#ofc i had the gays interact with cows
fairyrona · 4 months
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i am not in the least sorry <3!!
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helenhuntingdon · 6 years
@ Anon who asked about Eifion backstory! 
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I was like where did you hear of Eifion being problematic??? Then I realised it may have been from me......
So yeah I can try to breakdown everything I remember but it’s been 10-11 years so I couldn’t go through everything, or remember everything! And remember, I am an unreliable narrator!!!
But basically:
>He arrived in 2007 as Cadno’s rogueish bad boy boyfriend then was a regular from 2008? Basically early sl was them settling down on the farm (living with previous/joint owners Eileen and her ex Denzil, and their teen daughter Sioned, which will be relevant later~) You can see some of that here but without subtitles! But basically, dead cow alert! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYi6B6nelcU&t=4899s And then Eifion was depressed like I said~ They also had their first son! Cadno had had a miscarriage previously to that.
>Tbh you could read what I already wrote lol https://archiveofourown.org/works/15213248/chapters/35283857
>THEN Eifion fully lost his mind and so did the writers and he had an affair with Sioned, Cadno’s younger cousin. (I think she was about 20 then, 5 years ago?) It was creepy and happened in the same house and Cadno and was the lowest low point!!! Then Cadno found out she was pregnant with their second son after she found out about the affair - Eifion didn’t get to see their second son for like a month after he was born! 
>At some point Cadno left with the baby and got close to Gwyneth, main bisexual of the village lol. They ACTUALLY had a bit of a thing, snogged at the least! (Eifion wasn’t best pleased.) But Cadno decided she had to leave the village entirely and did for a bit (with the baby, who was then kidnapped by Iolo’s brother Macs, hm.) 
>Eifion got with Angela, blond nurse who ended up being Sioned’s sister (she was put up for adoption) and they were boring and selfish together lol. Eifion w/ Angela fought w/ Cadno, Angela wanted to do glamping??? on the farm, Cadno wanted Eifion to get a vasectomy so neither of them would have more children (Angela was pissed) but while Cadno got sterilized, Eifion chickened out of getting the vasectomy lol (Angela was still pissed!) They moved in together off the farm, with Angela’s daughter, and Eifion was a traffic warden so not the most likeable still yet lol. (Also Eifion pretending he was hurt lol? for money from Dai. Was found out when Angela threw a rugby ball at him in the pub lol.)
>Then Angela decided she wasn’t getting enough attention from him and decided she had a brain aneurysm! She’d been fainting and Eifion was worried about her symptoms but she was diagnosed w/ anaemia and then felt like Eifion wasn’t worried enough about her any more! So was like no actually I have a brain aneurysm I COULD DIE. Eifion proposed to her but she was worried it was just bc she was dying (which she wasn’t and it was) but he proposed again and I think they got married in Las Vegas????? (Bc not wanting someone to die = love) She got money from the village as well so she was pretty hated when it came out, as was Eifion but he insisted he’d also been lied to (and he had been!) Eifion left her and then she left. 
>Angela’s daughter Courtney, now Eifion’s step-daughter, stayed with Eifion and they’d gotten close! They bonded over Angela having lied to them both basically. (Fave interaction between them: Eifion: You know what I did when I thought your mother was sick? I gave people more tickets - even when they didn’t deserve them. Courtney: Eifion that’s terrible!) Eifion bought her her first car and it was covered in flower pattern it was so cute! Then she crashed the car into Tylo’s wedding and died RIP! See Tylo’s wedding for that and Eifion yelling her name at the end! 
>So there was some mourning period there, he saw her body at the hospital with Eileen (being her grandmother). It was discovered that Courtney had been pregnant and her bio dad and other people who hated Eifion decided he must’ve got her pregnant (DJ, Cadno’s boyfriend and Gaynor, the school headmistress, who Eifion dated for a short time disastruously - tho I think that was a comedy thing bc the Eifion and Gaynor actors are married irl!) but obviously he hadn’t yikes! She had a (teen!) boyfriend and hadn’t told her dad but still Eifion was banned from her funeral :( (In the end, they made up and everyone knew who the baby’s father really would’ve been.) Angela returned for a bit as well and she and Eifion decided to get a divorce bc their whole relationship had been a mistake and he should’ve stayed with Cadno! 
>(I kind of headcanon that at this point when Eifion was living alone then, in the house where he had lived with Angela and Courtney RIP, he could’ve been sleeping with men! This was like a couple of years ago~) 
>But Eifion was back at the farm when Cadno had an accident (her farmy boyfriend reversed a tractor over her, ow!) and he took care of her but kind of drove off her boyfriend as well (he was going to propose to her but imo if he couldn’t handle taking care of Cadno and her 2 sons after her accident, that’s his problem). Eifion and Cadno actually had a good friendship for a little bit, while maturely being parents to their sons - he was slightly scheming to get back on the farm tho lol. Cadno’s boyfriend did come back and propose and she eventually accepted and kicked Eifion back out - but when they were getting married, Eifion told her that they belonged together~ And Cadno didn’t marry him but told Eifion to fuck off afterwards bc she’d just not been ready to get married! But after a little bit they finally got back together, at the start of 2017, bc they’d both changed ~apparently~ and Cadno believed Eifion had done well on his own, been a good step father and was a good father now (redemption??? hmm)
>Next significant storyline I guess was Eifion and Tyler fighting? At the time was because Eifion’s younger (second???) cousin Mathew had had an affair with Tyler’s sister Dani but in hindsight was it bc of gay tension??? Hmm. Or can be retconned that way lol. You can watch that in the Tylo sl as well and lbr do I have a playlist of all/most of Eifion scenes that are on yt? yes. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKakjRzUXEOfdR-daGxBLk871-VY4ypvG
>That led into someone overhearing Cadno and Eifion discussing that she helped her ex’s mother die (he was basically saying he admired her for what she’d done, after having said less nice things) and she got arrested, leading to legal fees, leading to that meat plot I badly described earlier lol http://helenhuntingdon.tumblr.com/post/176350294204/what-exactly-did-eifion-do-that-led-to-him-and
>He then scarpered for 3 weeks in Swansea (where he maybe??? met Alun???) then since returning has just been adjusting to his new life living above a shop lol? I’ve giffed some scenes from then and may gif some more so just see here lol (and I would also watch scenes from Tylo’s sl with Alun and Iolo for Alun talking about his relationship with ‘John’ if you haven’t!) https://helenhuntingdon.tumblr.com/tagged/eifion+rowlands 
In conclusion lol, 
This may not be all accurate and obviously can’t include EVERYTHING that’s ever happened to his character and in his storyline but
he was more of a bad boy than a villain originally and never fully became a villain! His early depression sl I still remember bc it was a good sl! Has maybe been sneaky, selfish most of all, made terrible life choices, takes the easy way out, etc. but from his srsly lowest point of having an affair with Sioned, he’s gotten steadily less terrible lol, was kind of just a ridiculous character for a few years but was a better person from his relationship with Courtney, became a better father, changed when he was with Angela perhaps and to get back with Cadno (taking care of her!) and while he’s been with Cadno he’s been better than he was before! 
BUT he still is having an affair and lied to Alun AND Cadno so ofc he’s problematic lol! But he’s a more sympathetic (problematic asshole) than he was and this kind of makes his character more consistent than he had been for a while? In a retconny way but it makes sense to me looking at his whole sl, his previous issues, his inconsistencies as a person! 
Will Eifion EVER make good life choices????? We will wait and see ;; 
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