hopelesslygaysstuff · 5 months
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pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Wanda can’t keep her eyes - or hands - off of you. She has her way with you, and you’re just happy to let your long-time crush ravish you.
content warnings: smut, cunnilingus, fingering, slight possessiveness, slight overstimulation
word count: 4k+
Original Request
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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Not My Fault
A warm glow of light spills out from the kitchen, and you rub your bleary eyes as you make your way towards it. Your book is clutched in your hand, one finger holding your spot as you follow the source of light, and the delicious smell of freshly brewed tea. The pads of your feet tread softly, protected by thick wool socks that ensure your steps are virtually silent as you wonder who else would possibly be awake at the late hour. 
“Oh,” You stop, taking in the sight before you. The first thing you notice is red hair, cascading down like a waterfall, curled slightly over a slender shoulder. Wanda has her back turned towards you, one hand with multiple silver rings twisting in the air as her magic pours a cup of tea, a single scarlet wisp bringing sugar over and spooning some in. 
Leaning against the doorframe, you smile as you admire your best friend. You had grown close with the witch ever since she arrived at the Avengers compound, and were happy to see her improvement with control over her magic. It had taken a while, but you were glad that Wanda felt comfortable enough to show such common displays of power. In the kitchen, too, her happy place. 
Green eyes meet yours, and Wanda freezes in surprise. Her scarlet magic hovers with uncertainty in the air, sugar sprinkling a light dusting onto the countertop before she recovers. You tell yourself that you imagine the way her eyes rake down your form, and fight the urge to cover yourself up as you step into the kitchen.
“Don’t mind me,” You say, a smirk on your face at the way Wanda blushes slightly. “I was just up reading.” 
Holding up the book briefly as if to further prove your words, you let it drop onto the counter. Curious eyes peer at it, before quickly returning to you as you step closer. Leaning on the space next to Wanda, you ask, “What are you doing up so late?”
Ducking her head, Wanda gingerly takes her cup of tea. “I… couldn’t sleep.”
“Oh?” You ask, gently prodding for more information, but receiving no answer. This time, you don’t have to imagine the way her eyes travel up your bare legs, lingering on your sleep shorts as they slide up further when you cross your legs. 
Deciding to test a theory, and hoping your unrequited crush might be slightly reciprocated, you lean over. From this angle, Wanda has a direct view down the front of your tank top. Her eyes widen slightly, taking in the bare sides and tops of your breasts before coughing awkwardly and sipping her tea. Her eyes remain steadfastly on the steaming liquid before her, and you wonder if she’s burning her tongue. 
“Could you pour me some?” You ask, innuendo slipping between your words, “I’m quite thirsty.”
Green eyes snap to yours, and she sets her mug down on the counter. Instead of making a move towards the teapot, Wanda carefully moves to stand in front of you, as if to give you a chance to escape. You don’t take it.
You turn as she moves, your back pressed against the counter and you raise an eyebrow. Wanad stares right back, fingers trembling slightly as she places them on either side of you, trapping you effectively against the counter. Her face is close to yours, and you can smell her vanilla perfume washing over you and the slight scent of tea as she exhales softly. 
“You look…” Trailing off, Wanda seems to steel herself. You mentally applaud her, urging her to continue, even if it's only with your eyes.
Wanda presses her lips together, biting her bottom lip briefly before saying, “I want to fuck you so badly, it’s keeping me up at night.” She gestures towards her cup of tea on the counter. “As you can see.”
Her candor takes you off guard, and you can only blink at her in surprise. She takes your silence as a sign to continue. 
“I mean…” Her eyes rake down your thin tank top, pausing at your slightly pebbled nipples before continuing their hot trail down your toned legs. You feel goosebumps rise, feeling frozen in place as your best friend appraises you. 
“Just look at you,” One of her hands moves to rest on your hip, pressing you further against the counter as she leans her body against yours. The heat of her skin against yours sends a wave of arousal through you. “Dressed in skimpy clothes for anyone to see, it's almost like you want me to have my way with you.”
“I only dress this way around you.” You blurt out, not wanting her to presume that you always dress this scantily. 
Wanda raises her eyebrows, a pleased smile rolling across her face as she strokes your hip. “Good,” She says, her tone mild even as relief flows through her. You watch her eyes soften, her walls lowering slightly as she appraises you. 
“Now,” Her face grew slightly serious, and you strained your ears as her soft words began flowing. “I’m going to fuck you, either here in the bedroom, I don’t care which one. You have five seconds to decide.”
You barely process the words before she holds up her hand and starts silently counting down from five. Panicking, your mouth gapes for a second before you whisper, “Bedroom.”
A wide smirk makes its way onto her face, and your knees suddenly feel weak. It’s not like she’s never smiled at you before, she’s your best friend, of course she smiles around you. But this time, it's different. This smile is paired with hungry eyes and twitching fingers, her lips far too kissable for you to concentrate. 
“Good choice,” Wanda whispers, moving her lips close to your ear. You don’t even try to hide the shiver that runs down your spine at the action. “Start walking.”
The commanding tone sends another shiver down your spine, leaving a pleasant tingle at your core. You know that your eyes are wide, lips parted slightly as you look at Wanda with a mixture of slight shock and awe. Her ever-watchful green eyes notice, and her smirk widens as she slowly moves to the side, gesturing for you to pass. 
You hope that your steps are confident, measured even, but you know that’s only false hope as you stumble slightly on your way out of the kitchen. Mind racing, you make your way towards your bedroom. 
Wanda liked you back? I mean, you knew she liked women… but she specifically liked you? Your best friend, who you’d been hopelessly in love with for what seemed like forever… wanted you.
You considered slapping yourself, convinced that you were dreaming. Yes! That was it, you had stayed up too late reading your book, and now you were in some sort of horny dream. You’d wake up tomorrow and blush at Wanda across the table, and she’d be none the wiser. 
The door to your bedroom opened, light from the hallway spilling across your plush carpet as Wanda stepped inside. She shut the door softly behind her, green eyes peering at you through the dim lighting, and your heart jolted. 
It wasn’t a dream. You weren’t sure what to do, your hands seeming too clumsy at the moment. Your tongue felt weighted down with lead, lips parted as you just stared at Wanda. Standing awkwardly near the center of your bedroom, you felt your heart race as Wanda held out her hand, silently ushering you toward her. 
With shaky footsteps, you managed to cross the room, your eyes questioning as you stepped up to Wanda. She was lingering by the door, and as soon as you were within arms reach, she grabbed you by the waist and spun you around. 
A surprised gasp left your lips as your back hit the wall. Wanda’s body pressed flush against you, warmth spreading from your thighs up to your chest as she trapped you against the wall. Not that you were complaining, this was the best moment of your life. 
“Can I kiss you?” Wanda’s voice was soft, only a hint of uncertainty woven into her words, and you raised your hands to cradle her cheeks. Fingers gently stroking over her soft skin, you smiled when she nuzzled against your palm slightly, her breaths biting your cheeks as you flushed. 
“Of course you can,” The words were murmured, your eyes focused on her lips as her hands tightened over your waist. 
“Good, because I’m going to kiss you a lot from now on,” Wanda says, and you don’t have any time to process her words before her lips are pressed against yours. 
There are no words to describe what kissing Wanda Maximoff felt like. Time suspended its relentless march, and it felt as though the world had dissolved under the soft touch of her lips moving against yours. You could practically hear your heart singing out, symphonies rising like a never-ending crash of waves as the heat of her lips spread through you. 
A soft, probing tongue ran along your bottom lip, and you let out a moan. Wanda eagerly swallowed it, delighting in the way your lips parted for her. Her thigh slipped between your legs, pressing deliciously against your core as you gasped. 
Your tongues danced together, and it felt so good that you didn’t have time to overthink your actions. You were simply doing what felt good, and everything with Wanda felt good. The kiss grew slightly sloppy, your lips parting further as you panted, arousal shooting through you as you ground down against Wanda’s thigh. 
Insistent fingers pulled at the hem of your tank top, briefly sliding under the thin material to splay over your stomach. You mentally thanked Natasha for the daily reminders to hit the gym when Wanda moaned at the feeling of your abs. 
“Can I take this off?” Wanda asked, and you almost laughed. If it weren’t for her body pressing you against your wall, you would have already stripped yourself of all clothing at this point. 
“Yes, Wanda. You can do anything you like,” Your words spurred her on, a wide smile flashing at you before your tank top was pulled smoothly over your head and tossed somewhere on the floor. 
Something shifted as soon as Wanda had pulled that first item of clothing off. Her pupils dilated, her hands scraping down your sides and grabbing your breasts roughly as she reattached her lips to yours. This time, she had no qualms about sinking her teeth into your bottom lip, and you couldn’t help but moan. 
It was like something had taken over your best friend, her movements frenzied as she slipped her fingers under the waistband of your sleep shorts. You weren’t too concerned, happy to keep kissing her as your fingers wove themselves into her beautiful red hair. 
Beautiful. Of course, that would be the only word you could describe Wanda as. She truly was, with her soft smiles and gentle touches. Evidently, her touch could also send fire coursing through your veins, her fingers rough as they pressed you tightly against the wall. You absolutely loved it. 
Your shorts quickly joined your discarded tank top on the floor, Wanda’s fingers skating around your underwear. You took the chance to pull at her shirt instead, your lips detaching briefly as you gazed at her. 
“Take it off,” Wanda mumbled, her lips glistening. “Take it all off.”
Not willing to disobey a direct order, you gladly peel her shirt off. Wanda blushes under the force of your stare, your eyes widening as you take in her smooth skin and perfect chest. Her bra cups her breasts gently, and you’re suddenly jealous of the firm fabric, wishing it was your hands holding her instead. 
Quick fingers unclasp her bra, the item falling to the floor as you fulfill your wish, hands cupping her breasts as a smile spreads across your face. Wanda moans as your thumbs brush over her nipples, the pebbled nubs already achingly hard as she arches her back, pressing her chest further against your touch. 
“You’re beautiful,” Your words flow like a prayer, filling the space between you two as Wanda stares at you. 
“I…” She can’t find the right words to respond, tears springing into her eyes as she lets her mouth crash against yours. Her own fingers pull her sweatpants down, kicking them off as she continues to ravish your mouth with her impossibly soft lips. 
The hands around your waist no longer tremble, instead confident with their movements as Wanda slowly spins you away from the wall. She presses against you still, each of you taking small steps until the backs of your legs hit the bed. 
A firm hand against your sternum pushes you backward, and you sit down heavily as your lips part from hers. Her eyes are dark and piercing, the air feeling heavy around you as you tremble slightly underneath her gaze. 
Your hands make their way to her thighs, pulling her onto your lap as you marvel at her soft skin. You’ve been dreaming of running your hands along her body for months now, and you can’t quite believe that Wanda is letting you. 
A small gasp leaves Wanda’s mouth, the warm air hitting your parted lips as she slots herself perfectly onto your lap. Your hands aren’t rough, but they’re not gentle either as you pull her with you toward the center of the bed. Soft yet insistent lips return to yours as you let yourself be slowly pushed down into the mattress. 
“Is this okay?” Wanda asks, her voice low. Her hands are stroking your breasts, thumbs flicking gently across your hard nipples. You can feel her damp underwear against your pelvis as she straddles you, and can’t help the way your hips roll against her. 
“Yes, it's more than okay. Please don’t stop.” At your words, Wanda’s hips grind down slightly, smearing her arousal onto your skin, and you let out a low moan as your breaths become slightly shaky. 
It’s everything you’ve been dreaming of, better even. You don’t ever want this moment to stop, especially when Wanda leans down and starts kissing you again. Yeah, you hope this moment never ends. 
It ends, and you try not to cry. 
Wanda sits up, her lips swollen and eyes bright. Your fingers tighten on her thighs, urging her hips to move, wanting to see those perfect lips fall open as she loses herself in pleasure. She just smirks at you, a single eyebrow raising and letting you know that she is aware of what game you’re playing. 
“Patience, darling.” The words are teasing, and you sigh. Your eyes don’t leave her form, skating over her nude chest as your mouth fills with saliva. The urge to taste her skin wells up, and you lick your lips as your eyes zero in on her nipples. 
Movement distracts you, Wanda’s fingers coming into focus as you shift your attention. She’s taking off her rings, slowly, and you nearly cum from the sight. Her green eyes are boring into yours, a predatory look in them as she plucks her delicate rings off one by one. 
Her fingers are bare, the rings resting innocently in the palm of her hand, and you feel a wave of anticipation rise within you. Wanda leans forward, her breasts tantalizingly close to your mouth as she sets the rings down on the bedside table. They clink lightly together as they hit the hardwood, the sound jarring you as you crane your neck toward her. 
Just before your lips can rest against her smooth skin, Wanda leans back again, a chuckle erupting from her at the stricken look on your face. Her fingers reach up and pull her hair back into a ponytail, her sharp features looking soft in the dim lighting of your room. 
“Just relax,” She advises, and you want to protest when she moves her weight off of you. Any words threatening to escape are quickly silenced when she kneels between your legs, her hands pushing them open. 
“Fuck,” You manage, the word spilling out as soon as Wanda’s tongue makes contact with your dripping core. It’s curious, yet deliberate as she explores your drenched folds and expertly avoids your protruding clit. 
Strong hands hold your squirming hips down, and you try not to moan too loudly as you feel yourself grow more desperate. She’s purposefully avoiding your clit, denying you any true pleasure as she collects your juices on her tongue eagerly. 
Placing a tentative hand on her head, fingers playing with her ponytail, you wait until her green eyes meet yours. She looks up, and you nearly cum from the sight alone. Her eyes meet yours, tongue buried in your pussy as she smirks slightly. You tug slightly on her hair, asking a silent question. 
Nodding, Wanda smiles wider as your hand wraps fully around her ponytail, pulling her face flush against you. Your hips rut up, seeking that delicious pressure against your clit, and you finally feel her lips wrap around it. 
Wanda’s cheeks hollow, and you feel her suck your aching clit into her mouth. Her tongue swirls around it, and your back arches off the mattress as you feel the first tendrils of your orgasm race toward the surface. 
There’s a high-pitched whining sound, and it takes you a moment to realize that it’s you. Wanda looks immensely pleased, happily sucking and licking your throbbing clit as you hold her against you. Your face is flushed, legs trembling around her as you grind yourself against her talented mouth. 
With a few more strokes of her talented tongue, your clit throbs violently as a deep, aching pressure makes its way through you. Wanda can feel your cum spilling out, and she eagerly laps it up as you pant and moan above her. Your fingers have a vice-like grip on her hair, and she can’t help but feel her own arousal climb at the sensation. 
Your hands start pushing her away, the pleasure quickly becoming overstimulating. Wanda practically growls, her hands capturing your wrists and she leans over your still trembling body. Pressing them above your head, she kisses you deeply, and you moan at the taste of your own arousal coating her lips. 
“We’re not done until I say we’re done,” There’s an air of finality in her tone, and you bite your lip to stop any arguments from escaping. She continues, mumbling against your inner thigh while she waits for you to calm down slightly, “I’ve waited far too long for this to be over so soon.”
You let out a moan at her words, silently agreeing with her. Probing fingers make their way towards your swollen pussy, gathering your slick juices before Wanda brings them to your mouth. Your arousal is still warm, coating your lips before you slowly part them. 
Wanda’s fingers are heavy against your tongue, and you start sucking automatically. Her other hand disappears between your thighs, fingers sliding along your slit and gently rubbing your clit. Green eyes are locked on her fingers as she begins pumping them in and out of your mouth. 
“God,” Her voice is low, a raspy tone intermingling with her slight accent. “You look so pretty with my fingers in your mouth, sweetheart.”
You moan again, not caring how pathetic the sound is, not when your best friend lights up as you suck her fingers harder. 
“Oh, a praise kink.”
“Shut the fuck up,” You say, but there’s no venom behind your words, and they come out as a muffled, “Shmgh thm fmmph uhh.”
Wanda smirks, “Don’t be a brat.” 
You try to protest, but suddenly her fingers shove even further into your mouth, and you focus on not gagging as you feel a single finger slip inside your wet pussy. It's the best thing you’ve ever felt and you immediately want to beg for more. But, it’s a bit hard to do that with fingers buried deep in your mouth. 
Almost as if she’s reading your mind, Wanda slips another finger inside you, both of them knuckle deep in your pussy as she feels you clench desperately around her. It’s laughably easy to start thrusting, her fingers sliding in and out of you easily as wetness coats them. 
Curling her fingers, Wanda feels your muscles tighten further when she presses against that spongy spot of pure pleasure deep inside you. Smiling, she fucks you faster, watching you droll around her fingers as your eyes roll back when she repeatedly hits your g-spot. 
“Good girl, you’re taking me so well,” She delights in the choked moan that escapes you at her words, every fantasy of hers playing out as she fucks you dumb. Wanda had always wondered what you would sound like in the throes of ecstasy, and it was even more angelic than she imagined. 
Her fingers curl again, and your entire body seems to seize up. Your fingers scrabble weakly against her forearm, one hand gripping the sheets with white knuckles as your second orgasm washes over you. 
Wanda fucks you through it, slowing only briefly when the pleasure threatens to turn painful. Before long, you’re rolling your hips again as you attempt to grind down on her fingers, and Wanda can find it in herself to deny you. 
She fucks you through another orgasm, before roughly pulling her fingers from your mouth and attaching her lips to your clit again. The dual pleasure of her fingers deep inside you while her tongue quickly flicks against your clit sends you straight into another orgasm before the first one is fully finished. 
You lose count of how many orgasms Wanda gives you, pleasure ebbing and flowing through your body as her presence invades every corner of your consciousness. Her vanilla perfume clings to your damp skin, her green eyes piercing even when you close your own. Her lips, soft and incessant as her tongue never tires. Her teeth, marking your skin and claiming you as hers. 
At one point, Wanda allows you to eat her out, your legs still trembling while she gently strokes your clit as your tongue eagerly laps up her leaking arousal. You wrap your arms around her thighs, holding her against you and drawing three orgasms from her while she shakes and gasps above you. 
You’re rewarded with a passionate makeout session, her fingers bringing you to your final orgasm while her tongue thoroughly explores your mouth. Your lips tingle when you pull away, parted as the last tendrils of your pleasure are pulled through you. 
Finally, you gently push Wanda’s hand away from the slick mess between your thighs, something in your eyes telling her that you’re truly finished. 
“Wanda, I…” You trail off, not really knowing what to say, still catching your breath. 
A chuckle sounds out, and Wanda nuzzles her face into your neck, inhaling deeply. She curls around you, breathing deeply as you hold her. “You don’t have to say anything, I know.”
“No,” You tilt her chin up, wanting to look her in her eyes. “I need you to understand something.”
A worried look appears in your best friend's eyes, and you curse yourself for your terrible wording. As she begins to pull away, you place your lips against hers, feeling Wanda sigh into your mouth as your hand pulls her back against you. 
“I really like you,” The words are whispered against Wanda’s lips, her green eyes boring into yours. “I need you to know that I’m not just here for sex, as amazing as it is. I want something more with you. I want us to create something… meaningful.”
“I want that too, idiot,” Wanda shoves you playfully, “Don’t scare me like that again.”
You chuckle, too tired to formulate many more words. Wanda snuggles closer, her breaths evening out as she wraps an arm around your waist. 
“Oh, fuck.” You say, and Wanda feels a vague sense of alarm shoot through her tired brain. She looks at you inquiringly, and you grin sheepishly down at her. 
“The tea has gone cold.”
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Taglist: @alexawynters @msvenablesbitch @marilynthornhilllover @lifespectator @milkeeteaa @imnotawitch @marvels--slut @justabrokensunshine @dorabledewdroop @wandsmxmff
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marvelkiddie · 2 months
Wanda had a little lamb
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(!) Mommy!Wanda x female reader: Stockholm Syndrome, ageplay, manipulation, meanie Wanda, little!reader mdni
Wanda was living a “happy” life alone in her cabin in the middle of nowhere but she was missing something, or someone, and she was going to get it no matter what.
writing this bc i wanted to read something like this
You woke up to the sun shining bright on your face and a soft stroke to your hair, you don’t remember much from yesterday Wanda had made sure of that, playing mind tricks on you was so easy for her, you were so naive and to be honest you were terrified of her so anything she said you were gonna obey to eventually.
Yesterday was a rough day you fought Wanda since the moment you realized where you were, feeling so helpless against her, she tried to be kind to you but in a way that felt so wrong and gross. Flashing memories of your time before Wanda and the cabin played from time to time on your head, she allowed you to see that you where exactly where you should be and exactly where she wanted you to be. The first time you talked to her she tried to sweet talk to you but you were demanding answers and she hated that, you were so defiant not the little girl she was trying so hard to make you be, it was exhausting trying to fight her, one minute you were screaming at her and the next you were waking up from a nap chained to her bed, whenever you found yourself like that you immediately cried for her, for her to cuddle you while apologizing profusely, she knew it would take a little more time before you were happy to be there, happy to be with her.
- - -
Your hands froze on the keyboard when you heard her asking softly about what you were doing “i just wanted to see what they were saying about me”, she hummed “so? what did you find?” You searched in a panic your name in every news outlet if any of them talked about your disappearance or anything but found nothing, “nothing” Wanda didn’t even try to hide the smirk on her face, you will never know that she was way ahead of you, she muted and blocked your name and anything that could give you a little insight about your whereabouts, the moments your tried to get anything from her you got nothing else but a kiss on your temple and a pat on your shoulder, Wanda really tried to make you like her, like it there without using her powers, it wasn’t fair to her, she wanted for you to love her because you truly loved her not because you feared her. You really don’t know how long it has been since the first day you got there, slowly your mind is giving in, but you can’t give up that easily, not so soon, it’s only been 4 weeks or 6? time really means nothing when you are trapped in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with a very determined woman.
i was more inspired last night but it was too late for me to write so accept this haha i am not a writer at all also English is not my first language so i tried to spell properly!
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lesbesapphic · 10 months
Mean Wanda AU
Summary - Wanda finds out about your crush on the scarlet witch. That's it.
A/N- Hey you all! Hope you are all doing well.
Just wanted to post this as a Birthday Gift from me to you all (it was my bday a few days ago). I know it's been awhile but I will try to be more active now.
Please stay on this journey with me and keep supporting me. It means the world to me especially when I disappear here and there. Just bear with me a little.
Buy Me A Coffee || Ko-fi
Warning - heavy makeout session, i forgot the name suddenly but throat grabbing kink? Can't recall the name just that it starts with C, and lots of quarrel between Wanda and you that's it. Please don't flag me. It is my bday.
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After finally being done with all your work, you decided to watch your favourite show before Wanda could get her hands on the remote though a part of you wondered where the older girl was, it's been hours since you last saw her but you were glad for her absence, having the evening to yourself would be peaceful.
Halfway through it, you heard the door opening and Wanda waltzing in, her whole attention on her phone as she typed with one hand while using the other to close the door, you sulked at the fact that you didn't take the batteries out from the remote or switch them up to stop it from working, before anyone ask, you had already tried fighting Wanda on remote, you easily learned that she wasn't as fragile as she looked. She had you pinned on the floor with the remote in her hand before you could even grab her hand. Ever since then you have been relying on your intellect rather than physique.
But judging from her appearance and her focus on her phone, it didn't look like she was aiming for the remote, regardless of it, your grip on the remote tightened until Wanda pretended to walk out but instead grabbed the remote out of your hand. You hardly fought back knowing it was pointless but that didn't mean you couldn't whine knowing how much it irritated her.
"I was watching that!" You shot an annoyed glance at Wanda who jumped next to you on the couch, sitting down and switching the channel after grabbing the remote from your lap. "And now we are going to watch something else." Wanda stated while putting on one of her sitcoms. You hated to admit that despite not being a huge fan of sitcoms, you knew the story of each character by heart and would find yourself asking Wanda about any unknown entry with curiosity. You blamed Wanda for it, making you watch all her crap.
"Turn it back." You protested and Wanda rolled her eyes at your whining, "No. It is boring crap." Wanda claimed while putting her feet in your lap, deciding to give you something else to whine about. Her plan working efficiently as your focus shifted on pushing her feet off your lap.
"You don't know anything about MCU." You brushed her feet off only for her to put it back on your lap, your mind momentarily noticing how gorgeous her feet were. The thought disappeared when Wanda spoke again.
"Oh please. I know that you have some weird ass obsession with.. what's her name red witch..? Scarlet witch!" Wanda's lips curled into a smirk when your face turned slightly red, "Plus.. shouldn't you be happy serving me since her and I share such resemblance?" Wanda flipped her hair to the side and you ignored her, focusing on pushing her feet away.
"Why can't you admit that you have a crush on me?" Wanda prodded further and you could hear the grin in her voice, you looked up at her with an expression that screamed if she was out of her mind, "Are you on drugs?" You asked and she laughed, finally curling her feet under herself as she sat up.
"Why? Didn't you want a kiss from me the other day?" Wanda asked the mischief in her voice taking a condescending tone as she added, "Or shall I say from your Scarlet Witch?" Wanda asked and watched as the colors faded from your face and you visibly swallowed.
You felt your throat drying up at what you were hearing from her. She was awake. She remembered.
A few days ago, you both had come home drunk from the party and you ended up sleeping in her bed instead of your mattress on the floor. You had been watching Elizabeth Olsen's movie that night and were having a beautiful dream about her that got mixed with reality when you woke up to find her ethereal beauty in front of you, her face inches away from you and in your hazy state, you moved in to place a kiss on her lips when suddenly the sound of Wanda's obnoxious ringtone startled you back to reality. Your breathing fast as the realisation of what you were going to do hit you with the hangover from all the drink you had.
Needless to say, you had been very cautious of Wanda that day, avoiding her at all cost and flushing red every time you would have an interaction with her, afraid that Wanda would bring it up but she never did and you assumed that she must be asleep when it happened until now.
"I-I don't know what you are talking about." You cleared your throat, your eyes falling anywhere but her. You sucked in a sharp breath when Wanda tilted your chin up with her index finger, your eyes meeting her emerald ones, "Saturday Morning, you were sleeping in my bed. You were probably dreaming about that actress. You woke up and leaned in to kiss me. My ringtone snapped you out of it.. didn't it?
You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. You didn't know how to answer that. "And the worst part is.. that you regret not doing it." Wanda declared with a smug look on her face and you couldn't help but scoff at her wild statements that she was passing as if she knew everything about you. 
"Now don't get ahead of yourself." You grabbed her hand that was holding your chin before pushing it away, ignoring how smooth it was on touch. How would it not? Every night Wanda would spend an hour on her skincare, moisturizing each and every inch of herself after taking a shower. The first time it happened, it made you uncomfortable seeing her half naked on her bed, slowly rubbing the lotion on her smooth legs and arms. You were pretty sure she noticed it the second time it happened because she stopped putting it on in the washroom as she would usually do but started to purposely do it in the bedroom. Remembering the time she asked you to do it for. It almost resulted in a make out session.
"Why? Don't you want to kiss your Liz?" Wanda asked raising her eyebrows innocently as if she was asking about something as trivial as your studies. "You aren't anything like her." You grumbled, looking away from her when she started laughing, groaning when she got on top of you, her legs on either side of you trapping you completely with her weight. "Ugh, Get off.." You raised your hands to push her off but she grabbed your hands, pinning them to your sides.
You start to struggle but stopped after a second, all your past efforts of when you were in a similar position with her flashes in front of your eyes and you knew that it was useless trying to win against her physical strength instead you decided to retaliate with your expression, giving Wanda a cold look, "What do you want from me?" You asked, letting out a sigh of exasparation.
Wanda's smirk widen when she noticed how quickly you stopped your struggle, you learned fast. She liked that but she loved the fight in you more. She knew you all too well, it was still there. Just the right answer from her and you would be wriggling again, "Admit that you have a crush on me and want a kiss." She replied and watched as your faced turned red before you started struggling again.
"You are stupid." You growled the words trying to get your hands free or to get her off you but all your attempts were failing and the smug look on Wanda's face was only riling you up until you couldn't fight anymore, breathing heavily, you fell back on the couch, resting your head back while you glared at Wanda who smiled at you with not a single bead of sweat on her. "Aww Baby, are you tired? You want a kiss?" Wanda asked and you mustered up all your energy into your words, hoping to drive your point in, "I will bite." You claimed and Wanda raised an eyebrow, the smile dropping off her face and it, for a moment scared you, but you didn't let it faze you as you stood in a staring competition with her.
"Like this?" Wanda asked before leaning and biting onto your neck hard, her teeth digging and you yelped in pain almost throwing Wanda off you before you could complain or call her some colorful words, she started kissing the area she bit, sucking on it. You let out a soft moan before quickly biting on your lip to hold it in as Wanda slowly started kissing her way up, occasionally nibbling and sucking as she moved toward your ear before taking the earlobe in between her teeth, making you suck in a sharp intake,
"If you even think about doing anything like that, I will tie you up and have my way with you." Wanda whispered in your ear and your face couldn't get any more red, she squeezed your hands into the couch before letting go, with all your previous similar encounters with her, you knew she wanted your hands to stay there and you almost laughed internally as if you could even move them after what she said and did.
"And you will consent to it. You will beg me to take you." Wanda added and you stayed quiet, trying to not focus too much on the pool of wetness collecting in your panties, "Are you going to bite now?" She asked and you slowly shook your head, your stomach flipping when she whispered a soft, 'Good' before leaning in and placing her lips against yours in a surprisingly tender kiss and you instantly reciprocated.
It's been a while since you two had a moment as this. You didn't know where it would lead you to or how it will end or if it would ever happen again but in that moment you chose to stay in the present to feel her tender lips against yours, her fingers slipping underneath your shirt, feel her hot breath hitting your neck as her lips left a burning trail of desire.
You wouldn't ever admit but maybe it was better than the 'crap' you were watching.
Hope you all like it!
Although it is said that this au doesn't have a name! Feel free to suggest one! Bonus points for Taylor Swift themed name XD.
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bethsvrse · 3 months
when I find a brilliant, jaw dropping, amazing x reader fic but suddenly I’ve been given a first name, last name, hair colour and eye colour
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feelingtheaster99 · 3 months
What I find so funny is that in receiving small glimpses of episodes I haven’t seen, I fully assumed that Kipperlilly Copperkettle was some type of dog-based humanoid? But no, that was Kristen just roasting her to FLITH upon meeting her
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ziggyzolch · 2 months
Masterlist (Will be updated)
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/ziggyzolch
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ziggyzolch
❀𖤣𖥧𖡼⊱✿⊰𖡼𖥧 Regina George 𖤣❀𖥧𖡼⊱✿⊰
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Queen Bee-atch (Completed)
Summary: You, a self-proclaimed loser, are going into Junior year with one goal in mind: Avoid Regina George. Nobody notices you, so it shouldn't be too hard…right? Warnings: Underage drinking, eating disorders, insomnia?, lotta cursing.
Chapter I - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆ Wanda Maximoff ☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
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Summary: If you could describe yourself in three words, they would be: little shit speedster. Causing trouble was your favorite pastime, and you've never been caught. That would change, however, when an angsty witch is assigned to capture you. Warnings: Swearing
Chapter I - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
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Your Prettiness is Seeping Through
Summary: You and Wanda get sent to a mental hospital at the same time. Warnings: Depictions of Bulimia and depression, suicidal ideation and attempt, self harm, stuff like that.
Chapter I - Chapter 2
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1800-lemonadeg1rl · 2 months
Anyone other than you
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Minors dni!! Masterlist°•☆
Summary- You and your supposed "enemy" get stuck in a cupboard while on a duo mission
Warnings- violence, gunshots, emo Wanda, mean Wanda, forced proximity, claustrophobia, confusion, not proofread!!
A/n - I dont know whether I hate this tbhhh idk whether it's because it took me sm breaks to write it but it feels off idkk
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You entered the quinjet while sighing to yourself. How did you let this happen? You thought as you buckled on your seatbelt. Getting put on a duo mission with the one woman on the team who hates your guts. Wanda Maximoff.
You never had any idea what you'd done to make her despise you so much but nothing you ever did seemed to make up for it. Everytime you spoke in a meeting you could feel her stare digging into your soul. The way she'd scowl when she entered what she'd presume to be an empty room only to find you inside. She'd always mumble something in a language you didn't understand before flouncing out the room. Things weren't any better when you were part of a group with her either. She'd barely respond if you asked her something or flat out ignore you.
It wasn't like you hadn't tried to get along with her either, trying to be as friendly with her as you were with everyone else. Offering to make her food, help her with household chores or help out with her mission reports but nothing you did ever seemed to stop her from glaring at you. She wasn't known to be the most outgoing person but you never saw her act this way with anyone else so eventually you gave up deciding it best to ignore her the way she did you.
Now, unfortunately you didn't have that luxury anymore. You'd begged and begged Tony not to put you on this duo mission even contemplating getting ill to avoid it. He had insisted you had to go on this mission apparently you and Wanda had the 'specific' skills skillset for this mission, whatever that meant you knew he was just bullshitting to get you to shut up.
So now here you were getting ready to set off on your two day long stealth mission with the girl who could barely stand to look at you let alone talk and work with you.
You'd arrived at the hotel room you'd be sharing with Wanda and thanked God that you'd got their first and the fact there was two beds. Quickly you threw down your bag on the bed closest to the window and began to check out the rest of the hotel room.
You were smelling the soaps in the bathroom when in clomped Wanda, her doc Martins still managing to make some kind of noise over the soft carpeted floor. She was dressed in a long baggy grey sweater and black skirt with patterned fishnets. Her hands adorned with rings and her short bitten at nails painted black.
"It smells of smoke." She thinks out loud without noticing your precense in the room.
"Yeah sorry about that it's my new signature perfume." You try to joke hoping she might happen to be over her constant anger with you. You study her face through the bathroom mirror as you speak watching out for her reaction. At first you see the possibility of a smile forming on her face and a rosy colour on her cheeks but quickly it's replaced by her signature scowl and a disgusted noise sneaking past her lips.
"Oh. You're here." She talks as if she'd expected someone else to be here despite the many debriefs you'd had together about this mission.
You for one had had enough of her attitude around you acting as if you were something below her. "Yes I'm here like it or not. Can we at least just be civil for the sake of this mission." You groan while walking over to where she's stood, raking your hands through your hair. In response she grumbled out some kind of agreement and that was it.
So far things had been going fine, you'd both kept to your own routine with minimal communication between the two of you. For the most part you'd spent your time exploring the hotel you were staying in. It was cheap and smelt damp. You for sure would be complaining at how you got booked in this dingy one star place once this mission was over. You'd been excited originally as the hotel advertised having a twenty five metre indoor swimming pool which was plenty to keep you occupied however when you inquired at the desk the receptionist, who'd been ignoring you stood there for ten minutes while she read her magazine, told it was shut indefinitely.
Eventually you had to return to the room and when you did Wanda was already fast asleep on her bed, small snores sounding occasionally. You took note of how pretty she was when she wasn't scowling before sliding into your own bed for the night.
You'd done the first half of the mission with relative ease, you and Wanda putting a side your differences for the greater good. Now it seemed as if things were taking a turn for the worse. Upon arrival you'd both scouted the building for any kind of agents or security around the building but found none however now it seemed the building was filling up with them. Two men following behind who you were attempting to fire at and run away from, which is much harder than Natasha makes it look in training.
From the whimper of pain which sounded sounded out and echoed down the corridor you assumed you shot one. This was your chance to lose them and Wanda realised that too as you both picked up the pace of your running.
Out of nowhere she grabbed your arm and dragged you inside a small dark box? No it can't be a box you thought as you looked above you and saw an empty clothing rail. It was a cupboard. Your eyes scanned around the little space you had while trying to avoid eyecontact with Wanda who was leaning over top of you with one hand next to your head against the wall of the cupboard to keep her upright.
Quickly the cramped and uncomfortable space became all too much for you. The lack of oxygen in there made you take shallow breaths and sweat pooled from your forhead. It felt like the walls were closing in. You should get out. No you had to. Trying to move to force yourself out startled Wanda who gripped onto your shoulder to avoid you both tumbling out and compromising your hiding place.
"What are you doing? Just stay still." She whispered angrily. Had her voice always sounding that good up close? At that thought a frown crossed your face and you briefly forgot how badly you needed to get out of this space you were entrapped in. It didn't make you completely forget though as you came to your senses and stopped thinking about how nice Wanda's voice was and remembered how your heart was thundering in your chest and you whole body ached to get out of this cupboard.
"Have to.. to get out." You breathe out, expecting some kind of rude response from her as your breathing further quickens and vision fogs up. Her actual response is nothing you'd ever thought you'd hear her say.
"Look at me y/n." She waits to make sure your making eyecontact with her before continuing. "Its going to be okay, this is all okay and this is nothing you can't do. Just focus on me not the four walls.." her voice was soothing and not completely unlike a lullaby. You still felt unsettled but nothing like before when you were desperate to get out. "Your gonna be fine." She says again as she takes your hand in her own gently squeezing it. The cool feeling of her silver rings against your sweaty palms helping further calm you down as your breathing once again becomes steady.
After a few minutes of silence where you just focus on your breathing and the feeling of Wanda's thumb rubbing against the back of your hand you begin to speak. "Thanks.. I know you don't really like me or anything but I appreciated that a lot."
"Its nothing really... also your stood on my foot." She tells you returning to her usual cold snappy voice. Quickly you moved your foot away muttering apologies as you did, unsure how long you'd been stood on her foot. "I don't hate you either. Well not really."
Your about to question her on why she acts this way around you if she really doesn't hate you but before you can she opens the cupboard door and you both stumble out thankful for the airy space around you. "Don't bring this up y/n." She says before leading the way out leaving you trailing behind a little confused. Was she mean? Did she hate you? Was that all for the mission?
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voidfire-studios · 7 months
"Why are you crying?"
Me, inconsolable: Th-they're-*sob* they're normal fish
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They're normal fish in the picture. They were his fairy godparents. They were *hic* like his parents- and-and *sniff* they loved him so much *sob* and he loves them so much and-and- *sniff* he's never going to remember them *hic* because now he's all grown and they're normal fish in the picture
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They're normal fish!
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2manyflannels · 1 month
can't believe Jay got his mom to voice Anticlea that's so sweet.
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videovamptramp · 1 year
the jealous game
// prompt idea for g!p wanda: you end your relationship with wanda because she’s always flirting with other girls to make you jealous. unbeknownst to you, wanda’s about to feel just as jealous as you when thor and bruce bring their new friend valkyrie to one of tony’s parties. the king suddenly takes a massive interest in you, making wanda immensely jealous. //
warnings: breakups, flirting with other girls while in a relationship, jealousy, sexual themes i guess (kind of??), fluffy ending, i’m a slut for wanda maximoff 🥺
“i can’t do this anymore, wanda!” you raise your voice as she drags you into the hall. you were forced to sit at a dinner party with a few agents, and watch wanda flirt with sharon carter all night. you stressed more and more during every function and event, because the redheads flirting was never ending. no matter how many times you told her to stop— how much it hurts you— she never listens. “you’re making a big deal over nothing, y/n.” she rolls her eyes, and you clench your fists, angry tears welling up in your eyes. “nothing?! wanda, you’ve been flirting with sharon in front of me all night!” you exclaim, and she scoffs.
“flirting doesn’t mean anything.” she mutters and you stare at her as if she’s crazy. “it means something to me, and it probably means something to her and all the other women you consistently flirt with.” you mutter, and she opens her mouth to say something, but you beat her to it. “you know, you used to be my best friend. after my best friend passed away, i never thought i could develop a bond and connection like i did with you. then i fell in love with you, and i realized you aren’t who i thought you were.” your voice cracks a bit and wanda’s smug demeanor falls immediately at the vulnerable words. “y/n—”
“have fun at your dinner party. i’ll be by your room next week to pick up my things.” you don’t even let her speak. you don’t want to hear what she has to say. you walk away from her, and you leave her standing in the hallway watching you leave. the memory now engraved into her mind. the night you got tired of her trying to rile you up, and keep the relationship ‘alive’. she didn’t think it was affecting you this badly. she never meant any of the things she said to other women in your presence, she was only trying to make you jealous. maybe have wild sex afterwards like you guys always do.
though she succeeded at making you jealous, she didn’t get the outcome she desired. no, instead wanda lost her bestest friend all because she went and decided to flirt with sharon carter. but it wasn’t just sharon, it was also the waitress at the restaurant last week, and the nurse who was doing an ultrasound on you for a cyst. she cringes as she remembers how you asked her to wait outside. she was starting to realize how much of a shit girlfriend she’s been to you. “hey wands, where did y/n go?” yelena asks on her way back from the bathroom. “she left…”
wanda spends the next few weeks waiting for you to come back. she foolishly tells herself you’ll miss her enough to return. yet, it becomes abundantly clear that that’s not the case. you end up avoiding her, and whenever wanda accidentally sees you around the compound you’re laughing at something one of your coworkers is saying, or hanging out with the members of your team. you look okay and maybe that’s what sets wanda off most of all; you’re okay without her while she’s miserable without you. she lays awake at night tossing and turning, when she’s half asleep she reaches for you but you aren’t there. she can’t get that look on your face out of her head. the look of pure betrayal and hurt.
wanda tries calling, but you don’t answer. when she visits your room at night FRIDAY doesn’t allow her access. you’ve complete shut her out, and it’s all her fault. wanda thinks about three years ago when you first arrived at the compound. you had apparently been training for shield since you got out of high school. as soon as you met wanda she immediately took a liking to you. you were genuinely kind to her, and no matter how out of control her powers were, you weren’t afraid of her. you listened as she opened up to you about the death of her twin brother and her parents. you never once judged her when she told you about the things hydra and ultron made her do.
wanda’s nightmares return shortly after your breakup. turns out having you around was more help to her than she realized. or maybe she did realize it and she took it for granted. she doesn’t know how long she can continue this way without you; barely sleeping, barely eating. she can’t even seem to focus on missions and steve has given her three warnings in the last month to get it together before she’s on temporary desk duty. maybe that’s how she ended up at tony’s halloween party; drinking the night away to forget you.
when she sees you she nearly drops the drink in her hands. you’re not even dressed up; just a simple black cropped top that fits you perfectly, dark denim blue jeans that are so tight wanda can see every curve. the outfit is matched with your favorite converse, and your hair is in loose unruly curls. wanda wants to talk to you so badly, but she doesn’t have the courage to. your eyes migrate around the room, and end up on her. you offer her a sad smile and she doesn’t react. you notice the bags under her eyes that the makeup isn’t doing a good job at hiding. she doesn’t look at all like herself. you’re about to walk over to your ex girlfriend when a voice stops you.
“y/n!” thor bellows as he makes his way over to you with a woman beside him. she’s not as tall as wanda but she’s taller than you. her eyes seem to light up as soon as she sees you, “this is my dear friend y/n! y/n, this is king valkyrie.” he introduces you both and you smile shyly as you put your hand out for her to shake. the king takes your right hand and kisses your knuckles gently. you blush profusely at the action, “king valkyrie has assisted me on many missions and frequently, as you mortals say, saved my behind.” thor continues to stroke his friends ego and she rolls her eyes modestly. “please. a literal god is trying to talk me up right now, can you get this guy out of here?” valkyrie asks you jokingly, making you giggle. the mere sound makes her stare at you in awe for a second.
“it’s truly a pleasure to meet you, y/n. i’ve heard so much about you and your amazing pancakes from thor and bruce.” she admits and you blush sheepishly, your face feeling hot. “it’s a pleasure to meet you as well, it’s great to finally put a face to the name.” you tell her, having only heard about her a few times through thor and bruce, you were surprised at how charming she actually was. you don’t normally receive any attention like this from any of the superheroes, sure a few agents have asked you out in hopes of a hookup or two, but none of the heroes that were as important as this have. well, except for wanda, but you were almost positive wanda never wanted a real relationship with you to begin with.
the disheartening thought is enough to get you to put on a fake smile, and offer to get valkyrie and thor drinks. thor politely admits he has to find jane, but he ends up leaving you and the king alone. “so, thor tells me you’ve been an agent for shield for four years?” valkyrie asks and you chuckle, “yeah, i started training right out of high school… i really didn’t know know what else to do with my life.” you confess sheepishly, “but my life is boring. i want to hear all about your life. you’re a king, you must never be bored or lonely!” you exclaim and her smile falters a bit. “well, i certainly have the means and privilege of never being bored but not even money can cure loneliness.” she admits and you frown.
“do you get lonely king valkyrie?” you ask softly, your hand coming up to her bicep and your mere touch warms her in a way she hasn’t felt in so long. “yes. but it’s a small price to pay for ruling a kingdom.” she responds, and your eyes meet her chocolate brown ones. “and your queen?” you ask in a way that causes her to smirk, “no queen, just me i’m afraid.” she answers honestly, and you raise your eyebrows. “i guess that means i’m allowed to buy you a drink without worrying about your wife challenging me to a death match?” you half joke, and she laughs. “there’s no wife you have to worry about. but i’d love a drink.” she says lightly as you grab her hand and lead her through the crowded room. you don’t notice the piercing green eyes staring at you both the entire time.
as the night goes on you get to know valkyrie and you can’t find a single thing wrong with her. she’s charming, sweet, kind, humble, and even easy on the eyes… yet you can’t shake that guilty feeling you feel. you don’t want to be here with anyone other than wanda. yet, you’re sure she’s probably flirting with some other pretty girl around here. she’s probably forgotten all about you. you force yourself to laugh at a joke valkyrie says that you shamefully weren’t paying attention to. what you don’t notice is the emerald green eyes shooting daggers at the woman you’re standing in front of. wanda’s been watching you two since thor introduced the both of you. she hates the way her stomach burns and her fists clenches around her glass so tightly she surprised it doesn’t break.
her jaw is tense as valkyrie moves a strand of loose hair behind your ear. the way you blush makes her heart crumble into a million little pieces, and she recalls the way you used to blush at all of the things she said. the way the blood used to rise to your cheeks and coat your little nose. she hates this feeling and she wonders if this is how you felt all those times when she flirted so blatantly in front of you. she mentally curses herself for making you feel this way on so many occasions. the jealousy she feels is nothing compared to the guilt. she downs the rest of her whiskey and leaves the glass of ice on the bar counter. she can’t stand to watch this anymore, she doesn’t think the remains of her heart can take it.
you notice the way the redhead leaves quickly, moving past a hoard of people. you frown; wanda never leaves these things early. there’s nothing she loves more than a party. though, you remember how down she looked earlier. as much as you want to wield yourself not to care, you can’t help it. you love her and you care about her so much. “um, excuse me valkyrie i have to make sure my friend is okay. she looked sad earlier and she just left.” you lie through your teeth and valkyrie flashes you an understanding smile. “of course. i know all about your history with wanda maximoff, i understand how you feel.” she says and you feel a guilty feeling wash over you.
“i’m sorry.” you apologize honestly, and she reaches for your hand giving it an assuring squeeze. “don’t be sorry. go to her. i understand.” she tells you softly. you smile at her gratefully, “thank you. it really was lovely meeting you, i hope to see you again some time.” you tell her sincerely causing her to nod in agreement. “likewise. i’ll be looking for you the next time i’m on earth.” she promises and you blush softly before leaving. you go in the direction wanda left in, and you push through the large amount of people. you finally see her on the balcony facing away from the party.
“you left a little early don’t you think?” you ask, and she quickly wipes away a few falling tears before holding onto the ledge of the balcony tightly. “why do you care? you’ve made it perfectly clear over the last few weeks that nothing i do matters to you.” she retorts, there’s a bit of bite to her tone but there’s a whole lot of hurt laced through it as well. “nothing you do matters? i think you don’t understand how much the things you do matter to me.” you reply, as you reach into the pocket of your coat, pulling out a pack of menthols. “doesn’t seem that way. you’ve been avoiding me like the plague and now you’re all over king valkyrie not even a few weeks after our breakup?” she questions, and you can hear the undeniable betrayal laced through her tone.
“at least i waited till after our breakup.” you mutter under your breath, and she turns to face you. a trickle of silence passes, until she lets out a chuckle. “yeah, i deserved that.” she responds, and you flash her half a smile. she loves your smile. how she’s missed it. you take in the black velour suit she’s wearing. the white collared shirt pristine and nicely buttoned; not a wrinkle in sight. she looks amazing and you try your hardest not to let her know you’re staring at how beautiful she looks. “you look perfect. i see why valkyrie was all over you.” she admits and you laugh. “she was being nice.” you try to defend yourself and wanda flashes you a look. “oh please, she kissed your hand and was by your side all night.” she points out, and you raise a brow.
“you mean the way you should’ve been?“ you ask her, and this causes her to go silent. “y/n… i’m so sorry. i was a terrible girlfriend, and i… i took you for granted. i know some of the things i did are unforgivable, and when i saw you with valkyrie tonight, i realized how badly i hurt you all those times. i’m sorry.” wanda actually sounds sincere, and you can see in her eyes she means every word. she then shakes her head, “i don’t expect you to forgive me. if i were you i don’t know if i could… i just needed to apologize. you deserved a sincere apology. you didn’t deserve anything i put you through… i do love you, y/n.” wanda adds and your eyes go wide. “you do?” you ask in complete surprise and she nods vigorously.
“so much. you’re the only person i’ve ever opened up to… you’re my best friend. i really should’ve been a better girlfriend to you.” she admits shamefully, barely being able to meet your eyes with her own. you can see the tears pooling in those emerald green orbs you’re so helplessly in love with. “then why did you flirt with all those women? what you did really hurt me, and i told you it did, and you just kept doing it. you promised me once that you’d never intentionally hurt me… so why did you?” you ask her, and she shuts her eyes for a few seconds. “i thought it would keep you from losing interest in me. i figured if you saw how many people wanted me, you always would.” she chuckles bitterly at her own mindset. “i guess i lost you either way…” she trails off, and you sigh.
“wanda… i could never not want you. trust me, i know first hand how many people want you. you don’t think i see the way everyone looks at you when you walk into a room? but i don’t care about how many people look at you as long as you’re only looking at me…” your voice is insecure and now you can’t seem to keep eye contact as you glance down at your shoes. you toss your forgotten cigarette into the ashtray and she lets a few tears fall. “you’re all i see when i walk into a room.” she admits, “i should’ve made that more clear.” she adds and you flash her a look. “yeah, you should’ve.” you murmur, and she looks down at her shoes.
“is there any way you’d give me another chance? i’d do anything to earn your trust back. anything to make you love me again.” she practically begs you, and you can hear the strain in her voice. “i never stopped loving you, wands. i just… i thought you didn’t love me anymore.” you whisper the last part, and she reaches for your hands, her touch immediately makes your body feel warm despite the cool new york air. “i could never not love you.” she reveals with a trembling voice. you observe her features, searching for any sign of dishonesty; when you find none your eyes soften in that way that makes her heart flutter. “from now on, flirting with someone else is cheating. okay? there’ll be no more chances after this one for that, maximoff.” you warn her, and she nods eagerly. “i promise to only flirt with you until i die!“ she dramatically swears, earning a soft giggle.
god how she missed being the cause of that sound. “that’s a little dramatic.” you say, but before you can say anything else she leans in and kisses you passionately. you melt into the stolen kiss immediately, moaning in surprise and delight as you kiss the redhead back. wanda let’s go of your hands and moves hers to your waist. she pulls you into her, and as soon as your body touches hers, her member begins to wake up. there’s no doubt you don’t feel it hardening against you. “i missed,” kiss, “you,” kiss, “so,” kiss, “much.” wanda says in between kisses, as if she’s in a frenzy. you pull away and she chases your lips with her own as she keeps you held against her. she whines when you don’t let her kiss you again, “looks like you weren’t the only one that missed me.”
your teasing only causes her to get harder, and you smile deviously at the appendage poking you through hers and your clothes. “should we get out of here?” she asks hopefully, and you giggle nodding in agreement. “lead the way, wands.” you unravel yourself from her, as she interlocks her hands with yours and leads you out. she takes you to the nearest exit and your stomach flutters at the thought of making up after a whole month.
a/n: should i upload a pt.2 of the smut ?🤫👀
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 5 months
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pairing: ceo!wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Wanda brings you home and fucks you, claiming you as only hers over and over again. After tonight, everyone will know who you truly belong to.
content warnings: smut again, possessiveness, grinding, pillow humping, spanking, strap on, nipple clamps, choking, edging, overstimulation, mommy kink.
word count: 6.3k+
Part 1: Fingers Are My Weakness
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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The Ultimate Weakness
The soft leather seat beneath you squeezed slightly as you settled in, Wanda closing the door for you as she made her way around the car. She had an unreadable look on her face, her back straight as you heard her heels click on the concrete floor of her parking garage. 
Opening her door, Wanda slid into the driver's seat and started the car as the scent of her familiar vanilla perfume washed over you. You glanced over at her, taking in her red hair as it lay perfectly over her shoulder. Her jaw was sharp, eyes focused on her phone as she answered one last email for the night. 
Green eyes met yours, and you startled as you realized that you’d been staring for quite some time. The ghost of a smirk formed on her lips, her lipstick still holding up even long after the workday had ended. Backing out of her parking spot, with a sign labeled Wanda Maximoff, she rested her hand gently on your thigh. 
You relaxed, happy that she was continuing her habit even though she hadn’t had the best day. You remembered her telling you that she wouldn’t treat you any differently just because she wasn’t in a good mood, and something settled inside you as she continued to uphold her promise. 
Her fingers squeezed, and you tore your gaze away from the road in front of you, choosing to admire her form in the dim lighting instead. Even to this day, after a couple years of loving her, your heart still skipped a beat whenever you laid eyes on her. Her eyes reflected the warm lighting of the street lamps as she sped out of the parking garage, one hand gripping the steering wheel in a relaxed manner as the other gently traced circles on your thigh. 
Your peace was broken at the first red stoplight. As the car came to a stop, Wanda glanced over at you, her eyes dark as they roamed your face. Her hand moved dangerously high, almost touching your still sensitive core as you raised your eyebrows at her. 
“Let’s play a game.” It wasn’t a suggestion, but rather, a command. You straightened up in your seat, anticipation filling you as Wanda explained the rules of the game. You were to put your hands beneath your thighs. She would continue stroking your thighs, and for every red light she stopped at, she would cup your pussy over your pants. You had the duration of that red light to grind against her hand as much as you wanted. As soon as the light turned green, she would move her hand back to your thighs. 
“If you cum before we get home,” Wanda’s eyes glinted at you, the light turning green. The car accelerated. “I won’t punish you.”
It was an impossible feat, and she knew that. You couldn’t cum without her help, and you’d tried before. You didn’t know how she’d trained your body to only cum for her, but you weren’t complaining. Besides, your fingers never felt like enough after the first time she’d fucked you. 
Still, you nodded obediently, thighs tensing in anticipation as you saw the next stoplight. The city was full of them, and you thanked your lucky stars that Wanda had purchased a home twenty minutes away in the suburbs. 
“Red light, sweetheart,” Wanda murmured, the car coming to a stop. As promised, she moved her hand to cup your overheated pussy, pressure firm as she glanced between the light and your face. 
You held back a whimper, slowly moving your hips. You were still sensitive from your orgasms back in the office, and slightly embarrassed at the amount of arousal leaking through your pants. You were sure that the fabric was damp, you could smell your arousal as it mixed with Wanda’s vanilla perfume. 
Wanda, however, looked immensely pleased by this. The red glow on her face cast a sharp shadow, her lips upturned as her eyes watched you intently. You were glad the light was red, as it helped conceal your flush at her attention. 
Green light washed over you, and you breathed deeply when Wanda removed her hand. Your clit throbbed uselessly, begging for more pressure. You manually slowed your heart rate, breathing in slowly and holding it for a few seconds before releasing it. You could tell that Wanda was pleased by your reaction, her fingers digging into your thigh slightly as she focused on the road. 
Reaching over, you turned on the radio, needing some sort of distraction from the unbearable ache rising within you. Wanda glanced over, her face telling you that she knew what you were doing, but she didn’t stop you. 
Soft jazz filled the car, and you settled back into your seat as your arousal simmered. At least she wasn’t teasing you with pressure against the place you ended her most anymore. Her hand remained firmly on your thigh, not moving as-
Oh great, another red light. 
Her hand returned to the center of your thighs, your pussy convulsing uselessly as you desperately ground against her hand. You needed more, and Wanda knew that. She made no moves to help you, simply watching as you forced your hands to stay under your thighs while rutting against her palm. 
Green light. 
You resisted the urge to slam your head against the back of your seat. Of course, the one light near your shared home was red. Wanda’s hand was once again cupping you, your juices having soaked the fabric of your pants a while ago. You hoped that you wouldn’t ruin the nice leather of your girlfriend’s car, but the thought soon fled from your mind as you lost yourself in the mindless pleasure you received from grinding fruitlessly against Wanda’s hand. 
“Almost home, darling,” Wanda said. You resisted the urge to curse at her. “You haven’t cum yet, how… disappointing.” 
A groan left you as the light turned green, your orgasm just barely within your grasp. That was your last chance to cum, and you gained control of your erratic heartbeat with a few more deep breaths. You were sure that you’d cut off circulation to your hands with how hard you’d pressed them beneath your thighs, but you really didn’t want to break one of Wanda’s rules. 
After all, she was already going to punish you for not coming, you might as well not add to the punishment. Besides, you could tell that her mood was changing the whole ride home. Whenever her eyes weren’t locked on you during a red light, they were distant and unfocused. 
You knew your girlfriend well enough to know that she was replaying Hailey’s advances on you over and over in her mind. She was probably overanalyzing the women’s body language from when she’d caught the two of you in Wanda’s office, her mind replaying the way Hailey’s eyes had roamed your body hungrily before widening in fear from the look her boss was directing at her. 
At first, you thought she was upset. But, Wanda was rarely upset with you, not unless you had done something to deliberately anger her, and you hadn’t done anything like that in a long time. So, you surmised that she must just be reverting to her possessive side, letting her thoughts take over until the only thing she wanted to do was claim you as hers. 
You weren’t averse to the idea, but the last time Wanda had gone on a possessive rampage of your body, she’d left bruises for weeks, and you hadn’t been able to walk properly for days. 
The car turned down a familiar road, and you prepared yourself for a long night ahead. 
“Are you hungry?” Wanda asked, and your brain halted. 
Why would she ask if you were hungry? You knew what she was going to do to you, was this some sort of trick? Another aspect of her game? 
Peering hesitantly over at her, you saw nothing but genuine care in her eyes, and you berated yourself for thinking the worst. Nodding, you watched her as she parked the car, gathering her bag before walking over to your door. 
It was quite cute, the way she refused to let you open your own door. Plus, you loved the casual dominance she exuded throughout your daily life, so there were no complaints from you. 
Walking into your shared home, as Wanda held the door open for you, you half expected her to slam you against the wall with fierce kisses and a steady thigh between your legs. However, she did nothing of the sort, seemingly forgetting her promise of punishment as she deposited her bag in her home office, kissed you softly, and began to prepare a small dinner for the two of you. 
You poured some wine, setting the table for two as you made sure the cutlery was straight and the napkins were on the center of each plate. Watching as Wanda brings over a bowl of chicken salad, you smile at her, a warm glow filling you as she smiles back. 
The two of you make small talk, and you’re careful not to mention anything about Hailey as you talk about your work day. Wanda’s eyes still darken slightly every time you mention being trained since she knows exactly who trained you, but she doesn’t comment. 
Eventually, your plates are cleared. Wanda nurses her wine, sipping slowly as you continue to ramble about your day. She watches you with a small smile, her eyes roaming your figure as your hands move excitedly while speaking. Nodding at the appropriate times and humming periodically, she doesn't let her inner thoughts show. 
Wanda can’t stop thinking about the way that fucking girl looked at you. Lust-filled eyes staring at your body even as you were perched on Wanda’s lap. Hands twitching when she saw the multitude of bruises littering your delicate neck, tempted to reach out and take you from Wanda. 
She couldn’t have that. 
You’ve finished speaking, your hands playing nervously with your fork as you watch Wanda’s eyes darken. She’s lost in thought, her green eyes staring into her glass as she slowly finishes the last bit of wine. Seemingly shaking herself out of her thoughts, her gaze slowly makes its way up your body until it reaches your face.
Jerking her head, Wanda wordlessly commands you to go to the bedroom. You immediately stand, stopping only to kiss her softly on the lips. Her hand twitches, fingers reaching towards you, but you’re already moving away. Knowing what’s expected of you, you leave your girlfriend to clear the table as you make your way up the stairs. 
You’re quick and efficient, discarding your clothes and folding them neatly before dropping them near the door. You take a few breaths, calming your racing heartbeat and smiling at the sticky juices you can feel already running down your inner thighs. Wanda was going to love that. 
Kneeling, you get in position near the foot of the bed just as you hear Wanda’s heels clicking up the stairs. Another wave of wetness leaks out, and you remind yourself to be patient. Knowing your girlfriend, you weren’t going to cum for a while tonight. 
The door opens, Wanda’s frame filling the doorway as she slowly steps inside. It's hard to read her expression in the dim lighting of your bedroom, but you watch her out of the corner of your eye as she makes her way towards the bed. 
“Come here.” Her voice is velvet, just barely loud enough for you to hear. Your ears strain slightly, but you hear her command. 
“Yes, mommy.” You’re obedient, your tone submissive as you turn towards her. Wanda hadn’t commanded you to stand, so you remain kneeling as you slowly shuffle towards her. She’s seated on the bed, her hands beckoning you closer and pulling up upwards as your body goes limp, pliant in her grasp as she maneuvers you over her lap. 
You barely register your position, euphoria taking over you as your bare skin comes in contact with Wanda’s body. You can feel the heat emanating from her thighs as you're bent over them, and you relish in it even as a small part of your mind dreads the punishment that is sure to come. 
Wanda doesn’t give you much warning, her hand kneading the supple flesh of your bottom before suddenly disappearing. It is only seconds later that you realize she’s started spanking you, her hand leaving a scorching heat on your ass. You realize that she’s elected to keep her rings on, the pain stinging sharper than usual as the metal hits your skin. 
“Why am I doing this, sweetheart?” The question pulls your mind out of the comfortable vanilla haze it was in, and you blink furiously as you attempt to form a response. Her hand comes down again and again, evidently dissatisfied with your lack of words. 
“Um,” You scramble, hands gripping the sheet in front of you as you try not to reach behind you to swat her hands away. That would only lead to restraints, and you’d rather keep Wanda’s hands on you, even if it brought pain. 
You practically shout for joy when your brain finally starts working, your answer coming out in between broken moans and gasps, Wanda’s hand unrelenting. “Because, fuck. I didn’t cum in the car and- Um… Hailey,” A particularly harsh slap is delivered, and you vow to never speak that name again. 
“She,” You correct yourself, “...made me miss your texts.”
You can tell that Wanda is unhappy with your answer, the blows raining down slightly harder than before. You’re quick to speak, not wanting to upset her further. 
“I’m sorry mommy, I shouldn’t have… shit. I ignored you, and that wasn’t fair to you. I’m so sorry, please. I…” Your voice catches, Wanda’s rings burning into your skin as she continues her assault on your bottom. You’re almost certain that you’ll be bruised for the next few weeks. 
“I never want to hear that name again.” Wanda’s voice is soft, her tone deadly and filled with venom as she briefly pauses. “Do you understand?”
Nodding, you squirm fruitlessly in her lap. You hear a humorless laugh above you and know that Wanda isn’t impressed by your efforts to escape. Her hand returns, somehow harsher than before. Every nerve in your body is on fire, pain and pleasure mixing together as she rains blow after blow onto your skin. 
A brief interlude. 
“I shouldn’t have chosen her over you.” You blurt out, desperate to stop the assault on your sensitive flesh. You also really want Wanda to understand just how sorry you are, and you nearly sob in relief when she pauses, her fingers stroking over your inflamed skin. 
You compose yourself, wanting to articulate your next words carefully. “I…” You wish you could see Wanda’s face, but settle for reading body language instead. “I made you wait, because I presumed that my training was more important than you. I know better, you come first, before anything. I forgot myself, and in doing so, chose that girl over you.”
The only sound in the room is your deep breaths as you grit your teeth against the red-hot pain emanating from your ass, Wanda’s fingernails scraping against your over-sensitive skin as she thinks. She knows it’s not your fault, she can’t be upset at you for doing your job. 
But the thought of losing you, it's almost too much to bear. 
Waves of jealousy overcome her, visions of a different woman touching you, fucking you, loving you threatening to drown her. Wanda barely registers your whimpers, her fingers squeezing your flesh, your nerves frayed badly as you attempt to get her attention.
“Wanda, I need you to calm down, love.” The words wrap around Wanda’s ears, a soothing melody amid her mental war. 
Green eyes refocus, darting down to your trembling form. You haven’t moved, submission evident as you force your body to remain still. Your face is turned, eyes peeking up at her and filled with concern and so much devotion that Wanda feels slightly off balance. 
“Undress me, darling” Her words are barely a whisper, an unspoken plea interwoven with the command. You understand, you always do. 
Wanda needs to know that you’re still hers, and you’re more than happy to provide that reassurance. You remove yourself from her lap, standing before her and steadfastly ignoring the ache beneath your flesh. Cupping her face, your touch is reverent as you tilt her head up towards you. 
Your eyes meet hers, and you shiver at the spark that travels down your spine. Slowly, your hands move down her neck, fingers running along the steady pulse you find. You move further, hands caressing her collarbones before moving to undo the top button of her dress shirt. 
The urge to kiss her is strong, but you hold eye contact, knowing exactly what Wanda needs at this moment. Refusing to break eye contact, you remain steadfast in your efforts to undress her, fingers flying as you undo the last button of her shirt. Slipping the expensive material off her shoulders, you throw it somewhere behind you. 
Goosebumps erupt as you trail your fingers over her skin, fingers tenderly sliding alongside her bra. Your touch is reinvigorating and frustrating all in one, and Wanda pushes down the impatience that rises quickly within her. She focuses instead on you, feeling the gentle strokes of your hands as you unclip her bra, gently removing the garment before setting it aside. 
Your face is full of wonder, as if you’re seeing her body for the first time all over again. You look like that every time, Wanda realizes, and she feels her jealousy fade as the evidence of your love overtakes her thoughts. 
“Beautiful.” You mutter, breathless as you trace a heated path over her skin with only your eyes. You glance up, noting Wanda’s blown pupils as she watches you. “You’re absolutely breathtaking, my love.”
Wanda’s breath hitches, and you smile gently at her. Fingers move slightly faster now, unbuttoning her slacks and pulling her pants down her legs while she lifts her hips to assist you. 
It’s as though you’re unwrapping a present, fingers excited and careful at the same time. You kneel, nose scraping along her inner thigh as you slowly peel her underwear away from her soaked pussy. Wanda can’t find an ounce of shame within her, not when you’re looking at her like she’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. 
You remain keeling, your hands tracing nonsensical paths along her skin as Wanda regains control over her mind. She just about loses her composure when she meets your eyes again, the amount of love shining through them overwhelming. 
“Do you want to cum?” Wanda asks, and you duck your head, cheeks flaming. Finally, the upper hand she’d been waiting for. 
Nodding sheepishly, you become aware again of your aching desperation as you shift slightly. Your thighs rub together, and suddenly the only thing you can think of is how badly you want Wanda to fuck you. 
“Please.” You rasp, biting your lip at the hungry look that appears in Wanda’s eyes. 
“Prove it.” Is all Wanda says, her hand grasping a pillow before shoving it towards you. You take it, confusion welling up as you watch her move. She rests herself against the headboard, green eyes never leaving you as she beckons you closer. 
Standing, you move towards the bed, spurred on by Wanda’s encouraging head nods. She holds out her hand, curling her fingers towards her as she ushers you closer. You hold the pillow in front of you, a small inkling of realization making its way into your vanilla haze-filled brain as your eyes widen. 
“You want me to…” Trailing off, you position the pillow beneath you, thighs spread on either side of it. Wanda nods, her hands falling back onto her thighs as her eyes watch your swollen pussy come in contact with the soft fabric. 
“Yes, sweetheart,” She murmurs, eyes lighting up when you begin rocking your hips into the pillow. “Prove to mommy how badly you want to cum.”
A moan erupts from you, your throat vibrating as it escapes. You move faster, hips rutting furiously against the pillow, knowing that you won’t be able to cum from the action. Unfortunately, Wanda had trained your body to only cum at her command, and with her touch. Normally you didn’t care, seeing as she took good care of you. But now? You were more than frustrated by your lack of ability to cum by yourself. 
“Please,” You gasp, pleasure rolling through you as pain ricochets alongside it. The pillow brushes against the inflamed flesh of your ass, sending jolts of arousal straight to your clit as it pulses widely. 
Breathing heavily, you stare at Wanda with wide eyes. Her gaze is unflinching, locked on you as she watches you move desperately against the pillow. Your actions are futile, the ability to cum is beyond your capabilities at this moment, and Wanda delights in that knowledge. 
Moans reverberate in your chest, the sound bouncing around the room as Wanda shifts slightly, her thighs dampening from arousal. The sight of you rutting against a pillow at her command sends her spiraling headfirst into a state of desperation and possessiveness. She attempts to keep a level head, fingers twitching against her thighs as she watches. 
Then, you start begging. 
“Mommy,” It’s pitiful, and so fucking arousing. “Pl.. please mommy, I wanna cum so bad for you. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you earlier. I swear I didn’t do anything wrong, I just wanna be a good girl for you. Please let me cum, I’ll do anything.”
Your eyes unglaze slightly, focusing on her. Wanda feels pride slink into her chest at your next words. “I promise, I’ll do anything.”
Raising a single eyebrow, reaches over to the dresser and pulls open a single drawer. You try not to salivate, knowing that the contents of that drawer are meant to bring either immense pleasure or unbearable pain. 
Wanda’s fingers wrap around a thick strapon, the scarlet color teasing you as your mouth falls open. You’ve only played with that toy once before, and Wanda hadn’t held back, the size nearly splitting you in half as the toy reached places in your pussy you didn’t know existed. 
“Mommy…” Your voice is hesitant, but Wanda just smirks at you as she fastens the strap around her waist. 
“Anything, remember?” Her voice is teasing, but there’s a slight edge to it warning you to behave. “You promised, darling.”
You take in a shaky breath, nodding slowly as you continue to grind against the pillow. Wanda’s fingers are quick, expertly tightening the strap of her harness as you watch with an equal amount of growing anticipation and fear. 
“I want you to ride me.” Wanda’s expectant, her hands already reaching towards you. The pillow is ripped out from under you, a groan leaving your lips as the pleasure fades. Before you can complain, Wanda is grabbing your hips and pulling you onto her lap, rubbing the tip of her strap against your leaking pussy. 
You know what she wants, and can’t find it in yourself to deny her, so you open your mouth and start begging. “Please let me ride your cock, mommy. I’ve been really good so far, and I just want you to make me feel good. Please? I… I promised you.”
Your hands make their way towards her face, but Wanda simply raises an eyebrow at you. Sheepishly, you move your hands behind your back, linking your fingers together. Wanda makes a pleased humming sound, a small smirk appearing on those beautiful lips before her hands are rough around your hips and slamming you down onto her strap. 
It’s not that you weren’t expecting it, or that you weren’t wet enough to take it. It’s the fact that Wanda is so fucking rough as she urges your hips to move faster while rutting her hips upwards. It only makes you want her more.
The sound of Wanda’s strap fucking you fills the room, your juices sliding down the toy and soaking her thighs. The moans that fall from your lips sound like strangled whines, with broken pleas and gasps mixed in. It’s the prettiest thing Wanda’s ever heard. 
“You’re mine.” Wanda’s voice is low, her eyes watching your face intently as it contorts in pleasure. Her fingers dig into your waist, her nails leaving small crescent-shaped indents when she finally moves them upwards. You continue to fuck yourself on her strap, the burning pleasure rolling through you as her fingers begin to pinch and twist your nipples. 
“Yes, mommy…” The words slip out of you, your head feeling vaguely heavy as you move to rest your forehead against Wanda’s shoulder. You feel her lips attach themselves to your neck, sharp bolts of electricity traveling from your sensitive nipples down to your throbbing clit with every clever twist of her fingers. 
You barely even realize the absence of her fingers as you moan freely into her collarbone. The sensation of her thick strap sliding in and out of you at a rapid pace is nearly sending you over the edge, one of her hands threading through your hair while the other rummages around in the drawer. 
Metal clinks, and you jolt, recognizing the sound. Wanda’s laugh is humorless and dry, sounding harshly in your ear as she yanks your head away from her shoulder. “Remember these?”
The nipple clamps swing innocently from her fist, the delicate metal chains glinting at you as you shakily nod your head. 
“Color, sweetheart.”
Your eyes jerk back towards Wanda, mind raging as you continue to mindlessly impale yourself on her strap. Your fingers clench together, unwilling to disobey your girlfriend by moving. 
“Green.” You answer, and Wanda smirks. 
Moving quickly, deft fingers attach the nipple clamps to your hardened buds. You barely even register the pain, your focus centered around the strap disappearing between your thighs. A firm hand presses against your sternum, pushing your upper half backward. 
You move your hands, your fingers releasing their tight grip in favor of gripping onto Wanda’s strong thighs. The approving look in your girlfriend's eyes tells you that no rules were broken, and a high-pitched whimper escapes you at the new angle as your body weight shifts. 
Wanda’s strap is somehow thrusting impossibly deeper into you, pressing against your g-spot and sending tremors throughout your body. Your nipples are on fire, the metal clamps attached feeling like a live wire as Wanda tugs intermittently on them. Her mouth has returned to your sweat-soaked skin, teeth sharp as she litters your breasts with dark bruises. 
“I, please. You… It's too much. Mommy, I can’t…” Your words only seem to spur Wanda on, one hand returning to your hip and forcing the strap deeper into the wet heat of your pussy. The way she tugs on the nipple clamps is almost aggressive, stretching your poor skin as far as it will allow and biting into the sensitive flesh of your breasts. 
Wanda straightens, a sadistic gleam in her eye as she pushes you further back. Your arms shake with the effort it takes to support yourself on her thighs, but you don’t let it deter you, your hips moving faster than before. 
“Can I cum, mommy?” You ask, holding your breath as you watch Wanda contemplate her answer. 
“Fine,” She starts, and you feel your orgasm creep up on you as you force your hips further down her strap. There’s a raspiness in her voice as she finishes, “But I’m not stopping.”
You don’t understand at first. You can tell that Wanda is pleased and slightly amused by the confused expression plastered on your face, her hips still rapidly slamming her strap up into you as she twists the delicate chain of the nipple clamps between her fingers. 
She pulls quickly, her hips snapping roughly against you as the strap hits your g-spot perfectly, sending you over the edge. The nipple clamps tug against your nipples, Wanda pulling them completely off in one smooth movement. 
The pain doesn’t register for a moment, your orgasm washing over you in powerful waves as you convulse on top of Wanda's thighs, your hips stilling as your pussy clenches around her strap. Then, the liquid fire from your sensitive, raw nipples shoots through you.
It's like ice-cold water was dumped on you, your body going rigid as you grip Wanda’s solid thighs tightly. Your nipples are aching, mind-numbingly hard as pleasure mixed with pain courses through you. Your clit pulsates fiercely, wanting stimulation as Wanda fucks you through your orgasm. 
A few curse words escape you, but Wanda doesn’t seem to mind as she tosses the nipple clamps somewhere onto the floor, the metal hitting the carpet with a soft thunk. Her arms wrap solidly around your waist, her body weight shifting as she twists the two of you until you’re beneath her. 
The strap disappears, and you try not to whine as Wanda manhandles your body into position. You’re flipped over onto your stomach, your head pressed into a soft pillow as your arms are moved above your head. Wanda’s hands press your wrists into the pillow, reminding you silently to keep still as she nudges your thighs apart with her knees. 
Strong hands grip your hips, pulling your ass up as you feel the wet silicone of Wanda’s strap nudge your pussy. Your walls flutter, and you barely have any time to process the new position before Wanda’s hips thrust her strap into you in one solid stroke. 
“Fuck, you take me so well,” Wanda gasps, one hand gripping your hip as the other tangles with your hair and presses your further into the pillow. You turn your face, sucking in deep breaths as Wanda fucks you through your first orgasm. 
A second, more powerful orgasm rises, and you squirm violently beneath Wanda. You’ve already cum too many times today, your clit sore and throbbing even as your pussy walls clench down greedily on Wanda’s strap. 
“I’m- fuck. Gonna cum… again. Mommy, please?” You barely hear yourself, the roar in your ears too loud as you feel yourself tip over that proverbial ledge once again. 
Wanda says something, but you can’t make out what she says. You’re aware of her hands on your wrists, pulling them down from the pillow and trapping them against the arch of your back. From this position, Wanda has more leverage. 
The strap continues to fuck roughly into you, milking your pleasure until it turns slightly painful. Any protests die on the tip of your tongue as your face is pressed further into the soft pillow. A third orgasm emerges, pulled from your g-spot as the tip of Wanda’s strap caresses it over and over again. 
“I’m so proud of you, honey. You’re doing so good for mommy, can you cum for me again? It would make me really happy.” Wanda’s panting, her words flowing smoothly as she lets out a few grunts of pleasure. 
The base of her strap is hitting her clit perfectly, and that in addition to watching you fall apart has her on the edge of her own orgasm. You moan loudly in response, your body tensing as your legs shake, your hips rutting against the mattress when your third orgasm hits you. 
Muffled moans sound out, and Wanda lets her orgasm wash over her, hips stuttering against the backs of your thighs. She feels a gush of wetness coat her and glances down to see your cum leaking out around her strap.  
It’s too much, arousal flaring in Wanda’s gut as she fucks you through your orgasm even as her own clit pulsates wildly against the soft leather of her harness. As nice as her own orgasm feels, nothing ever compares to the rush she gets from watching you fall apart beneath her. 
“One more for me, darling,” Wanda says, flipping you over again, her hands rough around your waist as she quickly re-inserts her strap into your dripping pussy. 
You stare up at her, eyes wide and unfocused, and Wanda feels another orgasm creep up on her. She fucks you harder, and you moan lowly as her strap reaches new parts inside you that send pleasure coursing through your veins. 
Another orgasm. You barely even react, your nerves frayed at this point. You hope that she’ll stop soon, but knowing Wanda, she won’t stop until she’s satisfied. 
“You’re doing so good for me, love. I’m so proud.” She says, pressing a vibrator against your clit. You don't know when she pulled that toy out, time blending in a vanilla haze as you pant and moan uselessly beneath her, but you can’t find it in yourself to complain. 
Another orgasm, your hips jerking under her ministrations. The vibrator is only at a medium speed but sends bolts of pain through you as a deep ache settles in your body. You need to cum again, and dread the moment you fall over the edge once more.
You cum, pain overtaking the heat of pleasure as your nerves set on fire. Your muscles tremble, breaths shallow as you utter a simple ‘yellow.’
Wanda slows the vibrator down, eyes searching yours as her hips come to a halt. Her next words are clear, reverberating around your brain as you process, “One more time for me, darling. Can you do that?”
Nodding, you breathe deeply. Your head feels light, your body weightless as Wanda increases the speed of her thrusts again. It’s not as intense as before, but just enough to coax a final orgasm out of you.
Strong fingers wrap around your throat, applying pressure against your neck as you go slightly lightheaded. It only feeds into the fuzzy feeling you’ve been in, your eyes rolling back as you cum violently.
The strap disappears, your pussy walls fluttering fruitlessly as you whine pathetically. Wanda’s fingers discard the vibrator, shutting it off before moving to caress your tear-stained cheeks. You hadn’t even realized you were crying. 
The overwhelming orgasm fades, and you shudder beneath Wadna’s comforting weight as she gently removes the strap from around her hips. Soft kisses are pressed into your damp skin, strong hands kneading your sore muscles as you tremble. 
A strong vanilla scent invades your senses, and you feel yourself become more alert as Wanda begins gently lathering some lotion onto your raw nipples. She’s speaking, her voice low, and you strain your ear to hear her. 
“I’m so proud of you, darling. I’m not upset with you, I know you didn't do anything wrong.” She pauses, her hands gentle as she finishes spreading the lotion over your nipples.  “I just get possessive over you, I can’t imagine losing you. Even the thought is enough to send me spiraling.”
You wish you had the capability to respond, but Wanda glances at you, her eyes softening when she sees the understanding on your face. A small smile spreads on those lips, the ones you desperately wish you could taste, and a bottle of aloe vera appears in your peripheral vision. 
Hoisting yourself up, you turn over onto your stomach. Presenting your red, raw backside to Wanda, you sigh as she gently applies a generous amount of the soothing gel onto your overheated skin. You know that you’ll be sore for days to come, but you don’t find yourself minding that much. 
After all, if Wanda didn't get jealous sometimes, you’d be worried that she didn’t want you. 
Soft lips press against yours, and you sigh into Wanda’s mouth as your hands come up to play with her hair. A gentle tongue swipes your bottom lip, almost apologetic, and you practically melt against her. 
“I have a gift for you,” Wanda says, pulling away even as her lips chase after yours. She seems almost nervous, and you nod excitedly at her even as a yawn hits you. 
“It’ll be quick, I promise.” Her eyes are crinkled at the edges, and you’re glad that she finds humor in the situation. You’re too fucked out and exhausted to think too much, and Wanda quickly reaches into the bottom drawer of your dresser. 
When she straightens up, an item lays innocently in her hands. Your heart rate picks back up at the sight, eyes eagerly taking in the collar dangling from her fingertips. 
“I…” Your voice cracks, and you feel a blush spread across your face as Wanda smiles at you. “I love it, thank you.”
Tenderly, you reach out and take the collar. Your touch is reverent, turning the soft leather over in your palms as you inspect it. It's beautiful, a deep red, with a simple gold tag attached to the loop in the front. 
Written in a delicate font, the words Wanda’s Good Girl are engraved on the heart-shaped tag. You smile, one hand grasping onto Wanda’s shoulder as you pull her in for a hug, tucking your chin into the crook of her neck. 
You truly couldn’t be happier. You’d been waiting for this moment, and had many conversations with Wanda about the idea of a collar. This was true ownership, but if you were honest with yourself, Wanda had owned your heart from the moment you met her. 
“Also,” Wanda begins, her voice leaving no room for argument. “I’m promoting you to my personal assistant.”
You smile, allowing yourself to be pulled under the sheets as Wanda pulls you flush against her body. It’s her favorite way to cuddle, and you simply wrap your arms firmly around her as sleep threatens to overtake you. You mutter against her skin, not entirely sure that she can hear you, but Wanda understands perfectly. 
“That sounds perfect, my love.”
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Taglist: @alexawynters @msvenablesbitch @marilynthornhilllover @lifespectator @milkeeteaa @imnotawitch @marvels--slut @justabrokensunshine @dorabledewdroop @wandsmxmff
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Secretly Shot
Pairings: Wandanat x R || avengers (platonic) x R
Word count: 2K
TW: Injury, getting shot, hiding injuries, angst (with happy ending), arguments (with wanda and nat and you), mean avengers (cuz they’re annoyed), hate, fainting (kinda), blame,
Summary: you and the team are at odds, what happens when you go on a misson without them and get hurt?
A/n Kinda more angst than I normally do but it was fun to write. Hope you like it :)
It wasn’t uncommon for little squabbles between the three of you but this time it was different. wanda, Natasha and you had been arguing at the top of your lungs. and no matter how much you loved them and you knew they loved you you worried they would leave you for being difficult and needy. you know they were stressed but it didn’t make you feel any better.
“y/n I’m so sick of you always mess things up. you never do anything right. always causing problems.” nat yelled and wanda piled on the sentiment.
“y/n if you cant just stay out of trouble for once i-i. argh. just stop making issues we always have to clean up after.” wanda said angrily. you knew they were just stressed but it still hurt. the last mission had ended when you made a mistake and weeks of prep had been for nothing. the team was angry with you but none had yelled at you. but you knew wanda and nat had spent many sleepless nights on recon missions for this and you had blown it.
after the two of them stormed out you angrily packed a bag and retreated back to your old room. angrily wiping away tears jarvis summoned you to the conference room.
after a tense ride in the lift with clint who wouldn’t look at you, you slunk into the conference room. fury had a mission for you. you tried not to cry. all you wanted was for your girls to hold you but you knew that wouldn’t happen any time soon. what you didn’t know was that they already felt horrible and were trying to find you.
“when do i leave?” you asked fury who gave you a sympathetic look he knew the team was blaming you.
“right away. but i get it if you want to say goodby-“
“No. I’m ready.” you said.
“ok jet leaves in five.” he said dismissing you. you slunk back to your room took your suit and made your way to the jet not bothering to say goodbye to anyone. if they wanted to know where you were they could ask jarvis. about three hours later the jet touched down in Moscow.
wanda and nat were beside themselves with worry. Jarvis had told them you had left on a mission and they were wreaked. you never left without saying goodbye to them. they knew how dangerous your line of work was so they always made sure to have proper goodbyes. but what worried them most was you going on a mission when the last time they saw you you had looked like a kicked puppy. they wished they could take it all back but no matter how forgiving you may be this was something they knew would take time.
the mission had been going well. you had almost made it the whole way uneducated. it was a solo mission, no backup so you had to be stealthy. but as you slipped through the long hallways of hydra you rounded a corner to find a large group of guards. one spotted you and you dove to hide behind the corner again but one managed to shoot you. the bullet hit your shoulder and you let out a strangled cry. grateful it hasn’t hit you in the leg you took off. making it back to the jet you quickly took off. the mission had been successful but you worried how the team would react to you messing up another mission. you couldn’t loose this job. you wanted to be an avenger. you always had. if you lost this job you lost everything.
after setting the jet on autopilot, you began to strip off the top half of your suit until you sat there with it down by your waist and in a sports bra. carefully you did you best to clean and bandage the wound and you silently thanked bruce for the mini first aid course he had given you when you joined. it was hard because you couldn’t see it properly but you hoped it was clean. the bullet had gone through and from what you could tell as you stitched it up it hadn’t hit anything important.
After you finished wrapping the bandage around your shoulder you went back to the cockpit after cleaning up all traces of your injury and had put away the first aid kit just as it had been before.
after dozing lightly in the cockpit jarvis alerted you that you were getting close to the compound. you switched off autopilot and landed the jet lightly.
wanda and nat heard jarvis alert them you had arrived back and they caught you in the hall by the med bay on their way to find you.
“y/n? are you hurt? did you see bruce?” nat said narrowing her eyes. truth be told you hadn’t, the team couldn’t know you messed up again. you could deal with it yourself. their eyes landed on your bloodied suit. you had stolen some supplies from the med bay and they were hidden in your bag.
“this bloods not mine.” you lied with anger still in your voice. “now i need to get back to write my mission report so if you don’t mind, get out of my way.” you growled still mad they had made you feel so awful earlier. wanda flinched slightly at your tone and nat’s glare returned. you pushed past them, hiding a wince as you jostled your shoulder slightly. the two girls let you go and you almost cried at how easily they had, you almost wanted them to fight you on it. but at least they would honour your wishes.
you set the bag down the the bed and opened your laptop to start the report. typing hurt your shoulder so you began to write it with your right hand only. it took almost double as long and so halfway you decided to take a shower. as you stood the world tilted and you balanced yourself against the wall. hobbling slowly to the shower you stripped and showered trying to keep the wound dry. after you threw away the blood-soaked bandages and rewrapped it carefully. it was better this time as you had a mirror but unfortunately you could see how poor the stitches were and how red and angry the wound looked. you winced as you finished dressing it. you knew you needed to see bruce, to get it treated properly but you couldn’t see anymore disappointment on the faces of your team without crying. you changed into comfy loose clothes and Wanda’s hoodie before curling up in bed again with your laptop to finish the report. you knew you had to write about the injury so you gave the basic details. although as you finished up your eyes drooped. they were heavy and you struggled to stay away. in the low light you drifted off seeing it as nothing but being tired.
it was a mere few minutes later that a knock came on the door. At the lack of response wanda hesitated before opening the door. her and nat peered in to the dimly lit room. they saw a lump in the bed and slowly came in not turning on the light. wanda carefully took the laptop from your knees and nat nudged your shoulder to wake you up. when you didn’t stir she removed her hand. it felt wet and sticky and as she looked at it her heart stuttered. it was covered in blood. looking back at your shoulder she saw a dark patch covering your left side as blood seeped out of the wound.
“wanda bring the laptop and come with me.” nat said scooping you up. wanda looked up at the urgency in her girlfriends voice and immediately gasped as she saw your bloody shoulder.
“dammit y/n/n.” she said stifling tears. the two of them rushed to the med bay with you in Nat’s arms.
when they arrived wanda began skimming your report to give the information to bruce to treat you better. her breath caught in her throat as she released you and been shot. she couldn’t help the tears that fell when she realised you felt you couldn’t tell them.
“whats going on?” bruce said.
“y/n/n was shot on her mission.” wanda said and bruce and Natasha took off your clothes leaving you in the fluffy pants and a sports bra. bruce winced at the sight of the bloodied bandages knowing he didn’t do them. carefully he cut them off and gasped at the sight of the poorly done stitches. no wonder you had passed out, the stitches had barely stopped the bleeding and you were loosing too much blood. carefully and with wanda and nat watching on he cut the stitches, checked the wound and redid them in much neater rows. after about seven stitches he tied off the last one and rewrapped the wound. he fiddled with an iv as he began to give you some more blood to replace what you had lost. wanda and nat watched with bated breath. they felt awful. this was all their fault.
they sat in silence by your bedside as bruce went back to his office to give them some privacy. after a few minutes they heard you groan and they both sat up straighter almost in unison.
“y/n/n?” wanda said stroking the hair from your face. nat held you hand as you groaned again.
“aww bubs your ok.” nat said
“your in the sick bay baby you passed out.” wanda cooed.
“why didn’t you tell us you were hurt.” nat said frowning slightly.
“didn’t want you to be disappointed again.” you mumbled still on a-lot of pain meds.
wanda’s heart broke audibly as nat somehow felt worse.
“no detka you could never disappoint us. never ever.” wanda said.
“but i messed up.” you mumbled eyes glossy with tears.
“baby we will love you no matter what.” nat said using her thumb to rub circles over your knuckles. wanda was quick to wipe away the tears that fell down your cheeks as your chest shook.
“honey we are so sorry and you hope you can forgive us. you didn’t need that stress right now we just need to focus on getting you better sweets.” wanda cooed.
“i already have.” you muttered and nat gave a sad smile. they knew you had a kind heart, you had forgiven them almost straight away but that didn’t make the two girls feel less guilty about their actions.
“sleep now bubs, we’re not going anywhere.” nat said and you shuffled over with a wince indicating you wanted cuddled with sleepy grabby hands.
wanda chuckled “I’m not sure we’ll all fit baby.” and at your pout wanda knew she couldn’t say no. careful of your IV she picked you up and laid you on-top of her as nat came and laid beside wanda as she threw an arm over your lower back. wanda’s hands came to your hair to give you a scalp massage as you rested you head into the side of her neck. you hummed softly and drifted off the sleep knowing you were safe in the arms of your girls.
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lesbesapphic · 1 year
Mean Wanda AU
Summary - Wanda and You are stuck in an elevator. That's it.
Warning - angst, mean Wanda , panic attack , claustrophobia, etc
A/N- Hey everyone!
I am really happy for the love and support on this au! So glad that you all enjoy it. I wanted to write this sooner but recently..as usual I have been going through some financial crunch. It is hard to make it to each month with college and everything else and still be able to write and have a kitchen with filled groceries.
And it sucks that I have to ask you all every time for help but it really means alot when any of you help me whether it is through commission. Some days it just helps me eat and keep myself healthy enough to go through college and meet the bills. So thank you. Thank you very much. Enjoy!
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“Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while."
"Ugh." Wanda kicked the elevator door in frustration and your eyes widen when the lift shook slightly. "The fuck Wanda.." You exclaimed in annoyance mixed with fear at her actions. "Don't do that." You placed your hand on her elbow.
"Don't tell me what to do."  Wanda snapped and pushed your hand away harshly causing it to hit the wall of the lift. You hissed in pain and for a moment regret flashed in Wanda's eyes but replaced immediately with the same look of distressed.
"Fine. Do whatever you want." You pushed away from her as much as the confined space allowed you to. It had been happening for awhile now the elevator's power going off every once in a while resulting in people getting stuck in there. You two usually avoided getting in the elevator but lost in your bickering, you walked in there with Wanda following insuit, wanting to have her last word. Now you both were going to be stuck for atleast half an hour. You took out a book from your bag and sat down on the floor, hoping to pass the time quickly.
Not even two lines into the book, Wanda's constant foot tapping made you look up to the brunette, "Could you please stop that?" You asked and Wanda turned looking down to where you were sitting and you observed how agitated she looked. It was a little weird but you didn't think much of it, probably her not being able to check her phone.
"No. Just two more minutes and I am gonna break this door down." Wanda declared looking up at the vent and you got up as well, "What the fuck is your problem? It's just a matter of 20 minutes. You can't sit without your phone for 20 minutes?" You asked crossing your arm waiting for her to answer.
"It's..It's not that.." Wanda tried speaking but stopped and looked down at your book instead of you. This behaviour of her was very out of character, by now Wanda would have replied to you with a witty insult about your lack of social life or choices of friends but nothing, instead she was trying to explain her problem. It was weird.
"Wanda.." You stepped forward, placing your hand on her elbow, "No! Don't touch me.." She pushed your hand away and you looked into her eyes, the panic in them when she saw how close you were to her, sweat forming on her forehead. You instantly pulled away, "Okay Okay! I won't!" You held your hands up in the air watching as Wanda tried to keep her breathing in control. It was as if she was having a panic attack then it clicked.
"Wanda..are you claustrophobic?" You couldn't help but ask when the older girl nodded, her hand placed on her face her whole focus remaining on her breathing. You turned around searching in your bag for a water bottle, "Here." You handed it to Wanda who frantically grabbed it from you, trying to open the cap and when she failed to do so, you could see the panic rising within her very quickly.
Wanda pushed the bottle toward you and you could see the tears bubbling in her eyes and you looked away, quickly taking the bottle and opening the cap for her. She took big gulps of the liquid and turned around away from you, placing her head on the wall as she tried getting her breathing under control. You knew it was taking everything in her to not breakdown and she was desperately searching for control as she wasn't the one who to be vulnerable in front of anyone. Especially you.
You stayed quiet while Wanda got herself under control, observing the change in her breathing going back to a little normal. The brunette turned around and when she noticed you staring at her, she narrowed her eyes at you causing you to raise your hands in surrender, "You feeling okay now?" You asked and Wanda opened her mouth to reply and the look on her face told you that she was going to say something sarcastic but refrained herself and nodded instead before moving down to the floor, sitting against the wall. You decided to do the same and took out a book to read, occasionally glancing at the girl next to you incase she needed anything.
"Do you want me to read it to you? It might take you to a different place." You offered quietly when Wanda looked much more settled, the panic simmering down to intense anxiety, you could tell by the way, she was scratching the skin of her arm to distract herself. Wanda glanced at you and nodded after a moment. You didn't understand why your heart ached at how small and vulnerable the older girl looked, despite the leather jacket and the piercings, one look at her and no one would believe the terror she creates in people everywhere she'd go.
You flipped through the pages of your Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, deciding to read about the quidditch match, hoping the description of open sky and freely flying through it may distract her from the closed space she was in. You started reading, occasionally glancing over to Wanda who after a page of reading looked significantly calmer, she had stopped picking at the skin of her arm which felt like a huge relief to you.
The familiar scent of lavender mixed with cigarette engulfed your nose faster than the surprise when Wanda inched closer to you until your arms were touching and you glanced up at her, stopping your reading, "My head hurts.." She stated and you nodded softly, "Do you want me to stop reading?" You offered and watched as she shook her head, the familiar look of distress falling on face again and you wondered what was triggering it now and how you could take it away.
"No..The reading is good..it helps." Wanda reassured and you nodded urging her to speak up, "I just want to lay down but the floor is too dirty for my hair.." She trailed off and you looked at the floor and nodded in agreement. Wanda's eyebrows furrowed and you could see the frustration building up on her but you didn't know what she wanted. You couldn't just magically conjur a bed for her.
"What? What do you want me to do?" You asked putting the book down on the floor and giving Wanda your full attention, panicking a little at not understanding what the older girl wanted you to do to ease her distress.
Wanda groaned and pushed your hands off your lap, placing her head on it and lying down on the floor sideways. Your eyes widen at the physical proximity of the two of you and you were snapped back into reality when the older girl spoke again, "Read." You could hear the embarrassment in her voice and decided to not trouble her further, continuing with your reading.
Not even two page through and suddenly Wanda grabbed your hand that was on your side and placed it on her head, it took you a moment to realise what she wanted you to do and you slowly started running your hand through her hair, massaging the scalp with your shaky hand, your heart beating faster when you started noticing the little details such as how soft her hair were and how she was making those soft content humming noises and redness in her cheeks. Wanda snapped you out of your thoughts again, "Read." She commanded softly and you instantly started reading to make her comfortable.
Every now and then you would glance down at Wanda who would be humming in contentment and listening to every word you say as your hand moved through her hair. You would have to admit that being this close to the older girl was sort of nice. And as much as you wanted the elevator to start again, a very selfish part of you would be missing being able to comfort Wanda and being there for her when she needed you to.
A/N - I really hope you all enjoyed it!
And if you all wish to make a commission! Please do! I would really appreciate and if you all just want to support me that would also be really helpful!!!
I have a goal of 100 dollars to be able to buy some groceries and meet the rent. I would really appreciate if you all can help me reach it.
It is not compulsory. I enjoy writing for you all regardless of the help. It is my escape and I love that you all enjoy it as much as I do. But yes this time I am really struggling. Hopefully it will work out :).
554 notes · View notes
Fig, this episode: “I don’t think I wanna be a bard anymore.”
Me, already planning out the set list for the junior year tour in my head: WHAT?!?
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feelingtheaster99 · 30 days
I cannot BREATHE at the Wanda Childa’s fake death performance. Everything about it was so fucking funny and peak intrepid heroes of them
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starliteonearth · 5 months
Controversial opinion but Captain Carter's presence should not have extended past season 1 of What If. While I have enjoyed this version of Peggy, not only does the series not need a main recurring character, it shouldn't be going back to the SAME version of the character again and again. The fun of What If is getting something, or someone, new each episode and the 3 episodes that Captain Carter was the focus of this season could've easily been used to spotlight some other female superheroes.
For example, it should been Captain Marvel who Wanda summoned in 1602 instead. That would've been a really nice moment for her, especially since outside of her movies, all she gets are cameos. Wanda herself could've teamed up with Kahhori in the finale to fight Supreme Strange for a twisted reversal of Multiverse of Madness. The Hydra Stomper episode could've been about Shuri, She-Hulk, Kamala, Yelena, anybody else really. The point is just something different.
Anyways, I'm hoping that they put this version of the character to rest and move on in season 3 because there are plenty of other characters that deserve the screentime.
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