and support my nearest and dearest.
I relate to Minho, his sense of humour, and his outlook on life. Teasing and wordlessly helping/providing for/taking care of others is also my love language.
As a fellow fire sign, I definitely see quite a bit of myself in Changbin. He reflects my playfulness, sensibility, and ability to relate to younger people even though I am (well, I consider myself) quite mature. I’m just as dramatic as Hyunjin (just jokes) and in him I see my creativity, passion, empathy, and artisticness (is that even a word?).
Han is just as hilarious as I am (if not, more), but I can relate to him in the sense that people don’t really see my vulnerable moments. I can be loud and goofy when I’m with my friends and other people I am comfortable around, but I become introverted and reclusive when I am by myself or around people with whom I feel uncomfortable. I am also a massive homebody😊.
Lix is full of energy, life, and light, and I can relate to that sometimes (especially when I’m around the right people). Like Felix, I would also like to heal others, make them feel better, and comfort them with my presence and my actions.
I wish I could sing as well as Seungmin, but I suppose I have something else in common with him – I have brown eyes (I just realised that all of you have brown eyes, and that joke was more cringy than it was funny. **Face palm**. Anyway…). In all seriousness, I’d say that Seungmin reflects my ability to shine through and use my voice, even if it is not heard or appreciated by everyone. I also love puppies and dogs, and I am quick-witted.
Just like Jeongin, I am the youngest in my family (I know that he’s the middle child in his biological family, but he’s the youngest in his SKZ family, so there! Loophole!). Like Jeongin, while I appear as cute and wholesome (sometimes), I have an intelligence and maturity that is often underestimated and overlooked. I still try my best to live past the label that has been put on me. I feel that people will forever see me as a baby no matter what I do, so we are in the same boat, I.N. I know that I am making little improvements day by day. At least, I hope so.
Stray Kids members, I have so much love for all of you – I don’t even know how to express it, even after typing out this long letter.
For now, I hope that me thanking you and reminding you how much I appreciate and care for you will suffice. I am so proud of you, and I am in awe of how much you all shine. You are such amazing humans – I say humans here to emphasize that I recognise your humanity, and I am not putting you on a pedestal. I do not expect you to be cookie-cutter, perfect people. You will trip, make mistakes, and experience hardships; that is just how life works.
I believe in you, though. I know how strong you all are. You all have gone through things that I could never fully comprehend or fathom, but you are still standing. I admire you so much for that.
With love,
(P.S Please consider visiting and performing in South Africa someday. I’d love to see you all in person, and I know many other South African STAYs who feel the same way! <3 JYPE, PLEEEEAAASSSEEEE!!!!!)
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I'm sorry to Forth Worth Stays who were stuck at home with no concert to go to tonight. After experiencing that feeling on Sunday in Atlanta, I'd never wish it upon anyone.
I'm glad you all at least had a few days notice though. Going to bed thinking you'll see them 24 hours later only to wake up to the postponement was devastating. It's no easier missing concert, but I'm so glad you had warning.
Fingers crossed we get our new concert dates soon. 🫰🏻
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oceanwithinsblog · 3 months
after YEARS i've finally rebranded my youtube acc !! i've just posted the first video of a series i'll called "ally luna ranks..."
feel free to watch, share and leave comments <33
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straykidsstay10 · 11 months
Chan takes a SKZ quiz  he says he doesn't. Love himself. #loveskz
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callistay · 25 days
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— our eight Princes : Stray Kids' Bang Chan, Stray Kids' Lee Know, Stray Kids' Changbin, Stray Kids' Hyunjin, Stray Kids' HAN, Stray Kids' Felix, Stray Kids' Seungmin and Stray Kids' I.N • getting ready for their first Met Gala with Tommy Hilfiger — to remember, the dress code for this year was ❝ the Garden of Time ❞, for their first time invited on this iconic carpet, our Kids made history be being the first group, the first K-POP group and the first 4th Gen K-POP group to attend the Met Gala ! • Tommy Hilfiger x Stray Kids - Met Gala 2024
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xsainttt · 4 months
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lixiech · 1 year
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#straykids #lovestay #loveskz #skz #stay #halisa
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that1gurl1lia23 · 3 months
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A literal angel omg❤️
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loveskz143 · 2 years
Stray Kids and a spider
Seungmin: Brings the spider and puts it in front of Hyunjin
Hyunjin *jumping up*: AFAHHAVAHAGGH FUCK
Chan: What’s wrong?
Jeongin (next to Hyunjin): There’s a spider-
Changbin: WHAT
Jeongin: A spider
Changbin: *on top of a chair* YES I KNOW I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME
Felix (eating brownies): it’s ok Binnie, it’s only a huntsman
Minho: a husband? Who’s husband?
Jisung *daringly staring the spider in the eyes*: honey you’re my husband don’t go getting confused on me babe
Chan: a huntsman. Hunts. Man. A type of spider.
Jeongin: Wait holy shit it hunts men??? Guys?? WE’RE MEN!!!! *proceeds to climb up Changbin*
Felix: *trying to hand feed the spider some of his brownie*
Chan: Felix watch out while I put a cup on him
Felix: oh good idea he might not enjoy eating out of my hand
Chan: *traps the spider*
Felix: oh
Felix: that works too I guess
Seungmin: here *tosses newspaper to Chan to slide under the cup to take the spider away* maybe he can solve the crossword for me
Seungmin: oh and since when was he a he? I was told he was a she by the shop keeper
Changbin: ahem what did you say Seungmin?
Seungmin: I said nothing.
Changbin: Seungm-
Minho: -guys I think Hyunjin fainted he’s been very quiet in this chaos
Seungmin *saved by his friends unconsciousness*: oh yeah he stopped breathing but he’s fine I already gave him CPR
Chan (returning from freeing the spider outside): he WHAT?
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just-stay-1 · 2 years
I'm not going to let you forget it
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