#lan jingyi
I think Lan Jingyi is important. Specifically in what he represents: In the Cloud Recesses Study Arc we see how stolid the Lan Sect is, and with Lan Wangji's whipping we see how blinded the Lan Sect can be by its own ideals that it forsakes the morality those ideals represent.
When we see Lan Wangji in WWX'S second life we see the change Lan Wangji has initiated in his own clan.
That change is embodied in the one Lan Jingyi.
He's loud, brash, emotive, unfiltered and sometimes rude, all of which are anathema to the Lan Clan's sacred ideals of comportment and image. While Lan Jingyi does get punished for infractions it should be noted that he's never dissuaded from his own nature. There is no alienation of Lan Jingyi from his clan. Lan Jingyi is fully Lan, we don't ever see him excluded and we don't see his relationship to his clan in any interpretable as estranged.
What does that tell us?
It tells us that the Lan Sect is changing. If we went purely on the Lan Sect we see in years prior it would not be surprising to see a character such as Lan Jingyi continually disparaged for his anathemic nature, looked down upon and excluded for his differences and punished for his 'undesirable traits'.
We do not see Lan Jingyi's passion being trained or beaten out of him. Instead, we see that the Lan Sect, especially through Lan Wangji's teachings and reforms, are doing their best to model Morality and Righteousness.
The flourishing existence of Lan Jingyi is a testament to the emendation of Lan Sect values; true righteousness being valued over the appearance of it, benevolence in action instead of in name. Mercy. Grace.
Lan Jingyi is the product of Lan Wangji's reforms and trials.
We see Lan Wangji suffer for his innate passion, punished for it by the hands of his own sect. But we also know Lan Jingyi never will.
Lan Jingyi is a sign of growth.
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I love Lan Jingyi so much. He's sassy but also brave, loyal, a good friend to Lan Sizhui, and the best fighter among the juniors. A classic case of "the Lan sect has 3000 rules that everyone has to follow except that one mouthy guy vaguely associated with Hanguang Jun."
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coulsandies · 3 days
mdzs headcanon of the day #300 !
every time jingyi discovers free will something is bound to happen. not in the sense where he realizes he can rob a bank but in the sense that he’ll realize he has free will and eat uncooked instant noodles for every meal because he has the ability to
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askew-d · 3 days
Hello again....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from MDZS? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the novel? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
sure! its no trouble at all. sorry i am embarassingly late and thank you for the question, i loved making this list :)
1. wei wuxian, our selfless yiling laozu
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alright, you can call me cliché, everyone loves him, right? but kendrick lamar said it’s all about love and hate in the game so let me tell you, i love this man. i love the way that he walks, the way that he kills, the way that he dresses, the way that he mocks others, the way that he protect those he loves, the way he’s unbearably and so utterly good to the core (no irony or pun intended), regardless of everything he’s been through. because let’s come clean: other characters, such as xue yang and meng yao, did have their reasons to be evil, i comprehend them! i validate their motives to be who they are, but it does not, for the love of god, excuses their actions.
and that’s the thing! because wei wuxian has been though hell and back, way worse than them, yet he chose to continue doing good things. it’s just who he is (unbelievable, right?). he is, essentialy, someone who pursues justice. he sought revenge for what he suffered, that he rightly did, but he didn’t lash out on innocent cultivators who had nothing to do with his injuries. and the amount of strength, resilience, kindness and sheer wisdom that resides in this makes my admiration for him grow as deep as the ocean. he’s the ultimate main character of every fictional world. no one’s doing tragedy, revenge, inteligence, selflessness, love and being a troublemaker like him, ok. he’s one for the history books. and with that we go to:
2. lan wangji, our beloved hanguang-jun
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i said this before, but i will say it again: i feel like wei wuxian might kill me every time i go around saying ‘lan zhan’ or even start worshipping him too much. however, who wouldn’t worship him? he’s a god among humans; a superhero in a novel about cultivators. if wei wuxian’s considered by some an antihero, he’s the true, righteous captain america right here. and it’s not just the looks, he’s a whole package: a terrific father, a dedicated brother and nephew, an esteemed cultivator, a marvellous husband and a fair human being.
most of all, i dearly love him for the fact that he’s been loving wei wuxian since the beginning and never let that go. this man fought for his love like no one else did. he remembered wei wuxian when no one else did. he tried and tried, for him. he waited thirteen years, for him. in fact, if wei wuxian had never returned, he’d just have been waiting and waiting, living his life in grief, watching the moonlight alone…… but that’s a thought for another moment.
the amount of love this man carries is unbearable, really. it’s who he is too. and i also adore the fact that he has a lot of personas: he’s a serious senior for the disciples, a feral animal in bed, silly in some moments and painfully romantic in others. he’s just unreal!
3. lan jingyi, the most atypical lan that has ever lanned
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if this boy was in the modern times, im sure i would make friends with him. hes everyones spirit inside this story. he is one of hell of a representation: he can judge, yell, put some sense into other peoples minds, act even more senseless and tell truths without caring for the consequences (and then crying when faced with the punishment of headstands). and the best part of all: he is, oddly, a lan! i love him! best boy ever (alright, perhaps after lan sizhui, but i relate to jingyi harder).
put him in a modern school. can you disagree with me that he would be the one student lurking in the far away desks acting all angelic when the teacher comes close only to act like a little devil, screaming, laughing loudly and hiding food in his backpack during activities? can you disagree with me that he would be the one to run and jump like a maniac when its time for p.e class and sleep out of boredom when the teacher starts explaining serious stuff? can you disagree with me he would pretend to enact the rules only to receive bad grades and pull the most stupid facades to hide it from his parents?
in some ways, he does have similarities with wei wuxian. but wei wuxian is a genius who wouldnt even go to class when he didnt want to, sleep instead of play-pretend and even so receive the best grades ever, annoying everyone. theres this difference. but lan jingyi isnt a genius, he is just one of us. and i love him for it.
4. wen qing, my beautiful doctor
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wen qing, my beloved, you didnt deserve that backlash.... this woman deserved to have a happy family, alright. she deserved a little bit of happiness! she deserved to have her brother with her! she deserved to be well and to not have suffered so badly just because of her surname. if there is one thing i agree with (and i dont remember exactly who said it, but it was from twitter), is that the girls from mdzs are underrated, underappreciated and deserved tons more love. but anyway, let us mention wen qing!
this woman protected wei wuxian and jiang cheng, did a procedure to give jiang cheng a golden core, never killed anyone, ran from fighting in the war against innocent people because she does not share these wicked principles, and still ended up watching her family get tortured, his brother dead and was burned alive. the sheer cruelty of what they put her (and them) through is unbelievable. i wanted her to have a lovely family and to continue being a great friend to wei wuxian, seriously, they were such a great duo. i cannot get tired of aus in which they are rommates or something! she is usually sarcastic, fierce, bossy and so responsible. how could someone not like her?
5. a-qing, the girl who went to her limits and beyond
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this girl went over the limits of heaven and hell, in fact. i love her determination and how clever she is! look at how long she managed to trick xue yang! who else who could that? i believe not even wei wuxian could have topped it. she deserved to continue living within that world with xiao xingchen. i also cannot avoid to point out that she was not a cultivator. she was a simple girl, left to struggle in the streets, who still achieved what she achieved. she lived with an esteemed rogue cultivator, manipulated one of the most essential antagonists, returned as a ghost to protect people from this specific antagonist, used a lot of her spiritual strenght to show wei wuxian the truth, continued to give wei wuxian and hanguang-jun directions to find xue yang, and received many support, compliments and faith from the main group of our story.
personally, i cannot think of another female character in the story who did more than her. wen qing did a lot, sure, but she came from a big sect. jiang yanli too. mianmian was a cultivator too. a-qing was not, and nonetheless, this girl rocks! unbelievable. if i went through what she did, i would have lost all will to persist long ago. that is another thing mdzs brought me: the perspective that, even when you are kind and did nothing wrong, you might still have tragedies happen to you. people will die anyway. including you. kindness is important, and sometimes it may save you, but sometimes it may also cause you harm. are you strong enough to have all the kindness and all that tragedy and still endure?
because a-qing, wei wuxian and so many of them did.
well, now onto my favorite parts from the novel! i will try and make this quicker. haha, lets go.
when wei wuxian and lan wangji were stuck (stuck? not actually, i believe, wei wuxian caused it) in that farm and our main character just simply laid on top of lan wangji. and he still dared... to call himself.... not a cut-sleeve. yeah, sure, bro, no homo and all that. and thats definitely not a boner beneath your clothes, huh.
when wei wuxian starts falling real hard and he wonders if he will ever be able to sleep in a bed without lan wangji again, and later on after they have sex, he f i n a l l y realizes that there is no wei wuxian without lan wangji. in a dramatic mood, even. like, seriously, dude?? what a way to pine, but ok. go get your man or something, we all waiting for it.
every extra. i just... love every bit from the extra.
in the scene where lan wangji is drunk and they start playing hide-and-seek. and lan wangji just hides himself behind smth. and shows only a bit of his face. he nods, pouts, begs with his face to continue. i died right there.
the confession. the confession. the tear. the confession. the shock from everyone else. the 'hug me tighter!' after. the confession. the hug. THE CONFESSION.
hahaha i admit it, for me everything is about them. is it not about them? you cannot tell me otherwise. i love wangxian with all my heart. also, your asks are all lovely, i love them, feel free to always send whatever you want :) hope you have a great day and week ahead of you.
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MDZS characters and how they'd handshake people
Wei Wuxian: Very enthusiastic, hopefully he won't end up detaching your arm from your shoulder
Lan Wangji: Polite but cold, brief and firm
Lan Xichen, Xiao Xingchen, Lan Sizhui: Smiling, pretty normal
Jiang Cheng & Jin Ling: Awkward, somewhat grumpy, extends two fingers
Jiang Yanli: Gentle but cheerful, will also ask how are you
Nie Huaisang: "H-Hi! Nice to meet you!" Kinda flustered and clumsy
Jin Zixuan: *disdain*
Jin Guangyao: Smiling, will most likely figure out how you feel most comfortable for a handshake
Wen Qing & Song Lan: Quite regular, though a little distant/cold
Wen Ning: Awkwardly polite, rather shy
Xue Yang: Breaks/hurts your hand while shaking it
A-Qing: Extends two fingers while looking at you suspiciously
Lan Jingyi: Informal, very energetic
Ouyang Zizhen: More on the cheerful side, a little more energetic
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tbgkaru-woh · 4 months
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MDZS redesign portraits I expanded on for merch purposes (charm backdrops)
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benevolenterrancy · 10 months
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I absolutely love just how many time-travel fix-it fics there are in this fandom
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pakhnokh · 10 days
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Lessons in night hunt
The mentor sits aside and watches with curiosity how the fruits of his labour unfold hahaha
Yeah. I changed the style of his clothes cause mentor Wei Wuxian is so important to me and this is how I imagine him ----------- X/twitter || NSFW X/twitter || Patreon || Ko-Fi
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twistedappletree · 4 days
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junodoom · 2 months
my second prompt for the MDZS gatcha for gaza fundraiser!! @ gentil_minou on twitter requested the juniors wrangling a de-aged WWX, LWJ, and JC. i adore this concept
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tyquu · 5 months
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Uhhh ,,, not my usual content but the sillies have wormed their way into my brain again!! The junior trio owns my whole heart I love them sm
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thealexanderfiles · 3 months
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purpleblch · 3 months
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bishy437 · 5 months
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>Jiang Cheng would like to know your location
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dalbit0 · 8 months
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pan-withnoplan · 25 days
Wei Wuxian, to the juniors: If I run and leap at Hanguang-jun, he will most certainly catch me in his arms. Watch.
Lan Wangji, carrying a tea tray:
Wei Wuxian, running and leaping at him: Lan Zhan, here I come!!!~~ ε===(っ≧ω≦)っ
Juniors: Uh-oh (;° ロ°) Hanguang-jun is going to drop the te-
Lan Wangji: *balances tray on one arm, catches Wei Wuxian with the other, effortlessly spins him around twice then hoists him up on his shoulder, not even displacing a single cup*
Wei Wuxian: Aiya~ Lan Er-gege, so strong, so steady, so graceful!!!
(~ ̄³ ̄)~
Wangxian: *shameless PDA ensues*
Juniors: (ノ-_-)ノ ミ ┻━┻
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