#nightbringer obey me
Incredible how Mammon & Asmo were the first ones ready to throw hands with each other when each of them lost control
Incredible how at the beginning of Nightbringer they seemed two of the closest brothers
Incredible how this will continue to be their relationship throughout
They drag each other to parties and to have fun together but they're also the first in line to sucker punch the other
Asmo tells Mammon to kill himself during a fight but also goes out of his way to support mammon x mc and even tries to explain Mammon's behaviour and get MC to forgive him when he's being a jerk
Mammon constantly steals from Asmo but also publicly talks about how amazing Asmo is and with 0 hesitation gives up a large prize he could win so that Asmo would get it instead
Mammon & Levi and Mammon & Asmo are both peak sibling energy but more specifically,
Mammon & Asmo are peak big sister - little sister energy where they'll share clothes but also frame the other for murder
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rphantom1 · 1 year
This post might be kind of deranged of me, but I needed to get this off my chest.
Smut Writers!
I will NOT accept you all writing the brothers as doms in Nightbringer! There's no way I will be participating in such flawed writing!
(Yes, I will. I love you guys dearly <3.)
They fell from the Celestial Realm a year ago have been on house arrest for the entire time.
I'm very sorry, but there's just no way any of them are putting it down like that. Logically, there's no way they have felt the warmth of a woman/man/non-binary in that time.
And yes, that means Asmo.
And, ESPECIALLY Lucifer.
Edit: I (finally) fixed my mistake and wrote it it was a year since they fell. Thanks to everyone who pointed it out.💜
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umbra-davina · 3 months
Litterally thought of this during exams wk🥰 basically the gc emojis turned into gifs🤩 Perhaps do all of 'em if possible? [a few glitchy errors on some😓]
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natstablook29 · 5 months
Imagine Mephisto calling you his princess (mockingly) before dating, then once you date him, he keeps on calling you princess (affectionately)
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alexxncl · 2 months
masterlist | all lessons | lesson 32 | lesson 34
slight og lesson 16 spoilers
normal and hard spoilers
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see i knew he wouldn't rat them out completely. he completely left out the details of the pacts and feeling used and would've taken the blame if mc and solomon hadn't stepped in to fully explain the situation
(i made a whole post about time soup here)
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omg in-game name drop the devs remember the lore
i hate mephisto. have i mentioned how much i hate mephisto? bc i hate him /j
in all seriousness, we love a petty bitch. but why is it his WHOLE personality. that, and ass kissing. like we get it, you love diavolo and wanna date him and kiss him and hug him blah blah blah STAND UP
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satan :((((
i wonder if he feels remnants of homesickness that he can't recognize as homesickness bc of the way he was formed. what if he's feeling homesickness right now in the timeline mc is from and is now able to understand how his brothers felt after the fall?
what if this is the first time the boys in the og timeline have felt homesick since the fall? yes, mc has left before, but there was always a guarantee that they'd return, or at least a possibility that mc could summon them. but now? there's no guarantee, and there's a time crunch
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ASMO 😭 they're so unserious i love them
levi thinking he was gonna die trying to apologize and dia standing there like 🧍🏾
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oh they definitely know. and if both dia and barbatos don't know, barbatos obviously knows. bc why else wouldn't barbatos suggest portaling mc to the human world himself? and i bet lucifer's wondering the same thing given his confusion on how fast the conversation came and went
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got to see my wife, i can die happily now
or the other side characters ig but i care about her more
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SEE SEE I TOLD YOU!!! nightbringer you sneaky bitch
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oh that's scary...real scary. if belphie's got lucifer this fucked up, how strong are his powers ??
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also this means he didn't lose control of his powers, he's choosing to only subdue his brothers, which is even scarier imo. like there's no way mc doesn't have some kind of ptsd from what happened in lesson 16 of the og game
imagine seeing your best friends, your found family, your partner(s) sobbing over your dead body while someone you thought you trusted is maniacally laughing at the scene, proud of murdering you
and then imagine the same person lunging for you to try and kill you after he already killed another version of you
and then imagine this
what if he wants to hurt them again? what if he wants to lock them in the attic he claimed to know nothing about in the earlier lessons? what if he feels some strange connection and sense of familarity related to it, some strange invisible force pulling him towards it and making him do the very thing that happens to him in the future?
and then BAM, they get dragged into his mindscape against their will, unsure if they'll make it back out alive, if they make it out at all
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as a certified mammon lover ofc i had to put my 2 cents in
i really, really wish we got more moments of him in big brother mode. we know he cares about his brothers and will do any and everything to protect them and give them what they need, even if it means being the butt of every, and i mean every, joke
but i'm also scared that the devs are gonna use this as a way to paint belphie's breakdown on him like they did with levi's, and like they do with literally every other inconvenience or negative incident that happens in the game. every time mammon does something good, every time he tries to help, he still ends up being the butt of the joke. i just hope we can move past that with the end of belphie's breakdown
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ask-the-mcs · 1 year
Is the obey mc ready for the new game coming out?
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yukis-tasks · 6 months
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Awwww!! Simeeeoon ♥️ 🥺🥺
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Simeon’s got rizzzzzzz
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jackalopesao3 · 1 year
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Yet again Michael is fucking creep that doesn’t respect boundaries. And we thought Dia was the only one with a Lucifer body pillow? Michael most definitely has one in his Lucifer shrine.
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Ok but like imagine mammon saying a ur mama joke to mc who so happens to not have a mom in their life?☠️
Levi: are u sure u wanna try that joke on them? It tends to make humans more mad then laughing;
Mammon: its alright i got this, hey mc!
Mc: ya?
Mammon: ur mamma is so ugly, diavolo had to make a new layer of hell for her
Mc: ….well i wouldnt know i dont have a mom…
Levi: ……
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Ahh shit here we go again
It's a battle royale style game does this mean we all get to kill each other
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Devastated. I'll give you guys my address and we can all beat each other using sticks. We'll play it old school
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rphantom1 · 1 year
Spoilers for Obey Me Nightbringer 13-A
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Get him again Mammon!!! 🗣️
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loweya-blog · 8 months
Chapter 27 Spoilers Nightbringer
My thoughts on chapter 27
Parts I liked
I appreciate that Satan's inner problem wasn't just being angry. I'm kind of getting tired of that so it was nice to see a different problem.
I like seeing how each brother means something to Satan and seeing him remember each of their gifts. Gives him a bit more depth. Shows that he obviously cares for his brothers and not just cats/mc.
The self hatred and feeling like a weak link was a good idea and creates an explanation into why he wants power through knowledge.
They're obviously setting up strong connections between Lucifer and the others by having Lucifer be a key to resolving their inner problems.
Things I think could be improved
I wish we had more time delving into his insecurities and obsession over knowledge. It would have been nice to see how his obsession with knowledge negatively reacts with his brothers, like ignoring them or ignoring MC in some way. I think if it was rewritten to show Satan ignoring all of them first THEN disappearing, then the rest would fit in better.
Seeing more of his self hatred when we were finally inside his head would have been nice. Perhaps instead of "Dark One" they could have used a different term that seems more self-deprecating to get the point across. Like "Useless One" or "Void Lord" or something to indicate his feelings.
Giving MC a private moment with Satan would have been good. I know it was important to bring the other brothers along to demonstrate the relationship, but with Asmo and Mammon both characters got a more private moment with MC before making the pact. Just to chat or talk. Then you can have Lucifer swoop in to help resolve things.
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natstablook29 · 9 months
Random images on my phone that just remind me of the brothers
~ Cat Edition ~
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hallowxiu · 11 months
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this is so cute even though i know they are about to absolutely drill into levi
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the-akai-hebi · 6 months
Hey, quick question for Obey Me NB and OM players : Do you also have a UR stalker lol ?
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(My Barbatos is scary lol)
When I first started playing, I got the Barbatos UR on my twentieth pull. Then I got Satan UR. I upgraded them both to Skill LV 2 with Joker URs. Then I got Barbatos UR again during the summer vacations with a free pull (Skill LV 3) and then Lucifer UR. And then there was Satan's birthday… 80 pulls in his birthday banner. I DIDN'T GET SATAN ONCE! (Or Asmo sniff) The first UR I got… WAS BARBATOS AGAIN LMAO (Skill LV 4) and then I got almost all the brothers! After Barbatos I got Levi, Beel and at my last ten pulls I got Belphegor and Mammon URs lol (Satan, Asmo, why don't you like me? ;w;) Luckily, I've got the card I was desperate for (Asmo UR) thanks to the 6-month anniversary tickets <3
Shortly before my birthday, I got Asmodeus UR so… That makes three UR cards I can level up to 100: Satan (Skill LV2 thanks to the Joker); Asmodeus (Skill LV2 thanks to tickets) and Barbartos (Skill LV4).
I'm still waiting for Solomon, Diavolo and Luke (I got Simeon with a free pull) because they're the only URs I don't have on Nightmare Chapter A lol I'm not even mad at Barbatos because I was SURE he was coming back :,) He's my most powerful card!
I've also got Belphie SSR who's been stalking me a bit, but a UR card? It honestly makes me laugh xD What about you? Which card is harassing you?
Fun fact : I love Barbatos even more now x)
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ask-the-mcs · 10 months
With Nightbringer being out, how is the obey mc fairing?
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Twst MC: That’s NOT a way to cope, Sheep!
Obey Me MC: Screw you, Shrimpy! You’re just jealous that I look beautiful!
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