#mike drop
occudo · 2 months
Every time you draw Mike Crew I get little hearts floating off me when I look at him. Have a nice day <3333
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Glad you like him!
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gif-expression · 1 year
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Mic drop
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lemondeabicyclette · 5 months
Procureur : « L'une des choses dont vous avez parlé dans votre émission est votre allégation selon laquelle des représentants du gouvernement contribuent à la pédophilie, au trafic d'enfants et au toilettage des enfants. N'est-ce pas ?
Alex Jones : "Vous voulez dire ce que (((Jeffrey Epstein))) a fait avec les Clinton ?"
✳️ Rumble ► :
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schmakin · 2 years
can we talk about the fact that when el was feeling like absolute garbage after hitting angela in the face with the skate,   argyle was the first one who tried to calm her down by telling her that angela would be fine. 
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lenapalmdeath · 1 year
Portrait Of A Lord On Fire
Chapter 16 of my victorian AU stucky WIP is here.
And YES, this is the one where they're finally doing it!
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No one : "Sixteen chapters ? Woman, what took you so long ?"
Me : "I have been derailed by a slew of straight sex."
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rhbrand · 5 months
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Ryan is the shit!
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Can’t wait for this Withered Bonnie scene in FNAF 2 movie,,
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this is a man who just lived through bingo and is now questioning everything
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EDIT: Now I'm reading through the Game Changer tag I have to say: All of us after Bingo. Sam Dalton I know you've been there the whole time!
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redmyeyes · 1 month
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“I don’t matter?” “Not even to the most obsessive tennis fan in the entire world.” “I’m not talking about tennis.”
CHALLENGERS (2024) dir. Luca Guadagnino
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mystupidideas · 1 year
Writing Prompt ✨
Person A in school having a normal conversation with his close friend Person C when a dude C has never seen before comes running at them looking real panicked and so out of place.
A looking shocked shouts at the person: “Dude! I’ve told you not to ever come here!! What are you doing?!”
B out of breath: “Yes, yes, I now. But it’s really important!!”
A: “What could possibly be so important that you…”
B, cutting A off, saying rapidly: “They escaped.”
A: …. They WHAT?!?!
(C getting more and more confused just standing there dumbfounded.)
B whispering to himself: “oh god” stuttering “I, I, I tried to stop them but the system must have failed some how. No mater what I did non of the security equipment worked!”
A grabs his own head swearing and at last says: “Oh my god! Do you now what cind of situation you’ve put me in right now?!”
B: “Its not like I did it on purpose! It most have been some kind of sabotage!”
A: “How The FUCK do you thing someone would even get in there?! It’s like the most secure plays…”
C finally having enough of this shouts: “OK, Enough!!” They look back and forth on A and B “What the actual Fuck is happening here?! Is this some kind of prank you’re trying to pull A? Cuss I promise you, you ain’t funny.”
A takes his eyes of C and looks back at B. Suddenly remembering the situation and mumbles: “shit” then looking straight at C with his best fake smile “I’m sorry you had to hear all that but I’ll have to leave now. Please don’t make this a big thing and we’ll se each other at school tomorrow… probably. Ok?”
C, stunned: “…. What? N, no! Not ok! What the fuck is this?!” Waving hastily at them as if they’re some trash on the street.
A looks back and forth between B and C. Finally making up their mind, sighs, grabs B by the arm and says: “Sorry C but my duties comes first.” And so he ran with B still in his grip. And B almost falling flat on his face.
They ran around a corner and C was close after them but as C turns around the corner they were nowhere to be found.
C, ho was at a loss for words and feeling pissed as hell by this point, would not let this end here. And if they ever saw A again, they would most likely kill him or demand answers, …. whatever comes first.
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kloofspeaks · 8 months
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Josh Hutcherson as Mike Schmidt | Five Nights At Freddy’s 2023, dir. Emma Tammi
Part Two
Part Three
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arieshasbrainrot57 · 2 years
vincent solaire ur hand in marriage pls
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 2 months
wait wait. upon reflection Mike Trapp saying he has four different ideas for what might be going on and so is holding four different realities in his mind simultaneously.
Tragic Protagonist moment. Unknowing foreshadowing king.
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emblazons · 3 months
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"You saved me before. Now it's my turn."
Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockhart Mood: Yuffie Gets It • Final Fantasy VII (Rebirth)
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byler-heart · 24 days
As I was rewatching season 3, I came to this beautiful Jopper scene, and suddenly, it hit me.
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Picture this:
Season 5. Mike Wheeler stands with some members of the party, discussing their plans to defeat Vecna, but he's not even listening, distracted and visibly exhausted, his thoughts elsewhere, looking off into the distance until his eyes land on—
Will, who is chatting with Robin.
Mike's gaze immediately softens; his eyes sparkle in that special way reserved only for Will. A timid, tender smile curls across his lips. The camera lingers on him for a few moments, gradually zooming in on his mesmerized expression, closer and closer, and then—oh…
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Right here, it's clear to the audience that Mike isn't just looking at Will; he's truly seeing him. Mike's gaze is unguarded, raw, revealing his deepest emotions. His fondness for Will radiates from him, palpable and undeniable. [Tender, emotional music] starts to play. The audience feels it. We know. We all know. The truth hangs heavy in the air, undeniable, irrevocable— Mike loves Will.
And we all see it.
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Mike’s got that sopping wet cat boyfail rizz.
Mike either makes people love him or hate him instantly, there’s no in between
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