#no dumbass they’re Gotham heroes they ain’t goin anywhere
megamindsupremacy · 2 years
I think the Robins should have a “Robin for a Day”program. It starts with Tim after he gets fed up with the YJ team always complaining about how he acts.
Kon: Robin, you seriously need to loosen up a bit more. Chill, the whole world ain’t out to get ya
Tim, has not revealed his identity yet: This is what I’ve been trained to do. How about you spend a day with Batman, and then we’ll see who’s “paranoid”
Bart: bet
Tim somehow manages to manipulate convince Bruce that it is a good idea to let Bart be Robin for a night. Something something more training always better something something get him off my back please.
Bart goes out that night and wrecks Gotham’s shit
Tim is delighted by the efficiency. Bruce acknowledges that Bart was very useful and also is never allowed in Gotham again without explicit and detailed permission
And then the rest of YJ wants their turn. And it goes… well? They’re less rude about Tim’s Everything, at least. Dick hears about all of this going on and is like wait, my friends deserve a night too :( so the Titans and ex-Titans all get to run around with Batman for a night. Bruce treats them all just like he would Robin.
Eventually it’s like a rite of passage. You want to be a kid hero? Alright, I’m calling Batman ya little shit. Survive a night with him and then we’ll see how it goes.
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