theambivalentagender ¡ 8 hours
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theambivalentagender ¡ 9 hours
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"We'll have the best eggs in the whole valley!"
Alt version with a slightly gentler face:
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theambivalentagender ¡ 9 hours
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me, in the confessional booth: please understand that i am a human with needs who's been having a bad time lately and one of those needs i had to fulfill was to draw 2 different versions of shane stardew in cat ears
the priest: get out
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Had a very specific dysphoria moment scrolling through "for you" today in the year of our lord 2024.
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Anon is autistic and wonders how many other people do or do not wear bras, considering the opinion of their parents.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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I'll ignore that he put a plant on the staircase leading to the plant room because WHAT HE CALL ME?!
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theambivalentagender ¡ 2 days
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theambivalentagender ¡ 2 days
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Valley Echoes Masterlist
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theambivalentagender ¡ 3 days
oh god i’d heard about the “i won’t commission artists who undercharge for their art” post and now it’s making its rounds on my dash.
please understand that this concept does not actually help anyone. the sensible thing to do if an artist is undercharging is to tip them for what you think their work it worth, and be sure to let them know that. even if this doesn’t cause them to actually change their base prices, at least YOU’RE paying for what it’s worth, and THEY’RE getting business instead of nothing.
by essentially boycotting artists who are already unsure of the value of their own work (and are thus underpricing) you’re not sending any positive message. no one is going to up their commission prices when nobody is buying them. the only thing the artist gets out of it is that people don’t want to buy their art for some reason, and people who’s products aren’t selling aren’t going to say “oh i guess it was because i wasn’t charging enough, i’ll pump up the prices!”
if you want to support a commission artist, please do it by actually SUPPORTING THEM WITH COMMISSIONS rather than by choosing to take your business elsewhere because their prices were too low.
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theambivalentagender ¡ 3 days
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Bothersome beast, comforting friend
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theambivalentagender ¡ 3 days
what are 3 things u associate with me
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theambivalentagender ¡ 4 days
inspired by fifteen trying to say shit and getting censored by the nanny filter, here’s a complete table of every doctors who and whether or not they use strong language
1 - no
2 - yeah
3 - rarely, but accurately and directly, in a dignified and sarcastic fashion
4 - ABSOLUTELY all the time. the tardis filter barely copes. we’ve all seen the K-9 clip, that’s what the character sounds like without the kids show censorship
5 - no. does he look like a man who swears to you? maybe some esoteric combination of words like fuckadoodle shitnozzles
6 - yes. duh
7 - he doesn’t enjoy it, but occasionally, sparingly, when the situation calls for it
8 - definitely . not too frequently, though. for emphasis, or for a laugh
9 - that man is a working class northerner from the 2000s and a jaded war veteran. draw your own conclusions. he knows elaborate insults you’ve never heard of
10 - cheeky little ‘fuck’ here and there with rose & martha, ALL THE TIME with donna, and swearing like hell when he starts going off the rails in the s4 specials
11 - lol no. well… he’s got an example to set to the companions that he treats like children. he’s a storybook character and he wants to be perceived as an imaginary friend, a kind almost victorian whimsical gentleman in a bowtie, and a person like that wouldn’t use crude language. with river song though? now THAT’S a whole other story
12 - the scene in dark water with the psychic paper tells us everything we need to know. twelve in series 8 was straight up pg13ified malcolm tucker. shuttity-up-up-up without the tardis filter sounds like fuckity-bye. he swears liberally, frequently, unsparingly and unceremoniously, at everyone without distinction, including clara’s students at coal hill. personally i think that’s one hell! of a fucking! bird!
13 - no. she’s all famalam hipster mum cringy kindergarten teacher. it doesn’t fit her ~vibe~. the master makes fun of this trait in the timeless children when he’s goading her about her superiority complex. says it’s such a step down from her previous self, at least that one was honest about his emotions
fugitive - she gives no fucks and takes no shit
14 - yes from time to time, like a normal human being would, nothing excessive. donna does bring it out in him though. his mouthy side
15 - this guy says cunt and serves it
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theambivalentagender ¡ 4 days
rb to relieve the back pain of the person u reblogged this from
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theambivalentagender ¡ 4 days
me, the motherfucker with over 50 abandoned works in progress: i have an idea
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theambivalentagender ¡ 6 days
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Hope you don’t mind, I sketched the Shane outfit in my style.
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And with that, I’ve completed the Flower Dance series. I’m so incredibly happy with how these turned out — just look at the fancy gents and lovely ladies of Stardew Valley! :)
These are all wallpaper-sized, and free for personal use. Reblogs welcome, but don’t redistribute or bundle my artwork anywhere else.
Also, feel free to request any sdv character in a style not already shown. I still need more clothing practice and I’m always looking for ideas :)
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theambivalentagender ¡ 6 days
Deceiving wunk
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theambivalentagender ¡ 7 days
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