#northern ireland
allthingseurope · 1 day
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Belfast, UK
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ayeforscotland · 4 months
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Let’s fucking gooooooo
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alternativeulster · 1 year
my controversial opinion is that real progress in the north won't be achieved until the world decides to consider the native irish people a white indigenous population like the sámi
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brendanjharkin · 1 year
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Posie Parker came to Belfast today with a bunch of tourists from Britain to incite hatred against the trans community.  Women’s orgs, LGBT orgs and trade unions in Northern Ireland came together to invite Posie and her mates to fuck off.
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imchloecam · 1 year
the uk and ireland is experiencing a heatwave so here’s what i think the derry girls would say about it🤝🫡
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maanemand · 9 months
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DERRY GIRLS (2018 - 2022) ↳ James Maguire once said...
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year
It is phenomenal how many times we had to explain this as kids.
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strawbeii · 1 year
as an irish person from dublin im absolutely praying that scotland, wales & northern ireland get their independance from that trainwreck of a country
also charles looked like a total clown in that outfit, i hope he dies in the most embarrassing way possible
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sunflower--meadows · 7 months
OK, as an Indian person and ESPECIALLY as a Scottish person I have to say this.
The current Palestinian Genocide (let's call a spade a spade) and lack of response is an unambiguously, direct result of British Colonialism.
Palestine was given/promised/whatever word you want to use to describe it to Israel by the British Empire to whom it "belonged" as a colony.
Everything that happened thereafter, the Nakba, every invasion, every injustice is a result of that colonial attitude from which Israel was born.
Everywhere the British Empire has been it has sewn chaos and promoted the abuse of human rights as it left. It has happened in India, it happened in Nigeria, South Africa, Cameroon and Australia.
The reason for such a lax UK governmental response is because if they acknowledge what's going on is fucked they have to take responsibility for so much more. By leaving these countries originally the UK has "washed their hands of it."
I want to make this extremely clear.
Britain's hands will NEVER be clean
The British Empire has committed the greatest atrocities known to mankind and the British Government does not want to acknowledge that.
Israel has been built from these imperial attitudes, has repeatedly and continually committed war crimes and human rights abuses and governments just... don't care
It's actually insane and we need to recognise the root of these humanitarian calamities and hold our government accountable.
Write to your MPs, your MSPs, your MSs make your voice heard in whatever way that you can! Your voice may seem weak but it is so incredibly powerful if enough people speak up, if enough people make sure that the government never forgets about these things we can make REAL CHANGE. The link below will allow for you to find your government representative be that N.Ireland Assembly Scottish, Welsh or UK Parliament as well as their emails.
Tell them how horrible things are in Gaza, tell them about Israel's repeated and continuous mistreatment of the Palestinian people, tell them how the UK cannot continue to plug our ears and ignore the fallout of our past. Just say something!
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allthingseurope · 9 months
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Mussenden Temple, UK (by Samuel Steele)
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brightokyolights · 4 months
Hello UK peeps 📢🇵🇸📢🇵🇸
Parliament is going to be voting on a ceasefire again on Wednesday 21st February 2024!
Please email your MP to ask them to join in voting for a ceasefire (template in link) and there will also be a demonstration that you should attend if you can!
More info available on the *Palestine Solidarity Campaign website.*
Keep speaking up, keep donating and keep educating yourself ❤️💚🖤🤍
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
(Pic from PSC)
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jacindaelena · 2 years
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Natalie Wells
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brendanjharkin · 3 months
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Shamrocks for Palestine Ireland marches once again in solidarity with Palestine. As Irish politicians from the largest political parties travel to the White House to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Joe Biden, protesters from across Northern Ireland gathered to march to the US Consulate in Belfast, calling for a White House boycott and an immediate ceasefire. When a Councillor from Sinn Féin took the stage she was subjected to intense booing from the crowd throughout her speech for the party's decision to go to the White House with the right wing political parties.
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"The amount of electricity generated by the UK’s gas and coal power plants fell by 20% last year, with consumption of fossil fuels at its lowest level since 1957.
Not since Harold Macmillan was the UK prime minister and the Beatles’ John Lennon and Paul McCartney met for the first time has the UK used less coal and gas.
The UK’s gas power plants last year generated 31% of the UK’s electricity, or 98 terawatt hours (TWh), according to a report by the industry journal Carbon Brief, while the UK’s last remaining coal plant produced enough electricity to meet just 1% of the UK’s power demand or 4TWh.
Fossil fuels were squeezed out of the electricity system by a surge in renewable energy generation combined with higher electricity imports from France and Norway and a long-term trend of falling demand.
Higher power imports last year were driven by an increase in nuclear power from France and hydropower from Norway in 2023. This marked a reversal from 2022 when a string of nuclear outages in France helped make the UK a net exporter of electricity for the first time.
Carbon Brief found that gas and coal power plants made up just over a third of the UK’s electricity supplies in 2023, while renewable energy provided the single largest source of power to the grid at a record 42%.
It was the third year this decade that renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, hydro and biomass power, outperformed fossil fuels [in the UK], according to the analysis. Renewables and Britain’s nuclear reactors, which generated 13% of electricity supplies last year, helped low-carbon electricity make up 55% of the UK’s electricity in 2023.
[Note: "Third year this decade" refers to the UK specifically, not global; there are several countries that already run on 100% renewable energy, and more above 90% renewable. Also, though, there have only been four years this decade so far! So three out of four is pretty good!]
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Dan McGrail, the chief executive of RenewableUK, said the data shows “the central role that wind, solar and other clean power sources are consistently playing in Britain’s energy transition”.
“We’re working closely with the government to accelerate the pace at which we build new projects and new supply chains in the face of intense global competition, as everyone is trying to replicate our success,” McGrail said.
Electricity from fossil fuels was two-thirds lower in 2023 compared with its peak in 2008, according to Carbon Brief. It found that coal has dropped by 97% and gas by 43% in the last 15 years.
Coal power is expected to fall further in 2024 after the planned shutdown of Britain’s last remaining coal plant in September. The Ratcliffe on Soar coal plant, owned by the German utility Uniper, is scheduled to shut before next winter after generating power for over 55 years.
Renewable energy has increased sixfold since 2008 as the UK has constructed more wind and solar farms, and the large Drax coal plant has converted some of its generating units to burn biomass pellets.
Electricity demand has tumbled by 22% since its peak in 2005, according to the data, as part of a long-term trend driven by more energy efficient homes and appliances as well as a decline in the UK’s manufacturing sector.
Demand for electricity is expected to double as the UK aims to cut emissions to net zero by 2050 because the plan relies heavily on replacing fossil fuel transport and heating with electric alternatives.
In recent weeks [aka at the end of 2023], offshore wind developers have given the green light to another four large windfarms in UK waters, including the world’s largest offshore windfarm at Hornsea 3, which will be built off the North Yorkshire coast by Denmark’s Ørsted."
-via The Guardian, January 2, 2024
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darlingbandit · 4 months
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year
I have a Northern Irish accent which is mad because I’ve never lived there, I wasn’t born there, I just grew up in a Northern Irish household in Scotland and once upon a time I had a wee Smoggy (NE English) accent which is hilarious to look back at as an adult.
And oh yeah, started going Deaf at 5.
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