#percy jackson the lightning thief
mo-mode · 5 months
“But what does Grover bring to the table? He’s just the comedy relief character.” Grover is juggling the role of babysitter, mediator, and emotional manipulator and he cracks jokes too? Give him a BREAK
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mydairpercabeth · 4 months
Percy “I am impertinent” Jackson really looked Zeus dead in the eye and said “Your family is a mess”
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crumpledroses · 4 months
Can't wait to see zeus go from "make sure i never see this one again" to offering percy immortality and then getting hit in the face with A Guide To Parenting And Other Family Issues By Perseus Jackson™
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wickedcriminal · 5 months
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poppitron360 · 13 days
Whatever you do, don’t think about how Leo is what Percy would’ve been like if Sally had actually been killed by the minotaur in TLT.
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theclassymike · 5 months
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Happy 32nd Birthday to Logan Lerman!🎂
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tsuvvy · 5 months
You drew stars around my scars
Pairings: Percy Jackson x reader, Annabeth Chase x reader, Connor Stoll x reader, Leo Valdez x reader (separate)
Summary: They comfort your insecurities of your scars
Warnings: Mentions of scars but no specifications of how they got there, I tried to keep it Gender neutral but kind of failed
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You stood in front of the mirror, the sight of the scars on your body making you nauseous. They were disgusting. You were disgusting. Everything about your scarred and ugly body was disgusting.
They made you ugly, gross, and disgusting.
You hadn't heard them come in..
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"What's got your pretty head so wrapped up, huh?" He questioned from behind you, startling you out of your thoughts. You raised your gaze to see Percy behind you in the mirror, his arms crossed as he leaned against the door frame, that flirty dumb smirk that made you swoon laid on his lips.
You turned towards him. "How long have you been there?" You questioned, still a bit startled.
"I asked first." He retorted, pushing himself off of the door frame and coming towards you.
You sighed, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms over your chest. You looked away from the mirror; away from him.
"It's nothing," you said, turning away from the mirror all together and grabbing your shirt off the bed. Before you could put it on, Percy pulled the shirt out of your hands, multitasking and pulling you closer with his other arm.
"You and me both know thats a lie, sweetheart," you spoke into your ear.
"Get off, Percy.." You sighed.
"You're beautiful," you paused. He knew, didn’t he? He knew of your insecurities without you even telling him. But, maybe he was just saying that to say that.
His thumb swiped across a scar on your thigh. That made you realize he did know. He was extremely observant and perceptive despite the learning curves he's had.
"No..." You muttered under your breath. You didn’t agree with him.
He kissed your cheek. "C'mon, hon," he led you over to the bed.
"Wait, what?" Before you could even question anything, Percy had laid on top of you. "Percy! Get off of me!"
"Nope!" He grinned down at you. "I'm not getting off until you agree with me that you are beautiful!"
You sighed in annoyance, giving him a scowl before he leaned his weight on you and hugged your middle. No matter how annoying and stubborn he was, he always managed to make you feel better.
You hugged him with one arm, and you winded your hand into his hair.
Even if the inkling of insecurities still rests in the back of your mind, Percy would keep them in the back. As long as he was with you, there was no chance those thoughts were coming forward. He's there for you, and he always will be.
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I feel like she's a little ooc, so sorry if she is 😓
"What's wrong?" She asked. She could always tell. All it took for her was a glance your way, and she could read every emotion you felt.
You glanced at her in the mirror, your gaze resting back on your scars.
Annabeth waited a moment before sighing softly. She stepped forward towards you, placing a warm and comforting hand on your elbow.
"You have to get out of your head, love," her voice was soft, comforting. Something she didn't show a lot of the time unless she fully trusted who she was talking to.
"I know," you muttered, stepping into her arms, "I know I do, it's just.. It's just so hard, sometimes." Annabeth stared at you for a moment.
She grabbed your hand, "Come with me," she told you.
"Where are we going?" You asked softly.
"To the strawberry fields." She gave you a smile.
You stared at her. Now, the back or her head as she leads you to the strawberry fields. She always knew you so well. The strawberry fields were always so calming to you. You liked to take strolls in them whenever you were feeling stressed.
"My love," you looked up from the strawberries, looking to your girlfriend.
"You are beautiful." Your lips parted in a bit of surprise. "I love your scars, and your hair, and your smile, and just.." She paused, kneeling down and giving you a kiss on the cheek. "I love you."
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You hadn't seen or even heard the sneaky son of Hermes come into the room. You only noticed him when his warm hand grabbed your hand from behind you startled you.
"Connor?" You questioned, having jumped a moment before when he startled you.
You looked at him in the mirror. His hand on your arm was so light, yet so firm and warm. Your eyes widened slightly when you saw him lean down to your arm, his lips touching a scar on said arm.
You watched him trail his gentle kisses along your scars. Gods, you loved his kisses, and he loved giving them.
Your heart rate increased when his other hand met your torso, gently pulling you to face him just as his lips got to the base of your neck.
"Connor..." You muttered, but he didn't respond as he kissed your jaw.
You gasped softly when his lips finally met yours in a firm yet gentle kiss. And just like his hands on your body, it made you swoon. You leaned into him, and he set his hands on your hips as you laid your arms around his neck.
"You are beautiful," He said, just barely against your lips. You could feel his breath as he spoke, "say it back, tell me you are beautiful."
You were silent for a moment. His eyes had stayed closed for a few moments after the kiss, but when he opened his eyes. You were met with his beautiful sky blue eyes.
"I.." You hesitated, your lip trembling for a second. "I'm beautiful.." You finally muttered out, voice slightly shaky.
"There you go," He smiled, giving your lips a few pecks, "my beautiful girl."
His thumb was gently swiping over a scar on your hip. You didn't want his thumb anywhere else. And for the first time in a long time, you felt a bit better about yourself.
You felt beautiful.
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"Well, look at my gorgeous baby!" Leo cheered, that happy smile you could never resist on his face. He hugged you from behind, his warm and dirty arms landing around your waist. He hadn't realized you were feeling down. Not immediately, anyway.
Leo paused, looking at you in the mirror. He could tell something was wrong. "What is it, mi amor?" He questioned. Those dumb nicknames always made your heart flutter.
"Nothing, I..." You paused, swallowing your disgust for yourself. "I'm fine.." Your voice was quieter.
"I can tell when something is wrong," his arms tightened, "Tell me." He urged almost desperately. He hates seeing you upset, and he hates not being able to help even more.
"I feel.." You paused, staring at him in the mirror. Your eyes locked within it. He was listening intently and waiting patiently for what you would say. "My scars.." You said softly.
"Your scars?" He questioned. He ran his hand across one of the scars on your torso, "What about em'? I love em'"
Your heart fluttered at the feeling of his warm hand over the scar. "How could you possibly love them?" You asked, tears welling in your eyes. Your voice was almost breathless, he has to be lying. "They're so gross and ugly, and.." You stopped, preferring to hold the sob in your throat back rather than continuing on rant.
Leo's gaze softened, "Hey, hey.." He gently turned you around. You just opted to hide your face within your hands. "Hey, Hermosa," his voice was gentle, so we're his hands as he grabbed yours, prying them off your face. "You are the most gorgeous person I have ever laid my eyes on, and a few scars isn't going to change that." He could tell his words weren't helping, so he decided on something that might.
Leo backed up for a second, pulling his shirt over his head. "You say I'm handsome all the time," he started, pointing at a scar on his chest. "Does this make me any less handsome?" He questioned.
You sniffed, wiping your eyes and nose. "No..." You muttered quietly.
"Right," he dropped his shirt on the floor and stepped closer to you. One of his arms, he winded behind your back, pulling you closer to him. Then his other, he raised his hand, wiping you tears with his gentle yet calloused thumb, "So why should your scars make you any less beautiful?"
He placed his hand on your jaw, gently holding it as he leaned in and set his warm lips on top of yours.
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moonlit-typewriter · 4 months
Idk ‘bout y’all but the way I see it, Percy is acting exactly like a neurodivergent kid. Like, easily distracted, tendency to zone out or daydream, extremely quick to intense emotions (especially about things he’s passionate about), doesn’t always have the priorities most others would have, etc
We always see adhd in media as the hyper, all-over-the-place, in some ways careless character. And some ADHD is like that.
But seeing Percy not fitting into that specific ideal of adhd is gonna be important to a lot of kids who don’t see their neurodivergence represented
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camo-wolf · 6 months
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Finally I have for filled my promise of my blue Percy Jackson cake!!!
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mo-mode · 5 months
Percy’s New Yorker genes unlocking the moment someone cuts him off and sending him into a fit of 12yo road rage
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mydairpercabeth · 4 months
Everyone holding Annabeth to an impossible Standard
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And then there’s Percy
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gryfficons · 3 months
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poppitron360 · 24 days
Reblog if you say "Oh my gods" completely unironically.
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waytooobsessive · 5 months
"We are not our parents until we choose to be."
How DARE such a raw and powerful line come from someone who was trying to kill off the trio.
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vongaught · 3 months
So I was talking some hot takes with a friend and pjo fandom, what's your stand?
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I’m convinced this is the interior of the St. Louis Gateway Arc and Annabeth is stabbing Echidna or the Chimera for interrupting the tour of the architectural wonder she was so excited to see.
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