#newsies kid blink
ftm-megamind · 1 year
i assigned some of the newsies bugs that i think they would be and made it into a presentation and i think the world deserves to see this. so bugsies below cut
idk if i should put a warning but there's literally a bug on every single picture so i mean. bug warning
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sk1ttery · 11 months
When ever you can give me your Blush ideas for the wallflower au plz and thanks
Ask and you shall reciece.
Wallflower AU Blink is transmasc, and he and Mush started dating pre Blink coming out, before Blink realised.
When Blink came out to Mush, he was really worried Mush would want to break up with him but Mush was just kind of like. “Yo, I got a boyfriend now??” (this is a tiny bit of projection in a way)
Blink may have cried a little. /pos.
They started dating about a year from the current Wallflower AU, so when I fianlly get around to writing the fic, they’re an established relationship and Blink’s already out.
Mush’s love language is physical affection and acts of service. He loves to hold Blinks hand, play with his hair, hug him, and cuddle when they’re watching movies. And he likes to do little things for him, like cook, or look after him when he’s not feeling well/is down from things like dysphoria. He loves baking for Blink and Blink absolutely loves his baking.
Blink’s love language is quality time and gift giving. He likes to just spend time with Mush even if they’re doing their own things. When Mush comes over sometimes they’ll hang out in Blink’s room while Blink plays guitar. Or when Blink goes to Mush’s apartment, sometimes he’ll just sit at the breakfast bar with Elroy (Mush’s cat) and watch Mush cook or bake. Blink loves to get Mush silly little gifts if he ever sees something that reminds him of him.
Their first date, they went to the cinema together to see some stupid action movie and neither of them ended up paying full attention because they were too busy trying to steal each others snacks and sneakily hold hands.
Blink still has the tickets from that date in his phone case, and Mush has them in his wallet.
Mush absolutely loves Blinks laugh and smile because he rarely gets to hear and see them. Blink is pretty quiet and has a bit of a RBF but sometimes Mush will tell a dumb joke and Blink starts laughing, and Mush fully has to stop and stare at him because “holyshit hes so pretty??”
Blink loves Mush’s smile too, but he also loves Mush’s eyes. He thinks they’re really pretty and sometimes he just stares at his phone wallpaper of them both because Mush’s eyes look nice.
They have matching sun and moon jewelry. Mush is the sun, Blink is the moon.
They do the three squeezes of ‘I love you’ when holding hands. If people don’t know what that is,it’s when you squeeze someone’s hand three times to tell them you love them in situations where talking isn’t possible. (This is a common thing throughout the group)
Blinks lockscreen is a photo of Mush. In the photo, he’s walking away and half turned to the camera laughing. His Wallpaper is a selfie them from one of their dates.
Mush’s lockscreen is Blink playing guitar and his wallpaper is a selfie of him with Blink asleep next to him.
They are so ☹️☹️
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newsiesimagines · 2 years
Newsies Imagines #17
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whistlingstarlight · 1 year
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 3 months
Give me Newsies who developed or were born with disabilities over their time in the refuge and growing up in the streets of New York.
We obviously have Crutchie, who crushed his leg in a trolley accident during the trolley strikes, but how about the others?
Kid Blink, who's eye was cut badly during a fight and totally lost all vision in that eye, leaving a nasty scar where he was sliced. He jokes that he's secretly a pirate to the younger kids because he wears an eyepatch, but the real reason he has it is to hide the scar because he is embarrassed and ashamed of his scaring and how scary it can look.
JoJo, who was born with a vision impairment that makes everything extremely blurry through his perspective. Somebody always needs to read the headline to him in the morning, and he sometimes needs a selling partner to lead him in the correct direction without getting run over by a carriage.
Splint, who's broken her arm so many times and in so many different ways that it's practically unusable. It's covered in nasty scars and bruises and is swollen and bumpy from where the bone never fully set back properly.
Elmer, who deals with chronic fatigue and sometimes having to be dragged away from selling for at least a little bit because Spot can see that if he doesn't sit down soon, he will pass out from ache and exhaustion.
Albert, who lost most of his hearing in a fight at the refuge and has Katherine teach him and a few of the others some sign language so he can finally communicate as well as he can with the other newsies.
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knockoff-conlon · 2 months
in manhattan, when one newsie gets sick, they all get sick. and they're fucked right now. "it ain't my fault!" jojo shouts. "buttons got me sick!" everyone rounds on buttons.
"yeah, like i fuckin chose to be sick," he mutters. the crowd of sick newsies starts yelling at him.
"everyone shuddup!" jack shouts from his bed. "i got a headache."
"someone gimme some help out here!" tommy boy calls from outside. specs, blink, and skittery go to give him a hand with whatever it is.
"what happened?" all the newsies hear snatches of conversation from outside.
"-in the street."
"-when to stop-" blink and skittery enter, holding an unconscious race between them. "ay, mush, move it." they toss race onto a bed.
"what happened to him?" ike asks quietly. there's a small cut on race's forehead that's bleeding.
"oh, he passed out in the street," skittery explains. "he's sick and wouldn't take the day off. never was very smart."
"now he's dead," blink adds.
"what?" a shout goes up from some of the younger ones until mush smacks blink around the head and tells everyone blink's kidding.
"they're kids, stop scarin them," mush orders him. "also, race being sick means only one thing. someone has gotta go tell spot conlon."
"yeah, that ain't scary," blink mutters. "uh, boots, go to brooklyn and tell spot he's got a sick boyfriend." boots heads off dutifully.
the next hour is a mess. all the newsies fret over race, who sleeps the whole time. and then everyone goes silent and dumbstruck when spot enters.
they're used to cold, intimidating, angry spot. not a caring spot. not a spot who immediately runs to race's side and starts checking on him.
spot presses his hand to race's forehead and then hugs him tight, pressing kisses to the top of his head. "ay!" crutchie shouts. "everyone hit the beds and give them some space!" race wakes up soon enough, with a worried spot sitting bedside.
"whatcha doing here? i's just sick. ain't dying or nothing." spot kisses his forehead and stares at him.
"ya passed out in the street. gotta take it easy."
"when one of us gets sick, we all get sick. i ain't dying, spot, i promise."
"you need food." race shrugs.
"i ain't hungry."
"race. listen to me. you need food, you're sick."
"i'll throw it up."
"i will shove it down your throat if you don't eat the food i bring ya."
"tony. shut up. i's getting you some chicken soup. don't argue." race watches him walk out, smiling a little dopily.
all the newsies start hooting and cheering, whistling at race.
"alright, alright!" race shouts. "i got a headache."
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caito-does-stuff · 2 months
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some of the 92sies boys <3
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marthaskane · 11 months
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NEWSIES (1992) dir. kenny ortega
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fancy-clam · 15 days
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it's dangerous to go alone... take these
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mushiimune · 9 months
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the good ole annual tender blush redraw! I'm super pleased with how this turned out alskfk I LOVE THEM
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chaosfairy18 · 3 months
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Today a pic with a little less going on :) Have a Kid Blink re-draw of a scene in the movie! Isn't he great, our actual leader of the strike in real 1899? Yes he is Love to draw his hair btw, it looks so cool
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ftm-megamind · 1 year
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blush time (part 2 of the req for @toffyrats )
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[image description: drawing of mush meyers and kid blink from newsies (1992).
mush is hugging blink from behind and kissing his neck, a playful expression on his face. blink is smiling and has his hands up.
end id]
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sk1ttery · 11 months
Can you give us some domestic specs house hcs, like what they do on a regular day and just how they interact with each other
CW for brief mention of abuse.
This is gonna be long.
A little more background on the Specs household:
It consists of Specs, Dutchie, Blink, Skittery, Tumble, Spike (OC) and Elmer.
Dutchie and Specs are adopted brothers who ran away at a young age after Specs’ parents passed. They had a lot of money inherited from Specs’ grandparents and they moved into their old house.
Later, Blink moved in after Specs discovered he was essentially homeless, followed by Skittery and Tumble when they ran away from their abusive house. Then Spike, and then Elmer. Splasher and Finch are honorary members of tbe household due to how much time they spend there because Finch gets lonely and Splasher just likes annoying them. As is my OC Riff, because be spent a month staying with them when he was visiting from New Jersey.
A day in the Specs Household usually consists of whoever’s up first feeding the cats and making breakfast for everyone. They try to eat together but sometimes people sleep in so stuff is put aside for later.
If they don’t have a day out planned or people coming over, they tend to mostly do their own thing and just co-exist as I’ve mentioned before. For example, Blink will sit on the floor in the lounge and play guitar while Specs reads. Skit might be upstairs making jewelry or playing with Tumble. Elmer might be gaming in his room in the loft.
They like to have group hang outs where they’ll play card or board games, or watch movies together. Sometimes, if they have guests over they’ll play Truth or Dare. And people tend to come over a LOT. This is because Specs’ house has an open door policy and a really comforting and safe vibe. (Several other houses also have this vibe). They also enjoy baking and together while blasting showtunes.
Spike isn’t an insanely social person and he gets burnt out/drained super fast, so he and Dutchie tend to spend a lot of time in their room hanging out, but Spike does like to spend time with the others when he’s up for it. He likes the company and likes to lie with Dutchie and nap when everyone else is hanging out.
Quality time, co-existing and having their own spaces is a huge thing in the house. Considering most of them came from toxic situations before moving in, Specs and Dutchie did their best to make the house as accessible and comfortable as possible.
They did this by removing any potential triggers (Throwing out any alcohol, replacing the glasses with plastic cups) and giving the others the space to decorate their rooms to their liking, to make their rooms their own spaces. Specs, Dutchie, Spike, Blink, Skittery and Tumble’s rooms are all on the second floor. The attic/loft has three rooms, Elmers, ans the two spares which Splasher and Finch spend a LOT of time in when they stay.
As far as interactions go, they’re very much like siblings to each other. Skit and Specs will have a lot of light hearted arguments about stuff and try to fight each other which usually ends up with them on the floor. Most of them tend to play fight and rough house a lot but one of the main rules in the Specs Household is about respecting boundaries (like a decent human) so if someone asks to knock it off, they will.
Specs and Skittery can be pretty affectionate at times /p. Platonic hugs and cuddles are a big thing for most of them, though Blink isn’t fond of physical affection. After a bad day sometimes Skittery will come and sit with Specs when he’s reading and just lean on him. Or they’ll go to each others rooms and co-exist for comfort.
On nights where they’re all hanging out in the lounge and getting sleepy, sometimes it’ll end up in a bug cuddle pile. Skit and Spike both like when people but their whole body weight on them/weighted blankets so they always end up on the bottom of the cuddle pile. How they aren’t suffocating?? Who knows.
Elmer is the little brother of the group next to Tumble. (Specs, Dutchie, Skittery and Spike are all 18, Blink is 17, Elmer’s 15 and Tumble is 7). Elmer gets babied a lot which he both hates and loves. On one hand he loves the attention and affection because it’s something he could never recieve at his old house, but on the other, he grew up having to be so independent from a young age its hard for him to get used to.
The little pats on the back, Specs ruffling his hair, Skittery throwing him over his shoulder to put him in ‘Air Jail’ when they’re play fighting. It’s those little interactions Elmer loves.
They have a system for chores. The chores are split between people. For example: Dinner duty changed daily. Mondays Skit would cook, Tuesdays Dutchie, Wednesdays Specs and so on. They try to be healthy with food and people like Dutchie, Spike, Elmer and Skittery would make traditional meals from their home countries. (Dutchie is Dutch, Elmer’s Polish and Spike and Skit are both Ukrainian).
They have a similar system with the weekly grocery shop. One week Specs does it, the next Skittery, then Dutchie and Spike usually go together, then Elmer and Blink. Whenever Elmer and Blink go shopping together, Specs and Skittery have to remind them not to buy anything they don’t need but Blink always gives in and lets Elmer pick up things. Specs and Skit are never actually mad.
On days that no one can be bothered to cook, they’ll just order from the diner and one of the diner boys delivers it to them, or alternatively they’ll go out for food and go to somwhere one of their friends works.
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newsiesimagines · 2 years
Newsies Imagines #16
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this-is-ali · 14 days
They jacked up the price.
Didja hear dat, Jack?!
it's bad enough that we gotta EAT what we don't SELL!
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lyssiebiird · 1 year
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Winter of 1899 (aka Kid Blink being a menace). Got a ton of giant snowballs and perfect aim🎶
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