#the librarian
klinefelterrible · 1 month
Reblog this to give The Librarian a banana*
*very, very carefully
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aestheticofstars · 6 months
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The entire original discworld audio book catalogue
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iconuk01 · 10 months
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40th Anniversary Discworld stamps, art by Paul Kidby
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stellarmeals · 8 months
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Inktober day 2 - The Librarian “Oook!”
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madame-mongoose · 8 months
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not this fuckin guy again
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dimity-lawn · 4 months
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thetidemice · 11 months
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if i didnt drew a pitcher of these guys. i would set my hair on fire
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borninwinter81 · 5 months
Library tour - Pratchett and Gaiman focused with some honourable mentions
Of course I've constantly had full bookshelves since I was a child, but I'd always wanted a room I could properly call a library. The house my husband and I now live in has 3 bedrooms, so as we're child free we've each taken one of the spare rooms to do with as we wish.
The majority of the furniture you see is thrifted (aside from the bookcases) and it was self decorated with a lot of cut corners-for example I decided instead of proper flooring it would be cheaper just to pull up the carpet and varnish the actual boards.
I spend more time in here than I do in our living room 😁
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Gaiman stuff. Sandman alongside some Alan Moore, Preacher, Hellblazer, my signed copy of The Crow and one volume of Sin City. Two copies each of Ocean (one illustrated), and American Gods (original and authors preferred text). And of course one of my copies of Good Omens. Plus you can see the novelisation of Pan's Labyrinth sitting next to Neverwhere. Del Toro is another favourite fantasist of mine.
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Pratchett stuff. Complete Discworld of course, and I'm slowly increasing my non Discworld Pratchett collection, my second copy of GO, the Paul Kidby illustrated edition (makes sense to have one living with the Gaiman books and the other with Pratchett). Soul Music and Hogfather are both signed, I met Pterry when I was 14 on the Hogfather signing tour.
The crocheted toy was actually from a pattern for a mimic I made (pattern by Complicated Knots on YouTube), but it's luggage-y enough that I put it with the Discworld books, Rob Wilkins' biography of Pterry, and a Librarian to look after everything, make sure the books don't get rowdy and take care of the L-space. I've had him since I was 18.
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Specifically Good Omens stuff: a pair of felt plushies a friend made for me after S1 was released (@diedarlingsuk on Instagram), a pair of drawings I bought from a very talented 15 year old artist at a tiny comic con also after S1, (I'd credit her but I've no idea of her name or if she has an online presence), the script book, the TV companion, and an art book by the wonderful @mistysblueboxstuff, who I'm sure most of the fandom know and love. This contains all her GO art from S1 and S2.
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Honourable mention stuff - I put above that I love Del Toro, so I've got to share the Angel of Death from Hellboy 2 as its one of my favourite things in this room. And its an angel, so that's kinda linked.
Made for me by another friend from clay on a doll's body and the wings on wire frames (@sids_workshop on Instagram).
Finally the Complete William Blake illuminated works, a guidebook to a Blake exhibition I went to, and Gustav Dore illustrated copies of Dante, Milton, Coleridge, Tennyson and Poe. I am a huge poetry nerd, and I think many GO fans would find a lot to interest them in some of these, particularly Blake and Milton.
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I could go on, there's tons of other stuff I'd like to include but this post is fairly massive already and I wanted to try and stick to my theme.
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 7 months
Meeting Excalibur:
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And the LiTs:
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The Librarian: Quest for the Spear (2004)/The Librarians S01E01 And the Crown of King Arthur.
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wizardbracket · 1 year
Round 3: Match 9 of 16
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Why they deserve to be the ultimate wizard according to YOU:
Erin Ruunaser:
Vanquished (so far): Rin Tohsaka, Quick Ben
"He's full of hubris, an iconic part of many wizards!"
"Erin is a scientist-wizard of the highest calibur. He got posessed by the satan figure of a religion in his world and so far refuses to entertain the notion that said satan figure's opposite number could be real because there's no scientific evidence for it."
"erin is pathetic and way too used to winning and that's why i think he should win again thanks for listening"
The Librarian:
Vanquished (so far): Eskarina Smith, Rincewind [my beloved]
“The librarian is properly iconic"
“He used to be a wizard, then got turned into an orangutan. It's a whole thing, but he's the best!!"
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super-gates-blog · 8 months
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The apple of discord, created by the goddess Erys to wreak havoc.
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alispangles · 1 month
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"The room had been part of the library until the magic had drifted through, violently reassembling the possibility particles of everything in its path. So it was reasonable to assume that the small purple newts had been part of the floor and the pineapple custard may once have been some books. and several of the wizards later swore that the small sad orangutan sitting in the middle of it all looked very much like the head librarian." - The Light Fantastic, Discworld
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nireidi · 2 months
Magnus Archives/Discworld crossover (a fic I will never write but always crave)
- Jon and Martin end up somewhere else. That somewhere else is ankh Morpork.
- there’s some hijinks and shenanigans and the fears get banished to the dungeon dimensions.
- I feel like Jon and Ponder Stibbons will be friends.
- Jon becomes a wizard, since knowing things and not doing magic is half of what it takes to be a wizard anyway. I feel like he would probably end up working in the library, and helping keep students away from the dangerous books.
- eventually I think he would end up a professor in his own right, maybe a professor of Catastrophic Literature, that feels fitting. He would have his own department, but in the way Wizards do, so he mostly hangs out with the librarian and the grad students in the library or high energy magic building. I feel like the way wizards approach academia would be good for Jon.
- also at unseen university Jon could openly talk about his experiences without judgement. Maybe commiserate with Rincewind.
- meanwhile Martin- I think if they were in the country Martin would become a witch, but in the city, I think he would end up working for the sunshine sanctuary for sick dragons and end up becoming friends with Sybil.
- he would absolutely end up bringing a dragon home, and Jon would be utterly charmed by it. Even if it does leave acid stains on his robes. It’s like the more pathetic version of a cat.
- Martin had kind of been hoping Jon would be the voice of reason about the dragons- but before he knows it they have three and they couldn’t be happier. (Though they could probably be a bit less singed.)
- I know Martin has his thing about burning and fire, but also I feel like the dragons are therapeutic for him.
I may add more thoughts later- I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts tho!!!
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arrowheadedbitch · 5 months
Okay, so I've been doing math. At the start of The Librarians, Ezekiel Jones is supposed to be 23 or 24, so ten years ago he was 13 or 14, which is a crazy young age to be invited to the Library, but here's the thing. Ten years before the show us NOT when flynn got the invite, ten years before the shoe was the LAST (third) movie where he's already been a Librarian for a while. The FIRST movie where he, and supposedly all the LITs, are invited to the library was made FOURTEEN years before the show in 2004 (20 years ago now, I would now, it was and is my birth year) SO that means that Ezekial was invited to the library at the age of NINE OR TEN!!!
No wonder he declined the invite! Magic ir not, no ten year old is gonna CHOOSE to work in a fucking library! And no wonder he saw Baird as his mom in the alternative universe where he did except it, everyone else was a decent age, a little young, but definitely not ten! He hasn't even hit puberty yet, of course Eve acted like a mother with him!
So yeah, Ezekiel Jones is the coolest bitch around and probably the youngest person to EVER get invited to the library.
End analysis
Edit: I fucked up lmao, the librarians began in 2014 NOT 2018 so Ezekiel WAS 13 or 14 when he got the letter, but that is still SUPER young and doesn't dispute my other points, so I'll keep this post up
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madame-mongoose · 8 months
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Okay who made grandpa mad
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