#medical shit
shiftythrifting · 4 months
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dizzy1ife · 4 months
when the effects of a medical condition are also the triggers for that medical condition
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xiaq · 21 days
Story time: Rage
A year ago, I went to my doctor because I was having unusual stomach-related symptoms that had progressed from annoying to painful.
He looked at my chart and started asking me questions about my anxiety. Even when I emphasized that yes, I had an anxiety disorder but it had never manifested in stomach symptoms before, he continued to ask me questions about my home life and stress levels. "Oh, you're planning your wedding? I'm sure that's very stressful."
He then asked if I was on medication for my anxiety and suggested a follow-up with my therapist. When I pressed for any other recommendations to address my symptoms, he suggested I try a low fodmap diet and keeping a food journal for a few months to identify trigger foods.
I tried the low fodmap diet. I kept a food journal.
My symptoms got progressively worse.
When we moved to Denver, I had to wait 3 months for a new patient visit to establish care with a GP here. I explicitly requested a female doctor. When I finally got in, she was immediately concerned when I told her about the last 11 months of issues that were now actively impacting my quality of life. She didn't ask me a single question about my anxiety. She ordered a bunch of tests and referred me to a GI doc (also a woman) who ordered more tests. Less than 24 hours after the GI doc's test results came back, I'm now on three antibiotics to treat a (what is now raging) bacterial infection. Because it's been going on for so long and my symptoms have progressively worsened, there are concerns about long term damage to my stomach and digestive tract.
But no, dude. It was probably my silly female anxiety about planning my wedding.
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densewentz · 4 months
When half your body has been completely numb from your sternum to your knee for 5 days and your doctor is just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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delphi-dreamin · 1 month
Not so great news, y'all! I have a ganglion cyst in my left hand. It's on the palm side of my ring finger at the base and y'all. It fuckin hurts. So I get to go see ortho. Again.
The good news is, I'm right-handed. So I can still work on stuff. It's just gonna be a slower process than I'd like.
But that's more appointments, and probably more physical therapy after...whatever they do. Hopefully they'll remove it and I can be done with it. But we'll see.
Anyway, I work tonight and it's gonna be miserable! Because I have gotten about one hour of sleep today.
But uh. Yeah. Life.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 26 days
I know y’all follow me for South Park Insanity, but I have a personal PCE win to share
(Medical and ED stuff mentioned so below the cut)
I mentioned a while back that for the past few months I’ve been struggling with lack of appetite and inability to keep anything down, steadily devolving into malnutrition and being legitimately scared about it. And try as I had been, I have had no energy to make progress and have only gotten worse. Early in the morning after another sleepless night and after involuntarily throwing up the only food I’d been able to eat for a few days at 1 am, I finally dragged my broke uninsured ass to the emergency room as soon as it opened, shaking and dizzy and scared out of my mind.
Y’all. The doctors and the nurses were so helpful and patient even as I was actively panicking, listening to the root cause of it all, administering zofran and hooking me to what’s apparently called a “banana bag” with every vitamin imaginable bc IT TURNS OUT my ass is deficient in SO MUCH SHIT. I felt the best I have in months after discharge, all day. I even had the energy to spend the day on the couch with my partner instead of lying in bed PLUS THE ENERGY TO GO FOR A FUCKING WALK AFTER EATING A SOLID MEAL (and drinking a shit ton of orange juice ofc) while we waited for my scrip to be filled!!! I genuinely don’t remember the last time I was able to just leisurely enjoy the sun and grass.
And bonus: I got a prescription for an anti nausea medication and apparently a side effect is drowsiness (so I have a few days off work to adjust to that which I got mixed feelings about) so I might actually get some sleep coming up!
I’m a huge hypocrite I know, but listen to your body when you need outside help. It’s scary and hard but I feel worlds better already. 💚
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illustriousseu · 9 months
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fibrofox · 1 month
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Thank you, ER doctor for that riveting diagnosis. Couldn't have figured that one out without you!
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desert-fern · 8 months
The one personal thing that I will be posting about on here: just got clinically diagnosed with anxiety and depression.
Doc isn’t sure about ADHD just yet because the DSM-5 is helpful and there is a shit ton of overlap between things like ADHD, Autism, anxiety, and depression and a whole whack of other things. Guess that’s what happens when you classify illnesses based on symptoms, but whatever.
At least I have an answer? Idk if it will help or hinder me rn
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shiftythrifting · 4 months
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spotted at value village Chicago
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dizzy1ife · 8 months
I just put on a heart monitor, which I have to wear for a week, and I don't like it. I can feel it very consciously, and that bothers me.
Now let's go to school with it on and have people stare at me!
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britcision · 11 months
So let me tell you what they do when you’re human and your RBC (red blood cell count) reaches 4 g/dL
1) you are required to report to the hospital for emergency blood transfusion. They did not call me; they called my emergency contacts, because apparently I should not have been driving
Drove myself to the blood test 15 hours before but shhh don’t think about that
Cuz yeah, 2) the lab calls directly
It doesn’t go to your doctor first
You get the call from the lab tech, the second the test has been run. Literally, my doctor was told after we were, because Time Is Of The Essence
I, bad at being up at 8am, kept trying to go back to bed. This was not permitted
3) you get your ass put through the ER at lightning speed, I have never gone through faster including for the chest cramps that I could not stop screaming through
Still haven’t been rushed in with an injury as opposed to chronic illness fucking me up though, so ymmv
I felt significantly better with the extreme anaemia, I was just tired and bad at stairs
I did not even believe I needed to be at the hospital that urgently (literally my dad didn’t wait for me to get dressed he got me out of bed and in the car)
4) they don’t wait for a bed they stick your ass in a chair in the hall it’s fine lying down is optional but blood is not
This may be due to it being the day after New Years, when a lot of people have made the poor hospital very busy from both Christmas and the new year
This is why it is Extra Bad when the local hospital is so underfunded they close their ER doors for the entire month of December and reopen January 3, Doug Ford
5) you get at least 600mL of new blood, sharpish. That’s two bags, and the Standard Blood In Speed is 4 hours per bag and the fastest they’ll go if you haven’t had a transfusion before.
Do not let them put the fucking needle in your hand because those veins are small and require slower speeds but lying bastards will tell you it won’t
They are lying
If you have had a transfusion before and were Good At Blood, you can get it at double speed so each bag only takes 2 hours and you aren’t in the hospital all day on your birthday
Unless aforementioned lying bastards put the needle in your hand, in which case double speed is the same 4 hours as Standard because they are dicks
You can listen to most of 20, 000 Leagues Under The Sea in 8 hours. Receiving blood transfusions does not enhance the experience
It may in fact be detrimental
6) the nurses will not believe you when you come back in 2 weeks after your first transfusion because you have noticed you’re having the same symptoms as the time you were RUSHED WITH ALL HASTE
The hospital will then do their own blood test to decide if they take you seriously, realise your RBC is now 6 g/dL as opposed to a healthy 12-16 g/dL, and suddenly move much faster
Pointing out you were there two weeks ago and they should already be seeing the old test results in your medical history does not help
7) noticeable symptoms of such severe anaemia include hot flashes, for which you should acquire ice cream sandwiches
Ice cream sandwiches are great for short hot flashes 10/10 recommend
Mint flavoured even better menthol tastes like cold
Tl;dr: blood is apparently underrated and you do in fact need a lot of it super urgently
Also red blood cells on their own live about 2 weeks and if your RBC goes right back down after that your bone marrow is no longer making red blood cells
You will not be able to tell where any of the buggers have gone because your RBC can get down to 4g/dL without any blood actually exiting your body so they’re probably re metabolised
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 month
So, I have depression and anxiety. These things are diagnosed and medicated. Therapy and meds have been very helpful. Big fan.
A few weeks ago, Sean--who has ADHD--mentioned in passing that he wonders sometimes if I have ADHD.
I read one article as he does not say these things lightly, and then I couldn't read anything else because I had to THINK. Because I've been aware for a long time that my depression and anxiety can mimic ADHD. Executive dysfunction is common in all three, for example.
Last night, I found a basic questionnaire through webmd that just lets you answer some simple questions and then gives you a number from 0-72.
I scored 31.
And that was looking at some questions and going, "Well, I USED to feel this more, but now I have this thing I do to make it easier."
So, I will be talking to my doctor at my yearly physical in a couple of weeks.
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celtic-crossbow · 7 months
My doctor thought I had fibromyalgia, but the rheumatologist says that I have hyper mobility disorder. I don’t even know what the hell that is, but they said the only thing that can fix it is physical therapy, which I can’t do because of my back injury. So I’m screwed?
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delphi-dreamin · 5 months
Well, my loves, the news is not great.
The fusion was Tuesday, and then my surgeon had to go in again yesterday for a laminectomy and diskectomy. He said that he's glad he went in the order that he did with the surgeries because he could barely tell what was what when he went in through my back. Apparently, the last surgeon did a hack job and took out too much bone, left too much disk, AND I had another herniated disk in August of '22 that no one thought to say anything about. On top of all of that, I had two tears in my dura, so I'm leaking CSF. If those don't heal on their own, I'll have to go in for another surgery next week to repair them.
And my facial piercings all closed. So that's just the icing on top of this shitty cake... I'm unfortunately gonna be out of commission for a while. Right now, I can't even sit up. I have to lay down flat. And they can only tilt me 30° to eat and drink. I've basically got an uphill battle, but I'm fighting. I haven't given up yet.
If you're the praying type, pray for me. If not, send all the good vibes.
Love you all
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theunholystromboli · 5 months
Guy about to invent the MRI: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be inside a fax machine possessed by a demon?
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