#mdzs brain rot
sasukimimochi · 1 year
ok but
i came up with what i think is an incredibly cute idea for a mdzs au and i really might add it to my project list cuz it tickles my fancy.
i'm dying thinking about it so let me give as small of a summary as i can here lmao
*the big change here is LWJ. LWJ is essentially a lot less restrictive, but...mainly with WWX! Think of this slightly like a sober-drunk LWJ.
-WWX meets LWJ at Cloud Ressesses, as per usual. he's still strict, but something about him seems softer around WWX than with other people, and others notice it immediately while WWX has no fucking clue. (this doesn't mean he's not aware, this just means it's too early for him to understand there's a difference).
-LWJ intentionally catches WWX every time he does something against the rules, and is secretly the happiest guy ever bc he now gets to sit with WWX every day for hours. this will help it still be a surprise for WWX when LWJ starts opening up to him bc why does strict lan suddenly wanna friend me??
-it does not take long before LWJ is actually seeming to open up even if not in the way WWX expected. (at least a month so after his punishment) as a result, WWX stops doing as much bad things to get LWJ's attention, and simply hangs out with him a ton. (Jc is a bit jealous bc he always wants the two to hang alone. He doesn't think about it too much though cuz wwx is always outgoing so he thinks he's probably overthinking it- not that he thinks they're in a relationship at this point)
-WWX starts behaving a bit, just because he wants to hang around longer, but still ends up punching Jin Zixuan. As a result, LWJ convinces uncle to let him go to Lotus pier as both an escort and to study there since he's already a great lan student! (aka he just wants to stick around WWX) and after a great battle with the of eyes he is allowed to go.
-Thus starts the little adventures of our young couple doing whatever the hell they want for a while.
maybe i'll touch more on this later but
i decided to nickname the au "He's Definitely Sober" for now. if i change it i change it lol
i mean...think about it, just imagine this scene but with a sober lwj. i would literally die. it's like, some of my favorite things. I have always wished there was more of this lmao
scenario for fun-
LWJ: Wei Ying. WWX: Lan Zhan?
LWJ: I love Wei Ying. WWX: You what
LWJ: I want to court you. WWX: YOU WHAT
LWJ: i'll ask uncle in the morning. WWX: ////////???? REWIND.
LWJ: *shoves armful of gentian flowers in his arms* please. WWX, lost, flustered, and who knows what else: o...okay.
...and thus an awkward convo with jc the next day:
WWX, holding his flowers: so...
JC: *squints* WWX: i might have gotten asked about being courted...
JC: ...you're a man! WWX: i said that too but...
JC: but?? WWX: we're both guys so its hard to argue against
JC: *freezes, looking seconds from qi deviation*
somewhere in the Yashi Lan Qiren is also looking pretty similar.
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mmagurro · 3 months
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wangxian yuri 🫶🐺
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zelkam · 2 months
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— natalie diaz, a brother named gethsemane
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catkindness · 1 year
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good for you, you look happy and healthy
not me, if you ever cared to ask
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yingandzhan · 5 months
Can't stop thinking about my modern Wangxian brain-rot...
WWX working from home, on a zoom call when his sexy husband comes in to quietly sweep the floor. Lifting up their furniture with one hand like it was made of clouds, while WWX can hardly concentrate on the meeting. Suddenly the connection on WWX's side is lost and he is no longer visible online. He comes back online sometime later, rejoining the video call with his hair all tousled, shirt not buttoned properly and gasping for air.
Apparently his street had a power cut and he was trying to get re-connected to the meeting the whole time. But the ever so slight curl of LWJ's lips as he continues to clean suggest otherwise... Not to mention the fact they are now wearing each other's shirts instead.
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liverbiver9 · 1 year
sorry i know i should stop with my mdzs modern au obsessions but i literally Can’t Stop Thinking about teenxian overhearing teenji play wangxian.mp3 on the piano or violin or something like Once because he was stalking looking for teenji and then he promptly forgot where he heard the melody only to make a Perfect Rendition of teenji’s emotional soulmate love song on his motherfucking harmonica. teenji is confused/furious/horny about it.
please i just need wangxian.mp3 played on wei wuxian’s bright red harmonica covered in random, peeling stickers that he keeps in a case that’s literally attached to his belt like a fucking NERD. teenxian walking around with a harmonica case on his belt all the time. he’s been through three cases because he keeps biffing it on his skateboard.
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starrywangxian · 4 months
you've heard of red and blue gays? of course, you have.
you've even heard of black and white gays? sure.
well, wangxian are both soooo
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rkivees · 8 months
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'my one and only' pipeline.
one does not end like the other two.
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pocketsizedowls · 1 year
Lan Xichen, libra extraordinaire, has never made a decision in his life.
He's been trained to, of course, but only in an official capacity. His uncle once told him to only make decisions after gathering sufficient information, and that has since become the most important rule in his life. This means he's great at mediating conflict, hosting banquets, and making executive decisions like which village gets more rice and what policies he should enact, but he never knows what to eat for dinner and what to do during his free time.
Lan Wangji, neurodivergent/autistic icon, is the complete opposite. He's a picky perfectionist with a strict daily routine, which no one ever interrupts because why should they? It's just Wangji being Wangji. And, in fact, everyone should strive to be like him. Perhaps if he grew up somewhere rowdier like Lotus Pier or the Unclean Realm then someone would finagle him into being spontaneous, but this is the Cloud Recesses. Of course nobody bothered him until Wei Wuxian came along and turned his world upside down.
Before Wei Wuxian, though, there was Lan Xichen. He stops by the Jingshi often, not because he is concerned for his antisocial little brother (well, maybe just a little), but because he gets so bored sometimes and he never knows what to do. Whenever Uncle is busy, little Xichen likes to find little Wangji and follow his routine with him. Can I join you as you meditate, he asks, and can I eat dinner with you? What do you suggest I do after lectures tomorrow? The other day I took your advice and made a painting, do you wanna see it? Can you pick a book out of this pile for me to read first? I can't seem to decide.
This is why Lan Xichen gets along so well with people. He goes along with things, lets people make decisions for him, and genuinely enjoys it. He earns the trust of the skeptical people without even trying to, just because he lets them pick which wine to order at the inn and what day they should go on a night hunt. You might think it's quite counterintuitive for an all-important sect leader to be this indecisive, but it worked out for the majority of his life. Just like how he chooses to believe in the good in people, people also believe in the good in him.
These days, though, Lan Xichen is reconsidering his behavior. As weeks turn into months turn into years, he stares out the windows of the Hanshi and wonders: Would everything turn out differently if he made more decisions based on instinct? Who can he even trust anymore? Would Nie Mingjue still be alive today, if he didn't force him and A-Yao to become sworn brothers? Would A-Yao still be alive today, if he listened to Wangji and Wei-gongzi's warning sooner? All the people who tell him he did nothing wrong must be lying. How can nothing be his fault?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the Cloud Recesses, Lan Wangji adds more items to his routine. With Lan Xichen in seclusion, he's busy now. He teaches and he nighthunts and he sits through meetings and he spends time with Wei Ying. He also visits his brother. He drops by the Hanshi every three days and says, can I join you as you meditate, and can I eat dinner with you? What do you suggest I do after lectures tomorrow? The other day I took your advice and wrote a new song, do you wanna hear it? Can you pick a book out of this pile for me to read first? I can't seem to decide.
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kettledemon · 2 months
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It’s about the gentleness, anyways more xueyu!!
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sasukimimochi · 10 months
me and my friends @yuzanrath and @mdzs-owns-my-ass-i-guess were casually brainrotting today and we came up with a pretty funny prompt (who knows if I may eventually write it but I do really enjoy it and I don't write enough funny things) For some context, this prompt started as a joke where JC single-handedly invents non-sexual dual cultivation cuz he's so chronically single, but this is a separated idea more focused on wwx haha (no warning cuz no real pregnancies are had, just shenanigans)
TLDR will be at the bottom.
Let's say this is like, 2 years post-canon or more. So the 'juniors' probably aren't all juniors at this point but i'm still gonna call them that.
-wwx gets cursed with some sort of bloating while on a night hunt with the juniors but it doesn't start showing until the next day. wwx teases/jokes with the juniors about various forms of innocent touches/staring and points out he and lwj were holding hands the day previous before he left on his trip and kissed him goodbye and so everyone starts to believe he really IS pregnant from such a little thing. (the juniors are ofc horrified at the prospect of such easily acquired pregnancy AND FOR A MALE, and lsz is secretly excited about the prospect of getting a sib)
-Wen Ning (as part of the night hunting party who is still around rn) is kinda doubtful, but he also ends up believing bc the juniors getting excited (mainly lsz) is infectious. And, wwx really does have abdominal swelling; so, as is the theme here, he ends up believing too despite his doubts.
-lxc is informed via a junior and wwx shows that he is in fact not stuffing his shirt and lxc is stumped, can't defute, so decides it's best to go along with it for now just in case, as to not stress out the potentially pregnant brother-in-law.
-lxc and the juniors are babying him a little bit but wwx finds it funny and enjoyable so keeps it up for now since the curse is something he can easily fix and doesn't really hurt.
-LWJ comes home and at first thinks "wei ying what have u done now" but then sees the swelling is actually attached to his body and falls for it too, cue the doting husband who becomes his shadow. No more spicy food while he's 'expecting', no sex cuz he's too rough, no liquor bc bad for the baby.
-wwx handles this for a couple days, the super healthy food, lack of everything he likes, and a subtle pain in his gut from the swelling getting worse too quickly (skin isn't meant to stretch that fast) before he can't do it anymore and confesses that it was him teasing the kids and kept the joke going too long. (He cures the curse in front of him perhaps and lwj is just devastated but in his lwj way. That or LWJ cures it with something simple like cleansing idk)
-They tell lxc & lqr and lxc looks disappointed bc he likes children but mainly bc lwj is sad too (and of course lqr is celebrating oh thank god it was fake)
-they tell lsz & Wen Ning and that's the final straw, the sad subtle puppy-eye looking disappointment makes wwx drag the three on a journey out of the cloud recesses; They find a little bebe orphan to take in, perhaps they have a goofy journey of offering parenthood to orphaned kids who don't trust/don't want it before they find a local single mother died giving birth or something and they end up having a real connection with the baby, including lsz who gets insta attached, and so its decided one way or another that this is their baby.
-They go back to cloud recesses and the juniors are all like "WHERE DID YOU GO WHILE YOU WERE PREGNANT AND THEN LXC SAID YOU WEREN'T AN- OH" baby reveal. and thus wwx grins and the baby joke continues, says that he just had the baby etc etc and lxc was mistaken they just wanted a private birth or smth blah blah blah
-lsz immediately goes along with it because he is extra happy he has a little brother/sister now and he's feeling mischievous too, and says they need to take the baby to the nursery etc etc and wwx needs to rest (he is a bit tired tho after running around and getting rid of that curse n stuff)
-JC comes storming bc of the rumors bc even in gusu they can't shut their traps and sees baby, deflates but still has grumpy face like wtf happened (probably Jin Ling's fault that he finds out)
-wwx would probably joke a bit then tell him the truth immediately instead of trying to make him believe it too to avoid confrontation but asks for him to keep it secret for the joke, and Jc is like "..." cuz its an opportunity for the two to joke around together again even if he's grumpy™️ about it and so he doesn't dote on wwx but he does play along with the joke in his own way for a bit until maybe jc says something crazy and/or outrageous that couldn't be true to jin ling and he goes to wwx in a panic and so the jig is up but he tells all the juniors with 100% honesty that they did just adopt a baby and that part wasn't a joke but he didn't give birth himself and he was OK and then its just cute baby and junior interactions
bonus that came up later:
-lwj gets drunk and ends up going out again with wwx tailing close behind. they come home with another child, and thus when lwj is sober again he's suddenly a father of two young children. Cue cute timid wide-eyed bunny mode lwj while wwx comforts him (but laughing and teasing him like haha you made me pregnant again what a scandal! one look and I instantly gave birth! lwj you're so insatiable) and lsz not-so-secretly celebrates their suddenly growing family.
-JC is extremely pouty in his JC way about all these nephews he only gets to know about after they're already adopted.
-lxc is feeling quite a bit better getting to baby the babies and help his brother with raising children again, and thankfully with wwx also by lwj's side.
It was too wild a ride not to share 😌💖✨
TLDR; wwx tricks the juniors, the jades, lqr and even jc temporarily into believing he's pregnant as a way to beat the boredom while lwj is out of cloud recesses (and continues until he can't stand the doting/guilt because he succeeds in his joking too well.) wwx and lwj end up actually adopting bc wwx can't stand the disappointed faces.
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mmagurro · 9 months
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wlw wangxian 🐰🌷
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siilverwiitch · 13 days
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When the post nut clarity hits a little too hard...
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benevolenterrancy · 6 months
Hii. It's been so long since I've opened Tumblr that I didn't even know you posted MDZS fanart. And let me say, I love it! I originally followed you because of your Cybersix fanart, and I love that now you also draw MDZS. Could you maybe draw Adrian/Cybersix and Lucas making googly eyes at each other? There are not enough Cybersix enjoyers in the world, and even less artists that have watched it. Love youu
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adrian and lucas unknowingly fuel a not insignificant part of the school rumour mill
(and tell me about it, i wish more people understood why they should love this series T0T if the comic wasn't absolutely intolerable we'd be unstoppable!!)
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catkindness · 1 year
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✨ everyone is dumb ✨
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Hello and welcome to Day 5 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Do you know that moment when you hear an opening from a childhood TV show that you were obsessed with before and your brain is like, "But what if you combine this with this and make it into a fanfic idea?". Cause this is how my brain came up with a Mo Dao Zu Shi Pokemon AU. (The Diamond and Pearl Openings are still my jam to this day)
The AU is not fully detailed in my head (yet), but I came up with two versions for it, so I will just write down some details I already have for both versions:
Edit: As of February 6th, this has a title : "Some roads are not meant to be traveled alone"
Wei Wuxian is a new Pokemon Trainer that just started his journey with his partner Vulpix (Kantonian)
Lan Wangji is a more seasoned Pokemon Trainer (he has been on a journey for at least 2 years) and has an Alolan Vulpix as a partner.
The two meet in Kalos, more specifically in Lumiouse City. WWX wanted to see if he could start challenging the Gyms right away, and his Vulpix got a bit too excited and ran off and got lost.
Lan Wangji is in Lumiouse City for a vacation rather than to start a new journey. His Vulpix is the one that finds WWX's Vulpix. Seeing that the Kantonian Vulpix is very young, LWJ feels anger towards the trainer who let the young fox unattended.
When WWX finds them, LWJ is ready to berate him for being irresponsible, but WWX's "Please never run off again like that Vulpix. I was so scared." stops him in his tracks.
WWX turns to thank LWJ for finding his Vulpix and apologizes for the troubles. LWJ, instead of just accepting the apology, tells WWX he shouldn't be so careless, especially when his Vulpix is so young. (LWJ is kicking himself for saying that) WWX takes offense because he wasn't being careless, nor was he abusive towards his partner.
And so their first meeting is kind of a disaster. That, however, doesn't stop them from constantly meeting around Lumiouse for the next week and then the universe (aka me) decides they should journey around Kalos together. (We all know how the relationship will progress)
Edit: As of February 6th, this fic has a title:
"Life is a journey you must walk to behold"
In this version, WWX is from Hoenn (Hoenn has a lot of water = Lotus Pier). He and Jiang Cheng have been journeying through other regions (started in Hoenn, went to Kanto and Unova) but this year they want to have an individual journey for themselves.
Jiang Cheng wants to go to Johto, while WWX is going to Sinnoh.
I am on my "Give Jiang Cheng a Shinx" Agenda because just imagine him having a Shinx that is as much of a trouble maker as WWX. (Jiang Cheng's sanity is in danger)
WWX has an Absol as his partner. (The similarities between Absol's lore and WWX's personality make me believe that this is a good pair.) Also, Absol is definitely the one that is more serious and responsible between the two.
Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen are from Johto and their family is well known for being Coordinators.
Lan Wangji has an Eevee that evolved into Glaceon as a partner and has participated in a lot of Pokemon Contests in Johto and Kanto.
Lan Xichen has a Lapras as a partner and is not as interested in Pokemon Contests. He does, however, like to nurse Pokemon back to health and thinks about becoming a Pokemon Doctor.
LWJ wants to go and journey around Sinnoh and learn more about Pokemon Battles (the Lan family doesn't like how trainers that challenge Gyms push their Pokemon so hard, and they are more against Pokemon Battles. In their words, "Contests are a more refined art. Pokemon Battles are barbaric and violent.") LWJ doesn't want to jump to conclusions on that topic, while LXC believes both can be just as good, but it depends if the Trainer is a good person or not.
LWJ, once in Sinnoh, wants to experience a Gym Challenge for himself, so he decides to go to Oreburgh City and challenge Roark, the Gym Leader.
He ends up watching a battle between Roark and WWX instead and falls at first sight for WWX and for his passion for Pokemon Battles. WWX is also very kind to his pokemon, so inner LWJ aproves even more of his choice in love interests.
WWX and LWJ end up traveling through Sinnoh together. (Team Galactic is the main villain that they seem to find/fight against all throughout the journey too)
On the other hand, LXC meets Jiang Cheng and decide to travel together through Jotho, with LXC using this journey to further his knowledge as a Pokemon Doctor and to learn more about Jiang Cheng, who, although says harsh things all the time, is a kind person.
LXC and Jiang Chen end up dealing with Team Rocket during their journey.
There you have it.
This is about everything that I have about this AU. Honestly, I think this one will probably continue to grow in the back of my mind for a while longer before I come up with a title for it and, possibly, even scenes (be it Battles or Contest Performances).
So, what do you think? Good? Bad? Let me know!
I might post some more things later today, but for the moment, I am gonna wish you guys a good morning/day/night.
Till next time,
- TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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