#paola speaks
kabukiaku · 24 days
anyone else get 'excitement anxiety'? like, you're looking forward to something and you're so excited you can't focus or eat? that's me with the ghost movie.
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strrwbrrryjam · 7 months
im not one for dramas and horror but the fall of the house of usher is definitely worth the watch, its absolutely brutal and excellent if you want to see corrupt rich people suffer, it is also incredibly tragic
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lonely-dog-song · 11 months
today i found out envelopes at the post office are FREE! but the stamps needed to send them are what cost all the money. (i was on the USPS website wondering why a pack of 10 flat rate envelopes was $0.00)
imagine, all those free envelopes... that's a lot of possibilities.......
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razreads · 2 months
What guides activists in their difficult pursuit of equity is a profound faith in the possibility of a just world and an unconditional love for their communities.
Paola Mendoza & Abby Sher, Sanctuary
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thearbourist · 6 months
Conversations You Won't Hear In The Canadian Media - Paola Diana
This is exactly the sort of conversations we need to be having here in Canada. The pernicious nature of gender ideology must be exposed and critiqued in the public sphere. People must be allowed to form their opinions based on the facts, not coercion, which is the typical method used when any issue about transgenderism and gender ideology crops up. Paola Diana is simply on fire in this interview…
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genderkoolaid · 8 months
Intro to Anti-transmasculinity (ATM)
(also ft. an about me section)
Defining ATM:
Anti-transmasculinity refers to the systematic oppression of transmasculinity. “Transmasculinity” refers to the concept of people seen as female having a masculine or manly gender or gender expression*. Other terms used for this are transandrophobia, transmisandry, and transmascphobia.
In 1963, feminist Betty Freidan described misogyny as “the problem with no name,” illustrating how at the time, women’s language to understand, describe and communicate their oppression was underdeveloped. Anti-transmasculinity has been, similarly, a problem with no name; transmasculine people have not had the language or framework to understand, describe, and communicate our oppression. Transmasculinity suffers from erasure, often called “invisibility”. This does not protect transmasculine people from violence; it silences us to prevent us from speaking out against, or realizing, the violence done to us. It alienates us from our history, our brothers, siblings and sisters, and ourselves, by preventing transmasculinity from being seen, heard, discussed, or considered. For more posts of mine and others that help expand on the theory of anti-transmasculinity, see my #theory tag.
*This is not my definition of transmasculinity as an identity. This definition is for the form of transness targeted by transphobia, which is based around the idea of "female/woman trying to be male/a men." My definition of transmasculinity as an identity is any form of masculinity or manhood that is trans* in nature, regardless of presentation or assigned sex. I make this distinction because a GNC man assigned male could see his manhood as trans, but be targeted by transphobia based around the idea of a man trying to be a woman.
Who can be affected by ATM?:
Anyone can suffer from anti-transmasculinity, regardless of gender, sex or sexuality. Anti-transmasculine violence targets perceived transmasculinity, which means anyone perceived as transmasculine can be victimized. That is not the extent of how people are affected, though; people who perceive themselves to be transmasculine, consciously or unconsciously, or who have traits associated with transmasculinity can also be affected by witnessing anti-transmasculinity.
(TW: transphobic murder)
People who are associated with transmasculinity (such as partners, friends, and family of transmasculine people) can also be affected, not just through emotional pain but targeted for physical violence. As an example, Italian cis woman Maria Paola Gaglione was murdered by her brother to "teach her a lesson" after she got engaged to a trans man.
Who can be anti-transmasculine?:
Anyone can be anti-transmasculine, regardless of gender, sex, or sexuality. It is a systemic way of thinking that is spread throughout society and culture, and reproduces itself constantly in people's thoughts and actions.
Who benefits from anti-transmasculinity?:
In the grand scheme of things, everyone suffers from the restrictive nature of transphobia. However, in general, only cisgender, gender-conforming people systematically benefit from anti-transmasculinity. Other trans* people do not; trans* people do not systematically benefit from each other’s oppression.
* *trans is a way of writing “trans” that emphasizes it as a broad umbrella term inclusive of everyone who trangresses gender and sex norms
Is ATM caused by “misandry”?
In transunity theory, “misandry” is used to refer to the way that gender roles around manhood/masculinity are weaponized to harm marginalized people, (in this case) specifically trans* people; trans* people are viewed as having the worst traits of both masculinity and femininity, as well as the inherent negativity associated with androgyny. In this sense, anti-transmasculinity does involve misandry, as do anti-transfeminity* and exorsexism**. However, all of these also involve misogyny and misandrogyny***. Which one of these is more dominant varies between types of transphobia, as well as the individuals doing the violence and the ones experiencing it.
To quote this article, "Misandry [...] can never reliably be prevented from collapsing into transphobia."
*i use anti-transfemininity (ATF) as a companion to anti-transmasculinity, as an alternative to “transmisogyny.” This is because, as I explain, my philosophy on transphobia is that all transphobias are inherently misogynistic and all trans* people experience the intersection of misogyny. Additionally, transunity theory frames transphobia as being the intersection of many forms of gendered bigotry, so using the “anti-” terms lets me talk about these transphobias without having to specify it by only one kind (like -misogyny or -androphobia)
** exorsexism refers to oppression of people who violate the gender or sex binaries; it includes intersexism, but also oppression against non-binary people.
*** misandrogyny is the hatred of/bigotry against androgyny, a companion to misogyny and misandry. “androgyny” here refers to anything outside the exclusive male/female binary; examples of misandrogyny are violence done when someone cannot tell someone’s gender/sex, and the idea of nonbinary and genderqueer language as immature, annoying, and pointless, while binary language is considered mature, normal, and useful.
Evidence of ATM:
I have the tags #examples of transandrophobia and #experiences with transandrophobia; the first is posts showing transandrophobia in action, and the second is people describing the transandrophobia they have experienced or witnessed.
I also keep the Archive of Violence Against Trans*masculine People, which keeps a record of events of anti-transmasculine violence. This includes murder, rape, abuse, physical assault, harassment, and the suicides of transmasculine people. Also on this archive is a list of academic research & writing related to anti-transmasculinity; the studies provide more objective evidence of the systemic oppression transmasculine people face, and analyses which can help with understanding how anti-transmasculinity works.
You can also look at @transandrophobia-archive which collects examples of anti-transmasculine Tumblr posts.
Info on Me:
I’m genderqueer, transsexual, and a transvestite; I am a man and a woman and neither (all of which affect each other), and identify with both transmasc, transfem, and transother. I’m also aromantic + greysexual. My sexuality is everything everywhere all at once.
Originally this blog was just made for me to process and deal with my own internalized anti-transmasculinity, but then people liked what I wrote and now its a place where I talk about queer issues & related things I find important.
I’m multiply disabled (both physically and mentally) and I struggle with answering asks; if I don’t answer you for a while feel free to just send your ask again, I will not mind. Also feel free to ask me to explain anything in plain language if you have difficulty understanding something. I don’t mind educating people or helping people find resources, as long as you are respectful and are in good faith and all that.
I am going into philosophy and sociology with a focus on religion, and run @transtheology where I collect posts on trans-affirming spirituality and religion. If you have any questions or want advice related to transness and spirituality/religion (or madness & spirituality/religion) I’d love to help you the best I can.
If you would like to support me, here’s my kofi
Further Resources:
""Transandrophobia" Primer" by nothorses
"As a transfem, what's your insight on the way transmascs are treated when talking about their experiences?" by cipheramnesia
"This is just your regular free-of-charge reminder that when people argue that transandrophobia does not exist, or that its not important enough to talk about, they are explicitly saying they don't care about sexual assault victims or victims of suicide (among other things)" by nothorses
"Transandrophobia Posts Masterpost- 2022" by transgentlemanluke
Pinned post with links to discussions about transandrophobia, baeddelism, and other issues by nothorses
"What is transandophobia actually?" by transmasc-pirate, with additions by doberbutts and psychoticallytrans
"Transandrophobic Fundamentals and the Intersections of Trans Masc Marginalization" by none-gender-left-man
"Hello, I apologise if you've already received questions like this, but can you explain why you would say that transmisandry/androphobia is distinct from misogyny?" by transfaguette
"I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out." by Jennifer Coates
This conversation between doberbutts and folly-of-alexandria
Transandrophobia Explained carrd, by myself
Transmisogyny is not the intersection of transphobia and misogyny by luckyladylily
This post on misogyny, misandry, and transandrophobia by thorne1345
"tumblr can make fun of Blizzard’s Oppression Calculator all they want, that’s exactly how people act with discourse poisoned queer discussions" by cardentist
Invisible Men: FTMs and Homelessness in Toronto by the FTM Safer Shelter Project Research Team
On Hating Men (And Becoming One) by Noah Zazanis
There is a hidden epidemic of violence against transmasculine people by Orion Rodriguez
“Irl we just kiss”: ‘transmasc vs transfem’ discourse & reactionary ‘boys vs girls’ politics in trans spaces by S.L Void
Making Sense Out of the Murders of Trans Men by Mitch Kellaway
Collateral Damage: mathematical odds & the sum of survival. by S.L Void
Op-ed: Trans Men Experience Far More Violence Than Most People Assume by Loree Cook-Daniels
How the Criminalization of Testosterone Attacks Gender Variant People by Adryan Corcione
A Tale of a Trans Man in Pakistan by Ikra Javed
Not transmasc invisibility, but erasure: intricacies of transmasc invisibility, and the fallacies of strictly gendered transphobia by S.L Void
Girlboy Boygirl Blues: antitransmasculinity as a denial of individual history & more by S.L Void
The r/transandrophobia subreddit
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multific · 1 year
Your First Valentine's Day with Modern Warfare Men - Preferences
Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, König, Alejandro /x Reader/
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John Price
A romantic wedding is his best idea for Valentine's day.
He would reserve a table in a restaurant you both like. He would go full out, chocolates, flowers, a gift.
"I know I don't spend much time with you unfortunately, but I want today to be special."
You know he would try to impress you with the expensive stuff, but if you tell him that even a Burger King menu would make you happy, he would ask you to marry him on the spot.
He's lucky to have you so he would make sure you know how much he appreciates and loves you.
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley
He would either cook or order something for the occasion. You for sure would stay at home.
He would have the place lit up with candles, soft music in the background.
He would be the definition of soft and cozy.
He would look up internet articles and photos on how to decorate and what to get.
He is not a man of words, more like actions, so he would prove his love by showing you his love.
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Johnny 'Soap' Mactavish
A hopeless romantic, he wants to cook something special, but he would nearly burn down his house twice before agreeing to just go out instead. 
He would buy you your favourite flowers and a soft bear toy which holds a heart.
He would try to be mysterious and sexy, but he would have a grin on his face so big, it would warm your heart to the fullest.
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
Would go all the way out! Book you an entire weekend in a nice hotel. Rose petals everywhere, romance and passion are the two words to describe the weekend.
Kyle would show you a side of his that you have never seen before.
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Shy boy, König still wants to prove his love to you, he wants to create something romantic. Since he is not a big fan of public places, he would also invite you over. 
Prior to the big day, he would spend days on websites ordering decorations, flowers and everything he would need.
He would cook traditional Austrian food for you, and tell you stories about how his mother used to make them for him.
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Alejandro Vargas
Man has romance in his blood.
Soft Spanish words are spoken that night. He would reserve a table in a nice restaurant, and he would be evil enough to book a place where no one speaks Spanish just so he can tell you anything he wants to. Even if you don't speak Spanish, being with him a couple words for sure would catch your attention. 
He would buy roses, first, he wanted to buy as many as days you have spent together. Then he just settled on a nice bouquet. 
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Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead​ feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @paola-carter @stunkbiggu @violet-19999 @praline357 @trshngyn
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spicyclover · 11 months
Delilah | Part two
Summary: “ Hey there, Delilah                                                                                        I know times are gettin' hard                                                                                  But just believe me, girl                                                                                Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar                                                                 We'll have it good                                                                                                We'll have the life we knew we would                                                                      My word is good “
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! 
I'm open to requests.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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You kiss her head and close the door getting back to the living room. Paola returned to her apartment, and you sat by the door, wondering what to do. 
You’ve had an exhausting week. The lack of sleep and the anxiety of seeing him again is eating away at you. You have nightmares. Each time the same. You are in front of his house six years earlier, begging him to let you in. The rain is falling, and you are wet. Your tears mingle with the rain, and you’re exhausted from banging on his door. You end up collapsing on the ground, curling up on yourself. The dream keeps repeating itself, and you wake up with a start every time the door opens.
Your eyes widen, and you struggle to find your breath. You frantically search around you without knowing exactly what you are looking for. You are hot. The sheets are soaked with sweat, and you sigh by passing your hand on your face. It can’t last any longer. You look at the time on the dial on your bedside table and blow more, knowing it’s just four in the morning. “So much for your sleep.” You take your phone and look at the messages you received. Your mother sent you a mem of a cat, and you smile tenderly, noticing the resemblance with Cato. Speaking of which, he enters the room discreetly and rests at the edge of the bed. "Of course, he heard me." You look at him briefly before he turns to the door.
It is not possible, this cat. No matter what time he asks for food. You whisper it is not time, and he shakes his disgruntled tail. You keep watching the news and your networks. You follow the F1 closely and pass their story one after the other. The Spanish Grand Prix is fast approaching. Delilah always dreams of going there and seeing the cars in real life. You look at the time again, and already two hours are gone. You decide to get up and start the routine.
The hours go by, and the idea is always in your head. Why not go? There is no harm. What could happen? That you meet him, that he recognizes you, that he sees Delilah, that he ignores you and ignores her at the same time and that your daughter’s little heart is broken again... Out of the question! You are on the bus back, and your mind is lost in your contacts. You are in his name. You never managed to get his number off your phone or his nickname simultaneously. Your thumbs overlook his name without touching him. Your brain hesitates, but your body seems to want to decide for itself.
The bus stops suddenly, and you press the call button. Panic invades you, and you look at your phone with big eyes. You get it near your ear.
"Sorry, the number you’re trying to reach is no longer available."
He changed his number. Surprisingly, your heart is tightening. You’ve invaded with vomiting. He changed his number. That asshole changed his number. You know it’s not necessarily your fault, but you can’t help but think about it. He didn’t even send you a message to warn you. Tears come up, but you refuse to let them down. He doesn’t deserve your tears. He abandoned you. He... he broke your heart.
You put your keys in the lock and the ball in your belly. What are you going to do now? Delilah will never recover. She wanted you to contact him so she could see him at least once. You don’t want to break that hope in her. It’s so hard. Not having her father present for her is already so hard. Not having two signatures in her school notebook. Not being related to his father’s side. Not having him at her dance shows. Not having him for her birthdays.
You open the door with a heavy heart and a full head. Delilah sits quietly in the living room and draws. She is so wise. You thank Paola, and you sit next to her.
"Delilah, cariño, escúchame." You say, caressing her long hair. "Sé que realmente quieres conocer a tu padre y yo..." Delilah, baby, listen to me. I know you really want to meet your dad, and I..."
"¿Te pusiste en contacto con él?" She asks, starry eyes.  "¿Quiere verme? ¿Dijo qué? ¿Cuándo lo vemos?" She gets increasingly excited, and you feel bad breaking her dream. Did you contact him? He wants to see me? He said what? When do we see him?
You don’t know why or how. But the lie that came out of your mouth sealed your destiny.
"Sí, e incluso dijo que lo vamos a visitar en Madrid. Vamos a pasar algún tiempo con la abuela y el abuelo." You want to bang your head against a wall. Why couldn’t you admit to your daughter that her father didn’t warn you about his number change? It wasn’t hard to say you couldn’t get in touch with him, and he didn’t want to see her… Yes, and he even said we’ll visit him in Madrid. We’re going to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa.
You got yourself in a mess.
The end of the month is here, and you get on the train to your parents' country house. You haven’t been there in five years and for good reason. Last time you were here, you were so pregnant with your daughter. Your mother begged you for weeks to come home and spend a few days trying to reconcile your relationship with your father, but he wouldn’t listen and went fishing all the time you were there.
You walked in the fields with your mother to try to get her out. You laughed when you saw Blanca in the distance. You quickly turned around to avoid her, and your mother followed you. You heard her call you, but you ignored her. Fortunately, your oversized coat hid your belly, and you could leave without further incident. You took a train ticket that night to avoid another incident, and you’re saying goodbye to your mother and hometown with big tears. A few days later, when you arrived in Fuengirola, you gave birth. You texted him to tell him she was born, but you never got an answer. So you didn’t insist, and you gave up.
The landscapes pass by, and you get to fall from the night in the small village. Delilah is asleep, and you take her off the train thanking the nice Samaritan who helped you get your bags out of the vehicle. You then found your mother waiting at the entrance of the station. She greets you with open arms and embraces tenderly the forehead of Delilah, who sleeps in your arms. You thank her kindly for taking your bags, and you head to the car. The headlights are on, and you’re surprised to see your dad sitting in the driver’s seat, but you don’t say anything. You don’t know how to react by getting closer to the car. He comes out and approaches you. No words are exchanged, but you know he forgave you. He hugs you and kisses your temple before he takes Delilah and puts her in the car seat.
The ride is quiet, and you end up falling asleep at the noise of the road. Two hours of the car are between the city center and the house. This dream-free sleep does you good, and you recover the energy that left you that last month. The vehicle is parked, and you wake up. Your eyes are looking at the garden where you spent all your childhood and the house that saw you grow up. Six years have passed. You cannot believe it. Delilah wakes up beside you, and you smile tenderly. The energy took her, and she began to admire everything around her. She greets her grandpa and grandmother warmly before running around the garden laughing. 
The first few days go well. Your parents get to know your daughter, and you gradually regain your strength. You’re happy to find your father. After so many years, you’re pleased to be able to hug him and watch your favourite show together again. You took a stroll through the city and its surroundings. Delilah got a nice bike, and your father has been teaching her to do it for a few days. You talk to your mother, and you miss your complicity.
You spend a lot of time biking and enjoying nature. It changes the urban landscapes that you’re used to seeing. Delilah is riding a pony for the first time and doesn’t want to let it go. She eats pony, laughs pony, plays pony, and wants a pony.
You regret that your mother had this idea, but seeing Delilah so happy does you good. Maybe she will forget her father...You spoke with your parents about Delilah’s desire to meet her dad. To be able to see him. You talked about your fears and the hard years you’ve been through alone. Your father feels guilty that he couldn’t put his ego aside so that you could stay close to them, but you reassure him that you don’t regret anything. Seeing your daughter smile daily is worth all the trouble in the world.
You’re talking about going to a Grand Prix to find him, but you don’t want to. You’re completely lost and don’t know what to do about it. You talk about a good part of the evening, and it’s only once the big clock in the living room announces midnight that your parents decide to go to bed. You just sit out in the open, taking advantage of the summer breeze to think better. It’s already mid-July. You can’t believe that time is moving so fast. You return to your room a few minutes later with a restless but relaxed mind.
The next day, you are at the village market, and you market the various vegetables and fruit you see at the best prices. Delilah smells each product and displays a satisfied head every time the smell is sweet. The traders laugh at her adorable face and even offer her fruit for free. Delilah walks through the different stands making her little game to get as many items as possible. You sneer tenderly with your mother when you notice your daughter’s ploy.
Watch her from the corner of your eye. Her little hat with strawberries strapped to her head helps you spot her in the crowd. She is at the honey stand. You thank the seller, who hands you your bag filled with good vegetables and turns around to find your daughter. You see her talking to a stranger. You frown as you approach. If there’s one thing you don’t want her to do, it’s talk to strangers.
“Delilah, come on. Let’s go. We’re done shopping for today.” She turns to you, and the stranger raises his head. Your heart misses a beat. It’s not possible. What’s he doing there. The eyes of the unknown also open.
Let me know if you would like a part three in the comments!
TAG LIST (All Stories) : darkmalice00 karmabyfernando
TAG LIST (This story): karmabyfernando omgsuperstarg soosheee mypage-myfandoms trouble-sistar aileeincomplexity sweetwerewolfqueen darkmalice00 gaslysainz kimikimki fandomsfeminismandme aundercover
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pablitogavii · 11 months
Can you do a post about gavi that is based on Diet Mountain Dew by lana del rey please!
I LOVE Lana so ofc I had to do this request! I hope you enjoy the story anon <3
Bad Friend
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"Wait what!!? You never went out without your boyfriend!?" Paola said and I blushed nodding my head not thinking that was really a bad thing considering that having Pablo besides me always made me feel safe.
"No freaking way! Girl! We gotta go out tonight alone!" Sasha added as they all laughed making me even more uncomfortable since I really didn't want to go to club alone.
I struggle with a lot of anxiety which Pablo knows and is the only one with whom I feel safe in a setting like that. I don't like how pushy men are at those places and being rude is the only way to get rid of them..another thing I don't now how to do!
"Um..I don't think Pablo would be okay with that" I said hoping they would just drop it and change the subject but that made them even more determined.
"You can't let your man control you like that! You don't need his permission to go out alone!" Paola was quick to say not really knowing that it was my decision to not go as well as Pablo's..she just took it the wrong way.
"Yeah! Like he won't respect you if you just do everything he wants!" Sasha said and that made me stop and thing..what if they were right? They had many more 'relationships' than me and maybe they speak from experince..maybe Pablo will get bored if I just do whatever he says.
"Mm..o..okay..let's do it then!" I said not really meaning it but wanting to me 'interesting' and make Pablo excited which definitely was not going to end well.
Later than night, I was in our shared bedroom getting ready and wearing one of my black club dresses with white bows on the edges. It was my favorite and Pablo always said I looked like 'his little present' whenever I would wear it so it made me love it that much more.
"Princesita? Do you want to have a bath together..?" Pablo walked in stoping immediately and looking me from head to toe. He certainly enjoyed the view and it flattered me.
"Never mind...I like you wearing that a lot more"he walked up to me pulling me close and kissing my lips softly while caressing my sides feeling the soft material under his fingertips.
"Why are you all dressed up amorcito? Wanted to surprise me??" he smirked and I blushed smiling into soft kisses he left on my lips but when I shook my head he waited patiently for a response.
"Um..I am going out tonight" I said looking up at his face that looked very much confused and a little shocked too. Was it really that shocking I wanted to go out?? Maybe that's what needs to happen so I'm not 'boring' to him??
"Did we make plans I forgot about? Cause I will get ready quickly and I'm gonna match you!" he said and I shook my head again pulling back from the hug and fixing my dress.
"I am going out alone with the girls.." I said looking from the mirror back to his face which now was starting to look partly angry as well as very much worried.
"Amor..you shouldn't go alone" he said simply walking back towards me and pulling me into his arms but I pulled back again. I am doing this!
"Why not!? You don't think I can take care of myself??" I said defensively not really knowing why him saying that made me angry because he was right..I really didn't want to go alone.
"Princesa, it's very different when a girl goes to the club with her boyfriend and when she goes alone with the girls..." Pablo tired to diffuse the situation but I could tell he was really not okay with this.
"I want to go and you are so controlling!" I spat regretting it immediately after seeing Pablo's hurt face. What the hell was I saying!? He was not controlling, he was the best boyfriend in the world and one who always took care of me. I hated myself when I looked into his eyes in that moment.
"I'm sorry, amor..if you want to go, you are free to do it" he pulled back raising his hands up in surrender before leaving for the bathroom and I grabbed my bag hating that I couldn't just lay in bed in his arms but instead go to the place I hated the most.
"Girl!!! Vamos!!!" they picked me up already very much drunk probably pre gaming beforehand but I wasn't really in the mood to drink tonight. Not when I was already feeling anxious and after how I behaved towards Pablo. I felt so bad!
pablitoo: pls be careful tonight princesita. no matter what, if you need me you call me <3 te amo!
I smiled at his text but before I could reply, Sasha grabbed my phone screaming 'tonight you forget about him girl!' turning off my phone just as we arrived the bar.
It's been an hour and I've never been more bored in my life. People were clearly not in their right mind slurring their speech, touching each other on the dance floor and yelling the lyrics.
I was sitting at the bar while the girls were somewhere on the dance floor and I decided to turn my phone back on now that they were nowhere to stop me.
"Hey, preciosa! Let me buy you a drunk..never was ever girl so pretty" a man said making me jump me in my seat not really expecting him to be this close.
"Um..that's okay..thank you" I said pressing on the button to turn on my phone violently like it was the only thing that could save me from this..I needed Pablo.
"Oh come on! One drink with a pretty girl like you would make my night!" he kept pushing and you were still shaking your head as the girls joined in and your phone was finally on.
"Um..I have a boyfriend, sir so no thank you" I showed him my lock screen in which me and Pablo were hugging on the beach in Ibiza..what a lovely memory.
"So what!? It's just a drink! You should take it girl!" Sasha said and I gave her a look signaling that I was uncomfortable but she acted like that didn't matter at all.
"Yeah, she'll have that drink" Paola added but I jumped off the seat feeling the whole room closing in on me as anxiety set in. I sucking wanted to run away from this situation right now!
"No..I'm okay really..I don't want a drink" I said my voice broken and my legs frozen when the man moved towards me like a predator eyeing his prey. I felt so freaking uncomfortable.
"You're a good girl, aren't you..calling me sir and all..let me treat you baby" he tried to touch my hair but I really ran away this time locking myself in the bathroom with tears in my eyes gripping my phone and dialing Pablo's number. Not even one beep passed and I heard his low baritone that brought me immediate comfort.
"Princesa? Everything alright mi amor??" he said calmly and I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I felt horrible for what I said and the way I acted especially when he was still talking so softly to me afterwards.
"Lo siento muchisimo Pablito..I..um..I want to go home.." I was crying into the phone praying nobody find me here but Pablo..I just wanted Pablo.
"I am right outside the bar, where are you amor??" he said and you smiled that he was really sitting in front of the bar for an hour because he knew I would need him.
"Um..girl's bathroom" I whimpered and not even one minute passed as he barged in calling my name and being cussed out by other girls.
"In here!" I said opening the door and he kneeled in front of me putting his hands on my thighs and reassuring me that he was right there and that I was safe.
"Let's go home, hm princesa?" he said after a few moments and I nodded feeling him raise me in his arms and carry me bridal style towards the exit doors.
"You bitches are not even up to my girl's knees!" Pablo spat at the two of them who were still vibing with the same man who wouldn't leave me alone and I laid my head on Pablo's shoulder as we walked to his car.
We arrived and he carried me all the way to our shared bedroom placing me on the bed and taking off my dress before dressing me in his oversized Barça t-shirt that I used for pajamas.
"Lo siento..I didn't mean that you were controlling..um..they say you will get bored if I'm always a good girl..so I wanted to be bad" I spoke shyly while he was taking off my makeup looking so perfect in that moment.
"They have never been loved, princesa..and I love my good girl..I could never get bored of her..she is mi pequeño anjo.." he kissed my lips after finishing cleaning my face and then whispering "there are different ways you could be my bad girl princesa" and I blushed hiding my face in his neck making him giggle as well and pull me onto his lap.
"Thank you for bringing me home.." I whispered after a few minutes of comfortable silence feeling him kiss my head lovingly.
"Always, mi amor..you always call when you need me and I will be right there for you" he said and I moved even closer holding him tight.
"I am never going out without you!!" I said and he chuckled nodding his head and pulling me to bed as we both were tucked in cuddled up and finally ready to fall asleep.
"Te amo muchisimo princesita" he said and I nodded kissing his neck cause his lips were too far right now.
"Te amo Pablito!" you said back as you both fell into sleep with your bodies interlocked together.
I hope you like it <33 Very fluffy I know!!
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kabukiaku · 7 days
every day I am grateful for not having a twitter nor TikTok I am living the best life as a ghost fan (in my silly corner with some friends and my regulars who always make my day) 🖤✨👍
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respectthepetty · 5 months
What are some of your favorite novelas, Petty? I grew up loving them too and personally I will ALWAYSSS show up for anything Fernando Colunga is in!
Anon, I'm not giving you some of my favorites. No. I'm giving you my favorite - If you know this bitch (affectionate and derogatory), you KNOW where this is going!
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For all the BL people, this is why @italianpersonwithashippersheart, @lukaherehelp, and I are having no qualms about Twins or Playboyy.
Telenovelas, soap operas, y lakorns have trained us well for these shenanigans and hijinks.
Why y'all can't remember twenty-two people's names is beyond me, but I had them down the first episode.
Why y'all don't like the tonal whiplash is odd to me because for me, ten minutes on one couple is TOO MUCH TIME. Six minutes, TOP, and move on to the next one.
Someone getting stabbed in one scene then the next scene being someone celebrating at a birthday party is the way I like my shows, and don't let that person be getting stabbed AT that birthday party because that is my bread and butter.
Oh, and TWINS!
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My favorite show includes all of these fine points, and it's the 1998 Mexican telenovela called
La usurpadora
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Somewhere in fictional hell, Soraya Montenegro from María la del Barrio is pissed as fuck.
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The plot: Paola is a rich bitch and wants to leave her husband for her evil lover but can't figure out how.
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¡Sorpresa, cabrona! She meets a worker who looks just like her while on vacation or some shit.
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Paulina is the other woman and she is too poor to contour. Therefore, rich bitch Paola convinces kind and caring Paulina to be her stand-in. Paola tells Paulina she will live the best life and be rich, while Paola can be free. It's a win-win.
Paulina refuses! So Paola blackmails her into doing it, and with her mother dead, her fiance gone, and no job (since she was fired as part of Paola's blackmailing scheme), Paulina is forced to take the offer. This is like episode 2 out of 102.
In the next 100 episodes, we get forty-five other characters who are all important to the plot, amnesia, cheating, murder attempts, Paola pretending to be paralyzed, Paulina GOES TO PRISON, someone discovers they are actually twins (no duh!), and a crap ton of more drama.
Oh, and the car crash!
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But God got Paulina, so she good. Even in the sequel when she had cancer, pero no, she was just pregnant.
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The show is based on a 1971 Venezuelan telenovela that was adapted from the book La Intrusa, and has since had several remakes. One was in 2019, which made Paulina Colombian (or was she always Colombian?), and A MUSICAL THIS YEAR!
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It holds a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes because the people know this was a 🎁🎁🎁 from God, and it is not up for debate because it featured men dancing around singing Celia Cruz's "La vida es un carnaval" y Selena's "Bidi Bidi Bom Bom." This movie is the moment.
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The lead is Cuban actress Isabella Castillo Díaz who played in America and México's co-produced telenovela ¿Quién es quién?, which is basically the boy version of La usurpadora because of the twins plot. Do you see the theme?
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But back to the musical, which also features Drag Race superstar, Valentina. If you know this bitch (affectionate and derogatory), you KNOW!
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The 1998 version and musical both embrace the camp of it all. The music in the original 1998 version was peak telenovela, and even if you don't speak Spanish, readers, just watch the first minute of this video. I promise you it will be worth it, and it will give you three perfect examples of the *vibes* I'm always rambling about.
So, yeah, Anon, I hope this explains a lot of about my taste in BLs. I'm here for a show, not the show. Soraya understands.
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changingplumbob · 21 days
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 11
To ditch career day... or to not ditch career day...
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CW: Distressed infant
Since Tiana cannot speak her thoughts will often be in brackets
While Eliza and Bob have taken infant leave from their jobs, there is no such option for the teens. Fergus and Onyx pop their heads into the nursery where Bob is still rocking a sleeping Tiana and kiss her goodbye for the day. Then school awaits!
It looks like the Pancakes may have missed the outfit memo for today, oops. While Onyx heads off to find some friends Fergus tries to hastily finish the homework he neglected to finish. Unfortunately his friends are not much help this morning.
Anya: I look fabulous, thank you watcher
Artemisia: Are you staring at my best bracelet friend
Darwin: What? No. I was looking for the bus
Artemisia: Looking for the bus while we’re at school, unlikely
Atlas: I don’t think he meant anything by it
Fergus: Hold up- what did you guys get for 13?
Artemisia: Look dude, just keep your eyes to yourself
Darwin: Sure, and you can keep your venom to yourself
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Outside the main building Onyx and Paola have some time relaxing.
Onyx: Aim for the centre
Paola: Of course I’m aiming for the centre dummy
Zhafira: Onyx! Hey! Look who caught the bus again successfully!
Zhafira approaches the pair beaming happily.
Onyx: Congrats. Did you hear they’re shuffling classes today
Zhafira looks downcast while Onyx explains the younger and older students will be having combined classes for the morning. They'll be with some of their friends but not Zhafira who seems upset at having to get to know even more new people.
As this is happening Mrs Tinker and Mrs Hensley come over and try give Paola some tips for successful throwing. Unfortunately they have contrasting opinions and in the end the teens decide the safest option is just to pretend they’ve gotten bored and head inside.
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Onyx takes a quick swim before class and still manages to get to the room before the teacher begins the lesson.
Mrs T: Today we will be buddying up. Older students please join a younger student and we will begin designing a business for this scenario
Onyx: Mrs T can’t I just buddy up with Amie since she’s beside me
Mrs T: Sorry Onyx but Mr A wants to foster whole school cooperation, that's why we're having staggered classes this morning
Carson: I wish William had been put in here
Darwin: Don’t worry, we’ll see him at lunch
Carson: And I wish some outfits didn’t make my glasses vanish, it's like I've been dressed by a computer
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After class wraps up Fergus goes to talk with Artemisia.
Fergus: I’m excited to see what we’ll learn this afternoon
Artemisia: *sighs* Don’t be too excited, it’s career day
Fergus: You’re not punking me, we only just started high school. There is no career day
Artemisia: I’m serious. I’m also thinking of skipping out on it
Fergus: We can do that?
Artemisia: I reckon I can, question is do you have the guts to
Fergus: Of course I do. Onyx was still feeling ill this morning so we can use that excuse to head home
Artemisia: May the best person not be caught
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Back home Eliza is carrying Tiana when the infant fusses to be put down.
Eliza: Okay then, down we go
Tiana: *coos* (I coo now mother) *coos louder*
Eliza: Was that a coo? Was that a coo? I think it was *claps*
Tiana smiles and sticks her fingers in her mouth. Mother is pleased, she must be doing well. Even though mother keeps saying the word go, Tiana is happy they haven't seemed to leave the house.
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Eliza is busy feeding Tiana when Fergus walks through the room.
Eliza: Hold on! What are you doing home?
Fergus: Umm, Onyx’s head got bad again so we came home so they could get a nap
Fergus walks over to the suckling infant and holds her hand for a bit. Tiana doesn't seem to grip back yet but she's looking at him curiously.
Eliza: You came home so Onyx could nap? I don’t think so. Onyx is capable of napping by themselves
Fergus: Fine, it was career day! I don’t need to worry about that yet. I’ll do extra homework tonight I promise
Eliza burps Tiana who spits up down her back.
Eliza: Ugh. it's okay honey, we can clean that up
Fergus: Want me to grab a cloth
Eliza: Please. Now I do not want you skipping school again, but since you’re here you can walk Strawberry since you're keen to help Onyx
Fergus: But I want to- *sighs* yes mother
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The house is left quiet for Onyx’s nap while Bob takes Ginger for a run and Fergus takes Strawberry for a walk.
Eliza: Come on my snuggly sleeper. You get comfy back there and you can nap while mother does her run
Tiana: *coos questioningly* (wait, no, not outside! I don't want to leave) *cries* (I want to stay with mother)
Eliza: It's okay Tiana, mother is right here with you. We're just going to check out the neighbourhood huh. You'll be okay
Eliza jogs off and keeps talking to Tiana. Eventually the regular bouncing of the back carrier and the softness of Eliza's voice lull Tiana to sleep. Eliza is delighted to hear a quiet snuffling snore at her back as she runs.
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Later that day...
Fergus: Dad?
Bob: Yes
Fergus: Umm, Tiana is crying. Don’t you think you should go give her a nap rather than carry her on your back
Bob: But- she’s learning with me though
Eliza: Fergus is right Bob, she’s exhausted. Better giver her to me
Bob: But I want to spend time with her
Eliza: And so you can, when she’s awake. You know she had a hard night, she needs to catch up on sleep still
Bob: *sighs* fine. Here Tiana honey, go with your mother *whispers* I'll teach you how to cook later though
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Eliza carries a grumpy over tired infant into the nursery and sits down with her in the rocking chair.
Eliza: There there Tiana, it’s okay, you just go to sleep
Tiana: *coos* (mother came back with me, I not left behind) *yawns*
Eliza: It's okay my sleepy girl, mother is right here and daddy is just down the hall. You can sleep, I'll keep you safe
Tiana does feel very tired and so she yawns and falls asleep in Eliza’s arms. It may not be winning a Nobel Prize but Eliza feels pretty proud of finding time in her schedule to snuggle with her daughter.
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The teens decided to do their homework at their own desks tonight! Fergus was working away on some science as he has a class trip to the aquarium tomorrow. Onyx meanwhile did their best to study for their exams. After Onyx felt like they could confidently say they were no longer sick they went and did some cheer practice. Later in the evening Tiana woke up.
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After a diaper change Eliza gets Tiana into a clean night onesie and goes in search of Bob.
Bob: Thank you for the suggestion. She’s given us so much joy already
Kayleigh: No problem at all I- oh is this her?
Eliza: *grinning* Kayleigh may I introduce our youngest? This is Tiana
Kayleigh: Oh she is precious
Bob: Come to daddy, did you have a nice nap
Eliza: She’s still quite tired, I think she’ll need a proper sleep after her bottle
Bob: We can do that
Kayleigh: I best get going, see you all later
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Bob: Can you say bye bye to Kayleigh
Tiana: *coos and snuggles into shoulder* (daddy is here, mother found him for me)
Bob: *chuckles* okay, food time then
Bob is delighted to see Tiana has a healthy appetite. He prepares himself to be spat on but to his surprise only gas comes out. Snuggling Tiana close he carries her down the hall and places her in her crib. He softly tells her another tall tale and the exhausted infant falls asleep happy with the sounds of fellow sims.
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Public sex with Tywin ?
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
Your legs shook as the soft pleasure began to move through you; the presence of others around you both had you nearly whimpering. His hand stayed firmly on your lap as he allowed you to burrow into his neck. “Yes, I shall have those with you in the morning.” Tywin conversed with the Lord next to him.
The Lord did not know that the hand of the king had his cock stuffed completely in your weeping pussy. You whimpered into his ear that the music of the feast thankfully masked as he tightened his hold on you. “You are such a little whore.” Tywin whispered into your ear; his hips jerked subtly. 
Your soaked walls clamped on his twitching cock. He’d already filled you up once at the start of the feast. His hand moved up and down your sides, softly touching the sides of your breasts when he could. Tywin pressed a soft kiss to your jaw as his hand moved to your arse under the table.
He moved you against his cock; pushing deeper and hitting your spongy spot that you soaking him. You whined and lovingly captured his soft lips, muffling your moans of pleasure as he moved you on him. “You will be with child soon. I’ll make sure of it.” Tywin continued to whisper to you.
“Now, make me cum.” The lion ordered you; pinching your arse which had your soaked walls fluttering madly around him. “Oh, yes, she is feeling unwell.” Tywin answered a question you had not heard. Your soft, ample breasts brushed against his chest whilst he continued to speak with the others close by.
Your lips parted as they brushed against his neck; your eyes welling in tears at the slow tortuous pace. You shivered at the feel of both his cum and your own wetness falling down your inner thighs. Soft whines echoed into his ear as you began to moan more. Your hips move with ease as you forget about your surroundings.
Thankfully, Tywin was better and wrapped his arms tightly around you as his hips slowly jerked now. Your eyes locked onto his own as you gulped. Your legs shaking once more as your stomach pooled with desire. His lips curled with a growing smirk as he leaned to reach for his cup; in the meantime, he pushed his cock deeper.
You grabbed at his shoulders; your nails falling into his shoulder as you clamped around his cock once more. Tywin hummed around his drink as he tried to keep his composure. His own desire builds easily. His fingers moved through your locks of hair and kept you close; your face burrowing and hiding into his neck.
You whimpered and bit into his neck as your orgasm ripped through you. His fat head pushing against your spongy spot. Your whole body nearly shook as Tywin gently rocked inside you, chasing his own release. You squeezed your eyes shut and bit into your bottom lip once more to quiet yourself.
Tywin harshly thrust deep and hard inside you before his cum flooding inside you once more. Your eyes widened as the tears began to fall. “Wanna go.” You babbled into his ear as his hold on you only tightened. His heart was racing in his own ears and you could hear him. His dark chuckle was your answer for the moment.
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Popee the Performer theory; So I was reading (granted it was TVTropes) that Popee is American and Kedamono is Japanese. Considering that, and that Papi and his elephant bus Paola have Spanish-sounding names (yes I know Papi is Popee's dad but)...
What if the reason they don't talk to each other is that they all speak different languages?
Yeah that wouldn't explain why they don't audibly laugh either, or why Kedamono would bother stopping Frog from telling the truth about his face, but it's fun to think about.
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JD ships and my thoughts on them bc I'm bored af
Exer/Jackson: do you have a brain damage. (it's not even a question because yes you do)
Exer/Brenda: respectfully, what the fuck. They're besties <3
Exer/Pamela: they. are. BESTIES.
Exer/Ronald: I feel like Exer doesn't appreciate Ron enough, also they don't interact enough (at least not on-screen) so yeah no
Exer/David: YES. childhood friends to lovers will be the death of me. Also David has always been there for Exer since the beginning, and Exer would hang the stars for David 10/10 if this isn't my love story I don't want it
Jackson/David: David was the only one of the REDs who did actually try to be friends with Jackson at first, but everytime Exer made a mistake, Jackson was mad at David too. It doesn't seem fair so no, not a huge fan, but it's also not the worst ship.
Jackson/Brenda: I did ship them a little bit when I first read it, but after the fight with Exer they literally did not speak (understandable) until the last episode of season 2. Again, not the worst ship but they're better off as friends
Jackson/Pamela: Literally canon. Also they're so cute. Also also it's girlboss x malewife and I love them.
Jackson/Ronald: and they were roommatessssss LMFAO JK respectfully no
Jackson/Ken: More popular than Jamela, and honestly it's a pretty good ship, but since it's not canon Imma try my best to just see them as friends because they are
Brenda/Pamela: Ok yeah I see it, besties to lovers, my weakness
Brenda/Jolie: I WISH THIS WAS CANON (I love my sapphic queens <3)
Brenda/Ken: Paola is heavily implying that this might be canon, but idk I don't really see it, I do love them both tho so let's see how this plays out
Ronald/Timothy: also heavily implied that this might be canon, but for some reason the height difference bothers me to no end (why is Tim the height of a carrot??)
Ronald/David: the least problematic rarepair, honestly not that bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think they're better off as besties but whatever
W*lliam/Electric chair: they deserve each other.
Exer/Ken: Idk I randomly thought of this and like .. . . ehhhhh I don't think they've interacted one on one, but yk not terrible?? 4.5/10
David/Ken: That one scene when Ken kissed David's hand was funny but nah
Ken/Tim/Jolie: honestly I feel bad for Jolie haha, I love chaos but I'd get tired of their antics quickly, I see them as a friend group tbh
Why is Ken in so many of these-
ok thanks for reading byeeee
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