nando161mando · 1 day
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Vendredi 14 Juin Rassemblement Unitaire
Lyon Place des Terreaux à 18h30
Friday June 14 Unitary Gathering
Lyon Place des Terreaux at 6:30 p.m.
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anarchywoofwoof · 4 months
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vice news
ironically i am working right now so i can’t do a full post on this like i would really prefer to do… but these are the most cartoonishly evil people that you could possibly imagine, even in a society as flawed as the one we’ve built for ourselves. these are bedrock groups devoted to protecting the american worker and consumer. massive huge giant waving red flags 🚩
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auntieashleydark · 2 months
So You Want to be Solarpunk?
If your neighborhood has a vacant lot, get some neighbors together and turn it into a community garden.
Organize a block party.
Create a maker space enabling folks to repair, repurpose, and swap their old stuff.
Organize a bunch of plant-savvy neighbors to help folks convert their yards from resource hungry yuppie lawns into something sustainable that fits the local biome.
Get a few friends together and clean up the trash on the streets. Make sure to recycle.
Set up Little Free Libraries and Little Free Pantries.
Get tool-savvy neighbors together to help folks with needed household repairs and upgrades.
The punk in solarpunk is about resistance to the alienation and consumer culture that makes our communities unsustainable and our environments toxic.
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Duke McCoy - How To Organize and Manage Your Own Religious Cult - Loompanics Unlimited - 1980
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"Agitate, Educate, Organize"
Graphic by Josh MacPhee
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radicalgraff · 1 year
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"Employees must unionize before returning to work"
Seen in a staff bathroom in a business in the Castro, San Francisco
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53v3nfrn5 · 14 days
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Fabergé cigarette case. Gold, enamel lapis lazuli, c. 1900.
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An overview of workplace organising
So you've started a new job and, unfortunately for you, there's no union. Not even a place where you and your co-workers can winge about work. So how do you resolve that? How do you Organise™?
Organising activities generally fall into the following (and often overlapping) groups:
Mapping and charting
You cannot even start organising without first understanding your workplace. Where do people work? Where are the break rooms? Who is friends with who? What positions and responsibilities do they have? How do you contact them? Etc, etc, etc.
Answering these questions is key - and often required before you can even begin talking to co-workers. Of course, this is a continuous process and, once you've got a few folks on your side, this can be a collaborative process.
In organiser circles, there is a tendency to want to leaflet everywhere to announce your presence, and then immediately gather all workers together in a big meeting to then discuss unionisation efforts. This is an almost surefire way to get yourself fired and kill any appetite for organising among co-workers. On top of that, it is incredibly impersonal, shyer voices will get pushed to the side for more vocal, and potentially more conflict-driven voices.
In the IWW, the union I organise with, we emphasise the importance of one-on-one conversations, as you can find a lot more about your co-workers that way, and often things that might get lost in a huge meeting.
Of course, there is no harm in these larger meetings once you've got the ball rolling. But starting off, one-on-ones are key.
Identify movers and shakers
Some co-workers will be well-connected in the workplace. Some will be naturally more likeable than others. Some might have held social events or helped out a few other co-workers in the past. These people are your social "leaders" (for lack of a better word).
You usually want these co-workers on side as soon as you can. If you don't get them on your side, the boss or management will get them on theirs, which makes unionising efforts so much harder.
They are also very useful during organising efforts and can help out with one-on-one conversations.
Asking people to get involved in a union, especially in a workplace that is hostile to them, can be very tricky (and terrifying). But this is a crucial step.
Get people involved in the organising committee, create officer roles to carry out particular tasks, fill those roles democratically, and recruit your co-workers to the union.
You will actively have to reach out to people in this step. We cannot rely on the "self-starters" who are already interested and are bold enough to ask "How do I join?". A workplace is made up of everyone in it, even the shyer workers - especially the shyer workers in my experience! The union is for every worker.
Additionally, as time passes, it gets very difficult to ask people to join. Some people will start seeing benefits in their workplace but without actually putting in any of the work and think "Well, why bother?"
Once you've got a few co-workers together, have an active group of you mapping, charting, reaching out to members, and identifying issues, then you've got to start planning how to address these issues.
Pick something, anything, no matter how small. Sometimes it can be an issue where the workplace hasn't got enough office stock. Sometimes the door to the building jams and needs a couple of people to shove it open. Find the issue you want to organise around and plan how to resolve it, together.
The issue you identify can also be used to recruit more people to your cause.
Public actions
Finally, it's time to go public. But what does this look like?
I outlined a lot of actions in my previous post here. But a lot of these may be overkill depending on the issue. Sometimes you can get away with less aggressive action.
The typical way this is done is a march on the boss. This is a great way to start the escalation process and sometimes will get you what you want immediately. Of course, no action is perfect, and you'll have to get creative as the boss pushes back more and more.
In conclusion...
This was a general overview of the organising process. Of course, for brevity, a lot was skipped over. Before trying to carry any of this out, I'd recommend you take part in some form of organiser training with your respective union - the IWW Organiser 101 training is fantastic, just as an aside!
Best of luck in all your organising efforts!
Stay safe and solidarity, fellow workers! xox
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nando161mando · 25 days
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Montreal counter-protest: Protect trans youth's humanity!
Sat., May 25, 8am
@antifainternational @kropotkindersurprise @anarchistmemecollective @radicalgraff
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sugas6thtooth · 6 months
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If you have the resources, I urge you to gather with people in your community and organize. It really isn't enough to just express our anger anymore. 🇵🇸🇵🇸
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questinghrpodcast · 1 month
HERETH are our first 10 quests for thou to behold and pursue. Cometh over to Spotify or Youtube for more updated nonsense from Ari and Maggie!
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robinlovexo · 1 month
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bedtime reading time ✨
my reward is getting on tumblr after ehehe
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Organize! graphic by Josh MacPhee
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originalleftist · 3 months
Stop asking whether Trump is a fascist. He's answered that question through his actions, many times.
He answered it when he defended the Nazi murderers at Charlottesville.
He answered it with children in cages.
He answered it when he sent secret police to round up Black Lives Matter protesters by seizing them off the streets.
He answered it on January 6th.
He answered it when he opened his 2024 campaign at Waco.
He answered it when he said immigrants are poisoning the blood of America, something right out of 30s Nazi propaganda.
He answered it when he promised "a bloodbath" if he loses.
Stop asking. He's a fascist.
Time to do something about it.
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