#personally i consider myself bilingual
glowsticcc · 6 months
how many languages do you know?
(i’m counting languages where you took one class for a semester if you retained any of it congrats you are a little multilingual)
(reblog for bigger sample size!)
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etirabys · 1 month
Apologies if this is personal and you don't want to answer (or you don't want to answer for any other reason!); if that is the case no worries. But anyway by virtue of the fact that I am (sort of) a linguist I often get curious about people's language situation. You speak English obviously but spent your childhood in Korea, and often went to the English language book store while there? What is like, your personal linguistic history? Like, what language(s) did you grow up speaking, which ones did you learn later and when, etc? How fluent do you consider yourself in both English and Korean? If you don't mind my asking.
Haha, this is a dream scenario for me (someone asking about a situation I find fascinating about myself because I've never met anyone else with that background, but is probably boring to most people). Here's a longer story than you probably want:
My parents emigrated to the US before I was born, stayed for a decade, and moved back to Korea right after I was born. They're conversational in English, and my sister (12 years my elder) is fluent. Speaking English is valuable in Korea, so they raised me to be bilingual. They taught me the alphabet, bought me English language children's books, and sent me to an English language school run by Christian missionaries for preschool, kindergarten, and part of first grade.
My sister left the country when I was three to go to a boarding school in the US, but she came back every year for holidays, spoke exclusively in English to me, and refused to let the conversation move on if I mispronounced a word.
When I was six, my parents moved further away from the missionaries' school and switched me to a neighborhood public elementary school. At this point I was mildly more fluent in English than in Korean. Reading (English books) was a self-sustaining reaction I spent every free hour on. There were fewer interesting Korean books for children. Korea had industrialized ~30 years prior, and the hangeul writing system had only been in full use ~50 years at that point. As far as I knew, there was no CS Lewis of Korea, no Tolkien, no Diana Wynne Jones. In Korean bookstores, many of the prominent books on display were translated – The Little Prince was popular for children, and there was a children's fiction fad around another French author (who afaik never made a splash in the States) whose name I forget.
So I'm reading like 10 hours a day, at the dinner table, on the escalator when my mom takes me while she's shopping, sometimes under the desk at school flipping the pages with my toes, because the teachers don't care. (This is a huge W as far as I'm concerned for Korea – public school teaching is a somewhat competitive and standardized government job, it attracts people who lack great passion for either teaching or controlling children.) Meanwhile my peers don't like me much because my vibes are rancid: I have a compulsive laugh tic I haven't gotten under control, and I don't seem to understand their preferences very well or actively seek to understand them. Fair enough. I have one friend at any given time and she's usually on the fence about me.
When I'm old enough to take the train on my own, some weekends my mom gives me 5000 won for the train ticket + lunch, and I go into Seoul to visit one bookstore that has a 10-shelf English section. I pick a book, spend the day finishing it, and go home. Instead of my English language skills lapsing and being overtaken by the language I'm immersed in, I'm going deeper into English. Which increased the disconnect between me and my peers. I remember overhearing a conversation about an anime (The Black Cat) and eagerly asking if they'd also read the Edgar Allen Poe short story. I wanted to much to talk about shared interests, but it didn't occur to me to "invite myself into their interests" by picking up the manga they talked about.
...this all made my childhood weird in ways that have shaped me hugely but are difficult to describe. I was isolated and not, happy and not, stimulated and not, developing unevenly...
At eleven I discover fanfiction.net, probably one of the most impactful events of my life. I'm running out of physical books, I've read everything five or ten times, but then the computer! has made a deal with me! It contains INFINITE LITERATURE, although sometimes people seemed to misspell things on purpose and I didn't know why. (I had, approximately, never encountered misspellings in written material before.) In return the internet would take MY SOUL FOREVER although I didn't realize this at the time. I post a 100K Harry Potter epic over the next year where Harry is trained by a special assassin cult that lives under a mountain.
My parents have no idea what is on the internet. They're on a new temporal continent with no clue there's a parasite that can turn your daughter into a fujoshi. They do know that they have a worrying child. But! Her grades are really good, especially when she's testing in English. Good enough that although they originally intended not to send me to the US (my sister got depressed and burned out, and they attributed it to sending her to a different country for school), it made much more sense for me to go. I was on track to get a full ride at an Ivy, a carrot they were Not Immune to, and I obviously despised Korea and wanted to leave.
When I arrived in the States, I was terrified of speaking English to real native speakers. My language experience was "reading/writing: 95% English, speaking/listening: 90% Korean". I could perfectly pronounce any English sentence when I tried, but I'd occasionally and bizarrely mix up R and L, or the vowel sounds "ih" and "eeh" if I weren't paying attention. This went away after a year but I felt extra shy and didn't talk much. I'd guess 80% of my social cachet in freshman year came from writing funny Facebook posts.
I remember my time in Korea without feeling bothered by any single aspect, but overall I still have a big sense of "wow I didn't like that", have avoided non-Americanized Korean people since getting here (ten years ago), and now speak Korean haltingly. I'll try to teach it to my children so that they have the option of that cultural connection, but I don't think I can do a good job. It's feels 90% true thinking/speaking Korean is just a normal skill, a thing I do sometimes on the phone – and 10% true that the happier and more whole I become in the US, the more unsettling it feels to speak Korean at all.
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callaei-researches · 1 year
Intercultural and cross-linguistic perspectives on whump genre - information, interview registration of interest form
I can now announce more information about my upcoming research on whump / whump interest! ✨✨✨
As part of my research thesis for my Masters of Contemporary International Studies, I am conducting research on "Intercultural and cross-linguistic perspectives on whump genre."
This study has been approved by the Research and Development Committee of IPU New Zealand Tertiary Institute. The approval was made on the 3rd of May, 2023.
This research two participation opportunities:
- A questionnaire (open Thursday 1st June, 9pm (NZST) - Thursday 29th June, 9pm (NZST))
- An interview (throughout June-July)
For the purpose of this research, to participate in the questionnaire and/or in the interview, you must:
be at least 18 years old
be interested in, or have an appreciation for, whump in fictional stories
Additionally, as the interview explores whump through the perspective of different languages, for the interview you must also:
be bilingual (i.e. at least conversationally proficient in two or more languages)
Note: Participants are not required to consider themselves a part of the whump community in order to participate in this study.
Interview information ---------------
Interview participants will be given two options to choose between:
a spoken interview, conducted via Zoom; or
a written interview, conducted via Tumblr direct messaging, or an alternative direct messaging application as agreed upon by the researcher and participant.
Spoken interviews will be recorded. Spoken interview participants are not required to have video turned on during the interview. The researcher will contact interview participants following interview participant selection to schedule a suitable time for spoken interviews.
For any written interviews conducted via Tumblr direct messaging, the researcher will use the Tumblr handle @callaei-researches or @callaei-researches-interview (for direct messaging) to communicate with the participant.
Interview - Registration of interest form -------------
If you are interested in participating in the interview, please fill in the form below! (same link as the top of the post)
Additional information -------------
This research defines whump as, "Whump is a genre of fiction that places emphasis on a character's physical and emotional experience of pain, and often recovery, in a story."
Important things to note about the research (see the information sheets under the "keep reading" for detailed information):
- this is an academic research project (Master's research thesis)
- the questionnaire is entirely anonymous
- the interview requires a means of direct communication with the researcher, but this information will not be shared. In the research, interviewees will be referred to as "Interviewee 1," "Interviewee 2," etc.
- responses are entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time during the research period
- any personally identifying information will be kept confidential and accessible only to myself (the researcher) and my research supervisor.
Detailed information -------------
More information about the questionnaire, the interview, and the registration of interest form can be found here. These will be also given at the beginning of the questionnaire, the registration of interest form, and to all participants selected for the interview.
Questionnaire information sheet
Interview information sheet
Interview - Registration of interest information sheet
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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lachiennearoo · 1 year
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I know am asking a LOT right now, but considering this is a passion project without a deadline or budget, I guess it's why I'm asking here (and well, I'm no professional lmao).
In 2019, I wrote a short quebecois (french canadian) cyberpunk, action, sci-fi story novel. It was my most beloved project, and it still holds a big spot in my heart (even tho some newer stories of mine are higher quality). Ever since I made it, all I've done is draw scenes, characters, anything from it. I have a folder of about 200 pictures, animatics and concept art added to it over the years. One thing doesn't work for me to do the project though: I can't voice act, I can't make music, and I can't animate (well, not anything above basic storyboards, and I wanna do something in 3D lmao).
I have... well, not a lot of money (no seriously, I am VERY broke). So well while I can try my best to pay anyone who is willing to help, I can't guarantee it'll be a lot (which I know it can be frustrating, as an artist, to not be monetarily compensated for your hard work, so that's why I'm saying it now).
Due to all of this, I'm only asking for people who are GENUINELY interested. I can't provide much in terms of budget so I don't wanna give anyone false hopes. But I promise that I will work very hard to fill in any position that I can, like script writing, character and environmental concept art, direction, I can even try to voice-act if there's not enough actors! As for the work itself, I allow as many breaks as needed. You're allowed to work on any personal project if you ever feel tired or overwhelmed. I too will take many breaks. I don't mind how long it takes, months, one year, a few years even, as long as I know it'll eventually be done and that the people working are genuinely interested.
Now if you've stuck this far and are still interested, I'll share the requirements:
MOST IMPORTANT PART: I am searching for 3D modelers and animators (if you can do both that's cool but it would be nice to separate tasks so it's less tiring for each person working). My characters are very diverse-looking and expressive, so above all, I'd prefer someone who can animate faces well because that's really what I want to pop out (but if you can't, that's okay too, I'm not THAT picky) (tho despite being cartooney, I'm more in the simplistic, Clone Wars - Arcane department than I am in the realistic Disney - Pixar one)
I need voice actors who speak french. No English-only speakers, sorry. Most should be natively québécois (or french who can imitate the accent fluently) but there's a few characters who are anglophones or have a french accent, so that could help too if you're not from Québec but wanna make a voice. The story is rather dramatic and action-packed, with a lot of violence, fight scenes, screams of pain and agony, all that, so be ready for that
And of course, I'd like to have some people who can do the soundtrack (one person or more working together). The story is sci-fi/cyberpunk taking place in Québec, so I'd expect someone who can go more techno, european (and cinematic too)
YOU DON'T NEED TO UNDERSTAND FRENCH TO WORK. I'm fully bilingual so I won't have trouble communicating with you. The only language requirements would be in voice-acting, or if you're working in team and need to communicate with someone else, but otherwise there really is no need because, well, google translate is a thing, and I can always be a translator for you as well if needed.
BONUS: If there's someone available (you don't HAVE to for that part, it's just to make things easier, but they're not requirements because those are all things I can do myself), I could always get some bonus script writers to help the process go a bit faster, and translators in case someone wants to put subtitles in different languages
Here is the folder of (most) of the art on Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/rosaliegosselin/albums/2467754
And here is a very short animation I did for it a while back (if you don't want spoilers tho, don't watch it, it's one of the last scenes of the story lmao): https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/782216
And here's the story itself (it's just in french tho, sorry about that, but you can just use Google translate): https://www.wattpad.com/story/214223068-magicae-automata
I hope you feel inspired! If you know anyone who might be interested, do feel free to share this with them! I look forward to working with you! Shoot me a DM if you're interested, and if I get enough people, I'll start a discord for all of us to talk!
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dinosaurchurch · 9 months
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Two weeks are gone just like that. I'm absolutely going to miss Europe now that I'm home but getting to visit Germany, France, and Austria was a treat.
I did a lot of 'firsts' on this trip. Flying in a large airplane, seeing big cities up close and personal, taking the subway, viewing the mountains with my own two eyes, leaving the country for the first time, being in a place where the main language isn't English (although many people were bilingual), trying authentic schnitzel and black forest cake, and flying by myself just to name some. It's definitely been quite the whirlwind of an experience and I'd absolutely do it again in a heartbeat even with the jet lag.
I wouldn't be able to tell you what my favourite part was or my favourite place that me and my fam stayed at. The whole trip was quite the time. The people were super friendly, the places had their own unique charm, and even the food was to die for.
I'm sure I'll have more photos to post within the coming days considering I took about 1500 of them.
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writebackatya · 7 months
Was tagged by @justaboot in a post with a lot of questions, let's do this!
how many fics do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
159,641 words. but let's be real, a good chunk of them are song lyrics.
what fandoms do you write for?
DuckTales (2017)
what are your top five fics by kudos?
Rainbow Connections
Home for the Holidays!
Moon with a View!
Let's All Go to the Movies!
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
For the most part, yes. I try my best to get back to people's comments, especially if they have questions. But sometimes I just don't have the energy when I wish I did
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'd say the ending to F.O.W.L. Play! from Indi-Quack! might be the angstiest. Nothing like ending a story where you go through the morning routine of one FOWL employee and finding out she keeps her sanity by getting high with another underpaid employee who works her ass off a minimum wage and is also not happy where she is in life
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hard to choose since I almost always go for the happy ending route. I think any of the stories for Home for the Holidays! could be the answer to this one cause those stories are nothing but holiday and winter fluff.
do you get hate on your fics?
it happens but not often. the first time I ever got hate was from a Della hater troll and they seem to be the only one who leaves hate on my fics
do you write smut?
no, but I've thought about it before. I don't mind sex in a story, but I don't know if I'm the right person to write that kind of stuff in a story. Honestly, the only reason why I wanna write smut is because I've plenty of jokes that I think are funny that would only work in a smut story
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've ever written?
kinda??? would you consider having characters from various Duck media that never appeared in DuckTales 2017 crossover stuff? Heck I've got a couple of Della Duck stories in the works where she interacts with Mickey and Friends and I don't know if that should be considered a crossover
have you ever had a fic stolen?
no. thanks guys!
have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but that'd be neat!
have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no, but that is something I wouldn't mind doing some day
what's your all time favorite ship?
Of all time!? I don’t know. I love love
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh so many: An Act of Murder!, Back in the Game!, F.O.W.L. Play!, The Iron Duck of Steel: The Gizmoduck Movie, Part I!, The Spear of Selene, and Thanks for the Memories!. I've just been working on these for so long that it feels like I'll never finish any of them
what are your writing strengths?
when I'm in the mood to write I can really write, I like to think my dialogue is interesting, characterization, and I'd say my rapid fire humor
what are your writing weaknesses?
I'm a terrible planner, I don't write stuff down, I keep stuff in my head like it's the best storage place, I underestimate how big some stuff will be, I don't allow myself to just write
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've mainly used Google Translate for other languages such as Jose and Panchito's dialogue in The Three Cabablleros (and Della)!. But for Let's All Go to the Movies! I got my buddy @tokuvivor to translate a conversation between Fenton and Gosalyn. Honestly, one of my favorite parts of that story and I think tokuvivor translating it himself adds to the joke. Both Lin-Manuel Miranda and Stephanie Beatriz both know Spanish, so having someone who can help me translate my dialogue so that it can sound natural and be a bonus to bilingual speakers just makes me happy beyond comprehension
I will say I did use Google Translate for that story, but for English! So for the Fight Fighters game I wanted to get that badly translated English feel for the dialogue so for pretty much every dialogue in the game was translated to Japanese and then back to English. Except the line "Now I will kill you until you die from it!", that comes from the movie Hot Shots! Part Deux
first fandom you wrote for?
...Sonic. it was a phase, i have no strong opinions about that blue hedgehog these days I mean I guess his games are...fine? The cast of characters are...pretty cool, I like Tails I guess.
favorite fic you've ever written?
hard to say, but I think I'd put Indi-Quack!, Rainbow Connections, Let's All go to the Movies! in the top spot
I choose to tag: @tokuvivor, @imjustusingthistolikeartists, if they choose to answer these questions
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 4 months
The ghouls with a sibling who's learning english?
I love this because all ghouls know what it’s like to learn human languages!
I, myself, am not bilingual. But I’m always happy for any feedback in the future for this prompt.
Reader’s first language/nationality is up to you!
G/N Human Reader
Ghoul Reader Friendship
Era V Ghouls with a Sibling of Sin Learning English
Phantom: Everyone expected Phantom to only want to help you learn how to swear, thanks to his mischievous streak. But he’s not THAT much of an ass! Phantom was actually very encouraging to you. He will typically ask if you want to try conversations with him in English to help you get practice in. Phantom will admit he’s not very good at helping teach… but he can get you in with private lessons, via Papa. Yes, he can actually do that. Yes, you’ve gotten to meet Papa because of it who was happy to speak in your native tongue!
Sodo: The guitarist knows your pain very well. English was actually his second language, and a huge pain in his ass. (His first being Swedish based on being summoned in Linkoping.) He’s not really a teaching type outside of music, but he’s happy to help you where he can! Sodo approaches it the way he learned , and that’s just being talked to in English. He’ll always stop when you have questions or ask him to slow down. But having conversations in practical situations slowly helps. The one thing he will personally teach you is how to cuss someone out if you ever need it!
Cirrus: Being raised by Air in the Ministry meant that Cirrus grew up with several languages at once; Ancient Ghoulish, Ghoulish, English, and several other types of human languages. You half expect her to be critical of your growing English, but Cirrus is very complimentary. The more stern ghoulette is always happy to give you constructive feedback. Cirrus is very encouraging of you and lets you know how well you are doing. Learning a new language is tough, after all!
Cumulus: The keyboardist LOVES to help you when you ask her! Cumulus knows that English is a particularly hard language to master to non-native speakers. You were really touched when you found out she went out of her way to try and learn your language, too. She mentions this is because she considers you friend and having someone who knows your language back makes chatting so much easier! Cumulus is always your cheerleader!
Aurora: One of her many tricks she suggests to you is to learn songs in English! This is what helped her back when she was a classically trained opera singer for her first Papa. It’s how she learned more than Italian! You don’t even have to be a singer, that’s the best part! Picking a song you like and mimicking the singers can help with pronunciation and word cadence…. At least according to Aurora. Aurora is always happy to help read or offers to translate for you when she can. You find that you both sing together these days!
Swiss: The guitarist definitely startled you when you first spoke to him, as he knows your mother tongue! Swiss excels at picking up languages! It helps that he was raised with several ghoulish dialects, so to him you learn one you learn them all! Since you are buddies, Swiss loves to help you learn where he can. He doesn’t really like textbook learning languages, it’s too formal. He’s helped you with more natural conversation structure and understanding things like common English sayings or colloquialisms.
Aether: Taking over as the next Omega Ghoul meant Aether needed to master a LOT of human languages. You were delighted to know he had a pretty decent grasp of your mother tongue! That made him a perfect tutor for you! Aether adores helping where he can. He’s happy to help you learn whatever you want! You both converse in both your native language AND casual English.
Sunshine: Being a new summon, Sunshine understands completely! Their English has gotten better, but they still heavily lean on Ghoulish and nonverbal cues to communicate. You two basically have bonded trying to learn English together! Sunshine has a tough time with Grammar and writing, but you’ve help them too where you could. You both practice conversations together and attend lessons given by the ministry. It’s brought you both super close to each other. You’ve even learned a little ghoulish from them, and you’ve taught Sunshine some of your own mother tongue!
Rain: many people don’t know that Rain was actually an archivist before he was ever a band ghoul; so he knows quite a few human languages! The bassist knows where the best work books are if you ever wanted to practice writing and sentence structure! Rain offers to get you access to Papa I’s teaching notes and any supplementary work you need! You find he’s actually a natural teacher as well and you sometimes meet with him during lunch to practice!
Mountain: At first you thought the drummer didn’t speak English because he was so quiet. But Monty is just a naturally quiet and friendly ghoul. He bluntly compliments that your English is very good for a beginner. Monty knows how passionate you are about learning, so you found that he’s been secretly hoarding learning materials for you. It’s how you received several really really helpful books and personalized notes from Papa! He’s so excited to give you everything he’s gathered for you!
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20 questions for fic writers:
ty for the tag, @somewhereapart 🥰
this is very long, so answers go under the cut!!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
62 as epigraphs
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
i do not actually know! i wrote single chapters in a fic collection years ago, so that messes with my stats and i don't know how long what i wrote was anymore, so i can't do the math. but 2023 was 54,372 words, and 2022 was 113,431!
3. what fandoms do you write for?
currently: the gilded age, technically still svu but uh, let's not talk about that one fic i fully abandoned (at least until that question comes up lolol).
past lives: madam secretary, the west wing, the newsroom, scrubs, sound of music (i'm as confused as you are, don't worry), the good wife, grey's, stranger things, bones, fleabag.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
as epigraphs:
the stillness of remembering, svu the legend of how you disappeared, svu come and untangle me (one of these days), svu let it all unfurl, into broken remnants, svu rather be sad with you (than anywhere away from you), svu
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i do! i like the concept of having a conversation with readers (though i rarely get into an actual multi-comment convo). also i'm very type-a and pro-inbox zero, so i clear it out in batches to do replies.
6. what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
for you i'd bleed myself dry, for the good wife. it's a post-5.16 fix-it fakeout, and every comment on it is just yelling at me hahaha
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i think most of mine have a happy ending, even if it's not a true hea. my friend and i coined the term "milk and cookies ending," because even if we throw angst at you, we will give you your milk and cookies as a treat lol
8. do you get hate on fics?
thankfully, no.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
incredibly rarely, and if so, very vaguely and (if you ask anyone who knows me), fairly "limb-free."
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
i've written exactly one (1), imagining what a friendship between cam saroyan from bones and olivia benson from svu would look like!
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
sort of. i never called them out on it, so i shan't be doing that here.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep! for two fandoms. for one, we split up the povs and alternated, which was very fun. for the other one, i (see the answer to 9. lol) handed off the smut.
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
elizabeth/henry from madam secretary was my first real ship and the first fandom i ever participated in and wrote fic for, so they're the ride-or-dies forever.
15. what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
looking at you, eo talks about god fic.
16. what are your writing strengths?
clarity and economy of words? i think? if you know me irl, this makes sense considering my day job. also, keeping things in-character, when it comes to dialogue and internal monologue.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
getting away from vignette structure, writing plot. i hate plot. i suck at plot.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for fic?
hoo boy, as a bilingual person (german and english) i have very strong feelings about this, but generally: okay if done incredibly sparingly, and in a way that sounds natural. harder to pull off than you'd think!
19. first fandom you wrote for?
madam secretary.
20. favourite fic you've ever written?
tell you my sins, and you can sharpen your knife, svu.
tagging: @sinkingsidewalks, @idontneedtobeforgiven, @idoltina, @msharmonycobel, @soshedances18, @sam-loves-seb, @rahleeyah, @morethanwords229 and whoever else wants to do this!
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damiemontclair · 7 months
I've had this post in my drafts since sunday. My mom and I have just been harassed by our neighbour again today so. I'm going to post it. Because thats 3 times in five days and I am sick of it and of being treated like I'm appropriating words that don't apply to me by people I talked to about this.
Theres this common misconception that you cannot experience xenophobia if you are x ethnicity in a country where x ethnicity is the majority. Or that a white person cannot experience xenophobia. But here is the thing. Xenophobia is not racism. Xenophobia means the fear of foreigners. And you can absolutely be the same ethnicity as someone while still being foreign.
I am as white as my neighbour. And yet my neighbour is from here, and I am not. And that is A Problem.
We have...
Been reported by neighbours over a minor violation of the law regarding our hedge (one which, btw, every other (German) neighbour indulges in) and sued by the state because of it (this happened right after my parents bought the house. It had never been a problem for the 30 years before that)
Had the police called on us by a neighbour multiple times for a variety of reasons, incl. made up ones
Been yelled at
Been insulted (we have some very creative neighbours, gotta give them that much)
Literally been told that we, as foreigners, don't understand the law (my father read up on it extensively). Multiple times. By multiple people.
We have a german name for making reservations. Otherwise it's anyones guess what people will write down.
Have had our names knowingly, on-purpose mispronounced by teachers for a cheap joke at our expense.
Been told by teachers who also taught french as a subject that 'this is x class not french i won't translate this exercise for you if you don't get it' (failed that class btw bc 2 years of german 'classes' was not enough to get the material)
Been told by teachers 'oh wow, I didn't expect you to get top grades with your accent' (my sister consciously keeps up her accent)
Been told various other rather problematic things by teachers considering it was a bilingual school with its fair share of french students
And a variety of other things I am too tired to make myself recall.
So yes. A white foreigner in a majority white country can experience xenophobia. It just looks slightly different from what you might expect. Amd yes, others have it plenty worse. It is no less xenophobia and I am done pretending everything is fine just because it could be worse. We had our neighbour come ring our bell to cause trouble two days in a row this weekend. She came by again today to start shit with my mother. We have her on tape as she calls us a bunch of stuff. We're not talking to her anymore until she apologises. I recon she'll die before she does so. She never wanted foreigners to buy the house next to hers. We've been living in this house for over 18 years. I am tired.
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richmond-rex · 5 months
I was tagged by super talented @eve-to-adam! Thank you <3
How many works do you have on AO3? I've got 19 fics currently on ao3 (but I always think about deleting some of them so that number may go down).
What fandoms do you write for? Currently I only write historical RPF, but I've got two Still Star-Crossed stories on my profile as it stands. It was very fun to write them but the show wasn't renewed and eventually my passion ran out.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Draw Your SwordsBlooming (modern AU) We Sang of Roses (modern AU) A Royal BedJoy on Earth
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Though not always successful (I'm kind of a forgetful person, sorry!) I try to respond to comments because I like to acknowledge the person's effort in commenting. It's very easy to simply read and leave a like/kudos, but leaving a comment sometimes after you're still processing a story or when you're naturally very shy takes a bit more from you. So I like to acknowledge that.
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably To love God is to love a sinner, but some stories have ambiguous endings such as The Relentless Weight and more recently, The Hour of the Wolf.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably my no-plot-only-fluff fic, White Christmas
Do you get hate on fics? Not frequently, thankfully, though that's probably because the readership I get is so small. I did once get a comment saying my story was too cheesy, and another one once berating me for describing Elizabeth of York as 'blonde' (a herald who witnessed her coronation described her hair as 'light yellow'; so please don’t tell me I’m wrong ♥)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do (though not frequently), which is considered controversial because I write about real (albeit historical) people. Sex is part of the human experience and it can tell us a lot about the characters and the relationships, so I try to feel less guilty about it. I also like to take smut as an exercising in writing: to test how far I can get in evoking a sensation without getting into more explicit territory is always a challenge.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? In terms of different fandoms? I don't remember ever doing that. I have mixed different eras, though.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not a fic per se, but once I did share an AU with @harritudur and another friend. It was very fun :D
What’s your all-time favourite ship? I do love to explore the relationship between Henry VII and Elizabeth because it was so unlikely to have happened in the first place, let alone succeed. I find it very touching! I do have other ships, though.
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? It's not a WIP that I have posted anywhere but I did start writing a oneshot that I wanted to dedicate to a friend about the relationship between Edward IV and George of Clarence! It did feature a few unexpected people too.
What are your writing strengths? Probably dialogue and themes. It's difficult to say, I pick my writing apart so much when I'm in the process of writing it, once I publish it's very hard for me to go back and confront myself. It all kind of turns into nebulous territory.
What are your writing weaknesses? Many, many things but scene transitions are probably at the top of the list! That's why my story chapters usually all take place in a single scene.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? As a bilingual person I find it important to portray this completely unique experience of mixing two languages as they come (if the character in question is multilingual). It's not a popular view, though I do think people should get more comfortable with not understanding word-by-word everything that ever comes across the page. The strangeness of being confronted with a language that you do not know is a part of a different kind of experience and it can only enrich your reading. Of course, all should be within reasonable limits: information that is essential to the overall story should be in the language the story is set in.
First fandom you wrote for? I think it was Star Wars but I can't remember if I actually published it anywhere. I was very very young lol
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Blooming has a very dear place in my heart, it was the first fic I actually felt like accomplishing myself in terms of achieving the characterisation I wanted for my characters and creating a narrative that made sense for their development.
I think most people have been tagged already, but I'm tagging @harritudur, @heartofstanding and anyone else who feels like joining in the fun! x
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bnhamatchmaker · 5 months
Hi! Can I pls have a  matchup? I'm Asian and a minor  who uses she/they pronouns, an Aquarius and INTJ. My sexuality is bi demiromantic (male preference) . I'm 5'0 with tan skin, black hair, brown eyes and glasses.I'm bilingual. People say I look unapproachable since I don't smile or talk much around strangers. I'll need to warm up to people but when I do, I will surprisingly be energetic, talkative and VERY sentimental.
I consider myself a fair, open minded and laid back person most of the time. I like to seek out my friends' company when bored.I'm down to do anything with my friends. I'm hardworking if its something that interests me. I'm very creative but can't seem to make my ideas into reality mostly due to lack of resources or motivation. Idk myself too well so I consistently ask for opinions. I'm pretty emotional and can be a bit sensitive when there's a lot of build up but I try my best to hide it.
My friends describe my  sense of humor as dark and cursed. I can be mischievous and chaotic but still reliable and smart.My hobbies are baking,gaming,art, true crime and supernatural stuff. I express my love with gifts and quality time but still physically affectionate. I get flustered easily. My ideal type is someone who I can trust with my life,someone I've known for a long time, very respectful of my boundaries, protective and honest even if its brutal. Sorry if its too much info. Thanks in advance and stay safe💗
hello my lovely! thank you so much for your ask! i hope you’re having an amazing day! i match you with…
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let me just start by saying that this boy is so perfect for you! with your love for the supernatural, sense of humor, and attachment style, he’s certain to be the perfect boyfriend for you :)
there’s no doubt that this bird boy would stay in with you for at-home dates, watching true crime specials on your favorite streaming platforms and making sure you always feel safe. with dark shadow by your side at all times, you’ll always be protected because this boy is loyal to a fault and always there for you!
your sense of humor matches up as well! you’re both likely to find humor in the mundane and macabre, and you’ll no doubt have so many inside jokes that confuse even the closest of your friends. fumikage is, like you, also a sensitive soul deep down, and there’s no denying that he’s your first line of comfort when the world gets just a bit too overwhelming.
you may find you have some differences at first- like the fact that you like baking and art, and fumikage is less of a creative spirit- but opposites attract, after all, making the two of you even more of a perfect pair! after you’ve warmed up to each others company, you may notice your boyfriend taking to your hobbies- even trying to bake something sweet for you on a special occasion!
thank you so much again for your ask lovely! have a wonderful rest of your day <333
-mod lily <3
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biathediamond · 3 months
🙇(Luffy)👌🃏🆚⏰(and if you’d like to answer, how’d you find it?) 🍏🙏🏝️🔍💓
🙇 - A headcanon about Luffy
This ties into some of my larger worldbuilding HCs but I headcanon that Luffy is very solidly bilingual and it trips a lot of people up when they realize. More specifically he speaks the most common East Blue language (most common language in the world/what most papers are printed in, just the East Blue version with all the little nuances) and the native Goan language.
Most of the crew found out in Alabasta when Ace showed up and he and Luffy reverted to it on a few occasions, but everyone else just kinda. found out along the way. Because she didn't grow up anywhere near the East Blue Robin would love to sit Luffy down and learn it from him/teach him her native language, but so far that idea hasn't been very feasible.
👌 - Fave character design?
My goodness y'all gotta stop asking me this it's not fair there are so many good designs objectively AND subjectively.
Like i would say pretty much all of Oda's main characters are very recognizable on their own, which is already 40% of a good character design. Not to mention all the little quirks he's not afraid to do like Buggy's nose and whatever the hell Kid has going on.
And then subjectively speaking I've already talked about how Makino's aesthetic has literally become my aesthetic. And beyond that I genuinely don't care much?? like these blorbos are all so wonderful and there's really not a bad design. No not even post-ts Franky.
I love them all.
🃏 - Who has the Best Hat? (the true question)
Again not really a fair question.
That being said it's Koala's newsboy cap. sorry. i don't make the rules.
🆚 - Sub or dub?
Dub. ADHD clashes with sub and I can have the dub on in the background while I do other things (a blessing considering how long OP is). And it's not a bad dub either, they voice actors really care and there's a lot of genuine emotion and distinctiveness.
Again that's being said dub!Doffy haunts my nightmares. what did they DO TO HIM
⏰ - How long have you been into One Piece?
Almost 5 years, and man does that feel old to say. I started getting into it at 14 and it never really left. I always kinda *knew* it was there because it's So Darn Big, but it wasn't until i was bored one day that I finally watched the Return to Sabaody arc in a single sitting and immediately went and watched episode 1.
And the rest is history.
🍏 - Would you eat a Devil Fruit if you had the chance to?
Yep! I'm not big on swimming and honestly there are very few ways this could go wrong unless i get stuck with something dumb like the human-human fruit. But I'll take my chances.
🙏 - Favorite episode?
grace there are 1200 episodes i can hardly remember the general areas where arcs where how am i supposed to remember individual episodes
but how about the episode that convinced 14 y/o me that this whole journey was worth it, and for me that would be episode 25/26 (don't remember which one exactly lol)
🏝 - Fave country/island visited?
I will ALWAYS have a soft spot for Water 7 because that's when I really felt like an "official" fan, but in all honestly Sabaody is my favorite place. 11/10 would visit if the human trafficking rate would go down.
🔍 - What do you think the One Piece is?
k you about to get the absolutely STUPIDEST little Bia lore here but:
me and my older sister sat down in the barn one night and figured out that the One Piece is:
a corset.
💓 - Which character do you relate to the most?
Well i've already joked about how my life literally mirrors Law's (to an extent. as of yet the genocide has not happened). but personality wise absolutely nothing there.
So I guess i would have to say Rebecca. (although honestly i don't see myself super similar to any OP characters)
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fredbydawn · 2 months
Just cuz I wanna be a bitch, here’s some especially stupid things an ex-friend of mine said that continue to rattle my brain:
When we would hang out I joke about us being “just two southerners” cuz they were from Texas and I grew up in Maryland. Now do I actually consider myself southern? No, but depending on how you look at it, Maryland is sometimes considered part of the south. My friend would say that I’m absolutely not southern. When I asked what they would consider a southern state I offered the Carolinas as examples and they said they didn’t think the Carolinas were part of the south either. I asked they what states they did consider southern and they said, and I quote, “any state below the Mason-Dixon line.” Now, I don’t know what kind of geography they teach in Texas, but for those otherwise unaware, the Mason-Dixon line is the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania (and also Delaware and what is now West Virginia, but you get the idea), the Carolinas both also being south of this line.
This friend also thought I was pretentious for knowing a handful of phrases in other languages. Now maybe this is just something my family does, but we tend to just casually use phrases from other languages in conversation. My dad will use Russian cuz he has a fascination with the Russian revolution (high keys he might be autistic but that’s a story for another day), my mom will use Yiddish or Hebrew cuz her stepdad growing up was Jewish and her two youngest siblings are also Jewish, and we all know at least a handful of phrases in French and Spanish. It’s not like I would be holding whole conversations in another language, but this ex-friend, who I once again feel the need to emphasize, spent 19 and a half years of their life in Texas, would be completely baffled by “mañana” and “mi madre” which they would chalk up to me knowing cuz ‘I could afford fancy languages lessons’ even though I had mostly just learned them from like Dora and library books as a kid. I was also just friends with kids growing up who were bilingual and who spoke Spanish at home, something evidently this friend didn’t do.
One time I was reminiscing about film photography, which I had taken as an art credit in senior year of High School, and they said “I always wondered how they got the pictures off the SD card before computers were invented.” To which, of course, I said, “Huh?” “You know the SD card.” “Yes,” I said, “the SD card that holds the pictures on digital cameras.” “Well how did they get the pictures off the SD cards on film cameras?” This person was 20 years old and thought that film cameras, which we’ve had since like, the Civil War, stored photographs on Secure Digital memory cards.
This friend was, and presumably still is, in college. They are taking a World Wars class for a History credit. One day they called me up to say “Hey, did you know that Franz Ferdinand was a real person and not just a band? And that his murder started World War 1? And that everyone blamed Germany for the conflict after the war?” And I said yes, I did know that. They asked how I knew that. Again, I don’t know what they teach in Texas, but at the risk of sounding like a northern elite or intelligentsia, I told them the truth, which is that I had learned that in 7th grade.
And you may be wondering, what is this ex-friend of mine going to college for, specifically. They are going to college to become an elementary school teacher.
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hi! I noticed your matchups were open and I wanted to have ab romantic MHA matchup pls? I'm an Asian minor who uses she/they pronouns and an Aquarius . My sexuality is bi demiromantic (male preference). I'm 5'0 with tan skin, black hair, brown eyes and glasses.I'm bilingual. People say I look unapproachable since I don't smile or talk much around strangers. I'll need to warm up to people but when I do, I will surprisingly be energetic, talkative and VERY sentimental.
I consider myself a fair, open minded and laid back person most of the time. I like to seek out my friends' company when bored.I'm down to do anything with my friends. I'm hardworking if its something that interests me. I'm very creative but can't seem to make my ideas into reality mostly due to lack of resources or motivation. Idk myself too well so I consistently ask for opinions. I'm pretty emotional and can be a bit sensitive when there's a lot of build up but I try my best to hide it.
My friends describe my  sense of humor as dark and cursed. I can be mischievous and chaotic but still reliable and smart.My hobbies are baking,gaming,art, true crime and supernatural stuff. I express my love with gifts and quality time but still physically affectionate. I get flustered easily. My ideal type is someone who I can trust with my life, very respectful of my boundaries, protective and honest even if its brutal. Sorry if its too much info. Thanks in advance and stay safe💗
Hello and thank you for your request! I am finally able to get these going, just 2 more weeks of classes and finally my schedule will be cleared!
There were a couple ideas that I had as to who you would match with the most but there was one in particular that stood out the most to me!
Tw: None
I match you with..........
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Tokoyami Fumikage
Mr. dark and brooding himself. After reading through your initial information, you both seem like a pair that would get along rather well for a plethora of reasons.
From what I have seen, he isn't the most outgoing with the rest of his peers. Not to say he is reclusive, he has his friends, it's just this vibe I get from him.
He would certainly be into the supernatural the same as you. Have you seen his room?
It's been the hang out spot for the both of you a number of times throughout the time you two have been together, even before
Tokoyami rather enjoys that you are a more open-minded individual. It's not often that he sees people like that, especially in the society that you are both living in.
When it comes to you having problems with motivation or lacking the proper materials, he makes it his personal mission to be able to help you with such a feat. Even Dark Shadow wants to help!
Speaking of Dark Shadow.....
Aside from Tokoyami (after much practice and training), you are one of the very few who is able to calm Dark Shadow down, he has a soft spot for you
And yes, he has poked fun at Tokoyami on more than one occasion when it came to his affection for you
Though this was more before you both got together and was quite literally screaming at Tokoyami to make a move already
Both of them are highly protective if you, whether you have a quirk or not or able to defend yourself. As your partner, he wants you to know that he will be there to help you and take care of you
He is an honest man, and there are times he is rather blunt in this, but he means the best, he really does. That is also something you don't have to worry about with him.
Overall, Tokoyami loves you for you. He is respectful of any and all boundaries that you have set up and will call out others should they cross a line. You are his partner, and that is something that he does not take lightly.
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Thank you for your request!
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
Never Let Me Go Episode 7 (the most favorite scene)
I keep thinking about why this particular proposal scene in episode 7 is very important to me that I feel like I need to make a gifset of it. 
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In episode 3, Thanya said this to Nueng: “I want to see you be able to take care of yourself. Okay? I enrolled Palm in your shooting class. So, you will have a friend. I want you to open up to him. He may be different form you. But I believe, he will be someone that you can trust. Don’t worry about me. Okay?”
The differences between Nueng and Palm has been emphasized so many times, either offscreen by the series maker themselves, or onscreen, whether it’s explicitly talked about or implicitly showed. One that obvious is their class difference and thus their roles. This has been shown through the episodes by how people viewed and implied about their relationship, also, by the differences in their gestures and ways of talking or conversing with each other. There are also other differences that, to some extent, might not directly related to their interclass difference, such as different clothing styles, different interests, and different types of concern on school education or personal skill. It has been consistently presented in the show it sent a clear message that both Nueng and Palm need to face and work through those differences to be together. And, if all plots allowed, to be together along with those differences. 
And then, here’s Wu and David, a lovely couple arriving at Mam’s homestay. A couple that represents unity amidst their differences. One thing that was hinted during their first meeting in episode 6 is Wu’s ‘complaint’ that David doesn’t know Mandarin at all so he couldn't understand if Wu scolded him in Mandarin. When Wu and Nueng laughed about it and Palm asked what that was about, Nueng implied: “If you want to know what we are talking about, you should pay more attention in class.”
Now, this can be something too subtle it may or may not be indicating a difference the couple needs to overcome, that is language as a barrier as well as a way to understand. Since I speak bilingual myself, I can say there are somethings that I would prefer or feel more comfortable to express in my first language than the second, more especially in an intimate relationship. However, on the other hand, once I actually arrived at a decision on having such relationship, I believe, maybe just like Wu, I might no longer consider it a big issue. That is why, I think what each Wu and Nueng said can be perceived as either just something as it is (that the language is not a problem at all) or an unconscious expectation they have on the other, respectively. The first implies acceptance of being together along with the difference they have, while the second implies possible attempt expected to confront said difference. (It's important to notice their tone of speaking, though.) In the case of Nueng and Palm, however, the language might represent another thing, another kind of difference or gap between them, as had been told throughout the series thus far, that they both need to understand and work on to accept.
Finally, we have the proposal scene and this is what Wu said on his proposal: “David. Some people say we do not belong together. We are so different. But I see our differences are good. Because I can learn about you. I want to share my life with you. You are my friend, my family, and my soulmate. So, do you want to marry me?” I will be lying if I say this doesn’t feel like a meta level of Nueng-Palm relationship (to be), and thus, despite so little as of now, I have this good hope for both of them. They might need an extra work to build the 'magpie bridge' to meet (don’t forget the major foreshadowing) but the main question would be, how far they will let the bigger story affect their decision to be together?
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Maybe that is why I love this scene more than any other scenes this episode. The focus might be on Wu and David, but, as pictured above, if I take a closer look to their behind, all I see is a package of the sweetest, the happiest, and the most genuine smile and stare ever exchanged between Nueng and Palm. Nobody can convince me otherwise. Regardless of whatever plot and twits might be applied. That will need another different post to talk about.
And here’s the beautiful music used in the scene’s background. Love it as much as I love the scene! 
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yandere-sins · 1 year
Is English your first language? Please, if it's not ima kms, I'll never come anywhere close to your proficiency. Considering that I've been studying it for 5 years 😭
Noooo, don't kys that would be such a waste of someone great like you! My first language is German, but we actually start learning English very early (think like your 6th year of attending school, I think I was 12 when I started learning it) and it's a necessary class that you will always have to do a final exam in, no matter what kind of school you visit. So yeah, it's actually quite important. I also use it a lot in my job now, and I do most of my personal things in English as well. I think in the 10+ years of using it, I accidentally made myself bilingual, so now I'm struggling with BOTH languages, they joy...
Jack of all trades, master of none. But hey, sometimes it's great, sometimes you cry about it, that's normal. Just keep studying it! You'll get there if you stick with it and use it regularly, and it'll always be a big plus to just go to another country and not have to struggle as much with communication. Also I think my best way is reading English, my worst is speaking it (I do have an accent and I am finally coming to peace with it... slowly). So you may think my writing is good (which is still very, very improvable), but maybe you're a way better speaker than me! It's hard to just pinpoint someone as good, because we all have our ups and downs, and I always have my dictonary open when I write to figure out the word (even if I know it and just go to confirm) I want to use.
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