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Benjamin Heinrich Orth (German, 1803-1875) Portrait of a Lady, 1838
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ramlightly · 2 days
Malady Siblings Asks
Hello everyone! I want to try out this style of answering asks that are generally in the same range so I don't swamp people with similar answers.
Here are the asks revolving around Malady's siblings: Patience, Valor, and Noble!
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You're right, he's a smug little bastard! He's the youngest of the Knights, made after Malady, and considered the prettiest. This has led him to be used as more of a companion by his creators rather than a protector, in ways that Noble doesn't always like but has no way to say no to.
That doesn't mean he can't fight, however, he very good with a bow and arrow. But he is more than a bit of a coward and terrified of pain, which leads him to especially indulging to his creators whims so he would never go through the same punishments as he had seen used on Malady.
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I was going to say yes, because she's a very serious person, even among the Knights, but I do actually really like the idea of her having this hidden love for a servant woman.
Valor would never go for it - it absolutely end tragically and her beloved would just be killed. She would keep her selfish desires hidden forever if she could. But maybe after seeing Malady with Lapis, she would get the courage to run away with her.
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Godspeed my friend. She's considered the leader of the Knights for a reason! She's tough, merciless, and utterly devoted to her masters!
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lunegrimm · 2 years
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Alba excellencia
3D gift for @canisalbus from 2020
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wearemercs · 4 months
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Zelda Roman Empire AU by rivaeri
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palatinewolfsblog · 25 days
"Labor is like motherhood to most of our political leaders: a calling so fine and noble that it would be sullied by talk of vulgar, mundane things like pay."
Barbara Ehrenreich. Happy Mother's day, y'all!
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arllanaeats · 2 months
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📝Admire, but be respectful in her presence~ 👑💝
1 Hour Sketch for BigFloofe!! 🌟
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zephyrbug · 2 years
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Zosha Aulak my ‘human’ noble celestial warlock!!  👁⛓⚜️ Older art! This was my character in the game I was in with the Wailing Wisteria, they had opposite vibes but both believed in no mercy and bonded over that   This piece was overall a lil rushed cause I wanted to finish it before our first session but this was on of the first times I began to play with my painting style! And I got to try having a character design where the main outfit color is black so I’m still pretty happy with the outcome!
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dyke-bite · 6 months
computer! show me hot sweaty dykes
cishet men & minors dni
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Planescape: The Inclementus Convolution
It is simple as hells go, there is the snow, the walls, and the shape of things that will haunt you for the rest of your days
It appears first as a troubling dream, endless anxious wanderings through a frigid and featureless maze. While most shrug off these visions others sink into a deep and restless malady, possessed by recurring feelings of being cold and lost. For some the dreams deepen, overtaking their waking life until they sink into an unwakung torpor, others are compelled to walk: seeking out winding alleys or wintry landscapes in the hope of finding a way OUT of the maze, only to find themselves transported to it bodily.
Occult scholars of dream and dimension have named this phenomenon the Inclementus Convolution, and conjectures on its purpose and original architects feature in many a forbidden tome. What these dabblers have failed to understand is that the convolution is not a thing of artifice but part of a great unknowable entity, which uses the maze to filter-feed from the multiverse the way a great whale uses baleen to trawl the sea. While the exact nature of this entity will be discussed below the cut, whats far more interesting is how the appearance of this dream labyrinth affects the lives of others.
A series of disappearances has the party tracing the city’s backstreets tracking rumours of a slaver gang or some kind of monstrous presence. Imagine their surprise when they not only find one of the lost individuals wandering in fevered confusion, standing before an alley from which unseasonable snow billows. 
Nearly swept up in the convolution as a child, a minor noble has bent the wealth of her station towards determining the meaning of that traumatic vision, becoming a notable patron for adventurers as she sends them off to explore various ruins or gather scraps of potentially relevant lore. The party are hired by her for a mission, but weeks later when they return from their delve they find that her estate has fallen prey to an otherworldly influence. They’ll need to brave the twisting halls of her manorhome and the hedgemazes that sprawl across the grounds if they want to get paid, and maybe rescue their hapless benefactor in the process. 
A fairly simple bounty mission to track down an occultist hiding in the mountains and bring him back alive quickly goes out of control after he opens a portal to the convolution inside his cell, transforming the surrounding guard barracks and its prisons into an eacheresque tangle backing onto an eldritch landscape. With other prisoners looking desperately to escape and panicking guards looking to arrest everyone they don’t recognize, will the party be able to escape before the whole structure is subsumed into nightmare?
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The entity at the centre of the maze is seldom seen by those lost with the expanse as the upper reaches of the towering walls are obscured by an omnipresent cloud cover. As such no earthly name has been given to it, as the miles long tendrils it sends skulking through the corners are often confused for individual lifeforms which some call. It is not malicious, nor is it strictly sentient, it is simply a lifeform doing what it has always done to survive, nevermind that it involves pinching beings from across the cosmos. Creatures that die within the convolution desiccate, their bodies becoming dried out husks as the moisture within them is absorbed by the surrounding stone to feed the entity above and later join with the ever present snow, the built up condensation from innumerable victims across time.
Future Adventures:
Lost souls from many worlds have left marks on the walls of the convolution, pleas for help, attempts to map a way out, epitaphs and memorials from those that knew their end was near. One of these happened to be a sage with secret knowledge most relevant to the party's ongoing struggles, meaning if that they want to find it for themselves they're not only going to have to find their way into and through the labyrinth, but also Ariadne their way back out after finding and deciphering the message he left.
Though very little can survive long in the endless halls, there are some interdimensional oddities that have managed to persist around the fringes, carried from one world to the next as the Inclementus seeks out new victims.
The most fearful of these passengers are a remnants of an alien empire known as the Tssol who were led into the convolution when their god-prince decided to lead his people into the otherworld following a "holy vision" (and the encouragement by his less theisticly inclined siblings looking to clear a path to the throne). The survivors of this royal expedition have endured for centuries by by carving their city into the oldest walls of the labrynth, where the entity's fleshy stalks merge with the endless walls. They worship it, subsisting from the meat sloughed off as it grows and using the remains to feed fungal farms, counting themselves blessed for following the god-prince's vision. Those that stumble into the maze are of particular interest to them, as individuals affected by Inclementus influence are capable of wandering in and out of the aberrant realm allowing the Tssol warriors to ride out and launch raids on other worlds.
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illustratus · 10 months
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Portico of a Monastery by Giovanni Migliara
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wh40kgallery · 2 months
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Guilliman's Council
by Phil Moss
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sylviaritter · 4 months
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Noble Numbat
Meet Noble Numbat!
Inspired by Ubuntu release 24.04 LTS which is scheduled for release in April 2024! 
Created with Krita and Blender. Copyright © 2024 Sylvia Ritter.
www.sylvia-ritter.com, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. 
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Inchmahome Priory Carved Stones, Inchmahome Priory, Lake of Menteith, Scotland
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wearemercs · 1 year
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gave zelda some armor so she can go find link herself by pikatl
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viridian-pickle · 3 months
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mtg-cards-hourly · 4 months
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Sovereign Okinec Ahau
As surface empires send their explorers down, his hungry eyes look upward.
Artist: Victor Adame Minguez TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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