#neurodivergent witchcraft
ts-witchy-archive · 7 months
Low Energy Devotional Activities and Ways to Connect with the Gods
Let's be honest, religion and consistent practice can be HARD, especially when you're chronically ill, disabled, mentally ill or neurodivergent. This is a list of lower energy practices you can do to connect with your Gods when you're having a rough day.
Pray. You don't have to say the prayer. You don't have to do the full cleansing and offering. Just think about the prayer. It could be as simple as "'Deity Name', thank you. I'm thinking of you and appreciate you."
Dedicate any self care you do to the Gods. You've got to take meds? awesome. it's now a devotional activity.
If you can, light a tea light candle. You can think about who you're dedicating it to as you're lighting it.
Tell them about your day. Have a simple conversation with them (again, this can be in your head if needed).
Offer some water! Water is a great offering if you don’t have the energy to cook, collect or buy something.
Incense is also a great offering because you can light it then forget about it and your house won’t burn down (if you follow regular safety measures). 
Resting. Your deities want you to be okay. Dedicating your rest to your deities is especially great if you feel guilty for allowing yourself time to heal.
Turn on a video of someone reading mythos! 
Put on a deity playlist. There are plenty of pre-made ones on Spotify. 
Veil or bind your hair! Whenever I’m low energy I’ll throw my hair in a ponytail and bind it that way. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. 
Make a Pinterest board for them!
Post on a digital altar! There are plenty of discord servers that have digital altars and temples. You could also make a devotional Tumblr blog. 
Change your phone lock/home screen to something that reminds you of your Deity.
I hope this is helpful to anyone who needs it! Take care of yourself first and foremost. If you don't think you can manage something on this list then thats perfectly fine too! you're not a bad person for not being able to do something spiritual or religious. Ultimately, these things are not a necessity. Don't stress :)
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themirroredmoon · 2 years
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Meditation and ADHD
Now, I know what you may be thinking seeing this: "Corvid, I can't meditate! My body won't let me!"-- I can tell you now, confidently, that you're meditating wrong if you think meditation about the emptiness of your mind and doing nothing. When you feel your muscles are weak, what do you do? Exercise them. Your brain is no different then the rest of your body-- You need to 'stretch' or exercise it to make it stronger. Though I'm not talking about doing word puzzles or even listening to music, which are proven to improve brain function. We're here to talk about meditation and how you can start to work meditation into your daily life. Disclaimer: I myself have ADHD and these tips and tricks have worked wonders for me. If they don't for you, try a different approach.
Start off slow. Set a goal of three to five minutes a day. It'll seem like a lot at first but gradually it will get easier. If your thoughts wander or you can't sit still, don't worry-- This is completely normal. The goal is to merely observe your mind and how it functions and bring yourself back to focus when you notice it wander.
With that being said, please give yourself grace and leniency. Throughout your session, you may want to fidget or stretch, scratch that itch or count the black specks in the grout of your tiled kitchen floor. It happens. Instead of abandoning or saying that you failed, be kind to yourself and just continue. Scratch the itch and return to calm; stretch and maybe find a more comfortable position. Even if you feel you 'failed' the session, keep up with it and keep trying.
Find what you deem as a comfortable place to meditate. You could sit in your favorite chair, you could lie down with your favorite blanket, etc. You should loosen the tension in your muscles and make sure they're relaxed. If you cannot comfortably sit still, try a repetitive, 'autopilot' task like going for a walk. My favorite (and easiest) thing to do is focus on my breathing and the breaths I take. Some people listen to music. In time, you'll figure out what you find comfortable.
Being in a comfortable space also means pay attention to what you're wearing. It may be harder to let your mind relax if the waistband of your pants is digging into your skin or your sweater is itchy. The same thing goes for earrings that pull down on your ears too much or shoes that feel tight. Wear what you find comfortable and lessen the distractions.
When you notice your mind wandering from you in the moment, simply acknowledge the thought and return your attention to your task (walking, breathing, etc). Accept that minds are meant to think and give yourself permission to have a wandering mind. Don’t judge yourself for having thoughts or focus your attention on them.
Quiet is relative. Not everyone has a peaceful environment so the goal is to lessen the distractions as much as possible. Turn off your phone, close your bedroom door, put pets in another room, whatever you can and need to do.
When your session is complete, don't just jerk yourself back to reality. Give yourself and your body the time it needs to come back to the present. Doesn't matter if you meditated for one minute or one hour, take your time-- If your eyes were closed, slowly open them; if you were on a walk, take an extra couple of minutes to get home; etc.
Find a body double-- If they're willing to meditate with you, that's amazing. If not, have them hold you accountable for the task and make sure you do it. Set up a regular, daily time to do so and use one of the many meditation apps out there nowadays.
The take away that I hope you get from this is that you don't have to clear your mind or be blank or not move an inch. Allow yourself to do whatever you feel you need to do and then return back to the mindfulness that is meditation. Be kind to yourself and don't 'should' yourself; I never said this would be easy, I just said it was possible.
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kairoswitch · 2 years
I know about the gods and I don’t need to read books to learn about them, my gods are right here beside me.
I mean, I DO read books. But they're not necessary. The gods have spoken to us since before writing. Since before language.
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A neurodivergent witch's guide to starting a grimoire 🌿✨️
I remember when I was first starting out with building a grimoire and getting frustrated with how few resources there are on what a grimoire is supposed to be. I wanted clear directions and examples of what to include, but I mostly found YouTubers giving vague descriptions and repeating over and over again that it's extremely personal and private so they wouldn't say anything specific. As a neurodivergent person, it was very frustrating to try to figure out what to do from that. It took me a while to figure out what my own specifics were, so for any beginner witches out there, here are some specific ideas for starting off! Once you get more used to it, it'll get easier and easier to figure out what you do and don't want to include.
I'd recommend researching sigils and creating one to protect your grimoire; I placed mine on the second page after I dedicated the notebook for it, but you can put it wherever you feel like
Dates of moon cycles/information on how they affect your practice
Wheel of the year/sabbats if you celebrate them
Record rituals for sabbats if you choose to do anything for them, that way you have a reference for next year
Information on the elements- earth, air, fire, water, and/or spirit depending on your practice
Information on herbs or crystals you have- I like to print out pictures to include with the correspondences and leave space to write down specific things I use them for
Also, a quick reference list of ways you can care for individual crystals will be very helpful if you use them! Pay extra attention to which ones are sensitive to sun or water, it'll save you crystals later on
Basics of tarot, runes, or other divination methods
Color correspondences!
Information on zodiac signs; I printed out my star chart and put it in
When you do spellwork, write down everything you did and date it. Later you can come back and update whether it worked, what the effects were, and tweak it if necessary- basically treat it like a magic recipe book
A grimoire is not the same as a journal- if you want to write down personal reflections on meditation or your emotional experiences, I would suggest using a separate notebook for those things.
While I understand why people are so hesitant to show their grimoires, I have no qualms with showing a few pages for example purposes. However, I would suggest that you don't share anything that is personalized to your craft to others unless you can 100% guarantee that they won't cause you harm with it.
The only reason I'm ok with putting pictures on here is because they're full of basic information that anyone with Google could find and nothing that's specific to me.
With that being said, here are a few examples from my own grimoire as a reference!
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a-mushroom-wizard · 8 months
Hocus pocus I've lost my focus
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gold-snek-hoe · 4 months
Hello and welcome to Opinions from an Internet Nobody. Today's essay:
"Ger therapy" is the new "You need Jesus": One Weirdo's Navigation through Cultural Shame
This is a supposedly well-meaning sentiment that is often weaponized against people who are behaving outside of perceived cultural norms. It's a favorite of homophobes who see queerness/transness as a mental illness, but I've been seeing it used to demonize kink (which historically is often linked to queerness), and more generally any "weird" behavior that makes people uncomfortable.
For example, otherkin, systems (especially those with fictives), and people who take fictional characters as partners. Y'know, "weirdos" who "can't separate reality from fiction." And, sure, sometimes there can be a problem with that distinction, but I know as well as you that most internet strangers saying "get therapy" don't actually give a shit about the mental health of those they target. It's code for "your behavior makes me uncomfortable, stop it."
Same sentiment as "you need Jesus."
This has actually taken me a long time to figure out. I've been in therapy for my entire adult life, working through various traumas, severe depression, anxiety, all that. Those were the biggest problems as they negatively impacted, and often endangered, my life. It was only after my hospitalization in 2020, where I was finally put on much needed medication, that I could start to grow into myself.
I changed my name. I top surgery. I came out as polyamorous. I finally got my official autism diagnosis. Now I'm fuckin' married! But... there are still things I'm working through in therapy. Mainly, shame over my "weirder" behaviors. My current therapist has been a huge blessing in helping me accept the things I was too ashamed to admit.
Now, I feel comfortable enough to share.
I'm otherkin. Always have been. My connection to my humanity is tenuous, and I'm sure that's connected to my autism. When mad, I feel phantom horns sprouting from my forehead. I have a tail that swishes back and forth at the base of my spine. In my soul, I am monstrous, and years of therapy has not erased that.
I feel like I'm only half in the physical world most of the time. This doesn't hinder my real-world success (I graduated college Summa Cum Laude, have an IMDB page, and am on my third book), but informs the way I look at the world. There's a whole other universe in my head that hums along with me in my day-to-day. That's part of why I'm so skilled as a writer. To ask me to divorce from that is to tell me to stop existing. Sorry, it's how I've always operated.
Lastly, and this is the one I'm really anxious about, I have a fictional husband. Now, looking at my blog, you might say "yeah, no shit," but I don't just ship myself with him. I mean I practice pop-culture Witchcraft, and the Goblin King is my patron. I mean I have a Labyrinth-themed tarot deck that I talk to him with. I mean I held a ritual to spiritually marry him. Basically, I Snape-wived myself.
And guess what? My therapist isn't concerned. It's not hurting my ability to live my life. I have other interests, hobbies, and goals outside of him, which he actively encourages in all our tarot sessions! I wouldn't be doing this if he didn't support me. My IRL spouse is usually there for whatever magical shit I'm doing, and supports me! Some of my closest friends know, and the only complaint I've gotten is "this guy seems important to you, I wish you told me sooner." Hell, my MOTHER knows and supports me, which is huge, because our relationship was pretty damaged after I came out as trans.
If you have a problem with the way I live my life, when literally nobody else does, take a good long look at why. You don't give a fuck about my mental health. You just don't like that I'm weird.
Tl;dr: My mental health is better than it's ever been since embracing the weird, so leave me and my imaginary husband Marak Sixfinger alone.
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outpouringstorm · 2 years
Loch Ness Latte!!!
loch ness latte is my idea for a neurominority friendly coffee shop that i’ve been developing in my head for a couple years
what makes it neurominority friendly?
dim lights
communication whiteboards for nonverbal folks
workers refrain from sarcasm
ordering kiosks
cups or some sort of marker to show if someone is open to talking or not
basic ideas:
shelf for books, movies, cds, + stuff like that on ‘weird’ topics like witchcraft, religion, ghosts, cryptids, aliens, ufos, etc.
shop of wonders stand*
gender neutral bathrooms
food ideas:
snail cinnamon buns
frog bread
witchy tea (herbal properties)
personal pies with sigils
basically different foods and drinks with different properties
uniforms with a black/grey/white/purple/green/orange color scheme - purple ufo design aprons
*the shop of wonders:
divination tools, (ethically sourced) bones, candles, crystals, pins, weird dolls and stuffed animals, crystals, merchandise with the ufo logo
(tagging: @autisticboybreakdowns @snakest1cks @3d3n-r34n1m4t3d )
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whitewolfmagick22 · 2 months
Reminder that deity work doesn’t have to be complicated. Doing things In honor of your deity works or simply just talking to them work. You don’t have to have fancy alters for them. You don’t need fancy offerings. They love anything your able to give them even if it’s just having a conversation with them. Make a journal entry for them. Pray to them. Even as little as lighting a candle or an incense in their honor. They love you and if your not able to have an alter they will still love you and be there. They chose you remember that.
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healingforhotmesses · 6 months
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Hello Tumblr!
My name is Mandi Em, and I'm the author of these three books: Witchcraft Therapy, Happy Witch and Feral Self-Care 💫
Although I'm new here, I've heard many things about this being a fun and supportive space so I figured I'd try it out! Be gentle with me, I'm new and have no clue what I'm doing 🤪 LOL
Aside from being an author, I'm also the creator of Healing for Hot Messes- online destination for mouthy mystical misfits, and The Secular Witch- a blog for nonreligious and skeptical witches.
I identify as a Secular Chaos Goblin and Spiritual Empowerment Guide 💫
I'll probably be posting a lot about my books as well as my personal life and practice, and am looking forward to meeting more folks here! Feel free to say hi 💕💫
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joxtart · 7 months
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howdy! im doing a HUGE week long black friday sale starting 11/24 through 12/1! everything is 25% off (excluding clearance items)
if you wanna support me and get some cool stickers, charms, or buttons out of it, here's a cool way to do that! :3
link will be in the reblogs! vvvv
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ts-witchy-archive · 8 months
ADHD Witch Tips
We need more adhd witch tips so here, have these. These are the things I have learned and seen done over the past 3 and a bit years of practicing witchcraft. As always, if you have anything to add, please comment them and I'll add them to the list with credit to you and a link to your blog!
Make witchy playlists with intention. Music is the most accessible way of doing magic in my opinion, especially if you're using spells that already exist. You can listen to these while working, traveling or just doing things around the house. If you sing along then you're adding to the manifesting power of the playlist!
Use really large spell candles so that you don't have to make a new one everytime you want to do a spell. I used to have 1 really big protection spell candle that I would light daily. Not having to make a new candle every time made me so much more likely to practice
Learn to meditate. I know, I know, hear me out. This is less of a witch tip and more of a mental health thing. You can meditate while colouring in, listening to music, cleaning, going for a walk. You don't have to sit down with your legs crossed. Mediation is an important skill that none of us do regularly enough.
stop caring about aesthetics. Are they nice? yes! absolutely! but unless it makes you more likely to practice then it's not worth it. caring too much about how your craft looks can also lead to burn out.
Be aware of your energy levels. Burn out is a serious issue among the neurodivergent witch community. Rest and pacing yourself is just as important as actually practicing.
Audio books <3333333
Try to combine your hyperfixation and witchcraft practice. This could mean using sigils in fanart or dedicate your writing to a deity.
Use hearth craft as a way to motivate you to clean your home or to cook meals/eat.
Have affirmations on your phones home screen so whenever you unlock your phone you reminded of your intentions
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magpiethepunkfairy · 5 months
Wishing you a prosperous new year filled with ease and grace.
Wishing you easier times and wellness
Safety in all that you do
Success in everything you work towards
Good company when you need it
May this new year be kinder to you then the last
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kairoswitch · 2 years
It's no wonder you've been feeling a little off lately. Your mind is running wild. Take a break. Spend some time with yourself. Take a different path. Go on vacation. No matter how much work you've had to do, take some time off. Do you want to know how to make more money? Stop working. Be lazy. Do something that excites you. Try something new. Have fun.
You're ready to start living.
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enbeeanon · 9 months
Low energy spellwork, for days when you just can't do anything more~
Keep colour magick in mind when getting dressed
Wear scented/infused oils
Stir sigils or symbols into drinks
Play music that makes you feel powerful
Try to find time to meditate
Use crystals to draw energy from in times of need
Spend a little time outdoors
Water your plants
Drink herbal teas
Repeat positive affirmations
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asphodel-flowers · 3 months
I like big books and I cannot lie 🎶
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some books I gave recently grabbed from the library.
I liked and wanna buy Do I Have To Wear Black? Lots of good info in there on funerary customs. I wasn't sure I was gonna like it because of the Wicca mentions at first but I was actually pleasantly surprised as I got into it. I sort of blew through it tbh because I'm not super interested in like the Kemetic or Wiccan customs, just the Norse/ heathen and Hellenic, but the very general parts at the beginning were really informative. Mortellus is a mortician and 100% definitely knows what in the heck they're talking about.
I skimmed through the Thrifty Witch book and Tarot Interactions before bringing them back because those I just need to have/ buy. I need to buy those. Thrifty Witch would definitely be more useful to me as a resource than something to read if that makes sense.
and similarly with Tarot Interactions, that is an absolutely fantastic excellent book from what I read of it, and I definitely absolutely need to have that as a resource. I also feel like that's something I wanna take my time with, not rush.
Werewolf Magick was meh. I soared through it. I was rolling my eyes at far too much of it to take any of it seriously, and by the time I got to what I was interested in/ what might have helped, couldn't understand it because of all the weird lingo/ jargon that he'd set up at the beginning. Admittedly that's my own fault obviously for trying to skip to the end, but the first part just made me cringe too much. There's too much mixing of different practices in a way that imo honors none of them, and then mixing it with crap like Wicca to boot. I just... no, I'm good, no thank you. I had gotten it out of curiosity, expecting it to not be much and... yeah, it was what I expected.
Witch Queens, Voodoo Spirits, & Hoodoo has been fantastic so far and I have got to finish it. I started it and got distracted and it went back on the shelf and I've gotta get back into it. It starts with Annie Christmas who is none of the things mentioned on the cover, lol, but I love the way it talks about our local myths and legends. Absolutely A+ 100% yes.
Weave the Liminal is... surprisingly better than I expected so far? I'm not quite sure what to make of it. We'll see as we go.
I've had the ones in that first three pictures checked out for a while and I really need to get to them. I was hoping the Shamanism Bible would give me some words to look up, a good place to start research into that but it feels like too much of a chore. The charm bag and ancestor books I just keep forgetting I have, and I expected the New Orleans one to be a quick read but again keep forgetting it's there.
Did I grab too many books? Yes, every damn time. I have maxed out how many I can borrow from the library. Oooops. xD
I absolutely had to grab The Holy Wild Grimoire though when I saw it on the shelf because that has been on my wishlist for a while and I love checking out books before buying them. I feel much better about purchasing when I already know I like them.
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theotherverge · 19 hours
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I need everyone's help! What do you all think about a 140-page middle-grade fantasy book that's accessible to neurodivergent kids and kids who have a hard time reading long, wordy stories? Accessible to lgbtq+ kids who feel unsafe in this current landscape where the biggest book series of all time actively doesn't want to welcome them in its world? Accessible to anyone who isn't a total bigot?
What I'm wanting to do is craft a fictional world that's welcome to anyone. Something akin to Harry Potter and his whimsical time at Hogwarts, MINUS THE QUESTIONABLE STUFF AND THE BIGOTRY! An expansive story with an insane amount of worldbuilding that doesn't involve some inherent shadiness or prejudice baked in. This isn't me saying I want to make the next big thing, I just want to create something with the passion I've had for something with my own style and voice.
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If you've seen the show The Owl House, and how that series went out of its way to be a Harry Potter-esque thing without all the terrible junk all over it, that's a big inspiration for me wanting to create a world of my own after a prejudiced author tarnished the magic of one I once loved. (For real though, if you haven't seen Owl House, check it out.)
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If you are a lost soul, (Someone who doesn't know what to do with their life, someone who feels like they don't belong, or someone who doesn't even have a loving family to turn to), you may find a permission slip for a summer program in your desk.
The Lost Soul Program is kinda like signing up for the Girl Scouts: Gaining confidence, finding new hobbies and friends, discovering new things about yourself, just... you know... with more rats.
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Sign your name on the slip, and on the day of summer break, a school bus will appear in front of your house with other fellow lost souls riding along. Once you grab yourself a bag of clothes, you're on your way to Otherverge, The Land of Endless Nights.
Otherverge is a part of Earth where the sky is always dark and the big cities are always lit up by colorful streetlights. It's a place where the trees glow in the dark and fireflies roam all over the fields. A place where you ride giant, friendly rats as transportation. A place where up on the tallest mountain of the land, an all-knowing bat the size of a whale can tell you the deep dark secrets of why things are the way they are. You could even catch humongous shrimp that roam in the sea, with the help of a local "shrimper" man! I mean, if you want to. (I promise, that'll be the only bad pun in the story.) It's a huge comfort zone, you can do whatever!
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Becoming a member of the Lost Soul Program means you can traverse all over the land and then some, earning badges for your sash by doing awesome and unbelievable things to truly find or regain a part of yourself by the end of the summer. From a desert with purple sand and talking cacti to the dark, seedy underbelly of the Raccoon Swamp, Otherverge is a place where you can find yourself while you get yourself lost.
Follow me and stay tuned for more about the story and its world. I will be introducing the main character next time and why she's signing up for the program, so keep your eyes peeled! I will very very VERY much appreciate all the help I can get to make this project a reality, as I feel like the world needs more comfort zones in their bookstores and libraries without having to turn to you-know-who.
P.S: The main character may or may not be based on another character that was done dirty by you-know-who.
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