#my works
fan-goddess · 2 days
‘His ceremonies laid by, in his nakedness he appears but a man’
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A/N: Surprise! I'm making this a strange sort of drabble like series with Aemond and dragonseed! This title is long af but the quote so fits I love/hate it! It ain’t entirely fully proofread so errors may pop up I may correct later fyi
Warnings: Smut, dragonseed is back and unnamed as ever, brothel working, sex working, not dark!Aemond but clingy at nonetheless! (If I miss any let me know!)
Taglist: @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @omgbrcat @blue-serendipity @arcielee
Series Thing Masterlist
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The men you were hired to please in the nicest of terms were always much older and sweaty than you, as if they had competed in two tourniments before arriving. Though the likelihood that they had even competed in one throughout their lifetimes was slimmer than they had even been.
The young men were always given to the more older, experienced ladies for their teachings, or so the brothel madam would sometimes laugh as the young lads were dragged by their hands to a room beyond the main hall. It was a rare time whenever a younger looking man would specifically request a more younger lady, as the older the men were the younger the ladies sent to their assigned room became.
That day, you had already been paid for by three men whose skin dripped in exhausted sweat and stained the covers of the bed with a mixture of their bodily fluids. By the time night came around though, the brothel bellow became heaving with men of all ages, a familiar head of short silver locks came bounding through them with a practised ease.
His voice rang through the crowd staring at the breasts of the ladies he was offered by the Madame. Yet when he looked up to the balcony ledge where you were perched watching the sights bellow, he stopped where he had stood, and pointed with a fierce look in his eye that you knew all too well in a man.
The look of a predator who has caught sight of fresh game, and is ready to begin the hunt of the night.
The eldest son of the king, the boy whispered by all to become the future king of the seven kingdoms of course choosing to ignore with hated stares his elder sister, points a finger to you and by the way his lips move you know he has demanded a reduced price.
He may have more money than all the men in the room combined but even he knows like any poor man how to strike the right sort of bargain for a better price.
That night, you were bought and fucked by a Targaryen for the first time in your life. A service that used to be an honour to the highest of all for whores, or at least it was before the Targaryen men became too indifferent to their flesh of the night.
It appeared the once well known hunger of purpled eyed silver haired flesh has trickled down to its last generation, as the man who’d left his spent to trickle down your thighs gave no indication that he desired you particularly for your hair or for your eyes.
He barely even looked at you as he forcibly took you from behind and pushed your face into the thin sheets that had yellowed in age.
He even left as soon as he came, quite literally, as by the time you looked around the door was swung open and the overwhelming stench of alcohol remained pungent. It appeared this young Prince had a thin layer of wine on his skin instead of the usual stench of overwhelming sweat.
You did not see the recognisable sight of silver locks for quite some time after that. Many a nights were you forced to look away to the window as men of all hair but silver took you on the bed you fucked to keep. Yet they were no different from the eldest prince at all. They all had only the idea of completion in mind.
Which you suppose was why it was so shocking when the infamous one-eyed Prince came to the brothel in search of a women to warm his cock, and laid a single eye on you as you stood oblivious on the same balcony you had stood on when you were chosen by his brother.
It was like a strange sick dream when you saw the younger Prince refuse to take his eye off you as he bargained a price with the Madame. Again, he too knew how to strike a deal similarly to his eldest acknowledged sibling.
When the Prince finally entered your chambers and met eyes with your naked form sitting on the bed awaiting to be told the orders, it was made quite quickly to you that the One-Eyed Prince was not like a regular laying customer.
Yet he still had his regular moments it seems, as while he managed to humanise your body, he still found a way to objectify your soul.
The Prince uses you like any other man would, and yet he still somehow manages to find a way to make you feel mortal.
While he takes you, he has you on your back and his eye looking deeply into your own. A single hand of his stroking the left side of your face while a thumb catches on the edge of your lips.
Even after spilling his spent of the skin of your stomach, he explains he cannot dare father a bastard and bring the shame to his already soiled family legacy. Going as far as to grab a lone stained cloth from somewhere in the room to mop up his cooled down spent away and throws someplace random.
The one-eyed Prince stays with you the whole of that night and morning, something you could easily say was a first in your working career.
His head lays on your overworked thighs that twitch randomly in patterns even he with his highly educated mind cannot comprehend. But he does not complain at all, instead only burrowing further into your overwhelming warmth you subconsciously provide him with.
You dare not to say anything as you place a hand on his head and thread your fingers through his hair, waiting with baited breath as his lets out a tired sigh and wraps his arms around your body tighter.
When your fingertips catch on the rough leather of his patch you do not dare take it off in fear of being caught in the familiar feeling of a dragons rage. So you merely ghost your hand over it and he does not make a disapproving sound.
He reminds you heavily of a child craving a mother’s affection, even though you know he has one waiting no doubt anxiously for him in his own chambers back up at the castle. Yet it appears the prince lives in a strange limbo of ignorant bliss, as you can feel his eyelashes brush lightly against the skin of your thigh as he closes his eye, and not a minute later you can feel his bodies breath even out as he begins drifting away.
The One-Eyed Prince falls asleep against your naked spent body, and you can only force your body to relax as your eyes shut tightly and sleep to not come at an easy price. For that night as the Prince rests by the base of your stomach, dreams fill your head of overwhelming fire and blood comes storming down around you.
At the end of your dream mere seconds before you are awoken by the grumbling child, a two eyed man with features mimicking yours holds a sword angled to the base of your throat and sneers at you, before allowing the blade to swing you with heavy cost.
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moneymartin · 3 days
kate hcs? like what u did w nika plsss
・❥・- gf!kate hcs
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warnings: harddd smut under the divider at the end and suggestive content :p
a/n: i genuinely love doing hcs more than writing full on fics cause my lord i cannot write a whole story without going off track and ruining the entire thing… got carried away like always. also this is longgg overdue as well. i’ve been procrastinating everything and i feel bad for not releasing anything sooner like i promised. thank you for being patient w me lolz
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i’m glad that we all agree… kate is theeee golden retriever girlfriend
i mean who wouldn’t say that
blonde masc that gives off happy vibes and literally has a tattoo that says ‘sunshine’
treats you like a real fuckin’ princess like she knows what she’s doing
okay kate lovesssss the kids
her and carson are so adorbs 💔
when someone asks her what her profession is she is not gonna say a pro hooper
shes gonna say that shes carson’s aunt 😭
def takes you over to kennedy’s house when she’s gone and makes you babysit carson w her 🥹
loves when they hold her fingers she thinks its the cutest thing in the world and you photograph the whole thing
spoils you fosho!!!!
mention one lil thing and shes buying it for you
new clothes, bags, shoes, jewelry, accessories. ANYTHING YOU WANNTTT!!!
yk how she likes tswift…
takes you to a concert for your bday if you do too
and wears that stupid cowboy hat 😒
but you guys would be matching soooo
DEFINITELY loves physical touch
hands hands handssss
they’re all over you in public like she is not afraid to show people you’re hers 😩
on your waist or hips. her fingers are always on you somehow
also does it romantically like she’ll intertwine pinkies with you and always holds your hand no matter the situation
the thumb thing is her favorite
loves pda foshooooo
i don’t think she’d be possessive but i feel like shes the jealous type
sees you w a girl at the bar or sumn and starts to FREAK!
she’ll sit next to you immediately and is touching you all over so that the girl goes away 😭
or shes burying her face into your neck and kissing your skin in front of her
everyone can disagree w me on this but i see her as lil spoon when you guys cuddle…
kisses your neck or your collar while shes half asleep 😣
back rubs are her fav thing too
shes the one getting them tho cause she’s always so tense after practice and she believes that if you do it she’ll feel better already
we all know shes a passenger princess.
she probably has a car but refuses to drive it alone when you’re there cause she thinks she’ll crash it or something
lets you wear her clothes
if she was taller (most likely) she’d have you in all her shirts and stuff cause they look bigger on you
you think you shouldn’t wear anything under cause it hides everything anyways and kate agrees
in reality she just loves the easy access…
total baby when she’s drunk
and super clingy :(
arguments don’t happen often but when they do it ends real fast cause she knows how to calm you down 🥹🥹🥹
if anything though the arguments start cause its about something real stupid
teaches you how to play basketball if it isn’t your sport
can’t cook for SHIET!!!! burns eggs easily or somethin like that cause she can’t bring herself to learn
knows how to bake tho 100%
super adventurous
have you guys seen the pic of her zip lining… like she’s fearless when it comes to that stuff
hits the gym and weight room every fuckin day w you so she can build those arms 🤫
spots you when you think its too hard
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ik y’all have seen that pussy eater jaw…
kisses are her thing as well
making out w you is the highlight of her night week day whatever!
initiates it all the time cause she knows you love it too
whines during it too me thinks…
when she needs you to shut up during it i firmly believe that she’ll kiss you to muffle the noises 😩
she isn’t straightforward but when she wants to she’ll make it obvious.
cusses all the time
hard breather too
she’ll breathe out a bunch of words that you can barely hear cause of your own noises 💀 but you love hearing them cause you know she’s engaged
her strap game is crazy though i can tell…
feel like she’d sometimes just wear it for fun
she’ll wear it just for the looks and not to use it on you 😭😭
she doesn’t wanna have sex w you for her pleasure b/c during it, everything is about YOUUU
your pleasure >>>>> anything else
soft dom 100% but will also switch sometimes if thats what you’re feeling
especially after games like she loves having sex after cause she knows you’ll do everything for her
always grabbing your hips really tight when you do and theres always marks afterwards on them
and she likes seeing your face when you’re on top
missionary is her thing
eye contact during sex is important
to her at least
degrades you but only when you’re being cocky about something while she fucks the shit outta you
i don’t think she’d be aggressive but she’d be a lil rough when she’s upset
leaves marks EVERYWHEREEE
in the most visible spots so that people can see them when you two are in public
only happens during makeout seshes or when you guys are havin your own time tho
she so talks you through it.
always reassuring and asking if you feel good or not
“is this okay?” “does that hurt?” “it’s okay, baby. i’m right here, i promise” “take your time” lil things like that
praises you hella too
call me cringe or whatever
but she’ll call you a good girl if she has to…
when she eats you out she’s SOOO FOCUSED
quiet the wholeeee time but you can feel her getting all breathy against you
kisses your thighs after you cum so you know she’s still there 😞❤️
aftercare queen
she’s already cleaning you up and getting you a new pair of clothes or running a warm bath for the both of you 🥸
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[First time dad!Simon on child disciplinary]
Dad!Simon, trying to be stern : You really need to adjust your attitude
🧃, calmly : For questions or complains, pwease contact the manufacturer *points at you*
Dad!Simon : 😐
🎀 : Don’t bring me into this
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tizniz · 2 days
WIP Wednesday 🌙
Except it's not a WIP but a story because I got another @badthingshappenbingo story for y'all. Please enjoy my take on this prompt - wanted to offer something a bit different and maybe unexpected for it :)
Prompt: CPR
rain falling from a cloudless sky (1.6K)
“Where are you?” Eddie shivers, “I…it’s raining.” “No, it’s not.” “I can feel it.” “That’s a memory.” His chin wobbles, “Buck…”
OR: A bad call has Eddie struggling.
NP tagging: @hippolotamus, @actualalligator, @actuallyitsellie, @perfectlysunny02, @bidisasterevankinard, @spotsandsocks, @fortheloveofbuddie, @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove, @theotherbuckley, @daffi-990, @jesuisici33, @cal-daisies-and-briars, @exhuastedpigeon, @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming, @monsterrae1, @epicbuddieficrecs, @elvensorceress, @eddiebuckley-diaz. @eddiebabygirldiaz, @wildlife4life, @evanbegins, @devirnis, @loveyouanyway, @watchyourbuck, @loserdiaz, @excuseme-greentea, @wikiangela, @dangerpronebuddie, @kitteneddiediaz, @incorrect9-1-1, @underwaterninja13, @bigfootsmom, @princessfbi 🩵
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acronym49 · 23 hours
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Sunny Appreciation time
(rambling about my wof headcannons in tags below!)
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thelavendrhaze · 3 days
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fic: i love you (it's ruining my life)
author: wildestdreams
rating: explicit
word count: 40.3k
“You’ve been teasing me all night, looking like a fucking dream, and the minute you get me alone, all of that attitude and your games go right out the window, don’t they?” Louis asked, voice low. “Why do you do it?”
Harry grinned, cheeks warm as his palms rested over Louis’ shoulders. “It keeps things interesting, doesn’t it?”
The alpha watched him closely, gaze dark, while he stroked one hand down Harry’s side before settling over the dip of his waist. “I can never tell with you.”
“Tell what?”
“If you like me or not.”
Harry swallowed thickly. “I’m not supposed to like you. I’m supposed to just want to fuck you.”
A situationship AU where Harry is one of the most sought-after omega supermodels in the world and Louis is the alpha lead singer of the indie supergroup, The Rogue. The last thing either of them wants is to fall in love.
fic tag / twitter / playlist
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"How long do we have?" The blonde snuggled closer and lifted his chin to kiss at his boyfriend's neck. "Two whole days. No Eddie, no interruption. Just us." Tommy moved back enough to make eye contact, a small grin on his face. "Yeah?" Buck hummed and kissed him. "Yep, Hen is on Eddie Duty."
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totothewolff · 2 days
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Brocedes Happy Pride Month Icons 🏳️‍🌈 Feel free to use them
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Last Line Tag
tagged by @thiamsxbitch
"Liam doesn’t waste any time before sprinting towards the auditorium. He’s pretty sure he knocked at least three people over, but who’s counting?"
no pressure tags! @bigmack2go @dcbutinamrev @ksbbb @mmoosen @fallen-angels-and-hyacinths @hemlocksandfoxgloves @jjxkiaraxpopexcleoxjohnbxsarah
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rreids · 2 months
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smut (mdni, you will be blocked); needy spencer; praise; fem!reader; oral (f receiving); possessive wording; ~1.1k words
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Spencer was, for lack of better word, whipped.
Morgan would say pussy-whipped, but Spencer wasn’t fond of that. Just because he liked you, would stop what he’s doing at the drop of a hat for you… it was for more than your body.
Even if it was beautiful.
He could remember every curve, every scar, every wrinkle, envision it clearly in his mind's eye. 
God, he missed you.
“Hey, boy genius,” Morgan calls, and he snaps back to attention. “Staring at your file won’t get it done,”
“I know,” Spencer grumbles, going to make more coffee. He sends you a text — miss you. — when he does. He’s not one for that, preferring calls and time together, and knows you’ll piece it together.
It’s an excruciating hour and a half that it takes to get the paperwork done and put in and to drive back to your shared apartment.
He relaxes even as he puts his key into the lock, door opening to the smell of your body wash.
His eyes find you first, dressed in one of his shirts, hair still wet.
He lets it click shut behind him, eyes trailing up and down you shamelessly.
“Missed me?” You tease, and he nods. You wrap him in a hug, clingy as ever. He melts into you.
With you wrapping him in your arms, he has no choice but to stumble to the couch and let you sit him down and straddle him, lightly tracing the smile lines that won’t fade as he looks at you.
“Pretty boy,” you coo, and he smiles more. “What’s going on in your head?”
He makes a show of pretending to think and grab the thought before meeting your eyes. “Thinking about how gorgeous you are,”
You beam at him, and he wills the image to sear itself into his memory.
You’re so warm and soft above him, just supple skin and delicious smells that make his head spin with need, nothing on but his shirt and a pair of flimsy panties. He can feel everything, and it drives him insane, fingers twitching against your thighs. 
“Spence,” you whisper. “Words, baby,”
“You’re so soft,” he exhales quickly and you cock a brow, letting him trail his fingers to your inner thigh, where he draws circles.
He wants to pull your panties to the side so badly. But he knows to wait.
“Yeah? I moisturized today.” You give him a smile, sultry and enticing, and then you tug your (his) shirt off, pressing your breasts into his chest. “Feel. Soft, right?”
He obeys, trailing his fingertips so lightly it raises goosebumps. His mind feels like it’s full of cotton. “Yeah–yeah, soft,” he clears his throat, wanting to nibble hickeys into the skin. With effort, he tears his eyes away and to your face. “And so gorgeous. Like always.”
You hum, tap a finger against his temple. He leans into your hand, desperate for the touch. “Thank you, baby,”
He stares at you in silence, forcing back thoughts of what he wants. 
“Wanna prove how much you missed me?”
“Please,” his tone is almost reverent, and he should be ashamed how easily he folds for you; how he wants to be on or in you, always; how he wants and wants and wants, and how it’s never enough; how he’s happiest with your smell and touch overwhelming his senses.
“Show me.”
Spencer slips to the floor on his knees, pressing a kiss to the side of your knee. He crawls his hands up slowly, lets them hook in the waistband of your panties and tug. He thumbs the wet spot before dropping them to the ground, and he knows his eyes are blown out when he stares at your beautiful pussy, glistening with your need for him.
He exhales shakily and shuffles closer, presses a kiss to your thigh before licking a stripe up your core. He groans at the taste, shutting his eyes when you whimper at the sensation — the sight of your chest heaving, eyes glazed over already, head thrown back as far as you could while keeping your gaze trained on him… it was too much.
Spencer circles your clit with his tongue before kissing it, letting your thighs squeeze around him with an eager moan.
He shifts a little lower, nose bumping into your clit as he dips his tongue into you. You shudder, whimper his name like he’s helping you see heaven, and he sighs, sloppily licking into you.
He normally has good technique but he’s already so drunk off your taste, ears buzzing and face burning hot, red with desire and loss of air.
Spencer only whines when you tug on his hair and yank him back, reveling in the way it stings.
“Breathe, Spence,”
He nods, head swimming. He wants — god, he wants you spread open on his fingers and tongue, quivering under the stimulation, sweating and sobbing from how good it feels; he wants you to help him get off, wants you to fuck him until he can barely breathe and it aches to be touched; he wants you to mark him and he wants to be called yours.
“‘m yours,”
“Hm?” It comes off airy and whiny as he sucks your clit back into his mouth.
He takes a bit to answer, pulling back breathlessly. “Tell me I’m yours,”
“You’re mine,” you tell him, tugging his hair and shoving him back into you. He whimpers. Loudly. “You’re my good boy, you’ll do what I say, yeah?”
He nods vigorously, getting sloppier and sloppier, more whimpers and vibrations into you than coordinated movement. 
“Spence. My love,” you gasp, arching up into him. “Make me cum,”
Spencer nips your clit, just enough for you to shriek and melt under him after tensing. 
“Mine, my pretty fuckin’ girl,” he’s incoherent, babbling. “So sweet and pretty, always ready for me, such a sweet girl… tastes as good as you look, as you talk,” Spencer locks eyes with you finally, and he swears he could cum from how dazed you are alone.
You wail as he finally tips you over the edge, and Spencer can’t stop. Not when you taste so good, and all he can smell is your arousal coating his chin and your thighs, when you’re shaking around him and all he wants is for you to do it again.
It takes you yanking him away from you for his mind to clear a little from the fog, breathing heavily and eyes trained on your pussy until you guide him to look at you.
“Enough, baby,” you coo, rubbing your slick off his chin. “Give me a breather,”
He whines.
“Pussy-whipped,” you coo, and he can only nod. “Just give me a second and you can have me again,”
Spencer licks his lips. “Thank you.”
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fuck it we ball (not proofread which.. expect that. when it comes to my works). i need him so bad. gif is my own :)
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danveration · 4 months
Sleep well, amour.
Parings: Alastor x reader
Summary: You’ve been very intrested in Alastor ever since you met him. He invites you to see his recording studio, which you accept. Then you ask if you can stay and listen to him host! While listening, you fall asleep. How does he react?
Word count: 2844
Warnings: Ummm not really much? Alastor being Alastor! One mention of not being able to sleep sometimes, mention of seeing people in hell doing dr*gs, k*lling eachother, and fighting, mention of reader having bad social skills (?)
part two
A/N: UM!! this is my first time writing for alastor, so apologies if it isn’t the best. Please give me any feedback you want, I’d love to hear it! Also sorry for any spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoy :’)
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Alastor the radio demon. You know of the things he’s done, you know that people are quite literally terrified of him. But for some reason... you feel a certain way towards him that you can’t describe, but it’s surely not fear.
You’ve had a some-what odd admiration of him since you landed in hell, only a few months ago. You got spotted by Charlie when you first got to hell. She noticed you looking around nervously and lost, and put two and two together that you must be new. She very kindly introduced herself which was refreshing because.. well.. it’s hell. Everywhere you looked people were fighting, doing drugs, and even killing each other. You were glad there were kind people even down here.
“Hi, you! Uh, you lost?” Charlie smiled you and waved.
“Um yeah! I’m guessing this is hell, huh?” You awkwardly chuckle. Social skills weren’t ever your thing, it seems they haven’t got better after you died, either.
“Yep! This is hell! You must be new? I’m Charlie! Charlie Morningstar. It’s so nice to meet you.” She smiled and stuck out her hand for you to shake.
“Nice to meet you, Charlie! My names Y/n.” You politely smiled back and shook her hand.
After that meeting, Charlie showed you to the hotel in which you eagerly accepted to stay at, her being the only sane thing you’ve seen down here. It was a pretty nice place, no 5 star hotel like back on earth, but it was something you’re very grateful for. Who knows what would’ve happened to you if you haven’t met her.
While she was showing you around, someone caught your eye. He was a tall man, very polite and respectful looking. He was dressed head to toe in old fashioned attire, with a cane to suit his charming look. He was smiling in a way that made you look at him like he was something you wanted to inspect under a magnifying glass.
He glanced at you and smiled larger, stepping over to you and Charlie.
“My, my! What do we have here? Charlie! You didn’t tell me that we’ve got more guests? It’s a pleasure to meet you, my dear! The names Alastor!” He spoke politely.
His voice was sort of.. Radio-like? You found it soothing.
“Haha yeah! I found them wandering around on the street this morning! They’re a newcomer, their name is Y/n.” She spoke back, excited to introduce you.
“Y/n! Well, my, my. That’s quite a lovely name!” He said. “Say.. do you listen to radio? I host a brilliant radio broadcast that’ll give you some real insight on this place!” He said enthusiastically.
“Oh.. haha thank you” You smile. “I do actually! I love radio shows.” You immediately feel drawn towads him. You cant tell if it’s just the new scenery or what.. but you want to just sit and chat with him for hours.
Alastor perks up at that. “Oh you do, do you?” He smiled more.
“Yeah! Back when I was.. uhm.. alive, I actually had a whole playlist of them! What do you do your show about?” You ask.
Alastor is delighted to have you take interest in his show. “Well, dear, I do all sorts of things on there! Yes, yes, you think of it and I’ve most probably done it! Most commonly known is the souls I entrap and prison, as I broadcast their screams of horror all over this horrible place and people get to hear the noises of their never-ending torture and demise. But! I also just made a wonderful segment on my mother’s Jambalaya recipe!” He stated.
While part of those sentences gave you chills, you still seemed to take interest in him.
“Well,” you chuckle. “I will certainly check it out!” You smile.
“Ah! Wonderful news, my dear.” He said while he twirled his cane.
Charlie was watching you interact with him and noticed how you looked at him, as if admiring. She smile and said, “well! We better finish the tour.”
She motions for you to follow her and you do, waving Alastor goodbye.
He waves back and yells, “goodbye, sweetheart! Lovely to have met you.”
After that, you wanted absolutely everything to do with him. You’ve also got to know the other people staying at the hotel. Angel, Vaggie, Husk, Niffty, and Sir Pentious. They were overall kind people. Husk found your interest in Alastor to be no good.
“Yeah, no. That, whatever thing you have created in your mind about him, isn’t true. He’s vile, Y/n. Trust me on that.” He grunts.
Angel thought you had some kind of kink towards “scary, creepy men.” Which wasn’t true because you didn’t even find him scary. You found him charming.
“Ah.. Alastor? Fucking sexy weirdo if I do say so myself. He’s got some reaaal problems but hey, if you’re into that-“ You cut him off by saying it wasn’t like that & that you don’t think anything sexual towards him.
One day, you were talking to Sir Pentious about his “crush” on Cherry Bomb. He completely denied it but you could tell from his blush and his nervous demeanour that he was very interested in her.
You were caught off guard when you heard that radio voice coming up from behind you.
“Y/n, my dear! I have a question for you.” Alastor came and stood beside you, looking down from where you’re sitting.
“Al! Hey, what’s up?” You ask, containing your excitement.
Sir Pentious excused himself quickly, seeing one of his “egg boys” were being played with by Niffty. She isn’t one to be gentle.
“So, I know how you’ve been listening to my radio show as of late, and I was wondering if you’d like to see where the magic happens!” He states.
“R-really? I’d be honoured!” You say, smiling.
“Ah! Lovely. Come now, this way.”
You get up and he locks arms with you and chats about his new microphone that he got.
Once you guys arrive, you’re shocked. It looks very professional and comfortable. It suits him heavily. There’s a big open window, a desk, some chairs and sofas, a bunch of technical stuff on the desk along with his new mic that you recognize from his descriptions, and a deer coat hanger?
“Wow, Alastor. This place is so actually so sick. I love it. And the new microphone suits you!” You say. “Thank you for showing me, really.”
Typically, Alastor would never show someone something personal of his, including his studio, but you are an exception. He isn’t sure what it is about you but he doesn’t seem to hate you as much as he does with anyone else. At first he was weirded out, but now he just embraces it. He also feels protective of you. He doesn’t know exactly why you’re even down here. For as far is he can tell, you’re an angel. Always being kind even to those who aren’t kind to you, always saying “please” and “thank you,” all that jazz. Jazz! You even like jazz music, his favourite. He told you that he lived on earth the time jazz music was popular. The 20’s and 30’s. That explains his vocabulary and how he dresses. You just find it more interesting and take time to ask questions about what it was like in that time.
“Why of course, my dear! If I’d want to show anyone here, it would be you.” He says, giving you his iconic smile.
You have a thought. “Hey, Al? Would it be alright if the next time you do a show, I could stay and listen?”
You hope he doesn’t think this is odd.
Alastor raises a brow. “Why would you want to do that?” He asks.
You panic, thinking you went too far by asking and now he’s going to cut you off or something.
“Ha! Kidding, sweetheart! Of course you can. I love when my broadcast is wanted to be listened to. Though I love it as well when they don’t want to.” He says.
You’re relieved, a bit scared, but still relieved.
“Say!” He says. “I was going to make one tonight talking about this silly technology box that thinks he is better than me! You know, expose all his lies and secrets to my listeners, and unwilling listeners. Maybe broadcast it all throughout hell!” He starts laughing manically. Then calms down and stares at you.
“Would you want to stay and listen, hm? I can do it now! I didn’t have any plans today going forward and well, getting it out sooner is better than later, I always say.” He asks.
You know he’s talking about Vox when he mentioned the technology box. Him and Vox have a sort of rivalry going on. Though Alastor seems to not care much about him, Vox is sure obsessed. He’s even gone so far as to making posters about him. Which areee.. not much of a resemblance.
This offer strikes you and you immediately perk up. “Yes! I’d love to.” You say.
You don’t think Alastor knows this but whenever you’re struggling to sleep, you put on his radio show and his voice comforts you to sleep. You’re sure if you told him, he would find it weird.
Little did you know, Alastor already knew. He walked past your room one night and heard static sounds coming from your quarters. He immediately was intrigued and put his ear close to your door to hear his voice. He was surprised, but not weirded out. He found it delightful that you found comfort in his voice. It’s not everyday someone does. Usually it invokes terror and anxiety on anyone who hears. This was new, and he didn’t hate it.
“Lovely! Let me get all set up. You can sit wherever you feel the most comfortable!” He says, adjusting his mic and pressing a buttons on his table.
You find a spot and sit down. Feeling honored to even be in the same room as him, let alone HIS room.
“Ahem! Welcome ladies and gentlemen-“ He goes off into his introduction, before winking at you and starting.
After about 20 minutes, you begin to feel tired and put your head on the side of the wall, still listening but with your eyes closed.
Alastor immediately notices and smirks, knowing how his voice effects you. He continues on and after about another 20 minutes, he finishes up. You’re asleep, slightly smiling.
He walks over to you and looks down.
“My, my. You really are an interesting one, aren’t you?” He whispers. He smiles more softly than he usually does and looks around to find a purple blanket hanging on his deer coat hanger, and gently places it on you.
He feels his heart fluttering while looking down at you and he immediately shrugs it off.
“Mm well, my dear.. I guess you can stay here. I’ll just be over there, transferring my broadcast to the other radios around town.” He says and points to his table.
“Sleep well, amour.” He speaks softly.
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fan-goddess · 2 days
The Blood Of My Dragon
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A/N: These are a series of drabbles based on dragonseed and Aemond
General warnings: Smut and angst (is more specific in each thingy)
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A Favourite Service
His ceremonies laid by, in his nakedness he appears but a man
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moneymartin · 24 hours
okau i know u already did these but can u do more nsfw hcs for nika???
✧.* - smutty nika hcs
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warnings: this whole thing is literally smut sooo… 18+
a/n: im havin fun with these ngl… if anything is repeated from the og hcs im sorry!!!! got carried away and some of my thoughts r sprinkled around here
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she gets off on eating you out i swear
nika got a pussy eater jaw too
i think its because you squeeze your thighs around her head
she likes it
i said this the last time but your pleasure matters more to her than her own
100% a titty girl like i can see it
like during sex she’ll cup them any chance she gets
an ass girl too
stares at em in public w no shame and grabs at your butt when she can 😭
veryyy vocal
lots of huffing and puffing when it comes to her
whiner and whimperer when she hears you getting more comfortable abt the noises you’re making
loves when you moan her name don’t even get me started
grunts too fosho
i think she’d talk in croatian too and it turns you AWNNNNNNNN
“ljubavi” “moj anđele” “dušo” “dobra cura”
dirty talks in croatian too but idk how to translate that.
she’d dom half of the time but if you wanna dom she’ll gladly oblige
strap game is crazy
totally does that thing where she teases you really slowly then js plunges into you
never rough unless asked but if she’s angry or upset she’ll go WILLDDDDD
call me crazy but she’d def like it if you bit…
i think she’d be the hardest teaser ever
esp in public.
if you’re really feeling it when you two are out she can tell
its like her superpower
uses it against you too cs she doesn’t wanna let you get it easy
her fingers are running up and down your thighs and shes always getting sooo close it fucks you up every time
she gets you WET w one touch its actually crazy
if you were touch deprived it’d be even worse too like if she brushed her lips up against you and breathed on your skin js a lil you’d FREEAK
freak as in you’d be SOOOOAKKED
please tell me you guys think she’d wanna film sex tapes
she a secret freak for those
i think arguments would lead into rlly fucking hot angry sex
but she initiates the intimacy first after bc she knows you’re def not gonna be in the mood to do so
honestly it starts w really small touches to the arm while you two yell back and forth
the next thing you know you two are fucking on the kitchen counter 😭
or she has to literally manhandle you onto the bed and fucks you there instead 🥸
uses the strap durin that too u can’t tell me otherwise
i think if you got really horny in public out of nowhere she’d take care of it for you IMMEDIATELYYYY
the family restrooms.
or the car
you guys could be in the car while on a roadtrip and she’ll find a way to sneak a hand onto you to make you feel good 🤫
def eats you out in the backseat too
say its your first time
definitely takes it as slowwww as you need her to be
offers to just use her hands or something first so that you get used to it
but if you wanna like go rlly far for the first time she’ll do it for sure as long as you’re comfy
she loves when you touch her abs it turns her on 😫
makes you ride em for sure cs she fucking loves when they’re glistening in your cum
makes you lick it up CLEAN after too w your tongue
she’s a switch
power bottom and soft dom
super slow when she tops you
but she lovesss when you’re riding her strap too its her fav thing next to the ab riding
ouhhhh she loves eye contact
her eyes r so beautiful like
they get all predatory when she’s fucking you its so sexy
also when she gives you the fuck me eyes i think she means it in the opposite way
meaning she wants to fuck you
cowgirl is her fav position don’tttt play
again shes a titty girl
she loves looking at them bounce.
she doesn’t bother to get fully undressed cause it shows she cares more about you
okay im done thanks.
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saturncodedstarlette · 2 months
Solomon, encouraging MC : —and you’re clearly very powerful now, starlight. You managed to take down a legion of monsters all by yourself without my help.
MC, still doubtful : Do you really think I’m powerful?
Solomon, cradling your face in his palms : I, for one, find you terrifying
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djarincore · 1 month
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TAGS: incubus!ghost, smut, dubcon, somnophilia, fingering, PIV
A/N: i had a hard time falling asleep the other night and between that weird state of feeling awake but also asleep i felt this weird sensation of someone touching me sooo... INCUBUS!GHOST banner: @/cafekitsune
this version is definitely sexier than unsettling lol
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Slipping between the realm of reality and dream, you lay on your stomach in a half-awake state of grogginess and confusion.
There's a hand on your leg—and, it's slipping further and further up your thigh.
It's heavy against your skin. You feel the individual fingers curve around the meat of your thigh. Then another trails your waist and down your hip.
For a moment you feel like there are hands all over you, touching you, caressing you. A light, unrestrained moan slips past your lips.
The part of your brain that typically jumps into action, demanding for you to kick or scream, remains dormant. You’re too tired to care enough to open your eyes and face what will ultimately be nothing.
In its exhaustion, your brain is conjuring up phantom touches. That's all this is. It will go away and you'll finally be able to slip back into unconsciousness. Or maybe you were already asleep and dreaming.
You bury your face into your pillow and ignore the tricks your brain is playing on you.
But the hands remain persistent, slipping between your thighs, cupping your cunt. You tense as the hand slides your panties to the side, a thick finger drags down the seam of your slit.
“You awake?”
A gruff voice jolts you out of your daze. You turn yourself onto your back and come face to face with a phantom.
A large figure looms over you. His body hides the sliver of moonlight shining through your window, shrouding you and him in darkness. Though his body is that of a man, he isn't entirely human. His face, if you can even call it that, resembles a skull, hollow eyes stare down at you.
Your lips part, only to realize your mouth is dry, a scream barely forms. You attempt to scramble away from his hands, pushing yourself against the headboard.
“Ah, not so fast,” he grunts, gripping your hands and pulling you back flat against the bed. He pins your hands against your chest, squeezing when you wiggle against his grip. “I’m not nearly finished with you.”
Your tongue darts out to swipe across your lower lip. “What do you want?”
The entity doesn't respond right away. He's distracted by the bobbing of your throat as you try to swallow your fear. A hand reaches out to skim the skin along your neck, tracing up the column of your throat with his knuckles.
You hate that his touch is so gentle—so gentle it makes your legs clench. Your brows furrow as you try to push away the desire pooling in your belly as he touches you.
“Same as you,” he says. His hand moves to cradle your cheek, but you turn your head, making him grab your jaw and face him once more.
He leans in close. You see nothing but darkness beyond the holes in his skull mask; the lower half of his face is simply shadow. “Need a good fuckin’. So, lay still and let me work.”
As you breathe him in, smoke and musk, your eyes feel heavy. It's almost pleasant to be stuck in this state, just on the edge of unconsciousness. Your thoughts are a haze, limbs relaxed and limp, pliant beneath him.
“That's right, just give in to it,” he coos, releasing your jaw and wrists. He slides your T-shirt up to reveal your breasts, running his thumb over your pert nipples. “I’ll make you feel good.”
Your mouth falls open when he grinds his hard cock against you. Your chest heaves, but you can't do much against him besides lay vulnerable as he touches you.
He slips a hand back into your underwear, rubbing slow circles against your clit, chuckling when your hips twitch. A finger pets your slit, gathering your wetness along the tip and guiding it back to your clit. He works you up until your legs tremble around him and then pushes two thick fingers into your tight hole. He moves slowly, fingers working inside of you like a caress.
You're a whimpering mess and awfully tired. The more he builds your climax the heavier your eyes get. “I- ‘m gonna-” you muster, weakly clawing at your sheets.
He lowers himself to your cunt, letting his tongue join his fingers, lapping at your juices and moaning. He hums, something low and lulling, “Good girl, let go for me.”
You do as he commands, tightening around his fingers and coming on his hand. The rest of the world begins to fall away as you come down from your orgasm.
You wake to the wet sounds of him fucking you. His cock slides out of your dripping, sore cunt only to thrust back in, fitting snug in your tight walls. Your legs are pushed up, spread and open for him to fit between.
You don't know how long he's been in you or how long you’ve been passed out. “S-Stop,” you whine, hoping to get a break. Even though you assume you slept, you're still exhausted. You fear whatever this entity wants from you, once he has it, you'll never wake up again.
“No,” he grunts. His voice now takes on a heavy rasp, grating and no longer soothing. “Fuckin’ take it.”
“Please,” you whimper. It's pathetic, breathless but all you can seem to muster. “Don't kill me.”
He laughs and the sound echoes through you. He rubs your puffy clit, making you flinch from the sensitivity and clench around him.
“Oh, ‘m not killin’ you; I'm keepin’ you.”
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friuut · 2 months
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listed on my inprnt :)
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