#now I’m a very good reader and still very gay
wizard-legs · 8 months
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𓆏 Sam and Frodo and Frog and Toad crossover!! All my best boys in one. Inspired by some particularly froggy and toady frodo and sam doodles in my sketchbook 𓆏
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foreingersgod · 1 month
caitlin clark x reader where the reader is very feminine and people don’t realize that shes 💅
She likes girls . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: although you’re a raging gay, you don’t typically look the part. if you had a nickel for every time you and caitlin got mistaken for beings besties or sisters, you’d be rich
A/N: thought this would be a cute little blurb, so anon, if you want me to edit this and make it longer, please message me :)
“i don’t know maybe i’m doing something wrong?” you asked caitlin, legs draped over her lap. it was a sunday afternoon spent on the couch, relaxing after brunch with her family.
“baby” she patted your leg “you’re not doing anything wrong!”
“then why do people not take us seriously?” you were incredibly frustrated “if someone treats us like we’re best friends one more time i’m going to lose it”
it happened often, definitely more than you wished. you would be mistaken as caitlin’s sister or her best friend constantly. at first it just started when you started dating publicly. you’d receive comments like “you and your friend have a nice day!” or “she’s a good friend, keep that one around!”. it was sweet at first, but then cait introduced you to her team. they thought she was kidding when she announced you as her girlfriend. it wouldn’t necessarily have been a big deal, but it hurt your feelings that they didn’t genuinely believe that caitlin would date you. even when you met her family, the entire lot of them thought caitlin was bringing home a roommate for the holidays.
“i’m so sorry! you just don’t…look gay” her mom would exclaim, trying to apologize. you tried to not look hurt, you understood even.
“mom” caitlin interfered, already knowing how you were upset once again that you were mistaken for a friend. “it’s ok, but can we just drop it? please?”
now, today at brunch, the waitress asked for caitlin’s number right in front of you. while her parents and brothers were talking about work and school and while you and cait were discussing plans for next week, the young woman scurried over to hand caitlin a napkin with her number on it. caitlin had one arm around your shoulder, another fiddling with the rings on your fingers, and the waitress still didn’t catch a hint. after unfolding the crumpled napkin and seeing the bold black numbers, caitlin immediately declined and motioned to you, she was taken.
“oh my god,” the waitress said “i thought you guys were like friends or something i’m so sorry”
you weren’t surprised.
“i feel like something IS wrong though!” you reply to caitlin, running your hands through your hair in annoyance. “i hate that people don’t even see me as your girlfriend and it sucks!”
“i know, but we’re together either way and that’s all that matters” her words of reassurance were doing little to change your mind.
“maybe it’s the way i dress? i know i’m very feminine and stuff, so maybe that’s the issue”
caitlin laughed “YN, it doesn’t matter how you dress, ok? just because people assume we’re friends or assume you’re straight doesn’t mean that it changes your identity at all. i love the way you dress and i don’t want you to change just because people are blind.”
“you’re right, i just want people to know that we’re together” you sighed.
“me too,” she agreed “but at the same time, i really like saying ‘she’s my girlfriend’ to people”
god she was so sweet, “i really like that too”
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musical-shit-show · 4 months
electric touch
Pairing: Adam (Hazbin Hotel) x Sinner!Reader
Inspiration: My own silly idea but also Prompts #70 (“are you actually trying to seduce me right now?”) and #86 (“they don’t need to know.”) from Prompt List 2
Warnings: Cursing, mutual pining, Adam is still kind of an asshole (duh), suggestive dialogue
Word Count: 1,363
Author’s Note: I just really wanted the mental picture of Adam in some rocker eyeliner, so I wrote it. That’s about it, just being very normal about this character :3 If anyone has seen any fanart of Adam with eyeliner, my DMs are always open. As always check out my Masterlist, About Me page, or Prompt Lists if you’d like to submit an ask! Happy reading! :)
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“What’s that?”
You scoffed at the fallen angel lounging lazily on your bed, watching you intently as you went through your makeup routine.
You had just grabbed an eyeliner pencil, and were in the middle of smudging the smokey kohl onto your eyelids when Adam interrupted you.
“What, you didn’t have eyeliner in heaven?” you smirked, looking at him through the mirror on your vanity. Even in such a relaxed state, he still kept that stupid mask on.
He shook his head, “Why would we need makeup in a place where everyone’s fuckin’ perfect and poised 24/7?”
Shrugging your shoulders, you accepted the answer. Made sense, anyways. From what you heard from Charlie, Heaven probably looked like a dream come true. Why would anyone need to alter their appearance in a place like that?
Turning back to the task at hand, you jumped slightly when Adam appeared behind you, his face incredibly close to your own. He was studying you intently, his digital eyes flickering over your expression.
“Ugh, what is with you, dude?”
His eyes narrowed, lips forming into a tight line. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was…thinking. Which is not an activity Adam seemed to engage in, especially before speaking.
“It looks…good.” he muttered, feeling his face getting warm under his mask, “I guess I never really noticed it before.” You quirked an eyebrow, a small smile flashing across your face.
Ever since he turned up on the hotel’s doorstep practically begging for help from the Princess of Hell, Adam had decided to latch himself on to you. For what reason, you didn’t know; it didn’t particularly matter since any attempts to rid yourself of him were completely fruitless.
He was definitely an asshole, but he could be mildly amusing from time to time.
“Do you…do you want me to put some on you?”
He blinked stupidly. “I’m not gay, toots,” he deadpanned, “Despite what that little spider twink downstairs thinks—”
“No, no that’s not what I meant,” you cut in, trying to stifle your laughter at his remark, “But makeup transcends sexuality.” He scoffed, letting his insecurity wash over him.
Adam would never admit it you or Charlie or anyone else at the hotel, but being here made him feel less alone than he ever felt in Heaven.
Up there, he was practically ignored, even treated as a nuisance by the seraphim and other higher ups. Which he was, but that was beside the point.
He was already ashamed of himself for asking Lucifer’s brat of all people for help, but he had nowhere else to turn and felt completely alone. Except when he was with you.
Although you were a sinner too, you didn’t judge him as harshly as the others. Hell, you were able to stand up to him, even reason with him when he was particularly crabby.
It scared him, though he’d never let you know that. He’d rather get stabbed through the chest again than be vulnerable.
Standing up, you gestured to the edge of the bed, encouraging Adam to sit down again. He hesitated for a moment, not willing to trust you fully.
“You know,” you drawled, “some of the greatest rockers on Earth wear eyeliner. And looks sexy as fuck doing it.”
Adam’s eyebrows shot up in curiosity.
“And,” you added, “A lot of ladies are actually into it. I swear.” He blew a raspberry in dismissal, still not fully convinced. He decided to humor you anyway; he had nothing better to do.
“Ugh, fine,” he whined, “You’re lucky I’m bored, sugartits.” He plopped onto your bed, faltering slightly when removing his mask; you rarely saw him without it, and were struck by how, well, human he looked.
You couldn’t dwell on his appearance for long; you needed entertainment for the evening and didn’t want to wait for him to change his mind. With the pencil in hand, you swiftly went to work on his minor makeover.
You were close. Dangerously close, Adam thought to himself. So close that he was almost pissed that his eyes were closed so he couldn’t get a good look down your shirt.
He could feel your soft breath on his face, the almost imperceptible noises you were making while concentrating intently on shaping his new look. He almost flinched when your hand gripped the side of his face gently, tilting it up slightly to give you a better angle to complete your work.
Your fingers tingled on his skin, silence filling the space in a way that was new to Adam; he usually reveled in sucking the air out of any room he was in, but he was now focused so keenly on the steadiness of your breathing and the looming presence of your body so, so close to his.
He shifted uncomfortably on the bed, and for the first time in his very long existence, Adam actually tried to hide his arousal from you. “Almost done,” you muttered, examining the canvas of his eyelids closely.
You couldn’t help but notice that even though he was fallen, Adam still retained rather…angelic features. Perfect skin, tousled brown hair, annoyingly long eyelashes. You tried to not gaze at him for too long, but with his eyes currently closed, you couldn’t help but stare.
“Ah, okay, open up,” you said, feeling a quiver arise in your throat. He blinked, bright gold eyes accentuated perfectly by the dark liner.
Satan help you. He looked hot.
You realized you were still leaning incredibly close to his face, and before you could stumble backwards, Adam flashed a mischievous smile. “Damn babe, I must look pretty good if you’re giving me ‘fuck me’ eyes.”
“I wasn’t—”
“Shhhh,” he stood up, pressing his finger to your lips. Your attraction to him was quickly replaced with annoyance, even with him looking like a rockstar you might’ve had a crush on when you were still living.
You pushed his hand away, your stomach twisting. Leave it to Adam to ruin an actual good moment between the two of you.
“Are you actually trying to seduce me right now?”
“Maybe. Is it working?”
“Not in the slightest,” you lied. He brushed past you, considering his reflection in your vanity mirror.
“Fuck, I do look good,” he mused, getting an eyeful of himself. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. His gaze flitted to you, studying your form. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other. “Come on, aren’t you the least bit curious about how good this dick would look in that pretty little mouth of yours?
You crossed your arms over your chest, doing your best to act disgusted at that mental picture. “Only in your dreams,” you muttered, hoping the heat traveling up your neck wasn’t visible. Adam stood up to face you again, his mouth curving into a wicked smile. “They don’t need to know,” he purred, his eyes flicking towards the door, referencing the other residents of the hotel. “It can be our little secret.”
His fingers brushed your waist delicately, and you felt your heartbeat quicken as he squeezed the side of your body. He looked hungry, possessive, the dark pigment around his eyes only enhancing the intensity of his glare.
You gulped. You had to come up with an excuse, and quick.
“Charlie’s expecting me,” you croaked, pulling away from his grasp. You cursed yourself for the ache you felt between your legs, “Something about more trust exercises—” you headed toward the door, but Adam grabbed your arm.
He didn’t seem annoyed that you were brushing off his advances; he knew that it was now just a matter of time.
“Sure, sweetheart,” he teased, his grip red hot against your skin, “But teach me how to do this fun little makeup on myself sometime, hm? I like seeing you all hot and bothered.”
You swung open your door, flashing him the finger as you slammed it behind you. It didn’t matter that you were leaving him in your room unattended; you knew you’d be seeing him there later anyways.
Something told you he was going to keep the makeup on until you returned.
thanks for reading! as always, like/reblog/comment if you enjoyed :)
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Decided to share a piece I had written in 2019
Yandere Short Stories:
Heroes and Villains
Yandere lesbian supervillain x Afab Reader x Yandere Superhero x Yandere Heroine
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  A young woman fidgeted in her seat as she sat in a plush red love seat right outside the CEO’s office. The large black doors intimidating her as she began to sweat. The bunny keychain attached to her black purse jingling every time she shifted in her seat.
     The young reported pulled out a compact mirror from her black purse as she checked her appearance again, making sure not a single hair was out of place to not offend the big bad boss of Domino Electric, the largest electricity company in the nation. The powerhouse of every major city’s power. The young woman had heard rumors that the CEO was a cold woman with a hell of a temper. 
    The young reporter was amazed to have this assignment rather than making a newspaper article on the rise of superheroes and the ever so popular super villainess, Electra.
    Creak. The young reporter’s head snapped up as she quickly composed herself and placed her compact mirror back into her bag. A tall, slender woman stood before her as the assistant gave her a reassuring smile.
    “Miss Spark is ready to speak with you now.” The woman raised a hand to the door with a bow as the young reporter shakily stood up and slowly made her way into the office, the door shutting quickly behind her, trapping her in the den of a lion.
    The young reporter gulped as her (eye color) eyes stared at the figure of a tall, voluptuous woman with long, straight silver hair and a black dress suit on. The businesswoman soon turning around, revealing her beautiful, flawless dark skinned face and violet eyes. The reporter whole face flushed red when they made eye contact. She felt like a tiny rabbit in front of a wolf. Her knees shook as her (eye color) eyes glanced at the CEO’s plump lips and slowly trailing her gaze to the violet silk dress shirt the businesswoman had on under her black dress jacket.
    “Sit down, Miss (last name).” The woman’s voice was cold and firm, the young reporter immediately sitting down as the tall woman sat in front of her. “I believe you have some questions for me?”
     “Ah, y-yes...” the reporter reached into her back, pulling out a notebook and pencil as well as a voice recorder. “I’m so happy for this opportunity, Miss Spark-“
    “You may call me Aria Spark since we are alone together.” The reporter nodded as she opened up the notepad and smiled at the businesswoman. “What is your name?”
    “Oh, my name is (your full name).” (Your name) replies as she turned to the recorded. “Let’s start with the basics shall we?”
   “What made you decide to be a businesswoman?”
    “I lived in poverty as a child and wanted a better life for myself. So I climbed to the top by utilizing my skills.” Aria replied as (your name) smiled at her to continue.
    “And what may those skills be?”
    “I am very good with electrical work.” 
    (Your name) jotted Aria’s answers down as (your name) listened attentively to every word Aria replied to her questions. (Your nams) soon learned a lot about Aria’s childhood such as her old neighborhood being in the ghetto and Aria’ friends and family who either were no longer in her life or still very close. About how it was hard being a lesbian CEO without criticism and hate comments. Aria told (your name) she was bullied a lot throughout high school for being gay. Aria also wanted to become a businesswoman and make it to the top to prove that she wasn’t scared of people’s expectations of her. Aria was a very admirable woman.
    And as the interview came to a close, (Your name) turned off her recorder as the reporter gave Aria another warm smile.
    “Thank you so much for this interview, I will publish this in the magazine soon-“ Aria suddenly leaned forward, placing her hands across her desk to stand in front of (your name), caging the young woman in her chair.
    “You should go out to dinner with me sometime. You’re really cute.” Aria then reached into her pocket and handed (your name) a business card with her name and number on it. “Call me whenever and we can go out.”
    “I-I... Oh um, I think I should go-“
  “You’re such a cute little bottom.” Aria chuckled as her violet eyes stared down at the smaller female through long silver eyelashes. “Makes me want to eat you.”
    “I-I’m leaving! Have a good day!” (Your name) quickly scrambled away, accidentally dropping the bunny keychain as Aria picked it up. The violet eyed woman smiling at the cute rabbit.
    “She’s just like a rabbit.” Aria smirked as she gazed out the door in awe. “And I’m going to have that little rabbit.”
    “Miss Spark, I think you scared her away. I’ve never seen someone run so fast-“ the assistant paused as the businesswoman began to chuckle. “Miss Spark? Are you alright?”
    “She’s perfect. Absolutely perfect.” A spark of lavender electricity surrounded Aria as she smirked.
    “Miss Spark, I don’t know if you know her well enough to-“
    “Maybelle, I want all her records and any other personal information you can find about her. I want the little rabbit girl-“
    The assistant sighed as she bowed to her employer. “Right away, Miss Spark.” .
    “So how’d the interview go, (Your name)?” A slender  woman with long, black hair asked as (your name) flushes bright red. The Japanese woman had her jacket off, revealing her various tattoos and ever so prominent piercings, such as her prized septum ring.
    “R-really good, Ryoko. It’s just-“
    “I didn’t think she’d be so attractive!” (Your name) squeaked out loudly as everyone in the break room stared at the two women as (your name) flushes even more red. “S-she was so curvy and had the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen. And s-she asked me to dinner. Oh god I ran away from her, I-I’m so humiliated.” 
    The pale woman laughed at (your name) as the young reporter comically hid her face in her arms. 
    “Well, Miss Spark is clearly interested in you. Probably because you scream ‘bottom’-“
    “Why does everyone keep saying that!”
   “Because you’re like a cute little rabbit. So timid and shy. Easily flustered, you’re just really cute.” Ryoko told the (hair color) haired girl as Ryoko smiled, showing off her frenulum piercing. (Your name) began to fiddle with her fingers as she pressed them together.
    “Do you think I should give her a call?”
   “Well, do what your heart wants but we should leave, the pig is here.”
    (Your name) turned her head to see the boss of their News media company, Metro Media, Jasper Jones. He was handsome for a man. Tall with a large muscle build, pale blue eyes, short wavy, sandy blonde hair, a chiseled jaw, and he had this tough guy vibe with a scar right across his nose. He was very handsome and he was a very driven man but-
     “(Your name), there you are, I need you to see me in my office about your report.” His low voice rung out through the break room as he had his hands on top of the doorway, flexing his muscles through his white dress shirt as the other women swooned. All except (your name). She wasn’t interested in him that much. She didn’t understand what the other women found so great about him...
    “Y-yes, mister Jones.”
     “You can call me Jasper.” The man chuckled as (your name) tried not to cry at how much the male scared her. He constantly gave her compliments and although they were never stepping over boundaries, it was the way he stared at her. She has never met anyone who stared at her with eyes that felt as if they were undressing her. Jasper’s pale blue eyes gazed at her with such a burning intensity that (your name) felt as if she’d light on fire at any moment.
    “Um, I prefer Mister Jones. I’ll talk to you once I’m done eating-“
    “How about we go eat in my office-“ (Your name) gulped as she stared at her lap as she fidgeted with her hands nervously. She was so close to crying.
    “S-sorry. Maybe another time-“
   “Alright how about we go out tomorrow at the cafe next door to the building? My treat?”
   “Um, okay-
    “Hey, Mister Jones, (your name) is uncomfortable. Could you tone it down?” Ryoko stepped in as she stood between the two, her onyx eyes glowing gold for the briefest of moments as Jasper stood up and took a step back.
    “Oh sorry, I didn’t realize I did. Sorry for not noticing (your name).” The girl merely smiled shyly as she stared at her lap. “I’ll see you in my office later.”
   Jasper then turned to leave, flexing his back muscles as he did so, causing (your name) to look away in disgust.
    “I don’t like that guy hanging so close around you.” Ryoko stared as she went back to her seat, her onyx eyes furrowing in worry as she gazed at (your name). “You need to be more assertive with your no’s. Just tell him that you’re not interested. I know you’re bisexual but seriously, it’s obvious you lean more towards women. Just tell him you’re gay or something. I’m sure he’ll get the hint then.”
    “But I don’t want to make him u-upset. The look in his eyes scares m-me.” Ryoko frowned as she got up from her seat and wrapped her arms around her mousy friend, her body slowly heating up slightly as she glared at the door Jasper walked out of.
     “Don’t worry, I’ll always protect you, (your name).” Ryoko stated as she pulled the (body type) girl close to her lean muscled body. Ryoko would always be there for (your name) because she was (your name)’s best and only friend. Ryoko wouldn’t let anything happen to her little bunny.
     Jasper tried not to throw his desk across the room but he really wanted to. He has tried everything to make the timid (Your name) love him. He changed his hair style, started working out more, waxing off his unwanted body hair, and even offered her on dates. But Ryoko was in his way. His grip on his desk tightened as it began to frost over with a thin layer of ice. Jasper exhaled as the air in his office slowly began to drop in temperature. 
    To think his own partner in crime was in an intimate relationship with the cute girl drove him up the wall. (Your name) deserves the absolute best and that’s exactly what he would be. (Your name) could not possibly be gay, she was too cute to be!
    (Your name) was the only one to not see him as a piece of meat and didn’t throw herself at him. She didn’t try anything to make him uncomfortable and respected his space and he absolutely loved it. (Your name) was so attentive to everything he talked about and she was so gentle.
    Jasper remembered the time her hand grazed his hand when he dropped his papers in the elevator as she helped him collect all of his belongings. Her hands were so small and soft compared to his, Jasper swore his heart stopped. Jasper wondered if all of her was soft. He wondered if she thought of him the same way he thought of her. Jasper relaxed as the temperature and ice began to slowly dissipate as his fingers touched his lips as he released a sigh as he began to give into his delusions.
    Did (your name) think of his lips touching her skin so lightly that it felt as if a butterfly landed on each spot his lips would touch? Did she think of Jasper laying beside her at night, holding her close as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear? Did (your name) want to ever date him?
     Jasper clutched his chest as he felt his cheeks flush pink. He loved her so much. He still had so much to learn about her.
   A quiet knock brought Jasper out of his musings as he cleared his throat and opened his office door, revealing his favorite reporter, a few of her (hair color) hairs out of place as she had a somewhat frazzled appearance. Did she run up the stairs to see him? Did she really want to see him that badly? Oh she was just so cute. Would she look like that if he made love to her?
    “Oh, you’re here so quickly (Your name)! I was starting to think you weren’t going to come.” Jasper immediately pulled a chair out for her to sit down as he went over to get her a glass of water from the pitcher. 
    “O-oh. I didn’t want to disappoint you. Shall we go over my article I wrote?”
    “Here drink some water, you look rather frazzled.” Jasper handed her the glass as she shyly took it from him, her fingers brushing his as Jasper tried not to make any inappropriate noises.
    “Oh the elevator took too long so I decided to take the stairs. I am so sorry for my appearance-“
    “It’s okay. I’m just happy to see you.” Just like she was happy to see him, or at least Jasper believed so. Why else would she run up the stairs to get to his office? To get her daily cardio? No, to see him, duh.
    “Shall we begin?” Jasper did not listen to a single word she said, his icy blue eyes were too focused on her plump lips and wondering what they’d feel like against his as he pressed her against the wall and-
     “Mister Jones?” Jasper snapped out of his musings as his blue eyes met (eye color) orbs. “It’s starting to get really cold in here.”
   Jasper immediately realized he accidentally used his powers underneath his desk as his whole face flushed red.
    “W-would you like a jacket? I’m sorry, I didn’t notice.”
    “Oh um, thanks.” Jasper pulled his jacket off his chair as he wrapped it around (your name)’s shoulder’s, his breath hitching as her cheeks flushed slightly as she bundled into his warm oversized jacket.
     Jasper didn’t think she could get any cuter but here she was... in his jacket. Oh lord he was trying so hard not to kiss her right there and then. To not bend her over his desk and tear off her clothes and make the whole department know his name-
     “Thank you, Mister Jones.” Jasper placed his hand over his face as his whole face turned a bright red. Oh lord he was going to catch a case at this point. “I’m done with my report, I’ll leave the article here so you can go over it. Thank you for your time, here’s your jacket back-“
    “Thank you, (your name). Have a good one!” As soon as she left his office and shut the thick mahogany doors, he fell to his knees as he grabbed his jacked and inhaled greedily. Oh lord it smelled like her. (Your name) smelled like roses and vanilla. She was just so sweet and he swore he’d make that sweet girl all his. Jasper swore on his life.
    But first, he was going to add this jacket to his collection. Jasper stood up as he opened up his bottom desk drawer with his key, revealing numerous miscellaneous items that wouldn’t mean much to anyone but they meant the world to him. 
    There were numerous photos of his beloved darling sleeping and an old toothbrush. As well as a tissue, a spoon, and a chapstick he swiped off her desk when she was out and about. And although Jasper hates to admit it, he used the chapstick on rough days to satiate his needs.
   He carefully folded up his jacket and placed it in the drawer as he locked his treasure chest. Jasper then reclined back in his desk chair as he smiled. Jasper couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow across a table from him eating. 
   Maybe this time he’ll get an even better Momento of her.
    Jasper was unaware of the drone outside the complex snapping pictures of his entire interaction as the drone quickly took off, to bring the video evidence to its creator.
    (Your name) strolled through the bustling city as she smiled. She was finally off from work so she could have some time to herself. 
     As the reporter walked down the street, she heard the screams of the other civilians as people began to scatter around as dark storm clouds covered the skies. (Your name)’s eyes widened. Electra was here.
    She immediately began to flee until she felt arms wrap around her as she was pulled flush against a soft body.
    “Why are you running, little rabbit?” A familiar voice asked as (you’re name began to shake in fear. “You’re so very cute when you shiver. I wonder if you’d shake like that when I-” (Your name) turned a bright red at all the horribly dirty words that came out of the woman’s mouth behind her.
   (Your name) was quickly whipped around to face her captor as her (eye color) eyes took in a tall villainous with long silver hair and a black eye mask on as well as a tight black and violet jumpsuit with a long black cape. She looked so familiar...
    (Your name) didn’t have time to study the super villain before the villainous pulled her close and surrounded the two of them into an electrical barrier as a flaming hot (literally) heroine stood outside the barrier. 
    A lean heroine stood outside the barrier, her flaming hair standing straight up as a dragon mask covered her face and her red leotard had black plated armor in the form of scales armor all over it. 
    Mistress Dragon. (Your name) thought as the red haired heroine put her hands on her hips and glared at the villainous within the barrier.
    “Electra! Release that civilian!” The woman boomed in an intimidating voice that was more than likely edited with a voice changing device.
     “No chance, Mistress Dragon. Not when your little boy toy is running around as well.”
    And soon enough, a ring of ice formed around the entire barrier as a tall, muscular male with the mask of a white fox stood along side Mistress Dragon. His costume consisted of a tight navy blue jumpsuit with silver armor plating with patches of white fur on the shoulders and around the hands and feet. 
     “Sub-Zero, glad to see you’ve made it.” Electra laughed as she grabbed (your name) and placed her plump lips on her cheek. The barrier dissolved as the two heroes began to circle the villainess, preparing to take action against her. 
   “What is your scheme this time, Electra?” Mistress Dragon growled as smoke came out from the mouth of her mask.
    “I just wanted to warn you that I know both of your identities. All thanks to this cute little rabbit.” Electra cooed as she squished (your name)’s cheeks together. “Isn’t she just precious?”
    “Electra, leave her out of this-“ Sub-Zero tried to coax the silver haired villain as the villain began to laugh darkly. 
   “No.” Electra then grabbed (your name) bridal style as she soared into the air, lavender lightning striking the ground as she rose higher and higher, (Your name) screaming as she held onto Electra tightly out of fear of falling.
    Mistress Dragon immediately shifting into a large black oriental Dragon with a fiery red mane and a peculiar septum ring as she swiftly followed behind. Electra cursing under her breath as the dragon quickly caught up to her. She’d have to ditch her prize and come back another time...
    “Let her go!”
   “Okay.” And before (your name) knew it, she was falling through the sky, plummeting to her death. Her scream piercing the air as tears fell from her eyes. She didn’t want to die, not yet at least.
    Before she could even blink, Mistress Dragon shifted and scooped her into her arms as she quickly brought the reporter into her chest, Sub-Zero making a slide for the two to slide down as they made it back to the ground safely. (Your name)’s face flushing red as she studied the masked face of her savior.
    “Are you Alright-“ (Your name) pulled Mistress Dragon close as she began to cry.
    “Thank you. Thank you so much.” (Your name) sobbed as the heroine pulled her into a hug. “How can I ever repay you-“
    “How about a kiss?” Mistress Dragon asked as Sub-Zero’s hands began to shake on the sidelines.
    “Um s-sorry. I don’t think I can.” (Your name) stayed as she began to twiddle her thumbs together nervously. “I have a crush on someone already.”
   “Oh? Well, I respect that.” Mistress Dragon then pulled away as Sub-Zero stepped in.
    “May I escort you home?” Sub-Zero asked as (your name) gulped.
    “Sub-Zero, I think we both need to leave the little lady alone. We could always send a ride to come get her.”
    “How about you head into your place of work and ask one of your coworkers for a ride?” Sub-Zero asked the girl as he smiled gently at her.
    “I’m sure it’ll be easy to do, you’re quite cute after all.” Miss dragon told the reporter as (your name) nodded and headed back into work. The two heroes immediately leaving the scene before paparazzi could show up.
     “Do you need a ride?” (Your name) smiled as her eyes met familiar onyx orbs of her best friend.
    “Yes please.”
   “(Your name)!” The poor reporter almost cried when Jasper picked her up into a tight hug and twirled her as he sighed dramatically. “I’m so happy you’re okay! You were all over the news! Are you okay-“
    “Oh Jesus, leave the poor girl alone.” Ryoko interrupted as Jasper places (your name) down gently.
   “Sorry Miss Abo.” Jasper replied as Ryoko quickly began to fix (your name)’s hair and set it back into place as the reporter puffed her cheeks out.
    “Please stop touching me you two, I’m okay-“
    “(Your name), you poor little girl.” (Your name) was (height) y’all, but go off Ryoko. “We both just worry about you. Mostly me though-“
    “No I worry more. I was so scared you’d call off and I wouldn’t be able to give you an awesome assignment.”
    “Awesome assignment?”
   “Yes, I’m giving you an assignment to write an article on super heroes. I published your article on Miss Spark in the paper and everyone loved it. So I’m giving you a bigger assignment and this time you will be on the biggest magazine here. How would you like to be the main article in Times magazine?”
  (Your name) smiled as Jasper handed her the assignment. It was information on the cities top two heroes.
    “I need you to write an article on Sub-Zero and Mistress Dragon.  And lucky for you, you encountered the two of them recently.”
    “Thank you so much, Mister Jones.” (Your name) grasped Jasper’s hand as his whole face turned pink.As soon as she released his hand, he turned and coughed into his hand. Excusing himself to the restroom as he left Ryoko and (Your name) in (your name)’s tiny office.
    “I’m seriously glad you’re okay. I honestly thought you were going to take some time off. But I’m happy you’re here. It’s good to have you back.” Ryoko smacked her shoulder playfully as (your name) smiled. 
    This day was giving (your name) so much confidence. Maybe she’d finally call Miss Spark and accept her dinner date?
   (Your name) went over to her black bag, frowning as she noticed her bunny key chain was missing. She shrugged it off, she could always purchase another one.
    (Your name) reached into the middle pocket of her bag and pulled out a black card with a domino on the top of it. She released a shaky breath as she slowly dialed the number on the phone. Her (skin color) skin thumb hesitated before she pushed call, sealing her fate.
    (Your name) nervously sat at a table for two at a high end restaurant as she nervously sipped on a glass of bubbly white moscato. She really hoped Aria would show up.
    (Your name) glanced around the restaurant until (eye color) met violet orbs. (Your name)’s mouth hung open as she took in Aria’s elegant outfit. Aria wore a long, elegant violet dress that had diamonds sewn into it. A long, white shawl wrapped around her to hide her cleavage from wandering eyes as the tall curvaceous woman strut her way over to (your name). Her white hair was up in an elegant bun with a few silvery strands loose around her face. If (your name) didn’t know any better than Aria would be the African American Jessica Rabbit.
    “Were you waiting long?” Aria asked as she took a seat in from of the (body type) girl. Aria’s dark chocolate skinned hand touching (your name)’s lightly as the girl almost by turned into a puddle of goo. 
    “N-no.” (Your name) stuttered as her cheeks flushed pink. “I was kind of just scared that you weren’t going to show.”
   “Well of course I would, little bunny. I asked you to dinner and I didn’t expect you to call me.” The woman reached into her silver clutch and pulled out a familiar rabbit keychain. “You remind me of one of these.”
    The two of them laughed as they ordered their food and drank numerous glasses of fancy wine. And before (your name) knew it, she was drunk. Very, very drunk. And Aria was nice enough to help her into her limo.
   “I think we should call it a night, bunny. You can’t even keep your head up straight.” Aria chuckled as (your name) just gave her a goofy grin as (your name) struggled to get into the limo.
    “I really like you, Aria.” (Your name) replied as she began to giggle. “I want to go out again sometime-“
    Aria pulled (your name) in for a steamy kiss as (your name) tried to kiss back to the best of her ability. Their tongue moving in sync as Aria pulled (your name) onto her lap and let her hands grab (your name)’s plump read in her hands.
    “Let’s go back to my place, shall we?” (Your name) could only smile as Aria shut the partition as they continued their steamy make out session. Thank god the windows of the limo were tinted.
    (Your name) woke up with a pounding headache and completely bare in a violet, silk sheeted canopy bed. The bare form of Aria tangled in the sheets with her.
    Aria soon stirred, her violet eyes fluttering open as the silver haired woman pulled (your name) closer to her. Her plump lips kissing the exposed skin on (your name)’s neck.
    “I didn’t take you for a vixen in the sheets. You were so cute last night.” Aria cooed as (your name) flushes red. “But all those cute hickies on your shoulders are marks that you’re mine.
    “(Your name), I want you to be my girlfriend.” (Your name) smiled as she kissed Aria again. 
    “Let’s get to know each other better first and then we can be girlfriends. I need a little more time.” Aria nodded as she kissed (your name) on the forehead. 
    “I understand. I’ll wait for you.”
     A few months had gone by since that night with Aria. And (your name) and Aria were  officially dating. It was such a surprise to everyone. And everyone was happy for her... except Jasper and Ryoko.
    (Your name) could tell Ryoko wasn’t happy about her new relationship status due to how forced her smiles  when she occasionally caught glimpses of the purple marks on her neck she didn’t cover up well enough, but Jasper was a completely different level of upset...
    “(Your name), I brought you a bouquet of red roses!” Jasper proclaimed as the dark bags under his eyes became more prominent as time went on. He didn’t look like he was sleeping well. His skin was paler than normal and his hands were shaky as he held up the bouquet. “They’re almost as beautiful  as you-“
   “Jasper, I’m sorry. I’m in a happy relationship. I cannot accept your gift.” The roses were gently placed into her lap as Jasper’s whole body began to shake as he forced a smile.
     “A woman can’t be with another woman. Y-you’re just confused is all. You’ll come around eventually.” He gave an uneasy laugh before he clutched his hair in his hands. His pale blue eyes widening as a demented smile made its way onto his face. Jasper crouched down on the floor, his hands holding his face while the smile widened even more. The deranged male beginning to ramble to himself. “You have to... you have to love me or I’ll go even more mad...” Jasper whispered to himself while (your name) quickly scurried over to him and wrapped an arm over his shoulders. The young reporter trying to gain his attention.
    “I-I’m sorry, Mister Jones. I just don’t return your feelings and I don’t know if I ever will-“
  “One day...”
   “Excuse me?” (Your name) asked, raising a brow at him. Jasper whipped his head up, revealing his terrifying smile to her, flashing his pearly white teeth at her.
     “You will one day. I swear on it.” Jasper chuckled, pulling her close to him and holding her flush against his chest. He then stood up to his full height, practically picking the girl off the floor while he burrowed his head into (your name)’s hair. Jasper greedily inhaling her scent with the same crazed smile. She still smelled so sweet. Ice began to slowly creep onto (your name)’s jacket as (your name) felt a sudden chill up her spine. Why was she so cold? “You’ll walk down the aisle with me and then you’ll bear my children-“
   “Woah, let the little lady go please.” Ryoko separated the two as her eyes widened in shock as Jasper was basically almost revealed his powers in front of everyone. Ryoko immediately stepping in before Jasper could lose his job. “Let’s go to your office and talk, okay? You’re scaring her.”
    “I-I’m sorry.” Jasper immediately released (your name), the scared look in her eye making his heart clench as he tried not to have a meltdown. “I don’t know what came over me I-“
     (Your name) fled as he tried not to cry out her name as Ryoko led him to his office. Ryoko immediately kicking the door shut behind the two of them as she shoved him roughly into the floor.
    “You’re such an idiot. You almost blew your cover in front of everyone!” Ryoko whisper shouted at him as she kicked him in the leg roughly. “Why can’t you just keep it in your pants?!”
    “I’m in love with her! You should know! You look at her the same way I do when you think no one’s looking-“ Jasper’s head was suddenly thrown to the side as Ryoko struck him. Ryoko’s dark bangs covering her eyes as she scowled in disgust.
    “Don’t ever compare me to you. You’re disgusting-“
    “Why don’t we work together for her affections?!” Jasper shouted as Ryoko’s head snapped up. Her Onyx eyes scanning Jasper’s for any sign of him joking as she began to think. She could tell Jasper was serious for once.
    “Do you think we could do it? I mean I don’t know how I feel about sharing but do you think she’d be okay with it?”
    “What do you mean? We shouldn’t give her a choice, she’d be safe with us. We’re heroes for god’s sake-“
    “I know we are but... I want her to be happy...” Ryoko replied as she rubbed her arm nervously, her dark eyes downcast as she began to fidget under Jasper’s intense gaze. “I don’t want to force her into anything with us. It wouldn’t be the same-“
   “I know but do you really think Electra would let her go? I mean seriously? Miss Spark isn’t that good at keeping her identity hidden. I’m amazed (your name) hasn’t caught on-“
    “(Your name) is oblivious to all of us having powers. I just don’t want to scare her away. She means so much to me. I’m alright with watching her be happy with someone else, unlike you. So long as she doesn’t get hurt.”
    Jasper hummed as he glared at the floor.
    “So I’m taking it as a no until something happens to her?” Jasper asked as his ice colored eyes glazed over with some hidden emotion. 
    “Yes.” Ryoko replied as she opened the door. “Good luck, Jasper.” She then left the room as Jasper stood up headed to his desk, he hunched over his desk as he placed his palms flat on the desk. The room’s temperature dropping in temperature as ice began to cover the entire desk.
  Jasper’s breathing became ragged as he tried to calm down his rage. His fists clenching to the point that his fingernails began to draw blood in their wake. 
   He then screamed in frustration as he slammed his fist into the desk, creating a large crack on the wooden surface as he began to take deep breaths to calm himself down.
    “She’ll be mine... I swear to god.”
    Ryoko sat in her small apartment as she pulled out a cushion and a lighter and carried it to a spare closet in her room.
     She then lit the small vanilla scented candles to illuminate the object of her desires as she smiled. Her onyx eyes never leaving the (eye color) orbs of her love.
     A large portrait of (your name) sat in the center of the wall as well as pictures of the two of them together. Pictures of every single selfie or pose they took while they were out and about. They had been so close for years, and (your name) didn’t even understand the depth of Ryoko’s feelings for (your name). Ryoko should’ve been more assertive and maybe (your name) would’ve become her girlfriend... Ryoko bowed her head as she began to concentrate on her goal.
     “Patience is key... Electra will mess up soon... and then I’ll be there to catch you.” Ryoko face twisted into a smile that seemed unnatural for her petite face as she leaned forward. Ryoko ran her pale hands gently across the portrait as she sighed longingly. “I love you, (your name).”
   “Aria!” (Your name) exclaimed as she entered her lover’s office, the silver haired woman shooting up from her desk as a smile made its way to her face.
  “(Your name)!” Elegant black heels came running towards the other woman as Aria swooped (your name) into her strong arms. “How was work?”
    “It was okay. Jasper was acting strange again and Ryoko has been so distant... I miss my best friend.” Aria’s eyes darkened as she pulled (your name) into her arms and furrowed her brow. Why were those two still bothering her lover)? Did those two imbeciles not understand that (Your name) belonged to her? Maybe she’d have to make her move now before those pesky heroes snatched her up...
    “Aria, what’s wrong? Is something bothering you, baby?” Aria tried her best not to melt into a puddle at (your name)’s cute nickname for her.
    “I think we should have some dinner at my place tonight. Does wine sound good?” Aria asked as (your name) nodded excitedly, unaware of Aria’s true intentions.
    “I’ll eat or drink anything as long as it’s with you!” (Your name) beamed as Aria kisses her forehead tenderly, a frown forming on her face as (your name) buried her face into Aria’s shoulder.
    “I’m so sorry...” Aria whispered almost inaudibly as she kissed (your name)’s forehead again. She hoped to god (your name) would forgive her...
   Drip. Drop. Clink. Clank.
   (Your name) slowly stirred awake as she heard the sound of a faucet dripping. Her (eye color) eyes scanning her unfamiliar surroundings. Where was she? This wasn’t Aria’s house.
    “I’m so sorry, my little rabbit.” Aria replied as (your name) searched around for her lover.
    “Aria? What’s going on? Where am I?” (Your name) tried to stand up to find her lover but was stopped by the chain attached to her ankle. “Why am I chained up-“
    “(Your name), I’m Electra.” Aria’s voice rung out in the dark as (your name) gasped.
    “Y-you’re joking right? There’s no way-“ a burst of violet electricity shot across the room, activating the lights as Aria stood in the entrance of the dark, windowless room.
    “We’re in my secret layer.” Aria replied as her violet eyes began to tear up. “The heroes are after you and I’m just so scared something bad will happen to you. I don’t want you to be caught in the crossfire-“
   “Why would they be after me-“
  “They’re your coworkers (your name). Jasper and Ryoko are Sub-Zero and Mistress Dragon.” The gears began to turn in (your name)’s head as she tried it process what Aria as saying. How could she not have noticed the signs? The septum ring on the dragon? The coldness she’d always feel around Jasper? It all made sense...
    “But why me?” (Your name) asked as Aria frowned.
    “You’re too innocent and way too sweet.” Aria replied as her smooth hands grasped (your name)’s face and kisses her forehead. “I have to defeat them and then I’ll let you go.”
    “Aria, please don’t leave me like this! Please-“ The room soon became pitch black as the door was shut to the room. (Your name)’s sobs could be heard throughout the lair as her heart broke at her lover’s betrayal.
   (Your name had no idea how long she was trapped in that room without seeing Aria. Hours? Days? Weeks? She didn’t know at all.
   Creak! Slam!
   (Your name)’s head whipped up from the sound of the doorbell opening. Her smile widening as she gazed expectantly at the door. A figure standing in the center of it as (you’re name) began to sob, tears filling her vision.
    “Aria-“ The figure soon feel to the ground as two figures walked in. (Eye color) eyes widening in horror as she scooted herself close to the wall.
    “W-Who are-“
  “I knew we’d find you. It took us a week to get her to tell us where you were. We were so worried when you didn’t come to work.” A familiar voice rung out at she felt a pair of hands on her cheeks. (Eye color) eyes meeting onyx as she gasped.
    “(Your name)! Don’t forget about me.” Jasper cooed as he grabbed her free hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. “Oh my poor darling, you’re so skinny. I promise we’ll feed you and we’ll both treat you so very well-“
      “What are you talking about?”
    “Oh silly little rabbit.” Jasper chuckled as his icy blue eyes began to glow. “You belong to us now.”
    “We bring to you breaking news, it turns out Aria Spark of Domino Electric was the dastardly villainess who plagued our city for so long! She is finally captured and placed in the new Super Prison the Hero Association has established far away from here. I also bring to you news that Sub-Zero and Mistress Dragon have officially retired. Who do you think the next rising hero will be of these five-“
    Tears filled (your name)’s eyes as Jasper and Ryoko sat on either side of her, both of their hands lovingly rubbing her large, swollen tummy as they both smiled.
    “I think our baby will be the next rising superhero. What do you think darling?” Jasper cooed as he kissed (your name)’s cheek as tears fell down her cheek.
    “My baby is next! I can’t wait to see you swollen with my little baby dragon. I was able to get a sperm donation from my brother so we can do invitro-fertilization.” Ryoko fondly cooed as she kisses (your name)’s cheek. 
   In the end, the heroes and villains weren’t so different between each other in her story. While her beloved villain would spend the rest of her life rotting behind bars...
  Or was she?
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🌈CM Pride Challenge🏳️‍⚧️
Hey everyone, I’m back with another monthly challenge! For the months of May AND June, I am formally challenging any willing writer to take a stab at writing fanfiction including LGBTQA+ PRIDE using their choice of Criminal Minds characters! Reader, Original Character, Character/Character ships, Gen/Platonic fics are allowed!Please check out the Rules below the Keep Reading.
There are a LOT of prompts below the cut, so keep going!
(**This is NOT a request list for me—this is a prompt list of other writers! Feel free to request from someone else, and be sure to let them know about the challenge!)
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General Prompts 🏳️‍🌈
Coming out is so much harder the second time
Describe Character’s first kiss with the same gender
Describe Character(s) spending a day at a Pride parade
The team realizes that A&B were more than roommates
Penelope goes a little overboard on rainbow decorations at Characters’ wedding
Character's marriage mutually comes to an end when they come out... now what?
Character comes out at the same time they announce their new relationship to the team
Character A fears it’s too late for them to live authentically, and B assures them that’s not true
Character A gifts B something colored like their pride flag because “the colors reminded me of you”
Child realizes that not every kid has two moms/two dads and they have a lot of questions about it
Queer characters have a hard time deciding what their child should call them and come up with fun ideas
Character A goes to a LGBT bar with B as a wingperson (or maybe they want them, themselves?)
Anything else you can think of!
More prompts (transgender, assorted, dialogue) below!
Transgender Prompts 🏳️‍⚧️
Character A helps B get their first tailored dress/suit
Character A helps B shave and/or put on makeup
The couple is looking for gender neutral nicknames
Character A buys B specialty gender affirming lingerie
Character is casually referred to with an appropriately gendered nickname for the first time
Characters are renewing their vows and redoing their wedding photos following a coming out
Character A walks in on B wearing a new gender-affirming outfit and surprises them with an enthusiastic compliment
The team throws Character an impromptu first birthday party following their coming out (how did they get a banner so fast?!)
Character A buys B a gender affirming but stereotypical gift (sports jersey, neon pink purse, etc.) that they would otherwise hate (but find absolutely hilarious)
Specific Prompts 💝
[Bisexual] Character gets irritated when people reduce their sexuality to their current partner
[Bisexual] Character A is in a M/F relationship with B and worries that their queer identity will become invisible dating them
[Asexual] Characters explore different forms of non-sexual intimacy
[Asexual] Characters are both asexual but too nervous to tell one another. They awkwardly attempt to have sex but end up laughing at how ridiculous they feel.
Dialogue Prompts 💐
“Are they… flirting?” “Big time.”
“I got to fall in love with you twice.”
“To be seen is to be loved." "I see you.”
“Be gay, do crimes.” “Aren’t you a cop?”
“There is no heterosexual explanation for that.”
“Life is very different once you find your people.”
“Cardinals and hydrangeas can change. Why not you?”
“You're still the person I love. Nothing will change that.”
“We both wear pants. Makes it easier to kick your ass.”
“It’s never felt like this before. I've never felt like this before.”
“I guess it makes sense now why it never worked out with my exes.”
Am I allowed to look at her like that? Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at? ("She" by Dodie)
“You can kiss a hundred boys in bars, shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling ... Well, good luck, babe. You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling.” ("Good Luck, Babe!" by Chappell Roan)
Rules ❤️🧡💚💙💜🖤🤎
The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character. AUs and crossovers are more than welcome.
Tag me in the fic, or send the link to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check.Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
Have fun!
The Masterlist of fics will be posted around June 30. If you finish after that, no problem - just send me the fic once you’re done and I’ll add it after-the-fact!
Feel free to message me if you want help developing a plot, have any questions, or just want to gush about your fic. I’m happy to help, and I’m happy you’re here ❤️
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🌈Happy writing! 🏳️‍⚧️
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pitchsidestories · 2 months
eras of us (2) II Ona Batlle x Reader
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part 1 I masterlist I word count: 2662
a/n: the second and final part to eras of us with the promised happy ending, enjoy. <3
Barcelona had changed since Onas departure. Or at least it felt like it. She had been such an integral part of your daily life that you constantly found yourself longing for her presence in every situation. Every time you went to training, you were painfully reminded that you were without your best friend.
Time and time again, you tried to convince yourself that this was a decision that every football player would have to make at some point in their career. Still, you could not shake the weird mix of feelings that her transfer had created.
Of course, your team mates noticed that your mood had changed.
After a particular hard training in the Catalonian sun, Leila took you aside before you could disappear into the dressing room: “Ona… she misses you.“
You frowned at her, not sure where the conversation about Ona had come from. “Oh, sure. I think Ona seems very happy on the recent pictures she’s been posting.“, you replied and tried to push past Leila.
Mapi passed the two of you and gave you a wink: “Looks can be deceiving.“
“Listen to her. She’s got that tattooed.“, Leila grinned.
You rolled your eyes. As if anyone could miss the tattoo on Mapis throat.
“Yeah, I know what I’m talking about.“, Mapi laughed, stopping right next to you.
Shaking your head about your two team mates, you heaved a deep sigh: “But what am I supposed to do?“
A mischievous smirk appeared on Leilas face as she reached into the pocket of her warm-up jacket. She handed you a small envelope.
“No worries. Here is your ticket to Manchester and your return ticket to Barcelona.“
Speechless, you just stared at her and Mapi for a few seconds. How long had they planned that?
“You girls are insane!“, you finally exclaimed.
“No, we’re the best.“, Mapi corrected you.
“Thank you!“ You hugged both of them quickly, an inexplicable smile on your lips.
“Yeah, just remember to names us as team mates of the year.“, Leila joked.
You laughed: “I promise I will.“
“But now go before you miss your flight.“, Leila said, moving out of your way.
“Okay, got it. See you two soon!“, you called, hurrying into the dressing room to take a quick shower and race home to pack your suitcase.
“Good luck!“, Mapi shouted after you.
Smiling, Leila watched you disappear into the dressing room while wiping away an imaginary tear: “Our children grow up so fast.“
Alexia who had suddenly appeared next to Mapi, shook her head: “Leila, not all the gays in the team are your children.“
“It feels like they are.“
A few hours later you were at your best friend’s new home in England. Quickly you went up the stairs, feeling slightly breathless once you reached the right floor before you ringed the bell next to her surname plate.
Onas’s jaw dropped when she opened the door to her appartement in Manchester to see you standing there in flesh and bone:” Hello?”
“Oni, hi.”, you greeted her back, feeling your heart pound heavy against your chest at the familiar sight of her.
Still stunned she blinked: “You.”
“Yes, it’s me.”, you replied, running one hand through your hair, the other rested on the suitcase.
“What are you doing here?”, the defender furrowed her brows.
“I’m sorry how I reacted when you were saying you’d leave.”, you apologized, while looking guiltily down to your feet.
Hearing these words, Ona clenched her teeth:” It doesn’t matter.” But you could tell from her reaction that this was a lie.
“And Leila said you missed me.”, you added biting your lip as you spoke.
 “Maybe I did. You’re my best friend.”, she confessed. Lifting your head to face her again, you realized that the English weather made her look paler, but the freckles were still there.
Rather childish you responded: “Still? You seem pretty happy in Manchester now.”
Before answering your question, the United player showed you the old friendship bracelet you’ve made for her all those years ago and she was wearing even now although it did look old: “Still. And I’m happy here. The team and the coaches trust me.”
“That’s great. I’m glad they recognize your talent, you deserve it, Oni.”, you told her in an honest tone.
“Thank you. Uhm.. do you want to come in?”, Ona asked you, tousling shily through her bun.
“Sure.”, you nodded nervously while entering her appartement.
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting a visitor.”, she blushed as you were taking in the view.
“It’s fine. Really.”, you reassured her. Glancing at the framed pictures which were not hanging up, yet you pointed to them:” Do you want to hang up the pictures?”
“Actually, yes.”
Meanwhile you were holding the first photo in your hands, you couldn’t help but to smile at the young girls which were pictured, celebrating a team win:” I love this one.”
“Oh, me too.”, the defender admitted.
“We all look so small on it, well Aitana still is.”, you commented grinning.
Seeming relaxed, Ona showed you another picture: “Yes, we do but this one is my favourite.”
You knew the photo well, it was taken after your first game for the Barcelona senior team and you spotted your best friend in the stands and went in to hug her, this moment forever being captured by the photographer on the pitch for which you were both grateful:” Mine too, you paused for a second before continuing seriously, we share a lot of memories together, hopefully to many more.”
You could hardly explain to yourself how quickly the time had passed. One moment you spontaneously flew over to Manchester, the next you already found yourself in Australia at the tournament that you had anticipated for so long.
Playing in the World Cup was one thing, but you would never have dreamed of winning the trophy. It still felt surreal. You had just won the World Cup Final against England.You saw Ona walking towards you with a wide grin on her face.
“Ona, we won!“, you cheered.
She wrapped her arms around you: “We did.“
“I can’t believe it yet.“ You escaped her embrace and took in the atmosphere of the stadium and the celebration of your team mates.
Ona stood beside you. “It’s insane, right?“
The words hung between you for a few seconds as you watched on.
Ona shook her head suddenly, smiling to herself like she had just realized what had happened in the previous ninety minutes: “We’re World Champions.“
“Oh yes. Remember when…“, you started.
Aitana joined you, placing one arm around each of you and finished your sentence: “We pretended we won the World Cup? Yes.“ With smirk she added: “Do you still know the choreo?“
Onas face dropped: “You’re not going to do that at the actual World Cup!“
“Come on, Tana, we’ll do it.“, you said decisively, pulling the midfielder with you.
There was a small routine of dance moves that you had practiced when you had still played at La Masia together and the actual World Cup felt like millions of years away. Sometimes those dance moves would come out to celebrate a particularly special goal but mostly, they were reserved for exactly this moment.
“Coming!“, Aitana joined you while Ona just shook her head.
Olga elbowed the defender in the side, watching you and Aitana dance in synchrony: “Ona, what are they doing?“
“Being idiots.“, she laughed.
At the same time, Aitana managed to pull her phone from somewhere to capture the moment in a selfie.
“Come on, the photo isn’t complete without you!“, you called over to her.
Ona rolled her eyes with smile: “Ugh, fine. But only for one photo.“
“Perfect.“, Aitana commented as Ona appeared between the two of you.
“Did it turn out cute?“, Ona asked, leaning over to see her team mates phone screen.
“It did.“
The celebrations continued the whole night. There was the initial celebration at the pitch which was then moved to the dressing room and lastly to the hotel. You had no idea what time it was or how many drinks you had but you were clinking your glass with the other players and yelling over the sound of the music: “Cheers, everyone!“
“Cheers, children.“, Alexia laughed, taking her sip from her own drink. She seemed way too sober for your liking.
“Ale, others are the children now.“, you explained to her with the most seriousness you could muster.
Jenni took a shot, grimaced and then said: “You’re still our children.“
“Exactly, nothing will ever change that.“, Alexia said with a gently smile.
“That’s embarrassing.”, Onas’s cheeks turning redder than before.
You were sitting in her lap and hid your face in her chest:” Agreed.”
“What are you doing?”, your friend asked giggling.
“Hiding from embarrassment.”, you mumbled into her shirt.
“So cute.”, Jenni hummed, who didn’t stop looking at you two.
“Let us alone!”, Ona begged the older woman.
She shook her head decisively:” No.”
“Please.”, you tuned in.
Clearing her throat Alexia got up from her seat:” Jen, time to leave the young lovers alone.”
“Fine.”, Jenni responded with a groan but nonetheless listened to what the younger midfielder said.  
“Come on.”, the Barcelona player winked at the dark-haired woman.
For a moment you and your best friend watched them leaving, before you turned around to question her, wearing a mischievous smile on your lips:” What do we do now with them gone, Oni?”
“Celebrate?”, the defender replied grinning.
“Yes!”, you nodded excitedly.
“But you had enough to drink.”, she noted with a laugh.
“Rude!”, you protested.
“It’s true.”, Ona observed.
Smiling mildly at you Aitana came to help her argument:”It’s.”
“You two are no fun.”, you grumbled.
“I mean it’s a once in a lifetime thing.”, Ona remarked as she watched you joining the rest of players who were still dancing despite the exhausting final.
Amused Aitana was taking a seat next to the defender:” How does y/n still have the energy to dance though.”
“It’s the alcohol.”, she replied with an eyeroll.
“Definitely. Wanna bet she’s sleepy in like ten minutes?”, the midfielder asked smiling.
“Oh definitely.”, Ona nodded. She couldn’t keep her eyes off you. The soon to be Barcelona player was astonished at how effortlessly and elegant your dance moves despite your tipsiness.
Aitana’s prediction turned out to be true. With a little bit of help from Ona you reached the hotel room you two were sharing. Your eyes were already closed when your head hit the pillow:” I’m not tired yet.”
“Oh sure, I can tell. Good night, y/n.”, she chuckled.
“You too, love you.”, you replied about to fall asleep.
Suddenly Onas’s heart felt pounding hard against her chest when the defender pressed a kiss on your forehead:” I love you too.” She often told you how much she loved you but this time the words hit differently. It dawned on the player that she didn’t want you like a best friend. No the woman felt the urge to be your lover.
“Aitana, I fell in love with my best friend.”, Ona confessed to Aitana with a heavy air of meaning.
A small smile was forming on the midfielder’s lips: “I know.”
“What do you mean you know?”, she glanced at her confused.
“There were so many moments in the past.”, Aitana began.
Still shocked Ona interrupted her:” I only realized it during the world cup final.”       
“In that case you’re very late to the party.”, the friend answered, her face couldn’t hide her amusement.
Bewildered, Ona exclaimed: “Tana!“
The midfielder just shrugged casually: “It’s true.“
“Oh, is it?“, Ona raised an eyebrow at her.
“Ask Ale and Jenni… and Mapi… and Leila. You could literally ask anyone in the team.“, Aitana chuckled.
“It doesn’t matter anyway.“
Aitana eyed her team mate carefully: “It does matter.“
Ona shook her head with a deep sigh: “No, you don’t get it. She told Ale that she doesn’t fancy me and wouldn’t go for her best friend.“
“Wasn’t that forever ago?“, Aitana asked, seemingly unimpressed.
“It was after our training… I feel so stupid…“
“She didn’t have an easy time here when you were in Manchester, Ona.“
“It wasn’t easy for me either.“, the defender admitted.
Aitana looked at her thoughtfully: “Maybe it’s time to talk to each other.“
Ona was quite for a moment before she nodded: “You’re right. Y/n and I need to talk.“
“You should.“
She pulled her friend into a quick hug. “Goodbye, Tana.“
“Bye, Ona.“
Of course, you were paired with Ona to share a room at Barcelonas next away game. Something must have conspired against you. Or Alexia had a hand in this. Ona and you hadn’t exchanged a single word since Alexias intervention after training a few days ago.
Of course, the silence in the hotel room was obnoxious. But you had no interest in changing that.
Ona was the first one to give in, sitting on the bed on her side of the room: “Y/n, stop ignoring me, please.“
“Bold coming from the person who ran away.“, you retorted. You refused to even look at her and instead focused on putting away your clothes.
“I didn’t run away!“
Slowly, you turned to her: “Yes, you did. When Ale talked to me about us.“
You expected her to object but she just looked at you with pleading eyes: “Please, can you just listen to me?“
You sighed reluctantly: “Alright.“
“So?“, you prompted her impatiently as soon as she stopped talking.
You could tell that Ona struggled to get the words out but the suspense was almost killing you.
“I like you.“, she finally said.
“More than a best friend?“, you asked, surprised by how hoarse your voice sounded.
“Yes.“, Ona nodded.
You shook your head. Your gaze directed towards the ground, you whispered: “I don’t want to ruin our friendship.“
Ona had gotten up from the bed and bridged the gap between you two. Her hand gently found your cheek, forcing you to meet her eyes. She was so close, you could count the freckles on her face.
“Can it really ruin our friendship if we both want it?“, she asked quietly.
You slowly shook your head: “No, probably not…“
“I think we should try it.“
For the first time, your brain was silent. There was no counterargument you could think of. There was just your heart hammering in your chest.
“Agreed.“, you breathed.
And before you knew it, your lips were on your best friends. Ona hummed into the kiss, pushing harder against you and parting your lips with her tongue.
It knocked you off balance. You landed on your bed, Ona on top of you. You both giggled but refused to remove your lips from each others.
“Oh. My. God. Finally!“, Mapis voice called out, startling you.
“Mapi!“, you yelled at the exact same time, looking at your team mate who had just stumbled into your room.
She flashed you an innocent grin: “Sorry.“
“What do you want anyway?“, Ona asked, a slight hint of annoyance in her voice.
“Uhm… I was about to tell you that we’re starting to have dinner?“ There was no sign of remorse on Mapis face, just pure amazement at what she had just walked into.
“We’ll be there soon.“, Ona replied politely.
“Just give us a few more seconds.“, you added.
Mapi smirked: “You two know that Ale will sense it immediately?“
Ona nodded: “We do.“
“That’s why we need time to prepare ourselves for it.“, you joked.
“Okay, See you later.“ She disappeared through the door with a wink.
The two of you were alone again.
Ona bit her lip to hide a smile: “We don’t need time to prepare ourselves, we need time to make out. That’s what you meant right?“
“Yeah, I did.“, you admitted with a laugh.
Dinner could wait. Kissing all of your girlfriends freckles could definitely not.
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bomber-grl · 6 months
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Just friends..?
Pairing(s): Damian Wayne x Male reader (established relationship)
Summary: reader and Damian have a relationship that isn’t necessarily a secret yet somehow still unknown by the bat fam + the bat fam reacting to Damian having a boyfriend mix
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You walked into the Wayne manor and reached the front door.
You and Damian had started dating so long ago you almost didn’t remember when.
But, for some reason, everyone thought you were just friends.
Despite being able to access any and all information about someone, having cameras everywhere, the Wayne family still had no clue about you and Damian’s relationship.
“Hey” Damian said as he slung open the door and motioned you in. You gladly walked in as this hadn’t been the first time you were over.
You and Damian walked into the living room where the fam was gathered and they all greeted you, Bruce spoke up.
“It’s nice to know Damian has a friend that has stuck around.”
Tim laughed, “yea… friends.”
Although neither you or Damian has ever disclosed your relationship it was like Tim knew. Maybe it was the gay in him.
“Whatever” Damian said as he left and ran for the stairs upstairs
Before you turned the corner Alfred spoke out that he’d call you down for dinner and Damian yelled back in agreement.
You both made it down the hall and into his room, he closed the door then let gravity take its affect on his body and lay sprawled out with very obvious implication that he wanted you to join him.
You followed in suite, I mean who are you to deny him? And you laid besides him on your stomach.
You laughed “why so mad Damian?” You started playing with his hair.
“I’m not mad” he furrowed his eyebrows in a way you couldn’t help but find cute and just nodded in defeat
He got up from his laying position and leaned in to kiss your cheek but then the door slammed open and Damian practically flew to the other side of the room.
It was Jason.
“Hey lil man I brought you some of your fav chips and-“
Damian interrupted “Jason! I told you to knock before entering.”
Now he really was mad.
“My bad lil bro” he scratched his head “I didn’t realize your lil boyfriend was here.
You and Damian both knew Jason didn’t know of your relationship but he always called you his (Damian’s) lil boyfriend since all Damian would do was yap about you (Jason’s words)
He made his way to throw the chips at Damian and made it a point that Damian really should lock the door next time, also taking a pillow to the face in the process.
He then left before Damian could pull out his daggers. The noise of the door clinking shut.
“No one respects privacy in this house” he rolled his eyes.
“Calm down Damian, I mean he’s kinda right, we should lock the door if we don’t want to be disturbed- “
“It doesn’t matter, Jason’s probably going to pick the lock regardless” Damian said laying back limp on the bed and you resumed your position.
You two began idly speaking about whatever came to mind at the moment and you spoke without thinking.
You propped yourself on your arm and turned to Damian “You’re such a good friend Damian”
You said this smiling knowing you’d get a roll of the eye and get ignored or he’d throw a pillow at you.
Instead he laughed, yea, laughed.
“Yea, I’m so glad I get to have a friend like you” he said sarcastically.
You lean in and push a stray hair away from his face “ don’t you mean boyfriend?”
“Maybe” he said giggling
You both leaned in half ways and your lips met. The kissing lasted abnormally long than usual and at one point he pulled you over him and put his arms around your neck.
It was a sweet moment and maybe not so sweet as he’d let his hands wander but not too much.
“Hey Damian, Alfred told me to-“
as predictable as always someone bursted in, but ofc it had to be Tim.
The two of you suddenly decided to follow the “keep your hands to yourself rule” and instantly pushed each other away.
But the damage was already done.
“WHAT THE- yknow what? Already knew it, I’m just surprised anyone would date Damian”
“Get out.” Damian said very much upset
“Okkkk but I just came to tell u Alfred says to come down so…” and with that he left.
Damian let a very loud sigh and rubbed at his temples “hopefully he doesn’t say anything..”
“Would that be such a bad thing..?” You asked this clearly wanting an answer, one that Damian was at a lost to answering.
“No- I just, I’m just nervous on how my family would react, especially father…“
He made a point at not looking at you but once you held his hand he relaxed and nodded.
You both came down stairs and made your way to dinner hand in hand.
The warm lighting of the dining hall that contrasted his rooms darkness welcomed you both but the 8 eyes boring into your face wasn’t exactly helping.
you and Damian sat down, well just you, Damian was still standing.
“As you all know me and y/n are dating-“
Cue silence
Damian started up again “what do u mean what?“ his eyes narrowing and eyebrows furrowing .
“I meant what I said, what?“
Cass said this raising an eyebrow and leaning back to relax.
“Wait. So Tim didn’t tell everyone me and y/n are dating?”
Everyone whipped their heads towards Tim who was preoccupied with his phone and once he realized and finally looked up his face wore an offended expression. “Nope, we have our ups and downs but I’d never out you” he just shrugged and looked back down at his phone.
“Uh.. ok well that’s the news i guess? Surprise?” He obviously didn’t expect this to happen but I guess it’s better than some outcomes..?
“Thanks for telling us Damian, I’m proud of you” Grayson pitched in and smiled at the two of you.
“Agreed you’re cute together” Steph mentioned leaning on her hand.
“Yea and even if we I kinda knew (he didn’t) but that’s amazing for you guys, seriously” Jason added and everyone else nodded in agreement.
While everyone else pitched in their words of approval, a cough interrupted at the other end of the table.
“I’m.. glad you were able to tell us this news but, why didn’t you tell us sooner?”
Just wow
Damian’s face was literally just looking at everyone else like he was above them.
“Why didn’t we tell you? We would go on dates, hold hands, Kiss???? And you all still didn’t know?? The only one who knew was Alfred”
Cue everyone looking at Alfred and him just nodding.
“He was the only one to acknowledge y/n as my boyfriend” Damian was so flabbergasted it was honestly hilarious.
After awhile and a very serious discussion everyone finally knew you two were together and soon the public did too.
(Either the two of you came out to announce it or it was exposed I don’t make the rules 🤷‍♀️)
Here ya go! :)
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to-thelakes · 2 months
wet cat vibe
pairing; emily prentiss x fem!reader
summary; you get rained on on the way to emily's apartment.
warnings; fluff, pure fluff, slightly suggestive towards the end, reader in a summer dress
notes; okay, so this was a little one-shot that i wrote a few weeks ago after i saw a prompt and my friend suggested that emily would be perfect for it! i've never actually published anything like wlw but i thought i might as well bite the bullet and show emily some gay love because her being straight-ified by the show is a crime to me and me personally. she is my bisexual queen. thank u. so, please enjoy this little fluff
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When you agreed to go over to Emily’s after you were finished with work, it hadn’t been raining. In fact, it had been a beautiful sunny day and you were walking around in your flowy summer dress. It had been warm, idyllic and you hadn’t even realised that anything had changed. That was until you stepped out of work and it was raining. And not just normal rain, it was a fucking torrential downpour. You didn’t know what to do.
You had assumed that it would stay nice all day but no, of course not. You internally cursed yourself as you stared out at the rain. Why did you never check the goddamn weather app? Were you really that stupid?
Everyone had already left the office which left you alone to try and get to Emily’s without looking completely ridiculous. You crossed your arms over your chest, staring across the street as the rain bounced off the pavements.
Her apartment was only a few streets over and so you scouted out the area in front of you. There were quite a few buildings that overhung which meant that you could at least get some shelter. It would be fine. You just had to be strategic.
So, you waited for the traffic to clear up before you ran across the road. You looked like a madwoman, in a flowy dress while it poured with rain around you but you had definitely looked more insane before so this was nothing.
By the time you reached Emily’s apartment and despite your best attempts, you were still drenched right through. Your dress was becoming transparent thanks to the rain which Emily would love but currently, anyone could see which wasn’t exactly what you intended.
When you pressed the buzzer, Emily let you in with no question and you rode the elevator up. She was waiting for you at the apartment door, hip rested against the door frame as she looked you up and day. You tried not to laugh, a smile spreading across your face.
“Have you not heard of an umbrella? Jesus,” Emily said and you looked down at yourself. You were literally dripping water across the carpet, your hair (that was down over your shoulders) was dripping droplets of water across the fabric of your dress. You looked a mess.
“I’m going for the wet cat vibe. How do I look?” You asked as you reached her apartment door. Emily chuckled softly at you and you did a little twirl for her before facing her again. Emily shook her head in disbelief.
“Pathetic. Come on, you’re dripping everywhere,” Emily said as she urged you inside. You followed her and she closed the door. Her back rested against it as she took you in. She could very clearly see the lingerie that you had picked out just for her. Though, you had completely forgotten how see-through your dress was so you wandered over to the kitchen for a tea towel to wipe your face without a care in the world.
“You know, I think this is a good look,” You stated as you turned around to face Emily. She was leaning against the counter now, obviously checking you out.
“I think what’s underneath is better,” She responded and you chuckled softly, remembering exactly what she was looking at. You wiped off your face and your neck with the towel. Your hair was probably a lost cause for now so instead, you dropped it down and reached out for her hands and tugged her a little closer.
“I wore it just for you,” You teased. Emily hummed out in response, moving her hand to rest against your cheek, “Thought you’d like it but the whole building saw it before you did,” You muttered. Emily tilted your chin up a little.
“I don’t mind,” She responded, her lips inches away from yours, “As long as they know who you’re coming home to.” You couldn’t help the bashful smile that spread across your lips, the wetness between your legs. Emily had this subtle possessiveness to her that made you completely weak at the knees. It was ridiculous.
“Why don’t we show them?” You suggested. Emily grinned and tugged you towards the bedroom. It was going to be a long night.
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colourstreakgryffin · 3 months
Hi I’m the anon who submitted the ‘Hi! I hope you’re having a good day, I was wondering if you could do a platonic fanfic with parental Husk and Angel dust with a teen reader who tries to sneak out to prove their ‘adult’ enough to go out on their own. Maybe they get caught w a secret S/O 🤔’ ask and to answer your question I think a Huskerdust parental duo would be killer, thanks!
Hmmm… okaaay! That can work! This is my first Angel Dust writing as well! Let’s just pretend HuskerDust isn’t built on sexual harassment and that these two get married after a healthy relationship— just a little AU for a, could be, cute couple… if it’s handled better! Also, sorry… this is kinda short
Husk and Angel Dust- Growing Up
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Before anything starts. Let’s establish how these two gay dads treat their adoptive teenage child!
Husk is a doting and caring but also strict and wise father. He gives off the most brutal but truthful advice and reality facts. He is a loving parent and won’t tolerate his child being mistreated or bullied so you can always turn to him when upset or in need for help, he is emotionally intelligent and protective after all
Angel, on the other hand, is the most affectionate and mindful father you’ll ever meet and have. He isn’t the one to deal out the punishments, he’s the fun one. Playing with his child, giving them unconditional love, support and encouragement but he is also quite protective. He will come running at the drop of a hat
Whilst both Husk and Angel encourage their kid to be independent and not rely so much on them, they aren’t a fan of letting you out on your own. You are still fifteen and therefore, completely vulnerable to this nightmarish hellfire realm called H E double hockey sticks
However, you’re determined to prove to both of your dads that you’re capable of defending yourself and be an adult so you’ve been recently sneaking out of your home and going around Pentagram City. On your own, no protective powerful Overlord father or protective infamous actor father
You’ve been doing it for weeks now. Going behind your dads’ back to prove to yourself, then to anybody, your complete and utter independence… but of course, all good things must end
And both of your dads had caught you escaping the house through the window and your beloved partner, a demon you fell in love with and begun dating in secret, just waiting in the backyard of your home whilst you climb out
Husk is very annoyed and ordering you to explain yourself, not at all happy with what you’ve done whilst Angel is dragging you off the windowsill and is resisting the urge to cry since his heart is broken
Your dads fend off your lover, not wanting to deal with them at this moment whilst they are trying to scold their child for doing this… and yes. This causes a big old fight with your parents. You just wanted to prove that you can handle yourself whilst your dads aren’t happy that you did something so reckless and harmful to yourself
Husk takes a bit longer to own up to his accident. Making you cry and angrily go to bed. You’re nearly a legal adult and they are shackling you… Angel can sense how you feel and immediately apologies for his lashout and tries to encourage his husband to do the same thing
When they do. They talk to you, accepting and encouraging, to try make a compromise inbetween you wanting to go outside at night to have fun with your lover, and talking to them and informing them about your location so you three will be happy
Husk lays down the must text them rule with this accommodation himself and his husband have made for you, their precious baby, that you must follow this at all causes whilst Angel is actually excited about you going to have fun on your own but begs you to inform either himself or his husband if anything bad happens to you
They just love you… please. Give them a break, they’ll try their best to let you do whatever you want on your own… as long as they know you’re okay
“Heartthrob. Do you have your present for your partner? Yes? That’s good. When you get to the party, text me or your father so we know you’re okay. That’s all we ask now. Here, let me finish rolling you up before you go”
“Fluffball! Fluffball! Fluffball! Aww! You look so precious! You’ll blow the competition off the dancefloor and you’ll make that partner of yours’ jaw drop! Make sure to shoot me or your dad a text when you’re there, ‘kay?“
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
can you please write about rhea x reader where rhea is into women let’s pretend!! and reader is her best friend and she doesn’t know if she’s straight or bisexual because like she’s attracted to women but she can’t understand so she’s very naive and she asks rhea for help? it can be fluff and smut i really don’t care! thank you so much if you do this ❤️❤️
rhea ripley x reader
‼️this is based off on some experiences i had lol, mention of sex, sweet rhea, i need her in my life lol, slow burn? kinda long-ish i guess and smut so stay away kids‼️
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new experiences
“what you mean you don’t know?” rhea asked, sitting on the couch right facing you.
“it means i don’t know!” you kept pacing around and honestly rhea couldn’t handle it anymore.
“it’s a simple question, are you attracted by women the same way you are attracted by men?” she asked, again.
“again, rhea…i don’t know…yes, i guess” you replied.
“okay, let me ask you this…does liv, becky, shayna…i don’t know, beyonce, attract you?” she asked.
“i mean…yes, they’re all attractive women, like damian and finn are handsome men but that doesn’t mean i want to be with them…you know, sexually” you said, avoiding her look.
so this is what it was about.
rhea always knew you were attracted physically both by men and women. she knew, you didn’t. but as far as she can remember you always dated men, you’ve never been with a woman before and she knew this thing was scaring you.
“what is exactly that you don’t know love?” she asked, a little more serious.
“i don’t know if - well - if i like women the same way i like men you know? everytime i see a good looking woman around i wonder what it would feel like dating her you know? like, dating a woman in general because it’s new to me…and i don’t understand, i can’t understand if what i feel is just simple attraction or something more…” you said, giving up and sitting next to her on the couch, facing her “it’s not just about being attracted by them…who wouldn’t be attracted by beyonce?” you joked, making rhea laugh too “but i don’t know if i would like something more the same way i would simply date a man…”
“have you ever tried? have you ever met a woman that your mind, said - fuck , i wanna date her and have sex with her so bad!?” she asked you.
“not really…because i don’t what i’m feeling…it’s all so confusing”
“i know, i’ve been there…and it took time for me too you know…you should start experiencing…meeting new people, meet a woman who can actually help you and have your mind cleared” she said, cringing at her own words.
rhea always had the biggest crush on you but she never said anything, until now at least. she didn’t know what you were feeling and she didn’t want to confuse you but the fact that you just confessed to her that you were “possibly” into women just made it easier for her.
“don’t you think i’m way past my age to experiment? this is something you do when you’re sixteen” you joked.
“absolutely no…i didn’t realise what i liked until i was twenty…it’s never too late love”
“okay…then how would i be able to meet women? how do you do it? gay bars? that would just make me really uncomfortable…i don’t know if…or even what i’m doing…” you asked her desperately.
“gay bars?” she laughed “what kind of shows are you watching?” you looked at her weirdly “yes, gay bars are a thing, and they’re actually very helpful if you just want to have and sex and then never see each other again…it’s not where i would start tho…maybe you can download some meeting app, you know start from there and see where it goes”
“i would love to do that rhea but the problem still remains…i don’t have experience with women! i don’t know where to start or what to do and honestly i don’t see myself opening up to them the same way i’m doing with you right now, i love talking and doing this with you because you’re not judging me and i’ve known you for years and i always knew you wouldn’t judge me for something like this but i don’t know what their intentions are…maybe i should just drop it…” you said, exhausted.
“you shouldn’t drop it…not if it’s making you feel like that, it’s okay and normal to be confused love…” she smiled at you.
“i know that but”
“no buts…you’re confused and i get it, it will take some time maybe for you to get to know you better but i promise you, in the end will be worth it” she said “plus sex with women is more pleasurable than sex with men” she joked, making you blush.
“that’s what i’m talking bout re! how am i supposed to know what it feels like if i never got the chance to experience it?” you said throwing your hands up.
she simply laughed. she didn’t expect you to over react about something like that. being curious? yes, but over reacting? she wasn’t expecting it at all.
“okay…let me ask you this simple question” she said and you nodded “have you ever kissed a girl? like in the past…a friend maybe?”
“no rhea, never…” you said.
“not even as a joke?” she asked again.
“no…that’s probably why i’m also so confused…i told you, i never had any kind of experience…”
“would you like?” she asked.
“to what? kiss a woman?” you sarcastically replied and she nodded.
“kiss me” she smiled and your jaw dropped.
“are you sure?”
“i’m sure…you’re my best friend” how painful it was for her to say that “and since you’ve spent the last hour complaining how you never got to experience that, let me help you”
“won’t this ruin our friendship?” you asked a little worried.
“why would it ruin our friendship? it’s just a kiss…it doesn’t mean anything right?” she said and you nodded.
it means everything to me - she screamed internally.
“okay, you’re right…” you smiled at her as she moved closer to you. her hand gently caressing your cheek making you shiver “don’t be scared” she encouraged you “it’s like you’re kissing a man”
“but it’s not” you whispered “you’re not a man…”
“oh really?” she smirked, making you laugh “hey…if you want to stop or if i’m making you uncomfortable please let me know…it’s the last thing i wanna do” she said and you nodded.
it’s not like she wanted to take advantage of you or the situation - maybe a little - but you’ve been driving her crazy for the past years and now she saw a little hope to have a future with you. she knew she had to play her cards very well otherwise she would fuck up everything and the last thing she wanted to do was to scare you away.
“come closer…” she whispered “it’s okay love” you did as she told and moved closer to her. you were now face to face and having her so close was making you feel things…
“it’s just a kiss” she whispered softly and before you could say something back she laid her lips on yours. it took you a few seconds to reciprocate but you couldn’t deny how good you were feeling. when she felt how positively you were reacting, she deepened the kiss, teasing your lips with her tongue, asking for permission. you definitely didn’t back up. you let her do it, smiling into the kiss. her hands went behind your back, making you come closer to her body while your hands went back into her hair, softly massaging her scalp, making her whimper into your mouth.
you broke the kiss just to catch your breath and in that moment you realised in what kind of weird position you got yourself into.
if it was just a kiss why were you now straddling her lap?
“so?” she asked you, breathing.
“it was good” you smiled.
“yeah? you liked that?”
“yes but…”
“i need something” she didn’t even let you finish.
“more?” she smiled.
“more” you nodded.
“do you trust me y/n?” she asked you, making sure you were comfortable.
“i do”
“good…lay on the couch for me beautiful” she said and you did as she told you.
“are you sure this isn’t going to ruin our friendship? i care too much about you and i don’t want anything to change between us…” you said timidly.
“i promise you, this isn’t changing anything, i’m giving you the experiences you wanted to experience” she smirked and she smiled at you “but if at any point you want me to stop, you need to tell me okay? i don’t want to make you uncomfortable love” you nodded at her words.
she kissed you again, softly, biting your lips and sucking on them, making you shiver. it’s not the first time you’ve been kissed, but it was so different with her that you liked it even more.
“what do you usually like when you’re with men?” she asked softly.
“i-uhm…i don’t - i don’t know…”
“girl” she joked “i need more than that” making you laugh “what do you usually like when you’re having sex with men? there must be something you like the most…”
“i mean…we just have sex…” and in that moment rhea realised how important talking about this was. by the answers you gave her, she understood how you’ve never had this kind of conversations with your previous partners, making her wonder if they even knew what you liked or not. a part of her hated how careless your partners had been with you, they didn’t even take time to learn your body and that was making her mad.
“how does it feel when they first penetrate you?” she asked, your eyes opening to watch her.
“i mean…good? what kind of question is this” you slightly laughed.
“does it hurt? how is your body responding to that?”
“it hurts…but just for a moment, i think it’s normal tho…” you said, not sure of anything.
“yeah, if you’re a virgin…i’m not saying this to make you feel bad but your exes were pretty bad in bed, did they at least took time in getting you wet enough for them?” she couldn’t believe of what she was hearing.
“if they wanted -…”
“if they wanted? i’m so happy you’re single at the moment, please, stay single for a while” she joked again making you chuckle “forget about everything you know…i’m showing you how good sex can actually be” she said and you nodded.
she continued kissing you, not rushing anything. she wanted to take her time with you, making you feel good, showing you how sex was supposed to be. bonus point that you were her crush and she actually wanted to make you her priority.
she slowly began kissing your neck, leaving soft marks and bites. she was observing the way your body was reacting to her, watching if she was making you uncomfortable but when she saw no sign of hesitation, she continued.
“can i remove your top beautiful?” she asked gently and you nodded. she saw you in just your lingerie before but this was a completely different situation. her eyes fell open when she saw the black lacy bra that you were wearing. it was made for you.
she began kissing your breast, leaving marks and bites, making your whole body shiver.
“is it okay if i remove it?” she asked.
“yes” you barely whispered. lucky she was so close to you otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to hear you.
she let your bra fall onto the floor as she slowly teased your nipples, making them hard. she loved the effect she was having on you.
you, on the other hand, were more than confused. you loved everything that she was doing to you, but you realised that maybe you were loving it because it was her who was doing it with you. you always thought she was a beautiful woman but nothing more than that. you’ve never even thought about what it would have been like dating her and having a life with her.
your core pooled at just the idea of what rhea had in mind for you, and, smart as she was, she sensed it.
her soft lips touching and sucking on your nipples, making you moan in pleasure. her tongue traced your soft stomach, prepping it in kisses, making you feel loved.
her hands went to unbutton your pants, tracing them down and discarding them somewhere on the floor.
“rhea?” you softly called her.
“what-what…uhm…how do women do this?” she swore she tried her best not to laugh, not at you but she thought you looked cute when you were curious and, in some ways, innocent “don’t laugh” you scolded her.
“i’m sorry love…see, we have different ways of doing it, i can show you some…” she placed a gentle kiss over your thigh and you nodded.
her hands slowly moved your panties down, her face shocked when she saw how wet you were, and she barely touched you yet. she kept kissing your thighs but you stopped her the moment she was about to kiss your pussy.
“what…what are you doing?” you whispered. everything was kinda new to you.
“what you mean?” she asked confused.
“i mean…is it normal? like, you know, what you’re about to do…no one ever done it so…i was just wondering” you confessed.
she was shocked.
no one’s ever went down on you and this was making everything even more exciting for her cause she had the opportunity to show you everything new.
“it’s more than normal baby” she reassured you “and i’m so mad that no one ever done this to you…if you were my girl i would spend hours buried in this sweet pussy” she said before gently kissing your clit, making you shiver.
she kept teasing you until you begged her for something more. and she listened to you begging as it was a preyer. she started sucking and licking at your clit, making you arch your back.
silently you were cursing your ex boyfriend for never doing this to you but in some way, you were actually happy that rhea was doing it to you instead.
your moans were filling the room. rhea’s experienced tongue continued the work while her eyes were switching from being close to watch your face.
to her, you were the most beautiful person in the world. especially in that moment.
mouth open, eyes closed, your hands grabbing and holding tightly the pillows on her couch, your legs beginning to shake.
it was pure bliss for you but it was pure bliss for rhea too.
“rhea…i-i think” you couldn’t even speak properly “i’m -…”
“i know princess…i can feel it, just let it go” she whispered against your pussy, making you come right there.
“oh fuck…” you moaned, your legs tightening around her head as you were shaking.
rhea helped you recoveries from your orgasm but didn’t stop there as one of her finger teased your entrance.
before you could say anything she silenced you with a kiss “you taste so sweet baby, you’re like a drug to me…taste yourself on me” and you did as she said. you could taste it on her tongue and it was making you trembling all over again.
“give me another one…” she whispered this time against your neck. her middle finger entering you in a swift move. gently thrusting in and out, her thumb circling your swollen clit. her free hand went to the back of your head, moving you closer to her face, she was making you watch her.
she needed so see how good she was making you feel.
“open your eyes love” she teased “look at me” and so you did.
it was hard keeping your eyes open, specially when she added a second finger inside of you.
“rhea…oh fuck”
“that good uh?” she smirked.
how she wished she could have you naked on her couch every single day.
“please what love?”
you don’t know what you were begging her for, you just loved the way she was making you feel and even if it was a little too much, you couldn’t help but ask for more.
“don’t stop…please”
“i don’t plan on doing so…” she smirked keeping her eyes on you. staring at her was making you wetter and you felt you were about to come any second.
“rhea…” you moaned.
your mouth fell open and the your head touching the pillows beneath you. it was a silent scream, your breath sucking it and your eyes squeezing so hard. rhea thought for a moment that she broke you.
she was watching carefully how your body was reacting to the aftermath of your second orgasm. you were shaking and your breath still uneven.
when you opened your eyes again you saw her right in front of you.
“you okay there?”
“more than okay…” you whispered, still catching your breath.
“so…this is just a few ways of how we enjoy sex” she cracked a joke making you laugh.
“there more?”
“many” she whispered against your lips, kissing you softly “but i think it’s enough for today…”
“is everything okay?” she asked a little worried.
“you didn’t…how can i…?”
she stopped you before you could continue “it’s not about me today, it’s about you. hopefully i’ve helped you a little more with your sexuality, or maybe i’ve confused you a little more…and if you want to learn more on how to please a woman i’ll be happy to help you out” she winked at you “but for today i think it’s enough…you’ve been so good to me, and i thank you so much for trusting me with this”
you took a few minutes to realise just how much care rhea was putting into this. it wasn’t just her helping you out with your sexuality, you realised there was something more. some unspoken words between the two of you. the way she was treating you, with such care and almost…love.
a tear fell from your eyes and rhea noticed too.
“hey…is everything okay?” she worried, thinking that maybe she overstepped too much and made you uneasy.
“yes…” you quickly wiped your tear as you slowly covered yourself with a blanket “it’s just…it’s more than okay…rhea, i can’t help you enough for this”
“you don’t have to-…”
“i have to…because for the first time in my life i’ve felt like someone really cared about me and i loved it…and i know i shouldn’t say this to you because you are my best friend and there’s nothing between us but you really made me feel loved…and i liked it” and in that moment you understood, it was rhea.
it has always been rhea.
the reason you were so comfortable around her, it came naturally. the way she always treated you, making you feel special, in some of her ways. it was her that you wanted, not any woman, but her.
you just didn’t want to admit it to yourself. maybe because you feared her rejection, or maybe because you feared your own rejection of liking women. but it didn’t matter anymore, not when you were feeling like that.
“i really care about you y/n…way more than just a friend” she confessed.
“it shocked me that you didn’t realise it before. i’ve never dated other women because the only one i wanted was you” she said, timidly.
“but you’ve been with other women before…”
“nothing lasted tho” she said “not when those women weren’t you…”
“you mean that?”
“i mean everything i said. everything ive done with you tonight…it wasn’t just for a night…i’m here to help you to get to know yourself better, to teach you if you want to learn, i will always be here for you love…we don’t have to rush anything, we can take it slow and see how things go…if you want me” you’ve never seen rhea so vulnerable before and seeing this side of her was making you realise that you didn’t fully know her.
but god how you liked her. how you liked this new side of her, how you liked the protective side of her when you two went out, how she knew how to treat you.
“yes…yes i want this rhea…just…it’s all new for me, can we take things slow?” you hesitated asking her this. she said it wasn’t a problem but you’ve never met someone who was willing to take time in get to fully know you.
“love…come here” she hugged you “i promise you i will be patient with you…i want this new experience to be enjoyable for you, i don’t want to pressure you or anything…i promise you” she kissed you, softly. her hand caressing your cheek.
“okay…” you whispered.
“okay” she smiled against your lips.
maybe, for the first time in your life, you found someone who was really interested in getting to know you better, and you couldn’t believe that the person you were talking about was rhea.
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finelinevogue · 6 months
winter wonderland
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summary - some fans spot you and harry at winter wonderland
word count - ~700
pairing - youtuber!reader x harry
Josie came back to the table her friends were at, with drinks in hand, just as the music changed to an Bublé song.
Josie’s friends, Paula and Rina, stood up at the table and started dancing like girls do - swaying their hips and hands in the air. They all screamed with excitement when Josie handed them their drinks.
It was Winter Wonderland in London and it was a great time to get drunk with your friends and sing lots of Christmassy songs.
“Baby please come hooome…” They all sung the lyrics very loudly.
They were having such a good time and they thought nothing could top this evening.
Until Josie spotted them.
“There’s a big group of people walking out of the VIP section.” Josie said to her friends, who were sat with their backs facing the VIP area.
Josie sipped her drink and pretended not to notice the group passing by, when in reality she was studying each person.
“Holy fuck…” Josie swore.
“What?” Rina said.
“That’s Harry Styles.” Josie gasped. “Oh my God and Y/N too!”
“No way.”
Both Rina and Paula turned, not caring if they drew attention to themselves. They aren’t missing the opportunity to see Harry and Y/N out together. It was such a rare sighting.
Sure enough, it was them.
Harry was in a yellow North Face jacket - one that he’d been sighted in before - with what looked to be black trousers and black vans. He had a beanie on, along with his hoodie up on top of his beanie too. He was very incognito - apart from the coat.
Then Y/N was walking hand in hand with him.
“Y/N looks stunning, the fuck.” Paula gasped.
Y/N sure enough did. Wearing a beanie too, that was Pleasing, along with a long grey trench coat that was thrown over a black maxi dress. It was an effortless look.
“I’m so glad i’m gay.” Rina sighed with love, watching Y/N pass by.
They were surrounded by friends and family, along with a couple of security members. They all looked happy and relaxed, even in quite the public space.
“They’re going into that VIP restaurant.” Josie said, still watching them.
“Swear the lasagne was like £27 there.” Rina laughed.
“It was.” Paula replied. Paula and Rina turned around again now they were out of sight, relying on Josie to keep them updated.
“Where are they sitting?” Paula asked.
“Harry’s talking to some staff, but he’s standing with his hand on Y/N’s back. So cute!” Josie squealed in excitement. It wasn’t often that she stumbled across celebrities - not as famous as Harry and Y/N anyways.
A couple of drinks and songs later, and the girls returned to focusing on Harry and Y/N.
“Harry and Y/N are still sitting across from each other. They’re holding hands across the table though, because they’re sat on the end closest to the farthest wall.” Josie commented.
“I love them so much.” Rina cooed.
“I think it’s clear they love each other so much too.”
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liked by harrystyles and 187,937 others
yourinstagram winter wonderland 2023🎄
view all 76,872 comments
josiejosie11 WE SAW YOU OMG OMG
paualalala this is so crazy to me
gemmastyles Best night out!💖
harryfan1 THATS HARRH OKG I AM not well
harryfan2 LETS GOOOO [shipname] STANS
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superhaught · 3 months
Breaking Down
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(GIF by jamie-hayter)
Pairing(s): Leighton x Tatum, Leighton & Reader
Warnings: anxiety attack, slight angst
Word Count: 1900, Part 1/?
Part 2 / Part 3
Anonymous asked: Can you write about Leighton having a panic attack just after coming out to her dad in front of Tatum and Tatum's father ? Hurt comfort ?
Leighton was quiet for the remainder of the dinner. She smiled when she had to and answered politely when prompted to. Tatum kept glancing her way, brows knit together in concern. Leighton met her eyes and mouthed “I’m fine,” feigning a pleasant demeanor.
But she wasn’t fine. Far from it, actually. She didn’t want to come out. She didn’t want the fallout. She didn’t even realize she was saying it until it was too late and the words were already vomited out. 
I’m gay. 
The look on her dads face was seared into her mind. He wasn’t disgusted or anything that horrible, he was just… shocked. But what did she have to complain about? Him needing to take a few moments to process on the bench outside of the restaurant was hardly a traumatizing reaction. When she had gone out there to check on him, he was so quick to assure her that he loved and supported her. So why did she still feel like her insides were boiling?
Leighton was the last to stand up from the table, not realizing right away that the bill had long since been paid and they were starting to say their goodbyes. Tatum’s dad shook Leighton’s hand and gave her a polite pat on her back, saying something like, “I’m happy to have met you, Leighton. I think you’ll be very good for my daughter.” She smiled and nodded while repeatedly counting to twenty in her head. 
Tatum gave Leighton’s upper arm a slight squeeze and whispered, “can I borrow you over here for a sec?”
Leighton nodded blankly, Tatum pulled her away to quiet a corner of the restaurant lobby while their dads continued to chat happily about the good old days. 
“Hey, are you alright?”
“What?” Leighton asked, taking too long to process Tatum’s words, “oh, yeah. I’m fine, really.”
“You don’t seem fine…”
“Well, I am.” Leighton snapped. She didn’t mean to come across as harsh. She just… didn’t want to get into it. “Sorry… I am fine. That went as well as I could’ve hoped, so… it’s all good.”
Tatum raised an eyebrow, “Okay, but whatever you’re feeling is valid, you know? A neutral, or even a positive reaction doesn’t always make coming out any easier.”
Leighton inhaled through her nose and sandwiched Tatum’s hand in hers, “I’m feeling fine, Tatum. Really. I’m glad my dad knows, and I’m sure I’ll talk to my mom and brother soon. This is good.”
Leighton wasn’t lying, exactly. But that was far from the whole truth. She just didn’t know right now. She didn’t know how she was really feeling. She didn’t know why she didn’t want to be honest with Tatum about that. She didn’t know why she felt like all of the air was being sucked out of the room. 
“Alright,” Tatum conceded, “well, just call me if you need anything, okay? I’m gonna go back with my dad to his hotel for another drink. See you later, babe.” Tatum gave a quick, chaste kiss that landed on the corner of Leighton’s mouth.
Leighton nodded. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen.
She said goodbye to her dad as he climbed into the back of his ride back to his hotel. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. 
Leighton started walking back to campus on her own. One. Two. Three. Four.
She was nearly back at her dorm but she felt like her ribs were being compressed. The tips of her fingers were all pins and needles. She couldn’t get a full breath anymore. 
Leighton sat down on a bench and gripped the edge of the seat with white knuckles. 
You were on your way to your dorm from the library, finally finishing a study session for your upcoming chem exam. You usually never run into anyone on the path that you take but not this night. 
Sat upon a bench next to the sidewalk was a blonde, hunched over with her head in her hands. You quickly recognized her; Leighton Murray was shaking and hyperventilating. 
You look around quickly and then rush over to the bench, tossing your bag onto the ground and kneeling down in front of her.
“Leighton? Hey, Leighton… are you okay?” you ask softly. 
The blonde gasped and sniffled, quickly sitting up and wiping her cheeks on the sleeve of her shirt. She muttered under her breath, “shit…”
“Are you hurt? Sick?”
She shook her head. She still wasn’t breathing normally. You felt like you recognized what might be happening, “Leighton, could you be having a panic attack?”
She nodded at this. 
You didn’t know Leighton, well. You had been to some of the same events and parties. Run in some of the same circles. But you knew panic attacks. You knew what you would want someone to do for you. 
You sat down on the bench next to her, “is it okay if I touch you?”
She didn’t respond immediately but she eventually nodded. You took off your jacket and draped it around her, and then wrapped your arms around her shoulders and started to give her a squeezing hug. At the contact, she quickly melted into you and started to sob. You weren’t surprised by this, you would’ve done the same. 
“I want you to try breathing with me, okay? Just try to slow down, and breathe deeper…” you whispered. You made the pattern of your breathing obvious so that she could try to follow you, “try to match me, you’re doing great.” 
You seemed to be helping. It took some time but she was able to focus on matching her breathing to yours. 
Leighton coughed. You reached for your bag without pulling too far away from her and got your water bottle out, “do you want some water? It’ll help.”
She nodded and reached for it. You unscrewed the cap for her and she took it and poured water into her mouth. 
She was quiet for another minute or so and took another drink before handing the bottle back to you. Her voice was shaky but her breathing seemed to have settled.
“Thank you…”
You nod, “Course, are you feeling better?”
“Mhmm…” she paused and wiped her face again, “why did you help me? You don’t even know me…”
You shrug, “I wasn’t just going to walk by.”
“How did you know what to do?”
“I’ve had panic attacks before. In my experience, they’re a lot scarier when you’re alone.”
She nodded and sat up a little straighter, “I must look like a fucking mess… I don’t like to let anyone see me like this.”
You can’t help but chuckle a little, “like what?”
She scoffed, “crying, my makeup running down my face…”
“Ohhh, you mean you don’t like people seeing you look human?” you tease, nudging her arm slightly. 
Leighton laughed and wiped under her eyes with her thumbs. 
“Here, if you’re so worried about it, I think I can help with that, too.” You rummage through your bag once more and produce a travel size pack of face wipes, handing them over to her. 
She raised an eyebrow at you, “what are you? Some kind of genie for people having breakdowns?” Leighton took the wipes from your hand and cleaned her face. 
You laugh, “No, nothing so glamorous. I just like being able to help when I can.”
She sighed, “well, it’s appreciated. Thank you, really. I kind of thought I was dying for a minute, is that stupid?”
“No, not at all. Panic attacks are mean like that. Have you had one before?”
“I guess so, now that I think about it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, they’re no fun.”
“Yeah…” she took a deep breath, “I’m so sorry, I feel like an asshole, I don’t even know your name.”
You tell her not to worry about it and introduce yourself.
“What dorm are you heading to? Can I walk you back? Make sure you get there okay?”
She looks a little taken aback by your offer but she nods, “that would be really nice, actually, yeah.”
You stand and start walking. Leighton immediately groans, “god why am I wearing heels? Gimme a sec…” You stop as Leighton bends down to take her shoes off and resigns herself to finishing the walk barefoot. 
“Oh gosh, no way you’re walking across a college campus barefoot, you’re taking my sneakers.” 
Before she has a chance to protest, you’re already taking off your Adidas and passing them to her. 
“What? Then you’re barefoot, that’s stupid!”
“I’m wearing socks, and this isn’t up for discussion. Just take them, please? I’ll carry your heels.”
Leighton stares at you like you’re an alien. To you, this doesn’t even seem like a big deal, but it clearly means something to her. 
She shakes her head incredulously and slides your sneakers on her feet as you take her heels from her. You then continue the walk to her dorm building in silence for a bit. 
“You’re… strange…” Leighton finally says. 
“I am?”
“Yes. You’re not like most other people here. I feel like… you’re one of the only people I’ve met who isn’t completely self-interested.”
“Huh. Maybe you’re right. Maybe you’re just meeting shitty people, though.”
“Maybe… My roommates are pretty good, but they might’ve only given me a chance after I bought them all iPads.”
“I’m sorry, you did what?”
“Oh, I bought their forgiveness with iPads. I think… I think I might be the most self-interested person here, actually.”
You shake your head, “no. No way.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Eh, I have a hunch. For one, I don’t think you’d still be talking to me if you were really as self-absorbed as you say. Also, I find that people who are completely self-interested, usually lack the self-awareness required for panic attacks to happen.”
She thinks about your words for a while and then shrugs, “I still think you’re strange. I’d rather believe that you’re the anomaly in the system and continue to pretend that I fit in just fine with the student body here.”
You smile, “you’re lucky that I take that as a compliment, Leighton Murray.”
You reach her building and she turns to face you, handing you her phone, “put your number in.”
“Yeah… honestly, there’s no one else I’d rather go to if I find myself in that kind of situation again. Is… is that okay?”
She looks vulnerable then. You get the sense that you’ve seen a side of Leighton Murray that no one else is privy to. 
“Sure, Leighton. That’s totally okay. You can come to me for other stuff, too, though. If you just want to talk, or hang out. I can be a strange friend as well as a strange emotional breakdown genie.”
She laughs. You take note of how light and sweet her laugh is. It makes your stomach float a little. 
You put your contact information into her phone while she takes your sneakers off of her feet and then you trade belongings back, returning her phone and heels to her, “I hope you have a good night, Leighton. Try to get some good sleep, you’ll feel better for it.”
She smiles softly, “Thanks, genie. You too.” You watch her go inside the building before you walk away. You let out a sigh and think to yourself a sentiment that you don’t realize you share with a majority of the sapphic community at Essex: goddamn Leighton Murray.
Next Chapter
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msschemmenti · 7 months
Are You Jealous?
Chessy x Reader
prompt: jealous chessy :)
a/n: i rewatched parent trap recently and the craziest plotline in that movie was martin and chessy being lovers. both of them were clearly gay.
a/n: sorry this took so long lol unedited and probably pretty bad
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“I’d love to see you tonight.” Y/n smiled down the phone. It’d been about a week since she and Chessy had seen each other and with the house to herself, Chessy was going to take advantage.
“Well Nick and the girls are going camping for the weekend, if you’re up for a drive out to the vineyard?” Chessy asked hopefully.
“I think I can swing that. What time should I be there?”
“Everyone should be gone by 5. So anytime after should be good.” Chessy grinned.
“I’ll be there by 5:30. SHould I bring anything?” 
“Just yourself. I’ll make us some dinner and we can crack open something from the cellar to go with.”
“Sounds divine. I’ll call before I head out. See you soon.” Y/n smiled down the phone and waited for Chessy’s reply.
“Can’t wait.”
“Dinner was great Chess. Thank you so much.” Y/n smiled around her glass as she sat at the kitchen island watching Chessy move around the kitchen. They’d been dating for about four months and were as smitten as a couple could be. After Meredith, Nick started renting out the vineyard as a wedding venue as a bit of passive income. Y/n’s company had been one of the first to host a ceremony on the grounds. she’d been lost and had somehow driven up the Parker’s driveway and was met with a very beautiful woman waving her hands to stop her. from there their romance only flourished. 
“anything for you honey. after i finish these dishes we can go sit under the stars for a bit?” 
“i’d love to. why don’t i dry do we can start relaxing sooner? i need as much relaxation as i can get with this current bride.” 
“well get your cute butt over here and get to work. the stars won’t wait forever.” chessy grinned, reaching to pull the woman close by the waist. The couple washed in tandem, giggling and stealing kisses as they went. really just enjoying each other's company. Just as they put the last dish away, voices floated through the open floorplan startling the couple apart.
“Chessy, who’s car is that?” Hallie called being the first to enter the house. It wasn’t long before more footsteps were heard and before they knew it they were no longer alone. Now standing face to face with a very intimately domestic scene.
“Uh. Hi guys. What are you doing back so early?” Chessy asked, stepping toward the small family.
“Rain at the campsite so we decided to try again next weekend.” nick shrugged eyeing the guest placing the last of the dried dishes in the cabinet.
“Bummer. I’m sure next weekend will be better. We’ll just be going then.” Chessy answered quickly grabbing Y/n’s elbow in an effort to leave the kitchen. Before she could even move around the island all four members grinned mischievously at the nanny and moved in.
“Wait Chessy, aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?” Annie asked looking past Chessy and toward Y/n. Chessy fixed them with a withering glare but sighed pulling Y/n forward as she prepared for the embarrassment. 
“Everyone this is Y/n, my friend,” she smiled toward the twins in censorship.
“Y/n, this is Nick Parker. He owns the vineyard. Elizabeth James, and their daughters Annie and Hallie.” 
Y/n smiled, politely extending her hand to shake each member of the family’s hand before stopping briefly at Elizabeth’s. “I know this is a long-shot but you wouldn’t happen to be the Elizabeth James? Like the wedding dress designer Elizabeth James, would you?”
“Guilty,” Elizabeth smiled.
“Oh I love your work. I’m a wedding planner and all the best dresses I’ve seen in the last 12 years have come from you.” Y/n gushed causing Elizabeth’s cheeks to glow in a blush. 
“How sweet, I’m so glad my dresses seem to rank so well.”
“Oh most definitely, I hope you’re still designing by the time I finally have a wedding of my own. I’ve always imagined I’d be in an Elizabeth James original for my special day.”
“I would love that, have you already got ideas? I could roughly sketch you something since we’re all here for the evening.” ELizabeth offered. Y/n took a step around Chessy to follow ELizabeth before turning back to her girlfriend.
“Do you mind Chess?” Y/n asked quietly, knowing that if Chessy said she did, she’d politely decline and hope she got the chance another day.
“No, go ahead, knock yourself out. Just come find me when you’re done.” Chessy smiled, pushing the woman over toward Elizabeth with a smile.
“Great, I can even show you some recent stuff I’ve been thinking about.” Elizabeth grinned, pulling Y/n through the hall toward her work room. As soon as the women disappeared Chessy could feel three pairs of eyes on her.
“Your friend, hm?” Hallie grinned rounding the counter to one side of the nanny.
“How come we’ve never met this friend before?” Annie asked rounding to the other side, effectively caging Chessy between them.
“That’s none of your business. And rain at the campsite? When’d you all become such babies?” Chessy chided, poking the girls in their ribs. They giggled helplessly as the older woman tickled them. “Wanna watch a movie?”
The movie had been on for half an hour and the other women had yet to return. Chessy’s attention had been divided the moment they pressed play. During the quieter parts of the movie, she could hear giggles floating through the halls. Chessy’s eyes wandered from the screen in hopes of catching a glimpse of her girlfriend returning, but she wasn’t rewarded. Both Annie and Hallie had anchored themselves on either side of Chessy, legs stretched to each end of the couch. They’d both been commenting on the film and asking questions and Chessy tried to keep up but after noticing her gaze shift to the hallway for what felt like the 100th time they took to giggling and quietly talking to each other. 
As the credits rolled across the screen, Chessy was finally granted some reprieve from her torture. Elizabeth and Y/n came around the corner arms linked, quietly giggling over a sketchbook. 
“Oh Y/n, you’re just delightful. I can’t believe you’ve done four weddings here and I’m only just meeting you.” Elizabeth shook her head in disbelief.
“My brides are always extremely high maintenance. They make it a bit hard to socialize at all!”
“Well, I’ll have to have you come by my local studio sometime. We just have to get together again.”
“Oh Elizabeth, that’d be great. I’ll have Chessy give you my info and we can connect sometime soon.” Y/n smiled as she placed her hands on Chessy’s head affectionately over the back of the couch.
“I’ll be sure to share that.” Chessy mumbled gazing up at the two of you. Both of their eyes still on the sketchbook. 
“Perfect! Girls, it's getting rather late. Say goodnight.” Elizabeth smiled down at the twins while rubbing her hand over Y/n’s shoulder. The girls obediently wished their goodnights before leaving the room. As they left Y/n caught sight of the time herself. 
“It is a bit late, I should head home. I’ve got a few early meetings. It was lovely meeting you all. Chess, will you walk me out?” Y/n asked, finally meeting the older woman’s gaze. The older woman followed behind Y/n closely and as soon as they were out of sight of the family her hands were resting on her waist. 
They came to a stop outside of Y/n’s car and the younger woman turned to face Chessy, “Well that was fun.” Y/n smiled as Chessy backed her into the car. 
“Well I’m glad someone had fun.” Chessy mumbled wrapping her arms around Y/n’s waist with a pout.
“And what’s that supposed to mean? Did you not have fun tonight?” Y/n frowned as Chessy sighed and dodged her eyes.
“I barely saw you tonight.” Chessy huffed. 
Y/n looked over the nanny’s face with a smile. Seeing the jealousy simmering in her mind. With a grin Y/n splayed her hands across Chessy’s chest and pulled on the collar of her shirt. “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” 
“What? Pshh, No.” Chessy rolled her eyes. 
“Oh I don’t think that’s true at all.” 
“Well, I think you spent the whole evening with the Elizabeth James.” 
“Chess…” Y/n dragged out, pulling the older woman closer to her.The older woman grumbled but ultimately sighed as the younger woman pinched her cheek. “You know I would’ve stayed if you asked.”
“You seemed so excited. Listen I’m just grumpy the evening didn’t go as planned. I don’t particularly like sharing you.” 
“Well next time, we’ll aim for no interruptions hm?” Y/n smiled sweetly.
“I like the sound of that.” 
“Now give me a kiss so we can say goodnight.”
taglist: @theonefairygodmother , @sleep-deprived-athlete
277 notes · View notes
lizzieisright · 11 months
At least I got you in my head (8) (end)
Summary: Abby is straight. And then you move in with her.
Tags: modern au, fem!reader, straight!abby (she is doing some comphet bullshit), pining, idiot in love and it's abby, reader is gay and tired.
Notes: finally, you both figure your shit out.
Taglist: @abbyily @lillysbigwilly @gravygranules @blairfox04 @frogtits1 @ccinnamongrl @ninazenuk @urmomsgirlfriend1 @sunkissedbibi @couchgarbage @nil-eena @inlovewithelliewilliams @st4rluvrr @mai5mai @machetegirl109 @azelmawrites @rhae-blackqueen @vea-vea-vea @mnim58e @chubeline @strgrlxox @chrry1ovr @littletinyladybugs @shaemonyou @luvrmunson @saffronssapphic @zootedhoe @2012wannabe @elcantsleep
Thank you guys for reading this story and enjoying it! I was very excited when I wrote this chapter and I hope you'd like it too. For some reason Electric love by Børns was playing in my head the whole time as I wrote the reunion part. And the last lines are reference to the Sleepover by Hayley Kiyoko.
Abby spent her Sunday thinking and thinking and thinking. Even if she wanted to stop she just couldn't, spiralling into the rabbit hole of "does she like me? Do I like her? No, she doesn't like me. I do like her." on repeat. It was still hard to wrap her head around it - in two days her whole perception of herself just turned upside down. And it was good - it always feels good to get rid of this amount of guilt and shame - but it also left Abby in front of metaphorical crossroads and the obvious “what’s next?”.
Abby jumped from being so sure in her feelings to backtracking into “I just figured out my sexuality I need more time”, which was well, true - she did need more time to just..let the knowledge settle.
But you still weren’t home, and her thoughts were too focused on you. Yes, Abby just figured everything out, but the dam that kept her feelings unnoticed broke and now Abby felt everything. The itch she had in her hands before because she wanted to touch you? It was constant now. The desire to call you and just talk? Relentless. She never felt this way about anyone - which was understandable, it’s hard to fall in love with people you’d better be friends with - and the intensity of her feelings was scaring her at times.
Abby spent the first half of Sunday moping around while Ellie provided her silent emotional support and just played games with Abby to keep her occupied. But now and then she’d drift back into her spiralling.
“Abs, until you talk to her all your thoughts have some probability of happening. And it means you’re wasting time, okay? You need to chill.”
“Ellie. Two days ago I learned I’m gay and yesterday I realised I like my roommate. What chill are you talking about?”
“Okay, yeah, my bad. But this spin cycle won’t give any kind of results. Reflect all you want or whatever, but until you talk to her you won’t have an answer.”
“I’m not even sure I want one.”
“You want one, dude. Believe me.” Ellie said somehow menacingly, and Abby didn’t argue.
After Ellie left Abby tried to pick her thoughts apart again, but there was nothing new in her poor brain. Abby felt tired and not lost, but definitely in a dead end. So she decided to use one of her favourite coping mechanisms and hit the gym. The gym always helped, especially with emotions - Abby could box if she was angry or do compounds to concentrate on her form instead of her thoughts, she could stretch just to torture herself and concentrate on physical pain.
Abby packed her bag and went to the gym, hoping for some kind of relief and honestly? A fucking break. She was extremely tired of constant anxiety that changed to sweet memories of you and then changed back to anxiety. Abby wasn’t used to this, so it was taking a huge toll on her - a toll big enough to gain courage to tell you everything. Ellie was right - she needed an answer if she preferred to stay fucking sane.  
And the gym helped. Abby did her safest routine, worried she’d get stuck in her head and hurt herself if she did something different, and while Abby was counting reps and measuring time for the rest period, she didn’t think of you. Her only concern was her form and the mental maths of how much weights she needed to place, how to breathe properly and how to place her feet correctly for the squats.
But the moment Abby left the gym, her thoughts were back. Maybe you already came back home? All your books for tomorrow were at home, you needed them, right? Did you have spare clothes at Cait’s? (where else you’d be? At Vi’s? Abby didn’t even want to entertain the idea, and really, it didn’t seem like you) Abby wasn’t sure if texting you would be a right move right now - she needed space and you probably needed it too. But fuck she missed you.
Abby checked her phone in case there are any messages from you, any messages, even if you'd call her a bitch or something. Just. Any indication you were still in her life.
But no. There was nothing, and the apartment was silent and empty when Abby came back.
Monday went over Abby's head, she couldn't concentrate on her classes which was very surprising: she could go with no sleep and still be present during lessons, but today all she could think about was you. The guilt and shame mixed with excitement and hope and it was driving her insane, being pulled apart by polar emotions like that. Now all these stupid stories from how painful it was to be in love finally made sense to Abby - before you she was never really in love with anybody, but now? Now all these tears and desperation and grand gestures made sense. Coming back to exes? Made sense, because she’d crawl back to you without a question. Forgiving anything? Made sense too.
Fuck, people were really right when they said how powerful love was and what things it made them do for it. And even if it was painful and confusing, Abby felt happy about it, as if her unbearable feelings were a proof of her own humanity. A lot of people before told her she was cold and heartless - Ellie joked about it a lot when Abby didn’t hesitate to tell someone who liked her to fuck off - and sometimes it got to her. Now though? Feeling the sharpest needle going through her heart when she thought of you telling her to fuck off? This pain made Abby feel alive.
Later at practice Abby saw Vi - they didn’t train with each other, different weights, but the days were the same - and Abby expected Vi to be angry at her, but not only Vi wasn’t angry, she actually looked at her sympathetically, as if she knew what was happening in Abby's soul. The guilt and shame were back - yes, Abby was still jealous and yes she still wanted to break every knuckle on Vi’s hands for touching you - but she was self-aware enough to understand that Vi wasn’t a part of this. It wasn’t Vi’s fault that Abby had issues.
And the thing was - Vi was actually fucking nice. Abby didn’t talk to her a lot, but she knew Vi’s story and she admired how hard-working she was and how she stayed herself after all the shit she’s been through. Ellie called her cool, and Ellie didn’t call anyone cool, so Abby felt like she fucked up here too.
But the stakes weren't that high - it wasn't like they were friends in the first place - so Abby decided to make amends. She braced herself for the uncomfortable conversation and went over to Vi's locker when they were changing.
"Hey." Vi looked at her, surprised, but she didn't seem hostile, so Abby continued. "I wanted to say sorry for the other day. I was an asshole for no reason."
"Don't stress." Vi smiled. "I wasn't offended."
"Yeah well. I still said some shit. Sorry again."
"It's okay." Vi seemed to hesitate before speaking next. "(Y/n) was really upset."
"Yeah. I know." Abby nodded, trying to conceal her hurt.
"Do you plan on talking to her?" Vi asked carefully again as she put her shirt on.
It seemed like the conversation was over and Abby went back to her locker, taking her bag out and putting her sweaty uniform inside. She felt relieved after that - if this went well, maybe it will go well with you too. Vi put her things in her bag and walked to the exit while Abby was still changing, deep in her thoughts.
"Have you figured it out yet? Why you got so angry?" Vi asked cautiously, stopping right before leaving.
Abby froze, surprised, as she stared at her t-shirt.
"Was it really that obvious?"
Vi shrugged.
"Kinda. You know, the spidey sense. It's not about your looks, it's just… you can tell."
"Gay aura." Abby smirked, remembering Ellie’s words.
"Gay aura." Vi chuckled. "Good luck, Abby."
And her words were genuine.
You were still pretty shaken up after the fight - not because of the fight itself or Abby’s words, but because it felt like you were hit with reality in a way that broke your stupid rose coloured glasses. And for some reason it was hard to come to terms with the fact that you overestimated yourself: how you acted based on your emotions instead of using your fucking brain - which is understandable, people lose their brains when they’re in love - and the result was the same. You weren’t planning on confessing at all, instead trying to get over Abby, and it led to the same outcome - you two weren’t talking.
You kept thinking about if you made the right choice by never bringing up the “maybe you’re not so straight” topic with Abby - maybe you should have? Just very carefully? Just nudge her in the right direction? Was it too late to do that now?
Huh, what a fun conversation it could be “hey, maybe you were so angry at me not because I made you uncomfortable in your own home but because you’re gay and jealous?” (which was in fact Cait's entire point about this fight). Even if this would go well, Abby being gay didn’t equal Abby being gay for you.
God, what if Abby would start bringing girls over once she would be out? “Thanks (y/n) for helping me figure out my sexuality, now I’m going to fuck every gay girl on campus because I’m hot as fuck and they all drool over  me”. Fuck.
At this point it was hard to differentiate between your rational thoughts and irrational thoughts: where did your concerns end and overthinking started? You felt confused and all over the place, and even though you knew the only way to fix it was to come home and face Abby, you were too much of a coward to do it.
Obviously you'd say you were sorry. And you would stop bringing girls over because she was uncomfortable with it and you weren't an asshole. But you felt like this talk would be only the cover of the real problem - this situation happened not because you were selfish (not entirely), but because you wanted to get over Abby as fast as possible. For some reason you felt like you had to tell Abby you were in love with her - otherwise you had a feeling you were taking advantage of her with the amount of touch and care that was between you. For you these hugs and cuddles and small kisses on your cheeks weren't platonic or friendly, and now when you finally admitted your defeat, you couldn't pretend it was something else.
So you had two choices: tell Abby you were in love with her and let her decide how to change her boundaries or distance yourself from her as far as possible. And if you were younger you'd probably choose the second option - it was way easier than being honest and getting rejected. But this way you'd lose her as a friend and leave both of you with hurt and anger towards each other. And Abby would probably call you out on this and you'd have to tell her what was wrong with you anyway.
So your only option was to confess and face whatever would come out of it. And it was scary.
That was the reason why instead of going home on Monday you still came back to Cait - you couldn't lie to Abby but you couldn't tell her the truth either, so, as one of the cartoon characters said, there was a third option: doing nothing. And you chose it.
Caitlyn wasn't happy with your choice, staring you down as you took your shoes off.
"You're running away from your problems."
"I'm doing nothing about my problems. There's a difference." You sighed tiredly and put your coat on the clothing rack.
Cait stared you down, frowning, but you didn’t have energy to argue with her, so you went straight for the shower. It didn’t help much with your thoughts, but the weight of your anxiety got smaller.
from: Vi
Abby just apologised to me
You stared at your phone as your feelings flooded your chest - Abby was stubborn but she was good. She was doing what was right, she fucking apologised to Vi, and here you were, too scared to face her. If Abby said sorry she felt guilty, and it meant she was hurting while you were hiding from her. You could wallow in misery all you wanted, but the thought that you were dragging Abby down with you made you feel sick. You loved her too much to let your fears hurt her.
to: Vi
How is she?
from: Vi
She got hit in the face
Three times
The guilt washed over you. For Abby to be this unfocused? It meant she was really worried and upset, and you needed to stop it. Fuck it if you couldn’t confess yet, but you needed to resolve this situation and stop indirectly torturing Abby.
to: Vi
Can we reschedule our lesson tomorrow?
from: Vi
Yeah no problem
You locked your phone and went over to Caitlyn, who was reading.
“I’m going home tomorrow.”
“Thank god.” Caitlyn rolled her eyes.
“She apologised to Vi.”
“By the way, can I give Vi your number?”
Caitlyn stopped reading and you noticed her pink blush. It was faint, but after years of friendship you knew what it was - you weren’t surprised, Vi was hot and Caitlyn thought she was smart, so of course your question got a reaction out of her.
“Aren’t you two involved?”
“We’re friends. If it’s a no it’s okay. I can totally see why it’d bother you.”
“It doesn’t bother me. I’m not an idiot, I’ve noticed how she looked at me.” Caitlyn was creepily observant and awfully honest. Thank god she didn’t embarrass Vi right then and there, because Cait was unhinged like that. “Give me her number, I’ll text her myself.”
“Cait, you’re terrifying.” You said honestly. “She is sweet, don’t hurt her.”
Caitlyn stared at you like you were an idiot and you just silently showed her Vi’s number so she could copy it.
Three days. It’s been three days since the fight and Abby was exhausted. She couldn’t even sleep, creeped out by the silence in your apartment, twisting and turning the whole night, and if she fell asleep she dreamt of you - either the fight played out differently (you didn’t leave and Abby confessed) or it was 100 and 1 scenario of your reunion.
But then Abby woke up and you weren’t there. She hated how quiet the place was.
At least Abby could concentrate during her classes, even though she opened her dms every 10 minutes trying to gain courage to text you. Why was it this hard? By the end of the day she chickened out and decided to text you if you wouldn’t be home today too. And for some reason Abby was sure you wouldn’t be home when she’d come from classes today. It seemed like you were still pretty mad at her - oh, that was why she was too afraid to text you. Abby - now calmed down, guilty Abby - was not prepared for your wrath if it was still there. And she’d prefer to have it fall on her in person than over a stupid text.
Abby opened the door to your apartment and froze right in the doorway. She could hear the TV from the living room, she saw the lights faintly lightning the hallway and fuck, there were your shoes.
You were home.
Abby took her shoes and her coat off in record time and stormed to the living room. You were sitting on the couch, your legs under you, and you smiled at her sheepishly, as if you weren’t sure that Abby’d be happy to see you. Abby took a deep breath as her heartbeat went absolutely crazy.
“You’re home.” Abby sighed, still so shocked she thought she was dreaming again, her bag falling from her shoulder to the floor with a thud.
“Hi.” You said in a small voice and Abby couldn’t take anymore - you were there and you were smiling at her and she missed you so fucking much.
Abby almost ran to you, scooping you in her arms as you yelped in surprise - fucking hell Abby was strong to pull you up like that.
“You’re home.” Abby murmured into your neck, breathing you in, the same spice and mint as always. You hugged her shoulders and breathed her in too - you missed her crazy. Abby was solid against you and her hand on the small of your back kept you pressed into her as if she was afraid you’d disappear. You clung to her, as you became aware how much you missed her warmth - how did you survive these three days without Abby?
“I’m sorry, I was so selfish.” You told Abby while she pressed you flush against her.
“God, I’m so sorry too, I didn’t mean a word of what I’ve said to you.” Abby said into your hair, her voice soft and quiet and full of remorse. You hummed, comforted by her arms around you, her blonde hair tickling your nose. Abby smelt like home, like someone who would protect you from anything and whatever she said to you on Saturday didn’t matter anymore.
Abby inhaled your scent and closed her eyes, basking in you. She physically couldn't let you go now when she's got you, knowing now why it felt so good to hold you and not being ashamed or anxious about it. Fuck. To hell with it, Abby's never been a coward.
"I figured my shit out." Abby's voice was steady, but her heart sounded like drums in her ears.
"What do you mean?" And your heart was not any better.
"You told me to figure my shit out. I did. I wasn't angry because you were disturbing me or something." Abby pressed you even closer, grounding herself in your presence. "I was jealous."
It was suddenly hard to breathe and you froze in Abby's arms. Did she mean what you thought she meant? God, please, let it be what you so desperately wanted it to be.
Abby moved away a little so she could look at you, because if Abby would get her heart broken now she at least could get it broken looking into your eyes.
"I like you." Abby breathed out and the wave of painful relief hit her. It was good to let it out, as if someone cut open an aching injury and yeah, she was bleeding, but it felt better.
Your brain fully shut down as your ears rang from her words - was it even real? Was it your Abby or another dream? But it was real, and Abby was looking at you, she was waiting for an answer and your own confession ripped out from your chest before you could stop yourself.
"I like you too." You felt your face heat up for some reason, but the way Abby’s eyes lit up made it all worth it.
Abby's eyes grew wide with surprise just before all her restraints crumbled. She took your face in her hands and did what she was literally dreaming about the past few nights - she kissed you. And everything exploded.
Your hands flew to Abby's face and you kissed her back desperately, pressing into her with all you had. Abby locked her arms around your waist so hard your back arched, she needed you close as badly as you needed her.
Abby never felt like this, like every move of your lips on hers set her alight and the hunger she never had before was suddenly making her greedy and desperate to touch you. As if under a spell, Abby pushed you to the couch until you hit it with the back of your knees and sat down so Abby could press you into the seat as you opened your mouth and let her tongue slip inside, making you both groan. Abby felt high from kissing you, the way you were all soft and gentle under her, but not delicate at all, she wasn’t afraid to hurt you because you were real and solid and your fingers on her neck were warm.
And it wasn't enough for Abby, she needed more, she needed to touch your bare skin - so she pushed her hand under your hoodie, kneading your side. You were warm and soft and your scent was all around her, and it was still not enough. She wanted to hear you make the same noise that you made that night for someone else - she wanted you to sigh and whimper and moan for her, she wanted to-
You pressed on her shoulders and Abby backed off, confused.
"We need to slow down." You panted, looking into Abby’s shiny eyes. She was blushing and panting as well, her hand was still on your naked waist, riding up your hoodie enough for her to see your lower stomach. Abby’s eyes went dark as she flicked her eyes from your face to your stomach and back.
You both didn't move, staring at each other. Abby didn’t want to stop, she wanted to kiss you and touch you and if someone would move away first it would definitely not be her. And then you kissed Abby again, bringing her as close as possible, giving up on any rational thought in your head. You were weak, so when Abby pushed you down on the couch you happily spread your legs for her, getting wet in your pants from how delicious it felt to be opened like that. Abby’s hands roamed across your sides and your hips, groping and kneading your body as if she couldn’t get enough - and she truly couldn’t, appreciating every soft fold she made, every hard ridge digging into her palm. You sighed into her mouth and Abby just needed to press you down into this couch, moving one of her hands to caress your thigh and pull you closer. You felt dizzy, high on Abby's confident, hungry touch, the perfect balance of gentle and rough, so deliciously Abby. No one could touch you like that, like you were hers, your body and your soul, without a hesitation. Abby took what she wanted and you drank it all up.
Abby kissed your jaw and moved down to your neck, leaving an open mouthed kiss just below your ear and you let out a surprised sigh - and Abby’s brain fucking melted. She left more kisses, all shamelessly open, her hot tongue brushing over your skin just to hear you sigh like that. Abby pushed your thighs up so you could close them around her waist and slipped her hand back under your hoodie, getting dangerously close to your tits. That broke the spell on you, bringing you back to reality.
“Abby, wait.” You asked, not comfortable with how fast it was going. Abby looked up to you, waiting for what you wanted to tell her. “We really need to chill.” You caressed her cheek, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down.
Abby wanted to protest, but the horny fog started leaving her head and she understood how overboard she went just now, jumping you like this the moment you reciprocated her feelings. It was too fast.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Abby chuckled and tried to move away, but you didn’t let her, pressing her back to you.
“Just.. lie down.”
Abby listened to you, her hands still under your hoodie, but now she was just caressing your sides gently with her thumbs, sending goosebumps.
“I’ve missed you so much.” You told her as you stroke her hair.
“I’ve missed you too. The worst three days of my life.”
You laughed quietly.
“How did you figure it out?” You asked, curious. Abby sighed, but you waited.
“Oh man, this is embarrassing. I thought I was homophobic, because I hated that you were bringing girls over. Talked to Ellie, figured out I was homophobic to myself.” Abby laughed, and even though you could see the comedy in her words, you couldn't imagine what she had to go through.
“This is such a mind-fuckery.” You said sympathetically. “It must’ve felt so good to realise that.”
“It was. And then I saw you with Vi and what happened happened.”
“Oh god this is fast. Like, did you even have the time to properly process that?”
“Three days with myself would do.” Abby chuckled and you felt the guilt poking your heart.
“Sorry. I felt like I couldn’t just say sorry and move on without telling you about my feelings. But I was scared.” You admitted and Abby hummed, seeing your point. It must've been more scary for you as you knew what was happening in your head and the time turned your fear into full blown terror.  
"How long have you known?"
"That I like you? Pretty much from the beginning, but I tried really hard to stop it."
Abby laughed and you tilted your head to look at her, not understanding what was so funny.
"Remember when we hung out for the first time? When we watched that horror movie that offended you so much?"
"I was very confused why you were so far away from me. I was already into you by that point."
"I can't imagine what kind of mental somersaults you had to do to keep it hidden from yourself." You sighed and hugged her harder. “I’m very happy you’re free of the straight curse.”
Abby snorted and looked up to you, just staring, unashamed - everything about you was perfect.
“You’re so pretty.” God it felt good to say it freely, say it without shame, without broken syllables and mumbling.
You smiled and looked away, flustered, and Abby watched you with fascination - she’s never seen you like this.
“Thanks.” You tried to stop smiling but you couldn’t, and Abby’s curious and teasing gaze just made you smile more. “No, stop it.” You said, playfully stern.
“Nah, I’ll do it even more now. Seeing you crumble like this is even better than kicking your ass in Mortal Kombat.”
“Oh yeah? I still cook your food.” You threatened.
Before Abby could answer her stomach rumbled and you laughed.
“Let’s go eat.”
And everything was back to normal, but it also wasn’t. You chatted, catching up on these days you spent apart, telling each other the last gossip and complaining about classes - that was normal. But now Abby could hug you from behind and steal a kiss, her high making her bold, and you could abandon whatever you had on the stove and wrap your arms around her neck, kissing her back. Because now you didn’t have to hide from each other, second-guessing motives and actions. Now when you ate and talked you could hold hands and smile bashfully at each other, and the teasing could end in millions of short kisses. You finally let yourself hug Abby from behind while she washed the dishes and tell her what was happening with Caitlyn and Vi.  
Later you did your usual cuddle time, and Abby held you in her arms exactly like she wanted to. A few months ago you both sat on that couch - awkward and distant, too afraid of each other - to watch a movie, and now you were lying on it, kissing and cuddling, basking in each other as you gently and innocently explored what was an unattainable dream before, caressing sides and hips and ribs without heat but with a desire to get to know.
Abby swore she started to believe in magic when you touched her.
to: els
(the photo of you and Abby, Abby kissing the top of your head while you lie on top of her with the dopiest, lovesick grin on your face)
from: els
you lucky bitch
You laughed when Abby showed you Ellie's texts and nuzzled into Abby's chest.
"Let's do a sleepover today." Abby said as she kissed your temple.
"In my bed."
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romanarose · 10 days
About a Girl: Chapter 1
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Beautiful header by my beloved @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
Joel Miller x Trans!Fem!Reader (Nickname, Blue)
Series Masterlist : The Last of Us Masterlist : Full Masterlist
Summary: Joel is a simple man. He goes to work, he takes care of his kindergarten age daughter, he tries to make sure Tommy doesn't die and occasionally Tess comes over. He works on Frank and Bill's farm with Tommy, Tess, and another coworker, Max. For his birthday, Tommy drags Joel out to a local grunge band's show, music he knows Joel hates. Joel is surprised to find Tess's girlfriends best friend, a girl they all call Blue because of the blue in her hair, has caught his attention.
What he doesn't know is she is trans. When he finds out, he's very confused, not because he judges her, but because he's not sure what it means for him. Does it make him gay? What does trans even mean? He's very confused. Still, despite all the confusion Joel has an open mind and he just knows that he has a lot of feelings for you and he wants to try. Joel goes on a journey of learning, not only what your trans identity means but also how to take care of himself, how to set boundaries, and learning he doesn't need carry the whole world on his shoulders.
Joel loves country, is as yeehaw as they come. Blue loves grunge, and looking as edgy as she can get by as a school teacher. Can you and Joel make it all work with the one thing that bonds them both together; flannel?
Warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter: 18+ ONLY!! I cannot warn against everything, but these are major themes. Joel is a lil ignorant but not out of hate. He just doesn't know. He's trying his best. There will be smut. Penetrative sex, all of the anal play, oral. There will be transphobia from other people. Addiction and alcoholism. QUICK child neglect not by Joel but I promise, Sarah is fine and is having a great time in life. Fetishization of women attracted to women by a shitty guy. Will update as needed. Again, this is adult content. Expect adult content.
Immersivity: Reader is transgender, AMAB female, reader has had gotten bottom surgery, not top, and is on hormones. reader has visible hair and a blue streak in hair, but not described. Could be braids, could be natural hair, whatever. Header is for aesthetics only. Reader is about Joel and Tommy's height. Let me know if i miss anything!
A/N: I am not a trans woman, but I am trans. I am doing my best research! If I got something wrong or accidentally say something offensive, please tell me! Same with Sarah's hair. I learned a LOT about black hair care from living with my black roommate for 2 years, and watching a lot of youtube. Again, if im incorrect or offensive, let me know and ill correct! I just want Joel to care about his daughters hair <3
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It all started with Tommy, as most adventures do. Joel was certain Tommy would make sure to mention that fact during his best man speech.
“You have got to get out more. You’re making me stir crazy just watching you sit at home.”
Joel rolled his eyes, packing Sarah’s lunch. He was happy to throw in some plums, Sarah’s favorite fruit, that he got from the food pantry. Since Sarah started kindergarten and he didn’t have to pay for nearly as much childcare, things had gotten less horrifically tight financially but now he was playing catch up. Catching pneumonia last winter had drained his little savings with an ER visit. Joel desperately wanted to not rely on charity, but he also didn’t want Sarah to go without. 
“How would you know, you’re never even home.” Since getting out of the army, Tommy has not adjusted well. Joel was happy to let him live in the house he built for his ex-fiance on his parents land they gifted when Sarah was born. Tommy was a help with Sarah and was good company when he wasn’t out partying.
“Hey.” Tommy looked a little offended. “I’m here plenty. Just ask Sarah.” Sarah adored her uncle.
Joel sighed. “You’re right.” He wasn’t. “But I ain’t going. I can’t afford that, and I’d like to spend my days off with Sarah.”
Tommy tossed a cosmic brownie from the box he bought into Sarah’s lunchbox. “Come oooooon. Sarah loves the babysitter, and one night out won’t traumatize her forever. I’ll pay for the sitter, I already got tickets and I’ll even cover your drinks.”
Joel would rather the money go towards Sarah’s next dental appointment, but he couldn’t tell Tommy where to spend his money, and he knew there was no saying no to his brother when he gets like this. “How many bands are playing? I ain’t sitting through three openers, Tom.”
“Just one! You’re coming!” Tommy ran out of the kitchen and took the stairs two at a time before Joel could protest. “Sarah! Guess who gets to hang out with Jessica tonight!” Joel could hear the sound of springs bouncing as Sarah cheered and called out if the bed breaks, Tommy’s fixing it.
After getting Sarah dressed, he sat her down on a chair in the kitchen and looked at the clock. “Only got time for a ponytail, baby girl.” Joel had figured out some simple hair care for thick hair he wasn’t quite equipped to work with. Before Sarah was born, he didn’t know how to do a single braid. Joel had practiced a little before Tommy had to chop off his hippie curls for the army but he still was lost in a lot of ways. 2 years ago, Joel must’ve looked particularly lost in the ethnic hair aisle with Sarah in the cart and a kind woman guided him to some hair gel, argan oil, and an edge brush, scribbling a few instructions on some scratch paper. That’s what's gotten him through this far. Joel kept thinking he needed to reach out somewhere or maybe find a book… but with what time? 
Kayla, Sarah’s mom, wasn’t much help either. Kayla was mixed and absolutely inherited the polish side as far as hair, where Sarah got her late grandma’s genes. Kayla wanted to chemically straighten Sarah’s beautiful curls last year when she had her over Easter, but Joel put his foot down. When she was older, if she wanted to do whatever she wanted with her hair, braids, relaxed, wigs, she could but there was no way he was letting all those chemicals into a 4 year olds head just to make it “easier.” Joel could handle it.
She looked cute with her little puffball on the top of her head, anyway. 
“TOMMY! LETS GO!” Why was Tommy harder to get out the door than Sarah was?
Little hands tugged at his shirt. “Daddy I want coffee.” 
“No baby”
“It’s not good for little kids.”
“Uncle Tommy lets me have coffee.”
Joel sighed loudly. “Of course he did. Well, Sarah, that’s an uncle thing, I don’t know what to tell you. TOMMYYY!”
Tommy’s heavy footsteps clomped down the steps, dashing out the door. “Come one Jojo, whatcha wait’n for?”
How did little kids have so much energy in the morning? Tommy included. Sarah was chatty as ever on her way, talking excitedly about the eggs in the classroom's incubator. He tried to pay attention, he really did, but he was busy trying to figure out what bills he still owes. It was only September, one month into not having to pay out the ass for Sarah’s daycare. Was he even gonna be able to catch up at all before the summer comes? Her mom said she wanted to take her for the summer, but she was single right now and slightly more involved. When she finds a new man, she suddenly becomes much less interested in her child. Joel didn’t want Sarah around strange men all the time either.
“Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?”
Tommy nudged Joel, calling him name for Sarah’s attention.
“What?” Joel said, not unkindly but perhaps a little too harsh than he wanted to speak around his daughter. 
“Happy birthday daddy.”
Joel closed his eyes briefly, wincing at his prior tone. “Thank you baby. I’ll bring home a cake, how about that.” He felt like he could cry, snapping at his sweet girl for trying to wish him happy birthday. He was so bad at this.
Both children in the car cheered.
Joel dropped Sarah off with several kisses on her forehead, then ran off to the truck. He might just be on time if he speeds a bit. He didn’t speed with Sarah in the truck, he was less careful with Tommy. 
“Just in time!” Tess’s voice greeted them in the farm house. “You guys eat?”
She knew the answer. Sarah’s kindergarten had a free breakfast program, leaving Joel and Tommy on their own and god knows they didn’t take proper care of themselves. Luckily, they had great bosses.
Joel, Tommy, and Tess all worked for Bill and Frank on their farm. Joel had stumbled on this job shortly after Kayla left and God, what a blessing. Bill and Frank had trouble finding help being the only gay farmers on the planet to felt like, but Joel wasn’t really in a position to deny a good paying job, not in this economy, not with a baby who barely had a mom around anymore. This was before Tommy came back from the army, and Joel’s parents dead a few years prior. He was alone.
That’s where he met Tess. She was something else. A woman working as a farm hand alone was surprising enough, but she was the first openly bisexual person Joel had met. Hell, she was the only the third gay person he knew of and the first woman. He’d lived a sheltered life. Still, Joel didn’t really see an issue with none of it. Wasn’t his business what two grown adults did, that was his thought on the matter. Not that he really had enough time to have thoughts on much of anything other than keeping Sarah and Tommy alive. When Tommy came back, he started working on the farm too.
Tess slid the men some pancakes, stating she knew it and went ahead and made extra.
Frank entered the room with something in his hand. “Wait!” He placed the item, which Joel saw was a candle on the the pancake.
“Oh, no, you guys don’t gotta-”
“Shut the hell up, Miller.” Bill entered the room with a pack of cigarettes in one hand and a lighter in the other. He lit the candle, and then a cigarette. 
Frank took it out of his hand, putting it out under the sink. “If you absolutely must smoke, you’re not smoking inside our home.” He then turned back to Joel. “Happy birthday, Joel.” The forth employee, Max, enters the farmhouse and then embarrassingly, Franks leads everyone (except Bill) in a very shitty rendition of happy birthday.
“Hey,” Tess nudged Joel as she attempted to fix the clutch without calling Bill up. “You coming tonight?”
Joel rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Tommy convinced me. He also told Sarah it’s my birthday so now I gotta bring home cake and do a bit of the birthday thing with her. I was hoping to avoid it another year.”
She laughed at that. “Ah come on! It can’t be that bad.”
“She’s not, it’s my birthday that is.” 
“I know.” Tess patted his back.
Joel and her worked in silence for a moment, but he figured this was as good a time as any. “Hey uh… so. You and Tommy.”
Tess smirked, but didn’t look at him. “What about my dear friend?”
“Well uh, that’s just it…” Joel cleared his troat, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s just, you guys been spending a lot of time together, and I’m just… well you know he’s at tough spot right now…-”
“When isn’t he?”
“Right. Well. I’m just wondering… Well.”
With a chuckle, she put down the wrench and turned to look at Joel with a smile. “You’re wondering if Tommy and I are an item.”
Cringing hard enough his eyes were closed, Joel nods.
“Don’t worry about your baby brother, he can handle himself.”
“Can he?”
“Joel. Look at me.”
Joel forced his eyes open.
“Tommy and I fuck sometimes to blow off steam, don’t act you’re much different.”
“It was one time!”
“It was 4 times, glad to know that I’m that forgettable.” Tess continued with her teasing before Joel could protest. “Listen, I know you’re worried about him, but Tommy and I aren’t interested in dating each other. It’s just for fun sometimes. Tommy puts up a tough front but I’d eat that boy alive.”
Finally, Joel laughed. Yes, she would.
Tess went back to work. “Besides, you’re meeting my new girlfriend tonight, birthday boy.”
Joel was exhausted, washing his hands and forearms and face before leaving to get Sarah. He tried to stay as clean as possible for Sarah. She didn’t need to know how hard he worked for her.
“Hey Joel, I get to watch Sarah this fall don’t I?” Frank asked as he sauntered into the kitchen. 
Joel tried to protest, as he did every year, but it was merely a formality to be polite. He couldn’t afford childcare in the late hours it took to get harvest done. Hopefully it wouldn’t be so bad now that Max was hired on, he didn’t see Sarah hardly at all harvest. Joel would come back to the farmhouse to find Sarah asleep on the couch with Frank, who was no help with farming. He handled the finances and paperwork, and functioned as a babysitter in pinches. Joel was forever indebted to the couple, inclduding Bill despite his facade of toughness.
“Nonsense Joel. I look forward to seeing her every time.” Sarah fucking loved Frank. He was teaching her painting and how to have a proper tea party, real tea and all. But with a lot of sugar. 
Speaking earnestly, Joel tried to express his appreciation. “Thanks, Frank. I appreciate it. I couldn’t do this without you.”
Frank clapped Joel on the shoulders, sliding him a card. “Thank you for everything you do. We really value you. I know Bill doesn’t say it much, or at all, but we appreciate you here.” He walked off, knowing Joel would protest the $500 cash inside the card.
“Daddy! Daddy! I made a friend!” Sarah exclaimed excitedly, running up to her father still covered in her paint smock that quickly transferred the red and blue onto Joel’s jeans.
“Is that so? Who is it?”
Sarah pointed to a little brunette girl sitting in time out. “That’s Ellie! She’s in trouble because she pretended a block was a gun.”
At home, Joel went through the evening routine with Sarah, Tommy having gone with Tess to pre-game. He fed her as much of the macaroni she’d eat, bathed her and made sure to make things as easy for the sitter as possible. When Jessica came over, a nice local teenager that was great with Sarah, he briefed her as he tried to clean up the kitchen. 
“Daddy? Where’s the cake.”
Goddammit of course he forgot something. He just can’t do anything right, can he? He was a shitty dad, a shitty brother, a shitty boyfriend, a needy employee-
“Where's the birthday boy!” Tommy burst in, followed by a group of people, some he knew, some he didn’t. With him was Tess carrying a cake.
“TESS!!!!!!” Sarah shouted, but went more for the cake she carried.
“Hiya, love bug!” She patted her ponytail. “Ready to sing happy birthday at the top of your lungs?”
Hadn’t she had enough happy birthdays? She must’ve known he’d forget the cake. They hadn’t been pregaming at all, they were making him a cake.
Tess hands the cake to Tommy, then gestures to the women next to her. Dark skinned, tall, her hair in… locks? Were those called locks? He was cooked. He needs to learn hair. “This is Talia, my girlfriend.”
Talia smiled brightly, extended a hand which Joel shook. “So nice to meet you, Mr. Miller. Tess talks a lot about you Tommy and Max, it’s nice to put faces to the names.”
“Please, Joel is fine. I may ache like an old man, but I’m not one yet.” Joel joked with a soft but tired smile. He turned to tess. “Max coming?”
“Yup.” She shot him a look to be nice. Joel wasn’t fond of max. Good worker, shit head of a person. Joel knew he couldn’t really blame all Tommy’s shit on bad influences, but Max didn’t help. “And this,” She gestured over to another woman who he had just been too flustered to notice until now. “Is Talia’s best friend.”
You were absolutely fucking stunning, unlike anyting he’d ever seen in his life. Tight white tank top, tight leather pants and a leather jacket. In your hair was a streak of vibrant blue. Your eyes connected with his and for a moment, he forgot about all the other people in the room. 
“Oh, um, hello,” Joel shook your hand when he snapped out of it, repeating your name.
You smile at him. “Actually, most people just call me Blue.”
A small voice from Joel’s hip. “Is that because of your hair? Why is it blue? Are you sick?”
“Sarah! Don’t be rude.”
Chuckling brightly, you promise it’s okay and crouch down to Sarah’s eye level. “I’m not sick. I actually dye it like that.”
“But why?”
Internally, Joel groaned, thinking you’d take offense at the line of questions Sarah’s certainly had ready, but you just answered. “Well, I think it makes me look pretty, just you’re cute hair style makes you look pretty.”
Sarah lit up at that. “My daddy did it!!!”
“He did? That’s so awesome! You have such a nice daddy.”
Sarah nodded in avid agreement. “He’s the BEST!”
Joel couldn’t help smiling at that. He always felt like he was failing her, but she loved him regardless. “I can’t do a lot, but I’m trying to learn. I can do a mean ponytail.” Joel caught Tommy smirking at him.
Once the babysitter took Sarah to wash up for cake, Talia quietly spoke to Joel, still attached to Tess's arm. “Tess told me her mom isn’t really involved. I’d love to help you learn how to care for black hair.”
Joel felt his heart drop. “Oh shit, does it look terrible? I really tried but I don’t even know where to go and-”
Talia cut him off with a laugh and a hand up. “No, not at all! It looks very healthy. I just mean if you’d like to learn how to do more, especially as it gets longer.”
Always embarrassed to ask for help, he always swallowed his pride for Sarah. “Yeah, yeah actually I’d really like that… I’ll play yuh, don’t worry I wouldn’t make you do it for free-”
She attempted to say he didn’t need to pay, but Tess told her it was useless to try and fight. Joel figured the bonus from Bill and Frank could pay for Sarah’s dentist cleaning and the rest he could pay Talia. 
After a terrible happy birthday and saying goodbye to Sarah longer than really necessary, Joel was dragged out of the house to go to some shitty local grunge bands show for his birthday.
Joel fucking hated his birthday.
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Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! I can't beleive people actually wanted to read this!!! We need more trans rep in this fandom <3
First chapter setting things up, then one chapter per week for 6 weeks for my Oscar/Pedro pride event!!! each chapter 2-7 will follow themes of the week until the happy end <3
Talia Monroe
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Tess's girlfriend, Blue's bestfriend. Talia is joyfriend and high energy. She offers to help Joel learn black hair to properly care for Sarah.
Max Waltz
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Works on the farm with Joel, Tommy, and Tess. Tommy likes him, Joel hates him, Tess ears towards liking him but tries to keep him in check. Max is a generally barzen man, hates his wife, is loud and annoying to Joel.
Kayla Carter
*no face claim right now*
Joel's high school sweetheart and ex-fiance, Sarah's mom. Kayla is in an out of sarah's life, lives out of town and is only around when its convinient, leaving Joel with alone.
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I really enjoy writing this series so I hope you like it too <3
Please remeber to reblog or comment or engage in some way <3 community keeps us all writing and drawing
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @ashleyfilm @bumblepony @snnyc @casa-boiardi @del-ightfulling @joelsoftie
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xodarling · 1 year
VICCISM - xodarling
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includes: sub!miko, implied forced submission, gagging, pet play, anal, humiliation, straight up filth, mommy kink, usage of y/n, lowercase writing, fem!reader, angry sex, strap-on, hair pulling, biting/scratching, brat!miko, spit, orgasm denial, shoe riding
a/n: happy gay month 🏳️‍🌈
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miko has been teasing you all day, going up to you and rubbing your arms or your stomach, whispering disgusting things in your ear, saying how hot you and wet she was.
even going so far as to stick her hand down your pants in front of everyone, that was what made you lose it. anger boiled inside of you, the time it took until both of you could go home was torturously slow, but you managed.
the moment the two of you entered your shared home you grabbed her by ear eliciting a shriek from the fox and dragged her to your room. her body slightly bounced as the force of your throw made the foam of the mattress sink.
both of your lips crashed against each other, leaving no room for to breathe, immediately stick your tongue into her mouth. pathetic moans were bouncing off the walls, heavy panting coming from both of you.
miko then flipped you onto your back, then started to leave a trail of kisses down your neck, before she made it to your chest you grabbed her hair and pulled it back, “what do you think you’re doing?” you lowly mumbled, your eyes obviously containing anger.
“i’m just.. trying to please you.” she replied with a smirk that you wanted to slap off her face, you pushed her onto her back and climbed on top of her, straddling her. you couldn’t even respond, your eyebrows furrowed as you ripped off her clothing.
you were gonna eat her out ‘till she begged you to stop but the moment you saw how wet she was, you decided not to. you ran a finger over her slit collecting the disgusting amount of juices her cunt has been making, “you’re disgusting.” you showed her how the liquid was making your finger wet and there were strings connecting your pointer and ring together.
she opened her mouth to reply with a witty response but you shoved your fingers inside her mouth and down her throat instead. you pulled them out after a while, you then got off the bed and into the closet both of you shared. you came back with a box, miko knows what’s inside that box you both agreed to buying the things in said box.
once you opened it, you pulled out a collar with a leash attached, you wrapped it around her neck, tight enough so it’ll leave a mark. “so brave today..” she teased, you got even angrier, how does she still think she’s in control with a collar around her neck. as she was about to tease you on how angry you look, you shoved a ball gag into her mouth, “good little foxes don’t talk.”
doe eyes now looking at you, you pulled the leash moving her into position, on all fours, ass in the air, you then shoved both of your fingers back inside her making her let out a muffled yelp, like a little fox. you didn’t give her time to breathe, immediately thrusting your fingers in and out aggressively, wet sounds bouncing off the walls.
your fingers were prodding against her g-spot continuously, her orgasm looming over her ready and waiting to be released. incoherent whines being let out by her all signaling that she was going to cum. her hips starting to thrust back into your fingers, so, so, so close to cumming.
right when she felt that coil in her snap, you stopped. miko started sobbing yet she was stopped by four very loud slaps directed at her ass. you grabbed her by the leash and pulled her to where she was on her knees in front of you.
quickly undoing the gag and throwing it on the bed you forcefully opened her jaw and spat in her mouth, she swallows all of it, even opening her mouth after she was done to show you.
you shoved your shoe between her thighs, at first miko didn’t understand, but when you looked at her with those eyes, she knew exactly what you wanted. starting to grind slowly against your shoe, miko grabs the hem of your shirt in an attempt to ground herself from the humiliating pleasure.
soon after, she started going faster with each thrust of her hips, your shoes now drenched in her slick. miko starts to whine, she throws her head back, making direct eye contact with you. tears were beginning to form as she thrusted more and more, “m-mommy..” that was the only coherent thing she’s said since she’s started.
once again, miko was going to cum, she could feel it, it was getting harder and harder to ignore the more she continued, she was so close. her whines were getting louder and going up an octave and the grip on your shirt was getting tighter, just one more and she’ll cum.
a loud whine of protest erupted from her but yet she still obeyed, like a good little fox. miko slumps down in defeat, she sits there sobbing till you grab her hair again, forcing her up and back on the bed, ass up.
softly parting her ass, giving you complete access to her holes you lean down and leave a long lick across her slit. you go back to the box and pull out a bottle, you then squeeze the bottle then rub the liquid across her asshole.
miko gasps once she feels your thumb prodding her ass, “wait, that’s the-” another loud slap, “what did i tell you?” you questioned, pulling out a strap-on without her noticing, “good little foxes.. don’t talk.” she whispered out her voice laced with embarrassment.
a poke of the tip of your dick against her ass made miko whimper, you’ve used this several times on her but she can never get used to its size. her body tense in anticipation, miko bit her lip, trying to prepare herself for you.
no matter how many times you fuck her, yae miko will never get used to the burning sensation when shove yourself in her. a loud pathetic moan and extremely tight grips on the blanket below her, miko felt like she as if she was in pure euphoria.
you start thrusting against her, the sound of skin on skin is bouncing off the walls rapidly, moans and whines erupting from miko’s throat, you were pulling the strap out completely before thrusting back in making her feel every sensation you made her feel as you fucked her senseless.
“mommy- mommy, i’m so close. i’m so close, don’t stop!” she repeated these words, her cunt was gushing at this point, the area below it was drenched. you’ve never seen her this desperate before, it only makes you wanna fuck her harder.
“yeah? you’re gonna cum?” you pulled her hair again, pulling her up so her back is against your chest. a fucked-out smile plastered on her face with her eyes rolled back, “yesyes! i’m gonna cum!” your thrusts were frantic, the grip on her hips were so tight they your sure they’ll bruise.
the bed was starting to shake, the sound of the headboard hitting the wall violently alongside miko’s loud moans are surely gonna get you both a noise complaint. her eyes then shot open, miko could feel her orgasm building up not only was it coming quickly but very intensely.
your grip moved from her hips to her forearms, her moans going higher and higher the more you fucked her ass, she could feel it, she was gonna cum. you could feel her clamping down on you, she was starting to drool, she couldn’t cum without you giving her permission, that would make her a very bad little fox, like she isn’t one already.
regaining the smallest big of composure she softly whined out, “can i- can i cum?” she was trying her best to look back at you but your intense thrusting wasn’t letting her. “hm.. depends.” you pretend to consider letting her cum. “pleasepleaseplease! i’ll be good, i’ll be really good!” tears were starting to form again,
“are you sure? you promise?” you grab her chin and push her head to where you both can make eye contact. “yes! i promise!” her being so desperate makes you smile. her cunt was clenching on nothing as you pushed her down onto the bed and started fucking her like a madman.
landing slaps against her now red ass alongside the groping of her ass, the leather of the strap-on leaving marks against it. your hands started tightening against miko’s waist bringing your hips against her with more force.
miko’s back arched, her tight grips of the sheets were becoming even tigher to the point where she was starting to rip it. she was just a few more thrusts from you and she could finally get the release she’s been craving all day.
“yes! yes!” with her head thrown back, yae miko came with a long cry, her walls tightening so much that she pushed your strap out. you stood back, watching as the woman in front of you turned into ruins.
her hips were grinding down on nothing, her eyes were fully white, and a combination of drool and tears were all over her and the pillow. the feeling of her orgasm was getting more and more intense with each wave that washed over her.
unfortunately for miko, the pure pleasure of her orgasm was slowly fading away, leaving her a sore, tired mess. her eyes were closing on their own, the feeling of exhaustion was washing over just like the orgasm that she experienced not too long ago.
miko was slowly feeling herself fade away into a deep sleep before she felt something tap against her swollen lips. miko tried her best to open her eyes as big as she could, you were in front of her face with the tip of your strap pressed on her lips.
“clean this up, yae miko, we’re not finished.”
miko let out a hoarse whimper before you grabbed her hair again and shoved it down her throat, making her gag with spit already bubbling at the sides of your dick.
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