#ominis gaunt drabble
5sospenguinqueen · 3 days
Ominis: MC kissed you?
(Sebastian stares woefully out his window)
Ominis: And, you said thank you..?
Sebastian: Yes.
Ominis: Well, that was very polite of you.
(The Library)
MC: Thank you?!? What in Salazar does that mean?
Imelda: He’s stupid, MC. You should know this by now.
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
ooooo can we anticipate seeing this Ominis parselmouth smut?
Snake whispers
Ominis Gaunt x f!reader
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Tags: smut | voice kink | fingering
500 words
A/n: Absolute historically innaccurate SMUT. The audio.
You'd always found Ominis' voice incredibly sexy—the way he was so well spoken, it was also soft and almost musical but capable of delivering words that could cut deep. You hadn't needed to tell him, he already knew. He'd whispered something in your ear, something completely innocuous, but it sent shivers down your spine as his warm breath brushed your neck.
Ominis was certainly perceptive when it came to what turned you on, his fingers and mouth knowing where to go to leave you gasping and begging, and his words were no exception. He could whisper a sentence to you in the most public place and have your heart racing in a second, leaving you flustered and aching. There was one thing you'd always wanted him to say to you, though, but it was something you'd need to ask for.
You'd pulled him into a quiet corner of the library one day to make your request. Leading him by his hand, you stopped next to a tower of seldom-perused books on the upper level and pulled his tie to draw him into a deep kiss. He reciprocated eagerly, drawing his hands around your waist and flicking his tongue against your lips.
"Ominis?" you whispered between kisses and touches.
"Will you say something to me?"
Ominis smirked as he pulled the bottom of your shirt out of your waistband and dipped his head.
"What would you like me to say?" He purred against your neck.
You shuddered, lacing your fingers in his fine, soft hair as he planted kisses along your jaw.
"I want you to speak to me in parseltongue."
Ominis stopped what he was doing and withdrew, his lips open in what appeared to be stunned silence. 
"You…want me to speak snake to you?"
"Yes. Just once?"
You watched him as the cogs turned in his head, his brow slightly furrowed. His hand was still skimming the skin just below the waistband of your skirt, making your breathing shallow as you gazed into his eyes. You'd always thought his eyes beautiful, the milky blue reminding you of a turbulent sea. 
"Alright," he said, returning his mouth to the side of your neck as his hand moved quickly to lift the heavy fabric of your skirt and disappeared underneath. 
You let out a moan as he slipped in the side of your underwear, his fingers finding the sensitive spot between your legs, making you arch your back and press into his hand as he worked his fingers in tiny circles.
"Say it, please," you breathe.
The sound that escaped his lips was a high hiss, breathy and soft and it seemed to linger in the air around you. It made your skin tingle with pleasure and you let out a small whimper to convey your approval.
"What did you say?" you asked, gasping as Ominis continued to work his fingers rhythmically.
Ominis dragged his lips up the side of your neck and whispered into your ear.
"Come for me."
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itissarah · 1 year
Ominis: *drunk in the Common Room* I dare you to kiss the next person that walks in.
Sebastian: *equally drunk, slurring his words a little* This is a stupid dare, I absolutely won't do that!
MC: *walks in and smiles at them* Hey, boys!
Sebastian: *turning red* Fine, I’ll do it... Rules are rules.
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marketfreshfics · 3 months
Loving him: Ominis
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image: @starrysallow | More in this series: Sebastian | Garreth (WIP) | Andrew (WIP) Mild nsfw content
Your love for Ominis is a remarkable trial of patience, both for himself, and you.
Its first impressions under moonlight, filtered blue through algae. He’s a curious one, and though blind, a composed weariness tells of seeing far more than he should have, given his unimposing age.
It’s a confrontation in the dead of night, with sacred places breached, tampered trust. But there isn’t retaliation, merely a subtle olive branch, veiled in terse words, more bark than bite. 
It's pewter snakes that pierce friend and foe. It’s a perilous discovery, unexpected mourning in the depths of despair, without a moment for painful pause, or to sweep shards of broken heart. and through tendrils of searing pain licking through flesh, visceral and bone, it’s not the caster who comes to your aid, but him, the unseeing witness who has, unfortunately, seen this all before.
It's promises built on the foundation of good intentions. It's promises not easily kept. Promises that mean well, that quell concern, without regard for the weight of their meaning. Until, you’re on the receiving end of deceit.
It’s another sleepless night hellbent on worry, with a forehead to the window, prone and aching, your heart climbing up your throat as worst-case scenarios mar a tortured mind. 
But then, you’re not alone. 
It’s bittersweet, finding him where you first met, the lapse of time the only space between you now.
It’s shared concerns, uncertainty, followed by a confession that comes out perhaps different than it might have provided he had the foresight to rehearse, but composure is out past curfew. And surprisingly you’re the one who misses the mark, your top lip barely grazing his, and it makes you laugh melodically, and it nudges his confidence in the right direction. 
When your lips did connect, tasting of almond and bergamot, the only questions asked are “out here? But what should happen if we’re caught?” with an intermission of undress, followed shortly by “I must be certain; do you like how that feels?” 
It’s keeping quiet as limbs weave intimately, falling back onto furniture furthest from potential discovery, bare skin bathed in filtered moonlight. It's words for guidance and breathing in skin, voices reaching pleasure pitches. It’s a slow burn forging white hot, until you’re shivering gold and sighing his name. It's tender embraces, words of adoration, and vulnerability permitted where it was previously withheld. 
It's vows and oaths that should never be uttered, but circumstances are dire and compromising this trust was not an option in the hand you were dealt. What you wouldn’t give for a redraw, a shuffle of the deck, perhaps to sway the odds in your favour.
It's troubling developments and retracing your steps, the walking dead clawing life from the living, and lifelong promises now brittle, fragile. Even with quick thinking, fate has already intervened, possibilities rendered ash in your mouth.
It’s weary hearts and grief of loss, of needing space, needing trust. The pieces are there; rebuilding is possible. Inevitable, even, with how firm the foundation remains.
And you are more than happy, to wait.
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Ominis being so tender with you when you're in a private place together. He loves slipping his hands underneath your layers of clothes to feel your heat and skin. He loves nuzzling your neck and taking in the way you naturally smell while he leaves soft kisses below your ear. He's obsessed with touching you and doesn't realize how sensual it all can feel because he's just so in love with you he can't possibly be close enough
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MC: "No, I don't really like Garreth in a romantic sense. He tries too hard. And for that matter, so does Sebastian, sometimes. Give me a man who plays hard to get"
Ominis: *Yelling at MC outside of the Undercroft like he wasn't the sweetest boy earlier when he met them*
MC: "Oh..." 😳
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slytherin-paramour · 1 year
Thinking about how sad and angry Ominis would be if he were around to witness scenes like these in Harry Potter 😭
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deadspacedame · 1 year
I Know You
A/N: Hey there fellow friends! I haven’t written anything since 2016 but Sebastian and Ominis got me feeling all kinds of ways. I have this headcannon in my mind where my Hufflepuff girl is in love with Sebastian, and my Slytherin girl is childhood friends with Ominis and its this group of Slytherin’s who adopted the Puff. So I’m randomly making drabbles based on that. Please enjoy this little one of Ominis and MC Talanah, basically him touching her face.
Word Count: 1353
Ominis Gaunt - MC Slytherin Female.
Talanah made her way down into the Slytherin common room from her dorm – most of her housemates were heading to the Great Hall for dinner, and she was preparing to follow when she noticed Ominis pacing by the fireplace.
Sebastian was no where in sight, probably glued to Ellie's hip somewhere in the castle. Those two... She used to tease El for liking Sallow. Honestly, what poor taste; but seeing how happy she made him when they met in 5th year, it made him less annoying to be around. Plus, Sebastian has grown on her since 1st year, not much, but some. El used to tease her in return, about how she thought Talanah needed to feel more, and let people in, she didn't get it at the time, but now...
Her eyes were glued to Ominis as he silently bit at his thumb, his eyes cast down at the ground. He looked like he was internally struggling.
Talanah frowned and made her way over to him.
“Hey,” she said. Apparently not hearing her coming, Ominis flinched so hard that she did as well. “Are you alright?”
He looked up in her general direction, his gaze cast slightly over her left shoulder. Cute. What? She hastily tossed that thought away.
He still hadn't replied.
“Ominis?” She moved closer to him, a unnerving feeling building in her stomach. “Are you hurt?”
“No. No, I am fine. My apologizes.” He shook his head and his shoulders loosened slightly. “Just lost in thought, I suppose. Are you heading down to dinner as well?”
“Yeah, I was going to before I saw you biting your nails to the point of blood. Let me see,” without warning, Talanah reached out and grabbed his hand, bringing it up and addressing the damage. If he were anyone else, she would've ignored them, or told them to get over it, but this wasn't just anyone. It was Ominis, her childhood friend. Somehow that made all the difference, though she didn't know why.
His skin was soft to the touch, nail beds raw and bitten down past the white. “Yeah you chowed down good, these are going to hurt in the morning.” Her thumb unconsciously rubbed across his knuckles.  
“Pretty sure cannibalism is majorly frowned upon in the Muggle world, you know.” He let out a chuckle and Talanah felt something flutter in her stomach. “Come on, lets get some food, take your mind off whatever it is you're worried about.” hand still wrapped around his, she started to pull him towards the staircase leading out of the common room. Boys and all their drastic life crisis'.
“Talanah wait - “ There was tone to his voice that she hadn't heard before and she stopped, looking at him once again. His hair was slightly out of place, which was odd in itself, his body trembling so gently that if anyone saw him, they wouldn't see it. But Talanah knew him, this was something that was deeper than just brushing off. Something was genuinely eating at him.
She waited for him to say something, letting him take it at his own pace. She gave his hand a squeeze.
He sighed. “This is going to sound really stupid,” He said.
“I like stupid. I'm friends with you, aren't I?” He didn't laugh. She swallowed. “I'm sorry,” Talanah didn't know why she always deflected with sarcasm or tart remarks, it was just something that always seemed to happen. She wasn't good at feelings, she didn't know how to handle handle her own, let alone anyone else's. Ellie was actually a huge helping hand when it came to that side of her, though she hated the ginger Hufflepuff at first, she slowly weaseled into her soft spot pretty quickly after joining the group. A few times she had said things that had hurt El, and after many arguments, and Sebastian getting protective, she had finally let down some of her guards and allowed El in.
Her own little Hufflepuff therapist.
Though her and Ominis went way back, and she was closer to him than anyone else, it still slipped out around him too. She didn't like that. She didn't want to hurt him.
“Talk to me,” She said gently. “I promise I'll listen. No jokes, no snide comments.”
He hesitated at first, before letting out a huge breath. “I don't understand why it's been on my mind so often recently, but I realized I -,” he looked away from her and swallowed. “I realized that I don't know what you look like.”
Silence fell between them. That wasn't what she was expecting him to say.
“I know I don't know what anyone looks like, but with you... I want to,” He reached toward her face before stopping, uncertain. “Can I...?”
It took her a painfully long moment to understand what he was asking, but when it clicked, she felt warmth spread throughout her body and pool in her cheekbones and tips of her ears. They had known each other for years, and yet, they had never really touched that often. Sure they held hands occasionally, usually when she was leading him somewhere, like tonight. But anything more than that was rare, even hugs.
She wondered what it would be like to hug him. Feel his body pressed against her, feel his heartbeat.
She must have been silent for too long because he started to retract back into himself, his arms lowering and an embarrassed expression flooding his face.
“Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. I know you don't like – “ his words were instantly halted at the feeling of her hands suddenly grabbing his and placing them on her cheeks. Her incredibly warm cheeks. This was a bad idea...
Time seemed to slow right down then, he was looking directly at her – not off to the left or the right, like normal, but straight into her own. She felt herself slowly get lost in his smoky eyes as his fingers started to drift over her skin. It should've felt uncomfortable, the both of them standing in the common room in dead silence, but it wasn't. It felt... good.
He started with his thumbs gently tracing her eyes, the curve of her eyebrows, the slope of her nose to the little point at the end, before moving down and along her jawbone to her neck. She felt herself shiver involuntarily and closed her eyes, her body turning to putty under his touch. She wanted to be closer to him and for once that thought didn't scare her.
Ominis was still looking at her when his fingers wove through her hair and brushed against the metal stud in her ear.
“Your hair,” he whispered, as if he didn't want to break the bubble they were in. “What colour is it?”
She knew he could perceive light, but didn't know if his wand let him understand certain colours. She didn't want to pry into something so personal, so instead she replied with: “When you close your eyes, what do you see?”
His brow furrowed at her question. “Darkness.”
“That's what my hair looks like.”
The confusion melted right off his features and was replaced with pure affection before he closed his eyes. Her heart swelled at the sight of him, she had hoped it would give him something he could physically see to associate the feeling with, and she wasn't disappointed. He followed the strands to the end, where they brushed the base of her spine. She hadn't bothered to put it up today, and she was instantly glad she didn't.
Ominis, eyes still closed, breathed a deep breath and leaned forward, resting his forehead against Talanah's, a small smile pulling its way across his mouth. He looked so peaceful.
“Thank you,”
Talanah's arms instinctively came around his waist, pulling him slightly closer to her, his robes soft under her fingertips. They stood there for what felt like hours, sharing each others breath, and before they knew it, the common room door opened and they heard the chattering of their housemates.
They had missed dinner.
Thanks for reading! Please see reference photos, Talanah and Ellie :)
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slytherinsprincesss · 3 months
Sebastian: Hey MC, are you busy Saturday around 3?
MC: No? Why?
Sebastian: What about you Ominis? Are you busy Saturday at 3?
Ominis: No Sebastian, I’m not.
Sebastian: Perfect, because I am! You two go ahead to get butterbeer without me. Enjoy your date ;)
MC: did he just-
Ominis: yes, he did just set us up.
**I feel like Sebastian would be a great wingman to Ominis (when he really tries)**
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5sospenguinqueen · 2 months
Sebastian: I hear you like bad boys.
MC: Yeah, I suppose so.
Sebastian: (to Ominis) Tell her.
Ominis: He's literally the worst.
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Been thinking about how Ominis would feel when touching (female)MC's body for the first time. Like, the way he ''sees'' / experiences things when he touches them. I am very enamoured with beautiful hands and I also imagine his are very beautiful, masculine, bony with long fingers. And MC's breasts are sensitive... Just throwing it out there...
Deft hands
Ominis Gaunt x f!reader
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Tags: smut
300 words
A/n: I briefly explored this here, that I imagine he'd enjoy really taking his time exploring with his hands, and mouth.
Ominis spent a great deal of time imagining how your body would feel, a wholly new experience for him but one he was eager to explore. When he kissed you, he'd felt your soft curves press against him, so different from his own lithe frame, stirring a hunger inside him. His hands had traced your back, down to the fullness of your hips and below as you pressed into him eagerly.
He'd found himself unable to control his desire, taking your hand and pulling you into his bed, feeling his way onto the mattress to kneel over you. You lay below him, breathing heavily with anticipation as his fingers unhooked the buttons on your shirt. The final button undone, Ominis slid his hands onto your waist, enjoying the warmth and softness, tracing the skin over your ribcage and finding your bare breasts exposed, rising and falling with your deep breaths. You squirm beneath him and hum softly as he continues his journey upward, his palms brushing your hard nipples and eliciting a loud moan from your lips.
Ominis returned his hand to the spot, finding the stiff peaks and gently teasing them with his fingers. Clearly, you were sensitive here, and the breathy moans and pleas that you let out only served to arouse him more. Ominis shuffled his weight down and leaned forward slowly, finding your neck and breathing in the sweet perfume from your hair, planting kisses down your shoulder and collarbone as his fingers continued their slow exploration of your nipples.
He slid his hands down to cup your breasts, his mouth replacing where his fingers had been. Ominis groped hungrily at the softness of your chest, his fingers stroking and circling, drawing a map of the curves. He could feel the urgent thrusts from your hips as your moans became shaky whimpers, his tongue flicking over you, occasionally planting kisses around or sucking the sensitive spot that had you begging for more.
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itissarah · 1 year
Ominis: Hello love, you are dragging your feet quite a bit. Have you had a long day?
MC: Yes. Can I sit on your lap for a bit?
Ominis: Sure darling, have a seat!
MC: I've missed you warmth.
Ominis: And I have missed everything about you.
Sebastian: Right, that's it. I'm taking my lonely ass to bed to cry myself to sleep.
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
Sebastian: *leaning agasint the wall near some stairs*
Ominis: *wandering over* Sebastian?
Sebastian: *with his mind focused on something else, looking up* Yeah, I'm here.
Ominis: Oh good *smiles and stands with him* Are we waiting for MC?
Sebastian: Mmhmm..
Ominis: ...
Sebastian: *looking up, and trying to position himself properly*
Ominis: You're being awfully quiet? What are you doing? I can hear you shifting around..
Sebastian: *still looking up and shifting against the wall* MC will come down these stairs..And if I position myself juuuust right, I'll be able to get a look up her skirt *smirks*
Ominis: *slaps his arm*
Sebastian: What?!
Ominis: You're such a dog Sebastian! I should start carrying around a spray bottle for you and your constant untamed arousal. *disapproving look*
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What pet do you think Sebastian would have. And what do you think Ominis named his toad?
For Ominis' toad I think that he would give it a very human name just for the sake of it being silly. For the time period a lot of names we consider cookie cutter were fairly popular and although the wizarding world is full of unique names, the idea of him having this toad that he calls like "William" or "Henry" is hilarious to me and I think he would think the same. So when he's mentioning his toad by name people don't even realize that at first it's an amphibian he's referring to. Whereas other names we've heard like "Scabbers" or "Crookshanks" are reasonably obvious they belong to pets.
I believe I've mentioned it before or discussed it somewhere, but I think Sebastian would have a pet that is mostly self-sufficient, but also able to accompany him on mischievous adventures. Either something like a cat or maybe a bird other than just an owl. Most definitely something that had was akin to having freedom, but could be there to keep him company and give him a sense of purpose when he was feeling down.
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intotheseas · 3 months
Ominis: MC, I beg of you. Please, PLEASE go to the hospital wing.
MC: Hey, I'm sorry. Is this OUR stab wound?
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Ominis: *finds MC's cat reaching under a door and smiles* What are you doing there? Lost something?
*He reaches under the door with the cat, smiling*
MC: *Opens the door to the bathroom and sees their cat and Ominis trying to get at them from under the door* Honestly! Can I not pee in peace anymore!?
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