yogadaily · 7 months
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(via Pin by Gabriella Campêlo on LINHA EDITORIAL in 2023 | Yoga photoshoot, City yoga, Yoga photography  || Curated with love by yogadaily)
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kinoyoga · 2 years
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Excuse me, but where is the unicorn? This beautiful waterfall and the magical pool just below were so otherworldly that it felt like a scene in a fantasy movie. I’m not the most experienced or brave hiker, but I absolutely love nature. Going down and muddy trails terrify me and I go very slowly. I also stop to pick whatever berries I see. Check my stories to find out what amazing berries I found today. Join me for Yin Yoga on Thursday live on @omstarsofficial at 1:30 pm EST. If you’re not a member yet join our community and let’s keep practicing and support eachother. #yoga #yoganorway #yoganorge #mountainyoga #yogi #marichasana #marichyasana #ashtanga #ashtangi #ashtangayoga #kinoyoga #omstars #yogalifehappylife 💕 (at Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChfPO9VMjYF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pureunintention · 2 years
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Yestermoon’s sleepy flow || 11/21 ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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tajdaaw · 1 year
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“Be you, love you. All ways, always.” ― Alexandra Elle 🤍🌿 #marichyasana d Ashtanga Vinyasa #PhunipaYoga #me #metime #followme #beyourself #yogainspiration #goodvibes #yogajourney #keepgoing #selflove #yoga #yogagirl #practice #yogapractice #yogalove #selflove #loveyourself #believeinyourself #selfworth #yogalife #transition #strong #twist #strength #stretching #flexibility #bestrong #yogaeveryday #yogaeverydamnday https://aboutme.style/Phunipa 🌿IG : PhunipaYoga https://www.instagram.com/phunipayoga/ 🌿FB : PhunipaYoga https://www.facebook.com/PhunipaYoga 🌿YouTube : PhunipaYoga https://youtube.com/c/@PhunipaYoga 🌿Yoga Alliance : Phunipa Bhurishawarangkul (ID:371641) https://www.yogaalliance.org/TeacherPublicProfile?tid=310345 (at Shanti Yoga Shala) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnM0NBJPHyi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yogianand · 2 years
Best 6 Yoga Asanas to increase your Metabolism
Best 6 Yoga Asanas to increase your Metabolism
If you’re looking for a way to improve your metabolism, try Yoga. This ancient art combines physical and mental practices to make you feel better. Yoga postures can be incredibly effective for losing weight and burning fat, and many of these will perform by people of all ages. These poses help to strengthen your spine, strengthen your hips, and relieve stress. Trikonasana Trikonasana –…
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🌟 Dive into the depths of Marichyasana! 🌟
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🧘‍♂️ This powerful yoga asana is named after the sage Marichi, who is said to be the son of Brahma, the creator of the universe. Marichyasana is not only a physical pose but also a journey towards inner balance and harmony. Let's unravel its steps and embrace its myriad benefits:
1️⃣ Sit comfortably on the floor with legs extended in front of you. 2️⃣ Bend the right knee and place the right foot firmly on the floor, close to the right sitting bone. 3️⃣ Inhale deeply and raise the left arm overhead. 4️⃣ Exhale, twist the torso to the right, and wrap the left arm around the right knee. 5️⃣ Clasp the hands behind the back. 6️⃣ Maintain the posture for several breaths, feeling the stretch along the spine and shoulders. 7️⃣ Release the pose slowly and repeat on the other side.
Benefits of Marichyasana:
✨ Improves Digestion: Stimulates the abdominal organs, aiding in digestion and relieving constipation. ✨ Enhances Spinal Flexibility: Stretches the spine, shoulders, and chest, promoting flexibility and preventing back pain. ✨ Detoxifies the Body: Twisting action massages the internal organs, helping to eliminate toxins from the body. ✨ Calms the Mind: Encourages focus and concentration, relieving stress and anxiety.
Curious to explore more about Marichyasana? 🧘‍♀��� Click the link (https://himalayayogateachertraining.com/marichyasana) for a deeper dive into this enriching yoga practice. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and holistic well-being together! 🌿 #Marichyasana #YogaJourney #InnerHarmony #MindBodySoul
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kittyfraise · 4 months
Ardha Marichyasana, la posture de torsion assise
Essayez les 4 variations de cet asana. Focalisez-vous sur le fait de garder votre colonne vertébrale droite et d’effectuer la torsion à partir du milieu du dos.
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keyoutfit · 11 months
Sage Marichi Pose: Yoga Asana Step-by-Step Expert Guide 2023
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Sage Marichi Pose (Marichyasana III): A Complete Guide Yoga Asana
Sage Marichi Pose, also known as Marichyasana III, is a powerful and transformative yoga posture that offers numerous benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. As a seated twist, it aids in the opening of the hips, chest, and shoulders, while simultaneously enhancing strength, flexibility, and balance. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the step-by-step instructions for performing the Sage Marichi pose with ease and grace.
What is Sage Marichi Pose in Yoga?
Sage Marichi Pose is a seated twist yoga pose that opens the hips, chest, and shoulders. Start by bending your right knee, bringing your foot close to your body. Extend your left leg straight. Reach your left arm up and bend the elbow, placing your hand behind your back. Reach your right arm across and try to clasp your left wrist. Twist your torso to the right, bringing your right elbow towards your right knee. Hold for a few breaths and repeat on the other side. This pose improves flexibility, balance, and strength. Use modifications if needed.
Benefits of Sage Marichi Pose
- Improves flexibility in the hips, spine, and shoulders. - Strengthens the core muscles and lower back. - Enhances balance and coordination. - Stimulates digestion and massages abdominal organs. - Releases tension in the upper body and shoulders. - Helps to detoxify the body by stimulating the digestive system. - Increases blood circulation throughout the body. - Relieves mild back pain and sciatica. - Calms the mind and reduces stress. - Promotes better posture and body awareness.
Sage Marichi Pose Video Tutorial
Sage Marichi Pose Step-By-Step Guide
Discover the transformative Sage Marichi Pose with this easy-to-follow step-by-step guide. Improve flexibility and balance in no time! Step 1: Getting into Position To begin, find a comfortable seated position on your yoga mat with your legs extended straight out in front of you. Take a moment to ground yourself and connect with your breath. Step 2: Bending the Right Knee Bend your right knee and gently draw your right foot towards your body, bringing the heel close to your right sitting bone. Your right knee should point upwards, forming a right angle. Step 3: Extending the Left Leg Extend your left leg straight in front of you, ensuring that the foot is flexed and the toes are pointing toward the ceiling. Maintain a gentle engagement in your left quadriceps. Step 4: Reaching with the Left Arm As you inhale, reach your left arm up towards the sky, lengthening your spine. Feel the stretch along your left side as you do this.
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Step 5: Bending the Left Elbow On an exhale, bend your left elbow and draw your left hand behind your back. The back of your hand should rest against your upper back. Step 6: Clasping the Hands Reach your right arm across your body and attempt to clasp your left wrist with your right hand. If your hands do not meet, that's okay. Simply use a yoga strap to bridge the gap and hold onto both ends. Step 7: Initiating the Twist With your hands clasped or holding the strap, engage your core muscles and begin to gently twist your torso to the right. Initiate the twist from your lower abdomen, keeping your hips square. Step 8: Hooking the Elbow As you twist, aim to hook your right elbow around the outside of your right knee. This will deepen the twist and provide a greater stretch to your spine. Step 9: Lengthening the Spine Throughout the pose, maintain a long spine by lifting through the crown of your head. Avoid slumping or collapsing the chest. Step 10: Holding the Pose Once in the full expression of Sage Marichi pose, take a few deep breaths and hold the pose for at least five breath cycles. Feel the expansion in your chest and the detoxifying effect of the twist.
Tips for a Safe and Fulfilling Practice
- Always listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself into pain. A gentle stretch is sufficient. - If clasping your hands or using a strap feels uncomfortable, place your right hand on your right thigh for support. - Engage your core muscles throughout the pose to protect your lower back. - Maintain even breathing, inhaling, and exhaling deeply and calmly.
Sage Marichi pose, Marichyasana III, is a profound yoga posture that not only enhances flexibility, balance, and strength but also promotes mental clarity and spiritual awareness. By following the step-by-step instructions and incorporating the provided tips, you can safely and effectively practice this challenging pose. Regular dedication to this asana will yield rewarding results, enabling you to unlock the full potential of your mind and body. As with any yoga practice, patience and consistency are key, and over time, you will undoubtedly witness the transformative power of the Sage Marichi pose in your yoga journey. Namaste!
What is Sage Marichi Pose?Sage Marichi Pose, also known as Marichyasana III, is a seated twist in yoga that opens hips and shoulders.How do I do Sage Marichi Pose?Start with the right knee bent, left leg extended, left arm reaching up, and right arm across to clasp the left wrist. Twist to the right.What are the benefits of this pose?Sage Marichi Pose improves flexibility, and balance, and strengthens the body. It also opens the hips, chest, and shoulders.Can beginners try this pose?Yes, beginners can try it with modifications like placing the right hand on the right thigh instead of behind the back.How long should I hold the pose?Hold it for a few breaths initially and gradually increase as you feel more comfortable in the pose. Read the full article
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satyawan9saitama · 11 months
Yoga for Flexibility: Practices to Improve Overall Flexibility and Mobility
Flexibility plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. It allows us to move freely, prevents injuries, and enhances our performance in various physical activities. While some people are naturally more flexible than others, anyone can improve their flexibility through consistent practice. One effective method to enhance flexibility and mobility is through the practice of yoga. In this article, we will explore various yoga poses and practices that can help improve your overall flexibility and mobility.
Warm-up and Preparatory Poses:
Before diving into specific yoga poses, it is essential to warm up the body and prepare it for the practice. Begin with gentle movements such as neck rolls, shoulder rolls, and wrist circles. Follow this with a few rounds of Sun Salutations to warm up the entire body and increase blood circulation. These preparatory poses and movements will help loosen up the muscles and joints, making them more receptive to stretching and improving flexibility.
Forward Bends:
Forward bending poses are excellent for stretching the hamstrings, lower back, and hips, thereby increasing flexibility in the posterior chain. Practice poses like Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), and Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend). Remember to breathe deeply and relax into the pose, allowing gravity to gently stretch the muscles.
Backbends open up the front of the body, including the chest, shoulders, and hip flexors. These poses not only improve flexibility but also counteract the effects of prolonged sitting and poor posture. Include poses like Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Ustrasana (Camel Pose), and Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose) in your practice. Start with gentle backbends and gradually progress as your flexibility increases.
Twisting poses provide an excellent opportunity to increase spinal mobility and release tension in the back muscles. They also massage the internal organs, promoting digestion and detoxification. Include poses like Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja's Twist), Marichyasana (Marichi's Pose), and Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose) in your practice. Remember to twist from the core and maintain an elongated spine for maximum benefits.
Hip Openers:
The hips are an area of the body that tends to hold a lot of tension and tightness. Hip-opening poses not only increase flexibility but also help release emotional stress and stored energy. Incorporate poses like Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Pigeon Pose), and Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) in your practice. Focus on deep breathing and surrendering into the pose to experience the full benefits of hip opening.
Standing Poses:
Standing poses not only build strength and stability but also work on increasing flexibility in the legs, hips, and spine. Include poses like Warrior I and II, Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), and Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III) in your practice. These poses challenge your balance and engage multiple muscle groups, helping to improve overall flexibility and mobility.
Yin Yoga:
Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style that involves holding poses for an extended period, typically three to five minutes. This practice targets the connective tissues, such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia, helping to improve joint mobility and flexibility. Incorporate Yin Yoga poses like Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana), Dragon Pose (Anjaneyasana), and Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana) in your practice. Embrace stillness and focus on deep breathing as you gently explore your edge in these poses.
Prop-Assisted Poses:
Yoga props such as blocks, straps, and bolsters can be valuable tools in enhancing flexibility. They provide support and allow you to gradually ease into deeper stretches. Utilize props in poses like Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose), Ardha Hanumanasana (Half Splits Pose), and Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose). Props help to modify the poses according to your current flexibility level and prevent strain or injury.
Flexibility is a key component of a well-rounded yoga practice and overall physical well-being. By incorporating the aforementioned yoga poses and practices into your routine, you can enhance your flexibility and mobility gradually over time. Remember, flexibility is a journey, not a destination. Be patient, listen to your body, and practice consistently to witness significant improvements.
It is essential to approach your yoga practice with mindfulness and respect for your body's limitations. Never force or push yourself beyond what feels comfortable. Each person's body is unique, and progress may vary. Focus on your own journey and celebrate the small victories along the way.
Incorporate a variety of poses targeting different muscle groups and body areas to ensure a well-rounded flexibility practice. Remember to warm up properly before attempting deeper stretches and always end your practice with a few minutes of relaxation and Savasana (Corpse Pose) to integrate the benefits of your practice.
With dedication and regularity, you will gradually notice increased flexibility, improved range of motion, and enhanced mobility. Enjoy the process and the wonderful transformative effects that yoga brings to your body, mind, and spirit.
So, roll out your mat, embrace the practice of yoga for flexibility, and unlock the remarkable potential of your body's movement.
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artofliving1 · 1 year
The Western name for Marichyasana C is Marichi's pose C. The name comes from the fact that it is named after the sage, Marichi. The Sanskrit meaning for his name is “ray of light.” The asana forms part of the primary series in Ashtanga Yoga, where the first four variations of Marichyasana A, B, C and D are performed in sequence.
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yogadaily · 6 months
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(via Pin auf Products  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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yukoyoga4 · 2 years
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#AloChakraMusings November 10-17th Chakras are focal points or energy centers in our body that affect all aspects of our being - from physical health to mental state to our feelings and emotions. Ancient meditative practices have different names for these and different ways of stimulating or working on the Chakras. As the end of the year closes in, join us for #AloChakraMusings this November to reflect upon how well you are connected with your Chakras and understand the potential you can unlock by working with your Chakras. 🌟POSE LINEUP: ✅Day 1 - Root chakra - I am here. Prompt - What is something that makes you feel present? Pose - Any Inversion ❤️downdog with toe stretching ✅Day 2- Sacral chakra - I feel. Prompt - How do you feel at this very moment? Pose - Any pose you love the most ❤️compass pose ✅Day 3 - Solar Plexus chakra - I act. Prompt- what is a goal you're currently working on? Pose - Any Challenging Pose ❤️Marichyasana D ✅Day 4 - Heart chakra - I love. Prompt -How do you express your love toward others and yourself? Pose - Any Heart Opener ❤️mermaid pose ✅Day 5 - Throat Chakra - I speak. Prompt - Are you able to voice yourself? I think so! I am originally from Japan 🇯🇵 and I live in USA 🇺🇸. English is my second language so sometimes I have to speak out pretty much! 😂👌❤️ ❤️Pose - Any Strengthening Pose 👌👌👌pistol squat ✅Day 6 - Third Eye Chakra - I see. Prompt - Do you see an aspect of your life that you could improve? Do you know the word “KAIZEN”???🇯🇵🥰 Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning change for the better or continuous improvement. I love KAIZEN philosophy and I always think about that how I can adopt it to my yoga practice and my life. Pose - Any pose on which you're still working. ❤️#krounchasana Day 7 - Crown Chakra - I know Prompt - Are you currently on the path of learning something? Pose - Any New Asana Learnt Day 8 - Yogis Choice - Any pose of your choice 🌟 HOSTS: @maxi.yoga @sutraembraceyoga @barefoot.suzie @yuko_yoga @divyaniyoga @damini2167 🌟SPONSORS: @aloyoga ($100 Gift voucher) @alomoves (6 months free subscription) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck_vlLCOi02/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kinoyoga · 3 years
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When I look back and see where I’ve come from and what the journey has been like, I am filled with a sense of wonder for the intrepid seeker in my heart who has never given up on the quest for lasting happiness. _ One week Mysore with me starts in January at our new space @miamiyogagarage _ Tune into my podcast with a new episode each week. _ Day 11 #ashtangayogachallenge is #marichasana _ ✨Follow our hosts: ​@omstarsofficial @kinoyoga @wellness_yogini ​@monicarellano ​@patriciaamadoyoga ​@tatianauprimny ​@ashtangawithesme ​@danysayoga ​@lottasebzdayoga ​@sirisyoga ​@josepharmstrongyoga ​@eddy_m_rivero ​@emilia_ashtangayoga ✨Follow our sponsors: @crystalmoongoods ​@mandaracbd ​@navarroofficial ​@soulfire.collection ​@de.nada.empanada ​@personal_pours _ Photo @ifilmyoga Outfit @liquidoactive #ashtanga #ashtangi #kinoyoga #yoga #miamiyoga #lotus #omstars #marichasana #yogachallenge #yogi #yogapractice #miamibeach #marichyasana 💕 (at Miami Beach, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWL9XdOv_l_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nomnomnomenclature · 3 years
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The only way out of the struggle phase and into pose mastery is through daily and consistent practice. When many of us enter the struggle phase, we do the exact opposite. We practice less or stop all together. This only gets us stuck in the struggle phase. Dig down and keep going. The breakthrough is coming. 🙏 . . . . . #yoga #yogi #yogadudes #yogamen #yogalove #yogainspiration #siargaoisland #yogaforlife #yogaformen #boysofyoga #mensyoga #yogaphilippines #yogaeverywhere #ashtanga #ashtangi #ashtangayoga #primaryseries #marichyasana #islandlife #marichyasanad #yogaph #igersmanila #grammerph #fitspo #pinoygram #siargao #igyoga #instayoga #madaboutyoga #yogachikitsa (at Sadhana Siargao) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQlFfWYHsMD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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venturama · 3 years
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yogahollis · 4 years
#yogahollis . . Forward Folds . Teaching online yoga classes: Monday / Wednesday, 12 noon Tuesday / Thursday, 7 pm Saturday, 11 am . . . . . . . . #marichyasana #janusirsasana #paschimottanasana #forwardfold #hamstrings #lengthening #lengthen #yoga #onlineyogaclasses #onlineyoga #seatedpose #seatedforwardfold #forwardbend #homeyogapractice #yogapractice #yogaonline #instayoga #yogi https://www.instagram.com/p/CFMyYDdD-Ja/?igshid=ui953hxp6odp
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