#pigeon tower
morelin · 8 months
Katara Cultural Village
Il Katara Cultural Village di Doha (Qatar) è situato tra il distretto finanziario di West Bay e le torri a mezza luna dell’area residenziale di The Pearl. Un mix di modernità e tecniche antiche costruito per ospitare attività culturali, intellettuali ed artistiche che lo hanno reso uno dei centri artistici più importanti della regione del Golfo Persico. La nostra prima tappa qui è la colorata Moschea di Katara o Moschea Blu progettata da Zeynep Fadilloglu, la prima architetta donna a specializzarsi in questo tipo di edifici religiosi. Ricoperta da meravigliose piastrelle blu e dorate, trae ispirazione da diversi edifici civili e religiosi del mondo musulmano.
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All’arrivo siamo stati accolti dalla guida per un interessante approfondimento sui momenti di preghiera.
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Vi è anche un’altra moschea a Katara che però abbiamo visto solo esternamente perché l’accesso non è consentito ai non musulmani, la cosiddetta Gold Mosque, così chiamata perché è interamente ricoperta da piastrelle dorate.
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Abbiamo visto anche delle strane costruzioni, strutture oblunghe con fori e trespoli: si tratta delle Pigeon towers dedicate ai piccioni che servivano per raccogliere i loro escrementi utilizzati poi come fertilizzanti. Curiosa anche la forma dell’edificio dove ha sede Al-Gannas Qatari Society, un’associazione culturale che promuove la tradizionale caccia araba e la falconeria: infatti rappresenta uno chaperon, il copricapo per gli uccelli rapaci.
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Nel cuore del villaggio si trova il grandioso e bianchissimo Anfiteatro, un mix tra arte islamica e greca,che può ospitare fino a 5 mila spettatori.
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Anche se non volevamo fare shopping abbiamo raggiunto la 21 High Street, la via super lussuosa dove si trova il grande magazzino Lafayette, per ammirare le stupende sculture all’aperto in vetro di murano e poi siamo entrati al SNAN Food Hall per sbirciare la copertura in stile liberty.
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Non mancano poi le sculture, ad esempio “The Force of Nature II” di Lorenzo Quinn oppure la fontana in movimento nella piazza principale.
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Infine, per la mia gioia, la street art è arrivata anche qui.
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bassia-bassensis · 10 months
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The world is not so bad.
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kwertykat · 5 months
Too Much Noise... 📣
(Video on YouTube!)
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izanogi · 1 year
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bananagreste · 1 year
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ladynoir, oh, ladynoir ↳ day 355
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ahollowgrave · 8 months
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Touched up Odette's Ishgard rooms.
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daisyducklover2021 · 7 months
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hiddenworldofmary · 2 months
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medieval castle’s narrow staircases and passageways
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ancientstuff · 1 year
Wonderful discovery. I'm really interested to see that the Roman method of building pigeon towers is the same as the modern Egyptian method (or one of them). Old habits and all that.
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violetvaughnart · 2 months
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In a monochrome world painted in shades of silence and whispers, a solitary figure stands at the nexus of an invisible crossroad, a child whose silhouette is cast lightly upon the canvas of an aged city. This is not merely an ordinary moment; it's a silent passage through time. Before him, buildings rise like relics of an older age, their stone-crafted faces adorned with the patina of stories untold, their bell towers brooding under the weight of their history.
Within the air's gentle embrace, pigeons, those gray-clad messengers of the skies, flutter and wheel in a dance choreographed by unseen forces. The child, with arms outstretched, is a conductor commanding an avian symphony, his movements both an invitation and a farewell. Each bird, a charcoal stroke against the pallid sky, breaks from the flock in a fluid arabesque of freedom and unity. They are thoughts released to the heavens, ideas birthed by the innocence of youth.
The young protagonist, amidst the flurry, stands anchored in the abstraction of the city. His gaze, though unseen, is undoubtedly cast upwards, absorbed in contemplation of the creatures who transcend the grounded turmoil of human existence. This moment, suspended in the grace of the birds' ascent, is his tacit communion with elements beyond the reach of mortal touch.
In his bearing there is a wistful maturity, a recognition of bonds that tie him to the earth even as his spirit yearns to soar. The birds, in their flight, echo his own latent desires to transcend, to explore realms of possibility as yet dreamed only in the far corners of his awakening mind.
There's a profound quietude in this exchange, an acknowledgment of the vast and intrinsically linked expanse between human longing and the unfettered liberty of nature. Yet, in the softness of his silhouette and the gentle reach of his hands, there lies an ember of resilience, an indomitable spirit that rejoices in the simple purity of connection.
And so the scene remains, a timeless vignette that speaks of potential and remembrance, each feather’s beat a soft drumroll in the theater of life, where every flight begins with the courage to leap and every landing with a hope to rise anew.
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FROM :  sue-apenas  -  EIFFEL TOWER, Paris, France
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thestaffoffice · 1 year
I do so adore receiving messages in the inbox. It’s like having little love letters written to me personally. Sometimes the love letters say “did you see this post?” and sometimes the love letters say “That post of yours made me laugh” and sometimes the love letters say “I feel sad, tell me something to make me feel better” and sometimes the love letters contain an incomprehensible combination of consonants that both confound and amuse me to no end. Yes, send me your “ASHSKSKSKFHFJ” and your “sQwkwkwlPP”. I see you. My heart is full.
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crowcryptid · 3 months
my purpose in life was to be a village pigeon caretaker but i was born too late
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dooareyastudy · 4 months
my little sister is in Paris with her boyfriend (cute little holiday) but they are the worst suckers you can imagine (des pigeons !!!) : they are having breakfast at the Eiffel Tower, the croissants are 5 EUROS each and they look exaclty like the ones you buy frozen to cook yourself at home, probably the worst croissant of all Paris
AND considering you have to pay to go up the Tower, it's a VERY expensive croissant (with a view, sure)
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thingsdavidlikes · 6 months
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The Pigeon Tower by Roberto Pazzi
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