babyanimalgifs · 26 days
Amber the orangutan at the Louisville Zoo asked to see my one month old baby
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dunyun-rings · 16 days
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Dudes will see this and say Hell Yeah
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thatsbelievable · 5 months
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elea-mar · 3 months
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lavendercountry · 11 months
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I've recently noticed an increase in well-meaning people sharing unethical primate memes.
Unfortunately, the primates in these memes were either taken directly from their habitat to be sold or their parents are breeders that were themselves taken from the wild.
Worse yet, when baby primates are taken from the wild often times their older relatives are poached and sold for meat.
This all contributes to the reason why the majority of primates are endangered.
Let's all do our part by thinking before sharing!
Please feel free to share without credit ☺️
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bignosebaby · 4 months
You know her
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This little ape is pretty iconic on tumblr, having a niche popularity as a meme from the "and me" post that is around ten years old! That's a long time for this mysterious (and cute) face to circulate.
I get a decent amount of people both in real life and online asking me about her, which makes sense because as a big advocate for primate welfare I can tell you the golden rule is primates are not pets and should not be kept in domestic human contexts. People attuned to the inherent cruelty of keeping primates as pets and raising apes like human children are wary of images like this, because that is exactly what it looks like.
Good news! This baby (as with all babies with Silver Tree Nursery watermarks) is completely fine. Because she's a doll.
Many people know about reborn dolls-- The hyper-realistic baby dolls that look and feel like the real thing-- but not everyone knows that there are also ape reborn dolls. Silver Tree Nursery is a (now defunct) Facebook page for an artist named Gemma who painted and customized reborn dolls and specialized in apes. The artist behind this doll has done several orangutans as well as some gorillas and chimps. While the iconic "and me" model above is a little too cutesy to be perfectly realistic, some of her work is so realistic that it would fool me (if not for the handy watermark). Here are some more shots of this doll:
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And some of the other apes she has done:
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I'm not the first person to post this-- while searching for more pictures I found this tumblr post which seems to have been the big reveal for most people that these are dolls. However, I thought I would tackle 2 follow up questions:
Are these dolls ethical?
Well, yeah. Some might ask if these dolls encourage the idea that this is an acceptable way to treat primates, but personally I think that the very small community of primate doll enthusiasts is a non-issue especially when you consider the impact of social media accounts that promote actual primates being kept as pets and treated like babies. Frankly if you want to snuggle a baby ape this would be the only way to do it (short of working as a surrogate caretaker for orphaned wildlife) without seriously contravening the endangered species act. Still, being vigilant against primate exploitation content is important, so:
How can you tell the difference between super realistic dolls and real primates?
In this case it was as easy as following the watermark. Googling Silver Tree Nursery brings up the Facebook page of the artist who makes the dolls. In general, sourcing is everything. If you know where an image comes from you can determine what the larger context is and whether what is happening is good. Here's an example:
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Is this a reborn doll or a real baby? The framing makes it look very similar to the Silver Tree dolls with the stuffed animal and baby blanket, but if you were to reverse Google image search the picture you would find out that this is Yakini, a gorilla from the Werribee Zoo when he was a baby in 1999. Reverse searching is your friend, and it only takes a minute.
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snototter · 1 month
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A Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) forages in the treetops in Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia
by Jono Dashper
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grickle14 · 11 months
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The Business Orangutans were stumped as to why sales were down.
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honeytoasts · 1 year
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little drawing of beni from orangutan jungle school that never ended up being used for anything!
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antiqueanimals · 1 year
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Brehm's Tierleben. Written by Alfred Brehm. Illustration by Gustav Mützel. 1922 edition.
Internet Archive
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jasvvy · 1 year
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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dunyun-rings · 14 days
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What a wonderful day!!!!!
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
The Librarian of Unseen University had unilaterally decided to aid comprehension by producing an Orangutan/Human Dictionary. He'd been working on it for three months.
It wasn't easy. He'd got as far as "Oook."
He was down in the Stacks, where it was cool.
And suddenly someone was singing.
He took the pen out of his foot and listened.
A human would have decided they couldn't believe their ears. Orangs are more sensible. If you won't believe your own ears, whose ears will you believe?
Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms
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manicpixiedreamjew · 9 months
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lucky pics I got of joesie and her 4 month old nanas 😭❤️
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