#man people just need to respect opposite opinions
smiles-rambles · 29 days
Ok I’m just gonna say this but people have every right to make a post on why they don’t like a ship on their own blog
However to me, it’s polite to not tag it as that ship because people don’t want to scroll through that tag and see hate.
If you see something you don’t like, idk, be a grown adult and move on with your life. Block and move on. What is wrong with you people
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 months
OLD GRUDGES (part 1)
A/N: wooohoooo im bringing something new!!! i feel like it happens so rarely it's like a miracle lol anyway, this will be hopefully a couple of parts (probably about 3) and lets all pray i will actually finish it lol
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: Harry and Y/N go way back. Working together was like a dream when 1D was still going strong. Now, years later, when they end up working together again, things are very different. Mostly because Y/N seems to be hating Harry passionately. But he has not idea why.
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Everyone loves Harry Styles. It’s a known fact, not just amongst the people who actually know him, but all around the world. He is known as one of the most unproblematic celebrities, someone who gives just as much if not even more respect as he gets, always kind and patient with others, rarely loses his temper. It’s hard to imagine that there is anyone walking this planet who doesn’t see him as a lovable, sweet man.
Well, it might be hard to imagine, but there is actually one person who has a very different opinion when it comes to the british popstar. 
And that person is music producer, Y/N. 
The interesting thing is that their history goes way back into his 1D days. Y/N was an up and coming name in the industry, just started working with bigger names when she got the chance to produce several songs on the band’s third studio album. Harry remembers her as a bubbly, funny girl who is passionate about her job and is also excellent in it. Working with her was easy and motivating, she was always eager to perfect songs to an extent Harry couldn’t even imagine and that’s why songs like Story Of My Life, You & I and Midnight Memories were such hits. Y/N put her heart and soul into them, which eventually earned all the recognition they deserved. 
Harry loved working with Y/N and she was in talks of working on their fourth album as well, but the deal ended up ditched and she went on to do other projects and they somehow had a fallout. It was a shame, but he hoped his path would cross hers again. 
Years and years went by and so much changed by the time their professional ways finally met again. Jeff brought her name up when Harry just started writing for his fourth solo album and Harry gave him the go to do whatever it takes to get her on the project. A few weeks passed and Harry didn’t get any confirmation about her and just when he was about to bring it up to Jeff, he hit him with the news.
“Y/N is in for five songs. Contract should be signed by Wednesday and you can start working next week.”
Harry wondered why it took so long to get her on board, but he brushed it off because he knew she was a big name now herself and had plenty of offers from which she could choose from. He was excited to work with her and simply see her again.
It was utter shock for him when she was the complete opposite of what he remembered. Okay, that might be an overstatement, but Harry could feel something was off instantly.
She was still bubbly and fun, but for some reason, she had a certain iciness and bitter attitude whenever her focus was on Harry. To anyone else it was unnoticable, Harry knows, because he asked Jeff about it.
“What are you talking about? She is awesome,” the manager said with a shrug and Harry tried to tell himself it was all in his head, because if Jeff doesn’t see it, it’s not real.
But it kept happening and it felt even stronger when it was just him and her in a room. Sometimes she even pretended like he wasn’t there, sometimes her snarky comments were all he got and they just strengthened him in his belief. 
He wanted to ask her about it, he tried, several times, but his attempts just bounced right off her icy behavior so eventually, he gave up and there was only one thing left for him to do.
Return what he was getting. 
Yes, it is childish, but he felt like he needed to deal with her unreasonable hatred towards him somehow and this was the easiest way. Was it a smart idea to practically become enemies when working together on his album? Of course not. But it just happened.
And going against each other became their thing. 
They were great in arguing, disagreeing even when they could easily compromise, riling each other up and lashing out on each other when the tension had been building up for hours. It got to the point where others started to notice that something was off between the two of them and when Jeff questioned Harry about it, he couldn’t give him a reasonable explanation.
“She started it,” he said and instantly felt like a kid, telling on his classmate at school. But this is all he could say, because he had no idea why she was acting this way. And he has to live with it while they work together.
Something is off. Harry knows it. Something about the melody… or the guitar… or is it the lyrics? He can’t tell, he has listened to the recording a million times so it all melts in his ears and he can’t identify what’s setting him off every time he hears it. 
“Why don’t we take a break?” Jack, the technician suggests, turning in his chair. “Y/N will be here in twenty, I’m sure she’ll–”
“Okay,” Harry snaps, just so he doesn’t finish. He knows what he wanted to say. 
She’ll know what’s wrong and will correct it in a second.
Y/N always knows what’s wrong and most of the time it’s a perk, of course it is, but today, Harry feels like it’s gonna make him want to crawl out of his body. Maybe it’s because he’s been in the studio for five hours and he got nowhere or maybe because Mitch will have his first ever solo gig tonight and Harry has been worried his fame or relation to him might ruin this experience for him. 
Either way, today he is just extra pissed by the fact that Y/N will be the one to solve this mystery. 
“I’m gonna grab a coffee,” he clears his throat, standing up from his seat. “Do you want one?” he offers, feeling a bit guilty he snapped at Jack.
“Uh, yeah, just an espresso is fine, thanks man.”
“Sure, I’ll be right back.”
Putting on his headphone, Harry jogs across the street to the tiny coffee shop he’s been a regular at. He likes the place because they are discreet and their coffee is just simply amazing, though they swear there’s nothing extra in it. 
He waits for the two coffees at the end of the counter and scrolls on his phone in the meantime. Emails, messages, there’s always something to answer to. He sends out a few replies before he ends up in his calendar. It’s neatly color coded and he takes pride in keeping it up-to-date all the time so he can always be on top of his game, no matter what. 
His eyes land on one particular date. Five weeks from now Y/N’s contract expires and if the five songs are done by then, she’ll be out of Harry’s life again. Seeing how the work is going, she’ll easily outdo that number so there won’t be any reason for talk about an extension. 
An unsettling feeling spreads in his stomach as he stares at the date but he doesn’t have time to figure it out because  he is snapped out of his thoughts when the two paper cups are placed in front of him. He is trying his best to keep a positive mindset as he returns to the studio’s building. With the two coffee cups in his hands he makes a right turn and then stops at the door, seeing Y/N sitting where he did previously, already listening to the recording with Jack with a critical expression on her face. 
Harry doesn’t interrupt them, just stays put and waits for her feedback. When she is done listening, she leans back in her seat.
“It’s the bass. Or more specifically the lack of it. Can you double it? Let’s see how it changes.”
Jack is quick to do as she asked and then he starts the song again and…
Harry wants to scream and laugh in bliss at the same time, because it’s perfect now. He’s mad he couldn’t spot such an obvious thing, but he is also happy it’s finally sorted out. It’s just a shame Y/N was the one to do it and not him. 
“Great, so this is done then,” he makes himself noticed as he walks into the studio and hands over one of the cups to Jack. 
When he looks at Y/N he can see that familiar, irritated look on her face that’s almost always there when he’s around. He hasn’t decided if he wants to physically wipe it off, or…
“Thanks for bringing one for me,” she comments in a bored tone, turning back towards the screen.
“You weren’t here when I went out.”
“But you knew I was coming.”
Harry opens his mouth, but then closes it, because this time she is kind of right. And it irks him even more today.
It’s gonna be a challenging session today, Harry thinks as he takes a seat.
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It’s always exciting for Harry to be behind the stage when he’s not the star of the show. Kind of like a whole different world.
He hasn’t been here for long, but he’s been trying his best to stay as unnoticed as possible and let Mitch take the spotlight. Just a few minutes ago Sarah put him on Scout-duty which he gladly took up on, he’s always happy to spend time with the little guy. This time he is letting him explore freely and he’s just following him around to make sure he’s safe. Scout seemingly enjoys the adventure with uncle Harry, who doesn’t really pay attention where he is heading. 
That’s how they end up in the green room where Y/N is.
Y/N and Sarah have worked together a while ago, which is a random coincidence how they are connected outside of Harry. Because of their history, Y/N is often where they are, however she was never around when Sarah and Mitch were playing for Harry. 
Scout runs up to Y/N, arms in the air, asking to be picked up and Harry stops a few steps away from them when he realizes who he just found.
“Hey there, little guy! Are you all by yourself?” Y/N asks, settling the boy on her hip.
She’s changed since they parted ways in the studio. Harry has always admired her sense of style, which mostly consists of basic pieces, almost like a capsule wardrobe, but there’s always something extra, something vibrant on her that makes her sets interesting. Tonight she is wearing a simple black dress with a rather low back cut, simple heels, simple makeup, but she added a silky scarf with vivid colors and shapes around her neck that brings Harry’s attention to the curve of her neck and collarbones, almost as a cheeky invitation for his eyes to her naked skin. 
He has to fight the urge to touch her.
Despite the spiteful relationship they’ve been sporting lately, Harry had to deal with a rather unreasonable desire for Y/N in a physical way.
Unreasonable, because he never thought he could be attracted to someone who pisses him off so easily, yet there’s been plenty of occasions when Harry found himself imagining scenarios he could never admit to her, not when she hates him with such obvious passion.
Tonight it’s not just the outfit, but also the way she’s handling Scout. It’s not just women who find it incredibly hot when the opposite sex is great with kids, Harry can definitely feel something inside him moving as he watches Y/N sway from side to side with the little boy in his arms.
“Uncle Hazza is here!” Scout points at him, answering her previous question. Y/N looks up and because Harry was already looking at him, he catches a slipping moment where there’s no irritation on her face, but it returns quite fast when her gaze settles on him. 
“Ah, hi,” she says, lips pressed together as she nods, acknowledging his presence. 
“Hey. Long time no see.”
As soon as the words leave his mouth he regrets it. Who says that? Why did he even say anything else other than hi? He smacks himself in his mind. 
Part of him expects her to say something like ‘not long enough’ but she just keeps quiet and turns all her attention to Scout. Harry feels out of place, he is supposed to be babysitting, but Y/N is taking care of Scout, Harry knows he is in good hands but Sarah asked him to watch over him. Should he leave? Or just keep standing there awkwardly?
“You can go, I’ll watch him,” Y/N says, as if she could read his mind. 
“You sure?”
“I’m pretty sure I can take care of him until Sarah is back.” Her reply is not just dry, kind of offended, nothing Harry wouldn’t expect from her, but it’s still irking him.
“I didn’t say you’re not capable, I just–”
“I’m not in the mood for this,” she cuts him off with an icy look. Harry is too stunned to reply, just watches Y/N walk away with Scout. 
He almost finds it amusing how easily she can piss him off, not many people have been able to do that, in fact, Harry thinks she does it the best. 
Clenching his jaw he takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and then just lets it all go. 
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The after party is always kind of Harry’s favorite. The stress is over, it’s just the relief and celebration that is left.
Mitch’s show went well, that’s what Harry expected, but it’s still great he was right. Seeing his friend be the star of the show was an experience he is glad he could be part of. Now that the core of the group has moved to a nearby bar, Harry has loosened up thanks to the couple of drinks he’s had. 
He’s been mostly sticking to the familiar faces he knows, rotating between the same few people  while enjoying how under the radar he is currently. 
The more drinks he has had, the less he’s been able to control where his gaze goes. To be exact, he’s been finding himself looking Y/N’s way the past hour or so. That damn dress and scarf, it’s like she’s put a spell on him that forces him to keep wanting to look at her. 
Harry is not experienced with feeling like this. Being attracted to someone who he hates, it’s such an ambivalent impulse, he can’t think straight. Or maybe it’s the amount of tequila he has drunk tonight, either way, it’s getting a rise out of him. 
From the corner of his eye he sees her slip out to the back where the smoking area is, he hesitates, shifts his weight from one leg to the other before making the leap and heading after her. He has no plan, no idea what he wants to ro will say to her, but he just feels like he has to talk to her.
Stepping out to the dimly lit back alley he is met with a few people scattered around, having a cigarette with drinks in hand, talking or scrolling on their phone and then he spots Y/N on the left, standing by the wall, cigarette in one hand, the remaining of her drink in the other as she stares ahead of her. 
She doesn’t smoke regularly, but she does enjoy one in certain social settings or when she’s had a few drinks. Harry knows it from years ago, because they shared a cigarette at a party, back then she seemed thrilled to spend time with him, he remembers all the conversations they had while working together, telling each other stories, sharing their plans, Harry truly thought they would remain good friends on this extraordinary journey, yet they ended up here.
As Harry walks towards her, she notices him and he sees her lips twitch in annoyance. 
“Care if I join?” he asks and she just shrugs without a word, avoiding to look at him. 
They stand there in silence for a while, she is lazily puffing the smoke out from time to time.
“Is it still just an occasional thing?” he tries to strike up a conversation.
“Mhm,” is all he gets as a reply.
“Have you tried to put it down fully?”
“Why are you doing this?” she snaps at him, finally looking his way. 
“Why are you trying to chit-chat when we both know we don’t do that?”
“And why don’t we?” He challenges her. “Tell me why we are like this in the first place, because I have no idea.”
She stares at him for long moments and he awaits her answer like nothing before, but then she shakes her head and turns to the pin beside her, puts the cigarette out and flicks it into the bin. Then, without another word she is already heading back inside.
It takes a moment for Harry to start moving again, but he is quick to catch up with her in the hall that leads to the restrooms. 
“Y/N, give me a fucking answer!” he demands, grabbing her wrist to pull her back before she could escape, but she shakes his hand off as she comes to a stop, turning towards him.
“I owe you nothing!” she hisses at him. “I owe you no one, but especially you!”
“What the fuck does that suppose to mean?! I never thought you owe me anything!”
“I’m not doing this, Harry, leave me the fuck alone,” she growls and tries to leave, but Harry pulls her back again, determined to get an answer this time. 
“Don’t think I will just swallow everything down forever. I will get to the bottom of this, whether you like it or not. It’s your choice if you make it hard on both of us.”
She is looking back at him with wide eyes, this time his hand remains on her arm as they stare each other down in the empty hallway. Neither of them knows what will be their next move, the tension is so thick, it’s almost suffocating.
But then it all changes.
If someone asked who moved first, they wouldn’t know. One moment they are standing like stone statues, barely even breathing, then the next moment they are kissing like there’s no tomorrow.
It doesn’t take long until Harry has her pressed up against the wall, his hands roaming her body, feeling her up the way he fantasized about before, they are both rough and impatient, she is clawing at him, moaning into his mouth when his hips press against hers and she feels how hard he’s gotten already. 
Blindly, Harry pushes the closest door open which happens to be the staff’s bathroom that someone left unlocked, lucky for them. Still glued together they stumble inside, Y/N kicks the door open before Harry pushes her against it and he locks it before his hand returns to her tempting body. 
He has never acted like this when it comes to sex. He does like to spice things up sometimes, but the way he’s biting her lips or unbuttoning his pants or reaches under her dress to pull her underwear down is just so out of character for him, yet so freeing. 
Nothing is said, but when her hands pull his hard, leaking dick out of his pants, there’s a fleeting look they exchange that says it all, just how much they both want it. 
It’s the fastest pace he’s ever experienced, yet the most passionate too. They moan at the same time when Harry pushes into her and starts moving in a rush, desperate for relief. She’s panting and whining for more, the only form of speaking she is able to as she holds onto Harry who is focused on keeping up his quick and steady pace while holding her left leg up to ensure the perfect angle. 
The animalistic need is there for them both, making them act like this is what they must do to stay alive. It’s messy, fast and mind-blowing and they don’t need much time to reach the peak. As she comes her nails dig into her shoulder and she bites into his bottom lip so harshly it draws blood, but he doesn’t care, only follows her into bliss just a second later. With the last bit of his consciousness Harry pulls out right before he comes, covering her thigh with the white, sticky evidence of just how much he enjoyed the past minutes. 
They are breathing heavily and Harry feels like a thick haze is still lingering around his head, stopping him from realizing what just happened. Y/N however is ahead of him and when reality comes crashing down on her, her instinct to flee kicks right in. Harry is still trying to clear his mind when she grabs a paper towel and cleans herself up as fast as possible and Harry only snaps out of his trance when she is already unlocking the door.
“Y/N, what the— wait!” He can’t go after her as she slips out of the room because he is still pretty indecent, so he has to pull his pants up and can only rush out then, but by that time she is already gone.
He’s quite frantic as he tries to find her in the bar, but she is nowhere to be seen. Harry returns to the rest of their group, hoping to catch her somewhere but she has vanished into thin air. 
“Hey, have you seen Y/N?” he asks Mitch, his eyes still roaming the place.
“Nah, haven’t seen her since she went out to smoke.”
Harry groans and makes his way outside, maybe she’s there waiting for a car, but as he steps out to the street he sees no trace of her. Fishing his phone out of his pocket he doesn’t hesitate before dialing her number. The line rings once, twice and then… it goes to voicemail.
“Hey, this is Y/N. Do whatever you want after the beep.”
“Fuck!” Harry ends the call and he has to stop himself from throwing it against the nearest wall. 
This is not how he planned. Well, he didn’t plan any of it, especially not fucking Y/N like a horny teenager. He wanted to solve this whole issue between the two of them but instead he just created another one.
A stupid, giant one. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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seekingflowers · 2 months
Future Husband Pick a Card (1-3)
I'm sure you all know how it works! Just relax and let your intuition guide you to choose your pile 🌕. Take what resonates and leave the rest. I am very honest and will not sugar coat what I see. Please don't hesitate to tell me what resonated with you! I welcome all to interact 🤝
Hello everyone! Welcome to my tarot blog. This is my first post ever, and a pick a card reading (1, 2, 3- cards) 🥰😍🥀
Pile 1:
Page of Wands
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- First and foremost, it COULD indicate he's younger- if not, he may seem younger with his demeanor. More than likely, he may have approached you first. He'll be the first you one hear when you walk into a room.
In the beginning stages, this person will feel like a breath of fresh air. They are lively and outgoing. Always inviting you to join them on outings with friends or see and experience new places.
They are very social and ready to be on the go-go go. If you're not, it doesn't matter. They'll go because they're ready. Decisive and quick. However, it may not always be thought out. This person tends to be optimistic and may seem naive, but do not berate them. Sharp and witty, they stand their ground. They do not like to be held back and smothered. They seek fun and spontaneity, keep them on their toes. At times, you may feel like this man flakes out on you because he is so quick to do other things or entertain himself with others. He may forget things easily, such as planned dates or activities, anniversaries, or make sudden changes.
Their curiosity and openess will show you how to appreciate the moment and accept changes. It's okay to experience new things. If something is wrong, they will confront you, and they will expect the same from you. Be open and honest, and communicate with patience. They're not afraid to voice their opinion and say it how they see it. Friends and family love and adore their presence, which brings warmth and laughs all around.
Please remember, we all change with time, and some things may remain, but nothing lasts forever. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Pile 2:
King of Wands Reversed.
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- He's definitely the one to approach you. Could be someone older or someone in an authority position.
This man may appear aggressive, often displaying signs of frustration or impatience. Can be very controlling and dominant overall. He has natural charisma and a fiery intellect, making it difficult to get a word in with him. Stubborn and hot-headed, he will likely dislike opposing views or opinions. People's views of him are black and white. Few understand him. There could be a problem with respecting those above him or taking consideration from others in general. There are few to maybe none that he cares for, but if he does care, he is fiercely protective over them and will come to their side to defend them. Even blindly.
About action, he's the one to get it done and have a go get it now attitude. Either do it or don't. Prone to impulsiveness and hypocrisy, his actions may bring upon consequences he isn't ready to handle and will break down in a tantrum.
Not afraid to approach others, he is relentless with his pursuits. On the good days, his humor and smiles are a sight to see and hear. Captivating and charming, people are drawn to him or are intimidated by him. His humor isn't everyone's cup of tea. It may be crude.
Highly competitive, spats between him and others are frequent. He hates losing and hates being wrong.
To be with this man, thick skin is needed along with groundedness. With you, he can be very loving, but ill tempered and stubborn.
He's very likely a traditional man who wants a traditional wife and family with him as head of the household. Although earlier in life, he may have had a desire of the opposite for the short term.
Please note that the future is not set in stone. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Pile 3:
Ace of Cups
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- This man off the bat is an emotionally intuitive man. More likely to be reserved with his words, but expressive with his love and affections. Expressive eyes with intent prying into your soul. He enjoys private moments with you and goes out of his way to get you alone. It may seem unintentional, but it's not. It may be a love at first sight, or rather, when they fall in love- they fall hard.
There could be this feeling of a deep connection between the two of you that feels familiar yet so foreign. However, do not drown with the feeling. Learn to swim with it, or it will create false imaginations of the other person. You open up this person's inner world, and they want to pour into your cup endlessly. Sometimes, feelings can become intense, and a struggle to sort through emotions with each other can be difficult. Therefore, there can be spurts of emotional outbursts. Clear communication is very important with this man.
Being one to love deeply, he can hold a grudge and keep score of what wrong he thinks you've done to him. He might think he loves you more than you love him. This man wants you to be open with your love and reciprocate his feelings with the same intensity. When you are in an emotional frenzy from work or a bad day, he's the one to comfort and feel you. He'd go out of his way to make you feel better. If he can't, he will beat himself up for it. People close to him are few, even if it seems like there is a whole crowd around him. He's the go-to therapist or listener for folks, and it may get to him from time to time, so please allow him some space when needed.
Some days, he may seem hot and cold, but that's just likely because he isn't feeling anything that particular day or hour. Or he is in his head thinking about anything. As all humans do.
Love each other truly and not just love itself. It is easy to get lost in love and forget the person. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Please remember, take what resonates, and leave the rest. One card does not describe everything about a person, and it is not the end all be all. Nothing is set in stone. People change - we all change.
Once again, please let me know what resonates and tell me what'd you like to see from me. 💫
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cinnbar-bun · 5 months
Watching Reality TV With You (Various One Piece Characters x Reader)
Characters: Zoro, Sanji, Trafalgar Law, Luffy, Perona + Mihawk, Nami, Kizaru/Borsalino, Eustass Kidd
A/n: Sorry I’m a huge fan of Real Housewives so take these silly headcanons!!!
Note: GN reader, the relationships with the character(s) and reader can be seen as platonic/romantic depending on what you prefer :) Mihawk + Perona’s relationship to each other is also not stated just for your personal preference. These are all just very silly things, don’t take this too seriously since it’s crack!
“The hell? Why are you watching this crap? It’s not even real!”
He just sighs and grumbles about how this is dumb the whoooooole time.
Tends to sharpen his swords or try and nap while it’s on.
Until lowkey he starts peeking a bit like ‘did she just say that?’
Suddenly has opinions on it and tries to deny he’s interested but his eyes are GLUED once they start arguing and the suspenseful music is playing.
“Well, if I was her, I think I’d just kick them. Or maybe cut their car in half.”
Opposite of Zoro. The man is probably a bigger fan than you and most likely is reading the gossip online.
It’s your weekly night hangout where he brings snacks and cozy blankets for you two to sit and enjoy while watching.
Gasps audibly and loudly.
He’s both the best and worst to talk about this with because he respects all women and he forgives them for everything, so they all get passes from him.
“Yes she may have talked badly about [name] and stole [name]’s house and maybe crashed a car. But we all do that. We need to show forgiveness. She’s having a tough time- her dress came in the wrong color.”
Like Zoro, he’s very disturbed by the very prospect of reality tv.
But he’ll try. Let it be known he’s trying.
He doesn’t get interested in it but he does try to follow along so he can discuss it with you.
Not gonna lie though he’s the guy who’s focusing on their plastic surgery or illnesses.
Will literally pause the show just to examine what they may/may not have done and if the surgeon botched it up.
Imma just manifest this, he’s prolly a Terry Dubrow stan.
“Who’s your favorite Housewife so far?” “Terry.” “But… Terry isn’t-“ “It’s Terry.”
Unironically would drop a horrible quote from whichever show you’ve been watching and he’d say it so seriously that everyone’s jaw will drop and it takes him a sec for him to realize what he said.
Imma keep this short for you- he ain’t looking.
He ain’t caring.
No thoughts.
He only cares when there’s a party and food is being served.
“Woooooah! Look at all that food!!!”
Doesn’t even recognize who is who and will just mindlessly wait for food to come on screen.
Perona + Mihawk
I’m putting this as a two for one they’re my everything <3
You and Perona are the ones who watch it lots. Perona does complain about how much they argue but she loooooves looking at the houses and clothes of the women. Makes comments about wanting to fly first class or visit the beautiful places they go to.
Mihawk is reading.
Perona is biased as hell and only defends the people that are wearing cute clothes. Otherwise? Shit list.
“Ugh! What is that dress?! It’s so hideous!” “Is that all you’re focusing on?” “I agree with (Y/n), Perona, she just had gotten into some relationship troubles with [name], so I think [name] is wrong.”
You and Perona are gasping and shocked that Mihawk 1) talked and 2) had an opinion on this???
Turns out the man had been listening the whole time (he’s quite the multitasker).
If Perona is the most biased viewer, Mihawk tries to remain objective and impartial. He's always listing out the nuances of a conversation.
“I think [name] is just jealous.” “Well, if we remember in season 4, episode 14-“
He’s a smart ass sometimes, but it’s okay, he’s our smart ass.
Perona is always enthusiastic about marathoning the shows again and watching it. She tends to do dress up requirements for watching it.
I’d hesitate to call Nami a “fan” of reality shows.
She’s aware of them, yes. Does she particularly care for it? Nah, not really.
They’re more background noise and eye candy for her.
She just likes putting them on and glancing every once in a while to gaze at the beautiful houses and trips.
“Oh that’s so expensive… imagine what you could do with all that!”
Sometimes has a fun game for herself to estimate the cost of an outfit, accessory, or house. It’s scary how accurate and detailed she can get with it.
Tends to mostly focus on fashion and get new ideas to steal- I mean, incorporate.
Doesn’t have strong opinions on the cast, but she isn’t too crazy about the louder members.
He’s heard of it, he thinks.
And, well, since you’re so into them, he’ll give it a watch.
“Oh my, these ladies are incredibly wealthy and beautiful.”
He’s not even ogling them he’s just amazed at the way they dress, behave, and/or decorate their spaces. It’s almost like being starstruck???
The guy who will pause the tv at certain scenes to point at random decorations or outfits and be like “darling, would you like that?”
He does get sad when they start to fight.
“Aw… I was just liking the party… why are they arguing now?”
His favorite cast member is your favorite one <3 he’s just a cheerleader like that, dear.
He could listen to you talk about it for hours if you wanted, and he’d be amazed by your knowledge.
“You know, if you’d like for me to have you be on a show like this, I could probably pull some strings!”
1000000x worse than Zoro
I cannot recommend putting it on in front of him.
“The hell is this shit?! Turn it off!”
You refuse and now he’s stuck watching grown women argue over dumb things (in his mind).
Complains the ENTIIIIRRRRE time. Nonstop commenting and complaining.
Okay but he’s hooked after a bit, the drama is just too good.
But now he’s WORSE cuz he’s got OPINIONS and THEYRE ALL SHITTY!
This man is an instigator. I swear to god he’s just saying shit just to rile you up and be contrarian.
He's stanning the biggest menaces on the show.
You two will probably get into (very silly) arguments about some of the situations and people.
And unlike say, Sanji, who tries to defend a person, Eustass will just say you’re wrong and then add something unhinged to it.
“Naw you just don’t get it. If I was her, personally, I think I’d just burn their mansion down and then slash their tires.”
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venerawrites · 2 months
For Gaara, shino, sai, neji
A cutesy girly s/o but really great at fist fighting and overall has great strength and durable in any mission.
Like she can literally lift a whole man who harassed her and shit (maybe snap his spine into two 😔✌️)
author's note: can I just say how excited I am to finally get a request involving Neji? Like, my boy is super underappreciated :/ anyway, writing this one was so fun and I do hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for requesting! <3
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Gaara liked you the first time he saw you.
You were so innocent and sweet looking, he was greatly surprised once you mentioned you were a shinobi.
Now, of course, he has met dozens of strong women who were excellent ninjas (such as Tsunade or Sakura), so it's not like he did not believe females could be good fighters.
But with your well-put outfit (that looked beautiful but highly impractical for fighting), soft skin, that looked free of any battle scars, and delicate hands, that seemed too gentle to be the hands of a warrior, he found it hard to believe you.
So during the Fourth Shinobi War, he gave a piece of his mind to the Hokage for letting you on the battlefield. You were supposed to be safe in the village, something he specifically asked his friends from the Leaf to ensure.
Naturally, he tried to keep an eye on you and protect you as much as he could during the battle...
But when he witnessed with his own two eyes the way you picked up one of the enemy's soldiers, lifted them over your head, and slammed them into the ground, thus resulting in their body being cracked in two, his jaw dropped.
And if possible, he found himself even more attracted to you!
So after the war it didn't take long for you two to develop a relationship, with him finding an excuse to travel to Konoha every two weeks before he asked you to move to Suna.
Now... Maybe a bit shocking, but both his siblings were definitely NOT fans when they first met you.
Temari thought you were too girly and shallow, and openly voiced her opinion that it is "ninja-wannabes" like you that give a bad name to female shinobi. Like how could you be a warrior if you are so into your looks?
Kankuro also shared her opinion, but his disapproval was based on his concern of how sincere you were about his brother. Like did you like him for HIM or did you just like his title?
Both quickly changed their opinion, once you managed to defeat Temari during a sparring match. Not only did you earn their respect that day, but it was also the beginning of two beautiful friendships.
Gaara, on the other hand, secretly loved the fact that instead of letting people's opinions get to you, you used their doubt to your advantage.
He is definitely the dominant half in your relationship - I imagine that no matter how strong you are, you enjoy being taken care of. Also, he is still a stronger ninja than you, so I don't really think he would be threatened by your strength in any way.
Gaara loves to treat you like a princess - he pampers you, buys you gifts, and lets you have anything you want.
I can't help but DO imagine him with someone who is very girly and feminine, maybe a little bit spoiled as well lol..
He would have great respect for you as a shinobi, but I feel he would still be worried about sending you on missions, so when he can he would try and send Kankuro with you.
To be honest, I don't really think he cares that much...
Like, in order to start dating in the first place, you need to know each other at least for a few years. By then he was well aware of your strength, so it was not really a surprise for him.
I think the shock element with Shino is actually falling in love with someone who is very girly and cute.
I feel he would naturally always be more attracted to tomboy-looking girls, who were quiet, reserved, and shared similar interests to him.
You were the complete opposite of that - not only your style was very feminine, but you were also loud, bubbly and were not particularly fond of anything related to insects or nature.
The fact that you were polar opposites, however, is what made you so compatible.
I imagine you would start hanging out after you were assigned a mission to retrieve some scrolls from the Hidden Stone Village.
Like I said, he would not be surprised by how strong you are, but seeing you in action during a fight would be a completely new experience for him.
He would be very impressed with your skills and would compliment them, making you blush crimson red.
I always imagined Shino as quite blunt guy, so I think he would be totally okay with sharing with you the fact that before being assigned to a mission together, he thought of you as a rather ignorant girl.
Do not get offended tho, boy just always speaks out loud his thoughts...
It would be a surprise for everyone to see you coming back from your mission hand in hand.
I feel out of all of the boys on the list, Shino would be the one who would rub his influence on you the most - after getting with him, you are more interested in joining him in his little expeditions of discovering new species rather than doing your usual Friday shopping routine.
He doesn't really like discussing work or anything relating to his missions with others, but after a drink or two on a night out, he WOULD boast about you and your abilities.
"She is both very beautiful and also an extremely skilful ninja... Of course, I feel lucky to have her, Kiba!"
His favourite thing is watching you deal with men that try to flirt with you... usually, it takes only 5 minutes, before they are laying flat on the ground. He wouldn't admit it, but he finds it rather funny.
LITERALLY the first thing he said to you after Naruto introduced you to each other was: "I find you very physically attractive and I would like to get to know you more."
You, usually pretty confident and self-assured individual, immediately started blushing, nervously twirling the ends of your hair.
What happened to "Hello?", "How are you?", "My name is.."??
He would compliment you a lot, about how cute you are, how he likes your style, and how you have to be the most beautiful girl in Konoha.
I totally see him as someone with 0 social awareness, so very probable to make you uncomfortable at the beginning.
When you got paired with Team 7 for a mission, he saw your true strength for the first time.
He always thought you were some type of sensory ninja or a medic... but definitely not a fighter. You were too sweet and innocent-looking to be a fighter.
Yet, here you were, punching rogue ninjas left and right, making them fly in the air from the impact.
Now, Naruto and Sakura pay you no mind - you have been training with them for years, and they know very well what are you capable of.
Sai, however, is utterly shocked and terrified.
Who were you and what happened to the sweet Y/N?
He would probably distance himself a bit, feeling scared that if he says or asks something inappropriate, you wouldn't hesitate to knock him out just like Sakura had done before.
You would have to be the one to seek him out, showing him that you are not a violent person and there is no reason for him to be scared of you.
After that, he would get back to his old ways of always complimenting you and showering you with gifts.
This guy is OBSESSED with you. Literally.
He would always make sketches of you, shyly giving them to you once they are finished.
He is also the only one who I see actively taking part in your hobbies, such as shopping, spa days or/and reading romantic books. Sai wants to get to know you as much as possible and he is not ashamed to be caught doing "girly" things with you.
Enemies to lovers type of story here...
While you were growing up, Neji thought that you were both very weak and annoying - probably the worst combination of traits for a person to have.
Constantly fixing your appearance and thinking more of having a cute outfit, rather than being safe, he would constantly give you side eyes and mutter degrading comments about you under his breath.
You, on the other hand, would think he was stuck up and rude, thus resulting in quite severe bickering between you two. At some point, it will get so bad, that they would have to keep your teams apart and with as little contact as possible.
For the next few years, you would have very minimal interactions with Neji (most of the time consisting of you passing each other on the street or somehow resulting in the same company during dinner).
One day you were both hanging out at Ichiraku Ramen, when a man decided to come next to you and start complimenting you. You politely accepted his first few compliments, but the more he kept going, the more uncomfortable you got.
Now Neji may dislike you, but he was raised as a gentleman and he was not about to let a lady be harassed.
He had just started walking toward you when the man tried to grab your arm and in response, you punched him so hard, that he literally flew through the wall.
Neji froze in his place, completely dumbfounded at what he had just witnessed.
You, on the other hand, just dusted your hands, fixed your hair, and joined your friends again.
He would not admit it, even way after you were already a couple, but this was the day when his opinion of you changed completely.
He started to join some of your training practices with Lee, always saying that he did not expect you to be there (he totally knew, that's the reason he was there in the first place).
He would soon start to train with you, impressed by how well you held yourself against him.
He would probably still win. Despite you being so strong, he was still the better strategist between you two.
Would totally enjoy pinning you down, forcing you to surrender though.
I imagine both of you would keep up the façade of pretending to hate each other till the tension gets too much and you just end up kissing after one of your fights.
He would totally still make fun of you for being so girly and cute looking, but now instead of mocking, it was more of a flirty teasing.
He would be very proud of you and would always watch in amazement at the way you were dealing with your enemies, but secretly, he would always be worried for you and would try to intervene in your fights and protect you.
Just like Gaara, I imagine that he would be the more dominant one in the relationship and would take his roles as your protector and provider very seriously.
His family totally loves you tbh, which would definitely boost his ego even more.
cc artwork: Joshua Raphael
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piratefishmama · 9 months
Finders Givers | Part 4
Steve Harrington had faced a lot of daunting things in his lifetime. He’d dealt with a lot of intimidating people, criminals of all shapes and sizes, he’d dealt with the lot of them with a calm finesse that earned a level of respect he didn’t really think he deserved. A lot of it was posturing. An insane amount of right out of the gate confidence that covered up just how much of an idiot he could actually be at times.
The confidence was all those people saw. It was his own people that knew how much of an overprotective dork he was, so it was his own people who felt most at ease around him. Like sure, he had Lola, his baseball bat riddled with nails for intimidation, and sure he’d used it a few times, but only in self-defence, and only against the most unsavoury of people.
The last one was Creel, and he hadn’t even been the one to use it.
Seeing the cause of his current insanity just… there, in the flesh, no longer in a groady fast food place uniform, looking good enough to eat well… he was only human.
Forgive him if he forgot how to word for a minute.
Luckily, once Robin recovered, she rose from her seat, rounded it, and motioned her arm as if presenting them to him.
“Steve, meet Eddie Munson and his roommate Chrissy Cunningham, tenants of the block of apartments you purchased. Eddie Munson, Chrissy Cunningham, please allow me to introduce my very own single—” she winked at Eddie, both in reference to his own earlier quip about Chrissy, and because hint hint, he’s pathetically single and clearly pining, Steve’s eyes snapped to her face, although she gave him no time to shut her up as she continued “—platonic life partner, Steve Harrington, the guy in charge.” Eddie loved her already, Chrissy was cutely hiding her smile behind her hand. “They’re here asking questions about the letter we sent regarding the rent forgiveness and renovations.”
The one she’d not looked over. The one Nancy had rushed out. The one she wished she’d have seen before it went out just to make sure she had some kind of explanation ready and waiting should anyone pop by asking questions.
“O-oh! Oh yeah, yep, I know, your door isn’t soundproof hence the uhm—the entrance, I can probably answer a few questions, maybe even get some ideas and opinions from you guys, we don’t wanna go into the renovations not knowing what our tenants need so—” he let the sentence just hang there as he motioned out toward the hallway.
“Wait so you’re not just… doing stuff randomly, you want us to basically ask you for things, and you’ll give them to us?” Chrissy asked, rising from her seat since Eddie was still a little struck stupid over the most beautiful man on the planet and the fact that he was single. Eddie was also trying to figure out where he’d seen this guy before too because that was a face you didn’t just forget.
“Well… that’d make the whole process a lot smoother, right?”
Eddie finally shook his head free of his barnacle-like thoughts to ask a very simple, “Why?” If he didn’t have Steve Harrington’s attention before, he did now, those beautiful baby cow eyes staring right into his soul, warming it up like a soul toaster oven. “Ehem—why are you doing this? Why should we believe that you’re just… doing it for the sake of doing it? Nobody is that philanthropic, especially rich people, no offense but that’s like… the opposite of what rich people usually do.” Toaster oven was just slow enough to let him get those icy thoughts out before they could be fed to it to be warmed and buttered up. God he wanted some toast.
“Key word being usually.” Steve shot back, hazel eyes dancing in amusement, criminally handsome smile on his lips, damn him. “They won’t be palaces, they won’t be penthouse suites or comparable to five star suites, but I’d like to make them comfortable, safe, I’d like to make sure the electrics work, the heating system is up to date and make sure you have all the amenities you could need, I’d ask you not to take the piss with your requests, of course… but… if it’s reasonable I’m quite happy to provide it.”
“And what do you want in return for this?” There was always a catch, a devils contract for sure, too good to be true, there had to be a catch.
Steve looked at him for a moment, smile slipping from his face as he looked Eddie up and down, then… a slow, almost deadly grin seemed to curl at his lips, damn near predatory in its appearance, it sent a shiver down Eddie’s spine, dread licking at his bones.
Evil. That was evil, he was—
“Your soul, Eddie Munson.” Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit ho— “snerk” Steve snorted, that expression disappearing, replaced by one drenched in amusement “I’m kidding! You’re so easy, Munson. I’m not the devil, calm down.” Chrissy was giggling, the traitor, Robin looked exhausted, probably used to the antics, Eddie could feel his heart trying to escape his chest through his throat, could feel his cheeks warm in embarrassment.
“You—you didn’t answer my question.”
“I own where you live, I don’t have to answer your question.” Steve winked at him. The beautiful bastard. “I would however love it if you worked with me here. It’d just be nice for my tenants to get along with me, don’t you agree?” He was like some kind of snake, a sneaky little snake, charming but scheming “I’m also buying a local bar too, I don’t intend to change it all that much but—”
“You’re the one buying the Hideout?” Chrissy’s eyes widened, cutting him off as if she couldn’t help herself “why?”
“I want it.” So simple. He really didn’t have to answer any questions. And if he did answer, he wouldn’t give the full story. Suspicious, he was suspicious. “Owner isn’t staying on staff when the purchase goes through though obviously, I believe he’s retiring to the tropics, so I’ll need new staff, wouldn’t happen to know of anyone who needs a job would you?” A scheming, snakey snake of a man.
Eddie didn’t have to play to his tune though “Nope, I don’t know a single person in this whole world who needs a job right now thanks though.”
Chrissy didn’t share his scepticism though, happy to offer a chipper little “we just lost our jobs!”
“Traitor” he hissed.
“Oh hush, Teddy-bear, he’s harmless!” Steve grinned, oh yeah, totally harmless that one “we know a few guys who’d be great at it too, Gareth has bartending experience, remember?”
“Mixing two cocktails at a house warming party does not count as bartending experience.”
“They were good cocktails though, Eddie, you had like, six of them.”
“And I stand by the fact that each one tasted different!”
“But you LIKED them!”
“That’s not how bartending works! They have to taste the same each time!”
“Fine, he knows how to make SIX slightly different cocktails.”
Across the room, Steve leaned just a little closer to Robin just to quietly ask “is this what we look like to outsiders?”
“God I hope not” Robin knew better though, it was exactly how they looked to outsiders.
“Alright guys!” Steve stepped forwards, closer to the bickering pair. “I have quite a bit to do today as you can probably imagine, so how’s about we discuss this further over… say… dinner?” He could feel Robin’s incredulous stare boring holes into the back of his head. Ignoring it. Ignoring it. “You’re both more than welcome.” He was clearly looking at Eddie though.
“I’m busy” Chrissy was quick to answer before Eddie could object “but Eddie… Eddie is totally free, aren’t you Eddie?” His mouth still open from where she’d beaten him to the punch, now looking between them both in bafflement.
“Uhm—I… uh—heh—no, nope, nope not free, not free at all in the slightest c’mon Chrissy let’s just go home!” He grabbed her hand in a flurry of flustered panic “we’ve gotten all we came to get so thanks for the rent free living!” Steve didn’t stop him as he pulled an objecting Chrissy along with him out the door in a rush “We want a dishwasher!” He yelled over his shoulder as he pulled her down the hall to the elevator, leaving Harrington and Buckley behind, missing the exact moment when Robin whacked Steve around the back of the head with her papers, and called him an idiot.
Part 6
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Heroes vs. Villains : The Staff [Part 4]
Platonic GN!Reader x NRC Staff vs. RSA Staff Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: Woe to the Ramshackle Prefect, being caught up in the drama between the Disney Villains and their respective heroes. NRC Staff Version (Part 4)
ie. So the saying goes, 'nothing gold can stay.' Or, the Prefect is facing yet another Overblot and it drags some unpleasant dilemmas to the surface.
A/N: I have been fighting this for a solid hour now, and Tumblr is just being an absolute nightmare and not letting me add any more tags without crashing/refusing to save the post, so if you got kicked off the list, my sincerest apologies
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4]
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There was a curt knock on Mozus Trein’s door.
The aging professor fought the inelegant urge to drop his head into his hands. After taking a moment to silently curse every other damned member of faculty at this college, he schooled his expression into a vague attempt at neutrality and cleared his throat.
Divus Crewel and his ridiculous ensemble strutted into Trein’s office, and the historian barely bit back a sneer. He and the other professor had never gotten on at the best of times. Perhaps they would tolerate one another for the occasional game of chess, but the other man’s opinions on more or less everything (especially dogs. Ugh.) rankled something unpleasant in Trein’s chest. Call him old fashioned, but intentionally sharpening oneself into something miserable, and cold, and alone all in the name of maintaining an appearance of sophistication was something he would never respect.
Lucius growled from his place by the windowsill, and Crewel very noticeably fought to keep himself from raising his hackles in return. The black-and-white monstrosity leant forward and placed a bottle of red whine on Trein’s desk with a clack.
“What is it now?” Mozus frowned.
Divus didn’t bother to sit in the chair opposite him. He never did. He paced along one of the bookcases for a moment, trailing his crimson gloves along the leather spines.
“More of the same, I suspect,” he finally huffed.
Trein sighed and rifled around in his desk drawers to unearth his chest set. Not the good one—the one with hand-carved, stone, pieces that his daughters had given him for his birthday two years ago. This set wasn’t terribly ugly, and it did the job well enough. Plus, the worn colors lining the board always made something in Crewel’s jaw tick.
“Well,” he grumbled, setting the pieces into place and reaching for the wine. Divus Crewel was entirely unpleasant, but at the end of the day, Mozus had never been one to deny a willing student. And oh if there wasn’t so much that this egomaniacal alchemist still needed to learn. “Get on with it then.”
A part of you was sort of expecting to see one of those ‘WELCOME HOME, CHEATER’ banners nailed to the Rogersons’ front porch.
Which, firstly, come on. It’s not like you maybe vaguely starting to not loathe your time spent with Crewel with every fiber of your being was a crime. And you were still miserable and mad. Stupid, no good, stuck up, no-dad-being, emotionally unavailable—ahem. Excuse you. But you had eaten a few of those fancy cookies. And you were certain that Poe and Perdy would smell Jasper and Badun’s cuddles a mile away. And as much as you rationalized it forwards and backwards that you weren’t wrong, a part of you still felt… traitorous.
Secondly, the Rogersons were genuinely nice people. And you should have known at this point that they of all the adults in your life would hardly judge your for accepting any scraps of kindness being offered to you. (Unlike a certain Old Crow with whom you were well acquainted.)
All that being said, you were still a bit hesitant when you knocked on their front door that evening. Nevertheless, you were met you with a wave of enthusiastic greetings (plus a knitted set of gloves and a hat), as they ushered you back out the door with the promise of new and interesting things.
“We thought it’d be a nice change of pace,” Mister Rogerson explained. He and Annie were holding hands as you all walked down their quaint street, tucked up neatly in one of the roomy pockets of his overcoat. “And you didn’t get to come with us over the Holidays either.”
“There isn’t much else to do on Sage Island for most of year,” Annie said. “But the Winter Festival is always really lovely.”
The Winter Festival was like something out of a story book—all toned in watercolors and lit with a golden warmth that didn’t really seem feasible when the weather was otherwise so frigid. Magic, probably. Everything wonderous here was always magic. The air smelled honey-sweet, and you could feel the rising heat from dozens of outdoor ovens warming your cheeks.
“It’s busiest over the holiday period,” Annie explained merrily, reaching out to adjust the new hat on your head. “But most of the stalls stay open a few weeks later.”
“You missed all the rides unfortunately,” Mister Rogerson continued, giving your shoulder a light squeeze. “But if you’re still around next year, we’ll make sure to bring you when everything’s in full swing.”
There was a decent sized crowd filtering sluggishly through the faire, happy to meander about with their Styrofoam mugs of cocoa and browse the displays. There were more people your age milling about than you would have expected (as nice as this all was, it definitely seemed more like an ideal outing for a retirement home than anyone young enough to still have their original hip bones). Mostly you recognized the clean, crisp, white jackets of the RSA uniform, but occasionally there was a splotch of a more familiar black ensemble darting about amongst them.
“Have you ever had a fritter before?” Mister Rogerson called from his place by a stall that smelled like Heaven compressed into a cubic-meter.
“Not since I’ve been here,” you practically drooled, feeling very much like one of those cartoon characters who could merrily float through the air after the tantalizing scent of baked sweets.
“Do you want the sugar sprinkled? The caramel drizzle?” A laugh then, quick and bright, as he caught sight of the lovestruck (and ravenous) look on your face. “Both?” he offered indulgently.  
There was another laugh then—raucous and loud. And a familiar face darted by with a mouth stuffed full of way too many festively frosted donuts.
“Hey! You get back here!” someone shouted, enraged and shaking their fist. “Free samples’ doesn’t mean a free for all! Did you hear me?! I said get back here!”
But Ruggie Bucchi just kept on running, his fluffy ears perked atop his head and his steel-grey eyes thinned with obvious amusement. He rushed past, and you met gazes just quickly enough to catch a smirk and a wink before he was off and around a corner—surely vanished into areas unknown to enjoy his haul.
You laughed into your gloves and turned back to your escorts for the evening with a beam, ready to suggest maybe just buying out the rest of the stall. Ruggie would love it. He’d probably even help you manage Leona’s tantrums without grumbling for at least, like, a week.
But they weren’t smiling.
The grin on your own lips slowly slipped back down into a flat line, and you fought the urge to fidget. Like somehow you’d done something wrong. Annie just sighed and shook her head. Mister Rogerson pinched at the bridge of his nose with a huff—the picture of a properly disappointed teacher.
“Well, can’t say anyone would expect Night Raven students to not be a handful.”
Something curdled a little in your tummy, and you tamped down the urge to immediately and aggressively rise to Ruggie’s defense. They were only free samples! And he loved donuts! And he never really had much money for anything of his own anyways! And they were free! And!—And…
“Ruggie doesn’t have anybody to buy him donuts,” you said at last, when the vendor handed you your own little paper bag overflowing with fritters.
Annie and Mister Rogerson looked at you curiously, clearly a bit lost, and you huffed.
“Ruggie,” you repeated. “The guy from earlier. With—with the samples.”
You could feel your shoulders hunch, defensive. And you didn’t even know why. It wasn’t like—they weren’t going to be mad at you or anything. And Ruggie was your friend. It didn’t seem right to let them just assume the worst of him.
“Oh,” Annie hummed, face softening. “Of course, sweetheart. But maybe he could ask first next time, okay? We’d be happy to treat any of your friends.”
You nodded and nibbled at your fritter. It was warm and crispy, perfectly fried and with a sugar crust that melted on your tongue like the sweetest kiss. It was delicious, really it was. But still somehow not quite as good as you’d thought it’d be.
When you arrived back to Ramshackle that evening, there was wallpaper on the walls.
You squinted at it suspiciously and tapped one of the glued-down edges with your finger. It didn’t vanish or eat you, so maybe it wasn’t an illusion. But why on Earth would anyone bother to try and give this place a facelift—
The front door burst open and Crowley blew in like a hurricane.
“CONGRATULATIONS!” he boomed. “There’s no one else I trust at this school quite like I trust you, oh wonderful and best of all Prefects! So I’m making you the lead producer for our VDC performance!”
You gaped, too familiarized with this nonsense to be as horrified as you probably ought to be.
“What’s a VDC?” you asked.
“That’s a great question!” Crowley beamed. “But first, let me introduce you to your new roommates!”
When the House Warden of Pomefiore and his entourage walked through your rickety front door, you felt something familiar, and awful, and inky swoop in your stomach.
“This building should be condemned,” Vil Schoenheit sniffed with all the grace of someone who definitely probably had a lot of underlying issues that were about to become your very real problem.
Crowley scuttled forward cheerfully to pin a tag labeled ‘MANAGER’ to your uniform jacket.
“Look how far you’ve come!” he sniffled, wiping dramatically at his gaping, soulless, eyes. “I’M SO PROUD!”
“…You can just put your bags over there,” you mumbled, so far past functioning on autopilot you may as well just ask Idia to turn your brain into an AI and get it over with it.
Epel dropped his suitcase near the living room’s rug and immediately the ancient floorboards opened up like the maw of some ravenous beast to swallow them whole. The group of you watched with varying degrees of distaste as his luggage plummeted to the basement, or… whatever existed below the crumbling wood. You’d never checked.
“I have the upmost faith in you!” Crowley chirped before jetting back out the door as quickly as he’d come.
“You did what?!” Crewel snapped.
“What!” Crowley whined. “Isn’t giving your child more responsibilities a sign of trust?! An act of faith between parent and spawn?! DOES THIS NOT SHOW HOW MUCH I VALUE THEIR COMPETENCE?!”
“No,” Trein groaned, burying his head in his hands.
“I’m perfectly fine,” Vil said, with all the cheer of someone undergoing a root canal. “I have nothing but well-wishes for Neige Leblanche and his many, worthy, successes.”
Buzz buzz went Ace’s phone as another of Neige’s advertisements lit the screen.
Drip drip went the heavy, black, magic curling around Vil Schoenheit’s soul.  
You fought the urge to put your head through the wall.
The next evening came, as did another bottle of too-expensive wine.
Trein swirled the crimson liquid miserably in his glass.
“Do you know that I chastised the Prefect once? For calling Crowley incompetent?”
Divus sounded worn in a way that he most likely had no right to be, but progress was progress Trein supposed. The alchemist snorted sardonically into his own glass. Normally the wine was a bribe for the elder professor alone, but tonight it was a truce to be shared in bleak solidarity.
“Time makes fools of us all,” Trein hummed.
“What is he even thinking?” Crewel seethed. “As if the Prefect isn’t under enough stress as it is. What exactly does he think these stunts will accomplish?”
“I don’t think he’s thinking very much at all, to be perfectly honest with you,” Trein grumbled. “But then again, making impulsive decisions in the name of parental affection is far from a novel concept.”
Divus scoffed. “Ah, yes. Because that’s what the runt needs. A mockup of fatherhood bearing down their neck at every turn. It’s like he’s not even bothering to actually try.”
“Someone ought to be,” Mozus said, pointed. (And it certainly wasn’t going to be him. He had two, lovely, wonderful daughters to fill his heart. There wasn’t much room left for anything else.)
Crewel glowered at him miserably and sighed in a drawn-out sort of way that was not dissimilar to someone taking a too-long drag from a cigarette.
“It’s not something that fits with…” he hesitated, as if trying to chew over the words into something palatable. “I have no desire to give up everything that I’ve ever wanted to see in myself, to give up everything I’ve worked for, just to mold myself into some—some glorified babysitter.”  Something stuck unpleasantly in his throat and he had to clear it twice before continuing. “Especially for someone who may very well be leaving this world forever in a few months as it is.”
The clock on the wall ticked obnoxiously through the silence. Each little second fell in a heavy clunk. clunk. clunk. that echoed around the room with all the gentility of a gong. After a long moment, Trein sighed into his glass.
“Being a parent is not about sacrificing your own sense of self in order to cater to your child,” he huffed. “It is about being there to nurture the development of their own.”
Crewel pointedly averted his gaze to one of the ugly, cat-centric, paintings on the wall.
“And perhaps for you a handful of months may not be sufficient,” the older man continued, swirling his wine. “But I’m sure for the Prefect, it would make all the difference in the world.”
Detention continued, despite your stacking ‘managerial responsibilities.’
Thankfully, it had mostly turned into you sitting in Crewel’s office while you sorted through whatever paperwork you were expected to file and complete. Sometimes a good chunk of the pages would disappear from your ‘in progress’ pile and reappear—perfectly completely and in order—at the end of the evening. You were dead set on never addressing it ever, because if you did he might stop. And he was probably the only reason you were managing to get any of it done on time at all.
Even with Professor Crewel’s help, you were still slow today. And as the night crawled to a close, you found yourself staring at a stack of blank pages without a thought to go with them. The only thing swimming in your head was murky tar and the cloying taste of black magic that came with it.  
“Is there something you want to discuss?” Crewel called from his desk across the room. “You seem distracted.”
“I can’t,” you grumbled, something wobbling in your jaw. “Not to the people I want to talk about it with at least.”
Something shuttered slipped across his expression, and he nodded and went back to his own work. You stared at him for another moment, debating.
“What do you if—” you froze and hurriedly looked back down to the pen in your hands.
“If…?” Crewel pressed.
You sighed. “You know, sometimes you care about people, yeah? And maybe they’re not always perfect, but you still care. But then…” You chewed at your lip. “I don’t know. Can people still be good if they do bad things sometimes? Like, if you’d disagree with them completely, but they see it as right anyways?”
‘They’d be taken away?’
‘I know it sounds scary, kiddo. But that’s what we have to do to keep everyone as safe as we can. Does that make sense?’
You thought of Riddle, and Leona, and Azul, and Jamil. And now Vil. You grit your teeth so hard they started to ache.
Professor Crewel looked a bit startled, and you couldn’t really blame him. It was the most you’d spoken to him in weeks.
“I suppose that would depend on you,” he said after a moment. “And if that ‘disagreement’ was big enough to change how you viewed them entirely.”
“I don’t know…” you frowned. It certainly felt like something big. But...
“Well, what have you done about it?”
You blinked. “What?”
He waved his hand at you, and that pointer of his snapped across his palm. “Have you told this person that what they’ve said bothered you?”
“…well, no,” you mumbled.
“Then that’s what you need to do first,” he said, firm. “You won’t have an answer to anything you’re fretting about until you can face that at least.”
“And then what?”
Professor Crewel hesitated then, his mouth working as if he couldn’t really decide what he wanted to say. Or maybe like he was thinking over his words very, very, carefully.
“Do they know that they’ve done wrong by you?” he asked at last, not quite as sharp as before. “And—more importantly—if they know they’ve upset you, are they trying to make it right?”
You had a sudden feeling that he wasn’t really talking about your question anymore. The words settled heavily in your gut, but not in a way that was entirely unpleasant. More like the comfort after eating a full meal rather than the all-encompassing dread that so often took residence there instead. You thought of fancy cookies, and dogs, and cozy coats that were warmer and softer than the best blankets you’d ever used.
“Right,” you said after a moment, and glanced away with a secretive sort of smile. “I guess that would be the most important bit.”
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sadesluvr · 6 months
Opposites Attract
You’re a self-obsessed sorority girl. He’s an enigmatic film freak. What more is there to say? (Mickey Altieri x Reader)
A/N: My first full Mickey fic! It’s loosely based off of my headcanons (linked HERE), but ofc it's not necessary to read first :) I LOVE him and this has been in the works for a while, so I hope you enjoy it! He is Ghostface in this, but it's only alluded to… 
Word count: 2.7K 
Tags: SMUT / Enemies to lovers / Oral sex, fem receiving / Flirting + Sexual tension / Safe sex! / Doggystyle / Spanking / Light choking + Asphyxiation / Allusions to murder / Relationship goals, kinda 
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You and Mickey Altieri couldn’t have been more different. He was a ‘Tarantino obsessed film freak’ from a seemingly regular (if not a little shady) background with a small group of friends. You, on the other hand, were a peppy architecture student; one of the top girls in your sorority from a rich family with a lawyer father. 
In theory, nothing about the two of you should work - Mickey thought that ‘people like you’ were phoney and self-obsessed, whilst guys like Mickey were essentially ‘nothing but trouble’. Still, it didn’t stop the two of you from being ‘frenemies’, even to the point of culminating in a secret relationship.
Even though you absolutely despised each other, there was something intoxicating about how you’d bicker; how Mickey would roll his eyes and smirk whilst you would get frustrated and brush him off, annoyed yet giddy on how you got under each other's skin. 
This was one of those times. 
You’d smuggled Mickey into your room as the two of you were off to join your respective friends at a party. He claimed he ‘hated’ being around posters of boy bands and unnecessary anthropomorphic stuffed toys, but there was something in his intense, greedy stare as he watched you preen and accessorise that told you otherwise. Of course you knew he wanted you. You wanted him too, but you refused to give him anymore gratification outside of that one night —
“Pink is so not your colour,” he scoffed, shaking his head as you fixed your bolero.
“Unfortunately for you, Mickey, I don’t care about your opinion,” you said sweetly, and you could hear him mutter under his breath. You always loved to get the last word.
“I prefer the baby blue,” he continued. “It brings out the pearls,”
You shrugged him off, fixing the string of beads around your neck. Everyone in Windsor knew that pearls were your signature accessory; the fragile beads sat elegantly around the base of your neck year round, as if you were a regular Jackie-O. Mickey always teased you for wearing them (like he did with practically everything else), but he couldn’t deny how beautiful they looked on you. There was certainly something to be said in the contrast of you; the  ‘righteous, innocent’ being, just like your necklace signified, being with him, a guy with a deep, dark pastime. He wondered what the pretty jewels would look like covered in blood; not necessarily yours (at first), staining the priceless material for good so that they were forever soiled. Your daddy would probably flip.
Good. He hated lawyers.
“…Why do you need to wear pearls anyway?” Mickey said, his voice low as he got up from where he was sitting, stalking over to join you at your dresser. “This is a college mixer, not Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” he finished, eyes locked on yours through the mirror as he stood behind you, his hands placed firmly on your waist as his fingertips threatened to travel elsewhere, likely towards your ass. 
“Because they’re pretty,” you said quickly, gathering yourself as you pushed him off slightly, spinning to face him as you leaned against the surface. “Daddy got them for me on my sixteenth birthday. I love him…” you finished wistfully.
“You love the things he gives you,”
“No. I love him,” you insisted, rolling your eyes as you clipped in your earrings. “He’s a very hardworking man, putting freaks and freeloaders like you in jail,” you said pointedly.
Mickey scoffed.
“I’m a freak now, hm?” he mused, leaning over you. He was tall, and you could feel his breath on your neck, lips grazing the sensitive skin ever so slightly. “Then why are you with me?”
“Obviously due to some kind of terrible head trauma,”
Mickey rolled his eyes for what felt like the billionth time that night, instead focusing his attention on your neck; his canines brushing against your collarbone as he nipped at you, his love bites turning into soft kisses. You fought your hardest not to fall apart under his touch as he pulled you into him, hands exploring your waist and thighs as you felt his hardening cock against your ass. His cologne; though likely nothing more than retail store bought, was intoxicating, and you forced yourself not to lose yourself into his touch. There was just something about him that was insatiable…
It certainly helped that he was a little dangerous.
Sighing, you pushed him off you to face him yet again, fixing your clothes as you flashed him a sultry look.
“How do I look?”
He paused, eyes raking you up and down.
“...Like a girl with a stick up her ass and a cock in her mou —“
“Don’t say that!” You cut him off, slapping his chest lightly before you picked up your bag.
“What?” He snorted. “That ‘Daddy’s Little Princess’ facade doesn’t fool me. You’re a slut,”
“I am not!”
“Are too,” he retorted, following you like a chihuahua. “Don’t you remember that night at the Halloween party? You were in that slutty little cat costume and you were very generous to me under the stairs —“
There was a distinct smugness in his voice, and it took you right back to the hazy-liquor induced moment; from the sloppy kiss that had united the two of you, to the cool metal of his belt on your hands as you undid his trousers, and the salty taste of his cum as he held your head to his base. A beautiful moment, yes, but one you’d agreed to never speak of again.
“And here you are hoping for round two,” you sighed sarcastically, pouting your lips and patting his cheeks affectionately. “Give it up Mickey, it’s never gonna happen,”
“Your call, Princess,” he shrugged, walking to your door and beginning to open it. “Just try not to go all ‘Single White Female’ on me when one of your little sorority sisters wants it more,”
You froze. You never considered yourself to be the stereotypical jealous girl, but as a spoiled only child you were definitely not used to sharing. Katie Lewman was one of the girls in your sorority who you knew had a definitive crush on Mickey, and had even gone as far as trying (and possibly succeeding) to hook up with him. You knew she couldn’t compare to you in the slightest, but Mickey was definitely a player and would sleep with someone if he pleased…Or to get under your skin. 
Mickey’s smirk was visible from the corner of your eye, and you slowly pushed the door back in, making sure it was locked.
You frowned.
“I hate you, you know that?”
Your lips were on each other’s in an instant, with Mickey pulling you in hungrily by your neck, barely giving you any time to breathe.
“I know…” he grumbled, voice broken as he came up for air. His gaze was focused intently on your lips, and his beautiful eyes made contact with your own, taking a moment to ogle your body.“ ‘Drives me crazy…”
Your hands found the sides of his slender waist, drawing him in closer so that you could feel his wanting cock against the thin material of your dress. Given that he wasn’t the typical ‘submissive’ guy, you were surprised when he teased you back, beginning to stumble back towards your bed.
Still kissing, you landed on top of him, and he wasted no time in assuming his position above you, hands pinned to either side of your body as he held your lower half in place with your own. He stopped and cocked his head at you, admiring the way your chest heaved and your eyes were wide. Apparently he could still surprise you.
Good to know.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching as Mickey began to strip. It was undoubtedly a godly sight, but you hated the way he made your pussy ache and stomach flutter with the smallest of movements.
“Why do we keep doing this?” you whined, and he grinned, baring his teeth as he stalked over you, taking your jaw in between his hands as he angled your head to stare at him. 
You always looked so pretty beneath him.
“I like the chase,” he uttered, and you began to make out once again, this time with you peeling off your bolero, and hiking up your dress so that it sat by your knees, unsure of how exactly he was going to take you. Mickey was a natural freak, and was always down to experiment when it came to sex…It was one of the many reasons why you liked him.
“Keep the dress on,” he whispered in your ear, nudging you so that you lay flat on your stomach. “Get that pretty ass in the air…” he finished, leaving a love bite on your neck before he pulled away, rubbing his hands along the curve of your spine, teasing you with what was to come. 
SLAP! A red, stingy feeling ran through your lower half, legs peppering with goosebumps as the sensation settled in. Eyebrows furrowed, you gasped and turned to Mickey, who only gave you a shit-eating grin in response.
“Ass. Up.” 
“You assho—“
“Ass. Up.” He repeated simply, staring at you knowingly. Glaring, you hiked your ass up in the air and he assumed the position behind you, pulling the material up over your thighs to rest on your waist. The thin material of your panties left your hot, aching cunt exposed to the cool air of the room, a sensation that was soon replaced with Mickey’s tongue.
He had quite literally buried his face in your ass; hands spreading your asscheeks apart as he delved into your folds, tongue lapping eagerly at your folds as he explored your pussy. You gasped, beginning to moan as you bunched the bedsheets up in your fists, subtly trying to fuck his face back, causing him to stick his face deeper into you.
You could practically see his smile from behind.
“Little Miss Sorority likes having her pussy eaten, hm? What would a girl like you know about giving?” he sneered, spreading your right cheek further and massaging the skin in his hands as the other remained firmly in position. 
“S-Shut up —“ you whined, balancing yourself on one hand as you tried to pull him in, desperate for some release as he found your clit.
“Nuh-Uh, Princess,” he smirked, swatting your hand away. “You don’t get to touch me,”
You groaned and resumed your wringing of the sheets whilst Mickey revelled in your audible pleasure, adding to your stimulation as he stuck his middle and index finger inside you, beginning to move them in and out. Your juices coated him instantly, and he took a moment to lick them up, savouring the unique taste.
He had to have you.
Retracting his face from your privates, he smacked your ass again, admiring how it immediately warmed in his hands.
“…Why’d you stop?” you whined, pouting your lips.
“Because I’m gonna fuck you,” he responded, taking out his cock and stroking it languidly. It was just how you remembered; peachy with a good five and a half inches in length. “This is real life, Princess, we don’t always get everything we want…” he admonished, beginning to line himself up with your entrance. His tip teased your cunt, head smearing dots of precum along your lips, threatening to penetrate.
As much as you needed it, you couldn’t let him win.
“Speaking of not getting what we want…You better wrap your shit up,”
Mickey pulled away and scoffed, his shoulders slumping in annoyance.
“Come on, Princess…” he said knowingly. “You know it doesn’t feel the same…”
You hummed in amusement, beginning to push down your skirt and gather yourself together when you heard Mickey groan, a weight slowly lifting off of the bed as he made his way over to your dresser.
“You are such a spoiled brat,”
“Then come over here and teach me a lesson,”
He slid the condom on in a quick motion and made his way back over to the bed, grabbing your neck as he kissed you, arching your back in the process. The pressure pushed the pearls of your necklace deeper into your skin, a telling reminder of who you were. Social hierarchy may have technically been dead, but the Romeo and Juliet romance would forever thrive.
With a spank of your ass, he wasted no time in entering you from behind, barely giving you time to adjust. As he began to move, you heard him mumble to himself, hands holding onto your hips as he focused on daggering you, your tight walls stretching perfectly over his cock. 
“What’d I say?” Mickey teased, another hand coming down on your ass as he watched your skin slap against his. “Doggystyle. Classic slutty position…What would Daddy think if he saw you now?”
“Fuck…” you whispered, grasping the edge of the bed as your legs tingled from the pressure and your back was being stretched out perfectly. Mickey always ran his mouth. Always. But he was so fucking good at it.
“M-Mick —-“
“That’s it, Princess. Say my name…I want the whole fucking house to hear—“ he growled, utterly feral at the way you moaned and whined for him, to the point of you being speechless. He ran his hands from the curve of your spine and up to the back of your neck, smirking to himself as he forced your face into the duvet, bringing your ass higher into the air.
His fingers played with your pearls, hooking them under his middle and index finger and tugging on them, causing the hard beads to press against your windpipe. He could’ve fucking choked you to death right there and then, and subsequently drowned himself in your screams and moans of pleasure and pain before indulging in your tight, wet cunt; burying himself to the hilt as he’d come. Sex with a condom just wasn’t the same. 
The skin of your ass bounced against his thighs, every bit of contact driving him to thrust deeper, wanting to hit the deepest parts of your core. He let go of your neck, snickering to himself as he heard you let out a desperate gasp for air, and began to rub your pussy as he fucked into you.
“ ‘Can’t believe you’re this wet for me,” he sneered. “Hm, if only you could see yourself!To think, this is one of the rare times I don’t have my cam…”
Your cunt clenched at the idea, and he let out a throaty chuckle. Mickey carried his camcorder everywhere; and the idea of immortalising your illicit affair on a tape filled with your sleazy, steamy antics was enough to send you over the edge. If it ever got out, you’d probably be kicked out of the sorority…Maybe even college. Whilst your father would certainly hate the infamy, there was no doubt Mickey would love them fame.
Mickey groaned as you came around his cock, your walls tightening as he began to reach his own release. Desperately wishing it were your raw pussy, he shot a healthy load of cum into the condom. His grip on your ass tightened as you teased him, grinding your hips against his pelvis so that his slowly softening cock revelled in the wet, spongy sensation.
After a few moments he pulled out of you, placing his hands on his thighs as he admired your aching, satisfied cunt. Smirking, he slapped your ass a final time before collapsing next to you, stroking your pearls and kissing you. This one was slightly different - sloppy, yet gentle. Affectionate, even.
“Whaddya say we stay in tonight, hm?” Mickey perked up, staring at your ceiling. “I’m not going to a party with this —“ he looked down at himself, “— On my dick. How about we rent a movie and get pizza…?”
Cocking an eyebrow, you turned to look at the brunette curiously, propping yourself up on your elbows. It wasn’t explicit, but you knew that this was Mickey’s way of asking you for a date - And to be fair it didn’t even bother you. You were the life of the party, it was likely that it’d be boring without you.
“Sure,” you smirked. “But I am so not paying!”
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whetstonefires · 1 year
Do you have any opinions on Scholomance?
I do! I like it a lot. I really enjoyed all three books, blitzed through them easily and was much more excited to see how the plots unfolded than I'm used to these days, as a jaded adult, and I also really appreciated them as works of craft.
Especially the first one, I spent the whole time being all 'wow!' at how simple it was. So easy to read, but no waste. You really need to know what you're doing, to get that kind of pared-down elegance of form to work and still fit so much content in.
Like these are dense, there's a fantastic stylistic minimalism that allows El's character all the space it needs to breathe by making absolutely every other thing and person in the whole novel also do character work for her, which is exactly where the first person voice shines.
Also great use of character perspective to make the pacing feel really natural, so the fact that the first book takes three weeks, the second book takes one year, and the third book is like. Five or so incredibly stressful days spread out over the course of a few weeks? Doesn't feel imbalanced.
I actually got distracted from the story a few times by noticing the strength of Novik's technique. 😂 This is a me problem, in itself it's the opposite of distracting. Very low-profile.
I think the Scholomance is a great example of how far you can go in specfic when you aren't cringing from the label 'derivative,' because the Scholomance books feel very fresh ad clean specifically because nothing in them is concerned with standing out as 'original,' whatever that's supposed to mean, only with being well-executed and suitable to its task.
Hm, maybe that's where Liesel was born, the intersection of the efficient narrative style and the vast proportion of the story that concerns the maximization of utility and the instrumentalization of persons by themselves and others, and the forces that incentivize these behaviors. Or maybe she's just the narrative counterweight to Orion 'Head Empty' Lake lmao. How's that for a principle of balance, Galadriel?
I really did enjoy how beautifully it was laid out, over and over, in dozens of shades of humanity, how no matter where you go in an exploitative system almost everyone is being driven by the same survival instincts.
Because I don't think I've ever seen made so cleanly clear why you just can't expect any person or small group of people, no matter their level of goodwill or status, to unmake one of these systems from the inside; how it's not a matter of people being bad but of every single person being very...small.
And then not retreating into the idea of a person who is Big coming and breaking the cruel system from the outside as some kind of panacea, because 1) that is terrible, even if it's necessary and done in the best way possible and 2) that's not a sustainable answer to anything. Getting a balance between the protagonist being able to effect change and not subscribing to the great man theory of history can be really tricky!
Also did I mention, I love El, and I love most of the cast, even the dreadful ones. How am I going around with this many feelings about Li Shanfeng who doesn't appear until the actual climax?
The romance murdered me a bit, but it took up no more space than it absolutely needed to do its job, and I respect that. Also I appreciated Orion as a love interest; Novik has a slight record at this point of a version of that style of male love interest who's like a caricature of Mr. Darcy but old, which was shaping up to be my least favorite thing about her body of work.
...Orion is kind of like if you took the human king from Spinning Silver and gave him an alignment flip come to think of it, so he's not coming out of nowhere. Lmao.
Which reminds me (re: romance character typing) I've heard Novik didn't want it to be known she was astolat, which this series has renewed my sympathies if so. Because if I were a published novelist I wouldn't want people going 'you know, that resolution was really emotionally satisfying! reminds me of that fic she wrote where optimus prime and megatron get stuck in a hole underground and hatefuck about it.'
I don't even like Transformers. That fic almost made me cry. Actually I suspect it reads better if you don't like Transformers because I'm sure it does not give a shit about canon.
Anyway, whoever pointed out that one of the things El has going on is she's Enoby (and we're going to sit down and explore what the true reason to put your middle finger up at preps is, and what are some constructive ways to channel that socioeconomic wrath, and what it means that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism) was right and I'm not entirely over that either.
Fucking love El's mom as a character. Spectacular level of parent relevance and usefulness. A+.
Aadhya and Liu are also characters who fucking delivered.
Re: minimalism though, I laughed at the start of The Golden Enclaves when I realized that none of the enclaver characters who'd gotten development in the the first two books were from London, the enclave El was theoretically shooting for when we met her.
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cinnamonest · 1 month
Hiii I absolutely adore your work!! You're legit my favorite fic writer, every word you put down is gospel amen 🙏 If youre still doing requests, maybe what about albedo x tall reader? I love how you write him so much, im 6ft tall myself and am fiending for yan stuff for tall girls since tall women are always written to be strong and dominant which kills me inside since im the total opposite...
Luckily he's not really insecure about it or anything, not like one of those people who gets all neurotic and has a complex. It's just. You know. He wouldn't mind getting a bit taller, is all. But if he ever starts getting too hung up over it, the feeling then loops back to feeling embarrassed over being insecure over something like that, so he tries to just ignore any feelings on it entirely.
He does handle your greater stature than himself better than some other, more insecure short boys, though. So long as you don’t bring the matter up, he won’t either. He genuinely doesn’t care about having others poke fun at him, which some of the knights he works with certainly do, given that it’s not everyday you see a guy with a girlfriend so much taller than himself, but he has very little regard for the opinions of those he doesn’t care much about and is thus largely unaffected.
He does, however, care what you think. He’s the sort of person who buries any insecurities he may have and ensures he never brings them up or makes them known, but he does worry just a bit that you wish he was taller, that it compromises the respect you have for him, or worse, that you’ll get wandering eyes… he feels sick to his stomach if he sees you talking to some tall guy, even more so than the sickness he already feels seeing you talk to anyone.
And even if you tease him about the matter, he handles that very well, albeit with a twitching to his smile that you may notice if you look carefully. He wants to give off the impression that it doesn’t bother him, even if it kinda does, just a little.
This also ends up accelerating his obsessive tendencies, the insecurity gets to him and he acts more impulsively and more recklessly than he would normally, and you’ll find that the situation between you escalates much faster to the point of captivity.
Regardless, you have no need to worry. The man does not have a submissive bone in his body… unnaturally so, even.
Like you know how, as a general rule, most men tend to lean towards dominant tendencies and aren’t really submissive per se, but are still gonna salivate and get into it if you “take charge”?
He’s not even like that. The notion of you having any sort of control or autonomy in the matter sort of… bothers him. He’s too obsessively fixated on control, and uses sex as a catharsis by which having control and seeing that control actively exerted on you brings him satisfaction and comfort and assurance, so any bit of said control being taken away gets under his skin fast.
Enthusiasm would be a pleasant surprise, sure, he likes you participating, but any time you attempt to actively control the steps and movement, or gods forbid try to push him to do or move in the way you want, he gets a little… twitchy. He’s not one to vocalize his thoughts too much, but you notice pretty much immediately, you can tell it irks him that you’re moving too much on your own, based on the firm grabs to your sides and wrists and efforts to quietly contort your body the way he wants you to, and a heavy huff of frustration when you fail to comply or try to go back to the position you were in before. It feels wrong, you should be bending and moving to the way his hands and words guide you, and failure to abide by it only strengthens the intensity of the impulse to force you under it by any means necessary.
Should you be a particularly bratty type, you can use this to your advantage by intentionally continuously breaking out of his hold or pushing back against the way he tries to push you into certain positions and outright disobeying… but that’s one of those “playing with fire” type of behaviors, and it stops being so amusing when he’s got you on your knees, held up by a fistful of hair, looming over you with an ominous, icy stare… and you may find yourself regretting your defiance, and up may be the only direction you get to look at him from now on.
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theastrologylady · 1 year
Synastry oberservations:
Moon in the 7th house overlay is always such a pleasant placement. While 7th house can represent enemies, I have seen this particular overlay play out as people with an instant mental connection. A deep understanding of the other and a keen intuition (especially the house person towards the moon person) about the other's feelings. Great for both platonic and romantic relationships. Like that episode in FRIENDS where Chandler says "you and me man"(see gif below 👇)
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Mars square Pluto - this is a tough aspect no matter how great the rest of the synastry. These are two of the strongest planetary energies in any chart - both in a way encompassing your drive. If you are in a relationship with this aspect (platonic or romantic), you have to get comfortable with agreeing to disagree. It's really easy with this to get caught up in "winning," which will ruin even the best of relationships. Mars will feel rage towards this person like they have never felt before and start to lash out with equal fervor. Pluto will be more patient at first, but once angry, it's deep rooted. Pluto will always seek retribution (very cut-throat). Both must quell those instincts in order for the relationship to survive.
5th house overlays in romatic relationships bring a lot of pride into a dynamic. Mind games are so easy to slip into here that you don't even notice. I think this is because the 5th house is such an intimate house. (Think about it - your guilty pleasures; the things that bring you the most joy; giddy feelings that flutter without control, as if it were all the first time you felt it. These are all very vulnerable things to be sharing.) They will both feel "silly" and "exposed" because they can't control their absolute delight when talking to the other person. The "I won't text back this time to seem cool" dynamic. They need to learn to let their guard down with each other, because often why this overlay isn't considered "long lasting" is that the people in it don't realize the immensity of love the other one actually feels because of the inability to lay your cards down.
Moon conjunct Venus - Moon cares sooooo much about how Venus is feeling, doing, and is always the best supporter of Venus. Venus evokes sincere empathy from Moon. Venus, in turn, deeply admires Moon. They instantly like Moon and see them as this etheral, magical being. Moon is usually unaware of how Venus sees/feels about them. Moon's nurture is easily felt, while Venus's respect is something so deep that it only shows with time. It's a simply delightful story. Whether friends or lovers.
(Unpopular opinion) Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars in 8th house overlay is AMAZING for friendships, not so great as lovers. As friends, they will know you more intimately than any other friend because you will both be able to speak openly and share deep thoughts. It's also a 100% ride or die placement. As lovers this is super intense, obessive, and usually codependent. Both people have to be like fullyyyy confident in themselves (who they are; what they want; THEIR BOUNDARIES; and to be extremely comfortable with solitude so that the relationship doesn't become a drug.)
Mercury conjunct, trine, sextile or opposite Sun/Moon/Venus - just the best conversations ever. The rapport is so smooth and easy that you only notice how easy it was until you go back to other interactions and realize what you took for granted. Awesome placement for people looking for something deep (whether platonic or romantic). Both feel very much understood and "on the same wavelength."
Ascendent trine, sextile, or oppose Sun - quick to be good friends. There is instant chemistry here, too, so it could turn into those friends to lovers.
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blakeswritingimagines · 9 months
Dating Bjorn Ironside Would Include:
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As a man of action, there's no downtime when you're together. You're out raiding, fighting off rivals, and exploring the world. Dating him is never boring. You can expect a lot of excitement, whether you're in bed or in battle together. He's got plenty of stamina for both.
Dating him is a memorable experience. He is both an intense and passionate lover, yet he can also be reserved at times. He would always try his best to provide you with a sense of security and comfort. He is loyal and devoted, and he would do any and everything to protect you and make you happy. But he can also be unpredictable, and he will not hesitate to take bold actions.
Dating him is like having your very own personal hero. He'll take care of the bad guys, he'll be your knight, and he'll be your companion. He's dedicated and loyal, and he will never leave your side. Plus, with him, you never have to worry about being bored or lonely--there are so many stories he can share with you, and so much life to be lived together.
Being with him isn't easy. He has a fiery temperament and a stubborn mind. If you don't agree with him, he will make sure to let you know about it. He can be unpredictable and impulsive, but at the same time, he is very protective and passionate. He wants you to feel safe and loved, but he is not one to sugarcoat things. Sometimes, he may say things that come off as inconsiderate or insensitive, but he always speaks his mind. He is a very passionate person, and he loves with his whole heart.
Dating him means never knowing what to expect. He is constantly evolving and growing, which makes him both interesting and unpredictable. He likes to keep things spontaneous and exciting, so if you're looking for something more stable and predictable, he may not be the right person for you. With him, you will always be on your toes, and I hope you are ready for that.
He loves physical affection. He enjoys cuddling, kissing, and hugging. He likes to be touched and held, and he appreciates it when you are not afraid to be intimate with him. He also likes to show affection through acts of service and gift-giving. He is not someone who is very articulate with words, so he shows his love and admiration through actions.
He may not show it outwardly, but jealousy is definitely something he experiences. He is a very protective person, and he doesn't like to share the things and people he cares about with others. He does not like when you have close relationships with other people, especially those of the opposite gender. Despite these feelings, he tries to be reasonable and trust you to maintain appropriate boundaries. Still, it is not easy for him, and it can lead to conflicts at times.
He is a person who values honesty and loyalty. He is not someone who will keep secrets from you, and he expects the same in return. He wants you to share your thoughts and feelings with him, even if it may not be something that he wants to hear. He values communication and trust in a relationship, and he tries to make you feel safe and secure. He doesn't like playing games in his relationships, and he much prefers to be upfront and direct. He respects you and your decisions and always tries to make your needs and wants a priority.
He can be quite intense at times, but it's never boring. He may be a bit rough around the edges, but he's always honest and true to himself. He has a big heart and a lot of love to give, but he doesn't hold back when voicing his opinions. If you're looking for an adventure, he's your man. He's not here to play games, and he doesn't have the patience for bullshit. He's just looking for a partner who can keep up with his intensity and match his energy.
He is a very caring person, and he loves to show his affection for those he cares about. He is not a fan of mushy sweetness, but he loves to let his loved ones know that they are important to him. Although he can sometimes be tough on the outside, he is very vulnerable on the inside. He has a lot of feelings, both good and bad, and he is not afraid to express them. However, he does not open up easily, and it takes time for him to trust someone.
In addition to being a passionate and protective lover, he is also a great listener. He is always willing to hear your thoughts and feelings, even if he doesn't agree with them. He values open communication and honesty in his relationships. Although he may be impulsive at times, he always strives to make decisions together with you. He believes that trust is the foundation of any strong relationship, and he strives to create an environment of respect and mutual understanding with you.
He can be quite stubborn and strong-willed, so he could see how some might view him as "whipped" in relationships. However, he would argue that this is simply a characteristic of his passionate and determined nature. He is not afraid to take charge and make decisions, but he is also not afraid to listen to your needs and desires. Ultimately, he is not so rigid and inflexible that he cannot compromise or see things from your perspective. However, when it comes to matters of principle, he is firm and unwavering.
Dating is a matter of the heart, not the mind. To truly fall in love with him, you must experience the rush and excitement of being with one of the greatest Vikings in history. You must feel the thrill of adventure as you sail the seas in search of treasure and glory, and the warmth of the fire as he tells tales of his conquests. And you must have the courage to join him in battle and stand by his side, even in the face of certain death.
He has an interest in rough sex where he can be as dominant and assertive as he wants without any judgment or repercussions.
He has a particular interest in public play and exhibitionism, where he wants to be seen by others while having sexual relations with you.
One of his passions is exploring various forms of power play and dynamics, such as mistress/master, Dominant/submissive, and daddy/little, and seeing how you respond to these interests him.
He also enjoys engaging in light bondage and restraints, such as using leather straps or handcuffs to bind you to a chair or bed in order to have his way with you.
He especially enjoys teasing you or letting you tease him, knowing that it is both a fun game and a way to build anticipation, leading to an even more gratifying release later on.
He enjoys the feeling of power that comes from being able to make you feel good and give you the pleasure you want. And, of course, he loves seeing your reactions as he pushes you closer and closer to an amazing orgasm.
He loves to take control and tie you up, blindfold you, and tease you until you can't take it anymore. He likes to leave you on edge, building anticipation until you're finally begging for release.
He also plays with ice during sex. He loves to freeze some toys and introduce them into your playtime, letting the ice melt on your body as he brings you ever closer to the edge.
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sholangagaga · 10 months
What's your opinion on Monty?
Oh I've been waiting for an ask like this to come across my inbox after how popular my Bonnie theories have been. (full theory and spoilers under the cut)
Short answer: I think he's neat!
Long answer: I think Montgomery Gator is one of, if not the, most tragic character in the entire Glamrock cast. And his tragedy, while of course upsetting to see, is also incredibly endearing from a narrative standpoint.
What does that mean? Well, let me explain.
Monty was not made to be part of the band. That much we know in the canon lore. He was his own animatronic, with his own attraction and his own thing. Whether or not he was there from the very beginning when the Pizzaplex was built, or maybe they added him later to bring in more diversity and subvert the burden on the main band, I don't think we'll ever know. (since every main band member has their own attraction, which probably subtracts from their available time to perform main shows throughout the day)
The only bits and pieces we get of Monty's "life" before his joining the band is narrated through the Gator Golf attraction.
Monty's story starts with him as a One Man Jug Band, playing by himself in his swamp.
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Now it's already pretty apparent that the Monty we see here is way more docile and doe-eyed than the one we encounter in Security Breach, but maybe that's the point.
We all know the stories of humble beginnings, of rags to riches. To me, Monty was one of those stories. A little guy who ended up catching a big break down the line.
Now to get this out of the way, I don't believe Monty shattered Bonnie or the theory that Monty hated Bonnie (I went into detail here if you want the full explanation). We actually can easily debunk that theory in a few different ways, but the main thing is everything we see about Monty implies he actually admired Bonnie.
In his ride you see how he looks at Bonnie, His Showtime outfit incorporates yellow stars (like Bonnie), and he even still uses Bonnie's bass.
Now if you hate someone, if you hate them enough to kill them and take their place because you felt you deserved their fame, would you emulate that person? Would you use and wear their items, thereby constantly reminding yourself of someone you hate so much? Why would you go through the trouble of getting rid of them, of wiping them from everyone's memory, just to keep things that will always tie you to them? That doesn't make much sense to me.
You could argue that the items are trophies of his 'kill', but wouldn't you keep trophies or things of the like somewhere no one could see them? Why flaunt them and again, bring attention to this person that you hate so very much?
I think it's the exact opposite. Monty admired Bonnie, the depths of which we probably won't ever know the extent of, and when Bonnie disappeared, Monty took his place but never forgot the person who got him there. He wears Bonnie's glasses (which we never see Bonnie wear aside from in his neon portrait, which may imply that he might have given the shades to Monty directly at some time before he was shattered) and he uses Bonnie's bass, which was ALSO given to him according to the Gator Golf ride
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I've seen people say that this scene is actually showing that Bonnie was just setting his bass aside after a show and Monty stole it, thereby using it for his own gain and I. . .don't see how people can infer that from the image? It looks like Bonnie is literally holding it out to Monty, who is on one knee and accepting it with respect and a cheerful expression on his face. Besides, you need some MASSIVE balls to just. . .steal a band's instrument after the show and just get away with it? Especially from what we see in game, there'd be no feasible way Monty could do that without the audience or technicians being like "What the fuck are you doing"
So yeah no, this looks like a mutual passing of the torch.
Anyways, Monty uses the shades and bass as a nod to Bonnie, he was a sweetheart with a baby face who got thrown into fame to replace his idol. I think, in some regards, Monty might've felt conflicted. Like, here he is in his dream job, but at the cost of someone he cared about.
You know who Monty DID hate though? Freddy. We can infer from plenty of sources and in game material that Monty HATED Freddy, and the reasoning for that could be literally anything, but it's not odd for a bandmate to dislike their leader/member because they're more popular (you see it a lot in IRL bands too, the favoritism and jealousy)
It's also easy to see that fame changed Monty, as it does for plenty of people. Having so many eyes on you, feeling the euphoria of all the love and attention day in and day out, it gets to your head. It changes who you are, muddles your humility. And we can see that Monty acts in the stereotypical Rocker way, conceited, destroys his greenroom and other things after shows, etc. It's an all too common trope and its sad to see it happen to Monty, though a lot of his rage could also be compounded by Glitchtrap/Vanny/Mimic being annoying (Notably, you never hear of Monty destroying his shades or his bass. Perhaps there are some things that he's oddly protective of)
And then in the main Security Breach, you only meet Monty at his worst. Angry, Corrupted, feral. You spend your time running from him (since Bonnie's shades protect him from most of Gregory's gimmicks), you hear from second-hand conjecture that he was probably the one who shattered Bonnie (which probably weighs on him too, the children asking where Bonnie is, and the technicians maybe side-eyeing him thinking that he's just a meathead who destroyed Bonnie to take his place) and each time you see him, he just gets more and more split from that sweetheart who was happily playing in his swamp.
Not to mention how he "dies"
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Monty comes for Cassie, ruined beyond salvation, his mind still gone from all of the torment he endured being controlled and shattered over and over. To save herself, Cassie uses the Faz-wrench to activate the power and escape, only for the electric currents to turn the water into a death trap.
The thing that decommissions Monty, that finally puts him out of his misery, is Bonnie. That's Bonnie's neon portrait (a bit damaged from the dilapidated building) and it is the very thing that electrifies the water, destroying Monty's hardware. Whether or not its karma for Monty shattering Bonnie, or some sort of heartfelt prose that the thing that finally allows Monty to rest is the one person he cared about most, who's to say? You could argue it both ways, but isn't it just a tad more comforting to think that even in death, Bonnie was always looking out for his understudy?
Monty's story and character progression is a trope of Falling from Grace, of Icarus flying too close to the Sun and plummeting to the unforgiving earth. The more I learn about him, the more I feel bad for him. I think he deserved better. Roxanne for her redemption in Ruin, but Monty is left open-ended. A monster and murderer to some, a washed-up rocker to others.
But I think Montgomery was more than that. I think he had the capacity for gentleness and love, but he was in a position where the world was against him. His older and more experienced bandmates always destined to be loved more than him. He was basically an entry level teenager around mastery level adults. He might've lost his mind back then to the pressure and the negativity, resorting to violence for attention. No one was there for him, and Bonnie, the only person who probably would've been there for him and understood him better than most, disappeared without a trace, leaving him all alone in a world that would never fully accept him.
Yeah, I like Monty a lot.
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onmyyan · 7 months
i have some brain rot about the delmonts so i’m gonna unload my thoughts about it here: the boys with a stripper/pole dancer darling.
to me, how they feel about it/react is on a spectrum and it’s easier to write like that so walk with me
ricky is (imo, so maybe i’m wrong) one of the least likely of the bros to go voluntarily to a place like this. it’s just not really his scene and he finds the environment to be superficial. but when one of his business partners on meeting at a strip club (to avoid any rivals hearing in on their deal) he begrudgingly goes solely with the goal of sealing this deal/partnership, saving face by showing up, and then heading out. he’s largely uninterested in the girls until one of the men he’s dealing with calls over y/n to give ricky a private show. to commemorate the deal you know? what no one, not even ricky, would think would happen is how quickly and hard he becomes down BAD for y/n. the moment he laid eyes on her in her little red number that accentuated her best features (which is all of them in ricky’s opinion), he knew he was a total goner. and the little hi and giggle that y/n gives him before grabbing his larger hand in hers to lead him to the room? yeah, no doubt, he would be coming back to this place as often as he could, and only ask for y/n.
caspian/gabe are sweet and nice boys who doesn’t usually go to these types of places because they drink respect women juice and don’t want to objectify women like that (mom would kill them), but when his friends invite him for a celebration/bachelor’s party, he plans on popping in, getting a drink, and dipping before they notice he’s gone. but he doesn’t account for how spellbound he would be when y/n comes out in her skimpy outfit (coincidence that it’s his favorite color? he doesn’t think so) with fuck me heels that could poke a man’s eye out. when earned it by the weeknd starts playing and y/n starts her little routine, he knows that he needs to know every single thing about her like yesterday. his friends notice how infatuated he is with her and call y/n to come over for a lap dance for the big guy. he has to play it cool and focuses all of his energy in not getting hard while y/n grinds on his lap and shove her chest in face. yeah the obsession process got speed run by 5 million steps with the way she worked her magic on him.
marcos/manny are on the opposite end of the spectrum compared to ricky. anywhere there’s a good time to be had, they’ll be there. an abandoned warehouse in the seedy part of town? if there’s good drinks and music, one of them, if not both, are there in a heartbeat. they’ve been to strip clubs and they actually think it’s fun! anyways, they have some friends who are independently wealthy (translation: they sell drugs, in the business of killing people, or other shady stuff), so they get to go some nice clubs/venues. it’s at one of these venues where some hired strippers they got for the party - both guys and girls - start performing. marcos/manny are having as much as anyone else in the party, but it wasn’t anything to write home about for him. that is, until y/n comes out in very strategically placed strings and mesh. he doesn’t know what to do with himself when y/n starts the routine with do i wanna know by arctic monkeys (slowed down). what he DOES know is that he will be buying her a drink to get to know her inside (if he plays his cards right-) and out.
sorry for the long ranting, but i’ve been listening to a lot of those kinds of songs while doing homework, and the idea was rattling around in my head. hope you’re doing well <3
Spot tf on with the characterization babes like you nailed it and this was such a fun read thank you for submitting I adore it so much
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ruinaimagines · 11 months
what do you think it would take for Heathcliff to warm up to somebody? because right now I feel like he'd scare a lot of people off with how brash and violent he is, but it'd be interesting if someone managed to befriend him.
I love him. And yes, I am alive! I am still crawling on. somehow.
Heathcliff Warming up to Someone Headcanons:
It is true that his outwardly brash nature is what a lot of people are initially met with, especially if they happen to be of some authoritative stance, but that’s mainly because of his own preconceived judgements. He’s a rather reasonable and good man otherwise.. Just a bit quick to jump to opinions.
If he doesn’t feel as though you are demanding respect from anyone then you have quite a decent chance of getting along. Talk to him as though he’s an actual person and you’ll find he’s pretty cooperative unless what you’re telling him to do is something he deems as outrageous.
Even though I lovingly call him an idiot, he’s quite the opposite. Heathcliff is a very apt man. We’ve seen this during Canto II with how he diverts the attention of the casino guards. He’s just a bit impulsive in some cases in the same sense that Don is. If he sees something he considers to be wrong, insulting, or similar he is quick to action if no one else is. He’s very good with short-term solutions but doesn’t immediately consider the implications for the long term. That’s Faust’s job. He’s clever and witty.
His recklessness also stems from the fact that death isn’t actually a problem for him (poor Dante), so not much is stopping him from speaking his mind. Unless the situation is really dire he has no desire to shut his mouth. Will still mutter under his breath.
He would immediately get along a lot better with you if you share any kind of similar passions in disrupting the system, calling people out, and overall being very blunt on the blatant ignorance and audacity some people have. While not to say the other sinners don’t agree, they just typically don’t really comment on it either. To have someone else that he can rant with and be brutally honest with? Ohhh that is just going to fuel the flames.
Would find you funny as hell if you insult the smug, sleazy workers of the city you happen to run into. Even better if it’s directly in their faces. Will back you up even if you don’t know each other much at this point because it’s entertaining. 
I believe that you have a pretty solid chance of getting along even if you don’t immediately call out someone to their face so long as he overhears you complaining about it later. Not all people have the confidence he does, and sometimes it’s easier for you to let it be in the moment as long as it’s not too treacherous or there’s quips here and there.
The most crucial part in befriending him is first and foremost about establishing a sense of likemindedness. If he doesn’t see you as an agreeable person, then chances are he won’t think well of you either. You don’t have to be as loud about it as he is but even stating something along the lines of ‘That is wrong and it needs to be acknowledged and not smoothed over’ after the fact works for him.
I think that it would be a lot more difficult for him to see eye to eye with someone who so compliantly follows along with orders and seems indifferent to the cruelty and justice around them. There needs to be some kind- any kind of proof that you have humanity and aren’t willing to stay complicit with continuing what is seen as morally wrong by him.
He’s a very passionate guy which can be a little difficult to navigate because he can very easily get lost to more aggressive feuds or grudges, in these situations he’s a bit unreachable in that he is very unlikely to hear others out. When it calms down though his opinion may alter slightly especially the longer he knows a person. Still sticks very close to his own truth nonetheless.
With this it becomes easier to talk to him because there’s no longer that  preconceived notion he holds over you, whatever it may be. You might find him even gravitating more near you or valuing your opinions a little higher than the others. When Faust is droning on he tends to tune her out, but whatever you’re saying he’s more encouraged to listen in on. There isn’t much of a difference in the moment, but you’ll notice that he’s completely forgotten what Faust has advised whereas he brings up a note that you mentioned instead.
Don’t expect the bickering to go anywhere. Friend or not, there will still be snide remarks here and there, though if you’re on good terms with him they’re meant in a more playful snarky way as opposed to a genuine complaint. Best be quick witted yourself.
You’re one of the few who can get away with insulting him without paying the typical price of being smacked over the head unconscious with his bat! Something that has happened an unnecessary amount of times with the other sinners much to the displeasure of Dante. Don’t expect to be completely devoid of being pushed around though. I imagine him to be the type of person to slam his hands around your shoulder with such force that it will completely knock the wind out of you for a joke.
Heathcliff is sort of hard to reach emotionally, even if you two get along very well. It can be kind of difficult to delve deeper into his own problems no matter how good on terms you are with him. He’s approachable in the way that his inferiority complex makes it extremely unlikely for him to ever mention his own shortcomings or communicate his distress in a way other than anger. Heathcliff does not want to have someone pity him, and above all he doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
It’s very hard to navigate, there’s hardly a right answer of how to go about it because it’s something that’s so emotionally fuelled that your best case scenario is just trying to listen and be more casual about it if something ever did get brought up. It’s a sore spot, don’t be surprised or feel bad if he snaps at you because he feels like you’re trying to be his therapist, it’s a spur of the moment thing and he’d feel bad afterwards. He just wants to be seen as a person.
Try to pry very little, what small trace amounts you get from him of his own personal experiences is something you’ll just have to take. Heathcliff might seem to be in particularly pissy and broody moods from time to time, whether from a bad interaction or something deeper, you can ask him what happens but if he says to drop it then it's recommended you do.
I feel like he isn’t ready to unpack everything, he finds it unneeded and a hindrance to get all sappy and focus on how he feels. That said I don’t know if there ever would be a proper time… aside from his canto.
You become his complaining buddy. He will trash talk either the others or some unpleasant person you’ve met while at work. It’s honestly fascinating some of the most obscure and abhorrent insults he can construct, beat only by Ryoshu of course. Her’s is just vulgar.
He is so biased it’s not even subtle. Heathcliff might seem a bit unapproachable at first but you’ll quickly come to realize that if you offer a sort of loyalty then he will return it. Might make fun of you for getting into a tricky situation, but he will do everything he can to pull you out of it and I think that’s what makes him such a good companion.
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yinses · 2 years
tighnari’s beginner guide to your home garden 
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or tighnari catches you trying to grow and weed disapproves ( just not the way you think)
modern au!tighnari x gn!reader
rating: t
wc: 8k+ ( the power this man has is unmatched)
a/n: i'm back. even though i said i wouldn't be. thank you nessa for encouraging my obsession. this is a cute little modern au for our boy, some light comic relief because i love him so v much. enjoy!
there was little you could complain about at this stage in your life. you were in the final two years of your studies at sumeru’s prestigious akaydemia. and with solid grades to make your parents proud to boot. you had an amazing group of friends, who were equally as intelligent, hilarious and incredibly sassy. it made for a lot of adventures and good times that got you through the stress and tears of semester struggles. 
then there was tighnari. your boyfriend of over a year whom you’d met at freshman orientation. it was safe to say he was nothing like you’d expected upon first glance. you’d thought he was cute, attention span pretty generously leering at just about anything in those first few weeks of independence from home. but there was no denying that he was nice to look at, with his neat haircut and kind smile. then those same lips parted, well— you were smitten. 
from there it blossomed from a friendship filled with casually trading notes and meeting for study sessions over campus coffee.
to splurging on nicer dinners off campus and greedy kisses in your dorm rooms. 
it was safe to say both of your prior roommates were happy when the two of you decided to split a lease together off campus. from there on it, was going pretty great. the two of you melded well together under a shared roof. boundaries were well respected and your joint quirks complimented each other more than not. 
sure, tighnari could be sarcastic at times, but it was never ill directed at you. in fact it was always what you needed after a rough day. 
things were good. 
things were going great. 
and they would continue to do so, long as your boyfriend didn’t discover your little gardening project.
which for some couples, shouldn’t be too much of an issue. except that you were dating the akademiya’s lead student researcher on botanical studies. he was practically already guaranteed acceptance into the graduate program. instructors were quite literally crawling over themself to offer him assistantships. 
and you were totally proud of this feat. how could you not when he got to advance his knowledge in the subject he loved (even if he had very interesting opinions on the institution as a whole. he loved to talk about how once he squeezed them out of all their money, he would take his research and go live in the forest. at first you’d laughed at the joke … now you weren't so sure.)
but you digressed. you were happy for him. loved how he brought life into your quaint flat with his collection of plants. it made everything feel livelier, air fresh with a pleasant aroma. the problem was his obsession with flora made it practically impossible for you to hide your newest addition. 
people liked to say that opposite attracted. it made for a wholesome household were the differences could meld to create an amicable collaboration. and it worked well so far.in one case,  tighnari was a super good cook. you were okay, but his insistence on taking over the kitchen in order to utilise his home grown mushrooms wasn't something you were going to challenge him on. his food was delicious. 
see it worked out as long as things stayed opposite. 
which was why it was dangerous for you to be stepping into his territory by bringing a plant home. 
you were certain tighnari would be able to sniff it out out a foreign vegetation if you brought it into your abode. which was why you definitely could not add it to his mini garden on the balcony. unfortunately, that left your other options limited. 
the cabinet space under your side of the sink did not provide enough light. you considered leaving the door cracked but that would bring too much attention. the same went for the option of placing it under the bed. tighnari practically dreamed about plants, placing one precisely under his pillow would not end well. also not enough light. 
which led you to carefully climbing the staircase of the fire escape to your neighbours conveniently bare deck. sometimes you forgot they lived there with the infrequency that you saw them. you were certain that you’d never seen them using it anyway.
so positioned precariously in the corner, above your boyfriend’s botanical gallery, sat your lonely little plant. 
you had the perfect place tucked away safe and hidden. it was accessible and convenient given that you were known for sporadically taking short ‘breaks’ outside when you needed to come down from a long day. it was all well planned and fool proof. 
except for the little bugger wouldn’t grow. 
now you weren't a plant expert by any means. sure, your boyfriend was kind of a genius and you occasionally watched him tend to his garden. well more like observed his rear as he leaned into the vegetation, silently admiring the view behind your warm mug. 
but that was as close to plant life as you got. you knew they needed water and sunlight. two things that you provided pretty well. maybe the sunlight wasn't the best. sometimes tighnari would rearrange his garden to rotate them and even the sun exposure. it was also possible that you may have drowned your plant once or twice. you were forgetful about doing so and you figured making up for forgetting watering could be made up all at once. 
overall you thought you were doing okay of a job. planting shouldn't be that hard. it's not like it was anything exotic.
so what did you do next?
not ask your expert of a partner. 
that’s what.
no, instead you sneakily leafed through his various textbooks to try to grasp a brief understanding of how the hell plants worked. if you’d known it was so complicated you wouldn't have bothered. there was only supposed to be one needy individual in your household and that position was taken. 
you were made even more of an idiot that you thought you were trying to decipher the material in tighnari’s books, of all choices. there was definitely a lot more than water and sunlight involved. your finger followed the surprisingly colourful diagram of a plant life cycle with way too many words and arrows but you understood the words like ‘oxygen’ and ‘carbon dioxide’. 
apparently they gave off the former and humans,and animals alike, provided the latter. 
so naturally for the sake of all the effort you’d put in thus far, you spent the next plant visitation ,while tighnari was busy making dinner, providing your plant with all the extra carbon dioxide it wanted; until you were light-headed and blinking blearily at your boyfriend’s concerned frown as you stumbled back in. 
for all that exertion, you were very disappointed to not see a single change the next day. 
not even a sprout. 
part of you was convinced that you got a dud. there was always a risk of purchasing from college students. everyone was frugal with their money and trying to make it work. but this was supposed to be a friend, of a friend’s friend other friend’s acquaintance. and they came with pretty high regards, which brought all the blame back on you. 
unfortunately, you did not have their phone number, making it very difficult to track them back down through the intricate vine of friendships. to be frank, after a fortnight of trying to grow the damn thing. you were ready to just throw it off the balcony all together. 
which would have been your most successful plan since purchasing the seed, had you not returned home to your very attractively, smart and loving boyfriend holding the said plant with a frown. 
tighnari gestured to the sad excuse for of a pile of soil sitting on the counter. “our neighbour upstairs brought it down.”
goddamit amir.
tighari’s hand slid to his lips as he looked over the pot with scrutiny. your heart thrummed anxiously as he tested the soil with his finger before commenting on the dryness ( so what? you missed another few days of watering .. it was on its deathbed anyway).
“it’s certainly not mine though. it doesn't look like its been properly cared for by anyone.”
and there goes a shard of your heart. so you weren't the best plant parent. it wasn't easy to compete with the plant messiah himself. he could have maybe been nicer about your faults. 
your body stiffened as his gaze flickered over curiously to you, perfect little mouth that you loved to smother with kisses, curled lightly at the corners. “you know, you are dating a botany student. you could have just asked.”
you were unable to withhold the guilty squeak at how quickly he saw through you. tighnari’s face was soft with humour while you were swimming with anxiety. because you simply could not just ask. there was no way to ask him something like this. 
what were you suppose to say?
‘hi, tigh. are you busy? i purchased a weed plant from a sketchy dealer but i'm having trouble growing it.”
because that would have rolled over well.
it wasn’t that he didn't know you occasionally partook. you both dealt with stressors differently. he had his plants and you … technically had them too. he just nurtured them while you burned yours. it wasn’t as if you were going through multiple blunts a day or anything. but it didn't make it any less expensive. you thought it was smart of you thinking of just growing your own stash. 
you’d never have to buy from anyone again. 
except you were learning that there was a reason why not everyone did so. 
gardening was hard. 
the gentle touch of thumbs brushing away wet trails brought your head up sharply. god and now you were crying pathetically over it. all under the very sweet coos of your boyfriend as he held you close. 
“you should have just come to me, sprout. you know i’d help.” his lips warm the crown of your head while his hands rub against your biceps with comforting friction. “sure, i might have laughed a little.” he snorts. “well a lot, you did a really bad job, baby.”
you can't help but let out a weak, fractured laugh of your own. you’d since owned up to being a bad plant parent. it's impossible not to melt at the quick press kiss against the tip of your nose and then your lips. 
he looks pleased with his successful efforts. “you kind of had the right idea. just a little too much sunlight. i doubt you had it on a proper watering schedule either.”
you can’t help but frown at the light scolding, hands coming to your hips,” how do you already know what it needs? you don't even know what kind of plant it is.” your hindbrain screams at you for challenging him on a matter you didn't want to answer. 
not that it mattered, tighnari gave you a less than impressed look that didn't leave anything up for discussion. you agreeably shut up and left that matter alone. 
satisfied with your compliance, tighari grabbed the plant and walked towards the balcony. you trotted behind, unsure of how what was supposed to end up in the trash was now being nestled safely amongst your boyfriend’s other plants. 
you had to admit it was kind of cute. not his ass this time, though that was always nice. you always thought your plant was kind of lonely on its own. but that's the life it had to live to survive. even though it didn’t really. at least it had siblings now, you guess. 
tighari positions it carefully under the flat wider leaves of the bigger plants, giving it shade and occasional sunlight when the time was right. you continued to watch as he thumbed through some of his other supplies, sprinkling something you wouldnt understand if you tried to ask before wetting the soil. you might have had a brief heart attack when he stuck his finger in, probably trying to test the growth stage. even though you still had not disclosed what it was, part of you still feared he could tell from touch alone. 
tighnari pressed against his knees as he came to a stand. he muttered a quiet thank you when you handed him one of the nearby hand towels to clean off his hands. 
it couldn’t be just that easy right?
hesitantly, you probed, “ is that it?”
your boyfriend then turned to you with a smile the spoke volumes of the lecture you were about to go through,” absolutely not. are you free now? we need to go to the store.”
|* * *|
you can't recall a time that you ever accompanied tighnari to his favourite nursery. he never really asked, and it wasn’t something you’d be partially helpful with. it was much easier to welcome him home and comment on all the pretty plants he towed in. the way his cheeks would flush at the attention made for a very reasonable arrangement. 
but right now, you thought it wasn’t as bad as you imagined. this wasn’t anything like the sad excuse of arrangements you witnessed while shopping at the local supermarket. these plants actually looked like they had a home while waiting for their next. 
tighnari was obviously a regular as he stopped by anyone free for a conversation. you had been amicable for a bit, smiling sweetly as you stood at his side. then you got a little bored. the discussion was going above your head now as they delved into his research. for a few minutes you amused yourself with playing with tighnari’s listless fingers before you ultimately gave them a parting squeeze and stepping back. 
the dialogue paused briefly as tighnari’s gaze darted to you. but you waved him off. there was plenty to still explore and you were an adult. tighnari tolerated your shopping trips so you could hang with his. 
you were impressed with the amount of diversity available. you are no means a plant aficionado, but fortunately the shop owners were gracious enough to label the different flora for those who were interested in more than the pretty colours. 
the shelves were marked and separated by region, ranging from snezhnaya to mondstat. you came to a stop in front of a particular flower from liuye that drew you in by its fresh scent. the translucent white petals almost looked ethereal, certainly too delicate to do anything but observe. 
“ah the qingxin flower. you have good tastes. the rarity makes it very coveted in liyue. in the wild it is only found on the highest mountain tops.”
you briefly sraerled at the sound of a new voice and found an older lady bending down to look as well. from her apron, you assumed she was either staff or likely an owner. 
you scanned down the namecard, eyes rovering over the information given before settling on the price. gaze widening, you subtly coughed as you stepped back with a tight smile. for that price, you figured one only climbed the mountain once a year. 
the shopkeeper laughed heartily as if reading your thoughts,” it’s certainly a special one. perhaps you’d consider it for a significant other?”
she was answered by a rumbling chuckle that you recognized as tighari filled the space at your back. “that might be a little advanced for you, sprout.” you sagged into him as his hand sought out your, fingers interesting with a light embrace.
“i actually just came for some dense compost soil. we have a bit of a rehab project going on.”
tighari kept his gaze on the woman despite feeling your gaze. the shopkeeper smiled at you both with a knowing look. she waved towards the back,”i know just the thing, tighnari.”
tighnari, you learned as the women rang up the purchases, had briefly volunteered in his free time in the past. his class schedule didn’t give him the opportunity to pick up an actual working shift, but he busied himself well enough here. he may not have been an employee but he’d been gifted with a generous discount for his time and contributions. 
despite only asking for soil, tighari continued to lead you around the nursery while toting the bag under his arm. he brought you to a wall of seeds, pointing out the differences in complexity. you surprised yourself by your genuine interest. you’d never really got involved with his hobby, but his excitement today was a bit contagious and you found yourself picking a couple new projects. 
before you could round back to the counter, you stopped tighnari with a tug of your joined limbs to point at a cactus. movies made you very familiar with this plant. surely something that survived in the desert couldn't be too hard to keep alive. they drank water like every blue moon. 
except tighnari tells you it’s really not, but doesnt go over the details. instead, he hands you a sweetflower and presses an equally sweet kiss to your forehead. you found the action too cute to grumble. 
upon returning home, he stores away the seeds for later and explains the right amount of sun exposure and watering needed for the sweet flower. he surprises you by bringing it to sit in the bedroom window. you made a note to set an alarm later to mimic the maintenance schedule he detailed before. 
then came the problem child. 
you managed to keep your jitters to a minimum as he placed the pot on the quaint table he had set up on the balcony to keep his messier projects from tracking in the house. he, of course, misinterpreted your anxious pacing for excitement as he encouraged you closer. 
it was kind of … endearing watching him talk about his craft. despite having knowledge leaps and beyond, he was considerate when explaining how he mixed the soil to add nutrients without disturbing the roots. it made sense in theory, but you’d have to wait for the results. 
you decided as he carefully placed the pot back in his new home, that you were eager to witness the progress. as you pressed your lips to his in gratitude, you even forgot why you were keeping it from him in the first place. 
|* * *|
you learned regretfully that nothing worthwhile would happen overnight. tighnari had been very amused the next morning over breakfast at your crestfallen face after returning from the balcony. he did his best to withhold his humour while explaining the healing process. but not well enough as you ended up throwing your toast at him anyway. 
he does well enough to distract you with his other plants. you knew that some of your foods and spices came from his garden, but you’d never actually watched him harvest. you were pleasantly surprised to find your favourite budding in preparation for the next season. you decided this time you would pluck them. 
the first time you notice a change in your sad excuse of botany experiment, you’re beyond ecstatic. you’d grown use to the disappointment. barely phased now in the mornings when you’d venture out briefly to check. 
this time however, you nearly dropped your (well tighnari’s )mug in shock as you recognized the small but definitely budding sprout. tighari had explained that when you first noticed activity above the soil, this was known as the seedling stage. it was important to provide it with plenty of nutrients to absorb to boost its growth. 
all that mattered to you was that it was growing. 
the mug clattered noisily on the table as you deposited in your rush to the bedroom. weekends typically meant tighnari would sleep in if he didn't have any pending engagements. today was such an occasion. unfortunately, not for long as your knees came down in the space around him. 
the bed jerked with your abrupt weight, but the other occupant hardly shifted beyond a tired grumble. the bare width of his shoulder rose evenly with each breath, completely unbothered by your presence. 
well that wouldn't do. 
“tigh! tigh! tigh!”
each exclaim of his name was followed up with insistent presses of your palm against his back. your palms squeezed and prodded at the warm skin, hoping to rouse your boyfriend so he could share your glee. 
tighnari didn’t make the task easy, resisitviely holding on to his dreams as long as he could until he physically couldn't under the jostling. when he turned his head, you were met with a slightly bloodshot but nonetheless beautiful depth of his olive-brown eyes. “have i ever told you how annoyingly beautiful you are in the mornings?”
you glared at him balefully, but the expression did not last long under the bubble of your elation. you managed to settle some, coming down to lay comfortably on top of him. your body shifts against him in a way that he would find more appreciative in a form of apology. 
tighari does grumble, though it comes out as a low growl as he rolls under you. his arm slips around your waist to pull you closer. for a moment you relax into the comfortable hold. you’re just beginning to nuzzle into his neck when you remember why you were waking him up in the first place. 
your boyfriend mumbles in protest when you lift your head away from where his fingers are stoking your hair, no doubt an attempt to coax you back to sleep.
“the plant is seeding.”
tucking your chin against his chest, you're awarded with the sight of his brow pinching as your words register. he opens one eye slowly, than the other as he finally processes your excitement. there was no doubt he could feel the delighted thrum under your skin. you were barely resisting squirming. a slow smile spreads across his lips as he notices that too. 
“good, we can move on to the next stage.”
a plethora of instructions proliferates your mind, leaving you to feed through the excess information to organise the stages. were you suppose to change the soil again for fresh nutrients or was this were those little packets came in?
it wasn’t due for watering until tomorrow. 
when you look back up, tighnari watching you with exhausted mirth. awaiting his guidance, you were taken by surprise as he rolled again, this time tucking you under him as he settled back into his pillow.
he conveniently ignored your confused frown as his arms tightened. 
“now it’s important for the plant to get a lot of rest in these early stages. so we shouldn’t disturb it for a few hours.”
you huff, exasperated and stuck as his breath evens out to light snores above you. 
|* * *|
tighnari eventually does get up to inspect the plant, though he explains that there really isn't much to do in this stage. all the nutrients it needs are in the soil, its growth is proof that it’s strong enough to use them. 
that still doesn’t keep you from closely inspecting its progress. you are so intune that even the slightest centimetre of growth does not escape you. you're diligent about the watering schedule, never missing a morning to shower it with love. 
the sweet flower, in full bloom now, gets an equal amount of attention. overall, you’re satisfied to admit that you’re becoming a rather decent plant parent. 
tighanri seems to think so too, never missing the opportunity to comment on your diligence. 
“if you keep up this kind of interest, we're going to have a mini forest in our home, sprout.”
you find that you don't mind that. it had been a nice few weeks sharing this time with him. you’d become a little more attentive to all the plants really, learning their names and the seasons they favoured. 
he’s pleasantly surprised when you ask if he can help you plant another. he’s busy chopping up freshly plucked mushrooms and the low simmer on the stove smells delish. 
when he asks which ones you have in mind, you happily skip into the bedroom to retrieve one of his books he’d bought you on the last trip to the nursery. high spirited and full of ideas, you sit across from him while he prepares the food, rattling off your new favourites and which ones you want to try first. 
tighari naturally agrees with them all, confident in your growing green thumb.
so you found yourself accompanying him on his biweekly runs to the nursery, much to the delight of the shopkeeper that you learned was named umm. she happily listened to you rattle off about the growth of your plant, equipped with pictures to show the gradual stages. 
conveniently, you ignore tighnari’s amused snickering, resisting the urge to flick his sensitive ears in retaliation. 
 |* * *|
your plant is at its vegatative stage and starting to look much greener. so you decide to celebrate its growth and independence by going out on the town. without reason to decline, tighnari accompanies you to join your friends at the local bar. 
tighari nurses a beer at the bar with cyno, a student from the political science department while you relax contently with the rest of the rambunctious group of friends. more than enough drinks all around, you have them absolutely captivated with your rendition of the ‘little plant that could’. dehya even offers to buy another round as a celebration, rousing more excitement from the table. 
you relax into a comfortable buzz, head heavy as you slouch into the slightly sticky leather seats. you barely pick up the voice directed at you as you squint, head rolling over to flick up at the silver haired man. 
alhaitham chuckles at your dopey grin, certain that you would be collected soon enough. he knocks back the rest of his drink as he peers down at you with interest. “i’m a little surprised tighnari would allow you to grow drugs in his home. though i suppose i really shouldn’t, he’s always been a bit of a rebel.”
your brow pinches as you process his words, eyes widening comically as they click. in a rush that startles alhaitham, you press your vodka flavoured fingers against his lips. the normally robust male is determinedly patient with your drunken actions, as he carefully plucks your hands away, head already turned to call for your boyfriend. but you interrupt him first. 
“shhhhh,” you slur. “not so loud. he doesn’t know its drugs,” you try to communicate quietly. which is not very much so at all but everyone else is pretty occupied. alhaitham raises a grow, obviously in disbelief but you're in no state to even begin to reason with the incredulity of that statement. fortunately, tighnari is already responding to your obviously drunk gestures and alhaitman slides out of the booth to grant him access. 
he smirks as you hang heavily against tighari’s shoulder as the man considers just carrying you out. “congrats on your project, they’re proud.”
tighnari spares the man a roll of his eyes, busy enough with carting you out the door as you wave messily to your friends. 
he manages to get both you and your stomach home in one piece. you’d only briefly scared him with a bout of nausea on the way but overcame the sickness. but it's enough for him to resolve to make you a quick cup of ginger tea. 
he had tried to lay you down in the bedroom but you insisted on staying near him, stuck in your clingy stage as you wrinkled the edge of his shirt with your first. he paid no mind as he manoeuvred around you and the kitchen before presenting a warm cup for you. he was smart enough to not offer it until it cooled some. 
still you gave a precursitoy sniff before deeming it reasonable for your tongue. tighnari has no choice but to huddle close to you as you keep a tight hold of him. he rests his elbow against the counter, satisfied with your consumption progress as his other hand strokes the hair from your face. 
your new obsession with plants had done a decent job of distracting you from the strain of the semester. the only breaks he’d witnessed you take outside were to check up on the flora. so nights like this were understandable. not that he minded caring for you either way. 
it was just nicer when your nausea was under control. 
the sound of your voice startles him from his thoughts. when he lowers his chin, he finds you staring at him with beady eyes. he can't resist a grin, leaning down for an interestingly flavoured kiss. 
“ready for bed, sprout?”
as expected you shake your head, but don't protest as he takes the cup to wash anyway. ready to bring the night to a close, he corrals you to the bathroom where he leaves you to stumble through your night routine while he gathers one of his shirts. 
you happily accept the night clothing as you crawl into bed. tighnari strips while you get comfortable before sliding in behind you. 
he goes to kiss you one last time before you stop him with the movement of your lips. 
your voice is a little hoarse, no doubt from the sugar coating your throat as the alcohol drains away. your breath fans against his cheek as you speak.
“i feel like i raised a kid these last few weeks.”
tighnari knows you mean the plant but he can't help but tremble at the analogy. it's all he can do to keep his laughter in check. he’d been rather patient with his excitement, not wanting to scare you away from his passion. but inside he was brimming from the enjoyment of spending this kind of time with you. botany was his life and he was happy to share that part with you. 
you continue to ramble on, impervious to his thoughts. “we basically have a kid together, tigh. i think we did good.”
tighnari can easily deny the warmth that stain his cheeks in the dark as he shepherd your head under his chin. the more you maundered, the closer you were to drifting off. 
but not before you uttered the last few words against his skin.
“you’d be a great dad, tighnari.”
unbeknownst to you that night, he falls a little more in love with you. 
 |* * *|
mid terms roll eventually rolled around. for the most part, the two of you stay at home this year rather than resume your usual study dates at the local cafe. part of the reason is your determination not to stray too far from your ‘kids’ in your time of need. 
tighnari surprised you one day by referring to them as such. you tried to think nothing of it but his light snickering called up some suspicion. ultimately, the two of you survived on brief breaks to check on the little growing family populating the balcony and boxes of takeout. 
it was nearing the final few days of examinations. you had finished up your last this morning and were comfortable lounging on the couch with tighnari to help him roll through his study notes one more time. you were both confident in his ability to absolutely steamroll the test, but he’d been there for your revising, so you offered to do the same. 
you were comfortably kneeling on the couch, feet tucking snuggly under the warmth of your weught as you balanced the text against the spine of the couch. tighnari was relaxed against the opposite end, head rolled back against the arm.
he was taking an elective course in medicinal botany, something he expressed he might want to explore as a graduate student. 
“what are the medicinal uses for yarrow?”
he didn't miss a beat. 
“it’s used for fever, relieving common cold, loss of appetite and has the ability to help with toothaches.”
satisfied you turned to the next. 
“pains: headaches, muscle aches and joint pains.”
tighari felt the couch shift as you moved closer, happily accepting your rewarding kiss before you moved back. 
satisfied with the happily tilt of his lips, your gaze roves over to the next question prompt before you tense. tighnari makes a confused noise when you take too long, 
swallowing past the lump in your throat, you croak out, “what are the benefits of medicinal marijuana?”
tighanri is quiet for a moment and you try not to think about it. 
“it can help reduce anxiety. there are cases of it stimulating appetite to assist chemo patients. there is also research into its ability to slow tumour growth.”
you don't even fact check him as you snap the book closed, he was likely right anyway. the two od you had been at it for over an hour and it was time for a break.
 leaving the text in your seat, you ignore tighnari’s curious gaze as you slip outside. realisation slowly dawns on you as you stare down at the pretty obviously growing plant. the small pot stunted its growth a bit, but it was starting to form those distinctive leaf formations. for the most part tighnari left it in your care as you’d learned the rotation arrangements by now. you were sure how much of its progress he actually followed past your reports but it was safe to say it was time for the plant to move to its own space. 
you were just beginning to pick up the plant when tighnari fills the space behind you.
“what’s wrong?”
his voice startles you, but you managed to keep the pot from slipping through your fingers. his voice is curious but not necessarily inquisitive. 
you keep the plant close to your chest, trying and failing not to appear too suspicious. 
“i was just going to move it. the leaves are looking a little droopy.”
tighnari thankfully doesn't try to look for himself but you can practically hear him doing the maths in his head. “no, it should be fine. just leave it for now.”
and what else could you do but obediently place it back? it certainly evaded more questions than outright chucking it over the railing. you had other children, what was one loss?
but before you could contemplate the backlash, tighnari was urging you up.
“come on, let's figure out what to eat for dinner. i think i can tolerate one more night of takeout.”
you let him lead you back inside, very pointedly not looking back.
 |* * *|
you would never admit it. 
but you were definitely trying to murder your child. 
it was a slow, calculated hit that somehow kept getting thwarted despite your best efforts. 
it began with ‘conveniently’ missing water days. it was well thought out because you’d been diligent about hitting all the other plants so that tighnari would have a harder time noticing the one that got a little less attention. 
you managed to facilitate the plan for about a week before tighnari called from the balcony one afternoon. 
“hey, your baby was looking a little dry, sprout so i sprinkled some water. must have just been a hot afternoon.”
you were sure that the plant and you were crying with completely different emotions. 
trial two was more torture for you than the plant. the idea came to you when you were walking home one day and you spotted the little gremlin. personally, you were above bugs. you didn't outright plan their execution on sight, but as long as they minded their business you minded yours. 
but desperate times called for desperate measures as you carefully cupped the fat caterpillar going to town on the lawn and brought it home. 
you discreetly moved the potted fiend to a safe spot away from the others so the capilar wouldn't get too greedy. there were certainly enough leaves available in that one pot alone. you had a distant thought about it possibly being affected by the plants other properties but the clink of the front door silenced them quick enough. 
tighnari startled when you greeted him at the door, barely keeping up with your kiss before you dragged him eagerly through the house. if he was surprised by your onset of libedo, he certainly did not question it, happily letting you drag him into the bedroom.
you managed to convince him to eat in bed as well, sated and pliant from a few rounds as you returned with leftovers. he only left the room to disappear into the bathroom, something you didn't think much of until the time started to not add up. 
just when you were getting concerned, he returned, sighing pleasantly as he relaxed back into the sheets. you welcomed him eagerly, throwing an arm around his waist as you settled for the night. 
“i found the strangest thing.”
you made a small mutter of protest as you roused back to awareness. tighnari took it as a sound of inquiry. 
“since when did we start getting bugs?”
you have got to be kidding. 
 |* * *|
you come to the conclusion that you cannot in sound mind, send your child hurtling off the third story balcony. you can, however, drown it with a bottle of milk. not a single lick of research was done on the matter. you aren't even sure if it would work, but you were at your wits end. 
what had started off as a challenge, grew into a bonding moment but now it was time to let go. to be honest, you couldn't even remember the last time you had gotten the urge to smoke. maybe you really were #plantlife now. 
either way, it did its job. and it was time to say goodbye. 
“what are you doing, sprout?”
the hiss you let out is just exhausted at this point. why do you even try? there is really no point to even beginning to excuse the sight. it was just a student, their plant and a gallon of milk. what else was there to say?
tighnari’s shadow leans over the counter but you don't bother looking up. either way he’s unperturbed by the perplexing scene. 
“cannabis sativa doesn’t require calcium for growth.”
rolling your eyes, you’re willing to just tell yourself at this point. 
“i know that, tigh. i just—” his words catch up to you and your gaze snaps up to his. there is an easy smirk on his face and mirth in his eyes. 
“what did you call it?”
he shrugs,” cannabis sativa. i thought you’d at least know the proper name.”
he knows. 
of course he knows. 
you’re such an idiot. 
your head falls insto the counter space between the two banes of your existence, not even flinching at the satisfying thud of your forehead. tighnari is patient, letting you process it all as his fingers drum against the countertop. 
eventually you speak, “how long did you know?”
“since i brought it inside.”
your head darts up,“bullshit!”
he outright laughs in your face,”sprout, you’re cute and i’m not stupid. what else would you try to grow and hide on our neighbour's fire escape?”
well when he put it that way. still he didn’t have to play along for so long. sure, you’d been lost in the process for a few weeks, but once the recognition settled in it became the most stress you’d dealt with in a while. it was both unfair and deserving. 
tighari’s hands reached forward to cup your cheeks as he had pity on you. 
“it was kind of hilarious. you couldn’t even grow a weed.”
or not. 
you try to pull back but he coos until you settle, delivering a collection of butterfly kisses against your face. he stops when you mumble. 
“you’re not mad?
his silence is contemplative. eventually you can't resist searching his gaze, fearful of what you might find. 
tighnari relents before your anxiety rises to high,” do you plan to start a farm out of our flat?”
it's your turn to roll your eyes,”tigh, i barely managed to grow that.” as if that was enough of a response. 
his laugher deems that it is. he steals another kiss just because he can. “then no i'm not mad. it was kind of fun doing this with you.” his face is light and open. “i kind of forgot that it was weed for a bit too.”
you agree thinking about how much you’d come to appreciate the plant in its final momenst. 
 |* * *|
a few weeks pass and your plant is in full bloom. truly becoming the tale of the little plant that could. it's well past prime harvesting time but you can't bring yourself to cut away the leaves you meticulously spent time raising. 
it was your baby and you would see it through its lifecycle. 
you file through the flat, setting down your belongings in pursuit of the balcony. it was time to rotate the plants now that the highest point of the sun had passed. your baby would get some much needed sunlight for a few days before returning to the shade. 
you crouched down prepared to start the process when you found its spot vacated. and not just from there but the whole balcony. a brief panic swelled in your chest as you tentatively peered over the railing. it was unlikely that it had fallen over but where else could it have been?
your baby had just hit maturity and you lost it.
rushing back into the house, you combed through your belongings in search of your phone. tighnari should be coming home any minute, but you couldn't wait patiently enough for that. you needed to find you kid now.
however, just as your thumb hovered over the contact, the bathroom door cracked open. tighnari walked through, hands preoccupied with something. “hey, i thought i heard you.”
he’s rather determinedly … rolling something between his fingers. the clarity hits you all at once. 
tighari glides a thumb over his tongue before he wets the paper one last time to seal,” i thought i was going to have to go to the store. why do you keep the paper in the bathroom?”
he appears unperturbed by your frozen state, pressing a quick kiss to your lips as he heads to the kitchen.
eventually your brain and lips meet on the same mental synapse,” you know how to roll weed.” it's not even a question. it's so obviously a fact since he just did so. 
he still rewards you with that look; the one that silently questioned the sanity and intelligence of those around him. from your position, if you lean just far enough to the right you can see your child sitting quietly on the bathroom counter. without a thought you go snatch it up and hold it close. 
tighnari had only taken a few trimmings but it was a sad echo of what it was. frowning you played with the remaining leaves,” i wasn’t going to cut it.”
your boyfriend barely listens as he digs through the drawers, likely in search of a lighter. the blunt is settled precariously between his lips as he speaks,” then why did you grow it?
well you basically forgot, kind of remembered and then got insanely attached to it. now, you didn’t want to watch it burn. it was kind of symbolic to you at this point. it was no longer a substance that you sometimes partook in. it was a token of your gesture to explore other methods of anxiety management, even though you didn’t realise it at the time. a lesson of patience and understanding. you didn’t need it anymore. happy with just the reminder. and the faint memory of the wafty smell of—
you come back to the sight of tighnari lighting the end of the joint, brow raised in shallow acknowledgement of your brief bout of contemplation, as if to ask ‘are you done yet?’
your boyfriend has plenty of time to take the first drag as you scramble around the counter, plant forgotten as you try to snatch the ashes of your baby from his lips. he humours you with a laugh, dodging the attempts at first before his hand darts out to snatch your chin. he holds it steady as he takes another drag and brings his lips to yours emptying the smokey billows into your mouth.
and you have to admit, it's a pretty good strand. dori didn’t disappoint. 
tighari pats your bottom as you mellow out, watching while you reflectively soaking in the essence. when he was satisfied he left you go, trading his grip for your hand. you dazedly let him lead you to the couch, swallowing a protest as he pulls you down with him. he hands you the blunt and you take another practiced drag, slow and careful as you savored the taste.
you’re still kind of sad as you pass it back. 
tighnari can't help but find hilarity in your state. “for a sad sprout, you’re enjoying it.”
he laughs out loud when you hit his chest in protest, not finding the murder of your child very funny when its not you. 
“what? i thought you’d be excited to enjoy the fruits of your labour.”
“that’s our kid and you burned it!”
tighnari sucked in another slow inhale as he stares at you. 
“we have more kids.”
rolling your eyes, you accept defeat and sag into the cushions. despite your best efforts, he’d obviously won this round. now you were second in command to his flower kingdom. which wasn’t nearly as bad as it sounded. “i don't mean your kids.”
you liked them and all, but it wasn't the same. they’d never share the same fate as their sibling .they’d live out their lives watching the ‘little plant that could’ get plucked for every inch of it’s life. 
tighnari leans down like he’s going to kiss you again and you instinctively part your lips expecting the puff of smoke, “no, i mean i planted more. i got the seeds from dori for a good deal.”
he leans back, head falling against the spine of the couch as you stared at him starstruck.
what the hell.
“tigh, you rebellious little dealer.”
tighnari points at you, joint parched between his ring and middle finger as the embers fall carelessly. “still not selling,” he sings.
which is a shame. anything he would grow would be worth more than ten times then whatever was on the market. 
“i guess we’ll have our house full.”
he nods, sagging into the couch as he hands you the blunt. 
“think after this batch we’ll be ready for real kids?”
you pulled harder, grinning when tighnari chokes on the next pass. 
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