#my wife!
addi-is-online · 1 year
possessive obsessive femmes. you agree.
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poorconnections · 6 days
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Miss Molly O’Shea. The wife-to-never-be.
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mxriviera · 6 months
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Holly is the Knight, the Princess and the Dragon to me.
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rooolt · 5 months
with season 2 coming to a close we better see Veronica Marlowe again OR SO HELP ME GOD!!!!!
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saltysalmonella · 11 months
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thomaswaynewolf · 10 months
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leedongsik · 1 year
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I’m fuckin screaming
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i love her so much
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petraforgedyke · 5 months
how girls* look while telling you they’re only allegedly autistic
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*not a girl
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howlingdemon13 · 3 months
The arm of my Beetlejuice decal came off in the car wash I’m devastated!!!!!!! 😭
I called to see if someone would look around and they’re supposed to call me back, but I have very little hope that’ll happen m.
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gelicide · 2 years
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jason day jason day jason day !!!
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addi-is-online · 7 months
terfs r always like ‘they’re infiltrating our spaces! why can’t they just stay out of our spaces!’ and then ignore the massive terfs dni sign and proceed to spread their shit ass stinky ass dumb ass takes all over my girlfriends blog. bbygrl the only person who doesn’t understand boundaries and is ‘infiltrating spaces’ here is YOU.
coming onto someone’s page and insisting they want to R*PE people just because they’re trans is INSANE. no one is PRETENDING to be a woman to rape someone. if a man’s a rapist he doesn’t have to get in fucking drag to do it and that’s really fucking clear from oh idk. LIFE? anyways shawty the only person my gf is fucking is me and i promise you i am having the time of my life. if you want trans women to stay out of ‘your spaces’ stay out of my fucking bedroom.
good night.
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tthelady · 6 months
He's so pretty 😭
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frogenthusiastt · 1 year
8 for the writing prompt :)
8: Sunbathing
The early morning is still.
The dunes are faded amber in the early hour, like they haven't yet remembered how to be real. Vash has always appreciated the liminality of this time, when the first sun has just returned and most people are still asleep. Very few times has danger found him when anyone with a gun is still in bed working off their inebriation, and greed and violence has not yet taken shape on the tip of their tongues.
He watches the scenery come to life from underneath the cliff he's perched on, breathing in the air on just the right side of cool and letting the world breathe its life back into him. He feels limitless, like the borders of his body is still about as tangible as the breaking of light against the horizon.
Wolfwood has never understood his predilection towards early hours. He's always been the type of man to come alive in the evening, suddenly setting out to do tasks or getting engrossed in a book or sharing a beer or ten. Whenever Vash wants to ask him for a favor he knows to do it after 6 pm and it'll cut the otherwise lengthy process in half. For all that he loves to bitch and moan to the point Vash suspects it's just some complicated form of affection at this point, sometimes it's nice to just get straight to the point.
It's just before 5 am right now, and Vash knows Wolfwood will probably threaten to do bodily harm if he so much as breathes in his direction for the next 4 hours, but Vash is content to just sit here and breathe in time and pale light and let himself be until that time comes.
That's another thing Wolfwood has never understood about him. One of the parts he does his darnedest to hide in order to not make people uncomfortable. You know, he'd told him once, you can sit really still when you don't think anyone sees you. It's like you– I don't know, you zone out for a moment and suddenly it's like you're not really there anymore.
Vash had laughed him off, told him he shouldn't fault a man for getting stiff at his old age. He doesn't know how to explain this, that if he silences the motion of his body he can hear the rest of the world singing back to him.
Vash puts a hand on the ground and feels the red rust of desert patina in the back of his mouth. Further down, further than that it's years and years of basalt, interlaced with streaks of quartz and tourmaline and calcium tungstate sleeping in the shadowy depths of the planet. It tastes like salt licorice, coats his gums in salty film and makes him feel cool and sturdy and safe.
When he breathes in he can feel the nitrogen and oxygen molecules tumbling in their usual fervent skirmish, dancing around each other and rolling around in his lungs, in his bloodstream. Carbon dioxide comes in with its delightful sweetness, tasting of joy and life and flushing his cheeks red. Methane and ozone taste metallic, buzzing sharp-slap that remind him of his brother.
And then, joyous of all, is the sun now coming in with its loving weight, dousing his limbs and his body and his mind in warm golden love. Vash breathes in slow, breathes out even slower and lets himself indulge in this cycle his body desperately craves, more than any water or food. The sun loves him, the sun has always loved him and cared for him and nurtured him, from the moment he was born and a little before that still.
The vibrating hot fills his bloodstream in a rush and his eyelids droop closed, lets the thinnest expanses of skin drink up the electromagnetic affection from his face, his neck, his wrists, the soles of his feet. It's hard to think like this, when the sun is in him and around him and making him drowsy and giddy and excited and calm. This is probably what drugs feel like to humans, something that had confused him when he was young and had tried them for the first time. The blissed out faces of people dancing and singing and kissing had confused him, then, when all he tasted was 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine and 3,4-methylene-dioxyprovalerone and bath salts, but later it had clicked, on a morning just like this one.
Vash breathes in and it's love-love-love, pure and unfiltered, golden and sultry and dripping down his veins like honey. The sun is in him and its child watches from her skirts and his bones feel aligned for the first time in a long time, like something in him has shifted just slightly to the left and everything had been fine all along.
Time drips from an olive branch, heavy and languid. Wind jostles his hair and sends ripples against the fine hairs on his arms, wakes his nerves up with sparks, reminds him of the outside world. He opens his eyes slowly, adjusting back over the imprints of light still dancing across his sclera.
Two ladies are making their way across the main street, hair perfectly fixed and chattering amongst themselves. Escorts, probably. Vash can see no other reason why someone would look so presentable at this time of day. A couple of construction workers have gathered at the saloons, fixing themselves some coffee before their labor begins. He regards them all fondly, the well oiled machine in how they move around each other like a song and dance, the murmur of their greetings and the pat-pat-pat of their feet against the ground.
One lady makes her way from the hotel they had been staying at, russet hair bouncing as she walks with purpose and– oh that's Meryl. She's walking straight towards him, even though he doubts she can see him from here. It's always been an uncanny ability of hers, the way she can figure anyone out from the moment she meets them: what their favorite flavor of ice cream is, how they like to sleep, where they're most likely to be at just shy of 6 am in the morning. Vash works motion back into his body as she makes her way up the hill, willing the glow of his skin back into something more standard for a human man. He's not surprised when she comes up to sit next to him. Maybe that's why she understands people so well - she always makes sure to be placed at their level, always makes sure to look people in the eye.
"Morning Mr Vash," she says kindly.
"Morning," he replies.
She turns to look out the postcard view in front of them. "Oh wow, that's a mighty beautiful sight! I can see all the people of town from up here."
He smiles. He knew she'd get it. "Yeah."
They sit in amicable silence for a few minutes, basking in the sunlight, knees knocking together. She hums a tune he hasn't heart before. He listens.
After a few minutes she stretches and yawns, standing back up and patting the dust of her skirt with a firm pat pat. "Would you like to join me for breakfast? Food always tastes better with company."
He takes her outstretched hand, feels the warmth of it as he stands.
"Yeah. I'd like that."
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nyaladin · 4 months
Barely but we made it o7
Welcome home, Old Man!
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what-if-nct · 2 years
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What do you mean Jeno met my wife!!!
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