#natasha romanoff x oc
katyaromanoffpetrova · 4 months
A first (very insecure) Valentine's
It's Natasha's first Valentine's Day with her girlfriend, and she struggles more with the concept of love and romance than she feared.
Natasha Romanoff x fem!OC (Katya Petrova) (the ''Forgotten Ghost'' series) Wordcount: 3.9k No warnings (except maybe Natasha being adorably helpless at love)
A/N: here to make your Valentine's Day a bit less miserable: our two favorite murder wives :)
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The door of Clint's room had never looked more intimidating than on this Monday night, in the empty, dark hallways of SHIELD HQ. Everyone who lived on base had gone to find their beds, exhausted from the busy workday. But Natasha knew her best friend was still awake by the faint light coming from under his door.
Had she known that love was this embarrassing, she would have thought twice before letting Katya back into her life. Simply the thought of what she came down here to ask made her want to scratch her skin off. It was a completely new feeling that she struggled to get a grip on. This whole 'in love' thing really messed with her mind and body.
Every time she heard or read her girlfriend's name, saw her in the hallways or the cafeteria, or simply thought about her in the middle of a boring briefing, her head got fuzzy and the world faded away. All her thoughts would get consumed by Katya until she was mentally on cloud nine and felt warm all over. 
It was a very odd development for a woman who never lost focus. Last week, Maria chucked a file at her head when she'd zoned out once again in the middle of their conversation.
It was embarrassing. People teased her about it—especially Fury. If he made one more joke about her keeping her head on her neck and not in the clouds, she was going to cut his off his body. The last thing she needed was other agents taking after him and realizing she had a heart. She still struggled to accept her soft side.
"Are you gonna come in, or do I have to bring a pillow and a blanket out while you think about it?"
Once more, Natasha pulled her thoughts back to the here and now, her cheeks flushing red. She had no other choice but to push the door handle down and sheepishly step into Clint's room, closing the door behind her. What was happening to her? She used to be so confident and unbothered all the time.
Clint didn't look up from his spot on the couch, buried in manilla-colored files and papers, an empty pizza box on the floor. His apartment represented his mind. Cluttered, unorganized, yet somehow cozy. If Laura saw him like this, she'd scold him for his unhealthy lifestyle.
"What relationship question do you have for me today?" He asked casually, scribbling something in a notebook. When Natasha stayed silent, he looked up, chuckling at her expression. "Come on. If this was about work, you would have barged in like you own the place."
Natasha crossed her arms over her chest and sighed, looking at the horrible handwriting in his notebook instead of his face. It was difficult enough to get the words out of her throat. "The fourteenth, how serious do people take it?" 
Clint was too taken aback by the question to form an immediate answer, leaving her to cringe in the short silence that followed. The nail of her thumb painfully scratched at the nail bed of her pointer finger.
"You mean Valentine's Day?" Amusement flashed briefly across his eyes, but he was too considerate of her struggle with herself to tease her about the way she worded her question. He closed the folder in his lap, straightening his hunched back. "It really depends. Some people think it's just capitalism bullshit, but most people like showing their loved ones some extra love anyway."
Natasha definitely considered herself a hater of Valentine's Day, of capitalism and money-hungry companies in general. But it wasn't about her, was it? "Do you give Laura something?"
"Flowers. Every year." Clint's face lit up at the mention of his partner. "She says she doesn't want anything, but that's the least I can do. And I try to be home if I can." He tilted his head. "Do you plan on giving Katya something?"
Natasha shrugged. "I don't know if she cares about stupid holidays," she mumbled, prodding the linoleum underneath her feet with the heel of her boot. Why was a relationship so hard?
"I can feel her out for you?" Clint offered kindly, but she immediately shook her head. 
"She'll know." And Katya knowing that she asked Clint for advice was even more embarrassing.
He exhaled slowly, running a hand through his hair. "Well, if she says something, I'll let you know." Natasha sent him a thankful nod, reaching for the door handle behind her, but Clint wasn't done yet. "But between you and me, I think she'll really love any gesture from you."
She left his room feeling only a tad bit better. Clint's advice wasn't really useful and gave her no insight on what Katya would prefer, but it helped to know that even he participated in the holiday. And that said something, given he wasn't the most romantic person she knew.
As she walked back to her own room, Natasha once again wrecked her brain for everything she knew about Valentine's Day, but she didn't get much further than it being a red and pink color vomit with hearts everywhere. Flowers, cards, chocolates, that she also knew. But her knowledge stopped there.
Every year when the day came around, and the stores started to fill up with the nauseatingly sweet colors, she went out of her way to avoid it. Hating it was easier than digging into her soul to figure out why she hated it so much. 
Anyone talked about Valentine's Day? She pulled a grossed-out face. A love song came on the radio? She turned it off.
Now, for the first time in her life, she was forced to face it head on, and she was at an absolute loss.
What did people do on Valentine's Day? What was considered a good gift? What would Katya like to receive? 
She really loved the roses Natasha brought her for their first date, but the redhead hadn't given her anything beyond that that could indicate her preferences.
Natasha's face paled, a nauseating feeling of failure rising in her throat as she stopped in her tracks. Should she have gotten her girlfriend more gifts in the past months? Her heart started to race. Had Katya been waiting on something to follow the roses?
Oh god, Natasha knew she wasn't up for this. She was doing this all wrong. Her romantic instincts took much longer to resurface than she thought they would. And even worse, what if they were gone, forced out of her at a young age? What if she would never get that natural feel for romantic things? 
She didn't even know if it was customary to get your partner gifts often. Every week, every two weeks, every month? She thought that gifts were only for milestones, and birthdays, and the occasional holiday. Never did she stop to think that she could give Katya presents on random moments, just to be sweet. What dumb, inexperienced idiot didn't know that?
Her thoughts were spiraling. 
Twice as fast now, Natasha legged it back to her room, stopping herself from frustratingly slamming the door behind her. 
She needed to calm herself down, taking deep breaths to ease the anxiety as she paced back and forth in her room, the one next to the woman ruining her nights. Valentine's Day was supposed to be fun, exciting, an opportunity to spoil her girlfriend as she deserved.
Shaking out her arms, Natasha pondered what she could get Katya, what she should do, determined to make up for her lack of romance. Flowers were nice, but that was too simple and repetitive. Chocolates were too cliché, and Natasha would rather throw up than write something romantic in a card only to have Katya read it in front of her. Maybe someday.
As her feet wore out a path in the floor, she knew she was being ridiculous, but she couldn't stop. The fear of doing something wrong, of losing this fragile thing they'd built over the last few months was strong. It was the best thing in her life, and if she lost it, Natasha already knew she wouldn't be able to go on. 
So lost in thought—once again—she almost missed the sound of her phone. Absent-mindedly, her hand fumbled for the device in her pocket, expecting a SHIELD message or an email. Instead, her heart skipped a beat at the name displayed on screen.
Katya: Go to sleep.
Katya: I can hear you pacing.
Katya: Do you want to get something off your chest?
Yes. Natasha had several things to get off her chest, in fact. A million. But Katya was also the reason those things were there. 
She wanted to crawl into her girlfriend's arms and put it all out there. She wanted to be reassured until all those worries floated out of her head, leaving only silence behind, the kind of peaceful silence only Katya could give her. She wanted to just exist in her embrace for a while.
The yearning caught her so off-guard that it took her a second to answer the texts. It was only lately that she'd started to crave physical affection, and it seemed her body was trying to catch up on all the years she didn't have it.
Natasha: I'm alright. Thank you.
Natasha: Go to sleep yourself.
Katya: Can't. Some idiot is pacing next door and it's keeping me awake.
A genuine smile broke through her frown. She'd been doing that so much more often. Smiling, laughing. Natasha didn't even remember the last time she genuinely laughed at something before Katya came around.
She deserved something on Valentine's Day, Natasha decided. But what?
Grabbing her laptop, she sat down on her bed, opening her internet browser to the search bar. She contemplated the right way to go about this, chewing on her bottom lip in thought as her fingertips hovered over the keyboard. 
First, Natasha typed things like, "Valentine's Day gifts woman", and "Original Valentine's Day gifts", but she quickly realized this was not at all what she wanted. The gifts were far from original, and she was pretty sure Katya didn't want a pillow with her face printed on it. 
Aggressively deleting it, she tried other keywords, more specific ones tailored to Katya, but the internet didn't seem to understand her. All it showed her was mass-produced and cheaply made junk. The same things a thousand other New Yorkers would be getting from their loved ones. 
No, it had to be something more personal. But Natasha wasn't crafty enough to make anything the lists suggested, and getting Katya a knife for Valentine's Day didn't give off the right message. 
She got more frustrated by the minute, slamming the keys harder than the agents down at IT would like. Nothing that passed her screen felt right, and she didn't have much time left to find something. She'd already avoided dealing with this for as long as she could.
The taste of iron flooded her tongue, and Natasha realized she'd bitten through her lip in her desperation. She licked the blood off as she aggressively closed all the tabs in her browser. The internet had turned out to be entirely unhelpful once again.
With a quiet groan, she fell back on her bed, staring at the blank ceiling. What did she know about Katya? What did she like? They were still learning each other, getting to know each other again. A few months was nowhere near long enough to know everything about her, especially with all the guards they had up. They were definitely moving twice, if not three times, as slow as the average couple.
But there had to be something. Something Katya mentioned—
Natasha shot up at once, her fingers flying over the keys this time. 
On New Year's Day, the cafeteria had chocolate bonbons for the agents that stayed on base. They'd done that the years before, nothing special. But she remembered bumping into Katya in the hallway just outside, the blonde munching on one of them and having a couple more in the palm of her hand. When she had asked if they were any good, Katya had nodded but said they would never compare to her favorite Russian bonbons, filled with vodka liquor. 
Natasha had never been so happy with her good memory, thanking the gods for saving Valentine's Day for her. Typing the brand in the search bar, she managed to find a store in the city that had the chocolates. From there on out, it was simple to order a box and have it delivered.
Beyond relieved, Natasha shut her laptop, grinning to herself. It was the perfect gift. Thoughtful, personal, it showed that she paid attention, and it fit the Valentine's Day theme. She couldn't have picked anything better. The only thing left was for her to run to the local florist and pick up some roses.
On February 14, Natasha was awoken at 5:30 by the nervous churning of her stomach. It was such an unfamiliar feeling that for a moment, she thought she'd caught an illness. Restless stomach, feeling jittery, cold tremors; all signs of the flu. But then she remembered the date. 
Slowly, she got out of bed, trying to ignore her bubbling stomach as she showered and got dressed. It wasn't easy. She would have liked to drag the process out forever, hide in the safe shower, but she needed to catch Katya before she left. No way was she waiting all day to give everything. 
Only when she was satisfied with the way she looked did she open her closet again, crouching to pick up the vase she'd hidden there the day before. Last night, she brought it in, the bouquet hidden in a big cardboard box that she carried through HQ. No agent had spared her a glance.
At 6, Natasha no longer allowed herself to hesitate. She gave herself a mental kick under the butt, grabbed the chocolates and flowers, and headed for the door. With one last deep breath, she slowly opened it, sticking her head through the gap to check left and right. The hallway was empty. 
She felt like a coward, sneaking around like she was dropping off drugs instead of flowers, but her reputation here within SHIELD is what saved her when she first started out, and what kept people respecting her as someone not to mess with.
Her reputation was precious to her. One day, she'd happily sacrifice it for Katya, but before that could happen, she needed to do a lot of work on herself. Growing and evolving took time.
Swift like a cat, Natasha slipped into the hallway, silently closing her door behind her. Again, she listened for footsteps, but the only thing in her ears was her own heartbeat. Her hands were clammy around the box of chocolates.
The thing she was nervous about wasn't seeing Katya. In fact, she looked forward to seeing her again. That smile that greeted her every morning when she pulled her door open was the thing keeping her alive right now. 
No, what she was nervous about was the gesture itself. Her head was filled with only doubts. Had she chosen the right things? Was it too much? Was it too little? Did Katya think Valentine's Day was stupid? Natasha thought she'd like it, because Katya liked New Year's too, and that was also a dumb holiday in her eyes. 
Much like last week, Natasha found herself staring at a wooden door. It had a small dent in it, she realized, right at eye-height. Maybe a previous resident had accidentally knocked their forehead into it.
Her heart pounded in her chest when her fist raised to knock, but she did it. Four, quick knocks, her hand retracting like it had touched fire. She shuffled in her spot, adjusting the things in her hands as she listened to Katya's shuffling on the other side. Even if she wanted to flee, it was too late now. Footsteps were swelling on.
The door swung open, a pair of blue eyes and a kind smile replacing the brown wood. Natasha's heart skipped a beat for other reasons now. Her girlfriend looked so beautiful, her hair loose and her eyes slightly puffy from sleep.
"Good mo—" Katya's voice cut off, her gaze shooting to the things in Natasha's hands.
Natasha couldn't find her voice. How could she have forgotten to think about what to say?! Her clothes, her hair, the gifts, when to give it; it had all been given thorough consideration. But not once had she thought about what she would say. Not once!
"For you," she threw out, her voice sounding ten times more calm and collected than her brain was. The smile on her face was supposed to be gentle, but it felt insecure and nervous on her lips.
Katya's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief. "Nat…" She gasped softly, carefully taking the flowers from her hand. Her nose disappeared between the rose petals, taking a whiff of the fresh scent. Her eyes sparkled when she looked up at her girlfriend again. "That's so sweet of you. Thank you so much." Another gasp flew off her lips once she clocked the bonbons. "Oh, my god. Are those the chocolates? I can't believe you remembered."
Natasha could tell how red her cheeks were based on how warm they felt. Receiving compliments had never been her strong suit. But she felt so relieved, too, realizing all her worries were for nothing because Katya would have probably been happy with a simple kiss. She'd made this way too big in her head.
Her head, that seemed to be the main problem in her life.
"Maybe don't eat them all at once. Don't think Fury would appreciate it if you're drunk on the job," she joked, feeling her usual confidence come back to her.
Katya shrugged, carefully opening the packaging. "Don't care. I'm having one right now."
Natasha chuckled at her enthusiasm, happy her gift was received so well. "It's six in the morning."
"I know." Katya grinned. "Come in, I'll make coffee." She pulled Natasha into her apartment by her sleeve, closing the door behind her. 
They didn't have time to chat or drink coffee, but for once, Natasha didn't protest. She felt light, like she could handle whatever the world was going to throw at her today. She was proud of herself, too. Taking a romantic leap was terrifying, but it clearly paid off. Her eyes followed Katya closely as she placed the roses on the coffee table, adjusting them so they looked nice.
"I didn't know you'd get me anything. I would have gotten you something too." Katya smiled as she turned around. "I thought you hated Valentine's Day."
"I do." Natasha paused. Did she still? "Kinda."
"Yet you got me something." Katya's eyes took in her appearance. A brown leather jacket that she saved for special occasions, her hair neatly styled. "And you look really put-together too. Put in extra effort to look nice?" She teased lovingly.
Natasha scoffed, looking away to hide the blush on her face. "No." Were her efforts really that obvious? If so, that was so embarrassing.
Katya hummed skeptically, closing the distance until she stood right in front of her. It was impossible to stay stubborn and not look. The pull of her bright blue irises was too strong. Natasha tentatively glanced their way, relaxing at the gentleness in them. 
"Well, either way, thank you. I really appreciate it," Katya said honestly, smiling softly. Natasha offered her a smile back, the closeness making it feel like she had to whisper.
"You're welcome."
The redhead's breath hitched in her throat when a pair of warm, rough hands cupped her cheeks. She barely had time to process before Katya stepped even closer and pressed a kiss to her lips. More than a couple dozen times they'd kissed, but it never failed to make her body react like the first time.
Before she could move her hands to hold Katya's waist, the woman had stepped back, her cheeks a light pink as well. "Consider that my gift." She teased.
"It'll do," Natasha chuckled breathily. 
It was already a better Valentine's Day than all her previous ones combined.
"Did you really expect nothing?" She asked after a moment, watching Katya make coffee in the small kitchen. It was only then that she realized her girlfriend wasn't fully dressed yet. Her cozy, fluffy cardigan wasn't work-appropriate and hung loosely over her tank top.
"I suspected something when Clint suddenly asked me about Valentine's Day last week," Katya said, looking over her shoulder as she poured some milk in her coffee cup. "You know that look in his eyes that he gets when he's trying to be nonchalant?" She chuckled.
Anger flashed through Natasha's body. "I told him not to ask," she grumbled through clenched teeth, turning her head away. Clint was an incredibly kind, selfless guy, but he was also so annoyingly stupid sometimes. 
One thing. She asked him one thing, and he couldn't keep his trap shut.
A smug grin overtook Katya's features. "So you did go to him for advice? I was just fishing."
Natasha's head snapped back to her girlfriend. Her glare did nothing but make her smirk wider, and Natasha couldn't even be mad, because she walked right into that one herself, didn't she? "Don't ever mention it again," she threatened.
Katya laughed softly, handing her her cup of black coffee. "Do you want to go out for breakfast? If you're not busy."
Natasha was, in fact, busy. But her meeting at seven also included Maria, and she could give her the details later. It wasn't any more important than spending Valentine's Day morning with her partner. "Yeah, sure. I'd love to."
Katya's smile widened. "Give me a minute to finish getting dressed." 
Pressing her coffee cup into Natasha's empty hand, she grabbed something from her dresser and disappeared into the bathroom. As the water in the sink ran, Natasha had the urge to drink Katya's coffee just to get her back for teasing her so much, but before she could actually put the cup to her lips, the blonde was back. 
Natasha nearly choked on her drink. "What are you wearing?"
Black clothing was the way to go in SHIELD. Black, dark blue, navy, the occasional dark red or green if anyone felt adventurous, but it always stayed near the darkest side of color shades. What Katya wore right now, a cherry red turtleneck, was very outside of the clothing norms. Natasha had never seen her wear anything other than black.
"What? You don't like it?" Katya asked, looking down at herself unsurely. 
"It's… red." Natasha blinked rapidly, trying to grasp the sight in front of her. "Very red."
"Yeah. But do you like it?"
To her own surprise, the answer was yes. Katya had never looked so… soft. "It's alright." So alright, in fact, that she felt slightly disappointed when she put her go-to leather jacket over it. 
"Thought I'd go with the theme." Katya smiled, chugging her coffee before grabbing her wallet and keys. 
They filed out of her room, the hallway still empty and quiet as most agents were only now starting to wake up, snoozing their alarms for five minutes more sleep. Natasha should be heading right to prepare for her meeting, but instead she followed Katya to the left, to the elevator heading for the underground garage.
It didn't make her any less of a good employee. It made her more human. 
And as she pressed the elevator button and felt Katya's hand slip into her own, she knew she was going to allow her to hold it a little bit longer today.
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avengerscompound · 1 month
The Tower - Morning Coffee
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The Tower - Morning Coffee
Series Masterlist
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2778
Warnings:  smut (FMM Bisexual threesome, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, double penetration, rough sex, rough oral sex, over stimulation, anal fingering, rimming, facials)
Synopsis:  Elly walks in on Thor and Steve flirting over their morning coffee, things quickly move on from just flirting.
Author’s Note: Requested by bubsanddoll21 on Wattpad based on this art. You can send in your requests too.
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This takes place between The Tower and Holiday Special
Morning Coffee
When Thor visited the Avengers, the whole building felt like it was bathed in a powerful aphrodisiac.  Entering any room at any time of the day held the risk of walking in on someone either having sex or moving toward it.  Even in particularly public places, one of the Avengers might have cleared the room to spend some one-on-one time with Thor.
So it was no surprise when I went to the common room for breakfast early on a Sunday morning and walked in on Steve and Thor together.
Nothing had started between them.  Not yet anyway.  It looked like Steve had gotten a start on breakfast only to be distracted by Thor.  The kitchen bench had ingredients scattered all over it.  Most hadn’t even been touched except to move them from the fridge or pantry to the bench.  There was flour in a bowl and milk poured into a measuring jug but that was it.
The food was not what I was focused on.  The two muscular blonds were what caught my attention.  Both men were shirtless and wearing gray sweatpants, and nothing else.  Thor was leaning back on the counter, his hair tied back in a loose ponytail, stray strands of hair falling around his face.  He had one arm draped over his midriff and held a large mug of coffee to his lips.  He was peering over the cup at Steve with a flirtatious smile.  Steve leaned in toward the taller man, his hands in his pockets.
Nothing was happening yet outside a little early morning flirting, but I knew if I backed out of the room, it would.  I almost did.  I never quite knew what to do when I walked in on my partners getting frisky with each other.  I always wanted to dive right between them and get in on the action, but if they wanted one-on-one time, I didn’t want to mess that up for them.
This was the common room though, and if Thor and Steve wanted one-on-one time, they had their own rooms for that.   Besides they were just flirting so far, nothing was stopping them from continuing that and going up to one of their rooms if they wanted private time.
I approached the kitchen, and despite not needing to at all, I squeezed my way between them as if it was the only way to get by, my breasts brushing up against Thor’s chest and my as against Steve’s crotch.  “Excuse me, coming through,” I joked.
They both laughed and Steve caught me before I could make it past them, his arms wrapping around my waist.  “Good morning, you little troublemaker,” he said, kissing my neck.  “I’m starting to think you have a superpower and it’s sniffing out pheromones?” 
“Oh?  Was something happening here?  I just saw a couple of guys sharing a coffee,” I teased.
Both of them laughed and Thor set his cup down beside him.  “I think I’ve had enough coffee,” he said, putting his hand on my cheek.  He looked down at me for a moment, and I gazed up at him, losing myself in the intensity of that gaze.
He looked up at Steve and smiled.  “Captain,” he said.  “Shall we?”
“Oh, we shall,” Steve agreed.
Thor’s other hand curled around the back of Steve’s head and pulled him into a heated kiss.  I stood pinned between them, watching them kiss over my shoulder.  It was quite the spot to be, and my stomach flipped with desire as I watched them.  I ran my hands down Thor’s muscular chest as I leaned back against Steve.
The men broke the kiss with a soft gasp and Thor leaned down to kiss me.  As his tongue coaxed my lips apart, Steve kissed my neck and massaged my breasts.  It was like a fire lit inside me.  I went from playful and teasing to desperately needing them at the flick of the switch, and by the feel of the bulges in their pants, that wasn’t just true for me.
I was still wearing my pajamas, a white tank top, and a pair of pink sleep shorts with pigs on them.  One of Steve’s hands ran up under the tank top to squeeze my breasts and the other slid into my shorts and his finger ran up and down my slit.
“She’s already wet, Thor,” he said, the hint of a growl in his voice.
Thor chuckled, breaking the kiss.  “Of course, she is.  Our little whore is always ready to take us.”
There was something about being talked about like I wasn’t there, particularly using the demeaning words they used, that hit me just right.  My stomach flipped and my clit throbbed under Steve’s fingers.  If I was wet before, I was practically soaking now.
Thor lifted my tank top off over my head and Steve pushed my shorts and panties down.  I wriggled out of my clothes and, when I was fully naked, I pushed myself up firmly against Thor and rubbed at his bulge through the fabric of his sweatpants.
I didn’t get to do that for long, Steve grabbed me by the waist and put me on the kitchen island.  I spread my legs and he crouched down between them, his mouth latching onto my cunt.  I gasped and my head fell back, my hands going to his hair.  “Fuck,” I gasped.
As he started to swirl his tongue around my folds, Thor moved around to the other side of the island.  He put his hand on my shoulder and he guided me back.  I leaned against him for a moment, my heels digging into Steve’s shoulders as he fucked me with his tongue.  Thor kissed me for a moment, his tongue probing into my mouth, but he pulled back quickly, biting at my bottom lip.
He guided me back so I was lying right over the island with my head hanging over the edge and he pushed his pants down, pulling out his cock.  It stood out straight in front of him and he ran his palm up and down the length as he stepped up to me.  I licked my lips and stuck out my tongue.
Thor let out a groan - a deep rumble of a sound that felt like thunder - and he ran the head of his cock over my lips.  I flicked my tongue out teasing it over the slit and then lathing it up the shaft.  He grunted and pushed the head of his cock past my lips.
It was hard to concentrate with Steve between my legs.  He was lapping at my cunt like a starving man.  His tongue pushed inside me and swirled around then flicked up to my clit where it circled it and flicked back and forth over the top.  It sent sharp jolts shuddering through me and heat radiated out from my core.
Meanwhile, Thor began to thrust into my mouth.  He started gently, just testing my limits.  He was large and he knew it. My lips had to stretch wide to take his girth, and he didn’t want to hurt me.  As he realized that I could not only take him, but I was enjoying it, he thrust in deeper.  It cut off my airways and made me gag and drool over his cock, but I couldn’t stop moaning and writhing around on the kitchen bench.  I grabbed hold of Steve’s hair with one hand and braced the other on Thor’s hip.
I was falling apart on the bench as pleasure slowly built up, coiling around me like a snake.  Thor started to fuck deeper and deeper, making drool run down my cheeks and my throat bulge as it was filled with his cock.  Steve’s tongue explored more of me, moving lower as he spread me wide.  He reached my asshole and when he swirled his tongue around it I choked and my whole body jerked.  They kept going, Steve licking at my asshole and rubbing my clit with his thumb and Thor fucking my throat as he massaged my tits.  The snake’s coils became tighter and tighter until every one of my muscles was clenched tight and I was arched up on the kitchen bench, trembling right at the precipice.
All at once the coils released at once and I came, my cries muffled by Thor’s cock.
They reacted quickly, and before my orgasm had even ended, they were pulling out of me and Steve had picked me up and set me back on my feet.
He kissed me searingly hard and turned me around, bending me over the bench.  I was still dazed and riding out my orgasm high when he shoved his cock deep into my aching cunt.
“Fuck!” I gasped, my hands trying to find purchase on the kitchen bench.  Steve didn’t give me any time to adjust to him.  He just started to pound into me from behind, shoving me up against the bench.
Thor moved around the bench, moving behind Steve and pulling him into a hungry kiss.
I tried to watch them over my shoulder, but Steve put his hand on the side of my head and pushed it down against the counter.  I moaned loudly at the action, he always knew exactly how rough and degrading he could be to make me completely fall apart.
I closed my eyes, just giving into the feeling of it and the rhythmic crack of skin against skin.  Steve spread my ass cheeks and a moment later a glob of spit landed directly on my asshole.
Two sets of hands descended on me.  Steve wrapped my hair around one hand and gripped my hip with the other.  Thor pressed one palm into the middle of my back and he began to push his finger in and out of my asshole.
I mewled and squirmed around on the bench, but they held me in place, Steve railing into me, while Thor stretched me out.  Neither said a single word but on occasion, I could hear the soft smack of their lips as they kissed over the steady crack of Steve’s hips colliding into my ass.
A second orgasm hit suddenly, I screamed out, my voice hoarse from being fucked so deep by Thor.
“That’s it, just like that,” Steve praised, his hips still snapping into me.
I was starting to feel fucked out, but neither Thor nor Steve seemed anywhere close to being done.  Thor was still methodically stretching out my asshole, spitting on it from time to time, and adding lube that I think he’d fished out of his pocket, though I wasn’t sure.
I clenched my jaw, trying to keep myself together.  It was all so intense and I was becoming overstimulated.  A third orgasm hit not long after the second, and I shuddered on the bench and reached out gripping the edge.
I was starting to feel overstimulated, and I sagged on the bench, and my legs gave out.
That was when Steve pulled out and Thor removed his fingers.  I just lay there for a moment, breathing heavily, not having any idea what Thor or Steve were doing.
A moment later, Thor lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist.  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and clung to him.  He kissed me as he lowered me down on his hard cock, and my moan was swallowed by his lips.
He started to bounce me, just a little, and Steve stepped up behind me, slicking his cock with lube.  “You ready for us both, sweetheart?” Steve asked as he pressed the head of his cock against my asshole.
I moaned and nodded, the ability to form words seemed to be lost to me.
“Of course, she is,” Thor cooed.  “She always is.”
Steve pushed forward and the head of his thick cock popped past my ring muscle.  I mewled, leaning back against him, and letting my head drop back over his shoulder.  “That’s it.  That’s our girl,” he praised, pushing in deeper.
Both men were so big, and I felt so full and so stretched.  It felt like their cocks were filling every inch of me.  I clung to Thor and leaned against Steve, and both men used me.  They thrust up into me, snapping their hips hard and fast, and Thor bounced me up and down on their cocks.  I was helpless to do anything but hold on and let the pleasure surge through me.
An orgasm hit, tearing through me, and just as it passed another hit.  I was completely fucked out, and dazed.  I mewled and dug my nails into Thor’s shoulders but I was helpless to stop the intense pleasure that was surging through me.  “Please,” I begged, but for what, I couldn’t tell you.  Another orgasm hit and I cried out and shuddered between them.  “Please,”  I repeated.
They took pity on me, lifting me off their cocks and I mewled again at how empty I suddenly felt.  I clenched around nothing, wanting at least part of that full-up feeling again.
Neither man had come yet, and when they set me on my feet, I sank to my knees without any suggestion to do so and just looked up at them with my mouth open and my tongue poking out.
“Look at you,” Thor praised and they both moved over me and began to pump their cocks.
I looked up at them dazed as they both brought themselves over.  Steve came first, splattering my face and breasts with thick cords of semen.  I moaned as it hit my skin.  Thor wasn’t too far behind him, his come mixing with Steve’s on my skin.
“So beautiful,” Thor praised.  “How lucky are we, Captain.”
“Very lucky,” Steve agreed.  “FRIDAY, take a picture of our girl here.  Thor should have something to take back to Asgard with him.” 
“Elise?” FRIDAY asked.
I nodded. “Uh-huh.  He can have a picture.”
Thor chuckled.  “I am blessed today.”
Steve gathered both his clothes and mine then came and scooped me up off the floor.  “Let’s get you cleaned up, sweetheart.”
“You both go, I’ll clean up here and get the panflaps started,” Thor said.
Steve carried me to the bathroom and set me on the sink.  “How are you doing there, honey?” he asked as he grabbed a washcloth and began to clean me up.
“Mm… I feel a little high,” I hummed, titling my face up as he cleaned the mess off my face.
“We weren’t too rough with you?” he asked.
I giggled and shook my head.  “No… you know I like that.”
He laughed and leaned down and kissed me softly. “Yeah, I do.  That’s why I do it.”
“Did I interrupt you?” I asked, looking up at him.
He shook his head.  “No.  We were just flirting.  It probably wouldn’t have led anywhere if you hadn’t arrived.  Maybe some kissing and touching while we cooked.”  He finished cleaning me off and grabbed my tank top, pulling it over my head.  “It’s nice having him here though, isn’t it.”
“Mm-hmm,” I agreed.  “You all get as horny as I am just every day.”
Steve laughed and kissed me. “I guess we do.”
“He’s very loving too,” I said.  “In a different way.  Like he’s not ashamed of it.”
“You think the rest of us are ashamed of it?” Steve asked, tilting his head.  
I shook my head slowly.  “No… Well… Not ashamed.  But I think that there are cultural and personal things we all struggle with.  And that means we’re not always open.  But Thor doesn’t have that.  This just feels like it’s normal for him.  He doesn’t overthink anything when it comes to expressing his love for us.”
Steve hummed.  “I suppose you’re right,” he agreed.  “I know we all love it when he’s here.”
He picked up my shorts and pulled them up to my knees.  I jumped off the counter and pulled them the rest of the way up. “All good?” he asked.
“Yeah, I just gotta pee.”
“Alright, I’ll meet you back out there,” he agreed.
I went to use the bathroom while Steve cleaned himself up.  Breakfast was well underway, and both Steve and Thor were in the kitchen working on it together.  I went to join them, and when I got close, Thor curled his arm around my waist and pulled me in close, kissing my cheek.
The elevator opened and Clint and Bucky got out.  Clint scrunched his nose and looked over at us.  “Smells like sex in here.”
Bucky sighed dramatically and shook his head.  “Oh goddamn it,” he complained.  “Missed it again.”
 ~ END ~
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natasha romanoff x f!reader prompt: smile theme: fluff (tags beneath the cut)
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Agent12-84r: Dear lord, this is boring. Can I go home yet?
BlackWidow: In what world do you think I have a say in dismissing this meeting?
One side of your mouth twitched upward in a small smirk as you read her reply, stealing a glance over to where Natasha sat on the other side of the room. Her attention was trained dutifully towards the front of the room, a well-practiced look of cool detachment coloring her features. You’d been sitting in this briefing for over an hour; Hill was caught in another meeting and you were stuck listening to her replacement drone on about mission protocol you’d heard a thousand times before.
Agent12-84r: Aren’t you famous or something now?
Agent12-84r: Also, why does your username get to be anything other than a bunch of random code?
Natasha’s gaze dropped to the tablet screen in front of her for a moment, and she typed out a reply as the lecturer turned his attention towards your side of the room.
BlackWidow: Please don’t remind me.
BlackWidow: What makes you think I have control over that?
Agent12-84r: Are you saying you don’t?
The corner of Natasha’s lips twitched upward in an infuriatingly almost-smile, and she pointedly turned her attention to the speaker again. You spent so many of these seemingly endless meetings sending messages back and forth with Nat, and not once had you managed to break her composure. It had become something of a running challenge, and with each mind-numbing debriefing you became more and more determined to make her waver in her cool demeanor.
How you’d never been caught, you had no idea.
The man in front of you was droning on about correct recon procedure, and you slid your fingertips along your phone screen, scanning your images idly in search of some kind of meme that might finally break her. Most of them were ones you had exchanged with Barton on late night stake outs, and your continued to scroll for a few minutes before your finger paused.
You cast a look at the agent beside you before opening the image that had caught your eye, a small smirk playing on the edge of your mouth. You’d taken in front of a full-length mirror, a teasing smile on your face and the bathrobe you were wearing barely covering your naked body. Your hair was still wet from a shower, water droplets clinging to the smooth line of your sternum and leaving lines over your bare stomach.
Opening the options you opened your texts instead, and you cast another glance towards Natasha before pressing send.
Her phone buzzed quietly against the tabletop, and you trained your eyes forward as she glanced surreptitiously towards you. You watched out of your periphery as she opened the message, both pride and excitement blooming inside you as you finally saw her façade break, her lips curving in a smile. She met your eye as she sent a response.
Natasha: Oh, well now you’re in trouble.
tags: @lovely-dreamer19 @wittyforachange @wefracturedmotivation @january-echoes @glossyloner @capitalnineteen @youclickedthislink​ @s0ftness​ @castieltrash1​ @startrekkingaroundasgard​​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
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wandabear · 1 year
Summary: 17 years ago, a New Jersey high school girls’ soccer team travels to Seattle for a national tournament. While flying over Canada, their plane crashes deep in the wilderness, and the surviving team members are left stranded for nineteen months.
This is a fic based on the tv show ’Yellowjackets’. I make it clear that it will not be the same as the show, to make it more interesting. Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
WARNINGS: There may be violence, bullying, smut, mentions about addictions. ㅤㅤ SONGS IN THIS CHAPTER: HOLD ON - WILSON PHILLIPS MOTHER MOTHER - TRACY BONHAM
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER TWO
“Why this rabbit looks just like my old Bunny that was lost when I was sick?  I loved that Bunny! said the surprised boy.”  Wanda read as she tucked the twins into bed.  They loved having a bedtime story, especially since Wanda had the superpower to tell it perfectly.
“What he didn't know was that it was his very own Bunny, come back to see the boy. For he was the reason the Velveteen Rabbit had become real.”
The little ones smiled happily, it was so good to hear that story once more. The 'Velveteen Rabbit' was a favorite.
“I'm so glad the rabbit came back.” Billy said as Wanda leaned down to kiss his forehead, handing the boy his favorite stuffed animal. 
“Yeah. I like rabbits.” Tommy nodded and smiled as Wanda came over to tuck him too.  “Can we have one, mom?”
“Yes! Can we? Please!” Billy begged with his most tender pout, leaving Wanda babbling nervously. This is when she needed Vision to back her up.
“Umh… we can talk about it tomorrow, okay? Now, sleep.” The brunette walked to turn off the light, but not before looking her boys once more.
ㅤㅤ “Good night, mom!” They said at the same time.
“Goodnight, guys. I love you.” Wanda smiled tenderly at them and carefully closed the door. She sighed deeply before going back to the kitchen. She had a lot to do, sleep was not going to be the answer tonight.
Wanda turned on Spotify and tried to relax a bit while she washed the dishes, but the song that was playing stole acutel smile, her huge green eyes filling with tears as Wanda was lost in her memories.
… or are you comfortable with the pain? You've got no one to blame for your unhappiness. You got yourself into your own mess.  Just open your heart and your mind… Is it really fair to feel, this way inside?ㅤㅤ
Some day somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye! Until then, baby, are you going to let 'em hold you down and make you cry? Don't you know? Don't you know, things can change… just hold on.
Wanda closed her eyes, getting lost in that song when that blond man came up behind her, hugging her hips.
“Darling… Is it necessary to do that now?” Vision whispered in her ear. “Do you want to…?”
“Umh… Actually I was going to tell you that…” Wanda closed the tap  and turned to face him, somewhat uncomfortable with the closeness. “I wanted to look for some stuff in my old boxes, wash the dishes… I was going to take advantage now that I have insomnia.”
“Oh.” The man backed away, clearly taking offense at the rejection. “Of course yes. YOUR stuff you never talk about.”
Wanda frowned, noticing his attitude. “Yes, my stuff. Things I don't feel comfortable talking about, okay? It's something I need to do.”
Vision chuckled wryly and shook his head. “Whatever… I have to go to the office, there’s an emergency. Good night, Wanda.”
The sokovian didn't say anything, she just dried her hands with the kitchen towel and watched as the man left the house. She didn't seem bothered at all, Wanda had long suspected that Vision was cheating on her, but it didn't seem to bother her either.
Was this the life she had hoped so much for? It's what Wanda always wondered.
Once she was sure that the twins were asleep and she was completely alone, Wanda walked towards the attic. Unlike many other dirty and dusty attics, Wanda kept the place neat and perfectly clean, taking that place as her comfort zone to clear her mind.
Besides to some newly painted paintings, there were some old boxes and furniture. Wanda walked over to a stack of boxes and carefully pushed it aside, revealing a safe.
Wanda typed the code and opened the safe. Inside were quite a few old papers, the deed to the house, some old photographs, and some money. But the most important thing was some old journals that were hidden behind everything.
She picked up the journals carefully, sitting down on the couch to see them better. Just seeing those old pages and that red symbol shook everything inside her. It's been so long since she's seen them, tried but she couldn’t deny the past. The brunette searched among some stuff on the boxes until she found that object. 
Wanda hesitated before taking it, it was a captain's armband. An old piece of cloth with a Yellowjacket wasp symbol and a huge "C" on it.
A tear fell down her cheek as she remembered that moment.
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Three years before the accident…
That pastel pink color predominated in that bedroom, as did some posters of different actors and singers from the 90's and 2000's such as Tom Welling, Chad Michael Murray or Jeremy Sumpter. Next to the window was a nice telescope, as well as an old computer and a small but very comfortable dressing table. The place was perfectly tidy, she didn't like mess very much.
Some day somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye!   Until then, baby, are you going to let 'em hold you down and make you cry?
ㅤㅤ Don't you know? Things can change… Things'll go your way if you hold on for one more day .
‘Hold On’ by Wilson Phillips was playing on the boombox radio while she was reading one of her favorite books, ‘The Cheerleader’ by Caroline B. Cooney. It was a fairly simple novel about a girl named Althea, the typical girl who wants to be a cheerleader, desired and everything. She’s nobody, she gets no phone calls, shares no laughter and has no friends. Then one day she meets some vampire. At least this fourteen-year-old girl was trying to hold on to an impossible story. Imagining that maybe one day she will have her own hero.
And at least that made Wanda feel a bit better, after being rejected by the soccer team. Couch Coulson said that she wasn't what they were looking for but that if she liked it, could help them. Being an assistant to Coach meant being part of the team, and it would help so much get into colleges.
Of course Wanda accepted.
The doorbell rang taking her out of the reading, Wanda left the book on the bed and run to open the door but Pietro stepped forward.
“Hello.” Pietro raised a curious eyebrow when he saw that girl there, of all the people in the world she was the one he least expected to see. That girl that everyone adored at school lately. 
“Hey.” The girl smiled a bit shyly. “I umh… I’m Y/N. I came to study with Wanda, she was going to help me with some biology and Math projects.”
“Yeah, I know you.” Pietro teased and stepped aside.  “Come in.”
Wanda went down the stairs meeting that girl's gaze; Y/N could swear that those green eyes took her heart from the first moment she saw Wanda Maximoff. And still didn't know why.
“Y/N, hi.” Wanda settled her glasses. “Come, let's go to my room.”
ㅤㅤ Y/N nodded and said goodbye to Pietro, going up after Wanda.
“Don’t do anything weird over there!” Pietro joked again and then went to the kitchen, ready to make himself the biggest sandwich he's ever seen.
Y/N entered the bedroom and looked around, an exquisite raspberry scent made her sigh. It was a nice bedroom, totally different from hers. She was maybe less... girly. The taller girl left her backpack on the ground and took out everything she would need.
“So, you said you wanted help with maths, right?” Wanda nodded slowly, biting her lower lip.  “Professor Garner is quite... unique and complex.”
“She’s a bitch who hates me.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “But yeah.”
“Just because she's demanding or strict doesn't mean she hates you, Y/N.” Wanda sat across from her.
I know this pain. Why do you lock yourself up in these chains? Don't ever let anyone step all over you. Just open your heart and your mind.
“This is a nice song, I like it.” Y/N smirked.
Wanda widened her eyes in surprise and nodded quickly.  “Me too.”
“That’s good, you’ve good taste in music.”
They both smiled for a moment.
“Hey, could we start with algebraic logic? Because its-” Y/N said when the phone in the bedroom rang, drawing the sokovian's attention.
That never happened, never. Wanda got up to answer the phone, maybe it was her mom calling to say she would be late or something like that.
“Hello?” The lovely Wanda was expectant, but all she heard was girls giggling. Again.
“Wanda! Oh, my gosh. Hi.”
Wanda rolled her eyes. “What do you want, Sharon?”
“Sorry. I'm sure you're, like, so busy.” Clearly she was looking to tease her. All the girls around Sharon laughed.
“We just thought you should know that Quill… he's telling everybody you two did anal in the janitor's closet.”
Wanda swallowed, squeezing that phone hard. She noticed that Y/N was watching her curiously.  “Well, for your information, I've never even been in the janitor's closet.”
“So where'd you guys do it then?”
“I didn't... I didn't do anal with Quill-” She whispered trying to prevent Y/N from hearing, but it was impossible. Y/N raised an eyebrow, she noticed how Wanda seemed upset and embarrassed and that made her blood boil.
“So you've done it with somebody else.” They all laughed like hyenas again. “Wanda… Do you, like, love anal?”
“No. No, I-I've never...” the brunette babbled desperately.
“You know what I think?... I think you wish someone would do anal to you, Wanda.”
Wanda didn't say anything, she just clenched her jaw and tried not to cry.
“Only, you're too ugly to, like, find a victim.”
 “Someone who likes that you hurt him with your braces!”
“You can think what you want.” The sokovian sniffles. “Opinion is the wilderness between knowledge and ignorance. That's Plato.”
ㅤㅤ Wanda smiled victoriously, though of course it didn't feel like victory at all. She just felt like a wild beast scratching to save herself.
“What? Geez… You're such a fucking weirdo.”
Sharon ended the call and Wanda was silent for a moment, trying to drown out all the anger and sadness she felt inside. It had been two years since they arrived from Sokovia and still couldn't feel comfortable in that place. Some ignored her, some teased her.
“Are you okay, Wanda?” Y/N's voice brought her into the world again, making her turn around.
“Yeah, just…” The Sokovian stammered.  “A wrong call.”
The girl sat and looked for her books, but Y/N definitely knew that she felt quite hurt by all those stupid and constant jokes. She saw it every day at school.
“I'm sorry.” Y/N sighed. “Those girs can be really stupid.”
Wanda just stayed silent, just lowered her gaze, playing with her rings.
“Maybe they are jealous of your intelligence.” Y/N smiled at her and softly pushed with her shoulder, making Wanda smile a bit.
“Yeah, sure.” Wanda rolled her eyes. “They just make fun of my stupid braces. It's good that I'll get rid of them soon, they will stop bothering me.”
“Really? Wanna know something?” Y/N wrinkled her nose and moved closer as if to tell her a big secret.  “I think they’re cute.”
“Thanks.”  Wanda smiled tenderly.
Y/N thought for a moment and then took her backpack, taking something out of it.
“You know what? This will make no one else bother you…” Y/N took her captain's armband, it was one of the most precious things she had. All that week Natasha was on the bench because she had two very important fouls, very difficult games and ended with a painful red card.
“No, Y/N… This is yours, I can't take it. You worked so hard all week for it.”  Wanda shook her head although she admitted that it melted her heart for a moment.
“I'm giving it to you.” Y/N insisted, taking Wanda’s hand and making her keep a piece of cloth. “If someone bothers you… just show it.”
Wanda's green eyes were lost in hers, feeling a connection that she never had before.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
Y/N smiled. “No problem, Wands.”
Wanda smiled widely, not caring about those braces anymore.  “So let's talk about Algebraic-”
“Wait, umh… Do you have a bathroom that I can use? Sorry, I just... Need it.” Y/N seemed quite nervous, she giggled and stood up pointing to the door.
“Oh, sure.” The brunette seemed surprised, maybe even a bit sad. “Go down the stairs and turn right.”
“Thank you.”
Y/N left the room and quickly went downstairs. She looked around the room carefully and tried not to make too much noise, finally finding the phone. She made sure that no one was near  and dialed that number that she knew.
“It’s Y/N. Listen to me, Sharon. If you bother Wanda with your stupid mean calls again, I'm going to take this phone and shove it up your ass. Did you hear me? I’m deadly serious. And I will tell everyone that you loved it and you’re the one who loves anal, and everyone is going to believe me because first, I'm a big lesbo and second, I'm captain of the team. Did you understand?”
Maybe she was being too much of a bitch, that was far from a good thing to do, but she needed Sharon to understand how shitty she was right now and scare her away.
Sharon was babbling, clearly scared.  “Y-Yeah, Y/N. Sorry. Won’t do it again.”
Y/N ended the call and sighed before walking back towards the stairs, when she found Pietro eating a sandwich. Of course, he must have heard everything.
“Pietro, I-” 
“You didn't have to do that for my sister.” Said with his arms crossed but after all he nodded.  “But thanks. I tried to tell them to fuck off every time they call, but I can't hit a girl, right?”
Y/N nodded as well.  “It's okay.”  
“You'd make a good captain, you know?” Pietro smirked. “You're doing a good job. The coach knows it.”
She smiled at those words, glad that people were beginning to really see what she was worth it. She was starting to appreciate herself too. “Thank you, Pietro.”
“Now go or my sister will think I am flirting with you and she will hate me.”
Y/N just smiled and went up the stairs once more. This time she was able to pay attention to the adorable photographs hanging on the wall, including some of Wanda alone, smiling in front of beautiful landscapes.
Y/N entered the bedroom, finding a Wanda cuddling a pillow and a the biggest and cutest pout.
“Hey.” Wanda adjusted her glasses and sat on the bed, blushing. She seemed shocked to see her there again.  “I thought you ran away.”
The darkhaired girl raised an eyebrow, curious.  “Why would I do that?”
“Well... I wouldn't be surprised.” Wanda looked down, thinking how pathetic that sounded.  
“Oh, come on. Come on, teach me about this shit so I can go to a nice college and I don't end up making smoothies at Marky's.” Y/N joked so she could steal a cute smile from her and leave all that sadness behind. She hated seeing Wanda like this.
The sokovian just giggled and Y/N sat next to her, starting to teach a bit about Algebraic logic.
Wanda opened her eyes, drying the tears that fell down her cheeks when she remembered that sweet moment with Y/N. She found herself hugging that piece of cloth against her chest, like it was the most precious treasure.
That was the first time she felt accepted and liked, the first time someone reached out to her for sincere friendship.
Why did it all have to be so hard?
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Sighing, the brunette cut that bell pepper so fast and then dropped it into the pan, along with some onion.
‘Mother, mother are you listening? Just a phone call to ease your mind. Life is perfect never better, distance making the heart growblind…’
Jules walked around the kitchen looking for all the ingredients she needed.  She looked at herself in the window’s reflection, she was no longer a young girl. Her tired brown eyes, those prominent lips with a glossy lipstick.  At almost thirty-four years old she was trying to take care of herself and seemed to be doing quite well although a few small wrinkles in her eyes.
Well, it was the payment for working in a hospital with long shifts of more than twenty four hours.
“You look beautiful, I don't know why you worry so much.” Natasha's voice made the brunette turn around, smiling mischievously.  The Russian approached with an exquisite bottle of wine and kissed her wife's lips, slowly, enjoying her. Definitely enough to leave Jules completely dumbfounded, Nat rested her forehead against hers.
“I missed you.” Natasha whispered.  “That was the longest shift in the world.”
“I know, I missed you too.” Melting into her wife's arms, Jules raised an eyebrow to play with her: “You're ten minutes late, Romanoff.”
“But I'm here, right?” Nat smiled and moved away so she could have two glasses of wine and pour some for Jules.  “For you, Mrs. Romanoff.”
“Uh, I like the way that sounds.” Jules laughed and took the glass, trying that exquisite red wine. “Mmm, this is delicious. Too expensive?”
“Not much. We deserve it.” Natasha winked as she watched as her wife put the glass aside and cut some vegetables, looked too beautiful in that black dress, trying to impress her perhaps.
Licking her lips, Nat walked over and set the glass of wine down in front of Jules, hugging her from behind.
“You look beautiful tonight… krasivaya.”  She inhaled her perfume and placed short kisses on her neck. Natasha missed her so much, sometimes she wondered how she had become so obsessed with this woman. She got that answer every time she saw that smile.
Playing along, Jules closed her eyes and pushed her body against the Russian's, teasing her. Their breaths became rough, especially when Nat began to caress her belly, going up to her breasts, down to her hips.
“I wanted to do this so bad.” Natasha growled against her ear, slowly her hand skimming her panties. “The bed was empty without you.”
“Oh, goddess…” Jules sighed, closing her eyes. Placing her hands against the counter, she definitely felt lost among the slow caresses, feeling how everything around her was disappearing. It was just about her and her wife, nothing could interrupt the moment.
Except for that intrusive thought, which came to her at the worst moment of all. Jules opened her eyes and stood still for a moment, clearing her throat. Suddenly all the desire was gone, fucking everything up.
ㅤㅤ Natasha understood the message and carefully removed her hand, watching her with some concern.
“You okay? You would never turn down a quickie in the kitchen... Who are you and what have you done with my wife? Are you cheating on me?” Natasha teased to make her smile, raising an eyebrow and leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Oh, come on.” Jules rolled her eyes when she saw Nat laugh.  “I don't even have the time to do it.”
 “Good to know, my love.” Natasha reached for the knife to cut a few pieces of cheese so they could share it while the pasta finished cooking.
“And I wouldn't either, you're… everything I want and more. You’re my everything.” Jules smiled tenderly, taking her wife's hand and placing a kiss on it.
“Tell me what's going on...”  This time Natasha spoke seriously, tucking a lock of Jules hair behind her ear.  “What's going on in your head? ”
Jules smiled tenderly, but her pretty brown eyes turned teary and that alarmed the redhead.
“I’m just…” Jules tried to say but couldn't, just ended up shrugging. 
"Take your time."
The brunette sighed trying not to cry and decided to keep going, finishing cooking the bolognese sauce.
“They called me to let me know that Y/N got out of rehab tonight.” Jules licked her lips, waiting for her wife's response. She hoped Nat wouldn't be upset.
“And she called you?” Natasha took a piece of cheese and handed one to her beloved. “Did she say if she wanted us to go pick her or something?”
“Nothing...” Jules ate the cheese, sitting on the counter next to Natasha. “Zero.”
“Did you call her?” The Russian sighed deeply, also remaining thoughtful.
“Should I?” She hesitated. “Maybe? I- I don't know, I don't want to pressure her… but I feel so guilty, you know? What if she hates me?” Jules shook her head and covered her face, diving into the crisis.
“Hey… Lyubov?”  Natasha settled in front of Jules and took her hands. “She would never hate you.”
“I know.” Jules whimpered, her lips trembled.  “I just… she’s my sister, and I love her. I didn’t want to leave her alone there but I had to.”
“I know… and she knows. She was there because she needs to heal.” She hugged her.  “For the second and last time, I hope.”
Jules shook her head, clearing her throat, all that anguish in her throat. “I feel like I should help her, be there for her.”
“And has that ever worked?” Maybe that was too sincere, she didn't want to be cruel but that was the truth. Every time Jules tried to understand her, to help her, Y/N ended up screwing her up much worse.  “Jules, you almost lost your job in the hospital because of Y/N.”
“She's lost so much, Nat.”  Jules just exhaled and walked away so she could turn off the stove, dinner was ready. “She lost Wanda, my mother, herself in that place...”
Both began to organize everything so that they could have dinner under the candlelights, a quite romantic atmosphere.
“You too.” The redhead reminded her, Jules almost always forgot to put herself first. Nat adored that, she loved the way she was, that was one of the reasons why she fell in love but also a big reason why Jules suffered later. “You lost a lot too, all of us. We all did.”
“But I have you.” She sighed, taking her wife's hand.  “I’ve lost too much but I have you.”
“I can't believe you gave me a chance.” Smiling tenderly, Natasha took Jules's face in her hands to watch her closely. “I'm really lucky, you know?”
“Oh, come on. Don't be all sweet talk with me, Romanoff, I didn't forget you were almost late.” Jules rolled her eyes teasingly.
“But really… I never thought that I could…you know…having a family could be so… good.” Nat smiled and kissed her forehead.
“Well, I didn't think it was that good either.” The brown-eyed woman narrowed her eyes, sipping some wine.  “I mean, it's not like my family has been complicated.”  
“Your mom was lovely.” Natasha added, playing around a bit.
“Oh, my mother was wonderful. I'm just a cheap copy.”
They both laughed trying to lose themselves in the beautiful memories.
“I wish she was at our wedding. Both of them. Mom and Y/N. ” Jules sighed, adjusting Nat’s shirt collar.
“You looked beautiful.” The russian redhead remembered one of the most beautiful moments of her life. And also one of the craziest, she wasn't going to deny it, she never imagined herself married.  “You still look beautiful…”
“And you are the most beautiful, and the best lover I have ever had.”
“I'm the only one you had.” Natasha rolled her eyes.  
“Yeah… that's not entirely true.” Jules smiled, she pecked her wife's lips and walked away.   Sure she was playing with her, Nat bit her bottom lip knowing that was true. She wasn't the only one in her wife's life.
“Tonight  I'm going to fuck you like never before!” Natasha screamed and chased her into the living room, making Jules squeal.
“Natasha Romanoff!”
“What? It was 36  hours without you!”
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the next day...
Y/N parked the car in front of that beautiful house. She smiled seeing the beautiful flowers in the garden, remembering how much her auntie Claire loved violets but above all peach blossoms.
In the background the song 'Mother Mother' by Tracy Bonham  tortured her on the radio.
‘Mother mother are you listening? Just a phone call to ease your mind. Life is perfect, never better, distance making the heart grow blind. When you sent me off to see the world, were you scared that I might get hurt?
Y/N clenched her jaw.
Mother, mother can you hear me? Sure I'm sober, sure I'm sane. Life is perfect never better, still your daughter, still the same. If I tell you what you want to hear, will it help you to sleep well at night? Are you sure that I'm your perfect dear? Now just cuddle up and sleep tight.
Just listening to her aunt's last goodbye in that airport lounge, screaming that she loved them and Y/N couldn't even say 'me too'. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stay calm. ㅤㅤ
I'm hungry. I'm dirty. I'm losing my mind, and everything's fine!
Y/N took one of the cigarettes and lit it, taking a deep puff to calm the anxiety. But that tobacco tasted so... disgusting and unpleasant and boring that she ended up throwing it out the window. Couldn't even find shelter in cigarettes anymore.
She remained thoughtful for a few minutes, trying to gather the necessary courage to face one of the most difficult situations of her life.
As the raindrops began to fall against the glass, Y/N was lost in memories again.
Four years ago… (ten years after being rescued)
Walking around like a caged beast, Y/N movements were abrupt, her eyes so red and huge dark circles that made her look like a huge angry panda. It was a lovely room with a view, straight to the beautiful ocean. At least that recovery center was one of the best.
She was no longer the eighteen-year-old shiny girl, full of hope and a bright future. Y/N just turned twenty-eighth in fact, and her life was a chaotic mess out of control.
An enormous pressure on her chest screamed louod that she was going to die, she wanted to cry, she wanted to laugh, she wanted to hit something. The ups and downs of moods were beginning to make her a prisoner.
“You must get me out of here. No, no, you HAVE to get me out ot here!” Y/N screamed in despair; her hands trembled. She was wearing a stupid floral dress so…fucking soft.  Her clothes had apparently been taken until she got out of rehab. “Where are my clothes? Where’s MY jacket? I NEED MY JACKET. That’s my lucky jacket!”
Y/N hadn't been the same since they'd been rescued. Everything in her life had been completely destroyed. Her life, her heart, her soul.
The only ones in that room were Natasha and Jules, trying to calm her down since she woke up.
“Y/N, you must listen to me.” Jules tried to explain but the dark haired woman just moved closer to her.  
“Listen to you? I already heard you!” Y/N swallowed, her throat still dry. “This is not fair, I woke up here. I wanna GO!”
“Y/N, you overdosed on cocaine and alcohol! Your heart hardly resists it.” Jules sighed, covering her face to seek the little patience that was left inside her. “The worst you've ever had, the girl who was with you in the hotel room called an ambulance and you almost died. They did CPR on you! YOU DIED!”
“Jules, please.” She licked her lips and took Jules hand, trying to be as sweet and manipulative as she had ever been. “I'll be good, just get me out of here. I'm not going to recover in a place like this… this is hell.”
“They gave you CPR, Y/N! Your heart stopped for a fucking minute, DON'T ASK ME TO UNDERSTAND YOU!” Jules finally exploded, her eyes completely brimming with tears. She removed Y/N's hand and walked away from her.
Natasha was sitting on one of the chairs in the room with nothing to say. She already tried many times to save her friend, over and over again. She talked to Y/N, took her out of the police station three times and the last time Nat saved her ass because Y/N stole drugs from the hospital where Jules worked. Y/N was a complete mess and even though Natasha loved her best friend, she was beginning to think that maybe Jules was being too kind to her cousin.
And Natasha would never abandon a friend, even in her worst moments, but Y/N refused time and time again to receive help, leaving her with no way out.
“Nat, come on. Talk to her.” Y/N sought support from her best friend, approaching to kneel in front of the redhead. “Please, help me here.”
“I think Jules is right.” Nat said with that deep voice, looking out the window. She couldn't even recognize her. “You need help. We tried it...”
“You can't leave me here.” whispered Y/N, completely devastated.
“Y/N, listen to me.” Jules moved closer to her and cupped her face in her hands. Tenderly, she traced the scar on her friend's face.  “You’re the person I have loved the most. You’re… you’re my sister, my everything. But you have to stop doing this to yourself, you're hurting yourself. And I'm tired of losing the people I love, I'm not going to lose you too.”
"Talk to these people, come on, they'll understand.” Y/N tried to convince Jules one more time, taking her hand. Jules was a pushover, with a cute pout and a promise she'd take Y/N home for a few days, and that's it. “You’re my only direct relative.”
“No.” Jules finally said, sticking to her decision for the first time.
“What?” The taller girl frowned.
“No, I won't.” The brunette shook her head.  “I think you should stay here.”
“Jules, it's not time for jokes… I need you to help me with this.”
Natasha just watched them, sighing relaxed when she noticed that her girlfriend finally took the necessary courage to do the best.
“I have done my best to help you.” Jules tried to be strong and for the first time, face the person she loved the most in the world even if it meant earning her hatred.  “I’ve given you everything.”
“Do you think it has been easy?!” Y/N exploded again, screaming in despair. “I'VE LOST EVERYTHING!”
“So did I.” The brown-eyed girl swallowed, keeping her gaze on Y/N's.
“Oh, poor baby Jules, with a comfy house and a wonderful mother. Sure she’s having a bad time!” Y/N yelled at her, changing into a much more volatile temper.  “The only woman who ever cared and loved me DIED!”
Jules clenched her jaw and couldn't stop the tears from finally falling.
“My mother, may she rest in peace… my mother died of sadness while we were lost in the forest. Her heart said enough and I couldn't attend her wake because I was with you in the fucking taiga, hunting blackbirds to eat!” Jules cried, her voice shaking with the anger she was finally able to let out.  “And the only thing I have left is my sister, who only thinks about sinking into cocaine and alcohol! Being so fucking selfish!”
“Oh! Because you’re the good one, right? You’re just a fucking goody two shoes, Jules.” Y/N hissed, completely manipulated by withdrawal. “You've never dirty your hands, have you? Don't look at me as if I'm the disaster in this family…”
Y/N leaned in to whisper under her breath, coming close to her friend's face. “Don't forget that I was in the forest too. I know what you did. You're no better than me.”
Jules swallowed, that had been the worst low blow. "And I'll take that pain with me until I die."
“Okay, enough. Let's go.” Natasha stepped in between them, taking Jules's arm so they could leave.
“Oh, Natasha Romanoff,  knight in shining armor.” Y/N mocked, laughing sarcastically. “You're suddenly so brave, standing up for her after you used her like your whore.”
Sighing deeply, Natasha opened the door for Jules to go out first and then closed it, leaving only them inside.
“I know what drugs withdrawal and anxiety are talking right now, so everything you say to me is not going to affect me. But if it will affect Jules and later you're going to feel like shit because of it.”
Y/N grinned mockingly. “Do you remember when I used to find her crying in the bathroom after practice because you loved fucking girls in her fucking face?”
Natasha shook her head. “Y/N, I love you. You’re my best friend, you have been with me my whole life… We have spent the best and worst moments together… but fuck off.”
The redhead approached Y/N, facing her for the first time without fear.
“A long time ago you told me that…” The russian whispered, getting lost in one of those memories. “You told me to stay away from her because I was going to hurt her, that she was a good girl and I didn't deserve her, and you didn't kick my ass because I was your best friend. We were at the party before the trip...”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, fearless but her hands were still shaking. Suddenly the heat and cold began to hit her body but she didn't say anything, she just kept still.
“Now I say the same to you. Stay away from her… Stay here, get some help. Unlike us, she has a good heart, even after the chaos we experienced there... So stop messing with Jules... or I'll forget you were ever my best friend.” Natasha whispered. For the first time they faced each other, and for the first time Y/N had enough courage to face Natasha.
Y/N narrowed her eyes.  “Oh, you threaten me.”
“Not a threat, Y/N.” The redhead just walked towards the door and left, but not before saying: “Stay and take care of yourself.”
Y/N just lay there, screaming for two whole hours, crying, trying to get away, throwing everything in sight. She ended up curled up between the sheets, sweating cold and praying that all that pain would end soon.
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Y/N swallowed hard as she knocked on the door. Holding that box in her hands, she remained still.
What if they kicked her out? What if Jules hated her and yelled at her? What if Natasha kicked her ass? Well, she could deal with that but not with the emotional consequences that came after it.
Everything was left behind when the door opened, revealing that completely surprised brown-eyed brunette.
“Hi…” Y/N mumbled.
Without waiting even another second, Jules jumped forward to hug Y/N so tight. Closing their eyes, they both let themselves be carried away by that warm feeling of the reunion.
“I’m so sorry.” Jules whispered feeling the tears fall down her face again.
“I'm the one who should apologize to you.” Y/N said once they parted, wiping away her friend's tears. She smiled drying her own tears as well. “Really sorry. You didn't deserve all that. Everything I put you through…it wasn't fair.”
Natasha just watched everything from the hallway, with her arms crossed.
Jules nodded, inviting her inside. “We have a lot to talk about.”
“I brought you this. I remember… they were… your favourites.” Y/N gave her a box of her favorite pastries.
Jules took the patries box and kissed her friend's cheek before walking away to lead her into the kitchen. Not before whispering to her wife: ‘be nice’
“Hey.” Y/N said quite nervously, feeling the stern look of her ex-best friend.
“Hey.” Nat sighed.
Y/N nodded, perhaps with the russian it would be a bit more difficult. And she didn't complain, she was a bitch to both of them and Y/N deserved it. If she wanted to make up things with them, she had to take the slow road.
‘Redemption is a rocky path’.
“I see that... married life is going very well.” Y/N pointed to some pictures in the hallway. Many of them were of Nat and Jules in some very nice places, the beach, honeymoon, some concert, their wedding.
“Yeah... We have been married for three years.”
“You’re really in love with her.” Y/N smiled tenderly.
“Madly.” Nat walked with her into the kitchen, but before entering she stopped Y/N, whispering: “Are you sure you can do this? I don't want her to suffer. She can't afford the stress right now.”
“Why? I mean... Is she… is she pregnant or something?” Y/N was shocked, maybe she was misinterpreting it?
“What? No, I- I don’t think so. We’ve tried but didn’t work… Anyway,  she’s… having too much stress lately.” Natasha said a bit nervously, shaking her head.  “Can you do it this time, yes or no?”
“Yes, this is… this is real.” Y/N nodded quickly.
Natasha felt her soul coming to her body and inhaled deeply, entering the kitchen. The exquisite smell of the coffee awakened all her senses.
“Coffee?” Asked Jules.
“Yes, please.” Y/N smiled kindly, sitting down at the breakfast table. Natasha just stood there, sitting at the kitchen counter.
“I'm really glad to see you, I'm really glad to see  you both happy and well.” Y/N began to say, Jules approached bringing her a coffee cup and some pastries for both, sitting down, ready to listen to what y/n had to say. “I can see that you two love each other very much and that… fills my heart.”
Y/N licked her lips and took courage to continue. Jules just reached out to take her hand, but Natasha kept looking at her like a bird of prey.
“I wanted to start by apologizing to you two.” Y/N lowered her gaze, feeling so guilty.  “I have been a very selfish person all these years, I know we have all suffered a lot but I locked myself in my pain and loss, pushing you away.”
Y/N swallowed, feeling how her voice cracked due to anguish. “Jules, you’re my sister, you always have been. We are cousins but we were raised by the same woman...an amazing woman who broke my heart when she died. I'm sorry for leaving you alone.”
y/n felt the tears fall but she quickly wiped them away with her hand.
“Natasha, you are my best friend, my other part, my sis and my everything.” She tried to be strong and not burst into tears but it was impossible.  “And I have failed you. We have grown together, we have always been the two against the world. I'm sorry for leaving you alone. Especially in the worst and the best moments of your lives... I'm truly sorry.”
Needless to say, both women were struggling not to cry too. Natasha cleared her throat, holding back tears.
“I failed you both, put you through hell and…and I'm so sorry.” Y/N cleared her throat, inhaling deeply to continue speaking.  “I don't expect you to forgive me easily or let me be a part of your lives just like that, just being able to do this is already huge... A big step for me.”
Y/N was silent, noticing that none of them knew what to say. Words were unnecessary, the only thing they could express everything they felt were actions.
Natasha and Jules came up to her and hugged Y/N tightly, embracing her in a warmth that Y/N hadn't felt for a long time. The three of them continued crying hugging each other for a long time, saying everything they felt that way.
The three of them whispered words of support and love, taking their time to find each other. They spent a long time chatting about their lives, Natasha told her that the marriage was going amazingly. Also that they thought about having a child, but gave up when the last attempt a short time ago had been in vain, Jules had a miscarriage after weeks of gestation.
They decided not to try again since with their jobs it was quite difficult. Natasha was promoted to Lieutenant and everything was more difficult, Jules was now one of the best surgeons at the Presbyterian.
Y/N explained everything they experienced in that rehab center. She had met people who helped her a lot, it was good, even though sometimes she felt it was all too overwhelming. Y/N was fighting because this time she wanted to do the right thing and because this time, she had a purpose. But now it's time to tell some truths, although they could broke the bubble in which they were all now.
“B-But I didn't come just because I went out and wanted to apologize… I mean I needed to do it but also… this.” She sighed and took something from her leather jacket, handing it to Natasha. “This was mailed to me two weeks ago.”
Natasha took that postcard in her hands and looked at it curiously. The same postcard with the Canadian Rockies and a huge 'Wish you were here'. Behind the card that red symbol.
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“The fuck is that?” Jules whispered terrified.
Even though she didn't seem too happy to have to, Nat looked up to tell Y/N the truth.  “We got one too.”
“We did? What?” That surprised Jules, who opened her eyes wide in disbelief.
Natasha just nodded and walked towards her briefcase, looking for something. She came back giving their postcard to Y/N.
“You hid that from me?” Jules exclaimed so annoyed, getting up to look at the card.
“Trouble in paradise.” Y/N smiled in amusement.
“Shut up, Y/N.” they both said at once.
“Just kidding.” Y/N just raised their hands in peace.
“I did it because I didn't want to upset you.” Natasha approached her wife, who was quite annoyed with her arms crossed. “It was when we were going through that very…difficult time. Wanda is already upset enough with a journalist who’s asking questions.”
“Wanda got one too?” The mention of Wanda caught Y/N's attention, feeling her heart pound when she heard her name. Just one mention of her and her world fell apart. Jules decided to ignore Nat, just looked at Y/N and drank some coffee.
“I don't know... She didn't say anything about the postcard.” Natasha sighed.  “So... What do you think?”
Y/N shrugged.  “I've been asking myself these weeks… What does the person who sent these postcards want?”
“To scare us, to mess with our heads, make us think about... what happened out there.” Nat swallowed, they seemed quite distressed at the memory. The things that happened in that place were terrible.
Y/N clears her throat. “It's obviously a threat.”
“Who's Christine Everhart?” Jules asked taking one of the cards Nat pulled out of her wallet.
“That’s the one… She claims to be a reporter, but I think that's a lie.”  The redhead drank some coffee, showing both of them what she got from investigating that woman.  
“Yes, I heard that a journalist wanted to interview me at the reha center but was denied. She's been nosing around.”
“She claims she has a book deal, but... Well, how could she know about...?” Natasha took the postcard and pointed to the symbol. “You know.”
“Maybe somebody talked.”  Y/N murmured something thoughtful. But who? who among those who had managed to survive could have spoken? Not many would be happy to tell what they did in that place. 
“I don’t know. But no one can know what we did.” Jules said and the three looked at each other. 
Y/N sighed and took both postcards.  “We should investigate this further, but I think someone is out to screw us over.”
Staring at that landscape, the mountains, the lake and the huge conifers. Y/N felt a chill remembering one of the best and worst moments of her life.
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Sighing deeply, Y/N shifted in her seat but the terrifying screams woke her from sleep. Y/N opened her eyes to find a heartbreaking image that would haunt her for life.
ㅤㅤ Her eyes widened as her body jerked from the extreme turbulence the plane was having. The backpacks and their belongings began to fall, terrifying all the girls even more.
“The Lord is my shepherd, and even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” One of the girls prayed constantly, as if that would save her.
Beside her, Natasha was deeply asleep. Perhaps because she took one of the sleeping pills that she also gave Y/N hours ago.
“Nat, Nat…”  She shook Natasha to wake her up, also putting on her the emergency oxygen mask. “NATASHA WAKE UP!”
A shuddering beep indicated that the plane was falling, Natasha finally woke up and clung to the seat. Y/N watched as Jules and Daisy cried and clutched at each other, leaning in and preparing for the crash landing. Wanda and Pietro, with their masks too, expecting the worst.
ㅤㅤ Y/N tried to be brave or maybe because she was in shock, her heart was pounding, eyes wide open, her pupils dilated.
The door flung open and one of the girls in the aisle flew out of the plane, making many to scream in terror.
Another tried to get up but fell rolling down the aisle hitting the beverage cart, passing out. She couldn't get up and those who tried to help her couldn't either.
The beeps, the lights, the screams.
Y/N took Natasha’s hand and squeezed it, closing her eyes and expecting the worst.
Wanda finally opened the window to see, feeling her stomach drop at the sight of the tops of the huge trees. The taiga that surrounded that place gave her chills. She felt like she was short of breath, panic was choking her. The heart was beating so hard that Wanda thought it would finally stop and allow her to rest, to die of fear.
The sokovian screamed in fear, noticing how the plane was getting closer to the ground. Counting down the seconds before it finally crashed. She looked at Pietro who just squeezed her hand and closed his eyes, whispering words in Sokovian.  He was as terrified as she was.
And the plane finally crash-landed hitting some trees, a horrible screeching sound, everything went black.
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Okay, let's go little by little. Soon we will see more of the woods. Well, slowly verything is settling down.
There's more stuff coming, and more about the young Yellowjackets. Remember that this will not be 100% the same as the tv show, I want to make it interesting and not boring.
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ @kaiidth-wandika @yourfavunsub @pawiie @fanboy7794 @sunsol-22 @scarlettbitchx @arcturusseer @imnotasuperhero @chtte @lesbians-in-outer-space @starry-night17
Thank you for reading me, guys. 🐻
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currentlyfckingurmom · 11 months
Real Cowboys Don’t Run
Natasha Romanoff x female!OC
“I ain’t tellin’ you shit, eyepatch.”
“I think you’ll find yourself talking in no time, cowgirl.”
She smirked, feeling the dried blood on her face crack with the motion. The pain was excruciating but she’d never show it. She’s been through worse interrogations. Torture that not even SHIELD—corrupted as they are—could match.
“How about we start with a name?”
She merely yawns, looking around the dark concrete room.
“No? Alright then. You like steak? Lobster? Been a while since you ate.”
“I could go for some Mac n cheese. The box kind.” She says blankly.
“Really? You are not kidding right now?” She merely shrugs. “Fine then.”
He leaves the room and she’s left alone with nothing but silence and the metal cuffs digging into her skin. She breathes slowly, ensuring no aspect of her body language changes. She knows they’re watching.
2 hours and 43 minutes later—she counts each second that passes—a redhead woman stalks into the room. She sits carefully in the metal chair across from her. She does nothing but stare for 57 seconds. “Who are you?” The redhead finally asks. The blonde offers no response. Not even a twitch. “How about a name? Doesn’t even have to be a real one.” Absolutely nothing.
Natasha doesn’t show it, but she’s unnerved by the steely exterior. Never before had she been unable to read someone. She had perfected the art of body language at a disturbingly young age. Interrogations were her forte.
The stare down continues, neither party giving an inch.
“Look, I don’t know who you are. I don’t care. I just want to know why you were sneaking around that facility. If you pose no threat, you’ll be free to go.”
The blonde knows that’s a lie. They would never just let her go. But she won’t show it. Never give them anything, because a good interrogator will use anything and everything against you.
“Well since you’re feeling a bit shy, I’ll carry this conversation for the both of us. We tried to run prints but they’ve been burned off. Likely hydrochloric acid, according to forensics. Was it forced? Or did you do it willingly? Made killing a little easier, did it? One less thing to worry about?”
People usually jostle when she brings up the subject of murder, but the woman doesn’t move an inch. Natasha is having fun with this, though she knows she shouldn’t be.
“And then there’s the fact that you simply don’t exist. We ran facial recognition, DNA, toe prints, everything. Searched millions of records for something that might resemble you. Absolutely nothing. So tell me, where did you come from?” She leans forward.
The blonde woman smiles. “A farm.”
“Ah, yes. The cowgirl. I like the hat. And the belt buckle. It’s a cute touch,” she gestures to the silver buckle at the woman’s waist. “Tell me about this farm. Are we talking a normal farm? Or a place that breeds serial killers and mercenaries?”
“Cows. Potatoes.”
“Cows and potatoes. Nice. No serial killers?” The woman shakes her head in denial. “So why talk now? Why tell me this and not the goons who spent hours trying to beat it out to you?” The blonde offers no response. “C’mon, just tell me. Weak spot for beautiful women?”
The woman smiles slightly at that. It’s calculated, Natasha thinks. “Because no matter how much I tell you, Natalia Romanova, you will never get what you want. You caught me because I let you. You will never know who I am because I am no one. I am a ghost. Merely a puppet in the shadows. I cannot be broken. Believe me when I say many have tried and failed. I will tell you this much: I am not HYDRA, but I am not on your side. There are no sides in this game, Agent. I do what I need to. It has nothing to do with you. Never has, never will.”
Just like that, she leans back in her chair, her face set in stone once more. Natasha nods and leaves, refusing to show the anxiety she feels about the fact that the woman knows her name. Her real name.
One hour and twelve minutes later, several agents enter the interrogation room. They unchain her from the chair, leaving the cuffs on her wrists. After a bag is placed over her head, she’s escorted to another room. This one is a cell. With a toilet and even a blanket. There are no windows, but it’s an improvement. The cuffs arw removed and she is left alone in the cell.
Eventually a tray of Mac N cheese and a bottle of water is slid through a slot in the thick metal door. She eats it without worrying about poison, knowing they would’ve killed her by now if that’s what they wanted to do.
Tucked in the corner of the cell, she breathed deep and slow as she let her body sink to the floor before pushing through her pinky fingers, raising her body back up. Her feet remained still and straight in the air as she went through the exercise, determined to stay in shape throughout her captivity.
She slowly moves into a planche, loving the way her muscles strain with the movement. When the door beeps and clicks and the redhead enters, she doesn’t flinch. Agent Romanoff leans against a wall and watches.
The blonde woman moves into a tuck planche before sitting on the ground and taking a swig of water. “You like watching, do you?” Agent Romanoff says nothing but smirks. The blonde stands and wipes her face with a towel, leaving the rest of her body sweaty in her black sports bra and sweatpants. She watches Romanoff’s eyes as they move down her body, taking in the tattoos and scars.
“That’s a lot of scars for a cowboy.”
“I’ve been in my fair share of rodeos.”
“Touché. Do the tats mean anything?”
“They mean everything. But you’d never be able to figure it out.”
“I know. You’re an enigma. I’ve learned that by now.” She unlocks a door, revealing a basic shower. “Get cleaned up. You stink.”
When the blonde emerges from the shower—feeling much better, though she’d never admit it—there’s a fresh pair of sweatpants, underwear, and a t-shirt waiting for her. She gets changed and takes a seat on the concrete floor.
“Get up, we have places to be,” Natasha says as she enters the cell.
The blonde doesn’t budge. “Were you standing out there watching me change? That’s a bit creepy, Agent Romanoff.”
“You’re a prisoner. You’re being watched 24/7.” The woman’s smirk tells Natasha that she already knew that.
She stands and follows the agent out the cell door. “No cuffs?” The blonde asks.
“No cuffs. Don’t make me regret it.”
The woman chooses to remain silent, following Natasha through the maze of white hallways. They arrive at a conference room, a familiar man inside.
“Eyepatch! Nice to see you again.”
“Cowboy. Wish I could say the same.”
“Why did you drag me out of the comfort of my cell?”
“Well, glad to know you’ve settled in nicely. We’re done with these games, cowboy. We’re gonna sit down and talk like adults.” He gestures to a seat across from him and the woman takes it, showing no signs of nervousness.
“How may I be of assistance to you, Director Nick Fury?”
“You are very good. I will give you that. But I am better, Hallyn Chase.” He tries to shock her with the knowledge of her name, just as she’s done to them.
Hallyn remains stoic for several seconds before bursting into laughter. “That’s it? Seriously? I’ve been here for two weeks and all you’ve got is my name? That’s cute.”
“Your name is all I needed. Now we can have an actual, civil conversation. So tell me, Hallyn, why were you at the facility?”
Hallyn sighs, shaking her head with a click of the tongue. “I needed information. A friend of mine went MIA a while back. Just trying to find him.”
“Does this friend have a name?”
“Well, yes, he’s not an animal,” she states obviously.
“You’re not gonna tell me his name, are you?”
“No, no I am not, Eyepatch.”
“Well I appreciate the honesty. Moving on. You’re very skilled. What’s your background?”
“You know I can’t tell you that.”
“Can’t you?”
“You know I can’t. And I won’t.”
“I gotta say, my first impression of you was military. But there’s no record of you. So special ops maybe? CIA even?” He asks the question even though he’s already fairly certain of the answer. He slides a picture across the table to her. Three MARSOC uniforms stand side by side, weapons in hand. Every face and name is blurred out. Hallyn merely raises a brow. “That’s you in the middle, is it not?”
“At one point that was me. Not anymore.”
“That’s what I thought. So you enlist in the marines, go into special forces, and kick ass. You get promoted to a team that’s so secretive, even I don’t know the name. Maybe you still work for them, maybe you’ve gone rogue. I don’t know. I don’t care. What I do wanna know is if you are a threat to me and my organization.”
“Nick Fury, the only threat to your organization is the one that’s already penetrated it.”
His eyebrows furrow. “What are you talking about?”
“I think you know. I think you’ve suspected it for a while but didn’t want to believe it. But Steve Rogers cut off one head. Another one was bound to grow back.” His one good eye goes wide as Hallyn leans back in her seat. “May I go home now?”
“Does someone like you have a home?” Romanoff asks.
“No,” she answers honestly.
“You can stay here for the time being. Under close surveillance. Play this smart, and you just might find that I can be a useful ally.”
“I don’t need an ally.”
“Maybe not. But I guess we’ll see.” He nods at Romanoff and she grabs Hallyn’s arm, signaling her to stand. Hallyn gives Fury a nod before following the redhead.
Natasha leads Hallyn to a different floor in silence. They end up in a basic bedroom with a small attached bathroom. The walls and bedspread are white, much like a hotel.
“This will be your room for the time being. There are cameras in the bedroom and directly outside the door. None in the bathroom, don’t worry. You will be heavily monitored, but behave yourself and you just might earn a bit of leeway.”
“Really? That’s it? You guys snatch me up, beat the shit out of me, lock me in a cell, and then give me a bedroom and freedom?”
“Yes. Because for some reason, Directory Fury seems to trust you. Frankly I’m not sure what he sees.”
“Me neither. But I will not betray you, Agent Romanoff. You are not my mission.”
“What is your mission?”
“I’m not quite sure anymore.��
She hesitates for a moment. “What happened to you?”
“That’s a conversation for another day.” Hallyn answers vaguely.
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darkwaveho · 1 year
Mini Burden
Festive priorities
Parings: Natasha Romanoff x reader, Natasha Romanoff x oc
Summary: Natasha spends a fun and cozy night with her two favorite girls before Christmas. (It's mainly fluff for Natasha and Anastasia though.)🥺💜
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"I can feel you hovering, you know?" Natasha continues to keep her face set on the bright computer screen as she types away at the keys.
"What's on your mind, Ana?" She tries again when she's still met with silence.
"Come here." She pushes her chair away from her desk and pats her lap that seems to get Anastasia to move forward into the room. "Now what's going on with you?"
"Are you doing something important?" Anastasia looks away from Natasha and focuses on her bright computer screen. Natasha wanted to counter the question with a sarcastic reply, since she was in her office that always meant she was busy and doing something important, but she clamps her tongue sensing that this was not the time for that. "Well, you know anytime I'm in here I have work to do, so yes."
"Ok" Anastasia looks away from the computer screen and briefly looks at Natasha before she attempts to remove herself from Natasha's lap. before her small feet could touch the ground firm but gentle hands held her in place and readjusted her back onto her mother's lap. "Hey, wait a minute why did you ask me that?" Anastasia offers no reply on a shrug of her shoulders.
"There has to be a reason why you asked, are you going to tell me or am I going to have to tickle it out of you?" Anastasia was silently calling Natasha's bluff about the tickle attack knowing the accident that followed the last time she tickled the five-year-old, but she was proved wrong the minute she felt nimble fingers tickling her stomach causing her to yelp and squirm in the office chair. After a few seconds of torture Natasha relents and asks the question again hoping too finally get down to the solution. "Are you ready to tell me now?" Natasha quirks her eyebrow at her daughter with amusement. Anastasia frantically shakes her head and readjusts in the chair, silently playing with her mother's stray hair that fell from her braid.
"Can we make Christmas cookies?" Natasha was shocked not in a bad way but in a way that made her wonder why that was so hard for Anastasia to ask her. sure, Natasha wasn't too fond of holidays but secretly she loved Christmas even if she was busy, she would've dropped everything for festive activities. "Not only will we make Christmas cookies but how about we finally put the decorations on the Christmas tree?" The excited expression Anastasia responds with send a warmth throughout Natasha's heart. "Alright monster, let's go” Natasha rises from her office chair and readjusts Anastasia onto her back. “This should be a nice little treat for mommy to come home to after spending all the money.”
“I’m telling mommy you said she spends all our monies.” Natasha stops her walking to glare at her daughter. “I’m telling mommy you took her necklace and gave it to one of your dolly's.” The utter shock on Anastasia’s face was enough to know that she was not going to tell. You had been searching high and low for that necklace when you needed to attend a fancy party with Natasha. You couldn’t find it anywhere of course Natasha promised to just buy you a replacement one, but you barely got to wear it before it ended up being lost. “Fine, no snitching.”
“Good girl.” Natasha smiles and turns back around as she walks down the stairs and into the kitchen. She carefully places Anastasia on the stool next to the counter and heads for the refrigerator to get things started. “Um mama, what are you doing with that?” Anastasia raises an animated eyebrow as she curiously watches Natasha with the premade dough in her hand. “I’m getting the dough for the cookies what does it look like?”
“No, that’s not how Nora makes the cookies” Natasha curses under her breath for having such a spoiled and high maintenance daughter. Anastasia didn’t want store bought premade cookie dough, she wanted to bake Christmas cookies from scratch. After a brief pause and a subtle stare down with the five-year-old Natasha sighs and places the cookie dough back into the refrigerator. Natasha didn’t know how to make cookies this way, she always bought the premade dough, or she had Nora prep the dough for her and all she had to do was place them in the oven, but it’s nothing a quick google search couldn’t fix, right?
The first batch of cookies go really well but as time went on the kitchen got messier and the both of them got distract from a mini food fight. On any other day Natasha wouldn’t allow this type of behavior no matter how many maids or housekeepers she could have to clean up the mess. The subtle smell from the oven is what gets her attention to stop the play fighting. Anastasia watches with wide eyes and covers her mouth with her hand as she gasps in surprise. “You burnt them.” Anastasia says it with a blank expression, she was still processing the damaged baked goods. “C’mon it’s not that bad.” She picks up a cookie from the tray and takes a confident bite. Her face goes through small phases of emotions as she tries to stomach the disgusting taste. “See, you burnt them and it’s nasty.” The five-year-old was adamant on telling her mother how badly she baked those cookies.
“It’s not burnt it’s just extra fiber.” Natasha replies with her mouth full and each time she chews her face cringes increasingly afterwards. which quickly turns into her spitting it out and drinking out of the milk carton. “Alright, how about we just use the cookies that we made the first time” it wasn’t really a question Natasha wasn’t in the mood to make another batch, especially if she had a decent amount sitting on the tray cooling off in front of her. Anastasia agrees and waits for her mother to prep everything to decorate the cookies. Different colors of frosting and sprinkles were spread out against the counter, they both take their picks for decorations and get to work on the cookies. Natasha wouldn’t be Natasha if she didn’t include a peanut butter cookie into the variety of baked treats. Anastasia was a chocolate lover, so all the of the cookies she chose had some form of chocolate in them. After they finished Anastasia came up with something else for them to do while they waited for you to come home.
"What's all this?" You enter the kitchen with bags in your hands. The whole reason you stayed out this late was because of a present Natasha wanted to give to Anastasia but certain things popped up not allowing her to go to the store herself to pick it up. the first thing you spot on the counter is the nicely decorated Christmas cookies on a plate and the not so greatly baked cookies on the other baking tray near the stove. you don't make a comment about it, as long as Natasha tried her best it didn't matter to you when it came to things like this. she was spending time with Anastasia without you having to tell her too.
"We made cookies and hot chocolate!" Anastasia replies back to you with excitement and jitters, that's the obvious sign of a sugar rush which leads you to your next question. "Did you even eat dinner first?" When the silence takes over you quirk an eyebrow at Natasha, but you don't push any further than that for now, it was Christmas eve after all. Natasha truly wasn't focused on dinner truth be told, she was actually caught off guard from how hesitant her daughter was to ask about baking Christmas cookies, so she dropped everything without a care in the world to make her daughter happy, she'll tell you later of course in details what happened. "Let's go and finally put the decorations on the tree." Natasha quickly deflects from your question and scoops Anastasia up her arms as she exits the kitchen but to be fair, she was eager to decorate the tree, busy schedules was the main cause for the tree being naked this year a day before Christmas.
The ornaments, fancy decorations, and lights were all placed in front of the tree just waiting to be placed on it. The final things missing from the treetop was the golden star. Before Anastasia was born Natasha always did it just because of the sentimental value it has within her heart. it was the first thing you bought Natasha for your first Christmas together. Her definition of a Christmas tree was very simple and plain, over time she learned to find her own creative vision with it. This year it seems Natasha has had a change of heart when she places the star in Anastasia's hands and lifts her up to place it on top of the tree. "Thank you, for letting me put the star on the tree mama." She jumps up and down excitedly.
"You're welcome, monster, now I'm gonna let you open one present tonight, okay?" all you could do was stand there and wonder where your girlfriend was right now because she would never let you or her daughter open presents a day earlier so always wanted things done by the book and on schedule. She just shrugs at your confusion and grabs the bag that you brought into the house with you, she couldn't wait to see Anastasia go crazy. When she opens the bag, the loud shriek was enough satisfaction for both you and Natasha that she liked the gift. Natasha couldn't find a squishmallow but she did find a Gengar Pokémon plushie. It was the perfect gift for her monster especially since that was Anastasia's favorite Pokémon. "Thank you, thank you, thank you mama! I love it!" She shouts her appreciation and hugs Natasha tight.
"How about we all change into our pajamas, and we have a movie night in the living room?" Your proposal was instantly met with agreements from Natasha and Anastasia. The three of you pile up on the couch with soft plush blankets with cookies and hot chocolate, Anastasia crashed from her sugar high not too long after the first twenty minutes of watching Elf as the movie plays on you just couldn't help but turn your gaze to Nastasha every so often, but eventually she leans forward and softly whispers into your ear. "I can feel you staring, you know?"
"I'm well aware of that Tash." She silently waits for you to tell her why you've been staring at her. "Don't act like you don't know what's going on." She pinches her brows together once more still not understanding what you meant. "You know I like it when you're soft like that." You smirk as she begins to pull away from you and lean back against the couch. "I'm not soft."
"You made cookies and hot chocolate with her, let her put the star on the tree, and let her open a present early" You shift your body to turn towards her and mush her cheeks together in a playful manner. "You're just a ball of mush today." That doesn't do anything but make her pout more even if she was being soft, she never liked hearing it out loud. Natasha wouldn't be Natasha if she didn't deflect to something else.
"How much do you like me being soft?" Her hands wander, and you instantly have to grab them from going any further. "I'd rather we not traumatize our kid." You nod your head to snoring five-year-old cuddled up to her Gengar Pokémon plushie. "Besides Santa hasn't told me if you're on the naughty or nice list yet." You pull away from her to ready yourself on carrying the five-year-old to her bed. The faint smirk Natasha had on her face instantly fell from the rejection as well as the fact that you had no intentions to carry on in the comfort of your shared bedroom later.
"That's not funny." You walk back over to Natasha's pouting form and peck her lips. "I promise I still have something for you, the thing you get just depends on if you were naughty or nice." You whisper the words against her lips and softly nip at them before pulling away completely and taking Anastasia to her room. Natasha had a nice Christmas eve, but she couldn't wait to see what she would be unwrapping tomorrow.
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band--psycho · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff x Reader- Beaten By A Gingerbread House
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a fantastic day!
I hope youall enjoy my last stroy for my Christmas Writing Challenge! 💛
Prompy-My gingerbread house needs to be condemned
“So, how’s it going?” Natasha asked, leaning against the door frame that was between the living room and the kitchen. 
She’d been trying to let Y/n conquer this battle on her own; but after hearing a fair few swear words leave her lips followed by a very frustrated sigh, Natasha decided to intervene. 
“I think my gingerbread house needs to be condemned,” Y/n groaned, looking at the gingerbread house that had collapsed only moments ago.
“It just keeps collapsing; at this point I think there’s more icing than there is actual gingerbread,” she continued, completely unaware that Natasha was now standing behind her until she felt Natasha’s arms around her waist, her fingers lightly dancing along the waistband of Y/ns jeans. 
Even though Y/n's statement was entirely true; pretty much all of the gingerbread pieces were covered in icing; and Y/n's hands were completely covered in the very icing that was all over gingerbread. 
“You just need to relax malysh,” Natasha cooed softly against Y/n's ear; as Y/n attempted to ignore Natashas soft touches as she once again constructed the gingerbread house, only for it to collapse for umpteenth time. 
“This needs to be finished in an hour and a half, I don’t have time to relax,” Y/n replied; frustration lacing her voice. 
“You’re just gonna make it worse if you carry on though,” Natasha countered softly; placing a delicate kiss on her neck.
That kiss was the first of many that Natasha left along Y/n's neck; some were soft and gentle; others not so much. Y/n knew she’d have a trail of hickeys on her neck
At this point; the thought of building a gingerbread house had gone out of the window. 
“Shhh, just relax,” Natasha whispered, her hands moving to the zipper of Y/ns jeans
“Let me take care of you,” Natasha cooed in Y/n's ear; as she pulled her jeans down.
Natasha knew that there was one way to make Y/n relax; it would be cruel of her if she didn’t help her girlfriend out when she was clearly very stressed.
“Feel better?” Natasha asked; her lips ghosting over the marks she’d left on Y/ns neck.
“Much,” Y/n answered with a blissful smile before she noticed the time on the clock; the daydreaming look in her eyes vanishing almost instantly being replaced with the same stress she felt earlier. 
“What?” Natasha asked, confused by the sudden change in Y/ns mood. 
“I’ve only got an hour to make this goddamn gingerbread house!” 
“Breathe,” Natasha cooed, rubbing her hand soothingly across her shoulders. “Or I’ll have to take care of you again,”
If it wasn’t for the fact Y/n knew this gingerbread house had to be done in such a short amount of time she wouldn’t have been so against spending more quality time with Natasha. Especially because she had that mischievous glint twinkling in her eyes.
But the clock was ticking. There wasn’t any time for that; no matter how much Y/n wanted it. 
“Nat, we don’t have time-”
“Then calm down and I’ll help you try and build this,” 
At this point Y/n was done with the gingerbread house; it would’ve been easier and a lot less stressful to just buy one from the store. Why she had the idea of trying to build one was beyond even her reasoning. 
So that meant that Natasha did most of the work in building the gingerbread house; and by some miracle she managed to do it perfectly; after a few of the same issues that Y/n had. 
“Don’t look so surprised baby,” Natasha began, a smirk tugging at her lips as she noticed the shock in Y/n's eyes. She was baffled how Natasha had managed to construct something she’d spent what felt like decades on in just a few minutes. 
It truly was a Christmas miracle. 
“Thank you,” Y/n sighed in relief; resting her head on Natasha’s shoulder. 
“No prob-” before Natasha could finish her sentence; the gingerbread house once again, fell apart. 
There was silence for a few moments as both Y/n and Natasha stared at the mess on their kitchen worktop. 
“We’re just gonna have to buy one,” Natasha stated; dragging Y/n away before she could argue.
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koreofkore · 11 months
Pilot episode | chapter 1
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ᥲsᥱᥒᥲ іs іᥒ 𝖿᥆r ᥲ sᥙr⍴rіsᥱ ᥕһᥱᥒ ᥲ ᥴһіᥣძ kᥒ᥆ᥴks ᥆ᥒ һᥱr ძ᥆᥆r ᥴᥣᥲіmіᥒg 𝗍᥆ ᑲᥱ һᥱrs.
Fairytale world
Prince Charming (Tony) rode on his horse along the stretch of the land towards a forest. In the forest, he meets seven dwarves gathered around a glass coffin. "You're to late." Wong says. He looks at Pepper in the coffin. Her skin pale and her chest unmoving. "No. No! Open it." He ordered. "I'm sorry, she's gone." Strange said mornfully. "At least let me say goodbye." Tony begged.
All seven men remove the glass top. Tony leans down and kisses her lips and a wave of magic pulses throughout the kingdom. No one notices except the birds that leave the branches they perched on. Pepper wakes up with a gasp. "You... You found me." She said breathlessly. "Did you ever doubt I would?" Tony asked her. "Truthfully, the glass coffin gave me pause." She joked.
"Well, you never have to worry. I will always find you." He assured. "Do you promise?" She asked. "I do." Tony says at their wedding. "And do you, Pepper Potts, promise to take this man to be your husband, and love him for all eternity?' The priest asked. " I do she says. " I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest says. Everyone applauds and cheers. Pepper and Tony lean to kiss each other when the ballroom doors swing open by a magical force. "Sorry I'm late." The red head stated.
She goes to approach the newlyweds and the guards try to stop her. She flings them away with magic. "It's the Queen. Run!" Someone in the crowd yells. "She's not the queen anymore. She's nothing more than a evil witch." Pepper said grabbed her husbands sword pointing it at her.
"No, no, no. Don't stoop to her level. There's no need." He consoles. Tony takes his sword from her. "You're wasting your time. You've already lost. And I will not let you ruin this wedding." Tony said. "Oh, I haven't come here to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear, I've come to offer you a gift." Natasha smiles. "We want nothing from you." Pepper says in anger.
"But you shall have it! My gift to you is this happy, happy day. But tomorrow my real work begins. You've made your vows, now I make mine. Soon everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever. And out of your suffering, will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do." Natasha turns around after her speech and heads for the door.
"Hey!" Tony calls after her. Natasha turns and he launched his sword at her. She disappears in a puff of black smoke letting the sword crash on the ground.
The real world
A young girl Yelena is seen with a book that contains illustrations of Tony and Pepper on the page. She's seen getting on a bus to Boston. "That a good book?" An elderly woman asked. "This? Is more than a book." The young girl says her little accent coming out. "Oh?" She asked.
Boston, south station. "Thank you for riding Greyhound." The bus announcer said. Yelena gets off the bus and finds a taxi. "You take credit cards?" She asked holding up the card. "Where to, chief?" The driver asked.
Asena sat in a restaurant waiting on her target to come for their 'date'. She takes a sip of wine knowing that she'd need it. She wore a pink dress with matching heels and her hair was curly. She sat crossed leg to stop her shaking. To be honest she was scared the guy wouldn't show. But he finally did. "Asena." He greeted.
"Ryan? You looked relieved." She said. "Well, it is the internet. Pictures can be..." He pauses trying to find the right word. "Fake, outdated. Stolen from a Victoria's Secret catalogue." She finished.
He nodded. "Sorry I'm late by the way." He says sitting down in the seat across from her after they greeted each other. "It's totally fine." She replied with a forced smile. "So... Um... Tell me something about yourself, Asena?" He asked nervously. "Oh. Ah, well, today's my birthday." She answered. "And you're spending it with me! What about your friends?" He asked.
𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐈'𝐝 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐫 𝐕𝐨𝐝𝐤𝐚. She thought.
"Kind of a loner." She answered. "And, you don't like your family?" He asked. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞. She thinks holding her facade.
"No family to like." She said taking another sip of wine. "Oh, come on. Everyone has family." Ryan says. "Technically, yeah. And everyone knows who they are? Ready to run yet?" She replied. "Oh not a chance. You, Asena, are by far, the sexiest, friendless orphan I have ever met." He said.
𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐧? 𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡. She thought. "Okay. Your turn. No wait let me guess. Umm... You are handsome, charming." She started internally gaging. "Go on." Ryan says.
"The kind of guy who— now stop me if I get this wrong — embezzled your former employer, got arrested, and skipped town before they could throw your ass in jail." She fake laughed. "What?" The man asked playing dumb. "And the worst part of all is your wife. Your wife loves you so much that she bailed you out, and how do you repay that loyalty? You're on a date." She finished off.
"Who are you?" The man asked. "The chick that put up the rest of the money." Asena answers. " You're a bails bondsman." Ryan realized. "Bail bondsperson." She corrected. Ryan flipped the table spilling everything on her and took off running. "Bloody Hell!" She groans.
Ryan runs across the street dodging cars and Asena just casually walks through traffic. He tries to start the ignition and looks to find a boot on his tire. "You don't have to do this, okay? I can pay you. I got money." Ryan bargained. "No, you don't. And if you did, you should give it to your wife and take care of your family." Asena said crossing her arms.
"The hell do you know about family, huh?" The man asked. "Nothing." She replied smashing his head against t he steering wheel. When Asena arrived home she kicks off her heels walked to the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of Scotch and opened a box with a cupcake inside.
She opens the bottle and then puts a star shaped candle in the cupcake. "Another loner year." She lights it then closes her eyes and makes a wish. Theres a knock on the door and Asenas head snapped to it. She opens the door and sees a child. "Are you Asena Montgomery?" She asked. "Yeah?" She answered skeptically. "I'm Yelena and I'm your daughter." The younger blonde says. Yelena pushes past her and into the apartment. "Woah! Hey, kid! Kid! Kid! I don't have a daughter! Where are your parents?" Asena asked.
"Ten years ago. Did you give up a baby for adoption? That was me." Yelena explained. "... Give me a minute." The woman said going to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror trying to compose herself. She didn't think that her past would catch up with her ten years later. Plus how could that little girl know that she was her mother?
She had a closed adoption which meant the kid shouldn't even know that she existed. "Hey do you have any juice? Never mind, found some." Yelena hollered from the kitchen. Asena leaves the bathroom after taking a deep breath. She sees the little girl drinking her orange juice straight from the bottle. "Gross." She said taking the bottle from the child. "You know, we should probably get going." Yelena realizes.
"Going where?" Asena asked confused. "I want you to come home with me." Yelena clarified. "Okay, kid. I'm calling the cops." Asena picked up her phone. "Then I'll tell them you kidnapped me." Yelena fired back. "And they'll believe you because I'm your birth mother." Asena huffed in realization. "Yep." The child hummed. "Fair played, but you and I both know you aren't gonna do that." Asena tilted her head in protest.
"Try me." The ten year old challenges. "You're pretty good. But here's the thing, there's a lot I'm good at and a hell of a lot I'm terrible at in life. I have 840 confirmed kills so murder obviously isn't one of them. Let's call it a superpower. I can tell when anyone's lying and you, kid, are." Asena explained to the girl. "Wait... Please don't call the cops. Please come home with me." Yelena begged.
"Where do you live?" Asena sighed. "Storybrooke, Maine." Yelena said. "Storybrooke? Are you serious?" Asena asked. Yelena hummed and nodded. "Alright then." Asena rubbed her temples.
Fairytale world
In the castle in the forest Pepper stood near the balcony, and a bluebird lands on her finger. "What's wrong?" Tony asked. "Nothing" Pepper snapped out of her daze. "You're thinking about what the Queen said again, aren't you? Pepper, please. I can't keep having this conversation. You have to let it go. We're about to have a baby." Pepper turns her head ashamed of being caught thinking about the threat.
She had agreed to try and move past that but how do you move past something like that, especially after you know that she will be true to her word. Pepper knew that Natasha would try everything in her power to take away her happiness. "I haven't had a restful night since our wedding." Pepper pointed out. And it was the truth, she hadn't slept well at all she felt as if she had to look over her shoulder consistently again. "That's what she wants - to get in your head. But they're only words. She can't hurt us." Tony reassured pulling her in.
"She poisoned an apple because the thought i was prettier than her. You have no idea what she's capable of." Pepper argued pulling out of his hold. He didn't get it and she needed him to get it. This woman has made her life hell for years. Natasha has had it out for her and wanted to see her dead and now this. " What can I do to ease your mind?" Tony asked starting to realize that he wasn't going to win this argument and that she wouldn't sleep until she got some type of clarity.
"Let me talk to him." Pepper answered. He was the only one who could give her that reassurance that her child would be safe. "Him? You don't mean..." Tony asked with a hint of fear. "I do." Pepper answered back with a look of determination. "No, no, no. It's too dangerous." Tony shut down the idea immedi ately. She couldn't be serious. She knew how dangerous he was. "He sees the future." Pepper points out. Tony made a face. He was scared he would admit that to no one but himself because he had to be strong for Pepper.
But that didn't mean he wanted help from the person he helped trap. that was suicide. "There's a reason he's locked up." Tony said logically. Pepper placed a hand on her swollen stomach. "Can you promise me that our child will be safe? Can you guarantee it? Because he can." Pepper questioned. The look on Pepper's face was enough to make him cave. Seeing her look so unlike her normal fearless self. "Alright. For our child." Pepper smiled in relief and Tony leaned in for a kiss. She had no idea how much power she had over him, and maybe that was a good thing.
Real world
Asena and Yelena were driving and the former had no idea what time it was. The drive was silent for the most part until Yelena broke it. "I'm hungry. Can we stop somewhere?" The girl asked. "This isn't a road trip kid. We aren't stopping for snacks." Asena replied. Yelena closed her book. "Why not?" She pestered. She was hungry she could feel her stomach growling.
She could also tell that they were close to home and she wasn't ready to go back yet. "Quit complaining, Kid. Remember i could've easily put your ass on a bus and let you go the same way you came." Asena said annoyed slightly. "You know i have a name right? It's Yelena." The blonde child pouted before opening her book again. "What's that." Asena asked just now noticing the big old looking book. "I'm not sure you're ready." Yelena flips through the pages. "Not ready for what? A bunch of fairytales?" Asena questioned scrunching up her face.
Yelena makes a face. These weren't just fairytales they were a truth and even if they were which she was pretty sure they weren't, they were a history, her history. "They aren't just fairytales they are a truth. Every story in this book is a truth, someone's truth. Every story in this book actually happened." Yelena deadpanned. "Of course they did." Asena sighed. It was a long night and this kid has made it longer. Yelena on the other hand was just huffing. How dare she not take her seriously.
"I know I sound crazy, but use your superpower, see if I'm lying." Yelena dared. Asena did and the girl was telling the truth. She wasn't about to let this kid slide though. "Just because you believe in something doesn't make it true. " Asena looked over at the page. "Uh no that's exactly what makes it true. You would know more than I would." Yelena scans through a page. "Oh really now? Why is that?" Asena asked. "Because you're in this book." Yelena flipped to the next page
"You have problems." Asena chuckles. This kid was crazy but so was she so she had no room to say anything. "Yep. And you're going to fix them." Yelena snorted. Asena laughed before switching lanes.
Enchanted Forest
Pepper and Tony are walking behind a guard with cloaks on their heads. The guard has a torch in his hand and he stops them just before they get to the cell. "When we reach the cell, stay out of the light. And whatever you do, do not let him know your name. If he knows your name, he wil have power over you." The guard warns, Pepper and Tony nod at him. "Loki. Loki! I have a question for you." The guard calls to the man in the cell.
Loki comes out of the shadows of the cell. "No, you don't They do. Pepper Potts and Tony Stark..." Loki rasped coming closer to the bars of the cell. "You insult my abilities. Step into the light and take off those ridiculous robes they don't suit you." Loki beckoned.
Pepper and Tony step into the light and slowly lower their hoods to reveal themselves. "Much better." Loki praises. "We've come to you about the..." Tony started before he was cut off. "Yes, yes, you idiot i know why you're here. You want to know about the queen's threat." Loki giggled before turning to the walls of the cell. "Tell us what you know and skip all the taunting." Tony deadpanned.
Loki was finding this amusing he could tell they were desperate. "Ooh tense, are we? Fear not! I can ease your mind. But... It's going to cost you something." Loki was playing with them he wanted nothing big they couldn't give him what he really wanted. Toying with them would be easy. "No he's just a waste of time." Tony turned to leave and Loki faked offence. "What do you want?" Pepper stepped forward and Tony spun around quickly. "Oh...The name of your unborn child." Loki said leaning against the stone of the wall with his arms crossed. "Absolutely not!" Tony protested.
"Deal! What do you know?" Pepper rushed out quickly. She needed to know she didn't have time for Tony's paranoia. Loki giggles and says, "The queen has created a powerful curse. And it's coming. Soon, you'll all be in a prison. Just like me only worse. Your prison, all of our prisons, will be time. Time will stop, and we will be trapped. Someplace horrible, where everything we hold dear, everything we love, will be ripped from us while we suffer for eternity. While the Queen celebrates, victorious at last. No more happy endings." Loki explains with a smile on his face. He laughs at the fact that they remain absolutely clueless and the fear that he could feel radiating from them. "What can we do?" Pepper asked with a sense of dread in her chest.
She was scared of the answer, well not the answer an answer one that could break her heart. "We can't do anything." Loki emphasizes the we. Because in truth they couldn't there was nothing Pepper, himself, Tony could do. "Who can?" Pepper asked again with that same feeling of dread. "That little thing, growing inside your belly. " Loki moves his hand, in a gesture, towards Pepper's stomach. Tony draws his sword quickly and slashes at his hand. "Hands off reindeer games. Next time I cut it off." Tony sheathed his sword and placed a hand on his wife's lower back. Loki tsks and glances at his hand. "The infant is our only hope. Get the child to safety. Get the child to safety and Ion it's twenty-eighth birthday, the child will return. The child will find you and the final battle will begin." Loki says in a sing song voice before spinning on his heel and moving away from the bars.
Tony didn't like that answer and he made it clear by saying, "We've heard enough. We're leaving." And he guided Pepper to the exit. "Hey! No! We made a deal! I want her name! We had a deal! I need her name! I want her name!" Loki growls and angrily hits the bars. "Her? It's a boy." Tony rests his hand on Pepper's bump. "Missy... Missy... You know I'm right. Tell me, what's her name?" Loki asked in a much more calmer voice. "Asena. Her name is Asena." Pepper sighed and started to walk again. "Asena..." Loki mumbled.
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beanswritingcorner · 5 months
Be Careful, It's My Heart
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Natasha Romonav x Original Male Character
Hello, this is my first post on this blog and of course, it's a Natasha Romanov one. I’m not too sure how the formatting works on here so my apologies if anything seems off. In that case, this story involves my oc that is steves younger brother :) This is based on the song Be Careful, It’s My Heart by Frank Sinatra
“Hey, are you ready for tonight?” a certain captain asks.
The man grumbles, “No, not all,” he pans.
Steve chuckles,” Stop being so dramatic Gene.”
Eugene sighs, he can’t even fathom why he agreed to sing tonight at Tony’s stupid party. He’s normally not that shy, maybe a little awkward at first but he usually quells that after a few moments. But singing in front of everyone! That’s just something he’s never done before, only in the comfort of his own home or room.
Eugene looks at his brother, “I just don’t know why you volunteered me for this (why does Steve suddenly hate him)?”
“I volunteered you because you're an amazing singer and so you could use this as an opportunity to woo a certain redhead,” he says teasingly.
Eugene blushes, “I don’t know Stevie, she doesn’t even like me! And besides wouldn’t it be weird for me to sing about her in front of everyone and then she rejects me.”
“That's why you don’t even reveal who you’re singing about,” he nods knowingly, “She’ll know it's about her and then she’ll come and talk to you.”
The younger brother rubs his hand nervously around his chest, “How do you know?”
Steve smiles, “I just know.”
“I hate when you do that,” Eugene grumbles, “I’m telling Bucky about this!”
The older blonde panics, “NO! Anything but that, come on Gene, please?”
Eugene starts running to Bucky’s room, “I’m telling!”
Steve starts chasing him and while the chase is taking place they run right past Natasha and Wanda.
Nat tries to say hello but they run right past her saying, “Sorry!”
“What’s got them in a rush?” Nat asks a certain witch.
Wanda laughs, “You don't even want to know (Wanda hopes Steve put enough courage in Eugene so he could confess to Nat).
James is fixing up his suit (why did Steve make him wear this?) when a knock is at his door.
He yells, “Come in!”
Eugene makes his way towards Bucky.
He sits by him, “I don’t know how I’m gonna do this Buck.”
James huffs, “It’s simple, you just do it, kid, now stop being a wuss, and let's go out there.”
Eugene rolls his eyes, “You just want to get this over with so you can take your suit off.”
James pats his face, “You know me so well.” He looks at Steve’s little brother who's gone through so much, “You got this Gene, I know it's scary to put yourself out there but if you just saw the way Nat looks at you, you wouldn’t be afraid,” he finishes with a smile.
The blonde nods, “Thank you, Buck.”
“Anytime, now let's get this show on the road.”
By the time they get to the party, it's already started and Steve’s waving over to them.
They go over to them and to Eugene’s surprise Nat’s sitting with him and he’s in awe. She’s gorgeous with her black satin dress that hugs her body beautifully. Her fiery red hair makes her stand out, and her perfect red lipstick that goes with it. Of course, her green eyes are staring at him like he’s the only thing in this world that she can see.
He loves her eyes, almost as much as he loves her.
He snaps out of it when Nat starts speaking to him, “Hey Gene, glad you could make it,” she says while smiling softly at him.
He nods and goes to sit next to her, “Yeah I sort of have to be here tonight.”
She looks at him questioningly, “Why is that?”
“You don’t know,” (he would’ve thought with Tony’s big mouth everyone knew) “Well I have to si—,” he was cut off by Steve who put a hand over his mouth.
He tries to speak but Steve won’t let him, “Hey Nat don’t listen to him, he's just a bit cranky,” they all look over at Eugene who is staring daggers at his older brother.
Right when Steve put his hand down Tony came over, “Eugene! The man of the hour! Are you ready?”
He hesitantly nods and Nat and everyone besides James and Steve are also in the dark.
Tony yanks Eugene out of his seat, “Excellent! Let's get this show on the road!”
While Tony’s pulling him away he yells, “HELP ME!” to his brothers and friends (they did not help him).
While the band is setting up Eugene is just in his head going over if he can do this. His heart is telling him to stop being a coward and to just sing this song to finally tell Nat of his feelings. However, his brain is telling him it's a terrible idea and he’s going to get heartbroken.
Right when he’s about to call this whole thing off a hand touches his shoulder, “Don’t quit now Gene,” Wanda tells him, “You got this.”
He shakes his head, “ I don’t know Wands why would she want me, I'm not all that special.”
“Gene you can’t read minds as I can and stop with the self-deprecating talk,” she scolds, “You’re a literal super soldier with a heart of gold, what's not to love?”
She hugs her friend, “It's time to finally show her, and sing how you feel.”
Eugene processes for a few moments before nodding, “I will, I’m gonna sing to a woman and hope she loves me too.”
“I’m glad,” she says while the band lets them know that they're done setting up.
Tony comes up to them, “It's time Gene, you ready?”
Eugene looks at Wanda and she nods to him, he’s ready, he has to be.
He gives him a thumbs up and Tony says, “Great!,” while leading him to the front stage.
When they get there Eugene realizes just how many people are there but more importantly how he instantly found Nat staring at him. He waves at her like an idiot, she chuckles but waves back (he calls that a success).
All of a sudden Tony’s voice could be heard throughout the party, “Hello everyone! Are you ready to get this party started!” People yell and cheer (sounds like some already let the alcohol get to them).
Tony laughs, “I like the sound of that but before that, I have a very special guest singing for our entertainment!” He looks at Eugene and waves him over, “Everyone! Welcome Sentinel aka Eugene Phillip Rogers aka little Rogers!”
Steve and Bucky make the most noise but Eugene also notices how Nat cheered for him (god he was such a goner).
Tony gives him the mic and whispers, “Good luck, I’m gonna get started on relaxing,” he gives Eugene a pat on the back while walking off stage.
He’s freaking out, Tony just left him to the vultures, the bastard.
He’s just gotta do it like Bucky said.
He doesn’t say anything, he just signals the band that he’s ready, and the lights dim and the conversations start to end.
Eugene takes a deep breath and looks towards his big brother, who mouths, ‘You got this.’
The music starts and it is now or never. He looks at Nat one last time and sees her green eyes and that's all he needs to know that he has to do this now or else he’ll never do it.
Now or never.
Be careful,
All eyes are on him but he can’t seem to care. He’s putting his all into this.
it's my heart
He won’t look at Natasha at all until it's over, so just in case her reaction is bad he won’t die on stage.
It's not my watch you're holding, it's my heart
It's not the note that I sent you that you quickly burned
It's not a book I lent you that you never returned
He knew he had to pick this song. It represents what he feels, shows how his heart is fragile and out there but also how his heart is hers. She could make or break him and whichever she chose he would just say thank you.
Thank you for even allowing him to love her.
it's my heart
His heart beats so strongly for her. He remembers the first time they ever started actively trusting one another (they both have trust issues) and how natural their relationship came, like they’ve known each other since birth.
This heart with which so willingly I part
They’re both from completely different times yet, they fit so well together. He just hopes she feels the same. Or else he might just want to go back to the frozen box that kept him so cold. At least it will numb his feelings.
It's yours to take, to keep or break
But please, before you start
He hopes she feels just how much of himself he just showed her. How much he exposed his tender heart.
Be careful, it's my heart
Please be careful.
When the music comes to a stop it's silent for a moment and then all he can hear is thunderous claps and yelling, whistling, and cheering.
He can’t believe he did it.
He confessed, and he hoped Nat knew that the song was about her. He doesn’t want to look in case that turns out to not be the case.
The blonde heads off stage and out of the party passing people who are cheering him on.
He just needs to get to his room so he can relax and watch some old sitcoms that Wanda got him into.
He’s so focused on trying not to freak out that he doesn’t notice a certain redhead catching up to him and trying to get his attention.
Right as he’s about to turn a corner Natasha grabs him, “Why are you running?” She says while slightly out of breath.
He didn’t even realize he was running, “Oh, I don’t know,” he nervously rubs his chest, “Why aren't you at the party?”
Nat shakes her head, “Why would I be at the party when you aren’t there?”
She looked Eugene in his eyes, “Why would I still be there when the man that just sang to me left?”
Eugene gasps, “You know?”
She nods, “Of course I know. You love that song, you told me it reminded you of me, (how did they not know right then in there that they had the hots for each other)” She got even closer to him.
“I do love that song,” he leans his head towards hers, “It showed how I feel about you.”
Natasha gulped, “And how do you feel about me, Gene?”
It's now or never, whether Natasha feels the same way about him is irrelevant he just wants to get this off his chest and tell her how he feels.
“I love you, Natasha,” he whispered her name, “My heart beats for yours.”
He said it.
Finally, after all this time he told the love of his life that he loves her.
She’s smiling, “I love how you always end up being poetic, “ she says while making him lean down so she can wrap her arms around his neck.
They’re so close now. Natasha can feel how nervous and scared he is, she doesn’t want him to feel like this, “I think it's obvious but I love you too, Eugene.”
He smiles so brightly that it makes Natasha feel warm (she loves when he smiles).
Eugene wraps his arms around Natasha and embraces her. They stay like that for a few minutes just enjoying the warmth of each other.
However, they both want a little more, and being the gentleman that he is, Eugene asks, “May I kiss you, Natasha?”
She chuckles, “You don’t even have to ask but I’m still thankful you did,” she pulls him towards her and presses her lips against his.
It was worth the wait, that they could both agree on.
Eugene gently tugs her so they're both directly against each other and Natasha just keeps lovingly kissing him.
They both put their hands in each other's hair and just melt into one another.
She goes to take a breath but he chases her lips and kisses her again. They’re both content with doing this forever, but they’re both private people and don’t want anyone interrupting them.
So they both sadly stop kissing but they're still holding on to one another, “Let's go somewhere more private,” the redhead doesn’t ask but states.
He nods like an eager puppy, Natasha laughs, “Let's go to my room.”
She grabs onto his hands and puts one to cup her cheek, “I promise to be careful with your heart,” she says lovingly (she knows how brave he was to sing that song in front of everyone, especially in front of her).
The blonde kisses her again, “And I promise to be careful with your heart (he wants to say even more but this isn’t the place to do it).”
They’re both smiling messes and Natasha gets the smart idea to challenge him, “Race you to my room! Last one there has to be the one to help Tony back to his room tomorrow! (they both know whoever has to deal with Tony tomorrow will have to deal with him acting like a baby the entire day).”
He grins, “Deal!” He starts booking it.
Natasha chases after him, “Hey! That's cheating!”
While they're running to her room they pass Steve, Bucky, and Wanda.
The three all laugh and start cheering amongst themselves.
“Finally!” Wanda exclaimed.
Bucky and Steve both agree.
However, Bucky shivers, “It's great and all but now we’ll have to deal with them acting on the heart eyes they always send each other.”
Steve and Wanda both groan, they didn’t think of that.
But they all don’t mind, the two of them deserve all the happiness that they can bring each other.
After all, Eugene was brave to show his heart, and Natasha was brave to accept it and in return, showing hers as well.
They’ll both be careful of each other's hearts because to them it's the most important thing in the world.
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thebaileybugle · 2 years
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fury!male!reader
Warning(s): A bit uncharacteristic, language, bit a dirty talk, (non-harmful nor serious) threat
A/N: And here it begins
“So this is it huh?” Nat asked in a barely above whisper tone. Her finger softly traced Nathaniel’s face. He was gazing into her eyes with something you couldn’t exactly call out but felt a pang in her heart leaving Nat with a warm feeling.
Temporarily living on the helicarrier had its perks. The beautiful view of the sun from above the clouds being one of them.
Nat adjusted herself so that she was sitting up.
“We finally get what we’ve wanted for months, let out to pent up things… and that’s it?”
“I mean, it doesn’t have to be, I don’t know if I can let go after having a taste of you.”
“How?! Explain how!”
“No, no, no sweets there must be evidence for your claim.”
“Ok- no more SVU, I don’t need a mini Barba.”
“Answer my question baby or so help me I will tell my father who really stole his coffee.”
“Fine! I have nothin’.”
“I know.”
“Mmm but you like me.”
“Oh my- Nathaniel Fury don’t even-“
“Nu uh, you like me.”
“I hate you.”
Pause of silence
“The Director’s son, the director’s Agent…”
“Or The Director’s son and his Mrs daughter-in-law.”
“Mrs Daughter-in-law? You move fast don’t you?”
“I mean… hopefully it can come to that time, but I want you to be mine, and me be yours.”
“The others will start to talk.”
“Good. Gives them something to do other than sit on their ass.”
“Nate!” She
“What? I’m serious I feel like the Avengers are the only elite force team doing something- besides Orbit Investigative, of course.”
“Of course.”
Another beat of silence.
“But I’m serious, Y/N/N. I need your sunlight on my dark days and nights. Your all around, inside and out beauty to shield me from earth’s ugly ways. Be my Aphrodite as I am Adonis.”
“Ok that was so rehearsed!”
“Yes, because I’ve wanted to say that to you for the longest.”
“But why is it so cheesy? Be my Aphrodite as I am Adonis- you literally played at your own nickname.”
“Fine, fine I should’ve come up with something better, I’m sorry.”
“God you’re annoying! Baby look at me!”
“Even though it was corny and cheesy- don’t make that face at me- it was cute and I loved it, okay.”
“Alright! Now cuddle me before I say no.”
“Oh I’m annoying?”
“That’s what I said, yes.”
“Whatever, baby, whatever.”
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sgtrudes · 3 months
I made a Marvel oc recently, lol. His face claim is Tyler Hoechlin (I mainly use his character Derek Hale from Teen Wolf). Harris Logan, codenamed Agent Stryker. I've made an Instagram rp account of him, @agntstrykr on Instagram. I also made some "AUs" of him with other Marvel characters lol. Shipped him with Natasha Romanoff.
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avengerscompound · 4 days
The Tower - Unwinding
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The Tower: Unwinding - one shot
Series Masterlist
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2029
Warnings:  smut (MF, hand job, thigh riding)
Synopsis:   After a long and tiring day, Bucky and El unwind in a warm bath.
Author’s Note: Requested by Anon on Tumblr.  You can send in your requests too.
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Happens between Family and Happily Ever After
It had been a long day.  There had been an attack in Boston by a bunch of people dressed in what seemed to be beekeeper outfits.  It had taken the whole day to deal with, and we were already exhausted by the time we returned home.  The only problem was, it wasn’t just us anymore.  We had children.  Children who missed and worried about their parents when they were gone.  Especially when they were gone on a mission or into battle.  So when we got home, they were particularly needy.  We had dinner with them, watched Frozen, gave them a bath, and read stories, and by the time they were all asleep, I was well and truly exhausted.
“Okay,” I said as everyone just collapsed onto the couch.  “I think I might take a bath.  My back is killing me from being in my armor all day.”
Bucky looked up from where he was half lying on the couch.  “You want some company?”
Like me, Bucky was a big fan of taking baths.  Particularly when there was someone with him.  “Sure,” I said, holding out my hand to him.  “Come on.”
He scrambled to his feet and came and slipped his hand into mine, his cool metal fingers linking with my warm flesh ones.  “Have a nice time,” Steve said.  “We’ll see you in bed.”
We made our way upstairs to the main bathroom and while I ran the water and went about selecting a bath bomb, Bucky dimmed the lights and began lighting candles.
“I can’t decide between the rose petal one, the deep sleep one, or the muscle soak,” I said.
Bucky was bent over some candles in red jars, trying to light them, and he looked up, his hair falling over his eyes.  “No sex bomb?” he asked.
“Mm…  not tonight.  I’m not saying there will be no sex, but sex is not the aim of this particular bath,” I said. 
He shrugged and held out his hand.  “That’s fair.  Let me smell them.”
I handed each of the bath bombs over to him.  “This one has peppermint, and that always does that freaky cold thing, which I hate,” he said after sniffing the first one.  I took it from him and put it back.  “There’s lavender in this one, which I know can set off headaches in you.  Not sure if it’s enough.”
“Maybe not, but I don’t want to risk it,” I agreed, taking that one from him too.  “I guess the rose one it is.”
He dropped the bomb into the tub and it immediately started fizzing and coloring the water around it pink.  I watched it for a moment and then began to strip off my clothes.  I had come out of the day fairly clean thanks to being inside my suit of armor, but Bucky was dirty.  The difference in color between the parts of his skin that had been exposed to the elements and the parts that had been covered was dramatic.  It looked like someone had painted his extremities.
Not wanting the water to get dirty immediately, I took his hand, led him to the sink, and began to carefully wash him down with a warm cloth.  Neither of us said anything.  Bucky just closed his eyes and let me move him as needed, a relaxed content look on his face.
When he was clean enough, I led him back over to the bath.  “You wanna be the little spoon?” I offered.
“Mm, no.  I’ll be big.  Thank you though,” he said and stepped into the tub.
He let out a deep groan as he sank into the water.  The rose petals had begun to be released from the bath bomb and when his knees breached the surface, a few clung to the hairs on his legs.
I climbed in after him and eased down between his legs, leaning back against his chest.
We just lay like that for a while.  My head lolled against his chest as he skimmed the back of his fingers up and down my arm.  I traced my fingers over the decorative filigree on his prosthetic arm.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Bucky said.
“Mmm…” I hummed.  He’d had this particular arm for a little over seven years now. The intricate detail Steve had designed and Tony had brought to life was something that we’d all grown used to, but there were moments like this when I was close to him and everything was quiet, and I could just take in every detail and appreciate it for everything it meant.  Not just the art, but what the arm meant to Bucky and our family.  “Steve and Tony did good,” I said, running my fingernail over a small leaf that was etched into the metal.
“It’s funny, it’s there every day and I don’t think about it at all unless something happens like I get hair stuck in the parts or something.  But there are times that I just sit and look at it and it makes me appreciate so many things.  Steve for designing it.  It’s so beautiful and so detailed.  There are parts of it I can’t even see, but they’re just as detailed.  He did that for me, so I had something beautiful that was part of me when I saw myself …” He trailed off and shook his head.  “And then Tony made it for me.  Tony whose parents I killed.  Tony who I couldn’t even look in the eye for so long.  Tony built me this arm that is so beautiful, not as a weapon, but so I could hold my children and not worry that I’m doing it with this weapon Nazis built.  But mostly I look at it and it makes me think about the kids and all these people who love me.  After everything I’ve done, and don’t say it wasn’t me, yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, but after everything I’ve done, I have all of this and I look at this arm and I can’t help but be reminded of that and appreciate that.”
I looked up into his stormy blue eyes and ran my palm up and down his chest.  “Bucky…” I said softly.
He didn’t let me finish my thought.  Not that I had completed it. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.  My lips parted and my hand went to his cheek, pulling him down into me more.  He moved willingly, his tongue teasing into my mouth.  I moaned softly, pushing my hand into his hair and tugging on it.
Bucky pulled back and I chased his lips, looking up at him through hooded eyes.  “No, no,” he scolded.  “We’re taking a bath.  You said your back was sore.”
I laughed. “I was just kissing.”
“You were just kissing.  I was getting a semi,” he teased.  “Go on, sit forward.  I’ll rub your back.”
I scooted forward a little and hugged my knees, and he started to rub my back.  He started at my shoulders, carefully working out the tension I’d been holding onto.  It wasn’t the slightly painful, dig-into-the-muscles kind of massage, more of a gentle manipulation that allowed me to relax.  Even the metal fingers of his prosthetic felt gentle rather than hard and unyielding.
He made his way down to my lower back and by the time he was loosening the muscles around my hips, I felt like putty.  I was moaning each time he pressed his fingers into my flesh.
He tugged me back against him, his arm wrapping around my chest so my back was pressed against him again.  “You can’t make sounds like that,” he teased, bringing his lips to mine.  I yielded to him, lips parted, tongue flicking out to meet his, another moan escaping me only to be swallowed by the kiss. 
I turned in the tub so we were chest to chest, my legs falling on either side of one of his, so I was straddling his thigh.
We continued to kiss, slowly and languidly, tongues circling, and lips moving together.  I ran my hand down his chest and his abs.  I let my hand linger, right on his adonis belt for a little while, then slowly slid it down and wrapped my fingers around Bucky’s cock.
He pulled back with a soft gasp. “What are you doing, El?” he asked.
“Let me take care of you,” I whispered, sliding my hand up and down his cock.  “Just relax.”
He groaned and his head lolled back over the edge of the bath.  With his lips out of reach, I turned my attention to his neck, slowly swirling my tongue over his skin and grazing my teeth down it.  My hand continued to move up and down his shaft, the foreskin slipping over the head as I did.
There was no rush to my movements.  I wasn’t teasing him, but I wasn’t rushing to the finish line.  I not only wanted Bucky to enjoy this, but to relax too.  I wanted it to be like making love in the morning, not a quick and dirty fuck.
The soft moans, the way his muscles would tense up and tremble before relaxing again, and the way he was touching me and squeezing my ass, were turning me on.  I didn’t want him to worry about getting me off, but I couldn’t help but grind my hips down onto his thigh.
I began to suck on his throat, my teeth pressing into him.  He moaned louder and pulled me against his thigh, sending a jolt through me as my clit rubbed against his leg.  I gasped, jerking against him and he let out a soft chuckle, lifting his head to look at me.  “That feel good, dahlin’?” he asked.
“Yes,” I hummed, rocking against his thigh.  “I want you to feel good.  I want to do this for you.”
“I do feel good,” he said.  “You’re doing real good, El.  But keep doing that too.  I love that you can get yourself off just like that using my leg.”
He kissed me again, deeply and passionately.   There was an urgency there, that hadn’t been there before, and the movement of my hand matched the need in the kiss.  I began mixing up what I did more too, fondling his balls, rubbing along his perineum, and squeezing around his shaft as I stroked him.  His moans became louder and more frequent and he started to buck into my hand.  That just fed my desire more too and I humped his leg more and more desperately, my insides twisting as heat built in my core.
Closer and closer we got to the pinnacle of our release.  Bucky’s cock throbbed in my hand and precum leaked from the tip, floating in the water, thick and viscous compared to the scented liquid around it.
Bucky’s orgasm hit first, and he arched his back, making the water splash around us.  The muscles in his abs were pulled beautifully tight and as he moaned loudly, he released, coating his stomach.
The sight alone was enough to send me over with him, I moaned and clung to him as my body shuddered with it.  “Fuck,” Bucky groaned, relaxing down into the water and wrapping his arms around me.  “God, El.  That was amazing.” 
“You’re amazing,” I said, as I relaxed and lay curled up against him.
He laughed and shook his head.  “Nuh-uh, you are.”
We lay like that for a little while as the water cooled off around us and our breathing and pulses returned to normal.  Bucky shifted under me, sitting up a little more. “I guess we should probably take a shower to rinse off,” he said.
I grumbled, not wanting to move.  “I suppose,” I said.
He gave my butt a playful swat.  “Go on, get moving.”
I reluctantly pushed myself up and climbed out of the tub.  While the bath hadn’t exactly cleaned us, we were relaxed, sleepy, and most of all content, and neither of us was going to complain about that, even if we needed to waste a little more water to actually get clean.
~ End ~
28 notes · View notes
ladies first
clint barton x natasha romanoff x f!reader prompt: wait theme: smut (tags beneath the cut)
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“Go slowly, kroshka,” Natasha murmured with a smile, her hand stroking gently through your hair. There was a hint of amusement in her dulcet voice, and you shivered as her fingertips tickled the back of your neck. “Always so eager to please. You don’t want to end the fun already, do you?”
You hummed your response, unable to reply properly with your mouth full. Clint groaned as you did, the vibrations of your mouth teasing his cock. You gagged slightly as his hips upward, the head of him hitting the back of your throat.
“Much better,” Natasha praised, her fingertips tip-toeing their way along your back. They lingered along the curve of your spine before dipping lower, and you whimpered as she slipped your underwear down your thighs. The gentle pressure of her hand between your thighs spread them wider, and you felt a thrill curl in your belly.
Your position on your hands and knees over Clint’s legs left you feeling prone, exposed. But the way he groaned as you slid your tongue along the length of him and dug your fingers into his thigh… and the way Natasha hummed in appreciation as she studied you… it didn’t seem to matter.
“God…” Clint muttered, his hands balling in the sheets beneath him. His fingers flexed, the muscles in his arms tightening. You knew he wanted so badly to bury his hands in your hair, but Natasha had given him strict instructions: He was not to touch. “Fuck, sugar, I’m—”
“Not yet, Barton,” Natasha tsked, her fingertips ghosting up the inside of your thigh. “Wait.”
Clint chuckled brokenly, shaking his head against the pillow. “For the love of fuck, why?”
Natasha snickered, her fingers continuing their glacial pace up over your sensitive flesh.
“You don’t cum…” Natasha said, a playful edge to her voice. You moaned, mouth full and your eyes rolling back, as she finally slid her fingers against your cunt. “…Until she does.”
Clint cursed again, his hands tightening further on the sheets. His knuckles whitened, and the fitted sheet popped off the corner of the bed. “God, you’re mean to me.”
You could picture Natasha’s answering half-smile, and your breath caught as Natasha pressed two fingers into you, her other hand teasing over your clit. You pulled back, the head of Clint’s cock against your bottom lip as you gasped for breath.
“Uh, uh, kroshka.” she reprimanded, stilling her hands. You whimpered, moving your hips back against her touch, and she rewarded the action with a sharp smack against your backside. “Don’t go easy on him.”
You shared a brief look with Clint – one you’d shared a hundred times before when Natasha took charge like this – one of shared excitement and play-exasperation. He winked at you before you took him back into your mouth and his head fell back onto the pillow.
“Good girl.” Nat cooed, her fingers returning to their previous rhythm.
You rode her fingers eagerly, every moan and breathy curse Clint gave you making your pulse quicken and your insides tighten. You choked around Clint’s cock as you came minutes later, pitching forward as your thighs shook with the sensation.
“Now, Clint.”
“Oh, thank God.” He bunched a hand in your hair and thrust into your mouth, groaning as his orgasm overcame him. You swallowed reflexively, smiling around him as you felt Natasha press a kiss to the small of your back. “Fuck…”
“So pretty, the two of you.” Natasha told you as you climbed up Clint’s body and pressed your lips to his. He banded his arms around your waist, one hand closing around hers as she smoothed her hand over your spine. “Just so pretty…”
tags: @startrekkingaroundasgard @lol-you-thought @ruderavenclaw @wittyforachange @notafraid-bitch-igot9lives @akumune @enna-core @xxboesefrauxx @hearmyharmony @katsies @lipstickandtanqueray @youralphawolf72 @maenji @rhymesmenagerie @wefracturedmotivation​ @january-echoes​ @glossyloner​ @capitalnineteen​ @youclickedthislink​ @s0ftness​ @castieltrash1​ @drakelover78​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @gwianasky
153 notes · View notes
wandabear · 1 year
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Summary: Wanda lost everything and it's hard for her to open her heart, but someone like Y/N's isn't going to give up anytime soon. So many times where Y/N tries to get closer but Wanda ignores her, and one where it's the other way around. A request based on the song 'Give Your Heart a Break'. Emobaby Wanda is trying. Enjoy @imnotasuperhero! Request here.
Chapter Iㅤ | ㅤChapter II
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As you know me, Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane.ㅤ 
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The world changed. Not just for her, but for everyone.
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With her look lost in some point inside that cell, Wanda kept quiet, wondering why the hell she agreed to go on that mission in Lagos. Mission where she made the biggest mistake of her life and because of that, the Sokovia Accords were created and therefore, she ran away with Clint from Stark's house to fight with Steve in Germany. Everything was chaos in a matter of hours.
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Now locked away in some remote part of the world, with a straitjacket and a stupid Stark tech collar so she couldn't use her powers, Wanda was just devastated, she allowed herself to shed a tear.
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'Please, stay with me. Don’t go…'
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Wanda remembered Y/N's words and closed her eyes, cursing herself. Why didn't she listen to her? Why didn't she stay with her that night? Sharing the warmth of the bed, just feeling Y/N’s heartbeat, the sound of her breath.
Now that picture seemed so far away.
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‘How do you feel now? You freak.’ The raspy voice of one of the guards was heard, but she didn’t allow herself to see that disgusting man. Wanda clenched her jaw and held on until he left, she wasn't going to let him see her defeated like that, how the icy cold sadness embraced her.
All she could think about was Y/N, just her, to survive.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
"Don't listen to him, kiddo."
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
She heard Clint's voice since his cell was next to hers, trying to comfort her in some way, so she wouldn't feel alone. Too late.
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The lights flash for a few seconds, drawing everyone's attention. Before the guards could say anything, a blackout darkened the entire place. The surrounding darkness made Clint and Sam lean against the bars and talk to each other, though Wanda couldn't even move. 
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The sound of many men falling down made her feel nervous, what if it was Hydra again? No, they were already defeated. But what if it was someone else?
She had never felt so vulnerable. The anxiety began to devour her slowly until  that voice brought hope back to her shattered heart.
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“I told you that no matter what, if you need me... I'll be there.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Like a beautiful sunrise, a smile was born on Wanda's lips; Steve was there. Next to him, Natasha was ready to get her friends out of there. Whatever it takes.
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“Are you sure?” The Sokovian asked feeling her heart race, taking the folder with shaky hands. She was in a van with her best friend, trying to go unnoticed. Wanda wearing sunglasses and a beanie to appease the cold while Natasha just left her recent blonde hair loose.
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“Safe as houses.” The russian spy sighed, noticing how Wanda was looking at the pictures in the folder. “She still goes to that café, not as often but… she does.”
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The pictures showed Y/N graduating, some in the cafe talking with Jules, some of the brunette listening to music with her headphones on the subway.
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“How long have you been following her?” Wanda asked, her fingers running gently over the picture. Oh, how long it had been without seeing her. Especially when they were running from one place to another to avoid being caught.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Since we got rid of Ross in Spain.” Natasha glanced sideways at the picture. “Plus, the barista is kinda cute.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Wanda raised an eyebrow, turning to see her.
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“What? She’s cute.” Natasha rolled her eyes. “Apparently she’s her friend now. Thanks to that I was able to find out more about your girl.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Flirting with the barista?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Someday she will stop being the barista and will be the owner, she has dreams... she's different from us. From me.” The currently blonde handed her the binocular so Wanda could watch. “Anyway, Y/N's still single, she finished Med School, although it was delayed a bit when you disappeared. Now she’s doing the residence.”
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“Still looking beautiful.” Wanda sighed as she watched Y/N from a distance. The brunette was at her table, writing something in her notebook and listening music on her headphones. This time she wasn’t wearing her leather jacket, she was wearing a grey hoodie that Wanda recognized perfectly because it was hers.  Her heart melted. “She changed her hair style a bit.”
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“We can say we understand her. She needs to blend.”
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Wanda sighed and put the folder aside. “What else do you have?”
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“Wanda.” Natasha tried to get her attention. “I think it's time to face it. We have no time for doubts.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
The redhead sighed and shook her head.
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“Now?” Wanda hesitated for a moment, really worried. What if Y/N didn't want to see her anymore? Or call the police?  Or worse... what if... “What if she hates me?”
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“We don’t have much time, we should fly to Scotland in a few hours.” Natasha grabbed her keys, ready to get out of the truck. “It may be the last time you see her.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Remaining thoughtful and silent for a moment, Wanda looked out the window once more. This was her chance, she must take it or let it go. But she had to choose now.
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“Let’s go.”
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“Here you have, my friend. ” The barista set the coffee mug next to Y/N, sitting down next to her. "Just the way you like it."
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“Thank you, you're the best.” Y/N smiled kindly and drank some of it, but not before adding two tablespoons of sugar. “That guy bothered you again?”
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Jules shook her head.
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“No, he was snooping around for a while, but when I told Ross that Wanda was only here for coffee and they did the ‘truth test’ to me with that stupid weird machine, he left me alone. Plus, Matt Murdock helped me as the most caring and amazing defense attorney in the world. ” The barista leaned on the table to play with a sugar packet. “I'm glad your friend deleted the videos… from the cameras, you know.”
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“It was nothing nothing, Daisy said she didn't leave any traces.” Y/N sighed deeply, remembering that in those videos you could see how Wanda and her met for the first time. How difficult was to erase them from existence. Now those memories remained only in her memory.
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Seeing the melancholy in her friend's eyes, Jules asked: “Did she call you already? Or something...”
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“No…” Y/N sighed a bit tired, putting her laptop aside. “Though I did find out some stuff, Daisy didn't know as much as I expected, I must admit, but she taught me a few tricks.”
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“How about Tony Stark?” Jules narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. “He must know where she is, or if you can see her. At least! I mean… she’s your girlfriend!”
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“But nobody knows that we are girlfriends, and it’s the safest thing for her, I haven't been near Stark Tower since the last time we tried to get in and you got locked up.”
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Jules tried not to laugh at the memory. “But it was worth it, wasn't it?”
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Y/N smiled when she remembered that moment, of course she was able to intrude in the place thanks to Jules making a fuss in the main room. What it cost her to be questioned by the General Ross himself about twenty-four hours. And Y/N being 'kindly' kicked out by a some kind man with a scruffy beard that everyone called 'Happy'.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
The door bell rang again as two customers entered the café. Jules walked over to take the order but smiled widely when she saw it was the blonde.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ Y/N smiled, the crush Jules had with that stranger reminded her of herself. She just turned her gaze to her laptop to continue with that job.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ “Hey.” Jules grinned, resting her hands on the counter. “You came back.”
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“Yeah.” Natasha nodded and pointed to the person behind her, who was looking at the ground a bit shy. “I brought a friend, I think she will really like your coffee.”
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“Oh, a friend…” The smile on Jules's lips began to fade, she felt her chest deflate for a moment until Natasha's 'friend' removed her sunglasses. She could finally recognize her, with a different hair color, sure, but it was her. “Oh my… goddess.”
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The barista turned on the coffee machine to make some noise, necessary so that no one would hear them. Not even Y/N who was sitting with her back to them.
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“You’re here! We thought you were locked up somewhere! We saw you on TV!” Jules picked up two disposable coffee cups, writing two random names on them. “You looked so badass, by the way.”
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“Please, don’t say anything.” Wanda whispered trying to go unnoticed, worried there would be bugs. “Can I trust that you won't rat us out?”
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“You have my word, she’s there alone. Go…” Jules whispered and then cleared her throat, raising her voice again: “Sure! It's four bucks for both lattes.”
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“Thank you, Jules.” Wanda whispered and walked away from her, Natasha stayed talking to Jules and making sure no strangers entered the place. Wanda smiled when she heard 'you didn't tell me you were an avenger! I thought your name was Natalie!'
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Each step towards her made the heartbeat increase, what to say? How? Wanda watched Y/N's back and how she scratched her head trying to think. Oh, she loved that. She was so adorable.
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Wanda took a deep breath, working up all the courage to take a seat across from her. Unlike the first times they'd met, Wanda this time sat down and stayed there until Y/N looked away from her laptop.
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“Sorry, this place is taken…” Y/N started but then her jaw drop open. Wide open eyes, her heart skipped a beat.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Wanda was there, with the cutest shy smile and that lovely reddish hair contrasting against her skin. Although those green eyes showed so much nostalgia, this time the tears were of joy, to see Y/N again.
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“Wanda...” Y/N gasped, quickly getting up to hug her tightly. Between giggles and tears, Y/N buried her face in the redhead's neck to sniff her scent, feel her presence once more and make sure she wasn't crazy.
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She was there. After so long they were together again. In the distance, her friends watched them smiling and happy.
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“Are you okay?!" The brunette took the face of her beloved in her hands, still unable to believe that she was there. Her Wanda.
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“I’m fine, detka.” The sokovian nodded quickly, smiling through the tears. Without thinking about it anymore, without caring about the consequences, Wanda ended the distance and kissed the lips of that woman she loved, the one who had her crazy since the first day they met.
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The warmth of her mouth, the need to feel her one more time. Both were lost in that kiss until they both needed oxygen. Y/N rested her forehead against Wanda's for a few seconds, until they decided to sit down. They had to keep up appearances.
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“We thought you were locked up in that awful prison.” The brunette sighed taking Wanda’s hand.
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“I was, but we were able to escape.” Wanda said in a low voice, closing her eyes as she felt that soft caress. She hadn't felt something like that for so long. “I missed you, lyubov.”
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Oh, she missed that Sokovian accent so much.
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“I missed you so much, Wands.” She felt a tear escape, down her cheek but she soon brushed it away. “You never told me you were an avenger.”
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“I'm sorry.” Wanda bit her lower lip, trying to swallow the pain. “I'm sorry that I didn't tell you the truth, I wanted you to be for me, just for me… for this to be different from what I had. I was afraid you'd be scared.”
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“It's okay.” Y/N nodded. “Although I really didn't think that was it, just that maybe you were involved in some weird shit, some strange cult or something.”
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They both laughed together once more, feeling that maybe for a moment everything was back to normal.
The warmth in Wanda’s belly mixed with the pain in her chest, everything she had in front of her and couldn't keep. Damn it. She now she understood the pain, now she understood what Nat told her, now walking away would hurt even more.
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“I'm sorry I left that night.” Wanda whispered regretfully.
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“Okay, I understand why you did it.” Y/N nodded. “I'm proud of you.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
'I'm proud of you'. Such simple words, yet so powerful. Enough to make Wanda shed a few tears, of happiness and sadness at the same time.
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“I can't stay.” You can hear the deep pain in her voice.
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Y/N smiled tenderly. “I know.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
They both spent a while catching up on everything that happened, until Y/N began to look for something in her bag.
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“Take this.” Y/N handed her a small device that she put in the redhead's pocket. “It looks like a tamagotchi, right? It's funny. Every time you want to send me a message, you have to open this app. And send it to me.”
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“I don't think I can have this where I'm going, detka.” Wanda looked at her tenderly but Y/N shook her head, giving it to her anyway.
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“A friend did it for me, it's very reliable. It's encrypted, many layers of encryption, it is even necessary to do it from a specific place, really impossible to trace. I had the idea a while ago, I figured you'd come someday. So, I asked her to do it because she owed me.”
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“Who?” Wanda frowned at her, doubtful. Maybe a little jealous.  “Is she trustworthy?”
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“Daisy Johnson.”
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Hearing that name, the redhead nodded and took that device, knowing that she could completely trust Daisy. At least they were on the same side.
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“How did you meet Daisy?”
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“Oh, that story is for another day. I'll just tell you that I had to patch many wounded running away because of the Accords.”
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“You're amazing, detka.” Wanda bit her lower lip, completely captivated by her.
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“Wanda, we have to go.” Natasha said looking at her watch. 
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“Can't we stay a little longer? Please.” She begged, those green eyes asking Natsha and whatever higher beings to give her a few more moments.
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“You know how it is.” Nat sighed and adjusted her cap, ready to go out again. “Steve needs us.”
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“She’s right.” Y/N kissed her forehead, in the sweetest and most supportive way possible. “Go, okay? I will be here.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Y/N, I…” Wanda stopped. She didn't know how to express those words, were they correct? Was she rushing? But did that matter? She was running from the government -not just one- for more than a year, of course it was worth saying. “I love you, Y/N.”
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“I love you, Wands” Happy to finally say it, Y/N smiled widely and kissed her lips once more. Not just once, but many times until they had to break up.
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“Be careful, okay?”
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“You too, take care, please.”  The Sokovian sighed, feeling her heart split in two as she moved away. “They will do anything to find us.”
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“We’ll do it.” She nodded, then looked at Natasha. “Take care of her.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
The spy nodded as if it were a promise, although the truth would be that they would both take care of each other. But to Natasha's surprise, Jules came over to her with a big brown paper package.
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“Take this.” The barista handed her that package that inside seemed to have a few bottles of water, bagels and chicken sandwiches. “For the trip, I guess where you guys are going won't be close.”
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“Thank you, Jules. You’re kind.” Wanda smiled gratefully.
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“Wanda?” Y/N tried last time.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ “Yes?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Red looks beautiful on you. Red is still yours.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Smiling, Wanda waved and left that café, ready to drive out of town where the quinjet was parked.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
In the cafe, Y/N kept watching the door for twenty minutes until Jules decided to close it, it was time to go home. Of course Y/N was going to wait, she didn't know how long, but she was going to wait.
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And together they battled the adversity and distance that separated them each night, especially Y/N's constant concern for Wanda's life. They communicated through encrypted messages from each city where Wanda arrived, once she was safe she would send a message that only they knew to show that everything was okay.
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The second invasion in New York was something that nobody expected, of course. As soon as she saw that on TV how New York was under attack again by the Black Order, she quickly left with Steve and Natasha to the Compound. The imminent war against Thanos coming to Wakanda.
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‘Are you okay?’ Send.
‘Please, detka, say you're okay...’ Send. 
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She typed and waited impatiently as they flew to Wakanda.
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Wanda sighed deeply, a bit defeated and tired of going back and forth from one place to another without being able to stay where she wanted to be. Now the planet was at risk -again- and a mad titan wanted to kill one of her friends to get a stone. Cool.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“She’s okay?” Natasha asked as she sat down next to her.  
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“I don't know.” Wanda lowered her gaze, watching her reddish knuckles. Some cuts on her pale skin, she couldn't remember when was the last time she had a moment of peace. Her heart doesn't have any rest.  “I'm tired.”
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“I know.” Natasha pursed her lips and leaned back against the quinjet wall, closing her eyes. “I promise this is the last time.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Don't promise something you don't know, Romanoff.” Wanda whispered, knowing so damn well that this wasn’t the last time. There was always something else, always somewhere to run.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Maybe half an hour later that device vibrated, taking her attention. Wanda sighed with relief.
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‘I’m okay. Working, the hospital is full of wounded people. Those aliens left a mess here! Where are you? What’s going on?!’ - received a minute ago. 
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
‘I'm about to stop all this. I love you.’ Send.
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‘I love you. Please be safe, come back to me, Wanda.’ Received. 
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“She’s fine.” Wanda told Nat who seemed less worried now too. “We must stop them.”
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Wanda didn't want to lose Y/N, didn't want to lose her best friend, Vision.
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“It's what we'll do.” Natasha nodded and got up to make sure they were close to Wakanda, as they seemed to be losing altitude. Watching once more the messages from her beloved, Wanda closed her eyes when she heard Steve tell them that they were about to land.
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One last time. One last time and we'll be together.
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"She'll come back, of course she will."
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That was what Y/N told herself over and over again, ever since the afternoon New York was attacked by Thanos. Hours later, Thanos's snap had disappeared half of the Universe.
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Chaos and horror reigned in the lives of many people who lost their loved ones, and some people who had to pay for the crazy decision of the mad titan and lose their lives.
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Watching the ashes around her, Y/N walked through the hospital corridors, seeing how people disappeared, turning into ashes. People who screamed for their relatives or for their doctors. She was speechless.
Y/N remembered how that day she arrived at Jules's cafe expecting to find a pile of ashes and feel the relief to see her there, so scared, trying to help the people who came looking for refuge.
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Y/N remembered how she tried to call Wanda but it was impossible, even though Y/N tried a thousand times, she never answered her messages again. And she understood why, when the news showed the fallen Avengers, victims of Thanos' snap. How they had been remembered for their great courage, trying to save the planet from that threat.
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‘James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff… we owe them so much, we are forever in debt.’ Said the president next to the ruins of what used to be the Mets Stadium. 
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“Now you remember them?! After spending a whole year hunting them all over the world like criminals!” Y/N exclaimed angrily watching the news, getting up to storm out of that cafe. “A fucking Witch hunt!”
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Five years from that day, that day when she asked herself: why not me? Where she should be glad to still be alive, but carrying the weight and pain of surviving in a world where those she loved were gone.
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Five years where her life changed completely, she was no longer a girl doing a residency but was now a doctor.
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Five years where New York City gone from being a beacon of light to a slightly darker place. A gray that would never make you feel alone, but not safe either.
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“You haven't slept at all for twenty-six hours, you should eat something other than ham bagels and coffee!” Jules's voice snapped Y/N out of her thoughts as she tried to stay awake over the counter.
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Jules, her best friend who had been by her side these five years, poked her nose. The woman looked exactly the same although with a rather attractive bi bob haircut.
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“Its what I must do. I promise I'll eat better or healthier.” Y/N smiled somewhat wearily as she drank her coffee, happy to have two days off.
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“I’m just worried.” Jules shook her head.
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“I'm okay.” She assured. “How's everything around here now that you own this place?”
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“Oh, don't even tell me. It's chaos itself, I never thought it would be doing the same thing I already did, but with more responsibility. And even more tired and stressed… but happier.”
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Y/N rolled her eyes and giggled. “What about Natasha?”
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“Each day more beautiful. The last time we talked, she was videocalling a space raccoon... that was flirting with me. A self-centred little thing if I tell you.” She joked, shaking her head. The relationship with Natasha strengthened even more all those years, Thanos' snap changed everything.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ Y/N and Jules talked for a while, mostly about their lives until one of the customers caught their attention, pointing to the television.
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“I repeat, a ship landed on what used to be the old Avengers compound!” exclaimed one of the journalists while running. “Be careful, we don't know if this is a new attack on New York or-”
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The journalist suddenly stopped when he saw how people began to appear around him.
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Astonished, Y/N and her bestfriend watched as the people who disappeared years ago, now returned there or outside the store. Y/N rushed out to help those in need, accidents began to happen. Helping those who were scared or disoriented without knowing what was happening, the world was once again in chaos... five years after the snap.
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While the Avengers fought against Thanos once again, united, every place in the world was chaos itself. About five or six hours later, from afar it was heard how many people celebrated the return of their loved ones in the streets. Jules was turning off the lights of the coffee shop when she heard the jingle of the door bells.
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“Sorry, we’re already closed. If you need help I can take you to the City Hall and...” Jules said without even looking, taking her jacket to leave but when she turned to look, her mouth dropped open in surprise. 
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ The redhead was wearing a gray coat and a burgundy sweater that fit her perfectly. She looked beautiful, as always, but mostly she looked hopeful. And somewhat worried.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ “Wanda…” Jules gasped, she remained still for a few seconds before approaching to hug the redhead. So tight, even Jules missed her so much. “Damn, it’s true. You look like... you look exactly the same. Wow.”
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“It is. You still look beautiful too.” Wanda said with a small shy smile, but as she pulled away she asked: “Where is she?”
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“In her apartment.”
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So confused, the sokovian shook her head. “I was there, there’s no one living in that place.”
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“Oh, yeah! It's just that she moved two years ago to be close to the hospital.” Jules took a piece of paper and a pen so she could write down the exact address. “Here you go, she's a few blocks from New York-Presbyterian.”
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“Thank you.” Wanda nodded quickly walking towards the exit when the woman's voice caught her attention.
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“Wanda… Do you know where Natasha is? She doesn't answer my calls, I understand that after all it must be difficult to talk. But… I’m getting worried here.” Jules tried to look smiley but she seemed quite worried because inside her, she felt that something wasn't quite right. "I'm terrified, she never does that."
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“Jules, I… umh… I'm sorry.” Wanda lowered her head for a moment, not knowing what to say. How to begin, she didn’t even thought about everything that happened. Apparently Nat and her were close.  “I thought you knew.”
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Taking a deep breath, the brunette just tried to hold back her tears and nodded. Natasha talked to her many times, explaining the situation in which she would always be. Preparing her for what she considered inevitable.
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She was an Avenger. Someday she would die as one.
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“Go, I'll be fine. We will talk about that later.”
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“Are you sure?”
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“Yes, please. She will be happy to see you.”
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Wanda nodded and left that place quickly, willing to get to that place as fast as she could. 
The good news was that Y/N wasn't that far away, the bad news was that the streets were packed with people. Wanda used her powers to levitate between alleys, shortening as much as she could.
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She was so focused on the TV that the sound of the coffee maker made her jump. The news channel decided to show the lovely reunions instead of focusing on the riots, to appease now the great problem that was now coming, called overpopulation.
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Y/N got up to get some coffee when she heard the doorbell. So confused, she set the coffee pot aside and walked to the door a bit worried. Maybe it was Jules with something new, she didn't know anyone else after all.
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Each step toward the door seemed like an eternity, as if something was going to happen and her heart knew it. Because when she barely opened the door, her heart rushed out to its true owner. Taking her breath away, there was Wanda Maximoff, more beautiful than ever, as if nothing changed for her. Y/N thought she was living in a memory, Wanda looked exactly like the last time she saw her.
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“Hi.” Wanda mumbled between happy, flushed and excited. She thought of all the things she wanted to say, all the things she mentally wrote down to say to Y/N, but she could only say 'hi'.
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“Wanda! Oh my god!” Y/N exclaimed excited and amazed, rushed towards the sokovian to hug her as tightly as her arms would allow her.  “It’s you. It’s really you. Oh my god, you’re here!”
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She didn't even think about it, she just kissed Wanda. Kissed the love of her life as if it was their first time. Closing their eyes for a moment, they both allowed themselves to hold each other for a long time, feel each other one more time. Feel the scent, the warmth of their bodies meeting again, so similar yet so different.
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After that kiss, Y/N led Wanda inside the house quickly. Turning around, they faced each other again, not knowing what to say. Just happy looks and big smiles.
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“Wow, I can't believe you're back.” Y/N took her hand sitting on the couch together. Oh, how many times she begged to whatever god up there would let her see Wanda one more time.
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The redhead took advantage of the moment to take a good look at Y/N, that woman for whom she had fought all this time. One of the most important reasons why she gave her life in that battle, who she felt was her home.
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“You look the same... it's so crazy.”
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“You look a a bit different…” Wanda whispered, caressing her beloved's cheek. And it was true, although Y/N still looked so damn  beautiful, some things changed. Not many, those eyes and that smile kept taking her breath away.
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“Hey, it's not my fault. Five years, you know? I'm a bit older now, but... bit sexier tho. Like a good wine.” Y/N teased, they both laughed, but then pain came like a blast of cold air for both.
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Five years away.
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Realizing how long it had been since they saw each other, years without knowing about each other. Time felt unrecoverable; years of thinking they were lost forever.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ Years where Wanda was not there for Y/N. Years where Y/N had to move on.
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“No, I mean... you're so beautiful. You look the same, I just... It feels as if I saw you for the first time.” Wanda hurried up and shook her head, feeling the bitterness close in her throat for a moment. She cradled Y/N's face in her hands. “I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left. We should have gone somewhere, run away together...”
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A tear fell down Wanda's cheek and Y/N allowed herself to gently brush it away, leaving a soft kiss on her forehead.
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“That sounds very romantic.” Y/N smiled wistfully, how long did she think about it? How silly she was for not insisting even more. “But you know very well that you wouldn’t, you wouldn’t quit on your friends, you wouldn’t quit on this world if it needed you, and I wouldn’t let you do it either. I'm still so fucking proud of you.”
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“But I left you, twice. I feel like a failure, 'cause I know that I failed you, detka. I should've done you better…”  Wanda looked down at their intertwined fingers, finally. “I'm scared… Everything has changed so much. And I know, but I'm afraid that you have everything now… and I’ll be nothing without you.”
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Y/N smiled tenderly.
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“Some things have changed, but my love for you hasn't.” Y/N assured her, kissing her hand in a soft and unique way. “That's something that will never happen,  my love for you will never end. I'm still waiting for you.”
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Wanda bit her lower lip, completely in love with that woman. Oh god, how did she find something so good in her life?
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“I haven't asked you, but…” Wanda felt a bit embarrassed to ask. “Are you... seeing someone? Sorry, I came here and I just stormed with all this. I didn't even ask you that...”
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The brunette giggled, that was so adorable. “You’re asking that after we kissed...”
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“What? I wanna know!” Wanda defended herself and gave her a little nudge.
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“Ouch!” She tried to stop giggling. “I'm single.”
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“Oh, thanks to the universe.” Sighing deeply, feeling a great relief, Wanda just nodded and tried to fight back the tears.
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Seeing Y/N again in front of her, so the same and so different, was one of the most difficult tests she had gone through. They both spent the night chatting about what Y/N's life had been like, that she managed to finish the residency because the decimation -or the snap- changed everything in those five years. Y/N got that apartment because it was so much closer to the hospital, and because the memories of Wanda started to suffocate her. It was too painful.
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Wanda's absence opened a great hole inside, so deep that nothing was enough to fill it. ‘It was a deep dark hole that goes all the way to China’, Y/N used to said that because that was one of the songs they both loved, ‘Hole in my heart’ by Cyndi Lauper.
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And while Y/N told her everything that happened in the world and in her life, Wanda never stopped smiling. She was so proud of Y/N, seeing her achieve everything she wanted to be.
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“I've missed a lot of you.” Wanda stroked her cheek, so slowly. The softness of her skin kept driving her crazy. “I abandoned you so long ago, long before Thanos. I abandoned you when we hadn't even started.”
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Feeling the pain in her beloved's eyes, Y/N just leaned down to kiss those sweet lips one more time. A short and sincere kiss, making their heartbeat increase.
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“I think it's time to rest.” whispered the brunette, lost in the delicious sensation that Wanda's lips cause her. Hearing that, Wanda just nodded.
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“Yes, I should go.”
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“No, not like that. I mean… Where?” Y/N stammered, then looked around. It was 2 am, Y/N turned off the tv. “Where are you staying? I don't think it's good for you to go out alone.”
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“I'm an avenger.” Wanda smiled, Y/N despite knowing that she was powerful and capable of defending herself against alien threats or trained agents, she continued to protect Wanda as if she were a treasure. “Don't know. I just came back… I came straight here. I have no place yet.”
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“Stay with me.” Without waiting for even a second, stumbling at her own words, Y/N blurted it out without thinking about the consequences. Not caring either, she just wanted that girl back by her side and planned to make up for the time that was taken from her, from now on. If she let Wanda go before, this time she's going to fight for it.
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“Yes…” Wanda whispered, happy. And of course this time she wasn't going to say no. This time she wasn’t going to refuse saying that she should be somewhere else. This was the place where she belonged, this was the place where she deserved and wanted to be.
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Smiling, Y/N took the redhead's hand and they walked together into the bedroom, leaving all the chaos behind. Promising themselves to never let go again.
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And fulfilling what they promised, they didn’t separate again.
Except for Tony Stark's funeral, Y/N didn't think it would be appropriate to go there, so she just waited patiently for her. The bad news was that Natasha hadn't woken up yet, after what happened on Vormir and Steve returning the infinity stones to where they belonged, he found a loophole in that 'deal'.
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They were able to rescue Natasha's soul, coming back to life but wasn’t that easy. Natasha never woke up, staying alive but unable to get out of that coma.
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Pepper took care of the situation, looking for the best facilities and doctors she could find. Jules never left Natasha’s side, she spent most of her time trying to be with her, and take care of her.
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Of course, Jules cried and growled 'that's my girl, always leaving a mess and saving the world' when she found out about the Russian’s sacrifice. Hoping to scold her someday, though she understood that Nat would do anything to make her sister come back, Yelena. And all the people on this planet who needed to come back.
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After all, they spent five years together, and had a wonderful and healthy relationship. Natasha learned to open up and let herself be loved and cared for, have a small family. Jules knew so well that Natasha Romanoff was a hero, she always had been. Maybe the ring should wait for its owner a little longer.
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“Oh my god, that’s so you.” Y/N laughed so hard, watching an episode of Malcolm in the Middle. 
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Wanda loved sitcoms and was grateful that they matched so well on it, even though they agreed to alternate their sitcom nights between Malcolm, The Office, and One Day at a Time. The Office could be complex sometimes, but Y/N loved it and Wanda was starting to like it, very much. Two months passed since everyone returned and the world was beginning to heal, little by little.
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“Shut up. You’re Hal, always horny and doing the most random weird things ever.” Wanda snuggled to be closer to her girlfriend, her love, her everything. Feeling the brunette's scent made Wanda smile and close her eyes for a moment, so she could live in that dream, never wake up.
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“And you’re my Lois, because you love me anyway.” Y/N whispered as she stroked Wanda's back slowly.
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“I love you, detka. I will love you in any way, in any world.” Wanda confessed by placing her chin on Y/N’s chest. Neither of them seemed to care much that the episode kept playing behind, the connection between their looks could overcome everything.
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“Have I told you that I love your accent?”
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“Always, and I love to know...”
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“Yes, detka?”
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Y/N narrowed her eyes and bit her lower lip, thinking that maybe she shouldn't say what she wanted to say. “Do you remember the times we saw each other when you were running away?”
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“Do I remember them? Ha. I treasure them in my mind, each and every one of them.” The redhead paused for a moment to lose herself in those memories. The times they'd run away so they could be together, when Y/N took a week's vacation and traveled to Scotland, so they could lose in the romantically beautiful Edinburgh, or travel to Ireland, laughing and dancing in Galway over a few pints of ale.
That night Natasha was so angry... but the most painful thing was always saying goodbye to Y/N.
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Now they wouldn't have to do it anymore.
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“Remember when…?” Y/N swallowed hard, thinking how to say it. “I would like to know something... rather, I'd like to ask you something.”
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“Tell me, Y/N, what's is it? Are you okay?” Concern was visible on the redhead's face.
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The brunette sighed and settled on the bed to get a better look at Wanda. After a few attempts to start saying it, she took courage: “Don't you think we've been apart for a long time already?”
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“Yes…” Wanda nodded. “Although these months have been wonderful, I don’t understand what you mean…”
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“But it's different.” Y/N licked her lips and took Wanda’s hand. “So I was thinking and, well, this place… is… something that I chose, in a hurry because I had to. You know, I didn't even think if I liked that window or if that… room was good… or… one bathroom…”
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Wanda narrowed her eyes somewhat confused, not understanding too well where she was going.
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“Jeez! Would you like us… to look for a new place together?” Y/N ended up exploding, tired of babbling like a lovesick puppy. But as soon as she realized what she said, her eyes widened.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Do you want us to live together?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Wanda frowned, a bit confused. “Isn't that what we're doing?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Yeah, but I mean let's find a place together.” Y/N closed her eyes, expecting the 'no' at any moment. “One that we choose together, that we both like.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Her girlfriend was quiet and that made Y/N panic, feeling her palms slightly sweaty.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“A home...” Wanda gradually smiled, that smile she hadn't shown in a long time. Such a unique smile, a happy one. The sokovian suddenly began to nod quickly, between excited and happy. “I would like to.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Y/N smiled too. “Really?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“No, no...” The sokovian shook her head. “I wouldn't like it, change that. I'll say it better: I would love it! I would love to choose a home with you, detka.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“You serious?” Y/N smiled and sat up on the bed.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Deadly serious.” Wanda couldn't say more, she just laughed when the brunette leaned over to fill her with kisses and small bites. “Let's get ourselves a home!”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“And maybe a dog?” Y/N used her best pleading eyes, Wanda just bit her bottom lip, shaking her head.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Baby steps, detka!”
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
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That was how they both slowly began to repair that relationship damaged by absence and time.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Natasha woke up two months later, happy to know that her sacrifice was worth it and that she was surrounded by the people she loved so much. Now all she had to do was go through a long recovery process, but never alone.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Y/N managed to have better work hours, now she couldn't be away from home for so long. She decided to take a minor position in a nice place called Westview.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Accepting Y/N's recommendation, Wanda began attending a therapy group, to be able to work on all the losses she had. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't impossible.
Although she would never get over Pietro, her family or Vision’s death, she could tell that slowly she was making progress.
Wanda could finally let her heart have a break and, without a doubt, lots of love.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
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Okay, I have finished this beautiful request and aaaaaaa. I hope you liked it. I wrote this chapter listening to One last time" by Ariana Grande.
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the cutest and lovely people tags ✨@fishlikestuff @marvelogic @blckrwidow @imnotasuperhero @wandsmxmff - @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @marvell-love​ - @etheriaaly - @idcplss - @how-to-disappearrr - @simp4nat - @scarletwitchofthewilds - @cristin-rjd - @lonewalker17 @zairaaaa @mrscromanoff @kacka84 @helladumbsstuff @dandelions4us @karsonromanoff @trikruismybitch @danicarpediem
I can’t remember who asked me to tag them in my fics, if you want, comment and I’ll tag you.🐻
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currentlyfckingurmom · 10 months
Human: Rewritten
Chapter One
Natasha Romanoff x Female OC
A/N: Troyes, France is 6 hours ahead of NYC so 7pm there is 1pm in NYC
Barcelona, Spain; January, 2012
The repetitive ticking of the clock registered in her brain before her eyes even opened. She didn’t need that clock to know what time it was, of course. It was 4:30 am— the same time she’d woken up everyday for the past twenty-five years of her life. She no longer needed to wake up that early, yet it’s a habit so deeply entrained in her framework that it’s seemingly unbreakable. She rolled out of bed and made her way into the dingy kitchen with light footsteps. With some quick math she figures that she got barely two hours of sleep last night, but that’s typical. She started the coffee machine and asked with a sigh, “Would you like some coffee or are you just going to lurk in the corner?”
The leather-clad stranger with an eyepatch stepped up to the kitchen island opposite of her and responded, “I wouldn’t mind a cup. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that you knew I was here.”
“Well, you know what they say about old habits. You got a name?”
“You can call me Fury. We have a lot to talk about, Eight.” She slid him a mug of cheap coffee and gestured for him to take a seat.
“Then we’d better get started so you can get the hell out of my apartment.” He simply chuckled in response and Eight could already feel her patience wavering.
Two hours later, Eight rubbed her forehead in an effort alleviate the headache.
“Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division? Really, dude?”
“Yeah, it’s a mouthful. Trust me I know.”
“I’m sorry that you came all this way for nothing, Fury, but there’s no way in hell I'm working for some government spy circus.”
“It’s technically an extra-governmental spy agency-”
“Doesn’t matter. I’m not joining,” She said, cutting him off.
“So, you’re just gonna hop from one shitty apartment to the next until you die? That doesn’t seem like a great life.”
“Better than the one I lived before.”
“You aren’t the person to live in hiding. You’re the person who thrives in the action and lives to kick ass, and we both know it.” When she didn’t respond he continued, “I’ll leave you my card. When you change your mind, which you will, you’ll know where to find me. You don’t have to be the bad guy anymore, Eight.” With that he slid off the stool and left her apartment, leaving her with nothing but her rapidly spiraling thoughts and a black business card.
Troyes, France; May, 2012:
It had been four months since Director Fury paid a visit to Eight’s apartment in Barcelona. They had kept in contact and he hadn't given up on her joining SHIELD. She’d lived in three different apartments since then. Eight was watching the seven o’clock news when she saw something that made her choke on her Cheerios. “An alien invasion? What the hell is—” Her muffled exclamation was interrupted by the ring of her burner phone. “Hello?”
“Eight, you watched the news recently?”
“Uh yeah, I'm watching it now. You fighting aliens now, Nicky?”
“Okay first of all, I told you to stop calling me that. Second, yes, aliens. I’m forming a team of extraordinary people to help protect against these threats. They could really use a hand to finish off this fight.”
“I may be a bit unusual but I’m not ‘extraordinary’, Fury. I don’t wanna join your band of misfits.”
“Alright, how about a compromise? You fly your fancy jet here right now and help them out and if you still don’t wanna join, you can go right back to France after the fight is over and I’ll stop bothering you about joining.” After a few seconds of silence she agreed.
“Fine, but I’m not gonna change my mind. How do you know about my jet?”
He gave a hearty laugh and said “I know everything, Eight. You should know that by now.”
New York, New York; 96 Minutes Later:
Eight flew her jet into the city, making sure to take out a few flying Chitauri in the process. She found herself extremely grateful for the stolen German jet capable of flying 2100mph. She saw a few interesting characters standing in a circle fighting off an endless sea of aliens. She maneuvered the jet and— Is that guy wearing blue tights? Is this what Fury meant by extraordinary? She landed in the street about 20 yards away and killed the engines, then hopped out and started jogging towards the group. A couple of them turned around, probably wondering who the hell she was and—whoa that’s a beautiful woman. After realizing her steps had literally faltered at the sight of the woman, she slowed to a walk and said “You guys need a hand?”
“Depends on whose hand it is,” replied the gorgeous redhead.
“I’m a friend of Fury’s. He practically begged me to come save your asses.”
“Fury doesn’t beg,” she said in a doubtful tone.
“Not typically, but I'm just that awesome. If you don’t believe me then call him up but I’m gonna go kill some aliens.” With that she took off down another street where there was a group of the repulsive bastards. After unloading all of her magazines into Chitauri bodies, she switched to swords and daggers. After another hour or so of fighting, there were no more aliens in sight. Eight started jogging toward the rich dude’s tower when she saw said rich dude falling through the rapidly-closing portal. She stopped next to Mr. Blue Tights and Mr. Hammer Man when the big green thing grabbed Mr. Rich Dude from the sky and landed next to the group. The green guy yelled, waking Mr. Rich Dude up with a start. “What the hell? What happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me. Except for her, she’s pretty hot,” he said, nodding toward Eight. Just then the redhead jogged over to us and eyed Eight’s blood-soaked form from head to toe.
“See something you like, Red?”
“No. I’m pretty sure I'd be classified as a sadist if I liked the sight of that much blood,” she said with a raise of her eyebrow.
“I’d be into it if you were.”
She shook her head at Eight with a small smirk. There was barely a second of silence when Mr. Rich Dude spoke up.
“Anybody want shawarma?”
Three Hours Later:
Eight had gone to the Triskelion after the band of misfits apprehended Loki. Agent Hill showed her where to land her jet and directed her to a room so she could shower and stay the night if she wanted to. Eight had put on black jeans, a white tank, and a black jean jacket, all of which had been in a to-go bag in her jet. She was toweling off her hair when someone knocked on the door. Eight opened the door to see none other than the one-eyed-wonder standing there. “What can I do for you, Nicky?”
“The Avengers are being debriefed in Conference Room 6B in ten minutes. You should come.”
“The Avengers? Is that what you’re calling them? That’s cute. But I'm not an Avenger and I don’t want to be an Avenger, so no thanks.”
“You should come anyway.”
“I don’t actually have a choice, do I?”
“You know me so well, Eight,” he said with an amused grin.
She walked into the conference room, finding the Avengers already there. Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, and Natasha Romanoff—whose names Eight had learned from Hill—were scattered around a large table, along with Fury. Romanoff eyed Eight from where she was standing and arched a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at her. Eight squinted her eyes and wiggled her eyebrows in response, and she could see the redhead stifle a laugh.
“What’s your name?” She accompanied the question with a blank expression.
“That’s a very personal question, Miss Romanoff. Let’s slow the pace, please.”
“You know my name but I can’t know yours? That doesn’t seem fair.”
“The world isn’t fair, Miss Romanoff, and I love a good mystery.”
“If you two are done flirting, we have business to attend to,” interjected Fury.
“Right, my apologies, Nicky.”
“Don’t call me that, Eight.”
After an excruciating 43 minutes and 27 seconds, Fury finally let the group leave. Eight was so close to freedom when that unbelievably sexy voice called to her.
“Eight!” Romanoff hastily walked towards her in an effort to catch up.
“Is your name actually Eight?”
“If you want it to be.”
“Why are you so damn stubborn?”
“It amuses me, Red.” There was a brief silence during which both women were trying to figure out if the conversation was over.
Eight was about to leave when Natasha continued, “So that’s it? You’re just gonna leave?”
“Well, no. I’m going to stay the night, steal some really expensive jet fuel, and then leave in the morning before Fury can get up my ass about joining his little team.”
She rolled her eyes and responded, “Why won’t you join the Avengers? And why won’t you tell me your real name?”
“It’s just not my style. I’d rather fly solo.”
“You ignored my second question.”
“Then maybe you should take the hint and stop asking.” With that she turned around and started walking away, but a hand on her arm stopped her dead in my tracks. Alarms started going off in Eight’s head, and Romanoff might’ve been saying something to her, but she was too caught up in the memories to register it. After a few seconds, the white of her vision cleared up and the voices in her head faded into the background. Her heart was still hammering in her chest and she was trying to keep her breathing steady. Eight regained her neutral expression and said. “Sorry, did you say something?”
“Are you okay?” Natasha had a concerned expression and if Eight wasn’t so blinded with anxiety, she would’ve appreciated how cute the furrow of her eyebrows was.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just gonna turn in. It’s been a long day.” She turned around and walked back to her temporary room at a brutal pace. As soon as the door closed behind her, hot tears raced down her cheeks and she lost the ability to breathe as she fought the old conditioning messing with her head. It was gonna be a long night.
3:21 am:
She finally managed to calm herself down and stop the panic attack after almost four hours. Trying to sleep would be pointless, so she decided to leave before anyone woke up. Eight didn’t have much to pack so she grabbed her duffel bag and left the room. She made it to the corridor attached to the landing pads, then ran into the one person she really didn’t want to see. “What are you doing out and about, Red?”
“I’ve got places to be and things to do. Were you just going to sneak out in the middle of the night like a teenager with a rebel streak?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m doing, actually. Do you need a ride? Where are you going?”
“Madrid. Fury said I could hitch a ride on another plane that’s headed for Germany.”
“Well I’m going to France if you wanna ride with me. My jet will get you there a lot faster.” Natasha studied her for what felt like way too long, probably debating if Eight would try to kill her or not. Spies can be so untrusting.
“What the hell, why not?”
And that is how she ended up in a jet with “Candy Shop” playing over the speakers and Natasha Romanoff in the copilot seat yelling at her to ‘slow the fuck down!’
“Why would I slow down, you psycho?! That’s the whole damn point of this thing!”
“Where did you even get a German jet this fast?”
“No shit Sherlock. How did you get it?”
“I went to Germany, stopped in at the local speedy-jet dealership, and walked out with this beauty.”
“Sarcasm is a defense mechanism, you know. You’re dodging my questions.”
“You act like you’d answer my questions if I were to start asking about you.” It was quiet as the two women shared a look of mutual understanding.
Madrid, Spain:
Eight landed the jet at the local SHIELD base and killed the engines. They removed their headsets and Eight stood to help Romanoff get her bags. “Well, I’ll see you around I guess.” Eight had never been good at goodbyes. Or any social interactions, really. Twenty-four years in a cell will do that to you.
“Will I? See you around, I mean.”
“Um, I don’t know, honestly.”
“Why won’t you join SHIELD? I mean what else are you doing?”
“Oh, I see. You just love me so much that you don’t want me to leave. You’re gonna miss me so much-” Eight was cut off when Natasha threw her backpack at my head. “Hey! You’re lucky I caught that! Fucking crazy woman.”
When their laughter died down, Natasha said, “Well I should probably go. Thank you for the ride.”
“Of course. Hitchhikers are always welcome aboard my beloved jet.” A small smile appeared on her face and she stepped forward to give Eight a hug but she must’ve seen her body go rigid because she stepped back. And then she was gone. Eight walked to the front of the jet and started the journey to France.
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glitchpostcore · 1 year
Peter: I’m a bisexual and I haven’t even made out with a guy or girl yet.
Natasha: So, you’re a guy who’s attracted to girls and guys, but no girls or guys are attracted to you?
Allison: "Using a Tower' Tv" Damn, he really put’s the 'L' in LGBT.
Peter: I-
Peter: I'm getting bullied by my parents.
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