#made for the horror indie game jam
mokadevs · 1 month
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🐑 Prey at the Altar 🐑
You are the lamb. Prepare yourself for sacrifice. A short RPGMaker Horror game about cults and the gods that love them by versegm & mokadevs.
Download on itch!
A game including:
Preparing yourself for your sacrifice.
Or not. Or messing it up on purpose.
3 Endings, with 2 'True' Variants
20 - 40 minutes of gameplay
In-depth discussions on the practicality of sleeping on pews.
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dragonwritersblog · 3 months
Hey guys! In case you don't follow me on tiktok or twitter, I am officially voicing Jane Doe in the horror ARG 'Birds of Paradise' created by the amazing Rosetta Sun.
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What is 'Birds of Paradise'? Well to summarize from the boss lady herself:
"Four misfit children must escape a haunted boarding school, run by cryptids, ghosts, and urban legends - hellbent on devouring their souls. || BIRDS OF PARADISE is an indie series made for horror fanatics & weird kids alike. Representation, unbridled creativity, and authentic storytelling is what we live for. BIRDS OF PARADISE was brought to life by passionate creatives from around the world."
This is such an incredible opportunity and I highly suggest you help support the project. How you ask? Well first, you can go to Rosetta Sun's patreon and subscribe for more 'Birds of Paradise' content there.
Another way is by going to her kofi, where myself and other cast members of the ARG are doing voice acting commissions where we can voice your OC! We have many male and female ranges of personality types to fit whatever your looking for for your OC.
And you can also check out Rosetta on tiktok and her tumblr @therosettasun for more information about the comic and ARG. She is such an incredible person and it would mean the world to support her on her accounts. I'll put her linktree here if you would like to explore more for yourselves <33.
That's it for now. And again, in the famous words of boss lady sun, much love! 💖
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bahamutgames · 1 month
GCPL Game Jam 2024
Hello! Recently the county I live in held an event where you could go and play some games made by local people for the county's game jam they held! I had no idea this was happening until just a few days before, so sadly I didn't enter the jam, but I did get to go to the event and play the games!
I had a great time, the whole Free Comic Book Day event was neat, I got cards from a lot of local artists, saw some cool cosplays, got to play some jam games, met some cool indie devs, and even got a free Monster High comic. Neat.
Anyway, I figure it would be a shame and also just downright rude to not talk about what I got to play during the event! So I figured, hey, let's just make little post solely devoted to it :)
Before we begin, here's the link to the jam page (x) so you can see all the submissions. The theme was "Tales from the Abyss" so a lot of them are horror themed!
Abyssal Assault - by Link362
This one is a pretty basic top down shooter. But for some reason I can't stop thinking about how good it felt. You'll play it yourself and see how simple it is, but for some reason the mouse control for aiming just feels particularly good to me. I think there's a lot of potential in this game for some serious improvement if they add more enemy types and upgrades. I can see sniping enemies with arrows from across the screen being SO satisfying and using the deadzones as cover from enemy fire could be really cool and make for some unique mechanics in a VS-like. If they care to iterate on the game, of course lol
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Abyssal Eats - by Poyomain
DUDE this game absolutely rules actually! I had a very difficult time with it during the event and couldn't beat it at all. But after coming back to it today to make this post I seriously LOVE the concept. All the mechanics and stuff really came together and I genuinely love this game!
This is a neat game where you use cards to cook recipes for monsters, it's a little difficult to understand because there's no tutorial, but I really think this game has TONS of potential to be fleshed out into a full project! It's also one of the nicest presentations from this jam, having cute custom graphics and even an original song made just for it! This one is super neat!
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Bell-Punk - by Ingward
One of my personal favorites from the jam! When I came up to play it, the person who made it told me they were waiting for me to come over cause they wanted someone who knew what they were doing to try the game... Do I really just give off the gamer aura? Terrifying thought.
Regardless, this is a top down twin stick shooter where you use a harpoon gun to beat up sharks, grab a pearl, then slowly bring it back to your ship. It's nothing super fleshed out, but it's a REALLY good concept in my opinion, and I think deep sea stuff is SUCH a good concept for a shooter / horror / abyss theme that really doesn't get used enough. Just this base with some upgrades, level and enemy variety, other objectives, ect ect would be KILLER! But the creator told me some of their plans for the concept going forward, and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to talk about them, but they sound REALLY cool, so I'll absolutely be keeping up with this one!
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Dante's Diner - by cjoyner150
So, I absolutely SUCKED at this game. Couldn't do it during the event and can't do it now. But I still wanted to give it a shoutout cause it's such a good use of the theme. Basically the abyss is the diner you work in and demons will come in, and sit at the table, and you just have to cook for them. Easy peasy. The creators told me the tables were based on the circles of hell, and if that's what they're going for that's GENIUS. I could seriously see a ton of potential in the concept especially if, say, different types of customers sat at different tables, reflecting their sin. Also, this cooking dinerdash game has enemies. Neat! They should put combat into it to
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Dimension - by cbianca168
Simple, but OH so addicting. I could NOT stop playing this one. I gave it so many tries at the actual event, but had to give up. However, once I got home and could play it with a controller, it was a lot easier. This is a simple game where you have to pick up orbs while dodging scrap and not get knocked into a black hole. But it's got a nice presentation with its visuals and particularly its music. The creator told me their siblings made the song, and it actually changes to match how far you are into the level! Which is VERY neat! Think you can beat my score?
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Hansel And Gretel's Summoning - by kingofthedregs
Another simple one with a really good presentation. This is a cute game where you have to quickly search for candy in a room, and hide whenever a witch comes by. It's easy when you get the hang of it but it was a good challenge when I started. I really like the original artwork in this one and I actually think there's a lot of potential too! I didn't realize the set up for a big plot that appears at the end, so I'd love to see more of what the creator has in store here!
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Melt - by p3arldiv3r
So by the time I'm writing this I still haven't gotten an ending in this (sorry to everyone who made visual novels READING IS HARD FOR ME) but I wanted to give a shout out to this one in particular. The creator told me they made all this stuff brand new and original for the game jam. Including the writing, the character designs, and the art. Which is CRAZY! I've only participated in one jam and a lot of the art in that game was pretty small so I feel like doing all the art and writing in such a short time is very impressive. If stuff about angels sounds interesting, maybe check it out, the creator said it's roughly the size of a chunk of a novel, and with multiple endings is a pretty loaded jam game!
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Pirate Tales: Lighting The Abyss - by ChokladGames
Another one I couldn't beat, but still wanted to give a shoutout to. This is another impressively large game considering it was made for a game jam. You control a pirate ship, and have to search a large ocean to find clues on where towers are to shoot them down and get rid of the evil fog over the ocean. It's a little lengthy of a game that you have to beat in one sitting, but the concept is very cool and over all I think it's an impressive project! I was also particularly impressed with the use of actual wind physics, where sailing in the direction of the wind makes you go faster! Neat!
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Sticky's Dream Job - by MeganG
A shoot 'em up!! You already know I love those! And it's a vampire survivor like, which is cool! I really enjoy this game, since this genre is a personal favorite, and I think this one in specific is very cute with its scribbly aesthetic and being on paper. But it's also a very impressive jam game overall, having multiple classes (they all share the same weapons, but still) with different music tracks for each, lots of upgrades, and actual achievements which is NUTS to me. There's also some cool weapons I feel like I hadn't seen before like a radius shield and giant weapons you lob in an arc similar to Castlevania. I believe this one won the jam over all if I remember correctly, and it certainly earned it, neat game! I got to year 79 and became so powerful I couldn't die. Typical day for a game dev am I right fellas?
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Under the Sea - by htesdev
A neat little side scrolling platformer! The whole point of this one is to complete the obstacle course as quickly as possible! You collect coins to increase your speed, and collect gems for checkpoints. It's simple but I think it's a great premise for a side scroller to take place underwater! Especially since water levels are pretty notorious lol. I think this could be expanded and they could really expand on the idea of the level getting harder to see the deeper you get. Anyway, I only got to 67 seconds (66 appears to be the best time) so try and see if you can get that quick!!
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VOID - by FoxTrot
Another cool top down shooter! This one is admittedly a lot more polished, having a lot of mechanics such as dashing and shielding. But coolest of all is that you unlock a new spell every floor and can spend coins to swap out your abilities to a load out you enjoy! I keep saying this but this is super impressive for a jam game in my opinion! I think this game can be expanded even more into something really cool! I just like being able to change my abilities on the fly lol
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And that's just a bit of what I played at the event! There's even more games in the jam I didn't get to check out or that weren't showcased there! And there were TONS of horror games, so if you're interested in some bite sized indie horror, you should check out what else is available!
Everyone who participated in this jam is SUPER talented and if you're interested in ANYTHING that was shared here, I encourage you to go give it a look! I love seeing things made locally where I'm from so it was really exciting to see some Georgia game devs at work :)
If anyone from the Free Comic Book Day event stumbles upon this post, reach out! I'd love to talk more with other Georgia gamers!
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handsomejackass · 8 days
i wrote this on a reddit thread but i want to share it here as well. small essay about silent hill 2 and the importance of control schemes to story and overall experience
Tank controls, and controls in general, are a very deliberate choice in gameplay just as any other control scheme is.
Many modern indie titles have used tank controls not just as nostalgia, but as a method of representing the helplessness and even clumsyness of a player.
Tank controls were only necessary before analog sticks became the norm to the point where even Resident Evil 1 re-released with dual analog capability.
For an almost launch title release, thumbstick control was in mind. Thus the ability to toggle it. It's a purposeful choice that feels clumsy and awful. Konami would know this. They play their games and read feedback.
However clumsy features were kept that feel bad partially yes, due to the ability of the console and the knowledge of gameplay design on the era. There were better controlling games and worse ones.
But to intentionally choose akward elements for the gameplay adds to the experience. And to modernize these elements to triple A standards would only go to reinforce ludo-narrative dissonance.
I'm no Bloober fan, I don't like their story telling, but they've proved they're at least interested in combining gameplay and story. The split world mechanic of The Medium, an otherwise mediocre game, was a clever concept that integrates these elements.
Hopefully this means movement, combat and other elements will be just as integrated. That's not to say, intentionally bad gameplay, but elements of awkwardness. I think about Death Strandings balance mechanics and how something so mundane made the world feel more real while having a, by modern standards, smooth way of controlling.
So not tank controls, but perhaps hazards to avoid tripping on during chases or guns jamming due to a man who is unfamiliar with them. There's a lot of ways to do this.
To be honest, games shouldn't have to be 'enjoyable'. Like, yes! Tank controls suck. Tripping and gun jamming sucks. It's meant to! The 'enjoyment' or 'game' comes from succeeding in the survival part of survival horror.
Think about limited supplies. The game becomes less fun with that advantage but would it be more fun with FPS tier ammo? It's part of what makes it a complete experience. If I want good controls I'll play, say, Devil May Cry as a contemporary. Though that pales to DMC3 which took the formula and bettered it, SH2 did that, smoothed SH1s edges, made things optional, etc.
If I want better gameplay now I play Assassin's Creed and hold button to climb.
A lot of mechanics have aged horribly but if they weren't part of the experience or actively hindered players, people wouldn't still use it as shorthand for helplessness in gameplay like they'd use a low shot in cinema to show power.
I think it comes down to what type of gamer you are. It creates an interesting question even. Do we make the game traditionally good to play for mass appeal given this has to sell 10 times more than what SH2 did to be successful? With more staff and more technology and more money, expectations are set
Or do they take the risk and dabble in what isn't 'enjoyable' to create something more akin to the original where survival horror was a growing experiment rather than established genre?
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hexfroggames · 5 months
Were a group of Brazilian friends who have been making some cool indie games. For now, it's mostly from game jams, but we're working on some big projects! Here are them:
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A simulation and adventure game where you take photos and catalog the wildlife that inhabits these mysterious floating islands. Under development.
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A boomer-shooter where you need to protect your space boat from alien jellyfish. Made in a seven-day game jam.
Pit & Ty
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A two-person local co-op platform where a musical fly helps a robot pass through an invisible path? Idk kinda random. Made in a weekend game jam.
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An interactive horror fiction, you explore a small neighborhood after your car breaks down in the middle of the road. Made in a five-day game jam.
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lunaraydue · 28 days
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Isabelle Stern is a theater major at a small but renowned arts college, and she knows she's the best actress there. For her senior production, she has her heart set on playing Lady Macbeth in the Shakespearean classic-- but to her shock, a sophomore beats her for the role, relegating her to an understudy. A dark desire for revenge grows in Isabelle's heart, and when a mysterious theater ghost offers her a chance to change her fate, she can't help but take it. But can she get what she wants without bloodying her hands?
A 30k-word indie psychological horror drama about Shakespeare, pride, and revenge, with queer themes and theater ghosts. Play three linear routes as Isabelle tries to get revenge on those who have wronged her, and make the final choice to get one of two endings.
This game was made in one month for Spooktober VN Jam 2023 and is complete story-wise, but will have many updates by the end of the year including:
Full voice acting!
More sprite poses!
More sound effects!
CGs for big moments!
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molomoot · 2 years
It's Creator Day on itch.io so today is a perfect day to support your fave little indie creatives...
Like me ...?
So here is a short thread on the stuff I've made
A Shadow in the Valley
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A Brindlewood Bay Mystery for the Random Adventure Jam by Chris Bissette.
Themes: Horror, Mystery, Supernatural
Price: $2 (Community Copies Available)
System: Brindlewood Bay
Link: molomoot.itch.io/a-shadow-in-the-valley
When the Mavens are invited to a meet Lord and Lady Grimsvale to discuss "a grave and concerning situation" it seems like the start of an usual adventure. But when they arrive, there is no-one is to be found...
Where could everybody have gone? How can there be no signs of what might have happened?
In a tale of shadows and loneliness, I only hope you will find the answers you seek.
When The Walls Fall
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A setting generator mini game stacking a set of polyhedral dice to generate a long fallen city.
Themes: exploring the past, world building, setting generators
Price: $2 (Community Copies available
System: neutral, solo, design
Link: molomoot.itch.io/when-the-walls-fall
Starting with a d20, roll and record the dice result, then place on the dice drop table. Do the same with each progressively smaller die, placing each atop the tower once rolled. Each die’s result will indicate something about the city.
Once the tower falls, by chance or once you have placed the d4 at the tower’s peak, the dice will indicate two last details Total up all the fallen dice, this is how the city fell.
Where each dice fell on the die drop table will indicate something that survived the city’s death.
A Dungeon For Ant
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A tiny one page zine about a colony of ants...
Themes: small creatures in a big world, a sisyphion task
Price: $2 (requires printing and folding)
System: neutral, I recommend DCC
Link: molomoot.itch.io/a-dungeon-for-ants
Life has not been easy for them, they have suffered many hardships under the ruthless thumb of The Titan.
And now It has stolen The Queen, taken her beyond the nest as one last cruel joke.
If the colony is to survive you must find her.
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roboska-lv · 8 months
Important notice about how long it's going to take
A while. It's going to take years. My plan is to hopefully finish it by the end of college (year 13) max, and considering I'm currently in my final year of high school (year 11) I think that's a reasonable time as I have 4 acts planned and I'm not sure how long the other 3 acts are play time wise as I've only focused on act 1, and that's going to be around 1/2 hour play time for a single route. In total the game will be around 2 and a bit hours for the pacifist route (the neutral and merciless route only have 3 acts and the 4th act is all 3D). The main reasons why it's going to take so long is that:
Like I said earlier, I'm in school and have to do GCSEs and A-Levels (which are a really big deal).
I have rushed games before and I'm dissatisfied with their quality. I refuse to rush games ever since (Sci-Fi RaiRoboska!? looking at youuuu).
Drawing all the assets takes time. That's my biggest road block. This isn't a pixel art typical 2D RPG where I could just make tiles and reuse them, all the backgrounds and objects have to be drawn for that place and nowhere else for it to look right in that style. Take for example this road:
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Sure, the style is quite simple, but even this took a good couple hours. All the layout planning, lineart, colour, lighting adds up. Don't get me started on the animations.
4. I have 2 medium sized games planned to make in-between as well as a few small game jam games. This variety also helps with point 5 while making myself more well known in the indie game industry.
5. I don't want to spend every minute of my free time working on it as I'm terrified of burning myself out and losing motivation. I also don't want to end up like Yandere Dev by working on this for almost a decade only to produce a demo, but I don't think "The Sapphic Princess" is going to be too long of a game and considering there's just me, I think I can handle it. Speaking of which...
I don't trust people enough to hire others to help me. I'm very controlling and I want it to be exactly how I in-vision it. Also I find doing it all fun but if it gets too overwhelming then I may consider it but only as a last resort.
The 2 medium sized games that I have planned is a visual novel DDLC fangame that won't take too long to make (most of the time will be in writing as Dialogic is a great godot plugin and would make all the coding a breeze), and a Yandere Simulator "fangame" (more like a different interpretation from a horror game fan who actually knows how to write and design characters). I've gone into more detail about these on my main blog as linked above. The second one is quite big but not as big as my current plan of LV. Essentially this is my main project and those are short term projects, if that makes sense.
My plan is to release this on itch.io and Steam for around £3. I don't want to make it too high as it can be beaten in about 2 hours on the neutral route (ignoring the other 2 routes) but I also don't want to make it too low as I want to feel compensated for all the work I've put into, putting into and will put into. I may also make a Playstation version but don't count on it as I only have a PS4 and I don't feel like it's worthy due to it's short run time (but physical copies would be cool...maybe as a game compilation though). I'll get some people to beta test it in the future and ask what they think would be a good price.
I made this blog when I had a smaller idea for this game. Now that is not the case. I'll post updates whenever I feel like I have something worth updating about but I don't want to spoil it too much.
That's all for now. - PearlHikara
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onyxheartbeat · 2 years
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I was tagged by my friend @remarkableboyithinkilleatyour (thank you, love) to list some favorite films. This was difficult, to say the least. I could have chosen a little easier if it was based on one genre, but at the same time, it’s charming seeing the hodgepodge here. I didn’t want to search memory banks for too many “indie” or arthouse stuff I’ve liked, so a lot of these are childhood comfort films but ones I’ve continued to adore to this day.
Back to the Beach (1987) - I can quote this entire movie and I feel sorry for anyone who doesn’t understand its brilliance and humor. It’s hilarious.
Genesis (short film, 1998) - This is part of a trilogy of shorts that the filmmaker Nacho Cerda made. It’s a really profound and raw depiction of a specific emotion that no other film has been able to capture for me.
Sleeping Beauty (1959) - I had to choose a Disney film since I love the classics, and I almost went with Fantasia. But I can’t express how much I love the artwork of Sleeping Beauty. I try to read/watch as much as I can about the art production of it. It’s just unmatched in terms of detail.
The Evil Dead (1981) - They don’t make ‘em like that anymore. The talent it took to do all that shit so low-budget, by hand, and make it funny and artistic with all the effective camera angles and and lighting and makeup. I love it. Nothing will ever be that cool in horror again.
Titanic (1997) - It deserves every bit of hype it has. People who hate on it just want attention.
Big Trouble in Little China (1986) - I love everything about this movie. I randomly quote it all the time. The humor is just very specific and ridiculous. I watched it constantly when I was a kid then when I moved to San Francisco as an adult, it just got that much funnier.
The Red Shoes (1948) - I was a studious dancer growing up and thought that would be my career. I rented this film at Hollywood Video when I was like 14, at the height of my ballet days, and loved everything about it. It’s absolutely stunning, visually. The colors and costumes and storyline are all pure magic but in a psychologically dark way.
Space Jam (1996) - Again, watched it constantly as a kid, and I actually appreciate and laugh at it even more as an adult. I actually watch/appreciate basketball now (which I didn’t growing up), and I have a routine of listening to a few songs from the soundtrack before every Warriors game.
Hook (1991) - I had to choose a Robin film and almost went with The Birdcage, but this one meant the most to me growing up, even though I actually haven’t been able to watch it since he took his life. I would cry my eyes out and I just haven’t been ready.
Honorable mentions: Jurassic Park, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, and Requiem for a Dream.
I tag @awesomgrlgr8job @hapless-hollow @borednotboring @walkingidler @abluelagoon @astarkey @drum-cu-naluci but don’t feel any pressure to do it if you don’t feel like it!
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rpgse7enx4 · 20 days
What are asset packs? An explanation - By RPG.
An asset pack for a game is a curated collection of pre-made visual, audio, and interactive elements specifically designed to aid game developers in creating and enhancing their games more efficiently. These packs are invaluable as they significantly reduce the time and effort required to produce high-quality game assets from scratch.
These can include:
Textures and Sprites: These are 2D images used to create the visual elements of the game. Textures might be used for surfaces like walls, floors, and skies, while sprites are often used for characters, objects, and user interface elements. These assets can range from simple icons to detailed character designs.
3D Models: These are digital representations of objects in three dimensions, essential for 3D games. They include characters, environmental structures, vehicles, weapons, and other interactive objects. High-quality models often come with detailed textures and can be animated for more dynamic interactions.
Animations: Animations bring characters and objects to life. They can include movements like walking, running, jumping, attacking, and various idle behaviours. For objects, animations might include things like doors opening, vehicles moving, or environmental effects like trees swaying.
Audio Files: Sound is crucial for creating an immersive gaming experience. Asset packs often include a variety of audio files such as sound effects (explosions, footsteps, weapon sounds), background music to set the mood and ambiance, voice clips for characters, and ambient sounds that create a sense of place (birds chirping, wind blowing).
Scripts and Code Snippets: These are pieces of pre-written code that can add functionality to the game without the developer having to write it from scratch. They can include things like AI behaviour for non-player characters, physics interactions, special effects, and user interface controls.
Particle Effects: These are used to create complex visual effects like fire, smoke, rain, magic spells, and explosions. They add a dynamic and visually appealing element to the game.
Asset packs can be categorised based on their purpose and style. Some are designed to be versatile and generic, suitable for a wide range of games, while others are highly specialized, tailored to specific genres or themes like fantasy, sci-fi, horror, or realistic simulations.
These packs are widely available through online marketplaces such as the Unity Asset Store, Unreal Engine Marketplace, and other third-party sites. They can be purchased, often under various licensing agreements, or downloaded for free, depending on the creator's terms.
For indie developers, small studios, or anyone working on prototypes or game jams, asset packs provide a valuable shortcut to producing polished and professional-looking games without the need for large teams or extensive budgets. By leveraging these resources, developers can focus more on gameplay mechanics, storytelling, and overall game design, rather than spending time on creating every asset from scratch.
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ideahat-universe · 3 months
Good Design, Bad Design: Baldidition!
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That's right, I'm doing it again. An idea so nice I'm adapting twice!
This time I'm talking about Baldi's Basics.
I believe that Baldi's Basics is the apex form of what a Slenderman style game (which is First Person Survival Horror but that's way more broad than calling it a Slenderman-like) should be.
You have a simple premise, you have a map you can eventually master to optimize your routes, you have a series of random events that you have to learn to work around and a little bit of RNG that can either screw over a run or make it a huge success.
In a lot of ways it shares the same values Buckshot Roulette has. A very simple game with a straight forward ethos on how to play it effectively combined with learning how to work around RNG or have it work in your favor.
In the end the game the will only run you a couple hours. You can play it again but not every game is meant to be played forever and for the price of free it doesn't hurt to play a game that was designed just well enough to accomplish it's assigned premise.
It's easier to see how good it is when you compare it to Slenderman.
Baldi and Slenderman are essentially the same character. The difference is that Slender doesn't have any tells or animation. Most of his outfit is black and the environment is mostly black as well with the only source of light being the flash light your character has. You gather the papers and hope not to see him.
Meanwhile Baldi is always physically on the map and doesn't magically appear ever, you can hear where he is and how fast he's moving, and he tracks you based on sight and sound.
Additionally he has counters. He can be pushed around and his hearing can be jammed with noise.
But Slenderman is an old game that broke the mold. Someone doing something better based on it's original formula is just how art is made in general. Well, how about Advanced Education?
Viktor's Advanced Education plays a lot like Baldi's Basics but, well, it does too much. It's easier to get lost in the school, the problems are harder to do and while do you do the problems Viktor can attack you. Viktor has way less tells and his main counter is much harder to use than the counters that were in Baldi's and you have to micromanage the chef (and you can still get ganked while doing that as well). It also adopts more of a creepypasta tone when Baldi's is specifically a parody of a creepypasta game.
The developer doesn't understand that what made Baldi's Basics work is that it was simple.
It may have been a Game Jam game but Baldi's Basics is what I would consider an example of
Good Design.
Hey it's Baldi's Basics again? Not Quite. It's Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered.
By the way, this is the video that inspired me to write this article but unlike Flaw Peacock's video inspiring me to write about Who's Lila out of how good it was and how it opened my mind to what exactly Who's Lila really is.
Minaxa's video left me feeling like the answer to the question posed by the title "Why did we forget about Baldi's Basics?" wasn't properly answered. He said that the answer was simple and it was. In fact it was more simple than the one he gave.
The real, most simple answer as to why later versions of Baldi's Basics go basically ignored is that everyone moved on.
Baldi's Basics v1.2.2 was a done game and a complete experience. The various iterative changes made by the creator Mystman12 were never going to be enough to keep people coming back because the core experience didn't change and it is still essentially the same game. Minaxa made it seem like it was our fault that we just didn't have the patience to wait for the game to come out in it's true form and that we are more used to rapid fire Fnaf style development.
But uh, that's not the case at all. Indie devs don't live and die on a fast development schedule. You can just look to McPig for that.
This is Pizza Tower in 2018.
And here's the first version to be released on Steam.
Pizza Tower took a long time to figure out just how much Wario it needed to emulate and how much Sonic it needed to add to really be the hit it ended up being. Are we really suggesting that the thing that sabotaged Baldi's was that the first version was too popular and that people would like Baldi's Remastered more if they didn't pay much attention to the first version of the game?
Should I even point out that people played a lot of Amanda the Adventurer and Shipwrecked64 when their demos came out and people played even more of it when the full version was released?
You understand how I find that argument flawed yes?
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Baldi's Remastered is a bad game.
The mistake he made though was not realizing that the premise of his game was simple and he really just needed to move onto the next project instead of tooling it. That's a brutal thing to say but there is such a thing as putting a game into development hell by just feature creeping a finished project.
Again, Pizza Tower in the end had a lot of reworked and cut content from the game in order to finally release it and have it be a success. If Mcpig had the same philosophy as Mystman12 does, Pizza Tower would still not be done because he'd be working on making a third and fourth gameplay mode for Pepperman and The Vigilante.
Would that have been a really efficient use of his time? It would not have been, but that's what Mystman12 is doing to the Baldi series, in his mind he thinks there's more to add to the game to make it better but that's going to be the case with literally every project you can work on. By the virtue of being unable to settle on what a Baldi's Basic's game should be, Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered (and anything after that) is
Bad Design
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groundlevelcliff · 5 months
There have always been about three video game ideas I've wanted to develop at any given time. I've thought about it, talked about it, written and drawn about it - I've even researched a LOT about it. Any article or video or post or wiki about sprite art, level design, gameplay loops, different engines and how they work...the old 'tism makes copious amounts of research a breeze, but the ADHD has always made the actual doing a bit difficult.
But, I'm tired of sitting. Most of my "dream projects" are extremely doable - things a more experienced developer could slap out in a game jam. No MMOs or sweeping open worlds, just little dudes puttering around to tell a story. It's possible! I could do it! So, my New Year's resolution this year was to create one video game in its entirety (or, at least, make pretty damn good headway on one). When I told my partner that, she said "if anyone can make a game through sheer force of will, it's you." I know it's kind of a couple's job to gas each other up, but that really stuck with me. I usually dislike people having expectations of me but, if anything, her saying that has made me more stubborn and determined than ever. If a vague, sweeping promise and the desire to uphold the honesty of a lesbian don't get me moving, what will?
One of my friends from college recently gifted me RPG Maker MV. I had a much older version of RPG Maker collecting dust somewhere, but receiving this was the tipping point that made me actually boot up a program and get down to business. I've had plans for one of those "rpg maker indie horror" kind of games for a couple years now; I think it'd be the simplest and most engine-suitable project to start with. I'm not very good with code - I nearly failed Intro to Programming in college, a class that was so "easy" that they didn't offer tutoring for it - but I doubt I'll need to do any extra legwork for wacky mechanics that aren't supported natively. My real bread and butter is screenwriting and art. With luck, the low level of technical skill required for this will allow those two aspects to shine the most.
As for this blog...to be honest with you, I find social media stressful at best and terrifying at worst. Which sucks for an artist, right?? To find any success as an artist these days, you have to also fill the roles of social media manager, charismatic influencer, and interactive (vaguely parasocial) content creator. I'm plenty friendly, but I'm not all that organized, and talking to strangers online has me default to extremely formal masking in a way that quickly becomes exhausting. I once ran one of those headcanon imagine blogs and loved the creative writing, but burnt out due to how intensely "professional" and polite I treated responses to even the most shitpost asks.
Buuut, I do like writing, and I like being able to go back and see previous work as proof that I know what I'm doing at least half the time. Seeing what other people say can be fun too! I often don't talk much about personal projects unless it's with my girlfriend or someone who is actively paying me to make something, but I like having a dedicated space to do so that won't be construed as hogging the conversation, or only talking about my own shit. By treating this more like a public diary than a billboard for advertising myself as a product, I believe I could stick with it and become more comfortable with being "seen".
In any case, that's likely more than long enough for the first post. Next time I'll talk a bit more about the project itself and what I'm actually doing with it.
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anubion · 9 months
So if Unity is actually charging per download now. Anyone who makes free games with unity for game jams, or just as a hobby/side project and uploads it to itch io. Aren’t they all just SoL now? I’m not an indie dev but I’ve been toying with the idea lately, now this all pops up.
I’ve been playing small little indie horror games people made with unity on itch. Sure while it might not cost a ton at a few cents a download. But These are often games you grab for free, you can donate but I doubt most people do. the devs already paid for the engine, made or bought any assets. Made the game, And now need to pay unity for someone else to play their game? Wtf?
Please someone tell me I’ve got this twisted.
Addendum: apparently there’s a threshold that needs to be meet before they’ll be charged. So hobby projects etc should be fine. But if you’re trying to make any semblance of a profit then your SoL. Saw somewhere it’s retroactive too so downloading something now that you’ve had for years will still charge the devs.
Just fuck Unity. Fuck this shit. Capitalism must chug forward and take everything out with it.
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nageill · 1 year
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Love or hate the series, but Five Nights at Freddy’s has definitely shaped the indie horror game genre the past several years. The first game was released August 8, 2014, with the newest game having just come out last year in 2021. FNAF has spawned numerous fan games, books, Funko figurines, and just about every other piece of merchandise you can think of.
I wanted to definitely dedicate a night to this series for 31NHV2022, but the only question was how? Watch a playthrough? Fan made animations? Fan theories? Game reviews? Jam out to two hours of FNAF fan-created music?
Then, it hit me. I should review what got me into the franchise in the first place-- Game theories.
I know there are other video game theorists out there aside from MatPat, but it is his videos that got me interested in Five Nights. Currently, he has 50+ videos in his FNAF playlist, so to save my poor wrists and your eyes from writing a review on each and every single one of his posted theories, I’m just going to choose three from his playlists to delve into.
Unfortunately, YouTube has decided when creators do playlists that they should be in reverse-chronological order for some reason? That really bugs me. So, here is a fan made playlist of MatPat’s FNAF theories done in chronological order.
(Also, Game Theory has not posted the specific writers of the scripts or the editors, but MatPat has stated multiple times he does write the scripts on all his channels, just sometimes he has co-writers and sometimes they are solely written by Mat, so I’m just going to label all editor(s) and writer(s) for the videos as The Game Theorists If anyone can give me specific information regarding this (with proof), I’ll be happy to update this.)
Now, let’s get to the theories!
1.) FNAF 1 is based on a true crime.
Season/Episode: [Game] Five Nights at Freddy’s 1. Original Posted Date: October 23, 2014. Directed: [Editor(s)] The Game Theorists. Written: MatPat & The Game Theorists. Summary: A possible explanation behind the inspiration for FNAF, who is the security guard, and why do they keep working at this creepy pizzeria?
Available for Streaming: Yes.
Review: Why not start with the one that first kicked off my love for FNAF and also kicked off poor MatPat into his journey of slowly losing his sanity?
Ah, back when the franchise was so much simpler--there were only two restaurants, two dreaded incidents, and five animontronics...
I don’t think anyone, Scott Cawthon, MatPat, or the Internet at large realized just how much the indie horror game scene was going to change with this one video. This is really the one that kicked it all off.
Yes, some of Mat’s delivery is a bit corny, it was nearly ten years ago on YouTube. Everything was cringe like the 90′s. But he did his research on this theory, lining up all the facts and showing the parallels between the story of this quirky little game and this horrific crime. And there is quite a few parallels.
I appreciate the fact he did handle the facts of the crime with respect, especially to the victims. It’s something I think most people “Well, duh, of course you should be!” And yeah, I think content creators should be, but I’ve sadly seen quite a few that aren’t. And that’s people who are dedicated to true crime content, whereas MatPat’s content is theories on video games. He didn’t have to, but he did, and I’m grateful for it.
Back to the actual theory. Based on what little information we had about the story with the release of only the first game, the theory really does line up. It was a solid theory Mat came up with, and it was enough to pique my interest into the franchise. It’s a classic and one I enjoy re-watching.
Trick-or-Treat: TREAT! Although this theory has been disproven by Scott Cathown with the future games, the similiarities between the FNAF game and this crime are truly uncanny, and MatPat certainly did his research. It is definitely spooky for the Halloween season.
Rating: 10/10 🍕
2.) The Cult of Glitchtrap.
Season/Episode: [Games] Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted VR; Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted VR (Curse of DreadBear DLC); and Five Nights at Freddy’s: Secruity Breach. Original Posted Date: November 16, 2019. Directed: [Editor(s)] The Game Theorists. Written: MatPat & The Game Theorists. Summary: A possible look into Vanessa’s character in the then-upcoming Security Breach game and Glitchtrap.
Available for Streaming: Yes.
Review: The amount of research MatPat pours into his FNAF theories... I know there’s a lot of people in the fandom that get annoyed with these videos, but I really appreciate the amount of research he puts into them, and honestly, more often than not, I agree with his theories.
This theory had the right amount of spooky to it, fit very well into the established lore of the franchise at that time, and it delved deeper than Steel Wool studios did with the concept of Vanny/Vanessa and her ties with Glitchtrap, how it was going to add onto the storyline from FNAF: Help Wanted.
I LOVED THIS CONCEPT! It still bums me out greatly that they didn’t go this route with Security Breach, I think it would have added so much more to the lore of FNAF.
Trick-or-Treat: Although it is not my favorite FNAF theory, I still think this is a treat to watch. And it’s so good for the Halloween season. I mean, you have evil cults, spirits trapped in technology, and child murderers--all the spooky! Personally, I thought this theory was going to turn out to be right, and I am very bummed by the (probable) changes made (I blame Steel Wool) to make it wrong, I still like this story better.
Rating: 9/10 🐰
3.) The FNAF Timeline.
Season/Episode: Five Nights at Freddy’s- the entire video game series, the YA books, and the novels. Original Posted Date: July 29, 2018 / August 5, 2018. Directed: [Editor(s)] The Game Theorists. Written: MatPat & The Game Theorists. Summary: MatPat tries to solve the FNAF timeline-- take 4!
Available for Streaming: Yes.
YouTube: 1 & 2.
Review: Now, yes, I realize this is technically FOUR videos, but this timeline was split up into two videos. It made no sense to me to just only post one and not the other. And yes, I realize at the time of posting this, MatPat has done another updated timeline. However, at the time I originally was going to post this, October 2022, the two I posted were the latest proposed FNAF timeline, so I’m sticking with that.
MatPat always pours his heart and soul into these timeline videos. The amount of media he consumes for just the research, the insane amount of details he combs over... He always put so much work into these videos, while making them coherent and entertaining.
This iteration of the FNAF timeline is very concise while covering all the games up to that point, the books, everything. It is very comprehensive, and while the newest one does detail and have all the things from Security Breach and the newest games, this still holds up very well.
Trick-or-Treat: TREAT! Honestly, MatPat’s timeline videos are always some of my favorite of his FNAF videos. He puts so much research and work into these videos, it clearly shows, and I think it’s a lovely passion project for FNAF fans and for the Game Theory community as well. And to me, FNAF just screams Halloween so much for me. It’s almost as much of a tradition to me when it comes to Halloween as much as The Corpse Bride. This timeline series is just a treat, and it is one you should definitely check out.
Rating: 10/10 🐻
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seamus-ly · 1 year
Starting 2023 Not With a Bang, but With a Post
Happy holidays and happy new year, first of all. I'm one of those people who tends to struggle throughout the holidays, and so it was a bit rough for me, but I sincerely hope that it was better for a good majority of the rest of you.
I ended my 2022 by falling asleep 15 minutes before midnight and waking up at 1:30 AM. The first thing I did waking up was opening Twitter and writing out a few 2023 goals I had in mind but couldn't find the energy to commit to paper before the year turned over.
In an effort to use this account more often to document my progress through my career, because I want to hold myself somewhat accountable by putting it all down somewhere, and because I find it therapeutic to talk about these things, I'm gonna throw down a few things I'm hoping to achieve this year.
Career-related goals in game dev, and some of my achievements from 2022
Health-related goals for this year so I don't go insane
Other goals like art and setting up a tip jar
Career-related Goals
I'm a game dev, and you probably already knew that going in.
In 2022, I had a hand in two games that had their official releases (and are still on sale heehoo), and I'm currently working on two other indie games! This was a big deal for me. Not only in that I had mostly positive experiences and it was a huge turning point in my career in games, but because I had some negative ones too.
The negative doesn't come close to outdoing the positive, but it did help me reprioritize some things in my life and reflect on events from the past few years. Though I'm a bit heartbroken by some things I'll likely never get back, I'm ready to keep moving forward.
With that out of the way, I'm hoping to make at least 1 new game this year--not counting projects I'm already working on. I made Wish You Were Here! and finished the very first prototype for TECHNOLYMPUS in 2022. So, my big hope is to polish it up and finally get an idea for what TECHNOLYMPUS will really be about through that.
(They were both featured by the Hand Eye Society last year as well!)
I'm also hoping to participate in at least 1 game jam too. Setting the bar low so I can realistically cross it.
Health-related Goals
These ones matter the most to me, if I'm being honest.
Late 2022, I had a bit of a revelation thanks to my well-meaning and lovely friends. They are my best friends of all time, but I will still (jokingly) blame them for my horror in realizing just how much ADHD was affecting my everyday.
I'm undiagnosed, but my family has a history of ADHD and it never occured to me that it extended to me as well for a bunch of silly reasons. In retrospect, and after properly researching it myself, I guess it was always obvious and I just didn't know enough about it to understand what was going on.
But executive dysfunction obliterated me last year, and it's about time I stopped pretending it's because I'm not working hard enough.
So, my big goal is to get medicated. Secondary goal is to lose at least some of the weight I've gained from falling into some really bad mental health pits over the last 6-7 months or so.
Tangentially related to my health, I work multiple jobs right now and I also desperately require me-time. I tried to make a schedule of when I'd be doing what, but I couldn't stick to it on account of my deteriorating mental health and the whole executive dysfunction thing. Which, predictably, just made things worse.
I'm going to try really hard to stick to a schedule for at least a few weeks in January. Maybe I'll ask if some of my friends can keep my accountable and yell at me if I'm working in what are supposed to be my off-hours.
Other Goals
Here's some other stuff I want to try to do, and are a bit more lax with one exception.
I want to set up my Ko-fi for like actual tips and stuff. I don't have a ton of stuff to offer as rewards, and I don't think I'll have the bandwidth for regular updates (maybe monthly?), but I'd like to be able to offer something for people if they're going to support me. I'm currently thinking of little game dev or Unity tips, or art.
And speaking of art, I'm going to draw more! I haven't cared about developing my art style for literal years. I don't do it for my job, it's just a hobby. But I want to keep trying to get better regardless in light of how I've begun doing it in my downtime again. Going to work on developing my style drawing humanoids again, and working out something that works for me instead of trying to force a style I'm not too pleased with.
Lastly, I want to start drawing a ton of Pokemon. Damn, I love Pokemon. I'm going to draw all of them someday hopefully, even if the next gen comes out before I come even close to finishing all there is now. There's no timeline for this, I just want to start working through the National Dex sometime this year.
That's All, Folks
If you made it to the end of this, thanks! I don't write these lengthy posts for a need of keeping people updated (because I don't have that big of a following frankly), I write them because I like keeping a record of my progress.
But I truly appreciate anyone who stay up-to-date with what I'm doing, and I hope that whatever scraps of content I put out there appeals to you in some way.
2022 was both parts great and awful, and I feel like that's normal for the weird few years we've all had. I wasn't doing so hot at the end of the year, and it's likely I'll probably start feeling the dip in mood again soon. In spite of that, I'm looking forward to whatever steps I manage to take this year. And I hope that you manage to do what you set out to do as well.
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mattwillisgames · 2 years
New Game Dropping on Halloween
Ay yo it’s been a while, probably too long to be be honest but I’ve been super busy and whatever. In the past year I’ve been learning to use Unity. I thought it’d be cool to start making 3D games but I also specifically had a cool idea for a small indie type game. So for the past 10 or so months I’ve been hard at work on this game. Working with Unity has been challenging as working with any new game engine is a challenge but Unity is particularly full of quirks and on top of all that I had to learn what a Quaternion was. Even Tumblr’s spell check thinks it’s made up. Anyways let’s talk about that Game Project.
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The game is called Roost and as you play it you’ll discover why. The premise is that you, the player have recently got a brand spankin new job in the adjacent big city. Rent however is very high in the city so finding affordable housing is difficult. That is until you receive an surprisingly cheap offer for a pretty sizable upscale apartment located conveniently near your job. The lower rent is not without it’s requirements, luckily there is only one. You are not allowed to move the painting located in the bedroom. The landlord, Vanessa Smith says the apartment used to belong to her grandmother, who has since long passed, and the painting was of her. However the apartment has an odd vibe about it and you begin to have strange repeating dreams. Is this offer too good to be true? Or are you just being a bit paranoid?
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Roost is a low-poly first person adventure game. It takes inspiration from weird ps1 era games like LSD: Dream Emulator, but attempts to put it’s own spin on it by adding an element outside of the dream. I wouldn’t call it a horror game but it’s definitely horror adjacent.
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I originally did not plan on having the dream sequences but they sort of evolved out of necessity. The original idea was to have everything inside of the apartment. A whole game in a small space, but as I work shopped the idea it really felt like the game needed something else and the dreams fit perfectly while also technically keeping the whole game within the apartment. Overall I’m very satisfied with the final product. So if that sounds like your jam please check it out on steam:  https://store.steampowered.com/app/2161000/Roost/ . PS did I mention that the game is completely free?
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