#marlene’s there for her gf but james is just-there
fiasco95 · 1 month
[Pandora staring at a shirtless Regulus smoking and reading a book by the window alcove.]
Pandora: Okay. Those who agree Regulus is hot, say aye. Aye.
Barty: Aye.
Dorcas: Aye.
Evan: Aye.
Marlene: Aye.
James: Aye.
Pandora: …
Pandora: MARLENE???
Pandora: JAMES POTTER?!?!
Marlene: hey I may be a lesbian but I’m not blind.
James: I’m blind but that has nothing to do with anything, he’s just hot.
Pandora: That’s not what I had a problem with but okay.
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that-bitch-kat3 · 1 year
the marauders era character high
remus (very philosophical): would you say that you are more career oriented or family oriented?
marlene (crying): i’m DISoriernted! where am i? where is dorcus? 
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valoflunar · 9 months
when marlene shouts what in the platonic friendship at regulus and James bc James just said that he was just rly good friends with regulus and denied all accusations of dating thrown to him by Marlene but marlene has just walked into them making out
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annabellelupin · 1 year
a mini Dorlene fic where Marlene is just gay and obsessed with her pretty gf bc why not. so ig it's a oneshot or whatever. also sorry about the quality I wrote this in like an hour
(it's a little suggestive towards the end but other than that it's just fluff)
Marlene had always been mesmerized by those pretty, dark eyes and long lashes- not that she'd admit that to anyone other than her lover. Her deepest thoughts about Dorcas weren't for anyone but the two of them to hear.
She stared into those beautiful eyes now, the soft fire light reflecting onto them. Dorcas needed to study for the big exams that were coming up, and while Marlene was never the type to study, she would willingly give her Dorcas some company while she did.
They were sitting in the Gryffindor Common room, the only sound to be heard was the crackling of the nearby fire. Marlene decided to sit on opposite end of the sofa as Dorcas, in hope to not distract her from her work.
Marlene reached over and carefully tucked a few of Dorcas' braids away from her face, so she could get a better look at her. Every inch of her seemed to be perfection to Marlene. Her eyes, her hair, her nose, and gods, those beautiful lips that made Marlene's heart flutter. Dorcas' smile rivaled the beauty of the moon itself, but nothing could even remotely compare to the sight of her smirk. Any time Marlene saw it her mind was clouded with thoughts about her darling Dorcas.
"You're staring again." Dorcas' eyes were now on Marlene who hadn't even realized she had looked up from her book.
"Sorry," she mumbled in response. "Didn't realize."
"Oh no, it's fine. I know you can't help yourself, and how could I blame you? I do look pretty beautiful in this lighting, don't I?" Dorcas smirked, and a familiar feeling overcame Marlene.
"You look beautiful in any lighting, Dorca." Marlene whispered to herself. Dorca. The nickname had originally been an insult for her rival back in their first few years of Hogwarts, but had since been re-purposed as a pet name for her love. How she hadn't always loved her like she did now is a question Marlene often asked herself when thinking back to those earlier years.
To Marlene's surprise, Dorcas quickly packed up her things, as if she was about to leave. It didn't take long for the latter to notice her girlfriend's sudden unease.
"Relax, Marls. I'm not leaving yet, I'm just taking a study break." Dorcas assured her. Marlene let out a little sigh of relief. She'd have a bit more time with her girlfriend after all.
"Now, are you going to just sit over there and stare at me all night or are you going to come over here?" Marlene quickly obliged to Dorcas' words and moved closer to her.
Even sitting so close to her didn't ease much of the blonde haired women's need for physical affection from her girlfriend. It didn't take long for her to move again, electing to just sit in Dorcas' lap, her legs on either side of her lovers thighs.
Marlene nuzzled her face into the crook of Dorcas' neck, taking in her usual sent of old books and roses. Dorcas played with the blonde's hair in return.
Only her Dorcas was allowed to see her like this; her usually nonchalant and cool mannerism thrown to the wind and replaced with a much gentler and more caring side.
"One of these days, Dorca, I'm going to buy you a huge diamond ring, and we'll move into a nice place in London together where you can open your bookstore, just like you always wanted." Marlene grumbled into her girlfriend's neck.
"Not if I buy you a huge diamond ring first." Dorcas laughed.
"Nope, I already said I was going to first. So, you can't. "
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see about that won't we?" Dorcas wrapped her arms around Marlene, a small comfort to the both of them.
Life after Hogwarts together was a topic they often discussed nowadays, with the end of their seventh year getting closer and closer by the day. They hoped to settle down in a house in the city together, and Dorcas could fulfill her dream of opening her own Cafe and book store nearby. Marlene planned on trying out for a professional quidditch team, and would accompany her lover in her small business during off seasons. Looking even farther in the future, the hoped to have a couple kids of their own. A perfect little family to love and care for. Of course, that'd be in the far future with an upcoming Wizarding war. They'd like to think about the endless possibilities of their futures together nonetheless.
"Are you going to get back to studying now?" Marlene groaned as she rubbed her eyes sleepily.
"I had something else in mind." Dorcas gave her a mischievous smirk, and suddenly Marlene didn't feel so tired anymore.
"I love you so much." Marlene whispered before her Dorcas gave her a long, passionate kiss that made it hard for either of them to think.
"I love you too, Marls."
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birlwrites · 6 months
just wanted to let you know that I love ttdl smmm!! it genuinely makes me so excited to see a new chapter update in my inbox! I was wondering if you could answer whether Jily would get together in this series? bc I think the dynamics of not just Sirius, but also Lily having to figure out how to navigate their relationships with James and Regulus while they're on two sides of this three-way war absolutely DELICIOUS!!! ty for writing this fic! ♥️
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siriussslut · 11 months
marauders era porn links - vol1
warning: every single one of these links contains porn.
crossed out links no longer work
vol 2
stomach bulge
professor!remus taking his anger out on you
fucking you
coming & squirting
you and bsf!james helping each other out
good boy eats you out
in the kitchen while the kids sleep
rewarding you for a good grade
choking on his cock
stomach bulge (again)
coming on his slut
so wet for him
during class
coming together
cum on your face
gryffindor party bathroom
bsfs & a dildo
she loves your nipples
grabbing your boobs (4s)
kissing & grinding
starving for your pussy
worshipping your tits
gf!marls loves your pussy
taking care of you
alone with stepbrother!regulus
playing with each other
pleasing himself
tying him up
“just friends” after getting high
in his office
he’s so hungry
he loves your hair (9s)
fucking you
rubbing against his cock
thinking of you
using her as a fuck-toy
double dildo
making out
pop a titty🙏
eating her pussy
by the pool
eating her ass
after class
she’s so good
playing with each other
tasting you
riding her face
touching her
making out
you x rita x bella
you x rita x bella pt 2
eating you out
devouring your tits
their dicks🫶
fucking you!!!!!!!
alone in the dorm
taking them both
fucking (no homo)
gentle sex
[please lmk if any links aren’t working. have fun!🤭]
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inkdrinkerworld · 10 months
beefy!james with clingy!gf like he's in a circle with his friends, and she just walks up and clings on to him. he immediately wraps his arms around her despite all the mocking from his friends.
james had left you in the kitchen with your friends while he went off to hang out with his.
that was thirty minutes ago, when you'd been excited to see them- now, you wanna hang out with james.
you spot his mop of messy curls over the back of the sofa and rush to him, marlene and mary laughing at how you're practically skipping to him.
"jamie," you interrupt him while sirius tells a story, wiggling close to him before deciding you're better suited for his lap.
"you a'right, angel?" james' knuckles brushes back a strand of your hair, dragging along the apples of your cheeks.
"mhm," you kiss his nose, a slight sparkly pin sheen now resting on the bridge of his nose. "jus' missed you."
peter turns to the two of you with a teasing smile, "you all maxed out on separate time?" he asks, tugging at the socks peeking out from your shoes.
james pats your bum when you kick your foot out at his friend, hiding his smile in your hair.
the movement catches sirius' attention and the black haired man turns to you with a mocking smirk. "you ready to get him back to yourself, doll?"
you grumble under your breath, "you're just upset remmy doesn't let you sit in his lap."
remus hears your words and smirks, winking at you making you hide your face in james' neck which only makes his friends tease you both more. james knows its all jokes, and so do you, which is why you ignore their conversation and busy yourself with fiddling with his chains content to just sit in his lap while he rubs your bum and kisses your temple occasionally.
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dovrt · 3 months
Jealousy Jealousy
Remus: Someone flirts with Sirius, just a casual haha we should go out, slightly touching his arm while they laugh. REMUS WOULD SNAP THE SPINE OF HIS BOOK FROM HALFWAY ACROSS THE ROOM AND IT WOULD ECHO, everyone would just fall silent as all eyes turn to him and he's just glaring at the person until they back away.
Sirius: If someone flirted with Remus, Sirius would just go and sit on his lap as they're conversing. He would grab Remus by the jaw and make out while holding eye contact with the person until they leave and never talk to Remus again.
Mary: Would honestly start aggressively flirting with the person flirting w her SO until they get uncomfortable enough that they get the hint and walk away.
Marlene and Evan I think would be the least jealous, although Marlene would be fuming inside, but she wouldn't say anything. And then later she would go and kiss her gf until Dorcas loses her breath.
Dorcas: She's a Slytherin, they have abandonment issues, what do you expect? Would definitely freak out and just drag Marlene away and make out to remind her how good Dorcas is at what she does. Any version where she's not absolutely devoted to her gf is wrong, tell me this woman wouldn't worship her partner.
Pandora: Might be into poly, honestly doesn't really mind it at all.
Barty: God help the person that flirts with his partner. This man would make life living hell for them. He's just obsessive about things and people that are his. And he wants everyone to know about it. He's not as showy as Sirius, or as territorial as Remus, but he will definitely corner the person later.
Evan: Not very jealous at all, because he knows how obsessed Barty is with him. Plus later, his bed is the one Barty will be sleeping in, so he doesn't mind people flirting with him. Barty's hot and Evan knows it
Regulus: Wouldn't kiss in public just to get back at the person, but would definitely bully them lol. Nothing major, but would drag his fingers on James' skin the next time the person is staring and play with James' star shaped jewellery just so everyone knows who he's with as he doodles his initials on James' skin
James: He knows Regulus doesn't like pda, if it was a quidditch player who flirted with Regulus, he would probably go out of his way to make the game hell for the person. If not, he'd gift Regulus some sun jewellery or something obviously about him with his initials on him,
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solarisburns · 4 months
Marlene is the only romantic partner that gets a full pass by the rest of the friend group
James? Side-eye, friends boyfriend is subspecies, find it fun to scare him, he's loud and obnoxious, Reg may not resent him anymore but they will for him, they Do Not trust this man
Xenophilius? his name alone is just, excuse you, he's weird, like genuinely odd and they just can't get behind it, where did he come from??
Lily? She knows too much, too smart they want to study her brain, probably has too many morals to fully get behind their shenanigans, love her but when she's intro'd as the gf there will be double takes
Even when Barty and Evan start dating or not dating, whatever they want to call it gets raised eyebrows. there will be questions, debriefs, many are you sure's? its a time, the scandal, inter-friend group dating rarely ends well. They are both red flags
Marlene though? Yeah that tracks, welcome to the club bestie, she and barty bond over being beaters, no reason not to trust her, she had a million brothers growing up and was best friends with James and peter forever so nothing phases her, she will nod along, she is so in love with Dorcas, no one will dare ruin how happy Cas is. She has been in love with Dorcas for years and it shows. Green flag all around
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grape-v1nes · 1 year
here is my 100% accurate and absolutely canon opinion of the marauders and co.’s top artists on spotify
i will not be elaborating nor will i take any criticism
james (not super into music; likes party music/what’s popular): taylor swift (because lily loves ts and he loves lily), post malone, kendrick, j. cole, mitski (he cries to I Bet on Losing Dogs bc it makes him think of regulus)
sirius (guys you can be mad at me for this one but you cannot convince me he wouldn’t be this guy if he was born in the early 2000s): 100 gecs (remus cannot fucking stand it but sirius moshes to stupid horse in the dorm), bladee, yung lean, beastie boys, MF DOOM, and bowie obv
remus (he likes midwest emo and 80s alternative but plays lo-fi when he studies): pinegrove, title fight, david bowie, talking heads, car seat headrest (Body’s is his favorite song), lo-fi beats
pete (ik you all think pete’s taste would be very vanilla but i think he’s a sucker for indie rock and 90s hip hop): the drums, the strokes, radiohead, alex g, the pharcyde, MF DOOM (sirius introduced mfdoom to him and he didn’t stop listening to rap snitch knishes for weeks)
lily (bi girl with bi boyfriend that listens to bi girl music): suki waterhouse, phoebe bridgers, lana, taylor swift, king princess
mary (she’s just really fucking cool and so is her music taste): pinkpantheress, ethel cain, hemlocke springs, doja, ice spice (kicked peter very hard in the shin when he called her mid)
marlene (she reminds me of my best friend so i’m assigning her their music taste): alex g, MGMT, the garden, deftones, the neighbourhood
dorcas (lesbian with lesbian gf that listens to lesbian music): fiona apple, japanese breakfast, faye webster, the cranberries, idigo de souza
reg (hard on the outside soft on the inside; he likes his music to be slow and sad): duster, mac demarco, salvia palth, current joys, tchaikovsky, blink-182 (only because he listens to I Miss You constantly for painfully obvious reasons)
-disclaimer ; my knowledge of evan and barty is very limited this is just the vibes-
evan (enjoys trad-goth/ post-punk/ shoegaze. gets mad if you call him goth. he’s punk!): the cure, bauhaus, depeche mode, my bloody valentine, slowdive
barty (is punk and enjoys punk but completely mis-understands the politics): sum 41, blink-182, the smashing pumpkins, hollywood undead, sex pistols (was very obsessed with the death of sid viscous and thought he was just the coolest)
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dqbbiegallaqher · 6 months
Hey I’ve been wanting to get into the mauraders but always get confused. Can you teach me?
Ahhhh okay idk where to start so i’m just gonna do like a character introduction thing?? i’ll try idk if this’ll be helpful tho 😭
okay so the main 4 are:
Remus Lupin (moony) , Sirius Black (padfoot) , James Potter (prongs) , Peter Pettigrew (wormtail) . The nicknames come from Remus being a werewolf and the other tbree are illegal animagi (they can turn into animals like McGonagall who can turn into a cat) Peter turns into a rat- hence wormtail, James is a stag/buck- prongs for the antlers, Sirius is padfoot bc he’s a black dog (he’s also named after the dog star sirius and his last name is black so ofc 💀💀)
moving on to the “valkyrie girls” aka Gryffindor Girls:
Lily Evans- Harrys mum- we love her she’s super sweet, great at potions etcetc, then we have Mary MacDonald who’s usually depicted as very sweet and she’s the only one who survives the war (or one of the only ones) and usually depicted as obliviating herself at the end of the war bc she doesn’t want to remember all the terrible things that happened and all of her friends dying basically, then theres Marlene Mckinnon, badass, usually depicted playing quidditch with James also the fandom collectively decided she was a lesbian dating Dorcas Meadowes (slytherin) and we love that for her
Next we have the “Slytherin Skittles” (that bame is so weird to type out anyways-)
Starting with Dorcas Meadowes cause i just mentioned her- she was mentioned like once in the books as being 1) part of the order 2) having been killed by voldemort himself and thats all the canon we have about her but again usually depicted as Marlenes gf and usually plays quidditch on the Slytherin team, Then we have Barty Crouch Jr he was in the 4th movie/book, he’s a deatheater with daddy issues he used be depicted as dating Regulus before jegulus was a thing now he’s depicted as dating Evan Rosier (also a deatheater who dies) or all 3 date idk, then we have Regulus Black, aka Sirius’ younger brother who becomes a deatheater but ends up dying getting the horcrux locket from the cave in the sixth hp book/movie so he turns out not being a bad guy and people took that, ran with it and decided to make him this tortured soul who writes sad boy poetry, it’s fun, its angsty and usually shipped with James Potter just bc, Lastly we have Pandora Lovegood- Luna Lovegoods mum- we dont have a canon last name for her but losts of people come up with Rosier (Evans twin) or Lestrange or any last name we want for her bc we don’t know
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touchlikethesun · 1 year
what i think the marauders would study at uni (because i'm procrastinating on my uni work)
james: psychology, with a plan to get a masters in social work, he wants to be a child psychologist so bad it's not even funny
sirius: theatre, he's dramatic and the stage loves him, was there ever even a question - he's in like 3 student productions a term on top of his course work, and it barely phases him
remus: linguistics, i think remus would find linguistics, especially sociolinguistics really fascinating, but he'd dabble in kind of every subfield - he lives in the library and loves pouring over data sets and grammar trees (was a fervent chomskyian until studying austronesian languages and now chomsky is his greatest enemy)
peter: maths, this one i have less of a reason for, just because i know a few mathematicians that remind me of peter (this is a good thing they are good friends of mine)
lily: biochem, i think she has a special interest in like some endangered small mammal and intends to dedicate many many years to studying and trying to save it
mary: history and politics, but like focusing on the history of social movements, again, i think mary is a little activist and she gets into debates with PPE-ists and absolutely obliterates them
marlene: physics, marlene is super smart but in like a really laid back way, no one thinks she studies physics, but really she's finishing her degree with multiple offers for phd programs
dorcas: art history, dorcas is an art hoe if ever i met one, and on top of her degree in art history she also somehow is finding time to paint paintings for student exhibitions (also stem x art gfs with marls sooo)
pandora: french and italian, not linguistics but literature, she absolutely loves french and italian literature, italian poetry and french victorian lit, also i feel like french and italian lit are like... pretty... just like her :)
barty: PPE (politics), he is the one that mary most consistently owns in debates and it frustrates him to no end. only doing it because he went to a super posh boarding school and his dad is making him.
evan: law, and he hates it
regulus: CLASSICS CLASSICS CLASSICS literally there is no other option regulus is a classicist and he loves it and he goes to every lecture reads the entire reading list for each essay
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chaoticmultifandom28 · 6 months
A jegulus fanfic prompt.
Burlesque (the movie) jegulus edition.
James is Jack, with lily as his fiancé (epilogue she gets with either Pandora or Mary)
Regulus is Ali
Sirius is Tess (Cher’s character)
Remus is Sean (Stanley tucci’s character)
Marcus is Barty Crouch Jr (it was with barty or Snape and I wouldn’t put regulus through that)
Marlene is Nikki (the mean girl, with the added bonus of Dorcas being her gf)
For shits Peter is Vince (Sirius’ ex husband)
Mary (or Pandora) as Georgia (the girl who Ali replaced) (but if it’s Mary instead of being married and pregnant, she breaks a leg. Pandora wouldn’t be married but be pregnant with luna [Planned with a sperm donor]) ( added bonus of pandalily/marylily ending up together, lily was distant because she had a bi panic because a pretty girl so she ran but when James breaks up with her (but not actually in her eyes) she panics because James was a constant and she didn’t want to lose that)
Slight changes: Sirius and Remus are together (even though Sean and Tess aren’t, because Sean is gay but we dont have that in this since both are gay) but no one knows. Everyone just thinks they are boss ass business partners. Regulus finds out they are together when lily comes back and says she and James aren’t broken up and he flees to Remus.
Regulus and Sirius are still brothers but regulus ran away from home not long after Sirius did but they lost contact until regulus came to la looking for a job and ended up at Sirius’ burlesque club and Sirius hires him as a waiter. Regulus loves dancing though and after Mary (or Pandora) can no longer dance he gets that job (much like how Ali does in the movie).
Regulus is the only male burlesque dancer other than Sirius
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saintchaser · 1 year
marauders era height headcanons (cms)
sirius black: 184. i personally love taller sirius, and especially taller than james :) (he rests his arm on james' head) it's also helpful in quidditch, large arm span,
james potter: 167. short king 💪loves being big spooned by his taller gf
peter pettigrew: 165. he's just a bit shorter than james and honestly he doesn't care much about his height
remus lupin: 190. he's the tallest out of them and uses his advantage to put things on the top shelves all the time, and especially loves to see james struggling with reaching said things. hits his head in doorframes all of the time
mary macdonald: 174. she's pretty tall compared to her friends and she rocks it, she loves her height. she thinks it makes her very hot (it does)
lily evans: 173. loves being just one centimeter taller than mary, it's the perfect difference in her opinion
marlene mckinnon: 159. doesn't care much about her height either. in quidditch, she might be shorter, but the strength of her arms help her. tiny but mighty 💪
dorcas meadowes: 182. always makes fun of james for being shorter than them. loves calling marlene a "kid-sized woman"
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hugs4prongs · 1 month
About me!!
hii!! (Rest under the cut)
you can call me veda (vayduh) or veve either works, I'm not picky!
My pronouns are she/they!!
I'm bisexual, but have a preference for women
I have a gf of over a year :3 ( @kinny-meow )
my ao3 is hugs4prongs
I write things sometimes but I really have to be in the mood
I have one thing published, but I'm planning on more!
The one thing - "The Effects of Love" a dorlene siren au, mcd, angst, revenge, et cetera. (Was a co-write with one of my irl friends so credits to her!)
My ships, tropes, et cetera
I ship just about everything as long as it isn't incest or illegal!! (Some of them are always romantic but most of them are flexible between romantic and platonic!)
Master List
Mlm: Jegulus, Wolfstar, Rosekiller, Bartylus, rosechaser, sunkiller (jarty truther), ev & reg (do they have a ship name?), moonwater, prongsfoot, prongstail, rosestarkillerchaser, penjy (is that the name?!), moonchaser (UGH BABIES), moonrosekiller, moonkiller, deathstar (siri & bat). (This probably isn't all of them but this is just off the top of my head)
Wlw: Marylily, dorlene, lilylene (MY BABIES!!), marylene (ALSO BABIES), pandalily, marpanlily, nobleflower, quillkiller, bravethorn, lily + Marlene + pandora (it's my ship I just haven't found a good name) lilycissa, dorlily, pandorcas, dormary (again there's probably more I just have to think more)
Wlm/Mlw: BARTYLILY (RAHHHHHH), lucissa (sometimes), ludora (thanks saints), frank + Alice, jily (honeys), pebill (rarely but still there) (I think you get the memo by now, still probably more)
Random other things
Some of my favorite artist are:
Pierce the Veil, My Chemical Romance, Paramore, Sleeping with Sirens, Falling in Reverse, Panic! At the Disco (Ryan Ross I love you), Korn, Deftones, Mom jeans (kinda random pls), Evanescence, The Killers, Nirvana, System of a down (I'm rambling I'm sorry)
My favorite colors are green and red!
I kin James, Evan, Barty, and Mary
My favorite ships are Jegulus, Bartylily, Rosechaser, and Rosestarkillerchaser!
My favorite flowers are Chrysanthemums and Carnations!!
Okay sorry I totally rambled but if you read it all I love you and I'm open to moots!! 😍
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polaroidcats · 2 months
Here are some characters for you:
Sirius, Regulus, Molly, Barty Sr., Lucius, Fleur, Poppy P. and Marlene
hii bat!! that is a beautiful list, here we go:
Marlene/Molly - since we don't know Marlene's canonical age I think maybe she went to school with Molly, maybe they even shared a dorm room, had many late night study sessions and deep talks about their lives and their futures and everything else. Molly is the "straight" best friend Marlene never really got over, they practised kissing "for boys", made out a few times when they were drunk, maybe even went a bit further than that. Molly loved sleeping in Marlene's bed and cuddling with her platonic bff, and was always the first to fight anyone who suggested either of them were gay, which made Marlene's coming out to her so much harder for Marlene because she was so scared of Molly's reaction. Molly's reaction was nice, of course, when Marlene burst out crying and told her she was gay one evening, but something had changed between them over the years of Marlene feeling like she had to hide her sexuality and Molly not admitting that there was anything but platonic love between them. Even when Marlene comes out to her, Molly doesn't realise that Marlene might be in love with her and talks about having to find Marlene a gf, which breaks Marlene's heart a little. And when Molly falls in love with Arthur, Marlene finally understands she needs to let go of her unrequited love for Molly, she starts noticing a hot butch slytherin who keeps staring at her in classes...
Regulus/Barty Sr - I just think Regulus definitely needs an outlet to work through his daddy issues, and why not do so with the father of one of his friends?
Sirius/Poppy - ok so I think Sirius "I don't have mommy issues" Black definitely flirted with Poppy Pomfrey while he was at school, both because he thought it was fun and she was hot and also to see Remus's reaction. That boy spent so much time in the hospital wing, sitting next to Remus, he had to occupy his time with something and he chose to do so by flirting with Pomfrey. She was a young nurse, and thought it was really annoying that this stupid teenager kept flirting with her, and redirected his attempts at flirting to more appropriate conversation which led to them being sort of friends/friendly eventually. When Sirius escapes from Azkaban he knows he can't trust many people but he trusts Poppy, and his health is really bad from being in torture prison for 12 years, so he takes the risk and goes to see her when he breaks into Hogwarts. She has witnessed what a loyal friend he was to Remus and James and believes in his innocence, and hides him for a few days, taking care of him, nurturing him back to health after the hell he's been through. It's like he's a completely different man now, compared to the confident teenager that used to annoy her as a young nurse, but now they are both older, life has changed them, and they find comfort in each other's arms, Sirius deserves someone to take care of him and Poppy knows she can give him what he needs.
Fleur/Lucius - they meet at a modeling gig for magical hair shampoo for natural blondes and bond over their shared love for that shampoo.
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