#me: wish i made $50k a year.
softgrungeprophet · 1 year
lying in bed thinking about the evils of capitalism
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aahsoka · 8 months
desperately trying to figure out how much a teacher in Korea makes and i keep seeing things like ‘oh they have the some of the highest salaries of teachers worldwide’ but also seeing figures like 2.3 million won ($1700~) a month as a starting salary? idk how far won goes compared to the us dollar nowadays for necessities but ??????? you’re telling me thats GOOD??????? the highest salary I’ve seen was like $50k ish and that’s only like 10k more than the higher salaries around here for teachers? perhaps its changed but huh
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Hello! How are you? I am very good for now. because after trying for over a year I switched to void state last night very easily! it was an incredibly amazing experience for me. I stumbled upon your account on tumblr a few days ago, I saw a lot of people have succeeded with the method you suggested! I felt so happy for them!
Now I will tell my own success story.
I used to be so obsessed with it that I was just procrastinating and "trying" to get into the void when I had so much work to do whenever I had free time.
Throughout this process, I always thought that I would not succeed and always went back to the beginning. I was very bad with everyone around me, I was constantly fighting and exposed to violence. In short, I was experiencing hell on this earth.
Months passed and I decided to focus on my life a little bit. I tried to think positively and convince myself how easy it was for me to manifest. But there was one very important thing that I forgot, all the evil forces in this hell were coming only on me, only me.
I spent the whole of last year and the first months of this year like a living dead...
But in these last few days, I have made a decision that will radically change my life. Before, I tried every method to enter void constantly, but something was not going well every time. So I decided that it would be easier and more useful to just assume that I woke up there, rather than making dozens of efforts to enter void 2 days ago.
I didn't listen to the subliminal, I just did a 20-minute meditation, my wish to revisit life in more detail. At the end of the meditation, I said only one affirmation: I will wake up in void tonight.
I wasn't tired and very sleepy that night (these are usually what people think is necessary for a void).I just lay on my bed in my usual position and affirmed that I would wake up in void at night. After that I already went straight to sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night, I didn't move. The sounds were so muffled, it's like you're listening to a song through a broken earpiece, that's how I heard it. I stayed like that for a few minutes, then the sounds suddenly stopped and I felt myself being pulled into the darkness. My heart was beating so fast, so I focused on calming myself. I couldn't feel my body anymore, as if someone was separating my soul from my body and floating it in a vacuum of space. That's when I realized that I really succeeded! And I calmed down for a while and then said my affirmations. I didn't make a special list, so I said it all one by one.
My manifests:
The face and body I dreamed of down to the smallest detail
My desired name, surname(i have two names in different languages)
My dream room and house with all the items on my Pinterest board(There were almost 50K pins on the board I mentioned...)
I overhauled my father as someone else entirely. With his nationality, zodiac sign, appearance, name.(I also added that he is a person who gets along perfectly with his 4 children and his wife!)
I made my mother younger in appearance, not in age, I also wished her a happy and peaceful life in every way.
As for our financial situation, my father is an extraordinarily wealthy businessman, we own the largest house and the most luxurious car in my city. We also have 4 modern apartments and 1 huge villa in another city! It does not end with these, we also have houses in America, France, England!
I also manifested new phone and other electronic gadgets.
We are 4 siblings in the family and we all get along very well, no hurtful words and no violence!
I have a private room for my unfinished clothes in my room and a very nice bathroom adjacent to my room!
I also manifested success in the lessons: no matter how long the paragraph is, it stays in my mind only once I read it and I never forget it! I do not have a single error in all the tests I have solved.
We have a total of 4 pets including 2 cats and a puppy and a husky dog. Our garden is huge, with a big swing, a covered area to sit in in the winter, and lots of lavender flowers, white roses!
By the way, I manifested that I have lived this life from the beginning, so our house is full of memories we have accumulated with my siblings and parents since childhood, our childhood photos everywhere, emotional diaries my mother wrote when she was pregnant.
I also manifested new friends to myself: one of them is famous (keep this part private lol), I wished to meet him since childhood. Apart from her, I also have a male friend who is our family friend and my best friend who lives with us.
That's all I wanted, I left everything else to my subconscious and my last sentence before leaving the void was "I will open my eyes to the life I dreamed of".
Finally, when I came out of the void, I heard my brother's voice, scolding me for turning off the air conditioner in my room and leaving it on until morning, and saying that he would be very upset if I got sick. (it did indeed come true more perfectly than I had imagined! )
The reason why I wrote my success story and the life I manifested at length is this: most people limit their desires and try to make do with less. Believe me, I was thinking the same way a month ago, thinking that living the life I wanted was unfair to the people in my life. But lately, thanks to what those people did to me, I realized that all this time I had been unfair to myself, not to them. After realizing this, I reminded myself that I only deserved the life of my dreams.
And now that I'm who I should be, I'm pretty happy with it. I can't thank you enough  my dear. The success stories you shared motivated me a lot and helped me take action.
I am so proud of you my love. I absolutely adore revision stories as well as the usage of intention which is my personal favorite method. No method is stronger than your will to have your desires. Thank you so much for sharing your story and I hope you continue to always live your best life <3
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myheartalivewrites · 9 months
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Hello, hello, felt like about time I made one of these. Here are all the fics I have up on ao3, sorted by fandom then length, because... I don't know, I felt like it? These are mostly E rated, so remember to check the tags and read only what you're comfortable with! 💚
(title links will lead you to ao3)
Long (over 50k words)
Deep Blue (~76k, E rated) - AU, FWB to lovers, beach setting, pining while fucking, Henry POV (tumblr tag)
Down by the Water, I Saw You (~63k, E rated) - AU, exes to lovers, set over multiple vacations/holidays, mutual pining, split POV
Foxden Park (~50k, E rated) CURRENTLY POSTING - Victorian AU, house party, country games, featuring amazing moodboards created for the RWRB Big Bang, Alex POV (tumblr tag)
Medium (10-25k words)
Have One (On Me) (~10k, E rated) - AU, NY bar setting, mutual pining, miscommunication, bartender!Henry, Alex POV
Happy NY (~11k, E rated) - AU, New Year's Eve in NY, aged-up, missed connection, a little bit of angst, split POV
In His Wildest Dreams (~11k, E rated) - post canon, set at the brownstone, very horny, very smutty, Henry POV
Just like that. (~10k, E rated) - AU, roommates, getting together, feelings realisation, sex talk turning into actual sex, silly + soft + sappy, Alex POV
Love and Hate at the Farmers’ Market (~11k, T rated) - AU, farmers' market, rival stall holders, Christmas/holiday vibes, Alex POV
Love and War (~11k, E rated) - AU, WWII training camp setting (no actual fighting though), getting together, a bit of pining, captain!Henry, Alex POV
Paper Chains (~25k, E rated) - AU, co-workers, friends to lovers, NYE, non-linear narrative, ALL the pining, split POV
Pumped (~22k, E rated) - AU, climbing buddies to friends to lovers, pining, set in London, Alex POV
Twice the speed (of you and me) (~17k, E rated) - post canon/slight canon divergence, Alex + Henry + Pez threesome, very smutty, split POV
you and me, babe, how about it? (~13k, E rated) - post canon, A + H + OMC threesome, smutty smut, Alex POV
Short (anything under 10k words)
Awakened (~2k, E rated) - post canon, a coda to In His Wildest Dreams (see above), a crucial scene but told from the flipped POV, almost purely smut, Alex POV
Don’t Wanna Be A Fool For You (~6k, E rated) - AU, roommates, angsty Henry pining super hard, getting together, Henry POV
Have One (On Me) REMIX (~6k, E rated) - AU, NY bar setting, bartender!Alex, shy/pining Henry, Henry POV
Oxford Days (~6k, E rated) - AU, roommates, an ode to Henry’s Oxford slut phase (as CMQ put it), slutty Henry, clueless Alex being into it, Alex POV (tumblr tag)
"Please, I need you to." (drabble-ish, E rated) - missing moment, the rimming we all wish we'd gotten to see in the book, Alex POV
Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured (~3k, M rated) - AU, enemies to lovers, co-workers trapped in a cab together, Henry POV
Total Eclipse (~1k, T rated) - AU, karaoke-based meet cute, Henry's a disaster, Alex is obsessed with it, Alex POV
Tumbled Down and Tangled Up (~4k, E rated) - canon divergence, alternate events in that hospital cupboard, getting together, Alex POV
You Spin Me (Right Round) (~5k, E rated) - AU, gym/spin class setting, spin instructor!Henry, Alex POV
* * *
in your room, like a temple (~4k, E rated) - post book 1 canon, set at Sutton, magic smut, a result of me being obsessed with the blue light spell
(you are) the river of light (~6k, E rated) - second in my post book 1 canon series, set at Sutton, more blue light smut, magic lube, and an ending that’s so romantic even I can’t believe it
* * *
And if you're after MORE recs: here are my favourite reads from 2022 and 2023; I reblog fics I love on this blog with the tag rwrb fic rec; and my ao3 bookmarks are public. Or you can always hit me up. I'm happy to share my enthusiasm for RWRB fics
Happy reading!
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eirikrjs · 9 months
UPDATE 9/2/23
Wow, it's almost fall and I'm still kickin', so here's a proper update about what's been going on with me. I do feel great most days, and with Halloween in season around the US, it makes me very happy. As far as stroke recovery goes, my leg has a newly made brace and my walking in general has greatly improved the past few months. I really don't roll my left foot anymore, in other words, my foot can go flat instead of landing on the ankle and possibly causing injury.
My arm is still mostly nothing but a couple weeks back I was able to move my shoulder again so there's hope. I also got a home electrical stimulation device so I give my arm and hand a jolt for an hour everyday. With time, I feel confident i'll recover.
A great help with my recovery has been the amazing @dagdasgoddess , a fellow young stroke survivor who has been watching out for me and offering encouragement every day for a couple months now, exactly when I needed it. Mentally, stroke recovery is pretty damn tough but most days I feel positive about it, with great thanks to her.
And now on to some business. Shortly before my stroke I was planning on celebrating the 10th anniversary of my blog (which would have been in December of last year, but I was still in the hospital, obviously...) And one of the things I was going to do was photograph and review all the smt demon figures I have, using my special diorama table. I got around to starting the project a couple weeks before the stroke, naturally starting with the Leonard figure. Here's one of the pics:
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I also made something of an anniversary banner, just because, I guess:
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I also want to talk about some milestones reached, starting with some follower counts. By December last year I finally surpassed 2k followers, so thank you so very much. This is after Kanekos Crib Notes quickly dwarfed my own blog followers shortly after its establishment in like 2014. But now my own blog is even ahead of kcn, as undoubtedly its current annual schedule limits its growth and reach. (But hey, it's almost October, aka KCN MONTH)
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The last milestone is above: my Stealing Knowledge blogger has reached half a million views! Unbelievable, thanks for reading and sharing over the years! Identity crisis part 3 remains the most viewed, with over 50k on its own.
Finally, I want to talk about the future. Another 10th anniversary plan was to try and monetize the blog somehow, probably via a Patreon for new articles and such and many other ideas, maybe even doing YouTube videos to answer asks instead of them being all text. I have lots of other ideas too, but they'll have to wait until my arm works again. So instead of monetizing the future, for now I'm just going to ask y'all kindly to chip in for the blog's past. I'm amazed at how much activity the blog still generates from--let's call it "legacy content".
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To that end, I have set myself up a kofi account where you can show your appreciation for that "legacy", kuwabara, kuwabara, if you'd like. All money earned will go towards paying down bills accrued during my recovery, like my hyperbaric treatments. In perfect honesty, it's been around 3000 US dollars so far. Don't feel obligated to contribute and thank you all for still sticking around with me despite my relative inactivity. And if course, continue keeping @sorenblr busy if you wish.
I would also not expect my own recovery before next year, that's just stroke for you. Thank you all!!!!!
p.s. I was featured as a stroke survivor again on another therapy facebook post:
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sappholily · 2 months
my opinions on watcher tv
i don't want to sound like a parrot and repeat things others have said so eloquently, but i do have a lot of opinions and questions. i hope you don't mind this post.
first and foremost, i am an artist and creator just like the boys, just like staff at watcher, and just like many watcherinas. i understand everyone who says "we didn't ask for this high quality, overly-produced stuff, we just wanted you". i feel the same way. but as an artist, i would hate having to create stuff that i'm not comfortable with and don't enjoy, just because it makes me money. i would want the freedom to create whatever without having to worry about bills. don't we all?
if ghost files and the production value is what they are satisfied in, i can't then come in and say "just don't do that". it's a creative outlet for them, it's what they want, and it's their creative freedom.
on the other hand, however, i can't imagine how they're spending 100k on per ghost files episode. maybe if they broke it down, more of us would understand where they're coming from? i get plane tickets and hotel rooms are expensive, but if someone would've told me to guess, i would've said maybe 10k-50k per episode. still a lot, but certainly not 100k.
i also understand everyone who says "you have to pay an artist for their work". of course! i am willing to pay, like i said in another post. i've been saving up for a professor plushie for the longest time! but when something doesn't seem worth it, i'm not motivated to pay for it. to me, paying $60/year for a few shows is not something that is viable for me. what is and was viable for me was watching ads, even if they were annoying.
but also, when will the new shows come to their platform? if they're short on money, does that then mean that the new shows won't be on the platform for a while? what's the timeline?
for a big change like this, it would've made more sense for them to ease into it. if they really wanted to have their own streaming service, why remove the shows that we've had access to for years? (and i understand that they're not physically removing the shows, but they're putting every other season on this platform i can't afford). why not keep existing shows on youtube and have other shows (behind the scenes stuff, worth it, etc) on their streaming platform? or even created patreon-exclusive shows?
another big question i have is did they consider other options? right now, it feels like they didn't. they didn't ask "would you be willing to pay more on patreon?" they didn't tell us "hey this isn't financially viable, what would you like to see from us (merch, new shows, exclusive patreon shows)?" they didn't promote their patreon outside of the end of episodes of shows to promote bloopers. i wish they had kept us in the loop about what was happening. i wish they had treated us like the community that they said we were. that's maybe a little parasocial of me, but after all, they're creating content for us (per their words), so wouldn't it make sense to tell us what was going on? idk.
like i said in another post, i was once part of their patreon because i enjoyed the bloopers and behind the scenes. i eventually stopped for a couple of reasons, but mainly because i could no longer afford the $5/month. and this is coming from someone who does not subscribe to multiple different platforms (as i've seen others say; "if you can afford to have multiple different subscriptions you don't need..."). i only subscribe to things that i absolutely love, though for a few months now, i haven't been subscribed to anything because i can't afford it. most of the content i watch is on youtube. i'm not someone who watches shows on the regular, i'm not someone who tunes in to the newest show (still haven't watched euphoria, still haven't watched the new loki season, etc). so paying for something like disney+ would simply be ridiculous for me. i don't have a daily coffee spending budget, i don't subscribe to things, i don't spend money because i cannot afford it. i'm not the only one.
i'm sure they researched the different options, specifically between starting their own streaming service versus joining another existing service. what i feel like they didn't do is research their own audience. even one single youtube poll would've been great.
overall, i just wish they had gone about this differently and had warned us or told us "hey we're thinking of starting a streaming service, what do you guys think?" or something. it's very frustrating to feel like this came out of nowhere. so many watcherinas are coming up with so many creative ideas to make watcher more money, and i'm sure they would've gathered those ideas and taken them to heart had they asked.
but i'm also not going to wish they fail. i also understand that they are their own people with different needs, etc., so i'm not going to send them hate, and should they go through with this decision despite the backlash, i will support them even if i can't participate. it is what it is, and though i will be sad, i can't do anything about it, therefore i won't lose sleep over it.
i hate that everyone is putting the blame on steven. i understand the frustrations of not wanting to watch wealthy men parade their wealth during an economic crisis, then ask for money to do said activities, but he isn't the only one making major decisions. (unless he is and we just don't know?) but the blame shouldn't be put all on him when he had to greenlight it with the others (again, unless he didn't and we just don't know, though i doubt that a lot).
i really hope they succeed. i wish them all the best, i'm just mourning rn lmfao 😭
anyway, what do y'all think?
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wttcsms · 1 year
hopeless, breathless, burning slow, masterlist ; rin itoshi
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in the middle of trying to embrace the new “real and messy model” facade your publicist keeps pushing upon you in order to get you into the good graces of the masses, you might take it a step too far. in your defense, nothing is more real than still hopelessly pining after a boy who has 1) already broken your heart more than once! and 2) definitely does not like you the way you like him. the messy side of things? he’s also your friend with benefits. except, you’re pretty sure the two of you aren’t friends, so he’s technically your ex with benefits. yeah, how’s that for “real and messy”?
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COMING SOON! pairing rin itoshi x f!reader content contains/will contain timeskip/pro athlete!rin x nepo-baby/model!reader, strangers with a history, second chance (more like fourth chance) romance, almost high school sweethearts (y’all have been doing this situationship shit for years lmao), fwb to lovers, rin AND you are both ass at feelings, eventual smut, jealous&protective!rin, depictions of panic attacks, mentions of dead parent, more to be added  word count tbd... (estimated to be ~50k, subject to change)
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one / two / three / four
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track list !  side a: honeymoon avenue, ariana grande / death by a thousand cuts, taylor swift / mirrorball, taylor swift / a lucid dream, verite / worth it for the feeling, rebecca black / if i weren’t me, katherine li / damage you still do, mikayla pasterfield / things i wish you said, sabrina carpenter / monster, lady gaga / fake smile, ariana grande / delicate, taylor swift side b: shameless, camila cabello / good looking, suki waterhouse / heartless, the weeknd / die for you, the weeknd / congratulations, mac miller / search & rescue, drake / kiss it better, rihanna / as it was, harry styles / nothing’s gonna hurt you baby, cigarettes after sex / afterglow, taylor swift / daylight, taylor swift 
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author’s notes 
[apr. 10, 2023] hello!!! starting towards the end of the month/early may, i plan on having the final drafts of both of the first acts completed 🤭 this originally started as a one shot with the basic premise of “5 times rin itoshi breaks your heart + the 1 time he gives you his” but i had so much fun writing the one shot that it grew into a monster entirely of its own accord & i gave in and made some adjustments in order to better suit it :) now it’s a multipart fic! spoiler: rin still breaks your heart. several times. </3 but while writing the original one shot, i realized that rin’s heart had been yours/the reader’s the whole entire time!!! so, this fic explores you & him maturing + realizing how to properly communicate your feelings. i think the whole point is that it doesn’t matter if you love someone if they can’t feel it. 
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lewbertsn00tles · 21 days
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Simple Wedding Gown Fix [T-E]
Nearly a year ago I made an atrocious looking wedding dress. For a long time I've wished I could simply erase it from existence, including snatching it right out of peoples mods folders. But since I can't do that, I decided to just try and fix it. And by fix it I mean completely re-do it and make it unrecognizable lol. Unfortunately not all 50K downloads currently follow me here but for those that do, I'm super grateful to be able to provide this improved version.
Maxis Match
Teen - Elder
Base game compatible
6 swatches
Disabled for random
Custom thumbnail
Female only
**Download under the cut**
Please do not re-upload, copy, modify or claim my creations as your own. Give credit where credit is due, that is all I ask.
Thank you! ENJOY!
✨Download: [Patreon][CurseForge] [TSR]✨
Note: A free membership is required for the Patreon download!
@maxismatchccworld @alwaysfreecc @sssvitlanz
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effervescentdragon · 7 months
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you get a part of redredred, the 2022 season sebchal that runs parallel to niamh's valewis. it follows the 2022 season and has flashbacks. its around 50k or more and dont think i'll ever finish it because it hurts, but who knows. 💜
Bahrain 2022
Seb wakes up on the couch and groans in discomfort. No matter how persistently he’d searched for the most comfortable couch out there, he still woke up hurting. It’s the age, not the couch, he thinks and sighs. Then he remembers yesterday.
A grin overtakes his face. Charles won.
Charles won, and Seb couldn’t help himself. He’d almost screamed when Charles was informed by Xavi that Max had engine problems, and hearing Charles scream and laugh in joy was… wonderful.
I’m not the last Ferrari GP winner, he thinks, and the thought doesn’t even hurt. Charles is, he thinks, and grabs his phone with a smile.
Two (2) new messages.
He’d congratulated only two people on the grid yesterday, because he couldn’t not. He was too tired to even contemplate picking up the call from Lance, or Lawrence, and he wanted to talk to Mick on the phone sometime today, because he knows that he would’ve taken finishing just out of the points very hard. He is still smiling as he opens the first message.
From: Charles
Please don’t hate me. Wish you were here.
His smile falls instantly.
Seb stares at the words on the screen. Please don’t hate me. Fuck. As if he would hate Charles, God. As if he could, for fucks’ sake. His head hurts. His fucking heart hurts.
“What have I done to you,” he mutters to himself, getting up to get some coffee. He knows he needs to eat, but he can’t stomach anything at the moment. He does take a glass of water and the coffee, and goes back to the couch.
One (1) new message.
“Fuck it,” he repeats. He needs to talk to someone. “Might as well.”
From: Lewis
Hey man, how are you? And thanks, I rly wasn't expecting it. It was a bouncy ride, a bit too bouncy if I'm being honest
Their chat history is open, the congratulatory message for the podium Seb had sent him the night before the last interaction they've had.
Seb hesitates for just a second, and then starts typing.
To: Lewis
Glad you made it through. I'm alright, feeling a bit better. Still tired though. How was Toto at the party? :)
From: Lewis
Susie was there, so you can imagine :) I think he wants to cut off even more parts from the car. He was pretty happy that ur home team had a bad day tho :)
Seb can't help but chuckle at that. The animosity between Christian and Toto always went deep, but it reached new heights in the last season. Seb gets it, and privately he thinks Toto is right about most things, but there is still a part of him that's probably always going to be uncomfortable about bad-mouthing Christian, even though the man has changed much throughout the years.
The fact that Lewis can tease him about Red Bull is a good sign, though. He still refuses to address them by name, which is a bit petty in Seb's opinion. Then again, Seb himself is far from being immune to pettiness.
To: Lewis
I know you don't mean Ferrari, because they wiped the floor with you :)
He regrets the message as soon as he sends it, especially when the answer comes back instantly.
From: Lewis
Yeah, Carlos was so good, man, easily one of his best drives. Your boy was on fire tho. The way he defended, damn. Did you see it?
Seb hates the way his pulse quickens. He hates the way Lewis' words make him feel. He shouldn't be feeling like this, because. Well. Because nothing and no one in Bahrain is his. Lewis' message is calculated to provoke him, but Seb doesn't mind it that much. He knows what his friend is doing - giving him a push and an out at the same time. It's on Seb to take it or leave it.
To: Lewis
Yeah, I watched the race. Wanted to see what the cars could do, and some of it was surprising. Good for Kevin and Mick :)
He pauses. He could leave it at that, and Lewis would accept it. They don't have to talk about it anymore. He can just leave it all at that.
Seb can't help himself. He never was one for avoidance; at least not with Lewis. Maybe only with Lewis.
To: Lewis
He's not my boy.
The reply is instantaneous.
From: Lewis
Not for lack of trying on his part
From: Lewis
Did you at least congratulate him?
Seb closes his eyes for a moment, covers them with his hand. He wants not to have this conversation. He wants a Jäger shot. He wants -
It doesn't matter what he wants. A lot of things don't matter, even though he wants them to. A lot of things matter, even though he tries to pretend they are as unimportant as possible.
Lewis could always see through him, though. Seb owes him honesty, and cares for him too much to try to mislead him; the only person he lies to regularly is himself, really. He appreciates Lewis too much to lie to him in any way. They’ve been through everything, and they’ve faced it all more or less together, and there was no reason anymore to keep up pretenses, when they knew one another inside and out in both the best and worst ways.
He knows why Lewis texted him, and he can't help but smile. Lewis always saw too much with those eyes of his, and he knew Seb needs the push.
To: Lewis
He asked me not to hate him.
To: Lewis
As if I ever could.
The reply is slow to come, or it just seems that way. Seb stares at his phone the whole time after sending the message, his heart in his throat. All the reasons for his avoidance of the topic come to mind, and he tries to take a deep breath to calm himself. He opens Lewis' message.
All that he manages to do is choke on air and almost cough out his lungs when Lewis' messages come in one after the other.
From: Lewis
I asked him if he wanted to be lifted in the air. He said, and I had to google this to write it right jsyk, "Nicht jetzt, danke". His pronunciation is terrible tho, worse than mine
From: Lewis
I think he missed you on the podium
From: Lewis
I think he misses you a lot
I miss him too, Seb thinks. I miss him so much, but it doesn't matter. It's better this way, Seb thinks. "Il Predestinato," he whispers to himself. He sighs and types.
To: Lewis
It's better like this.
Lewis' reply is angry, and Seb should have maybe expected it, but it still takes him aback.
From: Lewis
For fucking who, Seb?
Sebastian has committed himself to this course of action, or, well, inaction, and he will stick to it. He has to.
To: Lewis
For him. He has the car now, and his whole destiny. He is older, and more experienced, and he isn't impatient any more.
He hesitates, then adds on the phrase he's been repeating to himself for the past two years at least.
To: Lewis
He doesn't need me. Not anymore.
From: Lewis
Is that what you tell yourself so you can sleep easier?
From: Lewis
You were always bad at lying, man, but this is just pathetic
Fuck, Seb thinks. Lewis always sees too much, and this time he's not backing off for some reason. "Fuck you," he says out loud to himself so he doesn't say it to Lewis in a fit of anger that's bubbling under his skin, because Lewis is right. Seb loves him and hates him for it equally.
Lewis is one of Sebastian's best friends on the grid, and the one who understands him the best in some ways. It wasn't always like that, but after 2016, many things have changed. Nico left, and Seb didn't think about that anymore, like he didn't think about many things anymore. In another life, where they weren't racing drivers and each others biggest competition for a whole decade, and where they met at a later point in life, and where there was no Nico and no Mark to shape them into who they were when the time was right, Seb would've been in love with Lewis, and vice versa. Maybe he is a bit in love with him anyways, because honestly, who isn't? Lewis is amazing, and kind, and one of the strongest people Seb knows, and he respects him too much as a person and a competitor, and loves him too much to push for something that just would not work. Not the way they are, and not with their history, and especially not in this world where both Valtteri Bottas and Charles Leclerc exist.
Because no matter how much Seb loves Lewis for pushing him, a part of him is angry, because Lewis is being such a hypocrite right now. He is right about Sebastian, but he is still being a hypocrite, and Seb is too tired and hurting a bit too much to let him get away with it.
To: Lewis
How's Valtteri?
He gets up and refills his coffee as he waits to see what Lewis will say.
From: Lewis
There's the bastard I know
From: Lewis
He's fine. Didn't ask me if i hated him, bcs I'm a normal person who still speaks to his former teammate and friend normally
To: Lewis
So you normally took him up on that normal coffee date?
From: Lewis
Fuck you
To: Lewis
Once wasn't enough for you? :)
Seb couldn't resist reminding Lewis of the one and only time they slept together in 2016 occasionally. It wasn't something either of them dwelled on needlessly, even though it was definitely some of the best sex Seb's ever had. It was fun, and amazing, and heart-breaking, and just an inch shy of too much at the same time, and neither of them ever regretted it. They did both agree the next morning not to repeat it, because the bruises they left on each other were just a bit too painful, and the way they looked at each other as they were fucking was just a bit too raw, and for the whole time their thoughts were just a bit too focused on the men who were their teammates, and they both knew it. Neither of them resented the other for it, and that fundamental understanding that it was just not the right time for them and it never would be may be the reason why they became and stayed such good friends.
From: Lewis
It was at least two times that night, and stop changing the subject :)
To: Lewis
I'm really not. It's the same thing.
From: Lewis
I know
From: Lewis
Man, where did all our bravery go?
To: Lewis
We left it on track sometime in late 2010's :)
From: Lewis
You might be right there
From: Lewis
Fuck we're old
Seb chuckles, because Lewis is both right and wrong. Being on top of the world in your early twenties screwed them both up in some fundamental way, and with both of them being overachievers and determined to win, their perception of the world and their age was impossibly skewered. Seb knows he is going to have to re-evaluate what he wants to do in his life again really soon, but that was a conversation for another time, and to be made in person. Another text from Lewis pulls him out of his thoughts.
From: Lewis
What will you do now?
Seb sighs for god-knows which time and scratches his beard. He should shave soon; he has that video-conference with Aston Martin on Wednesday, and he should look less like a hobo and more like a professional who has his life together. I should look less like a lovesick fool, he thinks and then rolls his eyes at his own propensity for dramatics.
To: Lewis
I have no idea. You?
Lewis' reply makes Seb bark out a laugh.
From: Lewis
Get a bloody muffin. Feelings are exhausting
To: Lewis
Yeah. Maybe we shouldn't talk about them then :)
Lewis doesn't reply, and Seb takes that as a sign that his friend is as tired as he is of the emotional turmoil they've both been going through. It's probably for the best. Seb needs to sleep some more, his body rebelling against even the little exertion he's had today.
He puts his phone on the table and lays on the couch. Maybe the universe will be merciful to him today, and he won't dream of heart-breaking eyes and French-accented voice speaking to him in terrible German.
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yabashiri · 2 months
I'm back with a bang. Project Fiction - an Irumatsu and Irujnko fic will be finally published in its entirety! First arc is up, at about 50k words and 7 chapters. Read more to see if it's your cup of tea.
Tumblr media
Do you hate some things about DR canon? Do you wish the talent system in Hope's Peak was more explored? Then read no further! I'll copy some bullet points from PF's description on AO3 and explain them in more details.
This work has: - Heavy OOC for Iruma and Kaede
PF!Iruma is not lewd, but she's a hothead, a reserve course student, and she also likes basketball. Weird, right? She also has nothing to do with inventions, her true talent is more of an abstract concept in line with your usual 'hope' and 'despair' gimmicks. It allows me to create a story with no killing games, but filled with tension similar to how Death Note is considered a 'shounen' even though it's a detective mystery.
As for Kaede, be warned that she only appears in chapter 8 for the first time. Remember her pre!game line in v3? "I don't have faith in humanity". What if I based her entire character on that and pitted against this Iruma? You can't imagine how heated it gets. - In-depth exploration of how Hope's Peak works, what's a 'talent' and how it impacts the chosen students
Do you know how talents are assigned? How scouts do their work? How exactly Kamukura Izuru was made and what studying on the reserve course is like? I know, and I'll show you in great detail.
- Nods to the canon, while turning the plot of DR1 upside-down.
Junko's game plan stays the same: kill the council, rebel the reserve course, fill the world with despair. With Iruma, however... not all goes as planned. It's not a story about people stuck together until almost all of them die. We go from Hope's Peak to an open world, and you'll see famously neon Tokyo in all its glory.
- Heated gay arguments, a weird online game, absurd talents beyond your average human standards.
While the story goes beyond ships and their dynamics, it has that in spades. I also present to you a certain game by Team DANGAN, and it's not about a pun-making bear torturing students. Imagine Genshin Impact's combat but more tactical, focused on PvP. That -- and much more.
- An abundance of author notes. This one has a lot to say.
I'll be straight with you, I put a shit ton of details into my works. Chekhov's Armoury is a trope I came up with before I realized it existed. I'll give you fanarts, songs, memes. Basically I've never had a lot of readers so I had to get used to creating fan content by myself.
- Typos I am translating this work into English, and while I'm pretty confident in my abilities, I am not perfect. It's kinda hard to know how real people talk when you're not exposed to the language on a daily basis. If anyone wants to be my beta, I'll be honored.
Translating this thing is ungodly hard. Writing it took me 4 years and was even harder. This story means a lot to me, I put my heart and soul into it, and I truly hope someone will enjoy it as much as I do. I also hope someone makes a TV Tropes page for it one day :D This is my only dream as a creator.
Give it a shot -- you won't regret it.
I hope.
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zyrafowe-sny · 4 months
writing ask game: 16 and 19!
from this ask game
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Umm... It has been A While since I've regularly read physical books (mostly read on Libby/other phone apps these days), but I've done the usual random scraps of paper in the past.
When I was a kid obsessed with Narnia in elementary school, I made special friendship bracelet bookmarks for my set that matched the colors of the covers. Some might still exist at my mom's.
I also remember buying bookmarks that looked like castle tapestries.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
When I was a kid, I loved stories and reading and daydreaming and playing pretend (mostly on my own, as others aged out of it). I enjoyed my elementary school creative writing assignments, and started writing poems and stories in my free time too. That continued through high school, and around high school I also got into fanfic (mostly as a reader, but I wrote fan poems, short snippets, and a ficlet/one shot or two that I never shared with anyone else).
In early college, I finally posted a tiny bit of fanfic (on website that thankfully no longer exists), but I had an unfinished WIP that hung over my head for years and years. (It wasn't even that long a story! It just became an impossible task.)
And then there was over a decade of basically nothing. I wrote for college/grad school and for work, but papers, memos, PowerPoints, emails, etc. are not exactly creative writing.
The Owl House rewired my brain, as they say. It started out as a show I started watching mid 2022 while folding laundry, but in October 2022 I started bingeing in earnest. I was still finishing Season 2B when Thanks to Them dropped, but once I caught up... oooph. Immediate rewatch. I read some fanfic, but for the first time in over a decade, I was itching to write. I started with one drabble — 100 words seemed like a realistic goal — which turned into a drabble sequence. Then I posted a one shot a few days later, then another one shot, and... After having an AO3 account with zero posted words of my own from August 2013 to mid October 2022, I now have over 50k up and more in drafts.
These days, I consider myself a fanfic writer in it for the long haul. I know that life responsibilities/health/etc may interfere with writing from time to time, but I've found my way back before and I am confident that I can do it again. I am a little anxious about having multiple multi-chapter WIPs up on AO3 — there was a reason I initially intended to stick to one shots/one shots in series — but fanfic writeblr helps immensely. When in doubt, I write drabbles.
I am in zero rush to focus on writing original fiction, but I have decades of life yet. Who knows — maybe I'll write a short story collection or a novel someday for fun, but I'm not nearly as passionate or dedicated (or talented!) as my friends/acquaintances who are writing/making art professionally. That's where I am with music too — I love being part of a community choir and I hope music will always be a part of my life, but it's a hobby. And as much as I desperately wish we supported full-time artists better, I also wish more people could just "dabble" in creative/artistic endeavors (time and money being big gatekeepers for hobbies too).
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germiyahu · 17 days
okay this is gonna make me sound callous, but I'm just looking for sourcing and/or a rundown of how the numbers came to be and/or updates in estimates, because
10 years ago, the prevailing numbers for the naqba were 200-500k (which general consensus being ~400 000) displaced arabs from what became israel, of which estimates had 20-50k as direct displacement at gunpoint (like, 'voluntary displacement' is still displacement and arguably the largest cohort of ethnic cleansing, BUT it's one of those nuances in hell kinda things)
and now the numbers I keep seeing is three quarters of a million displaced, of which hundreds of thousands were direct displacement.
What happened since 2014 that the numbers/estimates/consensus doubled?
oh nevermind, found it - the numbers seem to depend on whether the jordanian cohort is included or not. Unclear why palestinian advocacy a decade ago didn't count palestinians in jordan, but those numbers squares the circle, so I'll take that as read.
I used the first and most common numbers cited on Wikipedia to just establish a baseline. But as far as I remember, and you can check hero-israel because he made some good comprehensive posts about the Nakba, a common consensus among the New Historians like Benny Morris and Efraim Karsh was that about 200,000 Palestinian Arabs were violently evicted from their homes. The rest of the 750,000+ Palestinian Arabs cannot in good faith be said to have been "forced out" by any Jewish troops. The 750,000 number is the most commonly agreed upon one, and most historians further agree that this was about half of the Arab population at the time.
And 200,000 is still a lot of people, a horrendous amount of people, to kick out of their homes at gunpoint. That's still a lot of homes and villages, a horrendous amount of homes and villages, that were abandoned, damaged, destroyed, and even resettled by incoming Jewish refugees. These are still crimes and still a stain on Israeli history.
I'd absolutely still call this an act of ethnic cleansing. It's less certain how many Arabs fled because of intimidation or the so-called "psychological warfare" that Jewish troops used. But the fear of potential violence caused hundreds of thousands more to flee. And since 150,000 Armenians fled Artsakh under similar fears even if not directly forced out by Azerbaijani soldiers... we still call this ethnic cleansing. So this group of Arabs is a little fuzzy.
I'd say the only group of people that Israel is not responsible for their leaving is the Arab elites who fled early in the civil war, and this group in turn shares in the responsibility of the majority of the Arabs who fled. Because their sudden departure destabilized Arab communities and generated more panic and uncertainty. Other Arab leaders who promised the people they could return after they conquered and crushed Israel bear responsibility too. Israel bears sole responsibility for that aforementioned 200,000 group.
But again, putting numbers in context and saying "actually Israel didn't do the maximum harm you preach, and let's acknowledge the significant harm it did still do," is taken as "I'm glad Palestinian Arabs were cleansed from the land and I wish Bibi would finish the job." There's a distinct lack of nuance or tolerance for it.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Although I decidedly do not need student loan forgiveness (my parents were able to pay for my entire college tuition so I didn’t have to take loans or even work during college, which should tell you all you need to know about my financial background) I stand in solidarity with y’all and I hope Biden comes through on this. I’d much rather my tax dollars go to loan forgiveness than blowing up people abroad.
In this case, it's not Biden we need to worry about; it is, and as ever, the fucking Supreme Court. If some asshole Republican AG sues the administration over this (which they will) and if it reaches the Supreme Court (which it might), then you can absolutely 100% guarantee that it will be struck down in a 6-3 decision along ideological lines. As I said before in all my other posts about this issue, that was the shortcoming with Biden doing this as an executive order (though I'm glad he did anyway). Of course the usual suspects are bitching and whining about how cancelling $10k outright ($20k for Pell Grant recipients, aka the poorest/low-income bracket of students) isn't enough and he should have just done it all, but the plan also contains major structural improvements that will have much longer-term ramifications apart from just outright cancellation, including:
As long as you're making payments (which can include $0 monthly payments if you're on an Income-Driven Repayment plan), NO INTEREST will be added to the principal balance of your loan. That is huge. I probably have at least 10K more in debt than I did when I graduated with my masters, because of the fucking interest. This is one of the things that make student loans so predatory: even if you pay the minimum amount, and if you pay it steadily, you just can't get out of debt because it keeps compounding and increasing. This means your balance will be frozen, and paying it down (even, again, if you don't actually pay anything!) will make a difference!
Full cancellation in 10 years if you've made qualifying payments (which again might be $0 if your income is low)! Also huge! People can spend DECADES paying, so capping it at only 10 years and then they're gone either way is major!
IDR plans are now capped at 5% of your discretionary monthly income, instead of 10%, which again goes a long way to making payments affordable.
If you made payments up/past March 2020 (the start of the first pandemic pause) you can actually get that money back!
Cancelling 20K in debt for the lowest earners/Pell Grantees is legitimately fucking game-changing, and will fully erase student debt for an estimated 20 million people, predominantly Black and Latino with no generational or family wealth to speak of. Even if I get 10k knocked off my student loans, I'll still have upward of 50K left over from my undergraduate/graduate degrees; I also have separate UK-based loans from my PhD which I have had to continue paying this whole time (even though Britain is literally on the verge of becoming a failed state due to economic collapse, but I digress). Of course I wish that I, personally, qualified for more forgiveness or that it would all go away. However, I absolutely recognize that this policy is going to help a lot of people who are considerably worse off than me (and I'm broke, so there you go).
Anyway, there's a lot of good stuff in this policy, and I expect further reform if the Democrats can hold/increase their Congressional majorities. But like I said, the problem isn't Biden; the problem is fucking SCOTUS. So let's see what happens.
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monstersinthecosmos · 6 months
(writing asks!)
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
OMG I DONT KNOW! Like why do creative people feel the need to make stuff, I can't explain it. I just know that it's what I want to do as a creative outlet. And like usually (NOT LATELY BECAUSE THE LAST COUPLE MONTHS MY LIFE HAS BEEN A DISASTER) I reserve 9-10pm every night as WRITING TIME and like, it's not a chore for me! It's like a reward at the end of the day. So I spend all day thinking about what I'll write at 9pm when it's writing time. :D So there's like the half of it that's creative & spiritual to do, and also the half that's just like, my little Me Time that I allow myself that helps me unwind. :D
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
I DO but I don't get offended if they don't reply lol. But like ngl, if I notice a fic author doesn't reply to comments, I am less likely to leave a huge comment. Like one time I left a BOOK REPORT on a fic and the author replied to like, everyone EXCEPT me who was leaving emojis and stuff? And I felt really bad like I made them uncomfortable or something. So like. I tend to comment as I read and I like to copy & paste lines in and stuff, but if the author never replies I'm less likely to take the extra time to do this because I don't know if it's well received. 😅
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
jkgald wording it like that makes me squeamish but I felt like the gangbang fic I wrote for the BDSM zine kinda flopped 😬 like it has some comments and people who did comment were really excited but like, proportionally to my other Sheith fics it didn't do well. And I wasn't sure if it was like TOO MUCH or something, bc it got a lot of hits but not so many comments, like it made me wonder if people opened the link out of curiosity but then noped out. Like I have Sheith fics with less hits that have 2 or 3x the comments. Whoops! And I wonder if I overcomplicated it. IDK!!!!!!!!!! But I was happy with how it came out so it's not necessarily that I would want to like fix or anything. I just felt sad that no one liked it. 😂
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I think maybe The Front ? I was a little overwhelmed by the response bc I thought I was being like extremely self indulgent and niche about my own kinks and people wound up being like SO excited and kind and generous with comments it just really surprised me. 😳 LIKE YOU DONT EVEN LEARN KEITH'S NAME FOR 21K, I was calling him "the creature" LMAOOOOOOOOOOO it just was like so extremely catered to my own individual needs I was surprised. 😂
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
For Sheith right now I'm back to working on my fic Tonight the Stars Revolt! which is like a retelling of canon if they were friends with benefits who kept fooling around after near death missions to relieve stress and like I WROTE THE FIRST 50K IN A MONTH on my break after my first ship contract and I didn't intend for it to get so complicated and plotty and I also absolutely did not intend for the last few chapters to be like A YEAR APART FROM EACH OTHER but I kept getting distracted doing exchanges and stuff, and I kinda try to like alternate Sheith and VC so I'd write a chapter, then write a VC fic, then it was time to go back to Sheith but I had an exchange, then VC, then a zine, then VC, etc. It just really got away from me but like it's my baby and it's where I pour all my meta and headcanons and I think about it constantly so every time I return to it I'm very exciting! The upcoming chapter includes a flashback about BABY KEITH and his DAD and a SNAKE and I'm really excited about it. :)
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it's been a year since i first completed persona 5 royal, and since then i've read quite a bit of akeshu fic. i went through my bookmarks to find my favorites to rec them to you all here in a kind of masterpost. i'll be giving a short summary as well as my thoughts on them. this is going to end up being a very long post, so the rest will be under a readmore.
so, first off we have my favorite oneshots that I've read this year. listed in the order i read them.
you've got me seeing through different eyes by futuresoon
a bad ending p5r fic where maruki gives akira the ability to actualize akechi according to his wants. really fucked up with a lot of psychological horror, and while i don't necessarily think this is what would have happened in canonverse, its a terrifying thought experiment and exactly what i'm looking for in a p5r bad ending akeshu fic.
Fools Rush In by Atalan
akira speedruns his confidant with akechi in a single day and things end up happening a little bit differently. it absolutely nails their dynamic and there is A Moment in this fic that will forever live rent free in my mind.
never a wish better than this by shouldbeworking
2/2 but its groundhog day (which is fitting, since 2/2 literally IS groundhog day). this made me hurt in a very unique way only a fic like this could. god. hhh. pain. just thinking about it. fuck
When it's over, you're the start by thenotwriter
the phantom thieves slowly start to forget everything that happened in the metaverse, including akechi, but akira doesn't want to forget. there's a moment in this fic that made me cry but don't worry it has a happy ending.
why don't we spin the wheel by futuresoon
what if there was a cognitive akechi in sae's palace. this one has some pretty fucked up stuff in it so read the tags but damn is it good holy shit.
With Mournful Tread by Yustiel
ng+ time loop but its a little bit ethereal and you have to read it multiple times to really get it. that ending though. it always gets me. its the kind of thing you have to stare into space for a while after reading it.
Falling Up by KivaEmber
akechi has Angst about killing akira during the third semester. it's short and simple but it hits extremely hard.
fallen angel by cruellae
after killing akira, akechi descends through one last palace. one final mental shutdown to induce in a target whose distortion is dante's inferno--a hell covering all of tokyo. impeccable symbolism and several moments that make me Emotional.
next we have some shorter longfics, aka anything with multiple chapters that's under 50k words. once again laid out in the order i read them.
Lions Share by Turandot
akira and akechi are both hit with a status effect that compels them to snuggle with sumire that sustains even after they leave the metaverse. very royal trio-centric but not necessarily romantic. this was the first p5 fic i read so my memory of it is a bit hazy, but i do think i had a couple minor gripes with akechi's character, but on the whole it is very very good.
Pleasant Boy by ez_cookie
okay. this is my second favorite p5 fic of all time. GO READ IT.
ah shit. i forgot to tell you what it's about. maruki actualizes goro during the third semester and turns him into the detective prince but Genuine. this fic is so so so good and has my favorite moment in any fic ever. i have fully sobbed both times i have read it, and i do not easily cry. (it has a happy ending.) go read it!!!!! now!!!!!
gravitational reset by chashmish
the third semester if maruki accidentally created a bond between akira and akechi that forced them to be near each other at all times. lots of akeshu fluff as they try to deal with this 'problem' with some amazing moments near the end.
Kintsugi by cryptisPrince and Ethereally
this starts out as a velvet room attendant akechi fic and ends with an akechi palace. the beginning is good but the ending is goddamn AMAZING.
killed with kindness by veterization
(this one is technically JUST over 50k words buuut i decided to put it in this category anyway.) the phantom thieves forcibly befriend akechi starting early on in the game. the pt befriending akechi is literally my favorite thing ever and this fic does it very well. its super sweet.
Press To Give Gold by Erina
persona 5 but the characters use reddit. this one is fricking hilarious and mostly lighthearted fun until it suddenly punches you in the gut. and then its lighthearted fun again.
take me to church by cruellae
akira has a palace post-royal. the symbolism/imagery in this one is what really elevates it for me.
Trickster's Maze by TwilightKnight17
another akira has a palace post-royal. its a tad mean to the thieves but the symbolism and catharsis is worth it. joker's shadows (there are several) are literally the best things ever i love them a lot.
Flight through fall by Tayani
a summary would require several trigger warnings, so. post-royal, very sad and dark, but it has a hopeful ending and i found it to be very cathartic. i've already read it twice and i only found it a couple months ago.
Love, Ren by Tayani
akira (okay, its obviously ren in this fic, but i always call him akira bc ren just does not fit him and i will die on this hill) writes a series of letters to akechi over the course of the game. the characterization is wonderful and the ending beautiful.
finally, we have the longer longfics, aka everything over 50k words. its the shortest list but some of my absolute favorites are here.
the first step to find your way is to mark where you have been by futuresoon
akechi palace fic post-royal. akira and akechi make their way through akechi's palace every night so akechi can return to the living world and the metaverse can finally be completely destroyed. there is a ton of amazing character development for akechi and it gets deep into his backstory. this fic also heavily influenced my own akechi palace au, which you'll probably be able to tell once its out. this is one of my absolute favorite akechi-centric fics. there is some darker stuff though so mind the tags.
it takes a village by shouldbeworking
AND HERE WE HAVE MY #1 AKECHI FIC OF ALL TIME. its a ng+ from akechi's perspective and everyone remembers the original timeline except for goro. i read this fic three times in a fucking row despite it being the longest fic on this list it is THAT good. and i am currently (slowly) making my way through it a fourth time and highlighting all the best beautiful passages which is honestly a majority of the fic. the whole thing is just, absolutely gorgeous in every single way and has everything you could ask for in an akechi redemption fic. i cannot rave enough about this one just go read it and pleasant boy and i will die happy. wow. just. wow.
hiraeth by atomjenkins
akechi spends time with each of the phantom thieves one on one during the third semester. (almost) every chapter is beautiful and explores their parallels with akechi. i have a couple minor complaints about how it deals with akechi's feelings about killing people, and one major complaint about makoto's chapter (the author doesn't like makoto and it shows), but other than that. very solid, highly recommend.
Once More, With Feeling by beesandtoes
akira and akechi get stuck in a time loop on the day akechi dies. this starts out great and slowly gets better and better and then the twist hits and it becomes absolutely fucking amazing. definitely somewhere in my top five.
the uprooting of the universe by akc
taking place five years after the end of persona 5 royal, akira and akechi meet by happenstance and reconnect. both akechi and akira have changed a lot in the past 5 years and while akechi's life is now relatively stable, it's still not happy. basically a slow burn of akechi learning how to let himself become happy and finally make some real friends. the akeshu is extremely wholesome and adorable. also this fic made me kin akechi even harder, lets just leave it at that.
and you know what? lets include some bonus ichinose-centric fics i read bc i went through her whole tag on ao3 and these two were the highlights. ichinose deserves so much better. c'mon you guys lets write more about her please i am begging
A God As Lost As You And Blind by Fuchi
multichapter fic where ichinose and maruki have a long conversation in his taxi and do some soul searching together. there were a few (many) moments where i was like 'do people really talk like this?' but then again this is ichinose and maruki we're talking about.
Do AIs Dream of Past Mistakes? by presidenthomemaker
oneshot where ichinose has a touching moment where she reconnects with her emotions while on a road trip with sophia. nitpick that its a little repetitive of their moment together in p5s but i liked this fic a lot regardless.
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thethistlegirlwrites · 4 months
Just realized that I actually came up with Compass's tagline almost two years ago.
"Sometimes the monster is the one you see in the mirror."
If you'd have told me in 2022, on the edge of Loch Ness, looking into the water to see a monster and seeing only her own reflection, that the feeling that inspired would end up getting used in a future vampire novel along with a shelved premise from the year before that, I'd have said that was absolutely bizarre.
But one of my most vivid memories of that trip is the moment I was crouching there on the edge of the water, looking down at the bottom, and then stopped looking so far down, and had one of the few moments that made me wish I was capable of writing poetry, because there was something poetic about that moment of realization that maybe if we were honest with ourselves we could all see a monster in Loch Ness. I just didn't know it was going to turn into a 50k word fantasy/horror novel instead of a short story structured like a fairytale.
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