#oro grande
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a world that is standing still
Oro Grande, California
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travelella · 24 days
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Elmer's Bottle Tree Ranch, National Trails Highway, Oro Grande, California, USA
Benoit Debaix
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gabrieldespinoza · 2 years
Suspect arrested in Oro Grande after attempting to run from deputies
Suspect arrested in #OroGrande after attempting to run from deputies
ORO GRANDE, Calif. (VVNG.com) — Deputies in both marked and unmarked vehicles rushed towards the community of Oro Grande on Wednesday It happened at about 12:30 pm, on November 23, 2022, along National Trails Highway, near the cement factory. Sheriff’s spokeswoman Glroia Huerta said during a vehicle check, deputies were attempting to talk to a suspect outside of his vehicle.   (Hugo C. Valdez,…
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dailyfatefigures · 2 months
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Boudica by Orca de Oro
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italianiinguerra · 2 years
5 giugno 1920, Medaglia d'Oro alla bandiera di guerra dell'Arma del Genio
5 giugno 1920, Medaglia d’Oro alla bandiera di guerra dell’Arma del Genio
Tenace, infaticabile, e modesta, scavando la dura trincea, o gittando per ogni ponte una superba sfida al nemico, riannodando sotto l’uragano del ferro e del fuoco i tenui fili onde passa l’intelligenza regolatrice della battaglia, lanciandosi all’assalto in epica gara coi Fanti, prodigò sacrifici ed eroismi per la grandezza della Patria (Campagna di Guerra 1915 – 1918) Con questa splendida…
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lospeakerscorner · 8 months
Miss Grand International 2023
In Vietnam la 11esima finale mondiale di Miss Grand International, in programma dal 4 al 25 ottobre Andrea Zanettin TELESE TERME (BN)- Si va verso 11esima finale mondiale di Miss Grand International, in programma dal 4 al 25 ottobre,  che si svolgerà in Vietnam, al Phú Thọ Indoor Stadium di Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, dove rappresenterà i nostri colori la bellissima Andrea Zanettin della Valle…
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conandaily2022 · 11 months
Nikki de Moura biography: 13 things about Miss Grand Cagayan de Oro 2023
Nikki Advincula de Moura is a Brazilian-Filipino model and beauty queen from Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. Here are 13 more things about her: Nikki Advincula de Moura (©Conan Altatis)
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
Summer Outfit by Paola Moretti
Summer Outfit by Paola Moretti #outfitoftheday #outfit #summeroutfit #summer #nudestyle #nudeoutfit #eres #madewell #renécaovilla #cuplé #avenue #rosantica #burberry #stroilioro #therow #tomford #petitegrand #iho #paolamoretti #perfettamentechic
Costume: Eres Pantaloncini: Madewell Scarpe: René Caovilla Borsa: Cuplé Cappello: Avenue Cover: Rosantica Collana: Burberry Orecchini: Stroili Oro Occhiali: The Row Lipstick: Tom Ford Anello: Petite Grand Fashion Blogger: Paola Moretti Instagram: paolamorettiiho
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piscisgirlbday · 1 year
hoy es un día muy especial e importante, a final de cuentas hoy es el cumpleaños de una persona tan bonita como tú, ¿no? feliz cumpleaños, mi princesita, en serio espero que este día sea maravilloso para ti. sé que no siempre las cosas van del todo bien en tu vida, así como entre nosotras, pero déjame decirte que lo estás haciendo muy bien a pesar de cualquier cosa que pueda ir en tu contra, a pesar de que parezca no tener salida o de los pensamientos negativos. eres sin duda alguna la mejor persona que alguna vez pude llegar a conocer (mi persona); con un corazón tan grande que no entiendo como te cabe en el pecho, con unos sentimientos tan puros y con un carisma que cualquiera podría notar desde la lejanía, es por eso, que no tienes idea lo feliz que me hace poder tenerte en mi vida, de decir que somos una pareja y más allá de una manera romántica, poder pasar este día tan especial a tu lado, es el primero en el que tengo la dicha de poder verte cumplir un año más de tu vida, de verte crecer y sentirme muy orgullosa de todo lo que eres y lograrás ser.
te amo muchísimo, en todo este tiempo de relación me has enseñado y dado tanto que de verdad siento que te debo muchas cosas, espero poder devolverte todo lo lindo que me has dado, porque en definitiva eres alguien que vale mucho la pena y sé que seguirá siendo así. tenerte en mi vida es como tener oro entre mis manos, cualquier persona que forme parte de tu vida sabrá a lo que me refiero; tu personalidad es tan única que no te cuesta ganarte el cariño de los demás, siempre sabes que decir ante cualquier circunstancia, tienes un sentido del humor bastante peculiar pero para mí es buenísimo, simplemente eres genial en tantos aspectos que me apena no poder mencionarlos todos en esta carta, pero todavía me apena más que a veces no seas capaz de verlo, pero no importa, sabes que aquí estoy para recordarte todo eso las veces que haga falta y hasta más.
y puede que tal vez no haya pasado mucho tiempo desde que estás en mi vida, aunque a decir verdad se siente como toda una vida debido a lo que hablamos diariamente; todo se trata de ti y todo gira alrededor de lo que tenemos, es bastante emocionante sentir que siempre he sido yo y otra persona, en este caso tú. por otra parte, déjame decirte que todo este tiempo que hemos estado juntas estuvieron llenos de felicidad y todo gracias a ti, inclusive si justo ahora no te lo crees, para mí siempre va a ser un nido de felicidad si estoy a tu lado. eres la persona que se encarga de darle color a mi vida de forma constante y se siente tan lindo saber que independientemente de lo que sea que hayamos pasado juntas, tú siempre estás y estarás ahí para mí. te agradezco por todo lo que me das diariamente, por el amor y el cariño, por los bonitos recuerdos que formamos juntas, por siempre hacer el intento de ser un apoyo para mí, por tener plena confianza en mí, así como hacerme sentir esa confianza también en ti, por leerme siempre que lo necesito, por inculcarme tu manera de amar, por seguir intentando que las cosas marchen del todo bien entre nosotras y por aportarme un granito de ti en mí que sin duda se ha vuelto bastante indispensable en mi vida y la mejor parte es que todavía nos queda muchísimo por conocer de la otra, así como de estar juntas. sonríe mucho hoy, iriana, que si hay alguien que sin duda se merece todo lo bueno de este mundo, en definitiva eres tú. sé que a veces hay días tristes, días buenos, días en los que realmente no se antoja hacer nada y otros que no se pueden ni explicar, momento de nuestra vida que nos marcan, gente que va y viene y otros que nos acompañan por muchísimo tiempo, pero sin importar la situación, siempre vas a poder acudir a mí de ser necesario, siempre vas a tener un hombro en el cual apoyarte, porque más allá de ser tu novia, también soy tu amiga, tu confidente y siempre voy a querer estar ahí para ti.
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goddessofmischief · 7 months
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A/N: This is part of this series, which requests are open for! These fics are all one-shots, so they can be read separately. Also, I highly recommend listening to the song linked in the title while you read, and please leave a comment when you've finished!
It took six weeks and a shipwreck to get you into the arms of the man that you loved, and you didn't regret a thing.
Little known pirate fact: the Oro Jackson's final resting place is a little island in the murkier side of the East Blue, far from pirates or Marines or anything at all. Here it lies to this day.
It arrived at this spot on a fated morning on an afternoon in August, when you, Shanks and Buggy were embroiled in the most terrible of arguments.
The tension had not dissipated from the days earlier, when Shanks had unceremoniously declared himself Captain, and Buggy was comfortable voicing his feelings - almost all of his feelings - out in the open now.
Starting with this one.
"We're not moving fast enough," Buggy complained. He had this particular feeling a lot.
"The ship can only go so fast. You know that," Shanks chided, jokingly. "...You've been on it for years."
"You know that's not what I mean. The One Piece is out there and we're supposed to be trying to claim it - now everyone's trying to claim it, aren't they? - but we're still wandering."
"We're preparing for the journey!"
"Oh, sure, like we really need all these maps. The only one that we really need is the map to the Grand Line, and we haven't even gotten it yet."
Shanks had been dispatching the two of you out for maps for the past few months, and many of your efforts had ended unsuccessfully. Buggy was beginning to tire of it.
"We're doing the best we can, Bugs, you know that," you tried, and Buggy cut you off.
"'You know that,'" Buggy imitated, and you and Shanks blinked at him with wide, vacuous eyes. "You two are even beginning to sound like each other, you know that? What, do you two get off on bullying me?"
"Yes," said Shanks, at the same time you said "No, of course not."
"No, of course not," Shanks amended, all too late.
"Fine," Buggy snapped, grabbing his satchel.
"Hey, where're you going-"
"You're not threatening to leave again, are you?"
"No, idiots! I'm going down to the port for a drink. Don't join."
You and Shanks sighed, exchanging weary looks with each other as Buggy departed the ship.
"So... what do you wanna do while we wait?"
"Careful," you warned idly, watching Shanks jerk the captain's wheel from one side to the next.
"Sorry, I'm just - I'm still getting the hang of this, I'm not used to steering-"
"It's alright," you assured him. "We're all learning things."
He had promised you there was an especially appealing island close by - something he'd discovered on his own and was anxious to share with you.
"Maybe you could let me try-"
"It's fine, I got it-"
"Shanks, let me steer-"
"I can do it-"
"What are you trying to prove?!"
The ship found that island, alright. It slammed right into the rocks in front of it.
"Oh, my God," you uttered, hand covering your mouth. Shanks stared ahead in total disbelief.
The ship was wrecked. You crashed. The ship was crashed. You and Shanks crashed Roger's ship. You and Shanks crashed Roger's ship. Buggy would never forgive you.
It was your fault.
It wasn't really - you would realize this, later on - but in the moment, that's how it felt.
"Shanks?" You shook him a little. He was seemingly catatonic, still staring straight ahead at the rocks.
You nodded, grimly, trying to get him alert again.
"Come on, we're stuck. We have to figure something out."
Well, at least it was a nice island to be stuck in.
You and Shanks started a fire on the beach, after hours of searching and confirming there didn't seem to be anyone else on the island.
"Can't believe we wrecked it," Shanks mused. "It was the only home I've ever known."
"...Buggy's going to kill us."
Shanks glanced at you, a hint of amusement on his face.
"That's really what you're worried about?"
"Aren't you?"
"I think I'm more concerned with how we're going to get off this island. I'm beginning to realize that we can't. I guess we could try swimming out, but- no, it's too deep."
"So, we're stuck?"
Shanks confirmed your worry with a weary nod.
"We're stuck."
You didn't speak to each other again for another four days.
There was enough fruit on the island to live on, enough water stored on the wrecked Oro Jackson. The two of you could barely look at each other, repulsed by the shame of what you had done.
On the fifth day, you began to worry.
"Shanks?" you called out, shouting his name loud enough that he should have heard it. "Shanks, look, we better start making more permanent plans-"
He didn't respond.
"Shanks, come on, I don't wanna fight-"
You stopped dead in your tracks. Your brain couldn't handle what you had saw.
Shanks, flat on the ground under a palm tree.
You realized he must've fallen - the flares beside him indicated he was trying to call for help - your fault again, everything is awful and it's your fault, Shanks was dead and it was all your fault.
"No," you whispered, breath scarcely escaping your body. You collapsed to the ground, searching his face for signs of life, cradling his head in you hands. "Wake up, please, wake up- please, I need you to come back, I don't want to be alone-"
Shanks coughed, suddenly breathing again, and you realized with a rush of relief that he'd only been unconscious. His eyes scanned over you, a little smile teasing at the edge of his lips.
"Are you an angel? Am I in heaven?"
You cried in relief, not even having the energy to make fun of his stupid remarks.
"No, you idiot, you're here on earth with me."
Shanks noticed your hand was resting over his heart, and he brought his own hand up to meet it.
"You were crying over me?" he asked, cockily. You shook your head as the tear tracks staining your face betrayed you.
"I thought you were dead."
"I think I was."
"Did you see Roger?" you asked, almost laughing.
"I don't think I was dead long enough," he said. "I had to come back, you see. Had to be where you were."
As long as you had known Shanks, you had carried with you a indecipherable ache. It was today that the ache finally rose out of you, and today that you bent your face down far enough to connect your lips to his - on purpose, this time. He met them.
"We're still stuck on this island, you know," you murmured, finally pulling away.
His eyes sparkled.
"I'd forgotten."
For the next three weeks, your life was a montage of sun-drenched beaches, bare shoulders and tanned skin. Water everywhere, sand in everything. Salt air stung your tongue and infused all your kisses.
You barely felt like a pirate anymore. Life was that good. You felt more like a creature of the sea, tossed by the waves, unbothered by the silly human things that had once so concerned you - what One Piece? What Buggy? What Mihawk? You and Shanks were connected by everything, ebbing and flowing out of each other like it was the only thing that made sense.
Despite this backdrop of love, there was one thing that was clear. You were going to die. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon. The water from the ship would run out, and the fruit would run out, and then there would be no more left, and you and he would merely be skeletons left scattered on the shore, then dust.
"I can't even regret it," you sighed, head on his chest. "Not with everything that's happened."
"Do you think Buggy will miss us?"
"I don't know," you said with a guilty pang. "I guess I hadn't thought of him for awhile. I wish I could let him know what became of us. Mihawk, too."
"Could you not talk about Mihawk during moments like this?"
You laughed, kissing him lightly on the nose.
"I wonder how many sunrises we have left."
"Enough," he said, and after that the talking ended.
Little did you know, Buggy hadn't slept for weeks.
Okay, hadn't slept was an overexaggeration - he had little winks now and then, just a few, just to keep himself alive. He'd be no good to you or Shanks dead.
He'd been to four islands by now, and had scoured every one of them. What he really couldn't understand is how the Oro Jackson could have gone anywhere unnoticed. The citizens of the island he had been on recalled it in the port, when you dropped him off, and then it vanished like a ghost. The one ship every Marine in the world was looking for, and not one person would admit to seeing it.
It was killing him.
He couldn't imagine what had happened to you - Shanks, too, but he worried more for you, mostly for the reason that he was sure you would never leave him on purpose. It was possible for Shanks to have left, but you, too? Wouldn't happen.
The thought crossed his mind, once or twice, that the two of you had gotten sick of him and run away together, but it seemed impossible after how desperately you'd tried to keep him from leaving. You wouldn't just leave him now.
Maybe you were kidnapped. Or hungry. Or cold. Or-
Wait, was that the ship?
"Buggy!" he heard a chorus of familiar voices call out, frantically waving their arms on the beach. A familiar burst of red hair was immediately apparent amongst the grains of white sand.
"What the... the hell," he muttered, rowing the small boat he'd attained to look for you beside the crashed ship. He'd never realized how absolutely massive it was until it was in pieces. Even now, weeks later, rotted wood planks scattered the shore.
He barely had a moment to climb out of the boat and throw his oars aside before you and Shanks barreled towards him at full speed, both locking him in a tight embrace.
"You saved us," you whispered, burying your face in the nape of his neck. Shanks hugged him gratefully, too. It felt good having both of you back again. For a little while, Buggy had feared he would have to walk the world alone.
"What the hell happened?"
"Crashed," you explained, your cheeks flushed from the excitement.
"Did it just... did you not see the rocks?"
You shook your head, still completely overwhelmed.
"We thought we were going to die."
"I was beginning to think you were already dead!"
"You saved us," you emphasized, salt water stinging your eyes. "I could kiss you."
Buggy's face went blank, as did yours. Clumsily, you reached over and gave him a peck on the cheek, and smiled. In one fluid motion, you pulled back, and Shanks looped his arm around your waist. You and Shanks glanced at each other, still grinning, and you rested your head on his shoulder.
That was the moment he knew something had changed. Something was different, since the last time he'd seen you.
"You guys..." he tried to put the words together. "You guys... what, uhh, what did you guys do for six weeks?"
Buggy had a few guesses.
taglist: @sawendel @twinklesnake @literaturewithliz @sordidmusings @foggyturtleknightangel @toertchen @96jnie @lunanight1021 @trafalgardvivi
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gabrieldespinoza · 2 years
Colton Police Officer dies after accidental shooting in Oro Grande
#Colton Police Officer dies after accidental shooting in #OroGrande
ORO GRANDE, Calif. (VVNG.com) — An Officer from the Colton Police Department died after an accidental shooting Thursday afternoon in Oro Grande. It happened on October 27, 2022, in the area of National Trails Highway and Mill Street. Sheriff’s spokeswoman Gloria Huerta told VVNG a call came in at about 2:46 p.m. from a motorist regarding an accidental shooting.  “Deputies and medical personnel…
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cowboyjigen · 1 year
when the wind blows aka roger comforting his daughter when she needs him
warnings: fem reader obvs by the title lol, this is really just a self indulgent fix cause i’ve been feeling bad recently and watching the roger flashbacks
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the sea was quiet: a rare sight especially on the grand line. but still there was a certain silence filling the oro jackson. it was painful almost. the normally jolly crew had been shushed as soon as the smile on their captains face dropped, also a rare sight.
“something’s wrong.” roger finally spoke up.
“what’s could possibly be wrong, roger?” rayleigh quipped a small laugh leaving his mouth. roger was not amused by his best friends joke. “roger, everything is fine. it’s just a quiet night is all.”
roger huffed, “maybe i’m just tired.” as if they knew something everyone else didn’t, shanks and buggy shared a look before silently skittering away. taking another sip of his drink, roger glanced around at his crew.
“they head in for the night, not like anything is jumping for your attention right now, captain.” roger nodded in agreement to what gaban had said, setting his mug down and pushing himself up.
“right, i’ll head in then.” with a final nod, he moved towards his cabin.
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when he finally approached the door to his quarters, there stood shanks and buggy firmly blocking the door. “can i help you two?”
“sorry captain we can’t let you in here.” shanks was the one who spoke up, not to much surprise on rogers behalf.
“and why is that?”
“strict orders captain.” buggy nodded while speaking
“stricter than those of your captain?”
the blue haired boy paled a bit but shanks stood his ground, “yes sir, she said she’d kick our asses if we let anyone in until she said we could.”
oh. oh.
it made sense to roger now. not just the boys standing unwavering in front of his door but also why it felt so quiet. “i’m afraid you’re just gonna have to have your asses kicked boys.” they shared a look, “or if you let me in now, i’ll put in a good word for you.”
the two nodded at eachother before splitting ticket roger through. “but if she asks, you fought us to get it! we didn’t give up easily!”
roger laughed slightly and nodded, pushing the door open. “sweetie?” stifled sobs rang out from the corner of the room.
they belonged to a lump in the sheets that quivered every few seconds when a particular loud cry would sound. “no one’s here, go away.”
humoring her, roger sat himself on the floor next to his own bed. “hmm we’ll if no one is here then i guess i can crawl in my bed and sleep then.” he emphasized his words by pressing down onto the wood boards below which let out a strong creaking noise.
“go away, dad.”
“oh so there is someone in here! i got worried there was a ghost for a second!” turning around on the floor, roger lifted the blankets covering his daughter. “what’s got you like this, kid?”
he crawled in next to her, holding her close. she shook her head into his chest. “no. it’s embarrassing.”
“cant be too embarrassing right? would it make you feel better if i told you something embarrassing first to make it feel better?”
“maybe, it depends.”
roger smiled before pretending to think hard about what he was going to share. “let’s see, back when it was just me and uncle rayleigh i spent a dumb amount of time trying to figure out what outfit would be the best to wear incase the marines took my mug. well one day i was take a bit longer than normal and uncle rayleigh walked in on me half naked in this ugly frilly shirt.” Y/N sat there giggling in his arms, “see? makes you feel a bit better about you right?”
she nodded slightly before frowning again, “i miss mom.” roger stiffened. he too missed rouge, it had been a few weeks since they had last seen each other. “see it’s embarrassing!” tears once again threatened her eyes but roger just held her tighter.
“it’s not embarrassing sweetie, i miss her too.” he combed his fingers through her hair, “but we’ll see her soon. we’re on our way back right now remember? and then she’ll be on the ship with us for a while.”
“i know, it’s just. sometimes i just feel like i need someone to talk to and she’s not here and,” she continued to ramble on before roger interrupted her.
“you know you can always talk to me right?”
“well yeah but you’re busy, i don’t want to distract you because of my dumb troubles.”
“nothing you say could be dumb to me sweetie. you’re still my daughter.”
she nodded, “thank you dad.”
“of course.” the pair sat there in each others arms for a few minutes before a knock came from the door. it opened to reveal shanks, buggy, and rayleigh. “how much of that did you guys hear?”
“say Y/N, do you want to see the picture of your dad in that shirt?”
“don’t you dare rayleigh.”
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italianiinguerra · 2 days
Le Medaglie d'Oro della Grande Guerra - Sottotenente NICOLA NISCO - Malga della Cava (Vicenza), 31 maggio 1916
Nome e CognomeNicola NiscoLuogo e data di nascitaNapoli, 3 agosto 1896Forza ArmataRegio EsercitoArmaFanteriaCorpo o specialitàGranatieriReparto1º Reggimento, Brigata “Granatieri di Sardegna”UnitàI BattaglioneGradoGranatiereAnni di servizio1911-16Guerre e campagnePrima Guerra MondialeLuogo e data del conferimentoMalga della Cava (Vicenza), 31 maggio 1916Luogo e data della morteMalga della Cava…
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latinotiktok · 7 months
alexa play "latinoamerica es un pueblo al sur de estados unidos" by los prisioneros
Somos un pueblito tan simpático Que todos nos ayudan si se trata de un conflicto armado Pero es misma cantidad de oro la podrían dar Para encontrar la solución definitiva al hambre Latino América es grande Debe aprender a decidir
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las-microfisuras · 3 months
Decirte cómo pesa el amor
como pesa sobre algún hombro,
el tuyo, el mío
y el peso del camino y
el peso del dolor
que ningún cuerpo sostiene.
_ Irene Gruss, en "La luz en la ventana", El escarabajo de oro, Buenos Aires, 1982
_ Foto: Guadalupe Grande Aguirre.
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eu-estou-queimando · 4 days
Eu não quero guerra com ninguém
Já tenho enfrentado grandes batalhas
Contra meus demônios
Não venho vencendo meu leão diario
Eles se acumularam tanto,
Vivo na cova com leões
As vezes eu perco
E morro de medo desse mal aqui dentro vencer
Eu oro, clamo o tempo todo
Para não desistir da bondade ensinada pelos meus pais
Do amor que me rodeia, desde de menina...
Eu tento ser melhor todos os dias,
Mas a minha luta é com meu eu de ontem
Não com você, nem com ninguém
Aprendi que meu maior adversário
Está diante do reflexo do espelho.
Hoje eu pedi, meti a porr@da na cara dela
Agora tenho mais um leão me esperando...
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